for hey I know there's uh yeah I'm home I know there's a lot of people that are I I'm seeing people I was just I just tried to hop into Ivory's live they tried to bring me up on the panel but they couldn't do it um I know that they're they're watching something I'm not sure exactly what it is they're watching but um our mayor says it's safe in our town well I'm glad to know that because when I just looked five minutes ago it wasn't but hey what do I know things update pretty quick around here um nice so um as far as I'm aware now you got me all weirded out here um he's still not been found um yeah um he has he's not been found no um so just a preface here I'm going to start everything off on here so everybody knows what's going on so at 7 o'clock um I'm not GNA be paying attention to to uh Tik Tok here for a second um I'm gonna I'm G to set it all up for my YouTube here thanks I appreciate you guys all right so 7 o'clock we go to leave for the gym my neighbor says hey you know uh where you are you guys going out of out of town and I said uh no I said we're going to the gym she said okay well just be careful because they shut down I75 and it's like a it's like at a standstill and so if you're trying to go out of town 75 is all shut off and we didn't think nothing of it because there's always car accidents or whatever so we didn't think nothing of it we were just going you know x amount a way um to where we were going and we get to the gym nothing nothing nothing strange and um we get there and I am literally um not that I should be on my phone at the gym but for sometimes I I keep track of my gym stuff in my phone so while I'm writing down my reps and my weights and whatever um I'm also on Ryan Le Ryan Le TM on YouTube I'm also on Ryan Le TM on YouTube if for some reason this gets shut off I am Ryan Le TM on YouTube it's where I am all the time but I'm going on Tik Tok tonight because of what's going on um and I get a message in the chat of a YouTube live that was going on and it said that there was an active shooter situation in my town and I'm like the [ __ ] I'm like this this can't be right so I'm um literally on the leg machine and I click through and sure as [ __ ] they're talking about the fact that the whole reason that I75 was shut down is because there was um a shooter that um that was happening um two exits down for me so I was at this exit there's one more exit in town and then the next exit is right out of town so I was two exits from where the situation started to take place it's nowhere in the UK I'm we're in the United States United States guys United States Kentucky United States so you know I heard it's like 10 miles away technically um from my exit to the exit where it was it's it was 11 miles but two exits um so I felt I felt okay you know I felt okay I was like all right well it's going on up there no big deal whatever um so I wanted to of course update the people um on Tik Tok that hey this really crazy situation was happening and as I'm um talking about it like it starts to hit me like holy [ __ ] um it really bothered me um because my husband does I75 through there every day he either goes to South Carolina or he goes to Ohio and um he would have been coming home within an hour um and he would have been in that particular um situation and basically so what happened is and um for anybody else that's um for anybody else oh you were at rro wow um for anybody that's covering it that what I and and I don't mean to say this in any kind of way but I'm here I'm getting the local [ __ ] I know what's going on um know what's been reported and I know the area okay so what I'm about to tell you this is the real deal so um so um basically what happened was a 32y old man who with prior military experience went out today and he bought a AR-15 and 2,000 rounds of ammunition he told his sister-in-law that he was going to kill a lot of people today um he went over to um it started at a truck stop on 90925 which is Exit 49 off of 75 if you go um you go left and there is a truck stop it's kind of a shady truck stop we've Al we we've had another incident at that truck stop actually um I don't like that truck stop it's it's a little Podunk thing but um he apparently started at that truck stop and had shots there um and then he ended up um it's the truck stop is kind of when you go up off the interstate it's up on a hill and I don't know if he whatever there they said that there was possibly a tower involved I can't think of what tower it would be but anyway um he was at the truck stop he had fired shots at the truck stop and then he was on 75 and he was um aiming at the cars and um one woman got it in the head did not die there has been no fatalities the 49er um there's been no fatalities no fatalities okay just so everybody knows I want to get that out of the way there's been no fatalities five wounded two um were wounded due to a car crash that happened oh um yeah the UK uh University uh of UK uh hospital is an hour and a half away North in Lexington um two were airlifted to UK and three were are actually being treated at the hospital here in town um he's he's still um he's still the city is still on lockdown um and so he he shot um a few cars and then he took off um when you're when you're going north um when you're going north on 75 um there is some wooded areas there's an AR there's a um like four-wheeler Park um it's it's wooded but not as wooded as they're making it sound on the on on on on the the the news reports um on the on the news reports um it's it's not as wooded as they're making it sound there's lots of woods don't get me wrong but there's not it's not just all Forest it's it's not okay I know the area very well very very well and it's um the 909 um where it hits um us25 going north and there's actually a lot of houses um there is lots of woods um he he's going to end up suicide by cop I'll guarantee it I I'll guarantee it if if this [ __ ] gets apprehended I I'll eat my hat this is going to end up suicide by cop guaranteed um yes so the Daniel Fon Daniel Boon uh National Forest actually encompasses most of Louisville's two two and a half hours away north um Daniel Boon National Forest um actually encompasses London in its entirety um it's really weird the way it works out there's portions of the forest that are Forest there's portions that are not Forest um I'm surrounded by Daniel Bo National Forest I can literally walk to it's it's it's a mile and a half that way I mean it just it's all around in here um so when they're saying oh it's a national forest you have to understand that it kind of comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes um the area where he ran off there is an ATV Park the Wildcat um ATV Park um so if you are aware of that area you know that it's not nearly as um forested as they are leading people to believe um actually if you're on 25 in that portion you actually can see 75 it's they they run together they they run absolutely together so if you're on 25 you look over and it is not even a football field to I75 so I'm not really sure what exact Woods they're looking at or how far it is I did hear that it was going between 59 or 49 and 52 which would make it a little bit higher up uh your Tad l in Crooked Creek but he wasn't uh I can tell you Crooked Creek is fine uh Crooked Creek is is is uh is pretty relative to me I know exactly where it is and it's it's that whole area is fine um but that particular area and now if they're a little bit farther up from between the 49 and the 52 um there is there there is woods but like I'm I was watching ill ill that's who I that's who's um one I was watching um the overlay that they're putting on there makes it look like the entire place is nothing but but um trees and it's not there's there's a lot of houses a lot of houses um we have no idea if it was a mental issue for the for for a vet okay um he has prior military experience we don't know what that means um also that does not give you a free [ __ ] pass to go and take the lives of other people okay you're I you're not going to get Sympathy For Me Right In This Moment okay it's just not going to happen um so there is areas that are that definitely have houses so um people were talking about you know is there's a possibility that this guy could have gotten into somebody's house yes yes there is um there is now they're saying two people okay well by the way um just while this is going on I've heard that five are dead they are not I've heard three are dead they are not I've heard I've Heard lots of different things um and I have been getting um sources uh since I since I literally left the gym since we were evicted from the gym they literally made us leave they made us leave um the storefront is full glass the whole town went on lockdown people were saying people were yelling about Planet Fitness um the whole front of the store is glass um I will tell you that there's only five lockable rooms in that whole place in their tanning beds and they are literally full of shut up the [ __ ] up about Gypsy I'm talking about people who are actually getting shot by a [ __ ] killer right now in my hometown do you think I give a [ __ ] about Gypsy [ __ ] rose right now I'm on Ryan Le T I'm on YouTube for when this gets banned anyways so ik Mel yeah that guy so um the guy he he bought an AR and 2,000 rounds of ammunition told his sister-in-law that he was was going to kill a bunch of people today um aimed uh aimed and fired at um cars hitting hitting five people not killing five people hitting five people two were airlifted to the University of Kentucky three are being um looked at for minor injuries at my hometown Hospital which by the way also a serial killer used to work at not even kidding not even kidding uh one of the most prolific serial killers actually worked in that hospital before it moved fun fact I thought I'd throw out there um he F in the he fell into the angel of death category um so yeah uh suicide by cop basically means that they know they're not going to get out alive they went in this with a very very formulated plan that they're going to do what they need to do and when they get caught they're not going to go in alive they have not gotten him yet he's still here um so obviously somebody knew something because in the original when it originally started happening um we didn't know that there was a bolo out the bolo happened a little bit later but the fact that they already know that that that they got this that they know it's this guy um obviously somebody said something somewhere not to mention I can't find the post but apparently he did post um his purchase on Facebook I looked um I couldn't find anything um however um the local the whole lo I mean as soon as you put his name in it's it's in every there's tons of posts um about this and that is how I found out that the um about the post and the fact of the sister saying that um uh no we go okay sorry no he did not get caught he's still um do yeah I live in the county he's in I'm I I was I'm right there his name is Joseph a couch he's 32 years old he has apparently some type of prior military experience um and uh he's not been found um they are using infrared and helicopters the helicopters were um called in around 7:30 or 8 um and it was starting to get dark they started um they started trying to figure out anybody who was in the woods there was a 10-year-old in the woods and another guy with a bow um they said to watch out for those two because they were out hunting in the woods um and so he's been running around in whatever section of woods this is to in my head I can't figure out what Woods they're talking about um I know that area very well um I can see it perfectly fine in my head right now and I'm just trying to figure out they're talking about a wooded area and and you have to understand with Kentucky it's very strange because there's there's wooded areas but like is it Woods no there's no Woods there it's it's weird I I can't really describe it but there's not as there's not as much um as as it's as they're making it sound I'm actually um it was R Hazel patch there's no casualties um let me see if I can look that up that'll give me an idea you he's not going to be able to go to a different state we are 30 we are uh let's see there that's uh 40 40 miles from 40 49 miles from Tennessee or Virginia and three hours from Ohio so um that's not a that's not realistic all right hold on so Hazel patch um let's see Imes that doesn't [ __ ] tell me anything hold on okay so yeah it's white it's right by a wild cat exactly yeah I can't figure okay there's wild okay so here's Wildcat off-road park okay yeah so it's actually off the path oh wow on the map Laurel County shooting it's actually on the map right there oh really where'd it go really stop doing that see it's right there there's where the Laurel County shooting is right there so yes it's that's where it is on the map and um my update some since my last post is they still haven't found him all right so flip okay so okay there here okay I know where the I know where the truck stop is we've had another incident there there was a there was another incident there um I'm very well aware of where that um truck stop is all right so okay so it's off okay that's why okay so when you go up 25 um I've never been that direction cuz 25 there's like a that makes sense apparently there's a lot of woods there so that makes sense I didn't know that because I'm following up 25 in my head and as you can see um 25 there's a lot of woods over that direction that I apparently did not know about because I just go up 25 so um my husband got home he was actually he actually came from I think he came from South Carolina today how did they come to the conclusion of the suspect I'm going to figure that when all this started happening somebody probably knocked on him because the sister-in-law said that he had told her he was going to kill a bunch of people today and from what I understand he actually posted a picture of the um weapon and ammunition on Facebook but uh no matter what I do I can't find the post on Facebook and apparently nobody else has um actually um screenshotted it or anything because I've tried um so apparently it's over by the Wildcat cabin rentals I can't even find a road that go okay Hazel Patch Road um yeah I mean that's that's back there that's what road would I even what road is that so it' be Hazel Patch Road it swings back that right W yeah there's a whole section of stuff that I I only go up 25 I don't really pay attention so um hold on [ __ ] they found his truck with rounds in it so they checked the DMV for his information did something happen towards a Sublimity not that I'm aware of do they know where he is headed right now he headed off into um a wooded area off of um 49 the government is not behind this what the hell oh my God first of all I was on that live and they're like oh this is fake this is fake this is fake it's not fake I am telling you I am telling you this is not fake I'm here um this is not a false flag this is not whatever um well Kelly I mean I don't know maybe she did maybe the sister-in-law did say something we we don't know it's not saying how they found out exactly they said they found his vehicle but that doesn't mean anything um as far as that goes I don't think somebody's hiding him I think what's happened is more than likely this is just and I hate to even think this or say this but there's a lot of houses in that area and I'm really worried he's inside of one of them and hiding there's a lot of houses in that area um but even then to even find his truck there was a reason they found it so um you know I'm in Richmond just got here what's the details they still haven't found him um so frustrating the yeah okay yeah I know um well there's always shootings all the time every day all day we just had another school one but yeah let's let's let's keep let's keep Banning legislation and keep screaming about the Second Amendment you know we can amend every other thing in the whole [ __ ] Constitution but apparently that's the one that can't be touched I'm so glad that we are willing to you know let our kids die so that you can carry your gun into Subway and this is coming from somebody who actually owns four okay at some point we have to start making laws that are going to fix us well it doesn't matter if the LA GNA figure out how to do it if we started persecuting more people might actually think about having there be ramif f [ __ ] cations he's not going towards Lexington he's actually um headed Northeast um off of there um so let's see yeah okay um yeah yeah I I actually have them so I mean uh he's U he's still in as far as I'm aware um yeah I just showed that tattoo it's literally right here it's literally right here that's the red spot right there it's at a it's at a um it it was uh started at a truck stop off of uh 49 yeah so um the okay let's see yeah my my husband when we were there um I was kind of just trying to do my thing I kind of didn't want to leave um you know don't know what's going on and he was like well he was like well you kind need to hurry I kind of want to go home and I was like I kind of don't want to leave and I um I got done with my workout and I did a massage chair and I went into the tanning bed I went into the tanning bed and I came out and he was standing there he's like we got to go and I was like what he's like we got to go and I was like I was like well I still have one more thing to do and he's like no they're literally shutting the doors and the manager's walking around with a with with this phone saying I'm sorry guys I'm sorry guys you know and uh trying to get everybody out of yeah it's it's off of Interstate 75 I'm aware so um the fact that any you know what is so irritating to me and I you can you here's the deal I own okay I own multiple but I'm telling you there's never ever ever ever ever a reason that anybody should be able to stock up 2,000 rounds period period And if we actually started clocking where we were getting ammunition and somebody was like hey um you have like 500 rounds at home you good because I don't think you need anymore there's so many different things that we could do or change there's zero reason that somebody needs to have 2,000 rounds of ammunition that he was EAS you guys have to understand he bought this today I don't think I I want you guys to understand this he bought the weapon and $2,000 rounds today he didn't accumulate them he didn't accumulate them he bought 2,000 rounds today and somebody didn't even blink didn't even blink um yeah you get you get checked if I want to buy air duster for my computer but apparently you can buy 2,000 rounds and nobody blinks that's awesome yeah so um yeah you know we we we we we just had another another school one what did how many you know what oh my God you know what I'm going to end up getting banned I'm on Ryan TM for when this live gets banned because I'm about to get banned I don't know about you guys I've been I've been on Tik Tok for three years and I literally was scrolling my [ __ ] feed two three days ago and I see a phone staring up at the [ __ ] ceiling and somebody's hair hanging over it and you can hear them and you can hear get down get down show us your hands show us your hands get down and the girl saying they got him they got him how many times are you going to send your [ __ ] kids to school like this so that you can take your gun into a [ __ ] Subway how many kids are you willing to [ __ ] bury there was a whole school [ __ ] back to school commercial and it started off great here's my book bag here's my folders here's my here's my headphones as people start to run around here's the socks I got as they tie a tourniquet on a child and then there's a child in the [ __ ] bathroom saying here's the phone I got to keep a hold of my mom and they're texting I love you mom as somebody walks into the bathroom to [ __ ] kill them how many times how many people are you willing to [ __ ] Barry how many just to have some [ __ ] regulations nobody wants your guns nobody wants them okay nobody nobody wants them not even Democrats I know you want to believe that but Democrats don't want to take your guns I'm a Democrat I have guns but Jesus [ __ ] Christ there is no reason that [ __ ] go walked in to a place in my town and bought 2,000 rounds 2,000 rounds that's not okay and I guess and how [ __ ] is it what I'm about to say I guess we're lucky he just decided to shoot at a bunch of a bunch of [ __ ] vehicles and not take it into a [ __ ] school but then again we' just be another [ __ ] dot on the [ __ ] map right when you can buy what here's the problem I'm going to tell you guys how easy it is to get a gun in Kentucky you ready I'm going to tell you my experience of getting a gun in Kentucky you ready this is what I had to do dead ass I am mentally ill I am on disability for being mentally ill I am bonafied certified insane okay I walked in to my local gun store I gave them my ID 20 minutes later I walked out with a gun did did not have to register it did not have to anything they handed me my gun I said what do I do to register it she said we don't we don't do them in we don't register guns in Kentucky you're good 20 minutes 20 minutes that the background check on me was th so thorough so thorough that for 20 years I've been on disability for being crazy and they ran my well she looks good on paper I walked in and I walked out in 20 minutes didn't have to register it nobody knows that I [ __ ] have it because I could have bought it and sold it to somebody else that is how [ __ ] easy it is and this [ __ ] went today bought an AR-15 2,000 rounds of ammo and nobody blinked nobody blinked you can buy a gun in Walmart anywhere anywhere I get that but you usually in a lot of States anyways in Michigan where I'm from you have to like apply and then they like wait a couple days or something no I trust me I know I bought one at Walmart I bought one at Walmart I bought one in a gun store I've I've done it all it's easy it's [ __ ] easy and it shouldn't be that easy it should not be that easy there was not an altercation no there was not a altercation one thing that is irritating me about this is there's so many people coming onto my feed trying to tell me what happened in an area that I live in there was no altercation he literally shot into a into a truck stop and then started shooting at cars on the freeway it says that they were called for a road rage Incident That's not even what it was that's not even what it was I don't give a [ __ ] if an AR-15 is an automatic rifle or not nobody should be able to buy an AR-15 and 2,000 rounds of ammunition and I'm so tired of hearing well AR doesn't mean Auto I don't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] I am not the one I don't need to be schooled about your [ __ ] guns and what does this and what does that what I'm telling you is there is zero reason that that [ __ ] could go get that gun and 2,000 rounds of ammunition in the same [ __ ] day and then go shoot five innocent [ __ ] people in my town no [ __ ] person that is a civilian needs these types of weapons period you want a hunting rifle cool you want a nine to protect your family cool but there is zero [ __ ] reason you need a [ __ ] gun that will shoot off 50 [ __ ] rounds a minute none you want to shoot your deers go for it I have one you want to shoot your your your whatevers cool I have one of those too you want to protect your family I got two of those what I don't have and thank God bump stocks have been somewhat regulated when people at a [ __ ] nightclub go into a nightclub you don't expect 57 people to literally die in 2 minutes you know let me tell you something about the [ __ ] gun laws back when these gun laws were made it was ball and musket so they of course everybody you can all have your guns okay you could get off what like 10 in a minute not 50 not 50 change with the Times Obviously what we are doing as a nation is not working if we can amend everything else we can amend this hence why they're [ __ ] called amendments they are called amendments because they are amending [ __ ] and if you can take away my bodily autonomy I'm pretty sure I can try to putting a a [ __ ] plan into place so that you can't buy 2,000 rounds of ammunition in one swoop I don't want your guns because if I if I had to take your guns I'd have to give away mine I'm asking for [ __ ] regulation somewhere something more people being held accountable at least in this newest school shooting the dad is being held accountable and you know why because he gave a 14-year-old in AR who literally had put out ideation months prior that he was going to do something and so what does he do with that 14-year-old with ideations hands him a [ __ ] killing machine he should go to jail for child endangerment for every other [ __ ] thing under the sun absolutely th% now this guy right now is running around my town still let's check let's see if there's been an update don't want to give out the wrong information still nothing still [ __ ] nothing still nothing started at se at 6 o'clock technically it said the the call came in about six o'clock it's what 12 this motherfucker's been running around for five six hours five six hours he's been uh running around as of 7 p.m. the shooter was not in police custody yeah no kidding there's four to six victims as of 740 um it was not random and there was some that were involved in a car crash because they had the the lanes all [ __ ] up okay for people who want to know where London is it is 90 miles from Lexington 154 miles from Louisville 95 miles from Bowling Green and 100 miles from Frankfurt he has not been caught yet and I don't know if he will be that's the scariest part that's the scariest part what happens if he's not caught nobody died do you think he took his life no if he was going to take his life he wouldn't have ran he wouldn't have ran so um I don't hold on it doesn't say hold on actually hold on I have an idea we're we're going to talk about this real quick hold on I have an idea cuz they had a mug shot up of him yeah that's not the right one so annoying I don't know where he's from oh well he's not going to get the death penalty for this yes uh Louisville was sending um was sending people um they were um you know what you're right let's talk about the fact of me and April and whether or not we like each other well I'm trying to talk about a [ __ ] shooting let's see let let let's broadcast the stupid [ __ ] comments that have been on Tik Tok so far what about Gypsy what about fancy what about you shut the [ __ ] up and have something that is not involved with that stupid [ __ ] for five [ __ ] seconds can we can we do that for five [ __ ] seconds can we stop collectively putting our heads up a gypsy Rose's ass for just 5 seconds because even when we try to get away from Gypsy y'all still got to bring it back in because you [ __ ] and you moan that all we do is talk about Gypsy and then God for [ __ ] bid we actually start talking about something that's not Gypsy and you [ __ ] still got to ask about it so which the [ __ ] is it do we talk about it too much and you want us to move on or when we try to talk about something else you still come in and run your [ __ ] mouth make it make sense because right now while I realize that dumb [ __ ] murdered her her mother and she needs to be held accountable because she wasn't held accountable in the court of law she can be held accountable in in the court of social media and which is what I strive to do every [ __ ] day because eight years for that is not time served that is not serving your time okay there was a man a black man who died in jail after two years for stealing a backpack two years for stealing a backpack who sat and died in jail waiting for a [ __ ] court date for a [ __ ] backpack why Little Miss Gypsy can [ __ ] do a murder for hire and walk out the goddamn door in eight years to a bunch of [ __ ] documentaries and books and this is why I get pissed I've never seen a handgun that can do 40 rounds in a magazine ever not saying it can't happen I just said I've never seen it why you know this is so oh hold on a minute here let's try this I don't know if this will work but I'm gonna try something hold on I'm going to look in our I don't think it's going to work but I'm going to try looking in our Kentucky um in our Kentucky system yeah okay so he's not actively in Kentucky and it doesn't show anybody who's freaking not in kentu or not I thought that might work I can never get to [ __ ] work it always sends me to another site there we go all right we'll find out if where he is hold on okay so he's from he's from the okay so he is actually from Whitley so he is from Whitley um he was arrested in um he actually lives in Gray he lives just south of here is where he is he um it says that his uh personal information he lives in the city of gray gray is in between Corbin and London and he uh the situation is taking place in the approximate East bernstad area so it goes um he's got a 911 dispatch scanner he's staying ahead perfect perfect that that's great that's great why don't they get off the [ __ ] scanner then um so essentially it goes Corbin gray London East bernstad so he for whatever reason decided to go there I'm not sure of I can tell you the area he's from not as it's rule but it's rule in a different way he was a 911 dispatcher that's great um yeah there uh I was watching uh in oh you guys you guys know his name ink Mel and he had all of it he had the all the scanners going all the GPS all the whatever and that's how I was getting clued in while I was at the um gym um he is exmilitary but it it he just went to a truck stop and then started shooting at people on the internet on the interstate interstate they have not found him yes my husband's asleep I'm here we're good everything's fine um we don't know um where he is at this moment he could have went he could have went North he could have he can't really go west uh West he would have ran back into I75 so he only has three options he can go east farther in he can go north which would put him into the Livingston area or he could go south which is closer to me um he said he was going to kill his family than others I did not hear that I've heard I've heard I the problem is we're hearing a lot of [ __ ] we've also heard that people died they didn't nobody's died yet yeah of course someone said I don't give a [ __ ] what someone says he was on Laurel Lake Road that is the I mean he could have made it by Laurel Lake he could have yeah he could have made it by Laurel Lake Road for sure that would be up by Renfro somebody just said that they were at Renfro um if he was walking I mean uh he could he could have um it was not road rage that's what it said um it said it was road rage it was not road rage um five people have been victims does not mean casualties it means victims there was there was five people who were hit by him two that were in an accident um okay the statement about him killing his family came over a scanner I am listening to playing live I heard he threatened his entire family before it started well maybe that's how they figured out who he was so quick um police scanner said sister-in-law called in and said he threatened the whole family I heard it on the police scanner myself question I'm not meaning to be whatever kind of way but question how did you hear it on the police scanner yourself I mean if she called that in it would have been hours ago like before anything happened so how did how did you like or did they reiterate it later did they say like oh yeah she called in type deal cuz you couldn't have heard it live you couldn't heard it live um I'm I've been looking at stuff locally so yeah he is from he's from Gray um he actually um funnily enough funnily enough um he got the same charge that my daughter did terroristic threatening in the third degree although he only had $1,000 B my daughter had a $5,000 Bond but it's the same charge terroristic threatening in the third degree just so you guys know is not what you think it is terroristic threatening in the third degree is something as easily as saying to somebody I'm G to kill you that's terroristic threatening in the third degree in Kentucky um you don't it's not terroristic that's um that's in the second degree and in the first degree third degree which is what he had is simply somebody walking up and saying I'm going to to kill you that's how my daughter went to jail that's how she got third degree and that is a class Class B misdemeanor um she had a 5,000 Bond he only had a thousand Bond he couldn't have done anything that bad but that was in February uh February 8th of this year um at midnight it says um so I'm going to go see if I can find anything else local real quick okay hold on so judging by that he lives in Gray see he's either he he must have his [ __ ] oh wait I found him found him found him all right I found him I'm not going to show his profile um but um so he said it says works at 911 dispatch um an Sr and independent opportunities worked at the US Army um studied at culinary arts lives in um it say Corbin but it was gray and um his profile picture is him with blood smeared all over his mouth um you can't actually see anything because he has it locked down as of 2015 but this is definitely a um this is definitely him this is definitely him he graduated from Whitley in 2010 so yeah this is definitely him I'm checking his friends list to see if there's any names I recognize I didn't scroll down far enough the first time I was looking for him but this is definitely his profile now if he has another one since then this one's been locked on since 2017 so he may have a different one I don't recognize anybody on there um no you know what uhuh I I ain't even I Ain play in this game look um you look I understand I understand the vet thing I do I really really do but here's my thing whatever demons you have in your head you don't need to kill other people I feel bad for vets all the time okay okay but what you don't get to do is is is is go kill other people because of it um it would be towards the mcke Tiner area but not that high up not that high up no and that's not where he's from anyways I'm going to see if I can find a more recent profile because maybe this is because it has it locked down since 2015 which makes it look like he wasn't um very active on it but it looks like that's the only one really um Woodbine I I don't know I don't know where Woodbine is I'm from Metro Detroit but I live here um I know he he lives in Gray is what the um it says on his Facebook he lives in Corbin it says on his mug shot that he lives in Gray as of February of this year he could be I mean it could be anywhere now we're going to go to posts real quick so let's see if we have anything new 3 hours 4 hours 2 hours 2 hours four minutes oh that didn't help yeah we already know that we already know who it is dude okay um 21 minutes five people injured we already know this okay okay here's his own Police Department okay um this is KNX County this is where he's from do not attemp to do not attempt to approach considered armed and dangerous um he is to be he is heavily armed with multiple rounds of ammunition that was not what was on there before no this is about the Kentucky shooter so um I've been on long enough I'm going to re I'm going to re um retell people here so um uh six o'clock or so uh earlier today um the it it started and I went to leave my house at 700 the interstates were shut down we thought it was an accident whatever we go to the gym I find out that there's an active shooter two exits up north of me um I stayed there I actually did a I did a video while I was at the gym um while I was getting information while trying to work out at the same time um we actually had to leave the gym because the town went into lockdown and the guy um he he he started off at a truck stop and then he ended up shooting um five people on the interstate and then he took off into the woods he is supposed to be um he's his exmilitary um today he went out he bought an AR and 2,000 rounds of ammunition um you work right off the exit it through it um and he bought 2,000 rounds of ammunition he told his sister-in-law that he was going to kill a lot of people today people are saying that he also threatened his family um I've not heard that with my own ears but a multiple people have said it and it has come from trusted sources so um he took off um towards the Wildcat ATV area and cabins and um he did it right before dusk and the man hunt has been going on 6 hours currently they still haven't found him they have they've been using infrared they've been using um helicopters they've been using uh at this point they should have scent dogs out there because the the best one you can do is uh scent dogs and and chew the [ __ ] out um am I seeing your I'm I'm not paying attention to a whole lot of people's comments so um yeah so hopefully they will find him My worry is if you're familiar with this area um to hear it online um it sounds like we live in nothing but Woods because we have the Daniel Boon um National Forest but it it's it's it's moved it's moved out around everywhere there's a lot of houses where there are and I'm worried that he somehow has gotten into a house because there's a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot of houses where this took place and it would be so easy to just walk inside somebody's door just like yeah that's what I'm thinking is like get that get the dogs in get the dogs in they know who it is they have his scent just unleash the [ __ ] dogs um again though terroristic threatening you have to understand that in the state of Kentucky the whole reason that my daughter got arrested is for terroristic threatening third degree same thing he did terroristic terroristic threatening third degree is not what it's going to sound like it does not mean terroristic first degree and second degree are terroristic third degree which is what he has is something as simple and easy as saying to some I'm going to kill you my daughter had a higher Bond than he did he only had a $1,000 Bond my daughter had a $5,000 Bond so um we don't know exactly what his terroristic threatening was of course she had a lot more proof too so um I've heard uh i' I've been hearing just all sorts of things so this is from his actual where he lives in Knox County um hold on what there's not two shooters that we know of um so all right so his his it says that he is heavily armed with multiple rounds of ammunition and all the Bolos I've seen so far it did not say that um apparently he has a scanner and he's been basically one uping them the entire time so um for any of you that think he's going to take the easy way out he's not going to he's he's it's it's going to be a suicide by cop if they find him it's going to be a suicide by cop guaranteed because he would have done it by now he is looting them he thinks he's going to he thinks he's going to get it and um it's probably going to be a suicide by cop I can't I can't see it ending any other way I I can't see it happen yeah he's playing games with him now this motherfucker's dangerous he literally has a scanner and he is literally one uping and the scanners are um the scanners that I was hearing I mean they are saying everything um saying one was what found in a yard with a rle a person I think we'd hear that by now literally nothing has said about him being found yet um let's see our now our our Police Department says do not attempt to approach his says arm um heavily armed with multiple rounds of ammunition yeah everything is locked down um uh we just got agenda free news said is live and said that the mayor knows something well that's great because I'm telling you so far the mayor said [ __ ] there's no nothing I'm I'm looking at everything local so um I don't know what to tell you because as soon as I see some something I'll let you know but I'm literally sitting here looking at everything local and I will tell you this I broke the [ __ ] story an hour before it hit [ __ ] hit Fox News or CNN those [ __ ] were slow on the uptake it took an hour hour and a half for it to hit mainstream media it was not it was not hitting main I was wondering what the hell was going on because I was relying on a [ __ ] YouTuber with a police scanner to get my information because it was not on CNN or Fox news for like an hour they were slow on the [ __ ] uptake you think the mayor put a video on Facebook all right hold on [ __ ] Northern Kentucky okay so three hours ago um police are looking for potential multiple snipers hiding in the woods I love how people just pull [ __ ] out of their ass but that's cool um shooting was not random possible altercation between suspect and others triggered situation okay okay hold on okay so as of 50 minutes ago the mayor of L London and this is what Ashley was saying the mayor of London 50 minutes ago right when I first got on here says the new update says the community is safe and we know the general area where he is I'm sorry until you have that [ __ ] either six feet under or in shackles we ain't safe you knowing a generalized idea okay no no no the bo the bow hunter is not related there was a bow hunter and a 10-year-old that were in the woods they were clearing the woods to go in and they knew that there was a bow hunter and and a 10-year-old that they knew they had to watch out for when they went into the woods they were warned about the bow hunter and the 10-year-old they are not connected um you are not going to tell me that that I'm [ __ ] safe until you have this [ __ ] six feet under ear in shackles until you are eyes on the prize I ain't got I ain't got [ __ ] all to hear about it you telling me you know about where he is doesn't tell me [ __ ] because you've known about where he is for six [ __ ] hours six [ __ ] hours you've known where he is so what the [ __ ] you waiting on this ain't Bin Laden going and [ __ ] get him so there's a headed back to what what why is the helicopter headed back so there's people who know how to find that stuff and I don't yeah so as of let's see that was okay okay though I'm not finding anything of relevance in the past oh hold on what's this okay hold on hold on many of you are aware that we currently have a situation just north of town at the Exit 49 I would like to say at this time that all our First Responders are safe I've been in communication with uh all the ones that I possibly can at this time for giving me regular updates the suspect or suspects have not been apprehended this time but they are searching for them um currently we do have command post set up uh at the 909 and us25 and I want to first thank all of our First Responders law enforcement Rescue Squad uh the Laurel County Sheriff's Department State Police the FBI everybody that's assisting in this the governor bashir's office who has reached out uh as well as the White House we thank everybody for their prayers uh their support and throughout the community thank you as well and just keep our First Responders in your prayers uh but I wanted to give everybody just a little update again the uh the subject or subjects have not been apprehended but they are searching for them where they are currently that is some rugged terrain and a lot of tree lines if you guys know northern part of barl County it's just is what it is but I'm confident they will uh apprehend them we are asking everybody in the city of lemons to be Vigilant and know what your surroundings if you're home keep your doors locked I'm not asking anybody to panic there is no immediate danger here in the city but again uh while these guys or this person is on the loose we are asking everybody to be safe if you're out and about just be vigilant we want to try to keep everybody in this community safe and uh we do have it's close to Livingston it's close it's heading towards Livingston possibly the PD there and the chief of police for sending those units to us um and all the other surrounding counties and City police departments that has called and sent units or offered to help in some way is this is this the video Jess what a great great state that we live what a great community that we live in and all the residents that's asked far from uh your city council members thank you forting okay I don't need to know about City Council Members okay so how far is from me I am literally here I I'm literally here I was two exits away so um so where where they're saying um where it started was um in the East burnstad area if he were to continue up 25 he would if you were to take 25 is a straight shot into Livingston I don't think he's gonna go straight shot into in into Livingston he's going to from what I'm from what but it's been six hours um so he could be anywhere in that particular area um so what did you send me because I'm going to have a problem [ __ ] getting it on my thing um all right there we go um trying to let's see they're 75 they're was all backed up somebody had got that I'm not seeing anything of importance so far um they do not know where he's headed he ran into the woods when I told you guys I live in BF I live in BF um and the part where he ran into I wasn't even aware existed so um How can you send me pictures ryan. le. TM on Instagram um he's on foot yes he is on foot um there is lots of houses in the area he could be in one of them houses we do not know he they they have put out um helicopters and infrared um yeah the the wood the you have to understand Woods in Kentucky doesn't mean [ __ ] um we don't have just like we do have areas it's just woods but like sometimes it'll be like woods and then there'll be like some houses and then like some more Woods and then like it it it Kentucky's a whole another ball game you guys you need a you need they need to give you a DVD before you move here I'm not even kidding I've said this a million times Kentucky is like the [ __ ] Wild West it's wild um they should do a they should do door to door they should in my opinion I don't think they have the manire Manpower but um from what um from what people are saying he may have a scanner with him um and if he does uh they need to change channels because they have been saying everything that they are doing on the scanners so they know exactly he knows exactly where to go if they if if they're doing if they are doing any type of things on um they I miss this person did that they're looking for um he shot five people on an interstate um um no I was with my husband when I was in that video they literally they were like you you got to go and my husband was like he was he was walking ahead of me and um he was driving so he was walking ahead of me um I was I was looking around in the parking lot other things were closing and whatnot too um and he just really really wanted to get home and then let me tell you what this [ __ ] did we get home we get in the house I'm on a live um I turned around and look this [ __ ] didn't even shut and lock our door I was like what are you doing what are you doing so it's shut and it's locked now um it's shut and it's locked so um everything nothing is it's what's weird is there's not um there's not really any updates I mean there's updates but nothing that matters you know what I mean like it's a bunch of stuff that like we already know I want like an update of like hey you know what are we doing to actively you know fix this because I feel like I mean I know that they they they brought in people from Louisville they brought in um people from different bureaus U are you and Jack uh ready though in case someone does yes yes I have um he has one in his room I have one in my room and we have two in a living area so yeah we're good yeah does he know the people were shot no was random people that he just shot off of the um just into the into the interstate he's not going to surrender nope it's G to be a suicide by cop nope no if they got him no no no no honey you got to understand right now there is such a an exorbitantly large area that is affected by this that the second that they have this [ __ ] in in in in their periphery it's going to be on the news I mean you have to understand it is 12 1239 a.m. where I'm at this situation was go been going on for six hours six hours this has been going on that they haven't been able to find him with infrared with helicopters like at this point like I don't even understand how it's went on this long I know I live in Kentucky I know what it's like um look you guys have to understand I don't care what any of this says I don't care what you're hearing okay I'm from Metro Detroit okay and when I tell tell you that when they're talking about rugged terrain and woods it's not what they're making it sound like okay I'm from a place who doesn't have woods so I know what woods look like now right I'm not saying that they can't find what I'm saying is it's not as bad as they're making it sound it's really not um it's called get some scent dogs on it yeah he's probably trained for these types of woods I mean I mean so obviously this is a game of cat and mouse at this point it's a game of cat and mouse but it's real simple you know what you know what you can't outrun a [ __ ] Canine dog they need to get like 20 canine dogs give them a Sniff and let them [ __ ] go that's what they need to do because it's six hours six hours and 40 minutes in and people can't even [ __ ] sleep at night because we don't know if somebody's G to come popping through our [ __ ] door that [ __ ] could be in my neighborhood right now it's been six hours from where he was he could have got to my house in two he could be anywhere any [ __ ] where in like a very broad area so literally uh you you know he could be covering a scent as far as that I mean we don't know how good this guy is he could be covering a scent I mean realistically um what I mean by you can't outrun a dog is can they lose your scent yes um are you ever going to once it locks eyes on you are you ever going to outrun it [ __ ] no [ __ ] no um I don't think he would be in Tennessee I don't think he would be in Tennessee um that would um it's it's 50 miles from where it started to the Tennessee border so um I mean that's 50 miles so he's actually somewhere hold on he's actually somewhere in ki close to me around three okay Jake do you know him cuz he's he's from Gray do you know him it says in his mug shot that he's from Gray I mean he's younger than we are but you happen to know where about he is staying okay somebody else just said he was from Woodbine I didn't know what Woodbine was okay because it says he's from Gray is gray Woodbine is that is that what that is you you know me I ain't from here so do you do you know him then or do you just like know of him or okay same area okay wood Bine is it okay got it yeah okay East burn stat lock your doors because that's exactly where it's at right now it's East burn stat so make sure your doors are locked okay so Woodbine okay I don't know Woodbine guys um let me look up where [ __ ] Woodbine is real quick because there's weird things are weird the way they do stuff down here hold on hold on let me let me get an idea of where Woodbine is let me look on the map all right so map give me an idea of where Woodbine is so Woodbine is down by the ice house that's way down there it says it's down by the down by the ice house um it's off of 26 where the ice house is local people help me yes okay that is where it is okay all right well I I know where that area is yeah I'm aware that crime with Bobby is covering it that's that's wonderful super for Bobby you can go watch Bobby if you have a problem with me I'm I'm also doing it so I don't know what to tell you um yeah just uh everybody lock your doors around here for damn sure well well that's the problem is okay hold on Woodbine is out past the Cracker Barrel is in Corbin that's not where this is at all Woodbine is down by the ice house it's saying that's not even close to the Cracker Barrel yeah they're right there um Britney I I'm like half an hour away is that near mck and Tiner no mck and Tiner is going to be up where the okay so the situation is in like the East Bernat area mck and Tiner are are I mean yes tell them to lock their doors yeah I see the carbon bypass right here yeah off the carbon bypass I can't I can't picture it in my [ __ ] head right now but um I can see the roads perfectly fine I know where I'm at I could if I was there I'd be fine but um yes the outskirts of Corbin he was on your road not even an hour ago yeah I bet what road is that why don't you call the police and let him know that he was on your road they've been looking for him for for six and a half hours but joy on the street over here says he was there an hour ago so why don't you call police and let them know so they can come pick him up since he obviously wants to hang around your house um no he's from the south guys he's from the south he's actually um the where he's from um it's where he's from where I'm at where the situation happened and then he's over here the the shooters from Woodbine the shooters from Woodbine um no it's actually it started on on Exit 49 you're about an hour away from me oh we got got a lot of people from Woodbine in here well uh uh someone called and said he was in their front yard I Lally heard them say suspect might be on Old hair rope see I told you he's burnstad I said that I said it's happening in East burnat so they're saying that he might be up in East burnat right now because that I mean that's about where it was so I mean he hasn't went very far in six hours if if if he was just possibly cited um in East burnstead he's literally just [ __ ] around then he's just [ __ ] around uh unpin that don't be pitting stupid [ __ ] please um hold on there's been so many calls of people just freaked out uh no it's not even close to heading towards Somerset where where in there where in there did you did you hear the word Somerset Somerset is [ __ ] all the other direction Somerset is to the West he's heading north and east or south and east or east he went on this side of I75 he's on this side of I75 he'd have to cross over 75 to go west it's all good Goldie yeah um it's he was over by Wildcat off-roading Park yep he's still at large it's been six and a half hours uh trail cams would be a good idea um so as of right now it's only considered to be one active shooter but um I mean at this point who the [ __ ] knows uh he's not driving he's on foot um they have not found him yet there's so many roads blocked yeah the town was shut down at uh about 9 o00 this afternoon at this evening five Fiverr in Ed no fatalities um he's been on the he's been um at large for almost seven hours why are they only saying was a car wreck go bad they didn't there was a car wreck that happened that happened during it um and he had actually fired into a um truck stop on 90925 um okay they just flew over to switch uh yeah there would they would have said if they found him there was a truck stop it's started a truck stop on 90925 um and then he started shooting at people on the interstate um he is a 911 dispatcher and exmilitary this is not this is not good this is not this is not good I mean um the rumor somebody rumored on here I will not I will not say if it's true or not but the rumor is that he actually has a police scanner and that's how he's staying so far ahead there is no there is no casualties I said five wounded no casualties um if you are anywhere in a in in a 2hour radius from London Kentucky you need to keep your doors locked he has been on he has been out on the lamb for 7 hours seven hours so if you are in a 2hour radius from London Kentucky you need to have your doors locked your windows locked you need to have something by you in case somebody comes in because this according to the bolo you have to understand that this person bought an AR this morning and 2,000 rounds right now his bolo has been upgraded to heavily armed not just armed not just armed and dangerous it has just been updated to heavily armed so um our our mayor says that we're okay because they know the generalized area until that [ __ ] is six feet under or in shackles I uh that I'm not safe nobody is safe until we have this [ __ ] unlock in eyesight period um to even even suggest otherwise is insane that's saying just let your guard down well we know where he is what if you know where he is go [ __ ] get him um because I found numerous things saying that he shot into the truck stop numerous articles I'd pull it up on my phone but unfortunately I'm kind of busy right now it literally was uh there there was there's a girl they interviewed that there it started at the truck stop now if somehow that is inaccurate then I apologize however the three articles I found with the girl's name and the fact that she works there um I would I would tend to believe that's pretty accurate they said that the um that the uh truck the truck shop was uh locked down much like all of our town is um so 2,000 rounds is about 64 pounds so he is carrying um he is 5 foot 10 154 lb he's carrying a rifle and approximately 60 lb an ammunition if you were to believe this um so yeah the the town is on lockdown um no you know I'm I'm not even entertaining this stuff about mental health right now because I'm gonna get I'm gonna get I'm gonna get pissed off and I'm GNA get people pissed off at me I understand do not think I do not understand that that me that vets face mental health issues every day I understand that and I my heart is with them however when it balls down to having having those types of issues where you are going to hurt someone else you need to go check yourself in and not just just try to go shoot five innocent people for [ __ ] all reason if you those are at some point you have to be able to have some type of culpability if you are having homicidal thoughts you need to go check yourself in it's bad enough when when when it's self unal living thoughts but when you are actively thinking about hurting people that you do not know then you need to check yourself in o they have not found him yet um it is on the national news um it took about an hour for it to hit mainstream media um at the time where I had made the post um I had found maybe one or two things online a little bit i' actually was getting most of my stuff from a YouTuber at that point um it took about an hour hour and a half for it to even hit mainstream media and it slowly started going into Main stream media um Fox got it um CNN got it now if you look it up it's it's everywhere it's in the LA Times it's in the New York it's um it's all over the place um yes I my there is no motive um yes my house I am loaded don't worry about me we have them in every room I'm good doors are locked I have I have nine dogs I have nine dogs I have multiple weapons I'm good um so no this is going on hour seven he's still not been caught even with using infrared and helicopters they're blaming it on the rough terrain and the wooded area but again I live here and I'm still kind of struggling with it being that hazardous okay I do not I am let me make it abundantly clear the exact area where they are saying he went to I do not know and I've never been there so I just want to say that I just want to say that but um any trained veteran who's in good physical health can easily carry 60 pounds in rough Trin right absolutely absolutely um the fact is that I want um I don't know if they'll be able to figure out but I'm gonna tell you right now I'm G tell you right [ __ ] now so help me if I find out the name of the [ __ ] store that let this [ __ ] walk out with 2,000 ammunition rounds I'm going to blast that [ __ ] all over social media because it's the same thing as when a bar tender does not cut you off and then you drunk drive and kill somebody you get a $10,000 fine and you lose your liquor license when you stupidly let somebody go over their limit and they wrap their car around somebody else's car the same thing should happen when you sell a [ __ ] a gun and 2,000 rounds somewhere there needs to be some type of culpability the Daniel Bo National Forest is huge but you have to understand that the Dana it's it's it's it's big big but it's also choppy it's very hard to understand um literally uh I have Daniel Boon literally a mile down my road I literally I can walk to Daniel Boon National Forest okay it's right there it kind of goes all over the place yeah 2,000 rounds 2,000 rounds yes they sld him an AR15 and 2,000 rounds of ammunition this morning he told his sister-in-law that he was going to kill a bunch of people um apparently he threatened his family a lot of people are saying that I not putting that out as fact I have not heard it um and then he went upon his day is it legal yes I told as I told you guys in Kentucky I walked into a gun store with a with documented mental health issues walked in walked out in 20 minutes don't even have to register the damn thing so yeah well I hope they'd find him fast too but we're at literally at you know seven hours in so um yeah they they're saying it's over by the the over by there hold on so yes they know who it is any info okay I'm trying to what is okay so he hold on [ __ ] you guys are going so fast he was arrested um February 8th of 2024 for third degree terroristic threatening terroristic threatening in Kentucky is not what you think it is um terroristic threatening first second degree that's like that's the thing you're thinking of terroristic and terroristic threatening in the third degree for those of you who are familiar with me and my particular Journey um I actually put my daughter in jail for terroristic threatening in the third degree and that was simply for wanting me dead um simply um in in Kentucky simply saying the words I will kill you etc etc um will um get you in jail and um whatever he did couldn't have been that bad this is I know this sounds weird but he only had a thousand Bond and my daughter had a $5,000 Bond so I can't imagine I mean maybe you know whatever I I I don't know but that was the that was the charge he had February of uh 8th of 2024 oh they should be showing us picture all over social media we need to know what the [ __ ] we're looking for because God forbid he tries to come through I can tell you this I can tell you this right now I'm gonna tell you this right [ __ ] now okay I don't know if y'all have ever been to the South but I'm gonna tell you right now this [ __ ] tries to get in any of our houses he's gonna leave in a bag because I don't know a house in Kentucky that does not have one I'll tell you that right now if he tries to get in a house now at least now maybe maybe he got one in before maybe he got one in before but I'm going to tell you right now he tries to get into any one of these [ __ ] houses and people know that he's out there he ain't going to make it off the property I'm gonna tell you that right now that's not that's not how we roll down here um so well yeah he probably did plan it I mean he literally went out he he paid for the weapon he paid for the ammunition he told his sister-in-law he was going to kill a bunch of people he he went to the edge Ed of an interstate where he could just shoot a bunch of random people ran in decided to do this at dusk ran into Forest that he's probably very well trained for so yeah I would say absolutely um he absolutely did plan this um it is in Southeastern Kentucky he is not caught this is hour seven um his cell pinged like an hour ago from what I understand I would I just heard on somebody say that um his name is Joseph a couch from from uh the Corbin Woodbine area he's 32 years old 5' 10 uh 154 pounds blonde hair white um exmilitary um I don't know if they're using drones um I know they are using infrared check Disc Go I can I don't know if it'll let me um do you know where he possibly honey if I knew where he was he would be caught by now um the last they saw him he was in the East bernstad is area um I don't know if it's G to let me check it or not hold on his sister called the police and warned them that he said he was going to kill his entire family and civilians on the street too okay so let me for those of you who have not actually seen it yet if you are in this area um just so you guys know uh what to look for apparently my dumbass in my video I was like oh we have a bolo here's what he looks like and I put [ __ ] words over his face like a dumbass hold on sorry give me one second I'm going to show you guys um who it is really are we really going to do this come on all right so they're using they they've been using the drones okay okay so again just for the people who are in here now um I am from I am from the London Kentucky area at about six o'clock this afternoon uh the interstate was shut down at um between 41 and between 41 and 59 going both directions there was an active shooter who it's from all accounts started at a truck stop um and then it went down he shot five people on an interstate he booked it into the woods next to there and he has been roaming free for seven hours they've used infrared they've used helicopters somebody said about drones I've heard that again this portion is alleged he may have a he may have a police scanner he is exmilitary he would know how to navigate this particular area it is dark um the area that they are speaking about that they're saying is so heavily wooded um I haven't been to the exact exact pinpoint area of what they're saying but I've been in that area and it's not there's a lot of houses and My worry is that he's in somebody's house right now um there's been no casualties there's no casualties um right Donald um yeah but I mean like I get it's wooded I do but I just I guess I'm just frustrated it's been seven hours and our mayor's literally like oh we're fine you know the the the city is safe we know about where he is well if you know about where he is then go [ __ ] get him until this [ __ ] is six feet under in shackles I'm not going to feel safe no it was not at KFC and Corbin hold on hold on before I want to make sure I'm using the correct terminology hold on I always like to fact check casualty means fatality like I said there's been no casualties no fatalities they've only been wounded there's five wounded two have been airlifted to ufk and three of them are in town at our hospital for minor injuries two people were also involved D in a probably a rubbernecking accident as well um the what truck stop the 49er right Holly I did um actually you have to understand okay now you guys for those of you who have never met me before hi my name is Ryan and you're about to see me become a [ __ ] so Holly absolutely in my first video I absolutely did say that um people were possibly dead that I had heard that people were dead that I heard there was multiple Shooters let me tell you something dumb [ __ ] Debbie when you hear that there is a [ __ ] active shooter in your vicinity and you're getting bits in [ __ ] pieces and you're kind of freaking the [ __ ] out because you noticed the whole crying thing you're going to get things wrong which I then literally made whole ass other videos saying this is how to fix it this is how to fix it this is how to fix it this is wrong that is wrong so when you come to my town and you find that [ __ ] out and you realize that you are probably a sitting [ __ ] duck somewhere excuse me for not using the exact verbiage that you prefer take these two fingers and shove them up your ass okay I'd give you the first one but that would automatically get me a ban anyway I am very [ __ ] well aware about the fact that when I originally did it I first of all the amount of information out there was almost none it was almost done it was almost none okay CNN Fox News they didn't carry this [ __ ] until like an until like an hour hour 30 minutes in so I'm hearing about this in real [ __ ] time and I'm hearing bits and pieces off of a police scanner and not everything was accurate because was chats going heart miles an hour this that whatever I'm panicked I'm wondering if I'm even safe and so excuse me for getting a little combobulated which happens in those type of situations then after I was leaving after I got to sit down and do whatever I actually put a very comprehensive video out uh with a datetime time frame telling you everything to fix the point that when I was I don't know scared um that I got some information wrong because that's what happens okay okay yeah scared okay I'm on Ryan Le TM on YouTube for when this gets banned and it will look scared in the fact of yes I'm going to make a video because yes I am safe in a [ __ ] building it still hits you when you realize that there is a possibility that you don't know where the this [ __ ] is now the minute I found out that was should I went and um hid somewhere no because he was he was effectively 10 miles from me effectively so yeah at that point we didn't know where he was I didn't know where he was but it was 10 it was 10 miles it had started 10 miles away but you remind me of the type of person who would judge anybody about um anything without bothering to have any type of sympathy or empathy towards the victim you weren't there you don't know also I don't give a [ __ ] about your opinion if you're not [ __ ] me financing me or feeding me I don't give a [ __ ] what you think the person has not been caught it's been seven hours nobody said I was a victim the [ __ ] I said the person that blames victims get the C out of your ears and pay attention yeah they should have never they should have never gave him 2,000 rounds period all right yeah everything still isn't accurate because the people who should be informing the public are busy saying that we're safe exactly we're doing with the best we can with what we have so Jesus Christ yeah um I am going to make okay let's let's let's let's use your dumb [ __ ] Logic for just a [ __ ] second um I hear I'm in town and I'm a I'm a I'm a decent sized content creator okay this is not my only account I have other accounts um I'm a decent sized content creator and I hear that my town could be in danger I know that I have local followers so I make a video to get the word out because that's what you should do so yeah I took one for the team and put it out there and I'm fine they ain't bothering me exactly if you got a problem with me [ __ ] scroll this ain't this ain't a [ __ ] airport I don't need to hear about your departure if you don't like what I have to say how I have to say how I look how I breathe how I [ __ ] I don't care you are irrelevant to me if you are going to be a dick bag take your bag of dicks and go elsewhere I am trash mouth [ __ ] yeah and this is not news this is not news um yeah so originally by the way um for the for the [ __ ] idiot who wanted to tell me about how I put out there that there was deaths if you go to my newest one which is a 5 minute and 55 second comprehensive uh overview of what happened at 8:18 it went out that there was fatalities just so you know at 818 uh there was a news report saying that there was fatalities which is what I was literally um delete the one that caused Panic letting people know there is one okay makes sense um there was a18 there was actually an outlet that did say that there was fatalities that's the problem when things are when things are you know when things are in the thick of it and things are kind of happening um quickly there's a lot of breakdown in communication between news outlets and and and journalists and cops Etc you know I in the beginning and part of the reason why I said the things I said in that video is because there was multiple um multiple things being said that there was x amount of people hurt x amount of people killed because this was coming from what what looked like rep places Unfortunately they were not or they were they were Mis they were told things incorrectly I'm not sure but don't bite the [ __ ] messenger and if you don't want to be here [ __ ] leave they have not gotten him it's been seven hours seven hours and he's still still still a [ __ ] fart in the wind yeah it's um I I've seen it on the Los Angeles Times um yeah you know what and by the way um as far as it goes um when I put it out there I put it out there almost 45 minutes before Fox News even got [ __ ] wind of it so yeah I'm G to put it out there not for clout or views but to let the people in my people in my town know to [ __ ] watch what you're doing um he probably did have a um he probably did have a plan he probably does have a place and that he probably scoped it out um his mother's on Facebook defending him where's that at I'm I because I went to his profile oh hold on maybe we can figure it out no ma'am I went to his profile hold on let me see if I can find his shouldn't be that shouldn't be that hard hold on I don't know why I PID for a [ __ ] all right hold on let's see something real quick okay so here he is now I don't I don't know how you'd be able to find his mother necessarily there is family members on his okay so here's three of them hold on so we have this one whose profile is completely Jack oh there it is hold on okay there's nothing on this one now maybe she's doing it in um groups or on posts or something I don't know um this one's locked down from 2014 this one's locked down from 2013 this one's locked down from 2015 so anything that is involved with this family I can't find because it's all locked down yeah huh no you cannot see the [ __ ] tanks Jesus Christ go away it's under the Knox County Sheriff post of his mug shot okay hold on I know where that is hold on maybe okay hold on just bear with me y' all right so 131 comments got it hold on okay so I'm on the right place it says his mother's on this thread defending him hold on all right found it hold on okay so the third degree terroristic threatening and this makes sense um so his mother said a mug shot for threatening to kill the dog who was trying to mle his son if you're going to tell facts tell facts now that actually does that does like I said all you have to do is threaten to kill something to get terroristic in the third degree all you have to do is threaten so that actually makes sense so let's see um I'm seeing where she says anything else I mean that's not a whole lot of Defending to me she just said one thing yeah there's I mean all she said was about the the terroristic threatening which I mean is realistic that probably is all it was they did not catch him he's been out for SE he's been uh on he's been doing it for seven hours all right now we're click now we're clicking into her and she is locked down as of 2023 so he told that he was going to un un alive his entire family his sister-in-law called Laurel dispatch asking for police protection to come to her work because he said she was going to un alive the entire family I heard that myself on the scanner so they are in fear for their lives even more than we are right now knowing that he is still out there so there's some of that oh basically say saying about the of all the things that she could comment on she's like oh yeah his charge was bogus um yeah I went across the scanner a few hours ago apparently um appreciate you Alie is he still oh no um that we've not heard anything about any other he right now he's just trying to run yeah nobody do I think there's two no um when was someone last shot uh 7 somewhere in the 7 o' area I have a time frame if you guys go to my newest I think it's my newest video on here if you go to my newest video there it's literally from the beginning until um 9:30 so from 5 like 5:30 until 9:30 it is a complete timeline of um what what exactly has happened so if you go to my newest video it's it's a whole timeline that'll explain everything um I don't think F I mean I don't think friends or family are going to really be backing him right now and if they do they're considered an accessory after the fact um they might want to realize that so if they help him Escape in any way shape or form they're an accessory after the fact no one's been shot but there's been gun sounds okay yeah we live in Kentucky I go out on my deck and I hear gunshots um a guy uh went out he bought an AR15 2,000 rounds of ammunition um it started up at a uh truck stop and uh he ended up shooting five people on the interstate running into the woods he's been on the lamb for seven hours they've been tracking him with infrared helicopters um our uh our town went into lockdown um and then our mayor said that we should be we are perfectly safe and they know about where he is that was about two hours ago and uh for knowing about where he is they still haven't gotten him so I don't feel we're very safe so um yeah he did threaten to kill some of his family apparently according to this I sent you a screenshot someone saying something about him being in a house and fired 10 shots you sent me a screenshot I do not have it because my my my my brand new tablet hates me where did you send it to did you send it to Facebook or Instagram maybe i' be lucky NE have sent it on Instagram yod to brenon knock it off my dog is itchy okay um let's see did you hold on one of them being there at home they were hunkered down in their bathroom until police arrived to escort them safely out in another area Hazel Hazel Green he fired 10 Rounds on Blue Gass road that was 2 hours ago I think they would have found that by now just saying I mean that's I mean I can't say if it's true or not but my niece was was just involved in him being in their home and they were hunkered down in their bathroom until police arrived to escort them safely to another area Hazel Green he fired 10 Rounds okay so Hazel Green he's making way if he's at Hazel Green it's a definite possibility Hazel Green uh I mean it could be it could be um you just saw the Choppers have landed for the night oh that's great that's great that's that's perfect they're just like ah [ __ ] it whatever oh we got a guy who you know is locked in loaded can take out you know an entire you know thousand 2,000 people but we're just G we're gonna chill for tonight um he was over in the wild cat area yes um the it originated at the 49er on 909 and 25 at the 49 on 75 that is a lot of numbers um it's a little bit more than 30 minutes from you in Richmond they ended for tonight oh that's great that that's perfect that's perfect yeah um there was a somebody said that a cop was literally weaving down the road trying to stop everybody how close is it to me um it is about Yoda it's about 10 it was about 10 miles from me um so apparently yes he did threaten the the family first um oh I know Hazel Green is an area I know the school is Hazel Green so um they're probably hoping he takes himself out I don't see that happen uh it started about 5:30 6:00 this afternoon um hopefully he gets attacked by a bear there's not a lot of bears in this area I mean there is bears in this area but not like like to that effect um yeah apparently police can just be like yeah I'm done so um that that's fun no they did not catch him he's this is hour seven hour seven why would they stop it um basically because they're going to say that it was too hard to see they're using [ __ ] infrared they're I mean they need to pull out the dogs they need to pull out the infrared they need to pull out whatever they need to pull out um they I they're saying that the according to them that the helicopters are done so I don't know you're exit 62 okay yeah you're you're you're you're pretty good away yeah two yeah I don't know why you'd be allow be allowed to do 2,000 [ __ ] rounds that's insane um yeah I get dogs are only good for so long but my point is at least attempt it at least attempt it you know take them take him take the dogs to the truck stop let them smell his scent from the truck stop and see how far at least if that way we'd at least have a direction he was going or an area that they stop at I mean would give us something that is better than nothing 62 is Mount Vernon um did I go out and look for him no I'm not crazy 62 M Vernon I believe Yoda it's about that time um they'd go survival training for days nice yeah he's he's probably he's probably built for this yeah I mean if he's ex-military and he's already evaded capture for seven hours it's probably because he knows what the hell he's doing is there poisonous snakes possibly all right you come on come on come on come on out go on go on go on thank you I have to get up and get her back in here in a minute all right um he's not deceased if he's in Hazel Green what oh my God you heard that okay yeah okay here's my thing for every rumor that you guys have heard I've heard he was this I've heard he was that until I see a God's honest [ __ ] some type of official statement on any of that here's the deal with with situations and you can even say that you I don't even care if you try to turn this around on me that's fine um people insert themselves into situations to feel relevant okay go ahead try to aim it at me I don't care that's fine but when people are literally making up things like oh he was in my front yard oh I saw him here oh I saw him there where's your where's your proof where's your proof because if you insert yourself into something and you have proof awesome if you do not have proof and you are simply just adding fuel to the fire for [ __ ] all reason um you are the problem that does not help anybody so um you know I don't I don't want to hear about how you know this or that or I I I know somebody said they think they saw him that doesn't help me that doesn't help that doesn't help anybody a same thing with the deaths don't say that there's deaths when there's not deaths oh I'm probably being reported um I'm on Ryan Lee TM on YouTube I'm on Ryan Le TM at YouTube just in case I just saw my I just saw my Tik Tok go really weird I just saw it go really weird so if if anything happens I'm on Ryan TM on YouTube um I am Live on YouTube every night um I'm live on Tik Tok sometimes not all the time if you haven't noticed I get banned on here um shocker electric engineer I have nine dogs so I'll hear if anybody comes so yeah and and you know that that's another problem though okay so this person is talking about they're listening to a police scanner and they're getting deluged by phone calls do you really think that you calling in because you heard a bump in the night is going to help anybody if you do not have actual B ified things that are going to help do not waste responders time dealing with your dumbass [ __ ] unless you literally have the [ __ ] in crosshairs do not say I think he's in my front yard I think he's in my backyard I think I I think I I think I think I don't care what you think you need to have facts and if you are literally calling up these per these [ __ ] guys who are already stretched thin enough dealing with this you are the [ __ ] problem if you are trying to be a Pik me and make yourself relevant you literally have to let them do their [ __ ] job exactly let them do their damn job to be fair the mayor said you can hear if you hear anything call it in okay well I didn't think he probably didn't expect the entire goddamn City to keep calling I mean there's a big damn difference you don't need to call for a bump in the [ __ ] night if you don't have if you don't see something or whatever suspicious um the only helicopter in my area is a Medevac great so they really did they really did release them then I can understand people are fre for but here's the problem okay so if 20 people call a phone line and 10 people are answering the phones they start backing up the people start backing up people that are needed other places cannot do that because they're they're busy getting tips so now all the people calling in tips are taking away valuable resources that can be doing something like actually searching and helping so basically yeah um yeah I seen uh the thing with the blue shirt there was there was a post an up a an inaccurate post about a a heavy set person and a blue shirt that one is inaccurate the SC the scanners are not encrypted because everybody we've all been listening to him everybody we've all been listening to him good good good night bgo um exactly any if you're G to call in and talk theory with a cop he's got better [ __ ] to do a lady related to me knows a woman there and she was hiding in the woods okay so a person you know knows somebody who was hiding in the woods I want you to realize what I just said this is the problem I have with with with all of this so you know somebody who knows somebody who was hiding in the woods cool perfect it doesn't matter so she knows somebody who knows somebody that's not inaccurate that is not how the chain of command goes unless you see it you don't call somebody and be like hey my friend told me that her friend said you literally have to see things with your own eyes and be like hey I'm looking at this guy out in my yard right now he looks sketchy as hell can you send somebody and uh hey Heather over on Maple Drive says that Jenny over on tiger Drive saw somebody in her yard can you go over there that's not how it works he has not been apprehended it is 1:26 a.m. this started at about 5:30 in the afternoon he is still not found they have a tunnel in the off-road park he could be hiding out in the tunnel I'm sure they probably thought of that if you knew it then uh I'm sure they probably I didn't know that but uh I'm sure they probably do we don't know what direction he's heading because nobody wants to get the goddamn dogs out let the dogs at least figure out a direction he's going even a direction um it was a sister-in-law cat it was a sister-in-law yeah he he hasn't been caught they just called back the helicopters how far from Richmond from his last confirmation byy car a half hour by car at least that what do you mean that oh my God don't get banned don't get banned okay so if they okay they know who he is so they go to his house they get a shirt they go to the very beginning where it all started they give the dog the shirt the dog smells the shirt and the dog [ __ ] off in his General Direction that's how you get descent there's no confirmed dead five wounded two um in a accident five wounded by him so no actual casualties casualties meaning deaths you can sleep Angela fine what about a sister-in-law what about her what about her the update is they haven't caught him yet yeah he has a lot of ammo and they're just going to call off the search because it's dark it's dark don't worry he used five rounds he's only got 19995 more he can shoot people with while we take a nap yeah it's an AR don't ask me the brand maker model all he knows it's an AR-15 something no he's not near the Tennessee line absolutely blah um in the uh around the East burnat area in in uh Kentucky yes I showed he is a white he is a white male blonde hair uh 510 uh 154 pounds yes he is from uh just south of us um he is from the Woodbine Corbin area which is just south of the London uh burnat area that he decided to do this in um it was just another rumor it was not actually confirmed he was in that house I've not seen anything saying that he was in that house it's just a [ __ ] wormer from two hours ago so I'm pretty sure if it happened we would have heard about it by now it's been two [ __ ] hours so I'm going to venture to gain that more than likely it was simply a rumor all right we're going to do the checks again hold on we're g to do the checks all right 3 hours 3 hours 4 hours 2 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 6 hours we got [ __ ] nothing hold on 6333 man they just [ __ ] off like everybody just stopped reporting five six hours ago they don't even care none of them they all just stopped like five hours ago I'm not even kidding no updates no [ __ ] now we have one from an hour ago um saying that um he's still the exact number of victims is was still unclear actually it's not but whatever um yeah they don't have anything of [ __ ] importance so let's see since we're not since quit Jesus Christ she wanted out of the room now she wants back in the room I'll get her in a minute all right all right so let's see posts I'm seeing if anybody local has said anything hold on okay again an hour ago do not attempt to approach considered armed and dangerous okay Kentucky officials are posting on social media T night there was an active Sho situation and a critical incident were taking it place this was in Phoenix Phoenix is posting about it I'm gonna kill that dog I swear to God she's driving me nuts she's literally just sticking her nose in the door going um yeah there is nothing 40 okay 40 okay yeah that don't help nothing nothing there's absolutely no updates you guys nothing literally nothing no they would have to let people know that that he was not at large anymore they would at least be like okay we caught him okay but even if they did move to attack Channel like there should still be some type of something like anything anything at this point I don't even care what just like anything all right hold on I'm going to try to okay let's see if there's more comments on the page that his mom was on hold on yeah with being a 911 operator he knows all the lingo too that's what somebody just said he worked at that this guy worked at uh 911 dispatch um hold on let's see is there anything else well she's getting reamed on Facebook that's about it what possesses someone who just decide to shoot random people I don't know I have no idea yeah we already know his name is is Joseph couch we've known that for the past four hours but thank you for keeping us up to date I appreciate you one second let me let the damn dog in the damn door again I swear to God you want out you want in you want out you want in all right all right so because they are crazy and we keep getting yeah exactly um okay well Sherry that they've been talking non-stop for hours and then they just decided to quit but then again maybe they are trying to do something I have no idea update from the video um it has been seven hours almost eight hours hold on I'm really bad it's been almost eight hours it'll be eight hours yeah it'll be eight hours that he's he's still not been caught um am I scared um well so the original incident happened about 10 miles north of me um and it's been seven hours so could he be here yes um am I worried no um I mean we have um right yeah we already we already know that I've already talked about that there's seven people five that were wounded by him two car accident um could he be in my area yeah he could I was literally only 10 miles um but what would be smarter for him is to um work in a Northeastern Direction uh nor Eastern's going to have more of the um the wood type area um so yeah they didn't call it off they just called it down basically they took down the helicopters and um they're I mean okay realistically um what what realistically how good are the helicopter is really going to be right now it's dark there's a [ __ ] ton of trees um I just don't I mean they should have more yes he's still at large um keep using the goddamn infed get the goddamn dogs out there for Christ's sake I I I'm still standing by why the [ __ ] we do not have canines um yeah I know they have infrared cameras I just said that no they have not found them it's been seven hours um Southeastern Kentucky um his name is Joseph couch he is from the Corb the Corbin Woodbine area of Kentucky and um he actually um uh started the incident in the uh God damn it in the uh East bernstad is area ish um okay he was a r okay so let me tell you how that works so so um for those okay this is actually I knew that my daughter's [ __ ] criminal record would be good one day so for those of you wondering about um his charges how he's out blah blah blah blah blah so in February February 8th of 2024 Joseph was arrested for third degree terroristic terroristic threatening okay it is terroristic threatening in Kentucky is not what you think it is that is first degree and second degree third degree is something as easy as I'm gon kill you like and um see now he only had a$1 thousand Bond okay my daughter had a $5,000 Bond but that's probably because she confessed to a police officer and a mental hospital so I had lots of lots of trails right so what she did was she got a $5,000 Bond and a 11 uh she had to serve 30 in jail and 12 an 11th month suspended sentence and two years on probation so if this guy has the same Class B misdemeanor um if he was considered um guilty if they did give him a guilty plea um he would have only served at Max like 30 days and then he would have the rest of it in a continued suspended sentence that's how that's how third degree terroristic threatening in Kentucky Works um they can give you up to 12 months but um considering how much even I had which was you know police and a mental hospital that had it on record um she she actually physically served 30 days and then had 11 months suspended where if she [ __ ] up she'd have to serve the other 11 months so he'd have that but um so it he would not have been in jail he he at best he would have been in jail in in March um he would have been on probation um which would obviously be a pro probation violation and he'd have to serve the rest of that but I mean at the same time he just did you know five uh attempted murders so I'm pretty sure via probation violation isn't really going to be a big deal so um yeah I I I'm aware so um no so he did not recently get out of jail his most recent mug shot was February 8th and that was for the terroristic threatening um I don't know why he did it he just literally looked at his sister-in-law threatened to kill the family said he was going to kill a bunch of people today and um he and he tried um I mean that's that that you know until until they have him they're not going to be able to be like hey why are you doing this um he just he told his sister-in-law that he was apparently he said that he was going to hurt his family she did call the police she did actually call it in according to what I was reading um and I think that's how they kind of put two and two together possibly plus somebody said something about um finding his car which I didn't actually look at I very close to the area I can walk to the area if I was in shape uh yeah um I don't know how he had terroristic threatening and got a gun that's actually really in interesting unless they decided that they unless they decided he was not guilty they they arrested him for it but that doesn't mean he was necessarily found guilty so um that is that is interesting no that that he's still at large I do not know if he has any history of mental illness I do know he has exmilitary um no the only thing that I saw about a child was the mother his mother went on uh his mug shot post and said that his terroristic threatening was for a dog that was going to Maul his son and he said he was going to the dog which my daughter got it for threatening to kill me and the dogs so that I mean that makes absolute sense to me I know how this works but um I didn't hear anything about a loss of I mean we would here's the deal let's be realistic um news is news wants nothing more than a good story so if this guy this this x vet um had some tragic thing happen that made him snap and you know shoot cars um they're going to be like Oh e ex vet um loses child in tragic accident and and blah blah blah blah blah we would have heard if there was some tragic thing that happened um we've not heard anything um tragic so um I I'm gonna as it stands right now I'm gonna call [ __ ] on that they would have literally just they would have given us the Sab story already yeah well we don't know do I have a police Gan or no um I was listening I was listening to one through YouTube did he have a vehicle apparently he left his vehicle as far as I'm aware he's on foot as far as I'm aware um have I been letting all the homeless in my house to keep them safe yes all of them they're all in my house they're in my freezer um I'll look into the car situation and report back um okay he is not in custody yes there's yes there's there's five wounded two were two were medac two UK probably the one who got it in the head to be honest two were medac to UK three are in my local hospital with minor um with minor wounds and then two of them were were probably in a rubbernecking accident because there was two that was involved in a car accident how do they know who it is well um from what I'm understanding um he had made some he had made some things to the sister the sister called it in maybe they started putting two and two together I've not looked into the exact thing um not sure do I know any of the victims personally no I don't know people in Kentucky I know like five people in Kentucky um are the names of the hurt released um not that I'm aware of not that I'm aware of um I don't believe I seen anything I know that there was a woman who got it in the head I do know that um but one was shot through the windshield and then um um and then there was one something happened and they were like losing Consciousness um London Kentucky shooting they probably will not release the names yet oh look we have some 2our stuff woohoo they have not released the names of any victims as of two hours ago yeah they're saying that they are not releasing the names of the victims yet um so they're saying that they he may have shot from a tower by the by the 49 truck stop um why isn't this on national news it is if you look it is I'm looking at it it took about an hour hour and a half for it to actually hit um uh like I said the when I left my house at 700 they told me that the interstate was down I said we we're not going on the interstate we're fine by 7:30 um I had heard about it and by 7 7:30 7:45 I made a video and um it hadn't even hit mainstream media yet and it had been going on since 5:30 so um they've just been real slow on the [ __ ] uptake I mean you know if if you go back 25 30 years something like this would have hit every news Outlet as fast as can be but you have to realize that right now there's probably about 20 other active situations um okay they said they found a flashlight by the cell tower up there okay he may not be caught he may not be caught let's be realistic the man has evaded capture for seven hours they have called off the search until daylight do you have any idea how far that [ __ ] can get realistically in 13 14 15 hours all it takes is him getting a hold of a friend does not know that he is on the run and saying hey can you take me here can you take me there or a friend with really shoty you know it doesn't really give a [ __ ] what he did um he could be so far gone so far gone so fast I mean he could he could be complete completely gone now and you add another six hours before daylight happens we literally may not find him they called off the Choppers uh Southeastern Kentucky okay hold on yeah I yeah okay look I've heard that somebody heard him in a front yard thing for three hours and you said it was an hour ago I've heard it for three hours so what does that tell you um they still haven't gotten them yet hold on wait what's this hold on hold on hold on scanner radio said 1024 and that means that the assignment completed so when was that in when was that no he's not gonna go towards Sumer so he'd have to cross over 75 yeah no it's not 12:46 in Kentucky right now it is literally 1:46 in Kentucky right now 20 minutes ago so you're saying 20 minutes ago that it's complete so 20 minutes ago so we should be hearing that the [ __ ] was caught is is that what you're saying you're saying that it it it said action complete now the other idiot said 12 1240 no somebody literally just said in Kentucky it is 12:46 no the [ __ ] it is not they opened up the highway they had the the highway back open up at 9:30 dude they had the highway open up at 9:30 right but this portion of Kentucky is Eastern Standard time but this portion of Kentucky is Eastern Standard Time no there's part of there's a part of Kentucky that actually is Central but this part of Kentucky is is is uh Eastern Standard Time the Highway's been open since 9:30 dude the Highway's been open since 9:30 this this is not news they opened it up at 9:30 um County Laurel County his mom lost a grandchild a few months ago don't know if it's his child I don't know uh yeah we're Eastern Kentucky um the map um he ain't going to go towards Montgomery County no he's from Woodbine he's from Woodbine and the situation happened in the East bernstad is area his name is Joseph a couch from Gray or Woodbine Kentucky he is 5 foot 10 154 pounds white male um blonde hair um exmilitary oh wait what's this there's an update on Facebook where I just checked it update on Facebook where oh oh oh hold on hold on 28 minutes ago at approximately 1845 Okay so this is a this is a different update it's not it's not an update update it's an update from the Rescue Squad at approximately 1845 the London Laurel County 911 Center advised units of an active shooter in the area of 49 exit on Interstate 75 and that law enforcement was requesting the use of the Drone so they did have drones to help search the wooded area of the incident law enforcement also requested the use of Mach One command post to help coordinate efforts for the search of the subject also unseen was the ambulance the Kentucky Laurel Kentucky Laurel County Sheriff's Office State Police Laurel County DPS Emergency Management East burnat fire and rescue Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Rescue uh let's see where am I supposed to be looking so scanner radio is saying he's being transported so we so he is possibly caught all right where is an update on I'm not seeing an update on not seeing an update guys and if he's been caught I'm going to be cutting this live so that I can put it out there that he's been caught yeah fishing Wildlife was there all right 56 minutes ago Live Links another post all right what's this agenda free all right so all right so I need I need verification to show me where it is I need I give me an idea where to look I need to verify it okay okay Laurel County Sheriff's page why didn't I think of that lur London County oh sh that's because I'm saying London my bad Laurel County Sheriff why did that not type in anything at [ __ ] all Laurel thank you Christ on a cracker okay seven minutes this is seven minutes ago no he has not been caught no 7 minutes ago from the Laurel County Sheriff off office update on the shooting on I75 Laurel County Sheriff John Ru is reporting that Laurel County sheriff's deputies were dispatched to a gunshot victim complaint on I75 at Exit 49 at approximately 8 miles north of London on Saturday afternoon September 7th at 2024 at approximately 5:30 p.m. upon arriving uh deputies found nine Vehicles had been shot into both North and South Bond on I75 and five persons were seriously injured deputies on the scene transported injured to a local hospital for treatment other sheriff's deputies along with the sheriff office Special Response Team along with London city police and Kentucky State Police arrived at the scene to secure the scene I75 was closed for several hours for safety reasons because of the danger of passing cars in the area of the shootings ex so by the way just let them be [ __ ] um sitting ducks can I just say that like that would have been terrifying um investigation began and a lead was developed on A Person of Interest and the search for this person of interest is continuing he is identified as Joseph a couch 32 of Woodbine Kentucky so there we we actually have the the Woodbine in confirm um described as 510 and weighing approximately 154 pounds this individual is considered to be armed and dangerous and should not be approached 911 should be called the scene is being contained overnight in an active search and continuing the investigation will occur at Daybreak on Sunday morning agencies insist assisting included London city police conty State Police Corbin City police Williamsburg City police Richmond City police FBI us Marsh service ATF Le Lexington Metro Rock Castle Country Sheriff's Office Mount Vernon Police Department East burnat fire and rescue London Fire Department London Laurel County Rescue Squad Laurel County Emergency Management ABC Bluegrass Army Depot police numerous Area fire departments and they still didn't find this [ __ ] Jesus Christ they called in they called in Lexington Richmond Williamsburg my God all right Laurel County scanner says someone called in two gunshots near Mulberry Lane hold on where's Maps where's Maps do I have maps on here maps all right hold on I will tell you this however okay whatever um I will tell you this um hearing gunshots in Kentucky um is is not a big deal I go sit on my porch and it'll happen I go sit on my porch it'll happen all right so um okay so there is a Mulberry Lane in Crab Orchard hold on let's see if that's about the right area hold on no that I wouldn't think so I mean I don't think so I don't think that I don't think that that would be um I don't think that would be it um they've also stated that there's two Shooters but only has one who is they because not one credible media outreach has said that there's been two nobody I have not read that on any any news network I've have not heard that in any news oute no matter what it is I've looked on numerous ones I I've looked on on Fox I've looked on CNN I've looked at the News Herald the LA Times who is they they don't say [ __ ] they they do a lot of this when they should be doing a lot of this you're saying the governor did I did not see that let me go look because I don't like to call people a liar Kentucky Kentucky because that is not the official one he put out before now maybe he updated it also it would help if I could spell the word shooting right all right all right let's see and Governor Andy Basher is currently in Austin Texas speaking at the Texas democratic party's annual dinner during his speech he made a brief reference to the shooting back in Kentucky saying we are still praying for the safety SA recovery of everyone adding that Americans should not have to live in fear being shot Crossing Bridges and overpasses we must do better and that they are actively monitoring the situation and offering support in any way possible so where did he say that there was two people the mayor didn't say there was two people I just got off that page it was on local news well I don't know what to tell you because he didn't say that let's do this way uh London shooting suspects I'll say one shooter they all say one shooter nobody says multiple Shooters not one nope I just looked at 20 different sites not one says multiple yeah the mayor himself said an hour ago that there's one you she's going to prove me wrong y'all I just literally played you are [ __ ] mayor saying that there's one person but Stephanie on the Block is gonna is going to teach me some she's going to school me our mayor just said one person I'll be back uh I don't care what news it was on I'm telling you our mayor is saying that there is one shooter our mayor in our town where it is happening multiple people were shot there's not multiple Shooters our mayor in our town is saying one I'm I'm going to take that over over something else I'm I'm pretty sure the mayor of our town who's overseeing all this [ __ ] um well he was basically in um he was kind of basically in East burnat to begin with he was basically he he was already kind of in the East burnat area to begin with um no it's it's about three hours from Cincinnati two the two other guys are rumored to offer him Refuge um why am why am I why am I upset about things I don't agree with I'm upset about misinformation I don't care if I agree with it that's fine I can I can tip for tat all goddamn day long without agreeing with something but I'm not going to let somebody come in here and blatantly say misinformation period so they think that they're is um yeah so the Daniel Boon National Forest is this whole area say yes I have I have dogs we're good um let's see yeah they think he has a scanner that is the yeah I'm aware there's an active shooter in Kentucky Jesus Christ yeah I heard something about them calling his mom I'm too angry to watch then [ __ ] off okay um anyway man I've just knocked all my cameras to Hell in a hand basket that was great you didn't tell me to watch my mouth last night why do I need to watch it now yeah exmilitary you know they're going to know what they're doing so that's kind of not good I do pray for the people in the homes for sure because I mean they he could literally be inside somebody's home right now and we wouldn't I mean we're not going to know that's that's the part that sucks I am in the area right now a meteorologist said that there was two Shooters yes yes you're right I'm GNA take the word of a meteorologist hours ago saying that there was two Shooters over the mayor of my town an hour ago saying it's one now obviously when this first started there was a lot of different things going on in the very beginning I heard that there was 13 shot five dead in the beginning I heard there was multiple Shooters in the beginning the thing is is as it goes on you learn to realize what is actual and what is not actual and if a meteorologist six hours ago said two people and the mayor of my [ __ ] Town an hour ago says one person I'm going to believe that one um honey I was I already had Tik Tok followers before this sit down let let the adults talk it's past your bedtime okay this dude's just getting on my [ __ ] nerves I can't stand people who [ __ ] repeat themselves yeah there in the very beginning there actually was something that said three or four Shooters there was there was I did I blocked them there getting on my nerves um yeah in the beginning they actually said that that there was there was uh in the beginning the the number were there was three or four Shooters um one of them had a sniper rifle 13 were shot five were dead that was the in in the original video that I had that was all the information that was coming in now seven almost eight hours into the fact we now know facts we now know that there is one gunman that there's one gunman what if it happens there was two then there happens there was two I don't know what to tell you then there is two I don't know hold on hold on Laurel County Shar I just looked at it when I looked at it it was four seven minutes old it's probably this is probably still on my [ __ ] computer hold on it's probably the one I just read that was seven minutes old at the time yeah I already read that yeah I I read the whole thing yeah we're aware of his name yeah that's why I'm trying to stick to anybody who says well I heard this I heard that it's like yeah there is no casualties I'm aware that's why I'm like you need to show me a fact because I can't I can't handle the whole like not saying things correctly it's driving me crazy well um where will you update on this on on my Tik Tok yes it's still it's still going yeah I know the mayor the mayor also said that we're safe they have an idea general idea of where he is so we're safe uh no uh no unless you got the [ __ ] we ain't safe period you go tell that to the people of the area he's in tell them that they can unlock their [ __ ] doors because they have a generalized idea where this [ __ ] is can I confirm what it was going really really fast asked they called it off yes I'm locked and loaded they called it off because it's too dark and there's too many trees um from what I was understanding he they did Ping his phone at one point from what I understand um they did call it till sunrise um they called the hel the helicopters back for right now because it's too there's too much tree there's too much whatever they're not getting anything done there's a lot of trees there's a lot of trees I don't know what to tell you do you think it could cross state borders um yes technically um because um where he where he started the incident was 49 miles from the Tennessee uh Virginia border um if you were to follow for instance that exact road that he is on on he could actually get he could actually get to the Cumberland Gap tunnel he would have to walk through London Corbin Barberville Millsboro Pinesville and not in that order um and they could he could get into um to the Cumberland Gap tunnel which splits um Tennessee Virginia um it's 50 miles so if he could walk 50 miles or hope F 50 miles yeah he could he could they have been using infrared and drones and helicopters well if he's behind my house uh my I have pigs um they apparently they pinged on his phone a while ago I'm not sure they found one of his Vehicles he's a veteran too yeah I've heard about the whole vehicle thing but i' I'm hearing it on here I've not seen it anywhere but I'm going to believe that it's true uh it's going to be a long night it's always a long night I work midnights come on um yes he's from Woodbine Kentucky do you think he can no he's tried too hard to get away he's he's G he's gonna try he's gonna try to like you know he's gonna try to go and if they do catch him it's going to be a suicide by cop he ain't gonna turn himself in he ain't gonna turn himself in if they find this [ __ ] he's done he ain't gonna turn himself in I'm gonna tell you that I'll be shocked I will be shocked um no Michigan is six hours monroee from my house to Monroe is six hours and Monroe is the most I know because I used to live there um okay so there was a car found registered to him okay um yeah I didn't I didn't find the whole car thing I wasn't really paying attention to the car how far from from Dil and Whitley City now that's where he's from but it's not by there um it just says he was in he just it I don't think it said Marines necessarily did it Bown ain't nowhere near here we're good it's not close to Hazard no y'all are fine oh said Marine uh from Louisville it' be about two two and a half hours I know AR yeah it said Army was in his bio on his Facebook it says Army so danville's too far somerset's too far he ain't going to go west y'all he ain't going to go west he ain't going to go west he's gonna he'd have to hop over I75 y'all he he's going this way um he's gonna have to literally go over I75 to go west he ain't G to go west he's going to go he's gonna probably go northeast in some direction I would figure um he is a suspect he is a they have every reason to believe he is the correct suspect it says he worked as a 911 that does not mean it's necessarily true yeah the search area is the search area is pretty vast um as I said you know um I live inside of the Dan Daniel Boon National Forest there's portions of it that are very um manageable and there's portions of it that are very not I will tell you there is the spot matter of fact for instance to tell you guys a quick story um I was down at Cumberland Falls and my friend wanted to show me something and we ended up driving in the oh my God I cannot even explain to you we drove and we drove and we drove and we drove down this gravel [ __ ] gravel for like 10 miles in the middle of bum [ __ ] nowhere and the road just kept going Gravel Road 10 miles into [ __ ] nothingness like if you get out in these type of areas either you're going to have to know the area or have some really great survival skills or something because I will tell you I was terrified and I had a car granted while I was there I flattened two of my [ __ ] tires two it'll end up in a standoff I agree um I don't think Kentucky has a death penalty does he have another car I don't know um his name is Joseph a couch he's from Woodbine Kentucky oh yeah I know it's um he's not g to end up in Pennsylvania oh my god um yes it's it's current it's current it's current he is um we are going into hour eight we are going into hour eight of not being able to find him do we have capital punishment I don't know how far from Indiana at least three hours at least um I don't think he'll alive himself I think it's going to be a standoff I really really do I think they're gonna I think they're gonna find him and I think he is gonna do suicide by cop that that's just me calling it um I mean they could catch him and talk him down possibility um he could realize the gravity of what he's done considering um Everybody Under the Sun is now looking for him I didn't realize they called that many people in um he may realize he's [ __ ] [ __ ] and he he may off himself I don't know but the type person that is doing this kind of stuff and has eluded capture for eight hours is is got something to fight for so to me he's going to do whatever he can and get as far as he can and think that he's going to beat it now here's to say that I mean let's say let's say let's say he makes it to hell even anywhere in Kentucky he can't use his debit cards he can't use his cell phone I mean he would literally have to go completely off grid completely off- grid he would never be able to have his name checked as a background check because he's gonna have FBI wanted on there he cannot I mean he have to get a burner phone he could get a burner phone but him [ __ ] off into the Wilderness is not going to realistically work long term real istically it's not going to work um but we'll see um I mean at this point there's nothing that there they've called off yes five people were injured yes um we're not going to know [ __ ] all anything until it starts to get daylight and I don't know what they think they're going to do because they if you call off a if you call off a search for six seven hours um um he's going to use that to his advantage and [ __ ] off somewhere he's not just going to take a nap dude I mean he might take a couple hour nap and then go but you're still going to give him an easy two three plus hour lead um yeah they can teach you that kind of stuff in Army for sure for sure yeah he's a military man he knows how to stay up move at night hide at Sunrise yeah yep I mean the sound isn't working nobody's dead the Army uh there's a lot of things involved I could read you the whole list but I know that the FBI is involved the Tactical force is involved at least six different police jurisdictions are involved the state police are involved it's still going on Yep this this is going into hour eight it'll be hour 8 and 15 minutes why do I think he's going Northeast um I guess pure guas pure guas pure guas um fiber wounded and two ended up getting in like a weird little rubber necky um car accident um his name's Joseph couch he is a 32-year-old white male blonde hair 510 154 pounds yeah 75 will take you all the way down to Florida if you walk it okay East Bernat is what it is they said they cleared East Bernat Road their patrol went all the way to the dead end and didn't see signs of anyone okay East bernstad isn't a road though it's an area East something Road the patrol went all the way to the dead end and didn't see signs of anyone you're fine Cheyenne you're trying you're trying to figure it out off of a scanner so you're good I wish I had a scanner I used to have a scanner when I lived in Michigan we would listen to the scanner all night long but then they start started changing to different frequencies or whatever because it happened on in an Express way so one of two things happened uh the only thing that could have happened when they stopped all the cars and whatever I'm sure somebody was rubbernecking and accidentally tapped the guy in front of them probably I'm going to guess I've tried to download the apps they don't work I've tried I have tried I've tried well they have the FBI involved so I mean yeah they went to the security well yeah because the word was he has a [ __ ] scanner so they have not they have not he is still at large it has been 8 hours in the next 15 minutes so I guess um I go to bed um I'll be uh his last whereabouts were somewhere in the east burnat is area um wouldn't he go to Tennessee I mean it's 50 miles away from where he started is I mean how close to Hazard about an about an hour West um I go to bed about I'm going to be going to bed about somewhere in six seven eight o'clock area so I'll probably be asleep when they finally do [ __ ] catch him so H we don't know which way they're actually heading we don't know which way they're actually heading um I'm guessing East Northeast but I don't know I don't know I'm just guessing um he was on a foot he was on foot at that point you went to school with him you went to school with him at Whitley County was he weird yeah somebody just said they went to school with him it's in Kentucky I'm fine they have not caught him yet oh we all car here Pamela that's why we're not worried about it I do not I do not know him though he's 10 years younger than me West Virginia a bet he he wasn't he was weird he just weird it's not near Murray Kentucky I have lots of dogs um it's still happening actually okay so a lot of new people have joined I'm going to do a quick recap the quick recap is this um okay so I have to tie myself into this to help tell the story better not GNA look at the comments because I have ADHD okay so 7 o'clock um I went to go leave to go to the gym my neighbor told me to be careful because I75 was down um there was probably a big accident or something I get to the gym 7:30 somebody messes somebody sends me a live going on YouTube about an active shooter situation in my hometown and I thought it was [ __ ] till I opened it up and realized what was going on hold on um I put out the video based off of the information that I had at the time um I was a little Jarred and a little it was like just hitting me and so I was hearing all this different jumbled [ __ ] and so my first video is not accurate at all and I go to great lengths to fix that in later videos I am leaving the other one up just because um normally I take stuff down but I'm not going to [ __ ] it um and uh so while I was there um we're hoping they were going to get caught um I went into the tanning booth I came out and I was getting ready to go into the Hydra massage chair and my husband says we got to go and I said what do you mean we got to go he goes we got to go like they're shutting the doors they are kicking us out it's a 2 47 place but um they actually had everybody leave because they essentially put the town on lockdown about 9:00 um and then they ended up searching and whatnot um and he ended up they ended up calling off the search what an hour or two ago until daylight uh the what happened was uh there was some type of something that happened at the truck stop according to a few of the Articles I've read it started at the 49er truck stop now there's people who are arguing with me about this but that's going off of the papers that I saw that had a documented witness um after that it went down onto the Interstate where he shot four ve shot five people in vehicles two were airlifted to the University of Kentucky three were um brought to the um local hospital here in town two people were involved in some type of an some type of an accident or rubber neck or something um they were also brought in nobody no body had died nobody has died um at this point they've brought in six different police departments the state police the ATF the FBI uh Kentucky game and Wildlife um they are they are going balls to the wall they've had um they've had uh the the Choppers out the infrared cameras out drones out um supposedly they pinged off of off of his phone at some point I can't verify that that's something I had heard through uh another thing on here um early that morning he told his sister-in-law that he apparently he said he was going to hurt their family and then said he was going to kill a bunch of people today and then he went and bought an AR-15 and 2,000 rounds of ammunition still holding traffic on 312 I know where 312 is that's weird that is really weird 312 is not where it needs to be I don't think he offed himself I really don't he's a looted capture for 8 hours I think I think he's in it for the long game I think it's going to be a suicide by cop personally that's just me um he was just shooting from what it seemed like um and it was just random from what it it sounds like to me anyways I don't know um yeah so I'm trying to figure out why 312 would have anything to do with it because 312 is more south and he was more North so I'm a little confused I do think he'll go on shooting yeah I think I think he's hunkered down somewhere I I think he's in a house that's what I think I think he's in a house he was not found it's been eight hours I think he's in a house I really really do I think you know I I'll tell you one thing about Kentucky is we sometimes we just leave our doors open um I don't but there's a lot of people who do and he could have walked into any of those houses to be honest they had a suspicious motorcycle earlier on 312 yeah I think that um I I think he's in a house personally they have some staying in the area I'd hope so they they need to be there is not three deaths I am in the [ __ ] town who is Sarah who is Sarah who said that there was confirmed of three deaths because I will tell you I literally have it from my hometown that there is no deaths for the love of Christ 312 is more south it's more south um it is so frustrating when people come and they try to argue when you they don't have facts it's frustrating who is Sarah that says that they have three that there's three deaths 312 is in Corbin right um which is weird because everything was happening in East burnat so that's why it's a little confusing to me but is three I'm trying to think I'm trying to I'm trying to draw 312 in my head does It Go by Woodbine is he trying to go home okay yeah no there's no deaths yes okay so the very beginning one okay so let me explain the very beginning video yes that was me okay so the very first Beginning video it was not on CNN it was not on Fox News I was going off of a scanner on a YouTube there was a guy broadcasting it on YouTube who had a scanner and the scanner was saying that there was multiple Shooters one sniper 13 wounded and five dead that was off of a scanner so I don't know what the [ __ ] was going on there because it was a police scanner so originally that is where that first video came from um now that we know um he has been he has been um identified and they just need to find him now um he lives in Woodbine actually it says Corbin Kentucky on his Facebook but it's he's actually out of Woodbine does does 312 go to Woodbine by any chance would that I mean could that be a thing maybe he's trying to go home that they're checking oh maybe that they're checking it doesn't okay I because I can see 312 I can't think of where it goes I can see 312 but I can't think of where it is your husband said he used to counsel him in rehab yes they're looking in the woods that's the problem they can't look anymore no it was not all false it's still going on it's literally uh eight hours eight hours and he's still on he's still on the loose 312 is near Corbin Walmart is it really no it's not near uh University of Kentucky the person has been identified what's a hipo violation oh kind of yeah well kind of technically he shouldn't even be telling you who he's Counseling in drug in in in rehab technically he's not even supposed to tell his wife so I mean they ain't wrong they ain't wrong um if you're a nurse then you should know how to spell Hippa just FYI it is in South Eastern Kentucky oh was an auto correct I can understand that no no no there no anyway because te technically um a person of authority over someone in a rehab facility would fall under the contractual breach of HIPPA because it's only about uh certain individuals and technically a person of higher higher up that is treating you would technically fall under hippo technically not that not not that we're going to knk him out or anything not that we're going to not that we're gonna you know yeah you're not supposed to talk about who you Council that's all um that 20-year-old was okay I don't even know what talk about um the the um car was found somewhere else the car was found somewhere else so as it is as as it is stands right now he's on foot hey Australia oh my God okay you know what what do you mean he was spotted at Walmart DC Walmart DC isn't by [ __ ] 312 is it that's nowhere near 312 goes through [ __ ] Corbin dude yeah the car was at the [ __ ] truck stop that I was talking about earlier yeah 312 goes from Ki to Corbin that's not going to be a Walmart DC out in the out that direction even I know that I don't know a whole lot but I even I know that yeah Walmart DC is on [ __ ] 80 okay hold on guys we have something um if I heard correctly one officer said it's Joe and another officer responded in route with Joe I heard a man shouting in the background so hopefully they've got him but I'll keep updating was he from Manchester no no he's from Woodbine Walmart DC uh Walmart Distribution Center it's on 80 it's on us80 not 312 312 is Corbin and Ki hey Berea lock your doors Bria lock your doors Bria anybody anybody who is in a 2hour radius of London needs to be locking their doors um because he told his sister-in-law that he was going to kill her family and then kill other people Winchester's too far you're fine uh they did not catch him yet but we have something interesting coming in on a scanner so um yes the first person was shot in the head they did not die Indiana is three hours away why would they sell that much ammo because they need to have their license yanked um I don't think he's worried about the Lexington Police when they literally have the FBI and eight different jurisdictions after him here I'm sure he's real scared of Lexington's police which are already down here by the way no it's not in par it's in London close though okay asking because they mentioned either a driver's license or a license plate pertaining to Manchester no he's from Woodbine or gray um in Knox County Manchester's Clay County so yes the five people are shot her in the hospital two are in UK and three are at London H I don't know what scanner she's using they did not catch him I'm an Aries Aries Sagittarius in Western and a Pisces Pisces Scorpio in eastern Elizabeth it's it's a while from Elizabeth he's still out there stick around Lisa hopefully uh we're hoping here we're hoping I got somebody on a scanner down here uh hoping that she hears something good she's she's she's got a scanner going she's she's telling me stuff that I know is accurate um do not have any the only the only footage I saw was uh some cars backed up on 75 that was about as far um he was just uh shooting on a 75 do he have a partner with them uh no as far as we're aware there is just the one guy just the one guy how do you figure out all that Eastern zodiac stuff because that's what I follow you guys all follow Western I follow Eastern that's why it's not the fact that they're not looking they had to call the helicopters off there's no point in trying to use a helicopter um which are which is very expensive when you can't see the tree coverage is a lot there's a lot of tree coverage and if you can't see under the trees there's no point um um infrared is only going to work so far so um yeah they found no they found his car not the truck stop in Corbin the truck stopped the 49er on the 49 um they used thermal yes I do live U I do live very close to Daniel Boone yes there is um you know like I said when I first when I first put the video up it hadn't even hit uh the the the national news outlets um did they find his card exit they C they found his car Exit 49 yes okay yeah um hold on I got to get this spammer out here you know I don't even care about whatever did somebody just kick him I think somebody just kicked him um County Facebook page the stop yeah I know I'm aware I already read that Kendra Katrina I don't think there's going to be a update now there's a possibility uh she's got something weird on a scanner that we're going to try to see here but if if there's nothing on if there's nothing with this break um it's probably going to be over until Daybreak because they're not actually actively doing anything um I don't know of any Co mines so no he's not going to go south W Tennessee I don't know what's going on with the laser it's just another [ __ ] story that people are saying somebody there was a laser somebody was in the [ __ ] front yard blahy blahy blahy blah somebody that they were he was in their house four hours ago somebody BR well he was in the house okay well then why don't we have him then all right oh Jesus Christ please tell me you posted those screenshots earlier please [ __ ] tell me you posted those screenshots earlier cuz I swear to God D I'm about to [ __ ] post for you oh my god look please for the love of Christ stop giving rumor factual basis because Bobby Joe's cousin Fred thinks he saw him at Walmart DC does not make it true okay so until there is actual there in in eight hours so far okay if you want to listen to social media this is the exact reason the exactly exact [ __ ] problem I have right now in eight hours he's been in three front yards inside somebody's house at Walmart DC and that's just in the past 4 hours so he's been in two front yards inside of a house and at Walmart DC 15 miles away from he where he was cited the other time but yeah we're just we're just going to listen to everybody on social media and and so they can be relevant that's perfect that's perfect and when I actually see um when I actually see Bonafide hey we he we have a visible spotting we have a confirmed spotting then I will go with it then I will go with it it's a tree it fell through my house it's a it's a trophy from when it fell through my house um um the picture yeah they don't know which direction he's traveling just because I I'm familiar with the area I'm going to guess I think he's going to go northeast but I don't know anything it's just me guessing all right so there is no major new update Western Kentucky should be fine you think he's holding people hostage possibly actually I honestly do I Hon I honestly think he got into a house that that's what I think that's what I think that's just me I know that area and I know how many houses are in that area in I have a bad feeling that he's in a house I mean I can't prove it is it possible yeah it's it's damn possible okay there is Radio clips of one woman on the phone who saw a man shooting I think I know what you're going to be saying there I can't see the rest of it um I I heard something like that vaguely um I don't think he's going to un alive himself I think he's going to let cop take him out I think he's I think he's going to roll his dice take his chances see if he can elude capture and if he doesn't elude capture when based with um all the you have to understand um and I think I think this is what's going to happen is that and again this is just this is just my this is just me okay you have to understand what started off as you know um five counts of attempted murder with a deadly weapon um he's now loting he is now uh he could be going into endangerment in other ways um I mean there he's racking up charges as time goes he's racking up charges as time goes so you know he the the ones he had originally were bad enough but he's rack he's racking them up as he goes at this point um yeah we we T we you you leave your doors open you don't think about it no he's not going to be in North Carolina um that many rounds he's gone into hiding he would have prepared well for this being a yeah that's what I'm worried about I'm worried yeah my door's locked my door's locked how was he identified so he actually threatened the life of his sister-in-law and the sister-in-law called the police and somehow do not ask me how the two are connected but then they found his car at the truck stop and that's where everything it started was the truck stop if you cross the state lines it becomes Federal the FBI is already involved though the FBI is already involved maybe because it involves uh maybe do not quote me but I75 is a interstate so maybe they brought in the FBI because of that I don't [ __ ] know don't but the FBI is involved I can tell you that for sure the FBI is involved I read that already there there's like six different um six different p towns with police State Police FBI Kentucky fish and wildlife like they're bringing in everything they're bringing in everything yeah they they're bringing the ATF yep I'm sorry where where where in any of that did you think Kentucky does play we got like 15 [ __ ] jurisdictions going after him you think we're just we're just chilling uh about an hour about an hour hour and a half from Lexington okay there's no proof he lost his son zero zero zero no they still haven't found him yeah I've already I've already read the mayor's statement I've already done the mayor thing uh could he have stolen a car yeah it started at 5:30 p.m. this whole little I'm gonna tell you something right now if I'm G tell you something right now if that if if if he had lost his son do you think that that would not be all over the news veteran loses son takes out his takes out his anger the world on uh on innocent passer buying cars that would have been top that would have been top of the line dude top of the line um thank you Andre it is 2:41 a.m. right Mariana yeah that' be that'd be a much that'd be because here's the deal okay let's let's be real all right I'm just I'm just GNA paint a picture for y'all I'm going to paint a picture for y'all okay you hear you hear that old Joe Joe decided he was gonna shoot five innocent people okay yeeha Billy over here is gonna have zero problem taking Joe out right now you throw in the okay but he's a he's a vet and he's got issues and he lost his son now Bobby might not kill him probably just tie him up in his hog shed somewhere so I think context would be important if there was something at play like uh a lapse of PTSD or a or a tragic passing of a child that stuff would already be out there it would already be out there they know who he is they have his name they have all of that so they would know if this guy's kid died I'm pretty sure it would be out there I'm sure that that would already be like out there being told so I'm I'm going to call [ __ ] until again I see it in writing there is no nobody died five wounded five wounded the charges in February were third degree uh terroristic threatening which is a Class B misdemeanor in Kentucky um all that is is um you know first degree and second degree are like threatening schools threatening things like that third degree um terroristic threatening unfortunately I have a history with with um I put my daughter in jail for terroristic terroristic threatening third degree for off for threatening to kill me and my dogs um It Was Heard by both police and a mental institution so I had lots to back me so her bond was set at 5,000 his was only set at a th um she actually served jail time it sounds like with a $1 thousand Bond he probably didn't um according to the Facebook post where his mother is commenting on she is instead of saying anything pertinent she's like oh the terroristic threatening charge was just because the dog tried to chew off his son's face or something and I don't know if that's where people are getting it from because she mentions the fact that the dog tried to attack the kid um but she didn't go into anything saying you know the dog attacked the baby it killed the B nothing like that so um the mom is is is is choosing the wrong Hill to die on her her son is a wanted fugitive of trying to un alive five innocent people and is worried about a charge of his from February um I'm not really sure exactly that's not where it would have been you know what I mean um good night to you yeah well she I wouldn't say she's defending him I wouldn't looked I wouldn't say she's defending him she just basically said that the third degree terroristic threatening was bunk and honestly if it's what she says it is and it can happen for what she says it is it in in this situation would be buk him threatening him threatening to kill the dog that was you know trying to attack his son um does not equate to actually actively trying to kill five people so I mean you know what I mean but that is not the hill I'm going to die on if that was my if that was my kid I would be on there saying you know a lot more than that in my opinion um no they're they're just random passer by um on going north and south on I75 his mom mned the school I didn't hear anything about that do I think he has more planned I have no idea uh shooter still out there uh it's been eight hours and he they haven't found him yet well I mean anybody who's going to shoot people have serious problems I mean let's be real we don't know where the shooter is it's been eight hours nobody knows they say that we shouldn't that we should that we're safe though because because they have an idea where he is they said that like four hours ago at least two hours ago at least two hours ago they said that we can be safe they know about his area two hours ago and still haven't got the [ __ ] so yeah no I'm good oh talking about Georgia yeah I think he planned it well honestly I do I do oh they're talking about Georgia got it Cheyenne what do you got for me got anything new where was the last place he was um the 49er truck stop on 90925 in London off the 49 exit on I75 it is still going on in Kentucky oh the Daniel the Daniel Boon Forest Area is [ __ ] gigantic gigantic I'm talking there's Parts down at the at the [ __ ] Tennessee border and there's Parts up uh up to almost Richmond it it's big it's big yeah they called it off for tonight earlier appreciate you yeah it's it's a big Forest Big Forest yeah don't go out hunting tomorrow um five wounded none dead the mayor posted an update 22 minutes ago did he flee with the weapon yes and 60 pounds of ammo let me see what the let me see if I can find the damn mayor again this ought to be fun I can't find all this stuff hold on um one okay I understand that the community is seeking more answers but this is all the information I have at this time please remain Vigilant and call 911 if you see the individual in question we still have many first sponsor responders in the community working hard throughout the night I will provide updates as soon as I have more information this is an open investigation led by the sheriff's office which is working diligently on the situation let's keep the victims their families and our First Responders in our thoughts and prayers and then this was the post from an hour ago and people are pissed so somebody said that there's been shots in East burnat all night the mayor deleted some other post apparently I post you delete oh wa mayor says I didn't delete anything it was flag for some reason um okay so are there reports of multiple Shooters but only person of interest is Jay couch is there any credit to the theory of multiple shooters from what I've gathered previously stated this was a result of two cars engaging in an incident with each other that escalated not a random act of shooter event is a still belief of the time because that's um because that's the weird thing because it says it started as a road rage it does say it started at as a road rage but then in another one it said that it started at the damn truck stop so it say it says in my even in the timeline that I put up it says it started as a roog rage incident but it makes no sense for it to be a roog rage incident and then just hang out on the side of the [ __ ] highway shooting at cars random cars that doesn't make any sense plus uh there was people that was taken away for a car accident but I don't see where it's okay let's see can you just can you say if there's more than one shooter and what general area is he contained in so people will feel safer if you haven't contained why are you waiting until the morning uh apparently everybody in in the world is watching crime with Bobby um what the hell does that have to do with anything [ __ ] weird all right yeah so basically they um basically uh what they're what they're saying is is they have called it off they have no idea what's going on he has nothing more he can tell us and there's people in the area but they won't tell what the area is Welcome to My Town people Welcome to My Town well that's just been on there that's been on there since it happened in uh uh at 5 at 5:30 in the morning or 5:30 in the afternoon what are they going to do if they can't find him tomorrow there's going to be a lot of pissed off people there's going to be a lot of pissed off people uh has it been confirmed as far as I'm aware there's um how many people were shot five she wasn't really defending him though dude I went to that thing all she did was say the comment about the [ __ ] terroristic threatening yeah so somebody else just said that too apparently uh East burn the area I told you it was in apparently East burnstad has had gunshots going on going on all night I when I first bought my house um I actually bought one in in East burnstad and then it fell through and I got this one um I live very very very very very very close no five don't do not come in here and attempt to tell me what the [ __ ] is going on five were shot five were shot two were involved in a car accident I am very well aware of what's been going on in my in my [ __ ] town five were hit five were wounded from him go go read the timeline I have the timeline go read the timeline um two were involved in a uh car accident oh don't worry I'm somewhere in this area don't worry about it I'm somewhere in this area it's all right yeah I don't know what the wreck was caused for I'm hardly giving out my like address y'all I live in this area yes I said I live 10 miles from the incident yeah 49 490 is going to be in the brunt of it definitely 490 I somebody else just said something about 490 um I actually was G to buy a house off 490 so that's like wild to me um so yeah he's from a little bit South he's from a little bit South he's from uh probably about half half hour south well thank you Sylvia I appreciate you I'm sure it is and if I was hiding I sure as hell wouldn't say where I am right now would I but thank you for coming on here and threatening me I appreciate you if I was that concerned of people knowing where the hell I live I sure as hell wouldn't be having a live in front of 1,200 people and 100 people down here saying exactly where the [ __ ] I live but thank you for pointing out that you can find my address at any given time I appreciate you you [ __ ] stalker but I appreciate you one of my stalkers uh there's a few mods on here good catch Michaela if I was if I was if I was that [ __ ] worried about people knowing where I was would I sit here saying that I'm literally right where it is um not entered anyone that's what I'm wondering I'm wondering if he actually entered somebody's home that's what I'm worried about honestly that'd be the easiest thing to do the interstate was opened hours ago that's okay happy it's all good yeah no see I've had a problem with these people for three years they think they think it's funny to come in here and try to say that they're going to out where I live they do this all the time this is nothing new which hence why it's like eh whatever they they think they're they're they got one up on me dude you can White Pages anybody on the [ __ ] internet let's be real let's be real you can white page anybody on the [ __ ] internet if you if you are not [ __ ] enough then I have your name involved um he is from Knox County he's from Knox County and he did it in Laurel County okay I see I'm used to it hell matter of fact if you there's a video on here uh there's a video on here talking talking about one of the [ __ ] stalkers as it is yeah I I'm going to have to say it's not really a road rage incident when when the [ __ ] goes out and plans and buys 2,000 rounds of ammunition I just don't see that being I don't see it being that that way I mean literally he I mean he was he was he went out looking for he went out looking for what he's what he's doing hold on wait oh they're they're back they're they're back they're back oh no actually I took all my medication today thank you I took all my medication today thank you I love the fact that you think that you're going to point out about my mental illness that I've been more than fluent about but that's okay so far let's see just in the past uh what in the past five minutes you've uh threatened to put out my address and downgraded my mental illness good job are you you jealous that I have this many people in here are you are you jealous that the attention's not on you very confused oh no they uh uh they came in they call me the manity of insanity that's uh that's uh who just came in just now I'm the manity of insanity because I have mental illness and I had an eating disorder that put me down a 76 pounds and I recovered and I look like this now so their best deal on them is I have weight issues and I'm crazy guess what I can lose 50 pounds you're still going to be a [ __ ] can't fix that anyway Ryan Le TM on YouTube Ryan Le TM on YouTube I my well yeah um my mods are my mods know who they are that my mods are taking them out my mods are taking them out normally I let them Roll But like I ain't even dealing with this today like I got bigger fish to [ __ ] fry there is a [ __ ] Looney Tune running around the AR 15 around my house like do you really think I'm gonna [ __ ] dick with Debbie [ __ ] [ __ ] over here that's like I know where you live yeah me too [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up like I'm dealing with real problems you're over there jerking off onto a [ __ ] screen Ryan's on Ryan on shut the [ __ ] up hey I wouldn't worry about Georgia they'd have to go all the way from [ __ ] Kentucky into Tennessee into Georgia so I mean that that's a that's pretty far hike that's pretty far hike I mean honestly I'm figuring I I hello from Tennessee I would think honestly I don't think like I don't think he's going to go that far I don't think he's going to go that far I just don't I think like he's I think he I just feel like he's like hungered down somewhere um I just feel like he's hunger down somewhere I don't know why but I just do I mean I don't know I mean there there could be other things I you have to understand that the area that this happened in there's been gunshots all night there's been gunshots all night the everything that I've been hear and everything that I've been seeing um there's been gunshots in that area all night so yeah normal Saturday night in Kentucky I mean to be honest I mean honestly I mean you guys have been with me on lives where I go sit out I go sit out on my porch and I'm on a live and you just hear guns going off behind me I mean that's where we live it's not that far-fetched to hear guns go off all hours of the day and night it that it is the wild west down here um literally I'll just be sitting on my porch and hear guns so like I wouldn't wouldn't even think nothing of it I wouldn't even think nothing of it to be honest what about the guy who sold him the ammo uh well uh he's shitty but I mean I don't know if it's illegal but it should be um yeah they did identify him they just need to find him now yeah I don't think I don't think getting 2000 was very good that's for sure [ __ ] I started reading it he didn't he literally bought it and and and when he he bought it uh at some point told his sister-in-law he was going to hurt their family and other people and by 5:30 this afternoon he was going this has been going on for eight hours eight hours he's 50 miles salty he's 50 miles um he uh this has been going on for eight hours yeah there should never be 2,000 rounds of ammo being sold um he's supposed to be on foot I don't know man he's been he's been out for eight hours how'd he bite with the criminal record I don't know I do not know that's that I cannot figure that that I cannot figure out that I can't figure out because if but if he did now here's the deal though he got arrested um February 8th for terrorist threatening third degree but did he get found guilty if he didn't get found guilty he doesn't have a record I mean he did have a what was it a drunk driving in 2020 but I don't think that precludes you from having a gun they need to send out the hounds thanks Amy well it depends on what caliber of how many you can fit in a box like if you buy a a box of 22s you can get a [ __ ] ton in a box if you buy like nine you might get like 50 in a box so it just depends it just depends yeah I'm aware he got arrested in 2024 for terroristic threatening I've explained that three times now however being arrested for and being charged with are two different things and we don't know if he was if he was absolutely charged with it uh and it went through and he was found guilty I mean yeah yeah he was arrested for it but did it go on his record or did it or was he found innocent that's the problem we don't know so if he was found innocent he wouldn't have a record from that and if he was found guilty then I would love to know how the [ __ ] he got a weapon um yes the shooters well he I don't know if he's still active necessarily there's been gunshots going on going on around that portion of town all night but um we haven't heard anything about any type of fatalities or anything so there's been not there's not been anything about um any type of fatalities so could not have been to court yet yeah that's not how that works when I got my daughter picked up um for her terroristic threatening um I filed the report um they lost her in the system they found her in the system they picked her up within 20 minutes of me calling and saying hey this is where she's at she got picked up June 21st or she she got she got moved there June 21st and she went to court July 17th it was three weeks in Kentucky it took three weeks to see court for a terroristic threatening third degree so I'm pretty sure uh between February and now he would have had his court date yeah it's common wall State they like to they like to buy in FIA bit essentially um I don't know how I mean I don't know where he is currently um when this all happened he was about 10 miles from me um nobody was killed five people were wounded Bell countyy is still pretty far south though it's still pretty far south it's it takes me it takes me 45 to an hour to get to Bell they called off the air search um until daylight no I don't think he'll go to Tennessee I think I think I I think they're going to probably find him like there's been there's been gunshots all night over in that area but nobody has nobody's died or anything so but yeah they've been they've been saying that there's been gunshots going all night over in the 490 area that's not how it works they take you right from your court date you don't have to report they take you straight from the court date there's not 19 injured there was five injured seven if you count the two in the um car accident a good night cheen thank you for trying to help all right let's see let's do another check real quick well you guys have to understand that there's a lot of tree cover and trying to use uh infrared technology um when you can't get through the [ __ ] trees um it's a waste of time energy and effort um to be realistic um they're not going to want to pay for that all right so let's see though here's something on CNN from 45 minutes ago probably [ __ ] nothing all [Music] right oh whoops I did not want to do that there we go a man hunt is underway all five victims are in stable condition and they are searching for one shooter so this is 45 minutes ago all five victims are in stable condition and authorities are searching for one shooter here's the deal okay think about it he [ __ ] up he shot some people that are all in stable condition if he would have just allowed himself to be caught think about this he could have played they're all in stable condition so he could have played to something way less than what they're going to give him at this point this Manhunt is probably going to cost a million [ __ ] dollars like fleeing and alluding was the dumbest [ __ ] thing he could have done okay they discovered Ed nine Vehicles had been shot into on both North and southbound Lanes all five people injured had sustained gunshot injuries we know the general idea the general area of where this individual is adding he will not provide further specifics the interstate reopened Saturday evening after it was closed for roughly 3 hours only in Kentucky only in Kentucky swear to God dead ass this is in the article if you think you hear something outside your home please do not go outside shooting our officers could be in that area or First Responders call 911 the fact that you have to tell people that like do not go outside and shoot things we could be the people you are hearing like oh my God no it was uh yeah it was the mayor the mayor said that the mayor was Lally like if you hear something don't shoot it could be me yeah I told you it's the wild [ __ ] West down here the fact that there's been gunshots in E Bur St all night does not even does not even phase me does not even phase me oh what's this here's something interesting hold on one woman was driving down Interstate 75 with a friend from Wester New York Rochester New York blah to Knoxville Tennessee gave harrowing details about the shooting in an interview with CNN when they reached London Christina denoto said that she and her friend heard a loud noise we were driving along all of a sudden it was like a rock went through my back window and it hurt my ear we looked at each other and we were like was that a gunshot and then we're like no that wasn't a gunshot she said that she noticed a truck driving next to her slowed down and pulled off to the shoulder of the interstate so she initially thought they had a blowout she said that the several police cars drove by at high speed and so many tires on the side of the interstate it wasn't until roughly an hour and a half later that she learned about the shooting when she arrived at a friend's house she noticed what appeared to be paint scrapes on the back of her car my hands are still shaking she said and she adds she feels incredibly lucky you couldn't pay me to go to Texas yeah there there's okay here's the LA Times the New York Times the guardian Fox News CNN y Yoo YouTube so I mean it's actually hitting places Now voice of America routers WMT so it's it's finally you know getting out there it's been eight hours but whatever it's been eight hours am I going to stay up until they find him no um this is my normal this is this is my daytime um I go to bed at 7 o'clock 7 o'clock 8 o'clock 6 o'clock to 8 o'clock in the morning so this this is my normal daytime so while you guys think I'm insane and crazy being up at 3:00 in the morning um this is this is uh if you follow me on Ryan Le TM you'll find that out because that's when I do my uh lives I do live every night and I'm usually live about this time on uh YouTube uh no it was let me tell you something um when I put my video up it was not national news I looked there was nothing there was nothing I think there was like one thing that was reporting on it and it wasn't it wasn't even practically anything what my lives typically cover um a lot of it is Gypsy Rose based um because I fell in with the [ __ ] and they made my life hell but whatever anyway um I've been a content creator for three years so I have you know I basically talk about my life um random [ __ ] my lives are usually like three four hours long yeah this is my work my work hours 800 p.m. to 8 am. no I usually end up going live I usually go live for about three about four or five hours I get paid it's all right it's like I'm working it's all right I'm not just out here rattling rattling for no idea I actually do get paid um not on Tik Tok which is why I'd much prefer you guys go to YouTube I get paid more when you're on YouTube actually get paid when you're on YouTube I don't get paid when I'm on Tik Tok anyway um I'm not going to bed that's that'd be like telling somebody to go to bed at like two in the afternoon dude that's like telling somebody go about 2: in the afternoon like it is literally still like right now for me it's like 5 o'clock at night so yeah I'm good I got to get him up at 6:00 in the morning he's got D and D at 7 o'clock so I got to get him up at six and then I'm probably G going to go to bed am I live on YouTube yes all my lives are on YouTube Every live is on YouTube that way people can enjoy them later on a replay and because as you've seen from the Rabid cicles that want to follow me around everywhere they like to say I say things I didn't say so I started going to YouTube and recording all of my lives um so yeah I'm always on YouTube every night every night uh like somewhere between 800 and 11: um Eastern Standard Time until whenever I decide to get off of it hours later um I go on Tik Tok probably two three times a week or I do hop in other people's boxes or whatever but um I was I was uh predominantly a Tik Tock uh Tick Tock live person for three years but um as of late I've moved to YouTube to cover my own app ask because people are dicks all right oh here's one from 34 minutes ago let's see this is GPB that's so funny PBS all right hold on literally that's that's really they said although they did uh no they did say this they said to not only avoid I75 but to also um avoid 25 which is the B basically you can take 25 or 75 up through East burnstad into Livingston and they're saying to avoid both of them thanks nightmare I appreciate you hey tsha a thanks faith I love all you people that are like I'm gonna come over here so you can get paid I appreciate you I appreciate you yeah YouTube is better um it it's not as fast um I can I can control the comments a lot better on YouTube so I can actually pay attention to YouTube's comments way easier um does he work tomorrow no tomorrow's his day off tomorrow is his day off he work six days a week 70 hours a week and um tomorrow's his day off we're actually other than going to the pet store at some point tomorrow um we're gonna be doing Dungeons and Dragons so the shooter was not caught they have postponed the they've postponed the search until daylight hours um I guess the infrared wasn't penetrating the tree cover um so they know the generalized area he is in um well it wasn't necessarily in the face it was in the head but yeah um but they're all stable all five people are stable there was no fatalities five people that are stabilized and if he would have just let himself be picked up I mean he could have pleed this down especially if he used the whole vet thing let's just be real um he could have pled it down but now he's he's he's racking up charges on charges on charges on charges on charges update one minute ago where I'm literally doing this like every five minutes okay so update where I just did the I just looked on Chrome there was nothing so where am I where am I going now all right so the mayor has not updated for 55 minutes let's go to the sheriff I'm the journalist find it myself that's what I'm doing cut rag nope nothing although real how's this how's this for for you one day ago Laurel Sheriff deputies already conducting school safety walkthroughs literally yesterday literally the day it happened there they were doing school safety walkthroughs can you imagine doing a school safety walkthrough and then have that pop up yeah that have been that yeah that have been bad literally not even kidding oh and it was even at East burnstad all schools in Laurel County and East burn St independent are being routinely visited by on juty patrol uh this year in addition we have two deputies assigned full-time and they were yeah interesting all right I appreciate you Amber I appreciate it um so our schools yeah so yeah so I'm not seeing anything that was updated a minute ago um literally uh the sheriff's office is an hour ago the the the mayor was an hour ago nothing else anywhere has been updated in the past uh 20 minutes new okay so hold on news X news X got it got you let's do it all right news X no damn it I didn't hit hit it quick enough all right updated seven minutes ago when our first two units got to the scene there they said it was a mad house people on the sides of the road emergency flashers going bullet holes Windows shot out nine vehicle shot can you imagine that just chaotic they said uh from a deputy on on a press conference on Sunday um upon arrival police discovered numerous Vehicles pulled over on the highway with bullet holes and shattered Windows clearly visible five individuals were shot during the incident although all were reported to be in stable condition early Sunday some suffered serious injuries including one person who was shot in the face oh they were right that was the face good job two additional people were injured in a related vehicle accident um I just hurt red head earlier so but that makes sense because they said that they were being shot through the windshield so that makes sense um okay we do have the area contained right now it's a very fluid investigation our people are still on the scene our special response team is there we are trying to find a shooter there the search was temporarily suspended due to Darkness and was set to resume at Daybreak on Sunday they launched an intensive search for the suspect in a remote wooded area near the highway the [ __ ] now look at this the Laurel County Sheriff's office has identified a person of interest connected to the shooting describing him as Joseph couch a 32y 32-year old white female white male [ __ ] me authorities have been warned have warned the public that couch should be considered armed and dangerous and residents are advised to not approach him a cardio emphasized however that couch has not been confirmed as the shooter we have not determined that this individual fired the weapon you put out a bolo for a [ __ ] you better stand T toes [ __ ] down that that is the correct person especially when the [ __ ] talking about having 2,000 rounds of ammunition and literally threatened his family and said he was going to kill people like what are we doing here what are we doing hold on okay State lawmakers from Laurel County issued a statement condemning the violence and urging residents to remain indoors without a doubt this is an act of sensless violence really does not reflect the values of this community um call 911 uh caution against unnecessary gun fires that could hinder First Responders we're asking folks please do not go outside your home shooting because we might have First Responders in the area it's important to know you're safe we have multiple agencies in the community and the history of lenen in in Laurel County um Searchers know the general area where this individual is but refrain from disclosing specific details why would you not do that well then again because we have vigilante people who will go find him but then again it would be over so that be nice um it does not say anything about four Shooters I don't know why you are saying that no he said no he did not he did not harm his family he said he was going to said he was going to um yeah so streamyard [ __ ] my income I tried streamyard problem is is that most of my people watch my stuff live okay so most of my on my lives most people watch it in its entirety for three four x hours okay and the problem is with streamyard is it doesn't put in mid rolls it puts in the beginning ad every time somebody come comes in they get the beginning ad I have it set up for Mid roll so you get ads throughout the live intermittently and um when you go use streamyard it doesn't give you the mid rolls which would eat like 90% of my Revenue oh he is probably watching it somewhere uh they did not catch the shooter he is still they they have an idea of where he is they won't say where and nor will they go get him yes if you come in my live there's ads on live yes how I get paid yes I'm safe it's okay well yeah I get that I mean they can't be like this is the guy who did it but at the same time like the way they made it sound they're like well we don't really know like I it was the way that they phrased it that that I was like wait what um I feel like if you're gonna if you're going to you know put a bolo out for somebody you better be pretty damn sure because I will tell you if they put [ __ ] bolo out for me and it was bogus I would be suing them for defamation you got hit with the you got hit with the band you got hit with the [ __ ] ad stick the other day and you're like I don't know who got the ads tonight because I got none so someone must have non-stop ads I don't even know where Madisonville is no I don't I don't do panel lives talk about football no thank you it's you what's you oh you got all the ads you're taking them for the team woooo it's been wonderful hey damn it I appreciate whoever the hell just said that hold on hey happy follow me on Ryan Le TM YouTube that's where I go live every day Tik Tok I go live a couple times a week depends on what the the subject matter is but um there's more fish tanks on that way um but um I always go live on Tik Tok no to to be God's honest right now I don't think that veterans mental health has a damn thing to do with this you can call me whatever you want to call me but my problem is this if you are having homicidal urges you need to go get [ __ ] help period you know I understand that that veterans go through a lot of [ __ ] I am also mentally ill I'm not equating myself to a veteran but ALS I can say that as a mentally ill person it it is it's it's if you're having homicidal thoughts you need to go talk to somebody you need to figure it out you need to realize if you are thinking about doing that that you need to stop yourself um and so no this is not the time to talk about that because it's just going to piss me off to be honest dead ass yeah it says he was in the Army we don't know how long we don't know if he was it just says he was there's only one guy there's only one shooter I've known quite a huge t with those in my life believe it or not oh he's in my backyard awesome well we don't know what it's possible next moves are I don't I don't play that game I'm not I'm not going to I'm not going to waste time trying to figure out where his next moves are we have no idea he could literally be North he could be East he could be South he could be sitting in the same spot he could be taking a nap he could be inside somebody's house we don't know anything we know nothing we know nothing we know absolutely nothing so I mean at that point you know to to guess things without having anything to even remotely go on is is a waste of time and effort and energy and resources you got the ad but you got to skip it woohoo right that'd be wild Kelo can you just even imagine that like you're just home chilling you're like I'm on the FBI's most wanted list what the [ __ ] man I was just went out for a beer like that would suck um I I would assume he's on foot I would assume he's on foot um I have lots of different fish I would assume he's on foot hey I yeah I I don't think they should have told everybody that they called off the search hey maybe they didn't call off the search maybe they said they did because they think he's listening maybe maybe maybe maybe they didn't turn up maybe they didn't take the search off maybe they know he's listening and they were like oh yeah we're gonna we're gonna do it tomorrow yeah maybe they're doing that hi uh I mean who knows who knows we don't know anything about I mean it could be anything I mean realis istically the the tree cover is is probably going to be a problem realistically they haven't found him yet they've turned off the scanner twice now Jesus we're talking about an active shooter situation that's that's in its ninth hour it's in it's ninth hour they still haven't found him I appreciate you have I no this is this is my daytime I go to sleep at um between 600 and 8 in the morning I do midnights well they're saying one I mean do we know for a fact there's not two no are they concentrating on the fact that there's one yes um no this is this is my daytime um I do my lives at night I do my work at night no I'm dat in 20 minutes the only update I have is this this thing right here this thing right here has been licking me and wanting Pets the entire time that I've been trying to do this no no no no no no no all right so yeah I mean there could be definitely tunnel for sure yeah they found his car they found his car um yes he he's in we're in the ninth hour it's the butter boy it's the butter boy he the butteriest oh thank you I appreciate you he tore out my nose ring the other day kicking his [ __ ] little feet around he kicked my nose ring out on my face how'd he get away he ran I mean he if he if he's Army and he's training this [ __ ] I mean he's going to be able to do it realistically so luckily it didn't hurt when he tore it out I was all right his name's buddy he a popper he the baby puer he he's the puffiest perer that I got he's the youngest baby I got please stop licking me your generation needs babysitters you know why you're called gen Z because she came in last last CU you little [ __ ] aren't they they they [ __ ] yes they are all right s he's under the s's a passed out down here don't start no so yeah so that's where we're at here there is no updates the search has has been called off until daylight uh the mayor knows where he is but doesn't know where he is but they didn't go get him there's been gunshots in that area all night long but nobody's been hurt yet I would say on foot um I don't know what the hell this little thing is he's some type of a Chihuahua doxen pug Pomeranian thing he's got a curly tail he's like a chihuahua with a curly tail and a long body I don't know he's a freak e a freak e a freak stop it um there was no video released uh my doors are locked and we have multiple situations we have our own situations your full-blooded chihuahua has a curly tail then it's not a full-blooded Chihuahua I'd get that thing DNA tested because Chihuahuas do not have curly tails so I would get that thing DNA tested they did not find him look at everybody look at everybody saying you're so perfect yep got the song ffo is in my head and the line just went out of my head this went out of my head uh no I don't sleep with this one he sleeps in here he sleeps in here I am trying to that man that whole the whole line was perfect in my head and now it's gone uh the update is that he is shedding the update is they have not found him they've called off the search until the sunrise they have a generalized idea of where he is but they're not actually going to get him there's been gunshots all night in that area but nobody's actually been hit um so yeah that's where we're at right now the mayor says that we should be safe because he knows where they where he is but they have not managed to get it they know where the area is they will not disclose where the area is the scanners went uh the scanners went dark twice so I'm not sure what I'm not really sure what their actual game plan is that they're doing is there a mod chat uh I have my Discord chat you can be in the Discord chat if you want to I can add you in there um yes this is there's more tanks down that way um so he popped oh wait no he no there's been gunshots and we don't know if they're that if they're connected or not my YouTube is Ryan Le TM Ry Le TM uh I have a lot of animals um yeah you know I would find it very very very coincidental that they're putting out a guy's name for possibly doing this um when he literally admitted to buying an AR and 2,000 rounds of ammunition the same day I mean that'd be really strange for it to not be him just saying just saying did I see what happened to what I can't fix the thing so you said did you see what happened to something what can you can you repeat that oh it's not an actual Discord it's not an actual Discord what is DTV what is GTB you're G have to spell it out for me apparently I'm stupid no it was we had a Discord and we abandoned the Discord and we went to um Facebook but I just call it the Discord server yeah I'll just add you in there Goldie you don't have to do anything um they still haven't found him why won't they disclose the area my guess is the same reason our mayor had to put out a thing saying if you hear a noise don't shoot people if that to be realistic I God's honest when I tell you the south is a whole another ball game if he tells where the area is they think he is we're going to have Bubba and Joey and Bobby and Billy out there with their 20 6 is that even a gun um going after him they can't they can't let him know they can't they can't let him up now they can't because they are literally going to try to go find him it's the same reason he literally had to be like if you hear a noise don't shoot this whole place down here is shoot first ask later everything is shoot first as later the interstate is fine it it open up hours ago they are not multiple Shooters Jesus [ __ ] Christ I am literally from here I am literally watching everything through my local police department my State Police Department my mayor's office they are looking for one mother [ __ ] person I've been doing this [ __ ] for damn near nine [ __ ] hours they are not looking for multiple people right now that is not a thing not a [ __ ] thing they're looking for one [ __ ] that's it I'm hungry this all happened in Laurel County if they find if if they find to how bad will I feel I won't feel bad at all I'm going off of what is being told by officials so I guess they can feel bad they are saying that there is one active shooter I am relying said a relaying said information I don't have a stake in the [ __ ] game there could be 15 [ __ ] Shooters ain't going to change my day I am simply telling you that the the accurate info out there is saying that they are going after one shooter to say that they are going after other Shooters would be inaccurate it would be misinformation now if there happens to be two then there happens to be two well you think I'm G to cry into my beer because I was wrong no I'm going off of What official sources are saying not Billy Bob from [ __ ] Facebook there could be two there could be three there could be four I don't [ __ ] know I'm telling you what they're looking for though well I can tell you that my town is pretty [ __ ] credible I can tell you that that that the pages that I join in my town are pretty [ __ ] credible considering we're [ __ ] here I wish I drank I wish I drank I got some whiskey out there should I drink some whiskey drink some whiskey Local Pages aren't going too crazy I mean honestly not awful anyways I mean they could be worse probably um I well I barely ate today but but if you go to my ocratic you can find out where somebody decided to make a video of me eating chips because you know eating is bad eating is bad thank you yeah somebody made a cute little Video Edit of me eating chips and made it a big deal so I do edit it with me eating chips it was an Inception video I watched me eating chips while eating chips are you gonna hurt my feelings and call me fat I can lose 50 pounds you can't gain 50 brain cells we're good eat the butter man and the butter man B man A B man they do have too much time in their hands I agree th% yeah I'm hoping that they find him before something else happens for real I mean this [ __ ] has been running around willy-nilly for nine hours nine hours here's the kicker about the thing with the food do you guys realize number one I eat one meal a day so I snack on my lives and I'm like oh my God she eats on her lives like oh my God I eat like one actual meal a day yeah I can snack if you don't want to watch me fat ass eat then turn the [ __ ] Channel he could be anywhere I mean realistically I mean if he if he managed to like hijack a car which I think we'd hear about but let's say he did get a car immediately seven hours he could be in Michigan by now realistically realistically could be in [ __ ] Michigan right now if he immediately got a car I don't think he's gonna be sleeping that's not how it works when you when you are actively evading like police and [ __ ] I mean True Crime 101 you go during night time you sleep during daytime you have to move in the darkness hold on so all you do is announce ALR already published info to the public and read it that's not job no my job's even cooler than that you want to hear what I get paid for are you ready are you ready are you ready not only do I take already done published content and just speak it in the air but for hours on end I talk about nothing but my life holy [ __ ] and I get paid for it oh my God but you go do your job I'll do mine from the comfort of my home it's all good yeah there's no way he's asleep there's no way that motherfucker's asleep he know he knows people are tracking him I had to block how did how did I block you if you're here you dumb [ __ ] if you're in this live you're not blocked what do you mean he was just released last month on bond where the hell did you see that all I seen was where he got picked up in February oh another account idiot so what you're telling me Rick let's just let's just let's just tell let's let so so we're on the same page Rick please tell me to kick him well I'm going to I'm G still make an example out of Rick so what so what's Rick so what Rick is telling me is he was an absolute raging [ __ ] in my life I said a boundary I kicked him out of it he said [ __ ] your boundary I'm more important and came back and this is why we choose the bear anyway yeah I atat food holy [ __ ] it it's wild you're just gon to record my live hi that's the only way you're going to get views is if you record my live and stream it to your channel actually I would love for that because see as a content creator um I can flag your [ __ ] for copyright so if you put it up on YouTube I'll hit you with a copyright strike because it's obviously me and I will obviously hit you with a copyright strike and you you will lose your YouTube channel as for your Tik Tok is probably the only way you're going to get views so I'll help you out well that's the only way you're going to get anything this he's on account number three now by the way account number three got number three this [ __ ] he knows no right we've blocked him twice here he is again do you do you do you have children do you have children do you have a girlfriend do you have any of that so let me tell you about back in the day I would get these um what the what somebody just came in here with a name that I recognized from like 15 years ago I don't think it's the same guy uh Moses Moses do I know you in real life I just seen a name come in I'm like what the [ __ ] I recognized that name that was [ __ ] wild I can't I can't think of there being uh is there there's only one there's right now they're only looking for one shooter they're only looking for one shooter right now you're messaging me screenshots okay where at bye happy I have to know where to look Instagram you're sending me donuts woooo this person Moses I knew him from like 15 years ago if it was the same person which would have been [ __ ] wild no I'm not talking about that geriatric [ __ ] the part of the Seas I'm not talking about that guy I know it reminds me of the Beltway snipers that's exactly what I was thinking about yeah remind me of the belt the Beltway I wish I had real Donuts dude I haven't had a real donut in a [ __ ] couple days sometimes I take my husband to the when I take him to work I'll stop and get a like a donut and the other day instead of getting a doughnut I bought protein cookies I bought protein cookies from the gym instead of getting donuts yeah that I don't know I ate half a one um I won't buy that one again but I do I am kind of interested in trying they're in the house I could probably go get them I do love donuts I do can you tell I hate Crispy Cream I hate it I love I love my Timmy hose I love my Timmy hose and I don't have it down here so I'm sad and our doughnut places all Clos at like one o'clock down here I'm used to being able to drive to a doughnut place and be able to get a dut 24 hours a day and they don't do that hold on wait what are they back are they wait are they back are they back uh your job basically relies to need on someone to publish info that you don't do research on no actually I've never done one like this before my info is strictly based off of me my lives are usually just [ __ ] this is just something because I'm in the area no my uh my actual lives uh just have to do with me and my stunning personality yep people subscribe to me and everything they do memberships whole nine yep I have memberships on my YouTube channel you can pay to be a member you can sit in my lives and talk forever I am such a good value I appreciate you Great Value but that's okay uh yeah Samantha I know right it's been like four hours how the [ __ ] um they have not found him it's it's going on uh it's like getting ready to be nine uh it's in it's in Laurel County in Kentucky oh I mean that's that that pretty much is my lives dude it's just me bullshitting or bitching about Gypsy Rose which again I don't need to have told me because I know inside outside left side upside down plus the whole you know got involved with the [ __ ] family for a hot minute so I got that little intake too isn't that wood surrounded by flat land no it is not flat here it's not flat here yeah they stop the search till morning till till uh sun sunrise Daybreak they're going to um bring the Choppers back in why thank you Angie yeah I'm not everybody's cup of tea but I'm somebody's shot of whiskey uh there is an active shooter that has been on the lamb for nine hours in my hometown not my hometown my what do you call this where you move to it my just my town my hometown would be Metro Detroit so this is my hometown this is where I live okay so Instagram is ryan. TM um I've seen the thing about the 14-year-old shooter and the fact that his dad's being held liable as well he should considering his son literally made threats and then he handed him a gun not the smartest thing they could have done um I am I'm from Metro Detroit yeah 36 years in metro Detroit and then I moved to Kentucky to be fair the only thing I can drink is distilled so I'm either I'm either drinking whiskey or moonshine so I used to be able to drink like Mike's Harden that but it sort of give me migraines the only thing I can drink now is whiskey and moonshine oh yeah Kentucky needs a [ __ ] DVD of you are moving to the [ __ ] Wild West whole [ __ ] yeah they did yeah the one the parents who got held liable in Michigan yep we do have huge mountains we need I literally you need a DVD to come here like it is wild um do I live in Detroit when Eminem lived there um I actually adopted my daughter off a seven mile so um I was up in that area quite frequently I actually little lived a little bit South in Monroe would I ever want to move no I love Kentucky it smells like gain I've tried crumbo crumble is not bad yeah you can get you can do those too appreciate you thank you so much I appreciate you Aussie you're from Toledo we used to drive okay so let me tell you about Toledo so Toledo is right under Monroe and Toledo was always 50 cents cheaper in gas and significantly cheaper in cigarettes so me and my mom uh you know she was a single single waitress mom we would do once a week we would go to Toledo to fill up our car and to get a cart and a cigarettes for my mom that's how we go to to all the time I've heard he's going to houses and hurting people yeah I'm pretty sure that that would show in the news just saying just saying pretty sure that would show up in the [ __ ] news that this guy's just going into people's houses I think people need to stop putting things out there until there's absolute Bonafide proof yeah I had all that stuff that don't even make sense I don't I I honestly I think I don't think that's accurate I just don't knowing what I know knowing knowing what I know going through that exact thing I don't I do not think that that's reliable I don't think it's reliable I really really don't I really really don't now you can you can say whatever you want I'm telling you specifically look he got picked up in February for domestic for for terroristic threats my daughter had the most severe version of terroristic threat you could get that was a Class B in the third the the third level one um she had a $5,000 bond this [ __ ] only had a $1,000 Bond okay and she only served 30 in jail with a two-year suspended sentence there ain't no way they held this [ __ ] for for six months and then it says he was cleared on bond of $1,000 I don't know if you all know this about Kentucky Kentucky doesn't have bondsmen so you either that's why she stayed in jail for that whole time because she couldn't pay her bond we don't have bondsmen you have to pay the whole bond in cash whole thing whole thing because there is no other people of Interest so I don't I don't think I don't think that that's accurate I don't think he got out last month I don't think that but I could be wrong I'm not saying that but I'm just saying from what I've seen from what I've [Music] seen [ __ ] tiktock and the fact that I have to do that so as it stands right now y'all we we ain't G no [ __ ] until light breaks and probably he'll probably be found about four hours before I wake up I'm going to be getting up um I don't know who sold him 20 rounds that would be very interesting to find out um I am going to when I when I do go to bed I'm probably going to I'm thinking I'm probably going to get up around one probably about one so I guess i' I guess I would be able to find out then I figured they'd probably find them by then I would think I would hope I would hope um I didn't think about that should we try it now that's another reason why I go YouTube that's another reason why I go to YouTube because I can actually smoke on YouTube whereas Tik Tok Flags me because obviously I'm over I'm obviously I'm under 21 obviously I should be nowhere near vaping equipment because I'm obviously under the age of 21 I'm an adult who pays my [ __ ] taxes and if I want to freaking inject Dro in my in my lungs when I'm on a live I should be able to to be honest yeah he'll um I'm actually getting him up when I go to bed yeah they only flag you um for smoking if um see I have people who will sit in here that have been sitting in here this entire time just so they can uh report me for smoking or whatever other other stupid [ __ ] thing that they can think of y'all I got it for sex sexual exploit a in 10 minutes the other day I'm definitely under 21 I can see why they flag me for um Vape I know I've been on for four hours and 20 minutes I have no idea how Tik Tok has not banned me it to be honest that is an almost never heard of that's why I always tell people that uh the to join my YouTube because that's that's usually what's going to happen huh nobody passed away um there was there was no deaths there was five wounded two um in a related car accident no deaths um the five are currently in stable condition and he is doing all of this and making it 10 times worse for himself 10 times worse because he would have just got it for those charges now he's going to get a whole another sow of charges and now that doesn't work just putting a disclaimer on your live no oh I don't put in 18 plus I never thought about that maybe I should do 18 and over cool I'll try that next time that's if he W now it said that he was released which would mean that he got hit with the terroristic threatening um I don't know how he would get a gun honestly he's not caught yet going on uh it's going on hour n I'll try that I will try that 18 plus doesn't work I do it every live I do 18 plus lives and smoke on there okay cool we'll try that oh we'll try that we'll try that we'll try that I YouTube I smoke all the time but no Tik to's gotta be a punch of [ __ ] he's not caught he's still out there uh no he's not a teenager honey he's 32 I don't know it says that it all I know is it said that he got a gun today and 2,000 rounds of ammunition I don't know if it was legally or not yeah YouTube doesn't care you my husband follows a vapor who um who does pairings um yeah we have we have lots of guns here yes Sarah um it said that he was in the it said he was in Army I don't I don't know if it's verified but it says he was in the Army yeah ammo they don't check your background yeah ammo they don't check your background but they should have checked it for a [ __ ] AR-15 just saying you can't find his DD214 you cannot look up an active member's DD214 they have to be out of the military for 67 years and they don't even fall under forye request you can't you can't for somebody's DD214 until 67 years afterwards ask me why I know this quit no my dog's banging at the door I don't know like part of me thinks it'll be over pretty quick I mean they they're saying that they know where he is they're saying they know where he is so like well unless he gives up as dd2 forun you you can't just go you can't even fire request them [Music] you can't even for request him yeah his truck was left at the scene of the shooting at the gas station his family also reported that he threatened to kill them yes thank you yeah you can't pull somebody's d214 trust me we've been we've been wanting to do it to somebody for like eight months now trust me if there was a way to do it I'd have it yeah there's a zero day waight I literally went in and got mine in 20 minutes I went in I gave them my license they ran a background check and they handed me a gun and I said uh do I need to register this and they said no have a good day I have Lonely Road by MGK in my head right now and I can't get it out it's the same I I hate getting earworms I will get a 15-second snippet of a song that will go on Loop and if I'm really lucky I'll get two songs at the same time that don't match and have a [ __ ] up match up in my head for like 30 minutes yeah MGK and jelly roll yeah it's MGK song though he got got hot oh he did he got he got cute no the shooter still um it's been nine hours it's been nine hours no not save me uh lonely road yeah we don't have an any day weight I literally walked in and got one in 20 minutes yes I have ADHD that's why I can that's why I can listen to 15 songs in my [ __ ] head the same time you ever listen to those eight what do they call them eight HD songs on here and they' like they get they bounce back and forth oh my Lord yeah my head is like a big [ __ ] up juke's box at all times it's a knockoff of country Ro actually John Denver actually has writing credits on it actually to be honest he helped uh he helped with it um it it says he's a n 911 operator on his Facebook but that doesn't mean it's actually accurate most people write that they that they work at the Crusty Krab so I mean you never know yeah my luckily my ADHD is mostly medicated I sometimes remember to take my meds I took them today though so um what are you doing oh what do you what is it oh what are you playing what is that no you don't play with that Jesus chy okay so you're telling me just real realistically here you're telling me um that so this guy runs into the woods at 49 nine hours ago and they just got that one area contained you'd think by now they would have just kind of closed the net in you think by now they would have just kind of walked in and closed the net in my opinion so I'm trying to figure out like what is the game plan here what season is it it is late fa late spring late [ __ ] summer Christ on a cracker it's late summer when's it going to be fall y'all that is my hand that you are chewing on that's why I said they should have the Kines out [ __ ] that yeah I had to wear a hoodie today you think there would be a game plan September 21st okay so it's almost fall nice yay I never got to go to the water park put an alarm on for what yeah it was It was kind of chilly today and then it got warm um there's been a lot of shooting there's been a lot of gunfire in East burnat while this has been going on but like nobody's um nobody's been um like no nothing nobody's been hit or anything so um but there's been gunfire at that at that side of town for the entire time so I don't know if it's um I don't know if um it's related or not I don't know I didn't want to go to the beach I just want to go to the water park one [ __ ] time and I didn't um yes that's my YouTube woo yeah it says that they're stable um they're they're stable so yes Delan I do um they probably are unlocked on it wouldn't surprise me like I said everything down here was on lock toown yeah we have we have a military base here Fort uh Fort whatever the [ __ ] is in um Richmond blue Fort Bluegrass is that right Fort Bluegrass oh oh oh o hold on Miss Miss you're good all right IG all right I already seen that one here's my problem though if they know he's contained to a specific area why the [ __ ] aren't they just doing it blueg grass Army Depot there you go thank you um yeah that's like yeah that's where word it is over on 49 um if they know that he's there why are you not [ __ ] finding him because they keep saying well we know he's contained to this area number one no the [ __ ] you do not number two if you know he's contained and it's been there for nine [ __ ] hours there ain't no amount of the world that you are containing that you could not search in nine hours there is no amount of the [ __ ] world that you cannot [ __ ] look at in nine hours I call [ __ ] it doesn't say anything about a hostage negotiator or anything look the area can't be that [ __ ] big that they are containing in nine hours even if they did a [ __ ] grid search it' been done by now I'm good how are you I wish they would have sent dogs in after him oh I know they probably have no [ __ ] clue h realistically they keep saying that they know where he is he's contained they know where he is he's contained if you know where he is then go get him then go get him I don't know what to tell you yeah um I don't think anything's really going to happen till at least the sun comes up nobody died there was five wounded that are in stable condition and if he just would have gave himself up this would have been nearly is bad but I can tell you every minute that they have to pay for a search it's going to be very ugly because it was underneath them yes I'm in Kentucky um I do not have two different colored eyes they're both gold green they did not get him he's still out it's been nine hours probably just it night oh [ __ ] oh no nine hour damn no y'all it's been it's going into the 11th Hour 11th Hour in 20 minutes It'll be 11 hours e you think he's out of the area right now um they've still not caught him it's been 11 hours 11 hours no they didn't get him in our investigating there's no way they're going to leave a a a county um this on this heighten of alert because I will tell you that would be the dumbest thing they could do because let's say let's say they catch him and they don't tell us that and you got you know you got Bobby and Maxi and and and Jimmy and Joey all all you know drinking Bud uh watching watching the [ __ ] sun come up to make sure that uh he doesn't come in their yard right there's going to be people shooting people just out of sheer paranoia so that would be really really dumb I don't know Sherry I don't know exactly know what's going on with that because um I just seen something about him getting out of jail last month and I'm telling you that is not how it works for that charge it is not how it works for that charge um well thank you Alyssa I appreciate you and if you go to YouTube you'll see me every day is it yeah it's a small town we have 8,000 people so um it's not you know it's not the whole county has 62,000 and they keep they're like they're like L county has 62,000 I'm like bro break that into about 10 different places though like we have 8,000 people he could have bought it illegally I have no idea oh yeah the whole count is on alert honey we got the FBI here we have six different police jurisdictions plus the state police plus the FBI plus the ATF plus Kentucky uh fish and wildlife like they ain't going to not say something they ain't going to not say something um the helicopters are what they retired for the night that's what they're talking about exactly ATF Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms I doubt he'd be in Frankfurt to be honest I think he's going to stick close to where he is hoping that they think he went somewhere else yeah like I said the ATF is here uhhuh the helicopters did have infrared but they had to take them down because uh it wasn't going through the trees uh they're supposed to be searching on foot but I guess they decided to just pack it in uh they said that there's still people there probably like watching whatever [ __ ] up perimeter they came up with um it's 50 miles to Tennessee dude now is it in like like is it a not like could it not happen no but I don't really see it happening where did they state that they were in contact with the store with the with the ammo where did they say that I didn't see that anywhere so the thing is is that the guy himself is from Woodbine which is just south of Corbin um the actual if if you were to go like to Walmart Corbin um it is about 20 25 minutes north it's um up by uh East bernstad yeah they have not caught him our town is still under siege he was not found he's still it's been 11 hours no uh I'm normally on uh I'm normally on about um yeah it's closer to lexingon logo um see that's the problem Regina that is exactly why that is exactly why they will not tell us where the [ __ ] search perimeter is that is exactly why if you don't think that 10 good old boys would not be out there with their [ __ ] hounds yeah that's why they're not saying where it is I mean Jesus Christ the mayor had to literally put out a a [ __ ] comment saying if you hear noises please do not shoot it may be one of us yeah rednecks don't play down here which is exactly why I was saying what I said before when people say if you know what I'm talking about you know what I'm talking about South don't play he might be H up in somebody's house dude yeah but but then the the the mayor says oh we know about where he is so everybody's safe I don't think so yeah K KY is a whole another [ __ ] world down here literally when I moved down here I'm like I needed a DVD to help like dude where I'm from I heard he had a police radio too where I'm from if your grass got over an inch tall they came and mow it for you and gave you a bill where I'm at now um my neighbor got mad because my lawnmower broke and she went down to report me and they were like ma'am she doesn't even have to mow her grass because I don't I don't have to do anything where I live I live in a place where I can do whatever the [ __ ] I want Kentucky is wild it is wild yes Google Maps has the shooting marked it does uh my accent a lot of people can tell that I'm from from Michigan a lot of people tell me I have a Michigan accent especially down here they'll be like you're from Michigan and I'm like how the [ __ ] did you know that they're like we know Michigan has a very strange accent it's it's very city with a lot of y' um he actually lives in a town a little bit south from ours um a little bit South I love Kentucky um it smells like gain not even kidding um I know where Holland is look at all the michiganders I lived in Michigan for 36 years I will tell you you if you live in this section of Michigan run awful everything else great up here beautiful here banjos [ __ ] that down here smint awful sucks I live right next to a nuclear power plant am I talking about Detroit no I'm talking about right under Detroit I adopted my daughter on Seven Mile in Detroit but I am actually from a little bit South I'm from uh down river did I literally live next to a nuclear power plant we weren't allowed to eat the fish we weren't allowed to eat the fish dude there was literally things saying you cannot eat the fish from the river have you guys ever seen that like thing in The Simpsons where like the fish have like three eyes yeah that was my town um yes Stephanie thank you for asking um they have not apprehended him yet it's been 11 hours they just called off the um search for right now they're going to restart it at Sunrise they know where he is they just won't go get him they said I mean I'm paraphrasing but that's pretty much what he said yeah yeah it was it's wild it's wild oh they're gonna yeah they're going to press charges he tried to kill five people he tried to he tried to kill five people he's done fleeing and looting he's probably done a bunch of trespass I mean there's so many things at this point so many things uh they say he's still in the woods they do need to bring in the K9 units absolutely um it is 4:18 a.m. no I do not stay up all night this is my quote unquote work time I usually go live um about between 8 and 10 at night and I go live till usually 300 or 4 in the morning this is this is what I do my social media personality um and that's what I do on YouTube my husband has a good paying uh career job he's a trucker and normally he would have been driving right through that area if he was coming from his from his Ohio bid he would have been driving through there at that time just about um I just have play money so I'm allowed to be a social media personality so I am live um throughout the night while my husband sleeps and then I take him to work and I go to bed you're in East burnstad yeah you need to keep your doors locked that's exactly what's where it is right now yeah East burnstead is literally where he is right now unless he unless he is somehow [ __ ] off into another portion um he is in somewhere in the East burnat vicinity so keep your doors locked who does he work for none of your business no they haven't found him yet yes Debbie you're correct uh we used to we went to Benton Harbor a few times in the truck it is kind of a [ __ ] hole Yeah doors windows whole nine because right now we don't even know where he's at or what he's doing or where his mindset is dude I wouldn't be sleeping I wouldn't be sleeping would not good night Audra yeah I would not be sleeping if I was up there I mean I'm not going to sleep anyways and when I get when I get ready to go to bed I'm getting him up so he'll be getting up and I'll be um I'll be going to bed yeah trail cams definitely that's cool that's cool we heard shots and they let up your whole yard um I don't think our mayor's crooked necessarily but I mean um no he's not been caught yet so do you have anything uh is do you know of anything Stephanie so you're um you're you're in East burnat I've heard that there's been gunshots going off in East burnat pretty much all night and I don't think that's a super regular thing I mean I know you know I know that I hear gunshots all the time but not all night long um Bria is a little bit north of the situation um I don't I I think Bria would be fine I guess yeah they they ended the search until Daybreak yeah I mean have you heard heard a bunch of gunshots where you are um it happened about 10 it happened about 10 uh miles from me you're on the scanner no he's not been found did they find the area that he shot from like they find the area sh like like shell casing yeah there was um well there is no he's from Kentucky he did it I mean they they would charge him in Kentucky um if they is not caught today will they cancel schools Monday morning God I'd hope so I can tell you they wouldn't I wouldn't need to cancel schools i' would be done that would be done um from what we know he has an AR15 and approximately 60 pounds of ammo okay Steph now I've been hearing this um randomly from people that are coming in my live saying things like that but it has not been um it has not been um confirmed that there was an Ison sighting anywhere I've heard everything from he was in somebody's front yard to he was inside somebody's house to whatever and there has not been one confirmed sighting so like it's very confusing for me because I'm sure that there is people that um I'm sure that there is people that probably did see things but at the same time um all these people are saying you know that they seen him here and theyve seen him there and there's not been one confirmed sighting he he is a Kentucky Jimmy mafa hey from Corbin Kentucky staff do you want to hop in the box for a second yes I know what he looks like do you want to stop do you want to hop in the box for a hot second hey hey from Paduka uh hit the button that says guest down at the bottom this is guest no it's it's it's simple they say he's still he's still running around he's still running around how you doing a n Burn stat Dennis how you doing how you doing in these bir St Dennis hello hello hi you're from East burnstad yes have you been hearing a lot of gunshots today um I only heard five is that more than what you normally hear there yes okay um do and you said you know of a person where he was supposedly on her door banging to get in yes uh did over on hinley Ro which is the RO down from me um he was all over that road my uncle actually was on that road and he heard several gunshots over no I did hear Hensley I did hear Hensley it's literally like twoes down for me what he made his way back around over to the ridge which is right off the chap where I live and that's when I heard the gunshots where is what road is it what road goes into a dead end um Blass Hy okay because uh somebody said that they were listening to the scanner and they said that they followed a road all the way until the dead end yep cuz he went from Hensley and then blueg grass is another Road off of Hensley and then um blue grass is a dead end Road there's open field Woods right I know that he he's moving fast he's not just on feet because I think it might have been a matter of 10 minutes 10 minutes most and he made it from East burnat he was seven miles away unless it was a different shooter but um there was shots over what did they call that road I don't remember what it was cold but I know it was seven miles from me and someone had but they've been getting so many like the police don't even know what to do they've had so many calls um someone's at my back door you know people just freaking out not even for sure if it's the shooter you know and they're calling in I mean they don't even know what to do it's crazy right right right right um yeah so I'm just waiting you know when they when they finally let those helicopters lift off here at Sunrise hopefully we can figure something out um yes this is now this is over by the Wildcat cabins correct yes wild is like three miles from me see I've never been east of 25 I don't know why but in my head there was nothing over there y so I i' I've never adventured uh east of 25 so I didn't even it didn't even occur to me that there I don't know it's in my head there was nothing over there um I know like they posted that they have Main Street all the way down 49 shut off like nobody go where did where's that at where did you see that at um the Lincoln County I think it's Lincoln County and posted it I I shared it Lincoln County what the [ __ ] is Lincoln County um I guess it's part of the rescue squad that's been did you see the big post that they shared on Facebook um they had everything the world yeah i' I've read that one yeah yeah and it's they can't catch him I don't understand yeah that was at the Laurel County Sheriff's Office that they um did all of it and they mentioned um agencies assisting including London city police Kentucky State Police Corbin City police William City police Richmond City police FBI the Marshall service the uh Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Lexington Metro Rock Castle County Sheriff's Office Mount Vernon Police Department East burnat Fire and Rescue London Fire Department London Laurel County Rescue Squad Laurel County Emergency Management ABC Bluegrass Army Depot police and numerous era fire departments that's a lot that's a lot lot so oh can you hear me yeah did you hear what I said about the Livingston no so what was you saying about Livingston okay so it's because I got off um Livingston Kentucky the fire department is the ones that posted it but they posted that they have Main Street all the way down Main Street and Highway 490 is shut down until further notice which 490 is the main Highway yeah I know 490 I know 490 yeah that's off of my road so I I can't all I can find is Marshall County Rescue Squad yeah that definitely ain't it yeah that makes sense because that that'd be running right where 490 was so that actually makes a lot of sense y okay all right honey thank you for popping up thank you have a good day or night or day day night day night yeah um yeah that's that's unfortunately that's what happens when you kind of split off like that um so he's not been found um as of right now apparently they have closed down 490 which is a pretty long road it's pretty long road um and we're waiting for sunrise for the helicopters to lift off again doing the um infrared and stuff they're probably not going to need infrared well they might need infrared when they when they first left off possibly yeah this is hour 11 yes I'm safe at home I'm like 10 hours 10 hours I'm 10 about 10 miles from the active area um so I mean I could get there in about 20 minutes um yes I saw the mayor's video what about it hey sure as hell didn't say there was multiple shooters are you the one who was bitching about multiple Shooters because in the video that I watched you didn't say [ __ ] all about that um it's always foggy in the mountains it's always really really foggy in the mountains um it'll be um they'll probably be able to get the helicopters back up for the next two three hours supposed to be closing the road again right in front of the okay that's what I'm picturing right there okay right in front of the E fire station okay I know exactly where that is yes I have protection yes um they have IDM it is 4:31 in the morning um yeah I every time I keep seeing that's right where 490 starts is where the Eevee um fire station is right is that that is that this is that that fire station or not or maybe that might be the one over by the by the um Pharmacy they did not get him it's been 11 hours nope 11 hours yeah and the mayor keeps saying they said multiple Shooters in the play radio I heard it several times I don't care what you heard they are literally saying one as of right now they did say multiple in the beginning he did not would you like me to read you what he [ __ ] said you [ __ ] idiot I know what the [ __ ] I said in the beginning they were talking about multiple they absolutely were and within two hours of saying that they literally were saying it is one person hence why the person of interest is being put out there the person of interest one shooter the person of interest that's why his name is out there and as for his video post if that's the one that I if he got something taken down I'm not sure if that's the one he got taken down but he got a post taken down and people are like what the [ __ ] happened to your post because people are like what happened to your post I don't see oh wait it could be on the Laurel County hold on Laurel County Sheriff's Office yeah apparently it got [ __ ] taken down because it's not it's not up here no more regardless I know what the [ __ ] I'm talking about so if you don't like it [ __ ] off I ain't got time to deal with your ass yeah I don't care about what happened in the first two hours yeah they said there was multiple people two hours in absolutely and then they realized it was one person put out the person of Interest bolo and that's where we're at so yeah he's uh they he's still alluding him it's 11 hours in yes Laurel County is saying one [Music] shooter here as of two hours ago yet again I will read it for the eenth time this is literally the Laurel County Sheriff's Office and the mayor has the mayor has reposted the sheriff office okay this is two hours ago from the mayor and the Sheriff's Office Laurel County Sheriff John root is reporting that Laurel County sheriff's deputies were dispatched to a gunshot victim complaint on I75 at Exit 49 approximately 8 miles north of London on Saturday afternoon September 7th 2024 at approximately 5:30 p.m. which is now 11 hours ago arriving deputies found nine Vehicles had been shot into both North and southbound vehicles on I75 and five persons were seriously injured deputies on scene transported injured to a local hospital for treatment other Sheriff deputies along with the Sheriff's Office Special Response Team along with London city police and Kentucky State Police arrived at the scene to secure the scene and search for the suspect uh I75 was closed for several hours for safety reasons because of the danger to passing cars in the areas of the shootings investigation began and a lead was developed on a person of interest and the search for this person of interest is continuing he is identified as Joseph a couch 32 of Woodbine Kentucky who is 510 and 154 pounds this individual is considered to be armed and dangerous and should not be approached 911 should be called the scene is being contained overnight and an active search and continuing investigation will occur at Daybreak on Sunday morning agencies in assisting are including London city police Kentucky State Police Corbin City police Williamsburg City police Richmond City police FBI US Marshall service American or uh Al uh Tobacco and Firearms Lexington Metro rocking rock castle country uh County Sheriff's Office Mount Vernon Police Department East Burnet fire and rescue London Fire Department London Laurel County Rescue Squad Laurel County Emergency Management ABC and Bluegrass Army Depot police and numerous Area fire departments as of two hours ago yes two were brought into UK in stable condition yes so there you go my sheriff's department and my mayor posted this two [ __ ] hours ago yeah I thought you were leaving bye [ __ ] [ __ ] you still here for um exactly 22 minutes ago is when he said one shooter in his comments where's that at oh 28 minutes ago mayor says there's an ongoing investigation many things being reported I personally only know of one shooter when the statement was made individuals or individual we weren't certain of this so that is why it was framed that way they only know of one shooter next [ __ ] next [ __ ] don't follow me [ __ ] you [Laughter] y' kind ain't wanted here are we angry this one honey this isn't angry I'm a I'm a three un angry you must be new here there ain't there ain't a lick of anger in this body trust me not that you didn't forget all the details but last time I remember some situation they spent like 24 hours working he kind lived himself in a dumpster well at least he took the trash out I guess oh she's trying to get my live taken down oh no I'm on Ryan Le TM on YouTube dude girl I've been live five hours at this point You' be doing me a favor let's be real let's be real this point I've I've been on live for for five hours with a thousand people in the room at all times so um I guess you're big mad with your 21 followers that you know somebody's you know better than you are it's okay it hurts sucks to suck sorry um but yeah I'm on Ryan Le I'm on YouTube I plan on being live for at least a little bit longer a little bit longer I do need chips I'm [ __ ] hungry dude um there is caves in my area not a lot not there's more towards Somerset I wish I knew more um I wish I knew more uh caves I would like to go to caves the people from Australia are too invested well you can always find me I'm right TM on YouTube that's where I am every day all day I just go on Tik Tok sometimes but I figured I might as well go on Tik Tok because you know I had the videos up and I figured people would want an update they have not found the shooter it's been 11 hours right now um is this R it's random it's a guy who decided he wanted apparently to hurt his family and whatever and he just started shooting at people on the interstate I appreciate you Miss Jackson I'm Sorry Miss Jackson I am for real I hate that song how many people sing that to you like every time when you like when you introduce yourself how many people sing that to you harland's about an hour about an hour away I appreciate you Julian I appreciate you kyly Canada I love Canada um the the expressway was opened hours ago hey we have more than one stoplight thank you very much he's not been found yet honey like I said I've been live for five hours you have to understand that in most situations part of the reason why I'm on YouTube is because I literally get kicked for the dumbest [ __ ] I was on a live [ __ ] you not 10 minutes and 53 seconds in I got kicked for sexual exploitation and gender-based violence I have been bumped for talking about Cheesecake Butterball turkey for supposedly and naked playing cards on my deck because apparently I was naked at the time because I got it for nudity while I was playing cards with my family twice twice so I am shocked that I have been live on Tik Tok for five [ __ ] hours shocked so any anything that anything that reach past an hour was already better than I thought it was going to be so at this point if I get kicked off of YouTube It's or kicked off of Tik Tok it's been fun it's been real don't know if it's been real fun but turkey does sound good a thank you whoever just said that painted dreams probably not I can't eat very much cheese cake at one time to be honest what's 140,000 yeah they put a a picture out of him thank you Tanya what the hell is a tutor Biscuit World Is that a video game I feel like it's a video game it's like a little biscuit person running around is that is that what that is oh well say he had a couple extra zeros on there that's why I was confused they did not find the dude yet oh it's a biscuit sandwich I don't think I'd want a biscuit sandwich the shooter's not been found hello from Chicago oh hello Amanda I want a donut give one to me what's hanging from my ceiling the bones of a million Corpses my hip hurts I'm hungry ask Jax I don't need to know about what you just said I do not need you to jump into my jump into my [ __ ] light be like I just came that is entirely too much information for me girlfriend I do not like gravan biscuits oh yeah there was five wounded um no fatalities uh no tomorrow's his day off tomorrow's his day off I'm getting him up when I go to bed I don't want to get up the one look sausage eggs and cheese biscuits e nasty no they did not catch him it has been 11 hours I do not like biscuits and gravy nope he's still out he's still uh out there they say that they know where he is but they have gotten him but from people that are local in the area which and and by the way the road that that girl said I have heard that road said a few times tonight um apparently he's been running around this one particular area um they didn't call the search off they had to suspend it until the sun came up baloney egg and cheese that is that is that is why why why no hey I eat Dry Cereal all the time kicks is really good dry so is multigrain Cheerios yeah I've heard Hensley on uh I've heard a couple people s talk about Hensley am I picky eater yes I'm on the Spectrum and so most food is not good for me the only fried balone I can eat is with ketchup and a little bit of mustard that's about it I've never had I I don't really eat oatmeal so I now I have Miss Jackson stuck in my [ __ ] head I hate that song um one am I some of my comfort Foods Foods I shouldn't be eating for damn sure potatoes and bread I'm a [ __ ] fcking Hobbit dude texture I have such texture issues no they have not found him yet ow my foot is asleep um they've not found him yet they're going to start the helicopters back up here when daylight happens I have P I just have um I'm on the Spectrum you ate lettuce with dressing the other night well I mean I like that my favorite food potatoes and bread I have a bread tattoo that is that is Dedication that is dedication yes mash them stick them in a stew I have a bread tattoo I want a potato tattoo to be honest but I'm going put I'm going to put it across from the bread tattoo and then when I close my legs I have stew oh God that sounds awful holy [ __ ] can I erase what I just said oh CR so mighty oh holy [ __ ] oh that was so bad D this is exactly why I say I have the problems I have I word vomit I [ __ ] word vomit oh my God that was so bad that was probably my worst [ __ ] up in a while holy Christ well the good thing is at least we've had one moment of laughs while you know there's some guy running around with a [ __ ] automatic rifle cheese toast Cinnamon Toast PBJ please not all together that'd be awful I'm good now we know I get be don't ask me what my favorite foods are dude I was all I was doing was simply answering I have a bread tattoo on one leg and if I have a potato tattoo on the other ones if I close my legs I have stew I was forgetting that there was a portion up top that was meat okay I don't know what to tell you in my head in my head it worked and in my mouth it didn't um I don't know what to tell you um unfortunately yeah I'm hungry am I okay I'm fine I'm great I'm hungry but I'm great for those people who are keeping con keeping keeping keeping count of the fact that you want to make videos of me because I eat chips guess what I had to eat today half a Subway sandwich and the chips that I made in that video that's all I've had half a Subway so much I don't even know sauce or nothing I didn't even eat sauce I had a dry sandwich dude could you imagine the dance oh my God that'd be awful that'd be so bad it would either go viral really really quick or something I don't know I don't know what I don't know what we would put it to though that's good Goldie I don't know what we would put it to though but whatever it is the dance would be really suggestive and horrible no they did not find the shooter guy SP 11 hours um yeah so it's on my ankle I have a bread tattoo on my ankle not even kidding and I have a spot across from it that doesn't have anything so I figured I'd get a potato so am I scared no everything's locked up I have weapons we're good could he escaped in the dark I don't think so he's not going to come to Michigan you're fine if this the upper thigh that'd be so bad dude that'd literally be a sandwich can you imagine what his family's thinking about right now well I can tell you one thing his mom came on to his they had made a post about him and it had posted his um recent charge of the terrorist dting and instead of coming on and being like okay my son is having some issues um she was like that was a [ __ ] charge that's that's where you're going to go St Stant tent toes down on like it's almost like I'm full of drama I'm not completely full of drama I've had it up to about here so that I still got this much space left about not having full of drama other than that from the eyes down pure drama pure drama but I still have this much space left so um I'm pretty good as soon as I get as soon as I reach maximum [ __ ] level I will let you know though I don't know personally I think the police would be pretty [ __ ] understanding if you blew the guy blew the guy up that if he was on your house just saying Courtney that that is my life I am full of instant Woody comebacks '90s lyrics my home phone number when I was 12 but I cannot remember where I put my keys in the morning oh the benefits of getting old scanner still quiet damn no knock it off no they did not catch him yet 40 uh for [ __ ] hell um 11 hours in we're waiting for the sun to go up the Choppers to go up and hopefully they can figure something out stop banging on the door um they're not okay look realistically um can you say that it's 100% him no they haven't found the guy yet they haven't whatever yet you cannot say without a shadow of a doubt that it's this dude however however what they're not going to do is pull some random [ __ ] out of this out of their [ __ ] and be like hey go after Bobby he seems cool like there's reasons that they said this his his own sister-in-law called and said hey he wanted to unive the family he wants to un alive people he just got this gun they found his car at the scene like I don't know what to tell you but he's involved no he's not on his way to oh my God people are so [ __ ] irritating he's involved like at the very least he's involved at the very least I mean his car was at the scene like there's an active shooter that's been um running around my area for the past 11 hours because they haven't caught him yet no there was five wounded um that are stabilized and two that happened in a car wreck that was around that area and then um he there was no fatalities though I wish you would go to Mexico you're getting on my nerves there's been a lot on the news online Kentucky my leg hurts um I was the one at Platinum Fitness that got kicked out that was me that was me I was tanning I was tanning and then I we got they had to close it down I'm a blood pressure instigator I like that oh oh I need to go back yeah I do I'll finish it I'll finish it out tomorrow he ain't going to he ain't going to go to Tennessee was I scared um not necessarily because I knew if was two exits up um it was it was two exits up when it came out um we were trying to stay there thinking that he would get caught really quick and then I had one more thing left to do and they were like you got to go like we're closing down you got to go and um so at that point we went home so what's said above me that is Satan's sternum Satan himself came through my roof and um I have have him pinned up against the wall you guys I took one for the team Satan does no longer exist because he's hanging from my ceiling do I think he's going to hurt more people possibly because people around in that area have been hearing gunshots all night long which is while not abnormal in Kentucky apparently more than normal so um I'm I'm good we we we carry here we carry here so how heavy window I don't even know what that means Slumber I don't even what that means um have you seen the size of my husband yeah he's 6'4 250 PBS I'm not worried that's absolutely bones what are you talking about I told you those are bones I might be a [ __ ] tiny person short wise not widthwise but my husband is a gigantic Jolly Green Giant who has a nine next to his bed I ain't worried uh the fish are that way there's there's another actually most of them are here um there was there's an active shooter who has still not been found it's been 11 hours they called off the search a couple hours ago um just until daylight happens when daylight happens they're going to get back out they say that they know where he is they say they contained him into an area um from what I'm understanding he's been kind of running around a particular neighborhood which has to be terrif [ __ ] fing for the people in that area terrified I can't even imagine that you know what I mean my husband does not have the um athleticism that was required to be a basketball player so it is 455 here so yeah because I I think because they're literally circling the wagons five people were hurt none were killed um yes the sister-in-law called in about him threatening them they have not found him yet sunrises at 7:13 all right cool I'll be going to bed right about the time the sunrises I want to get up about 12 or 1 because I got I got a we have to go to the pet store and I have to fix my mud skippers and then I have Dungeons and Dragons after that so oh no he apparently he went banging up on somebody's house he went banging up on somebody's house why is he going B [ __ ] I have no idea mud skipper uh Google it they're funny um Mitchell Creek no he's not been found yet um yes that's what I was getting ready to do was the [ __ ] hydro massage when they kicked us out of the [ __ ] when they kicked us out of Planet Fitness I was literally getting ready to go do the hydro massage normally after I tan I do the UVA light but I figured I didn't need it because I didn't think I was going to burn the other day I did didn't do it and oh my God I burned so bad but anyway I was getting I was literally coming out to do the hydro massage he's like we got to go um yeah they're they're they're fish with feet yeah they're fish with feet I had used the Mage table and then I did tanning and when I came out of the tanning I had done like an hour and a half of my you know my normal gym stuff I did the I did the massage chair I went to tan I was going to skip the AV machine and just go to the hydro massage and I came out to get the to get the thing to have them turn it on and they told us we had to go yeah I've been doing the stand up tanning beds and that's how I burned really bad because I forgot to do the UVA afterwards um so I've done I've done this this the lay down tanning for the last two times because I um have a really inconvenient line right here so I have to do the the the the lay down one so he could he could be anywhere dude he could be inside somebody's house I mean there there's a whole there I mean like it's not good yeah that's what I have is the black card please scanner had three units go to Mitch M Mitchell Creek um actually Bath Michigan had a pretty good uh uh situation all right hold on let me look let's see where Mitchell Creek goes I bet you it's I'm telling you he's staying in um I'm telling you he's staying in the East burnstad area let's see Mitchell Creek that can't be right that can't be right it has to be unrelated no he's making his way down nope he's making his way down we're this far apart on the map yeah he's headed he's headed do South if if this is accurate he's he's headed do South and um we're this far apart on the map right now yeah it says he's it says six miles away it was like 10 miles away it's now they're saying six they're now they're saying six six six miles away saying six miles away if that is if that is in case where if that is involved with him um now they're saying now if that is involved with him he is now six miles away um I do not actually hold on oh I will yeah he's headed back down towards Corbin it looks like if this if this is him if this is him he is um he's made it on the other side of 75 how the [ __ ] did he get over there if this is him I know exactly where that is I know somebody used to live over there um hold on one [Music] second it wouldn't necessarily have to be a different situation um because of yeah see lien Woodline um he could e he could easily have gotten here in in in [ __ ] 11 hours in 11 hours oh yeah he I mean this where where he was to where he is now would have took him two hours on foot like two hours on foot if that if that it's only four miles I mean it was like it was he was about 10 miles from me and he's now he's about six so I mean four miles in two hours that's just I mean that so um that's if that's if that is related to this I mean that could be a whole another situation that could be a whole another situation so yeah so they just said that there was police called to this particular area um what app are y'all using what scanner app dude what what do y'all what what app are y'all using because I don't I'll download an app like what what app should I do broadcastify somebody said that earlier all right cool hold on I have to pay for that [ __ ] because I paying for it hold on not now well I'm downloading broadcast it's 2.99 a month you [ __ ] really it didn't say it was any money let's see what it says no Christ almighty no three-day free trial oh yeah no let's not do that let's not do that yeah let's not do that one nothing new [Music] what was Brit's comment I missed it I'm scrolling up I'm scrolling up I'm scrolling up oh [ __ ] scanner radio all right let's try that next time let me know that there's a [ __ ] fee dude I already pay for enough [ __ ] I just canceled my Hulu and everything else all right let's try this again please the orange one please scanner radio all right let's try that out oh [ __ ] that didn't work apparently I was only supposed to touch it and I hit it instead okay I used to have like back in the day like I'm old okay um I had a police an actual police scanner and we used to just literally sit and listen to that thing all [ __ ] night because you have to remember like I'm from Metro Detroit so that thing was popping constantly you can click free trial go on your subscription through your phone and cancel it then you can still use it for three days no thank you I not smart I will end up getting charged trust me um they have an idea of where he is they have an idea where he is they said um but they're apparently just circling the wagons right now what I literally what the [ __ ] why did it say get oh [ __ ] my bad open I hit the wrong one y'all okay here we go okay now I'm in Pro I don't want to be on Pro okay so yes at 6:20 p.m. okay so activity no no no no no we're not doing that stop it what good does this do this doesn't do anything there's nothing here there's no scanner there's literally nothing it says player it says it's stopped this is garbage it ain't doing nothing there's no scanner there's no nothing there's literally nothing there's no play button oh wait what's this hold on where's my sound play it it keeps telling me to hit the play button and then it just gives me this the stop symbol oh it says buffering and now it says stopped and now it says buffering by the time you find one will'll probably be caught see that's that's what I'm doing see if I do this it'll get caught stopped it's not doing anything you guys I'm literally hitting plus oh there we go how would you rate US 1% submit I shouldn't have to go through all that I gave him a one star rating [ __ ] that [ __ ] I'm a Karen I don't care hopefully nobody else will be heard hopefully I mean honestly thinking about it he's been he's been on the lamb for 11 hours I think by now if he was gonna hurt somebody else he would have I mean realistically if he was going to hurt somebody else he would have by now it's doing a whole lot of nothing this is anti-climatic well that's some soothing White Noise [ __ ] yeah he's still on the loose it's been 11 it's going to be 12 hours here in 20 minutes so in 20 minutes It'll be 12 hours Southeastern Kentucky yeah there's been a lot of gunshots all night but nobody so far it it doesn't show anybody's hurt it doesn't work for I want the police one what what good is this going to do me it was on the scanner that A lady called in and said the shooter was outside of her house that's the that's the girl that uh just came on here said that that happened he's just he's been in a certain area and um I do not have the citizens app but somebody had just just somebody had just mentioned that the other day there's a police scanner it's the same and it's that's what I have fire police fire rescue police and EMS dispatch that's what I have it says it's Laurel County and City fire police [ __ ] hell I can't even read hold on Laurel County and City fire rescue police and EMS dispatch oh it's blue I'm using one that's orange thank you just buy a walkie yeah you know because Walmart's open right now and Amazon will ship it to my door in 12 seconds I got to go with what I go with which is my janky ass IP pad sometimes I'll scramble it I'm hungry oh my go please not fall oh no I'm not going outside because if if if that's accurate and the motherfucker's moving south I'm good he's still there thank you there's more tanks that way [Music] where oh door Dash workers are making a [ __ ] fortune tonight I can tell you that none of us want to go [ __ ] outside yeah I'm in a house if it's to be believed he's moved South and he's only six miles from me now nope it's going on 12 hours here in 15 minutes that's not good Sam I appreciate you Lisa Kentucky is not that much of a nightmare you can move to Mount Sterling you'll be fine somebody just said that they thought that they heard it get closer to me if it's this if it is about him on that call he's about half is he was about 10 miles out 10 12 miles out and now he's six if that is him wait they are they've literally told everybody we're supposed to stay in the house because somebody just said that there was a police call that was It was supposed to have been involved with that that there was a police call and I put it into maps and it's six miles from me nice I paid for fine I opened these earlier and now they're kind of flat and I'm upset now I opened them just to make that chip eating video right Mariana what even is life dude I mean like I feel okay because like what would be the [ __ ] chances like what would be the chances no I'm not tired this is my this is my daytime I go to bed in about two to three hours dude I just opened these earlier today because somebody some [ __ ] made a video of me eating chips and putting a hat on me so I did a duet with it and I had to open the chips and apparently I didn't roll them up the corre right way these are brand new [ __ ] chips I'm going to eat these [ __ ] as $2 I am not thrown away thank you very much have a nice day I do not like frood dried candy I've tried it I don't like it do not like it because we live in the mountains because it's dark because he's exmilitary pick one that'd be hilarious yeah he' have to he'd have to risk pinging his phone he'd have to risk pinging his phone St is very very quiet very very quiet yes it is yes it is hey yeah it's uh it'll be 12 hours here in 12 minutes well 13 so I know you did not just try to gnaw on my nose dude um yeah I don't know I don't know how any of that would work I don't know how any of that would work I mean maybe I don't know go ahead 4 go ahead [Music] I'm not really sure what that was about like I didn't that didn't make any sense to me so um as of right now um they don't know where he's at so I said that there was a call that somebody said it sounded like it was involving that I have no idea um but it's been going on for 12 hours now I've been live for almost six of it this is my normal time to this is my normal time to be live I'm not like staying up for this [ __ ] this is the time I'm normally up I do midnights essentially um I'm getting him up at six o'clock so so yeah I I had heard about that hours ago that they had gotten a ping on his phone an hour earlier from when I heard it so that was a while ago watch out I am covered in suntan oil oil what are you doing are you trying to poison yourself hey you can't lick my arm it's got suntan lotion on it knock it off so penguin's about n or that that sounds like yeah that sounds about right that sounds about right um I just turned the scanner on I just turned the scanner on well I can imagine I can tell you the people that are over in that neighborhood ain't [ __ ] sleeping I'll say that right now because [ __ ] banging on doors I do not know how the [ __ ] they are not just like swooping in they're like oh we know where it is um like I don't know go get him like I don't understand it does my Channing lotion give me random lines not so far um yeah uh he was supposedly banging on somebody's door they said they were switching to Tac that's what I heard earlier there's nobody dead it was just wounded um I heard that they switched but um not really hearing a whole lot somebody had just said something a little bit ago but yeah I did hear that they switched to Tac because they thought he had a radio so I'm too nosy for this [ __ ] I want to know what's going on um um yeah there's a there's a few reasons I think it's him there's more tanks that way this is a whole unit that goes all the way down the wall I don't think so that's what I have I have it on my uh it's on my iPad right now I can't do anything with my phone I'm talking to you guys on it Newsweek 27 minutes ago good night Elissa update on news week why are you licking my pants dude don't see anything on Newsweek okay so so far everything that's said it's already been said in other told all of us to stay home they have an area contained and they're trying to find the shooter there on Saturday night they searched a remote wooded area where they will resume at Daybreak here's my thing for the couple times that they've been like well we don't know if it's the guy number one maybe you should be at least pretty certain before you go putting a guy out on a bolo just me um but two knowing that there's a bolo bolo out for this guy if it's not him don't you think he would have called the police and been like hey not me which makes me think that obviously he's got to be involved somewhere because I can tell you right now somebody called me he was like hey do you know you have a bolo and I'd be like I be call like it ain't me I I don't know what you're talking about well yeah not to mention they're putting the other guy at [ __ ] risk for damn sure if it wasn't him that was weird um I'm about 10 miles from where this is from where this is all going down yeah they uh in the in two more recent articles there is one particular cop that's like yeah we don't know if this is him it's been him for 10 hours and you just now decided to start saying that he might not be the one who fired like what are you even going about like are you for real right now well if if whatever that was was if whatever that person heard on the scanner was involved with that guy then yeah he's getting closer but um we don't know we don't know if that was actually involved or not hey Bria Kylie I may have to sleep before that happens I'm probably going to wake up and they'll have found him in his shed somewhere like I don't even want to sleep now I just want to be I just want to stay up and maybe I found him well right right right um now if he was one of the victims he would have still been there I mean um not only did they find one of his not only did they find his car at the scene but there was actually a gun case in the car there was actually a there was actually a gun case in the car right but there was still there was a gun case in the car I mean that that's pretty coincidental that they just [Music] happen look yellow Jesus hippie [Music] [Music] that was Lally it just was like hey how are you doing I'm good yeah I actually have a lot of Australian followers don't ask me how or why but I have a lot of Australian followers probably because I keep stupid hours in America I'm not this is my normal time I don't usually go to bed till between 6:00 and 8 so it's it's getting ready to be bedtime but um that's about it yeah it's because of the time I keep stupid hours yeah night ows in Australians essentially so oh it is yeah I'm Iowa that's basically Australia and vampires um the name of the suspect right now is Joseph couch he's a 32-year-old old 510 184b blonde white male well yeah I'm going to have a lot of people that are not in my time zone because anybody who's in Eastern right now if you are awake with me at 5:30 in the morning and you haven't slept I suggest you seek help don't keep my hours don't keep my hours damn it's you're that far ahead 7:30 p.m. on a Sunday night God damn yeah I'm getting ready I got to get him up in half an hour get him functioning and then um right the sister-in-law did call in on him I'm sure that that helped for sure um that's why there I mean he his car is at the scene there's a gun case in the car the sister called and said that he threatened the family like this is the right guy it has to be that's too many coincidences too many coincidences yeah see that's what I do I work overnight at home I don't have to fight with other content creators if I go live after they do most content creators go on uh between 8 and 10 if I go on sometimes I wait till like 10: and then I got it all to [Laughter] myself nope he we're going on hour 12 right now literally 12 hours ago 12 hours yep right Gabby um yeah because you know all the True Crime content creators go live around 8ish so I'll just go live at 10: I gotta argue with you [ __ ] sometimes I sometimes I'll go live with people like I'll hop in their box or something if I if I have a little bit of time or whatever um I was live with fancy for a hot minute um she's she's railing about something and I'm like I get on the live and I'm like hey by the way I'm fine I'm in the car and she's like oh yeah oh so I I stood there for a minute and then I left to go make a couple videos got sidetracked and forgot to ever go back to the live whoops um what Virginia is really far so I doubt it right but again I I mean I don't think you understand what third degree terroristic threatening is um it's not what you think it is why do they all sound like why do they all sound like aliens the scanner is saying a bunch of crazy [ __ ] um no he hit five people he hit five people he doesn't kill five people it's not been found it's been 12 hours right now it's been 12 hours so the last place that they nobody passed away he did all of this like literally like okay he did some stupid things he fired in on five people and I get that but if he would have just let himself be apprehended at the scene it would have been so much less dude they are going to throw the book at him over this [ __ ] they're having to pull out you guys have to understand they are pulling out right now helicopters infrared drones what was it eight police police departments the FBI the US Marshall service the Kentucky [ __ ] [ __ ] fish and wildlife the uh the military Depot I mean the amount of this dude first of all what the he's gonna be damn lucky if they don't hit him with restitution I'm paying back the [ __ ] uh for the search he's got so many new charges now so many it ain't G to you know what here's the deal it ain't going to man about a mental health guard ain't going to [ __ ] matter they a it ain't it ain't going to matter it ain't he can say whatever he wants at this point for 12 there's been a 12h hour man hunt involving an interstate that leaves our state involving 15 different police agencies like this fucker's toast toast it would have been so much smarter to just literally turn yourself in not to mention um not to mention uh I75 if it really is him that was banging on all those [ __ ] things Jesus Christ yeah it's been 12 hours literally 12 hours yeah he's supposed to have been um army it cost 1 million a day yeah see mayor stating it may have started because of him having an incident with another driver where is that updated because yes the timeline the timeline that I posted says that that that had stemmed from a road rage but then I heard conflicting stories with the fact that it had started at a truck stop which is where his car is he would just go to regular prison newest post a few minutes ago Hold on shut up [ __ ] God damn it I can't oh my God I hate I hate tablets dude for real all right Facebook all right we're going back all right hold on okay there's nothing new there I don't see anything new anywhere he would probably go to regular you said it was on the mayor's page but I looked on the May are you just talking about he he's commenting because all right let me see what the comments are hold on oh my God okay this was an hour ago I just want to read this the mayor says um going on Investigation many things reported I personally know of one shoter this is what I talked about earlier but we're going to go farther with the St was made individual or individuals we weren't as certain of this or that it's why I was Fred this way nothing was flagged or deleted by Facebook apparently it was something said during the live they didn't agree with I can tell you Bobby that your Sheriff's Office City police state police and many other agencies are working hard many guys have been on Shi for hours now and still haven't gone home we don't want or need public panic in the public why why stay inside well when this came out people were going out their front or back door shooting at anything that moved and we didn't want to be killed because of the disinformation and high tension this has caused um also social media disinformation spurred walking down the street at one point would have gotten you killed and of course when I say law enfor enforcement is actively looking for someone of course we want to encourage people from taking things into their own hands and becoming Vigilantes I can assure you my office has given all the information we can I know people want every detail and I don't have the details this is a County investigation and City police is assisting in it I have updated everyone as I got the information let me add that every agency has done a fantastic job time job in this intense situation okay here's one hold on somebody just said I live off of exit 418 miles from the contained area but have heard helicopters all night why would you be searching this far away if he's contained on 49 apparently everybody out there was shooting at everything that moved and that was part of the [ __ ] problem apparently is that when all this started people were just going out of their houses and shooting at things no okay so we didn't earlier we didn't earlier today one to make a blanket statement as to one person as details were coming in the sheriff's office has released one person of interest yes from what it appears and don't State this as a fact something took place between him and another vehicle please remember that this is in the county we are assisting so a lot of information I don't have or can't release at this time the general area which is contained at Exit 49 is a particular wooded area of their open investigation oh people are thinking it was multiple individuals because in in his in his video um he said said putting looking out for these individuals and people took that as like he meant individuals which he addressed in another and he addressed that in another post oh my God there we go yeah so that's that's where we're at right now um yeah no we still still haven't found them it's been 12 hours they St stopped the search about four or five hours ago when it got dark and they're um they're going to re they're going to redo it um they're going to redo it here when the sun comes out hey kayen I got a better question for you why you so invested in this you don't need to worry about what the [ __ ] I'm doing if you don't like the content that you're seeing Go download more of your [ __ ] Kitty porn and get out of my [ __ ] face I'm sure you'd have more fun with that Ryan Le TM on YouTube and I meant like actual cats like kitties I realized after I said it I was like oh [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] did every everybody down here die like none of you have commented in like a bajillion years are yall okay I can hear it fine it just it keeps scaring the [ __ ] out of me when it talks they're not it's weird like they start to talk and then they just don't like I don't know if they're like getting a hold of each other yes Kiren like they start to talk and then it's like this is my daytime I go to I usually go to bed about 600 to 8 in the morning but she didn't call her phone was dead and she requested no one to come to her house shees want to get shot tell he was driving he he was also walk Sheed us know for she Liv report if she never report [Music] Back Time number yeah [Music] 202a oh that's crazy 202a is crazy [Music] [Music] okay so apparently what happened there was a lady who called in back to back to back wouldn't give her name she lived in ebn at and was saying that there was stuff going on in her yard and he I I knew it and he said that she was a 202a I know what that is because when when I had to put my daughter into the mental ward we had to 202a her um so he was saying that this woman who's called in three times back to back to report um somebody being in her yard um is probably like mentally but my view my thing is this like she might be crazy that's fine but if somebody calls you three times in a [ __ ] row you still need to go check it the [ __ ] out she might be crazy but she might be right this time so I mean but they're still talking about East burnstad out there so they're still talking about it and she's out in East burnat so thank you Kathy so I don't care if she's nuts if she's called you three [ __ ] times I suggest you go look dude yeah she said that she said that he that they were seeing she was seeing flashlights in her yard and [ __ ] somebody she called three times back to back she wouldn't give her name but she was coming from the same number and he was like oh yeah I think I know who that is she's a 202a of course that had to be the one [ __ ] code that I actually knew um it was at the 49er yeah he's probably not using a I don't think he would be using a flashlight right now I I think he'd probably want to be on the DL so he'd be smarter to be wearing [ __ ] night vision goggles to be honest well right I mean although I got to say you have to understand like literally they're the mayor is like going left and right talking about the fact that Lit Lally they've had to make like three statements to tell people to stop going outside and shooting at [ __ ] like that's how bad it is right now people that like when people are like oh well maybe they caught them and they didn't say anything no I'm telling you like right now they've had to make three [ __ ] public statements telling people to stop shooting at [ __ ] and that's part of the reason they won't tell people where he is on 49 because he know they all know that everybody's going to go to 49 and we're going to [ __ ] solve the problem I'm going to tell you that that's how it is I can tell you right now with everything in me if they release where they where they're looking in 49 we'll haven't found in about 20 minutes guaranteed guaranteed that's why they won't release it um they no it's um it's at a very specific area in um oh everyone is they told everybody to stay inside um yeah he was arrested back in February he is known to the cops um that is accurate um literally uh that's why there's been so many gunshots in East burnstad I was reading comments from the mayor apparently everybody was doing shoot first ask questions later and they literally had to put out a put out a statement saying stop walking out of your door and shooting [ __ ] we are walking around and you are literally going to get us killed so that's where a lot of the um a lot of the gunshots and East burn stats coming from us because people are literally walking out their doors and shooting uh well I mean it might be it might be okay later on I mean um no it's up in um East burnstad so it's it's it's a little jump from uh Somerset still uh the town that the truck that was in East burn stat uh I don't know if it be if it'll be fine to got safer today or not nope he's 12 hours yeah the shooter's been named for about 10 hours you're slow anyway it's been H this is 12 hours of not having him yeah I know like I'm [ __ ] paranoid to go on the goddamn exp like that is literally like they did they they had infrared out they had the drones out they literally um I'm I'm from here that's where I'm getting my information from um they had to pull back the cop they had to pull back the Choppers and everything because the area is too wooded they couldn't see underneath the trees so they're going to restart the Choppers up as soon as uh daylight breaks yeah it was cold yesterday so you got to wonder like if he if he just did this out in a t-shirt like if he just decided to do this in a t-shirt he is probably freezing right now he is probably dead ass freezing he's probably not tired he's probably running on adrenaline uh it's about two hours before daylight it's about two hours so the mayor is saying that he doesn't know basically anything about anything he's given us everything he knows and that they are assisting um in the situation along with the other 15 [ __ ] agencies so I don't even know who's [ __ ] leading on this I think it's I think it's Laurel County Sheriff is leading yeah I mean it's very possible that he came super planned I mean how do they get his name um so his sister-in-law called and said that he threat and the family then they found his car at the truck stop where it all started with a empty gun case apparently they already they they're already doing it out of the out of the Army Depot they that was listed in one of them they are already enlisting military they already list already doing it a military has already been involved so I got to get him up in seven minutes minutes he hit five people all of them are stable currently and he is causing himself so much more than what he needs to be doing dude if he would just turn his ass in he would probably be getting a lot bigger of a plea deal but this nonsense of Choppers and Infrareds and drones and that's gonna piss off them [ __ ] prosecutors exactly you will get caught like there what what is the W case scenario he doesn't get caught for a few days they have his name they have his name like I where does he think he's going he can't use his phone he can't use his debit card he can't use [ __ ] um just different news sources I've looked it up on a ton of different news sources I've looked it up on Facebook I've looked it up everywhere I mean if if he if he goes off the grid he he better have [ __ ] Oodles of cash that he took with him because he ain't going to be able to access [ __ ] yeah it's not super freezing out or nothing but I I can tell you it's uncomfortable I can tell you it's going to be uncomfortable because um yesterday I walked out and it was pretty [ __ ] chilly um because there was they're saying it could have been a road ra rage incident that part is still not 100% clear they're saying that it could have started with the vehicle um but it don't make sense with the rest of the story is my problem it doesn't make sense with the rest of the story um no he did not that has not been confirmed about losing a child that has not been confirmed when it's confirmed I will absolutely eat crow until then it's a [ __ ] rumor it is a [ __ ] rumor until it's been confirmed and you know what if that is the case that he lost a child and his girlfriend broke up with them and y y y guess what you still don't get to [ __ ] kill people that makes sense oh yeah you know I lost my son I'm just GNA go take somebody else's son instead [ __ ] that [ __ ] they've been flying drones and thermal imaging they retired the helicopters because they cannot see through the the tree canopy when the lights when the lights when the sun comes up they're gonna start again I don't care dude Abigail I got PTSD that does not give me a right to go and freaking take other people's lives period period supposedly he's been in a particular area for the last 12 hours my problem is the area can't be that goddamn big go in and [ __ ] find him Bri if I even listed all my [ __ ] [ __ ] you guys are Wonder be how wonder how I'm staying here right now [Music] [Music] five were injured in the shooting two were related to a a related car accident none are dead you are right you are reading correct that is reading correct five are wounded in stable two were sent to UK three were sent to London um two are related to a related car accident and nobody is dead thanks there's more fish tanks that direction so unfortunately we're 6 and a half hours by the way this is kind of normal I do I do late night lives I usually don't stay until 6:00 in the morning I am usually on between 8 and 10 till two to 4 three well three to five depending I do four to six hour lives usually this is this is going on six and a half but special occasion I guess um but we're not to be honest we're not going to know anything um until those Choppers get back up in the air and daylight happens uh 7:31 here apparently um and then we'll know from from there um it started at 5:30 p.m. yesterday yeah I got PTSD bipolar one borderline personality disorder OCD anxiety I I I got quite a few myself um which is again why did they let me buy a gun just GNA point that out there uh yeah he was with me we were both at the we were both at the gym together thank you I appreciate you whoever just said that who just said that thank you McKenzie I had a girl message me earlier she was like my my dad is down there she's like should I come down and check on him I'm like no I was like do not take that interstate I was like she's like oh I just got a hold of them I'm like just keep checking on them do not come down here do not come down here we don't know where he is or nothing so yes the original one did say multiple deaths because it 8 um that's what was being reported I don't to to I mean could he I don't know what's going to happen in the end hey Angela kiss my ass how about you block me [ __ ] it's not fake news it did happen and that's what was being reported on at the time at the time it was being reported by news outlets that there was multiple deaths so you go contact all those news outlets and tell them to take their [ __ ] down and then suck my dick they do Kathy agree yeah she got muted one thing I will tell you like I will be a I will be a nice person okay um my problem is is if you come into my house and start pissing out my furniture I'm G to make you drink your [ __ ] piss period do not come in here and tell me to do anything do not come in here and tell me to put you in the Box do not come in here and tell me not to swear do not come in here and tell me what to say I will put you on blast I'm I'm like the most tolerant person on the planet but if you're going to come and piss in my house you're going to wish you never did it we have a lot of caves not so many right here I think it just died uh we don't know the store he got the got it at yeah died I knew I knew that the I knew it was getting ready to uh I knew it was getting ready to go H can you ask a question off topic sure are there trains in Kentucky yes um active shooter that has been has not been apprehended it's been 12 hours I thought I'd be fine honestly when I started making the video I thought I'd be fine like for real like I was just going to be like okay this is what's going on you know everything's fine um and then like it hit me what was going on and then what everybody was saying you know at that point I'd gotten word um from news outlets that it was you know 13 wounded five dead um and there was nothing to fact check at that point because there was that I mean what little was out there wasn't even correct and I mean they didn't even start reporting on it for like a [ __ ] hour hour and a half so everything that we were hearing these bits and piezas pieces off of like um [ __ ] scanners and stuff for police scanners um that's all we had because we couldn't fact check nothing because nobody was reporting on it yet we were just hearing [ __ ] off of police scanners so um that's just some it's just some wood honestly that's the nicest I've ever answered that to be honest all right you guys talk to each other for a hot second no there's only one give me one second oh I'm broken I'm broken I'm broken I'm broken e e e e e [Music] how do people are still here thank you sorry for that sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry all right sorry about that uh I'm in Minnesota and it's reached us I am praying for you in Kentucky thank you um so as it stands right now um yeah he works as at the home he is a trucker and normally he would be getting up and possibly going that direction sometimes he goes south and sometimes he goes north um he goes south more often but he does go north usually maybe once or twice a week and takes that exact same route um normally had he had he been on that route um he would have been coming home at the exact moment that that happened um he gets home usually um he would have been driving through that area literally exactly as it happened so luckily he was coming from the south yesterday um but uh today's his day off so cool beans there cool beans there there's some stuff going on I can't I might it died it that's not good I drop ited I am not doing okay right now hold on okay let's try to plug this back in and maybe I can get it going again what that's getting deeper into town that's getting into town 5 592 [Music] it's gobble the go it's [ __ ] gobbl C they uh they're going back out um they'll be hitting back they should be getting in the Choppers here in about an hour and a half I would figure based on daylight um honey do you know how many woods there are we live in a national forest like we live like we live like my whole town is inside of a national forest like I I can't explain to you how much wood there is it's a lot it's a lot so um hence the issue they're saying that he's contained up a 49 though so I'm just I don't I what I cannot understand is in 12 hours wherever you're [ __ ] containing how have you not found him yet I don't it's it's a uh our Town's about 8,000 it is it's not when is it is is currently happening it is still happening um this is going on hour 12 they still have not found him my this is my this is my uh this is my production I'm going to be going to bed um I'm going to be going to bed in like an hour or two I expect him to be found two hours after I go to sleep nobody's coming to the door and I don't hear anybody screaming [ __ ] oh I have reptiles in the living room have good job good job he said based on everything that's going on I'm going to go out there just to be safe good job I think I think it they're uh they're going to entertain that woman that K keep keeps calling there's a woman who's been calling back back to back back saying that there's somebody at her house and he said that she's a 202a which means mentally ill um ask me how I know that one and he just I just heard him say that he's he's going to go out with based on everything that's going on he's just going to go out there anyway I can sleep because I don't believe it's near me if I put my faith in what is going on um uh if I ba if I base my faith in everything that's going on he is 10 miles away so my husband's going to be awake my husband is more than Vigilant I have all my dogs that will bark if we hear anything I have my dogs that will bark my husband is awake my husband has carries so I mean I feel like I can sleep and I'll be okay so my whole demeanor changed a few minutes ago then I Vaped twice did I hear something you didn't want to share yet no uh the the numbers were getting closer is what it is the with the the look I got on my face the numbers as uh people are saying things they're getting a little bit closer into town they're just getting a little closer into town that's all um but we don't no they have not caught him yet we don't know what is what is related to this and what isn't um a call that comes in um say on Main Street may not even be involved in this it's closer to me sure but is it related not necessarily um but yeah kind of I was like damn there you know that that it's getting closer it's getting closer than you know that's that's actually like in town um but depending on that's a very long road a very long road I'm talking 20 30 40 miles long it's a long road so it could be anywhere um somebody said that I think somebody did try to call him at one point I think somebody did try to call him at one point um how am I how far am I from the Town Center I couldn't even tell you to be honest yeah i' be fine yeah no no no um I personally believe that he is pro if I if I put my faith in in the in the police system he's supposed to be 10 miles away from me so um I mean that's that's that's a good distance that's a good distance that's that's damn near a town over so if uh if if the police are to be believed um then I there ain't no reason I shouldn't be able to sleep if I was here alone it'd be a little different but my husband's here he's going to be awake so it'd be a little different if I was by [Laughter] myself could even left a bike in the woods I don't know I mean maybe anything everything is uh everything as possible at this point so um they're getting right they're going to be putting the Choppers back up here um as soon as daylight starts um it was 12 hours ago he could steal a car according to police if you believe them I'm fairly aab myself but um if if you believe what the police are saying um he is supposedly somehow contained in an area that could not be searched for 12 hours 10 miles from here um living Livingston's a little bit further north Livingston's a little bit further north probably like I said it's you know I I feel I feel fine because um if if they're saying it's contained 10 you know 10 miles up um I have no I hate saying this I have no reason to not believe it I guess so like for me um I'll be able to sleep so yeah I mean 10 miles is not far but it's not close you know what I mean like if it was five miles I would be kind of tripping a little bit but um God damn it this one [ __ ] bug um yeah the drones they already put the drones out they're getting they're going to put the drones back up again oh yeah that's me that's my that's my other account that's another one of my accounts I have three accounts that I use [Music] so that one just said that um somebody was seen walking towards a something County I couldn't I couldn't make out the county that something they were make they were walking down towards the count County I don't I don't know what that means but um you think Jackson County okay that would make sense that would make a lot of sense that would make a lot of sense because Jackson County is the next County up that would make a lot of sense because if he's traveling up that direction the next County he would go into is Jackson County okay okay then it yep he's heading north guys he's heading a away for me if if if if that was him he said north yeah that that's North he said if if if this is what um I can see the map in my head and uh it if he's in that 490 area he's uh going north towards Jackson if this is involving him that they just said that they were they were that that one particular one they were dealing about with that ma uh major things that's going to go on with they're going to probably keep it on Tac radio because they said that they think he has a police scanner but every now and then some little thing comes through and he just said it had to De with this he said he was going to that woman's house but I I it hasn't said anything since so but yeah if if if somehow um if somehow it was hey from Corbin um you're in the corner of Jackson County in Bria in the country hey Bria got lots of we got a lot of Kentucky people in here tonight obviously for obvious reasons um he's also watching lives I heard on a crime Channel I don't believe that I don't believe that hey another Berea nice um I don't believe he's watching lives at all um he would have to turn his phone on and that would be able to give a triangulation on a ping and there's no way he's going to be that stupid no you'd be able to Ping him that'd be that'd be stupid uh he could be doing it from a burner phone with a burner account yeah that's possible um they did and then they turned it off um he did have his phone on they did Ping it once and then they turned it off he does have a military background oh the feds are tracking him we have the FBI here um uh alcohol firearm tobacco the US Marshall service we got we got it all here right now we got it all here right now oh uh I live in the country so I I feel I feel you know I feel like I'm out enough that's a blessing or a curse I I feel like I'm out far enough that I don't think I'd be bothered but then I'm out far enough that what if I was bothered yes um yeah our our news outlets are horrible um I put out the I put out the video about this probably about an hour before all of the major news stations started um going on the information that I got in the beginning was inaccurate um I was watching a police scanner and apparently had inacurate conversation oh East that's it's far from East it's so weird living in a small area man when I when I used to sit and listen to a police scanner it would just not stop just nonstop like there was never a breath it was awesome that's like all we listen to all day like I we just left it on in the kitchen all day and then they started changing the frequencies and [ __ ] and we haven't had a scanner since but the the late 90s early 2000s that's like that's it was always on always on you wen't repeating anything you're fine um yeah he is from uh Woodbine Kentucky um he's 32 uh white male 510 154 pounds um army background allegedly um and uh he ended up going about half hour north to do whatever what what's been happening right now they and Sweetwood what's Sweetwood no they did not catch them hey Williamsburg what's his objective to not get caught he's still on the Run yes they are not um putting the Choppers back up quite yet until it gets until the sun comes out nothing there yeah I bought mine in 20 minutes it can be done yeah there's there's nothing um on my sheriff or the um mayor and we're going to do another I don't think there's going to be anything because they stop they like it was weird like they did do the helicopters with the infrared they cannot see through the trees they have to wait until the freaking lights get up again they're going they're going to be putting the Choppers back up here as soon as the sun comes up I don't think you guys understand how uh w work there's no point in doing it if you can't see anything guys there's nothing been nothing been updated the the newest update I'm not even kidding is six hours ago like there's a [ __ ] running around sorry four hours ago on CNN and NPR um this is wild to me literally there's somebody wandering around and like no updates no updates where'd it go oh great and I lost it good job there it is it says that there's like 1600 people listening to it no I don't need that just oh my God I didn't want to click through I just play the damn ad yes they have done they've done the um they've done the infrared thing I don't know if we have a flare I don't know I think from what from what I'm understanding we only have in infrared I don't know if it's an actual flare I'm not sure um can we get past this [ __ ] ad bro oh my God I do not want [ __ ] fantasy I [ __ ] hate this thing there we go 10 codes oh hey there's a whole thing of codes let's start [Music] a okay they all just start with 10 many of the 10 codes here will match these list below so they're just tens there's 99 10 codes [Music] jailbreak oh there's some interesting uh animal carcass Riot unnecessary use of radio no not stopped hello we are still I've been live for almost seven hours um normally I would have gotten off a few hours ago but um there's an active shooter in my town and it's been um 13 hours they still haven't found them it's now 13 hours um so what I figure is going to happen let's let's call it out let's call it out right here I'm going to go to bed about 8:00 I'm getting up around 12: or 1 and they're going to find him at 11:30 11:30 well I'm asleep yeah I was outside when it when it happened I I was at the gym and uh they shut it down and kicked us out and told everybody to go home uh nobody is nobody died um five people were wounded and he took off into the [ __ ] Woods yeah I know I call it every time which makes me want to stay awake because I'm telling you he's probably going to get found at 11:37 and I will and after doing all of this and whatever I'm going to find out about it secondhand guaranteed 11:37 that [ __ ] is going to be found and I'm going to be out cold the good news is'll the good thing is he'll be [Music] fine I can't understand a goddamn word they are saying the person who was shot in the face is fine they're stable and because I see the number 1137 in my head that's why thank you Alison I just see the number 1137 in my head so maybe I'm right maybe I'm wrong yeah I'm no I'm listening to uh some scanner Christ almighty that's funny because that would have been you're are you central daylight are you central daylight 10:37 because you'd be an hour behind me [Music] [Music] [Music] Carrie are you Central Daylight Time that'd be [ __ ] Wild yeah think he's somebody completely different they just stopped somebody but he was he was somebody different they just stopped somebody but it's not who they're looking for I don't know um there's 848 was out post 3:30 this morning 848 [Music] another [ __ ] running around with a goddamn [Applause] gun thanks Tammy say just trying to protect himself Tim Tim it was perfectly okay for them to first of all they were shutting the entire city down they were telling everybody to get out of everywhere Walmart closed the whole nine you also have to remember that Planet Fitness has a glass front window the whole front of it is glass dude if he wants in he's coming in and there's nowhere to hide there's five tanning rooms that have locks and each one of them will hold two people they are tiny rooms so yeah it wasn't safe for us to say there [Music] [Applause] so they stopped a guy who was walking home he was packing he said he just wanted to protect himself and then they said something about I ain't hearing no gunshots or something uh five people were wounded none deceased they still haven't found him it's been 13 hours he ran into [ __ ] Appalachia he Lally [ __ ] off on from the 75 and ran into a [ __ ] patch of woods and nobody can find him it's been 13 hours I am using some gray and orange thing says please yeah I'm fine everything's good I'm uh I'm going to be going to bed here shortly and of course like I said I will wake up and the good news is he will be in custody and the bad news is is I will have to find out after everybody else they did not catch him yet um I mean I don't know if you've ever been to Kentucky everything I I cannot explain to you how Kentuck how Kentucky fuctions it's a very bizarre State very very bizarre I don't think he's going to un alive himself I don't I think it's gonna end up with a I think it's going to end up with a with a shootout they're locked I'm good my dogs are all outside I just put them outside yeah that's the only that's the only place there is I mean hell even the bathrooms barely have locks on them you you walk into the big open spot and you go into a Bo or whatever but there's nowhere to hide that's why he was like y'all need to go y'all need to go do I think the cops will shoot him absolutely absolutely I mean he is white though so they might take him to Burger King um I don't know why they're not [ __ ] covering it they should be it should be uh Sterns is about 45 minutes from me so yeah that's pretty pretty far uh does a that was a stupid thing to say let me tell you something you want to know where that reference was do you want to know where they were going to take him to Burger King came from do you not remember the white boy who shot up a black church and instead of taking him to jail they took him to Burger King true facts [ __ ] Google it some dumbass white kid shot up a black church and they literally took him through Burger King on the way to the jail that's exactly what that reference was [Music] yes Charlesville right open carry complete open carry you don't have to have a conceal weapon you don't have to have nothing everything it's completely open carry you can you can literally hide it you can conceal carry it you can open carry it you don't need a permit for [ __ ] they don't care you walk into a gun store you get your gun in 20 minutes you walk out and you can carry it underneath your [ __ ] you can completely conceal carry it anywhere you want to go I know because I did it literally walked in got one in 20 minutes didn't have to register it and I can conceal carry it without a pass at all uh no other than the fact it's been 13 hours I still ain't got them Kentucky nope how long ago was that two years ago I got it two years ago long here hey [ __ ] got [ __ ] I'll do the governor that's all it's always been it's not my sleepy time yet I'm be going to bed in the next hour or so that's when I go to bed I go to bed about 8:00 in the morning I didn't go to bed till noon yesterday I went to bed at noon it was 12:30 something when I went to bed and I got up at 5:30 they did they called off to search about five hours ago um they're going to put the Choppers back up when it gets to be sun sun sunny out why can I not figure that out I keep want to say when the lights turn on yeah so I normally go to bed around the 8 o'clock era but I I didn't get to bed until like 12:30 so I am getting tired though oh I'm g go to bed I'm g go to bed so I seem like I used to be a dispatcher I wish I would love to be a dispatcher that'd be great I would totally do it I'd be okay too dude it's weird because like I am chaotic as [ __ ] but the minute I need like when the world is falling around around me I'm cool like I am constantly neurotically chaotic but like as soon as there's a [ __ ] disaster I'm like I got this um it was um an interstate he was shooting the interstate he just started shooting at people in their cars I appreciate you I have a calm demeanor sometimes hey I I would not sneeze at 60,000 ear not as much as my husband makes but it'd be damn nice I make less than that as a content creator so I mean yeah he was on I75 I just woke up you can't leave me now um anyone found with the sheriff's office that got the mug shot that is from KN uh that's on Kentucky Kentucky um that is from Knox County um from February 8th of this year it was a third third degree um terroristic terroristic threatening in the third degree which is not what it sounds like it is not what it sounds like terroristic threatening in the third degree I know this I charged my daughter with it terroristic threatening in the third degree is simply saying the words I'm going to kill you I'm going to kill you I'm going to hurt whatever um that is terroristic threatening in the third degree apparently according to his mom he said that to his dog yes that is absolutely chargeable yes it's a Class B M demeanor yes it can have jail time uh my daughter's Bond was higher than his was that guy's Bond was only $1,000 Kentucky doesn't have bondsmen you pay that or you [ __ ] take or you do the time he was never convicted there you go well I want to know why somebody I want to know why I just saw a post that said he just got out last month which made zero sense because I will tell tell you if if he had if he had served time he would have served under a month my daughter served a month and that was the most I could [ __ ] give her but they gave her 11 months suspended sentence in two [Music] [Music] years God damn it 1064 and 1065 message for local delivery net message assignment weird I thought I I thought I was on something with that but apparently not uh yes we do have C yes we do have cash [ __ ] bonds my daughter had a $5,000 cash Bond she had a $5,000 cash Bond and she stayed her happy ass in jail for 30 [ __ ] days I he should be still in Kentucky I don't know Kentucky does no one died it's five wound and [Music] uh they're going back up to 49 he just said I'm going up to the 49 that's that's where it's at he said I'm going back to the 49 why are they going back to maybe they're getting the [ __ ] maybe they're getting the birds already it's not it's [ __ ] still dark out he just said he was going back up to the 49 yep I know tell us more scanner man that's 10 miles from me no they' have not caught um is 49er route near that's where it happened at the 49er on the 49 the 49er is a truck [Music] stop yeah I'm obviously you can he said the 49er I can't yeah you can buy a [ __ ] police scanner what would you like Amazon to [ __ ] shove it up my ass I can't get it here in time obviously so I'm listening to it on my iPad okay so they're going to the 49er again so what now we're going to start getting interesting when I need to go to bed you don't like how rude I am [ __ ] off I give zero [ __ ] what you think about me the 49 is where it happened there is a truck stop called the 49er and it's on Exit 49 that is where the suspect is supposedly being compromised they supposedly had him in a area that they won't go get him in for [ __ ] 13 hours if anything happens to my live I am on Ryan Lee TM on YouTube and for anybody who wants to go back and watch it will be on my live replay I wasn't even talking to you Bri I'm trying to figure out um I do take my meds [ __ ] right Le I'm on YouTube we don't know if he's on photographies or what he's doing we have no idea he's not been found well give me a sec Goldie I appreciate you Pearl yes the active situation is still happening it is active at the 49th um it's been active for 13 hours right now I have no idea where Vine Grove is I was being I was I I literally said I wasn't speaking to you and you told me to take my medication which is [ __ ] rude so I called you what you were being period Goldie take her out don't tell me to take my meds and be an [ __ ] either but here we are so yeah wasn't even talking to that girl literally was not even talking to the girl I I even said I am not speaking to you tell me to take my [ __ ] meds dude I'm sitting here chill this is me being chill it's [ __ ] rude follow me on Ryan Le TM I'm live every night I'm not always live on Tik Tok I'm I'm live on Tik Tok because I had so I had had all those videos going up and I wanted to give people um an update on what was going on on Tik Tok it's starting to get bright okay cool did you see the video Nina made about fancy it's like Gypsy didn't post today and they had nothing to talk about so they started attacking each other it drives me nuts okay well I don't know I don't know exactly okay just hold on a minute I'm talking to somebody else right now hold on so here's the deal the problem is the reason why fancy made a comment about Nina is because in the past like two three days Nina has like taken content from people and slapped her [ __ ] face on it and acted like she discovered it she literally had a video where she took something of mine you can see me in the screenshot and she acts like I'm like it wasn't even mine [Music] then there was a follower who then there was a follower who had come with the the Gypsy tattoo and it like basically mocked dei's wounds on her back of course she stole that too and so yeah we get agitated you know when I put out whether or not you agree with it or not when I put out the dryer sheet thing Thea hopped on that [ __ ] in nine hours and was like blah blah I'm like [ __ ] you didn't even know until I [ __ ] said it you did not you did not even nothing until I [ __ ] said it and now here you are slapping your nasty ass face all over my content thank you sit down so yeah it's it's it's [ __ ] frustrating so that's exactly why she ended up that's exactly why she ended up saying something and I don't give a [ __ ] because you know what um I'm blocked I'm blocked by all the [ __ ] I'm blocked by all the [ __ ] they've all blocked me they've all blocked me um okay so new on the radio so right now um it has been going on for 13 hours um well um it's it's been going on for 13 hours they're still in active situation they have not found him they had to call off the Choppers about five hours ago because they couldn't see through the tree canopy they're going to put the uh Choppers back up as soon as daylight hits um they have the area um they have the area kind of cordoned offish like they have like they have a perimeter that they that they say he's in um I did have somebody on my panel earlier tonight from that area who did mention a street that I do know is involved um and apparently he has went knocking on doors Etc um that whole [ __ ] area has to be terrified to be honest um and uh so they're going to get the get the Choppers and the drones and everything back up um as of right now that's that's basically all that we know um we've been listening to the scanner um nothing crazy there they just said that they are going back to the 49 so they're whatever they're doing they're going back to the 49 they're going to do something so it is getting lighter it is 6:52 a.m. I usually go to bed in the next hour uh so we'll see we'll see where we're at um yeah we'll see where we're at here if I have to stay up I did stay up till noon yesterday so um yeah I do c that's Thea yeah why yeah they're going to bring the Choppers back terroristic threats isn't exactly what you think it is okay guys terroristic threats um class okay third terrorist threats in the third degree in Kentucky is a Class B misdemeanor it is not the terroristic threatening you're thinking it is that is terroristic in the first and the second terroristic in the third would literally like you want to know what you get in trouble for in Kentucky swear to God I put my kid in jail for it um walking up to somebody and saying that you're gonna that you're gonna un alive them I could just unal alive you if if it's said with any type of intent at all if it's a threat at all and luckily it was recorded by both police and a mental institution um that is considered a terroristic threat and you will be hit with it the told Ivory Rose to change her name because of the BS with Christie's cousin the [ __ ] what does that have to do with anything what does that have to do with anything yeah she has to be blocked too they all have me blocked all of them have me [ __ ] blocked they've all blocked me at some point Thea has me blocked because I told her if she doesn't stop making [ __ ] videos in my direction I have officially given her a virtual uh [ __ ] if she wants to call it a cease and desist whatever the [ __ ] you want to call it I've done it on numerous videos nah has me blocked because I literally called her a straight ass [ __ ] bully in my live cuse she's a [ __ ] bully Breeze got me blocked she's [ __ ] nuts she keeps popping off of my [ __ ] messenger good morning they're getting [Music] breakfast I think I think they're getting ready to start everything up oh I there there's a video up of um Brie saying that she would help her family out more but she has to defend Gypsy [Music] 247 oh yeah I'm perfectly fine with being blocked what's agitating though is when these creators block me and then use my content that's what's frustrating that's that's why fancy loses her [ __ ] and my husband's like tell her to stop losing her [ __ ] I'm like I understand why she's losing it these content creators [ __ ] block us and then steal our [ __ ] and slap some [ __ ] hair on it and they're like oh look what I found the [ __ ] you did the [ __ ] you did I don't give a [ __ ] if you have more followers than I do I don't give a [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] in the dark yeah no um 13 and a half hours they just headed back up to the 49 I just heard them say that they were going to the 49er so they're actually I guess they're getting ready to start the day because um they just said that they were going they were going to the 49er well no the problem is though is when you suck as a content creator and can't and can't get any of your own views so you have to steal everybody else's or stream other people's lives or do whatever they you possibly can to get some type of [ __ ] attention yeah it gets to be a little irritating after a while yeah if you call call them all for stealing it you're a [ __ ] bully y yep I know I have fomo too but I'm like I do need to sleep in the dark um I've seen a couple pages that have it there's I think it's writer 2.0 has it and uh who brought the Pepsi I think Ryder Ryder has the original like right Ryder 2.0 I think has the original and then um who brought the Pepsi yeah I couldn't believe it either me too H I actually got I actually got [ __ ] Mountain Dew over there I'm trying to lay off the pop so much yeah it's um it's getting it's getting brighter out it's getting brighter out [Music] can you [ __ ] talk complete [ __ ] words please no 13 and a half hours so far all thank you Z I appreciate you they need to release the [ __ ] dogs I agree I've been saying that for [ __ ] 10 hours no they've not found him yet cozy yeah I'm home I I at home real quick I I didn't live super super far well no it's not even the fact of understanding the G it's literally they talk like they have a sack of [ __ ] in their mouth no I think if he wanted to do anything else he would he would be running around willy-nilly just I mean for for the better part of 12 hours he hasn't done anything to anybody so to me if he was like hellbent on absolute death and destruction he would he would have continued I mean there would have been a rampage in the [ __ ] city um he's laying low for whatever reason thank you Debbie um yeah he's either hiding or what was his trigger um so it's weird because there's two different stories that have come out one that he was involved in some type of a car road rage thing and another saying that it started at a truck stop with an eyewitness um and at the truck stop they found his car a empty gun case um and then it started um on the State I mean he could have took himself out and that's why we can't find him I don't [ __ ] know why are men so damn emotional [ __ ] on their periods yeah if he I mean if he's out in the woods I mean you have to understand though we we are literally in Daniel Boone [ __ ] National Forest so they do know the name um they do know the name that they're saying um we don't I like that movie falling down oh you could be I literally put out about this and it wasn't even on like mainstream news when I put it out like it took an hour and a half for any network to [ __ ] pick it up which is wild to me I mean they're taking out people on a [ __ ] Expressway just driving home and it took an hour hour and a half for them to even [ __ ] put it on CNN and all that [ __ ] I mean yeah now it's everywhere but guess what they haven't updated any of the sites in six to seven to8 to 9 to 10 11 hours they were like oh yeah there's a situation [ __ ] it we're done now ow [ __ ] me ow ow ow ow ow yeah Tik Tok always knows things for and that's exactly why they want to get rid of it it has nothing to do with selling Chinese data has everything to do with the fact that we beat the news at their own game period yeah it reminds me of the but white snipers yep he is prior military yes um they just went back up to the 49 he just said um the scanner just said that they were going back to the 49 right now um it's not near the West Virginia border yes he bought an AR yesterday with 2,000 rounds yes uh the roads are open they opened up about 9:30 p.m. last night they were closed for approximately three hours um they're showing a map on news Nation now uh do I think he uh there is uh there is rumor that he has access to a police scanner and they ended up taking all of the scanner to the TAC because um he's managed to stay ahead of them so far and with being military there was a rumor completely unsubstantiated but there is a rumor that he has a police um scanner so they um they took it to Tac mode yeah I've seen you say that they were at there five minutes earlier a couple times yeah I know I have it on my iPad right now I can't use my phone my phone is being used on Tik Tok right now um yeah it says on his Facebook profile that he was a 911 dispatcher at some point yeah my uh yeah everything was going on and then all of a sudden the scanners got really quiet they changed it to Tac mode because they think that he has a scanner uh he told his sister-in-law that he was going to hurt um her family and other people and he was going to kill many people yesterday so that's why I have a hard time believing it's road rage yeah um the scanner Channel if you go into scanner it's it's one of the ones right on top the name of the the bolo is out for Joseph couch he's from Woodbine Kentucky he's 32 um 5 foot 10 five 500 154 pounds white male blond SK blonde hair Jesus Christ you can tell I need to go to bed I tried to say he had blonde skin and he was 500 pounds Jesus Christ um they did not yeah I don't think I don't think it was rad rage no I think that's what I I I we'll find out eventually like how it works or whatever we'll find out eventually look I'm G to say the same thing and y'all can love me hate me let me leave me I really don't give a [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] if it's PTSD I have PTSD it does not give me the right to go and take other people's lives period period if you are having homicidal ideation you go get some [ __ ] help call a [ __ ] call a [ __ ] line turn yourself in do whatever the [ __ ] you have to do what you're not g to do is say well I have PTSD so I get to take the lives of people [ __ ] that Jesus Christ if that was the case I'd be in the books that was not cool that was not cool that was not cool no he said it's uh six uh [ __ ] 13 and a half hours so far they just went back up to the 49er they just they just put out there that um it is not in Louisville hold on you obviously have a normal brain still people like him don't have a normal functioning brain you have no idea what the [ __ ] going on in my brain so you can [ __ ] it off with that you have zero idea what the [ __ ] goes on in my brain you have zero idea I've been I've been certifiably nuts for the 20 over 20 [ __ ] years and if I can get through my day today so can everybody [ __ ] else he's still in I yes you're in Wood Bine oh that's that's where he's from you know what here's my thing you know and and call me callus okay I'm perfectly okay with that I am perfectly okay with that but again it is one thing to feel down and horrible and like you don't want to be here anymore I understand that thoroughly but nowhere do you have the right to remove someone else from this planet because of whatever the [ __ ] you're going through yes it is bad it is bad when you feel that way and I would feel awful for that person but what you don't ever get to do is decide to end someone else's life because yours is [ __ ] a catastrophe in that moment yeah that man is causing PTSD for other people so that that's awesome at some point you have to have some type of [ __ ] cability they have not found him so they went they went back up to the 49er uh probably about what 15 20 minutes ago haven't heard [ __ ] but I can tell you that the sun is coming up so um I don't know what is considered I know that yesterday um the stores closed usually around 89 10 11 o'clock and they closed a 24-hour gym at 9 yesterday Walmart um which normally closes at 11: was shut down about 10 o'clock 9 10 o'clock yesterday um I'm gon to I I don't know what exactly they're doing I haven't been out it's only 7 o'clock in the morning so um I'm not really sure sure um what's going on or whatever most places don't even open for another two more hours we don't know if he's in the area anymore supposedly allegedly they have had him in an area where they know where he is but they just never went and [ __ ] got him n 400 more people joined I need one boxes [Music] circles I just bought you three yesterday yeah three and enough I'm getting low okay okay look okay I only got one two three four five six seven eight nine okay got n left just so you know like like Friday I'll throw a little bit of my allowance towards it or something okay um the 49er is a truck stop on Exit 49 on I75 in Kentucky um the situation started at the 49er um and they just said that they were headed back up to the 49 um about 20 minutes ago so I'm probably paranoid I would not be near Windows right now um Shades close your mini blinds do what you got to do yeah it's buffering I'm waiting for it to freaking load thing we this we what like no we'll do it yeah you're off Monday so I can definitely help you oh yeah I'm Monday yeah oops they have not caught the guy we're going on hour 13 and a half right now you yeah um I uh for anybody who thinks I'm completely insane at the fact that it is 7 o'clock in the morning and I've been on live for seven and a half hours let me tell you a few things about myself I actually work midnights and I don't go to bed until 7 or 8 o'clock in the morning so right now I'd be winding down to go to bed um I don't normally stay on lives that often uh this long I do on occasion um you can find me Ryan Le TM on YouTube every night um I usually start my lives between 8 and 10 o'clock at night and they will run till 3 4 5 O'Clock in the in the morning that is my job I am a social media content creator um on YouTube um I do uh sometimes do lives um on Tik Tok as well as a dual live all of my lives are on YouTube if you want to watch this um farther back you can um go to YouTube this live will be available at the end of this live um I've not stayed up all night um this is literally my night time I'm getting ready to go to bed here um if if something kicks up I'm going to stay up I was up till 12:30 yesterday um and got up at 5:30 so I went to bed a little late and got up a little little bit later but it's all right uh over only overslept by an hour and a half so I don't feel too bad um so the news is jacked um my normal content is me being me and the fact that I somehow got myself intwined with the Gypsy Rose blanter crap and their family and all of the content creating and all of the people that are being spun around in 85 different directions by Gypsy Rose and the fact that we have debunked anything that has ever happened with her and the fact that she is a lying conniving manipulative snake Ryan leam on YouTube we've driven holes and everything she's done we have records uh for those of you who know um Gypsy Rose sued my ex partner for um breach of contract and it ended up getting thrown out um gypsy has made it her life's Mission at this point point to content strike all of us they are very well aware of who I am I was friends with the family for six whole whopping weeks so um a lot of my content is me and uh a couple people basically um telling people about Gypsy Rose and letting them know that they have been conned um and just the fact of hanging out chilling and um we do I have memberships and whatever and we do member lot and just kind of hang out so we are at hour we are going on hour 14 right now um in 15 minutes It'll be hours 14 nope six weeks six weeks I will tell you that um my daughter reminds me a lot of Gypsy Rose after all she did want me dead so um I see it with a whole another set of eyes that a lot of people don't see because she tried to do the same [ __ ] with me that gypsy's done with her mom pay her out to be this horrible abuser this awful person um been there done that got the postcard so I see this with a whole [ __ ] fresh set of eyes um no I will not be going to any type of protest I specifically reached out to Nick go to John I reached out to him nicely he answered me nicely L everything was fine um next thing I know um his people um decided to make a shitty bullying video in my direction calling me a Butch bully and so they all can get [ __ ] he can get [ __ ] and while I do believe he he deserves a fair trial um I do also believe he is exactly where he needs to be based on the emails that I have seen that um are not released that um and I want to release them uh fancy will be releasing them in her book um and I want to release them so I so people know exactly what it is that they are backing with these said rallies but um she has to release them when she wants to release them but just remember what I said um as it is we are at 14 hours I'm hearing nothing right now they are literally um they are literally up at the 49 I guess and nothing has been going nothing has been going on so if if we don't hear something um relatively in the next uh 15 or so minutes we're just going to I'm gonna hang it up go to sleep when he gets found in three hours and I miss it uh I'm gonna be upset but I'm gonna be happy that he smil ey oh you come wake me up yep okay he says he'll he'll listen to the scanner for me so I can do my video when he when they find him I have devoted 14 hours to this [ __ ] um oh there is an active there's an active shooter situation in my town um they have not been able to find him for 14 hours they not oh [ __ ] they've not been able to find him for 14 hours so doors are locked doors are locked nobody is dead there was five wounded five wounded and two and a tiff says stay live with us to you babe oh that Tiffany I I will but I won't be talking because I got it'll probably M it because I got a D&D game yeah he's got to do D and D guys but he's going to he'll he'll listen to the scanner for me if I hear anything um obviously I will do a video ASAP um but uh I think one of two things is going to happen obviously it's the only two things that can happen really to be realistic number one he is going to gas out he is going to gas out he's either going to give up or end it um unless he's already gone he could have stashed the gun and left already possible hold on or two it's going to be drugg out for a hell of a long time because he may be thinking that he can beat this now the only thing is about it being um him leaving is supposedly and this is uh you can take this as far as you can throw it but supposedly they have a they have the situation contained of where they know he is and they do have people on the perimeters of the containment it's just actually searching people it would take I know hold on let hold on he didn't get to hear what all is involved right yet hold on you got to hear this babe this is wild hold on this is wild okay y'all ready listen hold on go take care of this quick I just fed them the okay he he just fed the fishies some Brian shrimpies um it's not it's not um it's not nice it's it's chilly it's chilly um it is okay you ready you want to know what has what has came to our County in the past 12 hours are you listening I'm listening London City please Kentucky State Police Corbin City police Williamsburg City police Richmond City police the FBI the US Marshall service um Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms uh Lexington Metro Rock Castle County Sheriff's Office Mount Vernon Police Department East burnat fire and rescue London Fire Department London Laurel County Rescue Squad Laurel County Emergency Management ABC Bluegrass Army Depot police and numis area fire departments okay they got a fight in progress uh oh there's a fight in progress I it might not be Rel it might not be related but they just they said 10 10 that's a fight in progress guys that's a fight in progress yeah that might not be connected it was just they happen to come on the here it was a fight in progress um there was a woman who who called three times back to back and she wouldn't leave her name but it was the same number and the guy was like yeah she's called me three times and he was like yeah she's a 202a and I was like look I don't care if she's a 202a you need to go [ __ ] figure it out well then later on I guess I think I think it was the same girl she called back again and the one cop was like considering what all is going on tonight I'm going to go out there and check they still haven't found them um is there any leads no um they are saying that he is contained at the 49 um but you have to remember that that is in a national forest um a 202a is mentally unstable think of it as a 50 think of it as a 5150 you're 5150 if you're a 202a um when I had to um put my daughter into a psych hold um they make you fill out a two to a form that then gives them an involuntary cycle they were closed so the police did it for me the police decided to do it instead all right we're going to do our thing here let's check and see if there's any all right oh let's see if there's any updates 5 hours 5 hours 7 hours 2 hours 5 9 698 nothing nothing nobody is nobody they it's like they don't even give a [ __ ] for real they may think he has one of those mobile scanners on him right but they're not even like there like nobody like I'm looking at this CBS New York Times AP news they didone or something they switched to Tac they switched to Tac they realized um it it about five hours in they said that they believe he had a police scanner so they switched to Tac and all the all of a sudden all the scanners just went dead um because he stayed ahead of them so much um luckily it's just now starting to actually hit when I did that when I did the First videos it hadn't even really hit mainstream media it took another hour hour and a half for people to even [ __ ] hear about it um then I got on Tik Tok and ivory Ivory nose and Naomi were doing a live they wanted to bring me up but they couldn't because of what they were doing they couldn't bring me up so I went live I said well you can stream my live if you need to um the situation is there's an active shooter in London Kentucky he is supposedly allegedly contained at the 49 uh mile marker across from the 49er truck stop um where he fled into the woods after shooting nine cars hitting five people um there's five wounded uh no fatalities they are all in stable condition here's my thing and I told Mom this the mom agrees he bought he he got two no three terroristic threatening charges right no he got one terroristic in the third degree but yeah go ahead okay one in the third degree right he got what Ember got he was still able with terroristic threatening on him to go purchase a gun this morning and 3,000 rounds of ammo 2,000 rounds but um from what I'm hearing it was I think he was found innocent so it wouldn't have it doesn't matter that that still showed I get that which obviously he was actually guilty of well so you want to hear you want to find out why uh and and you know what so his mom goes on a Facebook post does not say anything other than this she doesn't say Hey you know I'm sorry for my son or anything like that she went on a Facebook post to say why the terrorist stick in the third degree was it was bunk but um and and he can tell you this because he knows exactly what happened with our third deegree terroristic charge um you want to know what he G you know what he got what they um charged it for him for not even kidding he threat he threatened to kill his dog for um trying to bite his son in the face all that's some [ __ ] that's that's part of the reason she got it is for threatening me to to kill me and the dogs it they were both written in there I mean it was obviously more so for me duh yeah but the reason she got but he but he only had A1 th000 Bond he only had A1 th000 Bond she had a $5,000 Bond and from what people are saying I think it didn't stick so if it didn't stick it's not put on your record you can be charged with you can be charged whatever the [ __ ] you want if you ain't hit with it it don't matter but regardless you want to know what I want to know I want to know how this [ __ ] goes in and buys not only an AR-15 and walks out the goddamn door but why they thought it was acceptable to sell him 2,000 rounds now there's people in the comments that are saying oh 2,000 rounds isn't that strange it's not that strange it's not that strange when you're buying a sniper R it is it is weird to like just pop just go in be I needin two ,000 rounds I I think that is weird did they release what kind of gun it was an AR-15 okay so it wasn't a sniper right they it was apparently was any attachments it had no they don't know nothing no they don't know nothing um right now if he purchased it he would have purchased all that at the same time before it came on the rifle okay what what they're saying what they're saying currently is that um okay so what they're saying currently is that um according to some posts that I have yet to find um but this is being on multiple Outlets um that he walked into a store he bought a he bought a AR-15 did not say any attachments and 2,000 rounds of ammo he then calls his sister-in-law threatens the sister-in-law's family says he's going to take them out and a bunch of other people she calls the police in the meantime and this is where it's really [ __ ] weird so she calls the police about him threatening her in the meantime he has a quote unquote Road r incident allegedly which I can't figure out um where he ends up at the 49er where according to a witness he shot into the [ __ ] 49er do not go there by the way this is the second time some crazy [ __ ] has happened like that and then next thing you know go over there if it wasn't for my uh next thing you know he's picking people off the [ __ ] internet and he or off the interstate and he's hit nine cars and five people one girl got it in the face in the face the girl live thank God um I don't know why you would need 2,000 rounds I do not understand um I don't know why it's being told as a road rage incident I don't know I don't understand it because um also then to tie the two together um after she called about him or whatever they found his car at the 49er with allegedly an empty gun case in it so I mean it all it all goes together I just don't understand the road rage incident come from unless he was already completely out of his [ __ ] head and already knew he was getting ready to Roar and ended up just bringing that guy along in it now it what now there was five people wounded and um two people that were also injured in a um related car accident so you have to understand that the interstate was locked down for the better part of two to three hours um between the 41 and the 59 which they essentially laid them beit sitting [ __ ] Ducks let's be real they stopped all traffic cops were coming the other direction whole nine and um they let them be sitting ducks for like three hours and um so I'm sure somebody rubber necked and ran into somebody or some [ __ ] who knows they have not found him um oh it's on your news in Belleville Illinois okay okay um yes uh according to his Facebook that I found he is he he he claims to be in the Army um all news sources are saying he has Army background he is exmilitary um newsbreak is saying that there's one dead where the [ __ ] they are hold on okay I can't look up all those things honey somebody else look up the helicopter wait wait wait just give me a second news break what are you trying to look at oh I got it that's why I got this I'm good I pulled it up on I pulled up Google on here thank you baby I got it though hold on there ain't nothing on news break y'all there ain't nothing on news break what are you talking about and it's already I'm local there ain't there ain't nothing I'm telling you this nobody's dead right now I'm telling you this like I am literally here the um the mayor and the and the sheriff's office keep putting out um keep putting out uh stuff yeah nothing has been shared this morning but at the at at the last time of the last um at the last time that they said something all five people were in stable condition so nobody was dead maybe something has happened since then okay um happened since then but all five that were hit were um were yes your house is next to the interstate near Corbin okay do you want a cookie that's in Corbin I am literally five minutes from the situation you can make it that I know that say that say well I'm trying to say you want to cook well no I figured they were trying to yeah I've been saying that for nine hours don't worry I've been saying that hear that I'm just trying to figure out where they thought Corbin was like involved that's what I'm getting Corbin is right down I get that I get that I get that I just meant like he could have made it to Corbin by now well he could have he could have made it to Michigan by now to be fair yeah if he had a back he could have made it to Michigan by now so I very s to hear that stay safe 75 has been open they only shut it down for like three hours uh there is it's not completely open they're letting traffic through uh according to all accounts they literally said they opened it completely at 9:30 to the guys at work it's not completely okay okay okay he's a trucker and my guys have to come through from up there they go to Daton and [ __ ] can somebody check flight Trader 24 people are talking about flight Trader 24 what's that uh that is it's going to tell what if the helicopters are landing here honey the the the active host already knows there's an active shooter that's what I've been here for uh yeah people have been people have been freaking out um you're from Somerset they did not find him one Chopper in crab orch okay made um here's the reason why I don't think people oh yeah I know I told anybody in a 2hour radius to keep your doors locked um I don't think he would double back over 75 they are all stable he did not kill anyone you know how many little backs cross5 true um so according to what they are saying according to the mayor and according to the Laurel Sheriff's count Sheriff's Office they are saying that they have him contained in an area off the 49 and a wooded area said anything else huh Andy anything no he's in Texas he's in Texas he was on the news can I finish he's in Texas and he said that there was an active to keep us in prayers Etc but he's at the Democratic Convention right now there's not really anything he can do democratic convention was a month ago in Chicago he he said he's in Texas for a convention maybe it's not the Democratic one but he's in Texas at a convention okay well he's in he's in Texas at a convention that's all I can tell you he has not been found he was just on the news okay cool cool cool okay they're just saying that Andy Basher was just on the news all right let's try let's go look let's go look it might have been a repeat from yesterday it could have been a repeat from yesterday hold on Andy f [Music] she I can't believe he is barely older than me yeah he he had no choice and I'm about to go in this right now [ __ ] yeah he did no he didn't they literally said they would fought them whatever just stop all right literally nothing this had to be old literally nothing newest thing was nine hours ago yeah so it was a repeat you're supposed to go to Corbin today and I'm a little afraid to just be careful be careful be careful yeah just cuz he could doesn't mean he did yeah and if the police are saying it's safe yeah they have been saying for hours that they have him contained a helicopter from L Louisville is getting very close to location okay they're bringing the Choppers back okay um okay so they've been saying for hours now that he has been contained up in the 49 mile so um I mean while I am actively aab I'm gonna I'm gonna they've been very adamant about this and they said that there's things that they can't tell us so I'm going to assume that they are being on the up and up and that they have some idea of what the hell they're doing I'm mad at you now quit unplugging this please so um as it stands we have the scanner on nothing going on they said about an hour ago that there was some cops heading to the 49er um how did they figure out who it was but they didn't catch him because okay so his sister called in um because he actively threatened her um went out bought the weapon the ammunition said he was going to hurt her and um other multiple other people she called it in now here's the part where there is a part that is missing missing she called it in yada yada then there's some type of an incident that he ends up at this truck stop they say it's a road rage but I'm not there's nothing about it being a road rage he ends up at a truck stop where where one of the witnesses is saying that he apparently shot into the shot into there um and then apparently he he FL he fled on foot and his car is there with his identification everything and from allegedly a um empty AR case so um between the threats he gave his sister the the car being at the scene and having a gun case in it um so that is where they're kind of putting it all together at this point um he is uh active um oh that's good that you can find one that has ta tactical channels perfect I'm sure maybe he probably has that right now so um huh's day it's only been like a day well I bought you three instead of two this week um yeah he bought he got the gun and all the rounds earlier that day the I don't know where the sister-in-law lives you could be walking around carrying two 2,000 rounds 2,000 pounds weigh 64 pounds 2000 2,000 AR rounds over the shoulder ammo bag carry is 64 lb you think think that a man a man who who was active in the military could not carry 64 pounds of ammo because I can assure you he could I I got plenty of Veteran friends that'll say that's highly likely it does sound like this playing okay because he did it in an area where he must know the area well enough he is from Woodbine so he KN he he knows the area he came up here and actively did it here he did it in a place in the interstate that he knew he could [ __ ] off into the woods the at and getting ready to be dark knowing he'd have cover knowing that he would know how to navigate whatever um they've called in everybody and everything they have called in everything they've called in the FBI the US Marshals they've called in the military freaking military base up there they've called Everything yes we live in the Daniel Daniel Boon National Forest it is a it SP it spans 10 counties so it is a massive Forest but it's not always Forest so the the national forest is separated by small towns highways roads private properties oh they were at they were at um the ATV park and they made everybody get out of the woods now I was on a I was on a I was on a scanner when that happened they were having everybody get out of the woods there was a man if you guys have heard about the guy with the bow and the 10-year-old they were out there hunting and they they had to go out there and get them because uh they needed to get into the Forest right there um from what I understand uh this is the beginning of hunting season do not go out today do not go out today if I was out hunting in these Woods I would definitely as part of my safety GE have a two-way radio with a scan feature in my ear not out loud because you don't want to scare theal away but that's just a safety thing to begin with because if you get [ __ ] lost out here in these Hills you're [ __ ] the cell phone pinged hours ago and then they shut it off um yeah well even then they're making people leave the woods where they're searching that's what I'm saying if he had a scanner in his already known right if he had a walkie with the scan feature he would have already known in his that him and his son should be out of those woods oh well yeah we don't always have that um you can't hunt in the offer Park but we have radios and gun yeah I'm aware Yep they're out covering 4950 and 52 they had been out uh out since 10:30 last night yeah they called them off earlier uh they I don't think they called him off till about 1: or two in the morning although time has been time has been um I think that last comment was a for me talking about the radio she was saying what they go out with oh I didn't hear anything about that you just read out here we go oh no they were no they were looking at they're looking at those three exits they're looking at 49 50 and 52 all right um he let uh if he left his ID did he leave his I don't know uh Rock Island I don't even know what that is Rock it's Rock Castle Ro Castle they did not find him we are now going on 14 we're on hour 14 we're not on hour 14 The Hunt is on hour 14 Hunt is on hour 14 right now um we don't know anything um they have basically um we have basically at this point they have jumped from a standard scanner over to the Tactical um waves which you can still apparently buy a scanner that does those as well and don't I don't know how well prepared this guy is he could have a survival bag active military I don't know if he's active or not but he was if he was active military at any point he would know to have that [ __ ] right if he if he planned this he probably has a go back if he planing this at all he has that [ __ ] and it's in his ear right if if he um and that's why they started saying they actually turned off the they they jumped to to the tack levels um uh probably about five hours in um yes it says on his Facebook profile that he is a 911 dispatcher um but I also know people who work at the Crusty so I mean like we don't know if that's accurate um but he does say he is a 911 um and that he is past military um there is I mean he the the amount you have to understand that he could be he could it could be anything from a man who bought something and he's In the Heat of the Moment and he didn't prepare but he kind of had a plan but he didn't really think about it and he [ __ ] off into the woods or this is somebody who's been thinking about it for a very long time went out bought the weapon bought the ammunition drove out to a place planned it right before dark grabbed his go bag and knows exactly what to do because he's got the [ __ ] scanner in his ear he's got his go bag he's already been prepped for temperature and survival I mean this could get ugly this [ __ ] could be gone for weeks we don't know we do not know to what extent 25,000 rounds is 65 pounds for those of you who think that it's a lot of ammo is it a lot of ammo absolutely is it insane yes should they ever sold it to them in one swoop no I don't care what you're going to tell me it's [ __ ] they shouldn't have done it however it does actually end up um measuring out to being 64 pounds love and life I don't know if he did or if he didn't um yeah 65 pounds worth of ammo figure that out um yes he's still at large 14 hours in uh he could have absolutely off to somewhere I do not see that happening um I don't know I see this happening I I see this end I see this ending in a standoff and a suicide by cop that's how I see it but what do I know he may have literally [ __ ] off and already he could he could but the thing is okay so let me bring a couple of you up to speed especially my husband who has no [ __ ] clue so all night last night all night last night um people were coming in saying that there was shots in East burn St shots in East burn St shots in East burnstad and I brought a girl up into my box who talked about the fact that she was hearing gunshots and he spad she's she named off a street that I had been hearing um she said that and I had heard this story from multiple people that he had went up on somebody's porch begging to be let in um and that was all in an area that had been talked about with this and it gives credits to the fact that the mayor had to put out multiple multiple statements saying if you hear something outside do not shoot you are shooting at us he had to say that on at least two different occasions to tell people that if you hear something stay the [ __ ] side and stop shooting because it's probably the people doing their job then he said that they didn't want to give out the um actual location of the confinement that they're talking about because hello this is Kentucky and I can tell you 10 good old boys right now that'll get in their [ __ ] truck and have him found in about 45 minutes you only know how many I know about 40 right if they and he knows he even said it he was like he I work with a bunch of exm Marines and maybe mayor the Mayor literally said it he was like he was like people around here they're G they're goingon to basically do what they're going to do and so they decided that they weren't going to actually say uh where this can and that there what what they've told us the entire time is he is confined somewhere on the 49 in the woods in the 49 that's as far as I'll say they will not go in there it was too dark they called off the um they called off the helicopters they took out the infrareds they took out the drones and they parked it all um x amount of time into the night it is now um it is now able to be seen outside about an hour ago the scanner went off that they were heading back up to the 49 I'm going to uh somebody said that there was Choppers heading this way um from somebody I can't remember um that there the Choppers are heading this way uh There is five wounded and stable they are five wounded and stable including a woman who was shot in the face um two that were in a related car accident but are fine um they have not found him it's on hour 14 um and so he did all this and honestly if he would have realized that he actually did not actually you know end someone's life he if he would have surrendered um played the whatever card you want to pull um he didn't actually un alive anybody so this could have went uh he could have gotten a fairish plea deal um at this point however he has um attempted murdered five people um caused complete and utter pandemonium a uh an an entirely huge Manhunt fleeing and alluding and has brought in every single possible police entity to this state this I can tell you I will I will love to see the price range on this because I will guarantee you that this is probably going to probably reach about a million dollars a day for the amount we have we have 10 different uh police districts coming in as well as the FBI the US Marshals um Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Kentucky um uh fish and game and the uh the Bluegrass uh Army Depot uh so there is a lot of stuff going on right now a lot of stuff a lot of people here War Forge yep for Bush's game um so this is hour 14 this is hour 14 um at this point the the the scanners are dark um I I think uh that they've come to a consensus they believe he may have a a police scanner of some kind they stopped talking on the scanners out just hours in um every now and then I'm getting something here I we did get that they they were heading to the 49 about an hour ago have not heard [ __ ] since is this real absolutely I am in this town I was evacuated from a uh Planet Fitness last night um all my friends were sent home they were they're the nighttime doctors at the Walmart they were all told not to in yep we have friends who work at Walmart they got told not to come in um he was a dispatch for Laurel County Kentucky okay here's the deal it says it on his Facebook profile but that does not um uh there's no nice way to put this it's on his Facebook profile a lot of people have that they work on at crusty crab okay so it's real it is all Overworld news okay I have been refreshing the news about every 20 minutes so let's go see see what it is uh where where would you like me to look for this you said it's on world news news world news um I don't know about that I don't know about the shooting uh it's on the news in CT CNN is covering it okay CNN CNN that's where I that's where I was watching last night while I was on the treadmill all right cool cool cool all right hold on we do actually have an update as of an in London she looked about 50 Jesus I'm sorry she was doing a good job and all but she looked 15 all right um residents are being told to remain Vigilant as a man hunt continues for an armed and dangerous person of interest in the shooting and wounding of five people Saturday on an interstate in a rural area of Laurel County Kentucky authorities said nine Vehicles were shot into on both the North and southbound Lanes of Interstate 75 and five people were struck by gunfire at 5:30 p.m. Saturday all five victims are in stable condition um Joseph a couch was identified as a person of interest in the incident he is a white man blonde hair roughly 5 foot 10 inch weighing about 154 pounds uh we know the general idea where this individual is um he will not provide further specifics um they are searching in a lot of rugged terrain and a lot of tree lines which hampers their effort it is unclear what motivated the gunfire investigation began and a lead was developed on A Person of Interest and the search for this person of interest is continuing the scene is being contained overnight and an active search in the continuing investigation will occur at Daybreak on Sunday morning the shooting launched in a multi- agency search for the shooter as the interstate was shut down for hours because of the danger of passing cars in the area of the shootings the FBI the US Marshall service the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms and explosives are all assisting in the search according to the Sheriff's Office authorities urge people to stay inside and remain Vigilant um we think if you hear something outside your home can you stop please do not go outside shooting our officers could be in that area or First Responders call 911 um and uh the governor said that I am receiving initial reports from the Kentucky State Police and our office of Homeland Security together we are actively monitoring the situation and offering support in any way possible please pray for everyone involved um not seeing anything about oh wait hold on we got more drivers recount harrowing oal um this is the one woman who was driving from New York to Tennessee um their back window was shot out um I read that one yesterday um and that was it okay so I'm still not seeing anything about the Laurel County dispatch um it is happening in London Kentucky um it does [ __ ] me it does absolutely have it in his profile it does absolutely have it in his profile I normally I go to sleep literally in the next hour normally I usually go to sleep in the last hour but hold on check CBS News got you once my game starts uh I'm be speaking lot so well I guess I'll have to shut it off then yeah because that's how we communicate I'm aware um not seeing nothing in CBS News hold on let's do in the US all right let's see anything okay here we go updated 23 minutes ago good job all right let's open this up why is there okay um let's see anything it happened around 7: a.m. time it actually started at 5:30 the call came in at 5:30 um so already I'm not exactly going to think that this article is exactly spot on because it started at 5:30 um okay this is the exact same thing that they did why are they saying that this is new this is not new I literally read this exact same article um authorities believe there's only one shooter and they do not believe it was sparked by road rage they believe there is only one shooter and that is not sparked by road rage um but I love how he then says we only think it's one person we think it's this person but we've not determined that this is the one who actually shot the weapon they have to cover their ass all right um literally the only thing they added in there was the line that I told you I read that exact article um already twice um wait what whoa hold on hold on CNN London where are you hearing this oh my God I am not seeing that hold on has it about four stories down hold on all right CNN God damn it I hate this thing all right um that's a that is not the one I need I [ __ ] hate iPads with a [ __ ] passion dude I wish I would have never bought this stupid thing not even kidding uh guys I'm not seeing it uh I must be doing something wrong not going to lie I think I'm doing something wrong um my iPad is being a [ __ ] [ __ ] all right hold on yeah I'm not I'm not seeing nothing I don't know what to tell you I can't tell you CNN Live I I'm not seeing CNN live I don't know what to tell you I I what do you want me to do like I can't find CNN Live let me try this real quick there's no CNN live literally I'm literally looking at it there's nothing I I don't know you have CNN live on there's nothing right now yeah oh on YouTube let's try that I did not think of that all right um YouTube there's no literally no live on CNN on YouTube either dude I don't know what Majestic [ __ ] [ __ ] you're finding but it is literally you have CNN on TV nothing is on it right now nothing is on it right now thank you for telling me to look at it when 15 people are saying there's nothing on it right now I appreciate you sending me in a wild [ __ ] goose chase for zero [ __ ] reason I appreciate that don't tell me what to do oh it's it's on live commercial okay um it connects you it makes you connect to a TV prider that's why I can't get it then okay I don't have a TV provider okay CNN is not covering it um Newsweek uh I looked at Newsweek I'm not seeing anything um I normally guys I've not it's not the fact I've been up all night this is the time literally I usually go to bed about 8 8:30 it's okay this is normally my bedtime this is normally time I'm going to bed I am probably especially because we're not hearing a whole bunch of new stuff um reported minutes ago they have him cornered in the woods they have been saying that for hours they have been saying that for literal hours that they have him cornered off uh by by the 49 yeah CNN happened right it was right about the time that I did why do I go to bed at8 because that's my schedule because I technically work midnights doing this I work midnights he works days I work midnights that's how we do it um they have had uh according to what's been going on they have had him um commandeered in a area off of 49 that they won't tell us exactly where it is but this has been going on for hours they know where he is um they just won't go get him which makes zero [ __ ] all sense but this has been going on they have said that they've known where he is for hours hours and why they are not just going in and getting him is beyond me I have no idea ites it makes no sense to me at this point to let this [ __ ] continue on the way it is to let people feel unsafe um to bring in the amount of Manpower that they're bringing in if you know where he is go get him WCPO all right let's look that up real quick wcp o nothing local news nothing nothing nothing that was a bust um [Music] they have not gotten him currently uh was he driving car I don't know um they did say it was not pertaining to road rage though so um as of now we are look we are going into just about we're at the 14 and a half [Music] hours yes they they were waiting for daylight so that they could see better I am fully well aware um but at the same time um the whole the whole entire area has been in a [ __ ] Panic um shots have been going off all night in the East bernst area all night um and this is this was based off of people coming in this is based off of people I've talked to this is based on things that I have read that the mayor and the that and that the the Sheriff's Office have said that at this point people are running around paranoid um they picked up on the scanner they picked up a guy walking and um and he explain that he was packing because he was scared about the situation he was just on his way home um that people are literally just opening their doors and shooting it anything that they hear outside um the problem was the tree cover was too much apparently there was too much tree cover they said they were having issues with there being too much tree cover that they could not um they couldn't do it um yes the sheriff's of the department for the town did make a statement numerous statements I've read them numerous times they have made um they have not made one recently though they've not made one recently the mayor and the um the the Laurel County uh sheriffs have they haven't put anything out in a few hours uh so the mayor said um which is gone now by the way it got taken down figured that out um the mayor said that um he that he is contained and we are safe um until he's six feet under or in handcuffs I'm going to agree to disagree you can't tell me that you know his about his about area and then tell me that I'm safe that's not how any of this works either you have him and I'm safe or you don't have him and I'm not safe but you don't get to have it both ways that's not how it works um it did get taken down however uh for whatever reason he said it was removed um apparently it upset somebody I guess or something I'm not really sure um but you you don't get to tell us that we're safe when you don't even have eyes on the goddamn subject so I do think um I called the time at 11:37 that he's going to be found I think he's gonna be found at 11:37 I don't really want to go to sleep because I want to see if I'm right he could be literally anywhere by now literally anywhere here's the deal though me talking in the background um yes I've been looking at the local County Sheriff's page for hours they have not they have not um they've not redone anything recently um the mayor's office uh at least last I checked had not put up something for a couple of hours uh take out Pippen for being just repetitive and annoying um it's on NBC okay cool let's go to NBC then if it is on actual news guys I liter Lally cannot see it I do not have a um cable provider no no we don't want to go to no I don't I can't sign in I don't have anything dude hold on well let me just look at like news is there any news I'm allowed to see NBC News I can't it won't let me it won't let me it's on Good Morning America hold on can't see can't wait to see what KLA has to say about this with her with her stance on stricter gun laws right can't wait [Music] what's wrong buddy he's just doing his thing just being noisy oh yeah he just does that on occasion he's weird oh come on come on come on in here wave three just covered it come on buddy come here boo books yeah my cat said hello yeah I do not still have the scanner on I forgot to yes I've looked at his Facebook profile that was my cat he's okay he's perfectly nor he just does that here hold on we need proof of life he was out there playing with one of the dog toys we need proof of life I'm bringing him I'm bringing him he you go see he's just fine we need proof of Life he's a giant love bug and if you ignore him too long that's what he does just needs some Proof of Life there you go how you doing buddy I just go make biscuits I just go make the biscuits look at me making biscuits I'm making all the biscuits I'm making all the biscuits rub him a little bit just hold him like that we're doing our thing back off I am rubbing him we're doing our thing we do this I actually hold him on lives a lot he name is boy boooks his name is Luke actually but we call him spooky or boy or whatever he wants to be called that day um and he decided he was going to yell for everybody because he yes hello yes he wanted attention um so I forgot all the dogs were outside and I'm like what the [ __ ] so that's why I jumped up so quick got you no he was just playing he just wants he just wanted attention so I need and Riley thinking they can play with him like uh uh booger does yes um this this was known yesterday the family called to say that he had threatened the family that was um we've been talking about that since last night um they have not caught him yet um it is going on hour 15 it's getting ready to be on hour 15 now um no one has been found because according to our mayor and our um sheriff's office they have been saying for hours they have him in an area that they know where he is off of the 49 on I75 I am good do I have any mods in here is there do I have any mods in here I don't even know who I have any in here anymore do I mods yes I'm good everything's good are any my regulars in here uh they did not they did not get him Jesus Christ how many people all a sudden like 17,000 [ __ ] comments came through he's literally just gonna just sit there and make noises why are you being so talkative today buddy I am safe I am fine everything is fine everything is good um yeah I don't know if he just started um I don't know if he just woke up in ch's violence I'm not really sure um I don't need guys literally this is literally when I go to bed like right now is my equivalent of if you're if right now I'm at the equivalent of if your bedtime is 10 p.m. I'm at 10:05 like not even kidding I normally go to bed 8:00 we are good we are good Ashley's here Ashley get your fingers going yeah they have a general location which is the mile marker 49 um I75 is not closed fully apparently my husband's a trucker and he says that there is some issues according to the last thing I heard possibly you're okay Brandon thank you I appreciate you for the concern yeah this is my absolute Norm guys this is not me staying up all night this is my absolute Norm I this is the time normally go to bed um I do midnights I am a content creator I go live between 800 and 10 p.m. every night on YouTube ran Le TM on YouTube and I am uh going live till about 34 in the morning I am longer I am doing a longer shift tonight just because this is my hometown this is this is what I'm doing I want to keep everybody up to date on this this is unique we've you know I've not seen an active shooter that has lasted 14 and a half hours in my face um so yes uh my live is lasting longer than it normally does I have done lives this long before um I he is not working today he is not working today um so we have that do work again till Tuesday he doesn't work again till Tuesday so we are good um I appreciate everybody on here that has um shown concern about the fact that I should go to bed um I'm not going to get pissy at you guys you do not know me um I appreciate the fact I appreciate the fact that you guys are you know showing concern that um I've been on here for an extremely long amount of time and that it would be in my best interest to get some sleep which I will soon um but I am perfectly okay this is like a normal person going to bed at 10 o'clock I I assure you I am fine um yes there was five people wounded um all of them are in stabilized condition currently there is no fatalities two people were um hit in a related car accident um that spawned off of there um so um as it is as it stands right now is it's literally just a man hunt he has not been located we're going on 14 and a half hours currently we're just about coming up on hour 15 um some of the places are saying that um the situation started at 7 o'clock the first call came in on uh to be called in at 5:30 it actually it started at 5:30 um I we were told about the we were told about the interstate being shut down at 7 o' when we left to go to the gym at 7:25 or so I found out that the shooter was active in the community I alerted my husband I alerted the front desk who was already very well aware of the situation I made the video I continued to try to work out because what am I supposed to do um I figured everything was be okay I figured they were going to find him I figured everything was going to be done in over in 10 minutes um as time went on I was trying to um keep keep up to date through a very ick Mel was doing an extremely good thing however unfortunately there was a portion of time where the police scanner was giving inaccurate information which is what made it into my original video um I was finishing up my routine I was on my last thing to do and I came out and my husband said we got to go we got to go now and I said why he said they're literally closing the doors on us um and then that's when we came home and found out that they had shut down um Walmart as well and wouldn't let our friend go to work friends friends go to work friends that work there I know it's crazy so um so I've been literally since I came home um I was in the car I went live with fancy for a hot minute I came in um went went live with her again for a minute made a couple of the videos put the stuff up on YouTube there the videos are up on YouTube they're up on Tik Tok and then I got live uh however long eight hours and 35 minutes ago was and I've been live ever since keeping you guys up to date um we're looking we've been on scanners we've been looking up all types of articles goals uh I'm trying to keep you guys in the know um and for the most part everybody has been um respectful um I don't mind repeating things over and over um I do get a little agitated at times as you guys have witnessed um I did have one of my stalkers come in here and basically threaten to out my actual place of residence um which is nothing new to be honest um and um overall I would like to say that everybody who's been here however long you've been in here I appreciate you for being respectful and for trying to listen and comprehend without being absolute smart donkeys um I appreciate that um for the people who are not understanding what's going on I'm trying to take um about every 20 minutes to keep people up to date and tell them what is going on I can't just keep it on a loop um so um for the people who have been around uh a lot tonight I appreciate all of you um I'm doing my best I can to um to keep you guys um I've had a lot of people a lot a lot a lot of lot of locals in here tonight I've seen so many people from Berea and Somerset and Williamsburg and Corbin um so many people that are worried about their family um I had a girl in Lexington or Louisville one of the [ __ ] L's who messaged me she couldn't get a hold of her dad and she really wanted to come down here and check on him I said honey I said the the it's shut down I said you can't come here she said oh my God he just answered and I said just do not come down here um you know throughout the night I've seen so many people that are you know oh my God will he come to Ohio will he come to Pennsylvania will he come to West Virginia will he guys I and and I'm not saying nothing I'm not saying it can't happen but more than likely they are going to find him probably very very close to wherever the hell he's been this entire time I don't think he's trekking it anywhere I don't think he's in Montana right now I think they're going to find him um probably very close to wherever all of this started I don't think that he's made it [ __ ] all into the sunset I mean it's a possibility he could have but um you know if you were in with if you are within a two I would say at this point three to four hour um circle from London Kentucky um or you can do it from Lexington Kentucky if you were a three-hour circle from lexingon Kentucky in any direction I suggest that you stay vigilant um keep your keep your doors locked your windows locked um if you are are able to keep a weapon on you keep it on you um go out at minimum um do not go out where you don't need to be out um try to stay indoors at all possible um he is cornered in an area off of 49 that they still have not gotten from they had been saying this for hours absolute hours absolute hours they had been talking about him being cornered in this area of 49 um and um okay that's great I'm glad that Lexington has its own shootings um that's wonderful however um the guy who's picking off innocent people on an interstate is a little bit different than somebody um getting thumped in a drug deal okay period okay that helicopter circling the woods near Creek Lake okay there okay so they got the they got the helicopters up and running again the 49er um the 49er truck stop is at the 49th exit in uh Kentucky on I75 um it was uh the situation was on I75 and then it stemmed back into 90925 um on this side um I you know I personally do agree I personally do agree that he is alive um I couldn't tell you um with with any fact um hold on I can't tell you with any fact I'm not there but I'm going to tell you that personally um I believe that he probably is playing a game of Cat and Mouse um what you say Wood Creek Lake was that what I was was the name of the truck stop is the 49er that is the name of the truck stop if you actually go into if you go into uh Google Maps and it will literally um it'll literally show it to you on Google Maps it'll say Kentucky shooting incident um wood you said Wood Creek what' she say we're starting around 9:30 okay okay perfect oh jeez Jesus Christ no University of Kentucky is about an hour north well I'm aware that I'm I'm aware I I do believe it could possibly be some type of a scare tactic um saying that they have him cornered when they actually have no [ __ ] idea Wood Creek Lake got you all right let's see what that is especially the little ones okay that makes sense hold [Music] on that makes sense yep that is okay so the situation happened right here you got can't really see a whole lot and I'm sorry but the situation happened about right here on the map they are searching this area right here there is a lake right here you can see so it started right here and they're they're circling right here so that actually makes a lot of sense um okay there's no helicopters in the air according to the radar if you guys are you guys on Flight Radar 24 or whatever they're searching north of the lake that would make sense I am very close to there I I literally could get there in 10 minutes what national park uh Daniel Boone National Forest rileyy hey Cari trying to find my last dog um I don't know I have to see so help me God if that dog out again that dog is the B of my um look if I if if somebody on the run is taking time to watch my live I am the least of his problems because right now if you're watching my live you are literally using a burner phone and you're gonna be ped thank you K I am uh I'm two exits down in the house in the fence and got in the cloes okay there I know exactly where to fix it where she was I know exactly where to fix it we'll yeah I know where to fix it okay we'll fix it we'll fix it tomorrow just keep an eye find a way to fix it we'll figure it out why do people think that the shooter is watching me on live because there was a rumor going around that he was watching lives that's why you just zoomed in on the area and picked out the hel number oh wow nice um no it's not confirmed that there's more than one actually um according to my mayor they actually put out a statement saying that they believe it is one shooter and one shooter only okay well I understand that it's saying that there's no helicopters on flight radar but if somebody's literally zoomed up on a helicopter and can read the [ __ ] number I'm going to kind of beg to differ just saying yeah you know the FAA is a government agency right they they can black out their things on radar they do it all the time so is he on I believe he's on foot oh hold on hold on whoa whoa hold on what's that oh oh really what was that where did you find that out uh about the warehouse where did you find that out where where did you find out about the the warehouse that's that's interesting where's the best place to listen to the SC uh broadcastify costs money I'm actually using something that is purple or sorry that is orange and gray Flight Aware shows okay here we go Flight Aware shows a helicopter N3 y jb6 2061 um this is in uh Southeastern Kentucky didn't say what warehouse and nothing has come across since then okay so there was a there was a disturbance at a warehouse we do not know if it was connected or not he is still not captured we are now on officially on hour 15 I am not officially on hour 15 uh I kind of am to be honest um okay here's the deal um so a lot of you guys are talking about Starship Adventures um I will say this um as a content creator I will not stream another person's live that is disrespectful um if you guys want to watch Starship Adventures or flip between the two of us that is perfectly acceptable um I am not like other content creators and I will not stream someone else's live not to mention it will get me copyright struck so I cannot uh stream another person's live so if you want to jump in between the two absolutely acceptable that is fine um I cannot play that live on my feed I could if I was only on Tik Tok but I'm also on YouTube I will get a copyright infringement if they so choose um Starship and Adventures Starship Adventures is having uh is apparently uh has a uh a scanner and and things like that if you guys want to go uh if you guys want to go flip between the two of us acceptable if you want to go to them acceptable if you want to stay here acceptable it is not been confirmed it's one man it's believed to be one man they cannot confirm anything it got to be to the 40s last night that doesn't surprise me it feels like that so um yeah somebody said somebody else brought up the cavanti taste um thank you Sam for posting that flight log I appreciate that it happened at 5:30 last night on I75 at the uh 49 exit at the truck stop the 49er a man uh opened fire on the North and southbound Lanes hitting uh nine Vehicles struck five people who are now all in um stable condition uh there was no deaths there was also two wounded from a car accident that probably stemmed from the fact that they were gridlocked for three hours as Sitting Ducks um the man then ran into the woods if you guys know Southeastern Kentucky we are in the D Daniel Boon uh national forest and he has been um running through the forest allegedly um for the better part of 15 hours um the town of the the area of East bernstad has been um absolutely popping literally with gunshots all night um the mayor and the uh and the sheriff's had to put out um statements saying if you open your back door do not shoot out of it it is probably us um they've had to make that statement twice they've also said that while they have him somewhere in the 49 area in the woods they will not tell us where because this is the South and the good old boys will find him in 20 minutes and they know this um to me I figured let him loose uh this is 15 hours of [ __ ] someone will find him this is 15 hours of [ __ ] currently we have the FBI the US Marshals the Alcohol Tobacco Firearms the uh Bluegrass uh Army Depot along with 15 other police agencies in my County currently trying to catch this [ __ ] and I swear if we went up to the goddamn Waffle House right now until told Bubba and Jed and they would get all their buddies and friends and that [ __ ] found in 20 minutes I'll guarantee you but we're going to play this [ __ ] game instead um it is believed not proven but is believed he has a police scanner they stopped talking on police scanners uh pretty rapidly into it probably three four hours into it um and went to the tack channels um the helicopter got um landed uh probably about 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning I look I have time blindness it could have been a different time they landed and they are they are getting ready or have been recently up in the air since the uh since it got light out uh it was too dark things were not working it was a waste of time energy effort and fuel they parked them and said that they would continue on at daylight hours um I can tell you that that was at least five hours that they did nothing at least five hours they said that they still had boots on the ground um but that they were not actively doing anything okay hold on wait a minute what it was on the news they fought him and he is no longer alive where did you get that God damn it yeah what is your Source on the news that [ __ ] helps what new source okay well I can tell you as a person who's literally sitting here let me look and see if they have made any local any local statements uh it is 8 8:27 maybe I've been scanning them religiously about every 20 minutes all right we're going to go to the mayor first the mayor has not made an update in six hours the uh Laurel County Sheriff's office has also not updated in six hours I'm pretty sure they would know no I'm pretty sure they would know so um if you've heard that he's dead um I don't think so it's not true unless things are not catching up quickly enough down you are all muddy all right well I'm going to continue looking it's on NBC News all right NBC hold on NBC London shooter it won't let me actually watch NBC unfortunately um well they haven't made any articles there is seven people hurt uh five that were wounded and two that were in in a car accident there is nothing on Google so you can't Google it I literally just did there's nothing um yeah he shot onto the Interstate he hit nine cars yeah there there's nothing nothing out there I'm literally looking in my Town's actual personal stuff there's nothing in our town saying it there's nothing in the Sheriff's Office saying it there's nothing at the mayor's office saying it there's nothing anywhere anything being said so I'm very that's that's not a thing hold on they would be um okay let's do it this way literally there's not there's been nothing there's nothing yeah I don't think you guys understood these aren't the woods just so you understand these are not Woods this is a national forest this is a forest not this is Acres on Acres on Acres on acres in mountains like I don't think you understand K oh and a c and don't forget we are in the we are on the 37th parallel with the Mammoth Cave System so we have caves everywhere we have caves there are entrances to this Cave System all over the place and moon right and uh and also they one thing that they did point out is the infrared will not work in Cave System they will not work in the cave system because people are bringing up the caves he's like yeah they you cannot use infrared in a cave system um yes there's caves in in Mountain Vernon and that is very very close to where this was I mean you could get to Mount Veron as quickly as you could get to Corbin from that area um yes there's lots of caves uh we are literally on the 37th parallel we are we are with u Mammoth the Mammoth Cave System so there's caves there is a national forest there is mountains there is shitty terrain um he's not been found we are on hour 15 how long have you been on I have been on for nine hours I have been live for nine hours um this by the way I don't always do this um and I just said that um normally I go to bed about this time so I'm not actually staying up or whatever um I actually am just kind of chilling I have been live for nine hours absolutely um I have to put that word in the band fil Jesus Christ I don't know how what happened I need to put it in the band filter um Channel 27 Wy KT um the updates is there is no update he is literally still at large it's been 15 hours um yes there was 2,000 um he had bought uh yesterday he bought an AR-15 and 2,000 bullets if you guys want to say that that's a lot of bullets I'm sure it is however it only weighs 64 lbs yes that's why we have big foot 15 H it's been going on what 15 yes 15 hours now nobody has died we do know the area that is alleged he is located which is at the 49 marker of I75 in Kentucky in a wooded area let the good old boys loose that's what I'm saying [ __ ] it go go go gra go grab up Jedi and Bubba Joe and let let them [ __ ] go say this is where we think he is take the [ __ ] dogs out there and [ __ ] get him I'll get him in 20 minutes I guarantee it there's five uh there was five people that were wounded 49 is that North burnstad Area East burn stat yes East burnat um [ __ ] me somebody said something I wanted to say something and I forgot what it was the guy was not out on baale that particular charge was from February 8th um I know for a fact um that that particular charge you get seen very quickly you dealt with very swiftly and it is not for an extended amount of time um I charged my daughter with the exact same thing which is uh terroristic threatening in the third degree in the state of Kentucky is not what you think it is um terroristic threatening in the third degree is simply saying to somebody I will un alive you simply threatening them with I will un alive you you will get terroristic thre in the third degree and it is punishable she got the max um her his bail was only a th000 hers was 5,000 she got Max punishment which was 30 days in jail 11 months suspended sentence and two years probation um from what I understand he actually was considered um that he wasn't charged with it um people are saying well he just now got out on bail that don't even make sense because the most they would have held him was 30 days so that doesn't even make sense that doesn't even make sense to me but whatever I mean if wrong I'm wrong but I'm GNA tell you as a person who's been through it it doesn't make sense um or saying anything threatening yeah I mean if they can actually get you for I'm and beat your ass if they want to um now my daughter literally starting to like actually un alive me so and it was actually heard by police and a mental ward so like I had I had a rock solid case um but this guy he could have um the mother is saying that um he got the charge by saying that he was going to un alive his dog that had lunged at his child I would have to know who called the police for that to wh happen that the dog called the police I'm very confused um this is happening in London Kentucky um mile marker 49 in uh Laurel County um this is going on hour 15 he has not been um found they are saying that they know where he is um but they have not got him um I do not know if we are technically still on lockdown it is 8:34 in the morning I have not left my house um as of last night um there was portions of the town that was um locked down our friend could not go our friends could not go to work um we had to evacuate a gym um so only seven injured yes absolutely only seven were injured only seven just so you guys know only seven were injured is there a particular number that makes it matter or is SE is seven not high enough just so I know asking for a friend okay they've they okay they they're they've closed down churches in Richmond babe really they've closed on churches in Richmond you know I've been saying from the beginning with they should have done they if if they think they know who it is go back to the 49er have the family bring a [ __ ] sweatshirt release the [ __ ] hounds and let them go as far until they lose the trail so that they know that they have an exact Direction at least that he's going I'm not saying they're going to leave that the dogs are going to lead them to him but they would at least lead in a [ __ ] Direction before he learned how to cover his scent or the scent wafed it off or whatever um if you're going to pull out the drones and the infrared cameras uh and the [ __ ] helicopters um get some damn dogs out there and see what they can find in my opinion um I do not know if they've been going door too they should be canvasing because um while what the the differences between me and CNN is um they are using an overlay grid system of our area I know because I've seen this and um they're making it look like we are just a big huge broccoli head um it's so much more complex than that yes we have lots of trees we have lots of coverage we have lots of mountains the problem is in that area there is still a [ __ ] ton of houses there's still a [ __ ] ton of houses and it would it would not be that hard to imagine him act you have to understand in Kentucky you you don't pay attention you just leave your door hanging open whatever he they could he could have ran into a house realistically realistically um so somebody just said the helicopter is landing I've already explained the terroristic threatening charges in February I'm not going over it again this quickly um I don't look they release they release the hounds on armed people all the time they don't need to refuel they just got there thank you mono he is exmilitary Google is free unfortunately there's been nothing updating in the past x amount of time he very well could be a survivalist 100% I don't think um they've been really um yeah he's still running around I don't think it's going to they've been um why are you giving me there's 3,200 people listening there was only 1,900 earlier go away I'm so done dude well I should have rerolled Woody 33 there's 3,300 people on here right now I didn't know not on mine there wasn't the most that there ever was was 1900 on mine he's still out there yes Justine I agree Tammy but they don't shut down bies this is in uh Kentucky hey oh are uh couple friends yeah yeah I'm aware they live up there on 30 right over there by where they're all searching and [ __ ] kind of yeah it's it's a little bit east but yeah he's saying he's right up there keeping an eye out okay we have friends that are that are closer keep Shades closed stay safe yeah they're a little bit he's an next Marine so I yeah doubt if anybody gets in this house they they're um more they're more east of the situation but if he does he I mean he could make it there it's not in Lexington um he could have food and water um he could we don't know um Murray uh just be careful just be careful I'm scary's been planning this it may have created a bunker it's possible feale M driveway that me having a small panic attack huh what they say there was an old woman who just seen somebody standing at the end of her driveway oh [ __ ] yeah and it's not very far from here I I don't know where the road is but I've seen the road on a street sign I don't know how far it is from me and this Point everybody's calling in though mysterious my Y St e r i o u s and do not ask me to spell anything else the rest of the day come on that's a that's a word I come on what road did they say mcer mcer mcer Nick it's essentially 638 it's six miles from us yeah MCW h o r t e r but I don't know this is just the woman saying that there's somebody standing at the end of the driveway it's an old lady she could be she could be whatever there is things that I I wonder the other one was six six fing oh my God though I will tell you this it's right over by them did you hear me it's right over by uh SNH yeah it's uh it's it's off it's off of their it's off of their road but um in uh not on their road but it's over by them yes um I'm going viral on Tik Tok lovely great this is this is this is what I wanted to be known for guys this is what I wanted to be known for guys yeah um yeah I got two 23,000 in this live right now um if you don't if if you're if it's a lot easier for me to see comments on YouTube um it doesn't go as fast Ryan Le T I'm on YouTube um yeah I'm on Discord with all of them right now with uh joh and S um we're good um I am the news for you guys um I'm trying I'm trying to do uh I'm trying to do the best I can you guys I've been live for nine hours um I'm I I'm not I'm not going I'm not going to bed yet guys I'm not um um oh his no his Discord is for D and D he's he's uh he's getting ready to play his uh D and D game um yeah me and my DND ders have a Discord that we talk over for our online games the shooter does have a military background um yes I've been live for nine hours and eight minutes um I started posting videos an hour before mainstream media picked them up um I have been um vigilantly every 20 minutes um looking up our looking up our mayor looking up our um Sheriff's Office checking every major news Outlet now we have friends down there we have friends that are mysterious man so um but he's a Marine he's locked and loaded he he's ready um for those of you who are concerned I stayed up all night doing this this that was my daytime um technically I go to bed about 45 minutes ago so I've only ever he not stupid enough to just open up the door and start shooting though um I'm uh I'm only about 45 minutes short of going to bed so I'm not tired I'm okay I'm coffee makes me sleepy um I'm okay I'm okay um uh no I'm not going to That was supposed to make you smile because I hear the tears in your voice oh okay thank you I am I am emotionally okay um I'm sorry it has been nine hours I have been live for nine [ __ ] hours on repeat saying the same things over and over and I'm [ __ ] frustrated at this point because we've sat here for nine [ __ ] hours while they have literally called off searches and and sold us the same [ __ ] over and over that they have him in an area they did they called it off at 2 o'clock in the morning and told the helicopters to Bear down but the people there was still a perimeter just called the helicopters off that's all they they had been saying that they have had him in a [ __ ] area for nine goddamn hours just go get him okay but if they if they all come in that perimeter is no longer closed and he can get he can get through so they have to wait for people to come in that they can take it in okay people have to sleep people have to change shifts people we have half the damn freaking artillery from all of goddamn Kentucky we have 15 police jurisdictions the FBI the US Marshall they can't leave everywhere closed down so they send what they can bab that's still a limited number of people some of these counties only have 15 okay you got to remember we live in a small town area they can't send everybody their districts unprotected not they're not they're not the reason that they're not on the scanner is about four about four hours into this whole situation um with him being exmilitary and alluding police for as of as long as he did they have they there is a rumor going around that he may have access to a police scanner especially considering the fact he was a 911 dispatcher according to his Facebook profile and what he's been saying so um they decided to switch off most of the scanner work and put it into like tack level um I couldn't sleep if I tried um um so um you know uh you know funnily enough do you know that the whole situ where it is right now is where we would have bought that house they shut down 490 they shut down 490 we would be literally right like right in it like in there yeah but that house is small it was a BM house it was cool well no windows for them to shoot through it been great yeah no window knows to open and get hair probably not um so I don't know when or or how the other businesses are opening up I can tell you that last night the city and ended up going on to at least a partial lockdown we were um we were um told to evacuate uh Planet Fitness um has glass windows for everybody who got mad at Planet Fitness for putting us into Harm's danger Herms way um it was a glass front building and there was nowhere to hide and they did close and they closed before everywhere else was closing yeah um especially with having the glass looks like Scott came in it was on the he was very upset he was very upset yeah he was closing people out he was very upset like we're shutting it down get everybody out and then my boy was my boy the guy with the shaved head he was going around saying hey there was a guy just going to town on a [ __ ] es [ __ ] escalator when I came out yeah they they told me he has to go yet but when when you're doing something like that you have to go through the otherwise [ __ ] up your muscles thank you Jasmine thank you Ashley he is still out there it is now 15 hours we're 15 hours in um Lexington is an hour and a half away they um they've been saying for hours on end that they have him um in an area that they will not releasee to the public because they know if he re if they release it to the public that guy will be found in 20 minutes and they know that so they are they um they have him problem is all the good old boys would be out there in front exactly police and the police wouldn't get a clear sh so they um he has been up at the 49 uh they they are saying that he has been at the 49 pretty much this whole time um I appreciate every all the kind words I appreciate all of the kind words um I have dealt with a lot of [ __ ] um I've been live for nine hours I have had a person threatened to come in and dox my address I have had people say hateful horrible things and for everybody in here that is being a decent human being and appreciating it I appreciate you I'm just trying there's a lot of people in here that have family in Kentucky there's a lot of local people and I already have the answers I already have access to these things that other people may not have and I am literally just trying to help people understand I'm just doing the best that I can they're not paying attention in the way they should be if I can be if I can get my videos out before CNN and all that [ __ ] I think there might have been one video when I got out they don't care I'm literally looking they haven't updated anything in five six seven hours they're not they're they are not doing anything anywhere um I mean there's you know I could pull out every every imaginary thing I could say right now you know they could have went after him with [ __ ] night vision goggles they could have I they could have sent in the dogs I mean I just feel like I just feel like they there's just more that could be done I it's you know there was people last night in East bernstad that the whole night it just sounded like gunshots the whole night to the point that they had to put out two freaking two freaking posts saying please do not open your doors and shoot it's probably us um why did the county leave it to the locals they didn't that's why I wish they would have because I'll tell you right now if they [ __ ] told us where he was at we'd find him in about 20 minutes guaranteed guaranteed okay oh my God sometimes I cannot with people the police are literally because you have to understand all night the scanners and everything was going off because there was shots being fired around that area all night long I had a girl in here that gave me the same street name I had been hearing on and off um that she had heard five gunshots herself um and that this guy was and I've heard this story numerous times as well I cannot verify cannot confirm but I have heard the story numerous times that he was actually banging on somebody's door um that people are literally they nobody wants to sleep like got a little thanks Jasmine there uh there is no exit 249 there's no bondsman in the state of Kentucky that's correct the government has stepped in and currently as it stands we have 15 different police agencies including the FBI the US Federal Marshal the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms and the blueg grass Army uh Depot we have it all down here right now currently um our governor is in Texas currently on some I don't know I I don't know what it is exactly but he's in Texas doing some Governor thing I don't know um but we have like every we have everything we have everything here um yes Richmond's resources are here uh Corbin's uh williamsburg's Richmond's uh Lexington's um about 15 of them from us yes I'm in Kentucky um if I'm if uh if you're asking me questions and I'm not answering um it's because the chat is going extremely fast I'm trying to do the best I can um okay uh we're going to explain this yet again it was not last year it was this year February 8th of 2024 he was he was charged and arrested and charged with domestic or Char terroristic threatening in the third degree terroristic threatening in the third degree is not what you think it is in the state of Kentucky I know this I've done this I did this literally Last Summer in the state of Kentucky terroristic threatening in the third degree is simply stating bodily harm to someone um the the worse it is the more proof you have the higher it is um I my daughter um had it on record with the police and a mental institution she received a $5,000 Bond he only got a ,000 bond whatever he did could not have been that significant and she still only served 30 in jail 11 suspended and 2 years probation um I don't imagine oh I need one too baby can you hand me one charged thank you here um it is simply um and according to his mother his mother said that the terroristic charge was for the fact he threatened to un alive his dog for jumping at his son we may be doing the mud skippers tomorrow because I got a clean R Syd they SM bad so I got to go out in the back porch on do them on the back porch and I have the hose back there might as well do K and nikk okay you and your hubby are now my Auntie and Uncle from Kentucky I appreciate you honey thank you sweetie thank you um we appreciate that they um the shooter has been uh allegedly they kind of know where he is up on 49 but they've known where he is for the past at least eight hours so um at this point I don't know if it's a tactic of telling us so that we won't Whatever um but um he is supposedly on foot they found his car at the truck stop um bowling Green's about two hours away um why do we live like I feel like we live in a zombie apocalypse because we are thank you so much um madrian yes um how they figured out his name was uh a little bit uh there is a weird there's a situation here and a situation here and there's a weird part in the middle that I haven't been able to quite figure out so um yesterday morning um he went out he bought an AR-15 and 2,000 rounds of ammunition which by the way equals 64 pounds he then calls up his sister-in-law threatens her family um says he's going to um un alive numerous people multiple people she calls it in I don't know what happened from here to here but EV but then all of a sudden there was a uh situation at the 49er truck stop um according to a witness uh I believe he may have shot into it I'm not exactly sure I'd have to reread it my phone's up there um and then the next thing you know um the car gets abandoned at the 49er it's got his identification in it it apparently has a um AR case in it from what I'm understanding it did have it absolutely did have his um identification from there he um shot at nine cars in both Northbound and southbound um he hit five people one woman in the face um another in the chest uh one was um uh about to be unconscious two were airlifted to UK three were um brought to um St Joseph's in London all of them are now currently stable two of two people were also brought in for um for it to be checked out because there they were in a an accident that proba had to do with the gridlock of them grid loocking the area for two three plus hours and let them sit like freaking Ducks um that would have been terrifying um I want to say this right now call me whatever you want to call me I will say for the people who sat there for two to three hours not knowing if you were going to have a bullet whizzing by your head you are special you belong you need to be here you you were here for a reason and I am so sorry that anybody that had to sit there for three hours and wonder if they were going to die what they felt like my husband is a truck driver and had he been coming home from his Dayton run he would have been going through that area at the exact time that it happened luckily yesterday he was actually coming up from South Carolina so he was actually did not have to go that rout he I'm not sure the place that he got the actual gun from he is still currently at large we are going on hour 16 49er they just said [Music] 49er nobody said he was on a watch list why would he be on a watch list that's not the type terroristic threatening it was you guys you have to understand Kentucky has a different version of terroristic threatening terroristic threatening in the third degree does not have to do with terrorism threats they did they just said on the scanner I just C the word 49er they are going back to the damn truck stop right now um they're I don't know what they are going back again that at about 7 o'clock they had talked about going to the 49 [Music] 75 is open right a lot of the a lot of the stuff is going on the tack levels um like I said they they believe he may have access to a radio USA news has it on okay that's good he used to be a 911 operator and he was also in the military yeah it was it was pretty cold last night for sure thanks Kelly do I think he's still in the area um1 I don't know it's been it's been almost 6 hours he could be anywhere they they swear he's contained at the 49 but in 16 hours you you you know where he is but you didn't get him he could have un alived himself by now it's a possibility no you're right I'm absolutely being over dramatic 100,00 100,000% we have an active shooter in our area yeah there there's an active shooter in my [ __ ] area I've been up since [ __ ] all o'clock but news is covering it yeah but I'm over dramatic got you perfect there is only um there was only there have we gotten this desensitized at this point the fact that I just read there's only five people are we that desensitized now is that where we're at yeah it was only five people it was obviously an isolated incident it was only five people it is seven technically he wounded five two were um two were still considered because it was in a accident that was involved uh while the cars were stopping and whatnot yeah there's there's SE there's seven here's the deal those seven people are alive okay th% they lived and I I I thinkk everything that those seven people live but you know those seven you know what those seven people will now do those seven people will be lucky if they can get in a car and go to work anymore those seven people are going to be wonder how they are going to get their groceries those seven people are going to wonder how to get to their doctors or their children or anybody else because I will tell you with everything in me if I was driving home to my [ __ ] house and somebody shot me in my [ __ ] car how do you get over that dude how you're trying to get home to your family you're you you just bought dinner you're going home you're getting ready to relax youve had a long day at work and bow to the face yeah they lived and that's great pts much Jesus Christ man I'm sorry about your husband how do they understand anything they're saying comes across clear on their radios Jesus maybe I need to use this dice I've got 20 like three this the one that uh Miss bought me right Michelle the fish dice yeah I wish Miss Miss was on here I'd let her know 52 right that's waited got some 19s some 15s some 16s no he said that we're we're going on um 16 hour hours is it 16 hours yeah we're going on 16 hours right now I'm not on early I've not I've been on live for 9 hours and 32 minutes she hasn't gotten off yet I've been on live for nine hours and 32 minutes the update is my town has been in an active shooter situation for coming on 16 hours they say they know where he is but they don't have him yet they they tell us that we're safe because they know where he is but they don't have him yet this is [ __ ] wild dude I literally and I literally if I go back and watch my live it was the day or the day yesterday or the day before when I went to bed I had a [ __ ] nightmare and I don't have nightmares almost ever that somebody was running out the street with a goddamn [ __ ] rifle shooting all of our animals I don't have those types of dreams and I was wake me up and I grab the good old 20 and I go out there and I was I was literally I was literally I couldn't sleep in the in the dream because I was we were too busy running from somebody with a [ __ ] gun A40 Riv she can't any did I just hear what that's what okay you D you heard that too okay so that wasn't just me you did hear that I thought I was hearing things okay shots fired it just said on there that that shots were fired well wherever it is is in my County because I'm listening to Laurel counties it is in London Kentucky East burnat Kentucky somebody just said that they got him but um I want confirmation I know they've they've went to so many different places um the last location was in um last location was in East burnat it was mile marker 49 um are the dogs inside yes the dogs are inside the doors locked yep okay well the back door's not but I'm right here okay you don't need to worry about that so yes we're armed yes it's locked yes we have dogs and yes they just said more shots [ __ ] fired on this goddamn scanner w okay um as of four minutes ago ABC says the suspect remains at large and we are urged to stay inside as a for as a four minutes ago on ABC News that's the newest one [Music] there's been shots fired going on all night that's what you're not understanding they they have been shooting up East burnat all night they just said that there that shots were fired it didn't say where or how or why it just said shots are fired well that almost was bad I'm still here I did hear something that you are you heard about three vehicles I heard that too okay they didn't arrest anyone yesterday for this I literally just told you as a four minutes ago the suspect is still at LGE our game may be canell and moved again why our other players aren't shown up they they haven't shown up yet well you said 9:30 still got 15 minutes um it would I mean it would technically be spree I would assume it as um this is going on hour 16 this is not in the UK there's not four suspects oh my Lord there's one bolo out for one suspected shooter that is it they are not saying that there is more than one shooter they are actually actively saying that they only believe it is one shooter out of Woodbine Kentucky the misinformation is wild for sure um we don't know which way they're headed um we don't know yeah his name and photo have been out for hours M yes there's a description he is a white male with blonde hair he is 510 154 pounds okay every every time well you have to think about it it's in London and they keep saying the UK and I'm thinking London and UK London and University of Kentucky again uh look I'm from Metro Detroit I just moved down here um well you have to understand that two of two of the people were airlifted to UK no yes thank you Apple well this August mention make sure that whoever is doing this talk about the bat [ __ ] girl who was on live for 10 hours do Dante okay he immediately Spence goes text them and goes on it and he goes Dante immediately answer we're just we're just gonna have to coexist in this space you're going to have to hear my hear me so that it is what it is yep it's what happens when you share off exactly don't put down people because they don't know what bolo means there's a lot of people who don't follow true crime or anything like that bolo means be on the lookout for why did I move from Michigan because um I was adopting my daughter the one that I put in in in in jail um uh anyways I was adopting her and we had to move somewhere so that he would be home more often no I know that somebody else had said oh my God you meaning to tell me people don't know what that means no some people don't know what that means look he was in that he was in the Army but we do not know how long we do not know how well he was trained we do not know he if he was specifically trained in a specific area he could have finished boot camp he could have done an a a year or two um he is 32 years old we could be dealing with somebody who was barely in the military we could deal with somebody who was extensively trained in the military they have not they have not actually released um his actual military training for us to know exactly what the hell is going on he has not been caught we are on hour 16 currently we are coming up on hour 16 and 10 minutes I have been live for 9 hours and 44 minutes no I did not stay up all night to do this I usually go to bed at 8 o'clock in the morning I'm only an hour late of going to bed I'm from Metro Detroit that's why I don't have an accent he could have been just under why are they bringing up the 45 now my pupils do not look okay why am I rolling my eyes when I'm explaining first of all I am first of all I'm an active eye roller I'm neurod Divergent number two I have been live talking about this helping people get through this for people that are that have their families here I have been live for nine hours and 45 [ __ ] minutes I normally go to bed at 8 o'clock in the morning it is 9:21 a.m. I'm tired I'm nervous I've had to repeat the same thing and and fix Mis misinformation dozens of times I'm doing the best that I can dude and if you think that you can do better please feel free to do this for the next 10 hours and tell me that you're not going to get a little exasperated at times t-shir jeans a beard the woods they just said said that somebody I I believe it was at the 45 somebody just ran into the woods they just said a went into the woods away from his vehicle and that was the descrition she gave a Hispanic male just abandoned his vehicle and ran into the woods it's in the it's in the same area a buddy they called it it's he's at the 45 he just ran out of his vehicle into the woods yeah begin his vehicle was abandoned at the 4 right but this guy just AB thinking did he call anybody well he abandoned the that dude just ran out of his vehicle they just seen it he ran he just said someone left their vehicle and it ran into the woods i g to help come get him if they if he runs and leaves the damn car on the 45 okay it's a hit and run not related why did he why did that okay sorry I was so busy arguing with him I didn't hear it a hit and run not related okay perfect I know the shooter's not Hispanic nobody said he was I I was saying that maybe he had a buddy who was Hispanic that that's all I was saying apparently it was a hit and run that was unrelated I just got me when they said ran into the woods I'm like are you [ __ ] kidding me right now and you won't have to listen to dice scrolling cuz I'm using the digital guys uh the Facebook post where he posted the everything no thank you I appreciate you it was the same Woods four miles away that I'm sorry that's [ __ ] weird it was the same Woods four miles away so I'm that that's [ __ ] weird I am normally up all night you guys have to understand I I essentially work midnights so normally I would be in bed an hour and a half ago I did not stay up all night um I used my entire day to do this I went to the gym and I've been live since I got up I went to the I went to the gym and I've been live that was how I used my day was to go to the gym for an hour and a half and then be live for 9 hours and 49 minutes um guys we're going um as much as I hate to do this I'm going to uh we're going to restart the YouTube live I need you to give me two minutes okay if you're on YouTube come back in exactly two minutes do not do not not come back come back in two minutes okay I have to restart it I'm I'm running on a ticker and I have to restart the live unfortunately come back in two minutes
Be a just of we're at it again you guys we're at it again we're at it again i right now i am listening to the radio i have it right here it is it is happening right now um there is another active situation in kentucky no there's another one it is it is right now it is in bowling green kentucky um they... Read more
Are you kidding me like this was the worst kept secret in the world of basketball we knew it was coming from a thousand miles away like just come out and say it and i have to actually i misspoke earlier i said i would have some credit for the lakers organization i want to give them credit for absolutely... Read more
Welcome to pretty lies and aliis let's seek the truth and travel the long road to justice together what you know aliers welcome to another episode of pretty lies and aliis i'm gigi hope you've had a good day it's been a long one we were waiting on a verdict got a verdict guilty on all counts and sined... Read more
What is it like in philly we're live on youtube sean fantasy sheriff van lean chris fryan jerry mcguire which we did way back when before we even had a rewatchables feed yeah we just started test driving movie podcast me and cr on my podcast and we did a jarry mcguire podcast that had no categories... Read more
[music] um going on the war path against third parties now dan you're you're pretty much familiar of the challenges and yes even the the things that third parties do to sabotage themselves but there's a lot of things working against them wouldn't you agree i mean you you've been on oh it's nonstop i... Read more
Aber das ist zum ein bisschen mehr als nur ein bisschen drüber zu gehen das ist ein bisschen viel drüber gegangen alles wird ab jetzt nur noch schlimmer wenn ihr denkt das ist jetzt schon unangenehm gewesen ab jetzt geht's berg ab luke mckrich hatte in den letzten zwei tagen einen schitstorm ist relativ... Read more
[music] hey indie serious question i got a serious question for you man shoot are are we is are we all just getting dumber i mean is is is is is like is our entire political system just like hopeless like is is it beyond repair well that's what misty says you know what misty says we're [ __ ] yeah so... Read more
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[music] so i want to return back to the debate that took place between kamla harris and donald trump and there was one woman voter and i saw this even get retweeted out by good friend the show uh uh jamal green all right because uh this woman here this voter says that kamla harris has no plan for black... Read more
So freunde wir sind jetzt auch hier live auf twitch wir sitzen auf der gamescom freunde ich sitze hier nicht alleine ich bin mit wichtiger denn wir senden live von der gamescom ins worldde rap hinaus ja auf dem ard twitch kanal aber natürlich kommt das ganze ding auch auf youtube denn wir sind hier... Read more