UPDATE - FBI Raids Home Of NYPD Police Commissioner Edward Caban

Published: Sep 05, 2024 Duration: 02:31:16 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: edward caban
[Music] and to that piece of Lieutenant that's always on his podcast bashing [Applause] [Music] us all right we're live hey good morning 8:05 eastern time for most of you and of course for me and some of our fellow listeners and Friends of the podcast 5:05 in the morning bright and early still dark outside on the west coast you know for jujo for guju who doesn't really understand the time zones somehow thinks I'm in Texas I don't know if he looked at the time zone yet but 5:05 in the morning just to give you a little hint it's a little further west anyway thanks for tuning in everybody we already got some uh listeners friends on a podcast here already listen subscribe to the space please let's keep this going we got a big tossup going on here in New York City especially the mypd so arguably I'm going to say this even without the context going on right now even without the information of what actually is going on behind the curtain this is still I think at this point no matter what whatever comes out of this and something will come out of this the FBI is not going to go to such great likes to actually obtain Electronics from the homes of NYPD officials and politicians in New York City especially the eye of the storm is on New York City New York City always has the eye on them unlike other places where it could go unnoticed this is New York City iconic City this will be the most corrupt the most corrupt Administration the most corruption we've ever seen in the police department because it has to deal with the leadership and when something affects the leadership the entire organization could crumble so with that being said John I just want to say have you noticed awfully quiet from the Gotham brothers so I thought maybe is it possible maybe one of the Gotham Brothers had left their phones at any's house I don't know it seems that way but anyway what are your thoughts brother this is getting crazy yeah so everybody's like reflecting on the most recent corruption Scandal that the NYPD had which stemmed from a shady real estate deal with two hidic real estate developers and uh Warren wilham Jr also known as Bill DeBlasio after he changed his name so everybody like reflects a lot about that and you know a lot of people calling me to talk about that and I'm sorry for those of you who haven't called back and to the media just listen to this because this is all we know anyway so um so so we're all everyone's talking about that right the the past corruption Scandal the past corruption Scandal I mean that was a lot it was significantly different different right so the then mayor was being accused of partaking and doing Shady business deals real estate deals somehow the then first Deputy Commissioner Philip Banks was tied in numerous trips came out and Bri were alleged that these hidic developers were bribing not only him when he was the chief of department but a lot of lower ranking guys in the New York City Police Department so at that time Bill Bratton was the police commissioner when that Scandal broke and he was not caught up in that Scandal whatsoever the majority of the upper echelon the NYPD was not caught up in that Scandal whatsoever it was a lot of lower ranking Chief it was a lot of people on the come up uh John spra Jimmy Grant uh uh one of the Mike Harington a lot of those guys got caught up because they were close to Banks and they had ties with the hidic community stemming out of burrow Park that Scandal honestly from the moment I saw it I thought it was [ __ ] and it turned out to be exactly that I said look what happened in my opinion what happened in that Scandal is build DeBlasio and Philip Banks got caught with the hand in the cookie jaw and what they do they said oh no no no no we're going to give you dirty cops and they gave guys that were hanging out with police Buffs said gave them up to the FBI and said they dirty cops are taking bribes but they could never say what the bribes were right like what did I get and and so if my friend's rich or somebody's a police buff and he wants to hang out with me because he's like look I'm hanging out with with Jimmy Grant or I'm hanging out with John or I'm hanging out with Eric and he gives me a ride to the Super Bowl the World Series parade and I go on as leer jet what did I do in exchange for that never came out right these guys never went to jail they basically you know and at the time a lot of people because I worked in Brooklyn South and I worked in 66 a lot of people like they're dirty cops they're dirty cops and named lower ranks than them too as well who never came out in the papers and they're dirty cops and I said right then and there I said those guys aren't dirty cops I said you pointed out guys they may be bad husbands you might be pointing out things that make them bad husbands and maybe question their character and their decisionmaking but you no one has labeled out any type of form of corruption to me you're allowed to have rich friends you're allowed to go on plane rides with your friends now if you're cheating on your wife that doesn't make you a dirty cop just makes you a bad husband you know and and so like everyone's reflecting on that but I think we got to take note here the new New York City Police Commissioner at the time was Bill Braton he was completely utterly uninvolved the New York City Police Department as a whole was still intact I don't believe that's the case yet Eric I I think that this is completely a different situation what's going on with the police department right now even at the time I agree with you I said it's pretty much hor [ __ ] what's going on I think it was complete deflection I think that Bill deasio had a great Mirage behind him and I think it was a great deflection from himself and it was actually you know it's actually pretty Sinister the fact that he actually deflected to the police department and because what's sexy right John what sexy is any focus on the police department so was actually brilliant on his behalf to take the focus of himself but even at the time I said even if they find some form of corrupted things that happened I believed in the manner that we saw it it was far more isolated right it was almost like it was encapsulated right to this particular portion not going to infect the entire police department where we could cut it out remove it and the police department could continue on to function that's why I arguably say that no matter what is going on behind the curtain once it gets revealed right let's be honest we don't know what levels of corruption are going on what actually crimes are being investigated by the FBI behind closed doors we suspect we have our suspicions but no matter what it is I still would say right now without knowing the context I think this is I'm saying that right now confidently the most corruption we've ever had because this is infectious from the top of the police department down to the lower Echelon of the police department it infects the entire police department along with the mayor so we have the mayor who is ultimately the de facto leader of the enre ire Police Department the infection goes throughout the entire police department right now that's what makes it the largest corruption Scandal because this could topple and this could crumble the entire police department especially right now this is all timing with a low diminished Police Department with this di movement with lower standards with an infected Police Department of low morale they're exhausted overworked with no plan out there an illegal milit Ary AG male crisis along with this infection along with this corruption could topple the entire police department at this point where legitimately what we said yesterday on our live podcast could come true into to bition that the FBI has to step in I'm saying right now John you and I both agree that they need to step in at this point I believe every Chief has has been affected by this and it needs a complete overhaul but I think the entire police department can suffer from this again like I said I don't the last corruption Scandal the internal affairs Bureau had the ability to operate the police commissioner's office had the ability to operate had the ability to maneuver had the ability to make placements had the ability to promote demote uh put people off to the side this is this is totally not that this is totally different scenario right that we've had a seated police Commissioners home raided by the FBI so again everybody's innocent until proven guilty but we've never seen that before and I'm going to sit here right now and Eric you've done search warrants I've done search warrants uh a lot less involved than a federal investigation right I mean they were pretty I mean we had probable cause to go in we had a a Supreme Court judge give us an order to uh pretty much wave someone's constitutional rights and enter their home forcibly and search their property and and take them into custody and put them in handcuffs but Federal in this investig has been going on for a while and I don't think that any law enforcement officer would take this lightly and would just move in and conduct a search warrant or a judge would sign off on that search warrant of a seated Police Commissioner if there wasn't serious police misconduct happening so I'm going to agree with you right now this is honestly this is uncharted waters everything that we're looking at points to Serious police misconduct this goes far beyond whatever campaign donation straw donor schemes that were alleged to have coming out of the Eric Adams Administration um and I think you know I feel bad this regardless of what happens and I think we said this last night too regardless of what happens this is a black eye and a stain on the New York City Police Department forever forever and right now we have a police commissioner who seated his Internal Affairs Bureau who by the way we have an open investigation with against this same Police Commissioner and at the entire upesalon on the NYPD for egregious attacks against myself Eric where they actually sent known criminals after us as well as misused police resources to shut this podcast down in numerous different facets and I don't want to go into that because you guys are all familiar with that but this is clearly uncharted waters and as it sits right now the NYPD is a rudderless ship because every every facet of the NYPD all of the appointed the politically appointed every single one of them every single one of them is shrouded in Scandal as we speak right now and that includes the nypd's own intern paternal andair buau and I'm talking about all of you guys because you all been watching this from [ __ ] day one what's been going on and we've been calling it out for two years and now you're seeing what's happening so Nighthawk thank you he said reporting for Duty sir any stragglers please hand in a 28 to the desk don't forget to like share and subscribe if you haven't already attention on deck thank you guys thanks everybody for tuning in Eric what do you got brother absolutely want to thank everyone that's listening our friend to the podcast I want to say uh to Rob Marine obviously a fellow marine cifi and he puts and this is what you call leadership and he writes honor courage commitment JJ did TI Buckle clearly he's obviously a marine stfi brother JJ did TI Buckle is an acronym that was created by the uh the Marine Corps so that Marines never forget their leadership traits because the leadership traits were so important in the Marine qut JJ did tie Buckle met Justice judgment you know dependability decisiveness it was important that you always understood the leadership traits because what you learn in the Marine cor every level unlike the police department but at every level in the Marine cor that everyone is a leader and is expected to be a leader at any point you could be called upon and we take it very serious seriously and that's why I say you learned in the Marine Core that leadership can uh cause the entire organization to thrive or even crumble you know if the leadership Falls entire organization is infected so I'm curious John just to make light of some things do you think that this was started I mean because you and I both we would both entered the police department under the years of Chief campy and we were always led to believe that it's a cup of coffee that could lead to corruption do you think that this started with a free cup of coffee so you know what I consistently say is that competence and integrity under this specific Administration the Adams Administration puts you at odds with the NYPD right if you have integrity and you're competent you are not you are not what Eric Adams is looking for again all of his appointments have been shrouded in Scandal their entire careers Ed kaban not only wasn't a good cop he was never a good supervisor he's been shrouded in Scandal his entire career Cas Dy another one Jeffrey Madre another one every single one of these guys John shell another one you know I'll say one thing we beat up Mike keer a lot but I don't really have any scandals I know people that like him I know people that don't like him normal for an NYPD boss I really know nothing about that guy other than him every single person's been shrouded in Scandal so I don't think this started with a free C of coffee I think that if you go back in the history of these individuals if anyone's brave enough if any of the media kind of sees what's going on now and you really look at their careas and you talk to the people they work with and they talk about all the times they got removed from precence for low Integrity acts moved to different Burrows all of these different things all of the Scandal that came out from each and every one of these people you're G to see that they all have two traits they're completely incompetent and they have zero Integrity so no I don't think the starter would a free coup C I think C pey was wrong I think they were always pieces of [ __ ] John I I am so glad that you uh it's almost like we have a conversation without talking you know and you actually mentioned what I was actually alluded to so I I would like to say this we are not foolish and we are not going to say that oh the police department was perfect and now that we have this Administration you know things just went to [ __ ] I'm actually going to blame the leadership for the past many years that has led to the leadership that we have now and that's why I always said over the years it's so important that you actually evaluate your personnel properly if someone is of great High esteem and a spirit the core of the police department and you rate them the same as someone else you do them an injustice you also do an injustice to them if you rate others of low integrity and are inept the same as someone else that's working hard and that's how we allow these people to rise to the ranks because why John you know why these people thrive and make it through the police department because if you look past at a prior podcast that we did it's exactly the syndrome that has infected the police department it's actually affected an episode that we did the other day because we got numerous phone calls and you know what that syndrome is John he's a nice guy that is the biggest problem of the New York City Police Department that I think is a contributing factor to the level of corruption that we're at today is we hear this constantly he's a nice guy give him a good evaluation he's a nice guy take care of him he's a nice guy don't look at the fact that he's corrupt he does stupid things he has low Integrity he comp he has compromised integ but he's a nice guy and we constantly hear that we have to stop with this ideology and treating people a certain way because they're a nice guy because they smile at you because they give you tickets to some to you taken care of somewhere or they hooked you up with something are they a good guy and there's a difference are they a good cop John and I received numerous phone calls defending inspector Mark Walker because of ridiculous tactics utilized during a police Street encounter and instead of people saying you know what that was bad police policing and instead of him saying it himself and to make himself better in the police department instead the excuse was he's a nice guy he's a good guy and that's how we allow this infection to arise through the police department and get to the point that we are now have a corrupt Administration and the entire upper edch line is infected because of this nice guy syndrome and now I say right now I hear numerous people saying H don't blame Chief so and so don't blame this Chief they're a nice guy you know what and I blame Chief keer too he appears to be a nice guy he did a great job he as far as handling the criticism from this podcast in comparison to the Gotham brothers and other Chiefs but make no mistake about it his ears and his eyes are open he's not stupid it's no coincidence that he left now he knows what's going on he may not know every detail but he knows it's impossible to make it that high up in the ranks these guys are not busy doing work all day they have a lot of cups of coffee together they eat lunch together they exchange a lot of information no one in the police department is making it to the CIA because there are no secrets in the police department and you know what I'm talking about John I agree with you no crazy 107 says Jimmy Grant was the four guy so was spray so were the Haren so Haron so was Mike Haron so was Pete DeBlasio so was everyone uh Eric uh can't forget his name uh I can't remember his name but he was a chief Eric uh Spanish last name all those guys everybody in that Scandal was the Fall Guy and who are they the Fall Guy for they were Fall Guy for someone who just got his house rated again yesterday deputy mayor of Public Safety Phil Banks all of those guys lives and careers were ruined and you know the main difference between those guys and what and what is happening now is those guys were actually very confident those guys were actually very good at their job those guys oversaw the best least corrupt version of the New York City Police Department so that's what's much different about those guys nobody was leaving the job early nobody was vesting out nobody was resigning nobody was retiring and guess what the communities love those guys every Community every Community across the city love those guys that's the difference that's the difference between this Administration and that Administration this Administration stinks it stinks of corruption and would you if you were the mayor Eric would you appoint Phil Banks after a huge Scandal broke out to be your deputy mayor of Public Safety would you do that because I wouldn't well absolutely not what was the theme of the podcast yesterday that we did emergency podcast breaking news of what's going on right now and it's the theme of what's going on this upper line it's what we said yesterday and it's something we learned in the police department anybody working right now if you started around the time that John and I started 2004 this is something that was constantly preaching to your head the appearance of impropriety is enough to tarnish The Shield enough to destroy the reputation of the patch so absolutely you just answered you just answered the question you know the answer to it if John was the mayor if I was the mayor if our listeners and Friends of the podcast right now if any of you were the mayor you would absolutely not appoint Banks because you would say the appearance of impropriety is enough to infect the vision the Illusion in the vision of the police department that's exactly the answer to that yeah no I agree and uh Speedy Simone says my only fear is that somehow this will be swept under the rug as usual the righteous voices are still few and far between I agree with you Speedy I mean I think again we saw four guys happen time and people that really were involved in serious corruption skated right skated went on to have great careers and make a lot more money and actually move up the ranks in New York City politics and the NYPD right now the person that stemm from it is basically in charge of the entire city so yeah no I agree so listen some more details came out last night and I think it'll tell a little bit more tail of uh what what's happening um is this the right article yes it is okay all right I'm gonna start to read this article federal agents hit NYPD commissioner Edward kaban and members of the nation's biggest police force this week amid a stunning Spade of raids and on others in mayor Eric Adams Circle sources said Thursday Asians showed up at the home of kaban deputy mayor for Public Safety Phil Banks and the townhouse shared by school's chancellor David Banks and first deputy mayor Shea Wright with search warrants early Wednesday and seized their electronic devices according to law enforcement sources Phil and David Banks brother Terrence Banks a former MTA official who has turned to Consulting work was also targeted in the action sources said another top Adams a retired NYPD inspector Timothy Pearson had his phone subpoena according to the sources the connections between the raid subpoenas and other law enforce sweeps targeting kaban other NYPD officials and City Hall bigwigs remained murky Thursday but sources said the top cop and others in the department were targeted as a part of a sweeping corruption probe involving influence pedaling here we go you ready for this this is what we didn't know last night kab's twin brother James kaban a former NYPD Sergeant was served with a search warrant with a sabinaa sources said investigators are looking into his role in the world of nightlife enforcement according to sources sources confirmed that NYPD Chief of Staff Raul pintos and two Precinct commanders in Manhattan and queens and were asked to have their phones turned over the feds are also looking into Rank and file NYPD officers from precin commanders on down to who served in Manhattan South and other precent with strong nightlife presence sources says None have been accused of any crime the probes are being led by federal prosecutors in the southern district of New York which has also been eyeing Adam's 2021 campaign in other unrelated high-profile investigation sources said Adam broke his daylong silence on the rain Thursday afternoon as he exited City Hall with a throng of reporters as you've heard me say over and over again as a former law enforcement person who had a meager amount of arrest did absolutely nothing will always follow the law and for and what and that is what this Administration always stood for and will continue to stand for whatever information is needed we will turn over and so clearly uh what's missing from this article is the fact that it says that they're not being investig that they're not being investigated for a crime and they're being probed for corruption uh so corruption is a crime and they are being investigated for a crime that's just information that has not been released yet right because John you and I both know we talk about search warrants right and I can confidently say this and I'm sure you can say the same I never took part in a search warrant execution on behalf of doing anti-me you know doing searching an apartment right hats off to emergency service I want to say thank you to the finest men and women that the police department has to offer Emergency Services I always wanted to do it but I was just I I love doing planing clo so much but they would actually knock the door and then we would go go in and do the searches so I want to thank them if there's anyone here that's listening active retired who took part in ESU outstanding unit and uh we never went in after we had an informant make a purchase at an apartment after one time it was several times we were we were very confident very thorough and detailed in our investigations that took part of anti crime our FiOS um with our informants very confident we hit an apartment we went to the apartment door numerous times to make sure that that's the right apartment we knew exactly what the door looked like the layout of the building and I say that because most of them were in apartments so it's very thorough and I would say it's by far more thorough especially the FBI when they're going to hit High prolific figures they're going to make sure all their ducks are in a row so that they don't look bad themselves and it doesn't come back to them so if anyone believes that there's no crime going on here and this isn't going away and I think that this is completely different than what we've seen before and I don't think this could get swept under the rug like we've seen before because there's just too many eyes on it and do not think this is isolated to New York City this is the NYPD the police commission of NYPD for some people that's like God in other places this is being viewed by the entire world and I don't think this could be swept under the rug so Sergeant blue says Sid Rosenberg states he loves shell and Cass and will vouch for their integrity who who the [ __ ] is Sid Rosenberg and who cares what he's vouching for Sid in friends Sid is a friend to everybody he would have said the same thing a few months back about Eric Adams said the same thing about Ed kaban friend the the the show the title of his show is perfect Sid Rosenberg and friends he's a friend to everybody because truly he's a friend to nobody he doesn't even know shelling has you had them on the show a few times hung out with them once or twice he doesn't know who they are and by all means Sid ignored everything that they did against myself and Eric dim and what they continue to do on social media ignore all all of that they're low Integrity individuals so if Sid's vouching for them [ __ ] Sid Rosenberg too he's a scumbag too that's how I feel about him and and by the way Sid if you're listening to this thanks you and Curtis for stealing all our content and trying to pretend like it's yours good job guys um if uh I mean John who honestly do we even know Sid Ro Rosenberg so I I don't even know how do we know the level of his Integrity how we how are we going to actually say does it matter like you said does it matter Sid Rose likes some not what's his Integrity we don't know this guy from a hole in the wall listen we know he's a talk just because he talks on the radio doesn't mean he's a man of integrity so you know I I question that completely again I think know he's just a complete Charlton he wants to be friends with everybody that's that's my take on him honestly 100% 100% listen we got about 637 people in here do me a favor if you guys could just like and share it out appreciate get some more people in here more thoughts I hate to I hate to jump down the throats of like you know I think we jump down uh the whatever uh Waris throat yesterday about Dan Bonino but it it it really is like these people like it's you know there's a lot of voices out there that are just completely full of [ __ ] and and who is said Rosenberg was he ever a cop was he ever in the NYPD no he's a talk show host he's a radio head good you know yeah are we talking heads now too yeah but you know the difference between a big difference between us we actually have experience we served in the New York City Police Department you listen to over 40 years of experience thousands upon thousands thousands of emergency incidents internal investigations criminal investigations all types of things that are that are rolling around both of our heads we have knowledge s just sat and thinks about what he thinks about but he doesn't know he doesn't know and again he saw all the attacks against this podcast especially from those two so for him to say that screw him because he's fully aware of what's been going on fully aware for it so no they're low Integrity individuals honestly and you know I said it a bunch of times that I'm I would I would cheer if they all got purpw walked out of One PP and it looks like by all means that would that that one day might soon enough happen um yeah listen and and and I'm saying this now our friends list is on the podcast John and I both said it if there's a per Walk we're flying into New York city so maybe we could do some type of event and get everybody together but who's missing today I haven't seen gu guu it's you know I don't believe in coincidences in life but some of our comments he alluded to it also where's Juju where's JuJu's phone yeah so Rob Marine says if FD super chiefs made complaints against Kavanaugh why can't these dudes do the same because again Rob they're nice guys great guys they're friends to everybody and they're friends to nobody you know I I can't believe I'm telling you 2020 exposed somebody put something out uh what was your biggest disappointment in 2020 and 2021 like something like that it was like what was your biggest disappointment what disappointed you the most in 2020 and I and I it I didn't even have to think about it I was like men men disappointed me the most I thought there were men like my father like the men I grew up around my uncles uh the PE my neighbors on My Block that raised me I was like where are all these men where' they go everybody's lying everybody's afraid to tell the truth nobody believes what the television's telling them nobody believes what these politicians are telling them and everyone's scared to say it and because I'm saying things I'm being ostracized and I'm being called a danger because I'm just saying what what Americans say I'm being forced from my career because I'm saying the truth my union is shutting me out like I'm some kind of nutcase for bringing up actual ual labor issues that violate labor law that violate my constitutional rights my civil rights My First Amendment rights that violate common sense and everything we know to be true you know so where are they they're exactly where they were in 2020 they you got this hear no evil see no evil speak no evil that's what they're doing and that's why I agree with you Eric although Michael keer hasn't been shrouded in Scandal like them you can't tell me you didn't know what was going on and again nobody knows oh we don't know what it is right now it's all speculation so right then and there now we see what what we're saying there has to be police serious police misconduct Andor corruption happening in the New York City Police Department because not only did they hit the door and seize evidence from NYPD police commissioner Edward Kabal and we both said that no law enforcement investigator or no judge would just yeah let's just see what's on his phone no no there's something on that phone they wanted to secure right nobody's taking that lightly a seated Police Commissioner for the largest Police Department in the world nobody's taken that lightly but also they go for his chief of staff pintos Three Star Chief right and who else do they go for his twin brother if that doesn't smell of police corruption I don't know what it is yeah that's why I say I think this is completely different than the last corruption case that we saw which is total horseshit I think this completely has teeth to it the uh the manner of the FBI prob but they just completely calculated I think this stems way back to when mayor Eric Adams first had his phone taken I think this is completely calculated I think there's a lot of solid information that we just don't know yet that hasn't been revealed what I'd like to know out of this investigation and you know I'm not going to make this about us completely but I would like to know on those phones what information is on those phones about suppress in this podcast about John and myself what probes were actually done by these corrupt officials and I say officials because that's what they are what's on these phones was there any threats towards John and myself on these phones you know there's a lot of information that's going to come out what else are on these phones about a gag order for the police department that caused our listeners and friends to the podcast active members of the police department that are terrified to actually admit that they even listen to this podcast forget about even liking and subscribing to it so that I believe is corrupt in itself so I'll say this also and I'll say it again I had numerous conversations my phone didn't stop yesterday John's phone didn't stop we were constantly on the phone with different cops and different ranks and and I of course I'll leave their their Anonymous and what I was told by some people was I heard you say that all the Chiefs are bad but what about this Chief what about that are they're a good guy I said I don't care there's some Chiefs there that I actually like that I think are nice guys but I will not shy away from the truth you can't we're all cops I said well at least we want to believe right I said the default position John if you remember I said and I'll say it again the default position for any rank should be a fundamentals of policing and that you are a cop so if you're a chief of the New York City Police Department you're small of that small set there's not many chiefs on the job right if you're chief keer or chief John shell is not that many people that outrank you can we agree you're a part of a small set of the police department and if you do not know what's going on with Ed caban and chief Mader and John shell the threats that go to this podcast and from C dter you cannot tell me that you don't know what's going on because if you tell me you do not have a clue what's going on then you were never a cop because we all observe behavioral indicators and let's stop pretending you know this is not the movie hear no evil see no evil you know honestly this is absolutely ridiculous you can't tell me or you pretend you don't see anything because you do see it and every one of you fail to report corruption and there is that is corrupt threatening the First Amendment from John and myself having fake monikers cops we don't know what rank me actual members of the service behind it call my phone in the middle of the night with threats have Mobsters come after us it's all corrupt and now what now there's other corruption that we just don't know what's going on what's going going on at these nightlife locations what's going on at cona Fritos that s Greco has had his finger on the hypocrisy that has caused him his career how many of these corrupt officials that are being probed how many of them were not vaccinated just like John had to stand on his Mor moral principle and leave his career and how many of them have a far more indepth discipline record than I do because I have never had disciplin other than CCB and they moved through the ranks of the police department how many of them are still working in Maron bethl was wrongfully terminated these are the key factors we need to focus on it's uh it's honestly disgusting you know and and people like oh well they they would what you want them to do so I'm G tell you a little story there was a guy named Justin vpy he locks up this guy named Abdul Lua they get into a fight in the Street in the old days Sergeant wouldn't let you drive a per that you fought with in the car because he didn't want you to do anything to the per or you know give you time to cool off before you went back down to the precin to uh to process the arrest so coola heads prevail and there you know you're not with someone who just punched you in the face or spit in your face or any of those things so about a week prior to Justin vby affec in that rest it's rumored that there was a sergeant on the desk and he told Justin vpy to do something and Justin vpy picked up a metal typewriter and threw it at that Sergeant's head that Sergeant's a great guy though nice guy he didn't do a damn thing to Justin vpy he didn't suspend Justin vpy he didn't give Justin VY a CD absolutely nothing happened to Justin vuli now a week later he has the rest of Abdul Len they have another unit transpor them like what used to be done I don't think that's still done often but it should go back that way because we lost a lot of uh experience and people with integrity and knowledge on the streets of New York City and how to police effectively and morally with Integrity so we lost all those people so I don't think any of that's going on anymore we have the blind leading the blind in the New York City Police Department currently we actually have the corrupt leading the blind excuse me um so he brings Abdul aim back to the oh so the other unit brings Abdula back to the precin that same Sergeant sitting at the desk that day who didn't hear anything didn't see anything didn't know anything they never said a word to Justin vpy when he swung a metal typewriter as had could have killed him or somebody else and completely was not a sergeant right but he was a great guy everybody loved him nice guy great guy right nice guy here comes Justin vulpi Justin vulpi grabs Abdul liima right from the desk away from the guy who's filling out his pedigree sheet and says I got this one and that great guy that Sergeant nice guy everybody liked him he didn't say anything he didn't say anything and all he had to do was one thing bring that per back here right now and you're not searching anybody and Justin vul would have listen but he didn't say anything because you know what it's not everybody would have said oh you know what he's not a good Sergeant he's not nice he yelled at Justin he did this he's not a good guy the union delegates would have lik them the other sergeants would have came down on him maybe even the CEO would have said you know Justin's a good worker all this and Justin vpy in a fit of rage takes abua in the bathroom and proceeds to rape him with a plunger and that same good guy that same Sergeant didn't hear nothing didn't say nothing didn't know nothing and guess what he winded up losing his job and going to jail um and the same's true here if you don't know nothing you don't say nothing you don't want to know anything but you're a good guy you don't deserve to be a New York City police officer either because you know why is a tough [ __ ] job and you got to have integrity and sometimes having integrity means you got to walk away from your career sometimes it means you have to put your [ __ ] balls on the table and say I'm absolutely not doing that and I'm not doing it regardless of what's going to happen to me and that's the reality of being a New York City police officer and today I don't see enough men that are able to do it you know there's a comment here from uh I don't know who this is there someone new new listen new friend to the podcast thank you TOA plays Schoolcraft you're absolutely right you know what's interesting about this T it to campy for years we heard this thing we always thought it was laughable I I even when I first got the job I left how silly this was right all we heard was it's that free cup of coffee that's going to lead to corruption oh it's that free cup of coffee Marin good morning brother how you doing man it's not I think again I think if John and I were to take over Internal Affairs today the message would be this it's the nice guy syndrome that has infected the police department I'm going to say this right now the nice guy syndrome I believe has led to more corruption scandals the nice guy Syndrome has led to exactly what you said the rape of abnar loua because if the sergeant wasn't being such a nice guy vulpi wouldn't be in jail today and abnel Lua would not have suffered such a severe attack he's he's out now vuli but he would have retired from the New York City Police dep more than likely and that [ __ ] would have never happened if Mark wer wasn't just a nice guy he'd have good police tactics because people would not be afraid to say hey markw yes you're a nice guy you're a good guy but you're not a good cop and you need to improve on your tactics because we're all afraid to say things to each other because we don't want to be mean hurtful we want to be nice and nice sometimes there's a time to be nice and sometimes there's a time to be good but you know what there is a time to tell people the truth you know I had a conversation with someone yesterday it was a great conversation someone who's on the job I won't release their name we had a great conversation we were agreeing and disagreeing about things that are going on with the police department you know what this person said to me afterwards John it was actually I was I was it was it was pretty cool to actually hear was breath of fresh air and he says to me dude I love the fact that we could agree and disagree on the phone and you never get angry you don't get mad I don't get mad and then we laugh and it's a great conversation go that's the way it's supposed to be I said John and I do the podcast on a daily basis together we agree and disagree constantly I don't get mad at him he doesn't get mad at me and that's what makes this healthy we check each other right that's why when you know we check each other to make sure that we support this podcast by not cursing by making sure that we give Fair analysis of situations that we get Fair assessments because we check each other the cops need to check each other that needs to be the theme of the police department this nice guy Syndrome has infected the police department if you always have to be nice to your kids and always worry about every little thing right most of us are parents and you have to worry about being nice would your kids be good would they grow up to be good men and women not necessarily because they may grow up to be weak and they may grow up to make mistakes because you are too concerned about being nice and that's what goes on with the police department I would say the biggest infection is the nice guy syndrome absolutely absolutely so I've had this comment up on the screen not because I agree with it at all and just because I want to debunk it and I didn't want to forget about it so Harry writes once Adams went against the grain with the illegals the [ __ ] hit the fan so this is a talking point that was put out by a news handle that's called viral News New York City we now refer to him as bootlicker News New York City because he does nothing but bootlick for the NYPD and New York City May Eric Adams so I'm just gonna debunk all this right now B uh Eric Adams calls himself self-proclaimed the Biden of Brooklyn Eric Adams over and over again throughout this entire politically created crisis that's happening nationally has supported Joe Biden has called for open borders has in incentivized the entire world to send its criminals to New York City so that he could take your money your taxpayer funded money and give it to illegal aliens he's purposely misinterpreted the right to shelter law to pretend that he cannot tell people that he can't shelter them he refuses to take his pen and allow the NYPD to once again cooperate with ice to remove violent Criminal off New York city streets that are in this country that have crossed this border illegally he continues to further incentivize them every day to spend billions in your tax dollars Eric Adams never went against the grain with the illegals the only thing Eric Adams ever tried to do was to get more federal funds and I contend it was so that his friends could get more crumbs like Timothy Pearson needed right every everybody's getting their crumbs I got to get my crumbs too with these contracts right that's all he ever wanted to do so he never went against the Green he he endorsed Joe Biden and and within 24 hours endorsed Cala Harris two seconds later so don't tell me that Eric Adams ever went against this grain Eric Adams is a far-left progressive Democrat and even them don't like him because he's dirty that's why he's corrupt he's shrouded in Scandal he's egotistical and from all means he's not too smart of who his appointments are around him right so this whole narrative it pops up consistently on the show and it's the furthest thing from the truth this has absolutely nothing to do I's never went against the grain with the illegals if he did New York City wouldn't be the touchdown for every illegal immigrant for every criminal who's been released from jail coming here seeking Asylum or what the media would tell you is a migrant looking for work if looking for work is robbing people from scooters putting pointing guns to them taking their cell phones doing prostitution selling drugs pickpocketing people you are not considered a migrant in my opinion you're not I'm sorry you flouted the rules and Eric Adams the only thing that Eric Adams has done for illegal immigrants is violate federal law by helping transport them giving them funds Shield them from the ability of law enforcement to interact with them most notably federal law enforcement so there is no way in hell Eric Adams went against the Green he went with the green all of this is coming out this is a corruption Scandal and why would the NYPD be involved in any of this so I'm sorry I just had to debunk that sorry if I went on a rant there n you know I heard the same thing yesterday dude I was surprised I couple people I spoke to on a phone man I I think I'm tired of talking we did so many podcasts yesterday like it's actually pretty tiring I think my joy hasn't stopped but a couple people I spoke to they nor for you you got enough exercise bro come on it's a pretty good that's a pretty good joke actually I'm surprised we not see pictures of eggplants here but yeah but a couple people I spoke to they're like they said the same thing and I I was taken back I was shot like yeah oh this is all because you know Biden went to the Border I I mean not Biden he is the Brooklyn of Biden right Biden of Brooklyn oh it's because he went to the border and he showed opposition to the border and he blamed the Mig Crist on the boorder I said you really think that this all stems for that that's ridiculous first of all he called himself the bid Brooklyn he wasn't in opposition to to the Border because when he returned back from his trip at puea in Mexico City what did he say his position Remains the Same the borders should be open and we should be a sanctuary City so why would why would he face opposition from Biden's Administration another corrupt Administration to actually sick the FBI on him for that statement it doesn't make any sense there's no it's not a that's a very convoluted idea just doesn't make any sense at all you know I I just uh at this point I'm sitting here we're all sitting here saying to ourselves wow how did we get here and again I think about how far this has affected the police department and again I want to say this and trust this because I got phone calls yesterday about this and I'm sure I'll get phone calls about it again Chief so's a good guy Chief sh was a nice guy stop with this nice guy syndrome there's only so many chiefs on the job every one of them is aware of what's going on there's no coincidence that some of them have ran from the door ran for the door now I'm not saying if they're taking part of it but some of them that ran for the door at this point might have ran because they w absolutely nothing to do with this but I do find it a problem that they haven't reported it I do find the problem that none of the Chiefs ever stood up and said what is going on in opposition to this podcast and other journalists is wrong included Mike a small Mike from New Haven a small podcast who's a gentleman who's been so supportive of police I mean just a complete gentleman nice congenial young man was completely bullied and nobody stood up and I heard from people oh what are they supposed to do you know they're only a onear chief or they're only two Star Chief this is what I heard yesterday John oh they're only inspector so I use the same thing I I had to admit John I use the same line that you Ed because I hear it and I'm like you know what this really fits to this subject right now we both saw ordinary men so I said are you telling me that the New York City Police Department could not become Nazis you're telling me they could because because the same thing happened how we had the Nazis in World War II what are they supposed to do what is we're supposed to stand up we're supposed to stand up and speak up and not be afraid to call out something that's unlawful and just blatantly wrong we are all supposed to be cops doing the right thing and yet what are we supposed to do and if that's the answer that's absolutely wrong and again we need to overhaul in the police department every Chief in this police department at this time has to step down or be removed we need a complete overhaul because ask yourself this think about this John if you are a young police officer right now or a sergeant or a lieutenant and you were looking to go into a unit and one of these Chiefs is conducting an interview would you feel comfortable at that point would you suspect that you might be walking yourself into some level of corruption would you trust those Chiefs at this point I wouldn't absolutely not so I was in the one two three we you know we put me and a couple other individuals a couple of good guys um I haven't spoken to them in a while but uh we put together like a really nice gym got a lot of nice gym equipment all the stuff the the local gyms donated they would call when they were going to throw something out do you guys want this before we throw it out when we would take it or we wouldn't take it whatever so we had all this nice equipment in there uh parks department we donated us those big Park mats so we had we put the mats down little space but you know we put a lot of nice equipment in there I actually I actually still missed that gym but um about a week I would go in there and it would be like the 10 pound dumbbells were missing come back the next day the 15 dumb pound dumbbells were missing then the 30s and I'm like what so I put a sign up and I said whoever took the dumbbells I don't care what rank you are they better come back here or I'm going going to lock you up and I signed it with my name and my shield and my tax number and you know a lot of bosses came up to me after what are you doing you can't do that I was like no I'm not kidding I was like if I find out who's stealing the dumbbells I'm gonna call them it's it's City proper and miraculously the dumbbells showed up that night when I was not there and I took the sign down and that's what you're supposed to do you're supposed to be a [ __ ] cop that's what supposed to do right and I know that it was a boss that took those dumbbells I knew it was a boss when I put that [ __ ] sign up and I wasn't kidding I'll [ __ ] lock you up I'll testify against you in a court of law because that's what Integrity is and that's something minor that's [ __ ] right these are Min that's minor pen lawon it's [ __ ] nothing we're talking about serious police corruption what am I supposed to do I'm inspector you're supposed to do what you sworn note to do that's what you're supposed to do you're supposed to do that that's what you're supposed to do let's finish out this article I got one more to uh before we before we uh before we go so City Hall Chief Council Lisa zornberg in a statement issued shortly after the raids were publicly revealed implied City officials weren't the probe's ultimate targets investigators have not indicated us to us that the mayor and his staff are targets of any investigation said zor bur in a statement all this police corruption had nothing to do with Eric Adams appointments well it has to do with his appointments but not not the mayor himself zberg said another Adam siant as a former member of law enforcement de mayor has repeatedly made clear that all members of the team need to follow the law I mean if Eric Adams was employed by the New York City Police Department but I wouldn't say he was a member of law enforcement an NYPD spokesperson confirmed an investigation focused on police officials the department is aware of the investigation by us attorney's office for the southern district of New York involving members of the servant the department is fully cooperating in this investigation the spokesperson said in a statement Thursday referring to questions to Manhattan Federal prosecutors kaban could not be reached for comment he was appointed to the commissioner role in 2023 after the previous Top Cop key Chan's surprise resignation um we spoke about a little yesterday Eric what do you think about ke Chan Su stepping down now after all this there's a comment here uh it's pretty funny uh someone put uh who who is it let me see if I can find it uh I don't know I saw the comment in there someone put key chanu came out smelling like a rose so again you know let's be honest we don't know what type of commissioner she made have been or could be or or was because she was never put in a position to actually do the job she was there just to be a face she was there as a plant by May Eric Adams just to fill this whole diversity quote to be the first female black I do think that her appearance wise I thought she had a great presence I thought when she spoke she showed Poise I thought she she showed extreme amount of potential uh but the fact that she left at that time it does raise questions at this point you know we still don't know she never publicly said why she left so it does leave the impression and I believe in no coincidence that she left because of what's going on with this Administration um I would love at some point that if she actually ever comes to speak out I mean if she is some type of forant for the FBI providing information God bless her if she's speaking up against you know uh issues with the police department that could really affect and change the representation of this patch but it does leave questions you know did she leave because of the Scandal and and uh or whatever Scandal is actually going on behind his CL closed doors but now that this has come to light it does appear to be more heavily weighed and I suspect this is the reason why she left other than that I mean some of the issues that were going on you know with Cas Dy and the power struggle I think those things could have been worked through uh even with mayor Eric Adams at some point so this appears to be most likely the reason why she left the police department you know rumor is and I heard from a couple of sources pretty good sources that ke Chan Su was asked to do things that she said I'm absolutely not doing right that's integrity and like I said sometimes and you know I think Ron Lac had made mention to this one time too as well it's like you know the only thing that cops could do sometimes is leave she can't really fight it from within you don't really have the choice that's right but that doesn't forgive you if you said doesn't you know and that's why I was so hard on all these Chiefs during and after and continually after the Mandate um because you didn't do the right thing right oh what do you want me to do I want you to do the right thing I want you to say that this is [ __ ] I want you to acknowledge that there's people like Mor and Beal who are who are who are unemployed Floyd right now who did absolutely nothing wrong who have solved way more cases cuz somebody asked on here how many cases has C dter solved to get first grade I'll tell you right now zero he did mangle an investigation of a girl called Dana ratlin where she he botched the sexual assault so bad that her her perpetrator wasn't the DA's office wasn't able to prosecute him so she had to drop the case and then it's alleged that only him Jeffrey madrey and one other person actually even knew about this case and then they used it to smear her name when she spoke out against them and she criticized the police department they used it and people were saying only three people knew about it but it came out everywhere throughout communities and throughout everywhere that Dana ratlin was trying to get an innocent black man in prison so was that solving a I don't think that was solving a case maybe in today's standards in this Police Department that would be considered solving a case because it was a number they don't need to take so I mean I think right now you see that you see people who just oh what do you want me to do there's nothing I could do and everyone's denying there's an existence of marlin ble a legal immigrant to this country a black man who was terminated by New York city mayor who the only people he's concerned with getting to work is illegal immigrants and he denies the existence of Marlon bethl you know why he denies the existence of Marlon bethl because the PBA I'm sorry the DEA president what's his name uh Vinnie from Florida Vinnie uh whatever the hell his name is not even worth it to even say because he shouldn't be he shouldn't be uh he shouldn't be the the SB uh the no I'm sorry it's not Vinnie I'm sorry the dude that was on uh that was on the guy that eats at Roo show every jack isn't it yeah he was on the tough podcast to listen to uh the the jakamo they no the jakamo just stepped down it was the other guy but his vice you right what's his name ah I forget whatever it doesn't matter his name's not important he's a loser because he denies that maren bethl exists because the Chiefs that oversaw Mar and ble and all of the people in the New York City the police department from police officer all the way up deny the fact that maren Beal was terminated for nothing non disciplinary termination still without a pay because of that because of the low Integrity now we allow serious police misconduct and serious police corruption to fester and Brew in the New York City Police Department because if you could let one thing happen you could let it all happen and what I said and you could go back on all my tweets and you could go back on my Instagram you could go back on my social media I said you got rid of all the people that would have went into a precon where guys were selling drugs and dealing drugs and beating up drug dealers and you got rid of all those people the people you capped and the people you rewarded are the people that either lied and submitted fake cards or the people that just went along with the game and didn't say anything that's who you kept in the New York City Police Department so it was it was right for corruption we got a 1,23 people on here do me a favor like subscribe hit the notification button and do me a favor if you're on social media following us share it out as well appreciate everybody on here you know I want to say good morning of course our friends and listen to the podcast like John said like like And subscribe the content hey uh good morning Patrick Jordan great friend to the podcast has his own podcast brief brief with the chief his comment is exactly on point this is what we've been saying we all especially John and myself uh we could say that what makes this podcast different right unlike Sid and friends we actually have police perspective but the FBI is not going to probe in this manner unless there's some hard credible evidence Patrick Jordan States it's shocking that they searched the police commissioner's home the feds will not take the step without good cause that's exactly the same thing I said you know I said yesterday uh Chief I said the same thing I said if they really just wanted the electronics the FBI could have reported to One Police Plaza and got the electronics while commissioner Ed kabin was at One PP might be a tough might be tough to actually catch him at One Police Plaza because he could be in Qatar he could be in Dominican Republic he could be in Arizona who knows where he's at but the re the realistic approach it could actually be obtained while he's working on duty so for them to actually actually do this while he was home is a huge indicator that there's much more that meets the eye of what's going on behind closed doors so uh Chief you spot on absolutely I've been saying the same thing I I I really agree with you I don't you know and the reason why I also have this aspect in this knowledge of the feds is because working in working in this South Bronx especially in PSA 7 the confines of the 40 and 42 pron uh particularly the firearms that we apprehended in the 40 precin um we would get an immediate response from the southern district uh they really southern district was really probing the illegal firearms in the 40 priest of the South Bronx and uh they wouldn't look to take the cases from us but they would only take the case when it was air tight where it was self-initiated where we saw the perpetrator we could completely identify all the features of the actual perpetrator and we saw not just a bulge or something indicative that we end up going through the tears of people versus divor to make that arrest it had to be airtight you saw that firearm you could describe the firearm from start to finish and it had to be an airtight case in order for the southern district to take it and I'm sure the same thing applies to a case like this and we're not talking about a random perpetrator on the streets of the South Bronx in New York City we're talking about high prolific figures that have extreme amount of power in New York City which includes mayor Eric Adams and which includes the deputy Mayors and includes the police commission of the most iconic Police Department the eyes of the entire world are looking at this there's people in other countries right now that are looking at this this is not something that's just isolated to New York City everyone watches movies about the NYPD I was on anti-hero podcast recently and it's funny they were talking about wow you know the NYPD they're always they're always known for corruption and I'm thinking wow during the time that me and John were in the police department we really didn't see that much corruption crimes of opportunity but here we are full circle and we're back to it it's unreal menen says you know and I don't want to pick on Sid Rosenberg some of the stuff he says is right but that just pisses me off if he did say that then then my my statement stands if he said he vouches for John shell and C Dy my statement stands but maren brings up a good point it's not just about Sid it's about mainstream media in general the thing is Sid is mainstream it's a dying media and media figures attached to dying Industries become sick ofans to stay afloat and that's kind of what we're seeing right and earlier um Chris had stated that um you know they tried to stack the deck right they tried to get all the media with them they tried to get us off the air they're continuing to try to get us off the air um they continue to try to bully and intimidate us um because they're failing they're lying everyone knows they're lying we're just not pretending that they're Li that we know they're lying anymore people are getting sick of it people are getting fed up about it so I agree with you Marin 100% uh let's finish up this article this is a good pie chart of who's related there's a lot more people on here that need to be added actually to this pie chart as commissioner John before you read just want to say thank you to Pedro Perez who donated $9.99 to the podcast he wrote it's a very sad time for the NYPD give the Legacy and Prestige of the department we feel the rank and file time to move someplace warm absolutely and Charlie ma reviews precious medals $499 to the podcast thank you so much like And subscribe go ahead brother thank you guys we appreciate the donations um all right let's uh let's go as commissioner and I'll bring you guys up I'll keep his up there for a while too as commissioner kaban Works closely with the Manhattan us attorney's office that now appears to be investigating him many of his officers and a smorgus borg of high-ranking city government counterparts representatives for the US attorney's office declined to comment when the post tried to reach chief of Patrol John shell for comment about the raids and subpoenas nypd's Deputy Commissioner of public information Tariq Sheard got on the phone and called the reporter who's uh Craig McCarthy you could follow him on a at create Craig called him a [ __ ] scumbag that's what Tariq Shepard that's the Deputy Commissioner of public information yesterday me and Eric made a bet and I bet that Tariq Shepard would be the next Police Commissioner when Ed kaban stepped down um and Eric bet that it would be Cass dter and I said well if it's neither we both lose but I'm saying right now this guy I thought was cleaner and more polished than Cas dawry but now I'm saying he's a [ __ ] idiot he's on the phone with a reporter and he calls him a [ __ ] scumbag for calling and asking for a question about what's going on because you and your dirty friends are all under investigation right so Tariq Shepard the Deputy Commissioner of public information did that um I don't know if they'll get into it also but even after that another reporter I believe from The Daily News called John shell and then John shell didn't pick up the phone dcpi the Deputy Commissioner of public information himself Tariq Shepard picked up the phone and said to the reporter why didn't you call dcpi and hung up the phone that is the equivalent of you walking up to a cop and telling him you were robbed stabbed or assaulted and him telling you to call 911 and walk away got news for you Tariq Shepard you are dcpi got news for you guys on the street if somebody comes up to you and reports a crime you are 911 I put this on Twitter or X whatever you want to call it now and unfortunately Tariq Shepard is a civilian so I don't know if this will actually apply but or is a uniform unfortunately this unprofessional ism is customary from the current upper edgeline of the NYPD this is a response to Craig McCarthy I do encourage you to file a complaint with with the ccrb of New York City hold these immature unprofessional crans accountable the iconic Shield is tarnished at their behest godspeed sir the finest unfiled I absolutely expect a Civilian Complaint to be filed immediately I don't care he's civilian or not file that Civilian Complaint review board and I want to see if the Civilian Complaint review board actually takes take report on this this is absolutely ridiculous again the entire police department is infected it is infected no way could this department actually move on especially with a Civilian Complaint review board we have cops that their careers are getting tarnished and destroyed including myself completely tainted from an overzealous Civilian Complaint with View Board there's no support we have police officers out there that have lost 20 30 40 some more vacation vacation days for saying the for saying f [ __ ] or saying curse words when they're in uh the heat of battle with an armed adversary a perpetrator and yet we have this animal who's in a position of authority totally abuses his office abuses his position and talks his way to reporters who have full access to the police department if anything they have more access to most of the police officers including John and myself who were on the job do I agree with some of the things they say absolutely not but that's not what we're supposed to do we took it off to protect people to help people and allow them to have their first Amendment right for him for him to say that is absolutely disgusting and John your analogy is spot on because guess what Tariq sheeper if someone comes up to you and says they're robbed You're supposed to put your handcuffs on them the default position is being a police officer the default position is being a professional again this is just another mirror image and a reflection of what's going on with this police department and exactly John I think I don't know if you want to change your position and that's why I said that yesterday if anyone they go toate the commissioner is cast dter and and make no mistake about it he's a piece of [ __ ] too no one is going to be in this positions right now that are clean they're all piece of [ __ ] that are in this position because Maya arag Adams wouldn't put anyone that is clean in these positions because clearly he's not clean himself so Tariq Shepard may have put on a good faad and was pretty eloquent in his words much better than John shell and better than C Dy but make no mistake behind it he is a sheep in Wolf's clo he is a wolf in sheep's clothing just like the rest of them the only difference is John shell pretends to be a wolf but he behind it he's a real sheep but apparently Tariq Shepard he's the wolf I'm staying with my bet my original bet uh he still didn't attack any reporters like C Dorry did so and I I got news for you Eric I'm pretty sure we're both gonna lose we're both about a 15% chance at this point I think the odds are going down and down and down so I'm I'll stick with my original bet just to play devil's advocate here Sher alall good friend to the podcast appreciate you she says it's our Duty right here to click the like button we need the algorithm there's hundreds watching and only a handful of of likes and clicks there actually 1100 people watching right now appreciate it if you guys could do us a favor and like push us up in the algorithm get some more voices in here I'm about a half hour back on the comments we got a lot more stuff couple more articles that come out so uh like to get a couple more thoughts in here and I'll get we'll get to all your questions as as we go so um so let's continue sources said Terrence Banks is being AED over suspicions that since his retirement he has acted as an unregistered lob a lobbyist who has brought business to City Hall through connections to his brother in a way that circumvents conflict of interest rules sources said um crumbs is that the crumbs Pearson was talking about Pearson an Adams Confidant who recently made headlines for being the subject of a sexual harassment suit actually for sexual harassment suits suits has long faed scrutiny for his Shady role with the administration which includes overseeing contracts for security at migrant shelters which he refers to as crones the raids targeting Deputy Mayors first reported by the city unfold simultaneously about 5:00 a.m. Wednesday at wri's elegant West 143rd home in hlem and Phil Banks modest home in Queens according to sources and FB spokeperson declined to comment Thursday but did not deny that federal agents visited both addresses an attorney for banks Benjamin bman confirmed that Banks home was searched but would not comment further Phil Banks was named by the feds as an unindicted Cole conspirator and sweeping federal police corruption case a few years back that's what with the case we were talking about earlier feds found Phil Banks had $300,000 in mysterious transactions amid the bribery case Wright a former CEO of United Way of New York City who helped lead Adam's transition team has been a regular Presence by the mayor side since he appointed her to the top Deputy Mayor role in 2022 her portfolio of responsibilities include the police department she has been a longtime relationship with David Banks who's the doe School Chancellor and they have been rumored to be married in secret last year David Banks when spotting leaving the home Thursday he shares with Wright dodged questions from the post about the raid he appeared irritated when a Fox 5 reporter asked him questions later in the day about the FBI raid today is the first day of school it's all about the kids if there's any other comments to be made it will be made tomorrow he said Adams who's up for re-election next year has now seen federal agents Target at least eight of his top AIDS starting with his campaign fundraiser Brianna Suggs Suggs home was raid in November 2023 of mid alleg of Kickback scheme involving City Hall and the Turkish Government after the raids targeted City Hall Aid ra aava and Sen okal who worked on the Adams transition team as part of the turkey probe FBI agent stormed the home of Winnie Greco who served as Adams director of Asian Affairs during February as part of a separate fundraising scheme his owner himself has previously been slapped with a grand Jor subpoena as were City Hall officials and his campaign in July by federal prosecutors digging into his 2021 election fundraising he has also had his electronic devices seized as part of this investigation Adams has denied any wrongdoing of course Adams denied any wrongdoing and I'm pretty confident in the manner that we see the behavioral indicators of Eric Adams he's going to deflect anything on himself to others which which is why he wants you useful idiots in and around him that's why I think he points useful idiots at the upper ret line of the police department because if anything does arise he will deflect it to them uh Charlie ma reviews who gave us 499 and and didn't actually read out your comment thank you so much question if all those top Rass are removed and arrested who takes over chain of command for NYPD love the podcast thank you very much that's the question here that's why this is the largest corruption Scandal the NYPD has ever seen is because now it really destroys the pyramid first of all we didn't have a proper pyramid going on with the police department anyway of the small unit leadership breakdown we couldn't identify who's actually the police commissioner because this is the most insignificant Police Commissioner and now part of a corruption probe so it does cause a major problem for the boots on the ground but ultim ultimately it does hurt Public Safety John and I both said publicly on our podcast yesterday we both believe at this time the FBI should take over that's still my position I would assume it might be your still position John but crazy 107 thank you so much 999 I appreciate it put these crumbs towards the algorithm thank you so crumbs BS towards the AL thank you I really appreciate we really appreciate the comments like And subscribe uh we appreciate the donations to the podcast you know if you donate to the podcast we will make sure that we actually read your comment there's a lot of comments today there's a lot of people on the live thank you so much for being friends and listen to the podcast Pedro Perez 99 it's a very sad time for the NYPD give the Legacy at Prestige of the department you're right the department we feel for the rank and file time to move someplace warm you're absolutely right we feel for the rank and file that's ultimately who suffers by this John would you agree because of May Eric Adams because of these officials that are part of this corruption probe no matter what stems out of this ultimately I promise you and I I think you probably agree it's the rank and file that would pay for this there will be policies changed and implemented within the police department that will affect the rank and file because of the inept the immature unprofessional corruption going on at the upper reton of the police department and ultimately the ranking fire will pay for it the guy that'll get fired because he bumped into a neighborhood friend who gave him a free cup of coffee that he grew up with the guy whose life will be ruined because of that and he'll never be able to get a job for that um watches the NYPD police commissioner take first class trips overseas to Qatar that are funded by federal government of course the scrutiny is going to come down on them and and much worse is what what what do the media what do every movie about the NYPD portray they portray dirty cops right and I'll be the first to sit here and say that if you look at the entirety of the NYPD I do a lot of uh research as as it relates to police corruption I read a lot big history buff um and I've been I've been on a real kick about reading about police corruption particularly in the NYPD and it's safe to say say at this point that the almost the entirety of the existence of the NYPD the NYPD has been a systemically corrupt organization now I don't believe in the last 30 years it was systemically corrupt but we've said on prior procast that the upper echelon at this point this Administration particularly under the Adams Administration is systemically corrupt the upper echelon the politically appointed we're not talking about the rank and file but ultimately what you'll see on the streets because of all of this is the harassment of rank and fire officers who were just out there working 16 hours a day under the scrutiny of every agency in the city just trying to make it through the day trying to make New York City a little safer and trying to be able to feed their family and they'll ultimately be the ones that are going to be called a dirty cop and be the the public facing front facing people for all this while they all hide like the cowards that they are right they're all going to hide their little offices they're all going to hide behind their publicly taxpayer funded attorneys right because that's that's that's the standard today the standard is you don't have to you know you're just going to get a taxpayer funded attorney under Eric Adams right whether you whether you're accused of sexual assault or anything else that has absolutely nothing to do with your duties as a police officer you know not all of you guys just them just the the upper Russ on the NYPD so they all hide behind that and and I agree with it's the rank and file that's going going to have to bear the brunt of this and and you know at this time I'm very disappointed but not surprised there shouldn't be there should be an immediate an immediate I don't know if you agree John but this is my position on this there should be an immediate response that PBA president de president every Union should make an immediate response right now publicly and say that they are sickened by this and they want to know how this affects their members that they immedately want to know and they also not one of these unions have spoken out and said hey our police officers sergeants lieutenants detectives have been terminated have lost a significant amount of vacation days had to leave their careers John MCC had to leave his career Eric dim had to leave his career because of the INE leadership of the police department that allowed the disciplinary Matrix to affect the police department the the unions have members have bared extreme amount of discipline while Chief Mader had his case thrown out and dismissed because somehow it doesn't pertain to CCB which is a complete farce in opposition to abuse of authority cases we've seen from the Civilian Complaint review board in the most egregious ridiculous frivilous cases amongst amongst the members of the police department where are the unions so you have have to ask yourself again where are your where are your union dues going there should be an immediate response for every one of these unions and they should have be at the Forefront and take a preemptive strike and say how are our members going to be affected by this how and yet the upper ret line how could they sign off on any dismissal right now how could they sign off on any cases right now how could anyone face discipline under Police Commissioner edcan during this corruption prob I say right now under Police Commissioner Ed caban every case that was met with discipline should be opened up and reviewed again uh I don't just think that I mean I think even larger than police discipline what about criminal cases what about the criminal cases that happened under this Administration how do we know we're not targeting you know like I said last night you know it's rumored on the street that this whole legal marijuana scheme Eric Adams and his buddies are going after the people that aren't aren't friends of the family so if a nickel bag gets sold on the streets in New York City it's rumored that Eric Adams and his corrupt buddies all want in right that's what it's rumored to be it's rumored to be that some marijuana places are being targeted arbitrarily and capriciously While others are being able to operate with impunity no one's looking at them doing the same exact thing that they're shutting other businesses down for so those are the rumors that's the smoke you know um we got a 1169 people in here appreciate all you for all you that are just joining we're talking about updates that came out since last night the FBI raided the home of NYPD police commissioner Edward kaban so also came out that his chief of staff Raul Pinto's home was raid Electronics were taken as well as his twin brother James kaban former NYPD Sergeant I don't know if he was the one that was fired from the police department or not I'm not sure but he did have a brother that was fired he may have retired I don't know um but again everyone's what was what was the warrant for obviously it was to se's electronic devices I'm gonna say right now it has nothing to do with straw donor schemes what this smells of when you're seeing high ranking NYPD officials along with low ranking NYPD officials getting their electronics and their phones taken this smells of serious police misconduct Andor corruption I I we don't know that every everything is speculative at this point Charlie Mack reviews precious medals good friend to the podcast he asked the question if those top rasss were all fired or arrested what is the protocol for the chain of command who takes the lead now for the NYPD Charlie we opened up the show at this we're in uncharted waters my friend there is no protocol for this there is no protocol for the police commissioner being systemically corrupt he is the end all Beall of everything that happens when when it comes into internal investigations corruption investigations everything inside of the NYPD so like we saw on a previous corruption Scandal that broke out probably now over 10 years ago or close to 10 years ago the police commissioner was not involved in that the only one that was involved was the first Deputy Commissioner who retired very abruptly and then became an un co conspirator and a lot of low ranking Chiefs and inspectors were all caught up in it but it wasn't the majority of the operational on the NYPD it wasn't the head of internal affairs which we're alleging here to that Internal Affairs is at this point a systemically corrupt bureau in the NYPD itself because again anything that they these guys were doing they were out partying with them doing it all themselves so we're completely in uncharted waters Eric do you agree with that is there any protocol as of this if a police commissioner and all of these top brats were fir before I answer that it's kind of funny uh John and I reached out to the investigator for our case for for interal Affairs yesterday uh and of course we didn't resp we didn't receive a response back not in a timely manner so it's no coincidence but with this question it's actually a great question John you're absolutely right John you nailed it you're absolutely right there is absolutely no system there is no protocol in place because this situation has not AR ever arose within the police department there is absolutely no system in place and what we have right now is an appearance of impropriety for the entire eperon of the police department think about it at this point we have a police commissioner his home was raided we have a first Deputy Commissioner that has done much traveling just as the police commissioner did himself so that's very suspicious of course because there's been articles that have questioned the potential Corruption of the commissioner traveling to various locations we have a chief Department who's had more discipline arguably that most of the uh Troublesome police officers or members of the service that we ever had in the police department has a far extreme more discipline record than I have my discipline record is only from the civilian review board and MRE has been presented with the last case for the civilian complain review board that was completely dismissed we have the chief of Transit that just fled we have John shell that is openly bullying this podcast of the journalist has drunken tweets on xas we have C Dorry who's teamed up as a Gotham brother with John shell of the same unprofessionalism who bullied and almost got into a physical altercation with the journalist I mean I I I can go I have Tariq Shepard who's just now been accused of being completely unprofessional with a journalist calling him a scumbag John do I really need to go through the line and name everything that's done by every one of these Chiefs Deputy Commissioners just to show the unprofessionalism and again we need a complete overhaul every one of them has to be removed because any other chief that has sat by right now and I don't care if you take this personal because it's true every one of you that sat by and has not said a word you are just as guilty in my eyes because you have the power and you have the authority to stand up and say this is wrong and I don't even care of your rank it doesn't matter because underneath that rank when you take that uniform off you're a man or you're a woman who's supposed to have principle that took an oath so there's absolutely no system in place and that's why it's our position that the FBI takes over at this time there is zero system in place zero joh I can't think of it can you think of any system that's in place have we ever learned in the police department that if the police commissioner is suspected of a corruption problem what's the next step well you know it's funny like when we started getting attacked right you kind of presented me with that question you said well what's what's Internal Affairs going to do and what did I say I said they're going to do absolutely nothing I said we're just documenting this for history we're filing an internal affairs complaint against not only the internal affairs Bureau for targeting us as well because again Internal Affairs brought hundreds of cops in hundreds so they spent millions of dollars bringing cops in asking them do you know John mcui do you interact with him on Instagram why I have no idea because we made fun of uh John shell or Cas Dorry or we gave our anecdotal experience or opinions and so we filed a complaint about that we filed a complaint about Ed kaban sending his criminal friends after us we filed the complaint about John shell weaponizing his top team to slander and make up lies about us we filed a complaint about Caz Dy sending his legal team and misusing police resources to attempt to shut down our podcast we filed a complaint about numerous other things so I said all of it involves the upper echelon of the NYPD what the internal affairs Bureau is going to do is work day and night to disprove our claims they're going to work day and night to disprove our claims and protect the New York City Police Department to protect dirty cops so we're completely in Uncharted Territory here folks when we filed that complaint that was Uncharted Territory I said let's do this let's document this for history I don't think it's going anywhere I don't think anyone's getting in trouble I don't think it that matters any that we had a an active NYPD supervisor threatening our lives and our children I don't think anything's ever going to come out of any of that but let's document it we'll foil it all later on maybe we'll write a book and we'll tell everybody about it we and we'll watch until today by the way if you're listening to this whatever the [ __ ] your name is too the kid that the sergeant that's investigating the case we're talking about you too you're a dirty cop too my friend you're corrupt too my friend all right so I don't give a [ __ ] who you know that I know or who you worked with that I know you're hiding the identity of people you're working day and night to disprove things with irrefutable evidence that we gave you and again we're going to say we called you for a case update last night and you didn't have anything to say to us nor did you call us back even though you were in the office and you hid like a little girl and told everybody oh no just tell them I'm not here right and you didn't call us back and you haven't told us one [ __ ] thing about anything that's happened you know you're a dirty cop too my friend so the bottom line is this we still want to know we want to know immediately and I'm waiting I'm waiting for this case to be closed because we know it's going nowhere so it's when it's been months and months and months we've had our lives threatened our children's life threatened by the New York City Police Department what sanctioned by the New York City Police Department numerous cops misusing their Authority their positions uh New York City taxpayers have spent money to shut this podcast down you've done absolutely nothing about it watched it the whole time transcripted this whole time so I'm just looking forward to when the case closed because I'm going to hone in on a few things which one of the allegations we made is omitted which one of this uh which one of the subjects that we alleg and we alleged all of them all of them are sub subjects in this case every single person that got hit and then some we want to know which one of those were admitted and then I'm G to hone in on the investigative State steps that you didn't take and you omitted and again maybe you'll retire with your full pensions all you maybe you'll even be lorded at uh Heritage celebrations and all these other things but the truth will come out eventually you're all dirty cops and you're all covering for dirty cops absolutely true don't pretend and you know exactly who I'm talking about the sergeant that's leading this investigation you are a dirty cop absolutely you know at first what do we hear John again the same syndrome that has infected the entire police department we heard about this particular Sergeant that's running our case our investigation Eternal Affairs John what do we hear through Anonymous sources because we won't reveal the sources ah he's a nice guy he's a good guy that's what we heard again the same syndrome that has affected the entire upper reton the police department is the same thing that affects internal fist so I'm saying that the sergeant that's leading our investigation is a dirty cop and who's also dirty his commanding officer who was not properly made sure that this is a thorough and a proper investigation this investigation has been completely narrowed into a specific Direction and the direction that they're doing right now and I'm confident of it is that they're actually trying to find something on John and myself to detract and deflect from this investigation our investigation could have not been thorough and more detailed now my cops if you're on this right now that used to work for me you know I used to take pride in my paperwork I was a history major in college and I made sure that everything was detailed and documented properly and John is the same way very meticulous and the information that we provided we said would not be done through phone call it would be done by email because were not confident in the communication with the internal affairs Bureau and that was exactly exactly came to fruition we did not we had very minimal conversations on the phone made sure everything was documented our investigation the allegations that we made could have not been more detailed and this Sergeant either was pretending to do a proper to pretending that he could not understand the details of the investigation or was intentionally acting like an idiot because numerous times we he had to uh omit he omitted information could not understand the investigation properly was purposely uh causing it to be a debacle so at this point I find it hard to believe that he's not aware that I contacted his cell phone and I contacted the office and I spoke to someone else in the office who said he would get back to me and he never got back to me he was probably busy on the live along with the commanding officer of internal affairs I'm sure uh the other ranking people of the internal affairs were probably watching this podcast they were probably live with everybody else watching it so again I don't trust Internal Affairs anymore they're corrupted also how can you not do a proper investigation we detailed those those those allegations out and no matter what there is some unhinged person out there right now to me they were never a cop and I don't care what rank they are that threatened the lives of John and myself and our children and it was a real low blow John and I were pretty tolerant this probably never would have made it to internal Fe if you didn't threaten our children but that crossed the line because at some point we said we have a Duty right to stand up we took an off and to make sure that people are safe and fellow cops are safe and if you're willing to threaten our children you don't deserve to walk around with a bad or a gun you're a threat to yourself you're a threat to every cop and you're a threat to the public so you know what I agree with you John dirty cop I don't trust anything that they're doing this is just a history case because this case is going nowhere again just shows you that the internal affairs Bureau should be outsourced it should be an independent Watchdog in opposition to the civilian viiew board and I say that the feds need to take over now including the internal affairs Bureau and they need to take a look at the allegations that we made which include the police commissioner which includes upper Retron of the police department and we will not back down I'm sure I would not be surprised if there's threats and detailed information in these phones about John and myself because all a lot of information that we've heard credible information leads to that Source again we will not back down ever so let's get into this article there's 1297 people in here for those of you that just joined us we're talking about the updates to Ed kaban the NYPD police commissioner's home being raided there's still a lot of mystery as to why that is but we're alleging and we're assuming in our opinion that is related to Serious police misconduct and or corruption and I think the other people around him there have been numerous people in the NYPD who have had their electronics and their phone taken and I don't believe that and Eric doesn't believe that this is a light undertaking for any law enforcement investigator or any judge to sign off on a warrant to do such this is a blight in the black eye on the NYPD however this turns out so let's get into this other article that comes out by the post it's an opinion editorial by the post editorial board FBI leaves Adams no better choice tell Police Commissioner Edward kaban to resign so you know I had put out a post a couple of weeks ago six days ago I put out a post that Chief Kempo was stepping down and that came to fruition right he stepped down few weeks back I'd put out a post that it's rumored that Ed kaban was stepping down and the child John shell put out a post at night saying that no one's going to 233 Broadway even though Mike keer did almost immediately after he said that and we'll see if Ed caban and we're going to talk about that if he should step down or what what should take place now but let's uh let's get into this article a little bit let's see what the post editorial board says appearances don't get worse than FBI raids on the home of your Police Commissioner your top Deputy Mayor and the deputy mayor for public safety not to mention that your school Chancellor lives with one of those deputies and is the brother of the other for starters mayor Adams needs to tell the police commissioner Edward kaban to resign yes it's conceivable that this is some Biden Harris Vendetta against the mayor but the feds at least have enough evidence of something crooked to get warrants for these rates kaban as an NYPD Chief he's technically the top dog he's not even a chief works with the feds every debt now he's had his home rated by the same feds even if he's done nothing wrong how can he possibly do his job prop properly while this stank remains even if he's cleared bad blood will Fester on the only losers in this scenario are the NYPD and the people of New York City indeed Adam indeed Adams likely needs to jettison every Aid who now threatens to sink his mayorality including Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright and Phil blanks with his approval ratings already in the tank heading into his re-election year and four lefties lining up to primary him not to mention exg Governor Andrew Cuomo who smells blood in the water and a circling personal loyalty has to take a backseat to his loyalty to average New Yorkers there is no evidence that the justice department is about to indict the mayor but those around him cannot be so confident yet Adams will failly or unfairly forever be tainted if he doesn't take strong steps to distance himself this mayor is a great Sher leader for New York and largely stands up courageously defend Common Sense principles when a time of Crisis hits with crime and anti-Semitism being two top examples this oh I I if I could stick my finger down my throat and throw up right now he is absolutely not he destroyed New York City after a pandemic a year and a half after a pandemic he destroyed New York City destroyed the NYPD he destroyed the business front he destroyed what what New York City was and what it represented where he didn't respect anyone's Authority and he turned New York City into a totalitarian state so whoever wrote this [ __ ] you too but he faces persistent and often convincing criticism that he's a poor executive who too often values loyalty over competence that weakness for familiarity comes at the expense and effective and clinical governance it's time to show New York as he can put his foot out of dung and boldly take the right step out of this Quagmire this article is so full of [ __ ] this guy is a dirty corrupt [ __ ] and he appointed all of these people and he hangs out with all of them and he does nothing for New Yorkers whoever wrote this article you should be ashamed of yourself you should call yourself bootlicker you should go work with bootlicker News New York City and all just could just bootlick for Eric Adams guy's done a horrible job take Vicky Paladino which it took well first of all clearly what time was this written this was written this is this was today or last night this was last night right what time is it I don't know but I'm sorry I even read it it's turned my no it's well first of all it's a waste of time but I can tell you what [ __ ] because I'm looking at the time I think this I I think this was after the podcast clearly they got the information for the podcast because he referenced exactly what we talk about the theme of this Administration that even if there's no guilt on his part right we'll still say you're innocent till proven guilty even though we know the FBI is not going to prob your home unless they have substantial evidence and problem course even with that the enough the appearance of impropriety the stain that they have on them they're absolutely that they're tainted he no longer could be in the position of police commissioner he wasn't before he's so insignificant so he should resign immediately while this probe is going on absolutely but again I'll say it doesn't matter the entire police department is infected by appearance of impropriety at this point and it's usful that's a horrible article you just honestly not your fault Wast of the time by reading that article absolutely ridiculous by trying to compliment Eric Adams who has I can't think of a single accomplishment you know and I'm not saying it because I don't like him personally I can't think of a single accomplishment that mayor Eric Adams has that's been impactful on New York City for the teachers for the fun for sanitation especially the NYPD Patrick Donahue thank you brother donates 1999 to the podcast like And subscribe we're still going here how many people we got right now we got 1325 people in here appreciate all is let's keep it going Sean mcab I don't know you're my friend listener and friend to the podcast thank you so much for listening worst thing about Resorts World Casino was Tim Pearson uh he donated $10 to the podcast had the goal to say I don't know much about security because I was never a cop two tours to Iraq in the Army apparently doesn't compare I salute you brother thank you so much for your service I served in Iraq also so I understand I know what it's like to serve tours a tour in Iraq and I can tell you you learn a lot about security there and you stand solo post at some locations which I know because I did so thank you so much for your service I absolutely appreciate it let's keep going brother do you have an article that actually makes sense because that just wasted our time our friends and listeners with that [ __ ] nonsense regurgitated I can't believe that he complimented him I mean was that was that did a police officer write that one of these police off must it was probably shell it was probably shell he's like I I can get in the I could become the police commissioner now John how's your doing buddy all right lose a little weight so yeah be I'll tell you what John have you noticed and this is what I'm trying to tell our listeners is that the fake monikers that they have they used by several people of the NYPD because clearly you could see whoever guju is John or Cass it's a different person who's behind Juju Juju today different personality they haven't been involved much they must be busy running around gping coffee for cash but clearly it's a different person that's under the handle today so uh Patrick Jordan actual chief for uh Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department I think the sixth largest Municipal Police Department in the world now retired uh Helms the podcast briefing with the chief uh me and Eric had the pleasure and honor to be on that show he says if this corruption is as bad as it sounds they will look for an outsider to lead the NYPD so as much as that article sucked it brings up a good point should NYPD police commissioner Edward kaban resign what do you think ER should he resign and do you agree with the chief that they will look for an outsider to lead the NYPD I'm gonna grab a cup of coffee but I can hear you let everybody know what you think hold on be careful grabbing that cup of coffee because it may lead to corruption that's what we learned in the police department so on your way back don't do anything corrupt but I can tell you absolutely uh Patrick Jordan my brother you know former Chief gentleman we we met him on his podcast real gentleman check him out briefly with the chief uh real likable guy I love his disposition and the manner that he presents things Patrick you're listening right now thank you so much well John and I both said it right we both agree that the FBI has to step in at this point I think that uh at this point that we have an extreme problem with the entire upper right the police department and I don't think that we could actually appoint anyone at this time I think the feds have to take over at this point clearly we have to make sure that we clean house before we actually put someone in position and I do think at this point when we get to that point I think the feds have to take over at this point we have to clean house we need to clean the infection cut out the disease that's been in this Police Department right now and then at that point we can Outsource someone and we're going to have to appoint someone from the outside to lead the police department and this is going to take years to get the stain off the police department so that's where I agree with Patrick Jordan uh former Chief of Los Angeles a great guy absolutely John I don't know if you were able to hear that if you oh I just want to make sure on your way to getting a cup of coffee on the way back did you stop a c I got it from my nice uh Republic of New York party Department cup if any guys want it we uh you know links below party Department we also got the infamous finest unfiled podcast New York's finest retired unfiled podcast logo on it did you stop a con of free throw on the way back from your C I didn't but I I would like to I think we all I think I actually I was thinking about buying it so that we could uh make it a podcast studio um but you know that that would be pretty good um so all right so should Ed kaban step down um I don't think he should step down I think he should be removed immediately I think he shouldn't even have the ab option to step down I don't and I think a lot of other people should immediately be removed from Power um unfortunately and I'm not for a federalized police department but I think at this point it should fall on the Federal receivership and I think we outlined all of the problems how easy it is for the NYPD to be corruption prone when it's tied to politically appointed appointees so if you have a corrupt mayor you have a corrupt Police Department if you have a corrupt system you have a corrupt Police Department if you have a corrupt police commission you have a corrupt Police Department you have a corrupt chief of Department you have a corrupt Police Department right so easy for one person and I think it really call calls for and and Marlin had said it here I think the department needs to become a sheriff's office at this point and in structure and I'm going to say I don't know that in necessarily in its structure Marlon but I think it needs to come to the point of that this Sheriff should be elected not like the also low Integrity who I won't be shocked if they hit his door too as well Anthony Miranda the inventor oh I'm sorry not the inventor but the The Pusher of the invisible mask yeah the while he was shutting down businesses for violating Co rules or selling legal marijuana he ignores other businesses he actually in helped invent this mask that you just put in your pocket and was invisible so that he himself could flout all the co rules and all of his friends and he could profit at the same time of it and that's who Eric Adams appointed so New York Post when you put that article out there and you say these things about Eric Adams you make me want to throw up it's absolutely disgusting so I think 100% the structure of the New York City Police Department should change it should be an elected Sheriff and then he has the ability to appoint and then in that case there should be strongholds on the people of New York City that if at any time there is corruption happening there should be processes to go after the sheriff federally or at the state level the problem is is we have Leticia James who her herself may become embroiled in this whole scandal in the near future and I think what you're going to see is a lot of this is going to tie in also into Governor Kathy hell I don't think this just ends with the New York City Police Department I think what we're seeing is not only is the New York City Police Department from the top systemically corrupt but I'm thinking the whole of New York state is systemically corrupt I think Mar brings brings up a great point and uh you know the sheriff's office in New York City Police Department uh I'm sorry in New York City plays a much different role than the sheriffs in in counties across this country and the reason is because the the politics and the municipality breakdown of New York City is far different than most places in this country right so we have Patrick Jordan here from LA and we can look at La in comparison to New York so in LA Los Angeles county is a huge County the city of Los Angeles is just a small uh piece of the map part of of Los Angeles County but it's numerous cities numerous municipalities that make up the County of Los Angeles right and each city has their own Incorporated police department and then the Sheriff's Department encompasses the entire County and the sheriff's department is at the top at the top of the hierarchy for that County so but when you look at the comparison right the New York City Police Department is is much different when it comes to politics because we have five burrows and each burrow is its own County so we have five counties that make up a city and that's why we see different local government in the way we have the police department run in New York in comparison to La so we don't have the sheriff's department that is in charge because it's the New York City Police Department that leads the municipality because it's five counties that make up the city so that's something that we have to explore now I might get some backlash and because of that I had said years ago and it might be something to explore now we Evol I said years ago I think it might be less corruption and better control if each County each burrow had its own Police Department if it was stat Police Department if it was Brooklyn Police Department Bronx it might be something better and actually have better leadership and a better uh oversight with the police department and then the Sheriff's Office can in each County could have their own elected official from that County and it may apply better to because each County each burrow in New York City does operate differently and we see it also with the District Attorney's office right each district attorney's office operates much differently right the District Attorney's Office in Bronx operates differently than Staten Island Staten Island operates different than queens we all know it active members of the police B and retired from the NYPD are listening right now saying oh you know that's something I never thought about right because if you have an arrest and you're a police officer and queens the process is much different than in Staten Island and in Brooklyn so I think it's something that we do we need to explore because the politics in New York are far different than most counties throughout this country well I'll tell you if they do do that I'm running for Sheriff of a Richmond County Police Department and Staten Island I will make Staten Island great again I'll take the pat donu shout out for donating 1999 to the channel shout out to all the Irish hams on here we appreciate you guys also big shout out toh Shan mccab I know uh uh Eric you read this out already uh that that pson like to be called Chief when he was at the Resorts World Casino that's insane the dudes they're out of their minds you know and and we point out the other thing we pointed out about this is like they have an obsession with um uh what's the crew that Adams he he ran with the seven crowns but then it became uh Supreme the Supreme Team right they have an obsession with the Supreme Team and Kenneth McGriff Supreme and I mean as far as to the point that uh Showtime I believe did uh did a did a documentary on the Supreme Team and guess who's who's sitting there on the documentary talking about the Supreme Team and glorifying this murderous drug gang that sold crack in the 80s and 90s guess who's on there the illustrious mayor in New York City talking about you know they all have this this like this street flare where it's it's it's it's literally the equivalent of if you put Italian Guys and Irish guys on there and they're and they're glorifying Henry Hill and all these other skele dirt bags that uh that they put out in Good Fellas like it's it's literally that that's the equivalent of it that's how far you know and it's funny like a lot of the guys that come on here and attack us they always have the Good Fellas thing and I'm like these guys glorify these guys they don't understand these guys were dirt bag loses they're not they're not heroes in the Italian Community they're not people you should look up to in life the whole point of the movie Goodfellas was those guys are dirt bags they're losers they're rats they you can't trust them there's no honor amongst theves yeah but you come on here ju guu and all these other people whatever the hell your names are with your little Good Fellas thing like you're laughing at us we're laughing at you we're laughing at you because guess what the first thing that popped in my head when I started seeing all this was the ending of Good Fellas when he's now now I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook right that part of it when he's sitting there and I'm just like who is that guy who's that guy that's moving to Florida never to return to New York City again because aough some people say I don't go to New York City I'm there more than all of you are and I still own [ __ ] there unlike you where you all hiding up in [ __ ] Rochester or Long Island or wherever the [ __ ] else you are I'm actually in New York City and I walk the streets in New York City and I take public transportation in the city so I don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about and by the way if I was appointed a Deputy Commissioner or anything I wouldn't be walking around with a security team because I'm not afraid to walk around on the streets in New York City like you guys are we we we've had a mayor who sat there Eric Adams who campaigned on that he wasn't GNA have a security team he said that if New York City was safe the mayor should be out there walking amongst the people because that there should no be no need and now he has the largest security detail of any mayor ever and not only that his cops not just his dirty police Comm oh excuse me his allegedly corrupt Police Commissioner not just as police commissioner because I understand that a police commissioner is going to need a security detail but all of the lower ranking cops have security details is that disgusting or what you need a security detail on top of drivers like are you serious it's disgusting ah dude you're absolutely right it just shows how weak and inep and and abusive Authority in this police department they need a security detail that cost tax pay money they need different uniforms every day I mean the police commissioner wears AA this is absolutely ridiculous I mean since when does any Police Commissioner wear something that is is culturally sound listen I get it I respect your culture but wear it off duty you're you're part of the New York City Police Department you're the police commissioner you should be neutral to all uh cultures and communities and just wear a suit it's Absolut ridiculous Jesse James donates $4.99 to the podcast this show has a continuous theme roll over the target Sean Richards $1.99 thank you so much they saw this out from the top I am not surprised Georgia if I say you name right I hope not I hope I do van huon is it van huon $5 super sticker thank you so much for our listen and friends to the podcast listen to us right now uh definitely like And subscribe to space keep it going I'm pretty sure we have close to 2,000 people about two hours into it but I don't see there's any reason to stop at this point unless you get tired and someone has to get to work but if you do have to get to work if you're an active or retired member of the police department especially if you're active fill out a 28 if you need to to watch this live podcast if anybody wants to know if you're outside the New York City Police Department in this country at 28 is actually a form that you signed to get uh to get time off to either get the day off get a couple hours off I don't know what it's referred to anybody in this uh anybody on this space if from if you're from another Police Department you're active in this country I'm just curious let us know what U what you refer to it what's the name of the form or what you call it when you're taking time off so I'm curious John what do you think about that though this ideology I I've mentioned that years ago and I never thought that this would happen a lifetime but do you think that is impossible I know we joke around that you would love to be the the sheriff of Stan Al but do you think that is something that could be effective and allowing the sheriff's department to be the hierarchy stepping in if we the local municipalities if we had all kid seriously we have police what's that why not that's what I'm saying the bur really runs the burrow anyway the burrow could be the sheriff's office instead of Patrol burough Stan island or Patrol burrow Brooklyn North you're really operating totally separately at that point and then if you have some oversight like when I first moved down to Florida I interview with the FDL and I interviewed for a menial job because I really didn't want to work for anyone I was just looking for a part-time job um and the guy stops the interview and he's like listen you're not getting this job so he's like I'm gonna call you so they offer me a director position in the FD and what the FD does is they oversee all the sheriff's offices in in um in Florida so and like so some of these Sheriff's Office they don't have the crime scene units and they don't have a major case unit they don't have a sex crimes unit and they don't have helicopters and they don't have things of that nature so what the FDLE does is help get them funding help perform these investigations brings all these things down so I almost took the job but my wife was like she wanted to kill me she's like you're never going to be home you're going to be traveling all over Florida this is ridiculous you know you said you were going to be done it is what it is you already did the police career they screwed you you're gonna do this again blah blah blah blah blah blah you already dedicated your whole life to it so I ultimately turned it down and just you know proceeded we're doing what we're doing now um as well as you know I do operate other businesses um that help feed my family but um don't worry Juju knows what business you got they've already looked I'm sure he I'm sure he knows the address of it he's got the document number he knows how much taxes I paid they're looking at it all bro don't worry about it it's on their phones right now yeah yeah but I 100% think that could work and and so like you could have an oversight of all of them where it helps bring out the the major units but yeah it could act totally independently and I mean the Burrows act totally independently as they do already and then the com stat should maybe just have the mayor helmet right and then you you answer up but if you're talking about you're talking about we have elected sheriffs now I mean that's a totally different dynamic because they don't traditionally answer to the mayor and they should it well that's why I said this years ago I I I know I said this years ago and I was told I was crazy that financially it would be impossible would it work and I said I don't see how I I think that it actually would be much more effective I think police officers would actually make more money uh I think that if the sheriff's at the hierarchy exactly that they're elected and um easier to have them removed and they're not just at the Helm of the mayor that gives the mayia just way too much power and it puts these it puts the upper echelon really in a position that if they want to be in that position to move up that they have to play a point to politics and we're seeing it right now we talk about it and despite the fact you know John shell could pretend he's this this uh this tough guy but I have credible information I spoke to numerous people on the phone that he was bad mouthing shton more than anybody and now we have a picture with him with Al shton so just to show that they're paning and playing disappointed politics I think it would be a different Dynamic if we had the Stan Island Police Department if we had Brooklyn Police Department Bronx police dep and I don't think it's impossible I think we have to evolve over the years and realize this corruption case whether it turns out that we actually find guilt but just the appearance of impropriety that we've been saying could change things and and I read Steve Jobs book if anybody has ever ever and if anyone ever has an opportunity please take a look at this book what he says is really key he says it's more important that you have a good system than good people it's important to have good people but you have to have more important is the system has to be in place because John if you're the police commissioner or I'm the police commissioner and we take off on vacation or something happens like you know there's a probe and how does the system keep running someone else has to be able to be put in that spot and the system keeps moving but we no longer have a proper system it's completely broken down so I believe we need a new system and I always thought that was problematic that each district attorney's office operates in a different manner because ultimately they operate on a different manner so they right because there's a dichotomy between the police department which executes law and versus the court which interprets it so I could commit a crime and be apprehended by a New York City police officer in Staten Island and that crime is going to be interpreted differently in the courthouse of St Island than if I would have committed that crime in the Bronx and apprehended by the New York City Police Department and interpreted at the Bronx District Attorney's office and we see it time and time again we see different standards of justice and we see criminality and we see different prison sentences if you look at it you see different sentences in St is than you do in the Bronx yeah I mean I I you know I don't I don't really care about the the paperwork differences on the Das and I I just think you know each burrow has its own things that they're dealing with you might you might have a breakdown of information as we do see a lot of crossover but it could definitely work I mean the problem in the district attorney's office and I don't want to completely go off topic is that there's just zero there's just zero communication there and that's something that's a complete failure on the part of the Burrows and on part of of on actually on the chief of Department as well the the it should be seamless you should have an arrest and for that arrest you know exactly what the DA's office needs and you know exactly what check you need to do and that's never been put in place and I don't know how in the information age but you know you don't have people that are actually leaders know how to delegate know how to uh figure out what the problems are and solve them because they don't want to hear it they don't want to hear anything from people they have sick of Fant around them this NYPD this mayor's office has surrounded them themselves with siop fans and with people that cannot give an opinion or won't give an opinion yes Chief great idea Chief yes mayor you're the best mayor yes your your head shines much better than John M's head all this other [ __ ] you look so much better in that suit that the taxpayers paid for whatever it is they just they just uh they just the communication skills lacking so Jesse James thank you donates $4.99 to the podcast I know uh Eric Eric said that already that this show has a continuous steamroll over the target I mean unfortunately you know it sucks dude you know I'm not gonna lie telling the truth is you know I think Jordan Peterson said he said it's the adventure of your life um you know and uh to me I what was the quote that somebody sent me today they sent me Ephesians 610 spian 610 everything you know I relate everything to the Bible I I read the Bible and it basically it just says basically about putting the armor of God on and what the armor of God in is is holding steadfast in the truth but you know obviously the devil and the snares and the attacks are going to come against you and you have to rely on your faith and the truth and that's what's going to be able to dig your heels in so if any guys haven't read that uh please read that Ephesians 610 um so I think it was a letter to uh Paul to the apostles so uh who do we got Sean Richards another $1.99 they sold us out from one from the top and on One PP and I'm not surprised uh actually also the answer 06 that's pretty interesting I wonder what that means as a former member of the department this is the most informative podcast that shows real inner workings of the NYPD God bless those that are still working a foot post or in an r&p may God bless you all r&p uh for our listeners and friends to the podcast and you know in the myp do you know what that means up for uh anyone if you're a member to service in another Police Department throughout the country for us that means radio motor Patrol I'm not sure if that uh correlates in other police departments let us know if it does thank you so much for your donation to the podcast and and I salute you I don't know if you're retired vested out and uh you know may you be safe out there if you're still doing law enforcement or whatever facet you're in thank you so much for donating to the podcast how many listens do we have right now we got 1441 listeners on here right now all right let's hit the 1500 Mark uh we we we are getting there listen again you know we we appreciate it like And subscribe to the podcast I definitely like your thoughts waying uh you know weighing if you can your comments I did have this idea I brought up years ago about having a five count five burrow separation of each one having its own Police Department I don't think it's far from the realm I did some research on it I think financially it it could actually work and it could actually be tailored to each burrow because when you do go to a jury you go to a jury of your peers um so it should be fair I think the District Attorney's Office Unfortunately they operate on a different plane in affects the police department so John this is another thing I discussed how do you think the election should work and I I said they should be elected also years ago if we had it on on each burrow level for elected sheriffs I mean honestly dude I never even thought about it and I really don't want to get into it I mean everyone's here to listen to about the raid of NY FBI police commissioner I never really thought about it it's something I would have to think about I think more importantly is like how do we leviate corruption from the NYPD and there needs to be obviously oversight the police commissioner cannot be the Endor be all this is a black eye on the the day of the police department uh Georgia van hootin uh she gives us five dollar I appreciate it Georgia she is just a newly found member to the podcast I believe he came on last night Georgia and you subscribe right away we appreciate you appreciate all the support from our friends and again the answer like Eric said but yeah dude I I don't know man all I know is that the police commissioner home guy rated and it's it's it's honestly it's a black eye Laura just sent us a tweet about detective Frank Serpico and heed that scene Serpico huge corruption scandal in the NYPD right he was basically set up to be killed because he was talking about because he was talking about police corruption talking about police corruption the NYPD was systemically corrupt there were people robbing and selling drugs he reports it he reports it to Internal Affairs Internal Affairs does absolutely nothing but covers up for the NPD does that story sound familiar um so he does all that he goes out on a raid they send him to a different police precin they're even more corrupt than the pron that he was at and they set him up on a raid and he gets shot in his face and they don't even call 911 someone in the building that heard the shot call 911 said there was a cop shot cops never even put it over he luckily survives he lives he's an older gentleman right now but he tweets about this today a national and international disgrace one might say Serpico gets the laugh but this is no laughing matter and he puts a smile he doesn't put a smiley face he puts an emoji with a tear feds raid the home of NYPD commissioner Edward kaban and his close allies and I I don't think that we're gloating or taking this lightly either Eric right I mean this is a black eye this is a huge black eye well that's why I I you know we definitely got to get into that one day and that's why I asked you how the elected officials should be voting on because I think that that really would push away from this potential corruption I think the design that we have now does lead to that corruption and I think that it's so important that we reflect on that Serpico case because the question is you know could that happen again absolutely absolutely I mean we're capable of that people uh people tend to go to Desperate Measures where they're under desperate times and those were desperate measures to keep Serpico silent and to remove him from the equation because they didn't want to get caught so ultimately what it comes down to is people of low Integrity people of compromised Integrity ultimately they care about themselves they're very self-serving that's what I I I expect and I suspect that's going on with this probe I do believe that after this probe we're going to see others probe because what's the ultimate goal of making AR rest on a local level and also on a federal federal level is to gonner intelligence and gather information so the ultimate goal I would believe by these probes is to Garner information about this level of corruption what's going on behind the curtain to find out more information and who else may be involved in whatever they're involved in and you keep using this word and I think that is something we have to keep you know our stamp on it's a black guy it's a black guy and I think that's ultimately we have to understand it's a black guy that what serpo said in that tweet not just nationally interally I think that's key and I think serpo himself actually lives outside this country I think he moved to uh Sweden or Switzerland uh when um when he healed from the police department after he got shot pretty sure he went to Sweden or Switzerland and the entire world is watching this right now the entire world because the New York City Police Department is reflective and iconic of what policing is and most police departments in this country and some in other countries have adopted our style of policing so we have a history of policing unfortunately a history of of corruption we've overcome them through different scandals and uh in different commissions to overlook them but at this point I think this is a new pH phenomenon to see that the entire leadership is involved and I I say the entire leadership is involved because when you have the police commissioner and every everyone else in surrounding um and they're not speaking up that means they're involved you know like you said John it's an adventure to tell the truth it would be adventure for other Chiefs to stand up and tell the truth also I find it hard to believe that they don't know what's going going on and if they don't know what's going on that's a huge problem on their fault what are you actually doing you're making almost $300,000 a year in a position of a chief what are you doing during your day if you don't know what's going on with the upper R line and the in Linings of the police department so I you know it's it's really upsetting honestly John I you know we're talking about this and I'm actually sad by it honestly I'm s by because we talk on this podcast not because we hate the police department because we love the police department because I you know we care we legitimately care about what goes on with the active members of the police department and we care about retired members we're here and retired and I can tell you this I know what it feels like to be retired nobody calls you nobody cares what your life goes on it's just kind of like you fall off the face of the earth and the only reason that we're still relevant is be you know to many members of the police department is because we're still talking about what's active in the police department so we care we have to stick together we have to bring this department back to something that's iconic and representative of the shield that we actually are proud of I'm not proud of what's going on right now this is sad what's going on this is a huge blemish because people contact me all the time especially right now since we build this network like what happened with the police Co what happened to the NPD what is going on it's embarrassing and it's on all different angles and when they see Chief shell and Cass at like idiots on on you know trolling on the Internet it's just another blemish it's another blemish on the shield you go out there and you put your life on the line and then you have these two idiots that are in charge embarrassing you on a daily basis yeah uh shout out to Sergeant blue uh donated $9.99 to the podcast said keep up the good work guys guys there's a lot of comments in here I'm really trying to get through them but like I I don't know that I'm gonna we're kind of running out of time here um but uh let's get into this article real quick before we give off closing thoughts and wrap this up this comes out from the Gothamist comes out from Elizabeth kid and David brand Maya Eric Adams in a circle is facing multiple investigations here's a timeline legal issues keep mounting for May Eric Adams and his inner circle as he he inches close at a re-election campaign the most recent development involves Federal authorities raiding the home of at least two top City Hall officials early Wednesday City officials are confirm uh confirmed first Deputy Sheena uh Sheena Wright deputy mayor for Public Safety Phil banks with the latest Administration officials visited by the FBI and then with that also includes members of the NYPD uh it's unclear if the the raids are related to an ongoing investigation into Adam's 2021 mayro campaign Phil Banks was previously considered un indicted cold conspirator on police bribery Scandal he retired in 2014 amid the federal investigation Wright has served as top Deputy Mayor since Adams took office in the start of 2222 both us attorney's office for the southern district of New York and the Manhattan District Attorney's office have been investigating Adam's campaign for potential legal donations for more than a year since since the federal investigation came public last year the SBI has shown up at the home of several Adams AIDS here's the timeline July 7 2023 Manhattan DA's office indict six men for for directing illicit straw donations to the 21 uh Adams campaign the group includes Dwayne Montgomery retired NYPD inspector when the mayor acknowledged socializing when they were both officers brother Shahed and yaha owners of a queen construction uh company blah blah blah September 13th Adam's former Building Commissioner former uh pretend conservative uh Eric Alit indicted on bribery charges that he accepted more than $150,000 in cash and gifts for access to the mayor and City officials let's not forget and I don't think they're going to mention him here but let's not forget the uh the his other buddy the uh the pastor the guy who was robbing old women out of their uh out of their thing who was also allegedly selling access to Eric Adams October 4th 2023 Shaha and yaham mustaf plead guilty to misdemeanor conspiracy charges related to alleged shw donor schemes November 2nd 2023 FBI agents raid the Brooklyn home of Adam top fundraiser 25-year-old intern Brianna Suggs not weird to anybody top fundraiser is a 25-year-old intern who's going to be in charge of millions and millions of dollars coming through Adam's campaign ask Sam antar about that he'll let you know how to commit fraud you get young and experienced people November 6 2023 Adam's cell phone and other electronic devices are seized February 5th 20124 Dwayne Montgomery the former NPD uh the inspector pleads guilty to conspiracy admitting he instructed straw donors to donate to Adam's 2120 21 campaign February 29th 24 they raid FBI agents raid the home of winning Greco one of Adam's top advisors and fundraiser greo will help Adams raise money from the Chinese community suffers an apparent me medical episode during the raid and goes on sick leave right and then she's given a bigger position and get paid more money when she returns March 18 2024 Chinese billionaire Hugh Quinn pleads guilty to making straw donations to various candidates for local officials right and and and and contributed to May's 21 campaign uh or April 18th a construction company pleads guilty to making illegal donations August 15th the mayor confirms a New York Times report that Adams and his campaign received Federal subpoenas in July September 4th FBI ra agents raid the home of Adams Aid Sheena Wright and Philip Banks September 5th NYPD police commissioner Edward kaban and numerous other top officials in the NYPD have their homes raid and their electronic devices taken Eric you saw the timeline what are you saying what should the public be thinking what do you think as a law enforcement officer I think I mean the timeline's actually pretty detailed it's you talk about Lamar Lamar whitehead right that Lamar Whitehead Lamar Whitehead wasn't mentioned in here but close friend Eric Adams I believe closer than friends than me and you are closer relationship like how me and my wife have a relationship like something like that you know I believe that was their type of relationship I don't have any any confirmation of it wasn't he Bishop robing money from old women so you know you know you know uh what this says is exactly what we've been talking about it's the appearance of impropriety and look at this timeline it's like one iscid after another at some point when is someone going to step in I mean thank God the FED stepped in at this point but at some point when was someone going to step and say wait a minute everyone in your circle Eric has a sketchy past is involved in these stra do uh these straw donor campaigns everyone has some type of issue in your Circle and these are people that are very close to you and so again we have to say that Eric we can't think that Eric's eyes are closed and he doesn't see anything I mean he's the mayor we we we should expect from the mayor that someone who's pretty detailed who has great observation skills who's a former Captain himself so how can we actually excuse him and say he doesn't he's not aware of these things that are going on because these people are so close to him just as you said that it's obviously a detailed relationship going on that we don't know about so he's got a lot of Vital Information again which really uh opens the door to the appearance of imp priority which eventually leads to the commissioner Ed caban again Ed caban is an appointed position that's why it's so problematic if our mayor is uh is in the Highlight in a spotlight of negative annotations that ultimately trickles down to the police department and I think clearly what we shown John if you would agree especially through the podcast that we've spoken about these episodes that we had and what we talk about on social media that clearly the police legitimately is not apolitical we wanted it to be apolitical we thought it was apolitical but it's not apolitical it was never apolitical and now it's more blatant than ever especially with a mayor that walks in Step J as Eric Adams this pandering to this more Progressive move and this appearance of V propriety has shown that Ed caban and and also in the entire Chiefs of the police department are moving in the same step and I think we have a huge problem I think if we do not change the system now this is going to be a problem for decades to come and this is an infection we may not be able to cut it all out there are things going on within this Police Department that have been affected and the the byproduct of this ad ad ministration I mean John honestly you and I talk about it we speak to Anonymous sources and we speak to many cops who tell us about the unprofessionalism that they see going on in the police department and there's no coincidence that this is happening it's bred through the police department it's part of the nice gu syndrome I think we identify that we have the appearance of their priority and it's just infectious it's trickled throughout the police department and I hope we could get to a point that it's cut out but I do think that if it's not immediately addressed right now this is a problem for years come 100% Joe mango said he got finding some filtered shirt Joe thank you somebody asked if we have stickers for the call I don't I don't want anybody getting a shot popped at them some a couple of shots popped at them you know as much love as we get in New York City we got a lot a lot of hater so uh but uh I got an awesome desk mat I the mat I love it's like the size of my whole desk got a big logo you could put your uh your your mouse on it if you got to move around real cool we got a couple of cool things the the links are in the bio we we'll get more we just been really focusing on uh building out the content and building out the structure more than selling merchandise listen we're here we're here to talk [ __ ] we're just two uh lieutenants talking [ __ ] um but yeah Eric you know I never knew I said this before you said this before I mean we were young and dumb when we came on the police department I didn't realize how politically motivated the NYPD was I think it was always politically motivated I think under the structure that we talk about it's always going to be politically motivated unfortunately it's not an a political organization but when do you cross the line from following politics to Breaking the Law that's my thing I have no problem with you buttoning up with a mayor or keeping silent about his policies or anything like that but when it comes to illegal actions that's the part that I'm saying where the politics becomes a huge problem it becomes a huge problem at that point you know and that's what we're seeing now uh listen it's 10:30 we definitely got another engagement so uh why don't we give our final thoughts and get out of here absolutely no I didn't even realize it's 10:30 already well maybe because it's 7:30 for me uh anyway yeah absolutely we're gonna wrap this up I want to thank most importantly honestly uh we couldn't get our message out and have these conversations if it wasn't for our friends that listens to the podcast I I can't thank you enough for weighing in your comments your thoughts your opinions very important that's what we want to show in this podcast that your opinions are important all our opinions important let's have these tough conversations have conversations with other people and you know don't be shy to disagree and agree or disagree to agree or vice versa have those real conversations and if someone can't take it you know what that someone you shouldn't have future conversations with thank you so much there's a black eye in the police department I do think that we can uh come back for this but it has to be the finger has to be on the pulse right now as we speak John as always thank you brother stay tuned we'll be back it's Friday right so we'll be back Monday of course you know unless anything changes you know if there's an emergency podcast who knows what goes on with the police department but tely we'll be back 8:05 Eastern Time 5:05 in the morning on the west coast thank you everyone yeah guys thank you very much uh the 1540 people we'll be back at you live eight or today Friday Eric today's Friday yeah it's good being retired right yeah I don't I don't even know what day it is anymore we'll be back at Monday live at 8:05 Monday morning live at 8:05 tune in we'll update you whatever happened on the weekend appreciate all you guys listen sorry for all the comments I couldn't get to there're a lot appreciate all the people that donated to the channel uh you know we always talk about it this is a politically created crisis going on make sure you're supporting good candidates check out our friend Tom Sullivan we'll be back at you Monday live 8:05 thank you everybody for weighing in uh you know we we we can't thank you guys enough let's keep it [Music] rocking Tom Sullivan is the Republican conservative and Common Sense Party candidate for New York State Assembly District District 23 Tom is a financial professional who serves simultaneously in the United States Army Reserve for 30 years and has now retired his District covers Ozone Park Lynden wal Howard Beach Broad Channel and the Rockaway Peninsula come November I would I would Empower our law enforcement agencies to go out there and do their job and uh not put them or their families or pensions at risk for doing their jobs we need drastic change in Albany so that we have a say in this matter and they realize people of New York state will hold them accountable the Sullivan family has a legacy of service Tom served for 30 years protecting and defending the rights of others come this November he has earned your support this advertisements paid for by the friends of Tom Sullivan there's a handful of retired officers that don't live in a state that have a lot to say about the dream team as I like to call it all of a sudden they retire and have a master plan on how to fight crime but nothing to nothing to contribute when they were here they want to come back and be part of the Dream Team what can I say law enforcement professionals dedicate their lives to serving and protecting our community but who's protecting their financial Futures that's where lad law blue comes in our wealth management platform is specifically designed for the law enforcement Community lad law blue is a division within lad law wealth management run by retired New York City detective John McDermot his status as a retired detective uniquely positions him to establish a deep connection between lad La blue and the law enforcement Community our platform is easy to use and provides a range of financial services including Investment Management retirement planning and Insurance Solutions with lad law blue you can secure your financial future and provide for your loved ones our team of experienced financial advisors understands the unique challenges and opportunities that law enforcement professionals face we're here to help you navigate the complexities of financial planning and achieve your goals laad La blue secure your financial future today book a meeting using the QR code displayed or call us directly onle 891 blue that's 8901 blue [Music]

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Guest Star Patti LuPone: Agent Confesses to Save Her Client | Law & Order: SVU | NBC

Category: Entertainment

-hi. sergeant benson from svu. i'm sorry for the interruption. just have a few more questions. -we already spoke with your detectives, and forgive us, but we have a flight to catch to new zealand. -new zealand? isn't that where catalina soren's shooting that new "catalyst" movie? -it's a trilogy. -this... Read more

NYC Bar Owner Alleges A City Hall & NYPD Shakedown, Extortion Racket thumbnail
NYC Bar Owner Alleges A City Hall & NYPD Shakedown, Extortion Racket

Category: News & Politics

[music] and today piece of lieutenant that's always on his podcast dashing [applause] [music] us all right we're live all good morning you know what uh i think i'm gna have uh our friends and listen to the podcast they might have to do do the introduction nigh hook 136 got the greatest uh introduction... Read more

‘The Five’: Have the Biden admin, Dems been misleading us on crime stats? thumbnail
‘The Five’: Have the Biden admin, Dems been misleading us on crime stats?

Category: News & Politics

>> greg: it looks like joe biden has been caught cooking the books in america's crime crisis. hyping crime stats from the bureau that show that murder and violent crime are down. >> president biden: last year gave the united states had one of the lowest rates of all violent crime for more than 50 years.... Read more

NYPD Chief RESIGNS! Will MAYOR Eric Adams Be Next? thumbnail
NYPD Chief RESIGNS! Will MAYOR Eric Adams Be Next?

Category: News & Politics

[music] so what is it with new york and its politicians the problems surrounding new york city mayor eric adams are quickly mounting the new york city police commissioner resigned one week after the fbi seized his phone as part of a federal investigation that touched several members of eric adams's... Read more

NYPD Commissioner Caban resigns amid investigation thumbnail
NYPD Commissioner Caban resigns amid investigation

Category: News & Politics

>> that's right, justin. now among the goals that tom donilon has laid out for his time as police commissioner is to maintain integrity at one police plaza. that is something that's recently come into question after the feds seize not just caban's phone but several phones from officers in... Read more

Benson Tells Her Son About His Biological Father | Law & Order: SVU | NBC thumbnail
Benson Tells Her Son About His Biological Father | Law & Order: SVU | NBC

Category: Entertainment

Hey. you feel like some company? - sure. whoa. mom, is that what i think it is? - yeah. yeah. so, um, how much do you know? - not much, just the names-- yours, mine, and my biological father. - so are you in the mood to hear the beginning of your story? - what kind of story is it? - well, that sort... Read more

Toronto Police Service - Gang Prevention Town Hall #2 - Ionview thumbnail
Toronto Police Service - Gang Prevention Town Hall #2 - Ionview

Category: Education

Only the food guy is stuck down the street picking up the coffee right but it is what it is it's toronto the traffic is crazy you know like good stuff so first off and foremost thank you everybody for coming this is the hardest part for all of us right is just getting people to show up and for us when... Read more

Man Strangles Fiancé to Death, Then Fakes 911 Call as an Accident thumbnail
Man Strangles Fiancé to Death, Then Fakes 911 Call as an Accident

Category: People & Blogs

[music] on november the 21st of 2021 jonesboro police responded to a call regarding an unresponsive person at a residence on clover drive now where's your emergency hey yes i need uh a medic over here now 2214 clover right now 2214 clover yes right now all right what's it for what's it for oh my lady... Read more

Entitled Ratchet Black Woman Skips Out On Red Lobster Tab Then Tries To Fight Manager thumbnail
Entitled Ratchet Black Woman Skips Out On Red Lobster Tab Then Tries To Fight Manager

Category: News & Politics

You know this individual is ghetto like when they go to a restaurant red lobster with regular civilized people and she has a bottle of hennessy in her purse and blunts yeah you know where this individual is from and she thought she was tough she thought she had a point to prove she said this was a rosa... Read more