Everton Vs Bournemouth Post Match Reaction

Published: Aug 31, 2024 Duration: 00:18:15 Category: Sports

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[Applause] hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the school science my name is Luke and this is the postmatch reaction for Everton versus Bournemouth Everton 2 Bournemouth 3 now to go over the game we're going to try and do it from first half to second half try and do this in a way where you know it's nice and linear you know talk about what happens and whatnot and where things went wrong so first off it was pretty was pretty standard ident to be honest um we played reasonably well we were more poking and PR with this one um it was just a matter of we would just have a little of a little bit of attack them not going too much into the commitments and everything trying to see where the weak points were and everything and they were trying to do the same with us and that was pretty much if for the entirety of that first half there were moments there where we look like we were close to score and everything we were trying to actually score and we were peppering at the goal but obviously we didn't actually uh we didn't breach that line and going into the end of the first off we actually did reasonably well Elman and die I'm not sure how to feel about him sitting on the left wing to be perfectly honest I mean I've got the formation in front of me it was literally a 4231 with Elman and D on the left wing Dwight mcneel as a number 10 and Harrison as the right wing that I'm not I don't know how I feel about that in all honestly I feel like in D need to either be a second Striker on number 10 I just feel like him operating on the right on that left wing but even on the right wing it's very limiting for him he hasn't got the run of the park then he's basically committed between the center line well the center of the pitch and the left of the pitch rather if he was on the if he was in the number 10 or second Striker role he could quite literally be everywhere where he needs to be because that was what he was like today until he went off he was literally everywhere he was back he was front he was in the middle he was in the middle of the pitch he was on the left of the pitch he was everywhere where that ball was loose and he was getting to every single one he was legging it up and down like an absolute magman likewise with Tim bham likewise with Jess gay likewise with Harrison Coleman did really well up until he was quite until he sort of quietened down a bit likewise with mikeno Michael Keane has a good game I know I'm a men he has a good game holy crap talkowski again has a good game calal Luan has a surprisingly good game as well now the only thing with calal Luan again this is what normally happens he's playing he's playing like Harry Kane he's trying to play like Harry Kane doing what Harry Kane does where instead of just staying up top and getting ready to try and part the defensive line he's trying to come back into the Midfield ending up in in the same sort of position on number eight would where he shouldn't be but for some reason he keeps doing it and now he scored so there's something that he's doing right there but but in all honesty I don't think he should be pushing back as far as he should I think he should be saying to himself right just behind our half Lane line that's the cut off point any further back than there then I'm stepping over the boundary I shouldn't be stepping over I need to be around here and further up and we can build from there that's that's my personal opinion but yeah going into half time um had steady optimism in all honesty we were pushing and we were proding we were finding HS to because exploit in the Bournemouth line and like I said D didn't die he just ran his part of the field like it was he was on his own basically he had most of that bom Squad absolutely they were crapping it to put it quite frankly they were honestly crapping it anytime he had the ball they had to commit two to three people just to stop him from making moves and even when he was getting CAU he was basically they were trying to cut him up and trying to stop him from moving he was still getting that ball he was able to basically recover and move on I have not seen a player that committed to the ball he basically made it look like that ball was super glue to his foot and it was extremely difficult for him to get the ball off him and get it out of his reach because when that ball came from his possession within half a second to a second he was back on it he was gone he was moving up up and down that left wing he was trying to cut inside he was doing everything almost right all he needed to do to top off today was a goal and unfortunately he didn't get a goal he was able to cut inside he had a crack at it and it went wide and that was it for the second half pretty much he played so so well and we played so so well as well in the second half we went out there for blood we pretty much from the word go we attacked pretty much and we did everything pretty much perfect we were making them make mistakes we were really really in their face pretty much the entirety of that second half was Everton Everton Everton and we got the goals it was a goal for Michael Keane a face so pretty much ball coming got cleared a little bit sculy he got he got the ball and he just put his left foot right through it went into the net it was great it was a nice classic Michael Keane goal Pard me and calom was actually the assistant of that one funny enough and then about I think it was just under it was about seven minutes later so about seven eight Li minutes later we got another one through calv Leen so very similar sort of situation we were passing around their defensive line found an opening he got the exploit on it basically broke that back line and was able to score great goal could not fault it in any way shape or form and then from there it was just a matter of D it was just a matter of trying to keep them quiet we were still attacking at them don't get me wrong we were still trying for it like I said IR B has a crack at it Dwight mcneel has a crack at it Harrison has a crack at it I think it was Jack Harrison actually he has a crack at it and the goalkeeper managed to get a really good save on it um again ilman and die has a go at it Sheamus Coleman has a go at it as well Sheamus Coleman put it high wide Handsome when he could have quite literally just slaugh the keeper was up and ready all he had to do was just pull it across the boat across the goal and it was pretty much in but unfortunately didn't do that K sasas he say but yeah after that though things started going a little bit South so pretty much around the 65th 66 minute Mark he they they started making their changes so Bournemouth started making their wholesale changes so they brought they brought off quite a few players in honestly so around that point they made three substitutions pretty much in Rapid sucession and then there was a whole incident between Michael Keane and Sasso is it they had a little bit of an altercation and then shortly after that it was two substitutions and then from there they were pressing us it was pretty much almost like even Batts at that point they weren't making too much in terms of push through sorry I'm just looking at Ser score right now so I can see the action points so at the point where they started breach reaching us and everything it was quite literally the 80th minute and that was around about the time we had brought Illman and die off which was the huge mistake that we shouldn't have made basically at this point you could see tired legs all around the field Coleman was tired Iram was tired mikeno started getting tired Jessica gay started getting tired it was and even McNeil started looking tired because be in mind it was a warm day today it was a very sunny warm day today and we looked what by right by the 80th minute we were looking quite ragged we were pretty much gasping for it at that point and instead of bringing say Iram off and putting James Garner on I think James G was actually on and so James yep James G James G was on the bench so there's no reason he couldn't have brought him off so he could have basically took it be him off James Garner like for like and some and we know what James Garner is like he's very similar to ilam in the sense of he will not let you pass him very easily he will he will basically he will take your legs from you if you try and get past him so he could have brought iranam off and put him on didn't do that brought ilman and die off and put on ABD dor so wasn't a like for like in any way shape or form he basically brought on a negative number 10 for a attacking and heavy hitting left Winger at that point you should be in the number 10 position now if he wants to bring and die off what he could have done was said right lindom you're on and die off lindom you go right Harrison you're going left mcneel you're staying Center he could have done that very easily but he chose not to and you know what he could have even said to lyam right lyam you're coming on for indai you're going to go in the middle mcneel you're going to go left Harrison you're going to go right but even then I wouldn't question that because Dwight mcil at that point was starting to look tired himself so in that case he could have just said some right like I said he could have even said um IND die come off well not even inai McNeil come off lynam on and he could have had it Harrison left elimin die center lynum right he had so many ways of doing this and he chose the worst possible way because when that happened so when they had actually made that substitution within I think it was let's see so we made that substitution on the 83rd minute sorry I'm bloody blind as anything I don't like wear as you know I don't like wearing glasses on stream and so he brought abiz coron on the 83rd minute and by the 87th minute wouth had scored and what was his response to this he decides to take caval off who was actually having a really good game that game now granted he has only scored one goal at that point but he was certainly making their defense worried so instead of I don't know saying right we're going to show things up now um like I said said Iron for James Garner andris gay you're coming off O'Brien you're coming on it's alow you're going to come in as say the number six as argument C didn't do that what he did was he brought caval off put better one so he could have had it at a sense he could have had Dixon on so he could have said or even young Ash young Coleman was absolutely dead on his feet by the 85th minute by the time they' scored their fifth goal I could see it from my own eyes I am literally in the lower P I'm in the pic now I'm actually moved with me grandz I'm at the pic I am literally within about 10 I'm about 10 seats away from where the V screen is I watch Coleman and Coleman is absolutely Gass at that point he should have brought him off and said right Dixon get a run out mate you're going to stop what was his name what was his name what was his name what was his name he's on here isn't he yeah k kol was roaming to that right because of Coleman looking tired kou was loving that he was absolutely loving he's like right this lad's absolutely Gass I am going to make an opening here I will make it whether he I there's no way for them to stop me at this point that was how it was it was quite literally that so he should have got Dixon there mikeno he could have put Ashley Young onone and vice versa Ashley Young goes on the right um Dixon goes on the left you need the the fresh legs in all honesty and this is a very bold statements that I'm going to say here because I know some people will say oh don't be so stupid this almost looked like sabotage it genuinely looked like sabotage because no sane person can look at that game today at the point of view whether it be in the stadium or whether it be from the TV you've got professionals all behind you you've got fans screaming at you make a sub make a sub make a sub and you're not listening to them I had a guy next to me who was parly cited and well say next to me he was near me who was partially cited and even he was screaming IR Bam's tired a guy who could barely see could see that iron was tired I mean hon honestly that game literally screamed sabotage at the end I genuinely think the dice is trying to get get himself sacked because like I said no same person would be able to look at that game and go oh yeah no these are the right decisions let's take off our best running player at the moment and bring on Dori an all a literally guy who's looking close to retirement who's lost a lot of his Edge let's bring him on I honestly don't know I genuinely don't know because by the end of that game I was was done I was generally I was I was just I was so [ __ ] off at the general demeanor of D because I've not seen his um postmatch interview but I know for a fact he's going to blame the fans I've heard that he's blamed the players but in all honesty it's down to him he is the manager he's the guy who should be making the substitution saying right you're getting tired fresh legs go on you take that place you go here you go here you're looking tired do this you're looking tired do this is quite it is I mean someone please prove me wrong on this I I I must be missing something here something a wire must not be connecting something or Cog the machine in my head must not be fitting right because from what I saw there we could have walked away with two we could have won three nil potentially if he would have made the right subs and the subs were on the bench it's not like we had an exhausted bench where we were relying on youngsters you know like where it was two goalkeepers three youngsters and and the rest of them being Buzzy senior players 90% of the lads on that bench were senior players and they were good senior players it wasn't like they were all terrible it wasn't like there was Hall Gates on the bench or mopay on the bench you had again I'm going to go into here so you had Lindstrom who could come in quite easily and actually have done a good job you had Garner who could have come in and done a very good job you could had Armstrong who could have come in and filled in and done a good job Dixon Ashley Young O'Brien I mean Betto and Dori were probably the two outliers well Betto not necessarily because he came on with I don't know less than 10 minutes left in the game so it's not on him for the striker to really make an impact in the game you kind of need to give them around 20 to 25 minutes and that but quite frankly that was absolutely disgusting what he did there and I will call it a sabotage I do think he's genuinely trying to get himself sacked before his contract expires because then they have to pay him out a set amount but in all honesty if he's going to start doing that sort of [ __ ] and trying it I would say someone [ __ ] off quite frankly seriously mate either put a resignation in get just the Board needs to nut up and say some luck mate what you've done there that was in my opinion that was sabotage so thank you adios get another manager in I mean I know a lot of people are saying oh no Moy isn't the answer but in all honesty I'm going to say that I'm going to I'm going to fight that one to the very Hilt I will say Moyes is the answer because quite frankly you look at the West Ham team that he came into he went he got them from basically being relegation fod to a European Cup winner and I don't mean Champions League I mean Europa conference League winner should we say the reason he got sacked from West Ham was because the fans were getting wingy at him and saying that his place I was boring but quite frankly I think he would be ideal for us right now You' get this team playing well I think and it wouldn't be magical football again where you know we're playing we're playing and we're taking every single player Scout we're taking every team's scal it would be a nice steady team that plays well functions well and a tight knit that's what I think Moy will come in and do but yeah guys I like to thank you all so much for watching I uh I do appreciate the continued support I'm actually going to let's see what time we at now it's almost 8:00 where I am right now and looking outside there's still a little bit of sunl I am tempted to do it evening the Drone fly it's either going to be tonight or very early tomorrow morning I'm going to try and get it out tomorrow so keep your eyes off for that one guys uh I do really appreciate again your support and also if you like what you're seeing on the back here um you know the place to go it's on Twitter so if you go find Rob go support him he is an absolute Die Hard everon the guy bleeds blue he loves making this stuff and he loves boiling the P of the cop Heights but yeah guys again uh I'm s sorry this is actually rued the weekend I want to say have a good weekend but let's be honest after that I don't think anyone's going to be having a good weekend I know I'm going to try and make the best out of it anyway but yeah guys again for the final time this evening thank you very much for watching take care and peace

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