REACTION to Kendrick Lamar headlining Super Bowl LIX's halftime show | SWAGU

Welcome back to the Swagu Podcast! I don't care if Lil Wayne ain't mad I don't care if New Orleans ain't mad I'm mad my lip poked out oh my God we got go H Wayne for the super bowl half time show at New Orleans man I'm grieving and we back episode three swagu podcast what's up y'all like subscribe follow we on YouTube too pretty fa is on faces on the screen turn up listen man it's been a hell of a week I had my first Monday Night countdown which was phenomenal it was good to be back in the stadium we were in San Francisco in Levi Stadium and I'm telling y'all the energy was crazy I had a great time me Jason Kelce Scott vanel Ryan Clark NFL live was there as well with Laura rage and danowski and Mina Kims just to be back in the atmosphere to smell the grass to see football about to be played it was phenomenal but let me get to the Reacting to Dak Prescott’s big pay day and the biggest Week 1 storylines recap we G to do this this going to be a weekly thing I feel this this Vibe is good I feel like we need to recap some of the things that I saw because it's my podcast happened in the first week of the season one let's just get straight to it with the good news Dak Prescott got paid one million more guaranteed than deshan Watson who was the highest paid player in the NFL Dak Prescott got paid I don't know if he found out 30 seconds 30 minutes or 30 hours before the game when they played the Cleveland Browns but what a what a difference Dak $60 million per year where's my it's just every time somebody get paid I'm doing it this is Dak right now although his bag is much much bigger than this and you need a fork lift lift it up but congratulations rain Dakota oh by the way this is dak's autograph don't run up in my house I'm happy for my dog he got paid all right now I got it off my chest that's that's the first recap of the week one recap secondly okay I was there I just mentioned it Monday night countdown I was there San Francisco 49ers look good man God they look good and Christian mcaffry didn't even play by the way y'all chrisan mccaffer is one of the best running backs this for my people that don't like they come to swagu podcast cuz want to just chop it up and chill but they not crazy NFL fans and don't know the the the the details or the idiosyncrasies of what's actually taking place on the field chrisan mcaffry is the arguably the best running back in the NFL the best running back in my opinion in the NFL he didn't even play now this was the first game of the year they had a running a back or running back Jordan Mason 147 yards I believe Russian if I'm wrong it's all good fact check me but he had something like that it was dominant Trent Williams just showed up like three days ago that's the starting left tackle look like he ain't Miss A Beat okay Brandon aou got paid everybody he dropped the pass in the end zone all good all good this team looks like based on week one the favorites and think about this they didn't even score as many touchdowns as they should have and they still had dominant performance now let me go to the other side the Jets first so happy to see Aaron Rogers back he had no hiccups he didn't get hurt he didn't get injured people were holding their breath from sure the whole four quarters of the game made some really good throws you could see the Russ it wasn't the type of performance he would have Lov to have he would have loved to get a win coming off that be all heroic and stuff but it's all good Aaron was fine but the Jets defense on Monday night countdown I got mad because the show is two hours and for like an hour and 45 minutes all we talked about was quarterbacks and offense and I was trying to get to the defense and I was trying to Hype the Jets up and they went out there and got shellacked on the line of scrimmage just getting ran through that's what was happening they was just getting ran through I think they gonna get better they too good for me not to believe that they gonna get better but that wasn't a good look for the jet defense and that is honestly the reason while we think that they can be AFC Championship and Super Bowl contenders the defense got to get back to what the defense that we think they are is because we've seen them play at that level before a high level a Super Bowl level so here's the thing when you give somebody a hundred million to perform any type of job you think they gonna perform it at a high level Kurt Cousins didn't Atlanta ATL sh um I don't know what that was to be honest with you I didn't expect Kurt Cousins to look that bad I know he coming off in Achilles injury um but it looked like it like he got to get way better in this situation in Atlanta like way better he didn't look mobile he looked flustered threw some bad interceptions there's some Talent around him but Kirk they need Captain Kirk they don't need Kirk from the Block say bro it something got to happen fast over there in Atlanta huny Mill and they drafted Michael penck Jr in the in the top 10 and I told y'all I told y'all at the draft the first time Kurt Cousins come out there and throw some interceptions or he have a bad game that this fan base was going to be calling for Michael P J and everybody looked at me like what the hell wrong with you swag look the man just got drafted Kurt Cousins just got 100 million out man you need to chill out this what y'all be saying to me sometime man you always trying to create some turmoil you always trying to create something around the T no it ain't that I just been around the game long enough her cousin play bad they gonna want to see what Michael penck Jr can do I'm not talking about Atlanta Falcons coaching staff I'm talking about the people in the stands and oh my God where y'all calling for him I saw it on Twitter X my bad I saw it on X I saw it on Instagram DMS about it I can't help your ass I told you what was gonna happen all right lastly what is this on me y' I'mma player play us mess up all right let me get to it man Deshawn wats and Cleveland Browns awful that's the only way to describe it Deshawn Watson looked awful Cleveland Browns looked awful it just wasn't remotely close to a team that we thought would be a Super Bowl Contender a tremendous amount of Talent on that team Nick chub not back um but my goodness man it just looked it looked like y'all ain't practiced it looked like your quarterback is borderline cooked I'mma give it some time I told yall I got a week or two before I decide but that's all I got something better Shake real fast and look things happen things go on football you had two offensive tackles out the interior of the line of scrimmage look like they got whooped no playing for Michael Parsons you couldn't you couldn't have a you couldn't throw have have a successful passing game a lot of Miss throws by desun when he did have time Cleveland y'all look bad something gonna have to shake over there man it's awful it looked awful and it better look better real fast oh we know what's going to happen we know what's going to happen stop playing there's a financial commitment that's been made to DeShaun Watson that is going to extend him playing for as long as humanly possible they may just they may it may be so much money that you can't take them out you just let them look bad for 17 18 weeks that ain't GNA Bowl well though jamus Winston is the backup so at some point you're going to have to determine if it keep looking like that who's the better option that's the week one recap in the NFL told y'all we was GNA go fast let by gones be bygones we on the week two 24hour rule we gonna see who can get better we G to see who can get worse we G to see who see who stayed the same I love the NFL by the way hell of a week we got to get into it y'all the first Marcus discusses Tyreek Hill’s traffic stop thing I want to say before I start talking about the Tyreek Hill situation is we can't put this in a Solo and act like it's just an isolated situation you got to deal with the emotion one of seeing a black man face down on the concrete handcuff four police officers over him get him get him stood up again and then another one aggressively comes over and put him on the on the concrete as well you gotta act you got to stop acting like this is isolated and that's the that's that's what I hate about when these things happen well this and that and this and that no there is a real let me explain to y'all as a black man sitting here there is a real sentiment whether you agree with it or not whether you've experienced it or not there's a real sentiment that interactions when we are pulled over by police officers have the ability to go from zero to 100 without us doing anything to take it there that's a real sentiment now you can disagree you can say it's false it ain't real I'm telling you as a black man that's been pulled over by a police officer there is something that runs through your body saying I hope that this guy is not on 10 today now obviously here's what I've always felt and I don't know if y'all know I have a sister that's a police officer and I've had these conversation multiple times with her police officers are humans too but they their job is to make sure communities are safe and secure and also whether they like it or not because most of them do their job at a very high level it's a big you know again polarized but the ones that don't the ones that are are trash at the job they have no regard for making sure that the person that they pulling over while they're in a position of authority not flexing that Authority and making sure you know that they are 100% in charge and it gets disrespectful that's the reality I've been there before I've been there before I'm give you a personal story before I lean in on Tek I was in Baton Rouge Lou Louisiana after I got drafted and I was completely in the wrong I had bought a bought a truck and my fault never dealt with like this how naive I was never dealt with you know um registration and stuff like that I bought a car from another state I had a temp tag on it was waiting I didn't understand the temp tag situation I took the tag off my old truck put it on my new truck I mean sitting here as a 41 old man that was dumb as hell but B then I was I was 20 I didn't understand it first car that I had had of my own that I bought on my own um but I did that and I got pulled over first of all I don't know why I got pulled over I was sitting at a uh stops I don't know why the police officer ran my plate full transparency it was a Range Rover I was a black man in the Range Rover got pulled over I don't know if that's the reason I'm not saying that but I didn't break any traffic I was sitting there at a red light I don't know what was going on wasn't speed nothing I guess the dude just ran he just ran my plates ran my plates pulled me over I pulled over in a gas station and when I pulled over in the G gas station officer the police officer walked up to the truck and said let me get your license and registration cool gave him my license gave him the registration well the the I gave him the the uh paperwork on that I had just purchased the truck he said the license plate that's on the back of your car don't is not registered to this particular vehicle but it is coming back in your name boy I was like what boy so I said to the officer man you got my license in your hand why you why why you call me a boy he said you a big boy you can handle it this was what he said to me another police officer pulled up black guy black police officer asked him I said man you you your your partner called me a boy I never forget what this man said to me he said he said margus let the situation play out you gotta grievance handle it when when it's all when it's all over with that's what he said now there's a pro to me there's a problem with that because if I'm your colleague or your coworker and I see you doing something wrong or treating somebody wrong and we doing the same job and we understand the situation in my mind looking back I'm like why you ain't why why wouldn't you why would you tell me to just let it play out how it's going to play out instead of going to your counterpart and saying look man we going to be respectful and call a man by his name so I was pissed off at both of them but I let the situation play out now I got a 15y old son I tell him all the time hey bro come home no matter what bro you may you may you may be embarrassed there you may you may feel like you just been done so wrong I need you to come home so we can handle it the way it needs to be handled this a talk I'm having with I'm I'm I'm talking about I'm gonna get to this Tariq Hill situation but this is a talk that I want to have where everybody listening to this podcast especially black men with sons black women with sons that's gonna be driving one day and get pulled over and feel like you being disrespectful being disrespected or you being put in a position to compromise this is for all of y'all hey man get home I know this what happens I see it all the time on on X and on in man no man you ain't supposed to but then we going the funerals I don't want no funeral I feel I feel you I understand like I'm not I'm not telling mine his pride put him six feet in a hole I'm not doing that with mine so let me get to this Tariq Hill situation that was just my little Soap Box I had to jump off right quick on the side so I've been in that situation I felt that I felt that fear or that that that that angst of not knowing what mood this police officer in I felt that disrespectful nature that came from that that guy I've had great run-ins with other cops white and black and B Rouge who have pulled me over in Louisiana who have pulled me over it's been CA it's been cool I've gotten tickets in some situations I haven't got tickets in other situations I don't cast dispersions on the whole group that ain't what I do but I am going to cast dispersions when I see something bad and over aggressive and you ain't doing your job and being in that position of authority where you could pretty much handle the simp the situation based on not only your training but your Human Nature so as I get to the Tariq Hill situation first of all if Tariq Hill was speeding or driving recklessly pull him over give him a ticket you ask for his license you ask for his license registration whatever he hand you a license registration roll he rolls the window up here's my issue and I know y'all mad I saw Stephen A talk about it I know everybody mad when you when when Tariq hands his uh license over and roll your window up conversations with my sister Ted window I don't know what's going on in the car now we on the other side of this can assume that that's Tariq Hill he ain't F to do nothing crazy he ain't G to go in his glove compartment and get no gun and be ready to he ain't F to do that we could assume that but we also have to be rational people and say as a police office officer even if I'm not a even if I'm not an over overly aggressive power tripping ass police officer like we saw the Miami day guys be he could a a good cop a guy that's trying to have a solid conversation that could make that could put them in a compromising situation by you rolling your window up and them not going on not knowing what's going on in the car that could put them in a compromising situation and it could raise their level of angst and fear that's the reality get pissed off at me if you want to but that's the reality I've been through these scenarios with my sister before maybe I'm not maybe I'll have on the podcast should have had on this one so we can have these conversations in transparency now here in Li is my issue though and this is why you get pissed off when you see these things happen especially the black men it's because we know the history and everybody wants to treat these situations as if they're isolated Kus Campbell John new Smith got put in handcuffs and we could all create these nuances about where they shouldn't have been posing no threat posing zero threat on the phone trying to get trying to help the situation and being aggressively pursued by the cops I'm talking about Kus and I'm talking about John new Smith there was a when Kus was walking away saying I ain't do nothing you could see him him tense up and His Hands kind of get like oh what I'mma do before they put him in handcuffs you could see the fear and the historical references that come back through his mind when you dealing with the police now there'll be there'll be some of y'all out there that say he shouldn't even been over there or he shouldn't have stopped or he shouldn't have been in in involved in the situation well again history tells us at times let's try to go be a conscientious objector and make this situation better I'm sure that's what Kus and that's your teammate somebody you know I'm sure Kus kampbell and Jon Smith was there to try to get the situation under control and deescalate see deescalate is an interesting and an operative word in this situation because based on what my been told by my sister who's been in law enforcement now 15 plus years that is the sole job of a police officer is to make sure that the communities feel safe and when they are in high level high intensity situations for them to use their training their expertise and their job description to deescalate the situation now if your ass crazy and you look at that video tell me at what point do you feel like the police officer with his aggressive ass was trying to deescalate the situation Tariq may have been belligerent Tariq may have been saying thing I ain't see him trying to run I ain't see him trying to physically Shake nobody off I he was handcuffed so he ain't about to punch nobody ain't none of that stuff about to happen so the aggressive nature the one the one that REI Tariq being faed down on the ground pissed me off the one that pissed me off more was when he was standing up and the other officer felt like now I want to go be Rambo and make you sit down on the curve and forcefully put you down and and we can't figure out why the relationships get sour when we see stuff like that happen I know there are millions of interactions with police officers that go the right way day in and day out I want them all to be right though I hear this all the time it's bad apples in every profession bad bad apples in the police force get people killed y'all we keep we we keep having this revolving conversation and every time we trying to if you're on the side of the police you're fighting for the police you're on the side of the U person that's getting get being um approached by the police you're fighting on that side have some common sense Tariq don't roll your window up bro that could be that that puts a police officer at angst they could it could be some fear run through their body they can't see what's going on in your car policemen DS escalate the situation stop being so damn aggressive when there's no need for you to be and you just on some power hungry ass trip Common Sense man let it Prevail all right got that off my chest I was in my feelings about that I needed to talk about that and I needed to spend some time on that because we can have common sense man respect gota respect can go both ways it can go both way it need to go both ways the onus of deescalation the onus of training when you are in these situations the onus is put on the professional in that case the police officer is the professional you feel threatened you you feel like somebody trying to come at you you feel like you being attacked as a police officer you've been trained to handle that and deal with with that somebody talking loud if somebody is being disrespectful verbally I don't think you got to get physically aggressive with them but them in handcuffs let them talk all they want to talk I've seen officers do it I've talked to my sister about doing it deescalate Swagu sounds off on Coach Prime and Colorado football all right so here's the thing let's go to Coach Prime if you don't know him as coach Prime Deion Sanders University a Colorado head coach most polarizing figure in college football hands down but here's the thing and I sit back and I listen to a lot of people talk about Colorado football and I hear a lot of people talk about what's going to happen the they not good they're not a good football team can they get better yeah they they may get better as the season goes along but can we stop having this conversation like Colorado going to the playoffs I don't believe that's the case but that's my issue we never talk about football or the actual games we talk about Coach Prime we talk about shadur we talk about the things that's going on around the program we never talk about the actual football you know why cuz it's not that that important to people because we don't look at them if you're being honest with yourself we don't look at them as a potential noise maker when it comes to actually winning a championship or having a chance to be champions of college football that's a completely different set of set of issues and things to talk about we don't talk about them when it comes to to playing football shador is is on um on the rankings as one of the top quarterbacks Travis Hunter one of the top players in the country we should talk about them and their their talent and the things that they can do but when it comes to Colorado it's all about what coach Prime doing said did where they were what they did how was they doing it who was there that's what we talk about now that ain't our fault that ain't our fault I think there is a real deep down rooted um feeling and capacity within Deion Sanders coach Prime to take care of young men I truly believe that I truly believe that he is trying to put all of those young men in a position that's under his tutelage to be successful in life we got to applaud that we got to give some Credence to that that that has to matter I think that's one of the most important jobs of a coach or somebody that is in a leadership position that's leading people or young men I believe that but but from the football side of things I wonder if any reporter sits in there and ever ask him about football consistently about football I've seen the back and forth with reporters I've seen what people don't what people don't believe in and what they don't do I'm telling y'all man like when I look at all of the things that's revolving around Colorado it's the first thing that comes to my mind it's never about on the gra which is cool if that's what they wanted to be a lot of that is his own doing it's coach primes doing and whether you take this negativ negatively or you take it positively I don't care I'm just giving you my opinion about what I see and what I observe when we start having conversations about the University of Colorado matter of fact we don't even say Colorado we say coach Prime team Deion Sanders team the the team that's led by coach Prime and I have a issue with that because on one hand when you see and maybe things have changed but when I was coming through and I was playing we wanted to keep the main thing the main thing we had put all that work in and training camp all that work in and getting ready for the season to play a really good football season to for it to be about football for it to be insulated with those guys that's in the locker room it's a lot of coaching going on over there I know dudes on that staff they can coach football they know the game I think it's a good vibe around the team when you start talking about insulated but my issue Lies when we get into these not we my issue Lies when coach Prime gets into these spats with reporters and all of that man you the head coach of the University of Colorado the people you going back and for with I'm giving some advice to Dion Because Dion always give advice to us the people you going back and forth with about football they can't coach it they don't know what you know when it comes to the game if you feel like I think it was a past incident where if you feel like a reporter disrespected your your player and your son unique situation yeah you got a right to defend that you got a right to actually have a have a have a bad attitude towards that reporter if because it's personal if they made it personal but I would just love me personally for when we have conversations about Coach Prime let's evaluate him honestly on football and his job let's evaluate him honestly on what he's doing for these young men and how he's trying to promote them and put them in a position to be successful and my god let's criticize and critique when his football team looks bad like they did against Nebraska it's fair but this thing to me in the overall conversation of Coach Prime and the football program at the University of Colorado Football ain't the main thing and I'm not saying it's not the main thing to coach Prime and the team and the coaching staff but when you have conversations in the media the only thing that people can take away is what you talk about what you address and what gets magnified and I'm sure in these pressers is more football answers and questions than it is the back and forth between coach Prime and a reporter or defending something about the program or a roundabout way we need to start having dialogue about the University of the Colorado football team but the focus on players and even to the PE even the coach Prime and the people in the media and I'm sure that coach Prime would probably respond and react based on the questions that he's getting people in the meia can we make it about the team because if we do make it about the team you got a lot of things that you can critique and criticize about the team that's my feelings on it man it just feel like and I don't know if it's because they run I don't you know throughout of pressure y'all when you go and do a press conference there's a lot of conversation going on you're talking about football a lot of question only thing these people printing is everything that don't have nothing to do with the actual playing the football when it comes to talking to Dion Sanders coach Prime I think there's I think there's a there's an appetite and this would be my suggestion I think there's an appetite there's a need for coach Prime and the University of Colorado that coaching staff and those players to go into AO and get them dubs and try to put your best foot forward winning games you might not have it you might not have the team you might not have enough talent to get it done at a very high level it's very exciting I know everything going on around it people come and they fly in and they they on the sidelines and it's phenomenal Deion Sanders is Deion Sanders y'all got to realize when we was all young growing up if you was a football fan you knew prime time that was a Staple in your household that was a staple if you watch football and you loved it as a fan Prime Time Dion Sanders has always been a polarizing figure I don't know why the hell y'all think he gonna change now I just want to know more about Colorado football that just me that just Swagu reacts to Kendrick Lamar headlining the Super Bowl LIX halftime show in New Orleans me Lil Wayne headline Super Bowl in New Orleans how badly do you want to hear those words just as bad as I want want to see my name at the top of that list when I was that whatever age it was and I would bust into the office and get that billboard magazine and that's still crazy that it has nothing to do with the sport as an artist yeah as an artist this this is an achievement going to Super Bowl before and watching the halftime show it's nothing like it and wish it you know like when you see the artist you like I know they could have sung the song that I was featured on I'm featuring on everybody song yeah they could have brought me out you could have brought me out could have brought me out all right y'all had to get into it today I got one more thing though me my feelings about it I'mma tell y'all right now I don't care if Lil Wayne ain't mad I don't care if New Orleans ain't mad I'm mad I'm mad my lip poked out and let me preface this by saying Kendrick Lamar go Kendrick Lamar go go kill the halftime show at Superbowl I know I know he is I want to see Lil Wayne in New Orleans man I'm from Louisiana I grew up in Louisiana I wanted to see Lil Wayne do the Super Bowl halftime show y'all go to understand I understand this is a regional thing I understand this demographic thing y'all gotta understand how we look at Lil Wayne Wayne Dwayne Carter in the south I was expecting it to be Wayne and I wanted him to bring the hot boys out I wanted all kind of reunions and good feelings man my feelings hurt I don't like it I wanted Wayne to do the halftime at the Super Bowl man I don't know the process I ain't blaming nobody I don't know how it happened I don't know who picked who who did what I don't know any of that all I know is I wanted Lil Wayne to do the halftime show for the Super Bowl that is going to be played in New Orleans and I ain't got nothing against Kendrick Lamar except for Wayne ain't doing a halftime show so so here's the thing man like when you start talking about music in the South and when you start thinking about New Orleans you think about cash money you think about no limit records and you think about the soul and the culture of a city and the representation opportunity that you have when such an event like the Super Bowl comes to that particular area and you want people to know the field of the city we could have put some zodo in there I mean I could have put a whole show together but that show would have been been sitting around Wayne y'all bear with me cuz I'm s I'm in G I'm grieving but with that being said when I saw that Kendrick was going to do halftime and and he got The Jug The Jug machine is that machine y'all see with the with the promo where you push the thing through the wheels that are rolling and the ball shoot up and there it's like a thing with football you simulate punch receivers catch on it when I saw I was like oh that's dope man Kendrick going to kill halftime short and then I was like but the halftime short know or and why Wayne Ain going to be in the halftime show Kendrick you can do me a favor man real talk this between me and you Kendrick Lamar if we ain't gonna get Wayne for the halftime show can you bring Wayne out I just ain't gonna feel right if Lil Wayne don't have something to do with the halftime show man I watched the halftime show a couple years ago in LA with Snoop in it and Dre and I was like oh we they putting on for they City I think Master P is like the Ambassador for the for the for the Super Bowl week week that was great Master P Master P loved and and put New Orleans on the map music wise OG Legend but we consider Wayne the best rapper aot and he not going to do the halftime show in New Orleans now there's the issue and I get it because I just said I want Kendrick de be Wayne out there's an issue though and y'all know what the issue is cuz we y'all know we Petty y'all know we all petty y'all know we beef y'all know it we know what happened between Kendrick and Drake and we know Drake and Wayne relationship so Wayne May decline going on stage with Kendrick Lamar he probably will I think him and Drake close like that which is furthermore devastating as you guys have sat at your therapist des and listen to me on this sofa talk about how disappointed I am with Lil Wayne not being in the halftime show you also just made me realize as my therapist I don't think he can go out there based on Kendrick Lam Mo and Drake beef oh my God we got go H way for the super bowl half time show in New Orleans oh man man Wayne can you do something at the House of Blues or something I'm asking man I name Kendrick Lamar meet me in New Orleans February 9th Marcus addresses viral video and more while answering your questions! 2025 now we about to get to exciting part this exciting to me now now yall know y'all y' some of y'all out there wild man but we gonna get to some fan questions and remember like subscribe follow um we on YouTube we on all platforms where you can catch podcast send some questions on X ask me ask ask us some questions cuz I'mma answer some I'm going to take some I'mma take some of these shows to answer some of y'all questions real talk I'm y'all know I'mma keep it 100ed all right here we go swago this is from Amanda Sandoval swagu who is the most influential person in your life how did they impact you oh this the easy one it's a great question to Amanda my mom my mom the most influential my mom is I get my personality I get my sense of uh good good nature and good-heartedness from my mom um we try we we like to help people to a fault sometimes to our own detriment but she taught me one she taught me the ability to communicate can take you far coincidentally I communicate for a Liv and it has taken me far football did too um she also taught me that people are the most valuable commodity on Earth whether you like them whether they like you whether you disagree with them it's still people that is the most valuable commodity I take that with me now it be hard some I ain't gon to lie it be hard with y'all sometime but I always try to air on the side of understanding as opposed to the side of disrespect now I will fight I will throw these hands but I value people man even some I disagree with I still value them as a human being and I think it takes a lot of the Clutter out of my life right and I'm one of them people I choose if I ain't dealing with you I don't deal with you I I ain't about to argue with you I just tell you cool and I'll move on everybody that follow me on on X they know cool it is what it is I'm not I I don't engage with people like nothing you saying to me going to change my life or my outcomes so I'm not about to engage with you and give you that much time but my mom taught me that I always try to find the best in people it's hard these days though it's a good question Kevin Clark my coworker I had this thought watching Jason Taylor on the sidelines of Miami Hurricanes game looking like he could play 20 snaps who is the oldest X NFL player who could dominate a game right now no question about it Demarcus Wear I played with Demarcus Wear in Dallas DW is a Hall of Famer Super Bowl champion DW still look like he still work out like he play but he still look like he play Demarcus is the oldest one I think that could still go get a bucket out there on the NFL football field and he a pass rush genius him he's him the Marcus wear this is from I got two producers y'all they they ain't gonna put me out here like this I got Andrea and I got Haley Baran Tito at theore bar tender maybe that's his real name man hit us and let us know this a great question we got to hear about what kind of pair you are at your kids games especially since they rise in the ranks you sit back or you fully hyped I freaking love this question barlin if I messed up your name I'm sorry but I freaking love this question man because a lot of people have different opinions on this and you know if like our P the way we act as parents versus some parents in the way they act I don't care we act different so what I'm I'm not gonna change first of all I am [Applause] hype to like I'm on 10 for real but I'm on 10 positively I'm on 10 about what you need to do to get better one day I'mma have my 17 year old and my 15 year old my 17 year old daughter is going to go play volleyball at Texas my 15-year-old son is one of the top basketball players in the country I'm I'mma have them on the podcast and I'mma let them answer this question and then I'mma bring my wife on and I'mma let her answer this question because I think this is very important especially in in in in the culture of Youth Sports now I think it's very important that we have this conversation if you ever in these gyms and we in gyms where it's very high level conver competition these college these college prospects stuff like that it's a blessing you know Lord bless me man gave me a great wife great DNA kids or super athletes all that type of stuff but to answer your question barlin um I'm a hype parent man because I love competing I love competition and I don't talk to no like I help with my son basketball team I help I own coach I help but I like seeing kids I like seeing kids get out of what get it get out of the game the work that they putting in it like I I'm on my son it's a viral clip on at Sports Center next on on Instagram where I am telling my son team people think I'm talking to my son about we got to play defense airic kid in the airic kid in particular in basketball ball there is this sentiment that goes around the country now that if your kid don't score 25 30 points a game they not good basketball players I'm fighting it with every fiber of my being to say it's not true and it's a lie do y'all realize and we I can't wait for basketball season when I get perk on him we talk about that 98% of the guys in the NBA are role players just digest that and we'll get to that later my daughter plays volleyball she plays what you call outside hitter but she plays six rotations meaning she in the game majority of the game you got to compete you got to play you got to play at a high level because that's the expectation in the spears household so not re remember I didn't say be a superstar I didn't say be the best player I think all of those things are a byproduct about how hard you work and how you go about playing all of that stuff come if you approach it the right way so I'm a hype parent I I cheer my kids on I'm loud I lose my voice every tournament volleyball and basketball it's a it's it's it's super enjoyable we have a good time man I talk to him after the game I've learned though this why this a great great question bar I've learned that I need to give them time before we start critiques after the game is over with I've gotten better about that so I'm a hype parent man and for the parents that sit there calmly and don't say nothing I ain't got no problem with that either problem is my kids growing up in the household where their mom was the seventh overall pick in the wnb draft their dad played in the NFL and both of us were highly recruited for basketball out of high school and could have went to all the schools in the country my daughter lucked out a little bit volleyball because we didn't know the sport but we know what competing look like we know what playing hard practicing hard and getting prepared look like so my kids don't have it easy because they play team sports and in team sports in basketball or in in volleyball five other young women depending on you to do your job in basketball four other dudes depending on you do your job we hold that in high regard so I'm a hype parent bar great question man and I get on they ass too believe that we work if you ain't working we pay for this we pay for this travel and stuff ain't free you got to hold up your end of the bargain yeah we old school all right man that was me questions from the fans I appreciate that y'all remember send these questions like subscribe follow us the swag podcast we gonna keep it a 100 we we going to talk real we going to go football basketball life we going to have all the conversations that we need to have but this is the swagu podcast Wednesdays and Fridays we going to be dropping it's always love family it's peace and it's love remember humans is the greatest commodity we have let's try to be better for one another and let's have some damn Common Sense peace [Music]

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