The Rewatchables LIVE: Jerry Maguire | Ringer Movies

what is it like in Philly we're live on YouTube Sean fantasy Sheriff van lean Chris fryan Jerry McGuire which we did way back when before we even had a rewatchables feed yeah we just started test driving movie podcast me and CR on my podcast and we did a Jarry McGuire podcast that had no categories we're redoing it I think it's been how many years now since the movie almost 28 since it was 95 right yeah 96 lots to discuss 9696 sports movie or romcom pick one uh uh do I have to Yes uh I would say romcom what do you think I would say romcom but I kind of think it's neither sports movie because that's where I have started to gravitate towards like the parts about the sports in this movie are what I like love now I think it's both I think it's the most both of any sports movie romcom we've had but we when we talked about this the last time I think it's probably slightly more romcom just because you could have done all this with movies instead of sports and it's basically the same movie oh if he's like a film director or something like that yeah or or like cubba gooding's character is just like an actor an up incoming rapper or something like that okay we just go it could have been in different worlds with the same kind of bones or if Jerry owned a record label yeah he was trying to get back to the essence of Hip Hop he's like I'm Mr black people I'm Mr black people Jer owned a record label but he just and Rod was like the one artist that brought him back you know what I mean you're spoiling the all black cast concept I feel like that's true but to me this movie is Bo Jackson it does both it's one of the best sports movies of the last 30 years but it's also probably one of the best romcoms and it's one of the great date movies of all time and it hits all of these different Lanes in the best ways with our guy Tom Cruz yeah I'm not I like what van said though I feel like it's maybe more of a existential crisis movie than a ROM or a sports movie explain well you know Cameron cros said that he wanted to make a movie about relationships and marriages that that was the original impetus for the movie and he started thinking about the framework for the movie and he'd never seen a movie set in the World of Sports agenting and like high-powered Sports World like this so he thought it would be a good fit for it but what you see is that it's not so much the relationships that he's interested in it's the guy who feels like a standin for him a kind of creative person who is sucked into a big world of power who's bending his ethics and then like reaches a point almost at midlife where he's like why am I doing this I'm not happy this isn't what I want to be or what I believe in I have to change the way I do everything not CR have you have you ever had a Maguire moment have I ever had like a midlife crisis where I was like I'm not potting the right way fewer pods Mone I was wor when he came back from Norway I know if that was GNA happen fewer pods less money pods few pods don't do two pods in one day I can't do Philly special it's just just there you know you know I actually saw this on a date I did this 97 pette gray uh I saw it on the date and her name that was her name okay yeah I ignored her for the PA if you're watching oh she probably is shout out to PA story IGN for the rest of the night I was so I think it's a Bad Day movie to me I think too intense the movie I was still formulating my views on like not just I had all my pseudo political views and my artistic views but the movie just made me think about people in a way that I hadn't really thought about them before like even athletes in a way that I was like oh my God so you could be in the NFL and still be striving to be something and be insecure about all of these things in your life and I was like there's not a level of success where you get to and then oh my God it's just it just stops so I was coming out and she was like I remember walking uh Sean Lane like I'm walking out and she's like the movie really got to you and I was like leave me alone I'm thinking about the next 20 years of my life was there a second date uh we ended up being together for a long time what happened to you guys I think this is a belief movie almost more than a sports movie RC because ultimately it's like Rod Tidwell and his family believing in Jerry and it's Dorothy Boyd believing in Jerry and that's it and those people see something in him even though there's not a lot to see because he's been his career's been torpedoed but they see something and they see a belief they see something they don't want to give up on right which is the ultimate Tom Cruz part because this is what he specializes in this is the cruisiest Tom Cruz movie we've ever had yeah and we're gonna get into the Cruz and Hanks piece but like the the way in which he embodies this gu's frankly at times when you're watching it it's like Mania you know what I mean like it's like by the first I think he's kind of had his his Epiphany within the first six minutes of the movie and then he stays in this kind of heightened frequency of empathy and sensitivity and vulnerability and and just racing around trying to make everything work for the entire film it's like it's such an incred in a way it is an action scene unto itself is just the movie is Tom Cruz emoting for two hours yeah and he has to learn to believe in them as much he has to learn to believe in Rod he has to learn to believe in Dorothy and then he has like learn to believe in himself like the whole movie is about him falling into what he really is is he's we don't get to see this whole past with his father when he sits down and he talks to Ry the kid he wants to talk to Ry about his dad yeah he's like reaching back for something he doesn't really know who he is and so as much as those people have to like get into what he's becoming he has to also ground himself in who they are it's like really a perfectly emotional film Jerry McGuire Charlie babot Joel Goodson Daniel Cathy Pete Mitchell that's the Mount Rushmore but there's only four spots who you bumping say them say the names again Maguire Charlie babbett Joel Goodson Daniel caffy Pete Mitchell Ethan from M possible is now I think I take issue with this entire construction what's wrong with it well it's it's related to what you're saying about this I'm saying cruisy as Cruise Parts but I don't okay this is personal preference yeah I don't care about Pete Mitchell the same way that I care about the vulnerable Tom Cruz characters like I don't my favorite Cruise what I think is the real Cruise the real Cruise movie Persona is the guy who looks like he has everything and is dying inside the guy from Magnolia the guy from Eyes Wide Shut the guy from Risky Business is like that guy from Minority Report too Minority Report The Color of Money um The Firm Rock of Ages yeah I'm about to say you guys never saw Oblivion yeah you guys never saw pure Action Hero I like and I enjoy Top Gun I love the Mission Impossible movies but his best performances are the ones where you're like what is wrong with that guy he should be so happy and he's not happy and that's what this movie is about it's a guy who should be so happy and for some reason there's something going on inside him he can't figure it out that's that's why we love Last Samurai that's the guy who's got it all you know a vree the guy's missing it ey see we get in this movie we the the cruise checklist includes we get sprinting Cruise yeah airport I can just run Fant uh we get hard crying Crews and we also get trying not to cry Tom Cruz we get sloppy drinking Tom Cruz Tom nothing better than Cruz has definitely never tried alcohol in his lifee tied one on all day long at an airport lounge um busting balls overconfident Tom Cruz overconfident I can do anything Tom and then Rock Bottom Cruz completely overwhelmed Tom Cruz like I don't know I can't can't do anything Tom Cruz I've surrender all of my goodlooking and my G to the world I look I like that Cru the best can you do the Tom Cruz I'm trying not to cry a face it's where it's squintier that's that's more like the Dorothy boy I can do the is my thing you you try it I'm not a performer in that way also these cameras can never pick up the Nuance I know he does that the I mean the best one ever is Meg Ryan and Top Gun saying did he flying with you [Laughter] m he's about to explode with emotion but he has a good one in here at the end when Rod's given the uh when he's given the press conference after touchdown point and point he like yeah yeah he's choking down Magnolia one is when he's like got both hands together just some great ones this is a great Cruise stretch we've talked about it before Days of Thunder Far and Away Few Good Men The Firm interview interiew the vampire Mission Impossible and then Jerry McGuire and he's the biggest star in the world and get Stanley Kubrick for the next three years you say that like it's a bad thing it's a good thing and a bad thing because he wasn't making movies for three years and it it was basically like somebody be like yage just disappearing from the NBA for three years after winning three MVPs and becoming Van's favorite player and just be like guys I'm how long did we last we lasted 11 minutes 11 minutes I'm going to go Sho movie with before we go it's like where' yach go he's just gone he'll be back in three years he's in London with his wife filming with Stanley he really was never the same like no I like a lot of the movies in the 2000s he's still my favorite but every part that he T has taken since that movie you're like why is he doing that is he okay what did Stanley do to you yeah don't you think that he just got sick of being America's sweetheart Tom Cruz he wanted to be a little edger he wanted to go a little bit different wanted to step outside of it and do some new [ __ ] and he thought working with that type of aour would bring that to him definitely yeah I mean even vanilla Skies like that yeah the same thing odd weird crazy movie yeah then he jumped on the couch and his changed that was it got super weird there's some good on the sports movie front here some really good supplemental characters yeah that's a Cameron Crow specialty just like these people that pop in and out who have these really distinct Almost Famous has this too so to say anything singles has it it's people that'll just have one scene or two scenes uh Kush the idiot QB who's in three scenes total uh his his conniving dad Bob Sugars in maybe three and a half scenes but a super important character and looms over the whole movie KY Preston is basically in two scenes maybe three Glenn FR Arizona's GM only in a couple uh Rod's jealous brother T AR Spears only in a couple uh Roy Firestone but he has has a way grabbing yeah also looms over the film fire playing himself may they were just like Roy you just cook you left out kaj Carter he's in he yeah but they do a good job and I do feel like there's a before and after with this movies with sports movies where there was the before movie that Rocky blueprint it starts to shift with Ron Shelton and then right here it really shifts yeah and I think what people wanted was a little bit more of an inside look at sports rather than just the underdog David and Goliath story is that what you wanted yeah I mean like this Moneyball these are the kind of movies I love which are like the just sort of taking Sports as hard ball a workplace or is like a framework for any other kind of movie Hardball it's also not a movie it's not really a movie about athletes you know it's about the Barnacles that attach themselves to athletes the World Behind the world it's not a movie about athletes and yet r I've made this case I think is the best athlete character in the history of sports movies have you made that case he's number one for me he's my favorite because interes when he comes in there just never been a character quite like this and he's fully developed he's pieces of different people who were in sports in the mid 90s but not a not a sticky character version of them but like this fully developed person with a family I just I just like them it's actually oh go no you go it's actually a risky character if you do it wrong right totally so if you do the character wrong it looks like uh a caricature of the Contemporary blackmail athlete if you get any of the notes wrong there it looks like you're trying to say something about how shallow they are about how materialistic they are but Rod has enough levels yeah to where that just doesn't hold water he is a devoted family man yeah even when he's talking about why he wants to get paid he's not talking about man I need a car I need no he's like I got five years left I got five years left there's ants in my crib I don't have security 32 concussions yeah the whole nine so if you do the rooll wrong you could get think piece in essence and Ebony magazine for like months after that I'm just being for real no I'm just trying to imagine like the viral essence or ebony monthly column that would take down Tidwell raw titw the blackening of you know what I mean so but but the character really when you get to it at the in is just like a really vulnerable family guy you love him yeah and it I mean there's been some other great ones like I always thought Apollo Creed was an unbelievable character movies went all yeah the well even in the first one where he's doing a Muhammad Ali but he's he had the Charisma and you really bought that this guy was the heavyweight champion in the world but this is the most developed of anyone we had up to this point I it's what Crow does best and and to some extent you can see how much he learned from James Al Brooks who obviously played a part all over this movie but it's finding the universal in the specific this this movie is so specific it's about a slot receiver for the Arizona Cardinals right and his agent who's having a nervous breakdown and a single mother who's his like assistant slash life partner and all of the stuff that's happening with the divorced women's group and his mission statement and his relationship to his father and Rey and all this stuff is so specific but like the more and more specific it gets the more you're like I see myself this and that's like Crow's gift it's like Lloyd dobler is such a specific creation but somehow became an iconic teenager do you know what I mean even though not everybody was Lloyd dobler growing up you kind of recognize something true in it and that's what he does in this movie that's so amazing it's also the movie that Cruz saw that made him say I want to work with that guy which leads to this two movie collaboration right there's the little pieces like his family watching the games and he points to the TV at one point and they do the that's St it's just like there's a lot of little stuff in here that is what happens he wrote the script 20 he did 20 versions of the script right and I think version he does he's deepening and deepening and deepening it making that a real you know what else man this gonna sound so minuscule but ra gets hurt we're all holding our breath even in movie theater we're holding our breath somehow we know he's gonna get up but still you never know right and his brother goes see I told you he was too small that's so real the hate inside of your group right like even if you get to somebody your homeboy in the NBA he like man before he hit his gross bir I used to cook this [ __ ] like the whole n when he said for some reason that right there now that I've got some age on me that's so accurate that he would have said something like that and then the wife would have jumped on him TP was so before his time like ni right he just he he was like a takman in the making tpck just been like yish is yish is over well they said the story of of the cubba getting the part was he was like one of the first people they auditioned and he crushed it and came in and just was basically became the guy and even like took his took his clothes off to to do the scene with Cruz but then they auditioned a bunch of people after him and he was so good in the audition like they had Jamie Fox and they were like Jamie Fox would have been a good rod Tidwell but that none of them could shake the CU they made this brother take his clothes off in no he took them off he asked that was in the research commitment to no he's like can I take my pants off and like okay James who asked specifically trigger yeah that's it man I gotta come back into it you just got me on Higher Learning van I gotta get back to re watching so this comes out 96 he got games 97 any given Sundays 99 like we're now we're moving into the 2.0 version of sports movies officially I think B bum starts it probably eight minut out BM in the late 80s but this is like the realization 89 but major League's kind of the old school rock wonder9 vestage of hooers kind of but we're off by really with this movie um Dorothy boyon a Hollywood tradition the we are discovering this actress and real time part not those of us who were holding tightly to our Empire record stock oh my God right and our Texas Chainsaw Massacre four as for about that we were we were on the in that one he is yeah yeah yeah she was she I mean it is like I was just rewatching the cisc and Ebert four-minute review of this movie and their takeaway is like this movie is pretty good it's overstuffed but let me tell you Rene zel wagger she's something special which of course is like they soft pedal one of the great movies of the 1990s but it was undeniable that they had hit on something with her yeah I was thinking like Julia and prettywoman but she had been in Mystic Pizza she'd been on Miami Vice but then pretty women is when it blows up right Sandra bul and speed she already been in love love Potion Number Nine and some other Marissa to we had a history with her and sometimes this just happens if they had cast somebody who we had history with I'm not sure it's the same movie totally yeah they did SRA bulock would have been awesome in this movie yeah I mean she would have still been Sandra bulock she skipped a couple steps when the movie dropped because there were some young what actresses around the time that were um the rewatchables yeah not I'm still there mad about nak yeah that were this was in in the throws of Liv Tyler who was in Empire Records with her it's like a lot of the young ones coming up and she kind of shot pass and once the movie went so major who are you rooting for in this movie Dorothy boy or Jarry McGuire I I have to choose yeah uh I don't think that's the point of the film yeah Jarry Maguire I guess I feel like this is Dorothy boydd the one of the weird things about this movie that works is it flips it so that you actually want her to be the one that's Happy in the end right when she breaks up with them it's like what 20 minutes ago in the movie yeah yeah yeah and she's like I did this I felt like I was getting a break on a used car and you're like goddamn Dorothy you're just a good person I really hope this works out either way you and your your strange kid I hope I hope this happens for both of you I was rewatching this movie on Mother's Day weekend with my wife and she pulled a Luke Wilson could have been Harrison Ford hardcore where she was like Dorothy Boyd sucks this character sucks everything she says about Jerry is not believable why is she so obsessed with this guy who is a loser which is a kind of a great read of the movie like Jerry this is good kind of a loser I know and she's not usually want to go for a hot tap she was like this always pissed me off about this movie is like the scene where she's talking to Bonnie Hunt the more morning after and she's like I just love him I love him like that she's like that's [ __ ] which I you know she 26 so it's like I think that there's a little element of like she's lived way too much for her years she says it she says she's the oldest 26 year old yeah she's also overwhelmed by him she's looking at in first class and she goes it's not just a better meal it's a better life which is wrong it's a better everything else by the way Dorothy I had that later yeah it's like it's not just a better meal get your money up cuz there's a lot there's a lot they just care about you more as a human but anyway um but they do when you sitting back in the back of the plane give a [ __ ] less about you yeah here's your cheese plate hey Mr Le would you like she you should be so lucky to pay for it all right this is way really bad but with her she's just so overwhelmed by everything about him that at the beginning it is slightly annoying but once she gets into who he really is and once he's been kind of cut down the size a little bit then he starts to need her more than she needs him and that's why you can't say who won they don't win unless they have each other yeah Julia liman our friend who we've worked with forever is probably watching this and is probably still sobbing about your wife's take she might be texting I right now I think d one favorite characters in any movie she's great I mean she's she's that be the followup pod she's the idealist of the movie right it's a movie about a deeply cynical world and deeply cynical people and she's the person who you're like we there's a reason to go forward like there's a reason to believe in love to believe in this mission that to believe you care about people like yeah like you think Jerry's the anti Bob sugar but really Dorothy Bo's the anti really hard to believe like especially like being older now it's like if I was like guess what honey I wrote a 25 page memo to Bill about less pods fewer pods less money and we're we're leaving Sean Wasing Sean would be yeah Sean would be on the phone with Andy being like you're the [Laughter] man I think that she would have some issues with it you know especially if I didn't have the health benefits all lined up I'm so excited to host the watch when you get fired I can't wait it's been circling it for a while who my question is this when you fire him who is the Bob sugar that you sent in to deliver the fire it's him it's Sean it's got to be Sean yeah I'm here to fire you you should say something this is happening happen it's happening place you said it yourself think about me J Moore has never been better lip Nikki J I just love that you say it like Aaron Gordon J uh one of my favorite kid performances ever I watch this with my daughter and her boyfriend a month ago when we decided we were gonna do this for live rewatchables and they were just like in awe of how good kid decided that they were just like we did this kid what happened to him was even more stuff this kid should have been the biggest star in the world yeah and I was like no that was it for him A+ plus plus though it's so good every moment he's in the movie is an A plus him and Cruz together are also like alltime adult kid acting pair so apparently they ad lived a lot of that they just like let the cameras roll with Tom Cruz pretending he was drunk and then Tom Cruz the [ __ ] zoo is closed is like one of the great things anyone has ever said to a child that [ __ ] so I'll give you Kramer versus Kramer kid we did Li Nikki we did Dakota and Man on Fire we did Henry Thomas Henry Thomason ET Daka equalizer 3 Henry to uh mcau and Home Alone haly Joel asman six cents the only great little kid performance we haven't done yet Abigail brezen Little Miss Sunshine because none of you will do that movie with me I'm the only one that likes it don't recall being asked and Drew Barrymore in a reconcile with differences which is a movie that no longer exists those rare movies from the 80s that are just gone oh yeah like they're just they're gone like Edie and the Cruisers that was we we catch that on Turner Classic Movies turn classic showed it like twice now it's gone it's just history I taped it too wait I never saw Edie and the Cruisers you know I'm confusing it for do you remember the movie about Cruis no Eddie and the cruising would be a great and the cruising is a good match up dual sequel yeah I'm confusing it with this movie and nobody's gonna have seen this movie about this guy guy who was like a biker from the 50s and he was playing chicken and he died and then he went to heaven and he came down as a ghost to like help his son be cool don't remember that movie you guys never saw this no gosh you're it's it's tingling It's Like Heaven Can Wait but with bikes it's The Heavenly Kid oh I I remember the name I don't know if I watch it's okay it's The Heavenly Kid I'm glad you're back you thought that was and the Cruisers I've never seen Eddie in the Cruisers never seen it any lip necky thoughts or should we move F he's not doing the thing that a lot of those actors that you talked about are doing in the movie though like haly Joel Osman is the center of the six sense like he's just the pixie dust he's the sprinkling like he every time he comes in so we don't know if lip Nikki could withstand like tibs minutes that's right yeah try pulling a Jos see what happens you will fall lip Nikki what the [ __ ] Crow stay on there Crow in a stretch of say anything single as Jerry mgu most famous um he's out of his mind right now going nuts but he's coming off of people saying singles was a failure even though we love it so yeah so his mentality is like this is my chance like I have to do something that lasts the singles wasn't a big deal at the time it popular but it wasn't it didn't like became cult movie almost immediately but it didn't do well and then people who were like into that music were like didn't quite capture it you know yeah too late too late in love with the movie from first frame always loved it didn't really I guess I was too young to be following he also makes movies that like it's amazing to be 14 to see his movies you know like if you're younger when you see his stuff it's so so idealistic and so exciting and so it seems so genuine like he seems like a very like a lot of filmmakers don't you know they're like I'm trying to just make a cool movie that is successful and it's with him I don't know there's an authenticity that comes across with his writing that is very very hard to Define I meant to say this when we're talking about zel wagger the I mean that famous scene when the Bruce springing song comes in when Jerry's hugging and then cut and he just stays on her face that's like the Cameron Crow he really is good at milking somebody's face expression um he does it Almost Famous over and over again with the little kid uh what's his name Patrick F yeah what's the what's his name William Miller yeah just sometimes just staring at at people and does with Kate Hudson he's just good at lingering on people ex journalist linger he's an observationalist you know he's like he's the person who's seeing Life play out you know I remember one of the biggest reactions in the theater to the movie and obviously people were going crazy show me the money and stuff like that is when he's all [ __ ] up he comes back and he tells her I just broke up with Avery and he turns away from the camera and she goes right right like everybody just you feel her so much in that moment you know that that's a gift that she couldn't have even thought to ask for you know who didn't feel her Sean's wife I just I I swear this is true during that scene I was marveling just like you are and I was like I I rewound it I was like I you have to watch zelger in this scene this is so great and she looked at and she was like Noah what what was I don't know I don't know she's just out she wasn't feeling the desperation she was he like I don't know I don't know what it was I don't know she's like perk with Jason Tatum like nah I'm not seeing it not seeing it off Rene zo wigger has to step up uh Crow went on a run of Billy Wilder movies Sean I'm going to give you 30 30 seconds to talk about Billy Wilder you have 30 seconds talk 30 seconds on the clock now uh writer director immigrant who came from Europe during war tour in World War II who basically redefined the same way that the new Hollywood redefined movies he redefined movies in the 40s and 50s by having like a slightly more cynical but emotional bent to his romcom war movie detective movies he's a legend and clear inspiration for Cameron Crow who wanted to cast him in this movie but he declined as the fame D yeah a lot of the research on this movie is just Cameron Crowe and Cruz trying to convince Billy Wilder to be the dicky Fox character for months and months was like a and he just was like [ __ ] off guys uh he was really inspired by the apartment movie that came out in 1960 with Jack Lemon and a very young M who became a Dorothy boy thing uh Crow said quote Jim Brooks handed me this photo of a sports agent named Gary witchard with Brian Bosworth a fun picture of these two guys one clear the business the other The Braun and he said look at this relationship between these guys what do you think about that kind of story in this world meaning like can you dive into this photo and the movie eventually became inspired by an agent named Lee Steinberg who had an ex partner try to lure away a bunch of his clients Drew Rosen Bal who was a big agent back in the Drew Rosen house sorry uh he still is a huge AG yeah but he had been he was on the rise in the 90s he's the Bob sugar and then the the m Drew would love to hear that the memo was based on Jeffrey kenberg 1991 Disney I was just reading that wrote a 28 page memo that kind of backfired for him yeah little bit he made worked out he made out pretty good I'm saying for Disney well Jared McGuire landed on his got R Tidwell .2 million uh for cinberg DreamWorks was his Rod Tidwell pretty much so those were the Genesis and a kept going and uh it's this ver Almost Famous for me for Crow I probably have seen Almost Famous more times but I love both movies but I think this one Higher degree of difficulty only because Almost Famous was so personal and autobiographical and this is just he's starting from scratch and creating everybody in it and also like we all love sports such a high bar with a sports movie where I'm just ready to get mad and nitpick and just go nuts and oh you did this oh you [ __ ] that up and you did a good job yeah classic better favorite Almost Famous is better than this movie this is my favorite movie that he's made actually my favorite movie they may actually might be singles but but it it Almost Famous is is probably better who's better famous yachin embiid get out of here man both down written and directed by Cameron Crow produced by Jim Brooks Director of Photography my guy janers kinsky yeah a parent when in uh Zoe's class when I was a kid who did a giant photo essay of like our first grade thing which I guarantee was the greatest photo essay anyone's ever had in like a first or second grade class nominated for five Oscars cubba Gooding wins best supporting actor I sent you the Oscar speech they [ __ ] played his ass off in 30 seconds did they they kicked the music in unbelievable he barely started there was an argument about this in Van's 11th grade English class that he didn't get enough time Mrs Smith wherever she is right now shout out to Mrs Smith she Paulette somewhere might might be Mrs Smith said that he shouldn't have won because the role was just an over-the-top minstral show Mr Smith was white I remember going what and she was like yeah and do you see the way he he acted when he won he got up there and he did the whole thing that just shows you that that's not that's not acting that's not whatever and I remember I looked at Mr Smith and I went you're a racist and she she just her name actually Mrs Smith her name was actually Mrs Smith and she's like get out van and I she gave me the the slip and I was walking to the office and I never took it because I was too afraid because she kicked me out of the class and I stayed around the whole day and then she I found her later on she was like why did you call me that in front of the whole class I was like because it seemed like you were getting mad at him because he was dancing and because he was portraying a black athlete it just came across to me as racist she burs the walked away hated me for the rest of my these kinds of stories that really bring us closer to the films it's facts it's what happened that's always from remember this movie I call Mrs Smith a racist to her face I probably on YouTube well I mean I don't know now it's a very strange YouTube CP because he wins he goes up they cut to like Will Smith they cut to Halle Berry and they cut to like that they cut to like the three black actors or actresses standing up and he goes to Cuba and he's like they're going to play me off so I got to say this fast and within like 25 seconds they're playing the music and they eventually drown him out and shut out the mic and he's just screaming names and people in the movie but it's considered now to be one of the great Oscar speeches because the whole crowd's like standing telling them to keep going and it's really fun it's the highlight of his career until he played OJ Simpson in whatever that whatever that weird show American Horse CU has some rough years after this he did yeah yeah there's a what's age the worst section with that Oscars was 3 hours and 35 minutes so one of the six main Awards though is being given out maybe don't play off one of the actors he beat uh he beat our guy at Norton in Primo fair and he beat William H masine Fargo I accept I mean this is this is a competitive category I I would probably have gone for Norton because he's white Smith well the bigger the bigger travesty is Tom Cruz our guy did not win yeah because they gave the Oscar to Jeffrey Russian shine this is [ __ ] it's [ __ ] terrible this is [ __ ] it's it was bad when it happened it was upsetting when it happened I think people felt like he was going to win I I understand why he doesn't win I think people think Tom Cruz is weird that's it's understood everybody thinks he's not gonna win an Oscar I get it Jeffrey Rush is in 40 minutes of shine he doesn't appear in the movie until 70 minutes in the movie when's the last shine conversation you had I don't think I've ever actually seen shine if I texted you guys like shine rewatchables on Monday I'd be like fewer pods less money I think I think Billy Bob Billy Bob for Sling Blade was another one that this was as I remember it a pretty exciting best actor race question about that time other than Forest Gump were they giving it seems like the academy was in a little bit of a pretentious streak oh yeah it was old and pretentious this is when everyone's just getting mad at everything right so would you zel wager is not nominated would you have gone supporting or best for her supporting right so then she's going against juliia BOS English Patient one Joe Al in The Crucible Lauren Mcall and the Maris two faces Barbara Hershey portrait of a lady like look at that some lady in secret in L nomin but look at those nominees though look at the movies old our old fartsy movies yeah look at The English Patient and all those think about how seriously they're taking themselves you know what I mean yeah that's why a lot of the stuff written about the Oscars in the 90s was about that a lot of old white people [ __ ] are we doing uh best screenplay Fargo one with conen Brothers over Jared $50 million budget made $273 million guys's a movie star ninth highest movie 1996 Tom Cruz at the time his fifth straight $100 million movie A then record and I think it kept going Roger Ebert three Stars quote I began feel that rer director Cameron Crow had bitten off more than he really needed to chew the screenplay knows enough about sports agents to make that the subject of the whole film and enough about romance too but there are so many subplots that Jerry McGuire seems too full less might have been more [ __ ] off Raj I wonder what Raj is referring [ __ ] what's the subplot in Jerry Maguire that he's like this is too much Ray or Dorothy or the the divorc women stuff like the movie is insanely dense like it's very dense it all works works but it's really as you know I love saying movies are too long I'm not sure what I would cut in this one I just don't agree with him yeah I don't this is one like a movie that the first time I saw it I was like wow they nailed it that's that's wonderful well he said still the film is often a delight especially when Cruz and zo wigger together on screen blah blah blah I just don't think that it was a movie at the time for serious movie critics I think the movie in in lesser hands would have veered into melodrama and then schaly to some I think every single note works but I don't think they went I don't think they watched the movie and thought that they were supposed to find it as some piece of the problem is Raj loves story that's his thing this movie has a great story I don't I think the the review he writes is a three and a half star review but for some reason he gave it what's you like on TV is he more dismissive Cisco is more positive and you can see Cisco convincing him in real time eert very rarely said this on the show but he literally is like you've made a good point there Jean and I'll have to think about that and I think it's CU like the tide is moving on this movie um but I think he just missed something about it like something essential about it it's a very insightful movie that's part of what makes it work when when they skipped Tom at this particular point do you remember feeling like like to your point that there was just something about Tom that the academy like to your point I remember thinking he's got to win it's like his time I think there was a feeling that he was too shticky compared compared to like the other like quote unquote major actors that they would reward at the and movie stars in their Prime very rarely win best actor best actress um like new how many times Newman was up seven he didn't win until money right Seagal's never won yeah uhuh hey before we get to rewatchable scene I'm moving up the Canen you dig it a word for most memorable quote because this movie has 10 L show me the money help me help you you complete me you had me at hello I love black people cush slash cush slash Kush Kush uh I did not shoplift the py the human head weighs weighs eight pounds it's not show friends it's Show Business and what you do have is my word and it's stronger than stronger than oak 10 really memorable quotes I also really I often reference you were hanging on by a thread and I dig that about you you know what my favorite one is though what like when he's trying to play tough with Bob sugar and he goes oh I'm over it now I want all my clients and yours too that's so clean the way that came out to me I've always loved that well the big ones from this were the were the show me the money and you had me at hello which I guess you could put in what stage the worst you complete me as well yeah well just like how big those quotes were for you years show me the money was like a dominant pop culture your grandma said that yeah everyone knew until Wallace came and replaced it with with CTC yeah most rewatchable scene Jerry gets fired goes to work to save his Client List this includes Bob Sugar's lunch with Jerry at cronin's yeah would you give this to Tom Seymore action is the juice best toe-to-toe moment for a car sugar in wi this is happening uh we get B Bob versus Jerry on the phone going back and forth we get the it's not show friends it's show business we get the crying figure skater and we get the rod Tidwell call which is so [ __ ] funny show me the money you my [ __ ] Cruz just in his office watching all the light this is all one scene yeah it's gonna be hard to beat this yeah I mean I guess you could say the sugar lunch into this is two scenes and I love what Cruz does in the scene cuz at first he's begrudgingly on the phone with tiw but he gets more desperate the longer the call goes yeah because the other calls are going he has to keep this guy no no no no okay yeah I love black people and then he just [ __ ] loses it [ __ ] great it's so good I'm gonna separate Jerry leaving the office as a separate thing you just gonna flip out like it's this is Cruz I don't know Nate and cocktail he cruised it up more than this but other than that I can't think of another Cruise full Cruise Full Tilt cruise I mean this is it's like if the scene where he's drunk In A Few Good Men was 10 combin with him at TGA Fridays flipping bottles should we or should we not follow the advice the galactically stupid he does the Goldfish group uh all of a sudden Dorothy Boyd decides to come IB some thoughts on later and then they end up in an elevator with you completely in Sign Language next one is Jerry finds out Kush is dumping him for sugar where he answers the phone yeah the Kush lash song kills me um this is Crush uh I love your son I love your son and then we signed an hour ago you're in the lobby with the black fella um and then Rock Bottom Cruise we're here baby yeah we are taking a taxi back to the airport um out of those which ones are your favorite out of those three I think Cruz's this I think Cruz's acting in the cush scene is just brilliant just from the moment that he realizes it's Bob's sugar and he sniffs the anguish that is playing out on his face as he's summoning the veins in his face but trying to mute the way that it comes off he grabs the like he brings the legal pad over he's like maybe we should get something writing and then after that he when he says Bob sugar he can't even bring himself to say it he B sugar have you and then after that he's just decimated I think some of the best acting and I will go with that drunk sunglasses Tom Cruz visits Dorothy is the next rewatchable scene I I would actually put Tom Cruz getting drunk as as a rewatchable scene for me for him and him and Rod at the airport lounge and then on the plane leading up to him going you love all scenes where Tom Cruz has to either drink or pretend to get high or anything okay yes Rod is so funny on the plan like this jacket taken cuz I'm cloaked failure best when he visits Dorothy it's basically the Ben Stiller impersonation crw and you just see studied this for five months learning every mannerism we get lip Nicki talk in the photo Rod Tidwell we get the Bonnie Hunt advice we get Clarence Thomas Jokes which uh which brought brought us back to the 90s and then uh and uh he ends up getting called a cab good stuff establishes some some some connections there uh Jerry and Rod in the shower unbelievable both of them at their best I think in that scene fine fine kick thing fine just good scream acting in this movie help me help you do you he's swallowing siege that I will never tell you about you wouldn't put him in the uh Ruben a word would you Tom for any of this fully really yeah it's matter of choosing which one yeah oh I see I like it I do too in him J Jam wner I got Kelly pron like it it it it but I think it works because his unraveling is so significant that it feels like he's completely lost control yeah and when he when you first see him he's like super controll right he's telling you how much control he has over his life and then it's going I also just like I am an athlete not an Entertainer bit it's just I that that is such like a nostalgic thing because like that's not really a thing anymore right like nobody thinks that way but it was it was a thing back then I like uh you think we're fighting I think we're finally talking great quote uh Jerry picks up Dorothy for their first date which for some reason she's like come on over around eight hey the divorced women's group is gonna be here so just maybe I'm not sure why that happened um she's in the dress this is when we get the hug with the secret garden Cameo which or which I think get the kid Cy Pursuit happiness unless you want to go Free Falling I'm going Free Falling for best needle trap yeah Free Falling what would you do Springsteen or Free Falling I have so many nominees I have Secret Garden I had written freef Fallen but then I went with Secret Garden almost IMO immediately when I saw the scene because the scene is so moving there's like 15 songs that are great in this movie though she give it Bill uh take it easy don't cry at the beginning of a date is a great line than this whole scene is fantastic every piece of this is just really well written I talked about Bonnie Bonnie H Elite great I had her coming up in is she eligible for Deon waiters she's might be in too much for Dion yeah the wedding scene we get Rod singing Marvin Gay we get Jerry's face during the wedding video oh God Bonnie Hunt saying you [ __ ] this up I'll kill you and then Rod's like you know I'm talk to can you imagine like watching those wedding videos first of all the night of the wedding but also just like if you saw the groom's face being like oh [ __ ] like that it would just be yeah a chill would fall over the room it's tough It's looks like tibs in game four Indies it's like what did I do why did I put a in over so many minutes God I hope the Celtics lose we're definitely gonna lose three more Rod bitching about his QB when he getss in the fight with Jerry how's you mared Jerry and then Jerry gets mad and does the whole right now you're a paycheck player it's all about what you didn't get does the whole thing you know what that is not what inspires people and then he does the I'm all heart [ __ ] and then we're off that scene is awesome that's another one he just goes toe-to-toe with Cruz yeah um Rod's big catch the TD dance which I'm pretty sure would have gotten a penalty in 2024 what they say on the broadcast he probably going to get a flag but and the uh postgame press conference talk was a great moment so Crow had a really in some of the research Crow said that Tom Cruz only had one note on the script when Cuba Gooding does his Endzone dance after getting up from the near concussion on the playing field Tom said where is Jerry Maguire I just want to be invested in that moment so I can build on it toward the end of the movie and Cameron Crow's like great no Tom Cruz so that's why Cruz is running him that's how he ends up on the side he's calling Mar really smart yeah so he's in the scene versus it just being a tidal thing and then at the end Jerry comes back you complete me you add me at hello the divorce group's crying does this get the Rick Dalton award for the best [ __ ] acting I've ever seen oh I had best [ __ ] acting was Cruz in the in the shower oh there you go yeah okay what do you got for most rewatchable um I think honestly it's Bob and Jerry trying to keep their clients and just that whole scene in the office of him of them like negotiating with those guys I I think probably just because I've seen this movie so many times I'm not going to take you completely a rod getting back up off the field yeah it's gonna be something earlier I have the same what do you have van if I had to watch one scene over and over again which is the category it would be the scene that includes show me the money it's just funny as hell it never gets old yeah as played up and watered down as it got as Overexposed as the sane got and all of that it just never gets old and every time you watch it you notice like a different thing like when Bob Sugar's like he calls an athlete and he's just like you know like you got me like Bob sugar I'm completely CCR he's like talk to Rich Donald on the phone tell you more about Dorito what do you have I think help me help you is my favorite the shower scene yeah yeah I think that's the the most I like the lunch heading into them fighting for the clients so there's deleted scenes for this movie most of which are bad but there's a great four-minute Jore taking call basically one take same camera and he's on the phone with 10 different clients and that guy keeps coming back and giving the phones I don't know how they did it but they couldn't have kept in the movie because it was too long but really good so they kept like two of them J Moore what St the best Jerry Maguire has a movie character name yeah incredible name like it it's like van lean incredible name yeah I like it too you feel like we've gone away from naming movies after the main character of the movie like Aaron brackovich yeah should we get back to that I guess Iron Man damn Oppenheimer John Wick Barbie Wick Barbie but they they didn't call they dud who does stuff like Mrs Smith Michael yeah yeah well usually when they do it I always feel like they couldn't come up with a better title so they're like just what's the guy's name and they just make it that guy you don't think so no I think you might be right it's it's I always feel like it's lazy but in this case like Michael Clayton being called the fixer it's like 2% worse well if you called this movie show me the money it's worse right yeah you see show me the money with Tom Cruz yeah you see Quan with cber get Jor um Cuba's Oscar speech I mentioned earlier he's presented the Oscar from Mir sorino who was offered the Dorothy part but her agents wanted too much money and she ended up not taking it I always thought it was interesting she's probably like [ __ ] my agent when he when it looks like Dorothy's moving to San Diego and he's saying goodbye to Ray and Ray goes go ahead and go oh man go ahead and go yeah uh been a running joke in my family for 28 years every time I'm like yeah I'm gonna go back to Boston my wife be like go ahead and go running joke feel free to incorporate in your own lives bill that's sad as [ __ ] I know because it's a sad moment go ahead and go you're ditching us um the mom son speaking of that the I need to find you a dad moments that they sprinkle in like when they drop off at the airport and they see the guy and they just see the guy hugging and they're both like looking for a second I don't know work for me CAM wife no but Cameron Crow you know single mom this is like something he really understands Jerry has a sun Sonics 1993 Conference Finals t-shirt incredible during the scene when he proposes that I look for on eBay I couldn't find it Chris said to me today earlier that the sweatshirt he's wearing right now came from Ukraine he did not realize when he ordered it online that that's where it came from so I doing my part maybe that same seller has this this t-shirt you're talking look bill I have a bunch more what s the best but do you do you have any you wanted yeah you know what along the lines of uh the note you had about zelger in the background when she finds out that he's broken up with Avery I love that Jerry knows he's getting fired when Marcy says to Bob you've been calling the house yeah that whole scene where he's like Cruz himself is obviously somewhere else while Marcy's talking it's just like if you watch the movie like a couple times they're like oh he knows he's dead here yeah um I also think Loki the first six minutes of the movie are is a genius decision to start Jerry in the breakdown rather than like here's 15 minutes of Jerry Maguire's super agent and him being a prick it's like that's a voiceover for four or five minutes he's sick in the sixth minute and he's crazy for the rest of the movie and it's like such a great move because you never build up any resentment or or bad feelings towards Jerry he starts at right him being like I want to care about people I want to connect with people I wonder if it was always that way but it's a great the voiceover he did it when he was in London because he did it during when he was making Eyes Wide Shut is when recorded the voiceover so it's like is that something that came in late they did they make a change it's a great move it just makes you feel so connected to him so fast yeah as soon as we get to him he's just he's going through it but and they give you enough you know he's standing next to Drew blo they give you enough for you to know that this guy is a badass and when they're showing the kids in front he's showing the way he looks at people because these are some of them are young athletes and he's commodifying them like right away he's telling you not what they're doing or whatever is going on in their life but how much money he feels like they're gonna make and what he can make off them do you have any W stage the best yeah a few um the number one overall pick controlling his Destiny at the NFL draft after Eli Manning did it seven years later okay um the NFL being ruthless about player longevity oh yeah this movie is like really ahead of the curve yeah because he's like you should take the 1.6 million otherwise you're gonna you know you're GNA it's so funny I love sports back then and was even trying to write about it and I was so not a Ware of all that stuff yeah this is one of the first movies like oh yeah maybe he should take the money his career is not going to be that long yeah that moment when he when they get the offer and Cruz is like you could get hurt and he feels he's like Hade exactly way they set the movie up and then just Tom Tom Cruz as a manically consumed man with intimacy trouble I just feel like this is a this is but who can't be alone yeah yeah um age the best for me small white outs I thought about this as I was watching the movie you know they talk about that this is in the this is Herman Moos coming through everybody's got to be 6'6 and then your guys come your Welker Edelman Troy Brown Steve Smith all of these guys smaller white outs AG pretty good um 35 as the for me personally as the what am I doing age like for me when I I remember being in the office one time and I I was feeling so weird about turning 35 and I said uh you know 35 I'm still that's still that's young right he goes and this guy Gary I worked with he goes no it's not you need to figure out whatever you're gonna do it's just real like him getting to that point and trying to like as a big number and then I feel like the concussion protocol has really helped out a lot of athletes too because he was knocked unconscious on the field yeah and from what we know and they didn't even bring a neck brace out right like he was knocked unconscious that's aged pretty well the worst his wind knocked out of him he's fine dead or play next about the test to wake him up they're like rod rod like that's all they're doing to help him they're just clapping in his face I have the Quan family community money and respect which apparently Cameron Crow thought that was going to be the big lesson from the movie that should have took off show me the money but was good I still say it the divorce women's group is hilarious it's used perfectly and not too much it's like little scene breaks yeah yeah it's good the thing things you think and do not say as a memo title oh my god really good so good I like when she says to Rod Junior why don't you be the first man in your family not to say that word and then we'll let you live um I like all the family scenes with them watching the football game I think that could have gone badly when you talked earlier about how so many ways that character go badly I really think they nailed all that stuff the Roy Firestone jokes have both aged the best and the worst because this was part of that Roy Firestone show you're like oh can you get the person to cry then the movie Just dives into that what was the the Firestone show was called what up close up close and then was that replaced by Chris Myers not a great mov what was like the late afternoon early evening ESPN sleep was P it was like in that PTI thing oh P was that 5 o' was Bob Lee's show on that time no that was Sundays right and we had less to watch so it was like oh he's interview get some firing up fire the left tackle on the Lions great yeah this guy won the Boston Marathon let's watch it and then that's where rman broke down on the show right yeah bunch of people did and then the soundtrack bunch of good choices on this so Quicky words great shot Gordo what do you have cr Cruise in the airport on the People Mover kind of like had that as well scooting down I the sweating glass of water when he's getting fir it's a great great detail I like the wide shot of the office when Jerry and Dorothy are leaving and everybody's stopped like paralyzed and then it just goes back yeah I thought it was a good also the the kiss on the patio after their date and they're like back lit and commenc oh and he's like sucking on her neck my guy good [ __ ] sucking on neck that's the last non Spielberg movie he made for nine years is that true yeah Jesus um you know what I liked him running out for you know Tom's got to run every movie yeah but him running through the tunnel for me that was a fantastic shot his he's like exerting so much to get there for his guy it's so symbolic he's literally running through the darkness to get to ra tillo I don't think there's ever been an airport that dark but it's fine the uh Deni Benny hter where it's seen still in location either the airport or the NFL draft just the I I had the Cardinals Cowboys game Monday Night Football I thought that was like well they interpolated that well I like the kushman ranch too the kushman ranch ranch kid Cy freef Fallen Secret Garden uh just what's going on starting with Rod tedb s Marvin Gay I thought was good too but there's a couple good ones I I should leave she's so embarrassed by him Big Kahuna Burger W for best use of food and drink I I really love the Apple Jacks Jerry R and then the crabs when they breaking the crabs is good uh all right the Vincent Chase award for are we sure this character was actually good at his job Jerry McGuire of course so for sure didn't you have contracts with all your clients like you get fired but you don't still get to take the commissions from your clients what kind of I was gonna ask law were you how this works he's supposed to lock in for the rest of the deal that he negotiated sign are they I was about to say are they signed to him or to the thing because they're still making they still have money coming in they're get commission every year maybe they're signed to sports management International and he's just their agent by a he's done a poor job would make no sense whatsoever have further Evidence last season Rod Tidwell had 110 catches for 1550 yards in 1996 when this movie was released Isaac Bruce led the NFL with 1338 yards on 84 catches Jerry Rice led the league with 108 catches Rod Tidwell is the best receiver in the NFL there's no way they wouldn't have known who he was the whole when they when they spit those those stats South there's no [ __ ] way that he would be that underpaid and they wouldn't have known who he was although Arizona was really cheap back then I'm sure they were but he would have been a massive [ __ ] star 110 catches on the draft he's walking around he introduced Rod tiell to male [ __ ] Kyper because I was looking at the the over the capat for introduced this is RO tiell well I did the you did the salary cap stuff well so first season is the 95 season and then I think the 96 season's what we're watching so that 95 was the great receiver boom that was rice Bruce Herman Moore Irvin Andre Reed Robert Brooks he wasn't there anymore Perman Chris Carter Tim Brown Carl pickings all those dudes and uh in 90 when we get to the contract stuff Herman Moore in 95 got four years 13.8 Andre rise at 95 got five years 17.2 and Jerry Rice at 96 got five for 29 so Rod's like getting paid like the Jerry Rice number but he should but interestingly enough [ __ ] was broke Rob Moore [ __ ] changed man shout out to the shout out to the CBA yeah Rob Moore who was kind of the Cardinals version of R Tidwell and real life signed a four-year deal in 1995 for 11.2 million oh wow okay and I think that's how they got that number they worse robore never had 110 Catch season yeah no Rob Moore ended up on the Jets didn't he did how'd that go for you not great okay um but yeah they being spirited this goes back to our whole thing we always talk about CR we need to come in on these Sports movies they need to thr let us just chat about it we're just here to help yeah we're just advisor it's just about changing like a couple of things yeah just hey man maybe bump bump those rod numbers up 110 catches is a [ __ ] lot the other way is what they should have done he had 82 catches for 1,022 yards he's a a player on the ride that would have made more sense he he he says he calls him the best kept secret in the league he's he's putting up historic numbers there's no way I think this also carves into the butcher's girlfriend week L it would have been cool too also if it was like Rod has to play slot but he wants to play on the outside he wants to start get better for his body more Red Zone targets you know instead he's getting this is the weak link of the film in some ways too if you've just watched it too many times like wait why is it so hard for Rod to get a good contra track 110 catches in 1500 yards a lot of [ __ ] stats you think sson was weighing down the salary cap they're stiff of a QB terrible he looks like a [ __ ] senson it's so do you have a different week link or would you go with that no it's it's definitely like okay what's up with Rod's paycheck yeah what's age the worst the movie's attitude toward concussions which was symbolic of what the 90s were like this is the era where Eric lindr Scott would get knocked out of hockey games and people would be like get back in the [ __ ] Ice Dude take some [ __ ] Anil it sounds like Philly to me yeah oh my God what's age the worst getting involved with somebody who works for you yeah it's not great yeah 2024 not as cool uh water bed deals don't have them when was the last time you saw a water bed still see car dealerships I think 90s Arizona they were still trying to get rid of some stock yeah okay cubba Goodings last 10 to 15 years not awesome what do you have for I have some more but what do you have I just you know we've probably gotten to a point where people's attention spans are such that you can't really put a mission statement in an email anymore you know maybe maybe save it for the Pod it's like getting a 25 page email you just be like did the uni bomber just like log on like what the I miss getting like a nice packet you know I like a nice like I went to I got my packet why do that sound in a way I don't know it doesn't you might I miss getting the packet of cocaine it just sounds it sounds interpreted however you want what do you have for what s um so Avery's domestic violence on Jerry McGuire oh she beat him down okay we're not taking that we're not taking her punching him kicking him who's we yeah uh just the whole world he had like a three-inch cut on his eye UFC fight she beat the [ __ ] out of him domestic violence we're not taking that anymore and the idea of not having sex with single mothers we've moved past this yeah uh Instagram has showed us that there are a lot of single mothers out there that need it okay and we're going to give it to him DTF you're doing a lot of we just I'm just saying I'm just I'm just saying there's a lot of single not shop single mothers have agency and they if they have a babysitter it's not about shoplifting the it's not about shoplifting you've broken your record for switching to Higher Learning van on this pod you've switched we're not even done yet we have that was that was rewatchables van like we were talking about I think well you could switchers maybe worse um Ju Just the stuff about the the stats and this that and playing the last year of your contract and it being like I could get hurt and this would be the end of my career which I know happened a lot but you know between Dr James Andrews and you know I had one more actually which was that there did used to be a lot of sports agents who had multiport athl who had athletes in a lot of sports and that that has changed a lot that like now it's like you're mostly focused on sport if you're an agent I have a couple more lip Nikki's baseball throw at the end is an absolute Abomination I saw that it's just so bad's [ __ ] CGI and and he throws that [ __ ] like all the way to the Outfield it's so bad and Cruz is like whoa got a sign this guy it's like this kid is not Co kind of looks like Tom Cruz throwing a baseball though you know like maybe that's why he was impressed because he thinks that's how you're supposed to throw it's also like it's funny that the other Leaguers are like great throw be like dude throw me the [ __ ] ball don't throw it over my head um and speaking of throwing Frank kushman I didn't love his terrible no no I wonder about like didn't seem like a football player so I worked on a movie one time and the supervisor producer on the movie was a lady I won't say her name because she's still worse out here but she could really throw a football was it Mrs Smith no it wasn't she could really throw a football like she could really we throwing the football in Bat Rouge she could really throw the football and I remember asked her I was like yo like why and she said I worked on Varsity Blues oh yeah and there was a guy on Varsity Blues that was on the movie teaching everybody how to throw and then between whatever between takes he would teach everybody and we all learn how to throw she would Pat the ball and throw it perfect spiral I wonder how when they're may not be good for Kush might not have been enough of him in the movie but when I saw that I'm like that motherfucker's not going first in the draft he look any he does look at all I'm like they can't the ball two days like and I shout out to Jerry I box with Jerry but like it it it I just want to say shout out to I want just you're being corrupted by this talent I hate to see what's Hollywood done to you no shots fired my friend Jerry on jerio com before all we're live on YouTube that's my guy that's my guy he needed some asses but but um he just doesn't look like he could throw the ball it was really really bad it's also a little confusing because he's in Odessa being scouted by guys who are all wearing like college t-shirts but it's in the NFL draft again they needed the Consulting agency uh a couple more the bachelor party video is just weird this seems like the worst bachelor party ever sucked yeah it's like hey here's a video of [ __ ] PRI you we're not gonna have strippers and everybody's just just [ __ ] on you in front of your new girl great times the crew is overacting when he enters the party is ilite though he's like oh um more what's age the worst two kids in the airport thinking Rod Tidwell is Hoodie that's a joke that doesn't work anymore yeah yeah um it would be weirder if they were like you're the slot receiver for the Cardinals phone lines being busy his age the worst doesn't happen anymore a personal thing for me Kelly Preston is so good in this movie that it led to her getting the lead in for Love of the Game and [ __ ] ruining that movie we'll never forgive her tough she is excellent in this movie she's excent really she bothered the [ __ ] out of me when I watched this that's the whole point because you thought you thought she wasn't good B what w girl first bot Hall F but from B [ __ ] Ruth but let me tell you but let me tell you the movies that she's from B not froming Ruth it's not from this one I'll give you Kelly Preston's two Hall of Fame white girl performances two how about seven okay twins obviously twins have you ever seen a movie called The Experts oh yeah was John Travolta yeah and Ari gross Ari Ari gross got ax of him too shut up I love Ari gross that's the she's hottest in those twins she's super hot secret admirer is the one yeah she she destroyed everyone else in the 80s to the point that the stats look fake it's like looking at Barry Bond's baseball reference you know like Barry Bonds had 840 on base honestly one of your strangest takes like I got I gotta say that my cohort didn't twice about Preston yeah what cohort I stand with Bill on this okay this like the people who are just like it's it's Sharon Stone's world and we just live in it Sharon Stone was older though Kelly Preston was like in little too old to be in high school movies ripping all the way through and it's just like why isn't she in the I do feel like if we're talking about a just white girl connoisseur situation here I do feel like there is a level above her though that came out around that same time Stone would be in it Lynch would be in it Jennifer Connelly Connelly get the [ __ ] out of here in there okay and by the way this conversation I your first team all black Ladi situation okay I'm not GNA why why see what I'm saying see why though there's nothing wrong with it there's nothing wrong with it come on Bill it's a long with I I know it's see that's that's the thing sometimes I feel like who loves Boomerang more than me two of my first but see we've talked about it me and Bill have had long conversations about Whitney Houston like we've discussed it so you know one day just get given in Boomerang I feel like if we had just sent her to Russia she could have ended the Cold War like 10 minutes get GB down this W took down the heavyweight champion um Jesus Christ what's AG the worst tidwell's brother which I we all agree is a really good character and I like the resentful stuff but does he like Rod is he on Rod's team like what's going on je he jealous of he's got his own room oh that happens though come on it's flooded the ants that happens where is the flood happening in Arizona yeah seriously it never rains there uh I have the lack of pull suitcases just everyone's carrying everybody's got their garment bags that's right three years later just pull stuff there's an alternate ending in this movie on YouTube that's awful I encourage people not to watch is it Li Nikki gets drafted by the Royals it's their they he's like [ __ ] saberhagen they take J lip to the uh to the zoo oh okay and he's just on a bench and he's just like longing like I'm gonna save this for We Bought a Zoo yeah I think I that's what happened but he's just looking longingly at zel wigger it's bad and then uh Hey the human head it weighs 11 pounds tough beat come on jayb T tough beat all right Ruffalo Hannah ribbeck Partridge overacting word to me it's like clearly Kelly Preston yeah even though I think she's good in this movie She's Out of Control in this movie it's a type though don't ever stop [ __ ] me it's [ __ ] crazy but this super intense type a stri predator I won't let myself feel and then there's seven Cruise scenes I think the most overactive for Cru is Free Falling actually like hey Tom you're gonna sing freef fall in the car he's like all right I've got it yeah I'm going to sing Free Falling in the car I've listened to every single recording of Tom Petty singing Free Falling listen to Tom Petty for three weeks getting ready to sing Free Falling you know the the interesting thing is Tidwell does not come up for me although it feels like he's the one that's going going for it the most sometimes that's it's a weird feels super genuine with him though does the only person who's not on 11 in this movie though is Rene Zer everybody's in the movie is up a level she's on a level she's on a 11 of like Earnest cuteness maybe but not as yeah but she doesn't yell she was there a better title for this movie I'm gonna say no Jarry McGuire is a good title right yeah yeah I think I was thinking about this when you said that we don't do that anymore like one of the great things about the movie is people just saying his name you know like when Ro Maguire you know there's something it's a great name the CR thinks Luke Wilson could have been Harrison Ford how to take a word what do you got c um so if you read Cameron Crow put Jerry Maguire's mission statement up on his website the actual he wrote the whole thing it's 25 pages long if you read that you'd be like there's no way this guy's going to be my agent and he should definitely get fired from Sports Management International it's mostly just like man I'm up I'm writing this is crazy you know would be great is if we just had deeper human relationships and there's no Solutions in it so he just seems like a maniac yeah he just seems like he's having a manic episode so maybe don't put that online camera cup yeah no I mean I thought it was really interesting to read but like five pages in you're like tldr man so you would have Bob sugared him but this is this is related to mine which is just that Bob Sugar's right like Jerry McGuire does not work for the red Sean yeah like he's a sports agent yeah these are the the movie about Sean called Sean fantasy no about this a movie sharks like the whole point is that the nobody gets into sports agenting so that they can be a good person it's the opposite these people are [ __ ] evil man what are we talking about I will say though that I I agree fans like listen shout out to clutch I saw Rich today shut up no not at all um yeah anyway um uh but the only thing I agree but the kid one the Kid scene where his dad is gonna get his where his dad is gonna die is the only is the only counterbalance you can't get into the business if you don't want to do that but the Kid scene is the thing that kind of kind of kind of kind of buoys the whole deal is that in your experience is that something that agents do encourage their athletes to get back out there necessarily encour him like AG you know you had the same agent forever I don't like agents oh okay well I'll remember that when I get rich to do my deal next time my uh my hottest take is like a lukewarm take but I would just cut every Dicky Fox scene I don't think it works I don't need it I agree and the divorce women's group are like just two things where you're like no other movie does something like this yeah I'm fine I don't think he's that funny or good of an actor I just wouldn't have it but he's just such a Cameron Crow thing he comes back to it and the whole isn't there something in the original script the sorin script for Moneyball isn't there like a similar like it's I don't know if it's Bill James but it's there's like similar testimonials that are interspersed throughout the movie explaining certain ideas yeah dma from Good Times okay Pam Greer okay casting with FS wait a minute you my hottest take oh yeah oh no wait I forgot you didn't do it it's just it's not this these two hottest takes I'm gonna sit up aren't that hot okay but they're connected one is that Avery and Jerry and Dorothy had a threesome because remember Avery said if Dorothy get and that led to the divorce of Jerry Maguire and Dorothy boy they do not Oh you mean like in a sequel kind of situation yeah it's like Challengers type thing it's a challeng type of deal yeah so cuz Avery was still around she came to get her stuff from the house you know had a glass of Chardon yeah or something they saw him around town you know there was a thing she said that she would be willing to do it Jerry and then were looking to put the spark back in their relationship because we all tell you're kind of stepping all over Byron Mayo here you know what I'm saying what I'm saying is that happened and then they got divorced their their marriage lasted I wanted to talk about how long their relationship last it lasted seven years that later yeah there's a deleted scene where he calls Kelly Preston and tells him he signed Kush and she's like yes you're the [ __ ] man you're going to come home and I'm going to give you a [ __ ] tonight Chicago style what and she hangs up she hangs up and he's like Chicago style and I don't have no idea they should left that in the movie Chicago that should have been the name of the movie sty open your DMs for tonight there you go I can't tell you how many casting what ifs we have so we're gonna zip through them Cameron Crow originally wrote the screenplay for Hanks and Winona Ryder um Hanks eventually he took so long to write the screenplay Hanks ultimately passed to do that thing you do and then Cruz love say anything I want to do this with you so now it's Cruz went on the rider for a split second and they look like brother and sister and they're like we got to get rid of her and um he did at least have Tom Hanks do a reading and say the words this is Jerry McGuire but he leaves Woody Harrison before Cruz was off for the movie turned it down and has said in the last five years I said to Jim Brooks nobody's going to give a [ __ ] about an agent so he said no woody Haron is jar McGuire's interesting it's not as good of a movie I don't understand they went to Woody harlson before Tom Cruz I don't think they thought Tom Cruz was actually gonna do it okay so I think they were going other people and then Cruz was finally this is probably various points over the course of like the three and a half years um Gwyneth P came in and did a reading with Cruz and he said Crow said it was like watching a scene from Annie Hall I wish this stuff was on YouTube Love watch gwineth palro Tom Cruz uh Janine Garo said she went for Dorothy they wanted her to lose a bunch of weight and she did and then they said you're too old you can't have it [ __ ] Rene zwagger beat out for Dorothy Boyd it was down to two people sier knows Jennifer Lopez no she auditioned too but the final two this is really gonna pain you I actually don't know what who is it con Britain oh I did know [ __ ] yeah yeah cuz who was who was pushing her her for it someone was a bunch of people connected to the movie Connie Britain recalled after it was heartbreak oh isn't it because of the it's because Ed Burns thing yeah yeah because Ed burn they' thought about Ed Burns for this so she said they asked her do you have a theory why you didn't get it and she said maybe I was too tall she she actually there is a video the goddamn dick where she talks about her screen test and she's just like it was a disaster she she in her audition well I looked up the heights Connie Britain 58 Rene Rene zwier 54 beong what's Cruz listed 5 seven yeah short Jamie Fox audition for Tidwell and apparently was very good but cubid already crushed it but I think fox in this role would have could have worked yeah I think it would have been a little different but I think it could he gets his Willie Bean you know who we haven't really talked about just real quick Regina King yeah I was gonna say J Jack Jana Jackson auditioned accepted and then it fell through and Regina King comes in and this was a huge movie for her yeah huge huge she's awesome in this propelled her it was great it's a great character and she's really good she pretty much only done the Singleton movies in Friday till this point yeah that I had seen her well when and then that next year she does uh the Will Smith movie uh enemy estate yeah and then then it's like she is know big Hollywood yeah she's big big Hollywood we were like look we all love Regina King but it is Lisa Bonet like I can't blame him in that movie Lisa Bon yeah Lisa Bonet another first sure um the re enemy Amy Man recorded a song called wise up to be used for meguire and Crow Crow loved it decided to not fit and it went into Magnolia another Tom Cruz film yeah there's one word casting what if got Dian Lane for Avery yeah I didn't know I couldn't get corroboration on that but I you called you called your sources I couldn't tell how real that was but man what a face off yeah that's that was that touched me personally yeah as a Dian Lan I don't even know how I feel about that it would have been so much better rest in peace yeah it would have been so much better man did you say rest in peace yeah K Oh I thought you d l yeah she's so the Danny McBride award for playing yourself I will give you Roy Firestone Drew bledo Troy aan Al Michaels or Katarina wit Amman Aman ker I like Katarina wit she's in my first bow German hall Fame [ __ ] who else why don't you reg Tre lightly yeah for women uh yeah Aman's good too yeah I like seeing him he's and he say he deardorf GI for and El Michaels too there's a lot of play yourself in this the the the Aman thing is okay he gets introduced to him by Le so he's not gonna sign wither he's just saying I believe like everybody's like Jerry's doing things the right way right the Clint Howard award for the director loves this guy we don't really get to give this out this much but Cameron Crow's mom Jan winner and Eric stals all in this what is that part Crow loves stals it's a great little scene though yeah but put STS in every movie know he was just hanging out yeah like no he was an agent he owned the The Joint that they were oh he restaurant he's he's so good as the M singles oh yeah another one where they just squeeze him in yeah the van leaner word did this movie need more black people no I knew you were gonna say that no nope nah these These are white problems and so the Tidwell family is really good though well done super good like we the representation is there and also you know what's interesting about it is if I really wanted to be if you pull at the movie there's also like a cultural lesson in the movie as Jerry comes to understand Rod Tidwell and as a person more and his relationship more and his wife and why at the beginning of the movie some people would look at her and go wow well she's all up in Jerry's face and it's a caricature of the role and all of that but at the end you see that she's like fighting for her family survival and everything that they're up against like the movie gets that part of it right which is interesting from from from Cameron Crow it's interesting that it was so authentic to me that ran so true best that guy word Donald log is he that guy or I have Todd liso as well oh like he's also in High Fidelity basically oh yeah High Fidelity music I had Donald L too but yeah that guy yeah like Donald log like headlined a sitcom Terriers yeah he started like what's it called a family it was like what was the name of the S Club it was uh raising your kids or someone on Fox it was funny I can't remember it was funny yeah Dean waiters I'll give you Kelly Preston J Moore the Manny or Glenn Fry I gotta go J Moore I think he might be an a hair too much for Dion by the think he is he's really only in like three scenes he's out of the movie yeah like I think it's j Mo to good PR little sprinkle for Drake Bell like the whole movie kind of turns on Drake Bell and the the [ __ ] you that he delivers to Jerry at the beginning I would have never known it was him if not for yeah yeah recasting couch this movie is casted superbly I was thinking though in 1996 this could have been an amazing Jaylen Rose Cameo my gu like either in the beginning or at the end in the Roy Firestone he's on the nuggets at that point every he's famous just could have been a nice spot for my guy Tony Romo or Chris Collinsworth for the director's commentary what do you got SI it's the divorce women support group Jim he's stepping into the lion's den lot of broken hearts in that room Jim seven concussions for R I had six myself I was thinking Collins where talking about Swenson senson oh look at it he's just just thread the needle here out I think I was thinking of Collinsworth with Avery where he's like oh she does not want him to stop don't you love that Mike this girl she's gonna blow him Chicago style sorry Chris goworth half fter research this was the bestselling VHS tape of all time which was not released by Disney wow oh wow over three million copies sold during the first week of release fcal media just that it's PE late 90s still crushing uh lib niiki showed up one day on the set saying the human head weighs eight pounds and Crow thought it was hilarious and you're gonna say Li Nikki showed up one day on set on a bender it's very possible sh the hit that knocked Tidwell out took 29 takes in three different stuntmen before they were happy with it Regina King was really pregnant during the filming and then um this interesting quote from Crow um talked he talked about how does Jared McGuire find a conscience and after him and Jim Brooks laid it all out and they started telling other sports agents about it and he says quote some of the sports agents that I pitched that idea to looked at me like are you crazy we would never say anything like that and he goes That's when I knew we're on the right track from the reaction of the sports agents the theme of the movie he's like I've got it and then apparently there were two mockumentaries in 2017 about this movie about kushman and Rod Tidwell and like what happened to them after yeah I can give you info or we can keep moving I want to one of them's about kushman retired after four years due to a severe case of athletes foot oh Jes and then Tidwell declined an even more lucrative contract declared the Quan was not there um um and in the Tidwell thing van adult Ray Boyd played by lip Nikki um inspired by Jeran Rod to start his own boxing gym that's what I'm talking about this is a mockumentary this is on YouTube apparently and then the Dallas Arizona game Christmas Day 1995 m in football Dallas 37 Arizona 13 two picks for Dave Craig a fun guy to bet against in the 90s made a few made a few Wagers against that guy he was no SW aan through for 350 uh Apex Mountain so this movie You could argue has more apexes of the stars in it than just about any movie we've done Cuba Gooding for sure Renee zwier this or Bridget Jones yeah Cameron Crow this Almost Famous it's probably this though I think it's this I think it's this this is his biggest hit Jer o you you guys really don't feel like not to be argumentative which I always am you guys really don't feel like Cameron Crow's Apex is almost fous okay it wasn't as big of a hit was big mov I think mire is bigger Maguire leads to Almost Famous it seemed it seemed like Almost Famous was just more critically critically darling and everybody talked about it this movie did better and was a bigger deal I also yeah I also would dare say allus famous has a little bit of like a kind of like ringer bubble like it's the best movie ever but I don't know if it's always like I I'm just saying no no no no I'm with it I'm with it but like I was beating myself no I was beating myself up watching a movie literally going people still walk around show me the money I like this movie better than Almost Famous this movie is better than Almost Famous to me but I thought that people would be a little gunshot about saying it have we landed on Cruz well I'm gonna get to them at the end Bonnie Hunt yes gford Michaels and deardorf as a threesome I think this was Apex Mountain because they kind of all suck together gford was kind of out of it this is when I was I started to write my sports guy column and gford was just great for material it's funny the beginning of the the the game where he's like leading the play byplay I'm like Michaels is right next to you what are you doing that's what they would do and then they would bring in gford was kind of the Elder Statesman who had set the game like T man now so many years so many memories weird that they did that yeah have you done Rene ziler yet is we said yes okay lip Nikki yes J Moore I think maybe yes yeah in a movie for sure probably Roy Firestone no question Regina King no Roy Firestone instead of the IES these what is it for Cruz where did we land on this did we say A Few Good Men I mean this is kind of the culmination of the 90s because it's like you said the fifth consecutive hundred it's probably this because it's Mission Impossible and Jerry McGuire I think some an act of such pure movie stardom to be able to be like I'm carrying this movie the title is the character I play it's not like a lawyer or an action movie I'm not flying planes I'm [ __ ] talking and running and emoting for two hour like this is a Real Testament to this guy's wattage you know what the problem with it being his Apex Mound is to me is when you say Tom Cruz for me Apex mly when you say Tom Cruz I don't think that most people think right away Jerry McGuire like when you say Tom Cruz I don't think people think that I think they think Maverick they think other they think Maverick probably first yeah so with so to me this might be the best I've ever the best Tom Cruz from the most I've ever connected to Tom Cruz I don't know I just I have but what if you combine it with Mission Impossible five months earlier action because honestly careerwise this is apex apex there's also two like absolute Masterpiece movies still to this day see our mission statements Apex Mountain unibomber fair well unibomber is right around this time this is what uh you just said that so contemplatively like you really considered it and then you decided now is the time to share so Apex Mountain for manifestos is the uniom okay you would called the uni bombers I think I think that that had more legs than Jerry Maguire's being like we should charge less for [ __ ] commissions I can't argue with that Sports agents how about what is the Apex Mountain for sports agents that is a good question probably David faul and Michael Jordan I was gonna say the most powerful person in the NBA Boris but yeah oh Boris is a good Boris is up there how about Cruz laughing in bed during a sex scene over actually having sex this is a Tom Cruz move because they were like nobody people get Weir nobody wants to see the Chicago style here yeah yeah how about bass fishing accidents sure oh lost brother lost leg Yeah the Cowboys no Hating Ass brothers h probably not this is the Apex bout for Arizona Cardinals though it actually no they had no [ __ ] shot though come on they came down the last almost won they should have won Jesus uh spring sad Springsteen song movie drops we could either go with this or Philadelphia Philadelphia all right it's time it's the [ __ ] Super Bowl I'm glad you're still here Cruiser Hanks I mean it's not clo it's not close it has to be Cruz yeah it's not close Han's first choice I actually don't think it's a great role for Tom Hanks it's not he's not slimy I I don't think he's a great I don't think he's great and I don't think he's quite goodlook enough you could make the argument that this now ends the the debate if Cruz takes the role that was written for Hanks and is just like this this is now only because Hanks turned it down I would say sloppy seconds Tom Cruz it is an interesting movie with Tom Hanks I'd like to see Tom Hanks tried this but he already did something like this like bonfire of the vanities is a little bit of the same energy and he was a bad he was too old I think he's too old at this point yeah he might be racehorse rock band wrestler fantasy team name did you go the Quan that's what I wrote tidwells It's good all right I'm gonna do this again pick a nits the big game do it Monday Night Football van hasn't heard this we did this the first time we talked about it it's been a passion of mine for a long time Monday night football game starts at 9:07 Eastern Time 1995 or 1996 that is 707 Phoenix time I looked up the time of Monday Night Football games back then it's about 3:20 game ends 10:30 range Phoenix time shower press conference Tidwell hug 40 minutes at least yeah I'm gonna say 40 I'm gonna say it's 11:15 Phoenix time Jerry leaves rod with his phone Sprints out he's got to get out football traffic are they in Glendale for this no they're not in Glendale it's in I think sundevil Stadium okay so they probably I'm gonna say traffic out of the game airport 11:45 12 range Arizona time best case scenario best case scenario flight is 12:30 to 12:45 a.m. like let's say 12:30 we'll give the benefit doubt no TSA he's just like running on the runs on 12:30 now I looked up Southwest Phoenix to LA the latest flight is 9:40 p.m. so there's a nitpick right there no flights go from Arizona after midnight to La whatever uh 90minut flight time zone shift best case in there it's 1:00 a pacific time when he lands in La gets off the plane she lives in Santa Monica cab 25 minut R she lives in Manhattan Beach manhatt beach so plane cab 25 minute ride let's best case scenario that that's 30 minutes shows up and the divorce wom group is still going 3:00 a.m. it's it's 1:30 a.m. in our best case scenario in La every single thing has to Happ if it's 1:30 I could see them still being there on a Monday they would be [ __ ] Hammer true there's no way anybody's hanging out on a Monday night unless they are three sheets yeah they're like we gota we gotta wrap this up Sally just [ __ ] all over herself and Heather just threw up yeah there's no no 130 am in the morning or they're like two bags deep into like a Coke bch doing coke at the no I'm just saying like there's no other way these guys are just like let's talk about our feelings more at 1:30 a.m. tremendous nitpick but you guys seem really mad about it well it's not as bad as this one oh no here we go why would Denver want to trade up for Frank kushman in 1996 when they John [ __ ] la come on why use Denver why use Denver again we're right here sports movie Consulting San Diego makes perfect sense San Diego is great San Diego had Stan humph [ __ ] mess [ __ ] it off in the Super Bowl yeah was it just because they had the either all swim or surf line and they wanted to hold and then it have me and Chris um it's always really bothered me Dorothy has a young kid and needs health benefits I just don't feel like she's quitting I agree feel like she's walking out this guy's inspired me I'm gone yeah especially after she's been widowed what do you have for nitpicks well first of all they never let Jerry back in the office after sugar fires him good point the idea that he gets a full day to make phone calls they're boxing his stuff up [ __ ] that you're like their badge doesn't work yeah they're they're escorting you home and this one just jumped out at me this time did you notice that in the middle of the night in Miami Maguire goes to the copy shop and it's slammed and it's people all [ __ ] F it's 2 a it's 2 I notic it's 2 a. he goes in there the guy's working and everybody's up in that [ __ ] pre pre internet yeah you know why so everybody's just making Z yeah no it's because of the incredible customer service from Jerry kantrell Manning the death Jerry you yeah the only other thing was just like I don't feel like that hockey player's kid would be a [ __ ] neurologist he's just like don't let my dad play it's like come on yeah I don't feel like my son would do this now 16 and a half wow yeah so number number one would they have even fired Jerry over the memo would he even been fired yeah you think so yeah because it's Sean said they're all sharks I think also it's like if you look at the memo and you think about it it's more that he's having a breakdown yeah more than like what he's suggesting but if but if Jerry is Drew rosenhouse Lee Steinberg if he's that type of powerful agent that we're that we're led to believe that he is you just cut bait with him but Bob Sugar's taking his corner I think that's the bigger the game itself yeah for that for that for the shouldn't that have been like a playoff game or shouldn't that have been like a like in the Super Bowl well they're chying to Cardinals trying to make the playoffs kind of was a playoff game because they've been so bad for 20 years they say also that they had to win that game and next week's game to get into the playoffs only things I thought about really I don't have any nits 11 love have a couple more a couple that you hit on earlier no contract signed contract from kushman going into the draft is insane yeah like in I know they need it for the storyline um and then Tidwell stats so first class is what's wrong buddy it used to be a better meal it's a better life just not true come on a line that sounds great but I just disagree with it what do you disagree with it is a better life I think at all points it was a better life like go watch a Madman episode when they're in first class just [ __ ] pounding drinks and I think the difference is that coach was also pretty nice back then right yeah maybe um the famous line you complete me in in the elevator is actually incorrect in Sign Language apparently the boyfriend said you make Me Feel Complete and some sign language people were up in arms on sign language Reddit um and then uh you're a mod on there what's it been like a lot of CR heads there I thought Rod may have invented the lambo leap so I did some research and apparently not okay uh December 1993 Randy Jordan at Lambo created it yeah so there you go um sequel prequel Prestige TV all black cast or Untouchable Crow said in February 2021 he had been approached to making a sequel and felt like any continuation had to focus on Ron Tidwell and his life with Marcy but at that point that's 25 years later I thought I've said this a million times I thought he missed a window of spinning off the tidwells into a show late 90s HBO show I think it would have crushed it's a great idea um should be a sequel I got a prequel idea what's the prequel I want to learn more about Jerry and his family right his dad and all that stuff like that the show is called Barry Maguire Fox that's the show Barry Maguire okay and it's it's like a this is us it's like a This Is Us style family drama that's gonna end with the death of Jerry's father very Maguire very Maguire I like it it's the show my wife would watch four episodes of that I think a prequel Jerry Maguire super agent movie would be awesome my sequel is around that it's called the agency and it's his new new company it's his new company and he's let his ambition get the worst of him but his his new mentee is Ry and he's been working with Ry and they're rising and rising and they're in a final battle with their long-term Nemesis Bob sugar to secure the services of one show he Otani for the biggest contract inth American Sports and then it turns out Ry has been stealing from Shi yeah got like $30 million and Sh is like I need to have a catch with Ray to see how genuine you are um is this movie better the Wayne Jenkins Danny tro Sam Jackson JT Walsh Byron Mayo harling Mays evil laughing Ramone Raymond or Philip Baker Hall I was thinking that Sam Jackson should play Bob sugar it's real you should say something [ __ ] [Music] and also just Bob sugar Sam Jackson doing all those phone calls would be unbelievable that would be great yeah harling May harling Mayo uh Byron Mayo would you throw him in there well byon Mayo would the divorce women's grouping ladies with all the trauma what if he was the Manny just want to ask her who gets it will Cuba good and got it if you only had to hand out one would you do that that way again no Cruz I would give it to Cruz but also it's interesting because now zel wager Regina King everybody's got one you know they've all got one now and he doesn't have one nuts probably an answerable questions I was on a bunch of texts with Sally yesterday what was the line on Cowboys Cardinals Cardinals are rolling at that point right but the Cowboys had won the championship I think the year before yeah this bar Barry Switzer era I guess 3.5 Cowboys by three and a half and souid minus four so I think we're somewhere in that neighborhood not sure which one we'll never know fewer clients less money is that really the answer Sean I don't think you are allowed to say the phrase less money in an agency yeah what was Avery's job she like worked I think in marketing for the NFL she was handing out [ __ ] though yeah she was literally putting [ __ ] on the table like to me to me it didn't seem like she was that big of a deal seemed like PR I thought but it's also like the 90s so it's not like maybe it's still like a little bit of a small business feel to it can I ask a question yeah did did Rod Tidwell learn about his new contract from the TV host yes yes what is that does that it was to create a moment but that's like but that would never ever happen yeah well Jerry set it up when before before when you look at the movie Jerry planned for to make him cry him cry he says I'm not going to cry and then Roy Firestone says whatever and then you see Jerry start to smile because he knows he's about to tell him about the contract and he's gonna cry okay he's crying because it wasn't enough money it should have been like 18.2 million what do you have for best double feature Choice Money Ball I wrote the apartment because that's the movie that inspired this movie Collateral oh oh yeah evil Tom black friend black friend yeah collateral yeah yo homies on my briefcase I asked uh I deferred my choice to my wife because she loves Jerry McGuire and I was like double feature choice and she said for Mother's Day yeah that's how I roll she said Bridget Jones's Diary or Love Actually would be Jesus Christ so she thinks more romcom the sports movie The andian read zat award for what happened the next day so we got multiple components of this uh how long were Jerry and Dorothy actually married and did they have kids seven years one kid I wrote Dorothy and Jerry get pregnant is my answer so I think they have at least one kid seven years but then divorced divorc yeah it's a tough beat it is look don't feel bad for her she's still like 34 she can find another one she go husband three but Jer Jerry gets Ray in the divorce I I think yeah I think they stay close but it's never the same Ray changes his last name he gets adopted mire M mire do you think that Dorothy had equity in the new company I would hope so I would hope so as well just left her job how many points there's nothing in paper you know like they Jerry McGuire was a handshake business Oak yeah and then Tidwell how did that play out well I was gonna ask like sorry to go back to answerable questions but like what's Jeremy's Commission on Tidwell like Jerry's not in the clear the idea not that much money the idea is that Jerry's also going to sign other clients when they see [ __ ] crying in Jerry's arm it's 5% of 11.2 million but that's paid over the course of four years and he was flying to every game it's like 500k total it's like 100 something a year I mean they it's money that they could really use but it's not yeah it's more about it's the stepping stone to him rebuilding his agency and what's good for Rod is what is good for Jerry as so does Rod play out that entire contract yeah or do he get concussed in the second year well that's the thing I think there's a world where it gets dark for R Tidwell ra becomes a celebrity so I'm assuming that ra gets more endorsements ra reality show reality show the tidwells does happen the the whole thing and then Jerry and Rod are together forever yeah when Glenn Fry gets fired as GM and the next guy's like this isn't my problem like we're shipping you Detroit Rod has a podcast now where he's like Patrick Mahomes is [ __ ] terrible just like hot takes going social also Rod Tidwell was a classic Rod Tidwell was a problem guy you know like people didn't know right what piece of memorability would you want from this movie uh I chose the opars Miles Davis John colr tape very funny scene of just like that soundtracking the sex scene the door opening and him standing there like this while the Mingus is going what do you have uh tidwell's Arizona State jersey I would have said the Tidwell Jersey or in the office before Jerry got fired there's an amazing Sean Kemp oh stand up cutout that I stare at every time I've never seen it on eBay it's fantastic what do you have man I want the VHS of Jerry's bachelor party speed down situation okay yeah coach finstock War best life lesson it's not show friends it's Show Business it so you guys after a two-hour podcast have arrived at Bob sugar was right that's not the takeaway from the movie about how to live in the world but it's the takeaway from Euro Sports AG yeah like what what is what else is Bob sugar supposed to do so we all think Cruz won the movie yes yeah nobody wants to make a cub Gooding case no or Crow case Cameron Crow gets to make almost basically an autobiography for a movie because of this movie is vanilla scy before or after it's still Cruz though uh it's like five years after yeah one of the reasons I think it's Cruz we' talked about this on the Pod a lot but um I just like when sometimes actors need to take roles like this just like like play the hits man just play a character that's close to you and and be be a huge star yeah you know no it's after after um that advice does not go to Will Smith and Martin Lawrence for Bad Boys 4 where maybe I draw the line you'll be there I no I won't yes you will I won't I'm upset it's happening and I'm I'm also upset about Axel F I'll tell you that oh yeah oh yeah that one is going to be all time B yeah sometimes it's all like W so good though was terrible awful top three was an Abomination Craig Jerry McGuire what' you think I've seen Jerry mcguar many times but not in a while it's just one of those movies where when it ends I'm like this is the best movie ever made you're just like so on because it hit it it's so rare that it hits with the it hits like a sports movie when when Rod gets up in the end zone or when the hug in the locker room you're like ready to run through a wall and then it ends with the like romantic heartstring r thing so it's just so impressive that it's like a sports movie in a I was ready to like propose again and then also go to the gym that would have been a great poster quote Yeah Yeah but um yeah I don't know Crow is so good at all the little stuff like all the little human elements I love Cruz in the car or Jerry in the car trying to he's so pumped up he wants to sing but he can't find the song he keeps trying to get into the song He's like ah this one doesn't really hit and then he finds freef falling like little stuff like that is so great but that's why that's why I think the movie really works because it's aware of itself yeah it it's aware that in every other movie he gets in and the perfect song is playing but the the movie is saying hey this is melodrama but this is actually kind of real life so that doesn't happen in real life and then I'll finish with just like this is what the show Ballers should have been this is what I wanted out of Ballers what the show the Ballers about sports agents like I wish they went way more like human beings relationships and less like were roided out like party Vibes like they leaned way too far into like the Entourage party element of it and I wanted more actual business Sports agents relationships all that stuff that's why Tidwell is such an important character in the sports movie kind of Legacy because it it goes wrong almost all the time Ballers is a good example Ballers suck Ballers is terrible it's bad and most of the time these things go badly you like me I never I never seen I've only watched one episode of it it wasn't for me I didn't watch yeah didn't you like recap Ballers for like three seasons no on the you didn't do that uhuh it was in the fewer pods left definitely did not um all right fellas this was fun thanks for doing a live podcast here in The Ringer movies thanks for everybody for watching YouTube channel produced by Craig corck as always subscribe had a great time thank you thanks Bill for

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