NYC Bar Owner Alleges A City Hall & NYPD Shakedown, Extortion Racket

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 02:44:56 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: edward caban nyc police commissioner
[Music] and today piece of Lieutenant that's always on his podcast dashing [Applause] [Music] us all right we're live all good morning you know what uh I think I'm GNA have uh our friends and listen to the podcast they might have to do do the introduction nigh hook 136 got the greatest uh introduction top of the morning folks welcome to R call like share and subscribe on your way in all you late comers don't forget to hand in your 28s night Nighthawk pres Duty service hey brother thank you so much for uh you know anyone who's outside the NYPD uh 28 is actually a form that you fill out uh for vacation time or they call it lost time if you're coming in late to work and you uh you're going to get vacation time do uh thank you so much all our friends and listeners to podcast that have sat through four hours twice a different podcast yesterday about what's unraveling with the NPD and uh you know we appreciate that you're sitting with us for all these hours giving our perspective of what's going on with the mypd as we unroll all the information so uh you know John's been putting all the stuff up on the computer and you know at the same time getting all the information to you and and thank you so much because as we're doing the podcast and putting out the information uh you know our friends and listeners to the podcast or giving us all the roomin information and all the valuable information that we could put on the episode so we appreciate that we're all doing this together thank you so much for helping us John brother you tired or what how do you feel I feel good bro you know I feel good but I you know I don't feel like you know I feel like there's a lot of [ __ ] that needs to happen still you know like everybody's like oh he's out he's out I'm like you know and and I hear the calls of everybody that are saying you know why is just a kaban being singled out and I I really agree with it I really agree with it you know I really I like you know dude I like I I said to you just two seconds ago I'm like bro if it's my first day I'm walking in nice to meet all you uh listen you're all done so I'd like your resignation papers none of none of you are going to serve in this role anymore the entire dream this self-proclaimed Dream Team absolutely no way I keep anyone around me because you know like like I said it's it's really true either either you too [ __ ] stupid to see the scam either you were too [ __ ] stupid to see the scam or you were in on it but either way I can't trust you you're the new police commissioner you're walking into this debacle you debacle John could you imagine I think I think what I would do right now I think I would put casino on right I would put two TVs I would put alucino as loud as possible from Scarface when he's [ __ ] firing away and at the same time I would put on another TV screen with casino at the same time with that idiot who couldn't figure out what's going on in the casino and have them come in and like and and and hear the two TVs like listen you know where to go see the door because everyone is infected right now again just like Ed bones when it comes to the SBA don't tell me that he's the only one that knew what's going on he's the Fall Guy brother and I think the same thing is happening here with Ed B don't tell me he's the only one that everyone just he's a oneman show come on now because half the time he's not even here so he's is he doing all this for guitar n dude you know and I you know I said it yesterday I said it I I always say it you know integrities are non-negotiable in policing it's a non-negotiable and and this they love to call themselves ship team but this appointed politically appointed management team uh has proven time and time again to lack integrity so I'm saying right now the bums got to go throw them all out throw every single one of them out because after I play you this video after we play you this video and we show you who's involved we're gonna go into where they work who they're connected to um you know we had uh ma and Beal I Gotta Give a big shout out to him you know he's been in the background uh G you know looking giving us information uh researching you know Eric Adams terminated very competent people he forced a lot of competent people out of the NYPD it's GNA come and bite him in the ass so assuming I'm betting you wish you pulled that mandate now I'm betting you wish you pulled that mandate I'm betting you wished you did things a lot different now because a lot of this is going to come back to bite you in the ass so I mean what do you got before we get this video anything because I mean honestly when I saw it I was like like I'm I was I'm not surprised [ __ ] I'm not I want say I want to say that too again the failure on the leadership forget about all this corruption going on this is the this is the this really is the icing on the king just just solidifies how bad this Administration is but forget even if we didn't have all this corruption just terrible leadership again how did John mccre intelligent you know experience in the police department experience in life great leader how do they let him leave the job how do they let me leave the job a special operations anti- crime Sergeant former Marine served in combat I went to OCS anrad we have all this experience to offer and I'm not trying to to BU on horn but we are just two of so many other good men and women from the police department that have great attributes have they let them leave and that's why I said it's terrible leadership how did nobody not one person I had eight sets of administrative charges and six weeks from CCB never had any discipline how did that not come up as a red flag how did one person in charge at the high at at the police commissioner well the first step who was Ed caban at the time say wait a minute that's a red flag what is going on here and then I was told by L turl that he would speak to Ed caban and Ed caban could possibly dismiss them and you know what was regurgitated back to me nothing could be done wow I'm sure a lot could be done you know if you're in the Hispanic Society or if your C Dy if you got the hand of the king and that's why I say nepotism is connected to corruption you're in there's a great comment here before you go and uh absolutely like spot on right here I think it's from Patrick donu it's hilarious but it's true man these these these comments are flying in I can't even keep up with them anyway I can't find it but the whole point Patrick Don here put a comment about it didn't go over too well that the certain people were bragging about not going to 233 Broadway so you're 100% right cu headed to 500 Pro Street John Let's Get right into it this just keeps unraveling day by day yeah so this video comes out uh NBC4 I investigative team I forget the the reporter's name it's this guy over here um but you know a lot of a lot of you guys sent it to me I really appreciate it so you know I actually passed out after we did as soon as I woke up I had this about 70 times so I appreciate you guys uh we put it out on the thing we threw our logo over it as well because I'm like why not um and yeah Brooklyn bar owner alleges Shakedown here we go Federal corruption investigation into the city hall in the mypd now includes allegations of a Shakedown a Brooklyn bar owner says he was told that his problems with the NYPD would go away if he paid the police commissioner's brother and he says it was a worker in the mayor's office who tried to help arrange that deal Chief investigative reporter Jonathan De joins us now with details Chuck the bar owner had his permits his liquor license and his share of noise complaints but what he says he needed a break from tough NYPD enforcement seeking help he says he was introduced to a mayoral staffer and then to the twin brother of the nypd's top cop and then he says he was asked for thousands in payments I felt like it was like I got an ultimatum like is either you you get with this or you gonna get shut down we gonna make sure you get shut down shal Kelly says it was this man mayoral staffer Ray Martin who first told him he could pay the police commissioner's brother to help get better treatment from the NYPD he just said that he was assistant of Eric Adams and he knew he knew he know people and and he dropped the uh Mr Ed Eddie kaban name because he's I guess the NYPD commissioner uh and I was having problems with with the NYPD later Kelly says the police commissioner's brother James caban told him he could help with his NYPD problems if he paid him $2500 up front the state liquor Authority says Kelly's bar was not facing any charges of wrongdoing but there weree dozens of noise complaints to 311 about loud music Kelly says he felt too many cops from the 60 Precinct kept showing up hurting his relatively new business the juice and moreb along mermaid Avenue and he says his pleased for help from the NYPD and local community board were unsuccessful Kelly said he never expected that Ray Martin from the mayor's office would give him this advice he went on about how he thinks that I should just close the bar and if I don't close the bar there's only one way to get them get the police to stop doing what they're doing and that's to speak to one of his friends which was the James caban guy James caban an cop is the twin brother of NYPD commissioner Eddie caban Kelly showed us phone records and text messages from August 2023 where Martin from the mayor's office allegedly encouraged Kelly to contact James caban hey shl reminder to call James Kelly says these phone records and texts show he and the commissioner's brother discuss the issues surrounding his business a business which was a juice bar by day and licensed to serve alcohol on weekend nights James caban allegedly wrote spoke to the commanding officer and the biggest complaint from the community board is that you're registered as a juice bar and now you're doing parties there lots of noise complaints if you have a a license to serve to serve alcohol it shouldn't matter um and I also explained to them that the community board knew that we were was the summertime so they knew we were going to do Thursday Friday Saturday night events record suggests Kelly and caban also spoke by phone and that's when Kelly says James caban ask him for the initial $2500 he said that he will immediate my issues with NYPD he could bring them to me have a meeting resolve our issues is what he specifically said he could do after he said I had to pay him for it I felt like it was him trying to extort me so I just was like you know what no I'm good I'll just deal with it how I deal with it and it got worse Kelly says the Ray Martin and James caban connection bothered him I assume that you would be like oh okay okay yeah let's let's let's call a meeting let's just let's figure out what this problem is I'm not expecting for you to be like oh you got to pay me some money if you want this problem to go away n like that's that doesn't that doesn't fo with me Martin did not return requests for comment James kaban attorneys issued this statement Mr kaban unequivocally denies any wrongdoing his work as a consultant and acting as a liazon between the department and a private company is perfectly legal especially given his previous career as an NYPD officer our client has fully cooperated with law enforcement and once their investigation is complete it will be clear that these claims are unfounded and lack Merit former NYPD chief of department and NBC New York consultant Terry manahan everything I we heard from the bar owner if those allegations are true it's at minimal unethical and possibly criminal in the way that they were dealing with the bar owner I've been really really really really really like hurt disappointed stressed depressed Kelly is not just making the allegations now he posted his concerns on social media back in February but at the time few noticed as for juice and more Kelly closed it down in February I don't think it was just me I think that that's probably a thing that's going on in in New York City specifically uh to be honest City Hall today issued this statement we appreciate wnbc for bringing this information to our attention yesterday afternoon after receiving this inquiry we immediately began an internal review and found that Mr Martin violated the terms of his employment Mr Martin was terminated for Cause yesterday we expect all city employees to act ethically and in the public interest that staffer Martin now fired and again he has not returned requests for comment we just spoke with the bar owner again and he tells us the feds and DOI investigators are with Him interviewing him this afternoon in connection with the ongoing corruption investigations into City Hall and the NYPD Natalie Chief hey John how convenient that mayor Eric Adams never mentioned this Aid and never mentioned that he was terminated how could convenient and on another quick note before we actually dive into this Matthew O'Brien good morning brother he says take a KNE Terrence you know I'm with you brother I don't care first of all when Terence monam was talking I could care less what that guy has to say he lost all credibility in all respect on my behalf I could care less what he has to say take a KNE brother now I know we're gonna dive into this so uh John why don't you start let's dive into this because there's so much to peel back here so just on teren Monahan and Terry if you listen to this I have no doubt in my mind if they would have kept you on you'd be embroiled in this Scandal too so uh good work because you were neiler and you would have went along with a ride too you bended you bended your good name your hard work the shield you started all of this so that's my first thoughts about Terence Bahan but obviously what we just heard here is an extortion Shakedown racketeering allegation right we just heard that would you hear that you heard that the police commissioner's brother was using his influence with the NYPD to make money you heard that the 60 precent commanding officer was Fielding phone calls and giving information to the police commissioner's brother we know he had he had a detail right what what else was being accused is that he was working at Manhattan nightclubs so this consulting company was working Citywide I think at this point it's safe to allege that there's a lot of people wrapped up in this and there's a lot of people that know what's going on and there's a lot of people that did this I don't know what's going on and there's a lot of people that played along and bended their integrity to stay in the good graces maybe get a bump to di maybe get a bump to fulber maybe get that onear um and to me the mayor's office is implicated you know we we had brought you a two shows ago we had showed you how the March program had got pulled down and the March program was a multi- agency response task force to bars and restaurants and nightlife in New York City and you know I made us think about it when it happened I said like why are we doing this like this doesn't even make any sense like why are we why is the thing that we can't keep New Yorkers safe like why is this a problem they're like oh the enforcement of it you know we're going to create create this new cure program and I'm going to create this new office of nightlife and they put this guy in charge of it Garcia or whatever and you know we were told by the police commissioner by Jeffrey madrey by Adams by The Nightlife mayor all these different people that well we're not going to seek enforcement anymore and we're not going to go around we're going to cure right we're going to help businesses grow almost Consulting right was a lot of questionable statements that came out looking in hindsight that came out from medabon that came out from Jeffrey madrey that came out from the mayor that came out from The Nightlife or guy whatever his name is and the guy that you see here that he's saying he reached out to him for help so this business owner reached out to the office of nightlife he reached out to them for help that's the guy that's where he worked he worked at uh he worked at the office of nightlife I'll pull up his business card in in a little bit and I'm going to show that to you but he W worked at the office of nightlife and this is what happened when he reached out to he got given information that's a protection racket scandle pay me and it goes away or don't pay me and now you're gonna have a problem you're gonna have a bigger problem than you already so there's a couple things to peel back here I mean this could take take hours but so at this point what I feel like what we have at this point is we have it's like you're in the kitchen and you're making a sandwich you got your piece of bread you put your you put your meat on it and what we're missing right now is that second piece of bread we got a lot of information here we have the bar owner contact to the mayor's office with the nightlife The Nightlife office we have communication between them we have communication them inferring and direct ing that there is a racketeering scheme with the brother of Ed caban and he actually names the commissioner as well now what we're missing at this point and that's the missing piece that we're going to get is what is on the phones of Ed kaban and those in and around him and also May Eric Adams and his AIDS that's gonna be the second piece of BR that's going to put this all together now I'll say this so John sure enough I think we've been are ahead of the news because of our perspective on police and we're willing to speak the truth along with our friends and listeners to the podcast and we've been putting this entire thing together and I'll say this the entire uat line of the police department I've been saying it has been infected and compromised they all need to go this in order to carry out this racketeering scheme if it does turn out to be true if this guy Martin's not just flexing any muscle to look cool right because we need to second piece of bread here then the entire job is infected and some people have been infected because they know what's going on and some are infected because they're just acting stupidly not because they're stupid because they're doing their job so I think the key to this is going to be the 311 Sean if you look at the 311's and that's why I say it's unfortunate how many people are being dragged into this and may no only know what's going on or just may be doing it stupid you know and as a special operation I could say and John you know it you're in charge of the 301s you're in charge to audit those 301s now I I was fortunate to work in housing so I you know that wasn't my forte at nightlife locations but if you're in a PR like the sixo and you have nightlife locations you're the Special Operation liutenant you're in charge of those 301s especially the noise complaints why because the theory behind the police departments noise complaints can lead to violence and also potential shootings and in many cases it does so you're the lieutenant and let's say you're you're just doing this unknowingly and you're commun with communicating with your commanding officer who does have the information and is potentially communicating with the upper ret line up to James caban the brother and Ed caban so now remember what I said John we talk about this in order to to have teeth to this hustle there needs to be muscle and that's why I feel sorry for the cops because those cops you see standing out there if this allegation is true the cops stand now at the bar they were the muscle unwi unknown they were the muscle they went to the this 311 here allegedly at this point they were summoned to these 311 locations to show Muscle because here's the potential if you don't pay then these cops are going to summon you and the lieutenant is sending them there and the commanding officer is communicating with the upper ret line if this is true so John just think the whole job may be affected at this point knowingly or unknowingly well absolutely there's going to be cops that have absolutely no idea what they did things that look weird but nothing real weird you know you're going in there ah just 90 yellow that's nothing it's nothing don't worry about a kid it's just a 90 yellow take you know you follow the Sergeant's orders okay no problem you didn't know what the hell was going on there oh this a problems giving us problems oh nah nothing's going on there lay off that ball tonight nothing's going on there you're not going to know why would you think anything's weird you know so yeah there's going to be a lot of people implicated in that but like I said this stems from corruption at the top so I'm not even honing in on the Special Operations lieutenants or or the sergeants at this point and you know I'm sure all you guys are sweating too but but we really got to look at the top I mean the chief of patrols entire police force has been weaponized you know they've been weaponized commanding officers that fall on him the Deputy Commissioner of operations the first Deputy Commissioner I mean they're all if if what is being alleged is true and it appears to be true I mean look at where Ray Martin Works he works at the mayor's office of nightlife to me seems like the May is in on it too seems like this the whole reason the March program was pulled down is to alleviate the checks and balances and when it comes to nightlights and I literally if you go back on my tweets I was literally saying oh I guess Eric Adams friends aren't goingon to have a problem anymore I guess all Eric Adams friends that were having a problem with these March programs aren't going to have that problem anymore but it's even worse because it looks like people were looking a profit off of businesses in New York city so that's Ray Martin you call the office of nightlife to ask for help you call a New York City agency to get for help and next thing you know you're involved in a racketeering extortion scheme and if you don't go along guess what happens your business is shuttered it's gone they're gonna Hammer you until your business is done so I you know I so like I I hear all the Hispanic organizations I hear the the I I I hear you guys I I 100% hear you I hear the Dominican organization I why is it just Ed kaban I hear the kabon you know what but I think that's going to be a grave mistake on Eric Adams part and I think that's going to be a grave mistake for the rest of the New York City Police Department because all those people that were chopping at the bit oh Eddie's gone I'm gonna take his seat they never really liked Eddie anyway right they were just waiting for his seat anyway right Cass weren't you John weren't you you all just wanted to be the the the police commissioner anyway right now you're not you're Furious but you guys were all you guys should have known KN what was going on and if you didn't I'm going to say again either you're too [ __ ] stupid to see the scam or you were in on it but either way it doesn't matter throw the bums out this stinks it stinks to high hell I mean this is honestly a black eye on the stain of the entire department and the only way to correct this right now is for numerous resignation letters but guess what you guys left Eddie kaban out there you left James kaban out there you were all [ __ ] in on it what do you think they're going to do you think they're going to exhibit loyalty to you now I don't think so I think they're GNA take everybody [ __ ] withn him so the reason why I was pointing out what's going on at the actual six0 priest in this particular case what's alleged that this the scene where you see the cops standing there at these nightlife locations no one I know about 301s right because 301s you have to order them and really what what's meant for them just tell everybody what a 311 is because I think a lot of people aren't going to know what the hell you're talking about that's true that's true so for you know any of our active NYPD members they're aware of what 301 is uh retired guys you know if they're retired a little time they may not know they probably some of them you know they're out of state right now so the 301 is actual system uh that the NYPD Harbors maintains and monitor for low-level complaints complaints that should not immediately go to 911 it's not something that's an emergency but they're monitored by the New York City Police Department and uh based on priority the police department will respond from each precin and it's so developed now it's not know it used to be just by a phone call years ago but now we actually have a 311 system so the 31 someone calls 311 says hey I have uh you know there's loud noise stemming from the apartment next door and uh you know it's 11:00 at night and so that would go into a system and who's ever working the telephone switchboard at each precin would monitor that system and say okay here's a noise complaint such such location and when a sector available patrol car of two police officers is available based on priority they would respond to that noise complaint now here's why it's so important John that's a great point I'm glad that we pointed out that 31 system so those those are low-level complaints that the police department Bonners and the Special Operations lieutenant of each precent monitors and audits that 31 system and makes sure that they're properly uh being assessed and also the Special Operations unit they're also involved to make sure that those complaints are being addressed and the reason why this is so important John and this is why I say the entire upper etch line of the police department is infected is because John where do those 311 complaints get discussed they get discussed at compstat who is at comat every chief that is on this job goes to comat if you're in Brooklyn and there's a comat every Chief is going unless you're on vacation same thing for every burrow and the 311 cases are always discussed why because the theory is that if you do not address these 311 complaints which is part of broken windows intrusive police work they become something bigger and they lead to potential violence and in many cases they're right and what we did analyze when I was a special operation lieutenant in housing we received numerous complaints of gambling low-level crime doesn't necessarily require a 911 response but what happens when those gambling when those Street gambling cases are not addressed unfortunately in many cases as they start drinking or sometimes as gang Rivals they turn into shootouts in many cas cases and we've had numerous homicides as a result of it and uh these 311 cases always come up at comad huge issue John even further what do we know John we know that in each precin right now under Eric Adams there's a sergeant assigned to 311's Sergeant has to go and make sure that they're addressed in a timely manner so again I'm going to say the every chief on this job if they're not aware of it I'm gonna agree with you John they're in on it or they are too [ __ ] dumb so get them all the out you know what sometimes this hurt it hurts us on getting monetized when we curse but this time we have to put emphasis on it get them out they're bums every one of them knows everyone of the top knows even the commanding officers you go to comat you have these three1 ones it's one of the most important things mentioned at comat throw the bums out so yeah so you know the list of 311 right so you could there'll be a clear picture of enforcement done in the past for 311 complaints and lack of enforcement done going after that right after the end of the March program right you're going to be able to see that clear as day um I remember a time there was a lady she builds a house near a bar so the it wasn't like the bar up after she built the house she built the house next to the bar and every night all night she called 311 and complain or 911 she used both of them she called about noise at the bar so I remember one day my so my special operations Lieutenant he's like John can you do me a favor go over there with the sound meter see if they're playing the music loud work out the deciel he's like we don't need to hammer the bar I don't even think they're keeping the music loud he's like I've been in there I don't even think that they play music in there right so he's like I think she's talking about the voices but just check the sound deciel maybe if and if it breaks it then we're going to have take corrective action against the ball I said okay no problem I go over the lady's house I don't hear a peep and she's like you see you hear that and I'm like no I'm like ma'am I'm sorry I I don't hear anything I was like you know and she's yelling at me and I'm sitting and the whole time in my head I'm just like why would you build a house near a bar and then just complain you didn't think you would you were going to be mad you know and the whole time in my head but I didn't say anything I'm just sitting there like okay yeah I get it ma'am you know I understand I'm like I'm like listen I have the sound meter if if they violate it I'll go over there I'll have them fix it I'll have them remun me it and it won't bother you I said but I have it right now there's nothing going on and then so and I'm like and and as she's like talking she's yelling at me I'm like I'm gonna go check the ball and see if they have the music on and I go in and as I open the door they do have the music on and I hear it but there's nothing hitting This Woman's house yeah I couldn't even hear it until they had like a little juke box and it wasn't even loud it wasn't like blaring it was actually like low tone and I did that same thing about 10 times I kept having to go over there with the sound Meer nothing was going on and I remember a burrow inspector at one time he was just like make these 311 stop and I'm like what do you want me to do what and he goes I don't care I just want them to stop and he was a loser he winded up becoming the chief of St Island so if you're listening to this I won't blow you up but you're a loser um and uh but uh and he's like make it and I was like what should I do I was like should I go over there and kill her like what do you want me to do she could call 311 all day there's nothing I could do I'm like she's gonna call 311 every night so I don't know what to tell you I said it is what it is she's going to call 311 every night the bar doesn't violate the law you can't even hear a peep in her house I don't know what a problem is I get it sometimes at night people are going to stumble out of that bar and be loud and I would hate it too but I wouldn't have built my house by a bar I don't know what else to tell I don't know what else you guys want me to do I went over there like 15 times I was like I'm you know I don't need to keep going over there with the sound media but that's how serious these 311 calls are taken that's how serious they're taken and now you're G to have tons and tons of 311 calls tons and tons of 911 calls and you're not going to see any action taken against them John the 311 system is monitored by the Special Operations Lieutenant now I'm not blaming the Special Operations Lieutenant but the Special Operations lieutenants do respond to comstat I know because I was a special operation liutenant you go to the comstat with the commanding officer it's the commanding officer Special Operation lieutenant and the field intelligence officer and the field intelligence officer also look at 301 now I'm not necessarily going to blame the field intelligence officer the Special Operation Lieutenant they may unknowingly be muscle and racketeering without knowing it because they're working under the guys of the commanding officer but the commanding officer if in fact this alleged allegations are true no doubt about it is affected by it and is in on it you can you cannot be that stupid there has to be a level of communication with this because what do we also know about the NYPD John this was always presented to me and you probably heard the same thing and I used to hear if it's not on paper it didn't happen do you remember that right that was always that's the NYPD if you didn't put it on paper nothing happened exactly so exactly that you if you respond to comps that you're a commanding officer of a priest and they say Hey listen um we have these nightlife locations and uh you have 55 complaints in four days at this location what did you do about it so if you don't have any paper any summonses or any type of enforcement at the location guess what you did you did nothing so that's why everyone is affected by this also what was the response you couldn't just say we went there showed up had a conversation was over you had 55 complaints in two days there had to be something documented you had to in that case do something because otherwise your corrective action did not happen 100% dude 100% I mean uh and you know I just want to backpedal cuz I wasn't given a free pass on the Special Operations lieutenants I'm just saying the majority of them I think you could innocently like not know what the hell you just did or like you know you're so busy dude you're not you're not realizing oh yeah whatever your Co calls you yeah whatever stupid job right noise complaint not even think you're not really it's not on your radar right you're you're you're thinking about all these other things the noise complaints are a hassle for you they're not really your focus you know I do think there are some special operations lieutenants that need to go to they're part of the bums I'm saying throw out I'm not saying all of them and and you know and and I I you know I the people I feel the most bad for are just the cops that respond at the jobs that are going to get caught up in this whole entire thing that really had no [ __ ] idea what was going on uh because you know there's probably a lot of them there's probably a lot of them um so Patrick dingue has two great questions one is what was Martin's qualification for the position of the mayor's office of nlife follow the money so I'm going to read you an article about him uh Mar and Beth have sent it in and we'll get to know we'll get to know uh Martin a little better and then you'll see what his qualification was absolutely nothing um we'll we'll we'll read that in a minute but I think your second question is even even more impactful and uh Eric I just like you to answer this and then you know I I'll I'll talk about it too what kind of Investigation was conducted for Martin to be terminated in one day what do you think what type of investigation was done I think that was an amazing question right because while that video was playing right immediately after when the video was was was finished what did I say I said oh how convenient that Martin was terminated right away how convenient so Patrick D absolutely you know what you know what investigation was done nothing why because they don't want an investigation done they don't want investigation done because if there is an investigation done if all these allegations are true and the more appearance of impropriety that we see I mean come on we most of us on this on this thread right now list is of friends to the podcast are cops and if you're not cops you're intelligent people because I see the comments how you weigh in and M thank you so much for that information that's why I love these lives we build each other we help each other out to put this information out there stuff that John and I may maybe don't have access to are overlooked so we help each other out so absolutely if he was termined one day Patrick donu you you obviously definitely a cop or retired because you you did exactly what a cop does you asked a question that you already know the answer to and the answer is there was absolutely no investigation because they don't want an investigation because an investigation will reveal all this information another blight on this Administration another shroud of bed judgment to me is another in indicator that this all fact is going to be true 100% I mean what's the investigation the investigation is oh [ __ ] we got caught oh [ __ ] we got caught what do we do all right you got to we're going to fire you okay and you're going to keep your mouth shut uh they're running around like chickens without a head at City Hall they're running around like chickens without a head and there's a lot of parking lot meeting going on you know and I don't think that I don't think they're having him on level s and one police PL anymore you're welcome guys um but you know um yeah they there was Zero investigation done because obviously the office of The Nightlife is well aware of what's going on and obviously so was the mayor so was the mayor that's what that seems like to me if you could make a determination in one day that means right then and there and this guy was terminated right then and there it's a Smoking Gun you got the gun you got the evidence right there um so I'd love to have Terry Monahan here to answer some questions so Terry if you're listening to this bro jump on on you could redeem yourself I'd love to I'd love to hear your your answers let's uh let's read about Mr Martin so uh this comes in from the Brooklyn paper Marin bethl had researched this and sent this over to the podcast so this was on May 28th of 2008 uh before I read this there's a 659 people in here we appreciate everybody for joining us this morning we probably go about two hours not going to go all day again you guys could just do us a favor like share out the space subscribe if you like what you're hearing if you're on social media if you could just drop us a like and share get some more people in here get some more thoughts and a little bit more information um all right so here's he James Aid to be deported city council staffer to get boot over technicality so James is TI James who's by the way it's Friday and hasn't tweeted in two days nor has said a word about the police commissioner H so a welln an admired Aid and city council member Leticia James's office is facing imminent deportation stemming from a minor drug infraction in 1985 Ray Martin 44 who's listed as a James Deputy Chief of Staff but works mainly as a community liaison excuse me was arrested last week after Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents raided his Flatbush residents oh nice guy the immigration authorities in the aftermath of September 11 are destroying families and I'll be happy when a Democrat is in the White House to deform reform these Draconian Lords that have touched me personally and what my office has been dealing with the last five years James said don't those words ring home true huh yet she keeps winning elections it's unbelievable and this paper went to the Press Martin was held at the immigration and naturalization services Detention Center on VAR Street in Manhattan he could conceivably be sent to his native Jamaica within another day according to his attorney Cheryl David according to David and several sources familiar with the story Martin immigrated with his family including seven siblings in the late 70s when he was 12 years old in 1985 Martin was busting for attempting to buy a controlled substance a MISD demina he pleaded guilty and paid a fine Martin went to Barbados in 2001 and upon his return to the Country custom agents ran a check they found an old drug offense and confiscated his green card he failed to show up at the ensuing immigration hero saying he was sick and on November 9th 2001 the deportation order issued ice official did not respond to call phone calls concerning either Martin's case or what prompted them to go to Martin's residence and pick him up more than six years after the order was issued David said in the 1990s immigration laws were tightened where legal resident aliens known as green CT holders were held to higher standards to remain in the country legally and could be deported for even a minor drug fraction sounds like a fair proposition to me James said these laws were further tightened following September 11 2001 terrorist attacks and that my friends is how you secure a nation the sovereignty of a nation in order to work for a city council member Mortin need an official government background check spoke person for city council Christine Quinn said the background track would have been done through the city's Department of administrative Services also known as dcast and the speaker's office but did not have further information on Martin at press time James said Martin has been on her staff since 1993 and prior to that worked for the city's Small Business Services Under the jurisdiction of the Mayor Mike Bloomberg's office a DOI Department investigation spokesperson said the agency does only background investigations on city managers and employees earning over $80,000 James and Marton had been flagged by the city and he was told he was working on resolving the issue I've been working with authorities on his behalf and a number of fronts Around the Clock said James if it wasn't for these Draconian laws which have destroyed families and separated children he could have gone to court and resolved it James said it's important to note that Martin has not been involved in the Criminal Justice System since 1985 he's a solid citizen and a loyal employee and I'm doing all I can to to reverse this I want to thank everyone who has come forward to provide the support said James sources said Martin whose father died about two years ago helped support his mother his fiance and her son and several other family members so there you go that is our friend Mr Martin office of nightlife of the mayor yeah again I want to shout out to Maron Maron great friend to the podcast you know should not have been terminated by the police and again this is the failure of the leadership on a police dep did you think that John MCC and Eric dim and Ma and bethl and many others not just us we can't name everybody right we were ambitious while we were on the in the police department did you think we were not going to be ambitious after the police department thank you Maron for doing investigative work outside the police department continuing to use your your intelligence and in helping us out brother you're a great friend to the pocket I appreciate I mean this speaks V this this says it all I mean this again we're putting all this stuff together right now we just need that second piece of bread to put on top here and to make this one giant sandwich and put this all together this potentially could be John and and I say it we spoke about this what is more important what crime was committed or who committed the crime and we both said it's both especially because when it involves leadership especially the ma the the stems of leadership we see throughout this Administration this could potentially be the largest corruption case in New York state and arguably the entire country we've ever seen John that's what it's shaping up to be that's what it's shaping up to be so M brings up a good point I just want to read it he says for all those for for all we know Morton could have simply been referring folks to James kaban for help and kaban simply took the opportunity to get his crumbs because everyone is eating off the system in some form or another so I hear what you're saying but I'm going to disagree with you because you this is the office to help those clubs why would the you're not you know Marlon we were all cops you're not allowed to refer services to anybody people come up to you on New York city streets what's your favorite restaurant I'm like listen or or could you recommend a restaurant I'm like I can't recommend a restaurant but I eat at you know you know what I mean but I just ate there it was good you know but I can't give you a recommendation it's we're literally trained that in the police department and that is you know because you're steering business it's business steering so this is the office that handles nightlife you're having an issue with the police department you're having an issue with Department of buildings you're having an issue with the health department you're having an issue with the fire department you're having violations they were going to cure it right and instead they're saying n call this guy call this guy call that so I'm not saying that this guy's not a full guy and he might not know what he was doing but it looks like a lot of people in that office knew what was going on it looks like that office was put in place for those exact reasons so you go back to my earlier tweets when I when I said that I said it I said it the minute that thing got pulled down the minute that thing got pulled down I said this makes absolutely no sense and everybody should raise an eyebrow at this everybody should be asking why are we getting rid of the March program everybody should be asking it the appearance of impropriety is there and sure enough this cure office is refering people and you see it clear as day it was in that text in that video it Martin text a business owner call James kaban did you call James yet so I'm I I hear what you're saying we got to look around everything I just the way I'm looking at it you know the way I'm looking at it I say uh it's uh there's a problem I say that there's a big problem here um what do you think about oh I see I see M's comment he put I agree no making excuses for him he's worked in government long enough to know better sometimes you can't tell uh someone's demeanor maren I love you brother I I have to admit when I first saw your comment I thought you were being factious I thought you were kind of being sarcastic about it like for all we know he's just speaking to James because I I find that hard to believe and again I I I believe that if this is true this guy may be dumb enough just to believe that he's doing the right thing or not even know what the hell he's doing but if this is true in order to carry this out I will say this again this takes extreme amount of communication and extreme amount of resources I don't think that you could carry this out with James kaban just alone because you need teeth behind it because if you're willing to if this if this is going the manner which we believe right let's say let's say that let's say B's right you know this just communication with James caban how does James caban actually show the muscle behind that like Hey listen you know if you don't pay then you're gonna start getting these summonses so how does James pull that off because if he doesn't he's just bluffing right and eventually someone's going to call his bluff so I would say in order to carry this out there has to be a level of communication John would you agree I find it hard to believe that there's not and also I just want to add this on here so that's why I love these comments our friends listen to the podcast trolls I see Communications different conversations and I saw a couple of people say well Chief ker was in transit so he's good he doesn't know about it a wrong he goes to comat just like every other Chief he's involved in serious meetings uh in the police department he's involved in everything absolutely not right there's no coincidence that Chief keer left at this time tell me different I I I I don't believe otherwise yeah I have a few questions for them but I won't ask them on here because I don't want to prep them for anything so I don't want them to come up with an answer so I'm not I'm not gonna I'm not gonna ask those questions but uh taba I see you you ever want to come on here let us know um just want to get that out there so uh let's get into the next article um all right let's talk about let's see the post breaks down the bar owner let's see what they say I tell you the post has been like I don't know I like them they've been going but some of their articles I guess they got to put out a shitload of articles but some of the Articles I'm just like what the hell and this isn't one of them but I'm just you know all right so New York City bar owner claims outgoing NYPD commissioner brother tried to extort him over police enforcement report wonder where you guys heard that first about the extortion racketeer scheme wonder I can't put my finger on it um so the appointment of Veteran law man Tom donellan as interm mypd commissioner still leaves a void at top the nation's largest police force there's no shortage of contenders for permanent Tom cop mayor Eric Adams pick of donlin Eric before I even go further do you really do you believe that Eric Adams picked donlin we were just talking about this literally 30 seconds before we started I said there is no doubt in my mind no one can tell me different Eric Adams did not 1,00% did not put donlin as the police commissioner of the New York City Police Department first of all it goes completely against the Green against his theme with the first of many and when he talks about he said it himself he said we need to change the image of the police department so we're going 360 right back to the old image of the old pale white male and stale so that's what we got right that's completely that is not a pick if anyone thinks that mayor Eric Adams appointed Darin as the police commissioner of the New York City Police Department then you seriously need to wake up absolutely not I would put my last dollar on it yeah I mean I'm gonna agree with you well I I think ultimately he appointed him you know you know I think ultimately ER Adams appointed him I don't think he I'm with you man I don't think that was his pick you know why because it really it goes against you're 100% right and I I'll pull it up again if I could find it um I'll pull it up again but when the day that Ed kaban was uh was anointed Police Commissioner you know we said it on here a thousand times so I don't even have to play it for you I'll just tell you what Eric what Eric Adam said he said the NYPD has a great crime fighting profile but it doesn't have a good a good image profile when you look at the NYPD you don't see the diversity you don't see the youth and then before he went further in his racist statement he uh he pulled a mother up on stage and then that was the end of it so that that's what happened but so Tom donalan when I look at him I don't see the diversity I don't see the youth I see the two pale two male two stale white guy that was standing behind him like John shell is he talking about me yeah so I'm sure I'm sure he's here right now Patrick donah Hugh said the fly was so hot yesterday I overheard one nervous dream teamer was cooking off in his recent pool Edition that was severely discounted who just got a new pool guys what which one of use which one of you you watching it from the pool now was it in ground or above ground these guys are ballers bro they ain't gotting no above ground those 511 pants must be doing well huh yeah those these guys ain't gotting no well so here we go is this the same one that I was reading yeah I think so oh no you know what I was reading a different article okay look like it sound sounded like it was the same so all right a Brooklyn bar owner was has alleged the twin brother of aouad police commissioner tried to extort him to sort help getting NYPD off his back Last Summer according to a report chaml Kelly told NBC that he was introduced at to the top cop's brother James kaban by a city hall staffer we already told you who that City Hall staffer is and who he worked for the office of the mayor nightlife of the mayor um Kelly reportedly said that kaban told him he'd take care of his problems with the police department if he paid him $2,500 he said he will mediate my issues Kelly told the local station of the alleged conversation he said he could bring the NYPD to me and resolve our issues is what he said he could do but the struggling business owner refused and he claimed a constant police presence at his Cony Island Bar only got worse to the point he eventually shuttered The Establishment after he said I'd pay him for it I felt like he was trying to extort me and I said nah I'm good I'll just deal with it now I'm going to deal with it and it got worse Kelly said Kelly's business juice and More Bar a juicy bar by day and Bar Lounge by night had the required permits and liquor license but was facing a slew of noise complaints in the summer of 23 he was introduced to a staffer from the mayor's office of entertainment and nightlife Ray Martin who he helped could sort him sort out the near constant police presence at his bar that he said was hurting his business and instead Martin allegedly asks for a fixer as James kaban he went on to how he thinks I should just close the bar and if I don't close the bar there's only one way to get the police to stop doing what they're doing he said to speak to one of his friends which was James kab's guy Kelly told NBC James kaban a former NYPD cop himself the twin brother of Ed kaban who resigned his gig as the NC Police Commissioner on Thursday the twins are being eyed in a sweeping Federal corruption probe that extends to the major AIDS of May Eric Adams and NYPD top Rass neither has been accused of wrongdoing I just like to add yet phone records reviewed by the news station show that Kelly spoke to James kaban over the phone and text in August 23 one of those phone calls James kaban allegedly asked Kelly for $2500 payment the bar owner said he was shocked I assume you'll be okay let's figure out what the problem is I'm not expecting oh you got to pay me nah that doesn't fall with me Kelly told NBC I felt like it was an ultimatum it's like you're either gonna get with us get get with this or you're gonna get shut down he at it Kelly eventually closed his bar in February he said he said he was upset and disappointed by what happened and he believes he's not the only business owner in the city to deal with I don't think it's just me Kelly said I think that is probably a thing that is going on in to in New York to be specifically to be honest City Hall fired Martin soon after learning of the allegations against him in MBC we appreciate wnbc for this information to our attention yes and bringing to our attention yesterday afternoon after receiving this inquiry we immediately began an internal review and found that Mr Martin violated the terms of his employment deputy mayor of communications Fabian Levy said in the statement Thursday Mr Marton was terminated for cause we expect all city employees to act ethically and in public interest because wnbc just reported that both the doj and the DOI are investigating this matter we are unable to comment further out of the sensitivities of their investigations attorneys from James kaban said he was innocent Mr kaban unequivocally denies any wrongdoing in his work as a Consulting and acting as a liaison between the department and a private company is perfectly legal especially given his previous career as an MPD police officer his attorneys Sean hacker and Dave Patton said in a statement client has fully cooperated with law enforcement and once their investigation is complete it will be clear that these claims are unfounded and lack Merit meanwhile Kelly has since been interviewed by federal agents and DOI investigators amid the corruption probe I don't know why DOI is now waking up right they got these allegations too I don't know why they just oh we just found out about this no you didn't you knew about this last year when we filed the complaint well it's not in this article and the video that you played there there's different versions of uh of the news video you had uh some are a little longer than others but there's a there's a point I'm not sure if it came up in this one or or another video I saw but apparently uh Kelly the bar owner was posting information about what was going on on social media as far back as February John you and I spoke about that yesterday as far back is February so where is internal affairs where is where's Internal Affairs their investigation unit that so uh scrub social media that this guy's posting stuff about this back in February and there's no investigation there's no indication and there's no one to allege that an issue that James caban has a security detail why there's a cloud of judgment and a shroud of potential corruption going on even just the claim alone is the appearance of impropriety and everything needs to be done a full investigation so that we could exonerate everyone and vet the information so that the police department could actually protect themselves and so can the mayor if there's actually if there's actually no Al uh if there's no legit corruption occurring so the fact that they they they did conduct an investigation just highlights that DOA DOI is corrupted we need the DOI has to be has to have oversight from another entity the fact that the mayor has the oversight of the DOI is an indication of why the DOI has been asleep at the wheel the entire time this whole operation is infected that's why John this could potentially be a corruption corruption Scandal that stems throughout the entire State everyone could be involved from the state Lo authority to Tish James to the mayor Eric Adams to the AIDS to DOI I mean this is crazy we we do not know how this is going to unravel that's why the phones are going to be key to closing out this investigation all the intricate details of what is actually going on to tie this together that's a huge red flag the fact that he was terminated one day we don't want to do an investigation to figure out the details of what's going on does what else is he involved in it's unethical this is crazy John I can't believe that in 2024 that was sitting there and actually discussing this well I think you know I think the the big thing is that for me is like Fabian you know I we we we we nicknamed you the minister of propaganda but and the reason is that because you truly are acting as a as a propaganda arm for this Administration and it's disgusting and I get it's an open investigation but here's the bottom line should have been labeled out for New York City residents and for the entire world watching this debacle exactly what rules and regulations Mr Martin violated that you interminate him for um and it wasn't and that was done on purpose and it shouldn't have been so absolutely Eric you know and the reason they're doing that is they don't want people to know they don't want people to know what was taking place at the office of the nlife of the mayor right so that's that's that like that's to me but I I agree this this corruption Scandal like we said yesterday um how could he fix the other complaints how could New York City the New York City Police Department fix other numerous different complaints they can't they can't you know I don't know if you guys follow Dave sevella but if you don't I think I recommend that you do on X Dave sevella I I think he calls himself sco uh sco is uh there's a term you know people used to call like you know he's a pain in the ass he's a sco you know like don't be a sco you know like that's that's what it is so uh but yeah he scooch on Twitter or Dave sevella and if you go follow him he he's showing all the people who haven't said a word and it's to me them not not saying anything tis James not saying anything city council Justin Brandon Jennifer Raj Maj Kumar State Assembly woman uh who's the other one that's running for oh burrow president uh Manhattan burrow president Mark Lavine all three people that are running for controller of New York City who are involved in handling the checks and balances in New York City not one of them said a word nobody said a word Brad Landa hasn't said a word nobody said a word about this and then it's like well how'd they get to those other state and city agencies I don't know and all the and all the politicians are running so the article I was reading prior I think we should get into and and it's here's who could replace Ed kaban as the next permanent Police Commissioner after Top Cops resignation so I'm just gonna say right now I know I I I I like skimmed the article last night I didn't read it but I skimmed it and I just saw Mader Dy I'm saying it again the bums got to go throw the bums out they were either too stupid to see the scam or they in on it and I don't think they're that stupid I think they're dumb I think they're inft I think they're incompetent but I don't think they're that stupid I don't think they're that stupid when they see this the the police commissioner's twin brother getting escorted around and handling complaints at bars and calling their CEOs and calling them to take care of things I don't think you're that stupid you know that's not right and if you don't know that's right you have no business being a cop so before I got in the article what do you think about that well that's what I want to tell you done right you know one thing I learned in life and I know you're probably thinking the same thing and our friends and list is right now I wonder if you're thinking the same thing all also so one thing I learned in life is this some of the stupidest people I've ever met were the smartest people when it came to money I don't care how stupid you are but when it comes to money everyone's eyes are open and everyone is aware and everyone has their own form of intelligence when it comes to money and you know what I'm talking about John you can meet the stupidest people people that just have zero intelligence but if you owe them $50 they won't forget they remember you owe them $50 some people have bad memories but not when it comes to money some people are not intelligent but not when it comes to money I mean I've seen the stupidest people have we and most of have you know wait onlineed at a grocery store and sometimes you're online these supermarkets and line it's like taking forever and you ever get that person who's just like a complete bubbling idiot and they're paying the cashier but they know how much change they're supposed to get and if they don't get the right change they figure it out right there like you're like man that person is a complete idiot but they managed to figure out how much change so again I'm going to say that even though I believe that a majority of the administration the upper line the New York City Police Department right now are bumbling idiots and they useful idiots when it comes to money they know what's going on John think about the some of the stupidest cops you've ever met right and I hate to say it a majority of cops you know they're they're they're intelligible but there's some stupid cops but they know their pension statement they can't tell you much but they know their pension statement they know how much money to make they know how to ask questions when it comes to IP increase take-home p uh pay the waiver they know about 50% additional that they know about you know what I'm saying so and Franco put thanks for reminding me Eric my brother owes me 500 say that's hysteric but you know what I'm saying John it's true when it comes to money everyone's intelligent everyone knows that's my point you know and then I agree with you and you know and and for people that tout themselves as street cops and that they come from the street and their street guys you didn't see the scam you're from the street I don't think k d is from the street I think k d is from the Nintendo generation he was playing he was sitting in his room playing you know but I think he wants to be from the street I think he tries to betray himself as from the street and again he was protected his entire career uh never really had to stand on his own two feet um so I don't care about the work he did out there because it wasn't the same work that he wasn't in the same track and he didn't deal with the same things that everybody else dealt with so it's not to me he's a rookie in my eyes uh John shell went through those processes um I think even t canil a little bit think even n Tariq sheeper didn't to tend to hands Tariq sheeper but what do we call him action action Tariq Action Hero Tariq 22 arrests oh Action Jackson Tariq Action Jackson Tariq yeah yeah I don't think he went through those process no you call Tariq Hill Tariq sheeper yeah I did sorry I I didn't mean that cheetah by the way that cost stop was the best thing to ever happened to Miami Dolphins I see so they were all over TV yesterday those jerseys must be flying right now well well I I had him in on DraftKings and he did [ __ ] for me so screw you three um but think you got [Laughter] arrested but yeah no he uh I I like you didn't see it you guys are from the street you guys are street cops and you didn't see it now we don't know anything now we're not street cops they weren't so smart now John Shel has Dy tiny canilla Tariq sheeper now they're not so smart they're not street cops no more they're not Street guys no more now nobody knows what's going on nobody's from the hood No More nobody saw the scam how could you believe that so I just want to I just wanted to nail that home before we read this article who could replace Edward Cabana as the next permanent NYPD Comm commissioner it should not be one person on this list so I'd rather have I'd rather have the store clerk at 7-Eleven honestly 100% I I'd take anybody I take anybody so uh the appointment of I I did this already right and we said that we don't believe that Eric Adams appointed him right they said the appointment of Tom donellan we know he appointed him but we think he was more like you're gonna win uh rumor candidates for the next police commission include some of the nypd's most prominent names in addition to other high-profile officials right here we go oh I didn't even see this article from uh the post this was the thing Dead kaban Walking y that's that's a good title d b boy oh my god I didn't even see that you know what though honestly I gotta this is the part listen I beat up the Fraternal realizations all the time but I will side with them right now it's it's messed up that that he's on an island by himself right now you know what brother I I tell you I don't know if you do karaoke Cas dri does but this is the time to sing there is no way in hell if anyone believes if this allegation is true that caban is a oneman show you're out your mind you are out of your mind there is no way Ed moans wasn't a oneman show and this sure is is not a oneman show and this is the part I this part helps him I think he's a bumbling idiot he's here is's a nice guy but he's a bubbling idiot there's no way he can pull this off by himself thank God he better tell people listen I'm not a smart guy I can't do this by myself yeah come on dude no I agree I agree so listen everybody we got about we got about 888 people in here if you guys can just do us a favor if you like what you hear just like subscribe if you're on social media uh just do us a favor and like and hit repost and uh follow myself Eric dim and the finest cast please appreciate you guys um so we're talking about New York City bar owner who alleges a city hall and NYPD Shakedown an extortion racket um and right now we're talking about who could replace the interm police commissioner this is an article from the New York Post let's read what the post got to say I totally think they missed a mark on article uh but let's see what they got to say who they the potentials are Jeffrey madrey chief of Department Jeffrey madery is the nypd's top uniform officer and a likely familiar face for many New Yorkers he often briefs the public on high-profile crimes and recently obtained his law degree while studying at work and getting paid $260,000 and not partaking on his job but that's a different story but he is no stranger to controversy an abusive Authority case against him for allegedly inter in with the arrest of an ex cop was recently tossed what do you think about Jeffrey madery get that bum out I've been saying it way before these allegations the stem of impropriety was actually so much highlighted get that bum out absolutely he first of all he should be happy the fact that he's still there is greedy you've been studying for over a year while you're on job time and got your law degree absolutely ridiculous if he was home studying he would not be a lawyer right now this is absolutely ridiculous get this bum out he's infected he's caused the infection of this job by elevating casor get him out today don't let the door hit him in the ass on the way out throw the bum out I I second that throw that bum out he didn't do [ __ ] he's a nice guy and that's all he is nice guys finished last he allowed the Dream Team to Fester he allowed Caz Dy to destroy the NYPD he allowed a corruption extortion rack under his watch and Jeffrey Magie is a street guy with Street Experience throw that bum out you were either too dumb to see the see the scam or you were in on it throw the bum out bye nobody you know what John let's play a fun little game for our uh friends and listens of the podcast you know what if you want to play with us every time we mention someone that could potential be a uh the the crown the chief of Department let us know if you think bum or they should stay because this this first one here I say bum anybody want you know want to weigh in we appreciate it bum all right you got you got a monitor those though I can't see those I'm back yeah but I'm gonna keep track of it right now yeah I'm back about an hour I think already there be about a 100 bums here yeah yeah hour on these comments so all right all right so you're a bumb later Chief Caz Dy or as we like to call him Caz jung-un or the cman so Deputy Commissioner for operations Cass Dy The Man Behind the controller The Man Behind the controller of the Department's drone program and other Tech in initiatives recently Garen attention for his role in crackdowns on anti-israeli protesters insiders have long told the post that D is integral to police operations with sources saying in 2023 that he's literally running the NYPD what do you got on calter Eric I got what all our friends and listeners got here Mo like 10 of them already uh I'm going with bum EC bum Mr D bum squid Papa Mike live bum EC Cass bum Matthew o'b bum bum yeah I'm with you brother bum throw that bum out the dude get take him have him take his PlayStation 5 controller his little drones that have been failing miserably oh by the way Eric I heard that the dfr program for those of you that don't know which is the Drone as a first responder which is a another step in the defund the police movement right because those guys don't need pensions those guys don't need health benefits they don't need meals they don't need to sleep actually they need a lot more help than a than a regular officer they don't do anything near so the autonomous drones supposedly aren't autonomous at all they need a man behind the controller and they were supposed to self dock themselves back on the dock of the prient roofs and they can't even do that also it's been reported and we don't know but we keep asking and Dy hasn't responded and we asked his uh dcpi as well as the other dcpi viral News New York City we asked them did a drone crash onto a civilian car and we're still awaiting that answer so TQ if you could let us know Cass viral news did a drone fall out of the sky and crash land onto a civilian car so I'm saying right now throw that bum out see you later Dy before we throw this bum out I just want to say this I'm curious because I want to look into it unless any of our friends or listeners know maybe John maybe you know because I'm pretty apt when it comes to the pension I did a lot of homework with that it was like one of my passions but how does this work if you go from detective to commissioner to chief of Department like how does that work with the pension system I'm really curious how that works I have to be honest I don't know I want to look into it do you know there any of our friends alista if you know please weigh in I'm curious I like to mention the podcast yeah I don't have no idea I have no idea like how how is he civilian is he uniform to civilian back to uniform like how does that work he's I told you he's a transgender he has his own thing I by all means I think that he I think that he's getting paid as as a uniform member I said that a thousand times no one's confirmed that I AG I think he might even be eligible for overtime I I I I'm telling I think he was getting overtime yesterday watch I said it before I'll say it again he's gonna he's he never took a test he's gonna retire with the largest pension in the shortest amount of time John I think he was getting overtime yeserday watching and trolling the podcast he probably was thanks for staying with us for seven hours yesterday we appreciate you just make sure you just make sure you like subscribe uh check the ification Bell bomb throw my if anybody knows anybody has any insight about the pension system like how does this work I'm curious because it to me that's strange that just show that to me it just says he was uniform the entire time and we we've said it the podcast wait let's hear what C Dy has to say about the podcast there's a handful of retired officers that don't live in the state that have a lot to say about the dream team as I like to call it all of a sudden they retired and have a master plan on how to fight crime but nothing to nothing to contribute when they were here they want to come back and be part of the CH team what can I [Applause] say so they went from being part they went from being the Dream Team to the Titanic they should have been calling themselves themselves the Titanic instead of the dream team but then they recently switched and now they call themselves The Gotham brother self-proclaimed what do you think they should be called Eric should they be called the Titanic the Dream Team the Gotham Brothers what do you think oh they should be the Blues Brothers these two these two bumbling idiots like God all they love they love self proclaimed names they're bumps two bums that's it yeah uh EC asks did they Implement metal detectors inside the transit system they put in one metal detector in one train station this is the this is called the dog and pony show New York City Police Department this kid and he doesn't even know he hates my guts for absolutely no reason because he can't take any criticism or joke and he can't even understand that like the only reason they used that system is because someone asked me a few years ago do you know anything that could detect the gun I was like yeah why you going to reinvent the wheel just look just look where in sports Arenas and look what they using there so I Googled what Madison Square Garden was using and I gave them that that thing and that's like this revolutionary technology it's been around since Ray Kelly was the police commissioner over 12 years ago and we played you guys a video for it a while back over 12 years ago and and you know it was pretty wild so the technology is like this kid hasn't found one piece of technology other than his cool PlayStation controller that where so you could play video games in his office and then tried to made a whole video and tried to replace it as a no no no no this was for the drones even though they use Xbox 360 controls all right let's see who's next in this in this rag tag mob of people who need to get thrown out it's all right p canilla t Tanya canilla is a double Trail Blazer as both the Department's first female Deputy Commissioner and first black woman to hold the post consilia canilla has longstanding ties to the current Administration with her mother being longtime friends with deputy mayor for Public Safety Phil Banks oh is that how you moved up the fastest ever ah I see I see what do you think Eric oh easy now Scott was the first one want to give credit to our comments here bum bum bum someone put sexy bum I can care less bum get her out she's in bed with them she's at the top there's no way that she doesn't know what's going on and if she doesn't she is insanely dumb she she is close to the hand of the king I don't think this is a case like Su where she's a woman and they you know they completely box her out I I don't see that here bum bum totally throw that bum out she's got no business lead in anything she is the Cala Harris of the NYPD you know obviously we found out her qualification her mother's friends with Philip Banks that's it I mean you know Eric worked with her I know a lot of people that worked with her as a cop as a sergeant ASE tenant no one has anything you know nice girl cool girl that's it as far as cop no no no no no no no no business lead in the largest Municipal Police Department in the world get her out I hear that all the time on this job we talk about the nice guy syndrome or nice girl syndrome I can care less she ain't cut the musard I worked as a cop she was nice I G say that listen I've heard heard what's that there's so many people in the nyp yeah rap people I'll hang out with them I'll have a barbecue with them we'll go out to a bar they had I wouldn't want to sit in a radio car with them if you pay me double you know what Sher Alo put Family Ties you're right Family Ties they're all family they're all in our together come on Chief don't tell me right now that Chief keer left just happened to be this great opportunity that he decided to go to 233 Broadway now what what a coincidence bum get her out she can't hit the door fast enough I'm disgusted by looking at these people I'm tired looking at their pitches useless yeah amazing ant says they all need to go pick the most qualified white Shield to be PC Cass moved up in a blink why not an actual cop like it all right let's go who's the who's the next in this mess this is this is honestly this is stomach turning these are the people that we that we talk before you read this oh my God before you read this Ron L says which is hysteric you're right brother he says uh what happened to what happened to viral news he had a lot to say until the first time it fell he's has been cut off viral news is holding his butthole right now and he is in the corner crying trying to restore his credibility when he was slandering us calling us Liars we're putting out misinformation he's not stepping down this is all G to blow over the Adams administration's great Eric Adams didn't look like he was doing too good yesterday didn't look like he was too happy about it yesterday um oh man I I think we missed a couple of people here and I'm sorry uh Hassan donated 19999 to the podcast we uh we appreciate keep going we need 247 coverage drone cover a happening Brother we're gonna all enjoy our our nice early Friday blow and uh you know we're going to be out of here early no 28s needed don't worry about this one's going to be on us we're going to be like the civilians today guys early blow so uh there's a lot of bums this could take a long time H's right we might need 247 coverage s appreciate you always being here if something breaks though if something breaks let us know we'll jump on if anything else comes on and we got nandez uh donates a $1.99 he calls them I like it I like it I like it a lot the scheme team baby so the Dream Team should have been I say they should have been named the the Titanic they should have named them M themselves because they're sinking the nyp they well they have already sunk it um but nandz I like it the scheme team you know what you you know you know what they we could be called twins I'm still going dude I'm right in my book and I'm gonna call it crumbs and the first line of my book is gonna it's gonna open up like this you ready you ready for this Eric I want you to play post SC personal I gotta hear this the first opening line is gonna be policing is the most tangible form of government that's Eric's line I'm only kidding I'm only kidding just make a follow up all right let's go to this winner let's see son thank you brother Jessica Tish billionaire Aris sanitation commissioner Jessica dis Rich was reportedly considered for police commissioner job that ultimately went to kaban she served nearly a decade as the nypd's Deputy Commissioner of Information Technology for you older guys that is the new M uh MISD uh unit they call they now call it the information technology Bureau during which she put in place a digital daily log app for cops to replace their old tedious hand forms but she also made headlines with a roll out of her $160 million cell phone plan Eric do you remember the Plan before you give us a a thumbs up or a thumb down on on Tish could we could could you just inform anybody about that plan do you remember oh my God first of all we went through so many different phones with this job I remember the first phone we got trying to remember it was called you remember it was called but I remember I I I don't remember so I I never forget the first phone they gave me I was actually an anti- crime Sergeant Lorie side of course it was on Tish and this thing I could never get service on it so we'd have like somebody stopped you know you know we thinking we getting a fire on but we're doing intrusive police where got someone stopped and I'm walking around with the stupid phone I can't get any service like you know so they told us that they wanted us to run it you know of course the job has to put a number and everything we had to run it at least 20 times a month so I'm like this thing sucks so I threw it in my locker so sure enough uh what's his name remember the chief man he had like funny hair was like combed over uh what the hell was his name like I'm trying to remember his name do you know what I'm talking about like like this bad wig was like combed over uh come on give me some names now I don't know anyway he was pissed he was pissed off that I never used it I'm like this thing's terrible so they G he gave me a CD he gave me a CD a command discipline because I never used this phone I'm like this thing doesn't even work this is ridiculous so we laughed about it of course um but again this is they went through so many phones it was that and then after that it was another phone and then finally we got to the where we at now and the phone is finally a decent phone the iPhone that they had but it took years it was absolutely the most ridiculous thing but this was the ideology you know these phones that I couldn't even get service was supposed to get us all this information if anything was slowing us down it was just ridiculous so I'm gonna call right here Rich bum yeah 100% I don't even know why her name's even even in the next we we'll get into that um sorry uh we'll definitely get into that so that that so that the funny thing about those phones is she does spend $160 million on the phones and the thing is they can't be updated so we had to get a whole entirely different plan and spend hundreds of millions of dollars uh Jessica Tish she's a billionaire Aris she's selling a condo in Manhattan I don't know if she sold it but she was selling it I believe for like $25 million it could have been a little bit less or a little bit more but the one thing I do remember is that the maintenance fee on her condo was $122,000 a month so that's way more than any cop ever makes um I have no idea why she ever worked in the New York City Police Department I believe her father has a high ranking position or some type of or sits on the board of the New York City police foundation and I I think that specifically is the only reason she has employment in New York City whatsoever by far I mean the money is menial to her she doesn't need it um it's rumored and I know a few people that worked for her and they said they they took her to a driving her one day and they walked into a store and she asked the person oh is this how you people shop and buy food I mean because like obviously she's a billionaire so this person's being I don't know why she's in charge of Sanitation I don't know why she ever had a job in the New York City Police Department I don't know why she's even being considered or her name's being thrown around so throw that bum out of here nobody wants her get out of here give us somebody good and send some political hack this is this is a joke abely I say Rich bump Sergeant blue one Sergeant Blue 11 actually he's had some good comments I don't know if he's got some inside information but I don't know what this is about it says she is an excellent dancer hey Serge blue if you can let us know what that's about that's pretty I have no idea what that's about maybe she was doing karaoke with C Dorry so rich bump out I can't believe she's even in the I can't believe she's even in the conversation this is ridiculous this this is this this is like this is like the uh the this is like the worst like these are the like literally the dumbest people in New York City right now the dumbest most corrupted people in New York City what does Chris Arnold say Cass looks like he's auditioning for Love Boat ball the gothe brothers the gothe brothers yeah yeah yeah gotta come up with a name for this team the scheme team baby that's it that's pretty good yeah that was a good that was a good one so uh all right let's see who else is in this rag tag mob Wanita Holmes oo criminal Association Wanita Holmes probation commissioner wiita Holmes who brought cardi B to the police commissioner to the NYPD to Foster a learning environment for women and she had little girls and cardi B come in nice role model for young girls and the NPD and she was removed basically the next day and given a promotion to probation commissioner she's a perennial rumored NYPD commissioner Contender she previously served as chief of Patrol but left in 23 after budding heads with past Top Cop keychan Su as well as with majie Adam sought to keep Holmes who he called brilliant with his Administration what do you think are you kidding me I can't believe that she's even in the conversation again like I said I can't believe Tish is in the conversation uh s Blue 11 says Tish was a former topless dancer I had no idea about that I mean that's not illegal but I have no idea that's pretty funny I don't know if there's any truth to that but I can't I first of all I I'd rather have Tish than this one here I guess she would be good for recruitment she's a toll bump she would be good for recruitment you don't have to do a run you don't have to do anything you know she would low the standard so bad you just have to walk you know your your your Academy physical fitness test will be walk a mile absolutely ridiculous she's first of all she's a complete [ __ ] you know nice lady again the nice guy syndrome of the New York City Police Department nice lady uh she likes to work out I'll give her that she runs she stays in shape but she's a complete idiot [ __ ] I mean your example for uh you know I have I have girls I have daughters are you telling me that your example your model for girls is cardi B I don't want cardi b as a model for my daughters get out of here bum throw her out I can't even believe she's in the conversation I I just want to know is this article real is this really who who are contenders or are they being sarcastic and this is a joke because it's it's starting to seem like this is sarcastic I mean the the thing is this is who's around the ad the Adams Administration this is who's around him this is who he insulates himself with show me who your friends are I'll show you who you are right so I think the New York Post is showing us who Eric Adams is yeah so Wanita Holmes bump get her out of here you're out of here you had your time come association with people you bring a cardi B in front of little girls uh absolutely I had think has Zero Effect oh wasn't she didn't she or wasn't she also the chief of training and said she was she was she was the chief of train she was the and when she was the chief of training what' she say that's don't need to be able to run a mile and a half what that's I talking about she'd be great for recruitment you don't even have to run you just walk come on in how much you weigh your 100 pounds of aweight perfect outstanding we have an a triple X uniform for you are you kidding me with this bum get out and she's the last person she be saying that because from what I know she stays in shape she runs herself I'll give her that credit she's a runner and that's the only credit I'll give the tiny cons I I know she's part of the running club too they so they want us stay in shape which is great uh she looks good by AG 100% she looks fantastic for her AG but um she's a complete idiot like I said you want to bring cardi B around girls get out of you not bring cardi B around my daughters and I know you feel the same way John and she wants to lower the standards and her ideology was that you're never going to run a mile and a half so completely I wish we would have a conversation with her I would love to test her logic why do you believe that you do not have to run a mile and a half are you kidding me the the the amount of of hypervigilance that you go through as a police officer and and the the amount of pounding that your heart has to take you need that mile and a half so to know that your heart can be prepared for that get out of here I don't even know why we even have a conversation with her bum goodbye I'm sure everybody else thinks she's a bum too yeah absolutely uh Chris Arnold said viral news is chasing Petty CS yeah you you all right my friend and he's retweeting C that's what he said trying to get his C all right let's see who it is an outsider sources told the post that Adams can pick an outsider with strong New York City ties but without any direct NYPD connections but the likelihood of an outsider pick was unclear after Adams went with donlin Adams could pick someone who isn't on Insider's radar a maneuver he pulled off in 2022 when he chose seawell veteran Long Island cop as commissioner so I don't think Eric Adams choosing anybody and anybody that NY and and anyone that he does choose is going to be someone of low Integrity because that bum needs to get thrown out of here too throw him out of here he's a bum look what's happening under his watch because the same holds true for him if I'm saying John Shell's a bum cuz he should have known what happened if I'm saying he's either too dumb or he was in on it if I'm saying C dter was either too dumb or he in on it if I'm saying that tytin canilla was either too dumb or she's in on it if we're saying all these people are too dumb and they're in on it why doesn't the same hold true for Eric ad absolutely absolutely first of all I'm confused also how does this work because the chief of department is a uniform rank so they can actually just implant someone as a uniform rank I'm curious how that works I didn't even know you could do that I get it for Deputy Commissioner civilian ranks but that's a uniform rank I guess I don't know I I don't know how that works but again every one of these potential contenders they're not contenders these are losers they're bums they should not be in the conversation again I hope that this article is a parody and it's a joke because this is ridiculous I can't believe that they're even in the conversation every the the whole thing is like I I I it really but this the whole thing is a joke but so Eric Adams in his entire Administration you know so it's like this is this is who he surrounds himself with you know and no one of of Integrity nobody of prominence I mean I I I it's weird why they leave Tariq Shepard out of that article like why is he not in the run I'm surprised they had put Terence Bahan as one of the contenders he should have put a picture of him on his knee I mean and you know what Terence Monahan I had to get the post seven hours for that Riot that we had and you left the job you didn't stand up for me I want my seven hours back by the way because that was exhausting was ridiculous so before we go further this is an image that's been floating around the department I heard that some of the Fraternal are making a huge stink about this trying to make its racist this thing's going around the department uh people throwing Ed kaban um and listen I get it man I get everyone that's that's like why is it just kaban I agree with you C that wall throw the bums out take all their pitches and throw it in the garbage I agree I agree with you guys I'm not I'm saying it right now and I think you know what you're gonna see is a huge Rift in the itams administration right now and I don't think anything's far behind on this Administration I don't think I don't think Ed koban's photo in the garbage p is gonna be uh is gonna be lonely for long just put it that way I don't think so what what are your thoughts about that do you think that's going to be photos in that garbage can well honestly I I I actually support this picture I tell you why absolutely because if you give the police department the appearance of impropriety and the police commissioner you are a bum your picture belongs in the garbage but when it comes to this particular case there's absolutely no underlying issue of racism get out of here with that [ __ ] that's absolutely not true but that garbage can should stay and we should see a stack of pitches in there because there's other bums to go with it he should not be going down with this [ __ ] by himself absolutely that part I agree there's no way he facilitated this by himself so someone put in here should Le Petri be the uh the PC what are your thoughts on that I know you always spoke highly of Le patry I'm curious what your thoughts on that so I think that Michael Petri is a really smart guy I think that he's a hardworking guy um but unfortunately he works for Eric Adams Administration he works on the get stuff done team he hasn't said said a word about anything he's he's very observant and he's another one you didn't know you didn't know Mike you're going to tell me you didn't know that was a street cop bro that was a dude that had a great eye he's I mean he's a high performer um I'm gonna tell you right now I think he might be more guilty than or because he knows better than everybody I'm gonna tell you right now brother I used to go to comand every four to six weeks working the South Bronx and the Petri was one one of the most intelligent people we had on the job it was super impressive at comat but guess what you know what I'm say today bum get that bum out coward because this entire time that Cas Dorry and johnell have been at the tip of the spear you haven't said a word coward get that bum out you could take all that intelligence shove it up your ass because useless I mean honestly disappointment get him out the petry's Integrity is above reproach I I totally disagree with you we're all very well aware of what happened in his office with worker in his office a female and then her husband everybody's very aware of that um so I mean you know whatever you could like him as a person I think he he's one of the most intelligent people in the police department I think he's one of the most highest performing people in the police department I think he's one of the most competent people in the police department which is why he should be held to a high standard and he's and this this is not Integrity I'm sorry this is not Integrity this is not Integrity this is not Integrity those things are not integrity K all evil SE o evil so his Integrity is is is definitely is is is is could be is questionable and anyone surrounding themselves in this Administration um you know what John I just want to say you know how we say the memes make themselves I can already see the next meme we need a a giant garbage C stack of all the people that were in this post put their pitures of the garbage because that's where they belong yeah I mean that's what I'm saying roll those bums out throw those bums out throw them out that that we need a that that garbage can needs to be filled up I agree with you I'm not I'm I don't feel bad that edan's pitch is in there but that's the guy that's singing that's the guy that's gonna sing him and his brother you just left him out on the island by themselves Eric Adams not a smart move my friend not a smart move if you're in on it not a smart move for you guys in the NYPD you know not a smart move because I'll tell you right now Feels by himself sou he got forced out of his career his name's being run through the mud and you're all sitting around trying to take his job not a smart move peoples not feel and you know what John at least you had a picture because John when you had to leave the job where's your picture when I had to leave the job where's my picture no yeah absolutely I mean whatever I could care less could care less about his picture but yeah you could throw Michael Petri in there too throw that bum out too he wasn't named in it throw bum I'm out um which one all right so since we're speaking about families and all this I think we need to get into this article by the city uh this is a pretty good article before I do that that's not what I want but before I do that we got 1,90 people in here if you people could just do us a favor if you could like if you subscribe if you could share out the space we're talking about the extortion protection racket that's being evolved uh that's being investigated and alleged not only now from the New York City Police Department the upper Rana New York City Police Department the police commissioner his brother but now also the mayor's office of nlife so hey tabi the Foster which I think is great I know you invit her earlier sis thank you maybe one day I join you guys absolutely we love to have you on here you know anyone is welcome on this podcast to have a conversation so tap it when you're ready ww.the finest of come on the show do a live with us we'll see you soon yeah I think you could email us through through uh through YouTube too or or just go to one of our ex's and DM us or whatever so uh Adam's Family Values a guide to the kin and Friends New York City's mayor relies on so let's see you know this is a this is a pretty good photo here right you lay down with dogs you get fleas show me who your friends are and I'll show you who you are right so here we go for mayor Eric Adams it's all in the family or in a Titanic group of chosen family that friends that dates back decades the FBI's highly unusual raids on the homes of many of those in Adams in a circle highlight just how many Family Ties exist at the upper reaches of city government partly with NYPD links caught up in the federal probe the bank's family Brothers David the school's chancellor Philip deputy mayor of Public Safety and Terren whose father was one of Adams liut tenants when he served as an NYPD Captain then there's the kaban family including including commissioner Edward kaban who resigned Thursday and his identical twin brother James their father goes way back with Adams when in the 90s they both ran Allied fraternal groups for Hispanic and black NYPD officers here's what to know about the familial circles around New York city mayor and how some relate to the ongoing Federal investigations the banks Brothers last week the FBI searched the homes and seized the electronic devices from Three Brothers School Chancellor David Banks deputy mayor for Public Safety Phil Banks III and government relations consultant Terrence Banks the family goes way back with the mayor their father Philip Jr was one of Adams NYPD lieutenants when he served as a captain before his retirement 2006 on Monday during his weekly press briefing the mayor described the Elder Banks as a mentor noting that he's known the Banks family for years Philip and David were two of Adam's first mayoral appointments and sit at the highest levels of this Administration the mayor's ties to Philip were so strong that Adams bypassed the fact that Banks had left the top levels of the NYPD after being named as an unindicted coal conspirator in a cop bribery case the feds alleged Banks got 20,000 gifts from a corrupt businessman seeking favors from the police and had 300,000 he didn't report to the IRS and who Source was not explained the bank's connection extends even further Sheena Wright the mayor's first Deputy Mayor is also Banks domestic partner her electronic devices were also seized by the FBI last week as part of the prob by Manhattan us attorney Daman Williams both Wright and Philip Banks have sweeping Powers within the administration first Deputy Mayor Wright sits near the top of the ladder responsible for overseeing most City agencies including the budget office public housing authority Social Services sanitation and more while bank's role as deputy mayor for Public Safety gives him control over the FDNY Department of Corrections Department of Probation office of emergency management and he also informally expanded his reach to include the NYPD Terren Banks was a long time MTA subway operation supervisor who was FedEd by Adams and an other elected officials upon his retirement from the job last year including with special proclamations from democratic Council County leader rodice Bish and council member faroh Lewis he then created a government relations firm the Pearl Alliance which was touted clian on its website that sought business with city government Terren Banks however is not a registered lobbyist as the city reported The Firm had tried to Lobby his brother Phil and David to bring a panic button app into the sprawling cool school system before hiring the Pearl Alliance on Monday the mayor said he had not meant with terrry banks and his clients at City Hall but did not elaborate what do we think about the banks brothers did they have any business being in city government or anywhere near the NYPD uh first of all before we go into that I want to say uh looks like Scott made a comment here looks like he's got some intricate information on uh Eric Adams uh he says that include when he was allegedly shot at on Atlantic Avenue by a white when in fact it was the married lady's husband chasing after him he's talking about Eric Adams so uh some uh EC as Scott U elaborate further and Scott says let me find it here he says EC Adams was allegedly shot at by a guy on Atlantic Avenue in the 88 precin before the merge 88 Squad couldn't find any proof and uh see apparently he was uh word was he was banging a married lady whose husband caught them and chased him you know what listen the bottom line is I listen I don't know Scott I don't know you know if he has some incate information um I I know what they're talking about I'll bring the article up I know what they're talking no that's what I'm saying I I I know the article but you know I remember I have to say at the time I was you know what like who would make up such a crazy story about you know these white guy shooting at you but know what we know now especially the the mayal uh tenure we've had with May Eric Adams we know that everything he does is a complete lie why would this be any different he's just always been a lie everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie thanks Scot for uh for weighing on weighing in on that but again going back to what you just read here just shows that even without the stem of of allegations right now of corruption right now his decision his his decisions his choice his elections are terrible he absolutely the worst appointments but you have to ask youself why why would you elect Banks this already we already have a huge cloud of judgment on him already an unindicted co-conspirator why would you put him in your in in your circle why the only reason I can think why and you said it back then John I'm saying it now it's because you're dirty yourself right you can't trust someone that doesn't have dirt on themselves also that's my firm belief terrible decision yep no absolutely terrible they had no business around no business around city government anything that involves Integrity anything of that nature um getting a little room a here in the background saying that 10 or more lieutenants had their removes most with Special Operations lieutenants yeah so exactly what I was saying they're in charge of 31s and you know it's just a matter of like like I said I agree with you you know there could be some special operations don't even realize what they're doing because just so busy and that's not your concern honestly it's it's it's the most ridiculous thing I always thought that the special operational tend as busy as they are that they have the daunting task of 301s because comat intertwin that into the level of crime and wants a special operations to address some of those complaints because they believe it avoids shootings in some case it does but it's a daunting task so I believe some of the Special Operations Lieutenant are probably stupidly and unknowingly part of this and they just don't realize if this allegation does come true but I I agree with you John there may be some that do know yeah no 100% 100% so let's talk about the caban federal agents also searched the home wait federal agents also searched the home of now former NYPD wait didn't John shell tell us that there was no there was no raids they just asked for phones you remember that I could have swore I heard John shell say nobody's home was raided they just searched they just took some they just took some they just asked me some phones and we're cooperating so wow John shell Li in front of the news camera whoa like he does every day what do you think about that the federal agents searched the home of now former NYPD commissioner Ed kaban well these are also the same people that were complaining about oh no it's not an Xbox controller it's a PlayStation controller who cares these guys always love to put a spin on everything that's why I said if edab bang gets arrested they're gonna say ah he wasn't arrested they didn't really put handcuffs on him you know not the way you normally do it he was just a teamed he's gonna go to court but it's not necessarily an arrest I'm tired of these guys are we tired of the same song and dance for these losers bums get them on the list but you know what at least they weren't in this article so at least they're not on the they're not even in the running no they're in the article this is them you know uh no I'm talking uh John shell and K D and they're running for for a chief of Department oh oh yeah yeah no wasn't in the article sh wasn't in the article uh Dy was in sh yeah yeah um all right so they search the home they seize his electronic devices what do you think they was searching for in his home oh absolutely well I think first of all they're looking for the electronics and they're also looking for money absolutely absolutely Money Baby Cash Money there's no doubt in my mind you know when I used to do search warrants we used to always say look for the money you find the guns look for the money you find the guns and in this case yeah now like you know I I get people like keep some cash in the house right like you know you worried about whatever [ __ ] hits the fin you know at least they got some money like you know and I'm not talking about [ __ ] in the fan like the Reds uh had house I'm talking about if there's a blackout and you can't get to the bank like we've had blackouts in New York City I'm talking about [ __ ] hitting the fan in that way like you know like the bank shut down there's a natural disaster at least you have some money to until things get back to normal hold you over go food shopping things of that nature but uh you know Nighthawk 13 13666 says cocaine I mean listen I don't think they're looking for guns because he's got a pistol permit so it's got to be drugs or money right it's got to be drugs or cash money and the thing is that I know most people keep money in their house but you could easily say yeah I took the money out of my bank here here's the here like just check transactions uh maybe you don't even know I took it out I don't know maybe a year ago a couple of months ago they're going to look boom they're going to see the transaction there right they're looking for money there's not GNA be no transaction of where that came from and then that's going to lead to a lot of questions so his ties to Adams date back decades via his father Juan kaban who served as president of the NYPD Hispanic Society representing Hispanic offices in the 90s at one times Adams ran a hundred blacks in law enforcement who care a fraternal group representing black officers the two organizations had a lot in common at times teamed up to criticize the Department's lack of effort to recruit minority cops so the Guardians Association who recently attacked this podcast um was the NYPD fraternal but s Greco's attorney I believe actually ran that organiz ation Eric Sanders and I don't believe that Adams had the support to oust him and I believe he ran against Sanders and Sanders beat him in an election so he started this Fringe group 100 blacks and law enforcement who care who by the way I don't believe still exist um so you know that that I just wanted a little backstory on that so it's not like it was an actual fraternal in organization it was actually like a fringe group that that that emerged out out of the the Guardians Association because he couldn't take the seat it's kind of like what Hitler did because Hitler was a devout communist couldn't get into the Communist party so he started the fascists you know um the two organizations had a lot in common BL BL BL whatever Juan kaban has five Sons one of Edward kab's brothers and his identical Quinns James a former Sergeant in the NYPD also had his home search last week by the FBI James was drummed out of the apartment after was charged arranging to an arrest a cabie who tried to return a purse his wife had left in the taxi Bon claimed the cabie took $100 from the first but that was found to be false after a trial in 2000 he was convicted of falsifying business records and official misconduct sound familiar Edward kaban was one officer supervised by another close pal of Adams Dwayne Montgomery then a sergeant in the NYPD Montgomery recent pleaded guilty in a conspiracy to steer tens of thousands of dollars in Le illegal straw donations to the mayor's 2021 campaign there's no evidence that a third kaban Brother Richard has been contacted by the FBI but he has drawn the attention as his role of the owner of A Bronx night spot Kito that was shut down after ignoring city inspector violations over an outdoor space deemed unsafe cona fro was a favorite of Mayor Eric Adams who celebrated his birthday there last year there's an image of Adams celebrating kab then NYPD commissioner Eddie kaban celebrated his brother Richie kaban birthday last spring in the outdoor structure next to kredo and now it gets to the mayor's family and chosen family so what what do you think about the caban do they have a good track record or you going to appoint them as anything in the New York City Police Department or give them access to any of your officials or protection EXC absolutely not I mean it's it's been rumored that these guys have been in and around the nightclub life for years and that it they've been on the take again just rumors I don't have any proof but I've heard the grumblings about the kand for many years and the fact he made it as far as he did I was surprised but for years I've been hearing allegations you know about them hanging around uh different clubs in the Bronx and uh and everybody you know people might know if you're from the Bronx herpes triangle a different bars over there that supposedly these guys were doing some corrupt stuff again no proof but just rumors and the Rumor Mill you know it goes pretty far the New York City Police Department tab says I'm patiently waiting for the FBI to reveal think aot we Alla I think the entire world is looking is looking right now you know the entire world uh just L that's weird a comment just uh Daniel braia what is the connection to the PC's office executive team I'm not sure if you know anything let us know so uh all right let's go further into this article a little bit the mayor's family and chosen family Adams has made sure members of his own family have a place in his administration his brother Bernard a former cop served as a special assistant to the mayor getting paid $1 a year after the city ethics board barred the mayor from paying his brother a planned $210,000 salary and his sister Sharon Adams got a $150,000 a year gig in the Department of Education the City previously reported so he was trying to put Bernard in charge of his security team and he said the reason for it was because of the threat of white supremacy in New York City that he needed to have his brother this is like Eric in your time in New York City as working for the New York City the police department how many times have you interacted or were aware of know about any white supremacists acting on their own or white supremacist organizations uh involved in anything in New York City uh well I've been I've been referred to as a white supremacist so many times in my career now I'm still looking for where these white supremacists are I I can't find them I haven't seen them apparently they're white you know they're white blonde blue-eyed Devils that's what I was told I'm white supremacist because I'm I'm blond here blue eyes but you know the answer the answer is zero brother none well you know I'm just gonna qu ju guu here you have a hard time looking for white supremacist you probably are one that's actually hysterical he didn't make that he didn't make that quot he's not that smart I shout out to uh n hog 136 he knows exactly what I'm talking about when we talking about Herpes triangles ridders other BS out there you know it brother yeah thanks dude many people in the mayor Dina IRC are his chosen family made up of loyal friends from a long ago such as Lisa white Foreman 911 operator who got a $241,000 a year gig as an NYPD Deputy Commissioner Adams claimed her residence when he was running for office so little backstory little backstory on this right so a lot of people when Eric is was running for Maya they're like this dude don't even live in New York City he lives in Jersey so he did press conference and he brings them to the home and Lisa white Lisa white has this apartment and he walks them through the apartment and you know it's like a small apartment there's nothing in here he's like yeah I'm a minimist I'm a minimalist you know I don't need much I'm in here walks him through shows him to the bathroom there's like a couch there's like nothing in there uh absolutely nothing in there nothing that appears at this guy who who touts himself as a fancy as all hell lives there nothing nothing shows that this dude lives there but he go he walks through he does the whole song and dance this is where I live this is where I live this is where I live little backstory on that part is that Eric Adams while he was running told people that he loves to take bubble bats every day the apartment that he walks through doesn't have a tub just a standup shower so I mean I don't know you know we can't accuse the guy of lying but you know I don't know maybe he is a Jersey resident you know maybe he is a Jersey resident he owns a home in Jersey though can you imagine take a bubble bath without a tub so he uses that address and then he puts Lisa white in charge of Labor Relations in the NYPD so she oversees the failed health and wellness section that supposedly to work with cops mental health and all that we did an episode the other day about the CE of that unit um I think he was a little butt hurt he was worried he he wanted to know how he felt about his mental health um we didn't really feel too much about it you you you you got a pretty good job so we weren't worried about it but um so he puts her in charge of that and then instantly a million people leave that office right A lot of people flee that office and they said that she's insane she says there's ghosts in her office and people Wy tapping her and all these other allegations I don't remember exactly what happened but it was something along those lines and all those people leave so that's he put her in charge again so like what do you think about that appointment of her he was using her address and now she gets a $241,000 A year job when she was a former 911 operator again just uh another bad appointment by Eric Adams everyone that he picks in his circle is shrouded by bad judgment or some sketchy past or again someone that's not of sound mind and again you have to look at Eric Adams that's why I asked you the other day I said John if you were in a position of power and you could put your five friends I get it you want to put your friends you want to hook them up but which friend you g to pick you g to pick the friends that have integrity the ones that are intelligent the ones you could trust the ones that do the right thing but not Eric Adams that's what I'm saying how could everyone in his Circle not be a sound mind sketchy P sexual allegations allegations of being on the take but not him not him he free from everything bum get him out too all right let's get to let's get to somebody really that everybody's call in like why is this guy not stepping down a prominent figure in the wide ranging role in helping Adams run the city is Timothy Pearson a former NYPD cop Timmy excuse me nicknamed crumbs Pearson former NYPD cops who said to be among the mayor's closest friends dating back to when they were both serving in Management's positions in the NYPD Pearson as an inspector Adams as a Captain Adams appointed him to be a senior mayoral Aid in May in May of 2022 hiring him through a city Economic Development Corporation an arrangement that allowed Pearson to could keep collecting his Police Department pension scam Pearson is currently facing four lawsuits accusing him of sexual harassment and retaliation and two inquiries by the city's Department of investigation he also had his home search and his devices seed by federal agents last week in one of the lawsuits former NYPD Chief matildas mam mamara excuse me describes his interaction with mayor's brother Bernard mamara says when he notified Bernard Adams about the accusations that Pearson was sexually harassing female staffers Adams dismissed him stating that's just Tim being and Tim and another top eight perhaps the mayor's closest Alli allies also has ties to the mayor's days as a cop ingred Lewis Martin his chief advisor is married to Glenn Martin who was in The Police Academy with Adams and became one of his closest friends she's been with Adams for years serving as his top Aid when he was a state senator represent Crown Heights his top Deputy when he was a Brooklyn borrow president and is a top adviser on all political campaigns there's been no indication that Federal authorities have sought evidence from Lewis Mar Mar but she too has spoken of members of City Hall Circle as family calling the mayor's director of Asian fairs Winnie Greco her baby sister when introducing her at Gracie Mansion event Greco's mother attended at the event she referred to Adams as another sibling in the family I have the pleasure of introducing Winnie's mom to her son Greco's niece way Ying Chang was hired by the mayor's office at a salary of $80,000 and now earns 1220 according to records Greco has also been not no relation to Sal Greco has also been closely associated with Adam's son Jordan Coleman document reported that Coleman traveled with Greco to San Francisco to prevent accommodation to a Family Association there his stay in a taxpayer funded Hotel shelter in Queens where Greco was also living owned by a major mayoral donor is under Department of investigation review federal agents search Greco's Tu Bronx home in February part of an investigation conducted by Brooklyn uh Brooklyn us attorney Braun Pierce ethics authorities so that's a lot of [ __ ] there so what do what do you think about that oh my god there a lot of information listen again this Administration is just riddled with allegations it's riddled with sketchy people Timothy Pearson is the last person I mean listen I get it you have friends they grow up with and sometimes you go in different paths right I'm sure John I'm sure you you have friends that you that you were friendly with and you guys went different paast same thing for me these are not people I would put next to me a professional business absolutely not it's a horrible pick I mean he has four separate separate allegations of sexual misconduct and there four cases that are independent from each other he's been realid of a controversy he's evolved in a case with a physical confrontation he's been known as a bum at Resorts World Casino again bum even Tabitha says it here bum he should not even be anywhere near anything where it comes to the mayor all this his administration all the NYPD and the fact that he has uniform equipment half the time is another blight on this Administration another indication of misconduct and Corruption get him out anywhere near this Administration I hope when Adams goes he's go he goes with him uh the Post cover today is pretty funny I'm gonna I got to pull that up too um out on his brass it's a picture Ed kaban I got to get that one up in a little bit but uh ethics authorities Adams activities brush up against strict City ethics rules that bar using public office to benefit family and Associates with things like city jobs or contracts it covers spouses domestic Partners children parents siblings and anyone who has a business or financial relationship with the public servant the rules are why the city's conflict of interest board told Adams he could not hire his brother but enforcing those laws is tough said Columbia law professor Richard brial former chair of the city's conflict Adventure board in part because there's no City agency or staff that proactively Roots out the wrongdoing it's not a police force that goes out and does Patrol it's more like a fire department that responds to alarms he said in the Adams Administration it's been clear from the start the mayor does seem to have a high level of trust in certain C people with whom he's closely connected he said but whether any of those actions Veer into unlawfulness or whether there's proof is unnown you should you should be using your Public Power for public benefit it's wrong to use it for private benefit for yourself and for people with whom you associated with he said um I mean I think it's a weak statement but I agree with the statement it should like this is shouldn't be used for that but obviously it is right obviously that's what he's using it for I'm sorry I'm paying attention but I don't know if you saw it hasn't stopped my phone there's a video going around of the Hispanic society and uh you know people dancing like a white party and then of course pictures of kaban but it's it's getting crazy you know this is what's going on here I mean everyone's communicating right now what's going on this Administration has no ethics it has no ethos I'm embarrassed by this Administration embarrassed by you know what's going on with this New York City Police Department how can we move further brother that's the key we have to move further and unfortunately right now this is going to go this is going to get far worse before it gets better especially for the mypd especially again Ed caban is not the Fall Guy Ed caban is no way he's just at the focal point right now and you know what the fact that they think he's gonna go down this you know if there is some teeth to this by himself is insane I hope he goes out singing brother I really do yeah Laura asks what is Rudy said about this Sheriff Clark or Grady Jud you know what I'm really looking for for Rudy giuliani's thoughts I got a lot of calls over the past few days from media and I said the same thing you guys should call Rudy Giuliani and see what he has to say about it because I really am curious what he has to say about it I actually spoke to someone pretty close to him yesterday and I said hey could you is the May gonna do a show on this like I want to know what his thoughts are on this like you know I told him I said I keep getting calls and I keep referring them to Giuliani like I'm not I'm not giving a comment I want I want to I want to hear he's got to say about it because I think I think as much as as [ __ ] he's he's been getting and people beat him up I think he's going to give the clearest picture of how people should look at this and what we should look at it as um and it's it's it's very important that we hear Rudy giuliani's thoughts in this moment but everybody's been silent where's Bill Bratton where's Ray Kelly where's all the former police Commissioners I want to hear their thoughts Bernie Carrick retweeted the video that I put out yesterday and he said this is like the 70s um I guess you could take it as a comment but I I want I would like to hear a real like in-depth conversation from one of them about what's going on and what should be done about this Joel mangle says Eric and John do you think Adams would ever bring back Seco out of nit and back to the NYPD to be PC or is he not one of the psy boys first of all I was in housing where ofo another guy nice guy nice guy syndrome but a guy I would want in charge he is one of the kings of nepotism his whole game is about nepotism absolutely not bum no yeah I I don't really know Seco I know he's a nice guy but it's all nice guy like like many others in this Police Department nice guy but not you know not intelligent guy yeah um all right let's uh so we you know we were kind of talking about this this Scandal before it actually hit mainstream right and uh he is us on the it's actually the mighty fuzz podcast good friend of the podcast uh mighty fuzz young came out of the music industry he's got a podcast uh you know he's part of the dour movement in the New York but he titled this episode two cops and a convict so I'm just gonna play I'm gonna play a clip from that for you guys and uh and then we we'll get back into this the NYPD can we we're watching corruption at the up a la the NYPD can we can we start on what exactly is happening what you guys are seeing and your opinion on what's happening in New York you know I'll take a step at this point here so I think at this point we're we're at a point where we have a lack of leadership in New York City and that's where it's faulty and it's really scary for the people of New York City because the mayor is the focal point of leadership in the city and we expect him to take extreme ownership for what's thriving or what's actually crumbling crumbling at this point and I think that there's a Shadow of Doubt of what's going on in this cloud of Suspicion I do believe at this point the preponderance of evidence just based on what we have uh is indicative that we do have different levels and forms of corruption going on with New York City at the mayor level that's that's uh streamed into the New York City Police Department at the top of the New York City Police Department I want to express that and make that point apparent that John and I you know our podcast we are very supportive of the rank and file the rank and file of the New York City Police Department is doing what they're paid and trained to do but unfor unfortunately right now we have in inadequate leadership there's a probe of of corruption right now by the feds they are innocent till proven guilty but even with that I do think it's an inadequate inept leadership and I do think we need to overhaul and I hope we see that moving forward yeah so uh and just you know just to piggyback on what Eric's saying you know we've been relentlessly attacked by this Administration this mayoral Administration ation and his appointed officials in the upper echelon of the NYPD and other state local politicians and other New York City agencies heads of those agencies and um you know for really calling out everything that's kind of coming to fruition now uh we've been saying these are low Integrity people their appointments were very questionable so it's should be of no shock to anybody that knows New York City and New York City politics that these scandals are breaking there's uh three different types of scandals that happening right now ones related to and Eric Adam's campaign donations uh foreign entities donating to his campaign as well as illicit donations a lot of a lot of questionable activities around that at the same time we're looking at top former NYPD who are now Deputy Mayors to New York City mayor they're enthralled in a separate investigation where they're selling contracts Security Contracts for these migrant shelters that Encompass hundreds of millions of dollars one of you know these people people again are very questionable in their integrity their appointment so this again doesn't shock anyone that they're being eyed in this now like Eric said everybody's innocent until proven guilty and like the Eric Adams always says where there's smoke there's not always fire but there's plumes of smoke and then the third corruption uh investigation that's currently going on and being alleged is that the NYPD police commissioner along with his twin brother who actually has a taxpayer funded NYPD security detail had allegedly started a nightlife consulting firm and what he's doing is he's supposedly doing what he's being alleged to have been doing is he's going around with the security detail and offering his Consulting Services if you hire my security guards if you pay me for Consulting you're never going to have a problem with the NYPD and the New York Post has reported that that not to be old school Mafia style and I see it the exact opposite way that that is is 1,00% old school Mafia style because there is an intimidation tactic as if you don't hire us if you don't hire us you're gonna have a problem with the NYPD yeah very familiar with all that uh yeah that's um 101 tactics of um extortion right that's what we we're talking about here right extortion baby that's exactly what it is so absolutely and when there's extortion there's money so there's no doubt in my mind that when the feds rated unlike what John shell said yes they rated his home to get his electronics but they R to get money where there extortion there's electronics there's form of communication anytime you have extortion you need communication and how do we communicate in two how do we communicate in 2024 via cell phone so the only cell phone you know if this comes to to fruition the only cell phone they'll be using is the one in their cell you know once they go to jail but make no mistake about it you know this is what we're dealing with right now and I I I just want to turn everybody you know check out his podcast though great friend to the podcast awesome guy Mighty fuzz podcast check him out he's a true gentleman he has someone that changes life around you know it's kind of funny call the two cops at a convict but you know what that's someone that changed his life around he's a great person uh he's awesome great family man good to the community uh he stands by his movement by we the people really intelligent when it comes to US Constitution he's some support check them out again this this article is great it's funny you talk about the post earlier with their their titles their articles they've been hit a Miss but this is great out on his brass brother listen if this is true good you should be out on your ass but at the same token again he should not be the Fall Guy there is no way he is on this on his own if anyone believes that Ed man is on a solo Mission you are on a Fool's eron this is a huge operation if true this takes a high level of communications especially when it comes to these 301s the 31s are communicated throughout the entire police department that's why I say get all these bums out the entire upper R line if this has teeth especially with these 301s because 301s are mentioned at every Comet get them all out it stems throughout the entire job Wen asks question everybody should be asking is Ray Martin related to Ingram Lewis Martin I had the same question Marin I couldn't find it I had the same exact question I don't know but I would think so you know same thing with Dy do I know that c dries related to uh rever uh Reverend dy I don't but definitely asking it so uh yeah I think you know I think the calls for Eric Adams to to step down and starting uh is really starting to pick up today seeing a lot from city council I'm seeing these socialists in city council and you know things are bad in New York City when you're looking at socialist tweets from socialist and city council who you absolutely their ideology I completely despise and I'm sitting there reading their tweets and I'm saying yeah they're right yeah they're right yeah and I'm like I want to share it and I want to like it I'm like oh man I was like wow what I was like did hell just really freeze over like I'm agreeing with these people on anything and it's like tweet after tweet after tweet it's like it like literally could come from me or Eric and it's coming for out of the mouse of socialists in New York City Council because that's where we're are in New York City hell has frozen over you know we're in uncharted waters play this video one last time to wrap this up um and then I think I think we wrap this up we give our closing thoughts and then let's everybody hold on one minute John one minute before you wrap this up I just want you to bring up if you have it if not I'll I'll send it to you do you have the finest message about the uh the pronoun breast ball for the NP no that thing's a joke I'm not bringing that that's stupid I know it's a joke but it was hilarious it just it's the point of where we've gotten to you know we've gotten to with the police department just that you know but so just read it read read out what it says it's gonna take the what's that just read out what it says yeah we know it's a joke but it's just funny that's it's unfortun this is what we' got to to all commands affected January 1st 2025 All Uniform members of the service will be required to fix and display the new pronoun breast bar while in uniform pronouns will reflect members preferred gender as imputed and approved in centralized Personnel resource system members of the service authorized to wear and approv Department Polo will have pronouns embroidered under name and rank now listen we know it's a joke but it's just hysterical that's the point that what we've gotten to with this job that everything's a joke and everyone's pretty much it's a joke which means there's a lot of truth to it in a sense that highlighting what's going on with the police department right now the amount of virtual sing that's going on the importance they're putting on these woke movements that's infected the police department that's why I say I feel sorry for the cops right now they're they're under the gun right now this guys of this this St stem and smoke of allegations of corruption and also they have to work under this woke movement and all this virtual signaling it must be a horrible time seriously I mean it's only been two years since I've been retired I experienced a lot these things but it's just getting worse and that's that's the whole point I want to highlight no I mean listen I you know when I seen it I'm like this could be real you know what I mean this could be real that's the sad part I think that's why it's so funny put a fake uh a fake uh Personnel order out there or whatever the hell it was and it wouldn't come down that way by the way it wouldn't even come down as that it would come out in the admin guide it wouldn't come out like that someone put it out there saying that oh people got to put their pronouns on their shirt and they gota have a R ball with their pronouns on it I mean listen is it far off like I mean if if that happened if that was real would you be shocked I wouldn't be no that's my point when it came out I said you know it's funny but it's not far from the truth because look you and I attend the CCB virtual meetings we were doing it monthly we you know we've been so busy right now so we've taken a break but what's the first thing that de says at the ccrb is they start to announce their names and their pronouns so it's not far from the truth this is what we're seeing right now in the NY PD has become part of this V movement and you know it's a joke but the joke is always funny because there's some truth to it so absolutely brother yeah shamiro Rosario says all this happening under his administration it's clear he is incompetent leader we need Eric Adams out well shamia I'm just gonna tell you it's either that he's incompetent or he's in on the whole thing but either way it doesn't matter Eric Adams needs to go I've been saying it since he was in for three months this guy needs to go this guy's worse than build Blasio three months in I was like I can't believe what what's going on in this Administration what about both what about both John what if you are incompetent and you're in on it also because it appears to be that way yeah I mean and that's fine you know same same same scenario You Gotta Throw the bum out throw the bum out you know so listen we we did an episode a couple of days ago and we honed in on the office of the night life of Mayor and how he got rid of longstanding checks and balances for bars and night lives and we talked about the void that that would leave uh viral News New York City said that was a joke they put this office of The Nightlife up you know and that's what's checking on what's going on and there there there is no Public Safety void and all these things um you know said we were spreading misinformation and all that and and then it comes out this this video comes out that a Barona actually reach out to the office of nightl for help and he gets Royal than what appears to be an extortion uh racket right an extortion racket pay us you won't have a problem with the police department don't pay us your business is getting closed down so this is the office of the N life of the mayor I think that that those video clips and I think those statements we had put out on that podcast are very significant um you know what do you think about that let's play this what do you think about that and then I'll play the video one more time and I think we we we wrap this up again you know this goes back to I don't want to give viral news too much airtime but again you know this this uh this argument this uh not argument this slander smear attacks that we got from viral news which you know pretty much laughable we just laughed at it just he sounded like he was having a nervous breakdown a meltdown but it started because you know John and I saw the pr progression of viral news and you know we gave him uh compliments we were pretty complimentary to the fact that he was working in the migrant crisis uh going in in some dangerous situations by himself and appeared that his progression started to change his Viewpoint of the NYPD I mean we were on X bases where he just completely trashed the mypd and he started to butter up to the upper echelon especially John shell and C Dy and he started to really uh you know uh become like a cuck for them and bootlick and and and talk about how great they are while simultaneously they're attacking myself and John and pretending to be a friend to myself and John and a friend to the upper reton in the police department you can't be a friend to to Bal when there there our enemy at this point attacking us uh but the same time it was still comp complimentary uh but we could see the progression and really the line started to blur you could see he didn't appear to be a neutral journalist anymore but more as a representative of the NYPD so I had indicated on social media on X and I said are you the new NYPD Deputy Commissioner of public information or are you still a journalist because the lines are starting to blur and that's it's unfortunate that's what's gotten to that point but you know to say that this is fake news I mean why would even say that absolutely I mean we see all the stuff that's surrounding I mean at this point we have the preponderance of evidence wouldn't you agree at this point based on everything that we have we all say it's an allegation yes in innocent uh you're innocent to prove of guilty but don't you believe that the prance of evidence says that there is corruption and that this all has some teeth to it I mean based upon what this what I just saw in those text messages I'm I'm sold like based on this video I you know I mean the text messages speak for themselves you know you know and that's you know that's that's all it is you know uh Hassan wants to know if we're going live tonight again or tomorrow morning Hassan I'll tell you if anybody gets perp walked out of One Police Plaza 100% we we'll go live if any more breaking news comes out of the police department we'll go live other than that I'm hoping nothing happens until Monday so that we could see again live 8:05 in the morning but uh you know I'm not I'm I don't think we're jumping on tonight bro we we did a a seven hour S three hours in the morning we jumped off then then we went back on for four hours uh you know record breaking numbers last night so appreciate all you guys I think we had 20,000 people in here last night so uh that was something you know we got 1,200 now in here and I think that that's phenomenal as well so I think those are great let's play this video one more time for the people that came in here late um the lone silencer says viral news is the guy who gets accepted into the club and thinks he made it into the cool CVS Club but ends up looking like a clown yeah man you know I like I said I think viral news is uh he's the dude on the Titanic he's just sitting there with the violin at the end he's like as the S he like go what are we gonna do we'll just play the piano till the end um so all right let's play this video one more time we'll get final closing thoughts and then let's get out of here everybody go enjoy your Friday here we go here it is right here Federal corruption investigation into the city hall in the NPD now includes allegations of a Shakedown a Brooklyn bar owner says he was told that his problems with the NP would go away if he paid the police commissioner's brother and he says it was a worker in the mayor's office who tried to help arrange that deal Chief investigative reporter Jonathan De joins us now with details Chuck the bar owner had his permits his liquor license and his share of noise complaints but what he says he needed a break from tough NYPD enforcement seeking help he says he was introduced to a mayoral staffer and then to the twin brother of the nyp TD's top cop and then he says he was asked for thousands in payments I felt like it was like I got an ultimatum like is either you get with this or you gonna get shut down we gonna make sure you get shut down chal Kelly says it was this man mayoral staffer Ray Martin who first told him he could pay the police commissioner's brother to help get better treatment from the n ypd he just said that he was assistant of Eric Adams and he knew he knew he know people and and he dropped the uh Mr Ed Eddie kaban name because he's I guess the NYPD commissioner uh and I was having problems with the NYPD later Kelly says the police commissioner's brother James caban told him he could help with his NYPD problems if he paid him $2500 up front the state liquor Authority says Kelly's bar was not facing any charges of wrongdoing but there War dozens of noise complaints to 311 about loud music Kelly says he felt too many cops from the 60 Precinct kept showing up hurting his relatively new business the juice and mo bar along mermaid Avenue and he says his pleased for help from the NYPD and local community board were unsuccessful Kelly said he never expected that Ray Martin from the mayor's office would give him this advice he went on about how he thinks that I should just close the bar and if I don't close the bar there's only one way to get them to get the police to stop doing what they're doing and that's to speak to one of his friends which was the James caban guy James caban an ex cop is the twin brother of NYPD commissioner Eddie caban Kelly showed us phone records and text messages from August 2023 where Martin from the mayor's office allegedly encouraged Kelly to contact James caban hey shamelle reminder to call James Kelly says these phone records and texts show he and the commissioner's brother discuss the issues surrounding his business a business which was a juice bar by day and licensed to serve alcohol on weekend nights James caban allegedly wrote spoke to the commanding officer and the biggest complaint from the community board is that you're registered as a juice bar and now you're doing parties there lots of noise complaints if you have a a license to serve to serve alcohol it shouldn't matter um and I also explained to them that the community board knew that we were was the summer time so they knew we were going to do Thursday Friday Saturday night events record suggest Kelly and caban also spoke by phone and that's when Kelly says James caban asked him for the initial $2500 he said that he will immediate my issues with NYPD he could bring them to me have a meeting resolve our issues is what he specifically said he could do after he said I had to pay him for it I felt like it was him trying to extort me so I just was like you know what no I'm good I'll just deal with it how I deal with it and it got worse Kelly says the Ray Martin and James caban connection bothered him I assume that you would be like oh okay yeah let's let's let's just call a meeting let's just let's figure out what this problem is I'm not expecting for you to be like oh you got to pay me some money if you want this problem to go away n like that's that doesn't that doesn't fall with me Martin did not return requests for comment James kaban attorne attorneys issued this statement Mr kaban unequivocally denies any wrongdoing his work as a consultant and acting as a liazon between the department and a private company is perfectly legal especially given his previous career as an NYPD officer our client has fully cooperated with law enforcement and once their investigation is complete it will be clear that these claims are unfounded and lack Merit former NYPD chief of department and NBC New York consultant Terry on everything I we heard from the bar owner if those allegations are true it's at minimal unethical and possibly criminal in the way that they were dealing with the bar owner I've been really really really really really like hurt disappointed stressed depressed Kelly is not just making the allegations now he posted his concerns on social media back in February but at the time few noticed as for juice and more Kelly closed it down in February I don't think it was just me I think that that's probably a thing that's going on in in New York City specifically uh to be honest City Hall a today issued this statement we appreciate wnbc for bringing this information to our attention yesterday afternoon after receiving this inquiry we immediately began an internal review and found that Mr Martin violated the terms of his employment Mr Martin was terminated for Cause yesterday we expect all city employees to act ethically and in the public interest that staffer Martin now fired and again he has not returned requests for comment we just spoke with the bar owner again and he tells us the feds and DOI investigators are with Him interviewing him this afternoon in connection with the ongoing corruption investigations into City Hall and the NYPD all right Eric what are your final thoughts on this so Ron L says I think the evidence was enough to fire him for steering business to kean's brother you can't steer business as a government agent good morning my brother Ron you're absolutely right you're absolutely right but in a case like this which is uh a mere allegation of corruption I wouldn't I we would not just terminate this employee we would keep this employee employed to try to Garner intelligence Garner other information while we contacted the the the feds we would contact Di and we would contact the internal affairs of the police department to do a coordinated effort joint investigation together to determine in fact if there is a stem of corruption that stems to Ed kaban because James kaban is his brother this would absolutely not just be a termination we would also want to do that investigation to exonerate the brother in case there something does come out if there's a rumor out of allegations say yes we had this information obtained we've done our investigation and we've exonerated our Police Commissioner so again this has a bed stink all over it brother yeah 100% man 100% And you know that that uh that statement should have came out from New York City mayor's office and it didn't um so you know that's it so let's uh you know I I mean end the story we played the video the video speaks for itself the bar owners a legend what appears to be a Shakedown involving the office of nightlife of mayor uh Ed kaban and that would tie in the NYPD it ties in the 60 precent commanding officer how did the police commissioner's brother get access to him uh you know and all of these other things you've seen the text messages uh you heard the the the thing that's you know I mean it's clear as day what was going on here the office of nightlife you would reach out to them for help you know you would reach out to them for help if you were having you were having issues with any City agent right or you're looking to further your business they were going to help businesses grow is what the guys that New York city mayor and the executive director of the mayor's office for nightlife said that's what they said they were going to do they were gonna help businesses grow and instead of doing that it appears that they were they were running a a extortion Shakedown racket that's what it appears high ranking City officials on top of the numerous other scandals that are still going on in New York City the uh the numerous different uh illicit campaign donations that are questionable the money from foreign governments the contracts how they're getting divvied out or people getting kickbacks from them so you know as this continues to break and this will continue to break we'll bring it to you we'll bring you as an up to-date uh image if anything breaks over the weekend you know we'll possibly go live on it anything that's worthy of it you know um if anybody else gets ousted you know please let us know appreciate everybody being in here it's 1286 of you uh if you guys could do us a favor like uh check the notification Bell subscribe uh any you guys on social media if you could just click the like button and share it out we appreciate you appreciate everybody for being in here all the comments as always all the donations as always and uh Eric anything before we close brother yeah I just want to add one thing so uh uh some people had indicated to me that well this guy's taking an opportunity right potentially that this bar owner might be taking the opportunity at this time to come out because maybe he had to pay summonses you know maybe he's lying and I said that could be the case right that would that you know that could be the case this guy could be taking the opportunity at this point sees what's going on maybe he did receive summonses or he was the target of something by the police department but that's not the case here because we had indicated I have to watch again maybe find it somewhere in this interview he says that he posted this information back in February on social media so just to just to highlight that because some people had questioned me on that I got different comments with it wait wait wait but the other thing is the other thing is why is he speaking to Ed why do he be speaking to James Cabana exactly exactly why are they texting back and forth why is the office of the nlife of Mayor steering business to James caban why is that happening that's I I get what you're saying the guy could be lying I get I get what they're saying but like where are we getting this from like where like the the overwhelming majority of evidence is the office of nightlife of Mayor is steing business to a corruption racketeering extortion scam that's what it looks like to me I I agree I agree I think this whole thing stinks to high heaven and I you know I understand people tell me oh maybe he's lying but he did put on social media and exactly I was thinking the same thing there is a there is conversation with James kaban I just think at this point maybe I I don't know if you think the same thing that we came from an era and I'm still we're still part of that for the ranking file where it was it really is the best version of policing we've ever seen and the only corruption that we see when it comes to the rank and file is crimes could actually happen and it just shows that you know the if you don't keep your finger on the pulse New York City can easily turn to corruption or you know it stems from corruption yeah Rico says Eman Street PhD says guys got in trouble for a foreign tow TR truck companies 100% and this isn't even a legitimate company dude this is a this is a [ __ ] extortion racket you know it's like it's like you know like this what it appears to me your business down gonna pay this one or the other deal with this guy is gonna get shut we can't help you over here NTI call that guy call that guy call that you know that's a great Point anything anything before we go no I just want to say you know I want to thank our friends this is a podcast that stuck with us all week and we had a two 4our podcast yesterday this is close to three hours it's been a long week necessary with all the information that's come out thank you so much for all your comments uh Mar Marlon thank you for the uh intelligence you provided to help the podcast our friends and listeners thank you for weighing in the opinions the comments expertise really helps us uh do this together you know so thank you so much Ron L thank you so much for helping us we appreciate it and uh everyone be safe out there have a great weekend Monday live 8:05 eastern time we'll be back at you all right uh just make sure you check out our friend Tom [Music] Sullivan Tom Sullivan is the Republican conservative and Common Sense Party candidate for New York State Assembly District 23 Tom is a financial professional who serves simultaneously in the United States Army Reserve for 30 years and has now retired his District covers Ozone Park Lynden wal Howard Beach Broad Channel and the Rockaway Peninsula come November I would I would Empower our law enforcement agencies to go out there and do their job and uh not put them or their families or their pensions at risk for doing their jobs we need drastic change in Albany so that we have a say in this matter and they realize people of New York state will hold them accountable the Sullivan family has a legacy of service Tom served for 30 years protecting and defending the rights of others come this November he has earned your support this advertisement is paid for by the friends of Tom Sullivan there's a handful of retired officers that don't live in a state that have a lot to say about the dream team as I like to call it all of a sudden they retire and have a master plan on how to fight crime but nothing to nothing to contribute when they were here they want to come back and be part of the train team what can I say law enforcement professionals dedicate their lives to serving and protecting our community but who's protecting their fin Financial Futures that's where laad law blue comes in our wealth management platform is specifically designed for the law enforcement Community lad law blue is a division within lad law wealth management run by retired New York City detective John McDermot his status as a retired detective uniquely positions him to establish a deep connection between lad law blue and the law enforcement community our platform is easy to use and provides a range of financial services including Investment Management retirement planning and Insurance Solutions with laad law blue you can secure your financial future and provide for your loved ones our team of experienced financial advisors understands the unique challenges and opportunities that law enforcement professionals face we're here to help you navigate the complexities of financial planning and achieve your goals laad La blue secure your financial future today book 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