Full Metal Fukumi 13 - Trails in the Sky Remake, Rune Factory Guardians of Azuma, Tokimemo Remaster

The Sora no Kiseki Remake / Trails in the Sky Remake is developed for Switch first just like Ys X Nordics alikum how's it going so in this episode of I'm going to get over the Nintendo Direct that happened on August 27th um I'm first going to talk about the siki remake A to S trails in the sky and this is quite a surprise for multiple reasons because first Falcom usually earnes and release one game a year and the game this year is the latest game in the card Arc which is probably latest Arc the latest game uh K Kiki and I was expecting Falcom to announce their next game on K kisiki got released in September but however because these they always announce their next game in the shareholders meeting in December and this time they announced their next game earlier so it is quite a surprise for multiple reasons uh first off Falcom actually Falcom presid president condo toshiro already announced multiple times in the past that he would like to make some remakes of the first games in thei traal series so in a way it's not that surprising and I don't think he talk about it in the interview I did myself in 2019 but I think if you look at other interviews in 2020 and in 2021 Etc definitely already talk about about all this about how we want you want to make a remake of trails in the sky of the trails in the sky first three games so this isn't surprising at all and another point is that the game does not have an actual title yet for now they just say it's called a sanisi the first but there's um there's a tentative title uh where can I show you this uh I think in the article from inside so yeah uh in the article from inside they specified U Falcom specified that this is K Cash Cash just mean it's a tenative title so they might give it another name for now it's a a s the first but yeah they might give it another name and next up is how they only announce the game on Nintendo switch but obviously the game is definitely going to release on other platforms at some point uh and what's important to note about the switch announcement is that the game is being made is being developed on switch with Nintendo switch as a base and this is just like east10 east10 that got released last year in Japan uh which is getting released in English this year and E uh NX the game was specifically made for Nintendo switch and then they made the PlayStation version based on it so just like e this is going this is developed this is developed first for switch and this is very reminiscent of what happened with Falcom in the mid 2000s because Falcom used to be a PC game company that's that's something I regularly talk about Falcom used to release their games only on PC and then in the mid 2000s the they started releasing the Kaki games on PSP because PSP was like the most popular uh portable system in um one of was one of the most popular portable system in Japan and thanks to Monster Hunter Etc so they went for the most for one the most popular platform and for one that could accommodate their 3D game Etc because on Nintendo DS the game would not have been a to run so in the same way this time because in Japan right now for over like maybe six or seven years Nintendo switch is like the queen of consoles in in Japan if you don't count the mobile market of course so it's still wonder Falcom this last few years Falcom has been switching towards the Nintendo switch and for example um I think it was um yeah e was the first game they developed specifically for the Nintendo switch but before that point the kosan mention multiple times I don't think Falcom can self-publish in USA and Europe, but maybe they'll move away from NIS America in interviews that Falcon is planning to switch uh to to try and develop their games themselves on Nintendo switch so that way they don't depend on the port from third party Studios on the localization Studios as nipon or clouded entertainment so they this is making they're making this game specifically for Nintendo switch but definitely at some point after the initial release they are definitely going to release it on PC and Playstation as well and maybe even Xbox like you never know and another interesting point I wanted to mention is that in the buff in the Trader both in the English Nintendo Direct and in the Japanese Nintendo Direct the only trademark was nion Falcon so this means that for now this means that I don't have an international publisher and English publisher for the game yet so this means they didn't they didn't immediately ask nepon n software America to localize the English version which is interesting because uh for now uh n America is handling all Falcom games right n America is handling all Falcom games so it's quite surprising that they didn't ask them directly so maybe they're planning to change International Publishers and gameu still talk about this they contacted uh Falcom representative to talk about the Western publisher and they said at this time the Western publisher is to be determined which is why our company name must mention in the announcement there is a possibility that we may handle distribution ourselves but if arrangements are made with a local publisher they will be responsible for distribution instead so this is pretty interest because usually first off usually I don't read English sites like ever since I became a game journalist myself in 2018 I stopped reading English sites just in case there's some Mis mistranslations and stuff I only read Japanese sites unless if they have some exclusive information like this like this time with gasu who contacted Falcom so yeah so they're saying that there we probably for now there's a possibility that they will handle dist distributions themselves and personally I don't believe that at all because Falcom is a small company and um last time I checked they were still independent but there there's a small company with around 100 employees I thinks that it was 100 around 100 employ employees uh that was what was written in the finan Sal around two or three years ago I didn't check lately but let's assume they still have around 100 employees so I don't think it's possible for them to start now and to make a local their own localization localization department and their own uh publishing Department to handle uh English publish publish publishing I don't think that's possible like like unless they made a lot of change to the company these last few months and unless they're actually actively preparing to publish the the games themselves like it's not happening like there's no way that's happening so in my opinion if they didn't already asked nipon America to do it is that they might plan to change Western Publishers so maybe Bond Namco maybe Sega maybe someone else will be doing the English publishing in my opinion so we'll have to wait and see for now because there's no way of knowing so yeah and uh um let's quickly talk about the Remake itself now so there several things I want to mention about the game itself obviously I'm extremely excited Falcom's in-house engine this looks really amazing so I only have praise to share with you all and first off one interesting thing is like I said before this is running uh on the same engine uh as Ean uh it's a it's an inous engine that Falcom has been working on these last four or five years or something I think the first time they talk about it was a bit before hajimari noi was getting released and they were saying that for hajimari for certain cut scenes in hajimari you can tell that they're very different because the start started using motion capture and I started using a new engine and starting koniki uh trails from through Daybreak it's fully on the new engine uh it's quite different you can tell the screen like how you can say is a screen playay and like the the cut scenes the direction of the cut scenes is quite different from what you all what you would have seen in Cold Steel in uh what was his name seniki because in senisi the way the cuts scenes are directed the way the dialogues are directed is very similar and it's very like structural and it's very slow and starting koni you can tell that they change they completely change the way they do cut sces and this contined onto e East 10 as well and this sanoi remake is using the same engine as East so this is going to be very similar in terms of graphics and one thing I wanted to mention is how look at how expressive the characters are and how they how cute Estel and all Look at how expressive the characters' faces are compared to nowadays anime games on Unreal Engine the female characters look and how cool Joshua looks and it's really really cool like how expressive like TR the Traders there's a lot of uh zooms on estel's face and you can see her face is extremely expressive like look at this smile and this is very interesting and really important to talk about because in my opinion what is sadly there's a lot of uh anime St games like this that are all running on Unreal Engine OB see Unreal Engine looks cool and it's looks it looks great but one things Unreal Engine is very lacking in my opinion is not the graphics because I don't really care about the graphics that much the graphics whether they're beautiful or not but it's in the expressions and in the the the expressions of the characters of the anime characters and you know a lot of times in my opinion they lack expirations and for example to take a very recent example I think visions of looks really cool and I'm really excited to try and play the game soon but because it's running on anal engine you can tell it's like the character's experation like it's not like they're stiff but they're like cold or like there's not it's not there's no warmth in it and you when you when you look at estel's face here you can really see the warmth and you can really feel like it's anime it's Mo like no one says Mo anymore but like it's Mo and it's cool and cute and this is good and I'm really happy Falcom has made a really good engine that looks really good for anime Styles Graphics like this and you can tell the characters are extremely expressive and I'm really looking forward to how it will develop because it's just a teaser meaning the game will look even better at releas in 2025 so I'm really really excited for this uh it's a really really good thing like the style of the game is really really good Sadly I doubt the remake will be fully voiced like Sora no Kiseki Evolution on PS Vita was and then another thing I wanted to talk about is sadly I don't think the game will be fully voiced because if it will be fully voiced they would have said so in the trailer and if you look at the trailer or if you look at the official site they didn't say they didn't write that this f f voice meaning this is kind of sad but in a way this is probably will have less voice acting than the original uh not the original game but the evolution version of the game on PS vaa uh because noi and Zer noi and a noi the the liberal Arc trails in the sky there three trails in sky games and then the two crossbell games uh trails from zero and trails uh what was it English name I forgot the English name but the aiki and ziki and siki all five games they got re-released on PS vaa with some full voice acting so sly the Remake won't have f for iting because or El would have definitely written about it on the official side but it's not anywhere and another point is how they explain there's no seamless Global talk about the Sora no Kiseki remake exploration between the Dungeons and the fields and the cities so there's no transition anymore and when it comes to the battle system it's going to be the same as as well except this time it's kind of like uh K tra through day break except there's no there's no action system so so once you meet an enemy on the field once you hit them the battle will start and it's common battle meaning turn based and with the same system as a series with the Arts and with the oraments ETC and with the qus ETC so it's going to be the same system as us all with some new a few new elements and I guess that's all there's nothing else I want to mention I think that's pretty much everything so yeah I'm really excited for this and um like I wonder obviously because this is the first game obviously they going to remake the second and the third game as Obviously they will remake SC & The 3rd too, but what will happen next? well but I wonder how much time it's going to take and maybe because K Kiki isn't the ending of the Kiki series but the expertise say that it's going to be a game if a lot of Revelations and a lot of huge moments for Series so there's probably only two or three games left after K Ki so what I'm wondering is maybe once the keki series ends they're planning to remake everything at least maybe until AI maybe at least at the very least and but if they do remakes until aukiki they're definitely going to remake seniki as well because seniki is one of the most popular arcs so if they remake until oh no way that they won't remake the re games as well so I guess like Kaki isn't ending anytime soon because the the game the series is actually finishing but I'm probably going to remake everything so yeah there definitely still going to get a lot of money from this and hopefully FAL if they switch Publishers International Publishers hopefully they will try to make some simultaneous worldwide VES as well because this is one of the big things that is hurting the Falcom games and one reason simultaneously this don't happen is how the script writers at Falcom are always working on the game scripts until the last moment and that's also one of the reasons why the games are never fed f voice because they keep working on the scripts until the last moment so if they manage to change this uh if they in order to change this they will have to stop the yearly vs as well so they can focus on a game and finish it probably finish it before relas and completely change the way they're working and completely change the schedules but I'm don't think that's happening because the reason the real releases of Falcom have been happening like for over for over 15 years is Falcom shareholders gotta stop forcing them to do yearly releases, maybe full voice and EN simultaneous releases could happen then because of their shareholders and the shareholders they want at least one game to be really sper so that's why they keeping this rythm even if they don't even if they know like I don't think condo and the employees at Falcom if they really had a choice I don't think they would keep the real reles because I don't think like if you look at the final sales Falcon like if you look at the final sales from two or three years ago I'm not sure about now because I didn't have the time to look at the latest ones but if you look at the ones I looked at the ones from through two or three years ago like Falcon was never in the red and they're not like they're not in a difficult situation like even if they don't release a game for one or two years it's not like they're going to die or anything and the Kaki series likely has been extremely popular the last five or six years thanks to its Chinese and Korean wies as well so that's another thing I always say like in Chinese in China and in Korea Vis Noels ADV games and text and story heavy games like the K series they're extremely popular so it's one of the biggest markets for them and that's why they're making simultaneous Swedish is for for the Ki games in China but not in English because that's more complicated and it's less popular so yeah so if they switch International Publishers and they switch to someone else from maybe they will start making worldwide VES but yeah they still need to fix the problem of how they're working on their games until the last moment so they are not f voice and they don't have simultaneous SES so if they can fix this problem and if they can convince the shareholders let them work on the games longer maybe in one day you would get English simultaneous swedes of Kaki games but yeah I don't even this technically even for this remix they both said for the Japanese and English version is going to release in 2025 but this didn't say it's a simultaneous release so we don't know what's going to happen and yeah that's it for the sonan Kiki Joshua Sora no Kiseki SC figure by Kotobukiya remake oh yeah and by the way and kukia back in June they announced a brand new figure of Joshua with how he looks in second chapter and so since the Remake got Ence they made a pretty funny tweet about how hey by the way there's a few full remake of Soni and we have this great figure of Joshua that's coming in the the pre-orders are closing like uh today in August so it's pretty funny they made this so I just wanted to quickly show this so coning with my Atelier Yumia thoughts, inchallah will be able to cover the live stream on Sep 2 but unlikely seeing all the other stuff I wanna do coverage of the Nintendo Direct the nind another thing I wanted to talk about is the new at game at yum Y at and it's pretty interesting because this is the first game in two years in first console game in two years because G and kmo usually they do yearly releases for the AIA series but however this year there was at and at Le is a GAA game that they released a few months ago and it's a crossover with all the characters from the from the past games and it's pretty funny because a lot of people were surprised about the announcement and it shows that even fans of the series of a series they don't necessarily follow all the information about the series series because if you looked at the interviews guest did after at and after at Soph 2 they heavily hinted that the next main ATO game would be a mobile gacha game and that's what happened and that's what they did so it's PR funny they said it before but many people didn't know and even Japanese fans who don't have the language barrier they didn't know either because a lot of people actually don't read articles and don't read interviews and it's one of the things I learned through my coverage of the prism series over 10 years ago even Japanese fans you can't expect them to actually know everything and sometimes they're very very big information they might not have heard about it and so yeah and AIA yumia is going to release in 2025 on all consoles so yeah and so because this year there was the at game of this year was the gacha game it means that this one they worked they work on it a little bit longer than the usual and so yeah so it looks pretty promising and personally I don't really play Z series like I'm really interested in it but there's so many games I want to play so there's not enough time in life and like I need to prioritize certain things so I don't play the series but I do like it and if I ever play it I would like to try and play the first games in series like Marin and its contemporaries and yeah for example if you look at lady the G game they regularly add characters from the past series because crossover and really cool version of mar so yeah if I ever get into the series I will try to play the the original game and maybe some of the Contemporary games but not the news because I don't really have the time but yeah at lady looks pretty cool and I don't think I heard any problems about it uh so yeah don't think it's going to close down or anything uh um it's been going on for several months now I don't think there's any problems with it so if you like the sh you could try it out it has a steam version as well but it's only in Japanese I don't think this is an English version uh and so and yeah and thankfully they actually included the male characters as well because a series is ISE interesting because the series uh has a very big female fan base in Japan uh it's pretty funny it's pretty interesting because sometimes because of the achiness of the series some of the non Japanese fans like they have some very stereotypic views of uh Japanese pop culture so they tend to assume that because there's a there's some half naked girl girl here that only guys and only heter guys like it where it's not true at all and anyway so yeah and uh one thing I wanted to mention that you probably haven't heard about is that KU man I also announced there's going to be a live stream of ATA on September 2nd and this is where they're going to re to reveal actual details on the game the first details on the game and they're probably going to introduce the the protagonist and confirm Ro say because they didn't say who is the sa yet and so yeah uh this is only going to be in Japanese so inshah I would like to cover it live like I would like to make some article about this live stream on my blog SE Link in the description below but sadly I have so many things I want to do and so many articles I want to write slightly I'm not sure if I will be able to do it we'll see so yeah and the key Vis for y it's Fanboying about Yoru no Nai Kuni / Nights of Azure and its main writer Shoda Miwa who was also the main writer of Jumi arc in Seiken Densetsu Legend of Mana and of Asellus arc in SaGa Frontier kind of unrated but it kind of reminded me of the key visual for y nuni which is another gust game which was released in 2015 and I really really like this game so if you never heard about it you should try it out it's an action RPG uh it's a girls love game because the story focuses on the romance between these two girls the protagonist anas and her best friend and romantic interest iges and it's a really really interesting story and if I remember correctly the main scenarist is the same is one of the scenarist of Legend of mana on PS1 and one of the scenarist of saga froner run as well so it's really really really really good story and there's also so male characters as well this is one of like it depends of the people some people they don't like to have male characters personally I prefer having male characters as well um because especially if they are well written and the male characters in uro N are really really funny really really interesting as much as a protagonist and uni so if you never heard about this game you should definitely try it out and there's also a squl but I really don't recommend the sequel I think it's one of the worst sequals I've seen in the last 10 years it's inferior in every way so if there ever make uh Knights of azure is the English name if they ever make a Knights of azure 3 I really hope it will be closer to the first game rather than the Sean game and one last thing I can Nights of Azure's protagonist is voiced by M.A.O, amazing performance & one of her first major roles as a seiyuu mention is that the protagonist arice she's voiced by Ma it was one of the first roles Mau did after she became a SE uh Mau she used to be an actress and she used to be a tokusatu actress she was goer like goer yellow the Super saai Series from around 15 years ago it was one of the it was the 40th anniversary of super STI or something kok STI goai girl she was goai yellow M and then she stopped being an actress and she became a St and this was in 2015 she was on her very first roles and it's pretty interesting because Anna she has multiple Transformations and her personality changes with the transformation and Mau did all the voices for all the Transformations and she did a really really incredible per performance and I remember I was really impressed by her back when I played this in 2015 and it's one of the reasons why I really started liking ma if if I I'm not a sea either so I don't play or R anime only because SE like is in the series but anyway if you never heard about Knights of AIA you nuni it's a really really good game obviously it's not perfect it hases many many flows and it's a g game so don't expect like some really really Advanced thing but in my opinion it's a really really good game if you like comedy if you like girls love if you like a good action airp with some funny systems if you like the character design you should definitely play this game if you haven't and and so yeah and back to yumia like I don't really have anything in particular to add I think like I wonder if the game will be closer to Risa it feels like an evolution to Risa with even more different exploration systems Etc so maybe it would be pretty fun but yeah Sly I don't really have the time to play as to the series so I don't think I will play this game myself so the other very big Tokimemo Remaster, localization, Girl's Side games, etc announcement in the naai is in the Japanese version of the naai is how Konami has announced a remaster for tokimemo the very first toi Memorial game and this is not a surprise because a few months ago there was an special event for the 30 anniversary of the series and at the event they heavily hinted that a remaster was coming a remaster or a remake and it turned out to be a remaster but there's also a new mod with some brand new graphics so she's really cool and really interesting and another things that they explained is that the EM the emotional voice system which is something starting from toim Memorial 2 is a system that make it so the voices the characters voices that can pronounce the name you inputed for your protagonist so the characters will call you by your name so they added this to to the remaster because original too one didn't have the system yet and the character's voice acting is based on the tokimi memorial forever review version which is the Sega Saturn ver part of the game because it was originally a PC engine game and then it got parted to PS1 and to Sega Saturn and I actually own the Sega Saturn version of the game uh I can't show you now but I actually own it in the in the Shelf in my room but anyway and this a really really cool announcement but sadly just like I expected they didn't announce an English localization and that's something like I talked about it in a previous episode when I was talking about the anniversary event I was saying that it's definitely going to be a remaster but I doubt that they will localize it but it's not impossible maybe in a few months maybe depending on of how the game is setting in Japan maybe if they see that's a lot of interest they might localize it but like it's not like I wouldn't say it's impossible because nowadays there's so many localizations of things that happens even decades later like if you look at Trials of Mana second inry he got localized by sarex for the first time after 20 25 years so yeah it's not impossible but I don't think it's likely and one thing I wanted to talk about is the updated Graphics they're actually pretty good in my opinion it's really hard usually it's really hard to keep the charm and to keep the appeal of original of this kind of character design because tokimemo the original tokimemo game it has a very specific color palette it has very specific warmth to it there a very specific highlights to it to the hair and to the skin to to the close is there's very specific highlights there very specific color Pats and it's very hard to reproduce and to give it the same feel in uh with redr Graphics without um without reading it in my in my opinion obia still prefer the older Graphics but I think they did a they're doing a pretty good job in my opinion for the for the newer character design I think it's not bad sometimes like there some examples like for example the UN the youo remaster uho remaster that released like a few years ago the character design was very really bad in my opinion but here like here is pretty good it could be it could be much worse I think I like this but obviously I prefer the original but I think I like this this new this new this new design is not bad at all uh so yeah so I'm definitely going to try and play this one day because I actually never played it I say just now that I own the seat version but I actually never played it myself because I couldn't speak Japanese nowadays I'm much better at Japanese I would like to try and play it and it's one of these games one day I would like to play it with my hypothetical future wife if I can find someone like I really want to play this and so yeah so this is another thing I I always talk about obviously Konami does some bad things but there's still a lot of developers and there's still a very a lot of very passionate people of Ky that are still trying to do good things and the Tok Memorial series is one of the series that conomy has still continued because in 2021 there was a brand new reaction a brand new game in the dokum memorial girl side series which is the same thing except you play as a girl and you got to find a boyfriend so it was the first game in in years in the series and it released like two years ago and it was much more much better received than what they hoped so they did a lot of DLCs as well and they even picked some really famous SE as well some really famous voice actors and for example the main heroine is this guy the main heroine is voiced by U Yuki Kaji Kaji Yuki one of the most popular C of all time uh a in shingin atak Titan etc etc so yeah um the game actually sold uh back in 2023 they announced that the game has sold over 15,000 copies which is really really huge for a for a visual novel and really really huge for a ADV ADV Auto game like this and like it's not often that Japanese games for a game that only release in Japan and only in Japanese it's very very huge so yeah so obviously it's not as big as the medium ions of copy economy has has been setting with Motu and it's not as big as the millions of copy economy has been setting with the Poo series uh but yes it's still really really cool and really really good so it's not surprising that the tokimi memorial series is coming back so following the success of this they also released some remasters of the girl sides games back in uh like a few months ago the all three the first three games they got released in U in February 14th in on Valentine Day this year so all three games they got remastered on Nintendo switch with brand new features and better quality of life and some really cool announcements so yeah so like I will say Obviously the higher apps at Konami they do some bad things but there still some really passionate developers to try to do some good some cool things um so yeah so this was originally released on Nintendo DS so they made some remasters on switch and yeah so that's all for the tokimi memorial I think I don't forgot to say anything uh yeah it's going to relas in 2025 only in Japan and maybe there going to be an localization but I don't really expect it but it's not impossible and once this one is over they're definitely going to release some remaster for two as well and maybe for four and for three I don't think they're going to remaster it because I from what I understand because three is in F 3D and the characters they all look like very weird it's not a very good game visually speaking so I don't think they will remaster free or maybe they will but they will definitely do a remaster for two as well and for four and for three I'm not sure but you should expect two to come around as well so yeah I'm really excited for this hopefully I can play it with my hypothetical future rone day Tales of Graces F Remastered and the future of the series so the next Nintendo Direct announcement I want to cover is the remaster of tales of graes so like this isn't that surprising either because like sadly I don't think bamco is ever going to be to make actual re re re remasters and localizations for the game is older than Tales of Gracies F and older and Symphonia like Destiny eria this Le Etc sadly I don't think they're ever going to Rel them in English and maybe one day maybe they will make some some remake for Destiny or some remake for Fantasia but I don't think they're going to remaster them but yeah anyway so this is cool at least that bamco has decided to not kill the series but technically we still have to wait and see because the the REM of tales of Fantasia of Tales of Symphonia sorry was the worst version the game ever had it was so bad it was filled with bugs like especially the Nintendo switch version so you have to wait and see for this relas first before being happy because maybe maybe they completely maybe there is going to be extremely bad so you can't be so happy or no because yeah and yeah tells of graes was first released on Nintendo Wii and then it got ported to PS3 uh with the F version and T of GRA is the team who did it the same team as the destiny team so it's not a it's not a battle system with some MPS it's a battle system which is based on your own I don't really know how to explain it but it's not based on MPS but and the battle system is pretty cool and it's pretty nice that they're remastering this game because in my opinion like this is the last game that was really really good after taals after that with tals of gilia zilia zilia is not like it's a bad game but it's definitely inferior in my opinion like zilia one Z zilia 2 and Zilla one and Zilla 2 they're supposed to be one game because they're so like the first game only has the story and the second game only has end game contents on side quests so they should have been in one game and then you have tell zeria which was also very we especially Attis on PS3 Attis St food it got upgraded a bit later and tell that b is okay but yeah all the TS of starting that that point like the series like lost its plor the series kind of got downgraded starting that point so it's sad that the people who AR on Japanese and who can't speak Japanese they're never going to see Destiny Andia and uh Destin to Etc in not innocense and uh what was rebirth rebirth I really like rebirth but yeah sadly sadly the previously games that the unlocalized games it's unlikely they will ever make some localizations for them and maybe one day they will get some Fu remix but it's I'm not putting a lot of Hope in it The skits in Arise are so bad wallah it's so shocking when you think about it especially seeing Aris and seeing how much Aris has sold worldwide like the next the next brand new game is definitely going to be very similar to AR so I don't think the T Series will be will come back to to Destiny like anime very anime and like very I don't really know obviously AR is very anime as well but like there's so many rare things with r a bad game but for example the skits they are so bad compared to all the the rest of the series The skits in R are so bad the tempo is horrible the way they switch from from the portraits to fil 3D make it worse because with the portraits you could have a lot of expressions for the characters and sometimes in the past of series the kits were extremely short but in IR all the kids are extremely long and they're not that funny and just too like the the humor is really bad the rhythm is really bad so yeah yeah yeah tells of series like I don't really expect anything from it anyway I just want to keep replay the older games and play the older runs I didn't play myself and like I don't I don't care about remasters personally but I want them so I can play with my nieces esp Eternia really care about remas and about localizations myself because I can just play them in Japanese but I want them to be localized so more people can discover them and that way imagine if a Tales of like imagine like I would really really love for Tales of to be remastered because that way will be able to play it with Ames without worrying about emulation without worrying about that stuff and we could play the game all of the game in multiplayer especially because I want to I want to show them about the characters and to show them that there some really cool gpgs with some black characters as well that's why I really would like to try and play tales ofia with my nieces one day so I'm really hoping there some remaster one day but for me personally like I don't care I can just play it in Japanese but I want a remaster from my new season for for people who didn't play the game who can't play the game in Japanese right so yeah so I'm really really hoping like he said one is the one thing I want I could choose I really want to want I really really want uh remaster of Tes of it so can show and play with nie is a girl with some some a game at gpg with some really cute black girls so just just want just just what I want anyway so another thing I want to talk about is the Capcom fighting game collection 2 which most probably has Capcom Fighting Collection 2, hopefully I can play Moero Justice Gakuen and Nekketsunikki with my siblings& nieces moero Justice Gakuen is one of my favorite fighting games of all time so I'm really excited for this stud because I will finally be able to play zun mod with my siblings again without worrying about plugging the Dreamcast or or plugging some retro some retro Arc or plugging some emulation stuff and yeah and U sadly they didn't announce the first game uh but like one thing I think Capcom should do one day is try to make Rivals Schools / Justice Gakuen is one of these things ahead of its time and if released now, with a bit of luck could go extremely viral with Nagare etc a remaster with justs mods just the these all novel mods from the first game and try to sell it that way because in my opinion some the thing in Justice gaku is one is was too ahead of its time like if people would see Nar now they will all go like tumble sexy man it would get extremely popular there's so there's so much burst burst factors and burst potential in Justice gakuin that if it just it's one of these series that if it got released nowadays with just a little bit of luck it could become incredibly popular and Incredibly viral so like yeah but anyway so I'm really excited for this and I hope I will be able to play niiki mode with with my siblings again and yeah and this PO Stone as well obviously I really like Po Stone as well and so yeah I'm really excited and star star glader to so yeah 03 Alpha 3 ASO uh millionaire millionaire fighting Capcom versus CK and Capcom fighting gam so I'm very excited for this 7 going to by this I bugged the first collection I'm on switch I'm going to try to get this one on switch as well so I'll be able to easily play jce gaku with my siblings and with my nieces and so the last thing I want to Ryu no Kuni Rune Factory / Rune Factory Guardians of Azuma talk about is the reuni re Factory the brand new game in the re Factory series and this is first I need to explain that in R Factory there's a number games and there's a spin-off games and this is a spin-off of a spin-off because R Factory is in s spinoff story of Seasons but anyway there's run factory one to five and then there's run factory uh there's some because R Factory 125 were on portable consoles on DS and Nintendo 3DS and the spiners they were on Wii and on Playstation it was on consoles on home consoles and so at first you had R Factory Frontier and then R Factory oans and now you have this third brand new one which is R Factory story um they reveal some new details they officially confirmed that you can choose between a male or female protagonist or something we already knew and basically the game focuses on dancing dancing with secret treasures with jingy secret treasures and depending on the sacred treasure you have equipped when you dance you can do something so when you dance with umbrella you can do some water Etc and you can build your own farm and build your crops ET and so yeah um they also officially confirmed that there's some Maria system which is obviously because all the past games has it so obviously this game has it too uh they didn't specify yet if you can have same seex marriage or not uh hopefully it will come back because it was a big phaser in run factory 5 run factory 5 was the first game in the series that had it uh it's pretty interesting because in B mon samex marriage is something that was in the series for over 20 years now uh but in R Factory they only started doing it with five so hopefully it will come back inun as well um another funny thing I wanted to mention is how in the Nintendo Direct in the Japanese version of the Nintendo Direct R Factory was the final announcement was the last one big thing so it's really cool because and like you can tell like marus they paid a lot for this promotion and they're putting a lot on this game so I'm really hoping it works well and I guess it's also thanks to 10 cent money because marelus is actually owned by 10 cent now for a few years and marvelous is is a pretty interesting company because like a lot of video games companies they don't do only video games they also fun movies anime movies for example the p a pretty movie every year one of the biggest sponsors of the movies is marvelous and the t is what was it nameis stage plays the Prince of Tennis musicals Prince of Tennis tenu tenu tenu tenu the Prince of Tennis musicals they're also personally sponsored by mavalus so it's a big company that has a lot of lot of hands in a lot of things and 10 cent is owning it now so I guess 10cent has the money to pay Nintendo for a big promotion to bet the game in the last thing and it's Prett funny because in Japan it was the last game but in in the English version of the Nintendo Direct it was the second to last game and the last game was Yakuza kiami on Nintendo switch so the PR department at Nintendo they uh they thought that yeah Yakuza is more popular Yuga gku is more popular so they left Yoku at the end and run factory grad of Azuma that's the English official English name they put it in second last position so it's pretty funny I just wanted to quickly mention this and yeah so I'm really extremely excited for this like I always say R Factory is one of my favorite series of all time I played all the games except for four because I didn't own 3DS so I got to play YouTube Z master and I played five but I didn't finish it yet because I want to finish four first and so yeah I really recommend trying out the series if you never did and and it's a series like it's hard to recommend the older games it's not that they're bad because that is just that the series with each entry it really progressed each entry in the r Factory series is much better than the previous one so if you start with three of you want three want want to play two on two on one and if you play if you start with four it's okay like four is like is a is better than three but it's not a big Improvement either I don't know about because I didn't play it yet and five is also not a biggest Improvement compared to four and some people even say that five is a bad game but I don't really agree with that and some people also say that four five is f is bad because of its technical issues on switch but like if you if you're playing a game like run factory with some with some bishon and some cute girls for for the for the FPS or for the graphics you're doing it wrong so you shouldn't be playing that that kind of game for this anyway and yeah so they showed a bit of the batt system so you can have characters in your party that's just like the previous R Factory games but in the previous R Factory games you could only have one character in your party I think I'm pretty sure it's the First Time in the World Series you can have more than one partner in your party you can have up to three people alongside with your protagonist and there's a farming system as well and I think the farming system will be a little bit less presentence than in the numbered R Factory games because in oans especially the farming system was kind of watered done it was it wasn't as complex as in the numbered GRE Factory games so I think in this game as well it won't be a big focus and the focus will be on the exploration and the battles on the relation ships so yeah I'm really really excited for this um I really like the character design as well they didn't say is a character who is a character designer yet I think and so yeah I'm really really excited for this uh yeah and there publish some uh official artworks of the of the characters as well so I'm really excited for this like they all they look so cool like such a really cool like rafu it's a really cool rafu like old old traditional fodal like fantasy fodal Japan outfits Wu outfits but it's also really really cool really really cute like the girls the girl is super super cute uh the the monsters are really really nice it's the same monsters as in the series and so yeah just fishing you can tra you can Adventure up to three people you can go on dates going on dates is something that they added since run factory 3 if I remember correctly and it's been a stample of the series ever since uh so yeah and there's a reading system as well so I'm really really extremely excited for this um before the release I got to try and finish run Factory 4 and R Factory 5 and then I will be able to play this and hopefully I will be able to play this one with my KN as well because I'm playing Five with my n as a bit so hopefully we'll be able to play uh together as well Gans of azima and that's the last news for today I wanted to focus on the Nintendo Direct and it's already been one hour so yeah thanks for watching this video and remember to like And subscribe and thanks bye

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