Voters Are Done With Kamala Harris, New Video

Published: Sep 13, 2024 Duration: 00:18:28 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: dick cheney kamala
[Music] so I want to return back to the debate that took place between kamla Harris and Donald Trump and there was one woman voter and I saw this even get retweeted out by good friend the show uh uh Jamal Green all right because uh this woman here this voter says that kamla Harris has no plan for Black America except pandering which okay great great all right uh this this is rather fascinating and it's only one minute and 19 seconds but I had to rewatch this a couple of times because she dropped some truth bombs about KLA and voters need to come to terms about who kamla truly is I mean she is a corporatist neoliberal Democrat KLA Harris has no plan for for any of us except to make sure that nothing fundamentally changed I mean goodness gracious Cretaceous it took her campaign 48 days to have policies on her website the issues the platform you know I'm I'm just going to say something very controversial here but all the people I've interviewed throughout the seven years of hardland media existing all the candidates be it for local elections state or federal be a Democrat libertarian green independent socialist they all had policies on their web page never once was it blank kamla Harris is the first time ever I've seen any candidate and no commis has not been on the show they have no policies on her website which is sort of like a thing you're supposed to do when you're running for office I mean maybe it's a bridge too far maybe I'm asking too much maybe that's the case maybe maybe my standards are just too high I'm sorry about that folks maybe my standards are just too freaking High race baiting and fear-mongering was a big part of her tactic tonight part of comma tactics Comm okay now I will be raising the volume on this so I'm going to rewind this again but I know the volume is a little bit low uh it should be a little bit higher but um I when I clip the show I will raise the volume on this segment I will not interrupt race baiting and fear-mongering was a big part of her tactic tonight part of commus tactic yes commus tactic okay what in particular is gonna would you remember about that especially when she brought up the Central Park five I think that's a hot button issue especially for a lot of African-Americans but she leaves out a lot of specifics to that like the lead prosecutor was a Democrat at the time back then Donald Trump was also a Democrat he wasn't always a Republican and he was praised heavily in a good way for taking out that ad in the paper because a lot of people did think that they were guilty so a lot of people that were against Trump now were once a big fan of his and I think he was gaslit during the entire debate and that was probably why he was so defensive and even when he brought up the topic of race he brought that up because she's pandering she's using being black as a Trope to get the black vote I'm sorry but instead of her leaning into it I would have liked to see her lean into to the fact that yes I am a black woman and this is my plan for Black America but she clearly doesn't have a plan because she's essentially not black but she used that as a moment to paint him as a [Music] racist well I mean let's be clear here she's hitting the nail on the head people are saying kamla won and of course you got other people saying Trump won folks it's one big and you ain't in it you the American people are not going to win okay I mean I you I saw that debate and you know apologies for the power outage you know uh we had to start a little late for that one but um let's let's let's be clear after rewatching the debate again because I I actually I actually punished myself last night to watch a debate again I did I think uh part of my soul died but it but it's okay it's okay I will somehow survive but it was so mediocre I mean KLA Harris clearly got prepped but I mean none of it was authentic Trump really could have done in theory a hell of a lot better but you know it's still a neck and neck race because I'm still getting goddamn text messages and emails from the Democrats saying oh boy Trump is out spending us oh no Trump is ahead of us in the polls I mean my goodness I have I have to deal with this and by the way F you Bernie Sanders are giving away all of our emails because you know I'm doing everything I can because that anyways we're going to get off topic here because I'm going to start getting angry but what this one voter this one potential voter a black woman by the way was saying about Kam was true kamla and the Democrats have effectively weaponized identity politics and she has every right to be critical of Kamala Harris and as in regards to Trump hey look there a lot to be said about Donald Trump but uh this might surprise the vot blue no matter who crowd but he has a lot of support across every Spectrum Generations skin color religion there are people who are supporting Donald Trump now I am not a fan of anybody supporting you know you know Democrats or Republicans I feel like every anyone who votes for the Democratic Republican part is being hypnotized into the same system over and over again and I'm ever hopeful for the day when more Americans wake up to it but fine hey we live we we live we live in a constitutional republic oligarchy constitutional republic and everyone has a right to vote however which way they want it's your choice do what you want I have my opinion but do what you want but the thing is when Democrats and liberals hear voters like that call out comma Harris especially black women or black men oh my goodness do they get attacked and you know never forget the infamous quote that Joe Biden once said the Charlamagne the God if you don't vote for me and you ain't black say what same Joe Biden who's against busing and desegregation same Joe Biden help write the crime bill you want to know why the prison industrial complex is what it is you Ain good old Bill Clinton and the architect to joe30330 Biden yeah no it's true it's all true all of it every single one of it by the way I just want to pull up something here just so you guys can see it for yourselves this where uh Jake Tapper yes that Jake Tapper absolutely slammed KLA Harris for repeatedly dodging questions at the debate that's right Jake Tapper from CNN now I'm just pulling this up here because uh this actually flew under my radar and we should talk about it so let's just pull this up here because this is in response to what that uh one voter was saying on Fox News vice president Harris began the debate by punting the first question on the economy it went on from there despite the economy being the number one issue facing the country the sitting vice president generally reverted the talking points about a few of her policy proposals even Harris allies today are saying that she needs to talk more about what she will do for Americans if elected Senator Bernie Sanders will be here in a second to talk about more about need for her to fill in some of those blanks H interesting Jake what the hell's going on man I'm surprised the producers aren't yelling in your ear but I I have a couple of opinions on this maybe the reason why good old Jake Tapper is talking like this because maybe people are kind of feeling it out and they they're doing a flip of a coin it's 5050 who will win Trump or KLA so they're probably gently gently gently and gingerly sort of prepping people up for the possible scenario of kamla losing cuz I'm going to call this election it's 50/50 it all depends on who will turn out to vote how many people will turn out to vote and how many people choose not to vote all depends who could do it now look folks Trump I'm not going to underestimate him he has the momentum and the crowds and the people who are waiting in Wings to vote for him again on the border another vulnerable issue for Harris she also dodged would you have done anything differently from president by numus so I'm the only person on this stage who has prosecuted transnational criminal organizations for the trafficking of guns dabby Jay Jake got that wing bone in his mouth huh you know what even though she's not in the live stream chat get up and go see the White House counselor right now you wait in front of that door until she comes home you tell her what you just said get up and go H all right I laughed a little bit too hard on that I shouldn't done it I shouldn't have done that all right all right all right let's go ahead and Rewind it just real quick differently from President Biden numus so I'm the only person on this stage who has prosecuted transnational criminal organizations for the trafficking of guns drugs and human beings okay that wasn't the question when asked how she would break through the Israel Hamas War scalemate Harris said this we need a ceasefire deal and we need the hostages out yeah that ain't going to happen I'm so sorry every every but listen folks and to the protesters out there keep on protesting uncommitted don't buckle and vote Democrats seriously that'll be so stupid after the way they treated you guys at the DNC convention okay but there's there I'm so sorry I'm I'm so sorry there there will be no ceasefire okay I'm so so sorry K's not going to do it okay we got to come to terms with that there will be no ceasefire she's not going to do it as much as we want it ain't going to happen and more good people will die let's rewind that she would break through the Israel Hamas War scalemate Harris said this we need a ceasefire deal and we need the hostages at and so we will continue to work around the clock on that okay but again how how and by the way folks there are some problems for kamla because folks it ain't looking too good in the polling up by just seven points look kamla Harris is doing somewhat better than that at this point up by 15 over Donald Trump but still really lagging where Joe Biden was back in 2020 so KLA Harris would love extra support from young voters Maybe Taylor Swift can deliver a few of those Beyond save us Taylor Swift you know honestly honestly the amount of depravity from Hollywood and the music industry it it doesn't surprise me but the fact and and look and look Hey listen if you're a celebrity you're gonna have a following but you know I think it's very important for anybody who's an influencer to be educated in just how corrupt our system is how horrible it is but you know hey hoping one hand craping the other see which one fills up faster on that you know we were talking registration registration registration look at the key Battleground states of Pennsylvania and North Carolina look the Democratic Edge over GOP voters at this point in the process in September of 2020 look at this in Pennsylvania Democrats had a 59,000 voter Edge look where it's dropped now to it's still there're still ahead but it's just 169,000 you see the same trend North Carolina where you see that drop from 415,000 to now an edge of just 128,000 Democrats still ahead but Republicans have made massive gains in registration over the past four years also one other thing here too shout out to Hotpot kamla Harris is a Cheney Democrat you heard that Bernie I actually have the endorsement of former Vice President Dick Cheney Dick Cheney and Satan that's [Laughter] next hey Fat Tony what do you got to say the Sith Lord is back like a demon it rises again Dick Cheney Darth Vader Satan thank you to Satan for giving me inspiration on how to play this role we don't need Dick Cheney Dick Cheney was J uh was dangerous that war the only thing only you got to do is just be better than Dick Cheney I like to see Dick Cheney do exposed he's a liar I actually have the endorsement of former Vice President Dick Cheney you're Dick Cheney that's right KLA Harris has Dick Cheney support because after all you know I guess dick is all out for kamla no pun intended part of the Dick Cheney cult that led to hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis being killed because of the cult you were CH dishonestly made up the idea they had nuclear weapon just lied why do they want these wars what is it that they don't like somebody because they don't like the look of their face irrelevant National embarrassments dick CH oh Kyle that was you before the fall we missed that Kyle now is Mommy holds his handy and Liz Cheney I'm old enough to remember Dick Cheney driving over to the CIA to uh look over their shoulders to make sure they gave him the Intel that he wanted uh so as to justify the Iraq War I actually snork Y2K thank you for the super chat but get up and go see the White House counselor kit kit kit kit kit please be kind to team gobler whether it was knob by knob or by gzen go buckets they are still human beings St Y2K get up and go see the White House counselor shame on you you awful awful person go go tell Wendy carbal what you just said and people going to say well gee kit your audience sure is mean where have they learned it from I have no clue we learned it from watching you we learned it from watching you have the endorsement of former Vice President Dick Cheney no apologies no regrets from former Vice President Dick Cheney for the harsh CIA interrogation techniques under Dick Cheney's tutelage we got the photographs at the former vice president at one point signing a waterboard kit chy of course unrepentant you know what go to go to go to hell I want to talk about a man rotten to his very core which is in itself a tiny black hole from which no joy or light can escape the ancient copics knew this man as unot The Dark One the jagged tooth Forest Demon who steals our children we know him as former vice president di I actually have the endorsement of former Vice President Dick Cheney to which I have to say Trump will Trump trump should probably say yeah my first mistake was actually bringing people in from the bush Cheney Administration yes you know it's nothing to be proud of but you know ju ju just a quick reminder too because you know people GNA say well gkit Trump had uh people from the bush chain Administration hey Trump H how' that work out for you because I'm willing to bet everyone who was part of his first Administration really thought it would be the same as it was with Bush Jr that Pence would be running the show no that's a definite no bueno so what can we take from this look voters have every right to pick who they want to represent them but again I want to pull up this video again of what this one voter said KLA Harris offers nothing to voters and to Black voters in in particular I want to just give this final word g her because this is strong and it really calls out the problem that Democrats have race baiting and fear-mongering was a big part of her tactic tonight part of Comm Tac Comm ttic okay what in particular is gonna would you remember about that especially when she brought up the Central Park five I think that's a hot button issue especially for a lot of African-Americans but she leaves out a lot of specifics to that like the lead prosecutor was a Democrat at the time back then Donald Trump was also a Democrat he wasn't always a Republican and he was praised heavily in a good way for taking out that ad in the paper because a lot of people did think that they were guilty so a lot of people that were against Trump now were once a big fan of his and I think he was gaslit during the entire debate and that was probably why he was so defensive and even when he brought up the topic of race he brought that up because she's pandering she's using being black as a Trope to get the black vote I'm sorry but instead of her leaning into it I would have liked to see her lean into the fact that yes I am a black woman and this is my plan for Black America but she clearly doesn't have a plan because she's essentially not black but she used that as a moment to paint him as a [Music] racist that's a perfect note to end it on Democrats what are you running on kamla is using fear tactics and identity politics and is also a dick chainy Democrat

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