Caedrel's Thoughts On LS' Mid Tower Theory | Reddit Recap

what is this bombastic side eye criminal offensive side eye wait who was that oh my God congrats s Mark Robert wins Esports Community leader of the Year bro I swear I look like such a clown ass it's crazy what happened to my face chat how do I undo my face wrist drill Faker crafting mid meta I always recommend mid Garen bro chatter is it not fak doing it Pok let's go man hi oh my God po let's go man oh my God I made full Korean subtitles for the Turning Point Conga Jesus man what the hell you posted on FM Korea as well Jesus man what the [ __ ] you're crazy yo thanks man what's your thoughts on the winner of streamer of the Year pup uh I think kaet should the one streamer of the year but yeah it looks like it's all just a bit biased um kaiset is like absolute Next Level absolutely Next Level POG let's go man speed b games yeah maybe speed as well I don't know but I feel like kaiset has done a lot this year that is like become a new trend in streaming communities right like maybe I'm wrong this but from what I've seen having like these big backgrounds in streamer uh marathons now is a thing because of kaiset he's like done all of these game marathons and [ __ ] like that and changed his backgrounds and like I don't know this guy he's done some crazy collabs and stuff as well like the the Kevin Hart stuff was crazy DDX it's not about how many followers you have on Twitter or Instagram it doesn't matter it doesn't matter how many how many Twitter followers you have it's not it's not Twitter fering of the year it's it's what have you done to make streaming like different or Peak or you know um but yeah I think this year I think ka's done a really good job I mean I also think speed did like his European tour which was crazy I don't know man I don't know I I don't know I'm not a [ __ ] LS is at war after his tweet everyone's L this video is watch this video I watched this video I didn't I didn't like it I didn't like it personally the reason I didn't like it is um it takes away from the main question and we can watch it if you want but the main question was is taking mid tier one worth then it went to discussions about like like the the references in my opinion were bad like this as an example is is terrible right is just a terrible example as the why M one's useless like even the easiest solution for North like a small solution for North just don't ride The Herald and it would have crashed you could back off the only reason it doesn't crash cuz they [ __ ] put a wall up and you drive into it right cuz you you manually take the herald but there was a lot of video like maybe I should go through it with you but I I really liked Revan points at least um and like the idea I think the the main idea that I dislike is um wait let me open up Rift kit is they were laughing at people saying if you take mid tier one you open up the map right which is true if you take mid tier one you do open up the map and they were laughing they were laughing at it because I don't know why maybe they thought it was just funny but I I don't understand if you you don't understand the concept of the mobile like if you take mid tier one you do open up the map it it is it is like it's crazy to me this isn't like understood I can push waves in further I have a shorter Trask on rotating to tier tws or zoning off of tier ones and you have longer distances to cover to be able to defend your Towers like it just makes it so I can push you in and have shorter tracks into your jungle and take your towers and it's a way of snowballing the game and if your counter argument is it's to slow down it's it's it's not good take m one if you're playing a comp that like want to slow the game down then that's also a valid argument but if you take mid tier one you also do make it so if you do ever get one lane of pressure then you can push in that lane of pressure further what the [ __ ] is the thing where's the [ __ ] hand thing I don't know where it is anyway you can push in that lane further so they have to catch deeper on on any Lane bro this [ __ ] thing is [ __ ] completely bugged uh they have to catch deeper on any Lane which gives you more time and time is the most valuable resources when you're scaling right so if you ever have the option to take a free mid tier one you should do it to open up the map so you can push them in deeper so you can have shorter rotations if you want AC cross map and the game when you're scaling isn't just about standing at your towers and clearing waves doing nothing and waiting for time it's about finding opportunities that are very low risk and so if you have a lowrisk play of taking mid one you should take it am I saying you should five man mid Aram at 20 minutes with tier Cham smolder and like no stacks and like try and take m one no but if they like overload top or something and they play for like your top tier two and you have a chance to take this while you defend this it's always worth it you should always try and cross map the argument of taking jungle camps is a bit outdated I think I think the idea that if you take their towers you can take their jungle camps yes and no I don't think jungle camps in the current like climate of League matter as much sure they're useful if you get mid tier one can you take their wolves no to take their wolves you can need their mid tier two the only thing I think it opens up mainly if you take mid tier one is like blue buff and red buff contests a little bit easier uh I don't think that taking their Raptors is decided by mid-tier one I think you can take their Raptors no matter what whether mid-tier one is down or not uh like this is the only real camp that matters if you take mid tier one in people's eyes I disagree I think you can just you can contest Raptors no matter what I I don't think midon is a huge Factor uh but I think it just makes it easier to contest buff respawns which actually is a lot of value uh considering that League of Legends now if you get a buff you you you get a fiveman buff right um also it just means that like if I'm in the game and it's 30 minutes in another example if it's 30 minutes into the game and dragon spawning and they have a mid-tier one up and I don't obviously contesting mid waves become harder because they can play on bushes and I have less places to retreat to in in a sense right I can't just run back to my tower and clear the wave and then contest the next one my tower is dead so I have so much little space to work with when it comes contesting whereas if they have a mider one up no matter how much poke I land I can't chase because they have a tower so when it comes to opening up the map in that regard if you want to contest traes or Barons for example and you want to contest mid prior for that objective having the tower there just makes it a lot easier to be able to contest and like um uh like not not be chased in that sense so I I think the video was really cool I think LS video was really good um but I just disliked the way that they kind of went off of the point in my eyes like it's the argument started should 100 thieves take this mid tier one and then it moved to like is mid tier one valuable and then the mid tier one is valuable this discussion only happened for like a minute and they moved on to like how Starcraft works and how economy in Starcraft works and comparing leak to Starcraft and I feel like it just kind of removed from the idea of like what is the key argument as to why you think mid tier one is bad to take you know like what is what is what is the argument as to why I think mider one is bad because the problem with taking midet is the argument but there's only one example of a game where H thieves just blunder the whole game because they troll the mid Siege and using that as example and extrapolating someone who's a top eight Starcraft Pro Player and then comparing it to the best in the world when it's 100 thieves and saying this is why I shouldn't take mid Tower I I feel like it's a very nuanced discussion that needs a lot more examples and context but anyway I'm rambling uh I do like the idea the thing that I don't want to say here is I love the idea of having different opinions I think you know having different opinions always brings more discussion to the game however I do think if there's one unanimous thing that a lot of people will agree on in League of Legends it's mid- tier one is insanely valuable it's not about getting 112 gold like it's not about 112 gold it really is about how much space you have on the map to work with how you have shorter rotations if you ever do get leads and advantages how you can like if you are a scaling comp and mid tier one is down that's one less objective that you have in your way when it comes to uh taking objectives if you do win a fight or go three for three right um mider one opens up so on the map it's crazy it it just prevents it just it it just makes everything so much easier when it comes to rotating anywhere uh yeah and a lot of discussion was like they're doing this because they're stressed they're doing this because they're stressed no I actually think the argument that they had here was that hun thieves is stressed and they're like not sure what to do so they're like we should do something like ADHD let's Herald mid I actually think and and and I think their Herald mid is fine you know why I think their Herald mid is fine it's because they should just press heral and not get in it they're just they just lacked a bit of game knowledge I actually don't mind heralding mid here when they just saw cassant bot and Talia has no TP Talia ult is a good form of collapse but Jax is first and all they have to do here is Press Herald clear the wave the heral crashes mid one dies they back off the game's fine but the problem is they maybe misunderstood the mechanic between Talia and and haral him enjoying and the start as soon as they start driving Herald tell Wall comes out norless realizes it's it's just going to hit the wall and that's it the charge is gone they can't get the tower so he greets by trying to go around to hit the tower and then they greed even harder by walking up to take the tower right this is the problem if they just didn't get in if they just knew the Talia wall mechanic would Herald that if you don't drive it when it autopilots and no one's in it it crashes through Talia wall anyway um and then then they'd be fine mid tier one would be dead and they'd back off and they can just catch top but instead obviously they they got like a dizzy and like they maybe got stun locked by the fact that this northless is trying to play [ __ ] Need for Speed underground and uh yeah they all walk up and die so it's it's just yeah now I don't want people to clickbait title Cel disagrees with the l no no I don't want any of this dog [ __ ] drama [ __ ] I love the idea of people coming up with the discussion so you can talk about it I just um I didn't like the video because I feel like they kind of straight off topic if they had more arguments as to why they think mid tier one is bad that would be awesome and I'd love to watch that but in my eyes the only argument they used was one Community sentiment argument that you can take jungle camps and two that Pro players make the decisions cuz they're stressed um and the mid Towers worth 112 gold so yeah that that's all my my only thoughts on on on on the on the tweet I do think people are being really weird though the problem I think the problem LS has is he tweets a take and you can only get so much of your take in character on text and so when people read it they come to conclusions that you're not really like they come to conclusions of what your opinion is without real context you know like I think midtow is useless cuz it's only worth 112 gold it's like well you're [ __ ] you know now you can start yapping um but yeah Cel reacting to lud R reacting to K reacting to lck soli game let's go my God oh my God I don't want to watch this man I don't want to watch this I didn't know I didn't I I actually didn't think I didn't think that he would watch it I didn't think that he would watch it not that I not that I I I just think that I'm too much of a random for him to watch it you know

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