FBI Raids Home Of NYPD Police Commissioner Edward Caban

Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 02:52:13 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: edward caban
[Music] and to that piece of Lieutenant that's always on his podcast bashing [Applause] [Music] us all right we're live we are live brother it's 1730 hours right on on the east coast and of course for me on the west coast on Sunny west coast of America it's 2:30 in the afternoon we got breaking news for you but like anything else of course everyone pretty much knows what's going on we got a great comment here just to start how you doing my brother my friend to the podcast Dan Romania great guy NYPD has an image problem Adams you're absolutely right didn't Eric Adams say that the NYPD has an image problem and the face of the police department was changed at the hands of the beest of Eric Adams and with that change we've only seen anything far worse this is a vision right now of the most corrupt Administration we've ever seen and what I'm curious is what's going on behind the curtain and what actually goes on and I said this and I'll say it again and I dare anyone to actually challenge me on this every chief of the New York City Police Department at this point I hold them responsible as well one thing I've learned about the New York City Police Department it's like the Iraqi Navy no one's ever going to join the CIA because no one can keep a secret so I find it hard to believe that all this corruption is going on behind closed doors which will be released at some point when the rattlesnakes start to talk and we'll find out what the corruption is and if the Chiefs want to pretend they don't know what's going on you're absolutely ridiculous to believe and if you don't know what's going on that's even worse John what are your thoughts yeah first everybody thanks for tuning in you know we got 72 people in here right off the bat I appreciate you guys uh breaking news podcast uh so you know normally we go live at 8:05 but today it's live at 1730 so if you guys can do me a favor just like this space out share it let's get some more people in here let's get in on your thoughts I mean obviously we saw a lot of stuff come out about Eric Adams campaign donations elicit campaign donations they uh actually came out also about foreign money coming into his campaigns at one point when he was the Brooklyn burrow president he starred in a movie a Turkish movie where they were paying off a corrupt politician and gu what guess which role Eric Adams played he played the corrupt politician but now it's moved on right it's moved on you know we've seen uh AIDS around him Winnie Greco house uh I believe two homes got raided a few months back uh we also had Brianna Suggs who was uh running his campaign charge of his campaign her home was raid uh saw Eric olr he also home was raid we haven't heard much about any of them Eric rrich I know had had uh just recently requested for a courta appointed attorney to say he's ran out of money uh so a lot of this you know a lot of things was stemming around illicit campaign donations but now that NYPD officials most notably the most insignificant Police Commissioner in mypd history Edward kaban a search warrant was conducted on his home and he had his electronics move his phone R from him the FBI uh I'm going to say this stems a lot further than just elicit campaign donations I'm going to say that was some real shady corruption involved I don't have any intricate knowledge of that other than who he's been around the way they've treated myself Eric dim Sal Greco maren bethl few other notable people um and just the low Integrity acts that have came out from this Administration so it's in my opinion that this potentially right now could be the largest police scandal in modern history well without the context of this and actual the information that's actually going on Behind Closed curtain John you and I have both said it we've been saying it we've been saying it for two years that you are going to see this is the most corrupt Administration you've ever seen all the behavioral indicators it's pretty obvious apparent and blatant that this is a corrupt Administration how long can they hide the information not that much longer Eric Adams has has said numerous times he is going to create a diverse Police Department the first of this it's been the first of many so at this point I want to know who's going to be the first to tattle who's going to be the first snake to rattle in this grash that's going on right now with Eric Adams and again I say this I think the FBI at this point should step in and I think every chief of the New York City Police Department that's right and then including this Chief there that I actually know that I actually like but I I will not hold against the truth every Chief right now in the New York City Police Department is Tainted and everyone needs to be removed and this police department needs a complete overhaul it is infected from the top down to the bottom John I had made an internal affairs complaint that has not been properly investigated it's not being thoroughly investigated we have a fake moniker that threaten the lives of our children that still has not been released because it's under Police Commissioner could ban his ruling as the commissioner so I will also say this what we learned in the police department is it's not always what you can be convicted of but it's also the appearance of impropriety just the appearance of impropriety is enough to taint taint and tarnish the shield and I find it hard to believe that all these Chiefs have no idea what's going on and you are obligated to report corruption so I say right now and I'm saying it confidently confidently every one of them is Tainted this entire Ron of the police department is infected and we need the FBI to step in and I demand an apology to myself John MCC South Greco Marlon bethl and I'm sure there's plenty others that I left out that were mistreated abandoned by this Police Department under the behest of this corrupt leadership that we have right now and if anyone is under any discipline right now including Juan Perez that's facing conviction senten in September 9th it should be immediately dismissed because it's all tainted under this corrupt Administration at this time and I'll yield right there so I just want to give a shout out to Leroy truth investigations he says hello everyone actually someone sent me your stuff recently Leroy I watched it and uh very reminiscent of what's happening with us in the New York City uh and New York City uh elected officials as well as the New York City Police Department so we appreciate your work any you guys that don't follow Le Roy tru's uh YouTube page go out there and uh and check it out yeah and Eric right now I'm saying you know we've had this is another first in the Eric Adams Administration this is the first time that I know of uh someone correct me if I'm wrong but this is the first time I know of that a New York's NYPD active police commission seated Police Commissioner has had his home raided by the FBI so where does that leave us that leaves the NYPD as a rudderless ship in my opinion he should be stripped of his powers the same way a police officer under the same type of investigation would be stripped of his arrest Powers his uh police Authority so we can't have someone who's been overseeing an investigation an internal investigation that came out specifically from this podcast that said that John shell and Cass dalry had you misused police resources to intimidate and Target Us in attempt to remove our first amendment speech and Ed kaban is overseeing that we also seen Ed kaban do numerous things that have never been done before such as keep cases for himself and remove it from other City agencies eyes remove transparency from the public remove actual investigations and we've had no reasoning as to why each these specific cases were taken I mean it's under my assumption that they were taken because they were friends of Ed kaban that's what I believe so right now as it faces you could have a search warrant and not be guilty of a crime you could be arrested and not be guilty of a crime however there is a standard in the NYPD when police officers or high ranking officials are accused of a crime or are suspected of a prime or are even interviewed by the FBI and that standard is they are not active police officers anymore they removed to some other duty until the investigation clears so right now we have several high ranking officials the most notable one Ed kaban followed by Deputy Mayor Timothy Pearson who's involved I believe he has four sexual harassment assault lawsuits against him and in an unprecedented case Eric Adams not only did he have Corporation counsel indemnify himself for the sexual harassment case against him he had it he had Timothy Pearson indemnified four times New York City taxpayers representing York City official for a charge and an allegation that does not fall within the scope of their duties which is by the book official misconduct first of all I want to thank our listeners our friends to the podcast for coming on and joining us you know in the quick of a snap with an emergency podcast with breaking news I mean this is Vital Information we felt it's something that we should jump on right away this is a topic we should discuss right away and get real police perspective with John and myself and of course our listeners to the Friends of the podcast see active retired members and we all feel the same way we feel that Ed caban Jeffrey Madre John shell Cas dartry Tariq Shepard along with other Chiefs at the police dep have just tarnished the entire police department this iconic Police Department is just completely tainted at this point and I mean I'm gonna say it again I stand by my position if anyone disagree with me please weigh in and let us know I think that the entire EP entire upper edch line of the police department needs an overhaul every one of them has to be removed the entire police department is infected you know I say it all the time at this point you had a bowl of soup and it had a bland flavor and you put one drop of hotess the entire soup is infected and changes The Taste and that's what's going on with the police department right now it's just completely infected I feel sorry for the rank and file that falls under this leadership that has tarnished the iconic position that they're in right now and it really creates a an extreme problem this is further problem that creates a problem for the cops that are on the street that are already under attack the war that's on cops right now this just creates further divisiveness between the cops that have their boots on the ground and the community if we don't have a good relationship and Trust in the leadership how are we going to trust the boots on the ground so this also affects their safety I mean we could laugh at this but there's a bigger picture to this and they are leading the cops to potentially physical harm and even death this creates a much more dangerous environment for our police officers our cops that are out there so I hope people understand actually the environment that this puts the cops in by having this fail leadership we have had our finger on the pulse for two years now John and I have been saying that this is a corrupt Administration along with the voice of sou Greco Latina Brown and many others that have actually put their voice out there saying that this is a corrupt Administration no long can we actually hide behind the current and pretend it's not John and I were attacked and threatened by a fake moniker someone that's an actual member of the service that used the fake moniker all cops awoke this Police Department is now infected and every Chief right now that refuses to identify who all cops awoke is at this point you are a bad Chief too and you should be removed the entire police department shame on you you're supposed to report corruption and you've been silent and no longer will I allow you to be silent I'm holding you accountable and I'm asking for your removal I'm asking for the boycott of the entire upper Eton of the police department at this point publicly we demand an apology to every police officer every sergeant lieutenant any rank that's been abandoned by this Police Department because you didn't take a mandate because you were wrongfully terminated or you were over you were attacked by an overzealous Civilian Complaint review board or you were terminated because of the Mandate and you were abandoned and yet you had integrity and you stood up for what you believed in and taken your oath unlike the upper Eton of the police department we see right now just completely embarrassed and it doesn't matter John you and I both know it doesn't matter if they're guilty or not appearance of impropriety is just enough and he should be removed immediately modification is not possible because he's civilian and suspension is not enough he should be removed no longer can he ever be the police commissioner absolutely not he wasn't before he you know it doesn't even make a difference at this point but now I'd like to also know are the Chiefs going to hold John shell accountable for having drunken tweets and bullying the public having cast Dy out there acted immature through his tweets and unprofessional professional Jeffrey Magie Jeffrey MRE studying his entire time on the job and some of these other Chiefs just selling [ __ ] to the public who's going to hold them accountable just this podcast just our friends and listeners on the podcast right now s greo and a few others thank you so guys thanks everybody for joining we got 444 people in here if you guys could just like and share out this space we'll get some more people in here I want to hear your thoughts one I Willis says no judge will sign a search warrant to someone's home without hard evidence something's going on I'm going to go on further what judge is going to sign a search warrant to go after a deputy mayor of New York City and then even the probably one of the not probably the one of the top three most powerful people in the city the new the NYPD police commissioner I mean no judge is going to do that unless unless the evidence is hard that something happened here you know so we had made a lot of fun about the trips to Qatar we had made fun about the trips to Turkey we had made fun about the trips to Israel and things of that nature but a lot of those things were hidden they were hidden from public eye they weren't made public it didn't become public until it got leaked out now police Commissioners in the past have traveled overseas for sanctioned events notably after 911 you know we had we had Commissioners go overseas uh start to build out an intelligence Network something that we understand right we've had police Commissioners go and Speak Out World policing events Global policing event things we understand but what we never had is police Commissioners sneaking off in the midst of night flying first class staying at five star uh hotels going to festar restaurants all being paid by for by a foreign government and pretending it never happened and then when it leaks out only put out a half-ass statement about it after now do I think that these indictments are solely because of that I don't I don't again I was threatened by a known criminal who's friends with the police commissioner and the police commissioner's brother and when we complained to the New York City Police Department Internal Affairs investigation about it they did absolutely nothing and not only that we had on duty members low Integrity on duty members who work directly for John shell who was speaking directly through us who John shell and Cass dter were speaking directly through these identified members sending us threats attempting to intimidate attempting to defame and slander us something that is continuing until today where we're being told that we're racists because we put memes out funny memes about the racist statements Eric Adam madees so we did a podcast on it it's called racist memes you guys should check it out we've been slandered by the noble organization and we've been slandered by the guardian Association right the presidents from both of those Victoria Perry and whatever that other kid's name is who cares he's a Patrick Gordon uh so lieutenant and a deputy chief right or assistant chief and no deputy chief she is and we've been slander as racist our memes were racist but they didn't ever said anything about the statements the racist statements that they were based off of from Eric Adams so we've been completely targeted bullied and like Eric said then we had fake handles come after us we still do John shell if you go back on any of his tweets or kazador they're basically all related to myself or or Eric they're all you know everything is is a IC weird message and absolutely nothing's being done about it and it's got to the point where we had a fake handle who identified member of service who's no longer a member of service because of what they did and what they did was they they put pictures made indirect threats to myself and and Eric they took pictures of two little girls I have two little girls and said I hope your kids live a long life I'm coming to Florida pictures of an AR-15 and this was a ranking member of the NYPD by the way and so internal Affair told us oh don't worry about it guys you guys should feel safe about this because he's no longer a member of the NYPD I said oh that's great who is he oh we can't tell you we can't tell you who it is I'm like oh did you take a report for it no we didn't take a report for it I'm like oh you didn't even you didn't even take just a nonsensical harassment report no we didn't even do that we didn't even do that so I agree with you Eric I don't want to go on a long winded rant here but I agree with you 100% you brought it up on on a podcast we did several podcasts ago and you asked me a question and I'm going to ask you the same question now if we have 20 Chiefs in the New York City Police Department and four of them are corrupt in Breaking the Law how many corrupt Chiefs do we have that's exactly what I asked you and I'm gonna spit it right back 24 every one of them silence is cowardice cowardice is guilt you're on the same Level Playing Field it's on Parallel you're right I'm not trying to go to rant here but we have to let all's out our friends know how serious this is and how it's gotten to this point and how infected the police department is and everyone should feel shamed by it and I know I'm embarrassed and feel shamed by it we do this podcast because we loved policing we loved our career we loved the NYPD we loved what it was but what it is right now is not a reflection this is some redheaded stepchild version of the police department I get calls all the time I get calls you know I speak to uh different cops throughout the country throughout the world One Cop in particular that I speak to from from Canada always says wow the NYPD was the goat of policing really the greatest of all time what has happened and you see it here you see how quickly the hands can change because leadership is responsible for an organization to thrive it's also responsible for to crumble and you see how the leadership just completely changed no mlat in the face of the police department as we know it John says it all the time the default position is corruption and that's when we take our finger off the pulse and we allow it and we took our finger off and we allowed it inept immature unprofessional leadership to take over the NYPD because we voted the wrong man to be the New York city mayor and we see how it trickle down and it's a complete infection right now it's a cancer that has to be cut out and this is one of the illnesses and the diseases that needs to go Ed could ban himself I've heard numerous rumors you know and if apparently it seems a lot of these rumors are coming true it's coming to fruition I was attacked as the most complaining cop from an oversell Civilian Complaint reviewer Civilian Complaint review board for doing my job getting illegal Firearms off the street and the union told me they would speak to Ed caban and Ed caban would see what he could do as he was the first Deputy Commissioner and he couldn't do anything and yet look at the position that he is he's abused his power abused his office and abused his authority and the fact that the FBI rated his home it should beg some questions I agree I agree with one of the comments here that no judge is going to sign off on unless we have something very tangible when we're going to someone's home with this amount of exposure a prolific character of New York City that's where we're at John what do you got brother yes so I mean uh someone put in here about someone put in here I wonder about the former police commissioner oh passengers United asking about key chanul so we had said on a prior podcast we had spoke about key chanul and I have said I was not pleased with keich chanu I was not pleased the way she left I understood why she left but I don't think and and what we said during that podcast is we don't think that people truly understand why she left it was more than she just had no power because again I do believe that she was given the Spiel that Phil Banks who's also home was rated today um and Shea Wright who is I believe married to the other Banks brother who's in charge of New York City Schools I could be wrong about that I know that they were Long Time dating I don't know if they're married but I believe they are um and so their homes were also raided today and I believe that she was fully told that Banks is going to be the deputy mayor of Public Safety let's not all forget he was snarled in a corruption Scandal he was the NYPD chief of department and then he was named first Depp and he ran away immediately and immediately on him leaving the New York City Police Department abruptly a corruption Scandal came down and then he became what's known as an unindicted co-conspirator so when Eric Adams approached key chanul and Philip Banks I believe she knew full well that she wasn't going to run the job fully so I don't believe that she ran away because of that I don't believe I believe that she was asked to do things that she wouldn't do and so I sat here and I criticized her and I said you know what she should have told everybody why she left she didn't tell everybody and she got rewarded for it but maybe maybe she didn't tell the public why she left maybe she told somebody else why she left what do you think about that Eric I'm glad that you brought that up because I was always suspicious of that now I'm usually I I'm usually pretty apt and pretty good at reading a room and identifying what type of some person is just by their appearance the eyes tell a lot and I you know just by looking at Key Chan soul I thought that she had a great presence I thought she had Poise I thought she looked to be appeared to be a professional woman I thought that she had the right tools appearance-wise to be the police commissioner of New York City Police Department as far as her ability to do the job I don't think we ever got an opportunity to see if she's actually capable capable to be the commissioner I mean some people told me she was fantastic she did so much I can't tell you that she did because honestly we don't know what type of police commissioner she could be because she was afford the opportunity so is it possible that she has the vital information of what's going on behind the curtain of the police department it is I mean we're only going under assumption at this point because she didn't really leak out any information of why she left it was very secretive and she held it to her chest so I hope at this point if she is an informant or not I hope at some point that she does come out and if she saw any forms of corruption that she actually speaks on it because if she doesn't again I would say that's also a form of cowardice on her part and that's the pro that's the problem I have with leadership if you stand by and watch it and you don't say a word you're a coward and I hold you with the same regard 100% I mean we're taught Integrity right integrity at the utmost I know we did away with courtesy professionalism and respect but we have an internal affairs Bureau right that's the leading quote that's on there is integrity you have to have integrity as a police officer but we're not seeing that we're not seeing Integrity from this Administration and we've said it before in Prior podcast we talked about them hanging out at a shady nightclub that was unlicensed that the person wasn't paying their rent that they had would put up a legal shed right s Greco broke that story he screamed about it until he was blue in the face nobody would listen to him he said Shady things were going on on there with Shady people and S Greco for those of you that don't know he was fired for being friends with Roger Stone and a supporter of Donald Trump and what they said is that because Roger Stone who has a pardon from the 45th president of the United States so he's actually not a criminal has a gun license and has the ability to vote unlike other convicted velain that they hang out with they said that s greo was associating with known criminals and because s greo said that he didn't do security for Roger Stone they said that Sal greo was lying even though they couldn't Trace One financial transaction between him and and Roger Stone or anybody El except for the New York City Police Department paying him even though they weren't able to get one transaction they said oh you know what well he was doing uncompensated security and he was hanging out with a known felon so he lied because he told us he wasn't doing Security even though there's no definition of uncompensated security oh and by the way they also lied about Sal Greco and they said that he was involved in the narcotics trade so that they were able to even subpoena his bank records to see that they were no Financial transactions and then they terminated him for doing actually a lot worse than what they accused him of because they're hanging out with a CD unlicensed nightclub with a person who's a self- admitted criminal and they terminated him for what they were doing and now s Greco also alleged that he heard rumors that there were a lot of other things happening at that nightclub but yet we had the NYPD police commissioner hanging out there we had all of the upper Ral on the ypd hanging out there we had the former head of the New York City PBA Pat Lynch hanging out there we had all of these people hanging out there and what do they all have in common none of them like myself Eric oral and guess what happened we had s on the show we pointed out the hypocrisy of them actually criminally associating with people so they did two things after it they changed the definition of criminal Association in the patrol guide that was the first thing they did and the second thing is they sent a known criminal self- admitted criminal after myself to threaten me into silence who did that who did that that was the NYPD folks that was who the NYPD is that is what they became under this Administration now all of this is alleged right all of this they had their homes raid they had their phones taken all of this but I'm saying right now I don't believe it has anything to do with just political donations I believe there is corruption that's going to make all of your head spin and I'm going to say it again I believe that when the truth comes out about all of this this is going to go down as one of the biggest corruption scandals in New York City history and Let Me Tell You Folks if you know the history of the New York City Police Department and you know the history of New York City and you know that the default position of New York City is corruption that's saying a whole lot well I think we're going to see many aspects come out when it comes to levels of corruption I do I do foresee something to do with straw straw Donuts if I had to put my money on it I'm sure there's stuff going on with donations but I think that's just a contributory factor to the level of corruption that's going on I think we're going to see some things that are going to shock us because simultaneously while JN is getting stalked by a known uh mobster from coner Fritos simultaneously my phone was blowing up up from unknown phone numbers which turned out to be all cops a woke who is a member of the service that is now no longer employed by the New York City Police Department who we still to this day do not know the identity of because we were told from internal affairs Bureau that the reason why the information was not referred to us because John and I may retaliate interesting enough right we're the complainants here but yet we may retaliate now again we've made it public and we said it we are not afraid and we're not scared of anyone and we will not back down how however we were alarmed and we were uh made sure that we are aware we have families and children to take care of and I take those threats seriously and even if they were not meant to be serious the fact that someone could actually put them out there is complete unhinged and they do not deserve and they should not belong in the New York City Police Department now simultaneously while this is going on I don't believe in any coincidence but at the same Tok we have to start putting this together I do believe there's levels of corruption that we're going to see that are going to shock us so Conant freeos is located in the 45 prec of the New York City Police Department con Fritos was exposed by South Greco and with the help of this podcast really got some information out there about the photos the people that have taken part at coner Fritos the level of corruption that appears to be and that's why I say appears because the appearance of impropriety is just enough hanging out with known felons people that have criminal histories the hypocrisy that s Greco lost his career wrongfully terminated for the same thing that they're doing themselves from the New York City Police Department while simultaneously John and I get stalked by a detective who was in a detective squad from what precin the 4 five prec the same precept where coner Fritos is located just a coincidence just just a coincidence and again Internal Affairs has not released any information to what's going on with that part of the investigation which again that detective also recruited other members of the police department to stalk John and myself on a smear campaign and to refer to us as rats so I find it hard to believe that this is all a coincidence I was getting contacted at 3 in the morning with some of the most vile threats and I fear no one and I tried to FaceTime numerous times so whoever was behind all cops all cops awoke is a complete coward because you know it I tried to FaceTime you numerous times and you carry it away so that's what we're dealing with here this is the infection of the police department how would be proud and yet numerous people did wanted to pretend and they didn't want to believe it so many people contacted me and they contacted John said no way this is coming from a member of the service no way well guess what it came from a member of the service and still not revealed to from internal affairs and there's numerous people in the police department that are aware of the identity of w cops of wol and they still have not revealed it and I find you guilty as well and this is what's going on with our Police Department so at this point we have to ask ourselves what types of corruption will come out and and you know what it's very fitting that you're wearing that shirt the timing is impeccable that is your representation of New York City as we speak right now that's your leadership Eric Adams New York City shirt says incompetence few people asking to for me to lift it down it's a shirt of Eric Adams it'll be in the links below if anybody wants it you can buy it I'm coming up to New York soon I'm gonna hand them all out anyway so if you're on the streets I bump into you you're going to get one too definitely going to get bring them out at the migrant shelters too so that they can wear them um so let's get into this article a little bit let's get into this article um so FBI raids home of NYPD commissioner Edward kaban and other close allies and while I do that there's about 800 people on here do me a favor and like and share this out I want to get a few more opinions in here I want to get some more opinions from MOS some former FBI agents I want to think what they think is at foot myself and Eric believe serious police corruption tied in that came out as a result of uh elicit donations so here we go John I I just want to say this before you put this I I have to get this off my tongue at this point anyone that's on this live right now or you know anyone that wants to partake in this live and is scared to identify themselves this is the time to stand up against this corruption identify yourself with your real name on this live do not be afraid that you listen to this live it's your first amendment right do not be afraid especially when this is your leadership that is completely corrupt and you have Integrity by speaking your mind you do nothing wrong by listen to a podcast and speaking your mind and having professional criticism I just wanted to get that out there Dan Romania says when Victoria Perry who's the head of who's a assistant chief in the nyp I'm sorry deputy chief in the NYPD recently promoted um and head of the noble organization was the co of the 104 there was Pro Blue Line matter rally in front of TW in front of the summer of 2020 the height of anti- police riots she was the Ed by the pro police support of the members of the community very Telltale all right let's let's continue to go into this article so NYPD commissioner Edward kab's home was raided by FBI agents in a stunning early Wednesday sweep that targeted a suite of Mayor Adams top Aid sources say the raid on Coman unfolded as agents stormed the homes of Deputy Mayor Philip Banks and Sheena Wright according to law enforcement sources another top Aid Timothy Pearson had his phone subpoena according to the sources Phil Banks brother Terrence Banks a former MTA official and current lobus was also targeted in the action sources said Wright shares a home in Harlem with Phil and Terrence branks Brother David Banks who's in the who's also the city school Chancellor it's unclear if the raid targeted one or both of them the purpose of the raids in subpoenas remained unclear clear on Thursday but sources said it did not appear to be related into another federal legation federal investigation into Adam's 2021 campaign dealings with turkey uh so a famous quote by Eric Adams is where there smoke there's not always fire but just in this one little article alone we see that there's a whole lot of smoke the department is aware of an investigation by the US attorney's office for the southern district of New York involving members of the service the department is fully cooperating in the investigation an NYPD spokesperson said in a statement Thursday referring to questions to Manhattan Federal prosecutors kaban could not be reached for comment this is a developing Story please check back for more updates you know it's interesting not to go on more rant but the reality is of what's going on with the upper Ron on the police department John shell had said in one of his drunken tweets that no time are they headed for 233 Broadway and apparently he's right because it looks like the destination is going to be 500 Street 500 PR Street and if anyone's unsure what 500 PE street is it's the southern district that's federal court in lower Manhattan right by 100 Center Street so it looks like this is the direction of some of the upper r l Police Department again I really think it's an inection right now I think that uh Eric Adams and the people in the circle I've been saying a long time you know at some point we see all these allegations at some point something's going to stick I mean we have numerous sexual allegations in this circle of Eric Adams numerous allegations about straw donors funds with campaigns foreign governments at some point we have to say wait a minute I mean how many allegations and something may stick at this point so again it's unfortunate because really you know what we're talking about this because at this point look you know is it the aha moment yeah I told you so I guess we could say that right we've been saying this for two years but honestly I feel sorry for the boots on the ground the police department the men and women actually put their uniform every day and they have integrity and they care about the job and they care about Public Safety I feel sorry for New York City residents that really they're suffering from this this affects Public Safety if anybody thinks this is just isolated to them that's a complete Force I think that this ultimately affects Public Safety affects how the police department runs we see it there's clearly no leadership we see it because there's a potential appearance of impropriety of corruption and I think this affects everything it affects morale it affects boots on the ground it's an infection the police department it affects Public Safety and clearly again I'm going to say this the FBI H at this point has to step in we need to overhaul in the police department just like Eric Adams says we have an image problem we need a new image all right people we got 868 people in here we appreciate you tuning in we're talking about how the FBI rated the home of NYPD police commissioner Edward kaban and other top AIDS in the New York of New York city mayor I'd like to bring up to the stage with us our brother in this fight throughout this whole thing who's exposed much of the corruption around Edward kaban much of the corruption around this Administration and has been targeted like us both I'd like to welcome to the stage at this time the star of the S Greco show the S Greco himself s welcome to the show my brother listen it's an honor to be with you guys it's been a long day I could just tell you the phone has not stopped ringing there's all kinds of info left and right there's reporters on this and I think they finally now are catching up to what what I started saying this way back last year early early last year and then we then I brought it to this podcast which turned into what a fiasco where we had a certain mob associate try to threaten you and listen none of us were going to back down you didn't back down Eric didn't back down and now look now look at the result of all of that and through this all we had stonewalling by Internal Affairs and now we could kind of maybe think why there there's some stonewalling there and how you make allegations that they try to withhold things and not tell you the truth and tell you half truths and this is this was nuts but it's expected coming from the police department and you know it's funny because you know we did our shows today I actually released the show this morning and I I touched up on some things you can check it on YouTube by the way people on here YouTube AR Rumble the SAG REO show and uh uh I I touched up on uh some some different things like I try to make a lighter Lighter Side of things like I do like to go to highight which tomorrow is the first night of highight in Miami uh also I love to go to Miami marins games even though I'm a mean I do like the stadium and I was trying to show that on the show and then we touched up on Juve which all both all three of us have been chatting about behind the scenes how ridiculous this Administration looks with the they what what I like to call alternate facts so that got exposed I did a whole show on that and then next thing you know Boom the phone starts ringing I think it was actually you John you told me first that the uh says FBI went after uh Philip Banks David Banks and Sheena Wright which is David Banks's fiance wife or whatever I think they live together but when I heard Eddie caban and the way they went after him that could only lead to one I could only think of one possible thing that they could be looking at and if you actually look at a lawsuit which you can see right now on my own X feed is one of my my posts it involves a post right there that has a picture of Kean sell Eddie caban and then you see their buddy uh Jimmy Rodriguez put the picture up it's a lawsuit by a former officer Jama Romero he was terminated by this job and unjustly but he's being represented by my lawyer and he makes the accusation of they terminated him by saying that he did something that they didn't like but yet they were associating with all these people at where that wonderful restaurant that we keep hearing about over and over again cono in the Bronx which is owned by who the police commissioner's brother and right now the allegations and all the speculation is swirling that this has to do with that nightclub because we're hearing reports that the subpoenas and the and the raids have took place obviously uh we know about Eddie caban but this has to do with the NTI and the brother so what else could you say about that and we've been screaming about this for well over a year and it's not that we meaning me John or Eric we hate the police department we hate the cops in the street we don't we wanted to what we couldn't do when we were on the job we're kind of like your voice your Advocate and we're going to point fingers because I know what it's like to be a cop we all did the same job and we were all what suppressed by upper management why because they're out hobnobbing with criminals and Felons and acting like they're not cops they think they're politicians they think they're movie stars meanwhile the cop in the street has to deal with the garbage and the mess of like let's say we'll just we'll just make Give an example a chief of Patrol who says uh we got to worry about the stakeholders and right now I wonder who the stakeholders are so we got to worry about him and the stuff that he says if you're a cop because whatever he says falls on you the cop in the street the street cops take all the heat meanwhile they're just trying to do a job 100% 100% dude that Circle that we're we're talking about here is the upper management and then their henchmen because they're going to be cops that cling on to the power because look could you blame some cops just want to hang around the power but as long as you're not corrupt if you're corrupt you're know better than Michael Dow you know better than the the the Serpico ERA with everything going on then so this is a 30-year Scandal that was wait every 30 years every 20 years you get a scandal we short by we actually extended to 10 years and here it is because I've never heard of a police commissioner getting raided by the feds this is a horrendous look for Eric Adams and he might uh be implicated himself at a later date with this I understand that uh right now it's just the police department people that they're looking at in this investigation sry spot on but I think that at this point I think that this Scandal is gonna be far worse than what we've seen before because it's not only political gain and financial gain we're seeing that this Administration cares about their Eagles more than anything which makes them really dangerous right Bobby Albertson says but Eric remember it's the New York City residents that voted Eric Adams and you're right about that but we discuss this on different angles so Eric Adams promised one thing and he gave another we don't know what he's for or against he promised a boxing ring and he handed you a basketball he told everybody who's gonna be tough on crime right that the key to uh to Pro uh Prosperity was Public Safety and we see that's a complete Force we have a problem with eag illegal aliens we got a crisis with that we have numerous sexual allegations he C he's cating the taxpayer an extreme amount of Burden he hasn't pushed up against congestion pricing he hasn't tried to come up with an executive l executive order to remove these Sanctuary cities um he's in agreeance or he hasn't shown any opposition to the protest settlement so he hasn't done us anything good again we are a very PR precarious position um it's horrible and Diana sugar says yes the street police offices take all the Heat and no leadership with their needs in mind that's exactly right leadership is the most important thing right now especially for police organization especially since policing which I believe is the most tangible form of government something you could touch you could feel you could smell you could talk to and who pays the ultimate price for corruption at the top it's the police officers on the ground who lose the credibility from the community their lives are now further at risk they're already facing danger because of this weak inep Police Department this Democratic movement throughout the entire country and here we are right now and you know what thank God honestly I'm not trying to to on our own horns but thank God people like John and S and myself and our listeners and friends here who are actually speaking out about the atrocities that are going on right now and I think the reason why we are all speaking out is not because we're vengeful people because I believe if you ask for vengeance you're asking for death of your yourself and for your adversaries but it's because you actually love New York City you care about New York City and you care about each other clearly everyone that's on this thread right now that you care about people and you want a better version of New York City you want a better version of the police department and that's why you're actually making your comments and that's why you know and a snap that everyone took the time out to be on this podcast is because we all care and that's why we're doing this sometimes people say oh you you hate the police department you're going on a rant that's absolutely the furthest thing from the truth I'm sure that everyone on this thread right now that's making comments I'm sure you have important things to do in your life taking care of your family your kids maybe get some time away go work out but you took the time out to have this discussion because that's what's important right now so again I'm gonna say this I always say it s thank you so much for speaking out John same thing we have to keep doing everyone that's on this thread I appre appreciate it your opinions are so important your thoughts and we have to continue this going we cannot allow this infection in our Police Department especially New York City the most iconic police department and again I'm going to keep saying it I'm calling for the removal of every Chief in the New York City Police Department as we speak the FBI should step in today all right so I know everybody's upset but let's keep all rants down to 60 seconds let's go around let's start talking about this s what do you think the sign significance of Ed kab's home being raid is what is its significance in the history of corruption in one of the most corrupt cities that ever been the most one of the most corrupt departments that's ever been what is the significance to you I think this is this is a the same as if like Eric Adams was getting raided because actually no Police Commissioner that I know of has ever been raided no New York City Police Department uh police Commissioners has ever been rated in the history of the New York City Police Department and the fact that they went there they took his computers so from what I mean I'm just looking I'm speculating here a little bit but to take the computers from One Police Plaza and the phones they're looking for job related stuff this isn't just going into someone's house so this is gonna be I believe on par with Michael Dow and the seric the nap commission and the M commission maybe it's G to be called the conso commission because you know they were they were laughing at people and they were smiling all over social media and we all said this back then we never did this as cops so I don't know where this they got this idea but this is a significant moment and it's actually a black eye but hopefully this is the turn that will turn the job back around to where it belongs to be fair right in the middle impartial Eric same question for you what is the significance of Ed kaban the new the sitting police commissioner of the NYPD having his home readed well I'll tell you this in a nutshell it just scratches to service and uh what it does it the question that I have is what Pandora's Box is this going to open what are we actually going to see how deep and level of corruption this is going to be and I I I do Envision this is going to be corruption on different levels I anticipate potential prostitution anticipate things with narcotics you know that's what I believe that it's going to get to that point you know I used to do plumbing and anytime that you you open up a pipe to do a job you really don't know what's going to happen you know if that pipe is Rusted inside it could burst and you end up having a bigger job and that's what's going on once they start to open up Pandora's boxes start to question and who's going to talk and which states are going to Rattle I think that we might learn stuff that we really didn't even want to hear and this may surprise us all and honestly I feel sorry for New York I really do feel sorry for the good police officers of the NYPD I feel sorry that they've unfortunately are in the police department at this time yeah for those of you that just joining us we got about 1100 people in here we're talking about the FBI raiding the home of NYPD police commissioner Edward kaban and other top officials around Eric Adams we're giving our thoughts and our opinions from three former members of the NYPD on why we believe that is so s I'd like to ask you another question my friend it is rumored that some low-ranking members of the New York City Police Department have also been subpoena and had their phones and electronic equipment taken what do you believe the significance is of that and what why do you think that they had their phones taken not only the significance but why do you think lower ranks are being targeted well the lower ranks I believe are like we like I said it before I believe these are the henchmen these are the clingers because usually it's the executives that are more important but those people that hang on see the problem is they should have disciplined people if you're hanging around this nightclub that's completely illegal and by the way check out my show my next episode is another expose there's even more stuff that you don't know about conero that I know and I will reveal that on my next episode but what's going on over there no one was ever disciplined for hanging out with a bunch of criminals and felons in a place that was operating illegally which violated the law so I want to you have to understand if nobody is accountable then this is just this is what happens and I'm just gonna point out an easy one forget about my own case the police department came down very heavy on one person right now that's that's sitting right here and that's Eric dim as a lieutenant they came after him with Vigor okay for what he did his job but what about those cops that we I know who they're talking about I don't want to say any names but they were smiling on camera with a mob associate hanging out with other known criminals and Felons and yet they were doing this for so long and nobody said anything about it I find that quite ironic now that it's them ending up in front of the FBI and not someone who actually did his job and they try to frame and make him look like he's a really bad guy in Eric di Eric what do you think significance of lower ranks being being uh having that their electronic equipment taken first of all S I appreciate that thank you so much brother you know that's really the point of me doing this podcast we started out I don't really care about what potential money could be made at some point you know that uh that discussion will be had but right now at the point thing is I don't want someone to become me and be the most complaining cop and be abandoned by the police department but what's indicative to me the fact that lower ranks that their phones will be taken is exactly what I said it's indicative that this is not just about political theer about someone's political game because most people that are in the lower ranks are not really into the politics yet that to me is indicative that there's other forms of corruption going on which is why I anticipate potential prostitution maybe potential something to to narcotics at this point I just given my assumption but the fact that lower ranks were involved that's my indication that's my observation based on that I love the comments comments everybody loves that s's with us today we got another pisan you know ER Eric's a uh uh Eric's a pisan too at heart so you know truth Crusaders with kind of like a mut man I don't know I I grew up mostly in Stapleton joish hung out with a Ty guys hang out with everybody you know I might be racist but you know John Shel I love everyone but look we we call this you call this the finest unfiltered right but let's be H here's the truth of it we're three honest cops we're so honest that they want to get rid of us at all cost and yet look at the filth that they have running the place and the filth they keep around them that get elevated and get promoted on things and you say how did that guy get promoted but somebody who's been on that Lit or who's been waiting five years or is a third grader or second grader still hasn't gotten promoted I know guys at 10 years it took to get from second from third to second in another five 10 years from second to first grade detective yet I know somebody who got first grade real quick and in fact now he's a commissioner I believe so that's how this job works and that's what has a many people on this job angry but look we're three honest guys we give our honest opinion and we're for the cops we're for the men and women of the police Department I'm I'm stealing that one from Eddie kaban and Tiny canel the men and women of the police department that's who we're for here's before we go any further with this I just want to ask this question because I think this is really important at this time because I think appearance of in propri is very important especially in leadership John I want to ask you first at this time I think he should be removed from his position who do you think should be the inm police commission during the time and do you you think it should be someone that's outsourced from the police department at this time because the police department is infected or do you think it should be someone from the police department is I think this is this is impeccable at this time and very important that we just don't lose the entire house of cards well considering I just said and I think you guys agree me that the upper echelon of the NYPD including John shell cdry and everyone else who was not named in this suit including the head of internal affairs is compromised I believe that the on the NYPD is systemically corrupt we've exposed the fact of the illegal actions they've done against all of us not only with forcing us off the job because we actually have integrity because like I've been saying time and time again integrity and competence is not welcome compliance with illegal actions is what's needed compliance and lying is who they want that's why the people around Eric Adams low Integrity they have questionable pasts they've had able careers they've done things that anyone else would have been fired for and they continuously lie to the public so I'm saying right now not only should Ed kab's Powers as police commissioner be removed I unfortunately unfortunately what I say has to happen now is this point as as of right now until Eric Adams either clear of wrongdoing or he's not the New York City Police Department should be come under Federal control and they should actually place an interm Police Commissioner as well as interm Chiefs to oversee the other Bure because what we're seeing right now is like I said about a lot of things the corruption we've seen in the unions that we dispelled the corruption with the unions and this upper echelon all together we see that they act in lock step and what I con consistently say is you can't tell me you can't tell me that you were around these people every day and you didn't know what was going on you can't tell me that you didn't know if this comes out that they were involved in dealing drugs or prostitution or uh anything under the sun straw donor campaigns uh uh rigging contracts bid rigging whatever it could be because obviously the significance of the lower ranks to me shows that there's serious police misconduct and this is much bigger than just some campaign donations so I'm saying right now I believe that the New York York City Police Department should temporarily fall under Federal control until this situation is is is is is put out same thing for you s you know and I'm glad you said that John that's why I've been saying I believe that the FBI has to step in I need they need I think at this point they need a complete overhaul but temporarily until we get things under control I absolutely agree that the police department could not police themselves we need the FBI to step in and have temporary control over the police department absolutely hands down that's exactly what I've been leaning to so s what are your thoughts on that I I I've been saying this for a while I think it's it's headed that way kind of like Rikers is under Federal supervision technically but you know they're still in court and of course remember who was heading that was Luis Molina another Eric Adams stouge and Lackey who went to uh another country and was spending taxpayer money over there when he shouldn't have another foreign trip that we don't know how that money went and then Anthony Miranda who's the sheriff who's also got his hand in the cookie JW somewhere because you hear all these rumors I mean this guy was using a department vehicle on personal time so he's personally using the department vehicle to drive around that's official misconduct he's blowing red lights it's on camera yet he still got his job he has his job Timmy Pearson who by the way was also this little uh uh this little raid today he was involved all these people it's it's it's like Eric Adams it's forget about like him we already know that I mean he's already got like a checkered past and he's got all kinds of problems we hear about all day long but his underlings I mean you got sexual misconduct you have DOI investigations you have now you're hearing about police corruption what else is gonna occur that we don't know about that's happened underneath them at a certain point you must say to yourself Eric Adams doesn't know how to be a good manager that's the bottom line here and he's let this roll out of control I mean today alone guys I got a call that says man if you look online on the city jobs you know the the the jobs they offer for the city there's more than usual vacancies the vacancies are flooded that tells us that people are a leaving in droves that's more more more likely why are they leaving why because it's a sinking ship and they want to refill and they want to refill it with what good people I mean this is this is unbelievable this is unbelievable what's going on with this guy's Administration you know I I don't believe someone uh life after the job was a great follow by the way F good friend to the podcast and all of us said kaban stepping down immediately do nothing conill it is taking over until further notice I honestly I hope not because again I'm going to say you can't tell me that she's not involved and she doesn't know what's going on and we don't know that she didn't receive a subpoena herself and I believe she did and I also believe Jeffrey Madre received a subpoena and I'd be shocked if John shell and Cas Dorry didn't as well I'd be shocked you know and so I got a question for both of you start with you Eric do you think these phones there will be targeted information against all three of us on their phones you misuse of police resources against this podcast in an attempt attempt to threaten intimidate us attempt to scare us from our first amendment of rights as well as as well as misus police resources to drum up a [ __ ] criminal investigation against us to throw us in jail to silence us what do you think what do you think they're going to reveal on the phones that they've taken from all of these people who by the way all have checkered pass in the NYPD and have proven themselves to have low Integrity what do you think you're going to see that ah dude Amen brother because that's exactly what I've been saying these phones are going to open up a ball of wax and we're going to find out all the information that's actually been exposed because Internal Affairs has been totally infected themselves Internal Affairs is under corrupt control and shame on the investigator's Internal Affairs for not doing a proper and thorough investigation and putting our lives at further risk right because what I say we were told we should be comfortable that because this person was removed from the police department I said if anything this person is now more of a threat by you not identifying who the subject is who the person of interest is who's behind all cops of and I believe there's several people behind all cops of work all cops of w and I believe there's a direct connection to Cas Dorry and John shell and I believe that these phones will reveal that information and I find it hard to believe that every one of these Chiefs was not aware of it and it's going to open up par andor's box and again I say every chief on this job right now is a bad Chief because every one of them is aware of it and they're not speaking out so you know what John everything that you said said you could spit it right back to you because that's exactly what's going on these phones will reveal the attack that was on this podcast it will reveal the attack of all the journalists throughout new New York City especially we were the first targets and it will provide oh I think we just lost Eric s what do you think brother is it gonna is it gonna reveal any targeted attacks against us uh I believe that I noticed that one guy's missing in this chat that he is every morning and last two days he had he disappeared I I I'm assuming this guy guju whatever his name is so I I think we're GNA find the link back to because this is what they do they have sock puppets either it's them or their friends I mean a lot of guys do that they have sock puppet accounts if you have their phones you're gonna see that you're also going to see their Communications with certain people that you saw them for for about four years hanging out with whatever may or may not have been going on so even though it's purely speculative from what we've already seen that's out in the open of course we also have that lawsuit by jamac Romero where he made these allegations that are now coming right under the right under the the microscope there's probably gonna be something that they don't want you to see and remember if they deleted something if they're stupid enough to use the department phone remember also you can't run people if you run people's names if you run because they made a big deal about uh people trying to run them or cast Do's arrest record remember that but what if they were running our names or they're running people's names for other people that they're hanging out with at these these places so there's so much that can happen here I'm gonna sit back and wait I can just tell you if the feds come to your house and take your stuff or come to one pce Plaza and take your computers no bueno absolutely Eric we lost you for a second what were you saying my friend I don't know what you got at the end but all ultimately everything that you said you're absolutely right John you can spit everything back to you that's exactly what's going on it's going to reveal all that information I think there was a absolutely I think the information that we received of course from Anonymous credible sources that there's a criminal investigation a false criminal investigation towards yourself John and myself and South to try to find a way to convict us and also to to deter active members of the service from watch this podcast to shut us down is absolutely what is happening and I'm sure these phones will it it's it's a shame this is going on uh AJ put a comment in here I agree brother the gray shirts will be reading and learning this lesson in the future that's exactly that they'll be reading about the largest Scandal we have ever seen in the New York City Police Department and I think in the next couple of days or next couple of weeks it's going to start to unfold yeah absolutely and AJ says you can't be a gangster and a cop you're are one of the other and that's what we're seeing right we're seeing guys who pretend to be gangsters that's what they you know I mean come on let's face it Ed kaban dresses like he's a Cuban drug lord you know I mean I just had the photo we we put a meme out a little earlier about his uh Cub Vera shirt that he he wore to the West Indian parade where there was a mass shooting and instead of saying we'll do better they just completely completely utterly downplayed it which is which to me is just another slap in the face so here it is when do you think we're going to see an indictment or are we going to see an indictment for Eric Adams I believe that what we're seeing what we've seen today has crippled this Administration has crippled the Adams Administration it has shrouded him in Scandal if he wasn't already I mean because God every day if it wasn't me you s somebody put on just news after news after news whether it's hanging out with criminals whether it's trips overseas that they didn't they didn't want anyone to find out about it all of these things going on when do you think we're going to see an indictment of Eric Adams or are we and before you go south we have 1300 people on here we appreciate everyone for listen just do us a favor put a like subscribe and do us a favor and share it out let's get some more opinions on here and some more thoughts di sugar shout out for you coming on sa what do you think about that yeah and And subscribe to the sa Greco show on YouTube because I I have my own channel but uh so I think if there's an indictment for Eric Adams it's going to be probably before election day but that would probably be for the original stuff we thought of now with this again he's the head of the entire operation as the head of the agency so now you don't know I've always said when I looked at thiso thing the police is where you want to focus on because they're usually the middlemen for the Pol politicians or the bodyguards what do you want to call it so if there's any transactions anything going on it would be the police but to see police officers and I mean Executives I'm going by Executives there we saw politicians there we saw lawyers there and then you see criminals there and you have all these branches of government hanging out at the same place all the time man that just that is a red flag from five miles away that is not something you see every day and it was repeated and it's also repeatedly thrown in your face repeatedly you could go on social medos they might be trying to scrub those pictures don't worry I have them you probably could see this over and over and over and over again and they're rubbing it in your face this has a potential to be something extremely large I don't know how big it could get we don't know how many people could be involved but obviously we've been screaming about this for a reason because the appearance of impropriety is enormous and of course there are lawsuits attached to this forget about my lawsuit we have jamac Romero which is right in the middle and it really gives you the allegations in the in that lawsuit are disturbing and it has evidence right off the bat on the complaint which I'm going to tell you the NYPD in the city of New York this lawsuit was filed in late October of last year they still have not answered it 11 months later that is I don't know if you've heard that that's that's really crazy usually they answer a lawsuit within three months four months six months Max why 11 months you know why I think I know why because those allegations in those pictures how does the department say no that's not us hanging out with a guy who's a mob associate now that picture that's AI how how can it be it came off the guy's own page so that these are the problems they have and I I don't know I really don't know what what Avenue they're going to take as an Administration but I think everybody that's been hitting the nail on the head with this you're G to be proven right that there was Always Something There us three we just happen to harp on the same thing is we were cops and we recognized things and we see things that the the regular person doesn't but we always had the taxpayer interest in mind first and of course our own Brethren and people that we used to work with and we still consider our co-workers in the police department that was always our main concern if I was a betting man I would say that indictments will come down right before the election for anyone other than Eric Adams I think that if there's an indictment for Eric Adams I do believe it will come shortly after the election some people might disagree but that is if I was a bet man I would foresee that as what's going to happen finest 147 puts a great comment here absolutely let's see if Shelton cass's Twitter goes quiet with their in direct tweets towards you guys then you will have your answer right there I think we have the answer ready I mean John and myself and S have been pretty expressive at the breaking news of this information on the raids of the homes of the police commissioner Ed caban and yet we haven't heard anything today from John shell and Cas Dy and also while we're on this live and we've been here with over a thousand people right now on different platforms that we have we don't have any trolls at this time so I think that's very indicative of what's going on with the weight of this Police Department the amount of suppression that was applied to this podcast to try to suppress us I mean we were even told from a fake account Jean Lewis which is completely direct uh tied to John shell and cry that they've already notified Apple podcast and other platforms to try to have this podcast shut down because we are racist the weight of this Police Department the effort the amount of tax dollars that have been spent to shut this podcast down is corrupt in itself this is just one layer of corruption that's going to come out with the apprehension of these f John am I right 100% listen I got little breaking news here so someone's talking about Chief shell that he's going to be uh it's rumored that he's going to get a job with Newsmax and he's going to be uh the head of security he's gonna make $700,000 a year and he has an unknown injury where he's gonna get three quarters from it meaning he's going to get a rumored pension of $28,000 a month plus he's GNA get paid 700k from Newsmax um to be the head of security and sometimes be a expert so I believe he's he's got a bad ankle because he's got skinny legs and a big upper body so I don't think it has anything to do with the police work is the reason why he has the three quarters but a little breaking news about John shell this comes out from Craig McCarthy if anybody doesn't know him follow him on X he's at create Craig uh he's a New York Post reporter does a lot of City Hall reporting sometimes reports on an NYPD he writes this I just called the numbers listed for chief John shell to figure out if some reporting is accurate about today's Federal activity and I got his wife by accident Chief calls me back and I explain why I'm calling he hands the phone to dcpi Shephard who calls me a [ __ ] scumbag so this is who these guys are this is who they are their complete utter utter they think that they're gangsters this is like Good Fellas and honestly the the the the minute this all came out all I could see is the end of Good Fellas I just don't know who the rat is I know I know that uh one of the banks Brothers already ratted and and sold his soul sold all his friends down the river and had guys arrested and their lives ruined and their careers ruined and literally what came out of it was absolutely nothing after it so Ron L um said that something about unless the indictments come down that won't happen I don't agree Ron I don't think that that should be the case because regardless of the indict ments we see in the past especially in that corruption Scandal that I've just talked about those chiefs were all removed they were all modified they all had their careers and their lives altered they were basically removed from the police department and put in the rubber room they had their powers immediately stripped to them we had one one guy who who actually killed himself over it and and what came out at the end what came out at the end was build a Blasio and and Philip Banks were dirty and they got away with it and they blamed it on the New York City Police Department here I'm saying yeah looks like Eric Adams is dirty but it also looks like the upper echelon of the NYPD is dirty so I don't believe it should be Tanya canilla and again I truly believe she as well as Shepard and the rest of them are caught up in all this I don't believe there's any innocent parties I'm I'm I'm looking at that I just looked at what what you said there it's it's true what Craig McCarthy just said but listen you're supposed to have you know Eric Adams had and actually covered this on my show today you know Eric Adams said something about well we need to have proper decorum with people Eric your Administration is like a bunch of wannabe thugs definitely mob associate wannabes and stuff I mean you they definitely talk like that how do you hand the phone and call a guy a scumbag when you're the guy representing the public information I mean you're using your guys Eric Adams people John shell and Cass dorrey were sitting there on channel five about to go on rosan Scot's new uh channel to go spew some alternate facts about crime statistics which we know everything violent felonies are up 4.1% in the last year with John shell and Cas ludrey in charge and 30% under the Eric Adams Administration and here he comes and he's talking about apples and peaches and the other one saying is there any coffee in the Green Room it cost you the New York City taxpayer money for anything these two guys opposed in on their social media that is taxpayer money and what are they reporting on being children locker room talk instead of Public Safety you had a mass shooting just a few days ago at the Labor Day and and juvet parade and they're acting like children because they want to one up each other to go talk in a locker room with the likes of Tariq Shepard who another guy who ran around zoren Juve with his gun belt on I thought you're a commissioner that's a civilian Rank and when let's good another thing clear when we talk about what their official legal Authority is I'm just going to break it down because they said there's a cop because Eddie caban used some City Charter rule can these people affect an arrest order a police officer to make an arrest and if they're involved in a in a shooting will they be conf uh will they be covered by the city and the taxpayers because there a civilian and there is nothing anywhere that says a civilian is allowed to fire a firearm and getting involved in a that would be challenged in the court obviously Corporation Council is sleeping because they're too busy or or they must be putting all their resources and all the sexual misconduct cases and fighting me and other people that are suing them because that answer is an easy one they should never be out there with a full gum belt in in an administrative role I don't know what the hell I was seeing on juvet and they're just lucky to this day that nothing has been you know no shootings anything has occurred but if it did especially on that day there would be a lot of a lot of questions so just to reference on that and show you what you're dealing with this guy just called the reporter a scumbag you may not like the reporters you may not like how they how they are or what side of you know of the aisle they lean on but they're just doing a job whether you like it or not some days they're on your side some days they're against you that's the nature of the business but they're human beings and you treat him with proper decorum you don't act like a thug and that's what Tariq Shepard is is acting like much like Timothy Pearson and the rest of the Eric Adams Administration seems to act like Ron L says unless they remove them or indictments they won't put the NYPD under monitorship now that may be true and it may not but I don't agree with that I mean we see on the lower level we see units in the police department that have had incidents and Scandals and not necessarily levels of corruption just things that need uh discipline uh as a corrective uh form of of behavior and we see people get transferred from an entire unit or a unit get completely broken down because of fail leadership or something that happens in that unit and we see everybody get moved and transferred on a lower level so why wouldn't this be any different at a higher level with potential corruption and the appearance of impropriety I think that absolutely it's completely infected I use my analogy again if you take a a piece of hot pepper and you put it in Bland soup it changes the entire taste and that's what's going on right now we changed the flavor of the New York City Police Department and I I disagree with Ron L I think at this point we need monitorship we need an outside Source yeah 100% and uh Laura I love you but she says bring in Dan banino let let's talk about Dan Bonino for a second s Greco was terminated because he's a trump supporter supposedly Dan's a trump supporter but s greo has never been on Dan Bonino show Dan Bonino has never once retweeted Sal greo or did anything like that uh Dan had made the the the decision with his doctor that he was going to put something in his body but he was against the mandates and I was forced out of my career for something I had antibodies for and because I wouldn't violate my conscience which is ultimately my religious beliefs which I ultimately believe God talking to me and he's very familiar with this podcast never once retweeted me never once asked me to go on the show Eric dim most complaint cop in the NYPD because he was targeted by known gang members one of some of the most violent perpetrators on the streets of New York City was forced out of his career and Dan banino never once called Eric to say what happened try to understand Eric's situation never wanted to give Eric any Limelight never once retweeted Eric never once retweeted any of the people that we had on the show so this show is absolutely no fan of Dan banino at all at all and recently recently he had started attacking if you guys aren't familiar with Kyle serin and the suspendable they're a group of FBA FBI agents that are just like myself s and Eric where they're pushing back at the insanity that's coming out from the FBI leadership right not the rank and file they support the rank and file and they called out a trump advisor who donated a significant amount of money to not only Cala Harris recently but also to Joe Biden and Dan banino attacked them and said that they were dead to him so Dan Bonino is no friend to this podcast I don't even consider him a member of the NYPD he doesn't wasn't even long enough to understand the inner workings of it so not to go on a rant about Dan banino but he doesn't know anything about this and if he did more than likely he sides with Eric Adams more than likely be because that's that that's how I feel about Dan banino and it's time that he gets called out too because he's been nowhere for the NYPD absolutely nowhere in the last four years we've been demoralized we've been a mass escalated we've been attacked and the people that are actually standing in Integrity he has done nothing to elevate their voices or show anybody who's in there listen people we got 1500 people in there I appreciate I appreciate everybody that's on there I think I have a thousand people just on X alone and I think we only have a thousand views on X which is insane um and probably only 20 repost so if you could repost the space we'd appreciate it we want to get a little bit more voices in there uh s what what are you what are your thoughts on uh Dan Bonino am I off on that a little bit or uh I I didn't meet him he walked by me briefly uh he was getting ounded by other people he walked by me he said hey and he just kept going uh he saw I was standing next to my friend I was standing next to Roger Stone and I'm gonna tell you this through this whole battle obviously you guys have had my back and defending me Roger's always been there he was there from day one I mean you know I was there for his trial he's the most loyal person I've had next to me that's been there th through thick and thin and another person we I have is is Curtis Lea who helped expose the fact that Eric Adams was even involved in hanging out at this nightclub in the Bronx for God knows what reason and other than that those other voices that you think would defend me and I'm not forget about I'm not talking about Kyle sarapin I'm talking about like you're saying Dan Bonino a big voice a former NYPD cop has absolutely never once tried to contact me uh I think I had a so I tried to contact I think a producer someone that knew him no answer uh he also has never reposted me and he walked right by me even though I'm sure he knows exactly who Roger is and he may or may not know who I am but I'm you know I'm in a place where a lot of people knew how I was because it was a conservative event so I I think the guy I mean I don't know he I watched him he gets very upset and very angry about things this was a guy I believe he was a secret service agent longer than he was a cop in the NYPD worked in a 75 I mean he was there I believe during the Michael Dow years so uh I don't know but uh for me he's a secret service guy not really you know he wasn't a cop for long and uh I just don't think I think people give him more credit than he should get because he started off good but you know with that kind of attitude don't try to say you're for for cops or you're Pro PD and stuff when you clearly have guys like myself or Eric dim he did he has not said a word about Eric dim and he knows listen he would comes from the NYPD he knows what ccrb is he's all about being pro law enforcement and being proactive and he understands what how to weaponize the job and the system against you and he never mentioned Eric dims name once he never mentioned your name once John I mean you've been everywhere he has never mentioned your name he's never said one thing how about bethl who's been on here he exposed some things about the NYPD another former cop I haven't seen him say one word about so he says he's for the cops but I think he's more for himself so if I ever saw him and he wants to talk to me about things I'm always there I will talk to anybody almost maybe with the exception of these guys in the Eric as administration because I think they being followed by certain federal agents but D bino if I I would talk to you and we could clear the air but from this moment from from from when things happen till now I've never heard from this guy one time and I don't think I ever will you know Laura I see Laura has some comments here Laura we have nothing but love you you are such a great friend to the podcast you're so good to myself John and S and you're always so supportive and you're always cheering us on and you know she says here I'll never M Mumble his name again listen we know that you we know that you mean well we know that you mean well but that's why it's important we have these conversations and we talk about these things because we always hear here back to Blue we love cops you know take care of cops call people with cop things like that that's what John and I and S have been saying well we hear these punchlines and they sound great but to actually help a cop and actually stand up for a cop what does that look like and that's what we're saying we don't see that from Dan Bonino it's easy to say yeah help a cup but how how are you doing that I mean yes I believe that someone should have stood up for myself someone should have stood up for John and someone should have stood up for S it's a dollar short it's a dollar late but what about Juan Perez in 5 days he's going to be sentenced he may be convicted uh in a court as far as doing time he's already convicted but he may have to actually spend time in jail for an on duty 911 uh 911 call that he was summonsed to where he overcame the resistance of a emoly disturbed perpetrator that was trying to choke him and now Juan Perez did his job he was summoned to that 9111 call he did his job for New York City where is Dan Bonino with his reach to stand up for Juan Perez and and and with his voice he has the power to be heard and actually help Juan Perez we are doing the best we can with this podcast and we're growing but Dan banino has that reach to actually help Juan Perez and that's why I say what does that look like what does it look like to help them what are you doing just by saying these key words and you know it doesn't really mean anything I want to see action not you know that you have the power to do that and we don't see that that's why we're actually showing the negative annotation when it comes to Dan Bonino you know someone said here you know uh you know he's no traiter I'm not saying he's a traiter or not I can't even say whether I like him I don't know him on a personal level but to say he's a a supporter of the police is he that's really the question if you're a supporter of the police how are you actually supporting what are you actually doing for them you know so we we all broke a story a while back about the New York City PBA how they snuck a campaign donation to Governor Kathy Hil during the New York governor election when you know obviously the zeldon who was a weak candidate in my opinion but was the Clear Choice for law enforcement uh they they didn't endorse anyone and they snuck a campaign donation to uh to Cathy oel and so someone sent it to the podcast we revealed it and we were attacked day and night from the police unions day and night because then when we started looking at the donations we're like oh my God this person after they voted to fund the police after after they voted for Bale reform after they voted for all of this anti- police the 50a and everything you still gave them money you still gave them money and Endor them like oh my God the NYPD unions are in bed with the lefties so why I'm saying Dan and I'm annoyed at Dan is because he attacked people who called out a campaign donation right and to me there's nothing wrong with bringing things to the light when someone's sitting there and telling you to vote for Trump but they gave him no money and they're not and they're not doing anything and behind their back they're giving campaign donations to Biden and Camala Harris I believe that that's fine that's that's that's fair game there's nothing wrong with that you're trying to hide information what he said is these people are dead to me and to me that I'm like you would so and I and I asked him I put a tweet out there and I asked them I said is it wrong that we exposed the campaign donation to Governor Kathy holel who by the way let's not forget people not only did the NYPD police commissioner's home get raided who else's home got raided South who close to the governor's home got raided recently her Chief her former Chief of Staff who she said we were the ones that no they did not tell the FBI about her they found out as it went as it happened she was the chief of staff to Kathy hok and she also worked for Andrew Koma when he was the governor and guess what she's she's tied to a foreign nation which is China just like Winnie Greco who's most definitely not related to myself whatever Adams is the liaison to the Asian Community I.E China so there is foreign country you know contributions that The Vibes of that are all over not only Kathy hokel and her campaign But Eric Adams and his campaign and you know when you mention this thing with Kathy hul the PBA at the time I'm just gonna let you know that the head of the PBA was Pat Lynch uh I'm not I'm going to go for a little bit of a stretch here but Pat Lynch is another Soto guy in fact he was there on the final day he was you know there a lot he had his retirement party there and Kathy hok's right-hand person which is the lieutenant governor both of them the one that got indicted and then Delgado have been there they're pictured there and hanging out so if anything Pat Lynch would be rubbing elbows with her office through the lieutenant governor it's not a far stretch because they've been pictured there together and all this other stuff so why wouldn't they give money to their friend I mean his friend he was in charge of the PBA so that wouldn't surprise me because Pat Lynch uh he's a i in my opinion he's a disgrace uh I saw him when I was going through my ordeal and I was at this uh event in Staten Island which was the time I went to see blue lives matter which I now regret I ever went to because of a certain individual who's another guy that hangs out at conter Frito and he was there and he's one of the guys that runs this Joe and Patrice and I saw did nothing for any else either no he's actually an associate to the Mob associate which is funny and he's be shocked if he gets an indictment but yeah so so uh so I saw Pat Lynch who saw me took a look at me turned around and kept going walked that way walked away and walked out he knew listen everybody there knew who I was because they knew what I was going through and they're like listen it's really rough hang in there this sucks what they did to you this is you know this is BS Pat Lynch the head of the PBA how does he not know that I was all over the newspapers and my trial was coming up like a week or two later and he sat there and just walked away and acted like I didn't exist and that's all you need to know about the guy but he's chummy chummy with the mob associate and he's hanging out in a place where clearly the police department has no business being there so that's the real Pat Lynch so it doesn't surpris me that he would be giving donations to Kathy hok through the PBA Eric before you go uh EC has a great thing I'm about a half hour back on the comments I apologize there's a lot of them I appreciate all you try to get to all your Insight but EC says right here tag shell with this live do me a favor tag the PC tag Dy tag the F First Step tag all of them get them in here I mean they're listening right now anyway but tag them anyway just so everyone sees who they are just so everyone sees they're watching anyway they're on here now you guys are invited shoot me a DM we'll bring you up on the stage right everybody do me a favor tag them out Eric I'm sorry to cut you off brother no no it's important sometimes listen sometimes you got a thought you got to say it out loud and uh absolutely you're 100% right tag them live but there's no need to they're on here right now as we speak they spend a majority of their time on the job getting paid by New York City to troll this podcast to monitor this podcast to monitor speech to monitor thoughts and that's why I think they just can't help themselves this admin Administration they're so immature so there's no doubt in my mind that on their phones there's information about myself about sou Greco and about John mccu on their phone's pertinent information personalized information that should not be released I'm confident that they text each other information that's targeted towards this podcast so with that being said what's that no no no no sorry I thought you oh no absolutely and that's why I say right now more than ever we have to show each other support and we have to stand strong do not be scared like And subscribe this podcast we are here to work together you know we're know better than you and you're know better than us we're here to work together we're not in competition with each other we're here to work together we want a better New York City we want a better NYPD and how that works is by building a team we're all a team our friends our listeners on the podcast we can't just do this just by us we need you together your thoughts and and are so important you weighing in I I love the lives because there's a lot of comments here that are brought up that give us an opportunity to reflect on gives us more content and things to explore we're all saying the same things we have this opportunity to speak out now in retirement uh and really be the voice to help what's going on with the police department it's sorry to see what's going on in said and I'm really you know Ron lon's talking about how he doesn't see that they'll there'll be adjustments with the upper the police department and that Tanya will be kind of the default position for the police commissioner I think if that really does happen right now now without the indictments that's a huge problem that's a major red flag it tells you a lot what's going on with the police department the police department is infected right now we need a coold down period I think that anyone at that upper edch line upper level has no business to run the police department right now and we' seen it on small levels again where units are transferred and people are moved is a cool down period especially now more than ever we need that need it at the uper restaurant of the police department and if there is a oneoff there is a chief someone at the higher ranks that doesn't know what's going on well I'm sorry you have to pay for it one thing I learned in the Marine Corps is you're only as strong as your weakest link and unfortunately sometimes you pay for the team but also at the same token I do question anyone at the upper Edge line if you don't know what's going on shame on you because your ears are closed or your eyes are closed or you're you're playing pretend and you just close your eyes because you don't want to see but this also also opens the door and I want to know your thoughts on this John and Sal I think I know already but we always say the unions are in bed with the Enemy do you think at some point we may see Union trustees or board members get uh get their phone subpoena also do you think there's a chance they may be part of this I mean honestly I don't if if their phones didn't get subpoena already I mean we saw the the president of the SBA get taken down he pleaded guilty to taking money and his vice president and his Treasurer claimed ignorance right and I believe that corruption is omission and Omission is also corruption doing this oh I didn't see anything I had no idea they're just as corrupt so I don't know you know I believe like the unindicted co-conspirator people have made deals so I think that the unions are very capable of corruption um and and S before you answer s uh before you answer Eric's as well Bobby Albertson ask again can I ask you guys your opinion on kab's trip to guitar and I'm gonna say right now I said it early in the podcast we spoke about it real early when there was only a few people on here now we got close to 1700 on here and so Ed kaban had made several trips to Qatar now police Commissioners have made trips overseas before I remember notably Bernie Kerrick going to Israel after 911 to strengthen our intelligence relations across seas and I have no problem with any Police Commissioner going overseas for a sanctioned event but these trips were done in the in the in darkness nobody knew about them until they were leaked they came out foreign government paid for first class fight flights first class hotels first class dinners and it happened multiple times Eric Adams Eric Adams only statement about this was we're an international City we're an international police department and while that may be true you know we actually went around it's funny that us three are back on this because we went around about this prior and I and on a different podcast and I said that the police department should never never and I'm gonna make that strong statement again never should a Municipal Police Department take money from a foreign entity unless it first got the approval of the federal government and that did not happen that's right for corruption and I believe 100% not only the trip to guitar but trips all other trips that happened in the shroud of Darkness are embroiled in this whole Scandal that's what I believe s what do you think about those two questions yeah I actually broke this down I think too uh not only in my show we had a show about this but the Qatar trip I I just want to know you know Qatar once again is a country that has an office for Hamas Hamas obviously were the people that attacked Israel and are the people that that's the organization that the people are screaming in the streets all night long in New York City with their riots every night about and Eddie caban was there on October 7th he was in Qatar now he's the police commissioner currently still somehow of the NYPD which governs what the largest Jewish population short of Israel in New York in New York City basically if I was Jewish and I lived in New York City I if I wasn't asking questions today after what we just saw with Eddie caban I would be asking how is the police commissioner and he's the head of the agency of the largest police force in the world that governs the largest uh population of Jewish people short of Israel why was he hanging out with a place that Harbors Hamas does he talk to nitt and BB nahu whatever is I forgot I don't want to uh butcher his name Netanyahu the the head of the Israel prime minister did he ever go hang go go talk to him what was he doing over there remember he has sensitive information which now we know the feds took his computers and his phones so I don't know what he's doing with the sensitive information that is a scary thought if I'm a Jewish citizen in New York City watching how it seems that they're targeting Jewish people in New York City especially these Hamas sympathizers so what was he doing in in in in Qatar that would be the first thing I say and secondarily being in Qatar just a few years ago you did mention the unindicted coke inspirative Phil Philip Banks he was flying all over the world and they got him and a bunch of other Executives saying oh that's public corruption you you went on these foreign trips it's all bribes so why is it bribes back then but not a bribe right now we know Qatar itself paid for that trip it wasn't Eddie caban it wasn't out of his pocket it wasn't a friend it wasn't Eric Adams it wasn't the police foundation it was Qatar so why are you paying for a police commissioner to come to your country and yet this is not approved by the state government which is the you know the by the state department I'm sorry the state department which is the federal government so that right there is a red flag but around this guy a lot of stuff is is a red flag and I think he should have been investiga that I hope that that actually something that's on there because that is a real intriguing question on why qar is paying for his trips and a harbor Hamas and he's a police commissioner where the largest Jewish population lives and I don't know how no prominent Jewish citizen even mentioned this once it was just basically us three saying what's up with that uh I will say right so we had prior conversations and just by looking at the surface of it at first what did I say I said you know what if we're going to have some type of Exchange program and we're going to do training in different locations and provide intelligence in another country and get intelligence there and get valuable information it sounds great but we started speaking about a round Table Right and I said to myself you know what it has to I said you know what John and Sally you're right you both said the same thing it has to be approved by the federal government because it's right for corruption it sounds great but what do we not get from this Administration was transparency we should have had information that was put out to the public we could Advance hey we have this upcoming training this is our police commission is going to go here and this is information we're bringing back to the public but we didn't get that so it leaves appearance for impropriety again that's the theme of this administration of appearance of impropriety so I have to admit after further consideration thinking about this I think absolutely it has to be approved by the federal government I think there has to be metrics and measures in place for proper authorization to alleviate any potential corruption the fact that this information wasn't LED out to the public as John said I agree corruption is omission Omission is corruption we have a lot of omission when it comes Administration and they omitted the travels I mean at some point I don't remember it was kind of funny I didn't even think we were laughing about it right when Eric Adams was talking about when Ed caban had went to the Dominican Republic and everybody asked why and he had no answer and kind of stuttered what did he say that time John it was kind of funny I think he said he was taking care of Arrangements right he was taking care of Arrangements he's there to make arrangements that's what he said he said that at a press conference Arrangements Arrangement Dominic Republic the hell like so he was on a paid vacation from the New York City Police Department not using any vacation days what the hell of Arrangements exactly and and honestly everything's been bypassed by the media dude that I think that's the biggest problem now the media is all over this but the things that have happened to me you and S have never been brought to the Forefront of the media the PO posted a little story they left out a ton of details that we gave them they did a little story that they told the cops not to listen to this podcast which they do which there are cops on here right now be behind fake monikers that are afraid to like it there's cops that what they do is they go on on social media and they take photos and then they send it out in group chats because they're afraid because they know that the NYPD scours our social media every day they transcript our podcast they're looking to see who's on it to retaliate against their own members because they don't believe their own members should partake in free speech and like the cowards they are they sit there and say that they're going to speak out and they're gonna fight for the rank and file but this is the podcast that the majority of the NYPD listens to yet the Chiefs refuse to come on here the union heads refuse to come on here because the truth is very unfriendly to this Administration transparency is very unfriendly to this Administration we have on this channel a corruption connection former nyp guy turned mob historian you know he grew up in the same era we did I believe he was from uh Queens where most of us are from Brooklyn and Staten Island so we're very familiar with the ages of corruption in New York City not only in the New York City Police Department but in the political structure as well as when the mafia controlled New York city so corruption connection shout out to you give him a follow on on his YouTube channel and I'm pretty sure you're going to be doing a story about this in the future and you're going to be talking about all of the corruption that came out from the New York City Police Department because again I'm going to not say this lightly the NYPD police commissioner Ed kaban hav has this could go down potentially and I believe it will go down as the largest corruption scandal in NYPD history and that is saying a lot because the history of the NYPD shows it's a corrupt systemically corrupt organization and they're finally going to do something about it you know I know corrupt connection to uh give a shout out I do see his channel he actually uh I think he did a video recently with uh NYC crime spot they were out in uh and uh Queens so I actually I know where that strip is he went to Pizzeria he went to a couple places to eat it was actually nice so shout out to you maybe we could get uh together uh someday soon if you come down to Florida maybe I can make my way to New York City since now they won't send their henchmen to try to uh you know maybe uh you know uh do something to me in a in a car stop or something who know knows but but yeah I listen I I think that this is definitely has the potential to be like I said I think it's the biggest scandal in the last 30 years we haven't had a scandal in the NYPD in in 30 years it's usually every 20 years so you know we're gonna see where this road leads and how many people are truly involved and what really this entails but I we definitely know the road it's headed because we know from the thing we're hearing and seeing and they're confirming and it's definitely something to do with that nightclub it's definitely not a vicinity his brother when you hear that you know exactly I mean what have we been talking about for for so long and I think that's one of the reasons why they attacked everybody here so so much especially you John where they actually sent the the co-owner manager of the place the mob associate to try to threaten you which I I at the time said it was ridiculous I actually chuckled even saying mob associate doing because look now when you hear the three-letter word that scares the hell out of anybody even the mob associate FBI when you hear that it's that's it your your face turns white because you know that this is never a good thing so and I want also know that if there's a criminal investigation which just sounds very criminal right now I hope Corporation Council is not going to represent these guys because that would be another that would be another violation which is official misconduct Eddie caban should pay out of pocket for his lawyers and so so should anyone else that's involved in this this has nothing to do with the city you need to represent yourself just like the sexual misconduct case same thing in the criminal case because again I don't know that corruption falls under the scope of a NYPD officer's duties or an NYC New York City employee such as Timothy Pearson well one thing we know is we definitely prove this is evident based right here the internal affairs Bureau cannot be properly investigated when it involves higher ranks of the police department especially now John and I have been open about it I'm an open book when it comes about this I don't care what anybody has to say Yes we made a complaint to Internal Affairs and it involves upper echelon of the police department and how can this be properly investigated when the police commissioner himself is under extreme scrutiny and now his electron have been retrieved again John I have proved and Sally your we talk about this constantly Internal Affairs has to be outsourced it has to be independent I think the Civilian Complaint review board should be an internal organization not an independent Watchdog but unlike that the internal affairs Bureau must be an INT independent Watchdog for things just like this it just shows the pathway for corruption at this point again we need to look at the upper right line of the police department and we also need to look at the unions because I do believe they are in bed with the Enemy and it's unfortunate but that's what we're dealing with and everyone's affected by it the boots on the ground I feel sorry for them and again John said it there was a small piece about us in the paper about the podcast but really it was pretty much expressive about the gag order that's going on with the police department there's an Unwritten gag order that dare you watch this podcast dare you listen to this podcast dare you subscribe to this podcast there will be hell to pay but it's time time that you stand up and you push back on this corrupt Administration right now absolutely no longer Can the police department be credible until there's overhaul of this upper reton how could they be trusted right now every right one right now in the upper Retron is suspected is Under Suspicion right now every one of them and I don't care what they say or not any every one of them is Tainted by some form or some means they know something and that's one thing we all know about the police department John you know it s you know it no one in the NYPD is going to the CIA at any time there are more leaks than the Iraqi Navy the police department they are horrible when it comes to keeping secrets you want information get out getting out you tell a member of the service and that information will be out quickly we see it all the time information that should not be released to the public gets out rather quickly and we know that for sure so good friend Stephanie Michelle on x times in she says any chance Diddy is singing like a bird considering man Adams took the key to New York City so I think you're GNA see and and you know S I kind of want you to bring it home for us with the K Fritos because you know we got about 1700 people in here a little bit over that and you know I think you see that there's a lot of criminal Association going on with the upper echelon of the New York City Police Department and people that are in the entertainment industry obviously diddies in all types of scandals right it's been rumored sex trafficking things of this nature and again when you see the people around Eric Adams moves from just his campaign financing to then his his his politically appointed around him to now the NYPD and then from Top officials in the NYPD down to lower level members in the NYPD some rumor to be in charge of um to be president of uh fraternal organiz ganizations in the NYPD fraternal organizations that have also associated with known criminals at this restaurant I do believe that I don't think Diddy singing they're all rats singing and someone made mention to that that there's definitely people that have been arrested and been indicted already that are flipping on on this Administration and that's why all of this stuff is coming out and I do believe key chanul somewhere in the background telling a story about what happened and why she left the NYPD I don't have any any facts on that but that's just what I feel uh just from everything that I saw the abrupt leaving and just through the rumor mill I heard time and time again that she was asked to do things that she said I will absolutely not do um things that were illegal so I believe that somewhere in the background there are people telling on this Administration but you're going to see that this Administration I don't believe just Associates with criminals I believe they're partaking in criminal activity and that's the significance of I believe the first time this is the first in the Eric Adams Administration to get stuff done team this is another first Eric Adams could put on his belt the first time an NYPD police commissioner had his home rated while he's an active sitting Police Commissioner sou could you tell the audience a little bit about what you discovered at at K of Fritos and if you think it relates at all to anything that's going on I think there's a big possibility that there is obviously like I stated this was a place that uh operated illegally uh the the Buildings Department went there gave him a violation immediately tell him to to tear down their their party shed they never did that and the party shed folks just so you understand the restaurant has whatever could fit a hundred people in there but the party shed has no occupancy because we never know it's in the parking lot it was a extension Elite leg Al built it was made out of wood and the reason it's a it's a it's a public safety hazard is it's the they deemed it not safe that's the bottom line the Buildings Department funny there's an article today about something where they tore down something and Eric Adams praised them for saying oh this was unsafe but he didn't say anything back then to cono Frito so then the fire department went there and be and said it was a fire trap why it doesn't have a fire suppression system but the problem is we see them getting all these summonses and they're getting all and they never mitigate any of these issues then we have the police department hanging out there having parties they rubbing elbows with all these nefarious characters that they should never be hanging around with and but nothing was ever done and in the future I will tell you about other things that occurred there that I know of that I haven't said but I will say on my next show and it's even more disturbing and there's even more facts that going to you know that you the facts here would leave you to believe man this place has a huge appearance of impropriety but this was a place like I said we keep referencing that certain people hung out there we had Peter guns who's a well-known uh rapper but he's a convicted felon he's a link that he knows all these guys Pete Diddy Fat Joe another guy he's always there what is the police department doing hanging around those guys I I mean you had a pro they have a problem with me being Roger St friend but Fat Joe and Peter guns Peter guns was he got convicted of selling guns how is that okay nobody's ever been investigated for this so that place though has a lot of rumors where again jamac Romero his lawsuit allegations prostitution drug sales uh meals on that on the arm then you hear other other stuff that it's uh there's straw donor schemes where they they're having fundraisers and if you look Eric Adams himself I could tell you I look there there is nothing on any campaign Finance form that states he had an event at coner Frito but yet he was there all the time he had his birthday party there that wasn't on there but yet there were people there were they who spent what money where are the politicians same thing this place is Infamous for all the wrong reasons but again the manager Creator place the mob associate and self-emitted criminal his Mo was that Jimmy's Bronx Cafe Jimmy's Uptown Jimmy's downtown as fast as he's open or he's part of the place that opens it shuts down for whatever reason and it's always a catch to it Jimmy's Bronx Cafe there were unsolved murders there were shootings there were stabbings Major League Baseball banned their own players of course Fidel Castro went there so I mean this everything this guy you know whenever he gets involved in a place some crazy thing happens there and this was no different only this place is owned by the police commissioner's brother so that in itself again with all the people involved the appearance of impropriety is huge I would not be surprised if you see somewhere along the line they start talking about the nightclub itself because if the rumor is true that we're hearing and the speculation that his brother is also someone at the FBI visited or they're inquiring about then it clearly has has to have I believe something to do with this place well I've been involved in numerous search warrants obviously not in the federal level but on the local level constantly doing search warrants and search warrants are very specific so I'm curious what else was taken part what was allotted by the judge part of the search warrant to obtain from these homes uh and that's what's also indicative that there's more corruption going on than what we suspect more than straw donors and more than just campaign funds because if they just wanted their phones they could easily stop them at One Police Plaza and retrieve their firearm I'm sorry not their firearms retrieve their phones at One Police Plaza but the search warrants were conducted at their homes on a personal level so this is far deeper than we actually see at the surface so I think there's a lot of corruption things that we're going to be completely shocked that's going on in the police department that we're going to see uh someone said that the eyes are the key to the soul on on these comments I agree absolutely and we can see in the eyes right now of the members of the police department at the higher Eon just look at them on the D right now uh lately during several interviews by C dartry John shell John shell uh Tariq Shepard their tone has changed we see I I really think that the uh the House of Cards is really starting to crumple on them i' see Tariq Shepard gets flustered and I think he gets kind of frustrated his anger comes out C Dy when he gets nervous his lips starts to quiver he kind of stutter uh Sean shell uh it just really looks really uncomfortable uh his shirt gets bigger and you know Chief Madre tries to play uh damage control and this is what we see what's going on so I think we're going to see a lot more in depth of corruption that's things that's really going to play the department for years to come and I really do say it again we need an overhaul of this NYPD we need the NYPD patch to represent what it used to be and not what we see now and cona Fritos is a microcosm of what's going on it's so big so I hope at this point that the media is no longer timid of this administration because they're under gun at this point I hope the media really takes bigger steps than they were doing before yeah so edgo wants to know how to subscribed to the podcast you could subscribe on YouTube check out the notifications also go over the sou Greco show show hit subscribe check the notifications you could also follow us on X we all use our own names we're not timid we're on X we're on Instagram we use our own names see a lot of people shouting out Paul manicone on here and just Paul if you're listening to this you screwed up our Instagram because we collabed with you on something and we went from being shadowbanned to completely down all of us but yes we love Paul manicone on this show at just right PD go over to his channel like And subscribe we'll have all the links below uh on our YouTube or Rumble X I don't believe has that but yeah definitely definitely give us a lot if you like what you're hearing I mean this is what we hone in on WE hone on New York City crime politics policing s does it as well we're going to be dropping something else soon but we're going to keep that close to the hip for now y um and uh yeah I mean definitely do that we got 1767 people on here I appreciate all these if you guys could just do us a favor and share this out let's get a couple of more questions on here a couple of more thoughts I'm trying to get to all of them still back about 20 minutes um but I'm trying to get to the the them as they they go and someone asked is this a bigger corruption Scandal than Serpico or Michael Dow and I'm gonna say right now I think we've never seen it where it's the upper echelon of the NYPD do we know that the upper Ron the NYPD was corrupt at one time sure read uh lucky Luciano's book uh the um I think it's the life and death of Lucky Luciano I forget the exact book where he actually says how he would have a Irish guy that he knew from the bar go up to One Police Plaza dressed as a janitor unscrew light bulbs and hand the police commission $220,000 a week so in order for them to run their alcohol around so we know that the police department was systemically corrupt always but we've never seen the scandals actually break we've never seen it where it's the entire upper echelon of the NPD being shrouded and scandal in a corruption Scandal and again it's all speculation but I'm speculating serious police misconduct not just election not just tampering with elections and uh and and campaign Finance donations I'm I'm saying now bribery possibly drugs possibly uh sex trafficking I mean the honestly the possibilities are endless from everything that we've seen from this Administration and we've said it time and time again on this show that the upper aelon of the NYPD SU Ally corrupt so when I'm saying this is the biggest corruption Scandal we've never seen it from these ranks actually break it's been rumored in books as people passed away as gangsters talked about it but nobody who is active in sitting has ever went down for it so you know Eric Adams Administration is going to be a first for that and again just to go back I do I don't believe that anyone in this Administration should take down whether they knew about it whether they were involved about it or they didn't they should have and they did nothing about it so it should fall to receivership at this point until until other uh means could be uh had John I'd like to respond to this comment this is a great comment here and I'm gonna give my response to this Alex theg great says you guys for the podcast should go to their trial LOL well I'll tell you this it's already been discussed absolutely 1,000% that if there is a per walk of the chiefs of this Police Department or Eric Adams or Philip Banks you will see Eric dim John M car and S Greco we will be flying into New York and we will be there to watch the per walk so absolutely Alice the uh the great spot on you're thinking on the uh you know you're thinking on the right level absolutely if there is a per walk we will be there I give you my word I wouldn't miss it John wouldn't miss it neither would s with that being said we're a little bit over two hours into this uh how many people we have on this right now we got about 1,800 people on here right now um I say we try to hit the 2000 Mark you know I mean we got a lot got a great discussion going on here anybody anyone wants to weigh in with any other questions anything you have right now anything related to John myself or anything about the police department or anything about politics why not this is a great opportunity to bring it up and I you know I will say also at at this time um it's impeccable right this is getting close to election time is really going to toss things up and especially in New York City right now it's suffering from a crime wave we have 80 some arm patterns going on involving a Leal aliens we have New York we have politicians that want the data of what the crimes are facilitated by illegal aliens in specific areas we have a lot going on in New York City right now this is just something else being compounded New York City is a mess right now it's a disaster can we bring it back hold on I just got something break that I want to bring up bring it in let's do it hold on I just want to bring this up so this is a rumor right now but it's from a pretty credible Source um who has given good information prior and says kaban and others were set to travel to Israel two days ago and were pulled back by the mayor's office please inquire and let me know I mean so there's still travel going on the other thing that I think we need to talk about as well is these migrant contracts these no bid migrant contracts that has been given out and Timothy Pearson who has had his home rated also who I don't know he wears an NYPD jacket but he's not an NYPD member he was a retired inspector I believe he he retired in a shroud of uh mystery as well and Scandal but he's being sued and by his fourth lawsuit the citizens of New York City are currently representing him under Corporation Council Eric Adams through out the last Corporation Council and now is trying to get Brandy mro in as uh the head of corporate Corporation Council to continue to indemnify that him and his friends for illegal activities so one of those lawsuits surrounding Timothy Pearson pretty high ranking person says that Timothy PE used to walk around the office and say everybody's getting their crumbs with these contracts I need to get my crumbs sa what do you think about that do you think the crumbs of these migrant contracts could possibly be involved in these raids I think that could possibly be also you know the the migrant thing you know why the DOI investigation that was on Timothy Pearson led to the FBI questioning people in that probe and they're going and were cops that made those allegations former cops now or current cops and that could be something about these migrant shelters because for whatever reason Timmy Pearson was running around as the original migrant shelters are we obviously know there's another one now he's a bootlicker but this guy timmothy Pearson was running around as the migrant shelters are and he would show up and I don't know if he was inspecting them I have no idea why he was there and he's wearing his FL jacket NYPD which is absolutely confusing but because he's not a cop and they I mean he was doing this for a while and then he's talking about where's my crumbs I mean that sounds like he's looking for his cut because that's how they talk back in the early 80s late 70s if you were a cop and you know there were things going on in that era and that's the era that he comes from so I you know I wouldn't be surprised to hear that somebody did something they were on the take involving a migrant shelter or some kind of deal because he's the one that's under investigation by like everybody whether it's he's in the lawsuit the FBI the DOI I mean who else could cby look at him uh uh uh human res resources or what because he's he's involved in these sexual harassment lawsuits the guy is a menace to New York City he's a taxpayer Menace he's costing a lot of money why is he still employed right now why is he still employed and I find it funny that we're going to a trip I was mentioning Israel what was he going there for because first he goes to the Qatar and now he wants to go to Israel which is odd that I'm even hearing that because he still hasn't explained the other trip and again he has sensitive information and is this approved by the state department that's very odd that all of this is going on why is the police department headed to another state it's OD that I'm hearing wait I got something else Eric before you go I got something else breaking news huh Craig McCarthy again from the New York Post he follows up his post he says about 20 minutes later after he was called a [ __ ] scumbag by the upper rest line on the MPD Tina Moore also a New York Post reporter was escorted out of the reporter's room in One Police Plaza she was told she violated the rules of the Shack by contacting the PBA for a 911 story they're completely trying to shut down transparency this is egregious Eric what do you think about them remove for those of you guys that don't know reporters are stationed in One Police Plaza they're giv a little office with little desks around where they could sit in so they could contact the police for the breaking stories Tina Moore is a longtime reporter I believe she's the police chief for the New York Post she was just a scored out of One PP for violating the rules because she the PBA for a 911 story well I'm GNA go into that but first I just want to say to R bed our bed uh who donated 9.99 to the podcast we appreciate a self-funded podcast any donations are are appreciate thank you so much it doesn't matter thank you all that appreciate that all right baby we really appreciate it it's absolutely disgusting but I'm not surprised I'm not surprised right now because I believe the rattlesnakes are starting to flutter around right now now they need to play damage control and who ever phones were not pen that are part of this right now they're scrambling trying to figure out how to play cleanup and that's where they're going to make mistakes and things are going to come out information that's on these phones about John MCC Eric dim sh greo absolutely is going to come out the reporters have the fingers on it right now and that's the question I asked before are they going to be timid right now or the reporter is going to try to get this information and I'm not surprised that they're being pushed and I think at some point they may even find themselves getting physical resistance from the police department I think that's where where they're headed because right now they're all scratching their heads and when people are desperate and they're scared they move to Desperate Measures and I think that's what we may see right now we've seen it recently how Cas Dorry was a bully to rasco pasandola and I think right now under fear and under duress we may see further problems and I do think that this could be to physical confrontations and I do think that these reporters are legitimately scared at this point we know at One Police Plaza for years forever I could count on my career that they've always had full access that's what we were always told they had full access if anything I would think the reporters had more access to locations to sensitive locations in the police department than we did than we did as Personnel in the Police Department hands down am I right 100% dude freedom of the press it's First Amendment of the Constitution these people upheld an oath for it but yet they're removing transparency s what do you think about Tina Moore being escorted out of One Police Plaza because there's a corruption Scandal brewing in in in in what out of one police yeah you see now here's somebody I personally you know I could tell you uh she had some I it's rumored that she had some things to say about me so I wouldn't say I'm too much of a a fan of hers personally but but again sometimes these people write something that's positive for you and is negative for you in this instance I don't have a horse in the race uh but I am going to stick up for what's right and I think that's egregious just because she's doing her job doesn't mean now we're going to throw her out because you know I understand that Tariq Shepard had some uh Choice words when he mentioned my own name just a couple weeks ago when cono was closing and those Choice words for me reverberated into something about Tina Moore this is a rumor but again I ended up getting a phone call about it so it doesn't surprise me that they have a a Target on her back I believe ever since she wrote that story where she was the first one to say the real police commissioner in the NYPD is C dorrey she was the first one to say it she wrote a story about it and from that moment on it seems like like these guys like to do they want to brow beat it they wanted to brow beat her and smear her which is again this seems to be a habit in the police departments a pattern they smear their victims they brow beat victims they try to destroy people's lives so why not do it to her but this ultimately is going to blow up in their face because as you could tell from today's uh events everything comes back around like a boomerang and you better be standing on some firm ground if you're G to be acting like a wannabe wise guy and at this point when you're a law enforcement you need to make a choice you're either gonna wear that badge and uphold the law or you're gonna be on the other end of that fence and go join that mob associate and try to act like that but you can't have it both ways and I think these guys have lost their ways they add control did the least transparent Administration I believe in the History New York City and you have a mayor that's the most conflicted man in politics so I I I just think this is actually gonna get worse before it gets better 100% Eric uh Chris Arnold's bringing up a good point and I think we should talk about that as well because it really relates to Tina Moore being escorted out he says do you remember when they wanted NDA signed if you worked for certain Chiefs so after this podcast became very popular but before we started really getting attacked um you know it was it was immediately upon me being forced out and going on social media the podcast and just dropped you had joined s had then been terminated and we kind of started going out on social media all three of us the NYPD had went around to certain officers and asked them to sign non-disclosure agreements that they could never disclose what they talked about at work so they can never write a book they can never go on a podcast y they can never do anything and more than likely I believe it was to cover up so they could never talk about the criminal activity so that they could be sued if they did oh we have a non-disclosure because what the hell would a police organization that touts transparency that touts Integrity what the hell would they be asking their officers to give up their First Amendment right and from what I heard by by the way at the time was they were going to do it mandate style they were going to say you have to sign this mandate you have to sign this non-disclosure or else you're out of your detail but I think that they understood at that point that that would be national news um because there were people out there speaking out and calling out the corruption in the NYPD so they backed off of it what do you think was the significance of that I think the first intention for the NDA was to suppress the observation from the police department and the support of the police department members that we were getting from this this podcast and also sou greo show I think absolutely that was the intention initially on the onset of it and then also I think they also saw the further opportunity to hide crimes or whatever corruption that is going on right I have to say whatever corruption because we don't know exactly yet what's going on with the upper re on the police department because why especially in the era of transparency why would even care if Police Department is speaking about anything at this point we have body cameras we have video surveillance we have drones everything is supposed to be transparent to the public I could type in 8 I could get history Eric and I I never do this I there's some breaking news here I just got we get this I got I tell you why I gotta I gotta get my breaking news now I'm gonna explain this to yourself This is this first it's on Twitter I'm going to give you something that's on X from Matthew Chase he goes is it proper for the NYC taxpayer to bankroll lawyers defending a top New York city mayor Eric Adams Aid accused of harassment outside scope of official duties assembly woman Jennifer Rajkumar remember her Mrs red dress follows Eric Adams around everywhere and also is a big conso fro girl promises to do legal research and provide answer within the week uh I I don't I wouldn't hold my breath on that but she just said that in a redress but here's the more important one this is a it's coming to me as a message here it says unverified rumor desk running wild on today's breaking news still a fun read so these are the the rumors mayor Adams to step down expected to leave office within the next few weeks due to a pending investigation leadership changes Police Commissioner kaban out due to the pending investigation former Chief B you know deputy mayor of uh of Public Safety removed from civilian position Chief Mader out Chief shell retiring to take a job as a Newsmax correspondent chief keer retiring to take a job at the MTA Deputy Commissioner Dy out first Deputy canella considered to be the next Police Commissioner Deputy Commissioner Shepard considered for the next first Deputy Commissioner position CRT dis disbanded the unit will be disbanded protest and overtime all out protest will continue for the foreseeable future 12-h hour tours Department wide 12-h hour shifts will be implemented for the November pus election until further notice overtime Cuts investigative units overtime limited to 20 hours per month administrative units overtime limited to 10 hours per month that is the rumorville as of tonight well I can tell you listen we've seen those things come out time and time again on What's happen these big uh you know these big rumors like that I don't buy I don't I don't I don't put any stock into it honestly I mean we've heard this time and time again it sounds it sounds interesting it I mean it doesn't sound too far from the truth I mean we do need an overhaul but the fact that uh Tariq Shepard and uh tiny cill would still linger around that's a problem but I think this is a complete rumor cops love this stuff at this time I mean But ultimately we have to talk about the real issues and the real issues is that we need just a complete overhaul whatever rumors coming out it doesn't matter everyone has to go they are all stained in my opinion honestly I'm just I'm disgusted by this it's despicable you know I think about I'm sitting here like wow I'm the most complain cop right and now if you look at my name on paper if you didn't know me like this guy's a monster you must think like this guy's a monster if you didn't know me I mean most people that hear me talk they get to meet me after looking at my 50a which is public record which is kind of funny that they don't want cops telling stories because your 508 tells a complete [ __ ] story about you people like oh man I thought you gonna be some type of NE endf right and I got my complaints because I was doing my job but the job never stepped in to care about me because I represent other cops out there that could be the next most complain cop for doing their job I never had any discipline in my career at all then I get eight sets of charges a six week period and no one stood up no one stood up no one stood up for John while he had to make the decision if he wants to take a shot or not and within seven days has to make the decision of his life and now he's in retirement South greo was wrongfully terminated the bottom line is the three of us who have far more credibility have high esteem and high integrity and if we didn't we wouldn't have the good friends and listen to the podcasts that we have right now we should still be employed by the New York City Police Department but instead we have scum like Ed caban and these other clowns that are bullying people on social media including us that are still employed by the New York City Police Department that's what I'm disgusted by all this we're talking about all this and you know what it's just disgusting the fact and then you have people like Maron bethl you know they claim to care about minorities he's a black man that was terminated discarded by this police department and there's so many other people I just don't know their names and I can't even mention them right now we're just discarded and thrown away and then we have clowns we have losers and who are still employed by the police department who took it took it off and they totally misused it and abused their power and they shamed not just them they shamed all of us because all of us work so hard to have the credibility and actually represent the patch well and they put a stain that's gonna last for years and it's really hard to come back for this will we come back I hope so but you know how long that takes I mean we're still to this day we talk about Michael Dow it's still fresh in people's mind we still talk about Ciro and you know what in years to come be talking about Eric Adams Philip Banks Ed caban and whoever comes up in this John shell C dartry it's it's not going to end you know what and Ron says tell us how you really feel Eric absolutely I have no problems I've been an open book I have no problem because and that's why I've been doing this since day one I don't want someone else to become me my career in law enforcement's over and I don't want it anyway I'm proud to do what I'm doing here speaking out and uh again I believe the squeaky wheel gets the oil but I don't want someone else to become me especially this leadership absolutely disgusting shameful I condemn every one of them I want to see everyone go and yes when there's a per walk I will be there and I will John will be there and so will s and we'll be there smiling yeah I'm just I'm just I'm just sad that they didn't get perp walked out of One PP that's what I'm saying and a lot of people on here well they're innocent until proven guilty and that's 100% true but I've actually went on raids with the feds they're not coming in your house if they don't have the deal seal they have it already they're not coming for your electronics cuz they didn't have you on a wir tab they're coming for your your electronics to secure what they already got so you know Laura asked a good question here she says if the day is the DA's office on the up and up and who not if not who's really going to handle the charges trials and cases so this is the southern district of New York this is the Fitz it's completely different ball game this is out of Alvin brg's courtroom this is a completely different poll game the feds go by a completely set of different set of rules like we just seen with uh Governor Kath Hill and Andrew Cuomo's one of his top AIDS and a husband who are arrested for acting as foreign agents which is a charge you would get if you didn't register with United States government and you were taking money from foreign entities to help further either a a foreign government or a foreign business is a stance in America same would be true if uh on a top official for New York City was taking money to I don't know help foreign entities set up uh real estate deals or business deals inside of a city or deals with a city um would also be acting as a foreign agent and those would all be handled by the southern district of New York which I've testified in and I'll tell you it's a lot different than being in Alvin brg's office you do not want to be accused of a crime and standing in that court room well I'll tell you this listen I had numerous uh apprehensions for legal firearms in the South Bronx and many of those cases we worked with the feds and then we would have the feds prosecute them and what I learned about is exactly what you're saying John they weren't taking any they would not take any cases from us to the federal level unless they were super and airtight if there was any doubt or any questions or any uh any you know any form that they had to read between the lines or interpret the law they would not taken the case it had to be super tight you saw the perpetrator you saw the illegal firearm you could identify the gun from start to finish it had to be super tight and if not they would not taken that case it had to be completely evidence-based so the fact that we made it this far with the police department is a mirror image to me of what I used to do out in the South Bronx turnning these illegal firearm cases to 500 Par Street which is the southern district the US US attorney's office it's a total different playing field absolutely from the District Attorney's office and at this point also I don't believe that there was I don't believe there is any cooperation or any discussion with the district attorney's office because we can't actually trust them on this why cuz sou Greco you expose them on coner Fritos and different pictures where they're hanging out there themselves you know I keep seeing people mention kesan suel just for the record just so you know Kean suell was the person that terminated me uh very recently she's also the vice president of security experience and uh the Mets she actually two people with Maga hats two African American Trump supporters were told to leave we never got a full story of what happened there of course she's one of the bosses nobody tried to get a comment from her and find out why that happened but she obviously terminated me and there was a lot of uh Trump supporter narrative there that I was a trump supporter and she didn't care that basically they trample on My First Amendment rights but don't sleep on her because she was also pictured around Jimmy Rodriguez which is the co the uh manager of a you know Creator manager of cono Frito so she's there she's pictured there so as much as you want to say oh she was great but she was there so what does she know that is the question the last three police Commissioners have all been pictured with that guy with the brothers in that place so it's again we're going around in a circle there is an appearance of impropriety that is glaring you in the face it's glaring you in in the face and it shouldn't be overlooked I understand people might have never let your feelings get in front of facts and the facts are she was pictured with these with these people and she might have to answer for that one way or the other in a courtroom that's all I'm gonna say as far as I'm going to say but the rumors uh I love I usually don't mention the rumor part but I I find that funny that those rumors you know they always come out on WhatsApp and stuff I didn't get that from WhatsApp though I got that from uh somebody who was high up and retired on the job but uh there is one fact Michael keer is leaving he was one of the first guys that said he was leaving so one thing is true on there well let me ask you Sean I want to ask you this this is on on my mind right because at this point I mean Eric Adams is at the the focal point the center of this investigation you got Philip Banks as Deputy Mayor you got Ed kaben his his his electronics retrieve do you think that there should be a public statement right now from May Eric Adams himself should there be a public statement from someone else or should we not hear anything at all I think tomorrow morning Eric Adams should hold a press conference and talk about all the stuff that's going on but the the problem is it's an active investigation so they're going to just hide behind that either way there should be a press conference I believe he will have one if he doesn't it's going to be at off topic Tuesday next week which is uh is one of my favorite uh meetings of Eric Adams that he holds every week where there's just a ton of comedic content that comes out um so I do believe a statement needs to be immediately released and going forward who's going to run the New York City Police Department and how it going to be handled who's going to ensure Public Safety we have a lot of big events coming up this month September is a big month before the falloff right we got the UN General Assembly that's a huge huge event for New York dnpd and New York City as a whole uh you know a lot a lot of of leaders from around the world all flying to New York they're going out to dinner they're meeting at the UN um this is no small task and we've seen them fail horrifically at the West Indian Day Parade where there was a mass shooting on the parade route in front of hundreds of cops and we seen Eric Adams and the the leadership of the NYPD tout it as a success it was successful just just take the the mass shooter out and blamed that it was only one guy it was only one guy shooting but then the illustrious Cas Dorter goes on Fox News and he slips and he says Ah you know what actually we think there were multiple Shooters so right before he said how are we gon to stop one guy from shooting into a crowd so he's telling that the New York City Police Department can't keep you safe at a large scale event uh they can't stop one shooter but he forgets that he also told you that they can't stop multiple Shooters and two right as of this moment those Shooters are not have not been apprehended because what's top priority for this Administration is removing Tina Moore out of the press room because they're mad because Craig McCarthy called for a quote Oh my God it's so true these guys are oh man this it's really that all their priorities are backwards in on this job it's like man I mean you just when you think it's like you say you want Eric Adams four more years I don't even think you get it I don't even forget about four more years I don't know if he makes it four more weeks but I'll tell you this next month the nyp Hispanic Society was supposed to honor Eric Adams and the month after that Eddie caban was supposed to be honored by the nlaa I wonder what's going on there these guys got so many awards for I don't know what crime being you know higher than it's ever been in the last 30 years uh F I guess all the dead body parts that are showing up on Brooklyn they seen all it's like Roy De Mayo's back I guess I I guess they're getting rewarded for that or the migrant crime wave where now we're gonna have a new thing you have comp stat traffic stat we're gonna have migrant stat where you look at all the migrant crimes all the migrant crime wave where they they're committing crimes and they're going to break it down on a migrant stat maybe that's what they're going to get an award for I don't understand why they're so into that social media I want to be a star celebrity give me my Awards when really the Public Public Safety that's your job as a cop and as a politician that should be your number one issue is Public Safety and these people do anything but try to keep you safe they Gaslight you they they try they tell you one thing they really mean another then they're gonna try to come out and and browbeat uh independent podcast guys that used to work for them that basically were just being critical of the job and things that are happening every day just like if we weren't around somebody else would be doing it may not be at the level we do it but they be so then I guess you would brow beat them so that's their priority it's it's Eagles over everything like Eric says oh absolutely that's why these lives are great our friends listen to the podcast LJ says which I didn't know this we've been doing this podcast now two and a half hours CBS New York did a short interview with Adams an hour ago and Ron L says he already made a statement on tonight's news and Ron actually goes into the actual statement and he says here so at some point I have to watch this he says that his instruction uh will be to follow the law and cooperate cooperate with any investigation he also said he feels he did nothing wrong and knows of no inappropriate activity by his team uh so that's that's a statement we know about at this time from Ron La I'm sure we're all going to watch it later um but I'm not surprised by that statement by Eric Adams you know stand on that so box uh so I find it hard to believe that he knows of no inappropriate behavior including himself when they retrieve Electronics from the homes of the police commissioner and and and Phil bank so really what's going to happen is who is going to talk first who do we think is actually going to tattle Which snake is g to rattle from this group and that's what it's coming down to and and you know most likely I do believe it would probably come from lower ranks because they have the most to lose and the most skin in the the game here we go here's our illustrious friend again I mean this is a great picture we say the means me themselves d right here it is happening now this is what D Tre just puts out completely ignoring what's going on the corruption scandal in the mypd right now happening now keeping New York City the safest big city in America takes honest open informal conversations between those of us in the public sector and those of us in the private sector I was truly honored to attend the US News and World Report speaking Forum at three World Trade I am happy to see that like me so many have a passion and fascination with 21st century technology that we are giving to our cops that will assist them with correcting the REI rever variety of concerns and conditions that were brought up today I hear you the NYPD hears you with your collaboration we promise results and permanent Solutions I don't know they look a little they don't look like themselves here at all I I mean I don't know and you know Chris uh Chris keeps asking us to talk about the Drone contracts and I think it should be noted that the NYPD drone contracts there is a retired member of the NYPD working directly with one of the Drone contracts and we see that there is a large push from the New York City Police Department for the Drone contract to be successful now it it gives the look of impropriety now I don't know that it is impropriety I don't know that it could be completely legitimate but something I want to point out is that uh John shell even though he doesn't fit in his uniform and never wears a uniform correctly none of these guys they wear all of this unauthorized equipment they said they were going to go back old school we're going to go back old school and when they did that when they said they were going to go back old school they told all the members of the NYPD that they had to buy a certain pair of cargo pants a prop a proprietary pair of cargo pants that's never been done in NYPD history you're told the measurements you're told the cloth you're told the cut you're told how many buttons it'll have they'll never give you a specific carrier of a piece of equipment because they cannot assign you to buy specifically a proprietary piece of equipment such as a pair of pants or a shirt or a hat numerous manufacturers make these but they said no it has to be 5'11 pants that are $80 do the math 30,000 members we say that there's a lot less of them I mean you're looking about 8 million if you go around for just one pair of pants for just one pair of pants you're looking at I'm sorry I don't know think it's 8 million but it's it's millions of dollars it's millions of dollars if every guy just bought one pair of pants and the thing about that 511 contract is the salesman for the 511 contract is rumored to also be a retired NYPD individual who's friends with John sha now I don't know that that's true but that right there gives an appearance of of impropriety along with the Drone contract you add it all up with the with the numerous scandals that are coming out of here including the fact that they've this this individual right here uh who didn't even deserve to be a detective first grade because he did absolutely nothing but drive the guy to his right of him and is now has been brushed up and passed over 30-year men that dedicated their entire life to the New York City Police Department that supervised that gave up hours and days of their life with their children to provide Public Safety for the City of New York they elevated him to the rank of assimilated rank of a three- Star Chief so when you add all this up I'm saying something's not right I'm saying something's not right and although they're innocent till proven guilty I'm saying right now there's a lot of damn smoke and I'm GNA say that there's fire well John we look at these pictures right that's the first thing that came to my mind as soon as you pulled up this picture I'm like dude wow every time I see a picture of C Dorry and John shell in particular Jeffrey MRE for some reason he's always in uniform of the day he his uniform seems to be on par what you're supposed to wear but these you want to laugh you want to laugh so Chris summerell put this out two hours ago he said when I just tried to call Chief shell the chief also handed the phone to Shephard who told me I'm wondering why you didn't call dcpi before hanging up Shephard of course is dcpi you know I listen that's like a cop that's like a cop saying why you got to call 911 it's like no mother you are 911 you are 911 my friend understand what's running you're the guy but I want the public out there that been watching this now for for almost two hours and 40 minutes here do you hear when Eric and John talk about this being a clown show and it's like the M make themselves this right there is that is a meme in itself it's a joke I'm dcpi call DCP but he is dcpi what is he talking about so it's a big joke that's what I'm saying you look at these pictures right away you're like ah here goes another uniform right it's always a different uniform and uniforms we never seen before I mean some of the stuff they wear it's stuff like like where did they get that me forget about the yvo you know that uh Ed canand wears but some of the shirts they wear like stuff we've never seen designs we never seen and you have to ask yourself right because the information that we have the rumor the information we have about 5'11 about you know having a specific proprietary uh purchase and also that this sales rep was also a New York City Police Department sergeant that breeds rip for corruption and you know that you have to ask those questions again I think the most important thing that we talk about the theme of this Administration is the theme of the police department that we heard for years that is most important to alleviate for corruption is that is do not have an appearance of impropriety it's just as guilty you know I and and that's what I'm saying you look at these pctures like man they always have a different uniform so they get some type of Kickback to get these uniforms because who's paying for it right who's actually flipping the dying for these uniforms again I mean there's just some questions with this with this organization with this Administration it's it's unfortunately and it's it's it's endless these conversations because every day there's something that is questional questionable about this leadership so what are you reading right now can see on the tip of your tongue you down to get this out no I'm looking I'm looking up and see what what people are saying if there's anything uh new that's happening but I see that you know everyone political they all have the same like they're all writing the same article I don't I'm just looking for anything new I just find it funny that three I guess three reporters or two reporters called shell and got that got you know got that answer all dcpi these guys think they're funny I like I said I think you know this is funny when you're in a locker room locker room these guys talking a locker room if they're talking in the office amongst themselves you're talking to the public you're talking to these are reporters they represent the the people they got to write and this they're GNA write this that you're acting like a child which is why would you be surprised this is the same guy that puts encrypted hashtags out about me and John the now like he's a big tough guy you know tweeting at 10 o'clock at night with a drunken stuper from Salty Dog but now he wants to refer to dcpi and I mean who is the guy what you're getting I'm not surprised by it we i' what I've seen on social media it's like I remember month ago saying I remember saying to John like this can't get any worse like these guys at some point they have to like have a little Integrity or something to stop themselves but no they just you know they just keep going further and further I me there're someone hinged and now I guess they're so dug in they have to just keep lying and keep saying outlandish [ __ ] to cover up the outlandish stuff that they're doing I I think they're so embedded right now I don't know if they're terrified or maybe they're exhausted of playing this game maybe they want to be caught because to me it seems exhausted it's this is something else it's it's honestly disgusting so all right guys I think we should wrap this up we you know we almost had 2,000 people in here we got about 1,900 in in here I mean like I said I think that like I said you it I agree with Eric Adams where there's smoke there's not always fire but when there's plumes and plumes of smoke around you there's plumes and plumes of smoke around everybody you uh point I'm saying right now not only is there fire there's numerous fires I'm predicting that this is going to go down as one of the biggest corruption scandals in NYPD history just the the fact alone that the NYPD police commission at his house raid is something is a black eye and a stain on the New York City Police Department never mind Timothy pearon running around an NYPD jacket uh Cho accused of choking women at at migrant shelters showing up and then attacking them in frontting police officers and the police officers did nothing but arrest person he attacked so you know I mean like this the the the scandals are deep let's go around one more time and then uh you know let's let everyone go enjoy their night and you know we'll be back at you live at 8:05 tomorrow you know check out the sou greo show as well um and uh s let's get your closing thoughts Eric we'll go to you and then I'll end it out yeah I'm not surprised by the events of today uh I told you it's going to get worse before it gets better uh I expect it there's going to be more raids there's going to be more subpoenas there might be people flipping there might be people resigning there might be people stepping down and I know Eric trust me the only way this guy is gonna go down in my opinion is in handcuffs the guy will never admit that he's wrong he'll never admit that anybody Underneath Him did anything wrong he just goes down in a blaze that's the kind of guy he is because he just thinks that he's smarter and better than everyone else I can't see him making any kind of deal other than he needs to be in hand cups and then he'll say okay all right now maybe I'll change my tune because this guy's whole life his whole MO is that he's defiant and that he's always right and and that's what I see here again I think this is gonna get worse before it gets better and uh I'm gonna say this guys out there uh please go to the S Greco show on rumble on YouTube on Apple Spotify all those major platforms I got a new show I did today that was uh I I actually covered the juvet incident but the next one is the one everyone's going to want to watch it's another expose on the place that's actually probably in the center of all of this or maybe center right and that's K fro which was owned by the police commission's brother this clearly when they mention his brother's name this is what's going to come up it's the only link between them I believe is I used to see pictures of Eddie caban the guy must have lived in this place he was there so much you would think that he's the owner that that's the appearance that it looked like so uh that's I'm going to do a whole expose you gotta stay tuned for that it's GNA be very riveting uh I thank uh you John and Eric for having me on and we're gonna keep bringing it thanks to everybody out there with the comments I love the comments hey comment on my page what you think I'm saying if you like what I'm saying and uh you know we just listen I I pray to everybody on the job stay safe if you're a cop you know just just hold on to your horses it's G to get better soon when this black cloud goes away and it's it's you're in the middle of a storm I know that feeling but the the clouds will dissipate and you're going to see the sun that's the best I just hang on things are going to turn around they're gonna turn around shortly too because November there's going to be an election so just hold on a little longer I know it's hard to to to to think like that but that's what you got to do hold on cuz the tides are about the turn I think this last comment here one of the last few comments that we have it's a short comment but it drives the whole entire podcast home Michael Warren you say it right here brother a friend to the podcast listen apprciate yeah smoke beats fire he nailed it that sums up the entire uh evidence-based podcast that we just did talk about what's going on I think that something absolutely you know he says where there smoke there's not fire but I think uh Michael nailed it right here and and again let's just keep our ears and eyes open see how things unfold I think this is a pretty exciting podcast I mean as we're going through it it's so exciting that we got information coming on and we have to get this information out uh you know as it comes in new we want to get that information out to you s I always appreciate you coming on here you know you're passionate about it it absolutely it comes from the heart John you know it's always a pleasure brother we have we we have fun doing this we enjoy it we had fun doing the recordings but by far this is the best experience is doing the lives because we have friends and listeners to the podcast U and when you're you're weighing in you're giving your thoughts uh it really makes for a great episode and we all do this together and it makes it more rememberable and again I appreciate M Michael Warren smoke means fire you nailed the brother all our friends that weigh in thank you so much we'll be back in the morning I hope you're uh you're up with us early in the morning grab your coffee we'll continue on and John close us out and right before we close out we'll hear from mayor Eric Adams your lustrious mayor again h exactly so uh you know someone just made mention to the uh legal marijuana in New York city so there are rumors that Eric Adams son's invested into legal marijuana shops there all rumors that Philip Banks is invested into marijuana shops or potentially owns dispensaries and what's being alleged by a lot of the shop owners who have been closed down and heavily summons is that they are arbitrarily and capriciously going after certain shops hitting them for finds that they're while they're ignoring shops directly across the street or right next to them doing the same and selling the same exact products and what they're saying is it's a big corruption Scandal and they're basically from the the shop owners that have been shut down or are almost being shut down they're saying that if a nickel bear gets sold in the park Eric Adams and his buddy W it and so what they're doing is they're trying to they're trying to take over the legal marijuana Market uh now again those are all rumors I don't know our good friend guju wasn't here today I guess he's a little nervous I guess uh C D's a little nervous John Shell's a little nervous I'm sure they were listening but they really didn't have too much to say today I'm going to close this out with two videos I'm going to play a video this is a video from time before you say is there smoke there is there smoke because if there is there might be fire there's there's a lot of smoke there dude and i' I've got reached out by a lot of these businesses there's a lot of smoke um so before we close this out this is a video of Adams Eric Adams is gonna he's talking about a mass shooting that occurred at the Labor Day parade and he completely utterly downplays it he completely down this is who Eric Adams is this is the least transparent Administration ever and you know King of New York baby corruption you know a corruption connection exactly if a nickel bear gets sold in the park Eric Adams wants in and remember he's the guy he could roll eight joints out of a nickel bed go back on my uh go back on my a you'll see that there so it's going to be that and then it's going to be Cass Dy talking [ __ ] about us three and uh and then we'll close it out I appreciate all you guys listening all you guys tuning in thank you for all the support thank you guys for being with us throughout all this you know uh support means everything you know and we'll keep uh we'll keep trudging through this was a well executed plan and so some people would say okay what five people were were shot let's be clear one nut shot five people one you know um and we were just in that area and so when you look at that one person who we're going to find uh that shot Five People You remov him from the equation you got hundreds of thousands of people that were that were out this weekend and really Hur the call of a peaceful juvet and a peaceful a a peaceful West Indian Day Parade so really hats off to the teams uh and um our heart go out to the family members um I know one person died uh we go out our heart goes out to the family members because you go you come out to celebrate you don't come want to come out and have that violence that we've seen in the past that parade of has always attracted of a small element of people that wanted to commit violence uh but uh we showed that if we come together we can prevent that and hats off to all those who were involved there a handful of retired officers that don't live in a state that have a lot to say about the dream team as I like to call it all of a sudden they retired and have a master plan on how to fight crime but nothing to nothing to contribute when they were here they want to come back and be part of the train team what can I say [Music] Tom Sullivan is the Republican conservative and Common Sense Party candidate for New York State Assembly District 23 Tom is a financial professional who serves simultaneously in the United States Army Reserve for 30 years and has now retired his District covers Ozone Park l W Howard Beach Broad Channel and the Rockaway Peninsula come November I would I would Empower our law enforcement agencies to go out there and do their job and uh not put them or their families or their pensions at risk for doing their jobs we need drastic change in Albany so that we have a say in this matter and they realize people of New York state will hold them accountable the Sullivan family has a legacy of service Tom served for 30 years protecting and defending the rights of others come this November he has earned your support this advertisement is paid for by the friends of Tom Sullivan Law Enforcement professionals dedicate their lives to serving and protecting our community but who's protecting their financial Futures that's where lad law blue comes in our wealth management platform is specifically designed for the law enforce forcement Community lad law blue is a division within lad law wealth management run by retired New York City detective John McDermot his status as a retired detective uniquely positions him to establish a deep connection between laad law blue and the law enforcement Community our platform is easy to use and provides a range of financial services including Investment Management retirement planning and Insurance Solutions with laad law blue you can secure your financial future and provide for your loved ones our team of experienced financial advisers 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