Chasing 3: Fall Camp with Nebraska Football | Episode 3 "There is No Light at the End of the Tunnel"

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:40:27 Category: Sports

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it's physical all the time everything we do is physical we talk about dominant contact and you know that takes a warant on your body but um with all the recovery mechanisms we have you know allows us to be back and you know keep having physical practices and that ends up setting us apart on the field my body's for sure feeling a little sore feeling them Camp effects for sure we definitely put our bodies to a lot you know the practices are definitely very intense if it was easy everyone would do it you can look at everyone's legs and arms we all got bruises Cuts but you know we got to wake up the next morning and then get back out there and do it again that's what we're here for you know what I'm saying it's it's the hours that we put in right now they're going to show and later on when the season comes you know what I'm saying when things get difficult in the final stretch of Camp the Huskers are worn down but that's when character is built especially for a true freshman with a point to prove sir good sleep yesterday yeah good you got plays go over all right trip right 363 y stick X signal I think it's a option rout I'll have the Oscar I'm going to have the looking get like right by the Y so I'm going to get inside first dude inside his legs may be fresh but the Playbook is just the beginning be able to come and like kind of start off and relearn almost everything I know about football is kind of really good for me cuz some people maybe come in and got taught a little different I have to relearn it in a different way but um being able to come in and kind of work from scratch learn from Coach G and all the other coaches has been really good the real lesson surviving the highs and lows the challenges that test your resilience why am I doing that cuz you're trying to trap it I want trap I need to do more overhead catches with pads on I want to shoot my hand I want my every catch I want shoot kind of just still got to pick up on the football side of it itself um learn more about the game and that's kind of been the big thing so far no get to the top break it down don't roll out of it physical top yeah cuz you want like this and you just undercut you quick so if you get in you can get a little push off yep I got you hey remember [Music] remember and with every mistake comes an opportunity and those opportunities are capitalized on by watching the tape had what was it last uh going back to scrimmage it was a good scrimmage I thought so let's get back today uh first Allison and Brody did you guys switch cameras to your dsl2 and your game day scoreboard the importance of filming practice is really is just so that coaches can go back and right and correct the mistakes and also kind of show players okay hey good job you did a really good job being able to capture that on a video to go back watch the mistakes some of the things that we're doing good some of the things we're doing bad so we can correct and be ready for the season check your practice check that checklist tennis balls tennis balls grab it enough it takes a lot it's a whole process one of the biggest things that I've learned since I've been here is just the process right being able to follow the process and be really key in on the [Music] process we do shoot a lot of angles drawing practice and our students they do a really good job you know we probably have the most students in the country with probably looking at 25 students in my in my room right so first thing that really kind of came in mind was hey we got to be able to make sure that everybody that is filming practice everybody's involved in practice is ready to go all right get your chili hot get your chili hot it's time to go team third down coming up on Phi two get to chili hop all right here we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go see that yep here you go got it so we have about six of these that's all connected to all our cameras in the towers and um you know we're able to see every feed from them as far as Seline End Zone uh and a second End Zone to help the coaches obviously so they can kind of be able to coach that as practice go on so you know this is something they're going to be using only during game day but we're fortunate enough to kind of have that same setup at practice as practice goes by the video team captures over 1,000 Clips 500 GB of storage and 10 hours worth of footage all in a day's work all right back up back up one day at a time [Music] [Applause] te I started doing this when I was in high school I've really kind of um was able to make mistakes you know um and learn from the mistakes and really kind of be better at every level that I've been at you know I've been at division 2 techm Commerce you know I've been at Steven foston at FCS level I've been at Tulsa which is a group of five level right you know my goal was really to come here at University of Nebraska just to kind of educate myself and a year later you know um there some opportunities came by and you know um I wanted to see if I can get back into into the director position again after talking to my family you know it was really good to to kind of go there so you know I made the decision to take the job after talking to coach Ru you know he wasn't really so happy about that you know so he say stay it will be worth it and you know he really gave me the opportunity to do that for sure stay and it will be worth it a similar phrase echoed in John Bullock's years 9 months ago when the six-year senior decided to return to Nebraska how you feeling that kind of what held me back from wanting to come back is just emotions and uh I think I was just very emotional after the season cuz we didn't end the season how I wanted to end it not get making a balll game by the end of the season kind of ticked me off and I was a little emotional from it coach rues said something the other day that stuck with me is like react based off facts not emotions so I decided to end up come back and be with the guys for another year and we'll see how it goes W let's go baby let's get it let's get it let's get it stay stay in the present stay in the moment not let the boys trip the fun out of football play our of football you let go let's go come on 2 now the linebacker from Omaha embarks on his final fall camp with something to prove last year rout the season it's like okay what can I fix to make my better a better teammate a better leader just a better player overall in general so I think I'm kind of approaching it a little bit differently I'd say I'm more intent with everything I'm doing more deliberate with everything that I'm doing just trying to be involved in the moment staying in the moment as much as I possibly can his journey a testament to Relentless hard work and unwavering perseverance I've been switched around a whole bunch of positions I had a bunch of different coaches never really had a chance now I got my chance and I'm trying to make the most of it I wouldn't trade it for the world though because all that adversity has shown me what I need to do in order to be strong enough to go through those hard paths and I think that adversity has gotten me here today and that's the reason why I'm able to get myself on the field leading with a defense of 11 Upper classman but this is more than just experience it's about a bom forged in the fires of the field the journey that we've had to get to where we are right now is pretty crazy I think we all kind of had the same uh mindset going into the season it's time to win we got to come back and show show the young guys how it's done and build that culture that we need back in this program hey stay try to stay Square I app I like violence though I think just the most important thing is I want to leave here a winner just becoming a better leader I think just on the field and uh off the field that way I can take some of those skills with me as I go and I think just trying to help the the younger guys so that we can build that culture build a better culture and uh kind of they can rise from there nothing bro you it's nothing that can be explained you're fine all right so say something you talking about bro I said Rex make the play you have to make the play all right that's all you had to say you get attitude for what yes because you said what happened say what happened I don't know he just missed T right say that you said oh I will you relax all right just relax why yall two got the funniest Dynamic bro ever swear to God what happened what happened because he talking about C I'm talking to myself just relax watch you're seeing it right here that far you took some oh yeah I took my frog field today real little bro and alongside the vet from Omaha comes a true freshman from Miami keeping the old man on his toes uhoh here we go okay you're right go John yeah John we're going crazy I'm F behind Johnny man yes sir me v9 teaming up come on what's the course record right yo you already swing with the second scrimmage on the horizon the team's Focus shifts to building those bonds off the field some find their way to the pool others to the golf course I'm feeling good I just got these clubs like about 2 months ago I haven't really been able to use them this summer yet probably my fourth time that's money now that'll play be it's going to come right down that slope too come on be good set myself up for a nice par hole number one can't complain about that eh no oh crazy birdie if you made that partt I know that one looks good it's got to go go go [Music] on to the next for the one and while the Huskers enjoy the resort while head coach Matt rule takes a moment to catch up with family I'm not being late for nobody like literally walking out walking out of what see right right behind your truck [Music] okay the head coach heads to the dyar in South Lincoln for their grand opening hello Leona this is going to my toes have blister oh my god seriously Ser seriously I am that's K the first thing I said when we got here I said I can't wait to go to Starbucks I didn't know where there was a Starbucks though go we have to wait for this to be over right Dad I'm starving I had two pieces of toast forfast toast isn't good for breakfast you need some eggs had butter on it butter toast some eggs for breakfast thanks for coming today we could use a little more Sunshine sort of Chamber of Commerce weather but pretty close we want to welcome you to the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce and of course welcome you here to Lincoln as well so without further Ado I'd like to introduce Julie R to say a few words thank you first I wanted to say a big welcome and thank you for coming to this ribm cutting Ceremony this is very exciting um on behalf of myself um and my family my husband Matt my daughter holding me extraordinary big scissors bvby um Leona and we wanted to thank you for being here we're very proud to bring this um to the Lincoln area and we look forward to you guys coming in and filling the seats so um thanks for coming out I hope to see some of you this evening for the party and and um thank you again appreciate you [Applause] [Applause] all you're a pro you're already high yes ma' I would love I would love a grande um just hot black coffee for it so tonight here's what we're going to do cuz this is a very special day this is the last time we live against each other you need black [Applause] offens black d over here got it walk in Hey listen up now we walk in tomorrow walk in tomorrow you say what you want to your girlfriend you can say what you want to the lock next to you say what you want to your parents you can't say to the tape okay the guy on the tape is who you are so put on tape you want to same face yes sir as the second scrimmage approaches the team comes together iron sharpens iron [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] St [Music] that you guys are really close to me in a good team really really really close to being a good team really really really close to being a good team so go tonight figure out from your coach from yourself what you need to do what we need to do make the most of it you have several hours until we meet coaches you guys watch that tape you guys grade that tap you guys give them honest feedback tonight give them honest feedback in the morning okay we'll start cleaning things up start cleaning things up we have a long way to go to your credit you guys have come a long way there two good teams for most of the day going against each other carry it over all right guys my wife and kids they keep hearing about the talent and then they saw the new chasing 3 that hasn't come out yet and then in it they show Carter singing and Danny singing and I they were like we want to come we want to hear somebody sing so GIF wellis 9-year-old daughter's over there 11-year-old daughter is appropriate what's happening to me in the D tell me me I lay my head on a pillow staring at the window when that's the reason why my when I see you when I see you B all right represent the coaches represent the coaches Mel come on Mel i p anticipate good I got PL to put my hands just one last thing okay one last thing right uh when you're a coach you don't get to see your kids a lot and you guys have have been great to my kids right so a lot of guys haven't been here but don't know but my youngest daughter Leona over there she comes in the office every Sunday so I challenged her to something so first you played how many years in the league eight years eight years in the league can you explain to them what a vet day is a vet day is something that's earned you if you're a leader you you're older guy uh you get the day off but not just a day off you get to go out Scout I you get to teach old teach the other guys uh technique coach him up be a player coach of the day and then recover and things like that coach all right so that's a vet day okay that's a vet day so Leona loves to sing okay she sings in the shower she sings in the car but she's always been afraid to sing in public okay and then she heard Carter and she's like well I'm better than him and she heard Danny she's like he's pretty good but I'm better than him so I challenged her I said if you come and sing not sheep sing like Lion sing like a lion she sing sings whether good or bad black you guys get a vet day okay any senior that's on red gets a vet day so really it's up to you sweetheart okay it's up to you sweetheart so guys please welcome Leona we keep hearing people talk about performance anxiety that doesn't exist when you're a lion yes so go make it [Applause] happen I were you now cuz I know what she can do she's stey man she could really rip your Worlds Apart might of matter if you're in it for love you ain't going to get too far oh here she comes Watch Out Boy show true you are oh here she comes she's a man [Applause] for you guys are you guys are cheered for anybody I'll remind you her name is Leona anybody know what Leona means in Italian lion lion lion lion lion lion lion acknowledge your fears conquer your fears okay let me see again do again there right there it ain't coming out no no do too many curls for that hey man it's vet day you know what I'm saying we out here coaching the players up you know we just getting right man getting the mind right hey just stay low just get low you hopping into it you doing this just speed cut speed cut oh he rolled in a little bit good catch though good catch keep a good [Music] angle my eyes are here down the middle like that there you go take your step down St therey s go through his chest go through his chest s yes sir hey come on quit feeling sorry for yourself dog don't nobody care quit feeling sorry for yourself a day for the Vets to lead paired with opportunity for the underclassman all they need to do is take it line on the sideline turn turn some of you right now as I watch you I watch your effort and mental toughness I'm like well he just can't do it this is an unbelievable opportunity for some of you guys to show what you can do okay and I'm like H you guys got three minutes you guys are inside okay no coaches are in you guys got 3 minutes you guys got to come out and finish this practice don't tell me you want to play if you don't show me that you want to play Let's Go Jason come on it should not be a drop off when the ones leave it should be one 2 three damn I don't know who the the on you get on the field I don't know who the start and who don't start you want bro go take it bro y want go take it everybody got an opportunity but we playing like that right now let's [Applause] go hey what better on me what better three 1 2 three [Applause] you can work a move on [Applause] but sometimes all you need is someone to believe in you just ask walk on Derek Branch I don't know you know it was just one of those things I remember in my freshman year those long walks to Stadium I would just keep telling myself like one day it's all going to be worth it like one day it's all going to be worth it when coach R came here kind of talked about the scroll Mark I I will persist until I succeed and that's just that's something that that resonated with me and it just keeps me going I just want to keep going until it happens for me the safety from Lincoln has spent this Camp Turning Heads fighting scratching and clawing his way into the 2D I I literally grew up with this place um this place is quite literally the reason that I have a family to this day my parents met in the dorms actually at able their freshman year so like this this place means something to me like I've been in the stadium since as long as I can remember I've been at the biggest games like this place you I bleed Husker red so like just getting the opportunity and finally feeling like I'm so close to to being able to play this year it's it means a world to me it's extremely competitive room uh I think we use it all to push each other you know you got experienced guys you know that kind of set the tone for the room and then you got these young cats that are coming in and they're not trying to take a backseat to anybody so you know I kind of fit in I think I'm a good kind of middle of the room where I can relate to anybody talk to anybody hey look I just tell him out bro I think you I think you definitely been making more plays than him we talk about a lot iron sharpness of iron so that's something that we believe and I think we're seeing it um just push the DB room uh day after day don't break down right straight through it bro my career up to this point has been Classic walk- on life you know just the ups and downs of it it's great to see the work finally starting to pay off and I feel like I'm I'm starting to get over that hump of where you know you get the confidence that you know you're a really good player you know when you as a walk guy a lot of people talk about that chip on your shoulder you're always trying to prove yourself and you know as time got on I've try to never lose that and you know just try to remember where I came from and try to you know just make everybody proud 10 days out from the opener against utap 230 kick at Memorial Stadium after practice through your social media channels you did announce that Dylan you're going to be your starting quarterback for that opening game what separated him what what earned him this this job well I think you have to give a lot of credit to all all three guys I mean they they really battled they competed but uh you know I think Dylan's a a special talent he's got a great arm he's worked really hard at his timing with his feet he's protected the ball he's aggressive in the right ways so we're excited to see him play he's still a rookie there's a lot of things he has to learn but I think you know each day he'll be a little bit better than the last day excited for him and then if the opportunity arises for Hinrich and Danny as well experiences that we uh can build upon it's it's been really good in practice that being said you know you're not getting hit in practice that's one of the great unknowns about this you know you have two two guys that haven't played a snap yet in college competing for a job against a guy that's as I said started eight games but um we're going to go with Dylan you know we get the first game you know we'll play the game we'll go back we'll watch the tape we'll see the things he does well we'll build off those things that if there's anything he struggles with we'll try to correct that you know to me this is like the first step in in a in a long beautiful Journey appreciate the time and you got a meeting to get to thanks oh yeah time time for more meetings there you go Matt r with us here tonight on our football radio [Music] show Welcome to the 2024 freshman talent show my first H held out on me you know I wanted more money but I would have found somebody bigger and better all right my man badass Bobby how y'all doing good all right welcome to the second annual freshman talent show last year's was good I'm excited for this year's I've seen it no one is safe No One Is Safe what's good y'all boys hey I ain't going to lie it's some on this style [Applause] shorty [Applause] run as when not Le hold on hold on [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hold where it be I can't begin to know when but I know it's growing strong was in the spring and spring became the [Music] Su touching you sweet Carine Good Times never seems so good good [Applause] good cuz you're a sky cuz you're A Sky Full of star I'm going to give you my heart cuz you're a sky cuz you're A Sky Full of Stars they say raps change they want to know how I feel about if you ain't up on thing Dr Dre is the name I'm AE of the game still still puffing on leaves [Applause] um I'm doing like a like a quiz show today like a German quiz show I'm testing your uh German language [Applause] knowledge what's good what's good good it's easy it's easy I read I will read one word and like two definitions and you have to choose between A or B all right so more more all right all right first word is zit spinkler a the urge to steal things or make loud noises when intoxicated or a b a man who pees sitting down you said Z speaker pretty much it yeah yo it's B the man B is correct okay next the word is V kite okay yeah you you do good you do good the experience of wandering around alone in the forest and being overcome with a sense of Woodland Solitude or B um the overwhelming urge to build a wall even if it does not seem like a reasonable thing to do bro you got to you got to repeat [Applause] that we going to go a that's correct they they're getting longer longer longer longer the word is the word is i a g say that sounds like a double time to me it's a a decree transferring the right to clarify open property is used to another official Authority or B a feeling that expresses the relief you feel when you urgently need to go to the toilet and finally made it we going we going to go a we going to go a a is correct [Applause] for [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] my and last but not least Dylan has his own presentation [Music] sure yeah oh [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] no okay 9 not that was well done I appreciate you guys that was well done David awesome job the musical you guys thanks for putting three songs together the rest of you guys except for the Haka I'm sorry and Peters you stole the show tonight buddy see how with the internet we'll try to find some good stuff on those guys v9 so if I were you guys I might clean my pages right now but I do appreciate you guys let's be here tomorrow on time be ready to go tomorrow thank you [Music] go to work y your sir sounds good our very own athletic director 6,500 students have bought tickets to come watch these guys today's the end of four weeks of Camp they have busted their tails they're in a great place for what lies ahead but here's what we need from you make sure everybody that comes on this sideline understands whose house this is you have seven chances to influence the outcome of a game until we all go somewhere else at the end of the season seven chances starting next week we need you you will make these guys better and they will feed off of you trust in one thing we love you we know we're going to win this thing for you everything we do is about the Huskers thanks so much for being a part of this be loud be proud and go big red right now we're going to have a hard catching competition go let go go [Applause] I more one more let's go come on let's go come on I got season tickets I'll be here oh yeah oh [Applause] yeah it's all I'll say to you guys when we step on this field next Saturday is like will the party tonight be worth you not playing well next week cuz things could really work out for a lot of you guys if you just if you'll just figure out what you want in life you're not going to talk your way into it you're going to have to work towards it thank you guys for a great Camp you've worked hard we've pushed you guys Nothing Stops don't get don't look for the light at the end of the tunnel there is no light at the end of the tunnel we're going to treat you guys like this not like babies so get used to getting coached it's a good thing it's a good thing it means we see potential anybody have any questions hold up hold up hey defense stay here for a minute offense you guys are good here you go one better 3 one 2 three defense stay here real quick now part of that is this okay part of that is the focus that it takes on game day okay so the ready room the ready room now he talked about that talked about that I want this I want this version of you you got to change into a beast I don't need that I need that [Music] v9 look at this guy a warrior that's what I want on game day I don't want ke it's like brothers right like sometimes Brothers when we get caught up in the action that's the thing that sucks you know what I'm saying like like that's why I like sniper mentality like I'm just taking you out but sometimes sometimes there's what they call it when they kill civilians everybody know what they call when they kill civilians some not just collateral damage hey yo [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I'm the greatest was but we have one other person that that broke the code there's code in here right now there's code I told yall to come at me I wasn't mad about that I kept the very PC with you you know what I'm saying go after pad okay oh oh got a short joke on Pat oh okay you got it but you don't go after [Music] doctor there's two things we don't touch our elders you're over 50 you're off limits woman in this building in this business damn damn so we had to do it we need this today right we need this today yes we don't need that little hey you guys want know the best part about all these are it be your own family that get you right I I didn't go on no social media I just made a couple quick calls to home miss Ros send that video quick and all seriously we go out there to hey celebrate and all those things but treat like a game so Bon if you score what do we want you to do after you score celebrate how do we want you to celebrate with your teammates right so there's certain things we can do like we celebrate with each other you just can't celebrate like this [Applause] I can't wait to see all this on Chason 3 I'll see you guys after better three 1 two three equipment or video video video you got the equipment give me the video Squad here give me equip Squad all right who side doesn't get to go to training table today [Applause] sorry [Applause]

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