Another Dooley Noted Podcast // Episode #373 ~ HBC Steve Spurrier

pretty soon they're going to have articles on what team has the most players driving cars that cost 100,000 I he we got a couple maybe now I hear a couple of our guys got some new whe yeah they do but they do what a different day it is huh it is it is wild and weird it is it's just kind of but again you got a choice you can say well I'm never watching football again okay we'll miss you but um or you can say hey you got to get better at it you got to do a better job at it that's right what's fair for one team's fair for all another duly noted podcast comes to you from the coach's podcast room at spurrier's grid iron grill in celebration Point okay and welcome in to another duly noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the meldon law Gator Studios good show for you today coach spur will be in here in a minute Robbie Andrew will join us for yes no way or maybe and we got all all of our fun stuff that we always do including our Campus USA play of the weekend or we got a new Hue cane All State Mayhem moment all this stuff and more uh coming up don't forget on Thursday Wayne peace is going to join us of course great quarterback at the University of Florida a big part of the Gator Legacy uh that we've been talking about um and we look forward to that him coming on Thursday uh it was a weird weekend because Friday and Saturday man it was so nice out and when I say nice I'm like it was 88 and no humidity now that would that to us at this point in life is beautiful um but I guess the my wife was explaining to me she said the hurricane was sucking all the humidity away on Thursday and Friday or Friday and Saturday but on Sunday it would be back so I played golf on all those days and yeah she was right but it was so nice to play made me almost think that we were ready for football season and we are so let's get to our Gainesville quarterback Club starting five brought to you by the Gainesville quarterback Club of course big speaker uh schedule planed for them they've got so many great speakers I am one of them but that's doesn't make it great uh but I always introduce the guest I'm looking forward to introducing Ernest Graham for the opener um the man Florida could not win without in 2001 remember that he missed two games with injuries they lost those was only two games they lost so Ernest Graham and I look forward to talking to him and um of course miles Graham is on the team one of the many Legacy players that Florida's got they got another one this week and uh they keep going really well on on that and we'll talk to coach about that cuz most of the guys I think almost all the guys play played for him and were recruited by him and now they have sons that are that age so they're and they're coming here though and that's good they're I mean you know Ben Hank son is a uh four or five star depends on who you look at guy I mean miles Graham was a five-star you know it or a four star wa it doesn't matter to me if you get a four or a five star it really doesn't matter and I'll talk about that later today on one of the other things we're doing um it's number five actually on this list I got I gotta I was trying to look at number four um you I hate this when the paper just folds up a little bit and you can't look see what you're supposed to be looking at all right let's get to our Gainesville quarterback Club starting five and again if you want to join the Gainesville quarterback Club they are taking membership applications and you can join long distance and just um be on the zoom and I know a lot of people that do that a lot of people have both both you know well they'll go to the club but then if if things are dragging they'll they'll go home and watch it on Zoom so it's really a cool thing especially with the speaker schedule they've got this year which is unbelievable all right let's start off with number one on our Gainesville quarterback Club starting five and that is it's football season I can't say it's slow enough because I don't want it to go too fast but it is football season uh technically it was the last Monday where or the no the first Monday where we can say hey there's football this weekend man I screwed that up really bad there are games now I will say this the games aren't great uh Florida state Georgia Tech and Dublin doesn't do a whole lot for me I will watch it until FSU gets a lead a big lead but um and again that's a noon game so that'll be fun to watch but the the the main thing is even though it's a week Zero game and there aren't many many other there I mean the other games that really are not worthy of your eyes to be honest with you um but it's football season it's the beginning of it it's the first games of the year and then that makes means we're into the as soon as the games are over on Saturday we're into the next weekend which brings us Thursday games and Monday games and Sunday games and Saturday a a full schedule and it it's here man you ready let me know where you're gonna be um and what you're serving because I'm thinking about tailgate now my problem is I want to watch the noon game next week I'm talking about Saturday the Georgia Clemson game I want to watch that game so I don't know I'm but I'm still thinking about getting out and doing some tail greting all right number two on our Gainesville quarterback Club starting five the ho I'm calling all the speaking engagements I do this this year and I've done one already title Town Gators I mentioned that the other day I've got the uh Gainesville court or the uh fighting Gator touchdown Club is on Thursday of this week and then of course next week I start with the gamesville quarterback Club every Tuesday speaking and doing a scouting report for them so it is still talking season for me not talking season now for a lot of people because there's going to be games but anyway it's a long way of saying when I was introducing my speaking engagements as the hope and hype tour for this year the hope and hype tour is this hope is alive in the gator Nation we know it is majority of Gator fans there's some that are out there going I can't wait till Napier loses and we get get rid of him and bring in another coach and start all over again that ain't going to work guys you need to be all in on this coach if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out okay and that's where the hype comes from the hype is within the gator Nation because you're only seeing players that you know about and you know what they can do you're you're not seeing anybody else you know right now you haven't seen anybody else play football I don't know how many of you watch spring games but if you do that's problem we can work out uh but it's been a while since you've seen a lot of guys play that's my point so the the it is Hope and it is hype and we'll see if if it lives up to it if it lives up to the hype and if it if there if the hope is not uh worthless I guess worthless isn't the right word but if they're not worthy of your hope that these are all the things we're going to find out so it is a hope and hype tour uh let's get to number three on our Gainesville quarterback Club starting five and that is the best thing about it the best thing about college football starting this week is that we can just stop with the speculation and the lists no look I'm a I'm the king of the list you know that I make lists more than anybody does I love them but we're at the point right now where we can let that go I don't want to know who the top 100 players are the top 30 players or this that and the other I don't want to know those anymore let's just watch football that's the best thing about it no more lists no more uh predictions no more teachers dirty looks nothing we we're done with that let's get to some football and I know it's not a great schedule Saturday but it's going to be the following Saturday so we'll ease into it it's like putting your going into the kids pool to uh to go swimming you stick your stick your feet in you know all right it's not too cold I think I can get in then next week you're jumping in head first um all right let's get to number four on our Gainesville quarterback Club starting five and this is it's not like I'm knocking people who care so much about recruiting I get it I get why people do and it is the lifeblood and I know that in the old saying as if uh it's recruiting is like shaving you don't have to do it every day but you'll look like a bum if you don't um there you know there's a lot of we all know how important recuring is and I'm not blaming people for being so into recuring but this story that moved uh this today uh Boise state has named their quarterback starting quarterback Maddox I love the first name by the way and I I would assume that he was named after Greg Maddox CU it's mu or DDX and my dog was named after Maddox Maddox Madson is his name um and the only reason I even bring it up so Boise State's name and their starting quarterback is not going to raise a lot but the number one player in the country according to the rankings did not win the job and he's been at Boise for two years and that's Malachi Nelson um there was a big story on him in um I think because they assumed he would win the job number one player in the country how can he not win the job at Boise State but he did I don't know why I don't know what what the issues are but you know it's just I thought about this because today or yesterday or maybe Friday I can't remember what day it was I was listening to somebody talking about a player who was at a school and I wasn't sure who it was I wasn't sure who they were talking about but eventually it came to fruition that it was Jane rashada at Georgia and they're saying late for meetings doesn't do things right the right way they he's like literally like the four string quarterback at Georgia and they whatever money they spent to get him there they probably'll let him go after this year and I'm not trying to beat him up okay I'm just saying be careful about what you wish for and what what you hope happens because you never know what guys are going to look like look Florida's got having a good recruiting year it's so funny because they get Ben hanks's kid and they went from 43rd to 20th in the recruiting rankings because one player and I'm like well he must be really good but no it's because nobody people are still getting commitments they're still Gathering and don't forget the new world we're dealing with with 105 scholarships and no walk- on and all you know 10 five if you want to give those out all these things are all playing into to all of this all all of the things about recruiting I just am a big believer in just being patient waiting to see what what your class is what you do in the portal and then okay that's what you did and don't forget none of these recruiting rankings include portal guys or most of them don't anyway all right finally number five on our Gainsville quarterback starting five and that is that this is the final week for exhibition football and it will be really bad football there are going to be a lot of backups a lot of guys that you don't and I I will say this every time like we talked about the Saturday how they were going to have four a quadruple header four straight games in the NFL Network and every time I'd start watching one and the third team quarterback would come in and with a bunch of other scrubs and I would just go no I'd rather find a movie or something exhibition football's terrible I it's just not any good and they need to there should be a way to do it now the coaches will tell you we don't even care if we play the games all we want to do is have these scrimmages against other teams that are not videoed and so I can run whatever offense I want to run because it's you don't have evidence that I ran this offense so if you're playing a team you're not going to play during the season especially you're going to run whatever you want to run and it's more much more interesting on offense but that's the biggest problem we'll talk to coach about that as well when he comes on just a minute and we'll do that we'll take a break and we'll come back with more of another dly noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the melden log Gator Studios right after we get out of here for just a couple of minutes we'll bring on Coach sper after this break Gator fans football season is here what's better than seeing the Gators back on the field easy seeing amazing speakers and fellow Gator fans weekly at the Gainesville quarterback Club held every Tuesday night of a home game at the Best Western Gateway Grand enjoy a happy hour great food valuable insights from yours truly and Andy Staples plus notable speakers throughout the season as the oldest Gator booster club in the world Gainesville quarterback Club gives you access to Elite speakers like coaches NCAA Football on Siders Gator grates and more share your passion for Gator football with hundreds of other members at weekly inseason meetings home tailgates and special events throughout the year join the Gainesville quarterback club today email The Club at membership quarterback or visit the quarterback or better yet just give me a call and I'll get you to the right people great food great atmosphere a diverse menu everything made from scratch plenty of space and locally owned these are all the characteristics of a great restaurant and you can find each and every one of them right here in Gainesville at Balo Grill Balo Grill prepares all of their food fresh every day from their salad dressing to their award-winning soups bring your family and enjoy dinner under the Tim Treo Tiki Hut while listening to live music or if you're running low on time to eat out they also deliver through Uber Eats fight Squat and Postmates a Gainesville staple that's been open for over 30 years check out Balo Grill on Facebook or at valyo Titan MRI North Central Florida's Premier independent diagnostic testing MRI facility at Titan MRI we're focused on you the patient having a great customer experience our MRI equipment is modered and 75% quieter than any unit in its class and our MRI unit has one of the largest openings of any of the newer high strength MRI units which allows comfortable scanning for potential claustrophobic and larger patients at Titan MRI we look forward to serving you okay and welcome back to another dly noted podcast Pres presented by Titan MRI from the melden law Gator Studios meldon law is also the sponsor of our time with Coach spurger every Monday we always love meld and Mondays and uh I know coach is uh fired up he's got notes and everything you can tell it's football season when he's got notes all ready to go ready to talk about yeah I think it's always interesting uh who people pick uh before the season starts and of course most of them are wrong all the time but anyway uh I did I did some notes there a lot of people are picking Old Miss to do very well Y and uh oh miss uh has never won their division and uh what' we start in ' 92 so it's been 30 32 years or so 31 32 years ky's never won a division uh so there's so many teams that have never been to the championship game we won a division at South Carolina but our our three best teams uh we still or second in the division uh to Missouri twice and then Georgia once uh we beat uh everybody in our division a couple of years but we lost two on the other side so anyway uh it's always interesting to see who everybody's picking right now it is and and there's no summer L for the Gators I mean there there has been none of that no we picked 10 in the SEC by the latest one oh I think this I thought it said 13 on here you know it did say 13 there but here oh this is the American statesman's Pi okay 10 there but 13 there yeah you're right uh but anyway I sort of did my pick uh and uh everybody says want to know who you're picking so yeah here's what here's what I'm going to get out there right now I'm going to pick Alabama to win the SEC yeah I like jayen dor and I think their players and their team will say we don't need our coach to win we're good enough to win by oursel and this guy's a hell of a coach Jaylen dor and uh I think they got a schedule they can work with but that'd be a huge game I think they do play Texas early is that correct uh okay but obviously they're Georgia Texas and Alabama are the top three and uh I just I just think maybe Alabama will be the team to do it this year and I'm going to pick the gator to finish somewhere around fifth or sixth win between eight and 10 games maybe nine something like that I think we have a lot of good players and if we can beat Miami the first game and develop some confidence that we are good enough to win and now let's go do it uh maybe that'll sustain us throughout the course of the Season well and that's interesting but that that is the big thing is is you know people were talking about this Miami game and and I'm always I'm more of a believer that it is about Florida getting confidence the one loss is is you know I'm not saying it's inconsequential it matters but it is about getting confidence for this team because their coaches believe they have a better team and they need to go out there and win this game and then everybody's going to say oh Florida's here you know well that's what happened two years ago we beat Utah at home here and everybody said man we're back in the rankings and way we go went way too high after that they were 11th I think yeah we did we' had a a huge surge but anyway yeah time will tell and uh we got a week from this Saturday so we we'll see how it plays out and uh watching those NFL preseason games I tell you what the teams are competing they're going at it they are and uh you know guys are trying to make the team so uh to there's a lot of scrambling quarterbacks I've been watching very few points yeah offense is uh so difficult I I was watching all the defense is pad on every team and I mean you talk about athletes that are big and strong and run about 44 four five everybody's got them uh and it's just uh those quarterbacks go back start running around they don't know what to do so it's a you know it's a athlete uh great athletes now compared to you know 30 40 years ago when we used have some slow dudes running around on the football field there's no slow guys anymore no there aren't and and a lot of it's cuz sec supplying them you know those those kind of players that that's the thing that I know like when Ron zuk went to Illinois and I called him at about story I was doing I and he uh said I said what's the biggest difference in the Big 10 heas defensive line defensive line in that league in the SEC you have guys that can run and are big and strong you don't have that in these other now I think other leagues have caught up a little bit but um when we to when you watch those NFL games and you're right there is no offense in these games it's almost impossible and I think a lot of it is because a a lot of people don't want to play their quarterback you know the guy who's going to start for him and the other thing is they don't want to show anything you know they don't want to show what they're going to run against in the first game I tell you the player that looked really good yesterday Josh dobs former Tennessee quarterback goly did he play well uh in the game let's see what what was the game I got so enamored with him yeah I got watching so many games I'm with you you uh he was I'm trying to remember who he played it's his first year at the with the team uh New Orleans played uh they play they play uh oh San Francisco my ners yes my ners and uh pery played uh like one possession didn't do anything and they put Josh dos in there and I mean his passes were accurate and he scrambled made some plays and uh man it wouldn't surprise me everybody said he's playing for the backup job shoot he played better than the start last night and uh so he uh Josh dobs yeah he was with the Steelers for a while was pretty he's been around yeah was uh start started some games for them as well so yeah he's a good player obviously we saw what he did to Florida that one year one of the few years that Tennessee beat Florida was um that was M Wayne's second or third year I can't remember but anyway yeah he they he lit him up there's no doubt about it um I know you watched some golf this weekend too that that was fun fun I watched a lot of it yeah that was a uh an interesting tournament from Memphis I told you my Memphis story I love Memphis uh I told Pat I played my last High School game in Memphis it was baseball and we won the state championship so that was a good memory and my last game ever as a head coach was in Memphis Orlando Apollos we beat the Memphis uh uh uh showboats showboats it was their nickname so anyway uh we're fortunate to do that and then I won a Liberty Bow there in South Carolina so Memphis has been good uh to me and my family my memories aren't as good as I was there twice one time I got food poisoning in the Press Box and the second time I got robbed oh Lord so downtown yeah so we pickpocket to me oh pit pocket oh okay and next thing I know my I I I went to the bathroom and there was my wallet sitting in there just my wallet with nothing in well did you take your driver's license and all that or uh no he left my driver's license so I can get on the plane yeah okay I actually borrowed money from Fred Bullard who was the owner of the owner of the Jacksonville jackonville yeah to so I could get home yeah so my memories aren't quite as good as yours are of that but yeah that was a lot of fun to watch that Billy h horel u making it to the U again to the next level of of the tournament of the FedEx Cup yeah Billy's had a pretty good year he's had a good year he's been he's been in uh contention brtish open he he was up there finished top five I think something like that so so who would be your all right so Sheffer has won the Masters the players and a gold medal shawley's won two majors Player of the Year that's a that's a tough Player of the Year battle there isn't it it is yeah it'll they'll be one and two yeah interesting both name got FF in it right right in the middle shaffle and sheffler it's like Selsa Walter you know yeah those two will be up for it that's uh I got to think Scotty sheffer's won a few more tournaments that he may get six yeah and schley's only won two and both of them were Majors though so I don't know I like when shafley won the last major I thought well that probably locks up player of the year but then Sheffer wins a gold medal you're like and and CES on the stand you know people are going to that's going to be a big part of it too yeah yeah Scotty Sheffer has really been the number one player in the world man his distance control on irons is just amazing to watch like everything is pin High every shot I mean if it may be 2 feet to the left it may be 8 feet to the left or maybe 9t to the right whatever it's pin High every time every shot he hits yep he's pretty good there's no question about that all right what else is happening before the ball game Saturday well we got to get ready yeah we got to get ready for football and I mean obviously there's only one decent game we didn't know how good it'll be on the first Saturday but FSU is playing Georgia Tech and that'll be interesting Georgia Tech's one of your old schools you coach there yeah I was there one year at Georgia TCH yeah we played the Gators down here to a 77 tie how about that uh we blocked our guy blocked the field goal right lawence low Lawrence low jumped up gosh he was way up in there he was we had a picture of it we didn't get the picture till like two days later and we ran it in the Jacksonville Journal when I was working there and I said this is the greatest picture of all time but you could see how high he got up to block that kick and nobody knew at the time that was going to be the highlight of the year for Florida was aack it was not good um that was that is a that was a winless year wasn't it 0 101 Charlie pill yeah and and I I hear this all the time from people they say Hey you know we were 0 101 we still filled the stands you didn't I've looked up the numbers it's not even close you had like 48,000 for a couple of games so don't don't tell me that uh but I I know Gator fans are excited about this season coming up they're fired up about it I think so and uh the national writers and so forth are not high on us but they're they're not high on a lot of teams that have a chance uh my Gamecocks my former team they're not picked very high in fact they're picked about 15th in this this pole here so they're they're down near the bottom Vandy is the is the bottom team though yeah nobody has surpassed them yet and I think Mississippi state will play a lot better than what they 16 or so 15 yeah I think most people hav't 15 or 16 yeah I think they're going to surprise some people Mississippi State I think their offense will play well and uh and beat some people well they got that guy out of there and that was I don't know what they were thinking there with the hire and Zack Arnett uh to replace leech and again you're it was a shocking situation that's got to be hard but just clearly you could see all year he wasn't the right guy for the job and they I will say this they made the move on him and when got a guy who knows a little bit of something about offense they were enjoying that part when they had a good offense you know yeah Jeff Lev is from offensive background head coach play caller not many of those guys left but there's a few still out there and uh I mean he got the job because he's good at uh offensive coordinator position so we we'll see how it plays out I just I say that because I watched their spring game yeah one Saturday they were flipping around and so I watched it about a half or so and he was running their whole stuff for the spring game and they going up and down the field against their defense defense so anyway it'll be fun watching that Team all right so you You' got Alabama winning at all you like kayin conference I got him winning the conference I don't know about it all but uh they I don't think any of us know it all now because this 12 team playoff MH can you imagine if you had a 12 team playoff that would have been a lot you'd have been in it almost every year pretty soon they're going to have articles on what team has the most players driving cars that cost 100,000 I here we got a couple maybe now I hear a couple of our guys got some new wheel yeah they do but they do what a different day it is huh it is it is wild and weird it is it's just kind of but again you got a choice you can e say well I'm never watching football again okay we'll miss you but um or you can say hey you got to get better at it you got to do a better job at it that's right what's fair for one team's fair for all Unlimited to to pay players and so forth and you got to really I think handle it the correct way and I think Georgia does a good job I mentioned of paying their players to where they all still love each other you know if one guy's getting all the money and these all the Lin not getting very much they could say I think uh we need to negotiate again coach but uh anyway it's uh if if everybody's happy and playing as a team then then you you got something to go to go on absolutely yeah uh before we get to our Campus USA play of the weekend I did want to ask you about another Legacy commitment for Florida getting Ben hanks's son and I and my wife was saying hey Steve spur is still affecting Florida football because all these guys Ernest Graham uh uh fadus Bullard is his son is on the team Willie Jackson's son and now um and now Ben Hank son so they're they're coming at it well it's good to see players that played here uh influen their sons a little bit I know they tell them you go the best place that you want to go you know hopefully for us it's University of Florida but you you got to make the call and I think all these young men made the call on their own and uh I mean when you think about University of Florida academically we're number one in the nation Public University and uh to get a degree from here uh job opportunities are just better than they are degrees from other schools so sell that and we had two or three guys graduate the LA end of the last semester and uh I found something the other day Pat that I'm starting to brag about when I go make talks we had 159 players that made the all academic selection teams in the 90s 159 uh what school we were first in the SEC what school you think was second in graduating players vanderville nope they didn't have uh they weren't they weren't second Alabama was second Alabama total number yeah if Andy may they may have had most of their guys graduated but uh we were first and then Alabama and then it was down the line there wow that's pretty good so we might have been two of the winningest teams of the 90s also so that it goes hand in hand I think it does yeah and I I mean like I've always told people that look college football team is the front porch of your of your house and so when people see a beautiful front porch they want to go in it you know in the house so all right let us move on to our Campus USA play of the weekend and uh I know it gets it's getting a lot of air play all over the place and especially on Twitter but I don't know if you what would you say if did that with the back playing I like that and and it's it's incomplete if it doesn't go yeah I so he did do it forward you I was just thinking you can run a a sweep and flip it behind your back but if it hits the ground you know it's a lateral see he's going forward there so that's no big deal if it uh if it doesn't hit it's like that a little bit like he said that Andy Reed told him to try it game because he tries it and practice all the time but again it's a preseason game if he does that in the fourth quarter and it gets picked off everybody's losing their minds yeah but it was pretty fun and it was uh certainly interesting nice hole it was a well-designed play yeah well-designed play uh and so forth yeah so that is our Campus USA play of the weekend we appreciate Campus USA for being a sponsor and Coach spur is also a spokesman for them and that's where I Bank you know so we we appreciate them all right we'll let Coach go we'll be back with more of another duly noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the melden law Gator Studios melden law has been serving personal injury victims since 19 1971 in those days Jeffrey Melton's presence as an attorney in the music scene dued him with the nickname the hippie attorney and although times have changed two things haven't our commitment to bettering our community by helping the injured Albert are you ready to go to the game and our love for the Florida Gators if you bleed orange and blue melden law is the firm for you Adams Rib Company has been a staple of Gainesville for more than a decade and a staple of the douly house ever since Kelsey's teeth came in the first time I walked into Adams I told my daughter that the green beans are always a test of a great barbecue restaurant and they were perfect you know about the ribs that melt in your mouth and my favorite the turkey plate But be sure to go in on Fridays for Nana's fish nuggets they will melt in your mouth Adams ripco a Gainesville great another duly noted podcast comes to you from the coaches podcast room at Spur's gr IR Grill and celebration point you can watch and listen to us on Facebook and YouTube for every podcast that we do on Mondays and Fridays at 2 o'clock listen to the podcast whenever on Apple podcast Spotify Google podcast overcast any of the other 39 platforms where you can find this podcast or your favorite podcast remember to like follow And subscribe if you have any questions or comments leave them in the comment section below or call me if you want to do some advertising at 352 317 3444 okay welcome back to another dly noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the melden law Gator Studios and it's always a great pleasure on Mondays to bring in Robbie Andrew to play yes no air maybe Robbie how was your weekend good Pat how was yours it was great I tell you that's W or Friday Saturday no humidity the hurricane I guess sucked it a way and uh it was beautiful out to be out I played golf both days yeah that felt good in the morning I mean there was a little breeze there was no humidity it kind of almost felt like a little bit of fall little early fall that's what I was thinking I was like oh it's football season yeah yeah's going on it is football season I know you're excited about that we're ready we're ready to watch some games right oh yeah I'm looking forward to that noon kickoff with f FSU in Ireland Georgia Tech what if they played Ireland who would win that game well it depends on what brand of football they play if they play real football soccer Ireland would win I don't know the women are pretty good at FSU so um that's true they are all right it's time for us to play yes nowhere maybe brought to you by big Mills cheese stakes and we are coming to you on the big Mills cheese steak Zoom line with Robbie Andrew and of course if you go there and tell them that you listen to the uh podcast you get free fries with your order of whatever you get all right ready Robbie you are you ready I'm ready Pat all right number number one on yes nowhere maybe brought to you by big Mills cheese steak you are looking forward to the Sam darnold era that's a tough question pad I'm gonna just go ahead I'm g go ahead and say yes because I am a Vikings fan so start of a new year I wish he wasn't a quarterback but you know he he was a highly rated guy com out of college now he's going to be in an offense that's good with a coach that's very quarterback yeah friendly so you know maybe maybe they can get the get him playing like he's capable of playing you know he's got great receivers to throw to so yeah Jefferson yeah yeah exactly so I'm looking forward to I mean not because of him just because it's the Viking starting season and you know you're hopeful at the beginning of the year so okay that that's the best answer you should you could have given yeah thanks I I I'm not looking forward to it I'll just tell you that you don't have an NFL team anymore I have multiple NFL teams whoever's playing the Cowboys yeah I'm with you on that whoever's playing the Bucks yeah what about the Jags whoever's playing the Jaguars and Chiefs I like the Chiefs so you got one team that you like and the others are all negative rooting yeah well I'm but I'm going the bian theory of uh I always tell people you're a fan of the team that just won the World Championship so yeah yeah I mean Pat youve jumped on the bandw they could win three Super Bowls in a row I hope they do I do like the Chiefs I it's really hard for me to get past the uh tomahawk chop but I I love Andy Reid and I love Patrick mahom so I'll root for him yeah I get that I feel the same way but you're a Braves fan so you got to live with a chop I don't like it with them either I mean I I never I did the chop one time I can't remember what I it was a Chiefs game I think I I said I guess I'll do it and I was like and it felt dirty afterwards you know well if you if You' done it in an FSU game you should feel real dirty oh I would you would know then that I I have got Alzheimer's okay yeah so if if on Saturday at around 1:30 if you start doing the tomahawk chop during the game with Georgia Tech there's something wrong no that's not happening I got to figure out I got to sing the I'm a rambling recck from Georgia Tech and a Helen engineer I've always loveed that song yeah all right that in my head number two on yes no way or maybe Robbie now that the WNBA is back playing I just wanted to ask you this one question you know the nickname of the team in Minnesota uh the Timberwolves no no I don't I have no idea Pat come on man your team they're not your team I can't even name the the Indiana team with what's her name Caitlyn Clark I can't remember their nicknames so fever they're the fever oh the fever yeah I got the fever I got the fever I can't be I would be a big fat no on that one p all right it's a lyns with a Y I've never i' had no clue I guess there a lot are there a lot of lynxes in Minnesota I don't know there a lot of walleye fish I know that I guess it's just like there are no Vikings in in Paka either no that's true yeah our our Junior College I don't know where that came from Leaf Ericson sailed up to St John's to conquer Paca yeah I guess the way it worked all right finally Robbie serious question here okay bid's defense which has been historically bad for four years in a row will finish in the top 30 in Total Defense after this season I'm gonna say maybe Pat because I think they're going to be much improved but when you look at some of the offenses they're going to be going against it might be hard to finish in the top 30 but they're still going to be marketly better than a year ago I think and I think that they're they're going to be better coached and I think they have better players and better debt so they should be better so maybe just because they're going to be facing a lot of great quarterbacks and offense yeah I mean you got to go against Carson back and yeah um yeah but they're gonna be better I'm I'm pretty positive about that boy I I I am almost looking forward to overreaction Monday next week a week when everybody's going to go one way or another and look what if Florida wins people are going to go ah they should be a top 10 team we're gonna win the whole thing and if they lose they're going to go when's nap year getting fired there's I mean that is literally the only two camps people will be in I know and P with the season coming up it reminds me of when they beat Utah and his first game Billy's first game he sent out the warning after the game you know they're not the the great Florida Gators right now but you know it's a good win but I think that was kind of he knew knew where the program was then he knew there was a lot of work ahead so he was trying to temper it then but nobody paid any attention to that all right uh if you want to hear more Robbie Andrew join us on the tailgate on Wednesday where he'll be uh filling in for Jeff cardoo who's got a speaking engagement so look forward to he's got one of your engagements he does I've got I've given him kind of my longdistance ones I don't want to I don't want to do that anymore but it's yeah it'll be fun P I look forward to it all right we'll see you Robbie then okay Pat okay so let's appreciate Robbie for being on the show as always and let's get to our Hesser and kipy three things of course Hesser and kipy a Gainesville firm here for your needs and family law or workers compensation call or text Ken and Jennifer 247 at 352 339 9920 Hesser and kipy nearly 50 years of combined legal experience and about to celebrate their 5ifth anniversary in January anuary we appreciate Hesser and kipy of course let's get to the three things number one I saw where Jordan speak I was just checking the bottom of the uh golf standings from the uh the FedEx and of course it's part of the FedEx Cup too and Jordan spe shot nine over was it nine over I'm trying to look at see yeah nine over I'm like what in the world is going on there well it turns out he is done for the year he is going to go have wrist surgery well of course when you finish next to last you're probably not going to make it probably not going to advance but um so he's having rist surgery and um he's he's done for the year and that's I hope it I hope this works I hope maybe it solves some of his problems I the golf tour is so much better the PJ tour with Jordan Speed being in contention like you need spe you need maoy you need some of the bigger names to be in contention all the time if not you know like I tried to again watch a live Tour event this week and I just got bored with it it's just it's not what I want to watch I want to watch the tour I don't care who's not on it I only care who's on it we need spey out there all right let's get to our number two on the Hester and kipy three things and you may have seen this earlier was last week earlier or was late last week earlier than this um that ESPN again cutting costs and they've been doing that a lot this is why I I this is so weird and that they paid Pat McAfee all this money paid all these other people to be on his show a lot of money I think bellich che's getting like money and Brady's getting money and all these people are getting all this money anyway um oh Sabin was getting not belich Sabin was getting I think a million for being on there every week uh but with all that going on they have let people go left and right some of them some of them I have known or friends of mine and you feel bad about it but the latest RG3 uh of course Heisman Trophy winner got to let go as did Sam Ponder of course Christian Ponder's wife who was doing a lot of NFL stuff but she wasn't doing a whole lot and I think that maybe they F and she was making a ridiculous amount of money like 3 million a year to do one show um and so but anyway they cut they cut they look they were spending a ridiculous amount of money on some people I'm not a fan of RG3 I just I've I've there're been times when I listen to him but I don't like him there have been times when I listen to him and I do like him but I I it was it didn't bother me you know if they let go of Booger let go of Marcus Spears or um there are people on State mooy there are people on ESPN that I really like and respect their opinions Jay billis people like that there are others that I just don't care what they have to say he's one for me but anyway they're making more of these moves number three on our Hester and kipy 3 things it has been a rough camp for the Pittsburgh Steelers Mike Tomlin you know who of course hot seed or not I don't know I they don't like the fire coaches we know that that um but it couldn't have gone much worse this year so they get two experienced quarterbacks and they both stink in fields and Russ Russell Wilson nether one has been very good and they're trying to block him with backups because they've already lost one guy for the year and now another guy for the year the latest is their Center Nate herbig um who tore his rotator cuff so he's probably out for the year it has not gone well for them um for the Steelers and uh hey look I don't really have any strong feelings about Pittsburgh is one of those teams that's in that gray area for me like I I either have teams i' love or hate and then there's that gray area teams Pittsburgh's one of those gray area teams I I don't really know how I feel about the Packers are the same way um like I like the Falcons I like the the Chiefs I like the Dolphins there are a lot of teams I don't like though maybe I need to get that out of my life all right that is our Hesser and kipy three things uh let us get to our leonardos at mil Hopper Quick Picks we're about due to pull a winner um so maybe um yeah maybe Thursday I'll go ahead and pull a winner and then then we'll be ready for football season because the Quick Picks are going to be so much more fun when we get to football season you know that we appreciate Kyle though for sponsoring it uh we're going to give you a game a baseball game being played Wednesday night and the reason we're giving it to you it's an important game but more than that I want to give make sure everybody has time to get in uh and then we'll we'll do a drawing Thursday and we'll send you a copy of um I don't know what I'm going to send you I know I'm going to send you $25 from Leonardo at M Hopper and I I may send you a a bob douly hat or I may send you a uh a Patrick young book I'm running low on books so I'm have to find something to send you but we'll we'll get you'll get two things I may start changing it though so it's easier to mail so I don't have to go to the post office every time I want to mail books but um I may start changing that up all right let us get to our Quick Pick and that is Philadelphia at Atlanta look this is It's nut cut in time that's the bottom line here you guys you want to poop or get off the pot it's time man I can I use any more tasteless cliches here it's time guys you want to try to win the division you want to make sure you get the in the um Wild Card big series coming up we're going to give you the Wednesday night game Philadelphia at Atlanta give me a winner and those of you who don't pick the Braves I will remember it for the the rest of my life although I might pick Philadelphia too uh anyway that's our leonardos at mil Hopper Quick Picks let's get to our Adams ribco Gator of the weekend and it was Billy horel was our Gator of the weekend who um just I I enjoyed watching them all weekend they showed them every once in a while I mean you never know what you're going to get with Billy for a guy who's won eight tournaments is still not that big a name on the tour um so just because he's in contention doesn't mean you're going to see a lot of him but he really was never threatening the lead it was more that he was in contention and he but he played well and he played well enough to advance uh the top 50 players now go on to the next site and which is in Colorado look forward to that and uh I think he made it right on the number I I know I know that he's excited about qualifying again I think he shot 67 on the last day qual find again for the FedEx Cup U I guess you call them semifinals yeah so Billy horel is our Adams ribco Gator of the weekend I texted him yesterday yes I did told him what a great week it was couldn't wait for this week and it gives us something to watch too another thing to watch so that is our uh Adam rpco Gator of the weekend let us move to our huee All State May H moment the gator nation is in good hands with local All State Agent H kanes stop by alacha Marketplace Plaza in alacha and get a free quote today all right so you may have seen this if you're watch the golf this weekend I saw it live when it happened and I said oh hu Kane Mayhem moment this is Sam Burns there's his Drive there's his throw and guess what he did snapped his driver in half and by rule if you throw your Club in Anger you can't replace it till the next day so he had to play the whole Back Nine without a driver and he still played good enough and he's still in he did really well I don't know why he was so mad but he did yank this thing left now I will say this I only broke one well I broke two drivers in my life that's stra I I forgot but I've done it in both in Anger uh one of them was when I was in high school in fact I still have the scar in high school I broke a club grabbed it by its um by the jagged end of it and slammed it against the T marker and got I still have the scar right here Robbie had one where he broke it and then threw the Jagged in and sliced up his whole hand we were not the uh the only other one I had was uh maybe 15 years ago at um it was at the Okala mun mun it's a nice course down there by the way um and I broke I threw my driver in it broke and I was I was not happy that I broke it I love that driver of course I also loved the driver that I used to have or that I have right now I loved it for a while and now I don't love it I hate it it's not doing the things it's supposed to do hit the ball straight a long way no it's going no I'm not going to do that anymore all right that is our huan All State Mayhem moment can't wait for football season again we that'll be a lot of fun to have some Mayhem moments and we'll have some easy ones we'll get Zach to be on the lookout for those too where we just see something happen in a game go oh I got your Mayhem moment all right let's get to our swamp games of the weekend of course swamp restaurant we appreciate their sponsorship of our games of the weekend which again is about to get more exciting well these are actually the games of the week we'll do the games of the weekend on Thursday but um yeah that'll be a lot more fun when you're saying and there's football here's the games you have but we're just going to give you what we can give you right now and which is uh the swamp games of the week uh Philadelphia at Atlanta now I gave you that as a u pick them game for the Leonardo Quick Picks but uh this is the Tuesday game is actually on TBS the Wednesday game is not on TBS so but you can probably find it somewhere um but the Tuesday game is at 7:20 I'll be all in on that I can promise you that uh and then the Wednesday you have Milwaukee at St Louis uh at 7:45 on FS1 also that night you have Minnesota at Las Vegas at 9:30 on ESPN the WNBA so I I luckily it it is the Minnesota links that are playing the game and I know that and they're playing the Los Vegas I think they're the aces if I got two WNBA teams right it is so that means I got three right today because I had the fever earlier wow I'm proud of myself um so that game's at 9:30 on ESPN if you want to watch that and then uh just to give let you know the BMW tournament which is the next step in the FedEx Cup cup is on Thursday at noon which is after we'll be doing the show but Thursday at noon um noon to 5 if you want to watch that of course out in Colorado and then it goes over to um NBC for the weekend we'll talk about that on Thursday all right that's going to do it for another show and thanks to Zach for doing a great job as always and we'll get back with you on Thursday can't wait to to talk to Wayne peace on that day as well until then I am Pat duly I am deep I am way back and I am out of here

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