Intro what's up boys Petco here well I'm coming with a very sad news just 5 minutes ago sorry 9ine minutes ago there were some class changes before the heroic week which is usually very rare we expected some class tuning right on a heroic week between the 10th and the 17th of September but they decided to do a urgent preh heroic uh rating nerve and buff to some the specs so today I guess right now we're going to jump in check it out and you're going to find out why I'm sad okay let's keep on rolling all right first thing first we regularly make combo design adjustments based on a gameplay data and feedback what kind of data do you get that from from where there's no Mythic Plus in rating for the LOL past you know it's been already close to two weeks when players class performances with scheduled weekly maintenance in each region AKA September the 3rd we're going to implement this [ __ ] all right let's go Frost that Knight received a Nerf Frost DK Frost DEC a frost strike damage by 6% Nerf obliterate icy Dead torrent and glacial Advance by 10% respectively now purely from Mythic plus performance Frost de were one of the best um miles out there this Nerf will put them closer to like to the rest of the M specs but I still believe they're going to be one of the best if not like let's say top two I I would say probably right now sok p is ahead of them it was to be expected to be honest with you fro were perform really really good um are they going to be dead after this change most definitely not that is not as big of a Nerf as you guys think it is uh I'm going to be checking out later some Sims and tell you how much how much percentage wise did they get nerfed but first look here not as huge as people think it's going to be ratewise they were not they were not like op they were like quite good but not OP but plus wise they were one of the best so I think they still going to remain pretty good choice so don't get panicky about it frost DEC is still going to feel amazing I'm going to I'm going to do some Sims later and tell you exactly how much percentage did they get Nerf from single Target in AE next in line this is Boomie something that I spoke about many many weeks in advance balance Dre what did I tell you guys they they will buff balance Dre I told you they always do that when balance performs poorly they always always always buff them UMO intensity increases the damage of rat by 20 to 40% it was 2550 and star five by 15 30 it was 50 so so they nerfed um umro uh intensity but look at what what's happening after that star search by 12% buff starf by 20% buff Harmony of the heavens increases the eclipse Power by 2% per proc maximum six it was 1% maximum five so because the nerfed umro uh intensity okay um I'm not sure if this is going to be netting a buff I got to check out in a bit tell you exactly um this could also be a net neutral change again I am not sure because they Nerf thatt but also both Star Search and staro Star Search is the single Target spender starf is a spender and also how how the heavens which is you know not as big of a change go got the small buff so I'm going to check out later this is going to be a buff nerve on that nrro my initial instincts are telling me this is going to be a small buff but we'll see on behalf of the single Target is one of the lowest so far for from rating and Mythic plus so we expected to get some adjustments on behalf of this I'm surprised to see the sto damage increase though keep on running though uh pH Feral Druid blood Talon on Lion strength now also increases damage of R part ferocity okay bug fixes here that's going to probably do slightly better of ferow right now so not a big change evoker Devastation Devastation Evoker evoker damage of all spells and abilities increased by 6% Firestorm by 20% Firestorm duration it reduced till 10 seconds it was 12 and ging damage increased by 30% so Devastation iner was already one of the uh lower performing specs both in Mythic Plus in rating after this change they're now going to be closer to the mid spot because first of all all damage by 6% then fire storm by 20% and then go by 30 flame shaper Devastation was was actually not not bad at all a lot of people are playing skill Commander but I told you guys don't sleep on on flame shaper and after the the buff to the flame shaper right now especially the Firestorm damage increase and then go more damage and 6% out of damage I don't think they're going to be in a bad shape I think if anything they're going to be Pro right now middle of the packish maybe a bit higher than that uh most definitely good buff here both AE and single Target I would say more of like AE buff uh but yeah pretty happy for Walkers I I want to see them play it more often than uh what they were play for the past couple of Seasons so big thumbs up that's a very good change from blizzard next in line oh BM/Survival Hunter boy pack leader Hunter keep in mind pack leader was something that always be played like survival mm first of all uh sorry mm does not have back leader survival does but they don't play that [ __ ] they play instead San so vicious hunt damage increased by 10% for BM and 10% for survival okay when vicious hunt damage reaches a certain point it can it can cause Q command to dominate survival rotation this adjustments and subsequent compensation are meant to ensure Pack Leaders survival Hunters are utilizing the order tools at their disposal wait sorry they're nerfing vicious hunt from survival and they're buffing it from Beast Mastery keep in mind survival doesn't really play H pack leader so that's you know further incentive for them not to play it that's bu to BM though uh how the pack Critical Strike uh damage bonus increased to to 5% it was three before all the pack Critical Strike damage bonus increased to 11 was seven before fish assault uh damage bonus increased to 60 was 30 and then cool the damage over time increased to 60 with 30 so that's pretty much double the damage from the fous assault in the Cod of the word and a Hing pack and um how the pack also got quite a a big chunk of damage increase overall this is going to likely get more AE and St damage especially for like BM Hunter keep in mind BM Hunters actually they were not a bad choice for like raing and for mytic plus they were a little bit on a weaker side but after these adjustments I I wouldn't I wouldn't necessarily them out as you know the lowest performing spec right now uh maybe they're going to get some um you know some um specs like some placements up on the tier list or in general uh in the rankings um overall I'm a bit surprised to see um they're trying to push this also to survival but we'll see overall that's going to be a buff to BM Hunter and a buff to pack leader on Survival I don't know if they're going to play a pack of the leader survival that is we'll see probably not uh next line is something that once Fire Mage again we spoke about that one many weeks in advance and I already told you they never leave fire Mage bad fire Mage received the buff living Bomb by 30% pilot blast 5% flame strike 10% first of all this flame strike 10% is completely useless like nobody likes to play flame strike build absolutely no Mage that I known or have known like to play flame strike over the Pyro blast or like single Target ignite builds nobody I really hate to for them to like keep on persisting people on trying to play flame strike which is which is pretty much like full AOE no pry very bad I don't like that bu at all zero pyal blast uh 5% buff it's going to be likely your uh single Target adjustments is going to be a little bit better not a massive change here living bomb is the only thing that is actually relevant in terms of buffing fire Mage still going to be likely the lowest performing Mage spec and it's not going to be played as much in my opinion compared to other specs so yeah they need a lot more than just that to get you know more relevancy useless buff flim strike pyal blast is too small of a buff living bomb is a decent actually buff so yeah I would like to see more adjustments Frost fire Frost Bol damage increased by 25 on four fire okay fair enough that's fine ring Frost fire Is Not a Bad Thing uh so Sun three burden of the power can no longer Arcane Mage (RIP) be double dipped by spill queuing oh that stinks oh with your Arcane Mage that stinks dude oo that is so bad Arcane Fenix damage dealt reduced by 10 for Arcane Arcane Soul base duration reduced to two seconds from three o Arcane Mages boys I don't know how how much of a Nerf that is for Arcane I would love to see The Sims after they updated but first glance not looking promising here Arcane were the best performing spec for raing and I was sure they're going to adjust their single Target a bit I want to see how they're going to perform after this are they going to get to the frost Mage performance I'm not sure but so far uh that is a Nerf T game unless I'm reading it wrong but I'm not uh all right next in line Ret Paladin retribution poin Mastery High Lord judgment reduce but 10% for example at level 80 180 Mastery rating now GRS 1.35 Mastery was 1.5 so they nerfing Mastery but they buff the all holy spell damage by 5% I mean they were playing Hast Mastery as far as I know retribution power right Hast Mastery now for them to get a nerve on the Mastery but then a buff to over overall like damage but only hold damage right I mean most three damage hold anyway I think that that's going to be maybe shortterm buff long-term Nerf because L the later like the later stage we get into the game the more Mastery you going to have the less value you're going to get for the Mastery and this could be nit neutr change or even a Nerf like late late game early game when it don't have that high secondary startat this could be actually a buff for Retribution power then retribution power actually doesn't need any Buffs in terms of AE they just need single Target adjustments they are already tanky they have good utility they have very mobile have an immunity good AE profile damage short offensive cooldowns they don't have good single Target when they play Mythic plus build ratewise as well ratewise they don't have great SLE Target either they're one of the most um beginner friendly classes but again if they were to have a little bit better single Target they would be fantastic by the way that's my one of my SS this season anyway before I get to the sad part let's keep on scrolling disc Disc Priest priest received some kind of a monsterous Buffs by the way Oracle discipline priest nobody plays oraco anyway uh but yeah Oracle dis preure measures now increases the power power Shield absorption by 40% was 25 nobody play or this pleas probably not going to be played at all uh in like rating and and mytic plus but we'll see maybe this going to change it and this is huge now atonement got buffed from 70% to 100% this is like like 42% buff on atonement this is insanely big like if 70% was before and that was let's say 100 out of 100 now it's going to be 100% buff like from atonement which is pretty much right four multiplied by 0.7 yeah that's that's going to be like more than 40% buff like I think like 40 42.8% buff on atonement what the [ __ ] yo that's insane maybe I maybe I'm Co by the way completely it is possible that I'm uh napkin my my napkin m is wrong it is possible but from initial initial thoughts um this is like 42 and a half % buff on atonement which is insane interesting fixed initi atonement critical healing was not increased by the correct amount of Outsider rate okay and Shadow War pain and Purge with the wicked damage increase with wow okay so they also buff their pain and Purge by 20% so not only they going to get more healing but also more damage that's crazy this is huge for dis priest this priest might now climb to the ladder to like probably top top three top four DPS that's top three top four healer that's insane insane amount of big bu by for this pre crazy uh Shadow priest void SP Weaver Shadow priest void blast damage increase by 20 is void Weaver back on a menu for like Shadow priest instead of Aram interesting I want to see what's up with that one I got to test it out later and now chat to the main menu Ele Shaman Shaman prepare to CME El Shaman no Mastery Elemental overload bonus to all Elemental and physical damage increase by 35% in all honesty they buff our Mastery by 35% so technically all the Nerf that got here they might not be that bad if we prior Mastery keep in mind all damage res used by 6% this is going to stink this is not going to put us in line with a loock for Mythic plus so pretty much most definitely dropping a tier most definitely and we're getting back to just being above average performance you know like let's say if you were doing in terms of like nine out of 10 good Mythic plus now we're going to be probably around like 7.5 7.6 out of 10 which is still very good still like top three top four casters you know we'll see though um I got got to test it out and see what's up temp is now good buff it deals 65% of its damage to nearby enemies was before 50 but now it's Target C to five targets only which is again this is going to be a a health buff if you're fighting below five six targets but above that it's going to be slightly a Nerf which is whatever Tempest damage is not at all a lot of your over anyway so that's whatever I guess this going to come as net neutral most of the time especially because half of the time you playing five six mobs half the time you're playing more than that so not a big deal look for the this this is the biggest deal but this could be offset by the both to the Mastery we got to test that later on maybe Mastery right now is the play enhancer 4% damage Enhance Shaman neres as well by the way El blast however got buff by 12% so that they they want to buff the single they want to Main and slightly above the single Target while nerfing the overall I guess A2 right so again same thing to Tempest to them they're going to do more damage with Tempest between one and five targets and less uh you know beyond beyond that this is actually much worse change for enhance because enhance was already C DPS and Tempest was something that they relied a lot on doing massive AOE damage now that is CA enhance is back to being fully Capp is okay not fully C but like most of your spells are going to be C right now Tempest for something that you know uh was was pushing your damage much higher because it was uh doing insane amount of damage so this is really bad for enance on top of the already 4% Nerf uh single Target is slightly going to be slightly better for enhance which is which is a good thing so this might be good thing for rating it might climb like a few spots up uh toic also got thmor increase by by 10% and Searing Vol damage increased by Totemic (Enhance/Resto Shaman) 80% that going to make now enhancer try to to play tmic because the nerfing stormbringer and are they going to play now tmic with the respiration Shaman I have no idea on Sunday when I update the tier list I'm going to be more generous when I speak about that kind of [ __ ] and last Destro Lock changes here going to be waterlock waterlock received 5% damage Buffs across the board this is by the way something that's not going to help them to become much better cuz their issue is not about damage it's just the ramp up damage itself you know um obviously 5% is going to close some gaps especially on like single Target by the way where you are lacking a little bit so climbing a few tiers for the r tier list climbing a few tiers for M plus tier list but nothing impressive here all right chat that's everything pretty CYA SUNDAY (UPDATE THE TIERLIST) much I hope you guys had fun I'm SED to be the B of the bad news I'll see you guys tomorrow in game talk about more and on Sunday I'll do my best to update the tier list for 50 plus for rating pretty much anything that I can do out it peace out have a good one I'll see BYE *KISS you tomorrow stream

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