Ellie Scotney vs Segolene Lefebvre

so welcome to boxing media hub once again and I'll start it with the giggles we've got weekend Vibes and it's with Joel and jam and we are going for Ellie scottney versus foline Le so we've just completely axed her name up but do you know what she's a tough operator I'll give you the lowdown eight fights eight wins for Ellie scottney uh lebre uh 18 fights 18 wins one knockout this is for the ibf WBO and Ring magazine World Super Banton W titles what an opportunity here lefer uh November 2023 she was last at against gallago which he won on a majority decision scottney was asked out September against griffer which was a win on unanimous decision these girls are going at it we've got um lefur she's uh come out in the man united shirt so already I don't like the girl's wrong with her what is she I don't like the girl um but she WS boxing contact told I re he sent her a shirt I reckon just so she's wearing red with white trim on the shorts and Ellie scottney white shorts with the sky blue yeah the dark and sky blue tassels down the side um Tyler's coming you United United wrong Channel mate um um Chris has turned around put man united shirt is a jinx already so there we have it might be seven rounds to nil yeah already so um yeah so there's an update from hwan um regarding European Heavyweight Championship in Berlin thank you very much hawan he'll be dishing in the update as we go because that's what he does the encyclopedia what a legend DJ Pat Ellie will win this the only question is how she takes this 100% mate I think it's got her written all over it for me it'd be a shock if she lost it but that's not me writing off the other girl because clearly she's got a record and she's done well but scottney is a different different breed for me the FBR have we let's be honest we've not seen them so that first round though definitely 10 n to Scott yeah yeah definitely uh working hard at the start of that one she's she's trying to sort of get her presence in there early let the girl know that she's there to do what do the work um WTF how can you have one of the Ring judges from France when one is from that country um Tyler has put sorry lads my bad um let's go she's going to get spanked um obviously let us know who you think but obviously you're saying Ellie scottney is gonna get the job done um hwan has but Lee Eaton his manager of lefair BR that's interesting I knew that yeah I knew Lee Eaton was a manager I already knew this earlier yeah and round one scottney says Chris we're with you mate we're with you 109 Scott good body work 109 scottney better and more accurate punches rarely you see the opponent is tall and the body punches can be decisive I always say this if you've got that opponent in front of you who's got the target this the bigger Target being a taller girl you work the body um I tell you something though we've come out at the second round here and LEF furra is landing some hay makers on scotney here she's really starting to go at her the started I'm right it has started mate we're in round two already so if you're joining us for the first time hit the Subscribe button check out the rest of the content yeah there's some big shots going in by lefair she's really um using her range using her range in this second round as well she's a very tall girl um and Ellie's face is marking up already around that left eye so it's a tough tough one um and she's really Landing some good shots in this round Ellie's really got to do the inside work I think that's where she's gonna find um success in this fight is work the tall body um break that down um and hwan coming in with a bit more there of the info like the man does Mariana uh cabalero um of M mura Boxing muraa box is representing her as well how winning guys Z mads thank you very much um at the moment do you know what I'd C it round a piece the way way second's going we're only in the second yeah Ellie's Ellie's face is really marked up from this round yeah lebra has been absolutely all over this round she has been throwing some real P punches with intention she's got some concussive punches and they've landed some big shots is she big shots sort her defense out if she wants to go the distance can she win yeah of course she can win I I genuinely at the start of this one I thought go scottney come out she's really set the pace and now it's totally turned one all Chris is saying Tyler saying one all as well love this channel you tommmy thank you very much much appreciated as I say hit the Subscribe Buton oh we're trying we're trying we do are we do the fan stuff for the fans we put you out there you the guys that make it happen um where you guys up to so we're end of the second round there we're coming into the third now um and yeah just one all at this point um I think it's fair to say um how's it turned how it's turned after the first round um yeah hwan he's just the man in the no boxing encyclopedia so yeah I'm a bit shocked and that's not to say this girl hasn't got it because clearly she's got she's a well Champion so we can't take seen have we we've just not had to I've got this come out strong here at the third though and really landed some body shot oh heavy shot left hook from scottney she's got her own the ropes she's throwing real Leever here on she's got to she's got to I think now I think she felt the power of of the uh the the French lady there in that first in that second round she really came out and and dictated with a jab and she's thre a really hard shots she's got a cracking hook um floor she just had her arm around her and dragged her to the floor now as well Scott's getting a bit Rough and Ready here she's up for a war she's up for the I think she's got to I think I think like I said you've got to work test that body you know this is a 10 round fight at the end of the day fight it like it's going to 10 rounds and if you get the opportunity to take her out in the meantime take her out but do do the work do the hard graft because in the later rounds that's where you get the opportunity to pick your shots a bit better Championship rounds 100% mate but scottney her face doesn't look great up face right around the traps but I think that's scottney I think that's what she does really she brings it oh there's a cut on the nose on the bridge of the nose of leafer yeah yeah it's really starting to crack on it and I say there's not many Jabs in this it's all hooked there's a hell of a lot of hooks it's just Haymakers Joel isn't it it's just ha Mak a makers that for me third round is for Ellie Scot yeah I thought I thought there was a the furra had those moments where she was she was Landing her shots but scottney overall had the better round 2-1 scottney says Tyler so he's with you there mate Tyler um but scottney is enjoying it that's the thing she came out the end of that last round smiling she knows that she's you know you know she's in a fight and she was loving it she was absolutely loving it Chris 21 scottney DJ Pat Ellie works with um uh son hook to the body 109 to Ellie I to be fair I think I think it's just been hooks Galore from both girls I think there's been some cracking shots in there um so yeah great fight I I've not been disappointed in any of these fights that we've covered so far same with the undercard the the first Bell as well Joel it was absolutely fantastic mate honestly on that undercard was absolutely cracking I think this only builds up to the sort of fight we've got coming for the main event though because the first B just touched down there but it's not been classed as a knockdown but she definitely touched down she got caught coming in and she put her gloves to the floor which should in essence be a knockdown well yeah because if you go to ground um hi guys just to let you know I only have one month to live due to bone cancer bloody hell mate sh mads big shout out to you big shout out to you and love to you mate um we thinking hope you're okay well what's left your is okay yeah we're we're here for you mate we're here for you and we'll do the best we can for you at this end to guide you through the everything that we can do not that now so um but you know what we're going to bring you the boxing mate that's what we're going to do um I I live I live in the Philippines where are you guys we're in the UK mate um but as I say we'll give you as best as we can from this end and Chris has said yeah we're all here for you mate this is what we do on the channel we all get together God I hope you're I hope your family are okay just stay safe and well and enjoy what you've got left Mater and if that's boxing if you're a boxing fan you're in the right place 100% mate um who wins your thoughts um at the moment it's two1 to scottney yeah well on ours it's it's the French girl is uh she getting a bit banged up to be honest at the moment yeah she's getting caught now she's really getting caught now um another round for me too as well that so should should have been a 108 mate should have been a 10 eight he did she put a glove you've done that after you've been caught you haven't done it because for no reason you've slipped or do you know what I mean you you've you've been caught it was off a punch so technically the ref's been a bit lenient yeah um 31 scottney for Chris yeah um thank you sir appreciate your comments um 109 scottney Grudge Fight is this total Ellie is in war mode um I'm I'm alone in the Philippines I live with my grandma poor that's why one month left du to can't afford a medicine sorry to hear that mate honestly um yeah big shout out to you and your family big shout out to you and your family but we're going into the next round it's going quick this as I say this is this is the beauty I think of women's boxing really is it um got on the ropes at the moment is really having to go yeah yeah so yeah round number five Scott needs forcing it now she's really being the aggressor in this fight really pushing hard um it's in fantastic shape doesn't sh so do we mate we love the boxing we love it um yeah it's it's a it's a tough tough one to call because both girls can really banging this but when you when you look at the records just to say Ellie's never had a stoppage um the other guys had one in 18 so really between them you wouldn't be expecting this level of power because there is some hell of pair shots G in there certainly is mate and Ellie promised at the weigh-in that this will be her first stop it she said the thing she's been working on with her trainer she's gonna get this G out of here and I would not be surprised at the moment it's a tool order though I think it's a tool order really changed my opinion changed my opinion this gu has um well we love certain aspects of boxing still lots of things to sort out mate I think we could say about any sport I think we can look at all sorts and think I could do this I could do that um any aspect of life in that matter yeah 100% mate Ellie scottley really pinning the girl on the ropes in this round and she's really um taking control I think um tell you what mate the French woman has just nearly touched down with her gloves again just then she got caught by Ellie to the B and she made out she was pulling her down Ellie moved her arms away and she puts her fist nearly on the canvas again she's looking for a way out mate she's looking for a way out is LEF furra yeah it was it was almost like a shot to the neck but I think because the girl's so tall oh that upper cut Left Right cross what yeah those punches the gloves were very close very very close um n to Ellie for me yeah 4-1 scottney I think I think we almost we almost saw uh leabra she's kind of done what she could doing that second round and it's just almost I don't know it's it's it's just run running away from her is't it so it's running away so it's a strange one is it it is mate DJ Pat n scotney she's putting together a series of hits perfect right now the question is how long can the opponent withstand scotney and our pressure I think that's where we're sitting but I don't think we can write the French girl out do you I don't I don't think we can write her off because she's clearly got the potential to she she's definitely still in the fight Joel she's in the fight but stronger she looks more body shots coming effective now this is what we said work the engine because later on in the fight it benefits you um yes so six to 10 here um Ellie is really pushing this fight now she's putting the pressure on the other girl just does not like it does she in the she looks so hungry do Ellie's gotten there she looks so hungry to just get her to get out get her out of there she really is putting everything into every punch and LEF furra just doesn't know what to do with it it's a big it's turning into a scrap really and Ellie scottney is coming out on top of it um Tyler's coming and he's put the women's fighting he's so exciting really see a bad fight with you so true so true brother so true I'm an advocate of the women's game as is hawan who jumps in the comments people slag it off I'm telling you now mate these two minute rounds you get they go for it because they know they can have a minute rest in between yeah there's something to be said for it I'd like to see 12 12 rounds but other than that I think it's coming I think that's the next step that's the next big step for me yeah definitely but as I say the girls in here they are exchanging uppercuts unbelievable um going in the farre I think she's just showing how tough she is as well she's still standing there and she's giving what she can but for me there could have been two two knockdowns in this one really um by the way it's been going um Tyler as well 12 two minutes yeah yeah that's what I'd like to see yeah I think three minutes had take the excitement out of itler to be honest I was an advocate for the three minute rounds but then I listened to Alicia bner who I'm not her biggest fan and she was in a space the other day and she was saying how it would take the energy out of the fights and the women won't be able to last as like men do and agreed with her so I believe that 12 two-minute rounds is the answer well we've got Kyle saying what time start it's already started mate we're in full Flow full flow might mean Jo he might think we're showing the fight we cannot show it m we'd be sued we can't give you sound or the or the video footage we can only walk you through it we can only tell you what's happening and um as I say the rounds have been flying and uh Ellie scottney is dominating now dominating it's funny we haven't seen really any cards on the screen from anyone the even on Zone normally you get a bell you card or or someone putting a card up we've had nothing um 109 scottney continues with her punches to the body and then the opponent drops her hands and open to the chin I prefer three minutes personally to two minutes too quick I hear you Jam 12 2 minutes good balance um so yeah round seven round seven Ellie's coming out fir in here couple of good body shots Kyle as well shout out from the Philippines big shout out to you Kyle in the Philippines um big shout out to everyone in the comments uh if you're joining us for the first time hit the Subscribe button and ding the bell for notifications but um scottney just being warn there yeah she was being warned for a low shot a low low body shot which I didn't think was low to be quite honest CU she's really really working the body but I tell you uh she is catching her with some shots thef farre is catching her with shots as well but um if anyone really she's the one that's sort of digging digging with low shots if anything I would say what strange why she want the the warned Ellie scottney when it's actually LEF furra who's actually going low with anybody oh there's some great shots coming in there from Ellie scottney I don't know how this French girl hasn't been dropped yet because there's been some cracking hooks going in just shows the toughness she kind of has been dropped she put her fist down to the floor so she kind of has been St like dropped once um yeah so as I say big shout out to the Philippines and Kyle as well let us know everyone where you are in the chat and if you got any shout outs for anyone let me know um yeah as I say scottney at the moment auto pilot another 10 109 for Ellie that quality absolute quality getting stuck in she's really proved her worth she's going to have a mess of her face tomorrow I'm not going to lie but um she's doing what she needs to do and she landed some fantastic hooks in overand right was sweet as a no honestly Carl thank you very much shout out from Carlo as in the place not the team big shout out to Chris hey Chris you got relegated mate you'll get back up next season don't worry about need a bit of middle management get a new manager in couple of new players you'll be straight back up League too don't worry about that let's not mention the team but let's mention car um but um honestly thank you very much everyone in the chat um it's all happening it's all happening we're getting ready to go again now um just a big shout out as well um Fury usk Saturday May the 18th I think we're going to be pretty much covering the old bleeding thing live on design worldwide can't wait just can't wait um Haney next week as well Joel don't forget bra will be covering that too I'm sure mate I'll be awake um 10 n we will be satting with mat sticks for eyes um scottty she continues to dominate round after round you can see the opponent has problems with them Ellie comes nonstop and then body blows winning concept it is it's the body shops they taking their toll and we're here again and do you know what the girls come straight out of the corner and they are throwing lever straight away um and like Chris said I'll wait till Haney versus Garcia Haney and Garcia get in the ring I'm with you mate I'm still apprehensive about it I I until they get in there and that bell rings I'm still not convinced at the moment and it's awful to say but I I hope it does happen I was in a space with Deon Haney a couple of days ago on um W again WSB I was in one with um Garcia he was having a right R I'm and Garcia has swore on his on his family's life that he's gonna be in there he's saying that he's gonna be in there no matter what and if anyone pulls out it'll be Haney is's saying so right I doubt it um so um who can see so who can see comeback who can I think he mean SE I can't see it mate I can't see it coming back can't see it personally um's got this brother Scott's got this wrapped up we're in round eight unless there's some sort of flash knockdown or knock out I can't see it happening and what is it one knock out one knockout between him that's another round to Scott so we've got basically every round apart from the second round to Ellie scottney yeah two but Li her needs a knockout to keep her world title yeah it's it's not happening it's not happening in my opinion yeah I agree there sealine looks done yeah 100% Tyler tickets available for Haney versus Garcia on ringside from $2,900 if you fancy going to the fight no um is too much oh mate it's shocking that is shocking um but that's the way the whole place is empty I looked at the tickets the other day the Haney Garcia the the arena is going to be empty there'll be less than 10,000 apparently you know why though because people aren't convinced it's gonna happen and because of the price of the tickets man 2900 to be ringside for that are you kidding don't need to be they don't need to be that price they don't need to be that price um y y vu's uh 69 6 to1 um we actually seven to one seven to one Chris said seven to one yeah that's yeah pretty much we're that's where it's heading anyway um DJ Pat 109 scottney continues the same style the opponent doesn't know how to solve a task Ellie comes nonstop and makes her confused since the body is still beaten yeah great words DJ 100% R so we're in round nine of 10 um and I'm loving it Barry mcgan cannnot sit on that seat at ringside he throwing throwing shots with her and he's going like this I love it I love Barry got all the time in the world for him down leer just gone down again with a gloves to the floor but again the referee says no knockdown it's bizarre but she's using her head as well there's been no really laying into here there's nothing there is nothing that um you can say about what's going on because that's another knockdown it's another knockdown it's it's ridiculous Chris get DJ Pat on punditry mate he's welcome on anytime give us a shout Pat send leave us your email address we'll get to you mate No Problems P LEL on X okay it's p L E M A yeah yeah I know yeah yeah you know the I do KO incoming come on scottney says Tyler um it's definitely there and she is she is going for it um she doesn't want to be complacent though at the same time but she her spot her shot selection has been spot on for me she should have had free knockdowns up to this point because he been touching touching down with the gloves for for no reason other than she can't take the power so she's won the fight anyway hasn't she let's be honest she's won this one round to go it's a landslide Victor for Ellie Scot she is the new the new ibf and WBO title old up and not yet not yet well unless he gets knocked out not yet I how many how many times how many times do it again I'll eat my hat I'll eat my teabag hat if she if she gets knocked out in this round this teabag hat will be eaten live on screen if she gets knocked out in this round no tea bags on this channel mate only ones I wear on me but um nice to see Ian jumbo Johnson in the corner there as the cutwoman for um the cup man sorry for Ellie scottney absolute cracker DJ Pat 109 Scott ruthless ruthless says most right now what Ellie does she grinds down her opponent totally um Chris has put the new unified Champion I would love to see Dena thorland going up to Super bantamweight and challenge Ellie Scott wow that' be a fight imagine that imagine that I tell you what I'd try and get there for that I'd try and get to Copenhagen to go and watch that me and the wife won we Georgia we F off to that for sure so yeah there we have it round 10 round 10 the girl that's made in catford is literally a minute away from being a unified world champion tell are saying this after nine fights J after nine fights incredible it's crazy mate it's crazy deser absolutely deserve but I'll tell you the Ferra she's still gay still throwing her shots she was close to touching down again then yeah that's what I was just about to say mate she touched the gloves down again she's definitely hurt and tired I think that Bodywork is paying dividends now for Ellie Scot now yeah I don't think she's GNA get the stoppage now though with 30 seconds to go but no no she's dominated this fight and will definitely be as Chris W said they unified because she already had the ibf didn't she I said earlier she'll be the new ibf and WBO but no she she'll keep her title you think wins on your own opinions on our own opinions Ellie scottney has won every round except one so I would put it as nine rounds to one um the only round that I thought Leaf Ferb won was round two and that the only one other than that I think we could have seen several knockdowns I think we could have um yeah I think that's it really several knockdowns it's been a a schooled performance scottney has beaten her to the punch I think she's absolutely dominated Absol out for the scorecards again Joe yeah go for it mate go for it uh Tyler is just putting Ellie easy um new unified Champion Ellie scottney and The Ring magazine Champion that's a beautiful sound isn't it um but yeah Jam will go to the scorecards listen to what's going on what does it say underneath my name there let's go champ let's go champ let's go champ she's the new right I'll look out I'll see you guys in the second no worries mate so Chris has put scottney to face WBA champ Erica Cruz or WBC champ um um maredo uh that's what I do road to Undisputed thank you so much says Kyle no problem at all um so jam is just in the comments in the comments he's just gone off he's going to listen to what the judge's decisions are and we'll let you know with what's coming next DJ Pats but she gr grinded her down her opponent scottney this was just pure outclassing spot on mate absolutely spot on dominance from scottney she was brilliant absolutely brilliant tonight it' be interesting to see what we're going to what we're going to hear really it's taking a little while here Joel I don't know why but I'll definitely be with you in a moment I tell you jam it won't be as funny as the other day will it no definitely not me me and jam were watching a fight the other day and um they just went to announce the scorecards I think it was the Australian fight wasn't it um and and they literally announced the first card and then the guy walked off and then they came back they announced the wrong person and then they came back again it was all over the place it was a real strange strange um scorecard time um so Jam's just going to bring us a news shortly um as I say congratulations to both girls but Ellie scottney has won this one we're just going to find out on the cards how dominant the performance was did scottney win from tfds um yeah she has won it we're just going to find out the exact scores um yes mate Ellie's got he's got it 99 91 97 93 and 96 94 9694 that's ridiculous isn't it yeah that's a bizarre one and even T even Tyler's put it quickly um did I here 96 94 that's mad um tfds put money on it well congratulations if if you put it on scottney that's money in the pocket female world champions Savannah Marshall Terry Harper Natasha Jonas Rianna Dixon Ellie scottney nah Hughes fantastic knows real Champs he knows he knows everything um so yeah enyclopedia for a reason Joe my brother that's it that's why he's part of the family mate part of Sweden the encyclopedia if you don't follow him already hit him up on X at howan Johansson he's everywhere he is everywhere but yeah there we have it congratulations to Ellie scottney she is now nine fights nine wins now the ibf WBO and Ring magazine World Super bantamweight champion um big shout out to lafab she gave her best shot but to be fair Ellie scottney beat her to the punch outboxed her she looked she made her look amateur really um and was dominant throughout um DJ patches quickly where did they find the 9694 it is not on the map the opponent took so many rounds from scottney yeah mental absolutely mental thanks Jam from hwan and thanks Jam from me it's been quality as always we'll be back for the main event don't miss the next one it's going to be a cracking fight and we've got a special commentator in neutrals Corner boxing yeah so he'll be joining us as well man the Scotsman loves a drink um Mid tenants and he likes to talk to boxing so we'll be back for Jordan versus zelfa Barrett which is the main event this evening so hit the Subscribe button check out the rest of the content and we will see you shortly Jam until then go on mate have some of this go on a it a [Music] it he

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