FLY vs C9 Highlights ALL GAMES | LCS 2024 Summer Playoffs | FlyQuest vs Cloud9

these are the best highlights from today's 2024 LCS summer playoffs matchup and it was going to be pretty hard for C9 to contest that because quad had the earlier base so he was back to Lane buo had push tops they had double push in so Lanes but because going to reinvade as inspired went to go pick up his kugs on top side that he'd already channeled on and now they're going to catch masu on the way back oh Cloud n has made the move masu has to flash away but the flash follow coming in from blabber here with the blooming blows there's the interaction the bullet time in the sleep it's first blood with a side of support for C9 waves of bullets but the waves of bullets are not hitting you it's damage over time well blabber now has to be careful trying to get away from this one mom Roars in and blabber dies before he can hit him with the Eep quad survives with 100 health and inspired is still chasing after JoJo fly Quest doing a good job here getting something back the punish on blabber after we had used the flash back in the bottom Lane JoJo but boio may be looking for something here inspired does have his Redemption okay c9's got this down to 2,000 HP bowling ball misses Uso is still staying as far forward in this Tri brush as he can but not too bad and when you are mid lane you can pick up those side side lane jungle camps and stuff but last time these two teams did meet it was actually early games that went the way of fly Quest and it was still set up some sort of Ash Arrow play fairly shortly before Cloud9 just become too powerful as a group because they're already really taking away these outer Towers bottom outer Towers is already dead and they've rotated Berserker up to top side to finish up this top side one too eating a lot of damage here as the bullet time heads towards him but a Redemption from inspired it's going to guarantee whippo can walk away the turret though does not stay standing C9 grows to over 3,000 the Herold will charge into the mid lane tier one the charge is enough to kill it all alone split long they have been very consistent know excuse me Cloud9 has only lost the three black has lost the seven obviously have dropped a lot more um and I do think C9 despite some of those kind of you have their two item core here for Quad uh he does have his Morana transformed and you're going to have to like pray to the Ivor Gods you can actually keep a team fight up but more and more objectives the way of C9 quad's not going to get to 225 though so it's not really even that threatening like start to prep for it between 1 and 2 minutes out so I expect the next big rotation we're going to see down towards that area big objective Bounty W okay fly Quest claim their first objective of the game with the tier one turret getting knocked down there in the bot Side by whip sitation for fly quest with the ad carry itemization considering the ash down 2K but now Thanos might find an angle here in the flank solar flare doesn't hit masu fly Quest disengaging the b ball tags inspired but not a whole lot more Whip's looking for maybe a Piner here but thinks better of it C9 walking as a very tight unit back towards that bottom side River back towards that Drake pit Daisy's going to lead the charge here for fly Quest she's still get a lot of bullets though JoJo continuing to try to poke from the back side of the enemy jungle quad going to trade some shots back and forth with him Daisy down to 700 blabber ain't going to find out a whole lot yet here with the blooming blows there a lot of damage onan's mom Roars in the bullet time is huge and quad is nearly dead JoJo gra the first kill of the fight as he and Vulcan have to exit stage left whle trying to tear him oppon a shut down back over to the Croc as now Vulcan re-engages they want inspired they find him Boo's going to be killed Cho and Vulcan the only two dead on C9 as to go ra boss but can't from the angle here just get proper grabing another one oh it's a five for two and C9 cut him down Cloud n put fly quest to sleep the multi man dragon soul everything this whole game was building towards that fight I think we just saw the results of game number one oh we might see another fight here vulcan's taking a lot of damage here it's Cloud n went too far into enemy territory the immediate punish on the support mom finds a little bit here on the continued fight as Berserker has to try to flash away and Whip's ready to lock him down a little bit more damage is all they need to do with the shutdown goes back over to whippo he dies in trade as JoJo gets the kill Credit Now blabber stuck in the middle of everybody it's Dear season there's no way out of that one two alive left on C9 and fly Quest just found their entry back into game one why is they always right out of a replay I'm like oh okay so they got the soul right that's going to wrap up the rest of this one no way fly Quest are back they are still fighting they get objective Bounty shutdown on Baron and they will turn that into another objective Bounty shut down you have to think on the vul's trying to play for some Vision he just goes way aggressive looking for a pick on toio is way overextended the rest of the Cloud9 team comes chaos keep Cloud n feeling nervous and feeling uncomfortable ivn team fights baby put up those brushes constantly spamming out these shields the heals that come through oh but Mom's roaring into the fight in the bullet time forc his fly Quest back Redemption from the Iver to keep the health bars high enough to continue the fight quad flaps his wings going forward Thanos once again taken low but not taken down fly Quest removing the tier one turret from the rift brings that gold lead back you do have to respect those snot bubbles from respect the yeah that is you don't want that on you let's go that a Troublesome one yeah yeah that's that's real nasty oh sleep used now let's see if they can get anything back the bullet time ripping through whippo but finally going to be interrupted whippo staying alive from STX Gage but see 's front line is way too far forward Thanos is already down Vulcan will burn and C9 runs for their lives quad still just free firing into the lines a double kill back for the smolder and it's time for C9 to reconsider the way they're playing this game a TP back into the mid lane from quad as Berserker and JoJo will try to escape masterer with the flash of the wall he doesn't want to allow them to recall Berserker and JoJo still trying to get away inspired locks them up m Su guns him down it's an ace for fly Quest a shut down on jojo a shut down on Berserker and the front doors getting kicked in C9 ran the show for 25 minutes and then they lost it and never got it back fly Quest going straight for the throat Thanos is going to respawn in five only Vulcan alive right now as quad jumped on by Vulcan trying to Flap away from it than to back alive trying to defend second Nexus turret still hanging on somewhere all out coming up from Thanos two members of C9 make it three holding the line stopping fly Quest the game on go Elder go Elder now go Elder now now now Cloud9 have the chance they can rush to the Elder they try end the game for sure double Buffs here for C9 if they're able to collect as well on the baron that's going to be the extra soon have Baron to boot fly Quest have some difficult defense in front of them what is a smolder to five smers is delivering C9 still with that Drake Soul still up 2 and 12,000 gold still blast with both super Buffs just has to really focus on clearing out this onewave mid here we go the brushes go up they're going for the wave clear using mom using everything because you have to get through two more minion waves every 30 seconds here is going to tick down on this elder it's at 45 they still have a couple to deal with here Cloud9 will get inside the base they probably shouldn't be able to end on these double Buffs you know the Elder will time out and fly Quest are thinking just stay steady because we do have pretty good team fighting still you know very good chance to use the Elder to end the game they recognize it and they want to go for it Thanos 2/3 HP he's looking to go all in and all out whip jumps in to find a quick bur of damage on De blabber but they ain't going to kill nobody off just yet until Berserker claims masu C9 still five alive as the enemy bot Lane is taken out of the picture and whippo jumps back in for a nice ruthless Predator a double kill back over the quad it's two dead on C9 wio Burns away C9 still scrambling to try to end this game but quad does not want to let him get away with it Santos tries to jump back in the path man going to get himself right back out quad is diving between the brushes trying to stay alive Berserker takes him down C n secures game is going to do a lot of damage so I'm a big fan of cloud 9's comp so far cor JJ Which comp do you like more I think if flight and actually be a real carry threat this time around rather than more utility Ash throwing out the arrows exactly I mean Ash is a great champ JoJo could be in trouble yeah inspired's coming in to save quad gives him the shield JoJo flashes out but he has flashed into the fly Quest side of the map and inspired can easy flash follow two ivn attacks and a red buff burn crashes that Chopper and it looks like fly man so low on health could have potentially died or had the wave Frozen on him you know had insire not been there but of course insire is there to bail him out oh now whle in trouble this is the problem this Renekton Cante match up gets real dicey when Cante can knock you back underneath the turret like that got the Q3 ready to go shoves whippo right on back jumps back in with a little bit of footwork and Santos good deaths me that's just badass yeah that one's sick can we just do a murder of grub doesn't have the the the grubs are always the ones getting murdered now hold on looks like we might have a little bit more violence up here in the Top Lane as Berserker has to flash away but whiffles ready to flash follow here with a ruthless Predator takes him down but now Whip's in danger C9 needs to fire back a little bit stronger they will not kill the Croc just yet blabber on the run as Mom breathes fire down on Cloud9 quad has to try to flash back away from the turret as now he's in danger Theos disengaging once more fly Quest gets the single kill on Berserker both teams come out swinging but berserker's the only run over I felt like in the same way that he did in game number one to me blabber benefited a lot in game number one as they go for another kill here yeah whip could be the one in danger they commit the sleep they have enough damage to secure the kill yeah they will blabber picks up the credit on that one as Thanos was there to guarantee that that exit path was not safe and now at the enemy top laner down for the next 25 seconds okay looks like we won't get a whole lot more progress than that yeah I was going to highlight that Cloud9 were actually giving up power plate money in mid lane to masu as he drag W and keep their dragon stacking on Pace it's a little bit slower than the first game but not much and once again in the same spot on the map whippo is going to find himself caught out by multiple Cloud9 players Vulcan stopping that Escape Route the Alistar can easily tank the turret unbreakable Wills just going to stop a mid slide whpo dies back to back here in the bottom Lane there's those baby grubs you were talking about as they just immediately ready to continue the play that's going to be first turret for C9 alongside those first two Dres Kobe you said it might have been a slightly slower take on the Drakes here in game number two but the soul is a hex Soul blabber though getting caught in the enemy jungle now no way out on that one he'll burn down masu is going to commit the ulti just to make sure that he gets the money as quad is caught out this has been the absolute death zone for fly Quest this TR brush has killed so many fly Quest players look like on top of somebody that gets locked up by allar zigs can just have such an immediate impact if C9 get the early engage and they actually get another one from Thanos Thanos is finding these angles over and over again to bring people underneath turrets with the all out and that's the first kill on buio C9 won't get anybody else but they don't need anybody already Whitted down here I will say buio is a support with hex Gade so his death timer is so low buio is back well the herold's IM immediately smited blabber will pick that one up no chance to contest for eyeball easy and might be saying I'm strong now but we'll we'll see I just wonder about the stacks right you know I feel like they might be in this same part where they're like okay we're going to wait for the stacks wait for the stacks B though caught out oh man bipo caught again flashes over the wall to Escape The Drowsy that'll be enough to keep him alive but I just feel like every time we're seeing whippo here in the second game it's him getting caught somewhere by Cloud9 TI turret here in the bottom Lane now the target C9 they might have lost their Top Lane tier one they know quad is up there but they'll trade the enemy tier 2 for it and now they've got total control and a beline straight down to the dragon pick yeah that's so beneficial for C9 getting the Renekton flash Renekton now it's already been pretty useless this game but now without Flash for a team fight you're turbo useless so they just keep quad farming up those Stacks like you're talking about and in the best case scenario he could get a top Tower but I I to be able to collect it he should actually wait a little bit on Tower ooh zigs clears okay there's the wa for thetive bount to pop he's he's waiting there it is objective Bounty claimed dragon now you get the better positioning they've got the vision control over this Dragon leadup so if fly Quest want to do anything about that oh JoJo going to get jumped on immediately as Whip and M try to find the enemy mid laner but they don't have enough damage just yet mom barely misses the kill threshold as statos is focus but he won't be brought down just yet a M sleep comes out the quad gets the kill back on Thanatos fly quest with some beautiful team fighting here in a minut lan they going to pick up blabber as well enemy jungler down enemy Thanos enemy Cante enemy raid boss down Vulcan trying to go back into the fight for some damn reason Vulcan down fly Quest Roars to life what a sick engage from fly Quest onto JoJo even with the qss they go ham onto Jojo and they get such a lead in the health bars on the the team fight that they then collect multiple kills they deny the soul this time around and some critical gold on the carries as well masu definitely a rising star for the team now two kills two assists and now he's looking for that side lane play does he have a killer intin he does okay masu and bipo should have enough Firepower you would think to take this guy down but the problem for flag Quest is that C9 sees the opportunity they're going to go for the baray and at the same time Thanos is dead for the next 45s seconds a TP is coming in from wio Mom does a lot of damage and Vulcan is about to die Staying Alive through unbreakable will as the bar is secured by blabber but now Vulcan is down now Cloud 9's going to try to get away with some of these Buffs still intact but no only Berserker still stands with the purple fly Quest doing a great job responding fly Quest will take that trade every day of the week look at that that's going to get way worse they're not done yet boo waiting for Berserker to use the Satchel to try to get himself away Berserker burn burning burning burning low but he ain't going to die just yet critically holds on to that single bar and buff in both games now fly Quest have fallen behind early and then come back in the mid game the kings of objective bounties yeah fly Quest able to capitalize off a great team fight mid they get another Pi really really hard and he has no TP yet it's actually up pretty soon but it's not yet available there's a small bit of cool down on it he got interrupted again Thanos with a nice Q3 stopping whippo from recovering Thanos is going to lose half HP to this the mom damage isn't really extreme on the front line Cante Thanos does have TP though if he can actually get out of here we'll see okay bipo forced to use the Dominus flashes over the wall for the slight to die a going to work out they interrupt the fly Quest dive C9 getting their carries away for now but the Unstoppable quad takes down Thanatos fly Quest still pushing wh's going to die here with the front line low health bars on both sides masu and quad 25% HP each but C9 has more Health they have control over the dragon pit buio and inspired are going to be the first to check masu coming around from the side but JoJo's also got eyes on him a TP for re-entry for Quad as fly Quest do not want to give over the dragon soul quad will fly back into the pit and secure the kill on the enemy jungler now C9 knows they don't have a Smite for it JoJo's going to try to steal it away if he can but it ain't going to matter the hex Soul denied Once More by fly qu quad full HP boio forces the flash from inspired and quad in Vulcan jumping in as quad continues to lead the charge towards the backline of Cloud9 Vulcan escaping with the unbreakable will as Daisy is eliminated fos the front yet again goes for a double knock back on the Q3 but now the engage with the magnet stor from booo locks up everybody on C9 quads going God likee at c9's going home in a body bag Berserker absolutely smashed by Whos Renekton a clean Ace for nothing for fly Quest they are Marching into the base ladies and gentlemen Cloud N9 ain't going to beat him in this one we got ourselves a series Black West are going to make no mistake about it this time qu and masu crushing through Cloud9 there those Nexus turrets ain't much man fly Quest team fighting fly Quest mid game Fly Quest come back in the magical it worked it worked out so it's a prepar the draft I guess I'm really curious to see if he goes the conquer or M pressure onto Thanos okay fourman dive you would have to think they can get this path maker to immediately cause him a couple of problems masu eats the two turret shots inspired has to flash away the kill has still not been secured finally the route last little hit from the grenade won't do it but the crocodile will First Blood flly Quest yeah Thanos handled that always the ultimate with this Champion flash at the ready means that you are a giga playmaker and also gives the ramping damage on the emulate as you're in combat so you are going to get more player damage out of that whereas Hollow Radiance is more about pushing the waves with the the on kill minion explosion so I generally feel like you know if you're trying to scrap if you're trying to car go into the pockets of the azir here Cloud9 though will be able to take the dragon off the back of this and so let's find out again what soul it will be so I could also throw out there a damage aroundc and you are already creating a big circle and then your W is a little circle as quad has to try to get the hell out of town before he's the victim of those circles but no sir this dude is in some serious danger as he tries to escape summoning up the Sund disc using the soldiers JoJo in Hot Pursuit but boo has arrived for the clutch save and now with no Mana left on jojo the copter crashes and quad fired the missile oh man they're able to take him out the over Chase there bber committed the flash even to get that they get no Summoners except that one TP end up dying quad putting up that air turret just that is a huge tool for the Reon to not have for a team fight coming up here for this next Drake yeah he wanted to punish blabber for going in on Daisy he was just out of range of getting the done okay the ruthless Predator a lot of damage on blabber here immediately and masu puts a bullet in him C9 having to fall back behind the tier one turret now fly Quest don't need Dominus they just need whippo to walk up and stun the am instantly going down there huge for fly quest to then be able to get this dragon and they're not even then worried about a baron counter cuz you just killed the jungle drafted by fly Quest who has been going for these strong late game comps has been scaling up and been able to execute in these 55 so well fio engaging with the Dred line but he engaged in the wrong target Berserker picks him up easy and blabber stays alive bullet time to try to provide some covering fire but Whos into the back line looking to finish the kill on blabber and he ain't going to find him here just yet Vulcan takes whippo down and blabber lives to see another day C9 five Alive running the in and they're going to look for a contest here inspired does have flash available but can he get in range 3 and 1/2 V5 Daisy summoned up here to be the FR line blabber is down to about 300 HP masu inspired in Quad trying to step up Force Thanos into the picture Thanos is still burning away it is stolen by inspired fly Quest at their Darkest Hour rise to the occasion and stop Cloud n a triple kill for the Jin for masu another one of about to come through as the dredge line connects and fly Quest are buried in a shallow grave fly Quest Cloud n r fly I mean they really wanted to keep inspired out I want to watch this one more time did he actually hit the que and use that to get in to get the Smite how did he all at once and not hearing or what you have to keep burning the baron there you could tell they were all really trying to keep the I out uh but then they didn't C9 is not even on soulle point yet fly Quest has full momentum here in the game they will push up five men strong here in the bottom Lane than's eating a lot of damage over the front line that four shot would have killed him but it does not hit the mark fly Quest using the bar so very dangerous so they're all backing away it looks like this one's done for they'll choose to defend at the base instead just too much to deal with you guys ever seen any of those pictures that people take near spots where you can go skiing the sign with a skull on it that says you will die that's what Cloud 9's jungle feels like right now than's trying to lead the charge in bso's getting killed first C9 with a nice pick on that one thanks to the top laner than's trying to step up here as blabber goes over the wall a big flash for the AL it's one kill on the quad alongside the earlier one on booo but fly Quest is still trying to stand up fight back C9 taking control it's a 4 V3 a beautiful play from blabber to reposition for the curse of the sad mummy and set up for the kill on that fed enemy midlaner C9 now with a man Advantage now keeping the health bars fill up with Aftershock you know trying to proc his After Shock to go in just gets punished so quickly now the problem was there wasn't a whole lot to win from that pipo's going in but he's losing a lot of Health very quickly fly Quest top laner dies at the start of the fight the rest of the team can't follow up booo getting a surge of healing through the Redemption of the Iver but C9 has now killed one of the main Frontline threats of fly Quest right right as the baron spawns right as the dragon spawns If the previous fight did not have enough rewards now they've got a second chance blabber used the curse of the sad mummy there on bipo so they got to watch out for taking any crazy fights just yet masu uses fourth shot quad still has the emperor's divide ready to go fly Quest falling back into their own jungle now as C9 will regain control over the botside river but critically fly Quest had not allowed C9 the same amount of dragon control in game three that they did in the first couple of games so it's still not a soul for C9 but they will move to Soul Point are they going to try Baron he TP top yeah I I think they are they have to be otherwise that was a completely wasted TP there are hex Gates so hex Gates means that C9 will respond even quicker but azir really Burns this thing this is air with a death cap with four items I like that because even though very interesting as we're hitting very high item power spikes for a lot of Champions in the game whippo again almost in danger of getting caught out there both carries on C9 still only have level one boots which is something I feel like you don't see a lot of the time in a 36-minute game but masu is opening up the curtain call Jo is going to eat the first two shots they are just going straight for the tier three turret fly Quest again just take objective so quickly D9 cannot respond in time Thanos coming around from the side but critically gets slowed down by the Gin trap but immediately responds with an all out on whippo trying to bring him into the rest of the C9 Squad it's not going to be enough both top laners forced to use their neck and neck in these fights it's really all coming down to the execution the TPS are coming in BIO has a good angle here he's not spotted he's already used the Dominus he's tried to find his way out Berserker but so much damage going right back into the Croc at the same time flashing away to barely survive C9 with a nice response in what looked like a very scary situation JoJo eats a little bit more damage from the soldiers on the back end of the fight boio wanted to flash into the dredge line but he ain't going to find it than stopping everybody else from getting into the fight but now he's about to die here to the it takes him down quad with the first killed the hexo but at what cost Whipple's ready for re-entry and JoJo cannot get away blabber and Vulcan now caught in the emperor they fall before quad a double kill for the fly Quest midlaner hex Soul be damned emotes be spammed fly Quest is on the victory march oh it's only Berserker here he's got no chance at defending the Ed line sets it up for the deadly flourish but he cleanses to get away that bullet time hits a whole lot of air as the inhibitor bot Lane Falls the minion wave will be escorted in 40 minutes into the game six dragons taken so many team fights a Dred line on Berserker to end the whole thing flat Quest move an after draft who do you call after this draft a fly Quest okay core fly Quest 31 he also only one on the desk to pick fly quest to win the series let's see if that's true of drinks of course but still should be able to go the way of fly Quest and they finish out their reset here so Berserker had to go pretty far back and Berserker missing out on some at that Tower he only slips back in now so nice little little move there from fly Quest as even though Vulcan comes up and messes up as a little bit of a CS lead constant pressure towards bottom side from inspired though now that he is level six also joining on the big crash flash on Berserker wants to go in Berserker popping the lightning crash nice and early wants to kite these guys out tries to get away from the cataclysm but remember there's no flash left for the cloud 980 carry Vulcan has to try to get back underneath the tier one turret boo will not die to the ignite and now the quads come down it's an easy two for nothing for fly Quest on the dive really good timing on it also good execution they patiently know all they have to get out from Berserker is his jump as soon as you get the jump out you there go again beautiful shot from masu's Ash to find the Lilia fly Quest set it up with the arrow follow it up with the rest of the team three nothing fly Cloud minute play he's giv us a 9 Minute one instead and for fly Quest it's feeling great wio pops a nice early dominance here recognizing C9 wanting to overload this top side go for the tier one dive a nice Arrow from masu again stuns up Vulcan prevents any further dive attempts and now with inspired uio coming up all they want is for wio to get engaged on so they can come and back him up punish C9 nice cataclysm from inspired quad's gra a kill on Vulcan as whle goes after than TOA double kill back over to Oriana fly Quest be the difference in this game that lets them close out the series beautiful coordination there from fly Quest I don't know if you guys ever watched it Braveheart is one of my favorite movies ever you know seen where the Cavalry Charges the guys and then they pull up all the spears convince them into a bad engage fly Quest just brave-hearted Cloud n underneath that tier one turret they couldn't see inspired uio the spears there waiting pulled up and the teleport usage as well I mean after a play like that it is really hard to focus in this game you know cuz Cloud9 are feeling really demoralized they just invested all their resources they lost on the play bottom long time in those side TR maybe a top Tower try and rush it try to rush down some Towers try to get some gold back in that way prepare for the final Dragon but it is of course very scary it's heex again and now wio whippo has already used the Dominus as Cloud9 face check into their own jungle they're firing back though and whippo has to slice his way back to his own team as Thanos makes his entry but the teleport arrives just a little bit too late to get any sort of a punish angle there on fly Quest bipo without the lots and lots of late games oh yeah we're going to get a very similar one only difference is this time around it is fly quest with the dragon we have seen so many games of cloud having the two Team Liquid that has been such a point of power for them that we were all really expecting to see and it just has kind of been absent for for them throughout this entire series you know it has been fly Quest really taking control in the 5V fs and makes you worried for Cloud9 if you're a C9 fan and C9 taking down the tier one down here remember they two zero fly Quest during the regular season as well one of those three losses was not to fly Quest then winning the first game in this series they were on a 3-0 winning streak they were on aill fly quest with the rift maker now completed C9 stepping up to contest wave priority here in the mid lane with 15 seconds left until the Drake spawns they're going to commit the TP from JoJo to rejoin with the rest of the team but it's just to group up there's no flank or anything happening here keep your eyes the ver barrier on fly Quest still just tempting these trades back and forth masu takes a quick burst of damage there from joju steps back in time to escape the Zenith blade of Vulcan C9 still looking for a chance but now the TP from fly Quest ready to start the fight solar flare flys a mark but where's the followup Arrow flies in and St do bipo zos is taken down first pppo flashing back away to survive as C9 crumbles and masu takes another Berserker tries to cut it away to sidestep the droon strike as fly Quest just found they will get back up before Baron so maybe we'll see a full reset before a baron Force yeah they pulled in he's got no Health JoJo's got no health and wio knows how big that is for them that could be the series buan on the front line as the Fight Continues here with the top side River vulcan's going to die through the flash whip into the back once more looking for Berserker blabber dies trying to hold the rest of fly Quest at Bay as theat to is not tanky enough a double kill for the jarvin another team fight for fly Quest and they are crushing 12 to0 they're going to try to push for the end right here right now they don't need the Bear in their back in the towers they're looking to punch their ticket of finals vulcan's going to be alive in 5 seconds Berserker has to have the Zer moment of his career to try to keep the G going right now he's back into the base he wants to try to defend but the Nexus turrets are already falling Berserker is jumped on and absolutely destroyed quad is Unstoppable fly Quest will not be denied these were some of the best highlights from today's 2024 LCS summer playoffs matchup which moment was your favorite let me know in the comment section below

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¡REKKLES juega la TELECOM WAR en PLAYOFFS de COREA! 🔥 - T1 EA vs KT Challenger

Category: Gaming

Recuerdo que eso significa que lo que se piquee en esta partida ya no se puede jugar en las siguientes ya no se puede jugar hasta la quinta partida mira el nasus cómo se va eh mira cómo se va el nasus [ __ ] cuidado con el tema del nasus eh ay ay ay viene se viene se viene pam pam vale first vamos a... Read more

Could T1 Canyon Happen In 2025? - LCK Off-Season WILL Be WILD thumbnail
Could T1 Canyon Happen In 2025? - LCK Off-Season WILL Be WILD

Category: Gaming

Reddit garen mid vers ness's lol no i need to showcase my mechanics garen mid vers ness's lol true are we going to see wait hold up chat let's do a quick check here no gar games one garen game last night okay dude he's been playing a lot of corki and leblanc he's been playing a lot of n what about zeo... Read more

T1 Pull Off An Absolute Cinema Baron Play thumbnail
T1 Pull Off An Absolute Cinema Baron Play

Category: Gaming

Oh my god not again one of these what is this what is this i mean they are going to get eventually out i would say but let's see if they can the comes down there is the the sol fl just to get rid it's a horror for1 it's a disaster the turn was terrible like a balloon the turn was dage here and it's... Read more

Caedrel's Thoughts On LS' Mid Tower Theory | Reddit Recap thumbnail
Caedrel's Thoughts On LS' Mid Tower Theory | Reddit Recap

Category: Gaming

What is this bombastic side eye criminal offensive side eye wait who was that oh my god congrats s mark robert wins esports community leader of the year bro i swear i look like such a clown ass it's crazy what happened to my face chat how do i undo my face wrist drill faker crafting mid meta i always... Read more

¿SERAPHINE y SHEN en la BOTLANE de T1 contra VIPER? 😱 - T1 vs Hanwha Life thumbnail
¿SERAPHINE y SHEN en la BOTLANE de T1 contra VIPER? 😱 - T1 vs Hanwha Life

Category: Gaming

He tenido que pasar un poco porque si no me va como a trancas y barrancas eso que es verdad oye lo de que se baneen a sus medios alguien me lo es que esto es maravilloso o sea yo est probando me pare me parece muy guapo en verdad yo est probándolo estos días bueno para empezar lo primero este metajuegos... Read more

Faker Trở Lại Thách Đấu Hàn Với Bài Tẩy Nasus Đường Giữa Chuẩn Bị Cho Playoffs LCK Mùa Hè 2024 thumbnail
Faker Trở Lại Thách Đấu Hàn Với Bài Tẩy Nasus Đường Giữa Chuẩn Bị Cho Playoffs LCK Mùa Hè 2024

Category: Gaming

Rồi trải qua 10 phút đi đường tình huống lửa địa ngục cấu máu bóng ngủ đã hụt rồi và mật chiếu cuối dí luôn tăng tốc pha kích hoạt đến từ vị trí của faker với vận tốc tiếp cận sát thường là rất nhiều và dí từ nhà đến trường chứ còn cái gì nữa một quyền trượng linh hồn và faker hạ sát thanh công tiếp... Read more


Category: Gaming

Aiac i think checking if dk want to first pick or do they want to first pick why one thing spping my mind oh yeah i tell you're going to lose okay they're for sure losing corki maai or corki ash 100% or ash maai drop a maai oh my god t1 been looking at the streams man they've been watching the streams... Read more