Category: News & Politics
>>> we are back with one of th biggest debates this campaig season, over the candidates' selection of a play list while on the campaign trail. >> there has been a wave o artists and estates that hav asked the trump campaign not t use their music. some of them include rihanna and celine dion. now the... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Here on nbc news, coverage kicks off at 8:00 eastern. >>> on capitol hill, lawmakers returned from summer recess an went back to the looming threa of a government shutdown the deadline is september 30th mike johnson's proposal is drawing pushback from democrat and several members of his own party. we... Read more
Category: News & Politics
As the race for the white house heats up the republicans in congress have published a long awaited report blaming the biden administration for the chaotic us withdrawal from afghanistan the report contends that the administration made the decision to evacuate not combatants far too late and botch the... Read more
Category: News & Politics
>>> welcome back. germany's right party one its first election on sunday and came in a close second in another state. it marks the first time a far right party has won a state election in germany says that nazi area. a new party made big gains in what turned out to be a bad night for the ruling... Read more
Category: News & Politics
1. >> thank you so much. >>> and alanna judge threat to charges against trump and two charges against his codefendants. >> the dismissed charges relate to allegations of only false documents in a federal court. the case has been on hold since june amid an appeal by trump and other codependence.... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
For hey i know there's uh yeah i'm home i know there's a lot of people that are i i'm seeing people i was just i just tried to hop into ivory's live they tried to bring me up on the panel but they couldn't do it um i know that they're they're watching something i'm not sure exactly what it is they're... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Hey how's it going out there folks welcome back here to a friday night it is the earthmaster here about 8:40 p.m. california time september 6 2024 latest activity here on the globe shows a 1.7 into the hawaii area notice uh we did have a bunch of movement down here across the area of new zealand actually... Read more
Category: Sports
Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another live stream here on max coverage tv the place to be for all your sports wants news and needs and most importantly live playby plays here for the nfl season oh my god everybody it is time it is time to rumble the packers taking on the eagles in brazil neutral... Read more
Category: Sports
What's going on dudes and duded so it looks like the other day justin herbert was finally taken out of that walking boot so he was out there and practice the past couple of days and probably not doing too much maybe working off by himself he did not play in the game over the weekend but maybe there's... Read more
Category: News & Politics
9월에 접어들면서 선선한 날씨를 기대하신 분들 많으실 텐데요 오히려 폭염 특보가 더 확대 강화됐습니다 수도권 등 전구 많은 지역에는 폭염 특보가 발효 중이고요 일부 남북 지방은 폭염 경보로 단계가 강화됐습니다 해안가와 재주는 열대야도 나타나겠습니다 온열질환에 걸리지 않도록 관리 잘하셔야겠습니다 계속되는 무더위 속에 소나기 소식도 잤습니다 현재 레이드 연왕을 보시면 곳곳으로는 소나기 구름이 발달해 있고요 제주 산간 지역은 호 특보가 발효 중입니다 동풍의 영향으로 강원 영동 지역은 비가 내리고 있는데요 밤이면 대부분 그치겠지만 영남 지역은... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Yeah i was like say he should be able to dct this pretty pretty easily school what was that shot bro please never never in your life bro do is do not wearing drawers is bro not wearing draws yo [applause] [music] yeah how do we end up in vegas today yo let me know tom brady out here making banger youtube... Read more
Category: Sports
Straight away saad no intentions of taking any time unless there's an obvious change let's say if the due comes in in the evening played in the air and made full use of the gap which remain and it kept on going all the way this time on the ons side and to the fielder he's gone aan a takes the gift hnan... Read more