The Amazing Race Australia | Celebrity Edition | Week 1 Review

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 01:09:51 Category: Entertainment

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a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to the nullify take where we have the TNT on all things The Amazing Race Australia and today I'm joined by TNT's resident expert in all things The Amazing Race Michelle hi me com why does this country have so many different times I don't know it's just too darn big oh my God I thought we were ready for a certain time but we weren't and then we were and yeah we're here we're here eventually so hopefully everyone who wants to be here has joined us I don't know I I'm new to this so I can't see who's looking at it but you if you're here welcome you should be able to see people who are chatting I know I won't be able to I should I'm also not wearing my glasses so I'm going a bit blind but oh this is good this is good we're off to a great start so welcome all that are listening if you're listening later that's okay too but why don't you join next time make sure you join at a time that we specify that we will get right next time and then you can join in the chat and let us know all your feelings yes definitely definitely God but anyway we're back to Amazing Race Australia which you know it's oh hello look we've got some chaotic already yes how do I add this show there we are look thank you Ellen thank hi yeah it's it was chaotic just before we even got on what are we doing I'm trying to get my husband to be quiet he was on a huge call I'm like you got to get away you got to stand on the other side of the Miranda because I can hear you yes the chaos has started early and we're not even on The Amazing Race yet we haven't even started talking about thank you Ellen feel free to comment often I love that someone is here despite the time confusion I know but yes it's been a year nearly a year since we saw each other Michelle for last year's Amazing Race Australia how have you been this year I've been good um yeah I've been you know going here and there and seeing a few different things I saw um B new show the the um I saw the taping of Top Gear and then I went to the premere so that was lots of fun and got to ride one of past cars I have no idea what they are um yeah and it was it was great I love it and and got to see jlp too um he's shorter than I thought exactly what Bo says um yeah yeah I wanted that I know he just tried to sort of get that in there and just make sure all the listeners know who's the taller guy well that's very exciting so you've just had just as busy a year as Bo has well no I don't think so I think he Top Gear he came back for like a you know a week or something and then he he went to tape Amazing Race or something like that he was he was in and out yeah what have you been doing H very little I've been raising a five now six year old that's when when I say very little he is very little so sweet that's what I'm Every Day I'm with five to six year olds every day KY teacher so oh well they're my line there so are you just sick all the time no I have the best immunity just amazing I hardly get sick I pass everything on to my husband I just the kids get sick I don't and then he's very sick you know like like like men are they're just like they're dead so yeah yes well we should probably at some point talk about the Amazing Race Australia uh starting off with something I definitely wanted your hot take on uh we have another celebrity cast this year um now I've only been watching The Amazing Race for two seasons so I've only ever seen a celebrity cast how do you feel about having all celebrities two years in a row look it it really did a good thing for the for the for the show last year the ratings went up because of the celebrities so you know me loving the race I'd rather be here in any shape or form than not um I was a bit disappointed with I heard it was celebrities again but because that's I don't have a chance to get on but I'm I'm loving that it's it's surging in popularity um we need it I need it to be I need it to be on TV I mean the American season can't possibly go forever even though it has been 23 years I don't Survivor maybe it will yeah exactly Survivor 40 something whatever they're on they're calling it 40something because it's just so many seasons now it's crazy I've lost track so do you think that Die Hard Die Hard fans even though they haven't had the opportunity to audition for a couple of years now they're still as engaged and Keen as ever I think they are but I think they're just disappointed that it's there again however half the cast are not celebrities it's their relation or their friend they're not celebrities at all some people don't even know any of the celebrities I mean but there was a fan on the page saying oh it's going to be boring there celebrities I don't know how celebrities are boring because celebrities are celebrities for a reason they're obviously bubbly they're out there that's how they got far in this world to be able to become a celebrity even if they're zg grade celebrity they are still someone who obviously has a presence and they will bring things to the show and uh elain says I'll bring it up just so I can actually read it without my glasses on I actually think this cast of celeb is great a mix of people that everyone should know at least one of well exactly so you know I I don't know anyone in Australia who doesn't know who thorpy is so I feel like he's yeah exactly and all the international fans know thorpy so there's fans in Canada and England who have been talking to me and they say look at least I know thorpy if I don't know anybody else and uh how do you feel about playing for Charities like I I I think it's wonderful that that we can actually put these Charities on a platform but do you think that affects perhaps the ruthlessness of the competition ah considering the penalties that have occurred these last two EPS maybe um I know a US fan put up in the US group something like the penalty Edition not the celebrity edition um yeah someone thinks that because they're not playing for money for themselves they may not be as competitive however I think the tiles and and thorpy are very competitive I mean they're Sports people that's just in their blood I I like the whole charity thing I do not want a triple across the board winner like we'd had last year I want one winner they were playing lovely and being all nice but no let's not be nice let's have one winner once is enough I think for that that was a wonderful moment we don't need to be doing that every season but I do think it's great that every episode we do get a chance to actually bring to light some of these very important Charities which is very important and uh it's a really good opportunity to do so um so I think I I'm I'm in two minds about celebrity additions I think it's great to see celebrities break it down like this but when you've got a regular person who's needing regular money I think there's a level of competiveness that just can't be matched in that yes totally correct or even a competitive person that is insanely competitive um I can see it in a couple of them but not certainly not in the H cast no no so we're in boros series Argentina good luck with all these names if anyone wants to correct me in the comments I am learning I am I welcome it um sorry I just thought I'm going to get distracted by chat Elaine keeps talking to me I've got do you think any of these celebrities would these sles would actually race if they weren't doing it for charity good question yeah I think that's a big draw card for a lot of them yes I really think it is I mean um some of those celebrities do get a good paycheck pay paycheck um however I think the C the the charity thing is an extra bonus and they they love doing things for causes I I think I don't know if they would I think it be too painful for the melon yes and I I also don't know know how the Australian public would stomach I mean who do you think would have the most m a very unseemly conversation but who would have the most money you know if you're considering thorby to see him win a bunch money yeah ago you don't know because he might have bought a house he might have gone on holiday you don't know how much money they have now and a lot of people in in fan groups say oh that person doesn't need the money they've got this and you can't say that because you don't know what they've got what they've done in their life you don't know who's been sick if they've had to give money to a family member and sometimes you know you don't you don't know everything and I think it's sad when people say oh they don't need the money yeah but anyway we're starting in bueras and I did think of you because I I last year you mentioned you like to be at the starting line yes and uh when was the last time the start line was in Australia because it wasn't last year was it um no they God ages God you're making me think you've got to ask me this question before we go on I remember season two the star line was down near mcor's chair and no it was down it was in the Botanical Gardens and I got a tip that it was sort of might be near Hyde Park and I was sitting outside hide park for like four hours um but obviously it wasn't there um yeah I love being at the start I mean the US version once had the start in in Time Square in New York and you could watch it live they had it streaming so I actually took the day off work so that I could watch it live it was like 11 am or something and it was amazing and a lot of starts I actually cry because I'm so emotional not with the celebrity additions but with the normal everyday ones because I'm like these people have got a chance to do this thing and have this dream and yeah very emotional at the start of a race at the end of a race I'm usually screaming at the screen exactly like I think it would be wonderful to have an occasion out of the starting line I think having that where it's public people can come watch I don't know if that gives away too much of the show it would if it was a celebrity edition because I know they like to sort of treat Al although the start of the celebrity edition they started um we had there's there's a group on on the internet that follows races all around the world and literally the group it's not my group but I'm in the group had photos from the start line same day and so I think Channel 10 just released the cast literally the next day or the next week um because we all knew even though I don't put it on the page until it's officially released I don't put in any groups until anything's official um yeah I knew all the the the races and they've done it live in America a couple of times and the crowd gets so pumped the races get get pumped and it's just such a big atmosphere I think that would be fantastic now we've got Ellen has some frequently asked questions for you and uh I'm glad that she put Michelle because I don't have nearly the knowledge you do Michelle okay so how's your knowledge going Michelle when was the season bu and how long between filming and this airing Ellen can you give me a question page before I start I'm pretty sure it was God no it wasn't was it April I'm thinking April it was earlier this year I'm getting confused when when he when Bo was doing Top Gear now he was doing he did them like back to back so I'm GNA say April but I could be wrong do I have to Google as as you talk I can Google I think that sounds about right maybe that can be your homework for this week that we'll put together we'll have to put up some frequently asked questions and we'll get you to run through them so maybe in in the comments we can go through and and any frequently asked questions for next time you can do your research over the week uh Ellen also brings up the um the waterfall edit which I don't know if that term was coined last year or is that a a term that's been coined many times the the waterfall edit that we had last year where we we knew because they was standing in front of the water waterfall who who was so I think we've been seeing uh shots of Peter Helia um come up the last couple of episodes in the coming up on this season so we know that he lasts at least this week before we've even started yes I don't think we've got a waterfall edit this year I haven't seen anything that was very telling um maybe when we get near the end we'll we'll notice something but yeah that was funny that was so funny have to keep an eye out for any sort of editing faux pars that come along the way anyway we've kicked off in boner Argentina and the matildas and this is another question that you might need the week to research but I thought of you again I thought of you again the ti said that no girls have ever won correct wow oie no and they didn't win last year they didn't win last year because it was a triple thing and it was really two males who won um so no girls have ever won a girl te girl girl team in America yes they're in the minority um but they have one okay so how many females have participated no I won't I won't put that on to you that's shocking to me actually that's really shocking considering why I need to be on yes need to be on because two females have to win if the tiles can't do it oh my God now I did hear a rumor and I think it was you that posted that rumor that we are having a non-celebrity Edition next year no Oscar posted something that Bo said in an insta post two days ago which was they're talking about next year they he doesn't know if it's a celebrity or a not celebrity and he just said tag people in the chat who you think would be good tag people in the post insta post who you think would be good on the race and that's all it was that was all literally two sentences yeah just a just a bit of far away far off speculation yeah yeah well hopefully so you can at least have a chance because I'd love to see you on The Amazing Race than Le I know someone who's been on it then yeah anyway we're in a uh buer excuse me yes we've been in bueras for the last 20 minutes yes yes we have been in Bonas series Argentina and I'm getting I think pretty good at saying bonis series we're of to find a statue of Atlas we kick it all off everyone's excited everyone's looking down the line to see who the C celebrities are who's the biggest celebrities and uh in my personal opinion it would be thorpy but yeah you know that's because I'm a millennial and I do know Cel though and I because I am a addicted to Married at First Sight Please Don't Judge Me too harshly God yeah you're judged you're totally judged but we we kick off we're we're heading off to find the Statue of Atlas and the clue once they get there is to find the four dog walkers and tally up the dogs which is counting what did the end count be like 50 dogs or something it was 35 and they don't they don't stand still I know wasn't it is it s I think it's I'm sure her husband or partner was saying Cel cuz I'm thinking it sounds like sirel might be S I didn't watch her just a lot of people dislike her and she was standing in front of the dog walkers so that they couldn't actually walk so the dogs Stood Still did you see that I didn't catch that good honor that's a strategy good on her yeah she's she's a fiery personality she she was definitely not a or anything or Married at First Sight but she's she's coming across in an interesting way on this on this show especially in terms of her interactions with animals and and her fake vomiting her what is it dry reaching all the time like seriously she was already doing it in the park like oh she was no she was walk walking down the street what what was she smelling I don't know she's she's a precious Soul she she is and uh I I think I saw someone comment on on one of your um your sort of the live comments of uh if she's pretending to vomit this early she's got a rude awakening of yes exactly because I think every episode has had at least someone dry reaching or vomiting so as someone who hates watching people vomit I've had a great time the last last couple of days I I could tell you a story but I'm not going to it's really not fit for this sort of forum yes fair enough tell you what there it is a very chaotic environment I think anything really goes but anyway yes I think cell described them as disgusting dogs and uh so I already put off um I'm gonna I'm gonna run through this pretty quick I haven't done this before but the next thing I've got written down is that uh Logan Logan and bamb Bam are just a delight personified making Bonas they're so good I love them love they're the best team well they're the most fun team yeah and as a non-sporting person I have no idea who bamb bam is and so when it comes to knowing who the celebrities are or not he he might as well be a regular guy to me because I don't know anything about UFC but just making friends in the cab making friends on the street I mean who wouldn't talk to him he was licking vegi off of a gu's finger yes I know what what that's a bit too close to I don't understand that but yeah I'm like you make friends with everybody on the race so that if you can get an advantage in any way you just you you talk to everyone yeah and I think that's an incredible strategy that they have employed the last couple of episodes is making friends wherever they go and getting all help that they need um we had uh Nat and Mill were the first to add up the dog because they got the next clue and they got a detour which is our first detour of the season I don't have a an alarm but that's it excites me oh I know what it is uh national dance or Nation sandwich yes well you're in Argentina it's going to be the Tango you do the sandwich well see I see I think this is where we discussed last year I feel like the Tango has a little bit more of an opportunity to fake it and do it quickly have you watched Dancing with the Stars have you watched the Argentinian Tango where they they didn't do it where they actually kick their legs up oh gosh all these different things so I was they actually had an easy version yes it it did look like a Tango for dummies but I I feel like the again when we're when they have to cook up something the detail the level of detail that they have to get right and 20 was it 24 yeah something like that it was a lot after I'd seen it and in hindsight I would have picked the dancing but being in Argentina and knowing the tango and their special Tango I wouldn't have done it so yeah I would have put myself in trouble there well exact like yeah I I think I on the flip end I think I would have taken the tango and then realized just what I'd gotten myself into because that was also pretty detailed but I do I do have to wonder what they did with all that food because that would have been like a hundred there was no one sitting at the tables I thought would be like a bit like Master Chef all the people coming in waiting for their s but there was no one there I was just looking at there going don't tell me that's going in the bin no I've worked behind the scenes on cooking shows and a lot of stuff just goes into the green bin at the end of the day and it is the most heartbreaking thing to see and it's just yeah but again who knows what sort of level these uh shans actually ended up being yeah I don't know they didn't look too bad they look tasty they yeah I'm not good with spice so it wouldn't wouldn't have been any good for me I would have been straight to the toilet yeah oh really no I can't have spice because I go my eyes start watering it's basically my ears start bleeding um spice is not good I was on a race once and they said can you eat a chili and I'm like I can't eat a chili someone else in my team has to eat the chili I can't I will actually die I just I can't it's awful yeah no I don't think I could uh Ellen uh says watching Bam Bam and Logan do the Tango was hilarious I love that they chose that they they were obviously thinking same as me like they could probably fake it and I'll tell you what as someone who has attempted to be dipped in a dance it's hard it looks easy but it's really hard because it's like a trustful you really really have to just fall back into it and you want to put your leg out to Pro like protect yourself yes but it's hard God so I was very proud of the boys yeah and we can and we can always to try the det anything to do with food I've noticed he's uh he always try something yeah oh yeah try something to eat yeah I think it was uh we had our major Awkward Moment of the episode when lukee and Julie had to uh attempt the Tango oh God together I think that was a bit of a stitch up yeah oh not not great not great oh but I I Adore Luke as an actor so I was like come on do it I know no it wasn't it wasn't going to work I don't understand why they didn't switch detour really quickly and just go and do the other one would have been easier um well I wondered that myself the um singer I've never known that singer before but she's really charismatic isn't she uh country s oh the country singer the country singer no I hadn't heard of her either actually yeah and she's she's got a lot of energy she's she's a lot she's a lot no she's good I like I love that sort of thing I like it's just gorgeous just gorgeous yeah and um when the chef was saying no to some of the sandwiches some of them look perfect I don't know what was wrong with them but he must have been really picky with certain things or maybe the toppings or something well I think I noticed that it's there was something about the charring as well and if it was too if the bread was too charred or if it wasn't toasted enough there was a delicate balance yes apparently that I didn't really pick up on and uh yeah it's a it's a dance of love not really mother and son dance no but you know you could fake it surely but maybe the other it must have been far away from the other detour because my first thought was oh we'll run off and make a sandwich but anyway and is it Cel or sirel please someone I need to someone chat chat tell us s or Sur because I can't remember from Married at First she did say she said when you watch Amazing Race it looks easy what show has she been watching I I know it does at any look easy I I watch that and I'm exhausted and I'm still on the couch just carrying a pack around Argentina yes it's never easy no like I don't understand Survivor an amazing race and not easy shows to go on and yeah well it shocked her anyway bless it but I doubt she she may not have watched it before in her life who knows well she seems to have watched at least one episode if it looked easy so I don't know I don't know I don't understand um the tiles came up and they got their sausages did you notice there was swinging them around like you're G to hit someone with the sausages like unwind them or something pardon they was it to cut them off doing that they had this Strand and it was just like swinging around I'm think you're gonna hit somebody and then someone said don't let them go on the floor that's oh God I feel like that's a good rule of thumb when you're cooking generally is Don't Let It Go on the floor you know I know it's just a challenge and no one's probably going to eat them but don't let them go on the floor exactly yeah so we had thorpy finishing his sandwiches first in true olympion style he got the next clue off to the football chant to learn and perform a and excuse me what' you think of that more football that was really hard really hard to remember those particular words especially when they didn't have it on a piece of paper sometimes when they've got things to memorize on a paper it's easier than looking at someone and having to listen to them because the way they say things their meter may not be the same as how you would say things sometimes it would be easier with a piece of paper but it wasn't so um yeah it was it was hard it was incred but they got to wear cool pants and a hat and a hat so no yeah just picking up another language just by hearing it by rot I mean they've started a big challenge already and it was sort of a leveler for everyone to and you sort of it's another one of those things perhaps that you you'd perhaps look at a challenge like that and go oh yeah I could do that but the detail the pronunciation everything matters yeah exactly one of them said one of the guys was it jet might have been jet uh or Adam jet or ad Adam might have said um oh they need to speak English why aren't they speaking English English has to be spoken like okay Spanish is one of the you know biggest spoken languages in the world but anyway but they have here's another Amazing Race frequently Asked question for you Michelle would they' have been given a long lead up to knowing they'll go going to Argentina to perhaps brush up on some Spanish I don't know maybe because they're celebrities they would have been where they're going um I know for getting um their injections or immunizations for certain things um I know in the past they may get like six different Jabs you know that they need well they might only get one or two sometimes they can tell what country is from that other times they have to pass over their V their passports so they can get visas now in the past they may only be going to say five or six countries but they've been given visas for like 11 this is for the US season so they still don't know exactly where they're going because they've got the visas for so many countries um so it throws them off yeah right so not enough time to do that for Australia though I haven't asked I should ask somebody well I guess if if maybe they're just given a ballpark you can't learn Spanish and then Dutch and then Japanese sort of given could be a short list you learn you what you should learn is a set list of questions in maybe five or six different languages that are the most popular ones in the world and God help you if you don't get any of them but I there's a pretty much a guarantee you'll get Spanish somewhere unless you just go to Asia I mean then then you've got no chance but you should be learning some Mandarin if you're in Asia you should be learning some Mandarin yeah that was my first thought and is that is that your is that your plan of attack for when your audition next well good idea I'm not going to speak in Mandarin or in French or in anything but I would have them if I um was cast yeah I would have cards and things precisely precisely and now we have the uh the two finished the chant verse which is they as they put it people usually chant at us not us at them and I'm like I love you guys so much and so they're off to find boat at the pit stop which I cannot remember the place that he's at I did not write it down I think it's in ARA cultural Central cultural park did I leave out a word there's got to be something Spanish in there that I must ad chat I've left a space because so many times it was like what what are you saying Bo oh and then it came up down the bottom and it was so fast that I was trying to write it down fast I have to pause next week because you need pause one of us will get it next week and that soccer player that he had with him was so excited to see the matildas that warmed my heart because I feel like people in Argentina if out of all these celebrities they'd know the matildas because they're a big socer nation aren't they they they're huge huge suer Nation I love when Bo was trying to do the soccer trick and God thank God he didn't break his ankle can you imagine that first leg broken ankle that would have been good oh just living life to the edge now we've got the T so the tities win the the leg Elite athletes yes we have uh thorpy and Christian coming second again Elite athletes Jet and Lily now they came through I can't remember at what point Luke and Julie rocked up um having having taken a Time penalty Luke and Julie didn't they they were right near the front I think they were and that was really heartbreaking that they had to sit there and and I could tell that they uh Luke especially was really disappointed in that and you know uh Ellen asked in chat are they allowed to swap detours this year because it hasn't been mentioned and they haven't done it well there celebrities maybe they don't know they can um there wouldn't be a chance that you couldn't that that would be really cruel to not be able to switch okay I think he'd have to be out of switch well it would have been interesting if that would have made all the difference for Luke and Julie if they had switched instead of just taking the time penalty because 30 minutes doesn't seem like that long but when the chant sort of leveled everything it really it it it completely counted them out so Ellen's just said in chat they were fifth to arrive at the mat I think and I think that actually sounds about right fourth we've got Brook and Adam uh the fifth was Havana and Steph sixth was Billy and Oscar seventh Nat and mill eight Pete and Bridget nine bamb bam and Logan and 10 Cel and Eden yes that's yeah that's right I'm glad I wrote it down because I couldn't remember these names I always write it down so I've got it anyway if you don't or you miss it and I I think honestly SEL and Eden were very lucky about Luke and Julie's time penalty yeah very lucky like they've been they've been lucky they have actually been lucky and Ellen asks why was Luke and Julie's penalty 30 minutes and jet and Lily's one hour this is the thing why are there different time penalties it could be because production has worked out what would be a normal time to complete a task so maybe to do the dance challenge they think that the normal time to complete that would be 30 minutes whereas maybe on the next episode to complete what was it they they didn't do for the one hour the the food the food yeah maybe they thought the food would take an hour so that's why it was an hour well it's interesting because production would have to time sort of a best case and a worst case scenario for a lot of these challenges just to know that they could fit them into the time period that they wanted to shoot in and know when bow needed to set up because I doubt he's sort of following and going oh I have oh an hour to go I better go set up I'm sure he's given just a time to be at the pit stop do you think well he has to go and do all the um pieces to camera from all the challeng is first so when he lands in the country he has to go to the first place film that bit like the explanation of what the challenge is and then literally go to the next one next one next one and hopefully be at the pit stop before everybody else and so does he do that on the same day yes Phil does it as well so they've got to be on the ball and they've got to be there they can often wait at the pit stop for such a long time and that's that's why I've got quite a few photos of him lying on the The Pit Stop mat and I know Phil once had wait on the mat a really ridiculous amount of time um and I think he actually went to sleep was the middle of the night or something um yeah so it's it's very tiring for them I know the project said to B so all you have to do is like be at the pit stop in each country and but like yeah yes seven hours yeah no they've got a lot to do so moving swiftly on to episode two and um I knew from the get-go because I look this episode had the trif factor of my pet peeves phobia is all rolled into one I hate to see people vomit I hate heights and I'm scared of horses wow so if I was a contestant I would have just been a gibbering mess for this whole you would have been like um what's her name what's her name oh um oh um Mel oh yes po woman yeah no it wouldn't have been great especially because that KK you could see as it went over like as it left like Solid ground and it just oh I could I could hear that in my soul when that and she went oh went good talk oh the poor girl yeah she wasn't having a good B was just watching the app from behind the pillow then pretty much I I had my iPad out to write notes and I was just going oh I don't want to hear people vomiting I really can't not this much and you got Cel pretending all the time and that comes out of nowhere at least with the food challenges I can prepare myself well exactly exactly um start in the oh they start in a different place they went to Sala Northwest Argentina near Andes which I don't know anything about Argentina so this has been you know it's like wonderlust from the comfort of a couch just uh going I should travel I should travel sometimes you should travel yeah when your child's bigger yeah exactly exactly so I and I thought it was a bit mean that they had to get a taxi up the mountain to come straight back down the M the mountain well it's better than climbing the mountain and then coming back down this is true this is true actually Mel might have been more comfortable taking the lift up the mountain as opposed to down the mountain maybe the other way around would have been a bit more palatable for her yeah yeah and then we get to the roadblock identifying a dancers matching the Swatch and then identifying a dancers Medallion now I thought everyone had a different Swatch but they all had the same didn't they really no they looked like when they were showing them they looked like there were three or well they showed maybe three but they must have been 11 or 10 how many t 10 there must have been 10 or more because they had a lot of medallions I I believe they all had to find the same the same dancer with which I thought made it a bit easy because you just that's the impression I got at theend dancer the dancer isn't like Mr T wearing like Medallion I got the impression they had a a table of medallions that weren't it and a whole lot of dancers that weren't it and they all had to find the same one dancer right wearing The Medallion whereas at the start I was like oh everyone gets a different Swatch right to find their particular dancer which I think would have been I total attention in that point because dinner was running late and I had to get set up the CD Survivor podcast and I'm like what are they doing now I've got to right notes they're watching the dancers I may have missed that the way they were stalking around the dancers like like they were like cattle or something in some sort of English pasture with these Farmers I thought that was rather unsettling especially um Chloe or Emily the Matilda who was just like I know yeah I know so competitive and they were moving really fast so it was hard it was hard to see definitely but I loveen agrees with me that it was a lot to process thank you Ellen yeah there was it was very colorful it was it was a bit like um where am I thinking like Peru or somewhere like that the color and and everything it's amazing oh my gosh she's gone where did she go does this mean I'm talking by myself I can't even see if Ellen's talking to me oh my God I'll kill her I'll totally kill her okay well I'm just going to continue on hopefully she will turn up or I will turn off and then we'll both come in together um okay then we had a detour and they had to work out if they wanted to go for strong stomach where they had to actually eat a cow's head which had the cheek the tongue the eyeballs everything so it sounded like it was a bit like I'm a celebrity get me out of here or soft touch which was milking a goat and they had to get two kilograms of milk off the goat personally I would have chosen the goat only because when it said strong stomach I'm thinking oh God strong stomach what's it going to be um and in the past the US season has had cheese with in it so I don't mind food challenges but I if there's something else I think I can do I will do that I've never milked a cow never milked a goat um but I would go for milking the goat definitely um but I can't believe when Bo was having having a go at the goat and then he drank the milk the nice warm milk so gross oh my God I don't know where any went in his mouth but seriously so yeah I would definitely choose the goat over the meat unless you're coming back now are you I did all that by myself I was listening the entire time you were wonderful I had an absolute C system failure you were perfect Michelle who you don't need me at all oh guess I do um what I was about to say was um uh what what was I about to say about oh yeah about um the meat Challenge and how in America Boston not Boston Rob yeah Boston Rob Robin Amber Rob got to the meat Challenge and I can't remember what country I think they were in a country in Africa and it was they had to eat an insane amount of meat like it it was ridiculous kilos and kilos of meat and he thought it was going to be absolutely disgusting and he wanted a way out she's gone again like seriously you can hear me obviously and he wanted a way out and he decided to take the penalty but to take the penalty he knew that he needed to make others take the penalty with him because if he didn't then he'd be out he and Amber would be out so made my Lord I think four or more teams take the penalty at the same time as him he was like a minute in front I'm going to kill you B he was like a minute in front he penalty someone else took the penalty and then none of them had to eat the meat and they all went on to the next challenge how good is that if these celebrities were to just organize then they wouldn't have to do any of the challenges basically yeah but they then they don't watch they haven't watched 23 years yeah no that's true just getting all my bits in Bobs back to where they were sorry sorry my Bobs yes you know [Laughter] what you know what what you know whatp opinion and I'm going to drive everyone watching crazy with if I keep coming back and on it's a new way but I do know what butt to P so I won't be gone for long um that he didn't look that bad well I think the whole thing with like breaking the jaw wasn't that that was pretty violent but it's beef yeah it's beef yeah and cheeks are supposed to be good well cheeks are supposed to be good on fish so I'm thinking they might be good on meat and eyeballs I mean it's it's like I'm a get me out of here just get it down it's not as though they had the other end of the animal to have to eat no and and that cooking underground that's it oh it when they came out it was all sort of like Smokey and wrapped up I was like that doesn't look that unappetizing like that I mean I couldn't eat that much but I could have a taste well you can't just have a taste I think if the meat had been chopped off come back to me I think if the mate had been chopped off then it would be okay but because it was sitting there in front of you it's like in China where they give you I've not been to China but my husband has and when he went to dinner once they said this is the delicacy and it took the CL off and it was a monkey's head in the middle of the table Yeah right detate the brains so it's I mean I think it's all in the um delivery and obviously the cow's head wasn't the best delivery vehicle to eat the meat from so yeah not not not good this is gonna drive me crazy if you if you thought the chat couldn't the the more chaotic now yeah seriously are we lasting like more than a minute why don't you just let your computer I'm just using my computer I'm using my computer sound my little computer camera this is it just just just be normal don't don't use any fancy things you don't need them just too much Tech so where are we no oh oh my God Pete Pete laughing at the girls vomiting and Pete saying can we move tables and even his wife was trying to St full of laugh and and what is she she vomited on the table I'm sorry I think it was hav Havana said to her sister can you just quickly move your head to the left you can do that you don't have to vomit on the table legs why why would you vom it on the table like I don't understand it's so disgusting yeah so anyway Jet and Lily took the time penalty because it was just too much for Lily to eat or she didn't want to eat any actually I think she just ate a mouthful and then she was gone and that was it and they went off to the um pit stop yeah and everyone else seemed to have a good time doing what they had to do doing the the goat wasn't too hard cill Cel no Cel um she seems she always goes goes down a different road with her partner partner or husband she can make anything sound dirty so um yeah something she says I'm like no no National Television don't say that although it's quite entertaining but no don't say that and then they get to the pit stop and after the first you know the first leg where Bam Bam and Logan came in ninth all of a sudden they come in first so was pretty amazing by them and they were pretty excited and then in number two we had Billy and Oscar in number three uh we had Brook and Adam number four Thorp and Christian number five Khloe and Emily six Havana and Steph seven Pete and Bridget eight Jet and Lily finally got off their one out penalty so the others had taken quite a bit of time at those at those um challenges um and then SEL and Eden and Natan Mill were out um I missed the whole horse thing because I'm here by myself and V I don't know where you are I know you can hear me but come on um R ride like a goucho was an intersection and the um teams had to team up with another team to do the um special performance in a set routine and some of them had never ridden a horse before I thought that was interesting I've at least ridden ridden a horse I haven't I've actually been in Centennial Park which is a big Park in Sydney on a horse and the horse decided to take off with me so yeah I was I think I was screaming um it may have only been my third time on a horse and my horse was Galloping full Pelt the the type you see in the movies when it just goes and yeah there was there was a bit of screaming there was the other horse trying to catch me Galloping as well so it was like watching a movie and I finally stopped and I I've been on horses a couple of times since then but I make sure they're quiet ones who aren't going to gallop off yeah so that looked like a really good um little performance they had big like Poncho things on um and did a a most of them did a really good job unless they turned the wrong way and then they had to do it again um and oh one of the girls had problems trying to get it to move forward um but otherwise it was pretty funny trying to see Bam Bam and and Logan get up onto a horse that was that was hilarious yeah so I don't I I I didn't take note of where we are going next week and I know Ellen's in the chat but I can't see what Ellen is saying because I am not the boss of the chat I'm just the person help so um that's the end of the the podcast wherever V is V what are you doing my god I've never done a podcast by myself V sorry I somehow went from the meat and the goats all the way to the finish and left out the whole gouto thing oh the gout show thing yeah terrifying horses I did put it in there and I don't know why I know goutos are horse people but somehow some movie along the line I must have seen it um yeah there are Galo pants H well I don't know about Galo pants what are Galo pants what do they look like oh they're cropped they're quite a wide leg cropped pant would would the Argentinian cowboys wear goucho pants well I'm guessing that's where it comes from I don't know I've lost my mind because the tech is giving me a nervous breakdown over here you're having a nervous breakdown V have you ever done a podcast by yourself I had to look at my notes more than I could look at the screen oh my gosh I could hear you you're doing so well you're doing so well I know but I can't see the people in the chat I can't see except me oh and they're just being wonderful in the chat everyone they're going what the hell they they're talking about the Gremlins in my Cera I brand new webcam and it's uh because I don't have a microphone or a webcam on this computer so oh my God anyway so we might wrap these this up fairly soon so we can um so we can I can get my tech issu sorted ahead of next week I'm glad TJ's having a good time I'm so hot now thanks my God nervous to so where did you get up to not the gou show so yes they had to do the horsey dance that looked absolutely terrifying no but finished and then I went back to the GES yes gces I was going to do I I have a tier ranking thing all sorted out which we may need to save until next week because I'm not entirely certain of the stability of my setup have you got the thing like last year yes know how to do it if you yeah if you want to Vamp for a little bit I'll bring it I'll bring it up did you talk about who one and yes can you hear me you hear yeah I I actually I restarted my whole computer because I was I didn't talk about their shoey I mean oh my God gross I'm thinking I'm thinking B show shoes look really new but B didn't have shoes then to put on because they'd be all wet but that was so gross I mean I've never done a shoy and I don't think I will but they once had to do a shoy as part of a challenge before do you remember that that was in the co season where they only went around Australia they had to do a shoey or it was a a booty I'm sure it was in a boot in the country somewhere oh God in in Co season yeah that oh my God that's so gross I've never understood the appeal personally of drinking out of a shoe now let's let's see uh share screen there we go let's see oh you're going to share your screen oh look oh my gosh I've got to put my specs on for this sorry oh and and just before we start uh you've been darad by TJ Michelle do a a shoy next live stream TJ when I did a podcast for one of the earlier amazing RAC or the amazing races not the ones 10 years ago but the ones like four years ago the girl I podcasted with every podcast we'd actually do one of these challenges live on the podcast oh so for this one we probably would have had to learn the chant or we had to do something like yeah we would had we would have had to do the chant and yesterday we were had to learn the dance yes no I'm not doing a shoy no I'm not doing shy that because that's not part of the race but yeah it was so funny there was one there was there was a challenge in a past season where you had to pretend to be a horse and do show jumping um and my friend my other podcaster did that in her room it was the most hilarious thing ever it was it was just it was podcast gold but anyway let's do this so we've got Ellen weighing in thoring for for The Amazing Race I yes I have to wholeheartedly agree with you Ellen on the top yeah they are I think they're going to be pretty tough to beat oh I did just alsoo want to mention I was glad that Nat and Mill got a second chance because I I it was um spoiled for me by my father that they were eliminated because he watched the episode before me um and I thought when they were going an hour in the wrong direction I thought that was for them um but they that that um what is it the intersection was actually a good leveler to bring everyone together I would have talked in full if I hadn't dropped out but you know now I'm just to race to the pit stop a lot of people weren't happy that she had her SEL SEL had her bag carried um for her and the others didn't and yeah would changed the outcome if they were all carrying their bags which is always a question but you always have someone else carrying someone else's bag it's it's always happening every season and when you've got a sprinter like sell she was fast she was all guys carrying everything and she's like whoosh totally off but it got them it got them across the line yeah totally at the end of the day um now Ellen uh Ellen's giving us her next slot and she did meet mean Brook and Adam um yeah I for next to go ah do you think Brooke and Adam um look they've come in third in the what what were they in the first step uh they were four I third yeah I don't doing well out of the well let's Havana and uh Steph the way they rallied after eating the cow was quite impressive especially um Steph who was straight up booting on the table to then rally so well to to keep on going I actually I was I was quite impressed with them like yeah I I think we could even potentially put them up there I know they haven't had the best yeah Fifth Fifth and then six five yeah yeah I think we could see them possibly bringing it out a bit more um put Brook I think Brook and Adam should be middle of the pth actually yeah and Bam Bam and I don't think they're going Bam Bam I'd even put them up here although having said that they were ninth in episode one but that was the Tango that was the Tango's fault let's face it yeah yeah I don't think they'll make that mistake again I think Pete and Bridget aren't doing too badly they were they were seven and eight they probably going to go in the next four but I think they're okay at the moment Jet and Lily it was looking pretty dodgy for Jet and Lily with that one hour time penalty and I was watching and I'm like just take the time penalty or switch just do something do something yeah I don't know whether they'll be okay it depends is she a bit precious with a lot of different things like is she stop few it was an entire cow head and even jet mentioned he's like I don't I don't actually think I could have done that you have to you have to if you're on the race you eat you vomit you eat you vomit which Steph did and andana was like if you could not vomit on the table that that's what I said on the table you can at least get to the side like seriously Ellen uh draws our attention to the waterfall edit I think P Pete sticks around for a bit because of the promos and I would be inclined to agree that next week's probably not their week now we got dear Billy and Oscar now but they came second yeah I think they're doing well I think they're midd of the pack as well so perhaps oops r on next week is uh one of those two jet and the Lily because I I'm unless we don't have two eliminations because there are twois but I think we should have two there just to say it might be one of them or are we only allowed to put one there we've got two yeah I think two is good yeah because that you know we might not have two teams eliminated next week but we're ready if we do and I'll take we got three we got three hers we could have a non- elimination Le in there are there three apps next week yeah Sunday Monday Tuesday well then I think we need to add another next to go in there just so we've got three just going to but they can't they won't get rid of three we've got to last for like five weeks here that's true that's true we've only had two episodes well let's let's leave it there and uh although if we have three are we going to have three episode because then that it's going to be a quick couple of weeks it's going to be no what did we have last have non elimination we had 12 episodes last year I think 12 yeah are you talking us no you're not you're talking us I mean I am I am a novice to this particular show I've only watched one season are you talking yeah that's us that has 12 okay here we go let me have a look how many episodes oh no 12 season seven maybe because it was celebrity CU other Seasons yeah they've had like 24 20 right so I wonder if so I my estimation was is that we'd have you know yes we're moving to Sundays two episodes a week for six weeks that's sort of what I was thinking we were yeah we were doing um two episodes oh no no no it's three it was only two because of um hunted finishing oh sure well then it looks like it's GNA be a quick season then we'll have to have some n non-elimination episode have to be non- eliminations um also i' I found out the filming dates the filming dates were 7th of May to 1 of June so he must have done not that long ago yeah I don't know he must have done top you first and then amazing lace yeah he would have yeah and then flew to Argentina and where else they're they're going but look that's our that's our uh tier so uh sound off in the comments if you're watching this uh delayed sound off whether you think that's about right or if it should change next week um how do I stop sharing oh my gosh stop screen good at least my at least my webcams been I think rebooting my entire system was what it need I just I can't do what you're doing because I don't know like I I never host because I like so good though you were so good when I was by myself yes so good do anything else I promise I'll never leave you again Michelle I promise it just left me you left me but I'm here now so we'll wrap it up there thank you so much to everyone in chat thank you so much for watching uh this chaotic my first time hosting you could you couldn't tell couldn't tell wait till Chris watches it so Chris is like the TNT Guru guys and Chris will probably look at this and go what what the hell happened I'll get a message uh you never hting again on the screen by herself and she doesn't understand what's happening oh but look I hope dear listener dear Watcher I hope you had you got something out of that you got something out of that recap next week we'll be back I even have look I know how to do this look at this subscribe now very good why wouldn't you let's see how more chaotic this could possibly get well if we have to do one of the challenges next week it would be fun well you know what sound off in the comments if you think it should be mandatory that we need to do a challenge and what challenge each week that should be because uh if enough people insist even if one person insists we'll probably do it go one year there was a song in another language it was that funniest thing and we both learned it and it was just hilarious trying to get through it without laughing I can't I'm not even convinced I'm saying poner is correct so yeah you are you are that's good it's good bonies yay all right thank you so much m Michelle do you have anything you want to plug do you want to tell everyone where they can find you um not in your home obviously but I'm at a school if you want your child to learn kindergarten skills that's me um where am I at currently I'm only on The Amazing Race Australia fan group because there's nothing else on but um American Survivor is starting next week we have a watch party at the agent Court hotel in Sydney if you want to come along um and join in the the uh yelling with other people um which is always fun uh that's that's where I am for the next week or so yeah wonderful all right thank you so much everyone for watching and thank you Michelle and we'll see you next week for week two of The Amazing Race Australia celebrity edition bye bye

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