Diego Pacheco vs Maciej Sulecki

[Music] don't hi there good evening good morning wherever you're watching in the world and welcome to boxing media hub proudly in partnership with jams boxing chat and folk and Contracting we're here for another live watch along this time Diego Pacho against Mach seleski let's see how this goes sorry seli not celeski there's no s in it don't know where that came from I'm delighted to be joined by Mr neutral once again thank you for joining me sir hope you're well tonight always always jams with you media hub family appreciate it m I appreciate it uh this is for the WBC USA super middleweight titles and the WBO InterContinental super middleweight title it's coming from Carson California at the Dignity Health Sports Park we're not too far away from the fight starting I'm actually excited for this one I really think this could be a good fight we've already got a few comments let me just run through them real quick Mr neutral s SWS boxing Sammy is saying I'm saying PCO round seven he'd be the first to ever stop him if it is Mater and as always big up my bra big up to yourself sir sir handai all the way from Cincinnati Ohio has joined us big up yourself sir good evening to you and big up Lads Legends Legend yourself Sammy so this is going to be a cracking fight mate we got 23y old young Diego PCO it looks like a formidable Force he's on the crest of a wave 210 and0 with 17 Knockouts we've got the veteran Marte seli who's never been knocked out he's only lost two fights he's got 32 wins and he's got 12 Knockouts he's 35 years old it's is a staunch strong OPP opposition but for me there's only one winner in this fight and that's Diego PCO but let's see what happens waiting for David de to do his bits yeah said I like to set up Mr neutral said he much in my chair front of my laptop can't go wrong no the other one the professional one is actually broken down on me uh so we're using the backup tonight yeah it sounds Crystal Clear mate there's no wrong with that trust me I only ever use my phone I do I only [ __ ] with a phone nice and easy you know what I mean yeah nice and easy make you yet no dramas with this if it works it works you just switch it off exactly uh like we said it's a fascinating fight jams um Mar celeski he never been like you quite right he said he's never been stopped he's only lost to the best uh of his division at that time and Demitrius andr uh for instance and the miracle in there with a very and the Miracle Man Danny Jacobs so he's been in there with the very best this is a massive test for Diego Pacho in the sense this is the hardest fate that he will have um he's been built up now to this point and this is a marker he needs a great showing tonight on the his own card he can attract Al shik for instance and it's in his best interest to give us the fans and himself is very very best Shan 100% mate yeah this is a chance for him to put himself on that platform for the likes of Canelo and them down the line you know absolutely because he' do himself no harm by putting himself and getting himself in the conversation uh at 168 with the American fans uh once he gets into that conversation things start to move so you never know what's around the corner and especially reard season jams anything can happen that's it m that's it let's just hope it's a good fight Mr neutral let's hope it's a good fight I can't see jams I think guaranteed that definitely agree Last Chance salon for Mario SEI uh he knows he's a a good boxer he knows he probably should do all about Diego Pacho and his Ambitions and just how good he is some say that he's the ham of sheas of the 168 division that's a very good uh comparison uh young guy he's got it all so he just as the sure for the you know the fans and for potential promoters that he's ready for them definitely mate definitely well let's just hope it's a good fight they're almost underway so just bear with us guys we will get you to the fight very soon and we'll give you a round by round analysis as always so just stick with us and just for I mean he's got he's got very good Training setup uh David Benz his father train of him and Jose now training Diego PCO um you know and that's got to account for something in this fight very Progressive trainers so yes we're expecting a deag che or uh Victory but it's just the manner of that victory yeah it's what it's about now is that's what it's about let's see what they come up with then we're just about to get underway they're just hugging their Corners up the rest going to to call him to the center circle and we're about to get this Main Event underway PCO looks cool calm and calculated as always he never looks like he's in distress does he always looks fresh and ready to go seli just looks like the Beast that he is he's just a true Road Warrior you know what he's about and here we go we're under way round number one yeah Cel looks like he's been dragged through a mud pet such as the tattoos on his back he's covered is he he's very heavily covered in tes he looks like he's just come over a mug Factory his back is completely covered's wearing the purple is in the white red purple and gold using of PCO the tall of man Ranger yes he's just keeping his distance away from seli Orthodox very very typical European style it looks fresh anyco so far looks very fresh and they both do actually jams I'm very impressed with 35y old uh Shi well conditioned he looks fresh clean in tremendous sh and uh he's moving very well in the first half for this round covering himself up Pacho just keeping that left hand jab as a rangefinder and trying to keep SEL at B there it goes again yeah he's got a lovely left jab hasn't he PCO really stiff jab really keeps it in his face like real de jab a beautiful jab beautiful jab jams the Cornerstone of any good boxing mate any good boxer is always that jab if he got a good job you know he can work on that for foundations I love his style because if you look at the way his stance is he keeps it very short although his legs are wide apart but if you keep he keeps his shoulders square a nice tucked up position and I I like that and he flicks that jab out with keeping his right hand high it's it's very very tidy definitely completely agree and effective and it's effective in defense if you look at the right hands that s is trying they're just hitting pko's left glove when it comes up to his head even the overhand right there from seli he threw an overhand right and P's guard was already there and it just blocked it straight off and that's what you need to be doing especially young fighter that's that's what I'm talking about so straight on bang on the money definitely mate he looks good I like Theo I've liked him in his last few fights I think he could be a real one we're gonna find out more today because he's against a very top operator in seli so let's see how he actually does let's see if he can actually you know live up to the hype so to speak I believe he will looking at him so far looking at him so far and they something R when seli does uh make an attack You've Got U Pacho just takes that step back and then that lateral movement to one side uh just nullifies uh that kind of attack but the end of that round JNS that was yeah of course definitely I put on another page s SWS boxing in the chat oh that's um young Sammy that's a yes predict big things for yeah I predict big things for that young man he has got media written all over him and I hope he goes on to journalism he will do mate he only just turned 15 the other day he has he turned 15 not too long incredible Talent big up S SWS boxing you've got a fan in me definitely he's already met more boxers than I have and he's only 15 he's met so many he ched them all the time exactly uh I think it's just our our duty to uh promote and and you know collaborate with with such fine young media Stars definitely and um s SWS boxing speaker the devil it's just said one nil pcho thanks for the praise Brothers anytime Sam you know we mean it bro you know we mean it I particularly enjoyed his last interview with uh oh God the lad at the airport um that's it yeah I watched it I watched it it was fantastic interview his name's gone how embarrassing sorry Sam but yeah it was a great interview yeah he was at the airport I remember I can't remember the name either but I do know him it's very direct question I love it you the guys's at his airport he's about to fly out somewhere and he's got young s the firing firing some questions Ryan band Ryan band Ryan band of course yeah he was the guy that um he he didn't have a fight that not long ago Ryan ballan wasn't it was it against um J not J was it J pa uh yeah he done already he done right for me he could have done better but a great interview nonetheless young Sam yeah defin definely definitely run round number two yeah round two 1 minute 45 to go P still in control just popping out the jab looks comfortable looks clean looks calm yeah land some good shots when he wants to yeah rather much the see v as r one jams yeah nothing's really changed from first round seli looks a bit more hesitant to throw his punches this round but other than that nothing's really changed he's trying to match uh sorry Pacho with the jab so he's felt that power of Pacho already and he's sort of changed his style now he's uh trying to jab more a distance with PCO but P's just got that bigger reach and his left hand jab p is just so accurate like an arrow isn't it like an arrow I'm very impressed with it very impressive definitely definitely would you put him in with the likes of Canelo soon or do you think it's a bit too early I don't know I think it's a wee bet to ear Jam give me another year let Canelo age and mature a bit more but because if you give young Pacho another year eating months I think he' be prime right for the Canelo Alvarez fight probably the mistake that Canelo made by checking on May at the same age as PCO 23 when he took on maywether a little bit too early weren't it if you give him another year year and a half think maybe Canelo had a better chance and how ironic would that be jams you know um yeah the young dog comes and does the same to him what he could have done to maywe on there you go you know these things are to be expected in the world of boxing you know I remember watching that fight with Mayweather 22 years of age he's none of the hardcore give him a chance let's be honest because Mayweather is Mayweather yeah but he he gained so many fans around the world from that fight by the way he he took it to to me and the same no one's ever done that you know to to me whether maybe Marcus M but no one else yeah but that was afterwards I was going to say yeah it was others that were inspired by Canelo and the way he approached the Mayweather fight the MERS the ortizes of this world you know they brought the fire to to me weather and indeed some of them did get some here we go round three for um SEL is down but I think it was a slip it definitely wasn't a knockdown I think it was a slip yeah referee says slip we're back into the action SEL is popping out some Jabs now but PCO just keeps him on that left hand keeps him nice and tight there seli looks like he's getting a bit aggressive in this third round he knows his two rounds down James he you know he doesn't want to let Pacho get a nice lead so I was no doubt that his Corner would have been set in look your two rounds done let's start taking it to him close the gap definitely definitely he's he's too long in the tooth to not try and have a go into when he knows he's two rounds down already absolutely absolutely PCO though his his stance and his guard is just so Compact and so professional you just you can't see a way he can get to him I worried for siki in this fight he's he's showing a maturity Beyond his years at the moment PCO for me he's confusing 35y old seli although a great exchange between the two of them there but it doesn't change the fight Cel is now trying to throw massive overhand rights uh to start impressing the judges as to where this round is going so yeah no surprise that jams that he's trying to Crose that Gap yeah definitely mate definitely SEL actually caught him a one coming in then as well SEI actually caught PCO for the first time in the fight with quite a good shot I was surprised that another right hand by seli gets through but beo HS it well and gets back with a right of his own the problem is his gas tank going to be like you know down the line what's his gas tank going to be like is he still going to be the same energetic little bunnyman he was before or is a five time get us all at some point well I would hope I would hope at 35 in this day and is jams with the training technology and the methods they keep fet uh these boxes he's showing around three still showing a phenetic energy and bringing it to PCO but you're quite right how long can it last we'll soon see but Eastern Europeans have super superb um conditioning and I feel that I'm I'm not expecting him to gas you know anywhere between now and round day maybe after that yeah that's that's where I thought if anything that's where PCO might get him out around you know between nine and 12 that's where I thought he might get him out there well I did see James that the first three rounds you know uh I think it was on a space there before on Twitter uh we our good friend inevitable d block was saying that he's going to get him out in three rounds I said no that's not going to happen because seli has been in with the best he knows how to avoid the bombs for the first three rounds and you know it's Fool's Gold to think that you know this guy would go out in three rounds as we've just seen he's very comfortable now seli after three rounds um although he's down on the cards it's not out of his RS of possibility uh he just needs to show this keep up this energy going forward but uh yeah definely it's nice to you know it's nice to know that you know your predictions score Beyond three rounds yeah definitely you know what ev's like though he's just propping his man up and you know he's big enough his man you know what he's like he'll be the same when Canelo fights he'll think that'll be over in threee well that's the thing jams you know fans have these strong opinions they you got the strong connections with their their boxes and uh yeah sometimes the opinions can go too far mate that's why we love the sport though isn't it you know I'm sure you've done the same with some Scottish boxers maybe Josh Taylor you've had your opinions on that thinking he was going to do the job and we've all done it m i do it with anytime Liam ceron fights you know yeah sometimes you just got to root for your man you you got to go for your guy all in no matter what I lost $100 to Jack Al mate because of that you know EX exctly so you know [ __ ] you got to go all in with sometimes but there's other times you've got to use your head exactly you know especially if there's money on the table jams definitely I've lost enough of that we got to start using our heads here definitely definitely has said 3-0 PCO two right hands landed nicely there yeah completely agree Absolut beaches of right hands young Sam and you're quite correct took that round 3-0 again s's coming on strong in the second half of this round in round four Something's Happened he's looking at the floor G come out I think his G Shield might come out no he didn't come out he just stopped fighting and well and Pacho just could have come in and knocked him out but he held seeli seli looked at the referee the referee looked at him and said fight on said come on get him get him very very surprised at that PCO could have been more ruthless there and jumped on him and took him apart he could have done oh he just got a beautiful right hand in there and now combination from Pacho he's going to take this round as well and seli is running out of ideas in this fight after three rounds going into the fourth round here jams I just feel open he's starting to get open up Domin it he's starting to dominate he looks so cool calculo Diego PCO looks so calm so cool just yeah his eyes cold mate his eyes cold it's like a cold beer on a summer's day he just looks that that chill you know what I mean it's just having a a run out it's like a spying session so far AIT fun to him it's a bit of fun just a bit of fun he's throwing he's throwing Jabs and check lifs with the same hand and you know two punch combination it's brilliant I just get the feeling though that if he goes too strong too soon he could walk into something from SEL he just did he just got C me as you as you were saying that Mr neutral he just got clipped right at the end of the third round got clipped with a little overhand right at the end of he's he's got to he's he's got to be careful that he doesn't get too confident too soon but I did like what I saw there from PCO on that round a clear round victory for me that's four four rounds to zero 40 SEL is now in the Realms of nor man's land he cannot afford to let any ground go no he must come out with a good round to close that Gap to 41 and uh at least make it viable for the judges to you know just say to themselves well we've got a fight here ageing with us as well neutral he's saying 40 36 PCO needs to stay alert though still yeah he does he cannot he he cannot rest on the fact that he's 40 up and cruising it's good it's very his right hand right hook is there yeah his right hook is there every time he's catching him clipping him on the way out and stuff only takes one of them to land correctly and it could be good night for pcho for Diego oh I can't see it but Chris manx give the first round to seli I think that was a that was a Miss wrong I don't understand that at all the first round was probably his most dominant round I don't think seli landed a punch but Chris manx we all know what he's about don't we he likes to keep it neutral Mr neutral he likes to try and make it a closer fight than it is yes he's just doing his bit for his TV media same as we do for ours you know what I mean only difference is we tell the truth and he lies out of his ass you know what I mean he has to follow yeah the thing about this that's the thing about what we do ladies and gentlemen it is to give you such a a a transparent view on a fight rather than if you listen to some of the the commentary teams no matter what you know the platform is whether it's ESPN uh Doone whoever they all have commentary teams that are so biased because a certain group of Fighters that it it's laughable that's why that's why we started doing these watchong neutral you know yeah when we first started doing these watchs bro that's exactly why we started doing it yeah us fans thought no you're not getting away with this false narrative all the time we'll give the real talk and let them keep the false and then you can meet like your own mind uh after that because we've got no allegiances to anybody we're not getting peered by anybody unless carry har I admit or Ashley I'm a bit biased but other than that I'm on your side I'm on the fight side you know I mean exactly so we can give a very objective viewpoint on uh any fight and any boxing match that we commentate on and that this moment in time in round five coming towards the end of it with 30 seconds left and Diego Pacho is opened up on seli and has wobbled them and is now throwing hand over hand he looks hurt seconds left can wobbled he's wobbled another R can he get him out of here now he's got him on the ropes he's banging away can he finish him refere taking a good luck survive he survives yeah he's too tough he's too tough he's he's too tough that was a great round but you know I'm not being funny James I don't think seli can uh survive another R like that um no I can't see like that peo looks like he's on an 0 he's not even swe well he is sweating a re about but he's not marked up he's just looking very cool he's not even sitting down he's standing up in the corner he's so tall that his cornerman can't get him uh but he's having a wheel of a time he is mate it l literally L like he were going to get his out of there then he was going to get SEL there for the first ever time man's never that was a big round Mr NE caught him right on the whiskers and it's just rocked his world and he didn't know what to do because he' never been in that position has he no seli five rounds down or four1 down for you Chris manx he has for me for me he's got in his head that another round like this and he needs a no whether he box saying sixth or seventh yeah we're in the sixth now Sammy and it could be this round or the next if it carries on in that trajectory but we're in round six here now next two rounds he's done he's s here yeah 49% Landing from PCO 28% for sulei unless I mean 20% against the P was very good very good indeed oh he's got him he's done he's got him with a vicious B body shot what a shot as well good to the body that was a beautiful left body shot a shot he's not be over count out the referee it's over I told you he cannot sustain that damage and that is a tremendous stoppage jams we are talking about a true 168 Contender that was a tremendous body shot that was a shot no one's recovering from if he hit Canelo with that Canelo would go down that was like the shot D usk with that was like that sort of shot you know you don't recover from them absolutely yeah that was a beautiful shot uh he's still uh from a body shot he's on I hope he's okay of Coursey but my go a knock out but that was the oh it happened so fast it happened so fast and again he walked into it PCO it was a rangy a rangy uppercut type it was like a an uppercut cross body shot wasn't it like right from the to the left like you know bit liver there where just text your car his arms are up his arms are up here B sh and he was time ever been stopped ever been stopped Amur or in over a hundred fights I called it before if he gets this and he gets this is a good knockout victory for him uh or TKO he will Elevate himself now and just watch Twitter blow up a b or no yeah I'm thinking Vil or J like get Virgil orti J at 175 move up and go and challenge him I think he beats him I think beo beats all at 175 oh is 154 as he know oh is he 154 I'll get him to move up sorry who am I thinking of at 175 That was supposed to be figh are you think Morel David Morel junor yeah I was thinking of David Morell mate thank you that's the one David Morel junor come back and I'll tell you what P has got a scope to move up to 175 easy so we've got another star right now in boxing in the one deagle PCO because Mr neutral is not easily pleased and not easily impressed but this guy has just impressed me the the name on his back mate in Gold tells all you need to know he's Golden Boy now he's the new Golden Boy they're going to be talking about Canelo they're going to be talking about all the big fights now a now they're gonna be talking about all them big fight like you said David Morell Jr they're gonna be talking about bener vidz they're gonna be talking about Canelo I and I think he deserves to be in that mix I guarantee you know there's tweets going out right now on Twitter seeing deago Pacho Canelo yeah next he he is the only man blah blah blah blah they're trying for me that's they're rushing him but that was a fantastic performance it was hey Mr neutral that's the best boxing just ask what about Caleb plant against PCO I'm telling you what I think he beats ker plant he needs a ker plant to attract to Canelo you understand me yeah beat the man who beats the man you know what I mean get get to the people that he wants to find oh like I said Benz follow his path follow the path Follow the yellow what would you say about him against Benz right now Mr neutral if you put p and Ben aidz in now who would you have Pacho from what I've seen here honestly I would as well I would as well I got told I was an idiot earlier for saying that I genuinely believe PCO beats Benz I I'll stand by that until the day I die yeah he's got work to do 168 JS a lot of work of course still young he's very young he's got his newborn baby in the ring as well bless him he's got a new baby on the way I just had like so yeah know blessedly on aware of the stardom of her father at this time but he is rape for 175 in a few years time but I'd love to see him go Undisputed a 168 and could he be the man that seeks the Canelo Crone I think he could I think he could Esther boxing said how old is that he's 23 years old s he's 23 years old he's a baby and is this good he's just been the first man to stop SEI who's been in with some tough guys his only losses with to the Miracle Man and boo Andre so you already know the kind of level he's for that right and they couldn't stop him you know yeah we've seen the Brian Norman Jr was elevated to a WB or Champion a 154 this guy's is just proved a 23 to image that he's a level yeah another level above that yeah did you see I mantis St on has been um appointed a full Champion now because someone vacated see that of boxing I'm not saying he beats Canelo I've just said we don't want to rush him but he is in the conversation for a Canelo fate within the next two years yeah not saying he beats him right now but believe me canelo's on the on the decline he's getting on in years he's 34 now this is the new this is the new beast but this is the guy the crown I don't think Benz will take the crown I think this guy could take the crown yeah I definitely wouldn't disagree with that well on that note mate thank you for joining Mr neutral we'll wrap it up there m bless you for joining and thank you everyone for tuning in please hit that subscribe button check out Mr neutral on I boxing hubs hard talk USA shows he does many other shows as well so follow him on X he's also on Instagram Mr neutral or neutral scor boxing you'll find him you can't miss Scotsman the gym whats of commentary thank you for tuning in bless you Mr neutral and we will see you guys very soon [Music]

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