Category: Entertainment
[music] don't hi there good evening good morning wherever you're watching in the world and welcome to boxing media hub proudly in partnership with jams boxing chat and folk and contracting we're here for another live watch along this time diego pacho against mach seleski let's see how this goes sorry... Read more
Category: Sports
Yo yo yo yo yo mi me me so floyd money mayweather is officially the first boxer ever in history to fire a ref on the spot during a match you got to check this out got that fl thank you thank you i'm about to show y'all this real quick but before i do i want to let y'all know that i'm truly appreciative... Read more
Category: Sports
Floyd mayweather versus john gotti now we all knew that floyd mayweather was going to beat this guy's ass but never in my life have i seen a ref get kicked out of a fight and a new ref replace him if any of you thought that gotti had a slim chance at beating floyd mayweather 50 men have tried and 50... Read more
Category: Sports
Yo yo yo yo yo so after diego pacho captured his victory last night you know eddie hearn was asked about canelo alvarez and eddie hearn says that it's too soon for pacho to be fighting canelo right now which i agree with and i'mma elaborate more let's see it firston got that flavor you're damn right... Read more
Category: Sports
[applause] fighting out of the blue corner with his head trainer fred jenkins wearing black with purple official weight 226 3/4 lbs his professional record is a perfect one consisting of 19 fights 19 victories including 10 big wins by knockout he's the challenger from philadelphia pennsylvania usa the... Read more
Category: Sports
Floyd money mayweather takes john gotti to school john gotti did not have any chance on beating floyd mayweather it's not like anybody did when he was in his prime but this is a past prime floyd mayweather running at 47 also in the second round it was really weird how the referee tried to stop the fight... Read more
Category: Sports
Sure so everything's been cleared and now the fight is starting we're under the fight is on the way got to move this way bro i can't see there's schedule for eight hopefully we surv here cl antonio as we get going floyd mayweather jr 50 and over sc to right now with those hooks straight showing him... Read more
Category: Sports
The wbc super middleweight champion diego peko stopped sulei with a devastating body shot sulei could not get up and it was a left to deliver at the postf fight interview pko stated that he is willing to fight canelo alvarez next as we all know that was canelo alvarez old belt and diego pacho never... Read more
Category: Sports
Money may weather [music] mig [applause] repres let's goather has been so dominant that in his fights but how and when toto to change that perception and that script can it really be 16 years since the kid we can do to try to upset the brilant of floyd mayweather division 10o gloves are the same gloves... Read more
Category: Sports
There is samuel peter on his way and the word is that he has trained very very hard and now he probably believes that he can probably finish the job so great finals this they've got over 40,000 in here from a british show and it's amazing that they can sell this many not a german yeah it just shows... Read more
Category: Sports
After diego pacho stops sulei with a devastating body shot he states that he is willing to fight sa canelo alvarez next as we all know canelo alvarez did lose the belt but not to anybody he got stripped so now he fought pachek but in that same interview eddie hearn states that he does not want that... Read more
Category: Sports
You got to be able to learn how to re relax let that energy go um it's very difficult to find time to chill because fight week is is it should be pretty chill i know there's a lot of media that you have to do there's a lot of events there's a lot of appearances you have to make but at the end of the... Read more