is T1 going to do maai i b a z Rumble poy maybe on blue [Music] side B already noani maai I normally against H you bani maai I there's signal first Pi up trade said loses is up up May didn't have the most INSP build but may now T need to be careful here not to Blind siani because if they do that they're going hit by I and I think it's just so losing there Zig nice God they slam I think what they can do here is they can easily easily easily pick IV renon I Cante they can do I think the sichani blind is so bad they just p maai blind and getting hit by I what they swapped to poy why aren't they picking I why is he playing he's winning on it as well maybe they're flexing I like I actually think T1 should pick Leona on three because cor is not going to be good here and zigs needs a good support Le or actually I think Leona Orel here was a must if you get B out with six big problem it means even if F going have to drop faker's going to have to find something like y he's going have to find something like what does he have y corki Lucian LeBlanc what does Faker have I could Flex Zig M but I doubt it toward they have to they have to Bess they have to B yeah they could B BR here but Jin Brown is kind of bad I like I like I would honestly B maybe the lights ra I mean they're probably looking at something like n blind orante blind with thata Olaf is pretty good for for T1 yet I think the has pretty easy or has poy support and they have I and then I guess they have Cante orar what is Faker playing on four I don't know what Faker playing he needs I think Y is the best I think is the best do Caitlyn go Caitlyn game one drafting their strengths for sure yeah you can't pick rakan now you need something that can win the lane or do well you know thresh is bad what's a good support here maybe naus what else doesn't pick kenon on five oh Jack's blind with poy with poppy taken away please don't play Ken I hope he plays like's good here he has to play Nar you know he has to play jce or Nar he can't play greas is terrible kante Cante Jack kante n or okay n fine all right not the worst nothing too crazy in the draft but I think the good thing for T1 is one they didn't take I which I think would be Mega with their they have zigs mid and Caitlyn I mean I think Caitlin is incredible obviouslyi it's a lot of pressure on to carry this game n going to get out scal he swapped it's Caitlyn mid what what it's Caitlyn mid I mean Caitlyn does sound like it's murder smolder the range difference is crazy this is what they've been cooking this is their counter to the smolder that lane does sound hard but a puppy Ka mid can be annoying I think enjoy the video but make sure you've liked and you've subscribed see you later the puppy jungle is going to be annoying for Caitlyn especially early fake needs to be careful level 1 to four Poppy g ING with red buff is just Mega annoying and it looks like we're faceing some brushes here as e start's not great e start not great but it's not the end the world and it's all about spacing right in this Lane all about a little bit late Lane yeah also you know they' nice little engage froma but not going it as I feel like the cait mid would be stronger if she was in lane level one with Q like this this late to Lane e start is [ __ ] Thea a bit is but he's trying to cover offy earlier this time around though only going to get aing was very safe of Smalls Reds being covered stops Faker need to be careful early like I said poy might just flash his [ __ ] Raptor's dead get in on Faker as there's the magical journey does he know he's in trouble he will flash away that was really bad by ham life I feel like they could have set that up way better I think Faker fine with that in the position that he was in with his jungle support team unable to help at allaker going to need a lot of help now though he's going to start getting the push and he needs team behind him for this push Faker and switch PCS in 20 minutes they imagine you could do that in League that would be crazy you're good you're good like both recall at the same time right click out of base and they just SW PC real quick change the M sense got you got a over over Z extremely important this Lane would be a lot harder like I said if the level one went well can he get Drake here he should be able to get it Z yeah this is kind of risky cuz it feels like carrier went top because obviously H leaning top for the grubs but now Z is doing a lot of him though holy fuck3 he's like not fine at all and he's just going to push the wow just one them off the [ __ ] owner on4 CS what happened in Jungle he had a really good ping and then like behind at any time is a risk that to the support by do good but looks rough this this match up looks an ultimate available there not all you can do is in trouble flashing in and actually just going to real flash on top of Faker here and that is going to be Faker in a ton of trouble way over but that's First Blood give it you don't die he has flash earlier than k a rough game for not rough right it's only a kill but like the smolder is fine now in this Lan the idea for win really hard is good set up from the side of H uh and like will find on here yeah uh in the 1 V one and maybe a 2v one Delight is not going to win even a head shot or rather a a the ho coming in from is well just flash I mean just a level five bar I'm not really that threatening dive on the top Lane Doran is going to get flashed on by K and a bunch of damage goes into Asos will take him down they easy kill for red boy good move coming out there getting see this going to be red Bo he's on his best 6 toward top but doesn't really have a bigem in looks like had Smite and he's going to take number five so that's five grubs for the set of Sports here's the TP as you mentioned getting right into that back he's all alone down will go as get good play by you know you got the one up so much pressure there he'll execute on this yeah he avoided the damage I'm just now noticing as well that theight is playing count kill does it do like one damage like you know trle and [ __ ] don't have for the tower there's three people here from there no get out of get but it's not a good Drake you know if they got first Drake they'd be on two Dres right now which would be fine but if their first Dr Viper Mega strong Now isn't he good old Viper and they have five GRS for top the only person ahead is is and owners have been invisible lock oner own recovered a little bit a little bit ahead of the XP Triforce for I first here for Faker game still pretty even I would say we have the uh even though how have kill Advantage the game is not that bad for T1 I just wonder if this Caitlyn's useful is Caitlyn useful like zek's being behind is fine he's just going to press wav going he's kind of lost control the game so he's not going useful for a while top tier one this is what fly should have done yesterday remember how I talked about the sequence in opening one lane they're going to open one lane and do big pressure with heral they're left to get B one so instead of Defending they're just pressuring this is what should have done yesterday heral yeah Viper going to be big haven't really seen they do have a bit of Front Line though T1 so the gin more time Shad I like that 13 isn't that good toally not this early in the game take a while for zot of alone I mean the zig pooke with the K traps is pretty strong for this St control you know T trying to set up for the stame I mean with the Caitlin you do have wouldn't really be able to approach a weirding TR line here is drag started up here they are very at narar for is full to this getting out well as by the way solar is des they're desperate to fight get top Tower and they TR Drake I guess unless keep in they want to fight this really how are you going to engage but now walked up anded oh he's out after Lo Le crazy they will force the flash of ter and now the G just coming out trying to Z thinking about getting on in here but is here for nothing what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] do might though missed running in fling out going have to carry this fight but I think the fight's over broken fight nobody okay the fight's not over red boys going in could have been in trouble he's got to flash away and just barely everyone escapes on one HP very scrappy fight literally everyone escapes on one got Drake and T1 got a dragon yo chill out imag they Z in this fight but even though they made some mistakes they didn't get punished as much as they could such a r this is set Delight in a bit of trouble he's just trying to walk this one off he doesn't have Flash there is a magical turny but now we got TP but he's just going and the the the he's doing work for the team I think the big thing for T1 is Kate and rapid fire will actually do a lot the range that T1 has with cait traps and zigs and rapit fire the only one who can really contest it is Jin and then he can get2 stack littleit should have it foro around on the want is really favorite to win right now the gold being onar is not a big deal for when they have poppy B those EAS down that yo what the [ __ ] why did he has flash he's finally will use it there's bomb from the sky as well and now peanut just running away from this one going to throw as lot of these fight comes in you can't kill the point in time but going andic they need to base and get the Drake quick here theold how how manys 21 21 on this delays a quick two waves you know there is really scenarios where when get B you can is disgusting potentially having to be in his flash again Lane and they do try and focus on peut but they just didn't have the damage they could get some with these CH even thein as well oh my God the double head shot what have their sights on something here maybe the hit they're calling Baron here T1 I think even are they calling Baron looks like it the red bu in Rapid Fire is disgusting pick that was a mega pick they might lose s let's see if can stop them cuz has and Flash and this Baron's not that quick the Spells coming in are really annoying they're going to have to give and get Drake correct call by I think taking that fight and losing and then losing Soul point and losing your mid tier one not worth it T1 SE to get mid tier one on the bounce they have a minion T1 going to fight this no way is T1 going to fight this oh but he comes back from the sky he flashed on to small something going here as it is going to be the and the magical journey out is going in he wants to open this fight just providing the door I think is dead to want to continue on this one but the they're over chasing way too much here Tedy just got a bar they should have just used the baron why are they chasing this was like really screaming for that fight but I think you just have to take the small WIS like that you got bar it's not like you chasing on Drake is going to get them to lose a drake you know the Drake's dead why are you chasing them they got so Point sucks the Lea e was nice but I think that Leona e maybe gave K A lot of confidence to fight cuz look at this he hits Lea e and then he flash theer team so far away I guess the plan here is okay I think e makes him get a lot of like confidence calling here he's like guys the fight over now he's forc to stay then he takes the port as well they have with bar they still have had set up here and they didn't die they would have like a side to here easy absolutely when getap out get is going to do a lot of work here if they step bur through by this looks really scary is trying his best there's the lock down though toer he's in a lot of trouble and now they're going to knock away on there's no protection for the Caitlin down will go vaker here in the front line I'm thinking about continuing on this one here comes the flash the slow TOA do flash to want the Flash in there but he got well Hep it might be over actually I think it's over GG game one The Flash in there why are they bro what is T1 doing honestly actually maybe it's over but that dragon fight was so unacceptable second grub as well with tant second fight was terrible was good but I even think without the to stop set is like was a big problem regardless of all they have to do is and I think about to head into for because if they can get this Soul it's over going to be CAU they get and they a lot of their still fine the is just like an NBC at this point the main character they still have a FR line and they're still very far ahead so it looks like they wanted a fight for this one dor just jumping on in doesn't 4 right now the T from come in and look at the damage right now from the side of H life they take down two and Z can't even kill amle Jin in the backline by it's totally broken fight will I like the cait mid I do but I think now H are so aware of the cait mid that they'll really careful with the molder blind if H cocky they might try this match up again but T will be blue side and I think but the rest of the team are heading over to try and end the game I think if Caitlyn's level one's not [ __ ] up it's good but the thing is with Caitlyn in general one small and is a the best way to describe Caitlyn is like the film Interstellar you know when they go to that planet and every second on that planet is like seven years on Earth that's kind of how Ka feels when she falls needs to constantly be be ahead or even but if she's not and she's put behind every second feels like a year she needs so much time to recover all right A B surely they spend a rumble right a rumia red side B for for T1 for a bit of a risky draft with the K if can Getti a tennis failed but now they they first are they first piing and they going to go again AR they identifying that we need to are they going to run it back T1 confident enough to run it back further down for us to have a shot it's PE can't jungle they could have done smolder and then Cante or some [ __ ] but they can't play Z cam oh they ban cam to first big zigs and then ja is down so he can't play on three yo Doran just Slam in a Fiora go do it the I would love it but he not going to do it Jack Pi I mean Jack one of the biggest count right I like top kind of hard here top hard are like safe they can just like look like that is what they're going to do s play this comp is grub Central is I mean this would love things like has Happ one tanks after that they have Zyra Zyra is Mega good for their comp I good for their I mean I would just take away Ash was good on take Le I mean so the way it works with Z you want Lea or and with Jin B and Ash open then that means is so they I would person B here and if they because I think they run into more problems than they solve otherwise I would and force him to Blind which they're probably doing because it doesn't make sense to B Lea and how does that make any sense another option I think G back into many a times to really Boler the engage imag going go toward the questiones it's must be Al is great what is owner going to bring here this the you know what comp need to do into I also don't so doesn't fit as well establish a lot of pressure why the [ __ ] are they playing ad smolder Z they're playing with like C this game is going to be me degenerate has a really jungle match up that team is waiting in the finals for team do I like the small though is there a lane swap or some shit1 lanap going to carry this so hard this does she full clear to top they leave the picks it immediately I think he's going to full clear top kind of needs to be the driving damage in a lot of these mid game setups so obviously it's kind of hard to lose L un I think not startle was running around someone with a lot of experi J R now from behind Fally out it's good this oh yeah here it comes this is really good by owner trying to sneak peut in big trouble if they play this sequ 12 T1 can deny a lot of C nice Q by carrier two Flash from the lights wasted he knock the W the AL still the pressure from the side ofer is really big interrupt there from car he want to stop this two CS taken [Music] already the way jungle works obviously every Camp you take from the enemy is like taking two c Des because they get they lose a camp and you gain a camp so actually that is when it so now's on 20 and is on 12 get 16 with blue she'll get 20 with a CB owner has his full top side and he being challenged by the and crab Lan will end up on 36 so it's a 16 difference from a two Camp denial cuz he has four more Camp left blue grum and CB Oh's going to double crab it's going to be 40 to 20 what the hell 4 to jle completely doomed he lost crab so in a state like this is actually kind of dangerous sometimes if you take the away at the enemy Jung camps all the time because now only has one minute where she can run around the map and do whatever she wants as you might have times I've been in games where I'm like guys please don't in gets CRS though that's huge that's that's n's level two CRS will do wolves Raptors run to CRS realize they're dead andess plates and then go fight grubs yeah kind of funny that your TN rate far need grubs operation grubs second MERS have three and there's the stun already is finally going to get that Al the light does tank the going into at he flashed the stack actually he played that good but Z going to come kill him [Applause] still they should have let him live for how well he played the dive now thisable right pretty tanky but there's the going he not level himself to in F had a rough here had a rough here spring was good but he's been pretty bad in summer understand oh it's probably going to be a good [Music] Soul get but's power spike is always when the sun when the sun disappears the autn leaves come out it is very obvious buil into his poke does come in but they will commit to this one there's the big bomb onto the back but Gooding stop the lights from going in is up good they we got the guys what if we just gra a where we can just like to I'm worried this is going to be really useless def is going to be really [ __ ] useless as more GRS or Drake yeah I mean in a one V one situation if you would say probably but in player I would say I would say comp buts in play really you know why I think Drake's op in Solo where even if you're losing a game if your team has two or three DRS your team won't give up they'll be like we can play for but if you have no Dres and you're losing it's over compl need it gives your team hope they're so convinced that if they have dragons they can win so probably win more games Towers in case you didn't like [ __ ] it's like a casino we joke but it's really important as now get good ALS and and you'll win most your games Alistar solo defending B what's going on down here yo cameraman did just one one a lot of time want get the blades they're going to try I mean Viper will absolutely respect that he's oh yeah he really has to very scary this Drake fight will press e ult on smolder and Zig slam slam would be really nice I don't know why they're they want to defend want they convinced they can hold it for a little bit longer to see what happens as is czy just walk listening to and the tower is that on my screen a lot of people move to this game is really favorite for T if they had he te or infernal it was done even Mountain it's done against dive committed toting defending the SP chalal they six time but there's a lot more resources on the way TPS are available to play a little bit but he's going to die he fail they with [ __ ] Herald and n6 going they're going to take the mid he just need to be a bit more patient with his Q2 and get the Dage that R to now car to one defending top what the [ __ ] what what is doing take the power this game has NOS pretty big investment just drafted to run around the map and kill Towers I'm not sure it was uh the locker that end up being the Difference Maker but going for the flash Q there was this is a Alistair I mean it's going to take a long time to kill him and can they actually do it I I don't really believe just yet but now trying to bait the fight here comes Camille that's a Miss on the hook shot trying to predict I think he but even if hits out out again is beginning to take over the M with the he's defending every dive one3 instead of dropping and now he's CAU on side they're going to go bar I think I think H might go they take the they kind of have to do it otherwise this game kind of running out of control the towers are just bleeding everywhere dis T1 they're still ahead they're still getting structures but they keep losing members on the other side and it feels so unne I already think should have called bar unne that a goody go composition it doesn't matter how behind is I think is even with all do is the and needs to get one shot they must play like really complicated comos and like crazy sty now we're just we're just going and then locks them in a circle and and yesterday in the LCS we just piu and we just it's not that deep and Contin to try oh no to caught there The Flash and he will get away I feel like T1 can just get aced and lose the game instantly even though they have like a lead you know I can going it's just instantly over yeah they're really going to they one mistake think one mistake in T1 need to be really careful yeah fake has no either they have no TPS behind them I wait for rabons can T1 do Baron think they can really do bar who TS it feel like F this is a Viper need to check that t need to see that quick they need to see that is is just getting an engage onto Zea as they try to get the door in yeah I mean at least faker's going to do the damage but actually it's carry on a bit of rough spot he's going to have to flash away hold onto his flash so considered a lot of damage as well if they get everybody up there as yeah no hook shot just yet and there's Z over the wall and now the magnet storm with the hook shot buffer to try to get away and an Al as well asish on the right side in oh Faker flash was a bit defensive but it's okay if they can base and TP back on top wave here Witham I think T1 can slow Chase slow chase this and just play throwing SP are backed up against this game decides here for sure see if T1 can Zone to play really slow here don't have alar or FL or FL to throw got aine just running the opp nice flash by actually they can maybe run out here run all the way down but they not how fast they have to stop baring I think maybe B on get man back T back for this delight go down get they can for here they just R down and 27 minutes in damage from but yeah peut is in in the pit he's just standing there oh my God it's a horror for T1 I think I think it's a hor I think it's a horror I think it's a horror oh God oh God it off run everyone run run everyone run get out running away wait and Faker lived what only out of this of way what it's only just the heist they got a heist it's a mega Heist did looks like ker might is carer doing and this he should run up maybe Rec can he get up no doran's dead oh my God he's alive bro it's degeneracy okay but car out up they have points catch a break that no matter what1 does dies is that just it every play IDE that looking me% of their a little bit slow on how does T1 get out here oneold they de you know the light isn't there just yet Z going for a very short range but look at those bombs actually keeping Z the fight if he got to this earlier the line on their my God the burn andad got bar let's call it that they have three dragons six grubs and Z the towers are going to bring all can just fight them if they step up willage standing there they damage identifying that he does indeed need to put out some numbers for T1 might are really throwing the kitchen sink into these waves I mean even M again and T1 are not going to overstay and try to take out this turret but you know they get the baron they have a a tiny Red Bull Baron power play but they really want to get more on the denying the waves look at how hat position they confident to look for a fight if the opportunity arises really needs Q he's playing so like that Zig bomb didn't do much the end of the day in the power now they're looking for owner oh he is caught out and there's nowhere to go they get carry as well C just just kind of hanging out at the end of the baron push and that will be a double kill now for Viper great pick found and H feeling far better about the didn't get but now H might get that come the bar be it's going to come down to a dragon fight isn't it what is Faker farming up for so much more he's been farming everything heper still going to be the main Wing I still sitting on arm guard the arm guard and I can't even remember the last time has here I think even though they have le you I talked about it come out a drop Z didn't match up with Viper both carries it me Viper was going to be targeted well apparently not he's kind of just been sitting he's just full tank tank fight from T1 where they really Target in onto theer and here comes fer Viper just flapping over the wall and there's that poke damage coming in locket going to help against that but now Peanut's in a bit of trouble he's got a flash away te going to be forced from both of them Zea going to hold on to his though and he will not be tping into this fight as I say that he TPS into the fight that's not going on that back in a bit of trouble is just watching them fight and just standing there as does go down Z going forward Z desperately trying to find the angle very low health bar go but there's no follow up as some bombs are thrown in but finally he's going to get in he's going to get it's just going to super low on H once again hitow how winning that fight Chase it now he oh my God absolute psychopath on the table they need to get so quick but they're going to maybe fake and go felt like either team could have taken navigating on the KN Edge members going in bit by the windows it looked super close just it felt like they're faking dragon and even if they lose it they get window but now TP coming in they will be challenged Faker I'm not sure you can stay in the pit against VI got jump outan at the end of day not a bad TR but why don't they just take Soul isn't it better Soul just better though I mean Barce I mean kind of cles a fight here cuz what would happen here is would exit and go to Drake and TP with actually K doesn't have TP ends up going in aggressively and it just buys for the rest of the team right Faker gets the kill on Zea flash too much but he got Viper is too much buter still going to be caught kind of an awkward spot but he's able to Flap away and he gets someing is really just in a rough spot here as well Z but down goes and how I he's running trying to find Baker and carry up Two Carries here on the side of T1 they go in off the carry from Baker it is huge already wa Mega cooking what it's a St is massive tend what when they needer comes of huge the mov it's over won just Baby Bro Faker has not had a good like a good play like that all year long all year long he how to play like that y better late than never better late than never that doesn't matter this and it's over can do the next a lot of people didn't even think they would take a game Des but this late in the game up though 052 if Z gets robbed the player of the game I'm disappointed will tie it up come on give it this name it's just funny isn't it that's a big confence Bo in a series that was also like his worst CH this year I'm not even kidding wait the media voted for I knew it I knew someone would vote for him even though 0 completely move back to I need to know who that vote was which media person okay B are same here comes maai or what was itai then they B and then they B right same draft does T1 run the back I wonder if H they first pick smaller or Zig it's just up to someone to change first what would you change though I think Z is fine and then goyin I guess unless they want to change thein but they could pick on they could also pick camil on three I think the change here is that if they're feeling confident here I think camil maybe is the best pick obviously po Flex cor okay I like camil I like camil Zig but corki okay okay that signals camil already does H life B cam even though he went 05 the pick is kind of strong right maybe they're flexing Cory I mean they should bam they could Flex corki what could they do here Lea here like I said before with are great they B Lea they B they B Brown they could force Lea B and four they play Alistar yeah maybe it's a Brin BRS kind of [ __ ] what support do you Ben br's kind of terrible is it time for car I think they can blind sor okay well it must be on four unless they want Count B support but I think count big support is useless with corlex but can't they put I guess they won't do poppy support maybe the Alistar is better but re is so op he could play Greg support he could play support play ra he fine on support and I guess Top Lane is blind kante time for V top of it could be if Cante gets blinded V top is not that bad just one there's no way they play top cait mid right Isa there's no oh my God he's playing Zer top he's playing Zer top he's so ill I [ __ ] hate him I knew it was Corky top I told you he could play it now there's no way he gives they're going to swap again they're going to swap again they're going to swap again they're going to swap again right this mother sucker is not riding around on Cor it's not happening they're going to swap right thank [ __ ] for that Jesus makes more sense there's no way he goes 05 on a carry top and he's like yeah pick me Zer game game three [ __ ] it level two on the first wave why does owner have demolish more see I think there's not much of a threat now and even this presence is going to be big they can put on thater was able to do this on the n still level one can just threaten I think they can just threaten here the brush easily uh yeah he's just going to get flashed on he plays with fire not able to get over the wall as it is poy well played by pe peut always gets some early game action could flash W if he want stra flashes not bad top L really away a camp but killing find the window to punish ton of time gets CRA jle is going to be control there's nothing to do here I think for is always psych if well atast can his own atast can I thinker can maybe live here if he just choose later Advantage so they want to look FL to the side fine wait wait wait and then over he's fine I think 38 Stacks oner this game is going to be a tough one for origin how they move around the map and very early Lan and what it means for SC Delight about to face check asck I think he maybe did a bit early there but he knows that EMP would done a bit more work but has TP anyway weird that he all himer has two biscuits so he's okay it's just the smolder is scaling so easily just Conant the didn't back top R can top right for the second pretty impossible to infernal is that high right Kum predicts the swap yeah good read by T1 the plat top plates would have sucked the matching from T1 is good fper might push this spot wave and B and run top again though atast catch up he's actually totally fine track like the last two this one he is able to vye the wall actually Sobe totally fine he out a lot to get out of there but F he was CC for like 5 Seconds Faker has TP for for the grubs fight and Al is dropping the should get one R out of Amo from this is the nice flage on immediately on is so but he gets over the wall Mega winning fight for they're all really low though and K has comb smoulder and car just trying to give up his life just trying to front line foram but Z just able to run forward they deny the P he all right six scrubs life winning team fights faker's dead as well yeah the game is Mega rough Mega rough I don't like owner Sani actually I don't like owners anything at the moment oh it was one HP on the Smite Jesus I mean there's not much can do in this fight but the game just feels again got one from fighting really good fighting team fight on ra always insan one of the best probably the best Ro in the world he's insane a lot of trou will Beed down but now we got the coming asy to the puppy went into the [ __ ] happening up here is really accelerated were able to get I'm so Happy's getting nerfed I swear ifolder M me for world it would be so fucking0 carries in the game so wherever gos yourself as a champion because you're like oh yeah I'm just going to hit this oh wait I had Buckle her up um and you just outrange it here comes peanut he's going in got a big crocodile and Baker just trying to split up PR deep into this turret they're going to how owner swapped places with his ler and now he's the one getting someing to do in but owner not able to do quite too much it's going to replay how he's sending a message oh they tried to speaking about sending a message they look to send one here on a viper well he just got [ __ ] walking up there eventually does go into Auto sticking around a little bit too having a rough time kind of reminisent that previous series saw between those two teams p Just Around And it a bleed out from thatal SP where car got CH into the invade into down got the Harold he want to contest though they kind of want to contest in on this one and he's going to be to flash away from the top will be pushed all the way into theit of an awward and they lost Alistar they lost Flash and Alistar dead bro it's such a such a series of bad events again accept his fate and H Sports will also accept a kill with that one they lost zp oh I mean going have to carry the game just get these ksck and most of theage line is you get low but he doesn't go down and it feels like was on this lead for second guys like aiming you know get very far ahead on goal the big thing is Ian the game going to be decided in one minut they can't it they can't a lot of late game threats on T1 but is going to have his stack for Drake maybe I wonder if T1 goes blue side and does something about theold zolder just looks almost opportunity for T1 that eventually the only FR even though isn't going like a tank eventually the Z they are going this giv attack speed right what the f is mying this attempt at oh it can't fill I need to get it yeah he's going to be slowed up and now you got the whole team for the four shot oh my God the the poppy to knock the front line for the fourth shot the small finishes peanut K damn was just some and now yo if you rock up the worlds and start again I'm going be mad cuz you're popping off these days set Baron start a bit tricky for with the position of T1 needs to be very crisp the game will slow down a bit but it slow down go in a fight it's over smaller he's a full rapid fire Cannon up on Cor and Bo they can and the level will now have enough stacks and he's got enough stacks and they don't even know about car they going to TP a little bonus K here that's a lot of damage and yeah K does go in but Baker they finally deal with him down he goes and K is in fact the bonus that I did mention so down heill go and now we have very awkward Guma who TP fight as well you talked about desperation got interrupted by maybe if got there he could do something but blue sides 100% win so far the series I've seen enough Series where blue side wins every game yeah there's a bit of a jungle D going on bit right now I wonder what will do next game this smolder is such a big problem like the game would be okay if the enemy team didn't have smold bar because they can at least try and scale a bit more but they're just infinitely been happy like I think by the time he arrived I don't know if uhoh another play here goomas in a lot of trouble can they take him down is the question the grenade goes flying but he will live with that flash and now an opportunity for T1 to turn this one around but is so tanky War back flash y team fighting is so perfect team fighting is actually perfect it's crazy they're all so mechanically good their mechanics are so insane their coordination just no way defend against yeah he's trying desperately to clear the way but there's not much that he can do down he goes he number they got to do something about that also this zigs this zigs man I really want to see go on something more useful as much as I know zigs is bro kind I feel like Z is a very Team game CH need a or some [ __ ] come needs some kind of carrying not some kind of wave okay it's probably same B again I imagine unless doing something drastically different a from it's just the P where I think it'll change a little bit maybe I don't mind the Jack B you could B smaller here though if you want they're sticking with the Jack Cent are they going to first picker because they're going to rumble here are they going to first pick smolder or are they committing zigs they could do God I hate it just never changed their draft doday they're just like now now we'd win now i' win they did win though robbery all right cam Ben makes sense this looks like aiv became very Cam's gone though you know I think a ra here is a b by the way they're trying to bait them to B I think they need to bante I think on four is really good unless they playf but Olaf doesn't suit their Champs at all unless they play they were trying to bait them so hard to Ben very excited such a fake ba they might take now anyway and get need to go I think needs to go chase he need to here n blind cam Downy Flex I think he has to goe anyway unless he wants to play he can't play V he can't play V we don't really know where he's got to go ja I think is j a good champ right now le most yeah come out I mean there's no top Lan that saves they committed to the trip car is it a Mal fight game not not really right it's n top oh my God it's a mega pick man six Leona TR I like it but with n cor they need to really punish pick the blind expecting L spping is bad isn't it but I feel like laning against nessus is always useful but you have Corky top they only got Vis how does cover I me could do red blue Grump and starting on the red I mean I guess late to late on the blue for to do a little bit of harass and maybe hold the and run away maybe I'm just going to take my stacks back awward for now the wav in jle to cover him so he might need a g something a monster late game yeah especially when you're going grassp and you're also getting grasp sacks and meanwhile delight's here he just flash his a great kill on a faker he's able to deny the entry from moner first blood is the at puppy yeah the's good at at everything that's a PE knew he should have taken that but look at the lights look at this Ro doesn't take a bad trade because he even though series and it feels like it gives so much freedom going to be rooted down he's at least able toop away but I'm not sure he's so he needs his jungle support to cover wave is terrible but again does he have boots in base oh he got canel as well oh my God is such a powerful CH I think trade which for the light to get closer but the light is so decisive with the play and Faker is just too slow no T1 not out of Worlds if they lose this if T1 lose this they play against DK next week if they win that they go to Worlds if they lose that they play against the winner of FX KT the winner of that goes to Worlds as well so they have to win against if they lose they have to win against DK if they lose they have win against wi if they lose they're out of Worlds they have three best of five to make World Lan one of them D and then KT or FX probably KT they have if they win this best of five they make world so remember the last timeold imagine playing against Nessa smolder own they're just sitting there stacking stacking stacking the clock is like every second feels like an hour when you don't really have a lot of control yeah he guess have is always there and he's in B this time around he's got thep but I don't know if he's got lik to stand on they leave alone in the bottom side the W so he can't get the light really trying to going get Bo swiftness but I don't think it's enough and they can't even dive top come they got they have no pressure on the map anywhere for me the player of the series playing has just been a small Mer but it's working well I think against J it look bit different though has been pretty chill haven't really pushed that much there's no point very clearly knew that the light was in there but wasn't expecting peanut to be in there all the other way was good and by the time the CC end of might look for a fight have looked for and now we're going to open up here on Aus really on the angle thereus not much room to go for he is going to try to flash away coming in here's the light again again he's everywhere and he'll take a bunch of FL man I feel like if n W's four out of five of T1 Champs all of them either have to Flasher or dead Viper in a very awkward spot in the top big one to the face and Viper just flash so he can't chase him I guess n is just t top here and it's fine everything f actually resets the dragon a little bit see1 pressure now Viper here comes the helicopter trying to get somebody out of this one it will be carry out is up two but dor is seven CS down into cor top he is fine 200 Stacks uh oh all right on top of the poy that's pretty but they have enough damage just to follow kind of stops his FL holding waiting he still got his Flash and he really wants to use it he is and he flash away to denight it from Faker but Faker got a pick for T1 do and insta K okay nice DOD pretty dead top is God I hate this top why is so convinced to play range top still they get Herald doran's going to get Triforce in base doesn't destroy all of their Champs we've gone from TF top to cor are they can tank forever they forever glacial shroud this a mountain for want to climb also the grass I like Gras you have to go Spear of second right with with Gras maybe he should have I guess first kind of bad against just press e on you if T wins this it'll bang the game five will bang but this n and smaller are literally just sitting there scaling and he has demolish on I'm not about this they just thought they wouldn't find a window there now they are looking for Doren yeah he's kind of getting baited into this one and Faker just going to hop away Doran now flashes into the T1 jungle as Z's even trying takes off as yeah he will go down 3 one it took them that long a little bit and it's only going to get worse really isn't it they lost top small for Lanes man Q damage three q's and Faker dead pretty not too weak for this fight just yeah the longer time goes on the worse it gets let's see if they can cook this level 12 TP coming in from both their solo Lan else there rapid fire on fight foror might they can't fight from that one so the dra do go over to their they're picking they really want it trying to sneak this theys buted they had the set they didn't get hit by the ready with the the's usage is crazy where's the W okay slowly but surely slowly but surely he's building Le they getting they're denying objectives the biggest Spike for is when smolder gets and Rapid that's when they have a big problem because T has no line destroy them but T1 has 380 carries basically so they have a lot of damage peut yeah they'll up they're trying to trade tier ones here good play by they don't have much Tower damage but they should get it with Dem [ __ ] disgusting champ clear waves from across the map and take going to go down no TP on it's just a trade why is T there they want Force here still no I just think this is why can hit top two though can they hit top two can they get up on top they could just or they use TR e on Sani they're going to back off here he scared of getting T maybe some of the previous games I think Z going six for minutes on rapid fire big problem 186 stacks on smaller he's still quite a far away 22 minutes 180 Stacks I would say T1 is still a little bit stronger than they haven't hit their breaks yet you can start to see why the comp makes a bit of sense right n zigs Poke they have to back all the tower from the Poke Zig take the tower that's their wing condition if they get engaged on their Champs kind of like have to just scatter but as long as they can stay together and just poke and not let them engage for1 if they can get this so Ted poke poke poke is the name of the game just need to go they need to go instant here comes a q from P maybe he's looking for a QR engage you old G W pop someone away just get get the fight going this is really annoying for one flash down they're making here now to poke even harder still have which is big they still have po which is big small off to the side sees him Z's kind of out of the fight here he has no TP he's going have to go all the way around okay well he can get sh that's fine is flanking on Cor there's the Le there first down oh big from he's looking for Guma look oh he hit him but he had SS I think Archangel proed canel by pow over the wall reset for TR on the door and he has flash bom hit him does f flash he doesn't they're all out it's just one kill T needed more than that they needed the TR or they needed like two or three so they can base and TP T cuz they're playing double TP right and with thaty was massive look at Zig the fourth shot does no damage because of arel this puy stops Le man more the time is getting it's getting bad H life are getting so strong even they could have they the Gold's going to become irrelevant their bar force is pretty quick if they're all it I think that maybe they only give up a kill there's no FL too bad about that one kind of hard Force I'm guessing Faker close to mulinder right gu this bar buff you I think that mid is they still have uh a lot right now but they can't mess up again they they have good behind them but they don't really have B here for Rapid Fire level he should but the series and the I think they just want to pressure this Baron T have to and they say Faker get over here we're doing the bar five members of T1 have already started up this objec they're looking carage from theer this follow up is not there it's just a free Lea maybe they should have more is not clean on the turn from T1 and yeah T1 kind of have to force with the game was because you don't have TR it again think comes b or probably just bord right there's no way yeah I think they should have let the baron take a bit more damage before he turns like this this turn is just way too early 10K on Baron carries are too far maybe if The Baron's on 3K HP you can do this but it's a really bad turn by carrier the the call is correct but it's just bad play taken against the poppy in particular not going to work as a from the and it's just a trade it's better for smolder smolder has got 650 gold from that T1 need to land poke cuz they have no TP on Doran they need poke they need poke they need a lot of it they're missing though owner needs to steal this or the game's basically over with n small Mountain Soul it's basically un he can't get in he can't get in if he goes in they lose Nash it's over they can't get it as car owner thinking about getting in there but it's not going to spear runs away that's now to for fight I think it's not St make aactive play looks like a decent idea but the is BU so much the light he hit but does T1 for baring here sending a message it's correct again but it's just execution I think they can't where was that they got Nash they got smolder they got nessus they're level 16s they got M Soul yeah they ran out of time here T1 they ran out of time just outscaled can they end top maybe they can end top three towers they can't win they can't win their Champs can't win FP if hit here the game would lookit different Prett bad cuz Faker wouldn't die and they could set up Drake a bit better with Carri the wall assuming there this is not from just really bad 1600 game is over unless look mid M guys this is for Worlds world seed would go over to hwa if they wi it here another as the rapid fire to pressure this one look at the damage oh God and they're going to throw this on top of Z but it's actually Faker who is in danger of going down and now the turret will fall It's actually an 8,200 power play by the end of it all and life Esports in minutes might be their the only last they're going to take well T1 might get an fight but I doubt it I doubt it highly t for a world spot next week they might get a SM F we'll see as but yeah just from a ofam comes in but theat in that but do they have enough to take has for second getting so low but is will not will1 tonight back into the finals life last time they were finals was Rock Tigers going to break up the streak they're going to go to finals they're going to go to Wills coming with a 3-1 Victory T1 OB has flaws but Hammer life looks pretty solid I want to see Peanut Canyon tomorrow can will be big I think it should have been a three I think T1 kind of kind of robbed the win there next week is the regional qualifiers T's got to win that D their first opponent probably and their second opponent if they lose d one it's probably KT and then yeah it's kind of sad T1 d one and KT only two of the three can make it ain't got a chance e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e

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