2024 runDisney Springtime Surprise 10 Miler

Published: Apr 22, 2024 Duration: 01:46:05 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: rundisney
it's good morning uh this is third day we are on our way to the to the bus already a little bit later than usual again it's about 3: 40ish uh long as you get there before 4:00 you're okay I try to keep keep it last day since I'm starting in the back I'm going to be heading there right now so uh that's about it I mean I don't see many people I see a few people in front of me not a lot of people but like yesterday there'll be buses waiting for us and we're on our way uh right now it's cool little muggy but cool again we'll be okay until the sun comes up which I'll have maybe good 45 minutes since I started in the back uh then after that it'll get muggy but again I'm not going for any PR I guess that's it uh again we'll film the characters the start and we're on our way all right we'll see you guys shortly so made it out here a couple of things number one to the right there's a stage they passed Carissa passed it on to thank you J and we'll be check again we didn't hear but we're the heart of the race he wants to hear your stories he want to tell them how's it going Riley it's going really really well such a great I love love love his interview so we're going to come over here and check it out it looks like it's I'm sorof and that's your there's the closeup for everything that that's wor let's get back to storytelling everybody this is T this [Music] is line is this close I might I might get think they yeah they still so let's see who's over here oh it's Big Hero 6 and Stitch but I think I'm going to get a line for here we are over here you can see them bay max right I'm going to get in line for Coco I see you guys at the start can you see by the what a proudly we held at the Twilight last ging who and bright through the par SP or the r parts we watch were [Music] so and [Music] rock [Music] theing Pro through that night that flag was still there oh s that star [Music] spangled or the land of the [Music] free and the [Music] [Applause] fin the C everyone R Disney make some doors out there all right this first start is for our chair athletes and it goes like this 3 2 [Music] [Applause] 1 all right first we are we're we're we're moving so little by little we're going to start moving but we still got a little over an hour we'll see you guys when we start right DJ C let's play the [Music] song ladies apparently we're the last to start uh this is the latest any anybody's ever started this [Music] season let me hear [Applause] [Music] you ladies all right guitar guar [Music] gentl moving got the guitar that [Music] guitar go on and on what are you doing down [Music] [Music] somewhere in [Music] [Applause] [Music] the all 3 2 1ow [Music] of the season 38 [Music] [Music] way Charities shout out to our amazing balloon ladies amazing humans out there there we'll see you at the Finish [Applause] Line there we go so just a few people starting behind us including the HD so they will be hydrate they will be stop notice there stop them right there for a little bit we come up here to wait for them do a little freestyle [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're still holding them back how's it going and they were just released so I'll wait up here with [Music] Dennis this time we're taking the right we're going straight into Epcot so we'll be in Epcot in about a mile but and we're just starting here with them it's funny starting back here oh I like that in front of that the truck there's a stitch uh when I start hear a couple people who guess are still getting to know me so they they ask me if I'm okay if everything's okay and stuff so [Music] hether was running go say hi to somebody so I was like okay all right we will come back shortly let's go you guys knock it out we're only like a tenth of a mile in so we still got to way to go okay we'll see you guys shortly when there's stuff to see we got Kelsey's hope hi guys good morning [Music] morning Kelsey's help a great group we're heading up [Applause] the so these are the buses to the right these are the ones that uh we get on you can see the numbers too so that's it but we have music coming on right now morning [Music] [Applause] good job good job you guys the finish line wores for the rest of your days we're singing back here going a little bit faster cuz see if we can get that that TV screen up there then we're going to do that turn into Epcot we're about half a mile in it's going to be easy the dir road we to get out there yeah this was we used to have to walk all it was a 1.2 miles that away just for start uh that was for mainly Marathon weekend what's that sooss tastes like that's true it's funny that [Music] things available on Disney plus Blu-ray and DVD guess not in 4k but no I didn't we'll come back probably when we get into Epcot we'll see you guys shortly all right we're going to get a picture with this might as well and then we'll wait B hi I'm coming in how you doing awesome out there thank you how's it going good how are you good so we got that one I don't know who that is but I said all right I need to especially the rare ones cuz later on actually you guys sometimes plan on go like oh they were there and I'll know who that is but all righty so we had that less than a mile we turning around we're going to about to hit mile marker one once we turn around here so we'll come back shortly all right I'm leaving the group to do the run by for the M marker but this is the cool part about being back here see they're right there behind me and I'm staying with them but uh here it is M marker one I'm probably going to stay and wait for them here here goes the Run by but and so you guys can see what I can see the test track is up there I'm walking slower and there are the balloon ladies behind I I think they're being held a little bit so again so you can break misconceptions they if they're faster they get hell back so that's what I think they're doing so they're slowing them down a little bit all right we are going to be running in Epcot shortly so we'll see you soon and we're probably going to be able to see some good uh pictures there so yeah they're being held back all right we'll see you shortly DJ has M Mark well and I'm all going to be off the rest of it because I ran back to meet up with them so oh look little spaceship bur right there couple people were saying behind the scenes we get to film these of your and I am so thankful I out to be a part of this weekend you all are awesome and we will see we're coming in Mexico come on and shout out to all of our friends on the bik Y are awesome keep going come on [Music] Guardians of the Galaxy great [Music] movie so a little over a mile morning guys thank you did not block the driveway back here trip pans must be under Vehicles when parked on the prominade it's a good idea but it also shows you how old some of these cars are so looks like we're turning left again we're going around World Showcase you can't see you can pick out um good morning the rest Dennis just mentioned sorry I need to move I need to watch out we got the bikes coming this is [Applause] beautiful we're just talking about how think we're going to go I see a character I run up ahead but probably go remember restur right [Music] [Applause] there there's Frozen ever [Music] after these are pretty cool what this one to walk [Music] by those are restroom people partty good morning the balloon lady or the balloon lady you guys s with us morning [Music] I said yesterday and I got to practice this going to walk a little bit faster cuz the bike's pass us up and right now the good news is Dennis and I were talking about it there's not a lot of people in front of us not as like the usual which is good that means people are more people will make it and that's the whole hope that most people finish this race [Music] there's got to be characters unless they they left to since the balloon ladies are coming they think within a minute they kind of go okay we'll take off though [Music] morning there you are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] got the [Applause] balloon hey good morning folks good morning all right we're going over here cool scroll through Epcot so the dead last starters took off today as I noticed they did a thing uh yesterday where they were actually trying to stay in the back so they were trying to be less than 1% beat less than 1% that was new that was a new strategy that they got and porta potties or rest to the [Music] left Molly was Molly [Music] wase it [Music] [Applause] today look at the spesh and somebody just dropped there they water bottle they can't drop that got to take [Music] off you have to see it's that one character a m marker like before the first mile who I and even everybody was asking me who is that they go Manny would know and I had no idea okay looks like yes that's see photo so we're going to run up ahead so [Music] Italy let's see oh yes we are going to come The Rescuers yeah we'll get pictures with The Rescuers of course we will hi [Music] there thank you [Applause] [Music] and there's Dennis oh the they're all getting in there thank you didn't even didn't even see that person they got water so they are holding a couple good morning so look at this they're pretty efficient they've already gotten rid of all the tables for water so we're last ones we will get water so thank you guys thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you guys thank you great job thank you thank [Applause] you and guys throw these away throw away in the trash can don't make people work for that all right I'm over a mile and a half so 8 and a half to go and again I'm probably going to stick here for another mile and a half or [Music] so there's Japan [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Godzilla morning [Music] it looks like another character so I'm running up there yes there's a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] character oh it's a poo I guess yes yeah we're going to get one of course we are haboom good morning sorry sorry excuse [Music] me you [Music] do guys got it I'll get in quick hi T how's it going [Applause] I'm sorry I'm sorry man no no it's okay I think it's cool when they can get pictures so oh yeah so I want to so they can show everybody they'll always get the picture but yeah they can show the video and say I got a picture I was able to stop we're going up the hill we to run back there with uh where Ratatouille is we haven't done it in a while they kind of changed that course and I think it's behind the scenes they probably needed that that area for doing stuff [Applause] [Music] morning [Music] morning [Music] [Applause] France sun coming out we're almost we should be hitting two miles soon [Music] pictures it's always that they're telling Dennis to smile they're right behind me how's it [Music] going the good news is since they behind me I might be able to get some pictures uh with them I can send it to them they're a little bit behind me but there's the international Gateway the entrance there so Skyliners seem to be running but I'm not sure they're letting anybody in them some people ask can I get to the race Skyliner now the answer is no you can get after but there seems to be something up here so we're running a little bit but I think we're just we're just taking a left that's all we are [Music] doing here we go this is a view from the back we're still say with all the tens of thousands of people that started we're still way back here which is a good thing again we don't see a lot a lot of people so it does good for a few reasons number one we can stop and take pictures there's a restroom but also we can take pictures I mean we can take pictures and the good news is a lot of people hopefully a lot more people finish so we're back back here [Music] look we see a djer here DJ happy birthday thank you not bad way to turn 65 you're doing awesome it we're about to hit that two M Mark we're about to hit L I already did and I did not get it on my watch good morning my friends to H that Mar that's fun that you're running with those medical tent to the right and the 2m marker we are going to run by it it's right there medical tent to the right 2 m marker it's going to be Aladdin and Princess Jasmine for Prince Ali fabulous he [Music] we're going to do the Run by for 30 seconds and again right now it doesn't really matter we actually sling [Music] down Never Had A Friend Like Me [Music] so they all have timers I'm starting to figure this out they all have timers and they have somebody here and they're kind of telling them oh is there I saw I saw I got it you're good all right so they let them know if they're too fast or too slow whatever it is so yeah we were too fast the first smile but the second one we got it so okay it's just a just a screen Mulan the Skyliner going but nobody getting off so that means they're just going [Music] M it I'm not me to play this good job everybody [Music] we're almost at the hotel area but we're heading to yeah they were heading to Hollywood usually we go see them but the girl that I'm in the picture well he's in one of my pictures he's real good friends with the executive officer of the Blue Angels wow so we've gotten yeah to go but she's doing this today and just too much going on lean into that Hill folks pump those Zs so are you good enough friends to get a flight so funny oh God I never so they were sending people up in4 never and like main good morning morning [Applause] guys and there's one we won't go down that road well I mean but here's thing push you push push for this like you cut sta cut funding maintain it's going to feel good guys if you take a little DS it will feel better you'll move different muscles a little tiny the are you all right don't push it don't push it remember take the straight line take the tangent I like to use that word from high school right Dr finally it was useful finally yeah the boardwalk may be slippery caution athletes the boardwalk may be slippery caution athletes or I or I could just use my fancy word tangent yeah yeah I want to be fancy you can ask 16 more than tce can I though I cannot I don't know you lose me once you get to multiplications but I'm going to look on the card just to double check just to verify get the number in my head with correct what number is it it's 48 okay that's what I okay we're smarter than we think we are you know after this many years and this many races you no no yeah can I take a selfie with you guys sure I smell the bar is that bacon or barbecue how my girlfriend she texted our group chat she's like it's cook bacon while you go by that's the text that woke Greg up yesterday morning like at 7:5 he's like yeah character right there Dennis going to go up and take a picture go Manny go picture over there good morning good morning thank you watch out be careful warning good morning warning good job team way to go you guys we're ahead we're good we're going to go get pictures no matter what it looks like we can yeah whoever this is and I still can't tell on this angle I want to say Mulan man they're doing the fastest quick run walks I've seen warning long Hakuna mat taking a picture of it can I take that for you sure just hold it on sorry thank you for that H thank you thank you got some help this time thank you all right so now it's going to be a little boring so once we come up here with the balloon ladies we are going to not record for a bit 51 they're right behind us so we're just going to walk slow I'm over 2 and A2 so I get 7 and a half to go but there's Swan dolphin probably once we get to Hollywood but I need to I need to what's it called uh get my virtual queue that's in about 8 minutes a little bit more spread out here again usually when you can't walk here you can walk here now right now board walk to the left that's not let one to the right across the the the lake 2 1 [Music] thanks F those are the 240 Pacers but they're they do run walk where back there is just 2 fo Pacers to finish so they start ahead and yeah they're right behind me all right we'll come back shortly once we get into Hollywood Studios right my bker 3 is right there trying to get myal oh are you running around a cold empty space do a walk a run by at the same time trying to get virtual C got a minute 15 to get to [Music] that that's about the time I got to get my virtual queue there you go I got to get virtual queue for Cosmic guys this is a hard pickup ahead so make sure you get in front of us this is a hard pickup coming up get ahead of us get ahead of [Music] us I'm going to do the Walk On By very quick this one cuz we are getting our virtual queue let's see about 10 seconds we're power [Music] walking I got in not one of the first ones but I got in all right proves you can be running and get your virtual key at the same time but the other news is we are past W marker 3 and I think that they held them back again but once we get into Hollywood Studios I am going to say goodbye and I am going to take off and run there behind me welcome tool stud 5K stay of about minut ah [Applause] up 5K right here oh of course we're going to have to come and get a picture with Donald you beat the Ballon lady I'm coming I'm coming hurry hurry I got to get a picture how's it going Donald thank you go go here they narrow ahe please use caution course Narrows ahead please use let's see basically got every picture coming up here let's see how it's going to bee Narrows ahead I'm going Toby Narrows ahead and they're all getting pictures Narrows ahead please use course Narrows ahead please use caution course Narrows ahead there's Denis please use caution course Narrows ahead please use caution course Narrows ahead please use caution course Narrows ahead please use caution it does narrow Narrows ahead we're going caution course Narrows ah get picture with the balloon L sure I'll get a ro I get on this side all righty guys I'm going to take off we'll see you guys we'll see you guys we'll see you in see in November November November did anybody go in September no no all right well we'll see you in November you guys have a good one I always love love love running with them hanging out with them they're such great people it's a different perspective as Prince Eric would say to be with them but we're going to run a little bit you guys got this we got it you want too I'll try thank you all righty so we're about to catch up to the Pacers but again this is going to mean a lot of non pictures from here on out [Music] [Music] come on over on the left on the left I think I did the miles I got to do the miles h how many miles you do if you run all the races and of course this year is going to be even more just cuz they added one more here we go great picture here [Music] actually walking doesn't I know you're fine doesn't sound too bad right [Music] now Hollywood and Vine most of the food here is okay I always tell people see Park food so it taste average it's uh overpriced but you know what though great experiences so if you ever do it go at least once give it a shot don't watch watch some videos but then go and experience it yourself hey buddy how's it going okay first camera uh first battery switch is coming up after Hollywood Studios and that might be the only one what I need oh me yes we got characters up ahead I saw that we are going to his monster Inc one of my favorites it's Mike wizowski we're going to get Mike wasowski that'd be good if I got okay [Music] okay how's it [Music] going on this side on this side I see I see you can I just [Music] turn that was not good everybody kept cutting in front of me but yeah I'm starting to put some s in front Let's see we got picture of coming up so so far ooh Darth Vader we are going to go it doesn't seem like there's big long line and this is [Music] downhill no there is a long [Music] line [Music] job how's it going good you guys doing all right y you good awesome I just left the balloon lady so I don't hope not to catch him again oh that's me I going say that sounds like me but I don't think it came from me yeah no I got my virtual queue for Guardians while I was running nice the first time I've done that where I'm doing that congratulations so thanks I've stopped to get it before this is the first one so there we go here they come they're around the corner oh you got to stop doing that [Music] sorry quick guys quick guys L are and you will be behind and unfortunately there is a sag point up ahead go they're passing thanks there you go good to see you guys again we were able to get him oh we're doing it looks like no I'm sorry doing a good job keep it up thank [Music] you all right we needed to get Darth now we can get a little bit caution athletes ahead May slippery athletes Ahad May slippy Muppets caution athletes rumors May athletes course ahead may be slippery caution athletes course aead may be [Music] slippery we're in Bat to [Music] 3 2 1 great job y'all keep it up another run by what's up 3 2 1 we are looking are [Music] oh picture there's really a character up there not this time another picture we should be hitting M marker 4 pretty soon you guys got this [Music] TR footstep I just hit my marker for my garment and I have like 1345 problem is is I have to basically Sprint to get up here [Music] so got to my breath and we're going to going to go [Music] [Music] again downhill and picture so we are coming around the only Park I have not been to yet trying to move out of the way got to practice what I preach get those people's pictures there is a picture but I think that it's in front of Woody so yeah no lot so lot so yeah this one weth skipping he's just coming back but we'll do a run by what's up I caught you guys what's going on it's like a celebrity sighting what are you talking about you guys are the celebrities get in the picture I'll get in with you guys lot lot lot Manny does not want to be associated with us that is not true that is not true he wants to be Associated adjacent sprinting in smiling right now I I got go got go go go I don't know what that POS was it was a pose I suppose I guess dead last starter is right back there great bunch of guys so we're moving over to the side the people who want to run we're 1 minute 30 seconds now again doesn't mean they were exactly an hour a minute 30 B 90 seconds so what happen is just figure this out we're going to do the driveby as [Music] usual get some of the there you go sorry sorry sorry sorry like it's okay I was trying to get you guys in there so you can watch the video and see oh there's somebody up there and it's a long long line Shar right turn ahead caution athletes Shar right turn ahe is caution AET sharp right turn sharp right turn wonder what they're going to do here they got to do something soon sooner than later this is going to be my first run by so we're past my marker it's Mickey and Min going say goodbye to them there's mickeey mini hi Mickey mini we're doing the Run by our first run by we're trying to get us a little bit ahead of time all right so we're going to exit once we exit we are going to walk but I'm going to change batteries hopefully good good picture so there there probably going to be some pictures of here they usually have one where you can take a picture front of the Tower and they have it we're going to try to get in there not a lot of people are getting into that line I think and this is going to be a quick one thank you of course okay thanks yeah if I jump I'm not coming down so actually I shouldn't say I'm not going [Music] up I can get about five or still minutes ahead there's restrooms over here to the right then there's oh let's see we can get a picture here with yeah I'm going to try it again hello there [Music] [Music] 10 not even than 10 we're just going to start pulling that line straight back forf [Music] scary it's a 5K and then less than a 5k exactly okay very easy so we got some people coming up we're going to take this quick picture we're sprinting out cuz again we have to change the battery pretty soon we're down to you can actually see a little bit 21% still not bad it's the first 240 there's three 240 groups the last one's the ones that we worried about over there hello right in the back side of the tower Tower we're exiting Hollywood the Hollywood Tower Hotel long time ago in a date just like this humidity was high Runners were running and we were heading to get a medal happy birthday good morning excuse me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're exiting Hollywood Studios going downhill getting some water changing out the get get get get get we're going to change out the battery finally it up it up you got it excuse me thank you water's hot push it it it push it push it great job keep it up the water is hot excuse me sorry sorry sorry all right tiger no I'm going to do a drive by cuz or run by just cuz I got to switch out this camera uh battery medical tent ahead here's a hard pickup right here you can see it to my left and they're probably about a minute and a half behind again since I guys decided to take some pictures not i''d be way in front all right we'll see you guys when we change our battery and about my marker 5 okay we're back cing up that hill and we got all the nice size po Hole uh we got all the theming for this week it's coming up right here and pretty soon we should be hitting my marker 5 so here's a challenge which we finish today but 10 m 10K 5K we're going to try we're going to come back with the with M marker 5 all right so number five is going to be the Jungle Book and there is a character which we'll do unless it moves faster we're going to do a run by but we have our run by right here that's it did I block the five or did I do right [Music] here so we're halfway halfway through today's race and now we are head a balloon I think it it is from Jungle Book it's down [Music] [Music] there there they [Music] are everyone's looking for the balloon ladies that are on the bridge so we'll go into the origin they're going to be gone about 3 4 minutes of Doom front oh there they are I'm sorry they're off the [Music] bridge we're doing a run by and again running across making sure there's nobody behind me it's not the L there can't remember across those [Music] Street this one's just a run [Music] by we going to go a little bit and then we're we're going to walk all right I'll come back when there's something to see there's probably characters ahead see you shortly we're approaching a little bit before 5 and A2 and we do have a medical tent we have a character I cannot see him yet it's oh I have no idea what that is but is there not a long line I'm going to get them cuz it is a rare one the cat or fat cat oh I'm going to get her go ahead go ahead you really how's it going thank you hey how's it going hey we watch your to all the time how you doing doing you're not running with the balloon ladies today yeah I went the first three miles with them okay so I left them back there you do the say you have it too we'll see you soon have a good one you keep be open I keep seeing you yeah that that happens a lot more than people think yeah the good news is we have this long straightaway and it's wide so you can make up a little bit of of uh room here that's it but yeah we're probably a little over 5 and a half now all right I'll come back at M marker 6 okay so we're back almost at M marker 6 I can actually see it just since they're giving out beans I believe well I'm not a beans person and I never train with them so I won't take them cuz I don't want them to upset my stomach so here we go we move over to the live cuz that's where my marker 6 is we got porta potties also what uh Coco Miguel is on [Music] there [Music] for all right six remember Seven's on the way back to Epcot eight is entering Epcot nine is in Epcot and 10 the Finish Line I am more I Amy I am I am I am over I am over I get some water so have power in the front water in the back [Applause] so here we go thank you guys thank you guys for being out here thank you thank you thank you guys thank you thank you thank you guys thank you hello so we got a little over a 5k to go I think we run up there up that hill yeah we're going to take that turn see that going back this way and go up there on off for s's on the way over there I should start getting this side right all right there's always something on the top of the hill so we'll come back when we make it up that hill all said we got somebody coming up the stairs the hill and it's the ladies at we are the springtime surprise everybody you're welcome yeah it's us it's us you're welcome and Len why why is that oh yeah [Music] what you cooking that's right they're cooking over here so we have about three and a half to go that's a little less than 3 and a half so about uh 5K roughly need to come you need to go this way yeah I think I'm cut go go go go go bike to the left bike on your left we'll come back M marker 7 should be coming up so there they are they're at the TK Mark so they're less than a mile away but uh Heather uh Kathleen Connie and Molly oh I'm sorry and I can't forget denn right so say hi to them but we're going to run a little bit we have a band coming up on the left hand side hey how's it going thank you right yes San Antonio oh right down the road yes so no we got Jonathan seabird I don't know if you know who he is he lives in Houston uh great guy he's going to be out here for Dopey how you guys doing [Music] [Music] good job good job good job thank you that's right so we are oh there's my marer 7 in front of us to the left and now we're meeting up with so many different people here is a sea of [Music] humanity hopefully cuz we're we're still less than a mile away that's why when they were saying somebody said a mile and a half we're not a mile and a half in front of them we're less than a mile but we are above 7 eight minutes in [Music] front come on come on we're getting there this is going to be oh there's a character also I don't know I can't tell if it's long the line is long or [Music] not from the music Max Goofy [Music] for [Music] [Music] the CU the double whammy it's the character and the M marker it is Max and I'm going to do is a run by for both standing what Max hey Max run by here PR quick all right we'll come back once we're we probably see a character before we see one marker eight all right we're back we're heading to a character stop and take a minute real quick saying whatever happened back there hope everybody's okay didn't look good that's all I'll say guys be careful when you're out there anytime you're running at any time accidents can happen look out for yourself then look out for each other all right there usually is a character and there is cuz there's witer Bagel up there we're getting close to 7 and 1/2 miles so that's it all right we'll come back shortly when we get to the character well before the sharp right turn we have a character we're going to see it's not a bad line ADV I have no idea who that is I think we're doing run by us oh okay and I've never gotten Mo but let's do first run by I don't want to turn back I just have to really do homework on all characters so all right so we're going to run up this hill we'll see a character and we'll hit M Marker 8 I think we hit M Marker 8 first then we see the character all let see short okay so I kind of make a lane so if anybody's running faster they can come with me pass me up on the left we got a DJ we got a character and we should be able to see uh David soon the last starters and I think the dead last starters are behind me anyway so but yeah so it's going to be M Marker 8 over here to the left it's Woody and then a character right after and the DJ's dressed like stin all right you guys we be exciting thing is the hill of death is over yes nobody loves running that Hill you know what that h mean [Music] EXC get [Music] around we're going to do the Run by for the M marker you're fine go ahead here we [Music] go say hi quick goodbye how you doing buddy good we see David should be around here somewhere so how it going let's see what the characters on the right brushing how's it going oh there he is what's up David come and say hi what's up David how you doing Manny good to see you good good to see you how you feeling I feel good all right man wait wait who who who come on you I get a picture too there you go thanks David have a good one okay I think we're doing drive by run by for this one too I got to stop saying driveby doesn't sound good all right that's Jesse run by got less than two miles to go husband right there [Music] [Music] [Applause] we got L than two miles we might take it in [Music] you got this you got this another character around the corner there us be as one oh really go go thank you let's go let's do hey thank you how's it going thank you how's it going buddy doing good keep it up I'm trying to yes how you doing hey you how far h 8 minutes or so we're fine if you just like dog you're going to be fine we're going the Run Disney [Music] Tinker so they added water stops which is good there's another water right now thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you guys thank you guys thank you thank you guys for being out here thank you thank you you're doing [Music] amazing and I commented yesterday more and more people are thanking the volunteers and the cast members which is great that you guys are doing that I think they appreciate that very much so go yeah thank you sure so we're walking right now back here all right we going to take one last break and I think from here we're going to run it in we got a little over little over mile and a half to go okay soon as I say you know be a while there is another character this is awesome and it is Captain Jack and Barbosa these guys are doing awesome there is we just passed up the dog in her guide so that's a good one that's a good one and I don't especially I always tell people don't run backwards so I don't want to run backwards speed bumps ahead speed bumps ahead okay now we got about a mile and a half to go but I am going to come back shortly speed bumps ahead caution we're going sorry sorry excuse me I just hit on marker 9 on my GPS and it's said 1421 and taking easy my I feel fine it's just my feet hurt I am going to have to go potty [Music] and there's figment way over there we got him [Music] yesterday marker [Music] run by [Music] [Music] [Music] Narrows ahead it does narrow Narrows ahead let see go Narrows ahead please use caution Narrows ahead please P potties to the right or bathroom to the right [Music] we should be hitting my marker 9 very soon corrow ahead please use caution ahead please use caution corrow ahead yeah there's my marker 9 [Music] run by this is the last my marker before we [Music] finished he found of whe PL a mys [Music] [Music] it means no worries for the rest of your our [Music] probleme all right l'sen all [Applause] [Music] we're probably going to walk a little bit guys got this thank you you too thank you let's go let's go yeah walk not before we walk we're gonna get pictures [Applause] smile it means no worries trying to hit that note hard okay they're shaking the statue and we're doing the Run by [Music] you guys are doing great one whole mile we're [Music] going we're going to walk a little bit [Music] we're almost there some spaceship earth always good when I see Riley and Jeff might be out here there's figgy [Music] we [Music] got I'm going to run a little bit because there is there's usually photos in here [Music] no photos in here and I ran for that going walk a little bit we got about 3/4 of a mile to go we run from the Guardians around there test track is running I have 9.6 on my GPA but I'm about 35 roughly and so that's why it's like 3/4 of a mile to go we're keeping it here I think we're going to 9.3 right up here there it is right turnning head 9.3 right here right turnl right turn I'll be on this in a little bit that's what I got my GPS is it my GPS my virtual Q [Music] Ford love to see [Music] [Music] you're doing great you're almost there seriously that's right it out we are going to walk at least a little bit [Music] roughly little over half a mile to go T going try to run it again because by the time I come back in June it's going to be closed and close till sometime next year when it reopens as world the motion it's the same we saw them exiting I'm sorry entering it couple of hours ago and they've been playing this whole time more power to them again they're they're young some of them don't look like they have a lot of experience good job [Music] hit the home stretch okay we know there's at least one more character up here to the left and I think after these people we're going to run a little bit got about half a mile to go athletes Steve bumps ahead caution athletes Steve bumps ahead CAU ction athletes speed bumps ahead caution athletes speed bumps [Applause] ahead vas in we have a nice over way the overcast makes it more muggy hello Phineas it's hiding the sun if the sun was out it'd be even worse so that's the good news we he the choir caution Runner speed bump ahead [Music] [Music] great song we're going to walk a little bit though 1246 for that last mile but again been a while since I characters or anything [Music] else with the humidity [Music] [Music] make it with two [Music] batteries oh Unwritten great song by Natasha benningfield great job guys right around the corner and that's it you're so close they keep saying that one of these days it's going to be correct just according to my GPS about a third maybe a quarter [Music] [Music] Wide Open begin the rest is still Unwritten go get breakfast where you want to about 2/10 of a mile going to going to make it with h was like two batteries Too Legit to Quit [Music] coas coaster all the pictures all the fun and we Cate that [Music] [Applause] fin sorry [Music] [Music] am taking off [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] worth great to see you Jeff good to see you how do you feel good you look good there go 918 [Music] 9 how's it going how you doing you doing all right I'm feeling pretty good how did you feel good I don't feel too bad I thought I'd be wor [Music] rubber hi Micky h we've got [Music] Runners I think I got that on video too the guy just ran up and smacked me guys you got to wait for the clearing and so anyways all right we're going to show you the medals cuz we got two metals coming up so that's it feel good except for my feet uh we love you candy yeah this was a harsher one I mean it's right now we're getting a little bit of a breeze so it's okay weather was humid throughout so I got a little bit more Sweat Equity than I usually get like they stated earlier guys really really really have to uh hydrate ahead of time take it easy don't even think about pring uh saw more than one person this time I did see more than one person on the floor and guys one is too many so let's go ahead and get the medals we're actually going to go get the Challenge medal too this time congratulations thank you so we're going to go all the way through I got you thank you congratulations there it is and I know thanks to new friend of the channel we know it moves Simba moves back and forth so that's it all right we got our medals thank you guys thank you we're going to go get our Challenge medal we can get water I'm not getting the power a today thank you for reminding me that thank you very much love your shirt man was a giveway have a good one guys thank you guys thank you guys for being out here thank you guys for being out here thank you power up there banana stop get the yellow onean cuz it's bigger yeah but I like better man like yell got the first day I got the yellow second day gotcha I still have two yellow ones in my uh well a yellow one and a half in my room I I've been drinking like little bit time you know past couple [Music] days you challenge did your challenge yeah let's go get our medals hell yes yes what we do it for the bling oh and there's the yellow power R yes go yes no I'm fine thank you awesome job y'all congratulations y'all your challenge to the left challenge medals to the left they no longer challenge medals right up there yes right there jump that fence get over there hurry up come on you didn't do anything I love you go ahead go ahead sorry no you're fine you're fine it's all right little ones are excited that mommy did it that's awesome there you go bananas you got those congratulations yes if I can do it anybody can do it years all we're going to get our [Music] metal warning me about the recovery rate my recovery heart rate is high but right now heart rate's going to be up anyway because of the the heat [Music] so okay we're going to record The Challenge metal today was fine I mean I I I myself you guys know me already so I don't this is not a biggest deal to me and so it was uh challenging for some and it is challenging a little bit too because it is it is um still hot all right congratulations thank you and we got Stitch we're going to get some good pictures today I'll put them up on social media so you guys can see them but guys another one this is another season wrapped up we started again in September so we'll have videos on uh hope to have some too on training also then also on thank you give me a little box I I like the honey Stingers that are in there and then I get the banana might as well always get a good banana so we'll get one thank you appreciate it but uh registration uh just tips and tricks keep asking your questions guys so I can keep answering uh make videos you never know hotels whatever you guys want to talk about about to do but thank you very much for putting up with me for another season uh guys as usual create a magical day create a magical run and guys see you sooner than later

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