T1 vs KT - Highlights ALL GAMES - LCK Playoffs - T1 vs KT Rolster

uh I guess part of it may also just be avoiding oh okay flat flap pretty powerful there against walls um even if they are just constructed by and so a bit of investing for the future you could say yeah looks like a lot of objective Focus from KT really trying to get these on lock but T1 seem not really too focused on that just trying to secure but it looks like the focus for KT is down towards that Dragon again yep uh you can see KT have not done a lot of damage to structures here in this game uh as owner is going to try P piosik to sleep the prison does come down but there's the emperor divide mom comes through as well but there is just nothing piosik can do Encore is going to connect here onto the Lilia but the dawning Shadow is there in response and Barrel and bdd just not with enough damage by the looks of things a q does come down but this is a very early smold to The Flash Forward and B not able to do enough to take down Dam engine was like with Barrel there as well but the extra heal does come on through KT is still able to get back out two dragons it's hex soul that is such a powerful one to get you really feel good that you kind of been rewarded for your early investment into those dragons Barrel though could be in a bit of trouble here yeah he doesn't have Flash uh nor does he have heal he has nothing he's just dead that is g isi picking up that kill and sometimes when you're playing these Enchanted supports you need to be a little bit careful with all the smolders that were coming out um but right now Faker is going to do the I'm going to do nothing and avoid the glacial prison that was really nicely done barl throws a point blank on core though and I think Faker after this one is going to be dead so three versus one those odds weren't great and that is BD grabbing himself a kill as the bullet time does come down that might actually save this turret and it will do so so de able to alleviate some of the pressure there but perfect can't stick around here in this bottom Lane because owner's making his way over and that will be first tur blood going over to T1 whenever you kill Faker there is always something that his team is taking on the map yep and it was a good move from De to cover the mid Tower so they didn't lose that that would have really been a big hit but ultimately T1 still getting the first Tower in this situation can't be too upset about that one H but still good moves from KT I like that try to were able to get that first to blood you can see the gold lead is still very very healthy we SE this one before yeah okay so he does have his flash now um but he's still going to get engaged on here by Pik BD going to breathe on him there as the per cross does come in he avoids Mom though and the wall is going to stop them from being able to walk up R goes down in the mid lane and Faker is just buying as much time as he possibly can this turret is now going to get aggressive at him as Barrel is just going to flash over that is going to be the kill picked up but at what cost ladies and gentlemen as the inner turret is going to fall as well as the outer and shell even gets to go on another walk after that yeah I don't think he'll get another charge in the back of this just using it to get to Dragon quickly that'll do it though but here's the cost flash bin from barrel for him to get that kill on a fakeer and they lose this dragon and the reason this is so dangerous cuz T1 have a big lead but the the next dragon from here out get out of there yeah flash this seraphine so risky to try and contest his vision and he is going to once again be found Emperor's divide is going to go wide this time though as KT looking for a Teleport angle bdd comes in on top of the turret is perfect he's making his way through as well Mom CS down the dawning Shadow is there but the AOE damage here from KT is gigantic there goes carrier there goes Faker owner was already dead and now it's just say trying to fight them off but he knows he's only going to be able to get that one and KT have their sights on Barron a massive overstep from T1 about the standing gold that's available KT going to look to capitalize on that trying to push mid in here and there's just not much T1 can do yeah no stopping this one they have managed to trade outer for outer so far um as you can see there the redel baron power play not exactly the largest as the teleport is going to come through from Faker as that glacial prison just barely enough hergs on it unfortunately for piosik I on KT so perhaps not the highest value by there see what they can actually utilize it for maybe barrels damage is what they're trying to boost up after T1 are going to be able to get over towards this dragon in time as the bowling ball flies in and just sails by Barrel there is soul point that is what KT got out of the baron and I think honestly that's a real good prize Yep they're happy with that one it's going to put a lot of pressure on T1 in this game but they're trying to Corral them trying to find an angle here y the sleep does go down apotheosis on the four is gigantic but it is another Encore from Barrel that is huge as well but the smolder goes down ping to follow Z is going ballistic it's a triple kill for the Viking and now barrel and death are against the world and I don't think they like that it's a quadri kill and there's the penta for the Olaf top from Z here in game one Z managed to form up a big lead in this game and he's rewarded this is what the comp wants to do no answer to this olda you can't see see him with the center backing him up you certainly cannot kill him he just moves through the fight taken out Target by Target the return from KT managed to get some value but it's not enough and now T1 with the death timers coming up shortly they won't be able to end but they are going to do a lot of damage to KT right now taking that T2 get some more gold getting that in here and you see the all charging in going Target by Target runs through the sarapen and with the healing from the center just so hard to deal with even with the healing reduction the qes still end up being pretty massive yeah he's like immediately calling for the pent and I think it was possible one and there it goes drag they're going to be able to take this down and then move over to respond from KT KT haven't even started the baron yet so there's no threat good moves from T1 to secure this yep very nicely done they will be able to take that one down big shielding coming in here from KT as barel presses his W button but T1 looking for that inside track here on this mid lane aw does come down as the bowling ball is just barely going to miss and KT starting to get split up starting to look a little bit confused on the map right now and T1 they always have a resource to kind of defend well there's the aggressive Advance here only on two here on the apotheosis and Gushi taking so much damage back that is going to be perfect shutting him down he gets a huge Shield as a bullet time Point Blank here from Death Faker almost being taken down owner has to go golden Faker is out of there and owner is just dead Zas now trying to keep himself alive against perfect and Barrel and it is just not working even through the Steris and KT win another fight into a baron T1 go for the desper Gage Goa tries to force it doesn't find the right members and the response is immediate from KT this there's no other way about it yep there's going to be another team fight that is all I know as this dragon is going down exceptionally low snare not quite going to connect that is going to be the steal from owner but can they keep themselves alive in the fight B going too far forward it's another apotheosis the barel is going to go down owner will be taken out though bidity is still alive in this one but not for long it's a double for Goa his health bar is just yo-yoing from these heels and pososi is sent to the nether as well it is punch for punch blow for blow between these two teams but this time T1 punch back and Gooma redeems himself for the play around made finds the engage that gets on the backline the healing comes through from carry to back him up but now you know T1 deny the soul but it doesn't matter they're just going to end the game yeah denying the game I think is a good idea deny enemy Nexus seems to be the game plan for T1 and they are just going to March down this mid lane take out these Nexus turrets and man this for a game number one this was a little bit time around and I think forcing T1 to do something not Center would have been a really great idea yeah and oh no death oh dear um death already going to get queued here by carrier as Barrel doing his very best to try and keep him safe and is going to be able to do so uh tornado going to connect though and now B is coming in another q going to land here from carrier looking for First Blood and he's going to Boop him back but the flash forward's going to be there that's going to be first Blood going over to least in but ker might pay for it Deft is now in an awkward position he's going to flash PD gets a kill so does pik's going to turn up one after the other they head towards the enemy jungle that flash was sick from piosik and now owna might find himself in a rough position but it's 22 guys let's back off H never mind uh Gushi is now going to find BD also face checking a brush as p is just going to walk it off he's like no no no we're finished here and Goomer is going to say no we're not as Barrel is back and he's hex flashing and he's going to crash onto Gushi who's now found himself a little bit too far forward does get the piercing Darkness though and owna spinning around a whole bunch then takes a bunch of actually higher than the lowest amount of kills that we've had in the whole game yeah I think the record is three wow uh as far as least kills so we're already there and it's only 5 and 1 half minutes as Faker is going in with 300 health and he's just dead bdd going to be able to grab that kill as barrel and Kosik right there ready to challenge yeah I think maybe a bit you will be able to get a fair few Stacks in this game yep definitely in uh pass stacking P the spikes we do now see finally the Reon Sani pairing looking to punish this oh there's the Flash Forward from perfect Z is going to get tagged and the Winter's wrath will be enough the dive was beautiful there from KT just the immediate flash done saacks the passive gets the damage oh BD flapping around in circles here is bdd right now as the shattering strike does come in Faker is going to ignore it basically and that is going there we go as Barrel now looking for opportunity could crash over this wall and there it is Crash down does come on through there as well as Z does get over here Kumi let's see whether he can keep them alive three versus two right now a lot of things on cool down here on KT's side but it is another pickoff for them as Faker Walks Behind his windall one more time looking for some more knockups will be able to stack up that Q amplify in this game but he really benefited from having this winning top laner in that one for the center just to stay up with and now you don't have that perfect moving round he so strong on these early grub fights yep teleport is going to come in here as perfect getting in there is the crash down from Barrel Mega Inferno bomb right on top of owna as the grubs are being taken down in the meantime carrier dashing into the back line perfect surviving for so long but will eventually be taken down and the damage is kind of missing here from KT but these health bars going lower when the bouncing bombs do land Gushi taking a lot of damage but he is going to still get the all top the dawning Shadow lay it across death is going to sacrifice himself to get the kill onto the center but the team fight is won pretty wholeheartedly here by T1 for these two so it's something that they have practiced even if it did only recently only come out like a few years ago uh this is something that they've always sort of had in their back pocket as owner is going to be starting off this Stak once again exactly the same dragons as we had in game one quizzical uh you could say well see whether it's another and KT will they actually commit to any sort of play Carri going to get spotted out as the is going to be taken and KT just giving this one up saying instead we're just going to try and take your stuff and with a zigs it kind of makes some sense Satchel can go down doesn't even need it and KT get two turrets in trade for a single ocean Drake and they might even two two turrets I said I said two turrets by Jo never mind that's three that is going to be faking out trying to trade it back for an outer turret towards the bottom side of the map but I don't know whether that one's going to be wor a lot of the these scenarios as you can see Z looking for these flank angles and carrier on the other side for the pin is going to get caught out here by Perfect who does dash his way out a long way away from any sort of turret right now you can see carrier also now moving away Barrel looking for that flank AAS gets on top of his Ward once again the snare going to get picked up by Barrel here as owner moves over it's going to be a 50/50 but it taken by the smolder somehow carrier steps on two balloons and gets down to moves there from KT good secure oh TP coming in this is from carrier yeah this is very aggressive but Gumi is just going to get Dove on top of De takes him down with a mega Inferno bomb and carrier now just not able to find those angles because without the center what is this comp actually capable of as now it's perfect teleporting in Z going to get thrown around like a rag doll these executes starting to fly in as he looks to be a hero but he's burnt to death by BD the kick it's going to connect and carrier takes down his ex teammate but at what cost as Faker is at full health he puts up the wind wall but one versus four I just don't think it's going to be enough the last breath comes down but it is exactly that he'll take biosic with him but KT win the fight and it just felt like feel like they're rushed when they're absolutely not yeah um because they sometimes just do that because like you say I mean they have all of the time in the universe in this game I mean they're they're praying for a 70 minut as they're not going to get one as that is going to be a kick out onto Barrel mom comes down owner is going to absorb a lot of buttons by just pressing Z as he puts the crocodile to sleep is now perfect he could be in trouble but it's another crash down de takes down oner and bity is untouched in this back line Faker goes in but the dragon is Ming them death satchels his way out that's the crocodile locking down a kill and now it's BD flapping forward and he can feel the wind in his wings and Zas is just going to go down it's a triple kill for the little dragon he is legendary and I don't even think he needs his mom anymore he's just Untouchable you know it felt like the whole fight bdd was the only person on KT who's never really threatened he finally sees a window to go in and he decimates T1 he is more than online at this point he is taking over the game and now they might end actually it's a zigs yeah uh owner is up in 4 seconds time but like you were saying there are satchels of Plenty here for this zigs his dep has already gone to work on that first turret the Nexus is are all bit dead as it is exposed the mega Inferno bom just will be able to just press Dominus and try to weather the storm but this is yeah this is real real dangerous I see what he did there the ultimate has been pre-cast but there it is I just don't know what he's going to be able to do here he goes and has a nap and that is going to be first Blood going over to oner and meanwhile underneath the turret here Ragnarok has been popped and piosik has to flash death not quite able to grab it quickly enough but still going to be able to lock down the kill so both top laners being there is some killing some cams to take down the Ragnarok like you were talking about still up and available let's uh see whether this can work in a 3v2 as there is the Ragnarok coming down bowling ball avoided as Barrel is just dead that's the watch out E from Mona as he is going to get pushed back there momentarily you take Dragon okay we're going to take this Top Lane tier one get some First Tower gold oh death he can make it rain that makes things a little bit annoying there for owner to be able to catch up and that is going to be that Dragon taken down but I think the trade here not exactly fantastic for KT and we see actually piosik and Barrel moving up towards the top side of the map so perhaps that might just be the game plan yeah is just trade the dragons and one a piece not really too much concern either way whatever the soul is CP ready he's out a vision if they want to move and I think KT just giv this one up yeah looks like this one's not going to be something that they can actually fight for we'll have a look at what soul it is going to be M both of these compositions are kind of built for as far as getting that Wombo down finding these engages finding the angles allowing Z to run a marck or allowing de to find that big ulti as flash has to come out here as the Dominus has been popped perfect going down so incredibly low teleports coming in from everyone as own kind of creep blocked and that is going to be somehow be picking up that kill ah as a result incremental advantages you make two mistakes it doesn't feel like their massive mistakes but now also picking up this Tower he is just suddenly monster out of nowhere you know he got the guess not going toow spe he start it up the dragon he's not a member of the Dragon preservation Society or maybe he left you oh yeah maybe he had to leave because otherwise they were never going to be able to get the objectives um speaking of objectives T1 they're just going to run over towards this Baron and the dragon will be taken but can there be any respones Barrel just Dives in there all right maybe that's the response is perfect just uh pokes his head in and then uh hops out again immediately and KT have stopped the the barn yeah they started take some damage and I think they were really conscious of the freshly level 16 bdd doing something and like a like a a a a glass will smash you something and immediately everyone all the blood drains out of your face yeah Hing it as fast as he can okay but death can get Vision with Make It Rain that's all they have right now they going have to go for it yeah they're going to have to try and find an angle here's the magnet storm looking to try and keep them out of the pit and piosik still gets in but it's not going to be good enough look at this AOE damage is gigantic but T1 is still just going to be able to get out of there with the purple buff in hand it's successful Heist but it still feels weirdly you know it worked they got the baron but bdd is still so strong it still doesn't feel like a true Victory right now they lose one member they get away they're all really good items know this feels like this feels like an Aiming spold again oh it really does I feel like we watched this yesterday and aiming won a few of those games so we can see that uh building up the smolder is certainly something that does work but now it's T1 Forte this is where they get to utilize their control of the map and you can see able to take down inner turret in the Top Lane and it looks like Z will be able to protect this Siege minion as well getting to work in this mid lane for now there's a 6,000 gold lead as T1 they've started up The Dragon Vision now given over to KT as teleport to come in let's see what can happen here as the dragon does fly by but it's just a little bit of damage onto owner they get at the edge yosik they do manage to avoid the chains of corruption largely but in goona he goes golden can they find the sleeps they're looking for the flash out from PD but he's still going to get taken down and this is like what you were talking about Orcs unfortunately sometimes the little dragon just goes pop and T1 they are just crushing KT with their wallets now it's a little bit anticlimactic but that is the way T1 are going to do it as they look to try and bring us to the next game with match point in hand that's going to be the clean Ace and T1 I think just marching up the mid lane BD he's going to C his inventory just bought it now but it's too late ends up getting CC ends up going down and that smoulder who felt like such a threat goes down with a whimper T1 the incremental Advantage is apparently we're enough to win them this game they're going to make a little bit more proactive play there on the side of KT as Kosik has started off this Dragon carrier is standing on a ward right now as he does move himself in remember it's kind of an awkward composition to start off fights with but owner is certainly the one that is The Flash over there from piosik just try and put oner to sleep as the final spark does come in Ona can just walk on forward but the dragon has been taken down mom gets mad connects onto barrel and be but they are already out of there as try and push T1 ever further ahead Barrel is rotating down though and we do have B in position okay sneeze does connect onto two it's a lot of stacks that's not too bad but the Flash Forward from barrel trying and get that snare locked in mom comes on through but the slow is still going to be there Valkyrie forward and that is going to be first Blood going to bdd on his Cory able to find a kill Faker over stepping a bit greedy for the plat and does go down Barrel trading The Flash take down the little dragon wait oh top dear uh perfect does press his I love how there's now three people in PX Lane yeah yeah um Z and Faker are going to be able to easily take down this that money but the problem is the KT now having to deal with an inner turret just being focused Rift Herald is going to be employed alongside BD but if it gets another charge they might be able to answer this yeah I think if they trade even it's pretty pretty okay um all things considered with B grubs this should actually be very doable with no one there yeah I I think KT are probably okay with how this is planned out um also the gold Tire series I'm dialed in oh yeah 100% it's good to see and now we're just praying for a cloud soul for all movement speed and it's an yeah I'm not going to um maybe hold two control Wards in your inventory the entire game maybe that's because then you can't buy them okay perfect just wants to clear out the wave does stun up Z as he comes in true shot barrage clears out the wave perfect It's so dead uh that is going to be a kill going over to Zas there his Kraken Slayer already completed I would legitimately message Riot and ask them to delete Renekton from my account like it's this is painful this is horrible this is just at T1 you know the lane match up was already going good they have really piled on and just making this Champion feel so useless and I think this is where like all of Perfect's older brothers on his team are saying like buddy it's okay we'll carry you it's all KT just kind of lost masters of giving yeah this is the problem is that eventually you do need to get control back and giving things up does not quite help you there giv up Nexus not a good play they are going to lose this mid tier one it is definitely going to go down Snee not going to quite work it's only going to get worse and they don't feel that strong now so that's why it's kind of feeling a bit dire but it's possible there's a lot of squishy members on T1 Barrel is now probably big dead he's very dead big big time I was going to say there's a lot of squishy members on T1 so maybe you can pick someone um but but Barrel's also squishy and now dead and now Baron is gone and the question is will kosi be there in the next 5 Seconds well TR barage did do a fair bit of damage now T1 possibly in a little bit of trouble poosi can you get the steal the answer is no owner locks that one down but Gushi already dead at the beginning of this one Pik down very very low as P just explodes Ste trying to get the extra Autos in he finally helps speed take him out as now owner he'll be taken off the board as well oh the TP back here yeah looking for the angle here bity just I mean it's one tumble Auto attack and this corki is just dead and Z with that night Hunter is very very scary on the chase down him and carrier both with the baron still up and available though and I think T1 is still pretty happy with how this one win uh you know they they managed to get a trade up in the end of it but not the cleanest Baron definitely didn't really have an exit plan for that one uh and now KT can pick up this Dragon so not really going to get the value maybe hoped out of sec ing Baron but you didn't all die I I think it's the Takeaway on this one um there you go B pretty strong now though picked up a lot of those kills uh carrier you are very squishy yeah he also had to stand still um to put out that final spot which meant the be was able to get on over there so that is going to be a turret going down in the mid lane as well TR barage was searching for Carrier there AAS getting to work here on this Top Lane and I'm getting World flashbacks man uh just watching Z take games into his own hands his vein is so incredibly good but T1 despite the fact that they did not quite find the team fight they were looking for it is still looking dangerous yeah it's unfortunate didn't kill carrier before cuz he's one of the two Barons remaining oh TP flank all right it's time for perfect to shine ladies and gentlemen he sidesteps the light binding that's a great start as carrier going to be taken out first pii going to steal the kill away from a welld deserving perfect who just needed something in this game for goodness sake T1 now just trying to get out of there they've lost their support this time around and KT looking to push further forward trop barrage to stop them from rotating around and it is another turret to be taken here for KT still a lot of poke damage back Kushi going down relatively low though still T1 they get rid of the minion wave they are going to be able to force KT back now as they can't push further forward sorry for getting emotional there but I think the perfect deserve heing up for the warmogs yeah kind of lower mana banana brush control BD kind of out of the fight right now though as there is the engage from Mona perfect just dashing his way out doesn't have the dominance oh my God okay um that's a trinity Force Pro whoever I've seen one there from bdd oh they can just start the baron though if you back up pect yeah he's in trouble but isn't going to get snared and T1 they have all of the traps down the bowling balls going to be avoided this time as BD valkyri is his way in somehow pik's little Hooves do not connect onto the traps Barrel not going to be so lucky Baron down to 6,000 these Rockets still coming in true shop barage doing a fair bit away a flash in from Pik and he steals away the baron he might just die though and there he goes Zas now thinks that it is his time as KT just trying to vacate the area perfect trying to be bouncer now to keep his team alive Barrel can you press Mantra and Inspire that's the question has Faker trying to Flap his way out oh they're just a they're just bobbing oh my God the dam and dushi going to be able to take down the crocodile once again Ace in the Hole is going to lock down barrel and death the last Baron standing and T1 they're looking to break open the base might just be able to end the series here 20 seconds of P he has Al Barrel doesn't have ult sorry death doesn't have ult he needs to try and clear the wave I don't think he's going have a chance needs to land a few more of these qes try and bring that one down as much as possible I mean it's taking a while because the baron buff is going to be there true rush now just aimed at the minions Nexus turret number one is going to be taken down though they're trying to tank this one up as best they can as Ona going down exceptionally low there is the kill under the Sani and piosik is back up but they're just killing the Nexus they're just

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Category: Gaming

[âm nhạc] để coi nào khả năng mở nó sẽ hơi nó sẽ hơi bó hẹp tí xíu tức là ví dụ như bây giờ nha bạn sử dụng cái r của leona bạn sử dụng cái r leona nó vẫn sẽ một cái vòng khá to còn trong khi đó thì bô băng với lại cái đại băng tiện nó vẫn nó sẽ đòi hỏi khá nhiều về những tình huống hbx đôi khi nó ảo... Read more

KT vs T1 - Game 1 | Week 6 Day 3 | 2024 LCK Summer Split | KT Rolster vs T1 thumbnail
KT vs T1 - Game 1 | Week 6 Day 3 | 2024 LCK Summer Split | KT Rolster vs T1

Category: Gaming

Trước as là sự lựa chọn cấm của họ và quyết định của phía tiwan là loại bỏ sq ở trong cặp trận b3 này er của de vẫn đang thực sự là một thế lực ở tại khu vực đường dưới và tuan không muốn đối đầu với nó tất nhiên là họ cũng không ưu tiên dành cho gumayusi con bài này còn phía bên kia thì l cấm day một... Read more

Highlights DK vs FOX - Game 1 | Playoffs R1 | LCK Mùa Hè 2024 [23.08.2024] thumbnail
Highlights DK vs FOX - Game 1 | Playoffs R1 | LCK Mùa Hè 2024 [23.08.2024]

Category: Gaming

[âm nhạc] khi mà r đang cố gắng bút pháp sư thì bên phía của họ quyết định họ lý nus mang ra đường giữa nó hơi bị ảo đến từ phía của nhưng rõ ràng sự sáng tạo là không giới hạn và như hồi nãy anh tùng đã nói là nus đi ở đường giữa cũng đang hot gần đây thì chắc chắn phải có lý do bên phía d blaska muốn... Read more