Jill Stein VS AOC Escalates

Published: Sep 03, 2024 Duration: 00:17:52 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: jill stein
[Music] um going on the war path against third parties now Dan you're you're pretty much Familiar of the challenges and yes even the the things that third parties do to sabotage themselves but there's a lot of things working against them wouldn't you agree I mean you you've been on oh it's nonstop I mean that was a lot of our first and second year coverage was really trying to understand what third parties actually went through to get on the ballot and to go through the well the whole process of being on a well running in this American System it's absolutely insane they have to get way more signatures they have less time to get money every possible thing that can be held against them is held against them and then on top of that they have their own issues but they're really like the fact that they even get on the ballot is something that should be commendable by itself which is also why Democrats hate them and I'll just say this about especially the green party if the green party was forced to vote and the two party system they would overwhelmingly vote Republican yeah because they hate they're the green party are people that hate the Democrats now and just to add to this look Daniel and I have seen firsthand what green party candidates have dealt with especially here in Illinois uh towards a democratic machine and AOC um did a Instagram video where she was calling Jill Stein a grifter and that every four years she shows up even though AOC um Jill Stein was not the green party nominee in 2020 it was Howie Hawkins so again shows you how much AOC is really paying attention to the greens and everything else they're facing off against and go on to say that they are a waste that they're uh taking away energy and momentum from the Progressive Movement even though uh for some reason Fox News and some other conservative hosts do say that uh Democrats are implementing Progressive policy which is uh I I didn't get that memo did you maybe I'm missing the emails are you getting those memos Daniel well it's a again the Democrats have proved if anything this election cycle that they don't believe in democracy they did a primary without doing a primary to hide Biden's health and then now kamla is Anointed because they didn't have a primary with no one publicly voting for again I I would say they knocked out Biden for not having a debate performance that was good and they replaced him with the only other Democrat I can think of in the last eight years that also dropped out of an election because of a debate performance she's not really doing you I mean you I saw the thing where you did about her doing that recent interview but she's not out there and so I think it's incredibly Rich especially for someone like AOC to um come out and go and critique the the green party for existing it's just more fuel to the again it's crazy that we Republicans seem to have a a Democratic primary system and it's like you could say a lot about Republicans but that's also true yeah I know it's a it's it's a controver well not a controversial statement but I like to call it a controver controversial statement like you you you you as a voter in the Republican Prim a are actively more involved in the Democratic process than a democratic voter in a Democratic primary so Jill Stein uh her VP Butch wear responded to AOC but then yesterday Dr Jill Stein also did a response to AOC and I I let's just go ahead and play this video we're playing its full entirety and uh the AOC Pelosi seems to be sticking a AOC your transformation is almost complete to be Mama Bear 2.0 the electric bugaloo You're just showing up once every four years to do that you're not serious you're not ath to me it does not read as authentic it reads as predatory till here I'm about to board but very quickly I just wanted to thank AOC Pelosi so very much for her very authentic concern about growing green power clearly aocc is the attack dog dour and the Democrats are Running Scared and they should be because who wants to support a genocide who wants to vote for a genocide and if there's anything that's predatory here it's saying that your candidate is working tirelessly for a ceasefire when actually they are actively funding and arming genocide and actually refusing to even consider an arms embargo which would bring the genocide to a screeching halt AOC who's supposed to be in leadership of the democratic party it's amazing if she doesn't know about the anti-democratic tactics and strategies that the Democratic party uses to crush and silence political opposition they've been hiring an army of lawyers to throw competitors like me off the ballot they've been hiring infiltrators and sabot tours and publicly posting uh job advertisements for those positions they've been hijacking our Public Funding in order to keep us off the ballot and they actually impersonated the greens to throw us off the ballot uh in uh 22 in the senate race for North Carolina for example how is that not fraud and election interference also what's predatory here is stealing the signature issue of the greens our Green New Deal launched in 2010 appropriated by a as her signature issue uh in 2018 without a mention of where it came from so bottom line is Americans want more choices we are that choice we are the one choice which is anti-war anti-genocide pro-worker climate emergency check us out gilstein 2024 thanks so much so I I got say yeah as much as we rag on some of the tactics of the green party like they're f facing genuine opposition as she just really eloquently put this is again they don't really people don't give them a chance they don't give themselves a chance but it's because no one gives them a chance because they have to do so much work in such a small amount of time um to just be smeared like this it's just like it's like every Democrat like had to like be a Democrat you have to attack the green party for being inadequate and then expect their vote exactly so look um and and again I when I criticize third parties like greens or Libertarians or Independence it's it's not out of just for for bullying sake no no NE never that I maybe my standards are too high and maybe you know of course Dan I think you can attest to this like you know we when we started in 2017 you know that still was was the momentum of the Bernie Sanders campaign and there's a lot to be critical for for for third parties but let's also be clear here and I keep bringing us up again over and over again third parties face a Monumental challenge for ballot access to be on a debate stage I I I remember even when we were covering um I think it wasn't Water Reclamation but it was a um a a Cook County Treasurer uh election this was like early hard lens media and the green party and the libertarian party were there protesting outside the event and both the Democratic and Republican nominee not only refused to talk to us but they but they did say they did say to us oh yeah no they should be there too like there's there no matter what level of office third parties are running for they are prohibited from being on a debate stage they are prohibited from being on the ballot and Illinois is extremely Draconian here so for AOC to even say the audacity of her to say that oh they're grifting or they're taking away momentum from progressives in the Democratic party what what momentum every time I've seen a progressive policy being like gets pushed forward with the Democrats and then quickly dies on the vine and I want to play a game are you interested in playing a game Daniel sure all right let's go ahead and play this game just so you can see it here look it's KLA Harris's campaign website let me just do something here real quick refresh okay asking for money no policy but we're going to go to the store see if there's something new there is there anything in the store get in a blank page ah I guess it's not working properly something's going on with the campaign website what is wrong with Comm oh here we go uh look up project 2025 sticker that's that's brand new I I'm very sad that some of the other stickers are gone now since there's no policies let's go ahead and check out another person's campaign website I can I just say something real quick about this before back to Comm page real quick absolutely okay so I just want to put this out here so kamla has been getting record donations uh ever since she announced correct she got she's gotten what like a half a billion dollars at this point I know it was 300 million at some point but it's a lot more now um it's definitely not coming from t-shirts so my point is that we have a candidate who only exists because she was chosen literally in a back a back room of you know it's like but what what the Democratic quote when Tim Kenova sued them it was we can go and choose our candidate in a back in a smoke filled back room if that's what we want to do and that's exactly what they did this time um so that happens she comes out no one wants to vote for her again she literally is like the only other person that dropped out of an election because of debate performance yeah um but so the question is why is all this money coming in she has no policy the policy is sort of super obvious what her policy is it's whatever she is paid to say it's what the donors want and she's going to that's why there's no policy because she isn't f i remember I said on um when we were on the show with pasta that um I don't think that they planned for Joe Biden to drop out because they would have done a better job at uh common policies they would have had something put together but because they're just well here's my guess we're going to see policies in a couple months after they know what their donor base wants yeah I I am again like and again even looking at Jill Stein for her campaign for this for this run you know if anything like I do feel like the greens should have had more of a plan you know there was a debac was Cornell West Jill Stein yeah and and it and it is so you know I and I see people in the chat talking about Peter da and Jill Stein and Cornell West and look uh the ball was dropped I have again RFK Junior and then there's the libertarian convention and we even talked to Pasta about the libertarian convention too but I want to be clear on this third parties are not the spoiler and and look even then even if because I do have my criticism for third parties at least when I go to Jill Stein's campaign page I'm seeing policies people economy labor Etc housing Health Care look at all this and it's it's it's paragraphs upon paragraphs dissertation and dis bullet points on all these things that she's running for yet you don't get that for kamla except for you know meet KLA meet Tim take action and store money money money but I I do have to maybe be a screen door on everyone's submarine because whoever saw this one coming I think a lot of people did you have of course Harland me I think a lot of people saw this coming snow HBO says LOL who called it you got majority report saying AOC is WR about Jill Stein's political strategy which is the pro look at them loving democracy over there I loved all the people it's amazing take a ven diagram of all the people that are really upset at Trump for January 6 or whatever else and then take a group of people that are upset that the green party is um able to run in the election and it's the same Circle yeah exactly and and and look I I also want to pull this up here too because again even when you're being called out you know I think it's also for you to have that counter and Jill Stein did this uh breaking the Democrats are suing to kick the green party off George's ballot the party that keeps preaching about saving democracy is going to keep voters like you from having a real Choice pitch in to help us fight back now look this is um you know her campaign especially on her social media on X formerly known as Twitter you know they have to do this if the Democrats were so confident in their ability they wouldn't have to go to legal matters to try and remove somebody off the ballot I mean how cowardly are you to say oh uh lawsuit lawsuit lawsuit lawyer up you're the Democratic party for Christ's sakes you're a major party all across the country and you're afraid of the greens it tells me like there there's crack showing in their armor and just so you guys know Republicans also do this to the libertarian party and other third parties too Democrats are more prolific but both parties engage and when Jill Stein mentioned that video in 2022 uh in North Carolina I actually interviewed the US Senate or the green party US Senate candidate who is running and even the challenges of how he was kicked off the ballot and you would be Dan are you are you prepared for for for a blast from the past and you're you're going to be shocked by this are are you ready for this news let's do it both the Republicans and the Democrats who decide who goes on the ballot work together it's bipartisanship and that's how that yeah that's not that's that sounds like correct that's not what America stands for kid I know I know I know and so I I I have to say look I'm glad that Jill Stein's stepping up and in many ways AOC all what you did was give more fuel and energy to the greens and I hope that even after this election cycle the greens can capitalize off of this momentum but I see the writing on the wall and that is the green part is going to get sued by the Democrats I see that if if KLA Harris loses that's what's going to happen to the greens and it's nothing against them but go ahead Dan I'm GNA give you does anyone know if the lawsuits who ex is it it's it's all the Democratic Pary so is that mean that all the donations that people are giving to Kam lot of it is actually just going to these lawsuits I want to know if that's the case or if these are outside um I just don't know you know from from from from what we've seen in the past I mean we okay we can make an assumption but we've seen how super pack groups or democrat aligned or even by proxy Republican aligned groups have have gone after third parties it not Association but they are wink wink associated with said political party I mean there's so many legal loopholes in each state is going to be different like the rules in Illinois and New York are more or less the same very Draconian whereas in comparison to let's say maybe Texas or Georgia might be different so but I mean is is it the Democratic party itself that's bringing these lawsuits or is it a another group of or of people uh All Above bit all the above and it depends state by state too because even even then because I was talking about this was Larry sharp and it's it's not related but kind of is uh RFK Jr for example when he suspended his campaign um you know there are going to be some states that aren't going to remove him from the ballot even if they're key Battleground swing States so you know and and mind you there was a whole campaign to get him removed off the ballot and now he's trying to get his name removed off the ballot and they won't do it so so there's various things there's the there's this there's political infrastructure there's said political parties and then there's outside political groups and so when I say all the above it is all the above and VAR State I guess I'm just really curious to know how much of kamla's Revenue is going to these lawsuits by percentage it seems like it's a sizable percentage Like This Is How They this is how she fights she doesn't fight directly she doesn't talk to people she gets her lawyer it's like here's the question for for people to ask what's more dangerous a narcissistic leader who causes a lot of internal descent and is kind of chaotic externally or someone that's so weak that they're constantly attacked externally because no one takes them seriously who lets everyone it's it's a kind of the question of like what is a human sort of speak is it worse to have a terrible leader grip the Reigns of power or to have a very weak leader um let everyone scatter like uh cats yes and if you don't know what we're bringing up it's Trump versus kamla and you know kamla putting on headphones and ignoring the press and walking up the steps doesn't really show confidence I mean Joe Biden even though he's a scile old bat at least he he made the attempt to talk to the Press but um I am ever hopeful for the greens and Libertarians to at least gain momentum I would like to see that but you know um AOC how very Democratic of you to go after third parties once again you're you're showing you're showing us why you were a waste of time in the first place by the way I want to give a shout out to Jank yuger Kyle kolinsky for making this uh conversation possible

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