John McMullen's FULL RECAP of Eagles Week 1 Victory Over Packers in Brazil!

[Music] E A GLE s [Music] Eagles welcome in everybody to Saturday football 247 Edition after the Philadelphia Eagles win their season opener Johnny Mack and sou Paulo Brazil how you doing this Saturday afternoon I guess midday here Johnny Mack yeah uh basking in the season opening win uh big win too for the Eagles against a potenti itial uh playoff Contender we'll see how Jordan love comes out of it uh uh still got to get an MRI when he gets back and that will greatly affect uh the potential of the Packers moving forward but uh what Jordan love playing essentially the whole game getting injured you know before the last play um that's an impressive win um and and it's a good coaching win from the perspective but you always he coaches like to say um you know good wins where you get out of there with the w but you got plenty to correct and plenty to harp on and I think you see on both sides of the ball sloppiness as far as turnovers penalties uh defensively work in progress to to be kind uh so plenty to work on but bottom line is one and0 against a very good football team yep no doubt definitely some ugly ugly stuff there you could tell uh it was week one and some of the you know was some of of the interceptions and the turnovers and some of that stuff but overall John you know what what were your takeaways overall on the game and some of the Mis cues and and just any takeaway you had on the game in general uh now that you're one day removed it's a little bit different I think reacting to a game immediately on postgame you know than it is after you consume some of the content yeah definitely I I don't it's in a lot of ways and you'll hear Nick say all the time when people ask him after games about particular players um you know gotta watch the film gotta watch the film um and you do uh before you really um hone in on what went on um but you know Zack Bond stands out I mean that was a a tremendous performance um Darius SLE man you know that the the Packers didn't even um attempt to go after Darius sleigh in the passing game you know I for many years Aaron roders would make life miserable for the Detroit Lions at the height of his career but he was always Savvy enough to stay away from Darius Slay when slay was out in Detroit I I think Eagles fans a lot of Eagles fans not all of them but a lot of Eagles fans don't realize how respected slay is around the NFL they targeted him once in that game once amazing man and uh you know lot of traffic at quinan Mitchell so I thought slay also had the the force fumble as mad bird points out in the chat Eagles didn't recover it but he did punch that ball out from he had some troubles in in Ron support as everybody did the entire defense did but passing game they didn't even go near him um and and part of that was they wanted to test quinan Mitchell right and they had some completions and some inaccurate throws from uh Jordan love and there could have been more they left meat on the bone just like the eagles left meat on the bone offensively from a turnover perspective um but but I thought it was all positive from quinan as well that was a tough test because they went after him and he gave up a couple plays but he he held up very well um so I think those are the two positives uh on defense and then offensively I mean they just this is Howe's vision and you saw it sort of enveloped right in front of your eyes I mean what what do you do I been talk about this if you're the opposing defensive if you're Jeff happy what do you do um in the 18 yard wheel wheel route touchdown past Squan Barkley is a perfect example if you watch that play they have AJ Brown and and Damonte Smith lined up next to each other they both take in-breaking routes and half of the Packers secondary is just worried about them and it's sconsin them rightfully so and all of a sudden Squan leaks out and he's got a one-on-one with Isaiah McDuffy um touchdown and and that's what you're kind of and and to me and I wrote about this on my second thoughts column at everybody can check it out there but you know to me it wasn't about the fantasy numbers everybody's excited about three touchdowns I get that but it was about the the impact and what we talked about and whether it's going to be him whether it's going to be him as a Decoy for AJ and Devonte or vice versa like it was on that wheel route what do you do if you're an opposing defensive coordinator and imagine the numbers the Eagles would have put up offensively if if there weren't those those ugly turnovers unbelievable I mean John they had 34 points with three turnovers it's unbelievable you lose the turnover battle everybody's talking about that's what the Rams used to do the greatest show on Turf Rams they they had a bunch of turnovers that year they didn't give a crap because they knew they were gonna get the ball go score that quickly I'm not saying Eagles are gonna be that but you know there's a perfect example they lose the turnover battle against a very good team and they lose it significantly three to one and they won the game that generally doesn't happen but they have so much playmaking ability and even Grant calcatera got involved Kenny gainwell got involved um even the role players got involved yeah it's gonna be it's going to be tough to stop no doubt man it's going to be very very tough uh I think last night was a glimpse there were some ups and some Downs uh John before I get into the defensive side of the ball I do want to talk about Zack B with you I did see your Tweet earlier man you were enamored with Zack Bon you and everybody else so he had a good game last night but John I just want to hit on on jayen with the three turnovers as we speak of them uh any concern on them or can you chalk it up to a little bit of a rust I mean both turnovers came earlier in the game actually I don't know when did that second interception happen that was that was that was yeah that was later uh so you know two turnovers in the first two drives and then well my concern there there were four turnover worthy throws yeah there could have been four interceptions and one of them could should have been a pick six I guess you could say three because when he threw the interception in the end zone which was just an awful decision the play before it would have been the pick six so if it was a pick six he wouldn't had the other one I guess so you can look at it that way as three but or bad decisions and and those to me it's about the bad decision is worse than the interception um you know cuz you're going to thr nobody's perfect you're going to throw interceptions but that's a lot of bad decisions when it comes to throwing the football in one game and they were egregiously bad so yeah there's a little bit to cons be concerned about um especially after the the summer of no interceptions and right I never want to hear that crap again John and you said it to to your to be fair to you you you you said you know don't get too don't get enamored with training cam stats yeah I well yeah um for a lot of reasons but you know I don't want to go back into that but the cont you don't even know what they're trying to accomplish in practice but um yeah I mean they they were really bad decisions the late throw over the middle early um across his body in the Red Zone come on that's something you expect from a rookie quarterback in his first couple starts not not a veteran former runner up for MVP uh the pick six again was late it was a late throw the potential pick six that never that Nixon dropped and then late again so that's that's probably the Nar the the the theme of all of them they were all late um and anytime you throw the ball late it's probably bad things are going to happen in the NFL and Jan's got to Jan's got to clean that up pretty quickly yeah so we'll see what was able to do there John last point on the offense saquon Barkley he had a big night Johnny Mack three touchdowns 132 total yards of offense uh for him last night what were your takeaways on him and were you surprised at at the way they used uh saquan compared to how you expected them be used uh him to be used coming into the season not not really from the perspective of you know somebody asked me about touches you know how I love the touch discussion and I put him at about 18 to 22 and he ended up with 26 and really the extra ones you can just talk up to their leading late in the game trying to close out the game so you know I don't want to see 26 touches every week but I I think that'll take care of itself I I that's a lot of traffic um and I think if you peel back the onion on the numbers you know you got the 18 yard um wheel route that I talked about you got the 34 yard run to end the third quarter that was a great run man looked like he had nothing and he bounced the best part is the juicy showed because we haven't really seen that in Camp and you started to worry um and you got to see it there so that's a big positive but if you think about it from that perspective you know those two plays account for most of the the the big numbers so if you take those two plays out it's like three three and a half yards a Touch under three and a half yards a touch so I'm going to go Jim Schwarz on people and I'm going to go the baseball analogy um it was like it's like having an old school cleanup hitter he might be 0 for three and then he hits the three-run Home Run and it changes the entire complexion of the game so that's what you have with with saquan Barkley so you know if it if it's a two-yard run if it's a uh you know if he slips like he did on the first play because it's a crappy field you're going to have some of those oh this is a grind this is not going this is not exciting this is not looking good and then Bang You're GNA have the 34 yard run or Bang You're going to have the the touchdown um so I think that's the way people should look at it and that's the way howy Roseman is looking at it and I I I've kind of said that from talking to ho it's about impact it's about impact and I know that's intangible but I think you saw it if you're watching the game you gotta account for this guy so everybody's making the John Mara jokes and the Joe Shane jokes in in New York because this is what the Giants fans and I get it this is what you know they had been hoping for and never really got to see because he was plans a b and c right for every different ball game yeah def defensive coord all they did was try to stop say now you got the whole secondary running to AJ and Devonte chasing them and all of a sudden he's by himself with a linebacker and that's what hoe's talking about and for one week it's a very very positive start no doubt about it I thought Devonte Smith by the way had a great game last night a little bit more quiet he didn't have the big splash like AJ brown or sh one did he was a monster he's the smallest guy on the field carrying people for first downs he's unbelievable yeah so he's he's a tremendous player Devonte Smith no doubt about it he really is uh John let's move to the defense I know you're limited on time this afternoon John's got some duties uh that he's handling at home uh John defensive side of the ball man let's start with Zack B you put the Tweet out you were super impressed with what he did last night what did you see from him uh and the linebackers as a whole well what didn't you see from him I mean man two I mean he was all over the place in a place that I joked I mean you know the Supreme Court Justice down there banned X I thought he banned defense as well except for Zack Bon um you know everything positive almost Eagles defensively he was in the middle of it you know 15 tackles typically tackles don't tell you much you know you got to look at the context if they're eight yards down the field it's not helping you very much but he was all over the place two sacks and you know remember nobody can get their footing in this game so one of the hopes is that you know the pass rush wasn't very effective uh but he was effective um and he seemed to have a a good whatever it was whatever he figured out the cleats everybody should have listened to him because he looked explosive he looked fast and he looked like Andrew van gingle which I you know they were college teammates and they're good friends and it's weird um and it seems like bck is trying to replicate what he had with van gingle and for those who don't know because I know a lot of Eagles fans only watch Eagles football Andrew van gingle had a phenomenal year in Miami in this particular role last year um it's only one game I I don't want to overstate it but for that for that one game you know saquan Barkley obviously he's the headline right he obviously got a game ball I I hope you know Nick gives out a bunch of game balls generally um I hope Zach got the first one um because that's how impactful he was on that particular game and and and remember they were struggling defensively more so than offensively so I thought you know if if if if I'm only get allowed one game ball I'm giving it to Zack bon John something tells me in that locker room saquon Barkley got the nod before before Zach oh yeah I mean everybody I mean three touchdowns you know everybody cares about the fantasy numbers but and and he's a star already everybody thinks he's a star everybody you know Zack B everybody's like well Zack who's Zack B what's Zack I I you know when you say probably got he probably did but it wouldn't surprise me if Nick thought the way I did and said let's give this guy some love first saquon still getting one don't get me wrong um but this guy deserves it every bit as as saquon bark no doubt John let's move into the other side of the or other parts of the defense that pass rush um it was almost non-existent last night does that concern you or are you chalking it more up to the field and more field but something to keep an eye on me I'll give the break off was nowhere John the Packers had no pass rush either with the exception of ran Gary yeah um and they have some good snap counts though John were interesting with with Bryce Huff had less snaps than Nolan Smith and Brandon Graham yeah well I I I told people to watch Brandon because I thought he was gonna play more than people expected you spot on with that yep and you know no no you don't have to have him on a pitch count Vic kind of confirmed it last week finally confirmed it anyway he said he's not on a pitch count um and I think that's going to continue um as long as Brandon continues to play at his typical Effectiveness level but um yeah a little bit surprised um and you know I think if you look at the game and I'll look at it closer as I get more time but I don't think you saw much from Bryce hop or Nolan Smith um and I'm willing to chalk it up to the field because you didn't see much um I thought Kenny Clark was going to be a big problem for the Eagles and you didn't see much from Kenny Clark um who's probably their best defensive player uh didn't see a ton from Preston Smith who's a really good pass rusher um so it it seemed to me to expand to both sides that's why I'm willing to at least give a mulligan for week one because of the field conditions um but if that continues and look I don't I don't think you saw much from jayen Carter yeah no he didn't X Factor in the game and he really wasn't other than that you know the last player where Jordan love got hurt which everybody's now bashing on Jaylen Carter for which I think that was not even remotely a dirty play I saw a bunch of people Bash in the field that that had nothing to do with that injury pass the field all you want the field was I'm with you the more I watch it I'm like it doesn't look like the field or the player it just looks like a bad situation which happen an awkward yeah was that's football he got caught in an awkward situation hopefully he's okay um and hopefully it's not a season ending injury but I don't think it was caused by a dirty play or the turf the turf was shitty those two things are not mutually exclusive it was bad the NFL should be embarrassed the NFL shouldn't have these games to be blunt it's a money grab because they they freaking siphoned every s stinking Penny they can get out of the North American market and they're trying to open up new markets but that's what it is it's a complete money grab and they're just ridiculous though that there this this is you're talking about hundreds of billions of dollars that this league is worth collectively and you can't give a field that these guy that these professional Elite athletes can play on it takes away from the product it's just ridiculous I think well it does and it's a different product because they do have Elite and they they they built that Stadium for the World Cup which is you know a big deal worldwide um and you and they have higher standards for Fields than um the NFL Believe It or Not which is why the NFL which is why some of the American stadiums Met Life I'm looking at you have to change their Turf to to host World Cup uh events and they wouldn't do it to host Giants or jets games which is a disgrace it is it really is um so they have a standard they have a big standard to get World Cup uh events and that's what they built that stadium for however and JJ Watt pointed this out soccer players or football whatever you want to say down there they're they're you know different types of athletes so they make the field that's for them and they want it to be that more glidey whatever much more finesse it's more finesse way less physical and and and yes you know yeah where in football you have all this explosion and guys need their footing and it's a completely different ball game um and yeah and it's a it's an it's a disgrace the NFL shouldn't do this but a money grab yeah I know we're only running out of time here so I do want to get just your thoughts on the secondary and what you saw from them last night you spoke about slay pretty glowingly in the beginning of the segment but just quinon and what else you saw from the secondary well I did you know it's funny because I don't think the defense played well but man that was a great interception by Reed blank and ship great great interception and by the way Zack B create helped create that because he was the guy underneath in coverage carrying the receiver down the field um but still that was read uh reading the play um and and making a nice interception that was really difficult um to keep you know the ball from hitting the turf as well so he made a play I and I didn't think you know if I talk about the starting five if you want to count avonte Maddox I don't think avonte played well we'll see I'll check the tape um and I don't think CJ played well all that well uh but obviously slay did a tremendous job in in coverage well you know they didn't test him because of his reputation they basically feared him um Mitchell they targeted a lot and I think he though I really did yeah I think he held up well uh easily I would say the test was passed they were testing him and he passed the test and uh I thought Reed um you know you got to give Reed credit um so mix bag but I think it was okay good enough to win it's all that matters no doubt Johnny ma final thoughts just on the game overall uh the coordinators you get look you get the win right it's a week one win uh your overall thoughts on the game yeah I mean I know Kellen know I I said to start I mean this is a coach's dream you win the game but you got plenty to Hardon um and that's what coaches like so with offense it's obviously about cleaning up the uh turnovers the mistakes clean operation penalties but you know they were calling penal they're calling P that's another thing with the NFL I'm going on way too much of a tangent but these point of emphasis calls are are as well you're right man and you say it all the time John this league is so over legisla it it's unbelievable but nobody turns it off so they don't give a crap if you turn it off and I don't want you to turn it up because I want people to listen to me but if you want it to change don't you know advocate for the product but I that's never going to happen so and that's never going to happen so they don't care um yeah so they have to clean up clean operation is going to be what Kell Moore says but The Playmakers are just out of this world um as projected and defensively a lot of work to do lot of work um and again hopefully the defensive front hopefully that cleans things up hopefully they get back to Lincoln Financial Field they're on a good good Turf the the front plays well and I think that helps everybody else no doubt John one last thing that we didn't talk about it on postgame we didn't talk about it yet today I haven't even seen much on Twitter how did maai beckon do at Right Guard did you see I thought it was good yeah I mentioned that yesterday on the show I I and I gotta rewatch the game but I I didn't notice offensive linemen if you don't notice them generally that's a good exactly and and when you do notice him you want it to be a Jason Kelce type of notice you know great block downfield or whatever but I thought thought I thought beckon held up very well I mentioned Kenny Clark that was what what I was concerned about and maybe he was help by the turf uh and and Kenny not being able to get his footing but I didn't see much from Kenny Clark and I didn't see many bad plays for McKai beckon so I think you know he played pretty well good stuff there from Johnny Mack John thanks for joining today I know you're bogged down with a bunch of stuff going on at home today so thanks for carving out some time to to give us this Saturday recap after the Eagles moved to one and0 appreciate it brother all right thanks everybody all right there's Johnny Mack joining us here on on football 247 a little Saturday edition Johnny Mack had a busy schedule so I'm happy he was able to come in and kind of give us 25 minutes of his time to recap uh this game I'm going to stick around a little bit and talk to you guys a little bit in the chat I want to thank and welcome everybody in for being here thank you guys for being here make sure you guys hit that like button we got two new members today John John is it t nag or nag is that nag I think is how you would say that uh John thanks for becoming a member man we appreciate that and then Doug Walters becomes a member Doug appreciate that uh very much from becoming a member you guys are officially not only entered into the Jersey giveaway which I think is an add-on but you're supporting the channel which goes along long way and means a lot to me so thank you guys uh for your support of the channel it means a lot I think I did I I'm not sure if I dropped the link in there uh today to join in um if you guys want to be entered we're giving away our first saquon Barkley jersey giveaway early in the week next week I'm going to announce more details on that on the shows on Monday hoping to give that Jersey Away by Tuesday or Wednesday I just want to make sure everybody that's a member has a chance to know when it is and be present so that uh if their name is called uh as the winner they can claim their prize and follow along so that's what we'll do with that so if you want to become a channel member go ahead and do so today you do that by clicking the join button uh on our channel so I'm going to go through uh read some comments from you guys and we'll continue to recap this game Ross and found who's one of our members Ross thanks for being a member man he says one thing I am worried about is Edge I don't think they had the Personnel I am a I hope I am wrong resting our hopes on a Jets backup you know Ross you're bring up a good point with with with the edge they were non-existent last night John said look it's something to monitor but the field was pitiful there was there was a couple plays I'm not sure if you saw this on social media but there was one play where you know you could see Bryce Hoff and he's trying to get around the edge and he's slips and then he's trying to get up and he slips again and he's trying to get up again and he slips again and I'm just like you got look the other part of that that that I think is is tough to factor in is when you're a player and you make your money on putting your foot in the ground and getting to the quarterback you lose a little bit of confidence when you do that and you step and your leg gives right like in a way you almost you almost become fearful not fearful but hesitant where you don't you don't do it as hard and I think that could have been a Factor last night with the edge rushes as John pointed out there was really no rush from anybody on either defensive line on both sides of the ball or both both teams so other than ran Gary who had a great game for for the Packers but I thought that was interesting so we're definitely gonna have to monitor it but you know as of now Bryce Huff was SOS I thought the most concerning part about the Bryce Huff thing was I'm going to try and pull it up for you guys was the snap counts when you look at the snap Counts from last night let me see if I can get them real quick I'll pull them up so you guys can see and we can run through them run through them together um here they are from John McMullen so I'll bring them up on his Twitter one sec let me do that I'll share the screen bear with me as I'm doing a little production on the Fly here so here's the snap counts right um and you can see this is the offense here uh so all pretty normal here 100% for you know the whole offensive line Jaylen obviously Devonte Smith AJ Brown only missed four plays Dallas Goddard so everything pretty normal here 80% of the plays for saquon Barkley which I thought was pretty good um everything pretty normal here right EJ Jenkins even got out there for three snaps Britton cvy nine snaps J Johnny Wilson 10 so everything pretty normal on offense you go to this defensive side of the ball right and where we where are we starting so here we go Bond 100% Reed blanket chip 100 slay 100 it's pretty good stuff there uh gner Johnson missed one snap so 99% there everything normal ncoe Dean quinon avonte Maddox and then you get down into the defensive line defensive tackles Josh SWAT 61% so that's a better number for him than last year uh Jaylen Carter pretty up up there but you know Nolan Smith takes 31 snaps Brandon Graham takes 31 32 snaps Josh sweat takes 41 snaps Jordan Davis takes 35 snaps and the $17 million Edge rusher the guy we signed in the off season you know who's supposed to replace Bryce Huff has 30 snaps you're telling me we paid $17 million for a guy to play 45% of the snaps and not only that he had zero pressures zero tackles zero sacks he did nothing he did absolutely nothing in the game and you know when you look at these snap numbers I mean Bryce Hoff played as much as Milton Williams who had 28 snaps it's concerning man I mean look I'm not like I don't want to make too much of it because it's week one here so you know look let's let's see how he develops but as of now Bryce Huff is on the Milk Carton he is SOS and not only is he SOS but I think those snap counts show a lack of faith from Vic vanio to even have him on the field you have 35y old Brandon Graham out there for more snaps than than Bryce Huff the guy you just paid 17 million plus for I I don't get that at all so um you know we're gonna have to monitor that for sure Ross and found thank you for the Super Chat my man we appreciate uh you checking in he says if BG is T taking that many snaps it's an issue see Ross I don't think it's an issue on BG's front I think it's an issue on Bryce Huff's front because if you're I mean to your point it is an issue because the only way BG's getting that many snaps means you're you know you're bringing Hof off the field and you know BJ's gonna get snapped because Josh sweat isn't 100% player obviously he's a guy that needs some you know he needs some rest in the games and I think that's better for him he's more productive when he has some rest but so I I'm not overly concerned with BG getting more snaps but I am concerned when you talk about how how much Bryce Huff was out there it almost tells me uh Vic fjo is has no faith in him he doesn't even believe in the player to put him out there and you know you guys are all pointing to the field and you know M I hear you dude and everybody else says the field I I agree the field was bad but that doesn't answer for why everybody was on the same field BG had more snaps Josh SWAT had more snaps you know so it doesn't really answer even if the field was slippery that would answer for the production it doesn't answer to the snap count and why dick fio had him out there for less than 45 he had him out there for 45% of the snaps I think that's pretty egregious um so definitely something to monitor as we go here in the week two I think overall look I don't want to sound any alarms I'm just kind of being that Eagles fan that that that picks apart everything uh and you want you you know you want answers on everything but overall we're one to know you get the win in South Paulo Brazil I think that's a big a big thing for the Eagles to walk out of there one and0 um I was a little concerned going into the game uh just that you know I thought all the factors were were in the Packers favor and that Eagles lose a home game you're traveling 4,000 plus miles to be the home team you know and normally we have the best home field advantage I would argue in the NFL in the link so I thought everything was kind of in the Packers favor so to get out of there with a win at one and0 is a blessing you know I think the other Silver Lining here is we talked about the three turnovers we had 34 points 34 points last night with three turnovers that's pretty unbelievable and then to to to to to give some credit to the defense three turnovers two of them came inside our own what is it 20 or 30 inside our own Red Zone basically and we only gave up 29 Points on the game so overall you know I think there's some Silver Linings there with those turnovers and and how the defense was able to mitigate you know them getting into the end zone uh hopefully the offense can can can slow that down though I do not want to see Jaylen Herz having that many turnovers uh this year so you know hopefully they can get that uh handled James dowin checks in says sequin Jersey James no doubt brother we will be giving away a saquin jersey uh this week I'm gonna put the uh I'm gonna put in the chat now the uh link to join because I know people try and join and they can never figure out how to do it but we will be giving away the saquin Jersey you must be a channel member to win so James is saying saquan Jersey but James you're not a member on the channel my man so uh you can't you can't win it if you're not a member so I'm going to put the link in the description or in the chat box right now to join if you want to uh become a member and and be entered into the saquin Jersey giveaway I I view that as an add on everybody when you become a member you are really supporting our Channel and the content that we bring you every day uh we are not a venture-backed company we do not have Angel Investors we don't have Venture capitalists in our Corner um I have you the people and we have a couple great sponsors that that that Keep Us Alive and then obviously have myself John McMullen Dan cilio and a couple other things uh that go into you know the expense of the channel so we appreciate all of your guys support you really do uh make it happen I'm gonna take a couple more questions here uh kicking around with you guys happy to be one and0 uh Shany becomes a member Shany thank you my man we appreciate uh you becoming a member and supporting uh the channel douan monsters in here he's a channel member uh so we appreciate that so thank you all uh for becoming a membership uh I'm going to go through and see some comments if you guys have any good comments or things things you want to talk about definitely drop them in all super chats will go to the front uh so we appreciate uh that let me go through the the uh the chats um I missed a bunch so I'm gonna go through and see if I can find some good stuff slagger yeah slagger I meant to ask John about this slagger this is going to be a birds 365 topic on Monday without a doubt slagger says that that wide three-man defensive line with two edges was getting gash and that's that famous Vic fangio 50 front that we talked lot about and you know I'll put some I'll I'll take some blame not blame but you know I'll eat a little crow here because I was super excited slagger for the 50 front I thought fiveman front Who you gonna double you got Jordan Davis Jaylen Carter Milton Williams and then you're gonna have two Edge rushers it's almost like a pick your poison you know with who you're going to block and it would create Lanes to get to the quarterback but you're right it got completely gashed last night especially in the Run game uh it was not good and it really created no pressure now maybe some of that's on the field and maybe some of that will be corrected but um you know that 50 front was definitely gash last night uh without a doubt James Godwin dogin becomes a member James appreciate you brother thank you for your support I know you've been a long time listener I've seen your uh your chats in here for a bit and I know you're a big fan of Johnny Ma so James thank you man uh for being in here uh and now he says it Xander I'm a member now now I'll say sequan Jersey let's go uh so we'll be giving away the saquon Jersey this week uh so stay tuned everybody Monday Tuesday or Wednesday one of those days I I just want to give everybody that is a member a chance to be up to date on when I'm doing it um so uh that's the reason for the not delay but I'm going to do it Monday or Tuesday I don't want to do it right away you know and then not everybody has a chance to consume so I want everybody the chance to get in uh to figure out when we're doing it and see if they can you know get in so I'm gonna go to our super chats now AB checks in AB thank you brother appreciate the Super Chat Man by the way Abe it was great talking with you last night Abe joined us last night guys on the post post game show uh last night I brought in some fans so it's something I'm going to try and do every week where I give the link for you guys to join the show if you're willing to do it and I look I love talking you I love talking football with you guys and I love the points of view you guys have as fans so I'm G to try and do that as much as possible Abe says Beck beckon gave Barkley big hole for the rushing touchdown Abe good point man he did and and I I did rewatch some tape of that this morning and I thought beckum was good last night you know and John made up a good point when you don't hear anything on an offensive lineman that's typically a good thing uh because you know if if you're hearing a lot they're they're probably getting burned you know unless it's a they're you know they're pulling and getting up field so overall I thought beckon held his own at Right Guard another Jeff stoutland project looks like it's going to work pretty well we'll continue to watch him uh throughout the season money sprung checks in money appreciate you being here man um he says Edge might be overblown Packers had explosive plays and we never got into passing Downs because because they ran over us because Fano played too high all game it's a good point money you're right I mean I some of those setups that Vic had out there I was confused by and you know you bring up the good point with the two high safety and they were running it right down our throat with it and they continued to do it all second half it was uh you know Josh Jacobs really came alive in that second half he was running the ball really well so you know it's going to be interesting I don't I admittedly have said I'm not a huge fan of the Vic fjo Style of Defense but I think he's the right coordinator to run it if you're going to run that style so hopefully you can make an adjust make some adjustments by the way I did think he brought some excuse me I did think he brought some pressure last night and good moments um you know which was good to see because you talk about you know guys like Vic who don't like the blitz at all I thought I thought he was selective and and good with it last night in terms of when to bring you know when to bring the pressure but uh good point money sprung appreciate the Super Chat man thank you for support ing uh the channnel slagger checks in says that's a good point about Huff also he wasn't on the field because he's a pass rusher and there weren't enough passing Downs slager good point good point about the snap count I brought that up earlier I still have it up here um you know you see those snap counts with Bryce Huff down at only 30 snaps and 45% of the snaps played so it is a good point you know they weren't in that many they didn't have as many passing Downs last night and maybe that's part of the reason Bryce Huff was out there but slagger it does also then highlight you know how limited of a pass thrusher he is you know if he can only be out there on passing downs we paid 17 and change for a guy that must get after the quarterback and if he can't get after the quarterback it's going to be all for not he's not a three down player at all and I think to your point you know maybe that's why he wasn't on the field but it also does highlight the backside of that he's not a three- down guy and he's not going to be and Vic doesn't trust him in that role so there's a silver lining to that but there's also a good and bad there uh so but anyway appreciate the comment there fbody guy drops a Super Chat uh thank you guys all super chats as I mentioned we'll go to the front appreciate your body guy uh for going does that mean Fox Body by any chance Fox body guy 46 fbody guy it might mean something completely different but I'm a mustang guy so if you're talking about fox bodies I'll get into some of that with you uh he says been waiting all offseason for the Xander Mack postgame recap glad the first one to win some things to clean up but overall happy with the defense uh look I I agree and by the way appreciate the comments man that you've been waiting for Johnny McKai it's been a lot of fun doing the content John only had 20 or so minutes today because he's bogged down he's got a lot of stuff you know going on at the house so um unfortunately I couldn't get him for longer but appreciate you being here man John was on our postgame show as well so make sure you guys go and check that out the Jacob postgame show the first edition of theuh 2024 Jacob postgame show um so appreciate that but you know I think you're right overall I was pretty happy with the defense as I pointed out remember we had three three turnovers two of them in our own Red Zone basically and the eagle and the Eagles defense held them to three points both times they only give up uh 29 Points in the game with three turnovers so overall I think the defense did have some good things there were some stuff that didn't look so great but I think by week eight or nine I think this thing's going to be clicking man I think some of these players are going to get more acclimated to the system I think some of the young guys are going to continue to get better um and I think the defense is on a good track right now so f I appreciate it man uh thanks for being here he says Camaro I'll forgive you on that I'm not a Camaro guy my guy I'm a mustang guy AB says Xander got himself a Shelby AB Not Yet brother not yet hopefully one day man that that's the dream you know you get a Shelby GT500 soup it up cam it up you know straight pipe that sucker that would be a great I'd love to do that but uh Bruce Banner Mustang guysand I got my subro on coils nice good stuff Bruce um my uncles were big subro guys they they they drove the ti so um appreciate that man for this for the comment uh good stuff everybody overall everybody look we're one and0 right I mean you come out of there you go down to Brazil you have to travel 4,000 plus miles for a home game and we come home one and0 so at the end of the day that's all we can ask for I think there was a lot of ugly in the game I will admit to you all now I'm a little concerned about the Jaylen Herz decision making last night not that I not that I don't think he's going to be a great qu I think Jaylen Herz is phenomenal I just think there's it's a it's it's a little too much of a roller coaster for me right now where the highs are so good and he makes plays that you're just like how the hell did he make that play and then the lows are too low where you're like why why did he throw that ball you know even the fourth quarter one back across the body and a lot of people were talking about AJ Brown slipped and I'm like look I don't care that AJ Brown slept if you're going to argue to me that that was a throw that should have been made uh I'm going to dis vly disagree with you because that was just a bad decision there by Jaylen Herz so I want to see him clean that up man we cannot get into a season where J where turnovers are a problem for Jaylen Herz again so hopefully he can clean that up but like I said we're walking out one and0 uh one and0 baby you got to be one and0 each week in this league and and it's a war of attrition so I think we skated by nothing big on the injury front CJ Gardner Johnson returned to the game uh so we move in the week to one and0 and then good spot to take advantage of where we are got the Falcons on Monday night football next week mty sprung checks in with another $5 Super Chat money appreciate your support of the Channel all super chats will go to the front if there's a super I'm not leaving I refuse to end the show if there's a Super Chat to get to so appreciate you money sprung he says money aside we should look at Bryce Huff more as our Chris long not as Assan reic also on the blank and pick Huff is in coverage um money I you know how how are you going to tell me we paid $17 million for a guy that's supposed to serve a Chris Long role Chris long was great in Philly but you know his role was what his role was and it worked because that was the expectation that was what we paid for and that's how our defense was set up our defense is not set up right now for it to be the Chris Long roll for him it's set up for him to be the Hanan reic replacement I mean money I look I appreciate the point I appreciate the Super Chat um and good point on by the way on the blanket Chip Pick Huff was in coverage on that but who's going to be our our our bonified Edge rusher who was g to wreak havoc on other quarterbacks who is going to get after the QB on the other team if it's not brace Huff we don't really have Edge rushers that are that are great at that Josh sweat is a great three down player um you know he's a great three down player but overall he's not you know the type of edge rusher that Hassan reic was so you know I appreciate the point but I struggled with thinking that we paid 17 million for a guy that's going to be a Chris long for the for the defense and not even close to ham reic I I see your point so I appreciate the sentiment but you know I struggle with I struggle with uh grasping that concept a little bit you know maybe that means we just overpaid for Bryce huff and it was a a miscalculation but look it it is week one so I do want to give the guy a chance to acclimate get you know get into the Vango system and you know get better on this team so I will give him a little bit more time uh but definitely something we got to watch here uh with where we are M says I'm not worried but Packers fans are yeah they should be I'm I'm you know look he says money aside man you're right money but I can't I can't do it money sprung how do you put the money aside when you makes 17 million uh it's tough to do but I I I do hear what you're saying your point is well taken I'm just trying to it's tough for me to see it past see it um see it past that but you know by the way just on Jordan love you know I hate to see any player get injured you never want to see a player get injured it didn't look good to me I don't I'm not a doctor you know I talk sports with you guys so I don't know but you saw that one video floating around it looked like the knee like popped and and you're just like oh I hope not NL look I mean you know and then the other side of it is look this is the NFL it's the war of attrition and it's part of the game this is an NFC Contender and Jordan love going down is I hate to say this but it helps this football team you you look at that Packers team this is a team we thought we could see in the playoffs this is a team that we thought could you know really have a big season this year uh with a good roster so the war of attrition strikes again and you know like I said I'll pray for Jordan love you never want to see a player get injured no doubt about it um but it's it's part of the game you know it's part of the game so you got to uh you know you got you got to got to take it for what it's worth and hopefully he's all right but at the end of the day it does help the Eagles in the NFC front because I think that opens up the door for a lesser team to get into the playoffs in the NFC and that might make the road to the Super Bowl a little that much easier for the Philadelphia Eagles and you got to look at it as a positive on that front Alfredo checks in alfredo appreciate the Super Chat man he says should have kept reic he is purely a pass rusher Alfredo I'm with you man but look we can't live in the past anymore I don't know he's gone he's as good as gone I I saw a report he was going to report to the Jets finally it's been chaos it's been a nightmare for the Jets trading for him I don't know how you trade for a guy like that um and don't have a contract in place but it hasn't really turned out well for them you know with with with um Hassan reck hopefully he shows up for them well not hopefully I don't care if he shows up or not I don't care I could care less about the Jets but um you know H reck was a good player so Eagles didn't want to pay him they don't want to pay him either nobody in the league seems to want to pay him so I think that does speak to something but um you know you're right I do agree with your point that we should have brought him back uh any other comments I'll hit before I get out of Dodge uh mad bird my man mad bird checks in appreciate you mad bird one of our channel members he's eligible to win a saquan Barkley jersey um did I pin that in the chat I forgot to pin the link um here's I'll pin it here so if you guys do want to become a member uh to be eligible to win a saquon Barkley jersey you can do so at that link I just pinned at the top of the chat madb bird says Xander at times I think SS is right about Jaylen not really reading coverages I don't like when he continues to throw in double triple coverage rather than letting the team punt the ball on third down matad that's that that that was like you know a little earlier I talked about the interceptions and you know I do want to give Jaylen some time to kind of shake some of the rust off and get into his season flow but I said it I'm concerned with the decision making and to your point about you know the putting the ball third down forget punting the ball that fourth down or that fourth quarter interception or third I think it was late third quarter we were in field goal range take the three points go up by eight and live to see another down instead he's scrambling to his right he throws it way across his body and Jer Alexander who's obviously a Savvy cornerback write it write it like a book you know and he jumps right in front of it it was almost easy for him and everybody talks about AJ slipping on the play I don't think AJ's slipping on the play had anything to do with that interception I think whether AJ slipped or not that was a dumb decision from the quarterback and I and he's got to clean some of that up so Matt I think you're right um and SS is right look SS talks about that a lot and a lot of fans get upset with him because you know sometimes they feels like SS is you know coming at our team and look he just views it from a different perspective he didn't grow up a fan of the Eagles he's not a fan of the Eagles he has an objective point of view and um you know he calls it for what he how he sees it he's a guy that played in the NFL he's a guy that was a legend at Miami when they were winning their national championships so I respect his point of view you know I didn't play football that high at that high of a level so when s speaks I do listen doesn't mean I agree with everything but I do try and understand where he's coming from so Matt appreciate the chat man uh we appreciate it Kevin says I forgive you for being a mustang guy Uh Kevin you don't have to forgive me man I will never apologize I love my American Muscle um and I'll choose Mustang all day and twice on Sunday so uh appreciate everybody for being here today good 50 minute show uh recapping this game on a Saturday it's a victory Saturday everybody so I hope you all have a great day I hope you all enjoy your night if there's any other super chats that come in I will read them before I get out of here uh but overall look we like I said earlier you get out of you get out of Brazil you travel 4,000 miles for a home game you get out of there one and0 you got no big injuries um and you win the game that in the NFL a win is a win is a win and and you are what your record says you are and right now we're one and0 so uh we're as good as we can be at this point hopefully they clean a couple of the things up um a and we have a better looking product next week overall I thought it was good but I just thought there were some things they definitely needed to clean up and you can chalk some of that up to some Rost and uh you know no preseason play so we'll see how everything develops this year appreciate everybody for being here uh right now it's been a great show as always I appreciate all of our guys in the chat we appreciate our new members James dog dowan is that how you say that James James thanks for becoming a member Shan ski becomes a member Sean thank you for becoming a member man appreciate it Doug Walters becomes a member Doug appreciate you for being here man thank you for becoming a member and John becomes a member John thank you for becoming a member I appreciate all of you guys and then our supers from money from fbody from a from Ross and found um and that's it from everybody so appreciate all of you guys uh for your contributions for your support of the channel today we appreciate it that's going to do it for my recap on this Saturday hopefully I'll do another show even tomorrow just because the game on Friday I don't like to go dark on the weekend so uh and by the way for those who joined me last night uh on the post post game show I'm gonna be posting out a little bit later on today the segment of the fan the voice of the fan so I had a couple fans join me last night AB was one of them AB you joined me Abe you were awesome last night my man thank you Joe whip I know Joe whip is in here let me find him Joe whip Joe you were great last night thank you for joining me brother uh I'm going to post that segment out as its own post so that's coming later today so if you were on there and you want to you know see yourself on the channel I think that's a fun thing um you know good stuff so I'll be posting that up later today Paul enjoy your weekend as well brother appreciate you being here um one more comment I'll read from Paul because Paul's a guy I like Paul always has great comments in the chat he says Herz had some real heads scratching decisions on about five and six five or six packs passes Packers could have a couple more 13 carries for him is too many in my in my opinion but in the end a win is a win and you take him Paul couldn't agree with every couldn't agree more with everything you said there um Herz did have some more you know there was a couple more passes there was the pick six that or not the pick six the could have been pick six that was dropped there was another throw to AJ Brown late in the game um it was like a 10 yard out and AJ was right there at the first yard marker and he basically broke up the interception Jer Alexander almost had his second pick so there were a couple throws from Jaylen that were definitely head scratching so we'll be watching them and I agree 13 carries too much for me for Jaylen Herz I don't want to see him getting hurt we need him to get to the Super Bowl so good points Paul thank you for checking in man thank you for that um that that chat and and thank you for your words on the postgame show thanks everybody for tuning in if you didn't watch the postgame show go ahead and go and do that now uh that's going to do it for our show right now everybody appreciate all you guys uh go Birds baby want to know uh see you next time on Jacob everybody e a g l e s Eagles

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