Category: Entertainment
Welcome to middle earth a land of elves dwarves and men and a place where 20 magical rings change the fate of the world forever but why were these rings made and what was their purpose let's find out first of all the reason behind there are 20 rings in jrr tolkin middle earth is because sauron had a... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro man stelle sich einen architekten vor der einen turm bauen soll den besten größten tollsten turm den die welt jemals gesehen hat und dafür bekommt der architekt mehr geld zur verfügung als bei jedem anderen turmbau bisher ausgegeben wurde gut und was macht der architekt er baut einen turm der... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I would i think i would be probably an art director on on a set i just like dealing with like medical issues that seems like didn't expect that all your was the best quiz yeah oh my god hey guys my name is shan and today i'm going to be having a conversation with two ced people in the house it's charlie... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Isildur's sister discovers num menor's secret stone in the lord of the rings the rings of power season 1 finale but what does aran see in the polli the poi the seven seeing stones were created by the elves of valanor in the distant past these orbs of crystal allowed their users to communicate and see... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] with the second season of the lord of the rings the rings of power newly released a particular point in the storyline has fans of the show and fans of jrr tol keen's original novels divided a good girl falling for a bad boy's charm doesn't need to apply to every relationship despite what book... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] this is the work of s there's this great dramatic irony in season 2 because the audience knows sauron's identity but a lot of the characters don't so what's it like playing sauron as this conniving trickster as opposed to the you know all powerful evil entity we know him as in the original series... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
We are here with the rings of power season two now you guys didn't get to hear my opinions on season 1 so i am going to share them real quick i hated my time with season 1 and for one very particular reason i mean outside of the ones that i spoke about in my episode breakdowns i guess namely the fact... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Ya he visto el segundo episodio de la segunda temporada de los anillos de poder así que en este vídeo analizaré por completo todo cuanto ocurre relacionado con los libros quiero aprovechar que tan solo llevamos dos episodios de análisis para hacer hincapié en esto en que todos mis análisis tanto si... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Ladies and gentlemen it is rings of power day how amazing for everyone involved right now at the time of watching this video you can be treated to not one not two but three full episodes to potentially drive up watch hour so it looks at least like somebody's paying attention to this crap it's not about... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Servus grüßt euch freut mich dass wieder mit derbeiseits auf meinem kanal und ja die ereignisse überschlagen sich wieder einmal wenn es um die season 2 von ringe der macht geht und zwar wurde jetzt in einem vantive fair artikel bestätigt dass tom bombal innerhalb der zweiten staffel vorkommen wird der... Read more
Category: Entertainment
How are you doing good good how are you i'm good actually i love that they've paired the two of you together because you know your characters have can we call it a bromance yeah yeah you can call it that yeah so i was like have you guys got like a little like offscreen nickname for each other like c... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Ya viene de regreso los anillos de poder y seguramente muchos al igual que nosotros ya no recordamos en qué momento de esta épica batalla nos encontramos con tantos nombres tantos lugares y tantas versiones diferentes de sauron es fácil perderse en la tierra media pero aquí te actualizamos todo para... Read more