aiac I think checking if DK want to first pick or do they want to first pick why one thing spping my mind oh yeah I tell you're going to lose okay they're for sure losing corki maai or corki Ash 100% or Ash maai drop a maai oh my God T1 been looking at the streams man they've been watching the streams it's gorgeous I wouldn't like s on your iron I would much prefer VI I would much prefer VI I feel like zek's VI is like the lck bre and butter with the also Lucid V his best so much better his best champ is VI by far maybe maybe trist now trist would be great or Y but showmaker Y is from that top L yeah I think I think they want to go for Syra Z is so bad double Mage is do [ __ ] yeah I think real pick for K here on three is not bad can losers still go to world they can yeah actually why don't they go MF or MF or Ash actually I guess there's so much open convinced by this I don't mind this mf's open Ash is open Jin is open he should find something he canp and I mean yeah can away supports I wonder if team actually now Tom kench is probably really bad right I feel like Tom kench in is just a good pick but it's really hard to play Tom kench I guess these days they can B BR can GF a handful of Champs they can decide to B away ad supports I think these are the best for sure Z is really hard to play against is hard overall she's not very good against poke Ben into mid lane what is showmaker going to play yeah Sen's not bad actually so they don't do anyiga Cent five Jesus showmaker needs to play y here no he needs to play needs needs no matter what oh my God they're going to play [Music] or like they're going to play the Mage fight yeah bro they need they need an ad carry they need they need y here looks like they want the I mean a lot of people talk about you might look at this with some this is how strong is the EXP please take a second to subscribe to the channel and drop a like on this video thank you Lan swap actually n zillian on the lane swap just farming sounds disgusting though is getting an early Advantage so they pick zilan for the XP but then Z very when it falls I guess theil can funnel the Cante instead aha how do we get our top more XP on a lanap we okay let's see whether this is going Ming in the Zen blade going to connect as the interrup was really that's get has does have concerned about notans later yeah the dod right dur magic damage taken by 25% it's the same as Jai is Ja also 25% I know it reduces Jai reduces AOE damage as well have man combo not quite going to does get the flash Lucid getting flashes so T1 just repped again so something get on his wave lose against zigs yeah he is resilient level six to level four he's a level a solo ler just be oped out of this and maybe try and set something up B but they're already here on the top side yeah that is going to be two grubs taken here is now King with mear is going to find it onto the Twisted advance to the P that was gorgeous by Luc eat him through the porder had to flash that okay DK we're here to play yeah Lea W is so busted winner of this makes worlds no winner of this stays in playoffs I'm going to try and draw the bracket few one last time okay wi faces the wi goes to finals and also when they Trea from in that way I think the finalist I think honestly wanted to get out they should have gone towards the wall flashed as far as I'm aware over because of Championship points I think I whoever makes champ points are pretty similar though unless they make World unless it's doesn't have a lot of points this is the way the the gaunet works okay FX in the gaunlet I think let's say DK I think he's going to be here with championship points and then T's probably going to be in the gaunlet actually know DK is a bit higher than KT right ITX KT T1 like DK maybe theet if H life wins and the winner of this I don't think winner of this goes to Worlds T1 DK place the winner of this and the winner of that goes to world as well so that's how the two other world spots are determined I'm not sure if it'll be T1 DK it could be H life it could be T1 it could be DK it just depends on who wins the playoffs right the further you go in playoffs the less L you have to be in here but right now it's unknown like the loser of this will be one of those teams and then the loser of the H series will be one of those teams as well probably depending on DK but DK is very likely to be there as a result of all of this 800 gold going to the lead here another Mega my my my [ __ ] jigat King is fighting my rat it's like crazy my rat is so dead it's [ __ ] nuts unless wants to T wa they're not going to commit to the dive why why why why why why why why why don't they here what's happening top they got Dake and then just let farm for free R boy has or or what T1 swap again car has level seven he's going to hit level eight very soon probably level eight on this top wave K is about to hit level eight on this top wave mam is level bro I hope becomes meta now and it's like zillian just a combo because the meta is becoming more and more degenerate will be able to take this one doesn't find the Vault breaker the Satchel going to be used away from the turret not an ignite going down he walks through the Minefield and that's going to be C assist coming in can they kill him in time yes will go down I don't know why used the W earlier has three EAS life a lot longer obviously zigs one of the best to in the game the double yeah a little bit too forward I swear sometimes I see her go in and she just don't do damage can the tower right and she bonus damage to Tower or some [ __ ] right be a to get the damage as Mam's making his way in the teleport from aiming is going to get there chain CC getting CH time he unable to take with him as the back five on B twooo we can we defend Tower dead Tower dead Lan Tower just basically Z or probably the isce with that but the go leaders that big regardless both teams set up around this Herald oh solo player going to connect there's the CH C they do get the Chrono sh out but it out of there is going to be now missing me comes in under Bakery does Flash away to stay in the fight the aam is gig King is smurfing super hard Luci is smurfing super hard oh my God they're all one shot all of it feels like it's been a year since I've watched D WI a team fight for some reason and it feels good to see it happen oh my God has a strong champ don't get me wrong sometimes when I see this champ she dashes in and she does no damage out just stuck now from and look at them es whole time fling out and then good combo from minutes Drake T1 have two DRS they're 4K down they have two Dr ocean soul is like not bad yeah this game is unusable for them Absolute freebie they have such good burst with v are one shot every fight it's not going to work I'm telling you the curse doesn't work prove it to you by doing it on my own team it definitely doesn't work for Mega good also I think King's been playing pretty well this gamea scales yeah scales next game think about it think about it think about it own think about it now trying to make their way back out as VA Breer gets out of there Wards now just being they can't really get to here too they have no grubs one grub they have heral they don't have heral either right they do have they could be yeah if they didn't have heral standing there would be weird they theal the good news for D is if they win this game Jonah's prediction is wrong and that is a big deal and the tower is not going to die though where's Faker going he's trying to take away enemy blue buff he's a psych doing that what's your pred for the series my prediction for the Shish is 32 DK Y is such champ yo T1 if you lose this game this wasn't the problem huh huh let's leave open Zig again H has collect her but she is down an XP so that's pretty good giving up Drake to scale T have loads of time to scale if they want to give Dres but I mean the problem D have is they're playing first inil they're not playing DPS in com unless now unless you use the combo on Z Zig W is balanced he refunded went the problem for D and when you're playing this comp of double Mage strling it's doing Baron with double Mage is impossible unless you it takes so long so they can't actually do any bar at all their bar damage is trash why are teams not spig I don't know it's weird because zigs is not being picked anywhere else other than l l but in LPL they're betting zigs every game now against blg at least there was four zigs in LCS really last week mind then I mean the thing is T1 can just give up next R like the game is just going to this game is going to be really slow yeah here's D but it takes a while but this engage from avoided by kind of panicked bit again going to take a while we in the with so that's bar well he is running really quickly talking take the front door there is a massive of comes down own does manage to avoid that but the baron is still going to be Tak out into the back get out but the bar has already been taken and so T1 still running for the hill still trying to get out and DK still looking assist still in the hand Lucid here who might be a little bit too far forward we be able to back away there as wever come downan speeds are crazy but easy bar oh aiming really low on see whether this is going to at least yeah I mean Lucid still had so K had Mega threat for go in yeah I okay really nicely played and T1 their bot Lane is per cooking okay with composition experience if they T1 bot Lane on Caitlyn showmaker even in the mid lane Gaming's hit level 16 right now he has a two advantage over mam but bviously it's very easy to say pick this pick that it depends on draft but I would much rather see them on kalista Caitlyn varis Lanes sen lanes and zilan Lan we as to come on through here Faker actually going to be can't get over the wall there as well as is there to protect me INF gentlemen because zilan I think they came up with it because the enemy team has top met now it's kind of hard to play carries than maybe struggling situations team okay we need get this quickly we we have that concern we have a lead yeah I mean z made a few mistakes on the swap I mean actually just Z just outpaces you no matter what I mean t need to change it all up the the way more aggressive it just feels like after that top fight when they jumped on this wall here this is part of the stry and then a get on some to get some way out Advance he can Sprint over there he does definitely have the ability to run really down they're trying to get the Chrono shift out of they enion this is going to be the game winning or losing fight perhaps as Lucid is going to take down the baron can they find the team fight though as king gets dragged out just to guarantee the baron a solar flare goes down onto is thrown back through the Rocks as well but he keeps himself alive his health barting into the base 50 gold yeah he just wants that 50 gold off he wants the 50 gold as now going to try and continue stopping theming is just winning the game the just winning the game they're just stopping the backs the teleport to come through and it's unorthodox but whichever way gets that 50 gold is the one that wins they feel threatened by and they're like you know what we can we can use we can theame it feels like they're slowly getting better and better I mean this was a very comfortable game for D and butter yeah owner against H owner against H was really not good overthink it it wasn't fully draft but I would say I just would I would want to swap the B and B Zig I hope don't dig into a rabbit hole of like we should go this this this and this and then go this and then maybe change this to this stand time for us to take a break come back going to break down this was not a standard game they had Z and you had nean and they outpaced you on the whole map last time it was Nas I [Music] and are they going to give they think was the issue you could last spend do you last spend z d to gamble or do you last spend cor they're probably fine with a z cuz you can play n into it what you first pick yeah there's for the zigs so now if thats for the first thing I mean azir is easy yeah I think they have azir MF they have maai maai air they have MF they what does T1 get for this going do are they going to copy just goani oh my God they're going to Blind Pig nessus they're so ill it's crazy like they're so absolutely degenerate it's nuts why don't they just pick us here there's no way they're picking us here that is absolutely disgusting in pick gar Faker look at him I think probably picking top here works like Cante and this could be but flexing can work if you want to pick something like MF or sarap I wonder what Yamato thinks of that draft Y what do you think of the nasis one two what do you think of the maai pi and the Z's first Pi when Z open no it's n right and no one even sees that minim so the reason this is good is because it's really hard to play Zig BR kind of sucks what Z got blind top is he going to be put on cassant D again is it just going to be cassant Lea is that it is an game oh my God he's going to play Zer top into this don't play top just pick [ __ ] atrox no oh my God he's going to do V is even worse though he just picks Jack on reason GP I actually love that pick I love that pick with so T1 have sichani Camille Alistar insane engage on the Champs with a big Zig behind them boom single Target lock down is really good and they have good range but D have also got good range and they have a lot of poke Malai saplings G they also have Nas e which is pretty decent poke all right me Sleeping Beauty are going to watch this Banger game I feel like there's some people in the world that have the talent that they can sleep anywhere and Yamato is one of them that Talent is crazy being able to any we're heading towards one and one see what happens the game two wait he woke up already and that was good Yamato looks lost's aw he's back just in time for the game start 2016 draft wait yam fell asleep again right Weller obviously playing dor ring no Shield he's playing a inspiration no second win no absorb life he's got no real Lane sustain properly other than biscuits so he is indeed missing a lot of minions and struggling a little bit in the early Lane the is Big has no W yet he only has two points he's going to have to e this backline here showaker he's have to base he's greeding he knows fake is going to go how they both clear and then run through mid to get each other get their Raptor respawns they've done the exact same over Max hook just a bit of damage just a little bit of damage woke up yo and then F just trades back and yo even hell Carri here both covering mider CS is not too bad the Poke is brutal the level one trades are not good though well the level one trade wasn't very good the E Auto chase down is it's never good for nessus he just needs to e and back off just laning mid 6 is just a dead Lane I guess I mean s does sound like a [ __ ] dead Lane what happens in that lane realistically go Yi on the Z able to safely engage from that that's one thing with the Z as well can going to come down here from king um there are a lot of minions but I think he's still a lot of dead possibly not enough canp might lose a bit of this wave this was a perfect gar game for Faker yeah to play someone in the chat think I'm being ironic as well that's funnyes XD actually realiz it's it's playable oh you're so funny K to Beaker possibly facechecking here hex tech ultimatum comes down Fury of the sand going to be used here but I don't know whether it's going to be enough to keep him alive and sha just kind of giving it up how is he even getting caught there what is he doing why is there why is the [ __ ] rat there why is he in river right from this game yeah this is much better even the type of I love this combo by it comb here Champion here you walk up e buffer and you Q the tower q1 your Q2 is coming up and as you're Qing you're eing backwards as well so you back flip hit your true damage and you get your passive that blocks the tower damage better scaling uh scaling I think both comp scale pretty well like Z camil corki are pretty good scalers but DK with nesus GP I think DK probably has better chances strong just the combo [ __ ] one shot his and heps to the mid getting hooked like that L just gets caught out immediately gone and yes Z kills Lucid but now he's just f just go s withed GP I feel like GP CH good GP get a good GP angle the champ can just take over yeah so still I feel like Z with a on his head the Mal coming towards him because this is of it's so annoying to try and steal a win on the red side hard game they fa that's fine when it is theforce Chang win or so point for T1 if they get this needs to be a fight for them the end of the world if T1 don't get doesn't want to he has to drop this top the is coming in that's a good Flash from Faker to avoid the hook sha taking a lot of damage though is looking to get in here well Q didn't do a lot of damage there God you [ __ ] rats inou as going to go down all oh that smash was gorgeous but K still in an awkward position is going to be able to finish him off and now Faker possibly caught out as well this tree is real dangerous and it was looking soy not quite enough there from King and just mimed it as now F going to get punched back Lo possibly in trouble another will need to be there how did F get that Barrel Jesus anything would have been nice to TP anything K just got so much like they did so quick didn't do that much damage does so much damage this fzy just charges go and takes a mistake Lucid alsoo Flawless with a br SL for him yeah Lu now in trouble down to about 50% does come now that he's held in position and they're able to take down the tree a little bit but Mam's right here was just behind him as there is The Flash over the wall but aing going to turn off lose top TI it's all fine he's going to arrive hello and there's a twisted advance to start this one up I'm not sure he can get Theo he has no defensive stats whatsoever as is now going to try and turn it as best he can it is going to be the kill going over but they trade it back with a can to trade tower don't do it he's such a rat he [ __ ] doesn't have disengage does get the tower mother sucker pass on on he's on a z is going to turn up there as well and the rest of team who was trapping who wait who was trapping the whole time can down as well and it is still grabbing the kill aiming it's just so much random fighting maai fighting top getting do 3 one on the weak side King now why does camil have eight kills in dangerous maneuver flashes up soon Flash and might find something yeah at 50% right now flash up not taking very much damage though going to be the Nature's grasp coming out all steps the AL wants to try get in there t Advance does get him through it's going to be stolen by Lucid be trou well as no getting back in there flashes out of the way the mega Inferno bomb get out get out watch out with the Kill the Magic damage through the shield he can kill the pirate get that's enti seon with the SM was nice just to he doesn't have to flash in I mean does f the Dage see why the barrel chains are just connected oh my God going to face more barrels do go down as's grasp coming see whether isely in the and a bit of a w around now coming through bar just get banana vision is now on that blast cone looking for the angle King on four and see one are looking to eviscerate them carrier trying to make his way out he is so incredibly low the dragon going to be secured here by Fon Zas just looking to try and escape the health bars getting lower and lower the is not hitting skill shots is missing everything he missed like four in a row land is pretty up and down for GP getting all these kills is that it that's what it is a Triforce Shield B no quiver that's it that's the item low chunked but it's going to be like an auto from fake a sat's gone there is the comes iner in trouble though and that is somehow aiming getting that kill throws out a Carefree mytic Shota Lucid moving yo Cafe I hope you're enjoying your coffee make sure you uh the Barista and have a good day is just happy to eat the CC and aiming still hunting still looking for them another s but there's the flash Twisted Advance Andi the [ __ ] it's I mean oh no I mean oh man it'sing out three so over the inhibitor is going to go down as that hook is going to miss this time quite enough members for to really commit on to five and so he is just going to move up the mid lane after they deal with wave there possibly out of position here the hook is going to draw me lands on to four which is gigantic damage and the flanking Z okay he's throwing down field bouncing bombs things like that he's trying to keep in position as Lucid he's the one kind of happy to tank I guess and now the barrel chain not quite going to work out double pulverized to come carrier as showmaker presses the fury the S button and now the an gr does come out still trying to take this one up though and we've got lots of Trades of ultimat all over the place and the barrels are really starting to hurt in goes Z though he find king and the pirate is going to fall down and now Baker with another very aggressive Valkyrie he's going to help lock down it's a triple kill now not don't than you mother sucker why you you [ __ ] wait still a plus just a few seconds ago and now T1 say oh this is how you win the game you just push through the base and take down an exus well that's precisely what they're going to do moham he's going to be golden in the end but will be taken down the pirate gets in the that is not going to be a one and iar if I have wow it's crazy what Z can do on yeah Banning Z could be good but you also leave it open what if you didn't ban zig1 what about that what if you B something else what was their last ban before CH on oh they ban the what the hell lock it in time LeBlanc open though maybe they don't want to play Zig cuz they want to play leblan n they'll play zigs right I don't know about taking the [ __ ] why don't they actually think going to be Zig all right is it LeBlanc game LeBlanc maai is not that good but LeBlanc is open very nice now I feel like you probably have to pick for owner here surely you can't drop owner Sani yeah wait does gin rate Jin win rate is it 44.4 wait that's crazy they B Le because they think Jin is flexing to support F maai support and play very nice thank you did I say sorry King and play that's annoying I mean you could B Cante if you want if you really want to put more resources into Z is talking wow they really think maai is going support yeah V not being down I me the only real ad Jung they have left is if he b k here there's no way they're going to play K what was you B you B there's no way he missb again okay oh my God he's going to play Olaf King is going to play Olaf blind Ben should know that he's going to play oh my God Dev they're going to playf 100% should know this they should know this he play reason it must be on here it's the best thing you can do is okay but Jin Brown's not that good I think's much stronger chin BR is not good together much better they need they need Olaf here to 100% could do a with these b as well but Chase they're playing poke they're playing poke there's no way placeel right yeah Sur we can blind jce Canon is also [ __ ] it's so bad Pi hro okay fair enough all right what a z got this they Blanc chin is it top for Z is it nice it's been a while I seem to remember there was a certain uh the shy guy keep your name out of his mouth ignite TP ni K oh my God he's playing his atro skin against Z all right aing Jesus aiming playing D on Jin oh man imagine versus jce with their skins damn I'm just looking at the gr power played him but he did pretty well in Lane um defin loves this match up it's basically his favorite match up over the line as showmaker could be in does have of course the Distortion but there's the flash fromer really nicely played he's just dead why did that look so easy for owner it's cu the down right I mean this is we often see near so back just do it again this I feel like this play is only doable if sichan is here too I think solo is follow thetion a bit hard and this is the timing before showmaker gets six it does give Faker like this oh Faker movement it gives Faker the space to play Mega Agro though how much of a [ __ ] that I wish I had my own world skin I would only one trick my world skin champ every game might Beed here a little bit noshock anymore as now he's trying to set it up for a turn I realiz he's just dead the Distortion does go through but now carrier could be in trouble as well M's burning so Faker is able to get that kill but carrier likely to fall as well just waiting for that Twisted advance and there it is from Lu need to pressure on grubs but Z is going to use the Twisted Vance to Twisted advance advance backwards what is Cory damage he has a n magic and a TI seriously you can see Lucid wants to try and get this does secure the blue buff but I think he's going to die for it and there we go on says nope that's mine that to to seal and it's exactly that in that situation always want to try and hug the wall that's what every why oh my God you hate T1 you want them to lose I'm just a D fan is that okay is that fine is that okay can I be a d without hating other teams is that fine overan it's over how does how does how does how they do any damage how does how does ever die he down XP Faker I think I feel likeus is probably the most experienced and best player in HX in the world like he he knows his match up like the back of his does not connect but this top dive has to work or it's completely doomed but T have double TP could Zade theing Tower might fight again the mation here of that Top Lane aggression just gorgeous able to crash his way through fent KN there inou able to find that one and that should be the tree being able to lock this one down the flash over the Bramble smash to come on through meanwhile the fight is continuing curtain have been cold but think it's for DK on the other side trying to play Oh t top that's what they wanted they just wanted t top hey hey T top listen a little bit low that's may they can't push right now but they that's it that's with Ignite that's crazy no heink Ruby crystal is up 50 CS 4S I would say he's not played more y I get he picks hro but there not any other angles okay he literally won an entire world decent job as there is a mega Inferno bom that little you saw that with the w remember do you remember the ad Le Blanc meta I do it was disgusting I'm with SH footwork ad LeBlanc ad theion from in wonder if there any tops where can work could look for something inad they don't have at so it's really hard for atro to join level n what Herald for Drake need the herald M ASAP King as now antp nice Aral mid I don't think it kills though no it doesn't kill First Tower to Great play is heal can see go is moving to and we have the world Ender up and available the chain yo this bomb is so an manag to find the follow kill on the Wasing the the time up chains and doesn't find the Zenith Blade the ignite the last Auto a double yeah good the back oh my God they found what you going base for me baby maybe some magic getting very I'm looking at cor items I'm looking at seani and we going need some magic Pat he woke up woke up yo good morning good morning sunsh G by but uh glacial prison down Lu is not very tanky has to flash to get himself out of the mega Inferno bomb Oh the rocket almost able to take him down there by com back in the magor phenomenal but it is still moham falling here King is just way too weak to join this fight and it's bonus gold item he is what was the score between T1 and everyone you right did do better in trouble yeah well they're going to come on through here as trying to dodge these does do so and Nows everywhere and the does come on down it's a one for one but Faker is going to be bit as that didn't miss owner's able to take down aiming with the uh glacial prison or at least hit him with it not able to get the kill just yet they want to kill instead able to collect that kill also my boy of course against you [ __ ] clap doesn't finish it but really the cor has been the star of the show there's another magnet storm to come in here p over damage you guys don't there's no damage you have no damage there no damage don't have damage there's no damage in there they take down and back go showmaker now actually tries to deceive them but it's not going to work underneath the T he's able to tank it up Faker able to get the one two on that final punch and whether he can AED advance to lock it down man just go game four and pick [ __ ] Le or some [ __ ] God they can what do you mean banana combo he flashed though it's over the wall he goes misses a whole bunch of now engage Lucid cannot geted but they wward pull back that world qualif is real estate I feel like King is just realized Ah that's why know everyone stop blind picko Focus King down really hard think part of this is composition the top but all towards mid to clear the wave and the bot Tower is going to go they are looking for an engage now though all right is going to take the hex tech G curtain have being called trying to find few of these into the backline as says no you do not press ah not on my watch Good Side step there from aiming though as he does get thrown back aiming can he find dead flourish he does but his turret's dead mean what's Happening Here whatever's happening here going to kill between the two of them real is coming in as of course to uh yeah he's he's he wanted to deny the kill with that hex tech soul look that's just poke from Sol and then the real po oh godi says no to thein and now King trying to get out of there the world is ending but I think it's his and there's the UL forward from turn a whole bunch but it doesn't matter at all there and T1 says going to end 14 15 says hello to match point they manag to take down D+ on blue side the probp of the damage numbers a bit here but they will end the game D going to go blue side they chose red side think I can understand why they've done this maybe just find a match up for King where he concern you get1 okay and then I'm guessing T1 Ben and now please ban zigs please just get rid of it just don't play against it it's fine just just get rid of it has to be banned is first pick up and available if yeah he probably does go as Z you know what happens I always think it's interesting in a draft you know a pick is super high makes last again iine something like that's going to happen I think it'll be like like that they might pick ad here like yeah or M because they don't need to pick cor yet they can pick it here here I'm sure that they will do Sante and then comes in I think I'm I'm going to favor DK if it keeps going this way they could also do hereat instead of kante cor is better I think now they're and then here come the possible top SL support BS like I talked about camil yeah here top support probably top one top One support isine here can something like K play GP I do think a brown kind of usess Al B spells to wonder Le means want so here's Alistar I guess it's just Alistar is they're they're FL of C toplex because they're going to Blind Cante nante he could play Kon it's a bomber that would make it quite hard for could play K he could play Chase he could play renon I don't know whether that would be good else play fantastic is game for but I'm not sure how be the lane would be wants to play earlier in their what he do why he both Champions we've seen play it fits so many of their drafts before let's rock and roll Cory top God that Cory skin is so ugly bit of a trade that I hate that it feels like against that Astro cor man I mean obviously don't get me wrong it's a beautiful skin but back to back I just can't I wouldn't be able to focus play quiet everyone's fing trouble here has to flash the deadly flourish plus three ad on the next patch is heing advantageously yeah it's a little bit worrying speaking of worrying moham possibly in trouble does have his flash we dying 22 Lan have push and are chilling why are we dying both out in the what not out might have to run back atast has passive speed the 44 is playable oh my God dashed there's theer into the back going to be Valkyrie so now has to flash if he wants to get over this wall in there and he does oh but they are is so good from Z and owner is there for the followup as well not this time Lucid there no way they this I will say owner look pretty bad in the H series but his Ang back the maybe reeling a little bit after that play gets the flash out actually commit first was R but was he might be on seani it might be blue side first pick siani with and I what happened here I mean Faker put a soldier to his left here and E the flash of right play Byer Mega coming and look at level five but on the on the kill on Cor level up gets just tells him to chill out a little bit and also notice that like he disengages from the Cory so there's no chance the cor back he like backs off let kill and then knows the Malai doesn't have threat D if you're going to win this you better win it all yeah T1 just look a lot better on a standardized draft let's go crazy with counter pick and just play meta Champs to is going to jump on top of lucid here buter was also sweeping yo this game is so done it's crazy this game is so over owner just woke up and decided to carry the game or what why can never beat T1 like never in the last years stud there there's the flash gets the there's the emess divide the out here from showaker finds an angle the Y is going to be able to escape this one oh the blast okay and he's going to live what the [ __ ] he's bit scared about that one make R coming down towards bot fromi down is this the bait the answer is no and has lock going to be take lock it soer [ __ ] me hard it someh flash all right one now bro it doesn't matter if I old d one are just [ __ ] all dead everywhere all over the map everything's [ __ ] lost it doesn't matter I could 15 times it wouldn't matter absolutely T1 is [ __ ] immune this game I can tell you that for a fact they got sh trying to make things happen here there is a big wave coming in is coming go for it anyway have to ISE the game is come there's the FL magnet storm lands on to both though showaker getting down here to try and lock up the he does find it and he's able to snap back takes the turret shot with him the here with with J but then he get I mean this top not even hard I all right EMP here towards the bottom Lane as Faker is slowly but surely won to ask Z is just looking to dive this turret um there's the N doesn't get the wall though and not able to hit the could be inou but he doesn't overextend and the curtains have now been called some side stepping to come through here head up that's going to set it up there's the flash out as K him the thumbs up and K is having a [ __ ] sleeper series man he's so [ __ ] useless every game what happened what happened to K man he was playing so good didn't you see you've never seen maai okay I said that yesterday and now it's lost three times in a row okay I don't know how but it had an 80% win rate is top jungle it does count it's not heyer up XP actually you know what it's good if loses listen and I'll explain why DK's first round if T1 then lose to H KNE it's dk1 rematch winner goes to world and if DK L that DK plays the winner and that means that it's KT winning and it's DK KT because have now that would be the single greatest series of the entire League of Legends calendar DK KT for a world SP Los that's got to be the way the the year ends I feel like it's scripted you know have the people who the year has got to end with that Banger stoppable for Force versus the movable object yeah true it's not as which who's opting into it and it just feels a lot worse going to have to try and crash his way out of this one Frost comes down though y faker's construction of the road hasn't been that good for Ang bullet time comes in car able to tank for a while does have the ulti but they Pile in on top of the A and he goes down the Mal guy makes I think fighting for d right now even though they're down in gold is the best but here's red boy in this game finally that oh my god get the tower has been missing that exact interaction like so many times well not so many but quite a few did that against T1 I think they should have had that approach we got another one go in like Anar K has just been walking up and comboing aiming can you find the out the answer no just oh never mind the blood D is so strong and the AL now comes in just to play is mental he is just mental they lose poot Tower but that's a lot of gold for aiming base there but how can you fight this think about this Avid the with the Twisted Advance beauti strike and K locks down that kill his the hold up sa they can't get they can't get anything off it K you're level 12 but aiming is on the way if you want to cooker just watch out for rat boy he does a deceptive amount of damage I would be too but aiming I don't know whether he is especially not after that last play is hey guys what should we do I don't know let's try and kill on side oh good idea you can see the shake of the head there from navigating the map oh never change to fing play barely scraping two items I think the game is feeling better and better imagine seeing your [ __ ] top two levels down with that SK God be so that Cory skin I hate it I actually hate that cor skin if you're in if you're ahead you look fine with that por skin but an inter on that por skin yeah as long as sa a play my lawyer business is see you are able to give things you are fine to give dragons yes give the drag behind they start come great knock up here from showaker but You' got oh yes down so incredibly low and just he had the auto in the air that's going to lock that one up flash out from King and here as well and break is just so annoying they just going no way they're going they have you got to cook hard flip it [ __ ] ITP it as moham just wants to get some buttons away from carrier oh there it goes okay the Nature's coming inage time comes through trying to keep themselves Alive Burning Down inside the take downi that gets it he also kills the jungler is now Sher in the back of the pit he Sid steps and that's going to be a double kill for the there no way fourth shot got that there's no way fourth shot got it oh my little red boy such a degenerator Z's hidden passive if you gank him on S Side Lane you will probably get flip a coin if it lands on heads you get 300 gold if he lands on Tails he using his passive push Side Lane bar near end big XP if you look across the board the only big XP lead is in the is in the top it's only a level he had that before so our whole team just got countered [ __ ] yo Lucid I need these saplings to be [ __ ] wasting your time on that okay Lucid can be in a lot and we'll be just taken downi locks that one up and the Nature's grass comes down as well moham oh can he see the angle from just too good aiming now trying to Front Line actually kind of almost finds an angle but he doesn't that's going to be the emperess Divide used in celebration as they had already just killed everyone the as they manag to get the deadly flourish that's going to finish off and I think T1 might be starting their Journey again fa DK's out they'll have two chances to make world two best of going to try and take their wait T1 hmer life will be next weekend right in the stadium the L T1 life in a stadium sounds great how does T1 always do it man no matter how bad they look they always somehow find their way always their way just just to bring it today the second you count them out Advance the L they back e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e

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