🎙 Red-White Postgame Presser | Nebraska Volleyball

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:21:23 Category: Sports

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serving went well blocking went well obviously as I feel like you could probably tell like my blocking has improved a ton which has been nice to see as a reflection of our work in Fall Camp so was it like playing against Lauren oh it was crazy I mean because I watched her all the time and she's a huge reason that I even came to Nebraska because I was like I want to be like Lauren Di and so having the opportunity to play against her it was crazy and I'm super grateful what can you say about how you were able to set up Andy and and all the other outside hitters with the service game and just the performance you saw from her tonight yeah I think like a huge part of like our our team goals is like serving and passing and so we know that our middles are such a strength for our team especially Andy and we want to get them in the position where we can use our middles as much as possible so I think as a backc court we're always trying to get Bergen in a place where she can set the middles and I just think like sometimes the midd job just goes so unnoticed and I feel like tonight all three of the middles just did such a great job working hard like whether it was in transition blocking um talking to the setter and I feel like that's something they've been really working hard on throughout this entire like fall camp and so it's really cool to see like all of them kind of shine tonight thank you you're welcome how do you feel like you guys served as a team um I think I think for red white and at the beginning of the season um that's something that I feel like we can always do better and just being back in front of fans you know more pressure-filled moments there's going to come some errors especially in the beginning of the sets but I think overall through if you just like take out the first set I feel like we served pretty good and made a little bit less airs but I think serving is going to be something that can be our biggest strength but is always going to be something we can work on Olivia played a few different roles tonight finished her with 22 digs what you make of her performance 22 my gosh Olivia is so amazing I just H she's just such like she's so calm um but like I just I personally have so much trust in her and I feel like everyone does you never question um the effort she's going to bring the energy the consistency and so I feel like that's such a gift especially as a freshman but I know whatever role she's in she's going to do it to her best of best ability and I feel like tonight she really did that so super proud of her you guys were more high air in the first two sets do you feel like you kind of settled down in the third one or what was kind of working what you I would say yeah um you could tell that everyone was nervous which is completely normal I mean we have four new people two of them are freshmen and so coming out your first game in front of 8,000 people and there truly is no place like Nebraska so running out there and if you haven't experienced it before and even if you have it's just a surreal feeling and so getting used to it adjusting to it um there were definitely a lot of nerves like I know I was even nervous first and second set but you could tell that everyone adjusted really well and I think the game started to flow better between the third and the fourth and Lexi the the 8,000 people how special was it to kind of have the banner come down and you know talk about the Big 10 championship before the scage and stuff like that super special I mean we try and say that we want to like Focus on this year and that last year's in the past but kind of to reflect at the beginning of the season after fall Camp's over and just kind of look back on last year and see kind of what we accomplished and that is a huge accomplishment and it's a big goal that we have for this year so I feel like to have it tonight in front of all the fans and just get to recognize that before we head into the thick of season I feel like was super special Andy to hit as well against you know your own teammates that you're going up against in practice every day just what confidence does that give you as a hitter going into this season tons I mean we have one of the best we're one of the best defensive teams in the country and so getting to hit a pretty good number against them I mean it's all credit to my teammates I couldn't do it without Lexi back there Laney our pastor Harper Meritt you know whoever is back there I couldn't do it without him because obviously can't run middles out of system but they do an amazing job they make it super easy Bergen she makes it super easy she's an amazing Setter and she's really get at finding me so it's all credit to my teammates it's a pretty quick turnaround between now and the first game in Louisville how do you assess the confidence level going into that and how do you how do you make that quick turnaround yeah I think tonight can definitely be a confidence booster for everyone just to get a game under their belt um especially for the the transfers the freshman and it's not like we're just playing a scrimmage game like it's it feels like a real match and for how competitive our gym is it feels like a very High Lev match and so I feel like getting that under our belt and then just getting to recover and head out to Kentucky and I honestly feel like we're very ready to play someone else um as much as we love playing each other um I think we're ready to just be one team and kind of take down other teams so I think that'll give us a lot of motivation But ultimately I think we all have a lot of confidence after tonight questions Lexi to have uh Connor and Lauren out there playing against them just can you talk a little bit about that and what did they bring from a depth standpoint and a talent standpoint yeah I mean Conor's a boy so he's just a little bit more physical than some other girls that we will play and so just having that level of physicality the higher block which is something we'll see down the road um I think it's challenging but it's a good test for our team and then just having Lawrence um kind of just all her experience and her composure I feel like it's good for other teammates to learn from her and then it's also like very challenging also just cuz how good how amazing of a competitor she is and how much composure she has so I feel like both of them can teach us a lot and also bring up the level in the gym so it was pretty cool to have them both all right thank you everyone thank you guys job you too e e e e all right questions for coach Cook got to get the new replay system it's taking too long DVS or whatever it is anyway that's one my first comment what questions you guys have Coach Andy Jackson what' you think I mean she was Unstoppable tonight yeah she's like I've been saying all all preseason that she's um has now disc ever that she's good enough to play here and she's worked really hard she's really confident her and Bergen have a g great connection they played on the USA team earlier in June so she's blossoming fun to watch still got she still has some has to get better blocking but she's uh yeah she's she's doing some nice things but again the thing is confidence-wise just she's she's like I said she's blossoming as a as a volleyball player in her second year see what's your assessment of the debut of the transfers today you know I thought uh Lila competed really hard she did some really nice things um she definitely belongs here uh she brings great energy it's what I really liked about what she did doesn't matter what side she was on she just she brings she brings a lot of great energy which is really really important and I thought TL Taylor is you know wow moments but she's I she's still inconsistent she's we're working on some things with her footwork so I I think she's kind of in between right now it's like redoing your golf swing you're going to get you know it's going to take a while till you smooth it out um but you know she she can hit some balls that nobody else can hit I mean I think she I don't remember whose head she took off it left front but that was a heck of a hit seen her do that a few times and um so anyway I um but we got a lot of players that can play I know that what what seemed to click for Lindsay in the last two sets after she flipped over to the other side I just think it was you know when you're on uh the side I'm coaching white team tonight it's there there's I think there's some pressure you know and they want to do well and then you go to over there where Kelly and Jordan are and and you know Kennedy's running that and it's just it's just you can play a little bit Freer so it was good for her I was really pleased how she kind of came back and she did some really nice things in game three and four coach those two teams that we saw earlier in the week you said you were still figuring out the format was that kind of a look at a true a team and a true B Team yeah we looked we went we evaluated four different lineups tonight I know there were some subtle things but it was four different lineups so uh now I got to go back and look at it and see what clicks for us the changes after set too was that kind of predetermined going yeah yeah we had it all mapped out what we wanted to do basically wanted to rotate everybody over there we got we left Skyler with Kennedy and everybody else I think rotated back and forth except for Maisy yeah and I told you guys how good mais is she was she was really good tonight I'll bet you I'll get I'll bet you guys a crispy that she was our best passer tonight statistically you guys know what a crispy is it's a $100 bill all right wait I forgot we can't bet CCAA coach uh what did the depth from having Connor play and then also having Lauren come back just how did that add to the talent level but then also just the competition well it's if if we didn't have Lauren we'd have to have one going full-time and it's it's that's a big load for a middle to carry for four games and our goal is to play four games tonight so having Lauren back was awesome plus she's a great player she's you know she did some really good things tonight and and and and again she's she's played here and she knows the girls so she's been training with us so it's uh um that that was really really great that she played I'll bet you she's going to be really sore tomorrow I I'll put bet crispy on that too um and then Connor is one of our practice players and we just we need one more outside hitter so he feels in great he did a nice job tonight he yeah well we we shut him down there a little bit so he was on fire and then we shut him down a little bit so but he he knows how to play with us he does a great job he stays under control sometimes guys will get out of control and he's he did a really nice job tonight construction management major so here at Nebraska and um yeah he he's we're we're very lucky to have him how much confidence does it give you with how you guys play tonight going into the game against Kentucky uh red white is it teaches you some things and then there's uh you see a lot of you know I I want us to be playing I want us to play better but the red white is always a struggle and because they're playing against each other the crowd is doesn't know who to cheer for and so this just feels weird out there and um so we got a lot to work on though and this is a great teaching night for us because when they didn't do what they needed to do they paid for it and that's what was the best thing tonight is they paid for it they didn't use good technique they didn't talk call their set all those little things that matter when they didn't do it they paid for it tonight and so that's I got a great teaching night for them tomorrow when we watch video how would you assess the serving from both sides was started off shaky which is Curse of the red white it's always that way I mean I think there's been nights we've been over 30 Miss serves combined uh but you know if you look at Bergen's team they missed three out of the first six and then seven serves for three and a half games so I'll take that and the other team again we had you know uh Skyler were're serving tonight she's usually pretty good but that's a big night for her she missed a few we had the middle serving you know they're a little bit higher air so I think I I think it started off really shaky but it got better as at night went on which was good to see what was it like walking out there with that big 10 championship trophy and then seeing the banner fall in De uh for me walking out there first of all I wanted our fans to feel a part of it because they are uh the second thing is when I was holding that and getting ready for our rings I wanted to send a a mental telepathy to all of our fans on how hard it is to win that thing it is it is a 10-week grind it's really hard to win and and it's going to be even harder this year because of the four new teams so uh I want people to know how hard that was and that is not an easy thing to win Lexi and Andy were pretty pleasantly surprised when we looked at the box score and saw the amount of digs that Olivia ma had what can you say about her performance tonight I've been telling you guys she's the real deal and she that's what I felt like every time we hit the ball she dug it and um every time we were trying to serve away from her she would just take balls from people she's just for a freshman she's very calm and composed and was very impressed with her she also has a good serve when the you guys had I think four Decades of alumni come out on the court between sets just how important was it to have so many former players in the house but then what do you think maybe they took away from watching the match I don't know I mean I I haven't talked to any of them um uh but there is a uh you know we had 100 here last year for the stadium match and now we got 50 so it's and and a lot of our players are talking to alumni we have we actually do presentations they do presentations after they've talked to the alumni about our culture and our tradition and our history so we've been trying to invol involve them more um and the other cool thing is we got some moms out there of daughters were going to recruit so that that's cool the daughters were here but I just think think everybody is really connected with Nebraska volleyball this is the 50th team of Nebraska volleyball in the history of the program which is pretty significant um but we want them to feel a part of it the problem is when we're playing regular season we don't have tickets to get him in so this was a great opportunity to get him here uh so we can get him tickets go back to Andy for a second she said you guys could probably see that my blocking has improved you said she's got to figure that out a little bit but if that does click what can that do for this team and for elevating her game even more yeah it's just she she's um if you see she's getting her hands on a lot of balls but some of them are going into the stands which I'm sure people like to catch those but we want them to go back in the court and it's me but she's really really making huge progress and it just will solidify our defense more give our diggers a better chance and again it's blocking I've told you guys this for 20 years blocking is the hardest skill and it's the hardest skill going from high school and Club to college final questions who would you say was the MVP tonight I I I I always get in trouble when I do that uh I I um you know we had some people stand out tonight but you know it was a really good effort by everybody everybody did something really good tonight I mean if you go back and we made a highlight video Everybody made some great play and so that so our team was the MVP preseason wrapped up what are the things that you're focusing on most with a quick turnaround heading uh play on well we don't have much practice time so uh uh just getting a lineup and so these guys just know okay you're out there you're going and that's the next 24 hours so getting that and then just pumping them up and let's turn it loose is that the new ring or no this is the new ring my my I'd have a finger ache the thing is huge so it's really cool but it's not one you can wear this is our 2000 ring which back then we didn't go as much bling as as they did now it's a lot of bling it looks like an in you know a Super Bowl ring so it's something you wear at a you know an event you know I'm going to wear it for three and four hours did yall design that girls did captains did so that's what they wanted I apologize asked I noticed the before the whole match began uh on the screen it was something about like I didn't catch it chasing roses is that you race for the Roses Race For the Roses that's our theme and it's on our poster right and I was just curious if you could because there was one other thing that came right after it too like the Chase Begins or something that came right after it so I'm just curious about that um kind of like we saw the Roses throughout all the videos just kind of that I I what this means to this team it's real simple Yeah final four is in Louisville that's where Church Hill Downs is they run horses there I like horses so we're we're going to race for the Roses trying to get for the win the Kentucky Derby coach son's second birthday was volleyball day in Nebraska last year he thinks that we're going to do that every year I don't I don't really know what to do this year can you give me some advice just tell them to keep dreaming big and believe so all right thank you okay guys thanks good questions e

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