Trails in the Sky REMAKE Announced + Trailer Reaction, Playing VR JRPGs, Suikoden I & II, & More!

Intro [Music] what is up everyone this is K welcome to episode 30 of spill the Tio my jrpg podcast where I talk about jrpg news releases mechanics what I've been playing want to play and more and in today's episode we're going to be talking about the trails in the sky the first remake announcement very hype for me uh my time with a VR gpg that I've been playing a bit a potential gpg hot take I have and more so this is episode 30 I I I honestly can't believe Housekeeping we made it to 30 that's that just seems like a huge number for me but as I always mentioned if you are listening to this podcast on an audio service remember to give it five stars or a thumbs up or whatever you have on your audio service that is appreciated really helps in the performance of this podcast on audio services and if you are watching on YouTube remember to leave a like subscribe comment do whatever you feel like is appropriate and I'd appreciate that too so from there I just want to mention like last episode there may still be some Echo uh from editing last episode The Echo wasn't as bad as I thought because his mic is you know cardio it doesn't really pick up much of it I can hear the echo but I think in the episode it was fine and technically it should be a bit better than last week because I have gotten more furniture since then and so there's probably a bit more you know sound dampening but there is still some Echo that I'm hearing so hopefully it is not distracting I will try to audio treat uh this room more as I go on but yeah for now this is how it sounds hopefully it is fine that would be cool I also have a Twitter at spill theal where I tweet once in a while about what I'm doing haven't tweeted that often but I think I will because I have been playing some cool games so I might be tweeting about that as I play it and in terms of the cool stuff I want to show I actually have a lot of stuff that I can show I'm probably going to be like showing it over time over multiple episodes but the first thing I want to show is a gift I got from my brother which I'm going to grab right now all right I'm back and so this is what I got for the audio listeners I will describe it I'm trying to show it it's pretty big in the frame but it is pretty much a PlayStation VR2 headset which is really cool so this went on like a massive sale like in the last few days and I think it's still on sale for some reason and so like at least in Canada it's usually like $7 $800 and it was for like $450 or something like that and so my brother ended up just getting it for me he has a quest 3 he loves it we both had a Quest 2 where we we still have Quest 2os but like we don't use it that much and so the VR2 was something that I really wanted but at the same time I kind of wanted a Quest 32 so I didn't know which one to get but since I'm kind of like fully a PlayStation person I just play all my games there and I prefer to PC I thought this would make the most sense so my brother got it for me and I've been playing on it uh a bit one of the games that I'm going to be talking about later in the episode is a game that I've been playing on that which is very cool but yeah that was the cool thing that I want to show this episode because it's really dope and it is a pretty decent jump from The Quest 2 where it does feel more high res and like it's easier to find The Sweet Spot when using but yeah psvr2 so far has been pretty good and other than that we're going to start the episode with the speared away card almost forgot about it left it on the side but if I pick a random card we will get the two of spades which is the main character with her parents kind of driving I have no idea if I'm repeating these at this point because I just don't remember all the cards that I've done so maybe there's repeats I don't know I'm not removing them from the deck or anything but from here we'll move on to the first segment which is jrpg news that I think is dope now in terms of the jrpg news this week there is a bunch of Gamescom Cool JRPG News happened there was also like a Nintendo Direct and there was like there's like a lot of events happening with like a lot of jrpgs being announced uh like always I'm not I don't cover every single jrpg news cuz that'd be insane especially this week where there are multiple events pretty much I go over the big things and if not that just the things that I personally find interesting thing which you know I'm more into the Kingdom Hearts Trails games or or even if there's a new announcement which I think looks cool I will mention it so that's kind of how I cover the news so this week I have like maybe five or six new stories I'm going to talk about I'm going to start with the most exciting one for me which is the legend of Heroes TOS in the sky the first announcement for the Nintendo switch now the way I found out about this is funny because I was on YouTube and in my subscription box I saw that trails in the sky was announced for Nintendo switch and I was like holy that's cool they're actually finally bringing it to consoles because from what I know other than like you know playing on the PSP or whatever you can only play it on steam or like on PC right now and so when I saw on the switch I was like oh that's cool another way to play it and then I just like stopped thinking about it because I literally just thought it was an announcement of the existing game on switch later in the day like in the evening I saw a picture on Twitter and then I saw a screenshot of the game and I was like wait hold the up is this a remake and then I looked into it I'm like oh it is a remake and it's funny that like it it's such it's huge news in my opinion but like I just didn't really realize until later and so yeah trolls in the sky the first is what it's called the original was called trolls in the sky first chapter I believe or FC and so they're rebranding it to the first I think it sounds dope and the game visually just looks beautiful it's using what I assume is the the modern engine it looks very good I still haven't played Daybreak yet but at least when comparing it to Cold Steel it does look better than cold steel from like the screenshots I've seen I haven't watched the trailer yet and so I'm going to be watching it live for the first time with you guys here so we're going to be doing that but yeah it's just very cool before going to the trailer I did want to mention that it is only announced for the switch so far which I thought was pretty odd because if it was just like the original game on switch I'll would be like yeah that makes sense it's a pretty simple game but it's a full modern remake and it's only on the switch and apparently Falcom was questioned about this and they said that the other platforms are to be discussed they don't really have answers for that and the only thing I can think of think about why that's happening is that they already have deals to announce it at other events so for example if there's a state of play in the future for PlayStation maybe they'll announce a PlayStation version in there if it wasn't for that I literally don't understand any other reason why they wouldn't announce it on other platforms or why it would be an exclusive to the switch if they if they if they made it exclusive to the switch this this would be the one of the biggest bungles in gaming I sort of God that' be just stupid for what what the game is but I think they probably just an announce like the PlayStation version at a state of play and the PC version at whatever PC showcases there are and so that that's my opinion of what's going to happen but we uh don't really know but uh yeah and also one more thing before we get into the trailer in terms of like localization and Publishing right now it is said that it is coming out worldwide in 2025 I found that interesting because the trails games in terms of localizations aren't quick like we are decently behind Japan in the trails games they have only very recently we started getting like a lot more um at a faster rate and so when they said worldwide 2025 I was like is it going to be a worldwide release like day and date or is it going to be a few weeks apart or what's that going to be but what surprised me even more is in the article that I was reading on gatu which is where I Source everything from in terms of news is they said that they don't have a localization partner yet which I felt like was odd I have no idea how quick or how soon in the process of game development you're supposed to get one but if they have plans for a 2025 release it's going to be 2025 in like you know a few months and they don't have a localization partner I feel like that's weird because I'd assume translating in that takes time and uh what they pretty much me mentioned is they're going to try to find a local localization company and if they don't they will publish it themselves and at least from what I know have they ever done that for trolls game cuz from what I know the early Cold Steel games and maybe trolls in the sky they were localized by ex seed and then at some point they moved to NIS America and NIS America is what is currently publishing the the current trolls games in the west and so I thought it was kind of interesting that like they just didn't go with n America right away or maybe maybe they're in the talks with xed cuz I think they're the ones who uh published uh the original trolls games or the sky games I'm not completely sure but I thought it was very interesting that they also mentioned that like they themselves fom themselves may be the ones to publish the game which I don't know if they've ever done before from my understanding I'm not sure I didn't really look too much into it but yeah I just thought that was very interesting where like it's not very clear how it's going to come to the west and especially because they said it's going to come worldwide 2025 so we'll see how that works out but yeah before I talk more about it I thought it'd be fun to watch the trailer for the first time with you guys so we're going to be watching it right now so I'm going to be watching the Japanese version because the Japanese version is like nearly a minute long with the English version I believe is only like 10 15 seconds watching the Japanese version and I'm going to be starting right now and it shows the Trails in the Sky The First Trailer Reaction Nintendo switch logo and right off the bat showing Joshua playing his harmonica shows us hell yo this looks so good the first thing I'm oh my God the first thing I'm noticing is the lighting it looks insane she's got animations of her B staff okay it's introducing Estelle and yeah it's pretty much the models from the cold seal games I'm really liking the outfits I don't think we've seen Joshua with his outfit in 3D they at the bracer Guild looking at potential jobs oh you have her I forgot her name but the one at the who gives you jobs yeah it pretty much looks like C steal but the lighting looks oh wait hold up I'm the battle system looks interesting okay I I was trying to see if it's going to be turn based or real time it still seems to be turn based from what I can tell yo the character models look good oh yeah sherard very cool okay so that's the entire trailer honestly that's a decent look that was more than I thought okay so to break it down just from what I saw I was very curious to see what the battle system was going to be because they actually wrote a bit about it let me try to find what they wrote but uh pretty much what they said is that the world was going to be seamless so you'd be able to go from field to towns seamlessly and that it would be a command based battle system now to break that down in terms of the seamless part I'm not completely sure what that means because technically even in the trolls of cold seal games you can go from the field to town but there is a transition like it's kind of like a classic gpg where you got to hit an invisible wall that Fades out and Fades into the town I don't know if that's what they mean by seamless or whether it's going to be a thing like you straight up are in the field and you can just walk into the town with no loading if it's that if there's no loading that's I think a new thing again I didn't play Daybreak maybe they have it in that too but if it is like that that's a pretty H would jump from obviously trolls in the sky which looks like a PSP game so that's very cool in terms of the battle system they mentioned that it's a command style battle system and when I read that I didn't know what that meant because that technically could allude to either real time or turn-based and while the original was turn-based I do know that the future trills games the plan they have is to f going into real time so I was very curious to see what they would do for this game because this is a new game but it's a remake of an old game what they would do and when I was watching the trailer at first I thought it was real time because aelle just hit an enemy and without loading or transition or anything it just went straight into the battle so I'm like oh is it real time but then from what I saw I think it was turn-based because the bad guys were still and she was choosing her attacks and it was showing the different area of effect damages that she could do so from what I can tell it looks turn based and it pretty much looks like an evolved version of the trolls of Cold Steel battle system it doesn't look exactly the same because the TRS of Cold battle system has a very iconic like UI how you choose like attack item command style whatever but the UI was slightly different but it did look turnbas still which is which is good for me because I do prefer the turnbas style and I am kind of sad to see trails Go the real time ride because I think Trails was like not one of the last games but one of the games where I like really appreciated that it stay turn-based in the modern era of real-time finding games so it is sad to see uh them go to the real-time route but the fact that this is still turn based is cool because going to have this game we're potentially going to have a second game and then who knows if they'll do the third game because that was a pretty weird one compared to the first two and now that I think about it it is pretty interesting that they are doing it that it is called trills in the sky they first I honestly wouldn't have been surprised if it was just called trills in the sky and they took the first two games and just like crunched them together because since this is a remake and I don't know if they've done a remake on this scale yet for Trails I believe I'm not sure we don't really know how they're going to adapt the original like is it going to be one to one and they just straight up just doing in 3D is it going to add content to allude to Future stuff because this technically is the first game in a long line of trolls games they have now we're like on the 11th 12th game or something like that in the west and so this is the first of that Series so like they have a lot of opportunity to add stuff or allude to Future characters if they really want to and it'd be very cool for people who have played the entire series to go back to it and kind of like see these Easter eggs but at the same time it is a modern remake modern games usually are more offensive to make and they're usually shorter I wouldn't be surprised if they start cutting stuff and I don't know what they would cut I'm not I I don't really have trolls in the sky that fresh in my mind but if there were any segments that felt like filler or felt like they just did it to extend the game maybe they'll just entirely cut it out I'm not sure I hope they keep it one to one or add stuff but like at the same time the the state of game development now compared to when they made trolls in the sky first chapter is so different that I wouldn't be surprised if they start cutting stuff and making changes and honestly I to think about like overall I'm not sure which I would prefer because right off the bed I'd be like no I want one I want a one to one to the original but at the same time is like I it'd be kind of nice to have it kind of different because you can still play the original it's there on Steam but like maybe if they add new stuff if they add new mechanics it would be cool and to kind of seemlessly transition to that I am very curious to see which mechanics they would add if they did any because funnily enough I believe I believe it was on episode 16 of spill the t- roll I literally had a segment of me looking forward to a JP and I talked about a trails in the sky remake and I talked about exactly what I would want in it and so I kind of already gave my thoughts of what I would want in a remake and I even mentioned that I don't think it's ever happening or anytime soon it may may happen within the next 10 years and the fact that it happened like a few months later is funny but I mentioned in that that something that I would maybe want is like a bonding mechanic or something because that is such a big thing TR gold steel and other mechanics that are team based because as you bond with the character you actually get more abilities to do with them in battle so like that's one thing where I'm like maybe though added in this who knows I don't know if they can because there's not that much of a team based aspect in TR in the sky compared to cold seal it's a mostly you and Joshua or Estelle and Joshua and later you get more people kind of like temporarily so we'll see how that works but it's just very interesting and exciting to see how exactly they're going to you know change stuff in this remake and just kind of like a few more points that I want to mention that I noticed is I kind of like that they kept the speech boxes in the game like the classic style kind of looks like parchment paper where like if you look at the trails of cold steal games there this kind of like more sci-fi blue transparent box where trails in the sky usually had a more classic look I believe and the fact that the they kept the classic look for the UI were like yeah that the speech boxes are this parchment looking paper I thought was a pretty cool detail and to end off this new segment I will end off with the description of the game probably should have started with this but it is an orthodox story that depicts the Journey of two companions the protagonist are Estelle and her partner Joshua who aspired to become bracers Protectors of Peace in the region as they take the first steps as apprentice brace The Duel travels across the libero Kingdom resolving various requests and incidents in each place they visit getting experien as bracers along the way and yeah if youve play the game you obviously know that but it's very cool to see the beginning of the journey again because if you play the game you know how they end up in the future but yeah we will end off this new story of chosen Sky the first and go to the next one which is a game called metroquest Osaka which is announced for the PS5 Xbox series PS4 Xbox One and switch now let me just read this description here which is chemco has announced Metro Osaka for PS5 Xbox blah blah blah it is con support of the Thousand games developed by dungeon RPG questro Osaka which is currently available for PC on Steam it will launch on September 13th and I saw this game and like clearly it says it's a remake and I looked at the version that's on Steam it's it's a very interesting looking game it's not what I expected it very much looks like a I don't even know if old school is the right word like it looks like almost like a text based game it isn't there is Graphics like the graphics are pretty much like a black screen with green UI like a that type of vibe like almost like a Doss type Vibe and there's like a 2d version of a map which I guess you move your characters on the battles are completely UI based where like it just shows your characters on the left like in boxes it shows the enemies on the right in boxes and I guess you battle through that so it's very like old school looking and there's more of a description I can read here of that version which is metroquest Osaka is a dungeon exploration RPG based on post-apocalyptic futuristic World created by the mango artist kazushi hagiwara with a deep Game Quest system designed by hinari Cato that offers excitement and surprises reminiscent of 1980s computer Gam through hack and slash yes and so yeah based on what they said the 1980s computer games it is a very like old school looking game the UI again green on black and I I don't know if this new remake is like I don't know if it's just a port and it's going to look exactly like this or are they actually remaking it to be like a 3D game or something I'm not 100% sure but I if I had to guess it's probably going to be the former I think they're literally just porting it over because the art of the game that they chose for the new story for like the new versions that are coming is the exact same one on PC and steam and if that's the same I'm going to assume the game is the same too but yeah this game I thought it's not one that I would ever play but I thought was kind of weird and interesting enough that I thought I would mention it here but yes that was Metro questro Osaka which is coming to all the consoles pretty much on September 13th the next new story is for Dragon Quest Monsters the Dark Prince and it's coming to a PC iOS Android on September 11th and I thought this was very interesting because I've heard of this game and I saw it and it's very cool to see that it's coming on mobile mobile platforms I personally am a fan of that because there's so much games on mobile now which are like console quality like weaing waves Zena on zero get an impact where there really isn't an excuse for jpgs not to be on mobile because if those games are on mobile a lot of JPS can be on mobile especially like the 2D ones and so this game coming on mobile I think is pretty dope it's just a huge audience that they that there's a potential to sell to and yeah and like based on what I can tell from reading the description this Dragon Quest game isn't like a traditional Dragon Quest game it is one focused more on monsters and I believe the character you're playing as is moncher Wrangler and he's trying to become like the best monster Wrangler in the world or something by creating an army of monsters it seems very cool that's not something I believe I've seen a Dragon Quest before I'm not that familiar with the series the only one I played Dragon Quest 11 and I'm pretty much done it but I haven't finished it but I thought it was very cool and I also really like the MC's design I've seen this game here and there and I thought the MC with the gray hair and the red eyes just always looked cool especially because at least for Dragon Quest 11 I've never been that much of a fan with how the main character looks so I thought this one did look a bit cooler personally but yeah Dragon Quest Monsters the dark prints is coming to PC IOS and Android on September 11th and from here the next new story is atellier yumia The Alchemist of memories and The Envision land is announced for PS5 Xbox PS4 Xbox One switch and PC so pretty much everything now there wasn't much I can find about this and there's not much I want to say about it the only reason I brought it up is because I played artill Risa um a bit on Steam I played it and I got I got to the point where I was crafting a lot and giving everyone armor and new weapons but there was a boss that was like really hard and I thought that it was a boss that you're supposed to die on like that's how hard it was where I just got like completely wiped but then like no you actually have to beat it and I kept trying to do my Alchemy collect materials craft new armor and weapons but I was just not able to be the boss so I just kind of dropped the game but I did enjoy the game from what I played of it and so I think it's cool that we're getting another ellar game and at least personally for the longest time like whenever I see ellar games I've always seen Risa I know there's like a ton of atellier games before that but whenever I saw like a modern aaliar game it was always AR Risa one cuz I believe it's like a Trilogy so I I just thought it was very cool to see like a new a tellar game called aell yumia come out and kind of see how that's going to do so maybe that's something I'll look into when it comes out but yes it is it is a game that does look somewhat interesting to me and from here we'll move on to another new story which is sweet Coden 1 and 2 H remaster gate Rune and do non unification Wars as PS5 and Xbox series versions and it launches on March 6th 2025 now there's a description so I guess I'll read this first before getting into it which is a once renowned hero turns into a violent Tyrant and an Empire falls into decline a Liberation Army is rising up in an act of rebellion against an oppressive rule one by one for 108 stars of Destiny gathered to shape the course of history now the description that I just read is actually for the first week Elden I'm not reading the second one in case it kind of like spoils the first one or something but um the reason I brought this up is because I can't 100% remember if it was this game but I remember there was a jrpg I really wanted to play so once in a while when I'm very bored I will Google jrpgs that like you should play whether it be old ones or new ones or whatever and I believe sweeten was one that I was very close to trying to play but people were saying like don't play right now there is a remaster coming out soon just wait for it and I believe like I was I want to play like years ago maybe a year or two ago so now that it's coming out on PS5 this will be a good chance for me to try it I'm not sure when I'll try it I pretty much is whenever I'm bored I think of trying new gpg so maybe I'll try it then but it sounds pretty interesting from the story and just from the description they also mentioned that the difference between the original is that they graphical improvements new character drawings sound improvements game system improvements which are pretty much quality of life things Etc so pretty much the normal things you expect from like a remake not really a remake but a remaster almost so yeah and based on what I can see from the the the video it's a 2D pixel art game with turn base battles and so yeah that was we cod in and the last new story which is really not a story I just want to mention it is that there is a new metaphor B fantasio trailer called travel Beyond fantasio I'm not watching it I believe I mentioned this before but like at this point I think I've seen enough of the game where like I will try it at some point when it comes out but I don't need to see more of this game they've kind of sold me on it and so I'm not going to be watching the trailer but I want to let you know in case you are interested and want to watch it and also they did announce that they're going to be having another stream on August 29th kind of announcing new stuff as they do with these streams they announce like new things about combat or new things about story I probably won't be covering it I'll probably mention it when it happens but it is happening on August 29th which is tomorrow from when I'm recording this and yeah that pretty much covers all the news that was a lot of news but uh it was kind of nice because I feel like the last few episodes have been kind of slow in terms of that but from here we will move on to the next segment which is jpgs that are releasing this week in terms of the jrpg releases this week I Source them as always from New JRPG Releases This Week RPG and icicled and this week we got three games that are releasing and the days that I'm covering is from August 25th to August 31st and so we're going to be starting off with a game called Gundam Breaker 4 which is going to be releasing on PC on the 28th of August which is today as I'm recording this and the short description is in Gundam Breaker 4 you will create and customize your own powerful gun plug and put it to the test in thrilling combat missions that is all and uh pretty much from what I can tell from watching gameplay it is literally just a 3D Gundam fighter so as they said you can customize your own gunpla and you can just fight each other in the game so not much more to talk about it I think it looks cool if you're a fan of Gundam I don't see why you wouldn't really be interested in this but yeah Gundam Breaker 4 coming out on PC on the 28th of August the next game which is a pretty huge release is visions of Mana coming out on PS5 PS4 Xbox series and PC on the 29th of August which is tomorrow from when I'm recording this and the description is the protagonist Val and his childhood friend Hina the newly appointed Alma fire set off on a journey to the Mana tree this game's ionic vibrant and fast semiopen field contains adorable yet ferocious monsters allowing you to enjoy Swift three-dimensional battles using the power of Elementals two Adventures With Friends met along the way they start to see the truth about the world I feel like I read that log line like a few times on this podcast already but yeah Vision Z Mana is finally coming out I said that I'm pretty interested in the game that I want to try it out and it is going to be in my backlog of games I'm going to try it out at some point I don't think it's going to be anytime soon Trails of Daybreak or Trails through Daybreak has been out for a while now and they've already announced the second one and I still haven't touched that it's literally right here on my shelf beside me I just haven't had the time to actually start that because I have to finish Ry first before moving on to that and I know for a fact that when I finish Daybreak it's it's likely going to be my game of the year uh no doubt about that unless they it up somehow so yeah I want to try vision of Mana but I want to finish that first but vision of Mana is coming out tomorrow 29th of August on PS5 PS4 Xbox series and PC and the final release is witch spring R which is coming out on PS5 Xbox one switch on the 29th of August which is also tomorrow from when recording this and the log line is W spring R is a story-driven RPG combining elements of collecting simulation and battling experience the joy of training a young witch and accompany her on a Grand Adventure and based on the description and what I've seen it kind of reminded me a bit of a Tellier I don't know how similar it is but in teller you're collecting stuff you're using Alchemy you're making things and so this kind of gave me the same Vibe of it I'm not sure if it's very that similar but at least when looking at the trailer visually is very beautiful honestly like the animations of like the magic they were using like the Thunderbolt I thought was very cool it has 3D Graphics it has beautiful animation as I mentioned and yeah not really much more to say in terms of the combat I couldn't tell exactly what it was from the trailer I think it's turn-based but there wasn't really any UI to kind of hint at whether it was or not but from like the movement of characters is seem turn based but that's at least what I could tell from the trailer that I watched of it and yeah those are the three releases the J that are releasing this week and from here we'll move on to the next segment which is a JG mechanic that I think is dope now in terms of the JY mechanic that I A JRPG Mechanic I Love think is dope this is going to be one of those weeks where it may be a hot take because I think this is something that people don't like I do and what I'm talking about is Cliffhangers at the end of games or even in general Cliffhangers in general like I like but I know a lot of people don't and I feel like I know that people don't like it is because at least from what what I see it often in is in manga usually a lot of manga chapters end with Cliffhangers and for me like the way I see Cliffhangers is a full positive where I'm like yeah end the chapter off with the Cliffhanger because that's going to make me want to read the next chapter that's literally the goal of the mangaka to kind of make you keep reading the series and so whenever a chapter ends with the Cliffhanger I'm like dope I want to read the next chapter but at least from what I've seen online at least a lot of people don't like Cliffhangers but to speak specifically about Cliffhangers in terms of gpgs there's been a few of them where like they were like they had jaw-dropping Cliffhangers for me where I was literally playing the game they said something and the game just ended and I was like what the are we actually ending like this and so I'll be talking a bit about those and um I guess before I say the the game or like the Cliffhanger part I will preface that it's going to be a spoiler and then you can skip past it so yeah I won't just be spoiling indiscriminately I will tell you when I'm about to spoil but yeah I just think Cliffhangers are just a good way of keeping interest and I feel like the the whole point of Art and that includes games is to get an emotional reaction out of people whether it's a good reaction or bad reaction I'm not sure and so Cliffhangers I think usually do have an emotional reaction like I just mentioned there are certain games that literally were jawdropping to me and so the fact that it's able to get that kind of reaction out of me I think is successful and if they're able to do that I just think it's a good thing and I don't think it's a negative thing at all so to actually get into the games I'm talking about there are two that I specifically remember one is trolls of Cold Steel 2 and the other is Kingdom Hearts 3 so in terms of trolls of Cold Steel 2 I'll preface I'll be spoiling it if you don't want to get spoiled or if you don't want to get spoiled about any game you could just probably skip to the next segment or if you don't want to get spoiled about this specific game just skip like a couple minutes probably but in Trails of coel 2 pretty much what happens is you are fighting a character who an enemy and he he wasn't really like a villain in the game he was just like a guy but as you're fighting them you I I believe here it's pretty much revealed that not only are they the main villain of the series but it's revealed that they are your father like in terms of like who you are as the main character so that was like a huge moment but but the funny thing is it's not like it was leading up to a moment where it felt like it was an ending he pretty much just dropped that knowledge bomb the screen went black and then I think it said like to be continue or something or the credit start rolling and I remember when I was playing I was like what the did it really end like that and I was so happy because I had the day before getting to that part I had ordered trolls of cold sheld 3 on Amazon and I think maybe like 20 minutes before ending the game I had gotten the game delivered so I had I had it like right there with me and so right when the game ended I was like think I can just put in trolls of coio 3 and play it right away and it was like when when that ending of the game I thought was fantastic I loved it I I bet a lot of people hate the ending because people don't like Cliffhangers they want everything to be like tied and like perfectly and like from what I can tell a lot of people like being spoonfed everything in terms of like that type of stuff I don't I think like if there's an open ending or if there's a cliffhanger that's completely fine whatever the intention of like the Creator is and for me at least the way I think about it is if the ending is not the actual ending of the series that's cool the Cliffhanger is cool so for example if that happened at the end of the trail series and there was never a Trails game again that'd be weird like that's just like trying to get an emotion out of the audience for no really real reason but because we know there is a troll of Cold Steel 3 and at least for me because it was already out there's absolutely no problem because like yeah it was just like a cool ass ending and there's another game to continue playing so it's very cool to me so that was an ending that I really liked and it's funny because the more I think about it I think all the Cold Steel games and Cliff angry I won't be talking about them specifically but I want to say TRS of cold seal 1 was a Cliffhanger 2 I kind I'm kind of remembering what happened I I think TRS of cold seal 3 was also a cliffhanger because that leads right into four so like I think the coal games just kind of like having Cliffhanger so yeah maybe that's why I like the series a lot obviously that's not the only reason but yeah the co seal games are great games if you like Cliffhangers and the next game that I want to talk about is Kingdom Hearts 3 and again if you if if you don't want to hear the spoiler I would just say skip to the next segment this is going to be the final thing I'm going to talk about in this segment but pretty much what happens is Kingdom Hearts 3 is obviously like the this like ultimate end of the Series game it is finally ending off The Saga that was every single Kingdom Hearts game we've gotten so far and throughout the games you pretty much play as Sora or at least most of the games you play as Sora and the way the game ends is you pretty I I've only play him to once I remember specifically but you do the entire finale it's Sora sitting with Kyrie which is like the main female lead they're talking and you slowly notice Sora fade away and then you realize that Sora pretty much sacrificed himself to save her and that was the ending and I remember like I was playing I'm like oh this is a good ass finale and Sora faded away the screen went black they started playing some good ass music and then the credit started scrolling and I was like what the are they ending it like this and later like through Melodies and memories and I believe DLC or some you find out what happened to Sora he's not dead or anything but like when that happened like that was like I'm like that's a perfect ending like that like if the creators are able to get that emotion of the audience of being like what the just happened I think they succeeded and they definitely did that with me and so that was an ending where I'm like like whenever I feel like that at the end of the game at the end of a game where I'm like what happened like I want to Google this what the like I want I want people's opinions on what happened and this game did that I think that's just a great job and so that's just another ending where like that like is a massive Cliffhanger and we found out soon after what happened to Sora again through like other games and stuff like that but like yeah that that's also an example like if that was the final Kingdom Hearts game and they ended off with Sora just fading away and then credits rolled I'll be like what the hell is that like what does that even mean like if we never got the answer that would be but because I know there are going to be more Kingdom Hearts games and they're going to answer the question and we're going to see why that happened it's fine so like in that aspect like I'm fine with Cliffhangers so yeah that's pretty much what I want to talk about in terms of jpg mechanic that I thought it that was fun like I know Cliffhangers aren't technically mechanics but like I think it's just a cool device you get to use in a story and it always works well on me I know it doesn't work well on everyone but that was my hot take for this episode but yeah from here we'll move on to the next segment which is a JP that I'm looking forward to now in terms of gpg I'm looking forward to this is kind of a cheat answer but it is JRPG I'm Looking Forward To going to be trails in the sky the first the reason it is a cheat because in episode 16 I believe it was 16 I pretty much did trails in the sky remake for the segment about a potential trolls in the sky remake that could happen and that's what I talked about in the segment and so it is pretty much going to be the same thing so I'm not going to be talking about it too much this is probably going to be a shorter segment because I've already talked about this but I did want to make it an official you know part of the segment because it is a jrpg that I'm really looking forward to because it is just very exciting and as I mentioned in the new segment if you've kind of listened to you know the other part of this episode is that I'm just very excited to see exactly how they adapt the old games I don't know if it's going to be one to one I don't know if they're going to cut things I don't know if they're going to add things if I had to choose what I want the simple answer would be is just to do one to one because it is a very successful story people know it people love it but at the same time we are able to play the original game anyway so if they do want to get creative with this I be okay with it i' the honestly my favorite thing would probably be is if they just kept it one to one and added stuff like Easter eggs or Illusions to Future parts of the games or like just extra content that would be very cool but if they did make the decision to cut stuff due to whatever reason I may not like it but honestly I would understand it because game development is just a different landscape today and like I would see I can see why they would need to do that but yeah in terms of like that aspect of the Remake I'm very much looking forward to it I talked about this too but like I'm very interested to see if they evolve any of the mechanics that goes on in TRS in the sky trolls in the sky from like all the trolls games is just very simple where like you have the combat and you don't really have any mechanics other than leveling up and I'm trying to I'm trying to even remember can you even do like I think you can like where you set your sepith and quarts and stuff to get different abilities I believe you can still do that in trolls of the sky I believe but other than that there's not really much you can do where trolls where trolls of CT seal you have you know a lot more you have Arts which TRS in the sky does have you have combat Arts you have bonding mechanics you have like team based stuff you have like um your s s abilities I think they're called or SC crafts and I can't remember exactly what of those is available in trolls in the sky but the point is if they're remaking trolls in the sky I can see them adding all of that to trolls in the sky since those are such normal things in the modern tra series I haven't played troll through Daybreak so I don't know how they handl in that whether all that is things in that series but at least from Cold Steel like if they added SC crafts arts combat Arts like everything bonding mechanics like I would understand but there's some things like for example bonding mechanics are something that I really love in trolls of Cal because it's just a good way to get plot from characters but also it actually helps you in terms of combat because if character a bombs with character b a lot they will be stronger together in battle which I think is very cool so I wonder if that is going to be a thing in trolls in the sky the first but like the the thing is like there isn't really a strong party mechanic in trolls in the sky I feel like later in the series you do get characters Olivia Jette and you get like random characters here and there aot but like there characters that like come to your party for a while and they leave it's more kind of like classic gpg and so if they leave I don't see why they would have bonding mechanics it would really be no reason to bond with them so the only thing I can think of is if they did have bonding mechanics it would be very interesting if they created I'm not sure what it would be if they created a whole new bonding system just for Estelle and Joshua now I don't know what that would be again like I I don't know what that would look like because there's really no choice in that it would just be like if you're playing as a Styles like you just go to Joshua and talk to him I guess which which isn't really a mechanic but I wonder if they did something between the two because I'm not going to spoil it but their relationship together changes a lot throughout the series and it's very interesting to see like what happens to them throughout the series how it changes how they go together apart etc etc I won't say more than that but the relationship is so interesting where if they did have bonding mechanics to have them get closer throughout this game and then see exactly what happens to them in the future games I thought I think it it would hit harder what happens in the future games if we get to bond with him in this game but again I literally have no idea what the bonding mechanics could be because if it's just talking which I usually am fine with bonding mechanics that's just not really a mechanic because you don't have any choice maybe it could be like a mini game thing where you get to I don't know hang out yeah maybe that's what it is maybe like at certain towns you get to hang out like you're playing as Estell you get to hang out with Joshua and you get to pick what you want to do like do you want to go on a walk do you want to get ice cream do you want to go shopping I don't know and then there's like a mini cut scene based on that thing you know what actually yeah that that's something that could work if they do bonding mechanics it'd be cool if you have to hang out with each other if you want to and then you get to choose the activity and based on that you get a different boost or whatever the hell like a stat boost so yeah that's something that that's an example of a mechanic they can add in the remake and I wonder if they're going to add other mechanics like that whether it be something that's borrowing from the future of the series or whether it's something that's just completely new like this kind of new wish bonding mechanic but yeah again I don't have too much more to add because I already talked about everything I wanted in a remake of uh trolls in the sky in episode 16 and I also talked a bit about this a bit more in the news section of this episode but yeah TR on the sky the first cool ass game I'm very excited I'm very interested to see how they adapt it whether not whether but probably when they adapt number two and how they adapt that and whether they do a number three that that's very interesting to me because I can see them just being like nah we don't need to adapt that or or them just I don't know I don't know how they would do three it's it's just a very different game from TOS in the sky if they did number three honestly I would want it to be just like branded differently like don't make it trolls in the sky the third call it like something with Kevin like uh something with the sep in church or some that'd be something cool and then make that a standalone game I think that would be a much better choice than them calling it trolls in the sky the third and just having it be a game barely about EST St and Joshua but yeah that ends off this segment of talking about trolls in the sky the first J I'm looking forward to and from here we'll go on to the next segment which is what I've been playing in terms of what games What I've Been Playing I've been playing for the past week there are two games I've been playing each of them I played a little bit I've actually played a lot of games but these are like the most gr RPG a so I'll mention them the first one is a game called Dragon Ball project multi and the second one is called ruins of magus which is a vrg RPG game so first I'm going to go over Dragon Ball project multi very quickly it's not really a jrpg but I kind of like bundle in Dragon Ball games into this podcast because I love dragon ball and Dragon Ball games I feel like are pretty big in terms of Japanese games and this game is very interesting because I saw this on Twitter it's called Dragon Ball project multi it is a a mobile game so like they have dokan battle they have Legends and now they have this and when I saw it the first of all the visuals look really cool cool it looks better than like Xenoverse or anything like that honestly low key I love sparking Legends it kind of looks better than sparking Legends too in terms of the visual style but um I thought it was like an auto battler or something so I wasn't that interested in it but turns out they're having a beta right now which like anyone can play so I just download the app tried playing it and I played a couple of games and it's actually a really fun and interesting game I'm not going to be playing it anymore because from what I can tell your progress does not transfer to the full game when it comes out so I don't want to waste time pulling characters that I'm not going to be able to get to keep so I'm not going to play it for that reason but pretty much what it is it is a 3v3 online multiplayer game and pretty much what you do is you're trying to kill the god of destructions of the other team and once you kill them you have to steal the other team's Dragon Ball and once you have the Dragon Ball you win and the way the game play is it is pretty much like a track from left to right one team starts on the left one team starts on the right and you have this very like zoomed out almost isometric view of your characters and you pretty much have to control your character and move around you have different attacks you can use so if you're using Goku you have maybe like explosive wave coma keyi blast you have super saian you can turn into which kind of increases the radius of each of the attacks and it is a real-time combat game like you are moving like live I would say it's kind of like MMO style where like you use an attack for example if you use kamaha you can aim it as you're using it but then you'll have to wait for example like 5 Seconds to use it again but that's pretty much the gameplay of the game and I can already tell that it's going to vary a lot because when I did the tutorial all they had to do was move to the other side defeat a God of destruction and there's an entire mechanic with that where you have to wait for like this Godly being called Zeno to kind of help you with it and then after you beat the God of destruction I had to get the the Dragon Ball and I won but when I actually went into an online match it was way longer it took like 10 to 15 minutes we had to kill three God of destructions on the other team uh there was this entire like back and forth you had to do where we were winning a bit and then the other team was winning and we kept going back and forth there were a lot of like um NPCs like CPU NPCs the computer NPCs that you had to fight on the way too so you weren't only fighting real people you were fighting like random grunts to while you're playing to kind of keep you busy uh you had to fight the multiple go of destructions and then at the end you got to try to break out the Dragon Ball and steal it so I played that one actual multiplayer game we won I was the one able to get the dragon ball so I killed it there but it was really fun I don't know how the difficult is going to work because I was playing I honestly wasn't paying that much attention to my health and so like maybe it was a fake game with fake people the username seemed real honestly but I thought it was fun I was able to like kill them multiple times but you come back alive never died and yeah we won like in 10 to 15 minutes so yeah it's a very interesting game and as I mentioned it's in beta right now so if you want to wait for the full game you'll have to wait I believe it's going to be on Steam too I did I do remember seeing a steam listing for it but honestly with the type of game this is I'd rather just play it on mobile because it's such a simple game where like you might just pull it off for like 20 minutes and play I can't really see myself you know sitting down at my PC and playing this for an hour or anything like that but yeah it's called Dragon Ball project multi probably for multiplayer and the next game that I want to talk about is called ruins of magus now this game is really cool and so as I mentioned ear earlier on this episode my brother got me a psvr2 and one of the things that I want to do at least on my Quest 2 that I never got to do but I want to do on this for sure was I wanted to try actual RPGs or jrpgs in VR because the games that I usually played were like Co-op short games with my brother or like arcadey games like beat saber but I never actually tried like a full on proper story based immersive game uh kind of like like the dream would be something like sort of online or something like that I was looking at games and there's this one game that I wanted to get I can't remember the name right now which is like a Trilogy I believe of jrpgs but I found ruins of magus it was just there it was on sale usually for 40 bucks I got for 20 bucks and I went into it and I really love it now I only played it one time so far one session and it was believe like an hour and a half to two hours and from what I can tell like yeah it feels like a jrpg so in terms of like how the game starts you start you're in this town you're like this magician looking dude and pretty much the way it works in this world is I I can't remember the exact terms but you're pretty much like a fighter like like a magician and you get paired with a researcher and you guys pretty much have to go into a dungeon to do research and that's kind of like the game Loop and so there's this girl who's a researcher she comes and because you're in VR like you literally just get to talk to her so I'm literally looking at looking down at her cuz like she's really short for some reason and she's talking to me they do some really cool things where like the game starts you're talking to her and when the game like actually you know fully starts she she kind of grabs your hand and pulls your body away from like your point of view and then the camera just zooms out and you're looking at the town from like up above and the music kind of like you know pipes in and it's very cool like it felt very weird because she grabbed my hand so I was automatically I just put my hand out but then like the body just went away from me and it zoomed out so I thought that was a very cool feeling that I never really experienced a VR which was dope and in terms of like what you actually do in the game there isn't like too much Town exploration so far which I think is usually a big part of jrpgs again I only play for an hour but the very little I can do is there's this very small town square with like a lot of random NPCs which some you can talk to so I've talked to some they give you some tips some of them will just mention some lower things uh there are randomly books just shwn around places so there's like this one uh book for some reason that's in the Town Square you can pick up and you could just read it and then put it back down it's really cool cuz you literally pick up the book read it and put it down and I've unlocked a few other areas so it's not like a jrpg where like you can for example there's like a shopping district is not like I actually walk to the shopping district in town but what they have is in this town square they'll just have like a UI EV that says like go to the shop and then I will press it and I will be teleported to the shop so that's how they're doing it instead of like having you walk there which I don't know if it's a bad or good thing but that's how it is the shop look cool it's very dense with a lot of beautiful things there was actually a quest I had to do to have the shop be set up I actually had to help the shopkeeper get his inventory and then he set it up which I really like I really like quests and jpgs which aren't useless like I don't want to like gather six weed for you for no reason but I actually had to get the shop set up for him and now it's an actual shop where I can buy stuff at which is very cool and the actual dungeons is pretty cool so it's pretty much like any of jpg where you have to go to a counter and you have to find a job and then go to it and the combat in this game is really good where pretty much you have Fireballs you can shoot so you literally hold out your hand you shoot Fireballs you have the secondary ability I have two so far which is one is a thunderbolt where you hold your hand up and like around you there's an AOE of Thunder there's a second there's a secondary secondary which is a fire one which you throw a fireball and it explodes into like these Nom blasts on the ground to do an AOE affect on enemies you actually have grenades so if you look down at your chest you have a grenade you pull the pin out you throw it it blows up you can switch the grenade to a potion heal up like that you have a shield on your left arm you can block attacks if you parry right as you get hit by an attack it will reflect and hit the enemy back and that I believe is the combat system you can also like Dash around with L2 so if you kind of just hold a direction and press L2 you will just kind of like teleport almost and what I love is that there's no limit from what I can tell so you can just kind of keep doing that and there's no annoying meter that you have to keep in mind but that's pretty much the game it is very cool I'm really liking the combat and one of the most amazing parts of this game is I was playing it I did three dungeons they all felt kind of samey but you had to fight enemies the enemies were kind of different so I thought it was fine but the thing that was very cool is at the end of I believe the second or third dungeon there was a boss fight and the boss was just like another humano character that looked kind of like me but evil but when I started the boss fight man it was insane because I'm looking at the bad guy they had this cool cut scene which was like in 3D where like he threw a sword at me me and then it did the thing where like my body separated from myself so my character like deflected it and they were fighting a bit and then it transitioned to the actual fight and it was such a fast-paced boss fight where like I see the bad guy in front of me and within a second he throws a sword at me he teleports to my right throws another sword teleport to the left those was another sword and so like he did that within like 2 seconds and so I'm looking around seeing these swords thrown at me and I'm like Jesus Christ I'm holding my arm up I'm trying to Shield all them in the arena they had like these pillars so I literally ran to a pillar hid down and like what do I do and my brother was like watching on the TV and he was like Jesus Christ what's happening and so like I just had to fight the the enemy at that speed so like he's jumping around I'm trying to like sh I'm because this VR what's nice is there's no limitation of being able to attack while shielding like where like in a normal traditional flat game you might be only able to block and not attack or you're only able to attack and not block but in this game I was literally just hiding myself with the shield putting my arm in front the shield and just shooting the enemy and like hopefully they were hitting uh there was an ultimate attack that unlocked during it where like I can literally grab behind my head bring my arms back out and the head pretty much like double come at my H and I could just shoot shoot it at him which is really cool and because of the vibrations it felt very powerful when doing it and so the boss fight was fantastic it not only felt fastpaced for VR but I feel like this is a the speed of the boss fight was one where like if I was playing a normal game and like he started doing all that I'll would be like okay yo I need to lock in let me try to focus on this boss battle but usually in VR the few games that I played like whenever there's a boss fight it's clearly a very much dumbed down experience compared to a flag game but this one was not dumb down at all it was like a full fat fastpac fight and luckily I was able to beat him and win and after that experience I kind of turned the game off cuz it was a bit much for me but it is a game that I'm actually looking forward to getting back to I may even play more later today but yeah ruins of magus from the hour or two I played of it seems really cool I wonder how long it is because it is doing you know it is checking off the stuff I love in jrpgs the combat is cool the story seems cool in terms of like the world they actually have a world where like they have the system of I'm the magician I have a researcher there's random pieces of Lord that that I can pick up and and like yeah I'm actually interested in the world which I've never been in in a VR game where I have been in a normal jpg so I'm very excited to continue playing ruins of magus and talking about it more in future episodes hopefully but yeah from here we'll move on to our final segment which is our jrpg top casual list and for the jrpg My Top VR Games top casual list if you're new to the segment it is pretty much a segment where I have a topic a list and I give you my top casual list it is very casual as in I just think about it at the top of my head I don't really think about it too hard it's so casual that maybe tomorrow my list would be different but uh for today's list I'm going to be doing my top VR games not necessarily jrpgs because I haven't played enough yet to make a list but that is something I'd be interested in doing in the future so I'll be giving my top three VR games and again this is just off the top of my head so I didn't think about it too hard but right now at number three I have a game called Cactus cowboy and number two I have Beats saber and number one I have ruins of magus now these are very recency biased because a lot of these are very new games I played but I'll start with number three which is called Cactus Cowboy now this is a free game on psvr2 and I am so annoyed because when I got my psvr2 the first thing I did was I Googled online like what are games I should try or like is are there any free games that are cool blah blah blah I didn't see a single person mention this game everyone always mentioned like try the Horizon game or try you know beat saer or try whatever and those are cool but you got to drop like4 50 $60 for the games and like the first thing you kind of want to do is have like a free experience to see how it is and the free experiences on psvr aren't the best and so there's this game called Cactus Cowboy which looks like a simple ass very simple game the mouth anim are clearly done in Ms paint but when I played it I was like holy this is a good game because you're pretty much playing as a cactus it's pretty much this father who's explaining this story to his son of how he used to be in the war and you get to play as him and yeah you're literally in war you have guns you have ARS you have pistols you have mortars you get to shoot around you get to fight in this war and it's just so immersive and dope and what what surprised me is this game is free it had a comprehensive tutorial it had cut scenes I did the first chapter and when I was do the first chapter I was like oh that was a cool that was a cool game because it's a free game I thought it was going to end there but that was like chapter zero and then it actually went to chapter 1 and I was like holy and I wasn't able to be chapter one because it was just kind of hard I let my brother play too it was too hard for him too but that's a game I played I was like holy this is like this is a proper game and it's free somehow and I believe they do have a second game which is paid and I think they might be working on a next one too from what I saw online but it's very cool that this game is free and it's just such a good game I have no idea how long it is but Cactus Cowboy if you have a psvr2 i highly recommend you try it because it's free and number two I have beat saer beat saber is just like my go-to game I played on my quest 2o where like randomly I pick it up play Beat saber for like 30 minutes or whatever and it is a game that I want to play again again I'm actually not going to buy on Playstation probably I just I literally like before recording you probably can't see but behind me on the counter I have the new psvr2 to PS PC adapter Jesus Christ couldn't say that properly but they have an adapter you can connect the psvr2 to your PC and use it just like a PC VR headset like the Quest or anything like that and so because of that I can play Steam games or whatever and so I'm likely going to get beat saer on Steam because the modding potential whatever the issues I had with the meta version is the songs kind of got old and what they were adding new songs like they had like a BTS pack which I really liked and one of my favorite songs is on that but they were quite expensive and if I wanted more I just had to pay a lot where like on Steam I'll probably just like buy the game and then just use mods for new songs and just play the game like that and I think that'd be a lot more interesting personally but yeah baber I just love it's an amazing game it's just really fun to play and it's really I I'm not the type of person that likes Rhythm games I never understood the gameplay Loop of trying to get better at a song that's just something I never really liked but something with Beats saer click for me where I'm like yeah I really want to perfect the song get perfect okay let's get to the harder difficulty let's perfect that etc etc so be saber just you know flipped the switch in me where I actually like doing that in this game and number one is ruins of magus I won't talk too much about it because I just did in the last segment of you know what I've been playing this week but um if you're just watching this segment it is a gpg in VR which you where you play as a magician you have this researcher that helps you go through dungeons the comet is really cool with Fireballs Napal Fireballs Thunderbolts grenades potions pairing with the shield very fast-paced uh boss battles a jrpg town where you get to talk to NPCs read lore go to shops Etc I only played for like an hour or two and that's already what I've experienced so I'm very excited to get back into the game but yeah so far Runes of magus is number one in terms of the traditional game that I usually like to play so number three is Cactus Cowboy number two is beatsaber and number one is ruins of magus and from here we will end off this episode of spill the T roll episode 30 the Big 3 0 it's still Closing Thoughts mind-blowing that I made I made it this far so we will see how long I keep doing this I had I I did mention when I started this podcast my goal was 12 episodes which is 3 months and at that point I will see whether I want to continue it or not my next goal is pretty much the one-year Mark so when I'm around 50 episodes I will see whether I just want to endcap this podcast whether I think it has potential or whether I end it and just like leave it there because I think that's fine if it's a 50 episode thing this is a really a prideful thing for me like I was able to do 50 episodes of a podcast but if is if it is successful and it is something that I see people actually listening to and watching I will keep doing it and if it's something I enjoy too because so far it is something I do still enjoy doing it it is slightly getting to the point where I'm like okay I got to plan everything it is kind of tiring but at the end of the day whenever I'm done recording an episode and I'm editing it I do have a good time with what I recorded and I am proud of the episode that I do create but yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed episode 30 SP the hero remember to five start on podcast services or thumb it up wherever you watch that s to it I do upload this on the K unlimited YouTube channel and The Spill the T YouTube channel K unlimited is where I upload everything spill the tal is where I upload just the podcast and I also do segments of the podcast when I have time to but yeah hopefully you enjoyed this episode remember to like remember to comment about anything I talk about this episode remember to subscribe if you're watching on YouTube and I'll see you guys next week for episode 31 peace [Music]

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Crimson Desert : The Most Ambitious MMO Ever Made

Category: Gaming

That's a large request wait there's someone ahead [music] shall we walk together who are you i am white crow a guardian of the abyss if you will abyss you can call it the cradle of providence it serves as a bridge between providence and the world is there a reason you waited for [music] me aliston wishes... Read more

CRIMSON DESERT New 1 Hour 4K Demo | Most Ambitious SINGLE PLAYER OPEN WORLD RPG coming to PS5 Pro thumbnail
CRIMSON DESERT New 1 Hour 4K Demo | Most Ambitious SINGLE PLAYER OPEN WORLD RPG coming to PS5 Pro

Category: Gaming

Open world of pywel gameplay hey i'm going to get [music] you take [music] your can you believe it b's house is completely rans they even took the horns off his goats [music] friend is to run get [music] what's the point in paying taxes if it's only spent on hing enough leave them as a lesson for others... Read more

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 1st (REMAKE) announced for Switch thumbnail
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 1st (REMAKE) announced for Switch

Category: Gaming

Yeah this game the reason i did not buy or the the rest of these games is because i heard there's a remaster remake coming so i was going to but then i heard there was going to be a remake for this game so the legends uh legend of heroes trails of the sky the first um announced for switch that's amazing... Read more

Trails Into The Sky Remake HONEST Thoughts as a newbie to the series! thumbnail
Trails Into The Sky Remake HONEST Thoughts as a newbie to the series!

Category: Gaming

So what's going on guys it is cali q here and i am still recovering from the plethora of jrpg news that came out during today's nintendo direct and i couldn't help but think it was a perfect time for me to address this trails in the sky remake news and the legend of heroes series as a whole now if you... Read more

Full Metal Fukumi 13 - Trails in the Sky Remake, Rune Factory Guardians of Azuma, Tokimemo Remaster thumbnail
Full Metal Fukumi 13 - Trails in the Sky Remake, Rune Factory Guardians of Azuma, Tokimemo Remaster

Category: Gaming

The sora no kiseki remake / trails in the sky remake is developed for switch first just like ys x nordics alikum how's it going so in this episode of i'm going to get over the nintendo direct that happened on august 27th um i'm first going to talk about the siki remake a to s trails in the sky and this... Read more

Trails In the Sky Remake: Esclusiva Nintendo Switch? Uscita Simultanea? Analisi Trailer thumbnail
Trails In the Sky Remake: Esclusiva Nintendo Switch? Uscita Simultanea? Analisi Trailer

Category: Gaming

Ieri al nintendo direct è stato annunciato il remake di trails in sky first chapter che in questo caso si chiamerà the legend of heroes trails in sky the first nel nintendo direct europeo hanno mostrato soltanto 10 secondi di gioco mentre ince in quello giapponese ben 55 poi in mattinata è uscito un... Read more

Asal Usul Seri Trails: Trails in the Sky Remake hadir 2025 di SWITCH! thumbnail
Asal Usul Seri Trails: Trails in the Sky Remake hadir 2025 di SWITCH!

Category: Gaming

Hello everyone, welcome back to the nkddy channel. today, i have exciting news for all the jrpg fans out there. last night's nintendo direct gave us something to really look forward to in 2025— a complete remake of the legend of heroes: trails in the sky is coming exclusively to nintendo switch. so,... Read more