Published: Sep 01, 2024 Duration: 01:54:50 Category: Gaming

Tags : games twitch
Trending searches: jk simmons
e e e all right we back I watch a g guy if he shows up with that is uh play single player continue we last left off I believe we were we yeah we were uh right here with potato we had a new ooze let me uh hold on a sec I'm gonna oh no it's fine return the game what about you guys uh I was curious what that uh also hi first off hi you guy I was curious what that Community test chamber uh option was on the front meant let me lower the volume a little bit oh it's fine um Okay so so what does this one do I do not remember what this sludge oh okay I can outp pick portals on stuff with the sludge now got it El limit have we obtained this stream hopefully enough we got to make our own after all how you doing GMA that's where you find the custom maps you downloaded ah okay R Knight's going good okay okay so I got to can we there we go so that's what it does yeah okay I forgotten because it's been like a week since we played so I got to use that to make a portal to doing all right sers are rough on my switch guys matter I'm fine all right yeah you can Watch Me Be horrendously awful at puzzle games so the way up there is I got to find my way to the exit which means could I possibly yeah there we go see if going this way helps you like Pro to oh I think this game's [ __ ] awesome like I love the create this is probably some of the most creative puzzles I've ever seen I can see why this game was uh so many people's favorite go mode and MC right now okay have fun all right I'm going to be uh figuring out puzzl is it possible we it's got to be like a metal plating somewhere we have to shoot this on one of the first puzzle games are played with a heavy physics emphasis yeah I really like the concept of physics and uh like just all of the movement based puzzles that's really cool to me oh I think we have to go up there so you got to aim it properly slather it on there there we go this game is great most game play puzzles like Zelda Zelda is doing Vis bugle too yeah like I never really played a whole lot of portal but like I had always heard it was just this really cool game granted when I was a kid I was a really stubborn brat and wouldn't play anything that didn't revolve around Mario unless we can just do this hold [Music] on I think okay so I think what I have to do is get up there but I like I just genuinely cannot remember where we have to go next because I think we have to go to that exit area I'm not uh okay so not going to Li the back at the game are getting crazy stuck pretty often yeah this G they really ramp up the difficulty in the puzzles here I don't hate that Concept in the slightest I mean I I prefer it but man very much not as someone who's not a puzzle guy this gets kind of confusing hold on can I like can we cheese the [ __ ] out of this no we can't damn it so I uh saw you've been uh streaming Daybreak what do you think of it I didn't get a full chance to read your thoughts on it so far game's good good to hear what a lot of people are liking it it's been it's one of my top favorite games of this year so like I'm not going to pretend it's perfect but it really is a lot of fun I feel like there's just one part I'm missing it's funny I'm way more into the technical side of TRC than most I enjoy I think the main ASP I like about the combat is just it's such a unique concept to me I'm someone who loves Overworld attacks and I like that they tried expanding that into something unique with like the crazy uh just fight the enemies on the area if you want I think that's really cool I heard Daybreak 2 also fixes a lot of the issues it had and I'm fine with it having issues think's getting used to it yeah like I'm certain like after a while and I've heard like with Daybreak 2 they fix a lot of the issues this one had yeah it's very different very much a new thing and I like that I know some people were not really fans of that but I really like it oh hold on a sec maybe I'm just being can I I can slather those walls like it's just it's a very cool concept to me and I'm very interested to see what two does with it and I know metaphor refano is releasing with that combat style soon so I'm very uh curious to see if this is going to start a new trend of uh kind of hybrid mixing that's not going to work I think I need to find let's see here because that was my way into the level so I need to find a way up there there so is there possibly something over here I think what I have to do is probably get enough momentum to fly from there up to here it's more a matter of where I can find oh I think I know what I can do hold on if I play my cards right could I like make a jump thing from here no that won't work no that completely blocks it I've definitely heard they improv the combat day break to yeah I've heard they've really fixed up the uh and it makes sense I always thought combat in uh Cold Steel 2 was better than one the same with like Sky 2 but they usually do a pretty good falcon usually does a really good job of improving the new combat aspects they introduce they probably Discord DMS but yeah sure yeah I'm perfectly fine with that I'm trying to figure out this puzzle so I have a zoom Fe Zoom feature is cool but it really isn't all that useful hold on a second oh more Shard skills in quartz true I want to see more of that too too The Shard skills yeah I like that it really rewards you for like continuously comboing like that's a really cool concept it's like hey you put these in a specific order you get this boost that's always been really cool to me I still H next on I'm getting rid of Master Core yeah that was weird but at the same time I like The Shard boost myself I think The Shard boost and like additions to combat help start making up for him feel like a downgrade yeah if there's one my main issue with the game play is actually the plug-in system because it kind of rips away a little bit of the creativity of like art builds like outside of the one like slot you can unlock I'm not a huge fan of the plug-in system like I that's like the one thing I will consider a full-on downgrade like I like the idea of the cores and stuff like that like mixing it in with shards like I know people are going to be mixed on that but plugins are not something I'm a huge fan of that is definitely something I'm going to talk about when I review the game they really do feel restrictive they're cool Concepts but like it really feels restrictive hey GLaDOS you want to like chime in on this or something like okay so no matter what I don't only I'm in practice I wouldn't call them restrictive they're very weird to use cuz like I get you can unlock stuff but I just miss being able to just have oraments for slots like I still like The Shard system but I don't like how all of my Arts are now decided by a plugin yeah they they definitely needed to be executed a little better is there anything I can like slather in the gel up top open slots were great yeah that was those were the great on but you didn't really get those until like late game well at least the ones happens if I it's got to be I've heard that they introduced something in like that in like the next chapter to make it better so Bard you can only mess with plugins at factories yeah I W I won't say uh I think they wanted to try to copy the orament system kind of thing where it was like you got to go to oraments to like mix and match stuff like sort of try to add a little more restriction to make it a little harder but it just kind of comes across as a bit annoying they probably just assumed hey if we add this to where they can build they have to like really learn how to use the plugin it's like dude you're just kind of restricting me at this point that's not very fun hold on a second [ __ ] hold on I wonder if I have to just more portal two time yeah hey Kaiser hope you're doing well just trying to figure out this last this uh recent puzzle not being very very good at it but I'm I'm figur but I'm trying to figure it out anyway damn it that didn't work the idea is that you can have spells and stack warts coexist by making the spell list a different thing yeah honestly that would have been like a better idea revealing K the reason for this was because R compan he didn't join the tech un he didn't have the blueprints till the ar ar will be forgiven that would actually be an interesting plot point I'm not even going to lie like the only reason they were even able to like did you pick yeah I picked Cyrus and Cyrus's prologue in octopath Traver might be one of the funniest prologs I've ever seen imagine losing your job and getting Ed from your [ __ ] Hometown cuz some chick was mad you weren't paying enough attention to her that is unironically the funniest prologue concept and octopath makes it actually work uh let's see glad you want to like I love him my first as you would know yeah talked about I picked him a lot cuz uh handsome science boy damn it I don't know why I did that again anyway I got to actually start like really using my brain here so I another the concept is we got to get up there so I got to find uh and I think the jump process is it's got to be here there certain Trails tuber I wonder if it's like we've got to do like a big yeah I think it's I got to do like a it's something cuz I know that plays a part in it it's very much like I think you got to use that to bounce up there cuz if you get up there that's the end of the puzzle so that is like kind of the end game I'm a Cyrus bright yeah surprised he didn't count well then again I didn't really mention uh i' pick Cyrus he's going for as far as I know true I just think it's really funny that with the prologue the sole reason you get ousted is because some chick lies about the fact you're banging the uh princess Cyrus that long I don't think he's played octopath I I'll to ask him his name could just be Cyrus for all we know as well like yeah I need to find a way to get like some giant velocity here cuz then it's like just bounce up there unless hold on a sec hold on a sec aroni is it possible maybe I have to uh I wonder if I okay I have an idea think he revealed it during a multi- simulation collab first guy REM yeah I remember when you guys did that big collab thing uh I think the prospect of this is I have to get this high so let's try getting this a little higher I think I have to get all the way up there somehow and then I open that right over there there we go hold on oh hold on I think I may have cracked the code come fantasy name yeah it really is uh there got it beautiful okay s Chrono Trigger is there I got to play Chrono Trigger one of these days okay so he's down there yes got it there we go this really common oh it's F we get it okay I'm sorry sir glus why are you what the hell are you talking about you overshot it oh that would have been funny I would have clipped that your why I didn't do anything get my to invent a was that just completely ad libed that was so just go crazy you people me into a computer I want this place are you she'll say she can't she's modest like that but you make her put her in my computer I don't care oh he's dying that earlyer glad I didn't spoil it yeah just that's so good so yeah I guess like all hats are off she was Caroline rip goodbye JK Simmons thank God you don't s imagine if this game had fall damage all right there we go what's in here man this is how you know it's old fashioned when you got computers like this how glos came to be yeah yeah I kind of picked up when she was like reacting to everything JK Simmons was saying oh there we go rage game to be honest oh yeah this it would wouldn't be surprised if there was like a hard mode uh version of that uh here we go [ __ ] ah it's too far away got it there we go all right let's try this again all right this seems safe oh never mind I think that's the only way up though okay so uh hold on no that isn't it damn it okay so I can shoot that go oh okay I see what I got to do hold up orange blue oh boy okay I screw up that's on me it's over we got to fix this a little bit there and then we shall jump again got it yeah I gota aim that right no damn it just got it God I'm so [ __ ] smart good old aperture technology would you work at aperture if they offered you a [Music] job yeah that's usually what happens [Music] GLaDOS no you're right GLaDOS maybe I had you all wrong you've killed probably thousands of people but you know what maybe you're in the right this time I mean it depends on the pay true there we go oh okay uh okay so that's the highest we can go so that means needs to be like a straight shot down did it turn several employees into mantis men that is pretty tantalizing Cronin pandemic before we can already made it public I got to play the other like [ __ ] halflife stuff the more I hear about it the more crazy it sound damn it wonder if it's uh I have to do this instead and then it's like it's always about there we go that's what I had to do right no I can't finish half life one I need to play half lifee in general okay this it's the bouncy one oh that's what I got to do I'm going to Splatter all that let's go ride or die God damn it half life one and not in a puzzle way oh God is it like unbalanced you need to finish we all need to finish half life one one day then we got to do that instead [Music] yeah I got it yeah more like you arrive in an area if you get a fat dose of what do I do oh geez so it just doesn't really tell you what where to go like you just got to figure it out yourself we're almost there means there's one part of the puzzle left yeah okay so it's like an old style PS1 game then so I've been playing a bunch of those and like they can get really confusing does this say caution okay so the big thing here is I need to figure out a place where I can shoot the portal gun so I can jump all the way down unless it's just go down right here getting welled by a crap ton of enemies that you're supposed to run by and the game never tells you since you wen't supposed to run by anyways else before then oh geez so it's like okay so it is not very good at explaining itself wee IND gam so checks out yeah we didn't have uh real good tracking stuff back then so just figure it out for yourself through context cues that weren't really there I can't tell you how confusing Xeno gears gets it points because of that all right there we go another puzzle done yay more goop puzzles okay so I'm guessing we got to get up there that's a super fast one came outside of that for its time though interesting well I did buy the uh valve bundle so I've got all those games so I can definitely play them at some point hold on I think it's uh there we go [ __ ] modern FPS controls I did think from what I recall it did say it works with controller so I'll probably pick so I'll definitely play it at some point like I do really want to experience the halflife games because I want to see why everybody uh says they're some of the best games of all time especially I have like too uh so a big part of this is going to be the yeah so our big goal is to get up there time I think though not familiar with retro PC up the the only one I'm really uh familiar with was doom and kind of Doom had a very much uh you had to figure out where to go while you were RI apart enemies what does this even do is my question you might just hold on maybe I'm supposed to [ __ ] we Prime that leans way more into the exploration than the shooting I want to play more of the Metroid Prime games I've only played the first one okay so it seems like it's going to be a mix of that one other puzzle we did so it's love the Prime Trilogy so much I really liked the first game so I'm curious if I'll like two and three cuz I whoa Okay Okay so we've made it up to here and they're all like I know two is also on GameCube and then like three was on uh Wii oh I think I know what I got to do hold on I got a no no no no no no I see hold on I got to do this first then it's swapped over here two has become the recent favorite I've noticed interesting I really like a lot like I'm much more a 2d Samus guy but I really liked Prime so one so I'm really interested in trying out the rest of the trilogy okay so this should go well now that's not what I meant to do let's do a little bit of clean up here I got to aim for that area [ __ ] bounce bounce got it oh God damn it kind of the black sheep it's also really good fell into the Wii U era oh so it's got like motion controls and stuff can I ah damn okay oh oh here we go [ __ ] got it motion controls are actually really good and well praised interesting in okay I might have to buy like a Wii Remote and get like a emulation for it play what yeah I played prime one on remastered it's more the game being very streamlined and handh holdy more focused on the shooting okay so it it's much less about exploration and mor is way too so it's like a Metroid Fusion scenario it's a great game but it's like way too uh it's way too handh holdy with you so I got to find a way up there I can't jump from here yeah okay well I should be fine I likeed Metroid fusions well enough I was able to look past that game's handholding oh perhaps we're meant to there we go I'm certain this is some kind of property damage uh there we go [ __ ] oh boy cons okay so the remaster you also kept the trilogy Release Control so in the setting for remas you can turn on the prime three aiming feel like messing with it only feels natural joycons though okay oh Jesus ah I need to aim better okay good there we go there we go figured it out in this situation it's fine I'm Legit [ __ ] oh that just sounds gross it's got it then if we we going to goober all over it sounds wrong but it also sounds funny I don't know if this is what I don't know if this is how we're supposed to be solving this but you know what it's my gameplay it's my rules we solve it my way we got the spooge everywhere God damn it he needs to get to the uh L port put in N shell to be honest pretty much can I uh there we go so that's like the last thing I got to figure out how to get through Oh Come Oh Boy sure this is not how this was intended oh there we go got it don't mind me how you doing good day to you sir yes we did it can't open that door it' be so funny if you loed back to the earli room looked like it for a second I would be so Furious but I'd also then laugh like crazy oh boy [Music] so everything in this room is essentially a portal area pretty much so I think I got so I got to find a way up there yeah so we can't jump here that's not what I need to do it's yeah the metal bars are kind of keeping me from doing the original plan of just teleport up there so oh hold on like fall on anything from here or there is an area also over there I just can't tell which one we're I think we're supposed to go to that one over there but there's nothing that really says Exit here oh hold on just check in case then I think it's a matter of get it up there got it what's up this one what's up so we got to make him actually think about paradoxes why don't we just show him benan Alien Force then there's a paradox in that it was an awful [ __ ] joke let there be light thank you at least Kaiser gave me a Pity laugh uh I a funny bot trying to learn about a Comedy Award oh God I got to watch that episode I don't think I've ever seen that that actually sounds like it'd be really funny up up come on potato glattus we got this probably wait probably what do you mean probably I was just checking a message I got from my mom what do you mean probably you're a potato so man is this really where my life is gone I'm now taking advice from a potato like where did I go wrong my FR as well if all goes wrong well I mean I don't want to die I'm a marginally good person the itch oh man buddy I get that more than anything for God sake hey with legs it's it's literally your only purpose walking on to how can you not do the one thing you design for I War I you know you don't have to be so rude to him man because we've been in this for 12 hours and you haven't sold either so why you're you got solve it you you don't have to be so rude to him uh okay so oh here we go time to go meet our best buddy are we like at the end game or something like or is this just you meet the guy cuz I don't know how many chapters are in this [Music] game hello [Music] two more chapters the fun ah did we just make this worse turns out I'm a little bit short of test subject right now thiss out and God that is so [ __ ] creepy you have no IDE what it's like in this body I have to test all the time or I get this this itch you know it must be hardwired into the system I think there's creams for that buddy [Music] feel it's BR tried to fuse the turrets and the keys together because he's dumb yeah I do like the fact that he's just a j an idiot now with omn potence you a [ __ ] you might say oh my God that's so [ __ ] funny so this whole concept is just now he just does why you just keep solving this test and I can just watch you solve it yeah that sounds much easier you got to be kidding meame okay new tests t same Twi TW twice thank you that's so funny like I really hope all the tests are just stupid easy this is this is great I love the fact that he's too stupid to come up with actual dangerous tests it's okay anti-gravity he just stole one of her tests I see can we okay so we cannot all right so that's what we got to do if we want to go down we got to do that too stupid to comprehend the Paradox ah this game is [ __ ] clever I love that uh is that yeah there we go so we can't go down unless we send uh can we hold on let me see if I can use the can I use the anti-gravity to like I can't okay let me go down to the second floor and see if I can find anything so now he's just using a glattus test cuz he's just too dumb to come up with his own hold on a second can we make the anti-gravity appear in a different oh okay so we can control the anti-gravity got it so does that mean I gota I get it so that's what you got to do that's actually really clever no God that's so [ __ ] unnerving then grab it he is not happy uh quite the opposite oh okay that's worrying I'm curious how we're going to end this game in comparison to the first one to her box was my purpose you walk and land on the button oh my God he's quite enjoying the to okay so it's supposed to be he's like orgasmic about it then oh boy so that's what Kaiser meant by he gmed got it out of smaller tests that I founding around jammed them all together buttons got funnels Bottomless Pits are involv you're not that guy pal never forget you're not that guy he's reaching that dopamin oh [ __ ] it's like heo got from Hunter Hunter he gets gratification okay so I think I gotta okay I know what I got to do now over here [Music] never mind yeah I'm thanks I'm good but I'm figuring out this test you don't need to worry I I appreciate it but I get you're getting your rocks off buddy bro is banned from back seating and then I aim it there y here just get this out of my face yes it really was goddess is an [ __ ] it was in that bet never ceases to me yeah so funny [Music] yet GLaDOS you are not helping oh jeez oh jeez buddy can't even tell can you seamless uhhuh seamless sure you know sure you know I I don't want to be like ripped to shreds by this guy so for now we'll just say yeah it was seamless I like these anti-gravity puzzles these are fun was off by a bit [ __ ] I'm so used to that one being the there we go it's blue thank you oh oops let's try that again and bring it over here okay so I'm going to need you to go for a okay was a little bit off [Music] let's try uh right here is that enough a damn it h there is a button right up there so I wonder if uh I wonder if the concept is I'm not supposed to aim for that hold on cuz this is like uh two rooms mashed together so but or I probably do have to uh let me try something no just testing something okay I see what I got to do now time to die and then get it carried over here oh TI fire yeah I got to drop you here there we go got him okay I missed a step did I miss a step yeah I missed a step there we go I had to go with him oh gross dude soon I will be fine what that he's prematur dude it's probably while I look for a way out all right we'll continue testing I want to see if we can wrap up chapter eight and then we'll do like the next the final two chapters on uh next week oh oh jeez GE ge's with being aded the record you are aded and that's terrible some of my best friends actually of my best friends are orphans [Music] ion doest oh here we go here we go get out of here you [ __ ] [ __ ] it's so it holds up so yeah it's super funny while I will GLaDOS all right so that last test was seriously disappointing apparently being civil isn't motivating you so try her away all right fatty adopted fatty fatty Fatty's lack of of my my it's such a good line not Mor just do the test oh that reverses polarity I get what I got to do hold on so we got to reverse polarity hi one sec H so I got to find a way for it to bring me up to there so there's got to be something I can shoot unless we just fly into this nope oh one less got iton I just did you just got to learn to be patient Mr W Wheatley I am solving your tests he's playing music why oh sorry you're not that guy pal have you that one b I'm not dumb I read books sophisticated bro he's not that he thinks he's that guy but he's not that guy I can't make it there [Music] so maybe I can got it okay [ __ ] he's clearly not a [ __ ] though he does read books just the pure pain and Dread in glados's voice is so funny to me she's just so [ __ ] done with it books do know what the test we need more villains like this guy just a goober who thinks he's cooler than he is like I love that kind of Trope as a villain where they're just more comedy based so I got to find a way up there but H they're just so [ __ ] fun it's not there like it's definitely meant to be like this section right here unless I can like yeah I can't like finagle it humorous moment with Handsome Jack from Borderland too I got to play the Borderlands games one of these days [ __ ] if I Rush roll a treat yeah those were very fun I love when games are willing to add like a goofy villain I'm smart I read books okay so it's very much I got to figure out how this how this works this very much I got to use uh TOs understood it perfectly have you that one yeah doubt it oh hold on hold on so if I can like maneuver this a little bit [ __ ] oh I was so close I think I get I got to like do this to get over there and then I use the uh shot process over there sorry didn't distur you too much was the books pages being turned so just what I was doing just reading uh BS books CU you know I'm I'm so cool and smart I do not know how I survived this but no yo portal climb got it oh no please don't tell me I did all this work for nothing ah I felt like I was so [ __ ] smart damn that's not what I have to do or is it oh there we go there's a oh never mind that's not what I [ __ ] it was pretty cool though thank you yma at least it did something cool all right so that was not what I had to doo for style alone you know I remember back when I was a kid like during the summer you would get like a free biker pizza if you did the reading thing that one like reading qu uh test where you had to read books over the summer did you guys ever uh do your schools ever have you do that I feel like there's supposed to be a uh there's definitely got to be a way over there they wouldn't like make you do this without that unless it's uh ever do what like my scho so my Elementary School in middle school would have like these little uh things for you if you they would have these little uh missions for you I guess you could call them is that if you read over the summer and turn them in at like a library like you read one book and then you read up to 12 and you over the summer and you turned it in you could get like a got free pizza party cuzz I remember that was something my uh elementary school did and then my middle school did it as well oh I generally do not remember okay so I've just been thinking about that cuz it was just like uh like oh yeah I remember we used to do that as a kid it was it was just meant to be like a silly little way to get kids to read okay I didn't do it though you think so okay I know what I got to do now I know what I got to do oh sor Sor didn't disturb you too much then was the bookes I like that this whole perception of uh not being a [ __ ] is just I read a book it's caught up here got it was that yeah too bad so said you didn't do it all right I remember doing it and getting like a free personal pizza from D bu resist it it can get a little un unless you have theity to science he's in it for the pleasure so we now have to fight a horny AI great so this is changed from crazy killer giant robot yandere lady to a no nut November suffering robot get his rocks off oh boy yeah he can't feel that Euphoria anymore yeah take that we got to press the button okay first off we got to do this does that block it okay too high there we go oh jeez I did not see you guys whoops us is got [Music] it catchy can we like keep throwing it at him until we oh no so that's just a little Easter egg [ __ ] didn't even mean to do that man we were we were right at the end too no no oh a all right let's try that again oh thank God it just teleports me back here iring Squad my f yeah they are trained on me okay I need you to wait right here I've got some finagling to do there we go out of sight out of mind are are you abely you're solving these correctly I mean yes you solved it but I'm wondering if may there's number them and you're picking all the worst ways no I uh that the Sol am I missing there we go you didn't master your no nut November Powers so now you're just basically powerless against me only matter time there we go activating anti- Shield bullets a I wish oh wait no oh God that'd be a nightmare there's probably like a hard mode mod for this game where you can't like use the Shield or [Music] something what kind of [ __ ] incel porn [ __ ] are you on dude solve this I don't wanto the end ier bro like this might be the most down bad computer program I've had to deal with uh no okay I see what I'm I see what I'm doing hold on get as high as we possibly can got it give me oh boy okay so I need to find a way up there oh hold on is this uh just um block out the laser puzzle that kills energy to that there we go [Music] to be a true oh we can't escape it oh okay this was just open the whole time it's in our life blood oh I think okay I see what I got to do for that one then we can here we go yeah that turns off the anti-gravity which means got it pick that up ow got it beautiful okay so puzzles puzzle pieces are starting to show up here oh that's what I got to do I missed a step come on there we go and then we bring it up there Okay so we've got that down a little bit so now I need to uh I need to think care this carefully CU I need to use the laser to get it over there so I need to turn it in that direction and knock down the door a little bit I don't think I was supposed to jump on there so ow ow Jesus ow ow ow ow God damn it there we go need you to wait right here thank you H okay so if I move that out of the way that goes up okay oh pie there possibly something I'm missing because I don't think there was another laser point here Dam it grab that there we go so it's a matter of like you got to make this go up but at the same time you've also got to make uh CU there isn't really any sort of teleportation thing over it's like it still gets it through but unless it's like I'm looking at this from like a different angle hold on grab that that what the hell never mind you can't leave it on there it Rockets back up can I like ow [ __ ] this might be the last puzzle of the night yeah it does not look like I can uh little too off there we go oh I think I know what I got to do hold on this might have just been staring me in the face this whole time it's just a matter of there we go then it's please don't use hard of to facility I kind of picked that up when he was uh so busy edging to the fact that I'm solving puzzles it's just oh my god oh yeah I just noticed the uh machines don't show the stuff anymore all right idiot was self-destructing he is so dedicated to this it's almost impressive all right so the lasers will obviously kill me so I need to find out a way to okay hold on can we right that turns off the lasers so then go over here so we're going to need to time this right I'm going to need to get to the very end okay I'm going to need to get to the very end here and I need to should there we go okay so got to get it to move all the way over there so we can drop the block got it all right so now I need to get the uh oh that's that's what I got hold on let me uh got it we need to need to find a way to get the laser down to there unless it's more a matter of uh just there we go yeah I'm too too I'm too short for that so can I H okay okay so who's in no damn it I missed I need to I need to try something can I make more than one of them [ __ ] Christ you got to be kidding me okay so hi how far are you in the story uh we're on chapter eight welcome to the stream snow rabbit okay so we got to nice yep been really enjoying this so need to the button love this game it's very fun this is my first ever time playing it so uh okay so I need to no that was on me I I that's right I to bring it over and then turn it off it's done and there we go all right we got a new Cube so now we got to make it over there there we go got it give that oh whoops that's on me like yeah we just saw that whole clip that was super funny JK Simmons went crazy in this scene I love that best quote of the game it was so [ __ ] funny now I've got to figure out how to hold on a sec oh hold on a sec second do I no that's not it h i know who voiced that scene I the only reason I knew is because I watched so much of his stuff like he's a very he's a very like like one of my favorite movies of all time is Spider-Man too so get a little hungry BRB all right hopefully we'll figure out the pause before we get back maybe if I cuz I know the process is obviously I got to like light that one up so I can get outside but it's also just my movies but had a long period without rewatching them ah I think the second one holds up the best out of the three of them like the second one is really freaking good I might actually rewatch it soon the first one's still good I don't want to say the first one's like bad but it's very much like beginning of a Trilogy so it's much slower than two is so it's kind of hard to rewatch it once you've seen it again uh [ __ ] Christ what do I do who's a g the other two with theaters a kid pretty much I kind of wish I had gone to see them as theaters I didn't watch a lot of superhero movies growing up two years ago or something I did mind rewatch before across the spider-verse like I watched every Spider-Man movie and it just reminded me how how much I like Spider-Man 2o I wonder if it's more a matter of I have to get the uh laser over the maybe the whole thing is I have to get the laser over yeah I think I know what I have to do now hold up was new Deadpool movie was so good oh I loved the Deadpool uh Deadpool and Wolverine that [ __ ] was super funny they nailed it perfectly yeah I think the issue is I got to go over [Music] here and then yeah I think I get what I screwed up on over here then it's just yeah three is better than people say it is not call flaws cuz he was forced to add Venom it could have been so much yeah H rewatching three like I like I assume cuz I hated it when I was younger but like the third movie I still think is decent like it's still the weakest of the trilogy but considering like it's not the worst thing in the world I still remember a long time ago how bad it was game for the first time yeah it can be a pretty confusing game uh okay so we've got that fully lined up hold on just in case to test that yeah beautiful Okay so got it uh can you uh I can't run oh thank God they introduced gels [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I really like the gels myself they're confusing the fun yeah go right ahead GLaDOS yeah this might be where we end for the night and then we uh pick this up next Sunday because it is uh getting close to 11 o'clock fun fact about the gels trying to think of the shortest way to describe this all right why you describe it we'll wrap up stream for the night oh [ __ ] thank you for the follow snow rabbit I appreciate that a lot tomorrow we'll get back to Xeno gears no worries good night have a good night snow R rabbit I'm just waiting for the G my expl cuz I'm very curious on what fact was so fun 4: a.m. here all right go get some sleep snow rabbit with the John mechanic Val thought it looked cool and picked them up really so it was just out of pure chance that these were added that's actually really dope good on them I'm glad they got a glad they got a job for that um hold on let me see if anyone's like live right now oh beex is live she's playing Crystal project yeah let's go say hi to back have a good night everybody thank you all for coming was R to chill with you I put that in right good stream dude thank you GMA I'll try uh raid good to see you it was always good to chat with you homie there we go we're going to go see our homie who's playing Crystal project have a good night oh okay yep yep thank you

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