T1 vs HLE Highlights ALL GAMES | LCK 2024 Summer Playoffs Round 2 | T1 vs Hanwha Life Esports

own Lee sin that's much better than Sani and that's Lee LeBlanc yeah that makes us a lot happier uh but yeah rooster played it in Challengers unfortunately didn't get the win some tides of blood coming out and I'm just doing my very best to try to remember what Vladimir's abilities are called and didn't do too badly if you Vladimir that kind of does sound like a dream scenario as we do have the trade coming through here where the grubs are being taken by T1 we do have Del light in the area but with pryo for top end I don't think that they can get more than maybe a cheeky steel here for peanut yeah peanut is just going to walk in and sort of punch a little bit here as Delight will throw the exhaust down onto F that b side and mid lane pressure as OA yeah is going to get hit there's the ulti it is blocked but does do a fair bit of work as the kick comes through chain going to come down and now peanuts looking for owner he's taking a lot of damage see some deist comes in and that's First Blood to peanut and Fon now looking to try and get him but the is going to sail wide and he says top of the M as the arrow will headit onto Doran he goes into his pool eventually early game Tempo Advantage I was expecting out of this composition as owner is going to look to start off Dragon number two and that will mean the both teams trading first couple of dragons and the grubs I wonder if Doran is going to be in time so what they did here is they swapped Viper towards top 10 sure they get the grubs I think they're a little bit late on this we'll see I don't think they're going to get this but maybe they get the the fight yeah that's a Teleport to come in as now Doran throws down the Hemo plague tides of blood coming out they put up the door and that will much end up throwing away a Teleport which isn't the end of the world Doran is still able to catch the Bots side wave and we do have Mountain which I think for both teams it's best if you don't give it to the opponent cuz they're both very bursty t1s I'd say is more relying on actually like getting an initi H Al so they overloaded the top half of the map there with the exess intention as oh Viper he is low and doesn't have Satchel that's the Flash Forward from Faker Viper is going to flash away and now peanut is just trying to play interference Mega Inferno bom comes down but Faker is not going to die to that one and is now looking for peanut possibly Vault breaker should be able to keep him alive here and the interruption is gorgeous from peanut avoids the que there and eat these plays consistently has now men that the necessary disappointed um so thankfully Viper has done a decent job s Side Lane something like the like Z's can of might become a problem to deal with but you have to lock down do a faker in this uh with this v as midlane turret falls back to his Distortion now that's on cool down gets back to the other one as well underneath the turret they you go the ulti flies through the arrow he going to connect and that is Peanut taken down Delight comes in to finish the job and they go one for one but the turret is going to fall on the top side T1 taking more and Faker a able to drag him back peanut not able to set up for the zig that would have been an early uh kill very very cleanly done his owner he's just dead here underneath this turret will get Knocked Up by Zea's Q that's nicely done there but a little bit out of place was the leas in yeah it's easy to forget CU we haven't seen Zea do this as much but he is the melee mid guy that's he is the Y guy yeah that is that is what he does as many of us remember if you were watching in 2022 as right now T1 collapsing onto this Dragon Doran trying to keep himself alive here in this Sid Lane as Peanut off to the side as well Viper wants to find an angle get that bomb down and let's see whether Delight can layer through that ulti teleports cominging from the Vladimir as the dragon's down to sub 50% T1 feeling a little bit dicey about this play considering the fact that it's a five stack of H life Esports players they do manage to take down heo play comes in the Alti from Zer is G antic and everyone explodes maker still alive Z trying to do what he can but he will just be popped they get rid of Viper once again oh man again oh the arrow Splash damage for the uh the taked down yeah not going to happen not this time and that is going to be the baron because H life Esports with this Baron are pushing down this inner turret on the top side and with Baron it's a if I remember that he's in a s Side Lane right now we are going to see that Faker is looking to try and deny this take on the inner turet but it's not going to happen another pull going to come forward there's a mega Inferno bomb so much damage as Kumi is just eviscerated there goes owner as well and the ulti comes through from right coming out of draft we need T1 had to use the mid jungle I don't even feel like the brol Laugh wears maybe that's Doran as all Mega Inferno bom just get rid of the minion wave it is not going to be enough to save this turret and I think yeah Doran might also be dead the kick does come back and that chain CC the Vladimir a bit only died once yeah he is also killing it in a turret it's really cool he's now really dead but he did do his job and they're just not going to waste any cool Downs on him uh did do a fair bit of damage to Ze but he is can actually make this one happen that could make it extend there's a bounty as well yeah in goes peanut they're looking for the fight Mega Inferno bomb comes down they lock up the Ash and they just had fian Bounty out I guess on both of them as now fak is in trouble he is just dead I think that is heop plague will be able to finish never mind yeah owner is just looking to try and get it done Z is 1 V oneing the baron they still don't know Faker is Al gaming looking to try and get himself out going to be Viper the lock up sorry it's Delight the this is super weird I have no idea what's going on here he's looped around forever he's looking for the angle but he gives away his position and now they're going to try and get him out of there the knock up does come on through the zigs walks up The Kill Zas is not able to to take down the baron and this game is over ladies and gentlemen owner just sitting in that brush as his entire team gets mess like guys if I can Galaxy brain confusion Galaxy brain confusion over and over again and uh it turned into a little bit of a confusing outcome there as T1 they had to throw a Hail Mary it did not connect and H life Esports are looking to take down game number one absolute Master Claw from the mid jungle Duo from hanwa life here able to who detect every single early play and again I know he wasn't the main character but that Zig piix we zigp we got to look after it because it feels like it also allows Zea to just pick y like this yeah and he went 410 and he had rton is just going to be locked in r five Reen the good old five Renekton we've gone back to the KT strats Sani Renekton baby okay but that is itself counter pick one but it looks like oh okay H carrier just going in can mitigate a lot of this but fake is going to move over that is so much Spirit fire value The Flash out from peanut and Delight is going down low Doran now trying to tank things up as carrier might be taken down but he gets the shield as he pulls back the scalpel and there it is the spirit fire stop this PE is just going to have to trade it for some grubs that are going to be coming up now yeah also don't bot L pryo now he doesn't well he is going to get taunted beat drop does come through there's The Encore and Doran is just dead didn't have a chance rough one oh that's a fourman dive opportunity Ragnarok is up and available as he has thrown it down Mega Inferno bomb pretty difficult to out outplay that one and it's Mom that's able to lock down the kill still Zas gets one back looking for his go here level seven there's the flash Arctica sold and the Perma Frost comes down peanut once again tanking the turret and that is going to be Zea getting a stack it is being nice knowing you and 10 minutes uh there is still 3 minutes left can just rotate him to men rotate him to top yeah looks like T1 will be able to get to uh or sorry H life able to get to free grubs here do push peut off they do have to give him a dragon but Dragon himself not the end of the world oh going to come through yeah Goomer is in a whole host of trouble that's too many circles and Viper is just chaperon Z as he heads back home Zea in the mid lane going to force a Teleport out Gushi again we cannot give Viper a free inner that is that is not a thing we can do well Faker is going to get hit by bouncing bomb that does do a fair bit of damage here as we can see Viper starting to get to work with that luden's already uh built up and everyone is going to turn up uh that is anasis turned into a rag doll and thrown about the place and you can see Faker there in the player cam not happy about how that one went as it is brother versus brother never mind ASAS is of course an Olaf and he is just going to be able to take down the Renekton no worries there at all Delight now underneath this turret not exactly where he wants to be because owner is turning up as well T1 kind of taking matters into their own hands as they look to get rid of delight who is able to tax these way out carrier is going to trade one for one that was gorgeous from the Leona player but they're still going to lose an out of turret in the Top Lane it's very telling that despite all that going to run out very quickly and Delight is of course exactly where he needs to be the shield of Daybreak comes down and there is the Mega Inferno bomb uh it's a clipse that manages to pop and take the kill as Zea is now flapping out side of the map teleport to come in here from the Renekton and haral life Esports they really want to fight for this the zigs rotating over of course Viper does have a lot of range so he can affect these team fights as owner we break it now and cool down for the next couple of seconds and Doran gets into position that's an ulti out the Encore goes entirely wide and that is the smolder going down they do get rid of the Olaf but have they done enough The Flash over the wall from Viper peanut desperately chasing after owner because they want to take down this Smite going to be coming in very very quickly is the smolder you're talking about the Viking as well H life Esports I think this Dragon does belong to them but T1 can they find a fight no Ragnarok here for Zas and there is a lot of CC beat gets dropped but doesn't really do too much there and theu does come down so that's going to be T1 taking down and out of turret in the mid lane hit his uh his stacks for the execute so incredibly early and we did warn that this was going to be a possibility right into the nasus this smolder will be able to freely stack available let's see whether he can actually connect it here as T1 in position theu comes down there is the ulti on the smolder the solar flare just to get rid of owner and look at that the Viking runs in and immediately pops like a balloon there's just too much damage here and it's a double kill for the smolder as a result out the S of1 moving over Delight is going to spot owner here as they take the hex gate in Z is going to turn up as Now peanut down to half Health Faker also having to flash to get himself out of the way in Delight down to 50% solar flare is going to connect gishi doesn't find the ulti as Mega Inferno bomb does a lot of damage to him and now H they get control of the Dragon owner is looking to move in but he's not able to lock that one down and look at the damage from he's found his window and will be able to take down the Shen and now H life Esports is just clean up Faker is going to get Perma frosted and it looks like he will get chased down there's just too much CC too much opportunity and once especially without the ult foruma can do anything about this Carri has on his way almost as his old but oh doesn't find the Zenith blade is now let's see whether the Olaf can actually get this one done as Z just says flaps and he'll get himself out of the way look at Viper he's just standing on a satchel to make sure he can't get C no matter what happens but the smolder does fall down and the Flash from Gushi comes in he's going to be able to get that 50 Viper is also there as well this is real dicey throws in the Satchel delight's going to get in there there is Carrier over the wall with the Tor but it's a little bit too early they're going to look to try and take him down the blaste does come in peanut can you actually get in there the decent assist peanut still surviving for such a long time Mega Inferno bom not quite doing it and now it's the zigs versus Goomer and Faker let's see where the Viper can actually try and take this down it's down to 1,000 oh God the bombs the Satchel's not enough and fake with all the stat this Lane in the top side Doran is going to face check carrier and this is probably a dead renant and by probably on he Drake they they should be able to get Soul point and if you get soul with k has to flash to get out of the way of Zea and now peanut just biting his time looking for the angle it's going to be that 50/50 like you were talking about but it's peanut that locks down the dragon owner unable to flash the M damage but does at least get himself out of the nothing left on the table you see a smaller value there as well Atlas the fact that you owner all right peanut just bypasses him the solar flare going to connect and they get the priority Target oh man I thought they were going to focus zaa but instead they get the seraphine The Flash Forward from peut to make sure Ona cannot Escape they'll take his GA and then they'll take his life the Satchel put in place and Z is able to lock it down gets on top of Goa catches him up guard that is going to be the baron going over to Hana do peut going to try and Escape here ASAS moving on in be able to put on a fair bit of pressure and carrier gets over as well peut isn't exactly a priority Target and now doran's going in looking for the angles here the permafrost comes down and owner no GA anymore and is just going to be cut down where he stands his timer is exactly the same as that of the Dragon so he's not going to be there for the hex and meanwhile Zer is just kind of winning the game I guess taking down this inhibitor turret and inhibitor in the bottom Lane some teleports being used but I think H life Esports just have winning the game on their minds right now teleport to come in from Doran as well and now Delight I think he's found Zas who is just going to get chain CC I mean he's a he's an Ola so he doesn't really get but he has to use it and now he's able to take down the Leona that's not your base G so getting out here is going to be difficult however both of them can make it over walls and so Doran and Delight are just dead that's a lot of d uh that might be enough for T1 to contest well car is just going to flash to get the uh the taunt onto Zea but he just dies Z is now in trouble one sneeze from Zer and he will be dead although the sneezes do about 50% of anyone's health bar so that would make some sense as oner is come in with the base gate there is a phenomenal arm guard utilized here from Zer immediately flashes after him and burns him to death straight out of the death chamber straight back in again and owner is unfortunately not going to be able to deny this hex TX Soul so somehow after losing delight and Doran for basically free um they still overextend and it is going to be a Quadra hex tech hex tech but he did have you know what if the timing just shows that you disrespect this is very weird um they really to kill Faker as Viper is going to Satchel him and Faker is dead so but no one really cares about that yep they do still have this inhibitor down in the bottom Lane peanut just going to usher in those super creeps as this turret not long for the world Viper does so much damage even like per Auto it's like half an inhibitor that to get a positional Advantage around the Elder as solar player is going to connect onto Faker he takes the kitchen sink the mum damage kind of massive there as well as Fury of the sand keeps him alive but uh owner doesn't have one of those unfortunately down to the ga once again Zea just says no you're not alting me that is just not something you're allowed to do and now the Viking trying to get on top of him but Z's just not even taking damage he gets a triple kill in the fight and Faker and Gooma they realize that I think it's just not quite going to work out theight trying to look for him he flashes over the base gate um there isn't anybody else there but he is also so tanky I don't even think it matters maybe someone else doesn't even really need to be there because Mega Inferno bomb has infinite range he once again goes in looking for Faker he won't be able to tank up that last turret shot but he's still able to get the work done and now Gushi is not able to defend the base and the game is over H life Esports will move to match point in the series 16 and two Atlas is a lot of uh a lot of hands required certainly a fun one but something that uh you know Doran has actually done very well on in the past I think his ja has been one of his better Champions but into and right nowry this time around and they TP Viper to catch that top wave uh Doran still going to be very very sad but Z hasn't backed yeah and he is very very low Zea now in a little bit of trouble but is able to snap back hex de ultimatum does come down his mom gets angry as well a lot of damage there but there's the Flash Forward into the crash down Z's going to get interrupted it's a eent Pulver isas is burning but he survives and that his first Blood onto peanut picked up by Gushi still the cleanup is going to be there Delight likely to fall down though and T1 they're stacking up Faker at the same time and collecting some grubs and again they can just TP Camille to whichever way a wave they like an overextension from hanwa life and T1 is a two versus two peanut continuing to B his time as Zas moving back to the tri Rush there is the counter strike the chain CC's decent C assist comes down though and that's peanut Faker then doesn't get to stack off the Jackson possibly even kill him we've seen this play before Faker is rotating down delight's already here though teleport to come in from Doran or from Viper as both of them turn up that is a phenomenal headbutt though from carrier trying to get them out of there but owner is in so much trouble there's a Killer Instinct from Viper he gets the big old Shield peanut looking for the angle on Faker but he doesn't have any more Gap close and Faker is still looking to try and take him down it's a double now though and he just walked too far Doran shuts down this and the one thing that I do think you struggle with with six and small there is well coordinated dive and TP Z at the top got the shove there that's going to even out the grubs here and means that both the Camille and the Jack's going to be on even footing as far as those uh side lanes are concerned and moving towards this mid game we do have the skri or does give T1 the knowledge that this is going down but moving into the mid game we've got a jack comes back you know they they get a little bit of extra practice against D+ taking them down in a difficult series and then is going to be coming in as well my personal favorite you're going to run real fast and that feels great but we'll just see whether T1 can out yeah but that's that's fake data I I agree with you on that one yeah like the turret's just got they get the turret anyway I didn't really need to do that but he also wanted to be defending see some question mark pinks I think they know well peanut ising to the back of the pit in comes Delight now as the Arctic Assault is going to miss and now peanut wants to find a priority Target crash down is going to be interrupted there and glacial prison comes through as well Zeo looking for the angle but he isn't going to pull the trigger just yet and now Viper going to get ultimatum Zea does find the angle though and there is the ulti to come through M comes down as well Viper thrown around the battlefield they take down the zig but Faker is still at full health and second can't get on top of him peut gets a huge Shield though still the sneezing comes through and Doren just picks up a triple kill out of nowhere that's an aob um all things considered as there's a Flash Forward they do manage to lock up Viper here and they will be able to mitigate a lot of the push Z Now moving in it will be the dragon taken so so Soul point is going to come on through great knock up there's the glacial prison going to be eaten here by hom life Esports but now Delight crash down comes on back in the ultimate and it is just Sega taking control how do they make these things happen carrier he's almost out of cool Downs he finds one last pulverized but this fight is done and even without Viper there they still roll over the top this is probably the best day of League of Legends zeka has ever had and he won worlds in 2022 yeah and also we're we're coming in we're like oh Doran yeah another a great series what you been doing my man and still 100% kill contribution by the way ja does have an incredible amount of power in this draft again Counter Strike is insanely strong but I LK teams waiting in the wings will mean that uh T1 not out of it if they lose this game they will have to money all right blast going to try and get them back in here as there's the void seek of Viper taking matters into his own hands and goomer's just dead there is nothing that they could do about it now carrier is in trouble the Fate is going to get sealed and even is able to queue out of the way the glacial prison that was lying in weight they are still taking a bit of damage here as more void Seekers funnel on through but this is going to be even more money going over to H life Esports that 10,000 gold Gap is I would say that it was probably an opportunity for you to go for it that is going to be Cloud when the year started we looked at H life Esports and said wow okay there's a season assist Killer Instinct comes down Gushi this time can go golden but Delight is going to be here and Viper just pops him that is going to be owner now in trouble the crash down still gets the CC even with the headbutt and they're still going Faker he's going to go golden but that is just to watch as the bad guys encroach he can't get through the base gate as doran's going to be able to lock him down that is Viper dead once again but he's being bait this whole game and zc hook shots away he is going to be able to get some funny business done but the Flash Forward and then The Counter Strike and I think he is just dead that's going to be the ace and noral life Esports I think they're just going to say top of the morning to the series here as they look to push in for the win and Jing remains a formidable opponent Atlas but you really couldn't ask for more from hanwa Life showcasing that they are in fact and by a seemingly intermount if ever there's a time for Hail Mary though it is right now vo going to connect onto owner as Z this never mind he's absolutely fine unbind the soul and peut going to get headbutted back now D looking for the angle doesn't get the Counter Strike as Gushi he's able to flash to get himself out that is a decent ulti though and dor just goes golden the season assist comes down and now it's Viper at full health just massacring them and the wallets they come down they come down hard and that is going to be another Ace and that will finally be the win here for hom life Esports clean Ace Atlas as Hana life stamps an end to this game and this series and a perfect game for both Doran and for Z incredible performances from the solo Lanes in this one but Zea this series for him I mean this is his magnumopus this thank you very much guys this is De for the Post match interview transation joined by H life Esports the winners of the second match of round two in the 2024 lck playoffs brought to you by Woody Bank let's hear from Doran peanut Zea Viper and Delight congratulations first off Doran with a 30-0 victory and the Winner's bracket secured how do you feel in the preparation process we did know that it wasn't going to be easy but I believe that we played the game thinking that the uh the opponent actually were came pretty prepared even for drafting so I'm just really relieved that we were able to win and in game one you picked Vladimir which wasn't really played for 894 days despite so many diverse Champions being played The Meta Vladimir was a first so what made you pick him I believe that he was a really good pick against Kenan and with so many different Champions that we were able to see right now I think Vladimir is actually one of them that one of the really good picks that you're able to pull off this meta and now you will advance to the winnner bracket and face J with the oneway ticket to the finals on the line what is your resolution based on my experience playing in the playoffs you know being able to go directly into the finals is actually a huge uh help and it's it actually does uh bring you a lot of comfort so I really hope that we can make it and peanut a clean three Victory you were the p in Games 2 and three so did you have a good feeling on your way to the venue today as for good feelings I didn't really think of that but I came today thinking we must win I think that was just a really mindset that I came with that help and the draft you prepared against T1 were quite effective today so what was the preparation Pro this Lake you know we considered a lot of jungle bands for uh today's match and in terms of The Meta Even with a lot of jungle bands I think there were a lot of different piics we can actually manage to pull off so that's what we were focusing on and you pulled off so many cracked pathing today both the cat casters and analysts were so impressed so what was the main focus in the jungle pathing for today's match for today's match and all the jungle P I think that's just something that I have been preparing and practicing a lot and that actually did pay off a lot today's match what is your goal for the Winner's packet we will be facing ji and I want to make sure that we are ready to take them down please give it up for peanut next up is z in the preseason interview you mentioned that your hometown is poang which is close to Kong city and that's why you have to go and now that you have secured a spot in kyungju with today's Victory how do you feel makes me so happy to get a victory at the 3 Victory and yeah I mean it's really close to my hometown I'm very happy that I'm able to go so close to my home and in game one you played yon who handled Le and L's uh ganking and how they focused you down and you handled it with such Grace so are you satisfied with your gameplay today I feel like a lot of things that I worked are I I did work out really well and I went into the game thinking that as long as I play defensively and survive that we'll be able to win pretty easily and it works and the Winner's bracket against J how will you prepare for that I feel like the structure of the playoffs summer is kind of similar to spring so I want to make sure that we're able to make it to the finals the time around next up is Vier with the three stomp you have advance to the Winner's bracket how do you feel first of all I didn't expect that we would win 30 Z I really wanted to win and I think we did a really good job today I think everything went according to plan for today's match and after prioritizing zix in games one and two you picked kaisa against Z so how do you think the drafting went so currently Zig is a really good meta pick and honestly I don't really like playing him but because of how good he is that's why I had to end up going with him and in the last game seeing the opponent take six I think we just had a really good answer against that so we were able to pull it off and pace is also quite solid on so what are your predictions on the match up in the last match jeni was actually able to utilize Zig and made it really tough against their opponent so I want to make sure that we are prepared to go up against J let's give it up for Viper and next up we have theight what did you consider us the most important point of today's match there was a very clear direction that our team had and we really wanted to make the right decision in every moment and the opponent brought out diverse picks such as sarine and Shen so what was your plan to deal with them as a support yeah so a lot of the things that Pro players play in the solo queue is something that they also bring out in scrim so I think we had pretty much expected that they would play something like that so we were just ready to counter that so what is your goal for the the rest of the playoffs I want to make sure that we wait for everyone else our opponents in the finals going back to Peanut the team captain any shout out to the fans and how much their support means to you you know last spring we were able to win against T1 with a three score but we didn't have a good result so we want to make sure that we're able to come back and have a deliver a good result this time around thank you so much for your support and that's the end of the post match interview with the players of hun life Esports and back to the space thank you thank you very

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Category: People & Blogs

Gosto gosto é uma boa uma boa resposta quem esse cara que tá falando com os se aquele querido não vi rosto del é estranho er hoje que acordou olhou no espelho e falou hoje a vai dar 3 a0 na teve alguém que acordou alg lunáticos falaram hoje vai dar 3 a0 na g no chat inclusive tá xingar fala mesmo is... Read more

T1 affronte HLE en playoffs LCK : mon debrief thumbnail
T1 affronte HLE en playoffs LCK : mon debrief

Category: Gaming

Des réductions sur toutes vos commandes d'isty et de boisson énergisante olit avec les codes lilion et lilion 5 le lien est juste en description merci à oli partenaire de la chaîne bonne vidéo à tous tian affronté hle dans les playoff lck et si vous avez cliqué sur cette vidéo c'est pour qu'on débriefe... Read more

T1 x HLE | Jogo 3 - MD5 | LCK Summer Playoffs 2024 | IDL thumbnail
T1 x HLE | Jogo 3 - MD5 | LCK Summer Playoffs 2024 | IDL

Category: People & Blogs

Que o [ __ ] mano mano o único a única coisa ruim de comentar comentar l mano de comentar l sec de pele é tudo bom mano o horário é meio ruim mas é de boa o chat é legal e os games são bons é a liga que eu gosto mas tipo assim você não pode criticar os car porque os car falam não como assim você você... Read more

T1 x HLE | Jogo 1 - MD5 | LCK Summer Playoffs 2024 | IDL thumbnail
T1 x HLE | Jogo 1 - MD5 | LCK Summer Playoffs 2024 | IDL

Category: People & Blogs

Que a galera é muito fã da t1 né se eu falar que hl é favorita os caras vão vir aqui na minha casa bater mas se você for um cara pragmático levar os últimos confrontos provavelmente provavelmente a g é melhor band malai rum bem padrão banir o qu agora ó já baniram nasos cara como que pode mano nas ser... Read more