The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 1st (REMAKE) announced for Switch

yeah this game the reason I did not buy or the the rest of these games is because I heard there's a remaster remake coming so I was going to but then I heard there was going to be a remake for this game so the Legends uh Legend of Heroes Trails of the sky the first um announced for switch that's amazing yeah that's a remake and that's the reason I held off I was going to buy them when they were on sale but it was um I heard there was a remake coming there's a rumor um this is coming out in 2025 Falcom has announced the legend of Heroes trails in the sky the first a remake of the original trails in the sky for the switch wait wait wait wait was there this game came out on the switch originally I thought this game came out on PC a long time ago and PSP I'm not sure if it was PSP or Ps VA um it will launch in 2025 or unless they're saying oh they're saying it's coming out on the switch okay thank God I was like what I think it came out originally on PSP or vaita and then it came out on Steam but yes um why is it not coming out on Steam like a remake with re reinh hanced graphics an orthodox story that depicts the Journey of two companions the protagonists are Estelle and her partner Joshua who aspire to become bracers Protectors of Peace in the region as they take their first steps as apprentice bracers the duo travels across Li Liber liberal Kingdom it it looks like it's like liberal um you to correct me in the comments resolving various requests and incidents in each place they visit gaining experience as bracers along the way a full 3d remake in the trails in the sky world this game is a full remake of the trails in the sky Faithfully recreating um liberal Kingdom setting in full 3d transition from fields to towns are Now seamless hope it's seamless on the switch allowing players to feel fully immersed in the world of the legend of Heroes trails in the sky attack enemies on the battlefield um to initiate comand based battles engage in combat using various attacks and magic cards uh magic spells called Arts following the turned order of allies and enemies so it's a still a turn-based game the game's intuitive and easy to understand controls ensure that even those new to RPGs can enjoy the game stress free o there's guys there's quite a bit um let's check out unless they're the exact same we'll check it out oh there's a we have a we have a Japanese commercial we have some Nintendo stuff bunch of different ones okay what's that okay yeah we're going to check them out I'm surprised this is not coming to PC though if like they refix like they revamped all the graphics why not PC as well that's an NIS decision right okay there's the first trailer I'll see you soan come back uh soon [Music] this is their YouTube I think [Music] [Music] do you mean they have an um American English one you have to let me [Music] know is this the new one and this is the original [Music] wow [Music] wow she's a she's a [Music] hottie Isabel or Estel [Music] Joshua dude this look good can you show the old one in comparison they're not going to need more comparisons man that look good see another one this is a knome Falcom since 1981 I don't know I'm going to see right now if there is a different no this is the official one this is the official company they have a music channel too see this is another one um this is a [Music] commercial it's only 15 seconds so there's like four different trailers here here's um Nintendo America I guess they're in the [Music] [Music] trailer wait isn't stalker um is isn't this game um an Xbox isn't this Microsoft stalker's Xbox [Music] now that game is very popular it was I don't know if it still is that Disney game is it was very popular okay they had like a short little I love the music in that Nintendo thing wait what's the Japanese is it the same let's find out this is the Japanese showcase this [Music] [Music] Nintendo that's Nintendo that's Nintendo Japan actually gives like an explanation of it that's nice comments are turned off I don't know why yeah Japan usually does that anyways guys yeah go check that out it looks cool I would that's the one I would buy like I was going to buy the whatever the Remake is that's what I get uh not this one anyways thank you guys for watching don't forget to thumbs up comment below and subscribe I will see you in the next video uh we want to talk about more about Pokemon Digimon go check out my Discord uh bye-bye byebye see you see you see you s s byebye

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