PlayStation at the Nintendo Direct l From Software Wants Bloodborne PC l Shadow of the Erdtree HYPE

oh you're good okay and then we just got to make sure we're live everywhere so I'm also new to streamyards I use this during the the summer gamefest stuff and I really liked it yeah it's good um but I am still so green when it comes to this man I have no idea no what I'm doing hardly ever fine it's it's it's it's great though I like stream Ro a lot it makes things so much easier hello everybody can hear me can you see us let me know Spirit fingers yeah SP spe fingers you know as I used to call them as a kid funny hands be like that I mean that'll be me in about another 10 years when I get arthritis it'll just call me funny hands that's I would so the bit when I was a kid was my hand I would laugh so hard my I my hands would be numb oh man makes no sense but that's the sensation I was feeling and so I would go like this with my hands that's kind of great I love that and uh I was just a dumb in innocent kid I don't know how he survived it all right everybody we can't you can hear us good all right excellent let me let me know if I sound too hot chat yeah let let us know let us know I also figure out I'll move some stuff remember how to work this okay good good good good good and then I got the chat up here and just you know as I like to talk to the chat as well Kyle usually is the producer of this show he does all the things that make me looks good sound great it's literally all him and I love when he's not here because it just shows it just shows all right excellent all right everybody I will see y'all in 20 seconds hopefully unless to break [Music] [Music] something oh wait no longer greatness has arrived welcome to episode 382 of the trophy room a PlayStation podcast made by the players for the players I'm your host Joseph aka Mr Bad bit and it is usually here where me and my best friend Kyle talk about the latest the greatest and all things PlayStation of course this week we are talking about how PlayStation has appeared on the latest Nintendo Direct the future of Sony's multiplatform strategy from software wants to put bloodborne on PC so why won't Sony just let us have fun and also some Elder ring DLC hype and so much more as we do it live each and every Wednesday night and on RSS feeds the very next day alongside me is not the greatest co-host whoever is whoever will be rather it is the CEO and the host of the spawn on Me podcast Mr khif Adams how are you sir Fam thank you so much for having me I am very excited to be on the show I wanted to say first of all the sexiest intro in the game I love it it is so good I mean every time I see the show I always comment on it I'm like oh my God that intro was so good but also I wanted to send uh you some love and and the rest of the team some love because I've been seeing all the success that you've all been having it has been so cool to see you climb the the podcasting ranks uh uh every week it's been really really dope so thank you so much for having me likewise and I I I'll just send love over your way you constantly are like one of the biggest influences of what we do so like when we see the spaes were like oh [ __ ] how do we do something like cool like we I can't I can't whittle a trophy are you kidding me as much as I try these hands aren't for carpentry so no you you are fantastic I'm so happy to have you man so happy to have you excited toide that said Kyle is sick last week he came in covid brain [ __ ] and he tried his darn straight off the airplane because he didn't want to miss a week and then all of a sudden gang I really I really need y'all to send your love and kindness over to Kyle Stevenson at Mr cas on Twitter or threats wherever um he got he he he's got out of the covid fog and he's entered right into a sinus infection so this guy my brother he can't he can't get he can't catch a break for the life of him so please send your love uh and support over to Kyle as he has literally no voice but I know he wants to be here I know that he's excited to see khif here and uh that said khif you're at uh you're at SG sgf right yeah Summer Games was really fun it it was a really good time this year so yeah finally back home you know getting back into the groove of making SP me stuff and spawning stuff and and moving moving and grooving awesome excellent as you said that my headphones just died so I can hear you I think fine I just have to hold the wire a certain way for the next hour and 20 minutes it's gonna be great it's gonna be great uh but yeah no sorry so you were at sgf do you have fun did you get any of the co colds no I I I dodged all of it I I dipped and dive like Lil Kim in in in a rap in a rap concert uh it was it was nice to be able to not be sick for once coming out of a out of a conference uh especially because I was giving so many people hugs and it was great uh but it was nice to be able to come back and have seen so many dope games and and gotten that that feeling of being in the kind of industry with everyone and having that vibe in the space was always really really cool so some gam Fest was was a big win for everybody involved I think awesome I I got a lot of fomo uh as the audience knows I went to Italy instead you won you that is wait a minute how do you have fomo for that instead of being in Italy how does that work don't get me wrong I felt a lot like I felt love hard in Venice okay but at the same and like their food honestly as an American you like once you visit Europe once you're like what are we doing over here we need to change you know but at the same exact time I got fomo instantly when I saw our good friend of the show ains with Miyazaki yeah and I'm like and maybe I have some reservation you know it's like it's like a kind to me meeting Paul McCartney I wouldn't know what to do with my hands so yeah no it seeing seeing all my friends seeing everybody that like we connect with online sgf got me a little jealous and then when everybody's like I'm sick I'm like okay all right maybe I dodged it maybe dodge the Poli I I swear to God I thought I was gonna get covid on the airplane like twice I'm like there's no way there's no way out here with any crud and L and behold it I want to hear the addendum podcast about your Italy trip because I I went I went for my honeymoon and I i' I've been dying to go back oh where in Italy uh we did Sicily no sorry we did Venice we did Rome and then we did the aafi coast uh unable yeah everybody said the amfi coast is like where it's at oh it is it is the most glorious place on Earth I I I I would not be I would like Miyazaki whatever I get all good pizza and coffee and stuffel oh it's okay anyway I know I know honestly I think maybe that will be this week's uh patreon show it's just me talking about Italy because everybody wants to know they're like more there had to be more that you did like oh I did things and stuff I don't know um yeah that's said listen this is not the official Italian podcast though I wish it was a bibity bity bibity boity to all you watching uh this is the non-official PlayStation podcast and usually we have some starter questions for the show but it's more like I want to wish these folks the best as they give us their well wishes I want to first off shout out dwani roxa who writes in Mr Bad bit I am recovering from a knee surgery for the next couple of weeks and wanted to see if you wanted to grind out the Diablo 4 Platinum at some stage I need the PVP kills and and a level 50 hardcore character the bonus XP at the minute means this should take a couple hours max you're 100% right danan danan has been a supporter for us for years absolutely I will do this I so right before this show I was telling khif I've literally worked three 18 hour shifts in a row to take the whole week off uh for next week to prepare for alen ring but I can you know I could squeeze in a little Diablo for there too you can get the plat together you know the other thing that we have to do is uh oh my God we have to kill the mean horn lady and then we're good that's it oh yeah yeah get her out of there yeah she's it's gonna be a breeze DCR fry 92 writes hey guys no question this week just wanted to give you some praise you guys have absolutely oh sorry you guys are absolutely awesome and keep doing what you do you help many of us with your podcast so I'm offering you both in uh and in fact anyone else in the community my inbox if you're struggling and need to rant or someone just to listen to come here guys smiley face thank you so much fry you're nice yeah you're you're a kind man uh have a good week guys remember let the sunshine in it's a Matra I've been following this week and it works your friend from across the pond stay safe how slang for the win and an honorable mention to house for Kyle Banger all right but that's the last of the bangers I want to hear for the rest of the day the last of it of course Trophy Room merch link Down Below in the description and also this is a little byy the players plug calling all Indie fans this July the byy the players Community celebrates Indie month get ready to discuss Tales from karao the community voted uh Community voted Indie gem head over to the by the players channel on the trophy room Discord if you want to sign up to be part of the discussion in July but hurry signups close on Sunday June 30th reminder we're still booked solid for a godav war Ragnarok meetup on June 23rd at 11: pm. Eastern Standard Time see all y'all there and also got any recommendations or comments you would like to share we want to hear them share your thoughts with Marcus O'Neal or drish on our Discord the by the players is the trophy H Trophy Room monthly hangout for all things PlayStation Jo fun and connect with fellow members of the community and kif one last bit of housekeeping knocking it out I needed a minute I was like knocking it out knocking it out it's time for a patreon pitch of course the reason why we look so good sounds so great is partially because of Kyle's producing but it's also because of your generosity over at PST trophy room so if you ever got you through a long car ride tough day at work really does help us out even if it's just a buck our way it keeps the debtors at Bay I want to thank our newest members r at the bronze tier Big G at the silver tier Mike Thomas at the Platinum tier I want to thank our premium producers Todd burwitz and toxic I want to thank our Platinum members J Shay Jedi Master R Cowboy danger D Jonas young their Green Gorilla gamer chaotic monkey yo k90 Steven flesh stroubles and bits bertos Maximus Chris hybrid 748 Matt Valdez silk cannet desmine Jedis Von medal mitro gambling and Randy hail I want to thank our Gold members Cypher Primus doth Simon the pie man Jesse Garcia JB the purple monkey hide and doors Katie Kevin Mitchell Kevin Diaz Marcus O'Neal red arrow a andaur astronaut Jr the renter gamer Robbie Bobby Miller brentton Zachary final fan XZ handbone JD Dillinger Stone Cold e teo6 speed n Johnson sha McKenzie Rick Arrington Matthew King the overlord Deon Rocka drish Rick Davis Steph Midler Samuel nestling maximum cage solo and the Lord Commander suy who's back in the hospital suy stop tripping stop falling okay all right I'm sick and tired of of hearing that you're back in the hospital be you you got come on all right pick yourself up take it slow Sun take it slow take it slow man he's rushing too much that said as we talk all things PlayStation I just want to say how is it over how H is it over there khif because it is 90 degre yeah it's 90 degrees here in the states or sorry New Jersey uh Portland right now is like 83 degrees and it's it's at the hottest part of the day because it's 3:00 on our on our end so uh it is as of recording 6:20 and it is 93 degrees here in althor New Jersey and I I'm dying that is not okay I'm dying currently that said it's time to get into some PlayStation news it's time to square up the news now admittedly this week on Playstation news it's been a little light but there's been some really interesting developments over in PlayStation land and one most interesting point is the Nintendo Direct this week or Playstation showed off a game during the show which I found absolutely wild that said khif I want to know I don't know how big of a Nintendo guy you are but like CU you always see more of the PC side of things I want to know does the switch speak to you and as the did this direct do it for you I think they had a really good showing I mean I in terms of my love for the switch I'm probably like a six or seven for for where I'm at for where it lands in terms of my ecosystem and kind of where do I go for things when I'm ready to play a game uh more on the kind of Xbox and Playstation side and then PC as well but the switch has done a lot of really good work and Nintendo has done a really really good amount of work of bringing the Nostalgia every time that they drop a new game get making you feel like a kid again and all the ways you dig into all of those pieces and this last direct which I look the first day I say is Nintendo y' got to stop with this 7 o'clock business 7 amm is wild I know you're working on Japan time I know you're trying to get everybody together so you can get everything together but brother brother and and fam of the show uh cam Hawkins was like hey do you want to do a live react of of the Nintendo Direct I was like yo that's 7 o'clock nah Fam I'm not getting up no you I love to T I don't love yall that much to wake up at 7:00 in the morning unless I'm running out the house to go to an airplane I can I can tell you this there is no way on God's green perfector that you're gonna get me up before 8 o' I'm so sorry I would have to be covering a game that was the biggest game on the planet and it had to have been something that you know was was Monumental in in its Discovery um but I think you know watching the the the sentiments online and and watching the direct after afterwards I think they did a really good job again of like making sure that everyone knows one that they have a ton of games coming and that they're working with a bunch of folks two I was a little bit disappointed that we didn't get to hear the the new Switch news because we all know what's coming um and I'm trying to figure out if you're not going to do it now when is that time going to happen because I'm sure there's going to be another big direct before the year is out because we're only in June um and and the the you know the cat in the bag the dogs and cats living together Mass stereo moment that you were referencing of Lego Horizon Adventures being in the show was interesting a lot of different ways for sure yeah I like Okay so let's take that out first because it is it is ginormous like and I just want to let everybody know because like I put out a tweet at like 9 o'clock in the morning go like what are the odds we see leg Horizon at this I knew nothing Nintendo don't send your ninjas at me okay I don't know anything uh at all but when I saw that I was like there H what so Cowboy danger d right in question for the Sony Pony Express yeah or whatever you see fited place in the show I've said all of it uh already see Lego Horizon Adventures being a huge success on the switch do do you think this is the beginning of a beautiful partnership for more of Sony's friendly IPS or spin-offs to show up on Nintendo consoles as always love the show you guys sorry love you guys and shiny side up shiny side up to you too sir word word so K do you think that this is like a this is the beginning of a beautiful partnership this is this is the familyfriendly cabal that we have all been looking for it is now happening my friends all together oh I love it I I I mean I think you know if you were to if you were to look at the landscape and see the games that are that are coming to that system and compounded in kind of you know uh in the same vein it would be a really dope you know uh trading of Wares to see Lego Horizon which we know is not going to be on the switch and maybe possibly a version of astrobot go over to which it would make so much sense it would be so cool to be able to have some of that work because you already have the haptics in the switch everyone knows how how the haptics work on the Dual sense although I will say having had a chance to play Lego Horizon uh Adventures the haptics on this one are even better they feel a little bit different they do feel similar to the previous game but they're a lot of fun little quirks with the the way that they're kind of pulling in gameplay but I why not everybody everybody's sleeping with everybody now at this point right so it doesn't matter Xbox sleeping in PlayStation's house PlayStation's like hey I know you got to leave but why don't you stay over for a little bit longer and then the switch is just looking in the window looking like that Kim Kardashian meme like hey y'all what y'all up to what you got going what's going on over here why not I don't see I I just pictured in that scenario Mario is waking up and turning around and there is you know a raccoon right beside him you know he's like ratchet and clankers like they're both leaving the door like they're trying to tiptoe you know mar Mario turns on silk Sonic leave the door open and then and then everybody just rolls in in their robes looking all sexified I was like all right do your thing so yeah I don't see why not I don't see why not either dude uh honestly like I would love this um because there's so many awesome platform forers out of the you know PlayStation lineup that I would love to see on the Nintendo switch or just on another platform like I mean we're all celebrating that Sly Cooper is here and he's on PS4 it's on PS5 it's on part of the premium package but like why not just like toss him over there and just get you know some practically free money out of the deal like why can't you you know throw over some older ratchet and clanks over there and go hey here's 's 10 20 bucks pop here are some of the IP that we're known for and like for me I see this as just an absolute win it's like at at at first slight like or First Sight it's like it's really weird because these two you know we remember the days where like the console war was in the playground it was about blast processing you had you know you had a guy in a suit yell at a at a giant like Bill buing trying to threaten their other mascot and like so to see this like at first glance it's like yeah this is it's awesome to see that they're growing up hopefully this means a few folks on social medias could grow grow up as well but also awesome to see like IP that I love get you know new eyes on it and hopefully some more kids to fall in love with that IP so that they could grow up with Horizon so like I don't see why I don't see why why we can't see more from this I would also absolutely to what you said earlier dude why why not astrobot right he makes so much sense like I mean I mean as a as a as a studio I'm sorry as a company who is still trying to find its um mascot identity it's a really smart play for them in a lot of different different ways you get the masot ification stuff in there you have the ability to build some crossover appeal in a way that is like I I I still think of the switch as the console you go to in a way that kind of leans you into some of those larger ecosystems as well of course the the games that are that are there are more more kid-friendly and more young young adult friendly in those ways but I think it's a good space for them to be able to think about what that potentially looks like especially because of the conversation we see across the industry of we still need to find good ways to to finance games we still have a drought before the big stuff comes how are the you know these are two ways you can like instantly get some of that crossover peel and put some money in the coffers so that you can do the other stuff that you want to do so I think it just makes a ton of sense so what does this mean for PlayStation in terms of like I I saw some of the ation online again I was working most of the week so like I was just like what what's the question here so I guess the question is that again I've seen is like is PlayStation a multi-platform publisher and the obvious answer to me is yes like and like to me it's I'm like so what like like I I SC I'm like why why are we asking this question like it's been years since they've been doing this under even the PlayStation Banner like you know we forget like they had what uh Sony Online Entertainment for years you know they helped made or or publish EverQuest Planet sides it's like Sony's always done publishing things it's just for the first time it's with the PlayStation name that they're like hey we are PlayStation publishing and you know we're going to Port things over to PC and now Nintendo switch so I I don't know is there something more to that question Kai or is this what we've devolved into I mean I think the the ecosystems are just changing right like even if you just think about MLB the show you you boot that up on an Xbox on an Xbox uh console it says PlayStation right on it like it's in the in the thing so like it's happening and it's been happening for a little bit I think the the day and date stuff isn't going to happen anytime soon I do think it would be cool to see in the same ways that we we saw Xbox put see a thieves on Playstation it would be cool to see them do something in the reverse uh to be able to kind of you know bridge that Gap to but I I I do think and in an interesting way it does delve back into the conversations that we had seen some years ago around the V revitalization of the PSP of now having a game that's on a more mobile friendly device and what learnings can be found through that process that could be really cool to see what that means for them if they've decided to get or at least to LeapFrog Xbox in their conversations about another handheld device which is coming we know what's gonna happen at some point but does Sony then get back into the game seeing that Xbox has gotten back into the game so I me that could be cool yeah and they can even like right that's something I didn't even think about it's like hey they can look at you know who's playing Lego Horizon on the go right right like you know how how much are people actually utilizing this this feature is it something that people actually want or they they say that they want and like then at the same exact time introduce to me I just think this makes sense for PlayStation like introduce kids to your platform so that when they grow up they might gravitate towards your piece of plastic right and you know what you mentioned earlier like I was raised off the Super Nintendo I love the Super Nintendo always have always will um but then I I went and I left and I you know I I plugged in a an Xbox I plugged in a PlayStation right like I went off to do other things besides just my GameCube and so you know I think on on that half it makes sense for for PlayStation to go out there and Venture with IP that yeah this is it's it's not like they're like and the Uncharted Trilogy goes to you know the Nintendo switch it's very much them dipping their toes in the water where I feel as though each one of these platforms are becoming more I guess would the word be ambiguous I don't know it's it's 90 degrees so we're like you know you what Phil Spencer said the the other week it's like Xbox is here if you want Game Pass right essentially um it's where you could play all the these games for you know what is it like 16 bucks a month that's what this box is is all about and PlayStation Now is not at that rate because they have a bigger ecosystem but they're also now saying okay what does the future look like for us in five to 10 years and how do we start future proofing some things if this console Market is only somewhere around 250 million to 300 million units right so like that's what PlayStation is thinking about it's that ever growing growth arrow that points upwards and Nintendo is also like they're not bulletproof to this either yeah uh they have a super successful console but then they also have to tell people that you know it's about to sell I think the PS2 here in the States but now you know the next cycle it's going to be telling families hey you don't need that thing anymore you actually just need this more powerful switch and how do you sell people on that right how do you you know sell people on a more powerful switch when you see there are PC handhelds that are emulating your games better than what you're doing so it's it's you know they all have like questions that they're all trying to answer at this very point in time yeah and I think long story short is like this is how you do it just drop a little IP here and maybe someone gravitates towards it maybe they got oh wow this is really great and maybe in few years they go out there they buy that $500 box but I've seen a lot of skepticism towards that c like I've seen a lot of people go like that that's a very expensive G like gamble uh do you see that skepticism or do you see more of like that the opportunity I guess in terms of uh Nintendo kind of leaning you into their ecosystem with a hope for you to buy the next thing yeah yeah yeah I mean that's always the that's always the plan right like I think you look at it from any you know uh consumer goods per perspective uh especially when you're talking about Hardware you know everything is being made you know uh planned obsolescence is a thing uh you know you know you get to a certain point where your thing doesn't work anymore um but I also think that like of all the companies Nintendo actually I love the way you phrased it in terms of them not being Bulletproof they have more you know digital Kevlar than anybody else though and I would say the reason that that's the case is because of their like their their fervent fan bases ability to kind of look past certain practices that Nintendo does from a pricing perspective and how they have jumped that and leaped that that that thing because of the Nostalgia that they continue to bring to those players I think it is a Nostalgia play every time they are not making new stuff in the ways that we think of making new stuff they repackage the stuff that that you like and give you another version of it and then tell you to buy the old stuff again that's the plan that's and it works every single time every time so like my brother he he is a very Casual Gamer but if it's a Zelda game he buys it uh if it's a Mario game he buys it and Spider-Man as well so like for him it's like if if there's like he he bought tears of the kingdom and then he's like and I'm gonna buy that tears of the Kingdom console not that's all he plays on it but like that's how much he loves the IP there's this awesome article by Christopher dring uh I believe a week ago and I kind of I I saw the logic to I really like it where it's like whereas PlayStation and Xbox's plays putting IP in other platforms Nintendo's play is that that Nostalgia via trans media where you see like the Super Mario movie making two bli billion a billion dollars whatever uh you see them making theme parks it's like playing at that Nostalgia cuz like what's the first thing I want to do when I'm back from like Disney World I want to keep that magic alive and I'm gonna go watch some Disney flick right I bet that's like Nintendo's similar guest is like while you're here you're GNA fall in love again with us and you're gonna make some un you know not so responsible purchases and and Hook families into the EC system I I go ahead I'm sorry I cut you off no no no you go for it you go for it I was just going to say the the and what they've done so smartly and I love the fact you talked about that trans media layer of it the other sides don't have that ability to do that you're not GNA go to Halo land you're not going to go to God of world God of War World there's like like I mean you can go to renfair that's the closest you're going to go to you're going to go go to Ren to go to God God of warland is that you go to Uncharted place like there's no none of those things well in Spain in Spain there's an Uncharted ride not based off the the the game but the movie word you know like I don't I don't want Mark wallberg taking me through the park I don't want that like there's water here how crazy Sully shut up but it's like they have nailed that part of it and they've aligned themselves with people who also like give you the ability to make that happen like I was just watching something on on I can't say X on Twitter the other day about Jack Black you know doing something with the Biden Administration and I remember I was like oh yeah Jack Black is a world a world famous you know funny dude who is also Bowser yep right like he like you can't detach those two things from each other and that also is like you're pulling in generations of people you're like oh I remember Jack Black when he was in Tenacious D then you know my kids came into the space and now they know him as Bowser right and you have this connection that you can do as a family because of the people who have been participants in the IPS that you care and you know and love in that way it's a smart play I don't know how Nintendo figured that out and when that was the maneuver or if that was a thing that happened in happen stance but they just been able to kind of roll with it but it's been brilliant to see how they've continued to kind of build that out it's been really smart I think it's a combination to I think sometimes Nintendo just gets like they make these very like odd decisions that are so odd they're brilliant you know what I'm saying so like like for example it's like hey here's all these old Mario games and you got six months to buy them you know like really weird stuff like that but then the fan base is like well there's only one person that makes a Mario and they they run on over so yeah I mean they're all becoming SU third party Publishers it's something that we talked about a while back on the trophy we're talking years where we said like we're GNA come to the day where like the only difference between these boxes are the app that's on them and it's going to be very interchangeable we're seeing it happen right now and I think it's just it some folks are warming up to the idea that like it's coming for everyone no one's you know no one's immune to how hard it is to make a third or sorry a AAA game nowadays yeah you know yep agreed that said there are some more games at the Nintendo Direct that are also coming to Playstation that caught my eye shout out to Dragon Quest 3 HD 2D remake coming out on PS5 November 15th that cover art man so good cover cover art goes hard oh my God oh my God for the uh weebs out there fantasian Neo Ion on PS4 and PS5 coming out sometime in the winter this is from Square enix's tweet uh the father of Final Fantasy harun sorry harano Buu sakaguchi I am so sorry sir that's my ignorance and renowned composer noou umu sorry again sir I'm from Jersey we say coffee it makes no [ __ ] sense why we say coffe egg B bacon egg and cheese exactly Taylor me and cheese one word deliver an original RPG story any of these two do it for you uh I do if I do have a child I will name them fantasian um uh because that's just a dope name and we also had some impressions of Dragon Quest up on our stuff too oh nice uh these are not games that I care about in that in that way I'm I not in the kind of jrpg space or the kind of um uh uh neither am I that in that in that ilk um I I'm trying my hardest to be because there's so many of our fans that are in the weeps and they are they're adamant that I like I will finish Final Fantasy 7 rebirth I will I I I think I was what was I do I was watching I think I was watching the direct and again like I try to not be a hater I try to be a person who's like well that's just not for me um and then I was listening to the the kind of characters having their discussion in one of the trailers and I was like oh this is the reason why I don't play this it's this right here I I will find you and then we will have a battle together and then I was like no that's not I can't I can't I can't I can't my brain wanted me do it I closed my eyes you became a cute little squirrel man see see little Robin Hood hat yeah hire hire me to be hire me to be your your RPG V artist please please uh moo memories in orbit bit to PS5 and PS4 in 2025 this is a really neat look in Metroid Vania it does look cool it looked really nice yeah all right here's something I think you might like because I know you're in the fighters genre Marvel vers Capcom fighting collection oh my God coming to PS4 no PS5 2024 the bundle includes Stone Cold Classics X-Men Children of the atom super sorry Marvel superheroes X-Men vers Street Fighter uh Marvel vs Capcom clash of superheroes and Marvel vs Capcom 2 Jesus Christ yes we are so back you'll also get the Punisher as icing on the cake I only care about Marvel vs Capcom to here yeah basically I do like the Punisher The Punisher is a very good game that people that people don't remember uh but yeah mvc2 seeing seeing literally the entire internet lose its mind about this finally coming to consoles and having a ton of features that make it online ready like oh my God this is roll back net code I believe right yeah roll back net code for the win uh so many other people and they're going to do the Nostalgia trip with all the original art and and and all the kind of um you know the button layouts all that kind of stuff like man nothing's going to bring me back to the arcade it's like that again yes like I'm just going to be a little again in uh God what was the old arcades by us oh my God not Ben and James why am I thinking dve Busters there you go I want to know where Ben and Jays is yeah shout out to Ben and Jays you know I I predict here's a prediction for everybody at home there will be on launch day there will be multiple streams with the first five minutes of those streams on twitch and on all the broadcasts is literally just everyone listening to the theme song that I'm going to take you for a ride over and over and over and there's going to be at least four people cry four people will cry I bet you money four people will cry I'm just gonna be I'm just gonna teleport back to the little kid looking up at the screen picking Sentinel every time because he's cheap a th% take up the whole screen with a laser beam oh my God the everywhere so stupid made no sense but he's it's fair it's fair godamn it that's the most everybody who does well okay I'm I'm going to say a thing that's controversial and everybody's gonna be mad at me MV MV Mar k 2 is one of the most unfair games on the planet absolutely it's all unfair but it's great but it's great it's like you have to buy into the madness early but and then once you buy into the madness then it's fantastic but like oh oh oh you just get beat up from three people on on on every side of the screen with no way to get out it's it is masterful to see people people play it well but it I I go back and I'm like this game is so unfair so unfair and every time you get your ass kicked in the arcade by someone who just is rolling yeah just settin on and I'm just like I'm just gonna I'm just going to take my Wolverine and go this is been real uh bringing up the Xbox expansion pass who dropped a $2 Super Chat that says I'm super chatting so that Joe says hi to me who's speaking uh their favorite game the show was hellkitty island adventure it's an animal crossing colog comes to PS5 and PS4 on uh in 20125 farag Faria there go PS5 November 1st Ace Attorney investigations collection on PS4 on the 6th of October 2024 would they really miss a moment by saying July 11th I'm just saying like all 4 counts it's like come on man you missed it I'm just saying uh Fairy Tale 2 on PS5 and PS4 winner 2024 kill Dane writes in my question for Sony Pony Express yeah do you think Sony not having a showcase or any of its quote unquote big franchises uh hurts them this year or do you think it will sorry they will be carried by third party this year instead I was worried before the state of play and and sgf but I think it's there is plenty to keep us gaming all year what are your thoughts uh how you feeling on Playstation after all the the showcases I mean they're in a good spot I mean they have a couple of games that I'm sure will get longer either like individual state of plays or uh stuff that will be coming down the pipeline that that they've already announced that might be in that mix like I think probably like uh some some of their like Concord probably has to get something else because they didn't really get a chance to show a lot of it um you know I I think they're in a good spot although I will say that this year has been a little bit um lukewarm in terms of the current portfolio and slate like I'm looking to see where more stuff is going to be coming down the pipeline like the last one that we really had was the Stellar blade one and all and all the stuff that came out of that uh state of play and then this last one uh which I thought was okay uh but they they had what are we in June they have they have months to be able to get at least one more big one out before the end of the year before the the buying season that's what that's what I tried to like stress to people last week was just like that listen they usually have a uh showcase either in May or September around those times right um so let's see there's still the rumors of the PS5 Pro somewh and if that is coming out this year like all the rumors suggest they have to show something alongside that console so to me it only makes sense that yeah we're GNA probably see one more showcase the one thing that I I try so desperately to to to plead with folks is like just understand like last day of play they had to Showcase what they got in for the rest of the year and now we know it's Concord we know it's Lego Horizon we know it's um astrobot and now the next showcase is about okay so what's coming out 2025 2026 yeah that's what that's what they're gonna show you so just patience is a virtue I think K Dan you're right there's a lot to hold us off in the meantime like Dragon Age looks spectacular Outlaws Outlaws look so good you know uh Assassin's Creed Shadows for those of whom who are not trying to prot tend to be a Japanese Professor I think I going to enjoy that game uh you know so there's a lot to play seriously a whole lot so yeah I think you're right them having like a lukewarm state of play is not the end of the world as the internet claims it to be that said though like Concord I need to see Mor like I think that is definitely a dedicated state of Play Somewhere in July and I will I will be there day one I think Concord looks legitimately like a ton of fun and after playing valerant I'm like I could see I want more of the like a destiny esque valerant type of game right now I think it could be it I don't know I remain optimistic agreed all right here's what I don't remain optimistic on the next story is from software would love bloodborne uh PC Port but Sony's in the way this comes from the great zarman over at PS lifestyle from software's hotaki Miyazaki Lord and Savior himself has said that was my words not hers has said that the studio would love a bloodborne PC Port but it's not in his hands it's quote not his place to talk unquote uh one can't help but feel a bit sorry for Miyazaki as he continues to quizzed about the game only for him to reiterate that there's nothing he could personally do I know man I know I'm right there with you Miaki uh in a somewhat bizarre move Sony has decided to offer PS5 and PC players a full remake of until dawn which we have yet to see fans request what players have requested repeatedly however is a bloodborne remake or a sequel speaking to PC Gamer Miyazaki said he's not the only one that would love to see bloodborne reach more players apparently from software devs are all on board then let's [ __ ] stoping you guys Miyazaki stopped short saying anything else adding he'll quote get in trouble for doing so but it's pretty obvious that that IP owner Sony is the one that gets to decide the future of bloodborne quote I know for a fact these guys want bloodborne PC Port Miaki said if I say I want one I will get in trouble as well it's not it's nothing I'm opposed to and if you had any hopes of blueo like I did of remaking bloodborne they have also gone out on the record and have shot that down uh Peter dton head of Tech over at Blue Point said nothing has changed since our statement that we are working on an original title everything else takes time we are committed to sharpening our skills khif what what what are we G to do man how many seances on social media do I have to make um you know I have a prediction that we'll probably see PT come back before we see bloodborne on PC no no you got to keep the faith I mean I I have faith I just don't think it's I don't think it's gonna happen anytime soon I mean I think the what they what they probably will do like if you're gonna if you're going to spend those resources in an actual way sure you could kick it off and give it to another team to go do a PC Port which I think would be fine everyone has hacked together a 60 frames per second version at this point anyway but spend that if you're going to spend that money spend it on a on a on a on a sequel like bloodborne is in the mix we already have played it most people have finished it and they finished it so so so well that they can blind run it at this point and go back and forth and do it I suck at it I love bloodborne I don't remember where I'm at all I remember was there was a dog chasing me but that's a whole another conversation I want to go back in but but you know what it's like when you play a game like that you like you you get to a certain level of progress and if you've dumped it or done something else in that time frame getting back into it is really hard um spend that money on the sequel get get let let that team use their Brilliance to bring us another a new version of that conversation but also in that space I think there's another reason that we're in that conversation Loop is because to be fair I think Souls born's games are kind of at this really interesting space where we might have gone over you know o overindulging in that in that genre and it needs a little bit of time to chill like there are so many Souls borns games now at this point that are coming out or have been put out or are coming out in the next year or two maybe it's time to chill on on Souls borns for a bit and give that team either something else to do or let them like you said cook for a lot longer so that you can have a longer tail so that when it does drop you have that excitement coming back into the space so we'll see whoever at Sony may be listening to this probably not listen to him all right kie has no idea what he's talking we need we need a bloodb remake uh no I'm right there with you like just give me a PS5 patch it we've seen it done there's whole patreon set up for hey here's the code to to do it um just give us a a p a PS5 patch with with that 60fps you know love and when I when I think of like BL you know Blue Point saying we're making an original title it's not saying they didn't say new IP you know what I'm saying they say an original title if there's anyone that I trust the only people that I trust in in handling anything from software related that's not going to be from software it's going to be that team it's going to be blueo so my hope is still there I we're in the 10th anniversary of bloodborne next year has it been 10 years of the silence yeah yeah that's crazy that's wild I know I know and flying it just you just have to remember the good times with with bloodborne you know started it all but you know that's what I kind of think we'll get something I don't know if it's going to be something grandiose but I'm keeping the faith I still have the sacrifice Circle uh the altar still intact so I don't know I don't care how many goats have to go through it I get what I need but we will get it maybe that's it maybe maybe you nailed it maybe you just made a prediction didn't even know it you said the 10th year is coming up next year it would be a perfect time to drop it I'm just so tired of going all right here's the summoning Circle for bloodborne at anything you know 10 year anniversary people like to come back on on anniversary so they can upsell you and also we still we got to see Metro Prime 4 you know true the other day so anything could happen for love of God all right next bit of news and this actually goes on to what we were talking about previously so maybe I'll keep it a little bit short but Xbox's sea of thieves was ps5s most downloaded game in May Microsoft SE of thieves was the most downloaded PS5 game in both us and Europe last month according to Sony which has published the top 20 uh games for PS5 and PS4 in both regions on excuse me the Playstation blog while it already had a strong foothold on Rival platforms thanks to the P perennial bestsellers Call of Duty Minecraft recently announced plans to bring additional titles to PlayStation uh and Nintendo switch with pentam mits HiFi Rush sea of Thieves and grounded last month's PS5 download charts in Europe and us both included four Microsoft owned games in the top 20 list I'm gonna stop right there because it's something we've kind of we we we talked about it a bit uh you know in the previous topic but like this is this is where the future of games is going mhm and there is someone very happy at Microsoft Game HQ and there's someone probably going oh [ __ ] okay ah money I mean at Microsoft HQ I mean this is this was the play they needed to make right I I would I would love to see because I know the Xbox is very um cautious about kind of sharing data like that about sales in some of those ways it would be cool to see how much money they're making off of this train trans yeah cuz cuz then I think if you share that information with the audience you get two qu you get two possible scenarios that are more than likely going to happen one everybody's going to call you money bags anyway because that's always what happens sure and then the other folks are going to be able to say well you know we are trying this experiment and it's working you can say it's working which is the thing of like the the most you know uh you know Rowdy fanboy boys are in that space like oh they're going third party oh they're ruining all the stuff all the stuff you could be like it's working and this means better experiences for you down the line so they they have a chance to kind of talk about that it's what Phil Spencer again said it's like what's the point of the Xbox if you want Game Pass like that is GNA be the thing that sells it so like if you know if I'm a PlayStation Guy this is probably what they're hoping for the best case scenario which is like I'm a PlayStation guy I really like to see a theme I dug pent it and you know I see that the there's Xbox series s on sale I really like these two games all right let me see what else they got right it's a it's a it's a small risk and maybe I I'll end up subscribing to Game Pass for like they give it away for a dollar and then you're on the Xbox ecosystem now and that's what they're hoping for it's again it's akin to like PlayStation strategy when it releases its games on PC it's like it did all it can do on this platform now let's push it out somewhere else and let's get you know a second dip of it so yeah cool and awesome I love see of Thieves I know there's a lot of people in the community that are looking for a captain I'm not that guy but I will be like I'll I'll be the swashbuckler you know I I'm the guy like K I'm not I'm not [ __ ] with you I'm the guy that jumps on the other ship like I'm I'm really I'm I'm pretty devastating on that game I love it come at me all right Sony skips gamecom presence for the fifth year in a row here's the thing I'm got to be real with y'all I was not gonna put this in the main topic news but Kai you went to sgf I know you go to a ton of these events yeah as a regular do you feel like PlayStation's presence is missed when they say hey we're not GNA you know we're we're not going to be at Gamescom this year or do you feel like they have other ways of of reaching influencers and game defs I mean yeah I mean it was I was actually surprised that they were at summer game show this year to be honest because it's not a it's not a usual stop for them uh and they have they have taken on their own messaging in the same way we saw uh cuz they were the first ones I think to pull out of E3 y during that process and you saw the big shift that they had which was really interesting because for all the years that i' been going to E3 and and seeing and being a part of those experiences they had the best show every year yeah like they put on a actual show it was a it was a thing that when they held it at The Shrine theater in La during E3 week people would climb the fences to get into the into the the thing like you could you could like get into the actual like venue but there were like places where you could like get in or try to get in through some of the gates and people were like trying to get in to like hang out in the space with all the folks who were in those in those areas um that's crazy those people probably luk lore but yeah they're probably probably gab devs right now making games and stuff but they have their own space now like they have the ability and and they're kind of distribution channels to be able to get good information out state of play is a is a big part of that is a big part of that plan uh but I think Gamescom if you're thinking about their European appeal because they are a Japanese company and it's the you know they may go to TGs which is the smartest smarter move to be able to go to Gamescom being in Germany yeah I think it's okay I'll be fine all right fair enough fair enough yeah at this point I ain't got a report on this no more guys all right fifth year in a row it's it's it's half a decade okay yeah uh Hey utterings gonna be out very soon I am in the land between as we speak right here right now I'm just here to tell you that shadow of the earth tree opened to the best Metacritic score for any from software titles DLC to date it's also the highest rate reviewed DLC ever with a whopping 95 average from over 55 critic reviews on PS5 IGN gave it a 10 Marcus Stewart over at game former gave it a 9.8 just give it the next two points Mar what's in two what a Kell you just got another two points what's the point uh the outer Heaven at 4.5 out of five that's our good friend Erica ring that review black wyver writes good day jents I'm going to get my cues a bit early this time and it's all about the Elden ring DLC first how many playthroughs of the game have you completed to see the different endings or did you Leverage The sa the cloud save hack to see the different endings B Cal me Cal me secondly do you know if you have to start with a new character for new game no you do not I have beaten the game but didn't start new game plus do you reckon I could still access the DLC I believe you can I think you just got to kill Moog and uh Redan and you're good lastly you both frequently talk about bloodborne and at times SEO greatest action game ever made uh where do the Dark Souls and Demon Souls games sit for you can you give your ranking of all the s Souls born games have a great week listen that's for a whole separate episode my friend I could go in deep that said Kyle are you are you traveling back in the lands between or you're not you don't take me as a Souls guy no no I well I'm not a big Souls guy but I did I did beat Elden ring uh I just started my new game plus yesterday uh and I I'm I'm I'm also going through that process of like where do I have to go to be ready for tomorrow or whatever whenever it drops uh so yeah I'm back in it I'm I'm so funny too because it's like you just that muscle memory is gone like timing is gone understanding you know how to you know cu like those games from a technical perspective are really technical you have a lot of things that you're having to manage all at the same time you're thinking about strategy you're thinking about timing and pacing and all of those things and your weapons and all stuff and I just forgot how everything worked so this this week and today and tomorrow is really just learning the systems again it's the first Souls borns game that I've beaten uh and then it was it was brilliant it's super good so I'm excited for the for the DLC so K you'll let me you'll let me know that there's something a little a little wrong with me I love that game so much my favorite game ever made uh I will never here's where I'll personally say it right right to Kyle and the audience I will never forgive Kyle Stevenson or the audience for voting for God of War instead of Elder ring as the game of the year we got it wrong were rigged and all I'm asking for is like 375 votes swing it back to alen ring I don't think that is I think it's the perfect call to be honest so reason it's totally reasonable um I love it so much I beat it twice on PS4 and PS5 um to get the Platinum for both uh I've played a bit of it on PC not a whole lot that's where I originally got the code I played it I played it on the steam deck and I think that killed the battery on it because it don't turn on no more and uh yeah i' I've save scummed it but I've I've beaten it easily four to five times so I love it so much but you're right I I think Stellar blade kind of ruined it for me as that was a game that was all about parrying so I suck at parrying uh parrying at almost anything that's not Sero related so I'm having difficulty with my samurai build because I want a Parry instead of Dodge yeah but God I love that game so much I can't wait to almost throw my controller at this beautiful TV I got so here's a question for you because as a person who is I've been asking a lot of folks of late are at this point if you're still kind of getting ready for the DLC what are the kind of like preparation things that you should be doing should I just be going and trying to find that morg fight again cuz I'm lost again I'm like oh I have all the the the spots are on there but none of the uh uh none of the the um what do you call it where you go save where you do your thing yeah like the the grace signs the grace The Graces are are all gone right because you're doing New Game Plus but what what's the what's the strategy for folks who are getting back into it great great great great question and you started with an error don't do New Game Plus so so from software games the DLC is traditionally incredible harder than the base game so like the old Hunter screws up a ton of folks doesn't screw me up maybe people like Kyle Stevenson fake bloodb not me I beat I beat lady here's a little backdrop for you khif as well I it took me years because I I have a weird mental hangup with any DLC it could be my favorite game of all time bloodborne I don't want to touch it because if I complete the Hunter's DLC that means there's no more bloodborne for me so the illusion that there is more if I ever chose it doesn't get me depressed but I went back and I I killed lady Maria on the first Tri Cy Stevenson took him forever um because I'm the best N I am he's the worst anyway but um yeah don't do new game plus try to try to have it where you're probably at the end you're at a probably 150 mhm and then go use a guide Miyazaki says it's okay so go and and I'm that type of way too anyway beat the boss I do not care you beat the boss um so if you used the tier if you used an online buddy who cares you beat the boss go out there Venture into the lands between go find Moog and then go kick his ass he's a pretty easy fight he's not he's not a hard time yeah so honestly just go in with a character that you know you have the mindset for so like I'm doing a samurai instead of my magic dual wielding guy that I was doing uh on the previous run because I know I'm proficient at the samurai build so go in with the with the build you're most confident with that's going to take you to to the to the you know to the Finish Line okay but uh also prepare to die a lot these DLCs ain't they they ain't nothing to scoff at because they they will grind you to a bloody pulp right um yeah so be prepared and in terms of like you know Demon Souls where it sits with me great game the Remake that's where I got to experience it but man that platinum trophy sucks and I should have it but the world Tendencies suck oh yeah yeah uh Dark Souls I think I beat Dark Souls one on 360 I think uh Dark Souls 3 was on Playstation Dark Souls 3 is phenomenal it's at a 60 FPS right now so go out there play it if you haven't because it is up there um and there are two of my favorite but if we're doing the Holy Trinity of from software games it's Elden ring bloodborne and serro in that order so there you go all right bit of flash news gota run gota go fast fast fast PS5 Discord voice chat and PSN profile sharing detailed this comes from zarmina con PS lifestyle yet again direct from sorry direct PS5 Discord chat uh integration will finally start rolling out over the next few weeks with today's system update adding support for the gradual release in addition to this players will start having their PSM profiles uh starting next week via messaging and social apps on your PS5 press the PlayStation button to display and control sorry display the control center and navigate to the Discord tab within the game base you can then CH uh choose to join your Discord server or DM a group and select your preferred voice channel players will be able to see other channel participants and will also receive console notifications if someone calls them directly giving them the option to join right away all that and more coming in a few weeks thank God I don't know I don't know about you man but I'm tired of hooking up my phone Jerry rigging it yep and then it sometimes drops Yep this is something Xbox got right almost immediate because you don't have to do any of that on there but awesome that it's coming because yeah I'm happy when people go Joe how do you how do voice chats work on Playstation I'm like no clue don't use them couldn't tell you couldn't tell you they're awful right am I not wrong you're not wrong you're not wrong the best feature on the PlayStation that no one uses is screen share yes it is a Fant they they have nailed that experience it is extremely good if you a person who's like hey I don't know where I'm going in the Elden ring screen share with a buddy who knows what the heck they do and it is perfect to be able to get somebody to coach you coach you through a thing so yeah absolutely all right here's here's an important one for me oh yeah PlayStation portal system update launches today with signin screen for select public Wi-Fi networks visual feedback for touchpad areas battery level percentage uh K are you a are you a portal pal I have portaled numerous times yes numerous God isn't it great it's really good it's really good I was I was lukewarm to it at first and then got a chance to play it uh on a trip and I was like oh they they actually did this really really well so yeah yeah yeah it's a great little system I love it and um hopefully we get something that doesn't need internet but that said still pretty pretty darn good hey Sony confirmed it's working on a sequel to the Uncharted movie okay I'm on board terrible why do someone on Twitter said it to me and it did break my heart because I hate the Uncharted movie I think it's okay yeah but it made more money than Indi the last Indiana Jones movie oh I would have totally guessed that that makes that makes total sense though that just hurts me as an indie fan yeah but it makes total sense like the the the the cultural comp cultural relevancy of Indie is still shaky at this point we we're we're old and we know who Indie is a lot of kids are like Indie what who yeah you're saying Andrew Tate's grandpa is in it that's nuts is is he's doing a single with sexy red like I don't know what I don't know he gets killed by the plane uh um I'm excited for it I just want them to follow the goddamn game now yeah that would be nice I was happy that it came out of the you know the development hell that it that it did fairly unscathed but now follow the first game now tell Mark Wahlberg to grow a mustache or just replace Mark wallberg with a mustach not a bad thought nowadays someone with a mustache please for the love of God not even a person just a mustache just a just a floating floating mustache yeah it's like $200 million just to c a guy out just to get his mustache uh hey here's something cool Metal Gear Solid Delta Snake Eater has a visual filter to recreate the 04 original and is playable with both control schemes um this is super cool so this pretty much just like the Master Chief collection tole on and off why people are people are upset about this I've seen numerous people who are like this is this is one of those like respect the artistic uh you know decisions that were made in at the time because you wind up losing kind of like Ambiance of some of the scenes and stuff of like it's it's it's very much lighting uh oh I think it's so I don't care but I'm like it's it's it was interesting to see people be mad about that very specific thing while also just not acknowledging like y'all it's new you're not paying for old stuff you paying for new stuff that's the reason why they did it because it's new stuff so sound like the Star Wars community right now that's wild like you paid for the new thing why are you beefing about the old thing that doesn't look old anymore that's the whole reason they did it it looks awesome I'm not even a metal gear fan and like that those are my going to be my summer games and I'm like I I went to the UK Amazon to get the steelbook Edition yeah I'm feing for this game I love sneak heater so okay all right good good good yeah do you think it's a this year thing or next year uh next year I think I think yeah I know like there was like a weird GameStop mistake yeah like October or November they were saying but yeah GameStop knows they have to kind of know so it could be this year I'll hopefully it looks done yes all right K what you been playing my friend oh predecessor on my PlayStation I've been playing a ton of predecessor every day I think I have 600 hours on a game that's not even really kind of out but it is out I was going to say I've I've heard you speak about it a few others what the hell is predecessors game Paragon remade if you remember the third per the third person uh mooba from epic games that that went under a team called om uh had picked it up after epic gave the assets away for free to the community and they picked up the ball and ran with it and they basically have recreated created what that game has been and have added a basically an aam uh mode in there as well which is a lot of fun it's super great it is the it is my it is a it is a the game that will determine my my uh feelings for the rest of the day game it will DET it will determine it it's a game that will determine my mood for a very a small amount of time depending upon how I play and how my how my teammates play uh but I've been playing a ton of that uh been digging into that been playing a little bit of F1 uh of late too cuz I'm trying to learn more about the F1 scene so uh been playing a ton of that and what else have I been playing uh oh I've been playing a ton of Mortal Kombat so been getting back into MK MK1 are are you testing out like homelander homelander is fun he's weird he's funky but he's he's he's pretty fun his animations are great uh he does a lot of weird stuff in the game that is very very hard to figure out but he's fun to play okay cool cool cool cool I've been playing in between Elden ring getting myself again getting the muscle memory back yeah uh I've been playing the valerant console beta beta shout out to spam and bamon uh friend and Community member uh they gifted me uh one of the codes nice and um let me tell you something uhuh I've been ever since Counter Strike on the original Xbox I've been fing for game like this to hit consoles I'm so excited that it has agre uh it only took me a few matches to get you know pretty confident at the game um I'm the Chinese lady that heals people yeah uh she's awesome and I think she's dope um and just also like valerant being like okay what if Counterstrike had ultimates and special abilities um is such a cool fun take and it really it takes a while for your brain to kind of wire into a form where it's like this is not Call of Duty you're not running around this is about owning zones and moving up carefully and owning Corners not necessarily you know running around with your SMGs like I would so it really took me to to be again I forget her name but like it really took me to be that character to put myself in support p r and helping my teammate my teammates that way it's like okay you just got into a firefight here's some health for you or here's some health for me because I'm a bad teammate but I did clutch the game I think it's Sage maybe is it Sage I think it's Sage yeah s and I I do love how it it is like also the lore is like Rainbow Six meets OverWatch yeah where it's like yeah it's like here's like you know the Swedish sniper guy it's like oh that's that's rat is all hell like you got like some like German dude who's got like a hound and like that's his thing it's like awesome um but yeah I'm dude I'm digging valerin a lot I can't wait to see this game come out of beta and also reaffirms again my feelings for Concord where it's like games like this aren't usually what we expect from a console multiplayer game and I think games like valerant games like Concord games like Rainbow Six are going to find really Niche audiences um yeah I hope so too because I don't want to just see Call of Duty up there I want to see other games you know do something different and I've been waiting for valent to come out on H PlayStation very excited I I popped pretty big for this reveal not GNA lie so I've been rewarded and kind all right so that's what we've been playing again not much for me just a whole lot of work next week it's going to be glorious oh yeah but it's time to prepare the drop here are the latest deals and deals coming to the PlayStation storefront for the week of June uh 18th blood on PS4 daxer PS5 PS4 Ghost Hunter PS5 PS4 Lego Star Wars 2 the original trilogy on PS5 and PS4 still wakes the Deep on PS PS5 I don't know what this game is but I've heard some pretty good things about it thus far so check it out oh is it a scary game Scary I think that's what I remember all right I'm in uh June 19th glyphs of Gan on PS5 PS4 I read that totally wrong I was like glyphs of glizzies I was like what let me tell you something usually happens to me every single week and we got to look up the game I was like Gizzy glyphs I'm down for some Gizzy glyphs oh God June 20th Ever After falls on PS5 PS4 muku tensi jish reincarnation quest of the memories on PS5 PS4 SEO is not gonna treat you well friend that's a lot of words no all right fair enough rusted moss on PS5 and then June 21st Elden ring shadow of the earth tree PS5 PS4 God so excited and times in Galaxy on PS5 all right now it's time for our last segment but our favorite segment of the night it is time for the Sony Pony Express Yeehaw I forgot to tell you the Yeehaw I'm sorry no he's wrangling he's wrangling all right we got him in the stable y'all all right now this comes with a community note okay because I love each and every one of y'all that sends me questions your comments and I read them here but funner one I'm talking to you directly you you gave me a Manifesto but we're asking for questions like two tweets tops you know what I'm saying because I had to edit this one out a little bit because this is too damn long so I hope I did you right I hope I did you right so this next one comes for funner one so let's try it out I might be a little late to the conversation well why is there so much hate against Stellar blade and who are the people that have the power to change how a character looks because you are offended the character is actually modeled after a real person Shinji sorry Shin Jun trust me we all know we're all well aware you know respectfully uh the game is rated M for blood gore language sensitive suggestive themes and violence I think people are getting confused with the rating system because a little game called Harvest Moon Wonderful Life is rated E for alcohol reference suggested themes or fat princess adventures rated T for blood gore crude humor language and suggestive themes use of alcohol and violence they have the same descriptions but for a lower rating I think if Stellar blade added new nudity or bare minimum partial nudity in the rating description they would get less flak for being too suggestive because it would have been in their description we have games like Boulders Gate 3 where your quote elephant trunk has a trunk physics you can be a bear and have passionate leming uh hashtag game of the year and nobody cares their rating is M for blood gore intense violence nudity strong language and strong sexual content my my question are who are and I don't know this word and you Brits are not going to get me in trouble gosh darn it these Mothers Against gaming that has the power to censor games these are the same Mothers Against gaming that have read romance novels are more graphic in the love scene than any video game that being said trust me my mom's watched brierton she spared no goddamn expense anyway that being said you can just walk into a public library at any age and take home any one of these sex filled books and no one will bat an ey where is the censorship there uh that said there is a rating system in place for the intended purposes is uh is to warn individuals what is in the game if suggestive themes offend you don't buy the game it's literally on the box I'm gonna stop right there it's it's a lot it's a lot all right I'm gonna just say it right here right now ready for it yeah why is there so much hate against Stellar blade because people want you to be angry I think like anger sells um first and foremost who are the people that have the power to change how character looks the people that make the game so I'm gonna take for you know I'm I'm going to take you out your word funer and go you know you've been out of the conversation so maybe you're still stuck on like April Twitter but as of May you know the team and the developers have come out going there's no censorship here the suits are what we made them because that was our intent when we published the game this is what we wanted the outfits to look like and so they are what they are um Here's the the second question here why does games like balers Gate 3 get away with it um it's because they're fair with it like at least the way I see it uh balers Gate 3 or like a game like Hades everybody's thirsty for everybody in Hades right is that Hades and boulders Gate 3 aren't made with the male gaze in mind like take it from me I played Stellar blade I've platinumed Stellar blade I love Stellar blade and I think it's combat and even its designs are great but they're also designed for me right so like I'm not gonna argue about any lady in latex with a swore kicking butt not gonna be that guy to argue against that very Pro for it that being said Adam in the game without going into much spoilers the male equivalent who you get to dress up all he gets is ponchos so like they know the audience that they're going for here right whereas Hades or Boulders gate is a very is very for lack of better words like pansexual in its designs where it's not about the male desire so much as it's also about the female desire or the queer desire you can romance any character as any character your own included does not matter what you know dangling physics you chose or not chose chosen you get to romance whoever you want and it's even on on the playing field right I think that's why those games don't get Flack is because listen I can be you know I can be playing Hades and go o wowe Aphrodite and then also look at a character who is also larg and in charge like myself and going oh look they made a a hot one of me in there as well that's dope so I think for those games that's why they quote unquote get away with it but no one no here is successfully censoring your games like no no one at all I mean every I I know what as Gamers we've grown up having to defend this hobby right I always go back to the 60 Minutes uh like uh Deep dive they did on Halo and Grand Theft Auto back in the day and me standing in front of the TV begging my parents to turn it off you this is me a nine-year-old filb Buster and Dan Rather don't listen don't listen you didn't get through you know truth of reconciliation Mission he knows nothing and so like you know I understand we get defensive of these games but every time we see a group of of people saying don't play this game because it's X Y and Z people just end up playing it anyway so like no one's censoring Stellar blade uh there are very revealing outfits in said game um trust me I've unlocked them all and the teddy bear outfit respectfully but that's why those quote unquote like get away with it I don't know what are your thoughts on this yeah I mean I think I think you nailed a lot of it I think the the way this game has been marketed is also in that same vein you know it's a lot of oh well there are multiple ways you can Market a game and every way that they have tried to Market this game has been less about combat it's more about boobies and butts and I think that has been something that we've seen kind of change over the years which I think has been for the betterment of the gaming space where yeah no one is saying you shouldn't like those things or you shouldn't be titilated by those things or you know kind of talking down about those things it's been about like so what does this mean for the medium and what does the medium mean going forward and how do we find a space to be able to bring everyone underneath this tent of gaming that we love and sometimes just focusing on those things feels a little infantile in some of the ways that we are hoping that the main demographic who plays games are adults at this point 18 to 35 is the main demographic of of video game players both men and women on that side of the space you know the the the conversation about you know who is playing versus who's not playing has also changed over the past 10 years in a much bigger way that we've ever seen so I think the idea of censorship is very different in comparison to the actual practice and I think you've seen very little change in terms of what this game is brought to the table what this game is trying to convey which is is a very it's a very fun game for what we've gotten a chance to see in play and those things haven't moved in terms of your level of potential enjoyment and what are you getting out of the gam play and visuals that you're getting presented so I would say you know worry less about the potential idea around censorship and think a little bit more about what actually is happening when game development is going on that is talking to you subliminally right like it's not just about what you get a chance to see it's all the folks that are thinking about how you get those kind of visuals dealt to you and what things they're trying to invoke in you to get a reaction both in the time you're playing and the external layers of what you see in the conversation Loops that we see on mostly social media because I don't think anybody else who's who's not on social media cares about what this is in that way no one cares no one cares they're like I just want to play the game and and shoot things and be be a badass so yeah yeah it it's kind of like because I was talking to someone um who I'm friendly with and they were like they were leaning on the censorship thing like well look at like look at how Harley like look at what they did to Harley Quinn it's like isn't video games about the fantasy of it and I said who's fantasy yeah and he like oh yours right that may not be mine right so like you know when I when I see when I see what the internet is currently I would like to say that it's everybody's upset and everybody right now we're at like this weird cultural Tipping Point it seems where we can't just sit down and like enjoy a thing or even just give a chance to be critical of a thing I think a good snapshot is like Star Wars acolyte like there is one one side of the fence where it's like you're a Star Wars fan this is the greatest thing ever there's no problem with it okay and then you got like people like Star Wars Theory that's gonna make a video about like how it's the worst thing ever in Star Wars is ruined and you can't be someone like me that sits in the middle going I mean I've seen better shows it's kind of mediocre but like I still got Ahsoka you know it's like so you know I think most people truly are not like signing petitions here most people are just you're right I it's very much my mentality I think like there was a a Kiana Reeves quote it's like I'm gotten to this point in my age where if someone's like saying one plus one equals five I'm just gonna be like all right cool good for you and just walk away that's what I'm at like that's exactly where I'm at like okay cool two plus two equals four great uh and just walk away I have no I have no desire or itch in my body to go out there and be upset at what a video game does or doesn't offer me um I'm just here to play games have fun talk about them hopefully in a meaningful way so like you know again I love Stellar blade but I also know Stellar blade isn't perfect I'm also not demanding that they change Cellar blade um it just is what it is I just move on and no's even I don't think anyone seriously is suggesting it so let those mothers be upset yeah and I think the the greater conversation that I think you know folks have tasked me with and you know as a person who's online and having a lot of these conversations and debates with some of the folks who are on the opposite side of the fence it's never about the specific parts of the game that they are kind of delving into it's the underlying ideology that's there and I think that's the that's the part that that has been frustrating to to have to kind of talk through has been this isn't about boob windows and this isn't about you know scantily clad women or or sany clad whomever we all like all of those things nakedness is great all around the world it is a universal thing that everyone more than likely likes his nakedness the human body is a beautiful thing except if it's mine but go continue yours is beautiful too godamn it a thank you but it's one of those things of like what is that signaling mean in the greater conversation to not censorship of the game but censorship to the way that people's lives are talked about and censorship about those folks being uh being able to live their lives in the best and most open ways that they possibly can which is the larger commentary that has gotten distilled down into boob windows and these people don't want to see this character with less clothes so it's a larger conversation around that a funner one uh and less about the actual game in end of it so that was brilliant I have nothing to add anything I'll add it will sound silly in comparison you're right it's all about the underlying issue issues at hand and it's all about like what's it is it gaslighting in a way of like saying it without saying it I don't know what what word we'd want to use but like folks like to off youate the the thing that they're trying to they're trying to to actually get at right like the language that goes along with those arguments also is not inclusive it's also not it's not the same that you would see in a game like balder's gate right like it doesn't have that same thing where even if you look at the folks who are the the biggest you know uh lovers of that game and and are happy about the the bear sex and all that kind of stuff in it they are not saying anyone who does not like this kind of act or this this visual of this thing you are lesser than because you are because you are enjoying it that is not what we've seen in this Stellar blade conversation where those folks many of them have come out and said awful things about people who uh of that of that ilk or who who would be you know uh close in an analog to what those people may be inside that game so um yeah take a minute to think about what that means in the greater conversation and then you know sit on that and think about it for for a bit and and and hope that you can find a good sense of what that means for the for the way you play and the way you think about the games you're playing going forward brilliant that's why we got Khan here and not luk lore um yeah all right M9 Prime rights in here is a game that you could put oh sorry is there a game that you could put countless hours in but still have it finished apart from MMOs and life service games for me that game Spelunky and Spelunky 2 I have put well over 200 hours in and only gotten through half of the game and almost was played uh in Co-op which meant we could bring players back too but still love the game part two of the question would you consider games without an end to be completed in your books uh is there a trophy that you aim for or when you can no longer want to play it like what would you consider your end goal of Hell divers 2 to be good example that's a great question yeah that's fantastic question M9 prims theie love them yeah that's a really good I mean uh my game right now that would fit that bill as batro I'm playing a ton of that that game is I'm scared to getting into that game dude dude I'm scared what it's gonna do to me that game because the Vibes are so good too like the music in that game is so good that you just you're like chilling and you're just hanging um I've actually fallen off a hell div to because of that feeling of am I actually gaining any progress ress here in a way that feels good enough for me to continue not only this is this is the part that makes it a little bit different batro is the most chill game you can play on the planet H divers 2 is the most stressful game you can play on the planet and that level of stress doesn't feel good because I'm not getting anything really significant out of that experience besides the gameplay Loop of aha we shot this thing aha you got blown up by my thing and you weren't supposed to that gameplay Loop is very different in that way um but yeah batro is that game that I think about right now that I'm playing that's like I don't care How It Ends I'm just here for the ride and that's pretty great I think my game would be Hades it's like I've beaten it like three or four times but they're like chew endings at R run 15 I'm like I let me stop you right there uh love you and all but no no thank you so yeah that's a game that like I and I love it like I'm waiting for Hades to full release to play it uh and I don't even feel the need to jump into Hades 2 right now but like once it does yep that's a game of the year candidate right there if I've ever seen it agre um for a game what like I think di uh Diablo 4 is a great example of like this is a game that has an ending but has an end game to it that's pretty endless l so when is it time where you can put it down and be okay with it usually my trophy hunting mentality is if I get if I get to excuse me 70 to 80% of your game I really enjoyed your game and that's where I could put it down confidently going I know the platinum's Out Of Reach but this is I I poured as much love as as I can I really enjoyed your your your stuff um that's what I did with Diablo I I think I got to like 85% and I just knew the other two were like grind fests so this usually a trophy where it's like okay what's the last truly achievable one that I could get and then I can roll credits in my head yeah all right last question of the Night comes from donut 76 they say howdy partner hope you're both well and greetings from London my question for the Sony Pony Express yeah is based around the game tunic all right okay I I've been having a great time playing until I got maybe twoth thirds through and decided to check what trophies I needed oh bad mistake for that Platinum I was gutted to discover that one of the trophies needed to begin from the very beginning of the game and the other couldn't be achieved too far from the beginning too I'm not a second playthrough kind of gamer so this puts me off straight away luckily I found found some uh mil chests and glitches through YouTube and was able to get the plat there you go uh number nine for me oh congratulations my friend but if not for that I would have walked away has there been any games where you got to the end and found out you've missed a trophy that it couldn't be bothered to go back or uh do a new playthrough I realize now that you can uh do a spoiler-free Google searches for trophy lists but I am being petty for thinking that a player shouldn't have to do that Kalisto protocol you son of a [ __ ] you R me from a awesome platinum trophy there was a collectible that I know K I know I got and it's like no no you didn't oh no and they're like go back and play through the game again I'm like Kalisto I love you I don't love you that much to get scared shitless so like that is that yeah try not to do that again because it's and and it comes from a place of knowledge too often times I do that and go ah [ __ ] and it ruins my experience of that game so don't have the game ruined for you either go in knowing what you need to do off the bat or just be like I'm going in blind and it is what it is yeah you know that's the best way to do it agreed yeah I've given up on on my trophy and achievement life that's yeah that's that's a that's a life for a younger man when was when was the game that you're like this ain't for me I can't do this anymore I you know what I'm a weirdo because I I stopped caring about trophies I stopped caring about achievements in the 360 era and I stopped caring about trophies in the PS3 era and because I have been beating the drum over and over and over and over again and no one from PlayStation or Xbox will listen to me I'm saying tie trophies and achievements to something tangible that's not just score and just drag draging rights tie it to something that gives me something cool gives me a discount gives me something and until they do that I'm boycotting trophies and achievements I don't care uh okay I do gotta pull this up this is important luk lore has oh he's cheated for trophies I have cheated for trophies stated I that that I have cheated for trophies ask him oh you cheated for trophies The Boulders gate trophy there was one in particular and I got it and I and the thing is it's one of those things where I know I'm trying to remember it off the top I know I got the trophy but it didn't pop so I'm like I'm gonna put in the save on the PC side oh from some degenerate and then the trophy popped yeah it was it was was let nobody die in act one and I know I did that yeah so I didn't cheat I just fixed it all right a man isgenuity Ingenuity man exactly and if I accidentally unlock the play the game on hard while doing it unknowingly well that's just unknowingly like that's fine that's manslaughter is it not I think I I could walk away from it listen if Ted Kennedy could walk away from that bridge unscaved I feel like I can do it all right I can I can cheat off a few trophies okay chap he Chapa quitted exactly the trophy all right yeah I Chapa quitted it so good all right K that is it that has been the trophy room this week I want to thank you so much for stopping by and hanging out with me is Kyle again who knows who knows what's going to happen next week he might have pneumonia I don't like whatever illness he's going to conjure up I don't know hay fever don't even know that's still thing if you get scurvy just you got to figure that out drinka scurvy get some get some vitamin C in your body yeah he's the one guy without the measle shot and then God that's said K is there anything you like the spotlight before we get on out of here shout out to vaccinations anyway uh uh no thank you thank you so much for having me man like again I I love what you and the team do brilliant you've held down the show and has made it so so fun both of you just killing it every week with with the show and making it dope I'm just happy to be here and get a chance to rock with you and the rest of the community because they are also extremely cool every time I get a chance to to to see and hang out with folks who are in that in that community and in your community it's always a nice time to be had so yeah check out our stuff we have a whole bunch of all of our coverage from Summer Games Fest is now up on our YouTube channel check out there's a big old playlist that says sgf on it um you check out me and cam Hawkins doing some great work during our time there he also has some other content that's kind of been pulling in through uh some work that he did uh after I left Summer Games Fest because he was still on the ground running and you can check out our podcast the spawn Me podcast now in our 10th year uh moving and grooving making stuff happen on all podcast platforms if you want to see the video versions please go make sure you check it out on Spotify and YouTube and we've been trying to do more uh work on Tik Tok so trying to get some more uh folks over there uh we're almost on our YouTube channel we're almost at 6,000 subscribers so uh we're trying to get to that number before the end of the month if we can so hopefully let go let's do it let's make it possible troph room Community Link in the description yeah let's get cada 6000 yeah why why yeah no there's absolutely let's do it hell yes um and also I want to again thank you for coming on through for being just one of the best voices in video games and is say one of the the one of the smartest voices in video games um I am constantly inspired by the work you do over uh at spawn on me and again like I beating beating a dead horse here but I'll gladly do so the spawn is an incredible incredible program that yall run each and every year and um if you're if you're a company out there go sponsor the show go be a part of it like please serious the money to make our dreams come true so yeah I appreciate that time yeah no absolutely absolutely that said you can find me over on Mr Bad bit on Twitter you can find the show PS Trophy Room on Twitter you can find the trophy room a PlayStation podcast on Apple uh Apple podcast Spotify Google Play where actually not Google Play rest in peace you know I know Google Play is is stitcher still up there who knows wherever you get your podcast Services of choice go follow us there and if we're not on tub you let us know we're gonna fix that too okay true that that said everybody we love yall keep your wits and Bouch you keep hunting and keep playing PlayStation see yall

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