Category: Film & Animation
Intro it's cute that y'all think you're the heroes of this little adventure but you're not welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 worst things about the borderlands movie ooh mine's bigger number 10 the casting let's get this one out of the way would you look at... Read more
Category: Gaming
Intro borderlands the film has came out and it is a massive massive flop let's get into it i'm bled okay let me just start by saying if you guys like what i do and love covering me covering the news and want to join us for members movie night and help join the live streams and support live streams and... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
हेलो दोस्तों मेरा नेम है जे वेलकम बैक टू माय चैनल दोस्तों आज मैं रिव्यू करने लगा हूं केट ब्लैंकेट और केविन हार्ट स्टारर हाल ही में रिलीज होने वाली एक मूवी का मूवी का नेम है बॉर्डरलैंड और यह मूवी 2024 में ही रिलीज हुई है इसकी लेंथ की बात करें तो वो हमें 1 घंटा और 40 मिनट के आसपास देखने को मिलती है यह मूवी एक एक्शन एडवेंचर और स्काईफाई मूवी है इस मूवी में तुमको कुछ इनएप्रोपराएट की तो इसकी स्टोरी केट ब्लैंकेट के कैरेक्टर लिलिथ के इर्दगिर्द घूमती है जो कि... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Hey everyone welcome back to film focus where we break down the latest and greatest in film and entertainment today we're diving into the wild chaotic and explosive world of borderlands the highly anticipated sci-fi adventure starring kate blanchet kevin hart and jack black so buckle up grab your loot... Read more
Category: Entertainment
We are back chronicling the mayhem that is current disney star wars as you all know the aco got cancelled after just one season who would have thought that could be possible people have been going insane online because why never mind that the storytelling was terrible never mind that the characters... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Vous l'avez déjà sûrement remarqué mais c'est devenu un peu la mode ces derniers temps de sortir une suite à un film des années 80 et on va pas se le cacher la plupart du temps c'est par souci de coup et surtout par rentabilité et non réellement par nostalgie vu qu'en effet c films qui ont assez bien... Read more
Category: Entertainment
>> we are back with our entertainment critic ryan jay, who's got real intelligence. not true. try. i'm not a robot yet. i do i was never thank you for being here. thanks, all set for a holiday weekend. >> yes, i have i have other work to oh, all right. let's talk about this first movie. it's... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro come in we say good morning that's important when you come to work in the morning it's good it's good to say hi to everyone a lot of people don't do that it freaks me out it's got the best sneakers i've ever seen they totally threw me while i was talking i was like what what who didn't he make... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Next stop christmas is a pretty decent film this was released originally in 2021 it's directed by dustin rickard and this stars lindsay fona as angie and angie is getting on an ordinary train and when she's on the train it turns out to be a train that's taken her back 10 years into the past and she's... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
I'm so excited because it's kevin cosner he's a legend and at the end of it he says sienna i have one question for you and i said yes kevin he says will you go west with me and i was like i was like i yes i was like woo i would go to and least it was in south yeah yeah [applause] Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Tar was written and directed by todd field and stars kate blanchett and centers around lydia tar a woman considered to be one of the greatest living composers and first female chief conductors of a major german orchestra to say that tar is a good movie is like saying water is wet it's like saying that... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Listen uh judy about a 100 reporters were crawling up my ass to get this interview and i gave you the exclusive new uh yes hello judy uh this is donald trump very excited very excited to talk to you exced donald the last behind you what do you want to do next uh well i intend to acquire the commodore... Read more