Best time to buy mums + how long they bloom (fall perennials, tv, ut, home depot haul and more!)

are you plant shopping for fall I am and I'm excited and I am not a fall lover so we're going to go plant shopping today I am picking up some plants a little different than normal not just for my own yard we're actually taking them to TV studio today and filming a segment with Brian Lloyd from Olson's Greenhouse Gardens they are the wholesale grower who grows the plants for in my area anyway for places like Home Depot Walmart Costco some times and they are doing a segment on styling for fall I don't have all the details just yet but I know what I am looking for at the store so we're going to go take a look and see what's good for your porch for my porch and for the TV porch I guess we'll see now I am no stranger to the family at Studio 5 and the TV studio I absolutely love them they are amazing I've done quite a few TV segments with Brooke and their lovely team um but this is my first time going in helping styling on a show and doing a plant show honestly I don't I I generally do art and illustration segments for them so it's kind of new and exciting for me and it'll be really fun I really need the double-decker cart and I cannot find it anywhere there's only like one at every store Home Depot can we get some more of those can we get an order of double decker carts for the garden center all right we're going with the extra wide this one's bigger than the other one on is it sad that I know that perennials we've got the sombrero I just did a video with Seth Reed on those as well as the double scoop which Seth gave me one to bring home in my suitcase and they have them at my Home Depot right now so many great options I am going to start loading up a cart for the segment and then maybe we'll go over that pansy is always a good choice in my opinion again I Garden in Utah Zone 7A very hot dry High Al you clim it this store even has neopia glow stick now these ones they just finished blooming and they're getting ready to bloom again but I just did that video with Seth they're come out next year but somehow my Home Depot has them already so I'm taking one I mean I'm not taking it Garden girls and flop it's magical height 28 to 32 space 15 to 20 in perennial full sun that's a good one we're bringing that one cute asers purple Dome Aster perennial full sun 18 in look how cute that is going to get those too these Little Cuties are on sale five for $10 so we're going to grab this too my friend Lisa was just telling me questions that customers have about mums and so when you come to the store and you're buying moms The Perennial kind you can plant them in your yard get them established before you turn off your drip lines or if you live in a place where you don't have drift lines awesome and then by next year you can start with those teeny tiny ones and you can get big beautiful mums like this by the next year it's crazy I love using mums as perennials in my flower beds you might not even need to have a drip line on them if you establish them very well before the winter time he they're just so cheerful and they look like a beautiful little boxwood someone told me they didn't like the foliage on mums I actually do I think they look like little cute round boxwoods and then they flower in the fall and then they die back to absolutely nothing and then around Valentine's Day or Easter you're going to check them cut off the the dead sticks when you see as soon as you start seeing the little tiny sprigs coming up that's the best time to cut them all off and then let them grow back in it wouldn't be a shopping trip at Home Depot if I wasn't dropping plants on the way to the register and don't worry I didn't forget you I came back I know fall really feels like dull and murky kind of colors Browns and mustard but there's so many fun jewel tones right now out in the store for the end of the summer season you really need to go check it out I think the things I picked will look really good on camera and more importantly really pretty in your yard or my yard which hopefully these are going to end up in we'll see how that goes I got them all loaded up in the back of the car I'm thinking Brian is coming by with the Olsen's Greenhouse Gardens trailer because he's got a a bunch of big SS from the greenhouse that we're going to bring along and I'll just keep these in my car and drive them up to the TV studio that's my current plan we will see how that goes but gosh aren't they just so dreamy I'm not sure I've had a prettier trunky all season long per usual I am cutting the time a little bit close I got to get home and take a shower still and maybe clean up a few things in my yard we'll see let's admire my beautiful Cana window boxes shall we as Brian pulls up the truck and we get ready to load everything up we decided we wanted to take these pretty Planters we were debating taking one or two and I had the camera centered on the one we decided not to take with us so we pulled the beautiful hydrangeas out those have been growing ever since two weeks before Mother's day I've had those in those pots and they still look so gorgeous I don't choose to dead head the blooms on mine I just keep them because they were bright pink originally and then they turned green and I love the greens so I kept them we're taking some other chairs and my co that I've been styling on my porch and lots of fun things going into the trailer to take up to the show I just have all my stuff in my back of my car so we can just okay perfect is it there is that fine yep have you ever pulled your car in there no yeah maybe just follow me but there's a gate that we'll pull in okay we just pulled up Studio 5 we got to unload the truck and get ready let's get all these flowers out there's a lot to set up there's so many flowers and they're all so pretty and they're all fall so you can plant them or put them on your porch now Brian was using me he thought I forgot the fountain grass but I got it can't wait to show all you guys all the awesome stuff you can decorate your front porch with or put in the landscape that's so pretty It Moves In The Wind which as you know I have a lot of so much wind at my house this one's a great one how are you it's for your show you know YouTube it's for the YouTube I saw you on YouTube I know her stop now this moment I will remember for the rest of my life I have never felt so famous and it was the funnest surprise I didn't tell people I was starting this channel a lot of people don't even know that I Garden I I call this my secret Channel and it has been so fun to watch it grow thank you so much for watching here is where we are at for watch hours I know some of you are trying to help me get to 4,000 watch hours and I am overwhelmed by your support thank you so much okay how did you see it no time out hey Gardens this is how you seen it hold on hold on it came up that you saw that one yep you even took a screenshot I Ah that's so excit I'm like holy cow this is so crazy I watch oh my God you're like like oh you're such a liar no I have proof he took a screenshot that's the best oh my goodness looking good is that our door like that's crazy to me what of my three people yeah hey I am up to 1,495 I I was looking I'm like it just oh this has got to be only like a couple months old yeah it's new yeah it's really new there's nothing then I I went running into studio F like do you guys know that our watercolor girls has their own has their own channel that's so funny and so they they pull it up yeah anyway crazy now if you've never taped for a TV show it might totally surprise you like it surprised me everything is brought in and set up very efficiently and quickly Jeff and brat are like incredible at what they do and it's always been so great to work with them because the team at Studio 5 is just so amazing and wonderful so we get all the plant products out and then Brian had me come over and start making decisions on what we would place where what would look the best on camera where they could stand all those things now something I didn't know until we were filming this segment that you'll hear Brian talk about with Brooke is the amount of light that the mums need after being grown in a greenhouse so stay tuned for that it'll come up in just a little bit but we had some things in the shade because it was so hot to keep them a little bit better hydrated before we got them moved out in the sun because it was really really warm and you can see we added one of the big mums in where the hydrangea was so it was kind of a Spring to Fall transition we kept the cute smaller plants that were trailing down the side just like you could do in your own garden and kind of just refreshed it with a big fall mum I'm definitely a maximum when it comes to plants so I was glad that we brought as many to fill up as large of a space as we did because it really gave them some great things to pan over while they were filming and we mostly arranged things kind of by height we wanted to balance the yellows and the purples from left to right also just like you would do on your own porch you know you don't want just all yellow on one side and then a big Clump on the other we wanted to stick with that purple yellow orange color scheme and kind of balance things between the two sides and height as well the grasses actually ended up being one of my favorite Parts just popping up behind the chair in the background I thought those made a really nice height of focal point and then watching them Sway in the wind that we had was actually really great too I'm going to do that on my porch you filming the bright bright sun in your face Sun yeah I think yeah let's cover the bottoms of these let's get these you want them on the side oh so you can still see we'll end over here we'll kind of walk over okay this one's different so we put this one in the middle that's I think this down here and then some pansies on we said what pansies and oh and these guys do I need to turn these around or are they fine just turn around that front row maybe pull the there we go don't s right now yeah they are they're 5 for 10 you know when it started it goes until the 5ifth so good and this is just about the point where Brian realized that we forgot the rug which is the very base layer of everything everything so we pulled everything around and added that underneath sorry just like these back here does it look weird in the back of this a little bit yeah maybe back there yeah that's better this is just a final look over before we realized about the rock but I was so excited with how everything was turning out and looking I thought this section looked especially great right by the door with all the different heights and kind of overflowing by the chair was really cute don't judge me I'm grabbing my water bottle out of the car because I want water one of my moms it's out in the hot sun and it's looking a little wilted we're going to water it really quick is it like under under there we go lift that up again is that better that does look way better I'm so glad you remembered that this one's in the middle that look right all set up it looks so good I am not sure who the host is today but Brian is going to nail it is time the moment is here a Charming fall front porch is in your future and it all centers around one specific star flower mums are quintessential fall right they add a splash of autumn color to a space and a cozy inviting feel to an entrance but because they don't last long you want to time it right Brian lyd is the expert we turn to he's from Olson's Greenhouse he's here to help us out great to see you it's great to see you bro I am standing in the sweetest most Charming Little Fall scene I mean what is it about moms yes they're gorgeous one of my favorite flowers yours you know yeah definitely I love moms I like I like fall because it's you know we've had the hot summer and it's kind of time for a refresh and the flowers grow a lot better once the nighttime temperatures cool and that signals the time for moms because that's when they naturally Bloom can we start with the timing Brian like what is the best time to buy our mums for fall yeah so mums like to bloom in one big flow and what sets their blooms is actually when the night times start to get longer and so they're naturally setting their blooms this time of year uh we time them so that some will come on later if you'd like to have them later into the season you control that behind the scenes but they still put up one big flush for the most part you'll get a few blooms after the big flush but not many and the heat drives how long those those flush of blooms last and so um if you want them this time of year you're only going to expect about four to 6 weeks out of the bloom time and then as the night times cool more uh later into the September late September and into October the blooms will last more than 8 weeks and so you kind of got a time how long do you want them into the season and what I like to do is start with some mums end of August right about now okay and then replace them probably mid October and then they'll Carry Me Through to Thanksgiving oh nice so layer in at that midpoint plan on four to six weeks ex exactly and that's in the pots for to six weeks like and as long as you never let them dry out they'll last about four to 8 weeks depending ending on the nighttime 10 mums are a full sun plant but that's only to set their Bloom so that's what's really cool about front porch decorating with mums is once we've set the blooms for you and given them full sun all their lives now they can go in full shade and they'll continue that bloom cycle until it's done for the next 4 to eight weeks and so you can you don't have to worry about sun exposure really with mums on the front patio okay the color combinations are fun what's the most popular that you sell or see people responding to you know it depends on the time of year so this early season people are liking the jewel tones sum colors the pur for yeah whether you're decorating on the front porch you can see we've mixed a lot of annuals and perennials in some of these are fresh in the garden center right now you can still buy some annuals you can buy grasses like purple fountain grass this is lovely over here with this what what's this solia usually gets a plume in the summer but the foliage is so cool that we love to have it so fountain grass and colus anything with that foliage color really stands out well against the flowers of fall uh but all these plants do great in the ground as well and mums are perennials uh and we've got great deals going on at Home Depot right now you can get these little mums five for $10 we've got some information on our Instagram site some inspiration you can see how to turn a mum hedge and what it'll look like come next year okay and same with pansies and other annuals and perennials like asers there's all sorts of stuff to plant for fall Brian thank you so much what is your Instagram it's olsson's Greenhouse Gardens and you'll find us there we're working with different influencers as well so you'll see a lot of different yards and and front porches and what they' done fun that inspiration I think is just enough to trigger and get us going for The Fall season so we appreciate it thank you very much this was just a highlight of their segment if you want to see the whole thing you can check out the link below as soon as the segment has wrapped up everybody pitches in and starts getting everything put away and ready for the next one filming outside I've never done before but when I've filmed inside sometimes multiple segments are using this same setup area I don't know if they call them stages or vignettes or what they call them at the studio but uh sometimes they have somebody filming after you and I usually have wet paint and all kinds of things to wrap up and stick back in my bag so this was kind of nice to have a place to put everything loading everything back up it's like a puzzle right getting it all back in again and that's wrap how do you feel I think it went great it was great to have a a unique perspective on how to set everything up so thanks for coming and helping oh you make it so easy he's like let me come help me sty all these beautiful plants and that you just have to like arrange them in the right height yeah the flowers make it easy but that was a great setup it looked beautiful it was a good segment I always love working with broo like she's just the cutest and like so sweet and so sincere which if you've ever worked in TV not everyone comes across like that in real life when you meet in real life know what I'm saying like she's like how are your kids how are your family yeah she's genuine as it can be exactly I love the studio 5 family it's like so great when you come and see everyone they were surprised to see me on a gardening segment yeah maybe more to come maybe maybe maybe I'll end up doing a gardening segment who knows it's usually art and illustration segments so that was kind of funny to see but we're going to go unload this we're back now and unloading the truck and I have to ask Brian so your wife what kind of moms what is what color scheme does she go for what's at your house that's a tricky thing she never knows she never knows that's kind of fun she always she thinks she knows what she likes until I bring something different home and then she realizes she likes that a lot more welcome relle yeah I mean that's the that's the advantage of having a husband in The Biz is that you get to try out these like fun new things she knows what she likes she just doesn't know how to pick it out so she likes when somebody else does it for her that's how I a restaurant I'm like I don't know I just order what everybody else is getting because I'm really bad at reading the menu yep exactly but I feel like the white ones always sell out in my store first oh really yeah every time my friends hate white mom you hate white Mom A lot of people do yeah is it because it's the color no it's because they when they start to fade and they get brown I hate that dirty white look okay this is what people are telling me is this why I get made fun of for buying so many white flowers yeah it's a very good chance for me it's the spring colors the jewel tones so Jew tones yeah definitely yeah and I but then in October I love bronze and gold and all the pretty yeah all the pretty pretty colors yeah um I'm pretty excited about those patunas I'm not going to lie those are going to be really fun to put somewhere and these I haven't I haven't had a whole lot of shady spots so I'm excited to get these up on my porch again and you just got these out of the garden center I did just barely yep yeah that's something new we're doing yeah isn't that crazy kind of growing colus in the fall look how full they are but I mean it's gigantic I'm pretty excited for having colus in the fall too you have a lot of perennials out right now I was actually really surprised when I went into the garden center this morning yeah the garden flocks asers day Liles was excited about the tick seed oh really yeah she was that boomed all summer for me all the corops is Tick seed and it was really easy because she didn't have to go out and deadheaded and all of that so she was she was really happy to see those now is a great time to plant any perennial the problem is people like to see it in bloom and we can't get everything in bloom this time of year true but if you knew what it looked like and you could find a start then then you can plant anything now's the best time to plant them because they get time to establish their Roots before the winter cold hits yeah and then they come get back that much bigger next year so tell me do you do pansies right now too or are you kind of a spring guy or do you do I wish I W I'd like to do pansies I haven't for a few years okay so my problem is my plants always look so I know it's so hard to pull them out that's the problem my summer plants look amazing right now all the way until October 21st and you can plant plant pansies late into the fall yeah that's true late October if you need but I just run out of time run out of time I know time time is the biggest problem we all have I was kind of debating if I should pull a few and do every other kind of add some pansies back around behind things we'll see we'll see what happens this year I always have a problem getting my bulbs in so I like getting the forced bulbs in the spring is like the best thing for me that's my favorite yeah there you go fall gets really busy if you have kids that go back to school like I do it's a busy one it's it's great to get force bulbs into anytime anytime you can do those clear through the winter one year one year I wouldn't let the kids leave for the cabin on Christmas break until we got our bulbs planted and we had to dig through snow oh no we you just it wasn't Frozen it wasn't Frozen very deep there was a lir of snow on top of them that's crazy so we dug through and planted them and they bloomed great so good my kids were really helpful they planted all my tul okay I have one more thing I want to ask you about this guy oh yeah the solia I didn't even know we did this so this is solia dragon's breath it normally gets a red bloomon bre it is I've heard about this one but this time of year with no Bloom on it it still looks amazing for the fall it's so pretty the colors are so good and it's really nice and tall and that would be great with red mums or purple mums yeah as well as all the annuals and perennials both of which I happen to have now we'll get those in thank you so much for watching this has been a fun adventure and thank you huge thank you to Brian for letting me tag along thanks for all your help it's been great oh my gosh so fun styling for TV we'll see you next time thanks for watching

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