Annie Agar Interview & NFL Roster Cut Reaction

for every guy out there that made an NFL roster especially you rookies congratulations that is incredible what a dream come true here's my advice you're tuned in to the Ros Tucker football podcast guiding your grid iron Journey none other than your host former NFL lineman [Music] Rosser yeah it is but it's not just any Ross Tucker football podcast it's a wisdom Wednesday presented of by DraftKings we will have one more episode this week with the civilian goat Greg coel hopefully I'll remember to find a spread the word winner via social media either Ross Tucker NFL Ross Tucker pod engage in any way and I'll send you the press pass signed of your choice the sponsor confirmation email winner take advantage of any of our sponsors in fact make sure you're listening because there's a couple of sponsors in particular you take advantage of their offers you're automatically entered to win a copy of Madden and then the YouTube shout out Ros Tucker NFL more more people listening or watching or whatever on YouTube just subscribe and then make a comment to automatically be entered for me to send you a video which I love doing shout out today to Shan Harrington he's the the latest Patron RT media welcome to the family Sean very excited about today's guest for a lot of reasons Annie AAR I think most of you know her we'll talk about her and talk with her momentarily what you need to know is that smaroff is the Perfect Vodka for crafting delicious cocktails that are easy to make and versatile for any and all fans over 21 it's the world's number one vodka and how about this official vodka partner of the NFL grab a bottle of smear off at your local retailer and head to smear to find recipes of delicious cocktails perfect for game day please drink responsibly smearing off number 21 vodka distilled from grain 40% alcohol the smaroff company New York New York please do not share with anyone under legal drinking age Big Show time the Big Show as promised happy to be joined Now by Annie AAR I think everybody listening or certainly those watching Ros talker NFL is familiar with her work primarily I guess on social media all those videos that go viral it's crazy looking at her Twitter account Annie AAR AG R every tweet has like crazy engagement I'm so jealous it's amazing she also is an NFL correspondent for Stadium Network and the host of the new wry podcast the offensive line any so that's pretty cool and let's start with the name of the show because obviously that's the position I played it's like I guess it's how you say the word right like it's not the offensive line it's the offensive line am I doing that right absolutely that was the fun little uh obvious plan words there um because then it's also a very sports betting focused po as well so you've got a line obviously you know a line in sports betting so we did a little play on words there like the most egregious line that gets set in Vegas so it's a yeah it's a triple meaning um I obviously say one or two things that could be taken as being offensive I at least that's what people say I don't know I personally don't know but it's h yeah it's a fun little plan words and we thought it was the perfect tribute to you guys as you know the old line guys out there and uh and we had some fun with uh with the other versions of it too so I'm very happy we Workshop name a lot came up with the offensive line and yeah it's all about how you say it that's exactly it I didn't know that there was a betting component to it so that's pretty cool that that makes aerate R oh are you absolutely oh that makes even more sense all right so I don't know how many podcasts you listen to or not but if you are in betting highly recommend my even money betting podcast uh I've been told it's like the number one NFL betting p i get guess you're coming for me but um it's only 25 minutes with Steve feic 25 to 30 and uh we just we go pretty quick he's a pro better in Vegas okay we we recap how we did the week before then we go pretty quick through uh through each of our bets each week it's pretty cool been around been around for a while as have you by the way on social media I think probably like most people I just know you from social media and the videos so this is awesome have you on to just kind of get the background like where are you from uh who are your squads and how did you start doing this yeah yeah I am originally from Michigan which shocks a lot of people because I am a DieHard Packers Fan um we can get into that how that all happened um but I was in my I moved home during covid um in my childhood bedroom I did a video on Tik Tok it was like the first time everybody was getting on Tik Tok did a video on Tik Tok and overnight and it was about the 10 um in the same kind of format that I do it now is kind of playing out the characters of The Big 10 and overnight it had three million views and I thought this is something people want right now it's this kind of comedic time comedic relief I guess in a time where there was none um so I just started doing more and more of those videos and it led to this whole series now where I do these weekly recap uh of the NFL um meetings I guess I do it in like a meeting setting now not a zoom meeting anymore and uh and yeah and it's just a fun way I think to recap what happen happened on Sundays and roast the teams and players um in the process and I've now kind of streamlined that into this podcast where it's elaborating on these jokes that I make in the video but now we can actually have a conversation it's a little bit more um informal and I'm chatting with you know my my followers and fans and stuff like that so it's been a whirlwind but it happened yep in my childhood bedroom in Michigan and now I live in the beautiful city of Chicago where Bears fans hate me even more lovely all right so wait what were you doing before you moved in with your parents for covid like you were doing nothing related to videos or football or anything I was well I was I was working in local news um which that is a journey let me tell you uh 20 like 20 hour days working in local news and everybody that's done that and a lot of people in our industry worked up that way because if you want to be a sports sideline reporter or a sports broadcaster you had to work in local news and man it is a very thankless job and I credit my bosses a ton because it taught me so much about this industry but I was working I mean you'd go out you'd film High School football games like I'd cover three High School football games a Friday night rush back to get my highlights on air by 10 o'clock um and you'd you edited you produced you wrote the scripts you put packages together I mean everything it was a oneman show um which which made me appreciate this industry a ton so I was working in local news when covid hit obviously Sports shutdown so we didn't have anything to cover I did a couple news stories but learned very quickly that when you have a sports voice you should not be be doing news stories about like crashes and stuff and I'm like smiling while I'm talking about it was not great so um yeah so I learned very quickly um that wasn't the the path and then that's when I got on social media and kind of took to that and I think it it shows people now in the industry how great social media can be because now you don't have to go the normal route through local news you can really get yourself out there doing um your own kind of branded content on social media okay so then how let's go back to the part where you're a Packers fan and even though you grew up in Michigan and all of your family's Lions fans how did that happen um my brother and you guys have probably seen me post about my brother quite a bit uh he is the biggest lions fan you will ever meet biggest sports fan and that's saying a lot coming from me but he's brilliant like you can ask him who won the Super Bowl back in 19 whatever he'll tell you who the MVP was what the score was this kid is brilliant and growing up he drilled into me that I was going to be a lions and a Michigan State fan and I of course being the rebellious sister was like well we'll see we'll see about that and my best friend growing up who had six brothers lived across the street from me all from Wisconsin Die Hard Packers fans and I kid you not I went over there on a lot on the weekends to hang out with her she was my best friend growing up and I came home one week and I was young I was like eight or nine maybe and I looked my dad dead in the eyes and I said you know over at my friend's house they don't cry on Sundays because my brother cried every single Sunday and it ruined my weekend and my dad goes well that's because they're Packers fans and I was like well I kind of like that so so of course told my friend that and her brothers gave me immediately a cheese head Packer a brettar jersey like I was you know part of the family now so uh I spent weekends over there and loved my life and it just stuck and it it pissed my brother off so that was a win-win so that is how we are where we are that is amazing and that also makes me so happy for your brother with what happened for the Lions last year oh man I was on the sideline Annie uh for Westwood one for that first Lions home playoff game or whatever it was first win in 30 years yeah that was one of the definitely top 10 maybe top five coolest atmospheres experiences like those people there were actually a legitimate amount of people crying in the stands like tears of joy yeah that is it's got to be one of the most underrated maybe not underrated now but the fan base is incredible and this is coming from someone who was born in Detroit those people will give you the shirt off their back they're some of the nicest best people I've ever met in Detroit and man they I mean you could see in the crowd like you said the tears that like that was all real I as I've grown up with that they were did just expected every year to just be in misery and I mean I'm telling you that was the coolest experience seeing them happy for once it was wild awesome all right so I guess I'm curious watching your videos and all like the college one that I guess first went viral all the Wardrobe changes that that's the part that would really annoy me um that seemed like a pretty significant time commitment like how long it's so fun it's only like a two-minute video but I'm curious how long like a video like that actually takes you to do yeah it's um and people always say that too they're like oh do you I'm looking over at all of my jerseys next to me they say do you film you know all of like Ohio State's segments together and then you do migan state and I'm like no because they have to act like they're actually talking to each other so I do continuously change in between each character um usually a video takes me like three hours the NFL ones that are super long now I've got up to like four minutes I think they take like three or four hours to film and that's not editing that's just the filming process editing is a whole other story so um which I would never complain about it I love I absolutely love doing it and I hopefully have gotten into a rhythm now but it definitely is a lot of changing um yeah a lot of trying to figure out if I'm looking the right way with one character to talk to the other character and yeah it's a process oh yeah you got to make sure you're looking at the person that was talking to you before exactly and if I have a three-way conversation with a couple teams I'm like oh this is going to be weird I gotta figure out the direction here oh that's a great Point what What's um what's it been like being sort of a I don't know I don't know if there's a better way to say this but like a social media celebrity or a viral celebrity what what's that been like for you because I'm sure some people knew you in your local market when you were doing news or Sports I should say um but now it's like different you I mean literally I never met you before in my life I was walking pass the Super Bowl I saw you I said hey I really like your videos and you're like oh thank you so much like you're very but like that probably happens to you 50 times a day I you know what I absolutely love it and I and I think it's because I wanted to get to a place where I was able to bring people content at this higher level or you know reach out to as many fans as I can because those are my people like we're all football fans at the end of end of the day that's why we got into this industry and so to have a fan come up and say you know hey your videos got me through covid or I love watching your videos like that's a that at least for me when I get on Tik Tok or when I get on social media I have comfort people you know I have certain Tik tokers that come up and I think we all do that we're used to seeing and we're like oh this is my this is my comfort person I'm gonna watch their video and feel good and you know maybe laugh or something that's what I've always wanted to bring to people so having people in the industry or having fans come up and say hey I loved your videos that just means the world and I will never get sick of it people come up and they're like oh you probably get this like at Super Bowl you know fans kept coming up like so sorry to bother you I'm like oh my gosh you guys like I I understand how celebrities might get sick of it but I do not see myself at that level at all yet so please come up to me at any moment because it will make my day guaranteed I'll think about it for the rest of the day so I absolutely love it Annie I in the exact same not not the exact same but I have the same mindset as you when it comes to that I think I had my brother-in-law cracking up last weekend we were somewhere and I had a few uh I call them daddy sodas a few beers and somebody some woman came up to me and said I hate to bother you but I absolutely love you on TV with the Eagles or whatever I love it and I said uh oh I said you're not bothering me at all I said I love people that love me and my brother-in-law my brother-in-law just started die he loved that's a great I love people that love me but you want to feel appreciated and they make you feel appreciated love that that's a great th% all right so um I don't need to talk numbers but I think people would be curious to know how you go about monetizing your content I mean if you're putting three or four hours into these videos got be you got to be getting some return on that investment how does that work typically I don't know if I I don't know if I don't see ads on yours so how does that work yeah I'm very thankful to um stadium and um uh the the full-time so Stadium my full-time job so I'm really appreciative that they allow me to get paid that way so that we don't have to throw ads onto the videos and we've talked about possible sponsorships for the videos but I want them to be as organic as possible and sometimes when you get a brand involved and we do a lot of brand deals too so that's a lot of the um a lot of my monetization comes from that as well um but you when you involve Brands sometimes they'll they won't want you to in to include this joke or they want you to keep a little bit cleaner and I just want people to know that the jokes are very like I don't hold back and I I think that's what makes the videos funny is that it walks the fine line of oh my gosh did she really just say that about this guy um and you know obviously I'm respectful to the players and stuff but I don't want any limitations on the videos to make them you know maybe not as funny and that's why we kind of stayed away from maybe a little bit bigger networks for the time being um because you know then they have more control over the videos so yeah so I've been really lucky that everything worked out a very blessed maybe not lucky but very blessed with how everything worked out that I have this full-time job I'm now able to do this podcast with a great you know company with wry like you said with Amazon is um is so great to not limit my jokes either so for now they are you know as as offensive as we can get them without crossing a line so yeah so and then we'll try to keep ads off of them for as long as possible that is awesome all right so um about how long is the show obviously you said you say some offensive things and you talk about the betting line so kind of give me like the the breakdown of the show itself yeah the show is about 35 40 minutes um and kind of like you said with your show you know you try to keep it condensed because there's so much sports betting knowledge thrown not even know I would not say that I put out knowledge if you guys saw my betting slips a lot of times there's no knowledge involved that is all luck um but it's a lot of just hey this is what we're betting this week uh especially when the games start happening I mean that's going to be you know parlays all the time um and so I'll try to just kind of get that information out there and then we'll elaborate on that a little bit um and the show opens with more trending Topics in social media because you know I consume so much Social Med media as I'm sure you do too you know people that are in the sports industry we have to be on Twitter SLX all the time we're on Tik Tok all the time so um so I want to condense that down to people so that they don't have to feel like they're strolling through social media they get the condensed version of what's happening and trending in social media and then we go into the sports betting a little bit and there's you know humor and jokes thrown in there hopefully and yeah short and sweet and uh hopefully get you your info from that previous slate of games love it this upcoming NFL season check out warre's new newest football podcast the offensive line with Annie AAR watch the offensive line now on YouTube and listen on the wry app or wherever you get your podcast speaking of that I think tomorrow or maybe even later today we will be dropping an episode of Annie show into our feed so if you guys see that or notice that that is by Design so that you guys can first hear Annie here on our show and then check out her show hopefully it's not better than mine but hopefully it's good anyway and you guys will like it there's plenty of room for both of us and certainly check her out on social media at Annie AAR a Annie thanks so much for coming on the show I really appreciate it of course thank you guys I appreciate it awesome stuff with Annie really enjoyed that hopefully you guys did as well speaking of enjoying it I've now talked to two of my friends that are enjoying future fans you know the way to have your younger kids learn about football it's awesome those guys came on the show I guess that was a couple weeks ago at this point now but to be able to have your four-year-old 5-year-old six seven eighty old totally understand football want to watch the games with you and not be on their iPad not watching any of the other stuff I can't even remember what the girl my girls are 11 and 12 now so they're past whatever it is that used to watch uh back in the day at any rate what what are you waiting for not only can you get a Madden if you do this it's final cutdowns day were yesterday we are eight days away from the first game and your kid could understand football by what week two maybe even before that future fans teaches in an incredible way you won't be disappointed go to Future to learn more use the code Ross so they know I sent you and unlock a lifetime of memories with a kid in your life starting now and then sit on the couch while you're watching NFL games with them and drink some yummy laat blue light because your work will be done here my friend they will know how to follow a football game and then you guys can just cheer together live life to the power of we always enjoy that laat blue light responsibly beer leat USA Buffalo New York tuck takes all right Ross the final roster Cuts were yesterday 400 p.m. what stood out to you the most well there's a lot I guess that stood out to me um there were some notable Cuts there were a couple trades the pup list I think was interesting to see what guys are definitely not playing the first four games but I think I think just kind of the overall tone of they made the team I think that's that's my biggest takeaway in fact I'm going to make that Jack my laat take presented by labat Blue Light it's the pristine Canadian pilzner enjoy your beers together as you can live life to the power of we always enjoy responsibly beer leat USA Buffalo New York for every guy out there that made an NFL roster especially you rookies congratulations that is incredible what a dream come true here's my advice tomorrow go in there and work even harder and earn it again and then the day after that the same thing and then the day after that the day after that and the day after that for the entire rest of your career because the reality is you've never really made it as soon as you feel like you've made it you'll be gone you see some the guys that got cut cadarius Tony and Allan Robinson all these guys that were high picks and played a bunch of football you've never really made it congratulations but this is just the start it's not the finish and you have to earn it every single day some notable Cuts include Browns third round pick last year I might pronounce this name wrong definitely a little seaka Ika Patriots quarterback Bailey zappy wide receiver Alan Robinson eagles they released wide receiver John Ross the Texans they released Noah Brown Chiefs wide receiver cus Tony he was cut alongside Titans quarterback Caleb Farley and the Chargers they cut to tight end Donald parm seak EA I mean you got both wrong you got the first name and the last name wrong that's hard to do there were a lot of other notable guys that got caught the the one that jumped out to me the most out of all those is Noah Brown Noah Brown had a really good year for the Texans last year Jack they gave him $4 million on a one-year Deal 3 million fully guaranteed a million dollar signing bonus so I mean they got a lot of receivers but wow that jumped out to me for sure and I'll say this too I don't I don't like dive into every team's Cuts you know that closely I haven't looked through the whole list yet but I love the fact and I said this in my Ross Report where I talk about the Eagles on social media at Ross Tucker NFL absolutely love the fact that guys like Daren Canard and Thomas Booker made the Eagles 53 man roster exactly nobody thought going in the training camp that they would make the roster Jack nobody this is what it's supposed to be about you're supposed to have to earn it and those guys did it I hope every team's like that it's not always like that some teams keep draft picks just because GM doesn't want to look bad love it love the eag look Chris balard cut three of his draft picks typic the cap to Chris Ballard that's a that's a GM that's not insecure and he knows what really matters is having the best roster not saving the face with a couple of late round picks some transactional notes the Rams a trade linebacker Ernest Jones to the Tennessee Titans the Cowboys they send tight end PT henders shot to the Chiefs Titans trade quarterback Malik Wills to the Packers for sth round pick and some contract news wide receiver CD lamb he gets a huge 4year $136 million year 36 million signing bonus from the Cowboys never really know what to say about huge contracts like that other than congratulations for CD we knew this was going to happen and Cowboys fans just know with the 34 million a year you're probably paying somewhere between two to6 million more per year than you needed to because you waited this long so congrats I guess I don't know I don't know why that's their philosophy the the most interesting trade there I mean Ernest Jones been a good player for the Rams that helps the Titans and the Packers cut Shawn Clifford so Malik Willis appears to be immediately their their backup running back I mean backup quarterback I should say Browns running back Nick chub he's going to stay on the pup for at least the first four games of the Season just like Panthers running back Jonathan Brooks Vikings tight end TJ hackinson and eag safety Cindy Brown amongst some others right there's a bunch of them there there's a bunch of guys that'll be on pup for the first four weeks other things that jumped out to me Jack would be Browns D tackle Mike Hall going on the com uh commissioner's exempt list that was a second round pick they were hoping to get some interior pressure from him the chief signed guju Smith Schuster for the minimum salary just wild s million fully guaranteed from the Patriots this year and they'd rather cut them and the Chiefs get them for the minimum which is amazing then there's some other business stuff like the NFL allowing private Equity firms to purchase limited Stakes maybe we'll talk about that with Greg which by the way Greg might be a little bit later than usual on Thursday could be Friday stay tuned I think we're done here thanks for tuning in to the Ros Tucker football podcast make sure to also check out even money fantasy feast and college draft all on the DraftKings Network on Samsung TV plus YouTube or subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform shout out my front page you guys know how much I love it best gift ever how about pizza boy Brewing I will be there next Monday what is that September 9th first Monday Night of the Season I'll be a pizza boy Brewing at least 6:00 to 8:00 pm eastern time you guys better be there as well sport of culture human head backoff and the AL forementioned my FrontPage

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