Canada's Cultural Crisis - Lauren Southern | Real Talk With Zuby Ep. 322

Introduction Canada has one of the most extreme housing crisis in the entire world at the moment a large part although the government do not like to acknowledge this right or left seemingly um we bring in about half a million migrants a year and that's just like you know we're giving them residency and everything that's on including student visas illegal immigration what's up ladies and gentlemen boys and girls around the world I would like to welcome you back to the real talk with zubie podcast today I am in Victoria British Columbia I am in Canada for the first time in a very long time and since I'm here in Canada I have a very special guest she is a filmmaker she is a former activist she's a social and political commentator and this is Lauren Southern let's start out with um an introduction I know who you are but for people who are listening who aren't familiar tell them a little bit about yourself yeah I've been doing the YouTube political commentary and film making Sphere for about 10 years now since I was like 19 years old pretty crazy um my most popular documentaries are probably farmlands on the uh persecution of the Bor people in South Africa who are being murdered on their farms and borderless about the mass migration crisis to Europe and now today I do political commentary for tenant media we all know that in today's fast-paced world it's harder than ever to live a healthy lifestyle just about everyone is struggling with gut issues stress inflammation fatigue or immune health issues most of it comes down to diet but but getting nutrient-rich food consistently isn't always easy or affordable with hectic schedules processed foods and the rising cost of healthy options we all need a cheat cod as the game of life gets a little bit more difficult my cheat Cod is optimal human with over 90 ingredients including powerful vitamins and other nutrients one serving of optimal human helps me fulfill my daily nutritional needs and in my opinion it tastes better than other green supplements on the market optimal human contains powerful superfoods like organic RI mushroom for your brain tumeric root for your joints beetroot for cardiovascular health CoQ10 for cellular health and prebiotics for gut health it's simple to integrate into your daily life just add one scoop to water a smoothie or your protein shake and get an instant delicious nutrient boost try optimal human today and get 50% off your first month by going to Optimal zubi one more time that's optimal zubi go check it out how did you get into this world I grew up in Canada I did a recent video talking about growing up in Siri BC which is a very high immigration area um so the combination of being in an extremely you know contentious immigrant area as well as in Canada that was becoming increasingly social justice oriented growing up in school being told you're privileged because you're white you're oppressed because you're a woman these kind of things it didn't quite jive with the reality that I was living you know Vancouver most of the wealing people You' know would be Chinese here so being told in social justice 12 in high school that oh you're actually oppressed because you're Chinese and privileged Canadian culture because you're white that didn't match on to the reality that I was experiencing on the ground so I you know a lot of people laugh about the fact that so many political commentators come from Canada whether it be Jordan Peterson Lauren Chen Stephen Crowder Wick kinnes all these people right mol you myself I think it makes a lot of sense Canada kind of experienced the agression of extrema slept politics a lot quicker than America and at a degree that really pressurized Millennials experience in in that world and so when we talk about the wokeness we're talking about something we lived not something we're warning about okay that's interesting I don't you know I know a ton of Canadian people and I grew up when I when I grew up in Saudi Arabia there were a lot of Canadians who lived there but strangely enough I feel like I don't know that much about Canadian culture like I know I'm from the UK so I have a very keen perception of the nuances and differences between say the UK and the USA but when it comes to the UK and Canada or Canada and the US I just don't have as good a grasp of how different and how similar those cultures and places really are well you're not on par with the understanding of our culture as our government that is if you ask Trudeau he'd say we're a postnational state we we don't have an identity anymore and they're doing everything they can tend to erase it but there was at one point I would say Canadian culture and identity were a frontier culture like these are the people that um you know hatte this land like so wild and came out and you know created the uh the fur trade and built Forts and these were Adventures uh up in the cold North right when you see those memes of Canadians with like The Lumberjack outfit and everything that was real the hockey stick even when I was up I had friends that would go out and play hockey out on the ponds on the ice right and there's real heartiness and and beauty and kindness to Canadian culture people mock it that kindness but I actually think it's a it's a beautiful thing when Canadians say sorry all the time they actually do have a deep care for other people I just think that's been lost and there has been a I'm trying to find the word for it but everything has become a little more empty because I don't think we have the communities that we used to when we engage in Canadian culture whether it be you know the hockey or the kindness It's all very performative because when you're knock going on your neighbor's door they don't even speak the same language as you anymore here when we're talking about uh working on projects who improve the country I mean half our tax dollars are going overseas or back into government Pockets that sense of what was a Canadian community at culture has very much been lost and a lot of the things that were previously seeing as you know Staples of Canadian culture have had to be uh that had to take away the bigotry from it you know even our national anthem like everything that was Canadian has had to be WC ified to some degree you said something interesting you said it had to be changed or something like that and when you say had to I'm like well why someone makes that decision was this some I doubt it was some democratic referendum where all the Canadian people decided that the word he is offended offensive and they need to change it so this is where I will defend the Canadian people cuz I know everyone says well you guys voted for chido like you must be Bonkers well no when I was growing up it was kind of traditional that Canadians didn't care that much about politics we we didn't fight about it all the time you know the one consistent joke was just that oh Americans are stupid or what that was the one thing in Canada that was like kind of political that we talked about people didn't like George Bush but generally when I was younger people weren't so contentious vote right left this that so when Trudeau was voted in I remember being in my University bar and I was like one of my only friends that voted conservative and thinking oh my gosh this is the end of this country but my friends weren't thinking yeah let's bring in Mass immigration and you know she her pronouns in the anthem and this kind of stuff that was not what they were thinking they were thinking I can't wait for weed to be link because people like pot in Canada okay that's part of the culture I think there's a lot of stuff that in the 80s 90s and early 2000s you know those Bible thumping conservatives were like if you do this it's going to lead to that and that and that all the slippery slope and people like that's not going to happen that doesn't make sense and it's all happening right now across all these different countries and it's like yeah they were right yeah yeah well yeah it's uh we can get into that it's a really interesting analysis I have of the pot legalization stuff um and then they were just thinking like yeah he's cool he's liberal it wasn't like this massive agenda to change anything it was really the government that took it on its own shoulders to completely deconstruct our country and now I reckon if I ask half the people that voted when I was younger that were my friends what do you think it'd be like this isn't what I voted for I didn't vote to have no housing in my country I didn't vote to have a complete and utter collapse of our infrastructure and our food prices shoed through the roof I didn't vote to lose the neighborhood that I grew up when you say no housing what are you referring to Canada has one of the most extreme housing crisis in the entire world at the moment um a large part although the government do not like to acknowledge this right or left seemingly um we bring in about half a million migrants a year and that's just like you know we're giving them resident CNN right they mess on including student visas illegal immigration all these other work permits we're talking million millions of people yeah am I right in saying that's more than one% of the population per year used to be a country of 30 million but we're like just adding to that yeah we are the highest one of the highest rates of immigration per capita in the world in Canada so like more than America capita um um and we already don't have enough housing our rent prices have changed from Vancouver a place that would have been 1,500 bucks even six seven years ago is now 2500 to 3,000 doubled tripled in prices and there's just no availability either we do not have housing for the people living here right now and every housing Minister every politician Trudeau is even out here saying I'm going to build more houses I swear because it's the number one issue in this country right now is the fact that Jen Z Millennials will not be able to own a home they W they're screwed um and they just will not attribute this to immigration they refuse to talk about it so they're continuing to and part of it I think is intentional because a lot of our politicians have investments in property Policy malice vs incompetence and if the house and bubble collapses particularly under the government the liberal government right now it will destroy the country and they don't want to have that on their name that we destroyed the economy and theyve propped it up for far too long but also there's an entire corporate and you know landlord class that make a lot of money off of property being scarce and being able to pump up those prices so this is kind of a very protected Ponzi scheme going on at the moment to make it so that everyone in this country is going to be forever renters and spending 50 to 75% of their paychecks how much of that do you think is malice versus stupidity and incompetence I think it is selfishness I think it's selfishness on you have corporations for example everyone in country knows I made a joke the other day that got me quite a bit of trouble where I just tweeted a photo of me with a little TI word this cup saying I love Indian food and people got very upset but that's because almost every single Tim Warton which once again this is a Canadian State mold Tim Warton I don't know half people working there even know who Tim Horton is but he was a hockey player and this is where you go to get Tim bits as a kid and was all very Canadian uh almost everyone who works there now is Indian okay and that is because when the economy started super struggling the last you know decade um particularly postco we Canadians couldn't afford to work for two Orton's wages unless you were like a high schooler right and and even then like a lot of people are just looking for better jobs so Tim Horton instead of adjusting their wages and making them to be a living wage in this country or improving the work conditions figured well we've got this great government program where we can just bring over cheap immigrant labor and these people will complain they're terrified of being deported they're willing to work three to four jobs at a time and live in flats that are 15 people to a flat I would recommend everyone watching follow our Canada housing 2 it's called l two for a reason because it's the truth about Canada housing um and they will show all these photos of landlords that literally have like 10 Indians working at two ord's living in their basement intense in like a CO roach of infested basement in First World Canada and these people won't complain they will work ridiculous ships they'll work for wages that are subpar because there's you know slavery back home so they're willing to do it and now the native workers in Canada have no bargaining power like you're going to go to T warts and be like I'll only work for you if you pay me a higher wage and give me you know full-time hours just to be clear on something are these people who were already in Canada or are these people being specifically brought over to work these jobs these are people being Mass imported to jobs unlike Dubai they aren't being deported after they've done the works that there's housing left they all these people need housing and it doesn't exist already so they're being imported uh on various different feas I just did a story on this where I went to my hometown Siri and I'm not kidding you look at sui and you go Immigration Center so these kind of middlemen that will help you immigrate to Canada and H there's one every two minutes there's more immigration centers than McDonald's and Starbucks in sui yeah you just walk down two minutes two minutes two minutes and go to one of these centers where you pay $50,000 and they'll bring the your whole family over on some BS Visa they'll find a way whether it's a student visa work visa family Visa fake marriage this kind of stuff they find a way to get you in right now it's a massive Scandal on Prince Edward Island which is a very small Province where they found a loophole in the system where they felt if they went in as students they could get permanent residency and they've got Recruiters in Punjab that are selling them you know $10,000 University degree uh education visas in places like Pei but they're Immigration concerns fake universities so they're in strip malls and they've set up these universities where you go and you get a fake degree just to get it to the country and all the government has uncovered all of these students that don't have real degrees and have just done this as a scan yeah and now they're doing hunger strikes saying you have to give us permanent residency I mean we paid 10 grand to these Recruiters in Punjab to get us over here we did the process you ow us residency now and the government are saying we got to shut this down it's becoming a massive Scandal and it's going to be one of the biggest issues in this upcoming election the immigration and the housing stuff okay that's interesting I I think with when it comes to immigration I mean I mean every Western country has got some type of immigration issue that's going on and there's some similarities and there's differences so it sounds like in Canada the main issue isn't illegal immigration primarily like it is at the southern Border in the US or even in some European countries it's that it's legal immigration it's just kind of unchecked there was this place called roxon Road in Ontario where it's literally like a res I went there it's like a residential neighborhood and there's just a little dirt path where you could walk into can and get to the other side and tons of patients were just walking over into Canada and staying in a stadium and maybe it was kbec I anyways they were all walking through this Rox of Road area and I remember driving there being like wow this must be crazy like this little secret path through a residential neighborhood and I arrived and the police were waiting on the other side of roxo road carrying luggage putting them in the back of the cars and driving people into Canada interesting I was so confused cuz I was in like Ros of Mexico where the cartel are seeking people over the border and he had like Invisalign on was like a really sharp dude ding in this migrant camp and he's like oh I'm going to go uh spend a few months with my friend in Canada and I'm like so why are you in Rosa Mexico and he's like well I looked into the legitimate ways to get to Canada and visa and this was just quicker yeah it was quicker to go and illegally sneak into America and drive up to Canada legally then to get the legitimate Visa show me the incentives I'll show you the result yeah yeah do do you think some of it is because I mean if I think of Canada two things that strike me about it is it's geographically massive and it's got a very small population so I wonder I wonder if that sense of just this vast amount of space with this small very small population that's very welcoming attitude like this combination of things where I think there's an attitude and idea I'm kind of guessing here that okay we need we need more people there needs to be I think there are people who will just think okay well we're underpopulated in a sense and so let's just kind of be very tolerant and welcoming of all forms of immigration as long as it is bringing human beings into the country I I think this is the very interesting part of the immigration debate is how incapable the average person is of doing like secondary thinking oh no people don't connect dots at all okay well we need more work here laen we to increase the population great do we have the housing for that that's just like question one right and the answer is no so they say oh well let's just bring in lots of workers and they'll build more houses okay well those people have to live somewhere as well so but but even aside from that do we have the infrastructure we don't have the doctors I know that much we don't our Hospital weight times are through the roof right now do we even have the infrastructure when it comes to how our cities are built when it comes to the roads for example I spent I was a going to the airport the other day and there was one stretch of road that is getting very bad in Vancouver people will know it's near Park Royale North Vancouver area and I was on this road didn't pass by one set of lights for over an hour just stand still traffic it's getting more and more like the same the city is unlivable in places like Vancouver and Toronto you cannot move there are so many people and it's not like the immigrants are going up to the Northwest Territories where sure they actually incentivize people by paying them to to go live there uh CU they need more population but they're not going there they want to move to places like sui places like Richmond that are massive immigration hubs because they don't really have an interest in becoming a part of Canada at least not the recent immigrants immigrants that came in the '90s early 2000s free 90s loved Canada wanted to integrate right uh but the recent immigrants want to become a part of Canada calls it we don't call ourselves a mixing plot we call ourselves a cultural Mosaic and so you know a mosaic it's got all these different colors but none of them are really connected and they want to join the Indian Mosaic and S they want to join the Korean or Chinese Mosaic in Richmond in these kind of neighborhoods or the increasingly small you know European mosaic if they're like the 1% of European migration still coming here and I think what Canada needs to look at is not only all of the infrastructure stuff that isn't adding up but what happens when that Mosaic starts to become all one color what happens when the vast majority of our immigration is just from China to certain areas and it's no longer a beautiful picture at all it's just I don't think we're really even considering these cultural factors I have friends of mine that are quite liberal that are working in the education system and they're coming to me like I'm flatter gasted why are so many of these students cheating nowadays this is never something I experienced before but we have such incredible levels of cheating in the universities today because of these Indian as and people coming over on fake degrees and whatnot that even my very liberal friends are coming to me like okay there's something culturally wrong here there's something culturally not Lauren’s views on terminology they'll just whisper that to you though right like I'm sure they wouldn't say that out loud um lately they have it lately they have it wasn't like that before but I have friends of all different backgrounds um education politics that are now finding it impossible to ignore yeah you talk to the average Canadian and I mean unless they're working a job in G if it's not like Direct for government they're a contractor to the government through a private Corporation that's the way that the government hides a lot of the fact that they control so much of our infrastructure but yeah no a lot of people are being more honest because they simply can't afford not to be yeah they don't have anywhere to live anymore it's it's in their best interest to speak up I actually wanted to get into that because it's it's interesting because across I'm from the UK um you know immigration has been a big conversation there it's not as much now as it was say from 2016 to 2020 I'd say that was kind of like the peak of the conversation I mean I know you were spending a lot of time in Europe at that time there was the whole migration crisis happening in Europe in the US it's a massive conversation right now with everything going on with the porous Southern border and it's an issue that a lot of people do not speak up on honestly because they don't want to be called mean names I know that you're very accustomed to being called mean names just before this interview I was like let me just do a quick uh you know Wikipedia search just to just to see just see like about I was like oh wow okay there's a lot of uh a lot yeah there's a lot of lot of pejoratives here you know there's uh you know white nationalist accusations and racism accusations and far right and alt-right and all these all these type of things um how do you describe yourself in terms of where where where things are now if someone's like oh like where do you fit politically or what are your views I The West don't want to call myself any of the labels because I think they I after doing this for 10 years um and being like on line and watching the political conversation for like 15 years the labels shift so much um what any I I would I remember being in politics when altri me you were not a neocon that's how different that term has changed over years like maybe eight years ago n years ago so I really like the label that I've seen a few people use which is I'm just a normal person from like 20 years ago just noral person 20 years ago why do you think that um like I have an interesting perspective on the west because I'm I'm British I'm a British citizen but my family background is also from Nigeria and I also grew up in the Middle East and so I'm like Western in some ways but in other ways I'm not like I which which becomes very obvious in certain situations where like I'll see how people are behaving or attitudes towards a certain thing and I'm just like that is just so sometimes I totally oppos to at least in terms of the modern sense right now like not so much if again if you were to go back 20 years ago you know I would have been more of a normal person but now I'm just kind of seeing this cultural cultural suicide rot that all these different countries are doing in their own way like I don't think the greatest threat to any Western Nation is a foreign Nation it it's this weird self-imposed like let's keep hurting ourselves let's keep stabbing ourselves let's keep dismantling and demeaning ourselves and I don't get it from a deep sense of self-preservation it's just that the incentive structure has been flipped upside down by government so people are acquiescing to what the tribe wants they won't be ousted from the tribe and in Exile and you know when we talk about women male differences women particularly can't be Ed from tribes because they die especially if they're pregnant or children of these kind of things so uh people very much want to just do what civilization and their General communities want them to pursue so that they won't be socially ostracized and um everyone's like okay well I need to put pronouns in my bio now I have Warriors that I hire I have you know all sorts of business people that are completely outside of my world that I interact with whether doctors whatever and they don't have pronoun in their bio when they interact with me half the time time they say oh I know who you are like do you want me to remove the pronouns from my bi it's not like a big deal like I'm just doing that for business yeah they're just socially adapting to what the incentive structure is around them and the incentive structure is psychotic because the people running our institutions and our government are these people that you're talking about do they oppose it and then just acques or do they not think it's an issue their passion is whatever they've studied they're they've chosen whether it be they want to be a veterinarian I just want to help B cuz yeah if I have to put she her in my bio even though I think that's kind of weird whatever I think this entire mentality is the whole problem so I I think it's an issue on both sides right I think if you think it's an issue if you know like this whole pronoun thing or whatever it's Goofy and you can see all the madness that's coming Downstream of it and you're like well I'm going to do it anyway then in my opinion you're a coward and if you cannot even comprehend why it's an issue someone people are pushing you to put hey put he him in your bio and in your signature or whatever and at this point you know we're now 9 years into transgender Mania and you haven't like connected the dots yet of oh actually this is a whole ideology it's not just like some minor thing of being polite like there's a whole basket of ideas that comes with this like if someone hasn't put that together yet I'm just like bro are you stupid like what's wrong I completely agree with you don't get me wrong but I think I understand more than anyone why people do it why they acques and that's because I fa the consequence like I am banned from countries I lost people that are very important to me best friends of mine that I can never talk to again family I have had my life and my reputation completely destroyed to the point where I you know there are certain restaurants I can't go into in day-to-day life there are you know things I have to avoid because I'm scared for my safety all the time um I'll never be able to get a normal job ever in my life I I'm one Google Countries Lauren is banned from search away from being kicked out of anywhere I go and you know people look at me and they look at the experiences I have and well I would not take back any of it and I love the life that I lived authentically very much um I get why people choose like that I get it but there's a middle ground right I mean you go you you you you go pretty hard I mean why are you it it it takes a bit to be banned from a country right like what so so you know let's you know both both of us like accountability here so I mean what what did you do to get banned well firstly what countries are you are you banned from um I am banned from the UK for what I mean maybe I can go back now last time I had a layover through there I had a bunch of police officers following me around and making sure I wasn't entering the country so that was pretty funny you know it's a very absurd experience like just sitting eating your little hamburger or whatever and having all these people waiting with their luggage and then you know six police officers show up and Surround you and I'm just thinking oh my gosh yeah make up whatever stores you want it's fun but yeah so the UK turkey I can't go back to Australia I am banned from I'm pretty sure New Zealand as well they're very tightly linked in their immigration stuff and then I was banned from the US for a few okay why I I only can get bits and pieces from each country so turkey I was arrested did while I was filming borderless there and I was facing 5 years in prison for filming um in what was considered a military zone but I also think that that may have been a bit of a cover because turkey jail War journalists in North Korea they just kind of find a reason and then you know threaten me with jail and that's a whole other podcast talk about how I got out of that situation but it was a close call and they just start remember I'll never forget the intelligence officer looking at me after they downloaded our F and taking us in the quest Ming and sing next time you don't choose to oh wow I will got choose turkey very nice people though I like yeah turkeyy great and then America it was largely my association with Britney Petty bone um who was a very very good friend of mine and uh also just my general politics they questioned me a lot about the documentaries I've made but but the US I mean the USA has some crazies in it like I think getting ban getting banned from the UK Australia I'm like I kind of get it to get banned from the US I'm like that's pretty tough they really did a number to me before Co I was kind of forced to leave political activism because I was told I couldn't go to Australia unless I quit speaking out publicly about my thoughts was there a particular issue that you think was causing that honestly I mean it's definitely the immigration critiques definitely you know I did a video talking about the great replacement which is this idea and what's crazy is at the time I thought it was quite a nuanced video because I just reviewed renan Kimo's Theory and I said is this Theory happening or not here's what he says and here's the idea it is this idea that in one time span one frame you have a people who live in a country and then 10 20 30 50 whatever years they've been replaced you have a different population there the different culture different language all these things and it's the question of is this happening so if this can happen a city in a city I thought why can't it happen Nationhood & race in a country and this conversation in my opinion doesn't have to happen with any animosity any hatred towards anyone else but it's just a realistic conversation of would Japan still be Japan if you put entirely a Swedish population there no no see I I I think this this is a really interesting conversation to me and um funny enough it's one I I even have like with my parents and stuff because I guess I've got um I have black privilege right so I've kind of got this like force field where people look really goofy if they try to call me like a racist or let alone a white supremacist or something it doesn't mean no one's ever tried but it doesn't stick very well right um and so I think when you are part of a minority population when you've got the you know the melanin force field you can kind of very openly and frankly talk about immigration or demographic change or whatever so I think it's kind of interesting because even with this issue right like it's called a conspiracy theory but it's also like a acknowledged in the mainstream by Pro super pro-immigration like left wiers and progressives where they will talk about you know hey the white population of America is declining and you know the bring of America so if someone on the right or a conservative if they're especially if they're white if they like talk about this issue even in the most like just logical and statistical terms and they're not even saying they're not even commentating on whether they think this is good or not they're just then it's oh my gosh this is a great replacement conspiracy theory but then if someone on the left acknowledg it they're like yeah this is happening and this is good and this is fine so I I just I'm I find it kind of fascinating that dichotomy and I'm just like that is so odd like if it's happening if if it's real if you can like look at numbers and you're seeing this shift happen whether you think this is good or it's bad or it's neutral um you know someone might not like the terminology and want to call it something different but I don't know what do you what do you make of that we're here at the we unify conference and I'm going to be giving a speech this morning and talking about how Co was a somewhat cathartic experience for me not because it was a good thing and the way the government's treated was a good thing but I felt for the first time in my life like everyone around me understood the government that I understood cuz I had been you know arrested questioned had my rights taken away had my devices taken by governments and told I wouldn't be allowed to see my family if they didn't get all my passwords to my computers and phones and the world that I imagined as a kid where we had these rights and freedoms and we were in a democracy I thought that was I I thought that was a get it you know that was the natural state of the western world and it wasn't and it was a lie and I felt like the government and the media were lying to me about the world that I let it and finally Co has in and everyone around me started experiencing the government I stood to exist as this oppressive force that had these powers to abuse us and it was like this relief of they understand people are all privy to what our governments really are deep down and I think when you talk about this gaslighting going on um you feel insane until it starts to get impossible to deny so like I talk about how my friends are calling me up now saying what as it cheating in univers all of that it's starting to the gaslighting the scales are falling off people's eyes and unfortunately yeah that does H it has to happen through experience people don't learn anything through anything they watch on the internet maybe books they're a little more convincing but in general people don't learn anything unless they experience it firsthand until it starts fting their wallet they're just not going to care so this is why I'm kind of a little more realistic when I talk go okay so all these people I know and I actually like and think are pretty cool are putting pronouns in their bi and I just have to accept that that's just how humans are you're not going to be able to interact them man if if one of my good friends did that i' I'd be on the phone at me i' be like bro what the heck you do wrong I do that and I'm like wait let's talk about this and I understand how humans are and I just accepted like okay you're going to have to experience it and my hope is that what happened during Co the lockdown the complete violation of our rights especially in places like Canada that occurred is the wakeup call that we needed I hope this is going I mean you're seeing these far these like ring parties like Marine Le Pen me Max of strides of Europe right and Pier POV I think he's going to win this upcoming election here in Canada I I do think it has been a wakeup call for people where they're like oh wow I think the Natural State um government and human history and how we conducted ourselves and nation building is oppressive regimes I think all of these especially I mean when an economy collapse you either go Ealy or you go fast right right so you like our economy is in trouble our culture is in trouble our infastructure our values morals as a nation are in crisis right now and that's what people turn to extreme Solutions that's when governments feel they can start to bring in emergency powers to fix things as crime gets higher and all these things so Co was this test run of how far they can go with violent our rights and I worry that the next time they decide to go that far the next time they bring in emergency acts we will have even less stability as a country there will be less govern rights less you know economic Prosperity less integration in Consequences of atheism communities and the government is never going to let go of that power again they take it and so I feel Co may be a last chance we actually very blessed that it was just this four year four years of Oppression that we experienced that may still give a chance to Swerve away from that yeah little wake up call of what our governments actually are and what humans are capable of and how we really can treat each other snitching out our neighbors turning people in Wishing the worst on one another our family members that's how humans are we're under a thin veneer of Civility yeah that is so easily lost yeah it's interesting I mean I don't know your personal religious beliefs or attitudes towards Faith but in my opinion all of these things things that are happening in all these Western Nations particularly in the Anglo ones to me it's the inevitable consequences of becoming increasingly Godless societies I think it's it's I I I had a tweet go super viral on X and even Elon agreed with it and I was basically saying I've been thinking about this a lot I can't remember the exact wording but it was like if the West loses Christianity it's screwed it's like hacking away at the root of a tree and pulling the we don't need these roots let's just knock this down let's knock all these foundations down and then it starts to wobble and break down in all sorts of ways which might not immediately seem connected because they're not first order effects but it's just like the route has been attacked so much and people have become so comfortable and complacent and prideful I mean the fact that there's a whole and whole month hey let's sell celebrate a great sin for a whole month like the fact that that's even considered normal and me even saying that uh it's kind of weird that there's a whole month celebrating sin and then like like even if I said that oh you're being a bigot you're being a homophobe whatever I'm just like this is a just a sign of the insanity You' because I don't believe you can have a vacuum there's always going to be a religion SL ideology and people are substituting the Christian faith with woke Ness and with lgbtq a I pt2 I don't even know how long it is now and they're just fulfilling it with all these other ideologies and the state is becoming God at the same time it's idol worship I'm a Christian but I like to always caveat with I am a struggling Christian like searching I'm always at war with God and I know that might sound bad it's a constant back and forth of me walking away because I'm a human and making mistakes and falling into sin and then coming back and realizing like I need I need this I need this structure in my life and this goodness and this pursuit of the good for Humanity and so it's strugle always and my my Castor actually did a recent at the beginning of pride month he uh I thought it was beautiful sermon he was talking about how pride comes the fall and he doesn't understand why that would be what you would weigh your banner I also think it's ironic that you know the pride flag is the rain rain yeah it's intentional you know I'm never to Flat the Earth again I mean in the past year obviously been to the UK you know when I was in the Netherlands when I was in Ireland just all of these Western Nations I'm just like you have just adopted this I mean did you see in the UK I mean they took down down on like Oxford Street and Regent Street these massive massive roads in central London they took down the British flags and replaced every single one with a pride flag and I'm just like the symbolism of this like some people are like oh why do you care whatever are you homophobe I'm like guys do you not see the significant of you you're taking a national flag which represents the entire country over 60 65 million people and you are replacing it with a sign to quote unquote celebrate homosexuality which at tops is like two to three% of the population and of that demographic a lot of them don't even want you to be doing that like they don't even feel represented by this cuz they're not these far-left activists they're just you know relative you know they're just normal people who happen to have a certain uh sexual preference and you're like like that replacement I'm just like this is I don't even think y'all see what you're doing here and I think people are so afraid to say anything about it I'll say something about it but most people won't and it just continues you know I actually think I just want to touch on my pastor Sur a bit more because I think stand it beautifully but he um he's like actually there is a lot to celebrate here there is a lot to celebrate for these people that are putting up the pride flags and doing the March and everything and it is it's quite debasing to believe that you need to have pride and just your sexuality debasing to believe that that's what defines you it is the most important aspect of you like every human being has Divinity in them goodness like the fact that we are alive the fact that we are here like it is proof of of God it's proofing something greater and beautiful in that Divinity just who they are as a soul all these people were leftwing progressives they show there is a soul in there and there's goodness in there and there's a spark of God in there that deserves to be C celebrated and I couldn't think of anything more sick and cruel and twisted than to believe that the most important thing about these people is some silly sexual identity that half to will change in 2 to three years like to base your reality around that is so it it it yeah it's such a stifling of the Soul Within These people that I think is what's happening on a mass level people's souls are being stifled who they actually are living authentically all of that has been so stifled and the only way you're allowed to have any identity is in the confines of these strange fetishisms that are occurring across the west and I actually think this black people are so drawn to it they want meaning they want understanding they want to pursue something more but the only way they're able to do that it's like the government has taken away all our freedoms in every other realm of self exploration and thought and self-expression while they've expanded all of our freedoms in sexuality and drug use and these kind of things so people who truly want to understand War are just going to the Components of freedom freedom that has been advertised to them and I think it's it's actually confined them into boxes or suppressing their true what what would truly make them happy I mean there's a reason these people are all on SSR there's a reason these people are depressed and they are beautiful people that deserve good evil lives and they have been stifled by a system made to hold them in and tell them that they are only they can only express freedom and find truth and knowledge in these ridiculous sexual fetishisms wow your pastor is on point and that analysis is on point it it brought up a thought which is really interesting to me so you know I lived in Saudi Arabia for 20 years and I now live in the UA uh so you know I've spent a lot of my time living in the Middle East and in I currently live in a you know Islamic country technically and it's interesting because whether I'm if I'm talking to someone from the West who has never been to the Middle East at all and doesn't know much about it um if I talk about Dubai or the UAE or in Saudi or something like that and there's questions around freedom and liberty and so on it's almost always the same two questions and I think the fact that that's immediately where people's brains go by the way whether they're conservative or liberal I find quite fascinating it's always how tolerant are they of drugs and how tolerant are they of homosexuality and it's like that is the default barometer for freedom in people's brains now so regardless of what someone may think or what you know the answer may be or something I think it's interesting that that is like what people consider being free right it's basically can I smoke weed and you know are they cool about people having you know gay sex and I'm like that's like there's a lot of aspects of freedom and as you said human dignity and individuality and so on that are not that and so I I yeah I don't even know exactly what it means I just think it reveals something also a bit of conservatism being used against itself um you you were talking about like in the 90s where you had people that were like we need to ban Harry Potter we need to like I think that the focus on stuff like weed and you know homosexuality actually has been the wrong focus and it's given power to the leap and progressives in order to weaponize this as this is the vision of Freedom cuz in reality uh like I love all people my friends that are straight are partaking in just as much sin and falling short of what they should be achieving as my friends who are gay or all different and it's like but there's this like particular focus on homosexuality or weed smoking instead of One's Own viic like the amount of people that will constantly rag on homosexuality that are the most prideful egotistical selfish people I've ever met as if any of those things aren't sins is astonishing right um so I think when there is a particular focus and highlighting of nope these are the only bad things to do instead of culturally just looking at okay instead of banning these things instead of constantly demonizing these things how can we talk about healing people and making the world matter making people want the good rather than Banning them from the bad because that's not how you stop anything you don't you don't stop people doing drugs by putting you know Banning Banning drugs we know that the war on well it it does work in many countries I think what doesn't work is the halfwave measure I don't think I think that's one where either you you go towards like Portugal style like I've been in the Arctic Circle where they they have these small towns where they've got like three hours of sunlight they've had to ban alcohol cuz everyone's alcoholic came up petrol you know it's they find substitutes people find substitutes for viic so what you want to do is you want to create people that want to avoid viices because they live in a world that has Community they have people that love them they have you know uh there's GK chesteron wrote about drinking saying drinking is a good thing it's a beautiful thing you know Jesus made wine right um but you should always drink to enhance a Love or a joy or experience you should never drink to suppress it suppress a sadness or a feeling and I think the reason we see this uptic and drug use certainly here in Vancouver this uptic and you know pursuing of devices is that there is an emptiness and a void people are trying to fill rather than the pursuit of enhancing an experience of Joy or something so I think the we shouldn't be looking at Banning theic because people will just fill it with another one we should be looking to create Community stability and joy in people's lives so that they don't want to choose those things I have uh I have mixed mix mixed feelings on that um I think that the thing is I I I totally get what you're saying and I think again it comes back to what I was talking about before where in the there's a lot of the West is full of Christian residue right very very culturally Christian in many ways and from the laws to the moral attitudes to the general ethics and things and of course there are still lots of um Christian people you know practicing Christians in our our various countries but I think that the problem is with the total secularization of the attitudes and the laws and the social standards and anything what what we've inevitably ended up with is this weird society and culture where it's just like it's Uber it's it's libertinism it's like well if it doesn't Direct impact you or harm you you shouldn't care about anything and in fact even if you care even if you disapprove you're being judgmental and in a world with in a country with only consent-based morality there's no greater sin than being judgmental right so it's just supposed to be like okay whatever dude like you do whatever you want and so I'm not here like advocating you know the state come in and do this and this and this and this right but the problem is I think freedom and Li liberalism in the proper sense they work when you I mean the American Founders knew this right it works when you have a moral population right when there are other laws and social codes and everything like that to keep people Bound in and in check faith family uh standards judgment and so on go ahead judgment around Co that was a lot of judgment in Social yeah but it was misdirected it was misdirected because people adopted CO as a religion not their actual religion religion matters and not just the facade of religion I find that there's a lot of people that you know they'll go around and they'll like to use the Bible for uh demonizing everyone else except themselves you know this is what so much of the Bible is about the Pharisees people who cared so much about image rules and laws and really just wanted to distract from their own lack of connection with goodness or God or anything and did so by enforcing all these rules and laws um so if there isn't that kind of price likee aspect of the culture that's enforcing these rules where you are genuinely doing it because you have a deep love for other people you you want their good and when you tell them and when you judge them I mean Only God can judge really but when you tell them you know I think that this is bad for you and you should stop it you are doing that because you think it's bad for them not because you get a little devious shou and for it a kick from the idea of someone else being lesser than you and that's where I think the problem comes in that was the idea with coed that's the idea with some aspects of how people enforce I think a bade version of religion in some cases where it is being done out of One's Own Pride ego and Sh and Freud that enforcement once again with Co you need to put on the mask you're lesser than me you're a disease spreader your this you're that unless it is coming from a place of through love fellow citizen any but I feel like even when it is it's still considered hate that's that's the problem right so it's still look at the protesters out there yesterday yeah I know that that does exist and it always has existed right there is a pocket of people it doesn't matter the religion right it could even be no religion right there are just there are just some people I mean we would say that the far-left super wokies like they're the most aggressive and you know um bigoted people in many in many ways right but they have the veneer of oh I'm going to put up my social justice is my shield and I agree of course there are people who whe whether it's Christianity Islam Judaism whatever they use their religion their ideology to hide behind as a barrier for them just not being a good person everyone it's just signaling goodness and that's what's so scary is it's being so abused and you have to be that's why that's kind of why I'm talking about it like when we talk about creating cultural structures based on judgment we better be sure it's not just signaling goodness because throughout human history all of the biggest abuses happened because it's for the greater good we're this for the greater good we're doing this for God we're doing this for whatever that's that's actually you know where they talk about using God's name and B I love this I can't remember go to the analysis but it's like everyone thinks of godamn it what they think of using God's name in Bane but I think the more more you know intense using of his name in Bane is to say God is telling me that you have to do this but you're actually saying this from your own perspective of I want you to do this and I'm going to say I'm getting some sort of direct message from God telling you to do it and that's really using his name in vain yeah for sure I mean where do we it's a question I even want to ask here I mean this is such it's such a fascinating it's such a fascinating discussion because I feel like increasingly like get get you know I I've I've always been a Christian and I've never like you know totally straight from the faith or anything it's weird because I I love the west but I think it's even telling in the fact that like I left the UK in 2021 and I was actually going to move to the USA I was you know I've been traveling lots of different countries over 20 different countries over the last couple years and I was thinking okay I've put myself in a position where I can pretty much live in whatever city or country I want to um I look around the map I'm traveling to all these places like where do I want to live and where would I want to potentially raise my future family I was like sadly not the UK which is doesn't like it doesn't make me happy to say that right it doesn't I'm not saying that like yeah I want to dunk on the UK and it's like no that's you know I'm I'm a British citizen um but for various reasons I'm like all right this is not the place for me and then the US was you know I was going to move to the US and I I could live in many parts of the US but I was just looking I'm just looking at the society and the culture and all the stuff and where it's going and even just the attit the attitude towards family the attitudes towards kids the attitudes towards all these things and I'm just like this is so it's so perverse and Godless on such a scale where I'm just like you know if you if 10 years ago 20 years ago it would be easy decision to make cool I'm leaving the UK I'm going to move to the USA and I ended up moving back to the Middle East I end moving I ended up moving to Dubai to and when I'm there I'm like How to save Canada yeah like this is not even a Christian country but in many ways in terms of like the virtues and the attitudes and the morality and the social codes it feels more like one which is a really weird thing to say um and that it's kind of like it is what it is but it also kind of I I feel a sense of deep sadness with that because it's about the trajectory of where these countries are going like the UK is on a certain trajectory and I don't see what pulls it up out of that nose dive in the US I think there's more hope because it's so big and there's like all these pockets for Canada to be saved what would that look like what does that mean well I think we'd need to immediately stop the immigration that we have now like just complete and total shutdown until we can figure out what the hell is going on um you you know you'd have to send a lot of people back that are all these BS visas at the moment we would have to get a lot of Ford money out of being intertwined with Canadian property and business I China owns I think it's like 60% of the properties in areas like Richmond are owned by overseas buyers they're they call it Gray Zone Warfare um in kind of the intelligence military Community where it's basically do everything you possibly can right up to the point of kinetic Warfare and the West has no understanding of this like we are walking around like oh we do it this that they're at war with us like they're at we they're in an active war and we are delusional hey Welcome to our country see they're on a hundred-year plan they're like we have a goal we're trying to get to we can't even figure out what we want to do tomorrow and they're like all right well apparently these people in the west are literally just going to let us buy all of their business is a prop why would we send fr the ground we can just do that and own Hollywood and brainwash all the kids with Tik Tok and own the NBA all their social media companies will literally own their brains uh we've got Sydney Harbor on hinges right now we can flip it into Shanghai in like a second if we want to like why would they ever have a land War when they can just buy our entire countries and political parties if you ever saw the I don't know if you followed the Trudeau liberal like Chinese Scandal that went on but heavily influencing our elections here we we're talking Honeypot Chinese girls coming up and cozying up to our politicians payment plans they've got if half the scam calls you get in this country are all in Chinese I don't know if they're like hey guys we're mobilizing now like R are saying it's Chinese but half the political advertisements around our towns are in Chinese as well they they will never have to step a foot they will never have to fire a single bullet will be conquered cuz we're just out to what this is what I mean it's it's it's so weird to me because this this is all these attitudes combined are the things I find so odd like this despondency and this sort of just lack of care it's almost like so many Western Nations and so many Western peoples are kind of just in this like shoulder shrug just kind of like because the thing is even when we talk about like I know and I'm aware of more of things that China is doing in various Nations and continents right they're in Africa they're in austral Asia they're in North America right I'm talking about like the Chinese government right they're doing all sorts of things to have gain influence and gain power and gain financial resources and so on and I'm kind of like I'm not mad at China for that I'm like well yeah of course they're doing that like you see what I mean like I'm just like I mean I mean I mean look what the UK did with the British Empire look at like all the other Empires that have gone on so I'm just like this is the 21st century version of it like if your enemies are asleep you know what I mean and you don't you don't even need it's just like y yeah like well why wouldn't I like if I'm a rich Chinese businessman or I'm U some right like yeah oh I can buy this I can buy up this whole building this is actually the aspect of the conversation that's been missing and something that when I was younger I didn't reiterate enough none of these conversations of understanding how the world works and humans work and immigration and you know Invasion has to do with hating anyone do I hate Chinese people for buying property in Richmond no I don't have to in fact that's what Canadians would be doing if we had them laws and policies the other way around it's human do I hate migrants for abusing the refugee system and coming into Europe no I don't hate them um in fact in a lot of ways that's the only way to like the refugee system is so broken so abused and the legal migrant system is so abused that you're going to get screwed over if you try to do things the legal way like we have reversed the incentive structures Reasonable debate in everything and everyone is just acting in almost the most human way possible but our job as people who care about our communities and countries our government's job media's job their jobs are supposed to be to talk about this logically how do humans actually function what is this going to result as how do we make policies that can strain the natural you know choices of humans that in often cases are self-interested in a way that is better for overall civilization and no one is suing that and that's why it's falling apart nothing actually has to be malicious yeah it's it no you know what I'll tell you something which you probably don't hear very often um years ago um I think I've known who you are maybe for like seven or eight years and I've watched your farmlands documentary um I watched was it borderless the one you did on migration and I never got any idea all this slurs on Wikipedia or whatever um I actually watched those and I thought you were a compassionate and understanding I didn't watch those and think like oh this is some like you know hateful person who just hates you know the the the very lazy way people like to interpret some of these things right it's just like these are incentive structures and loopholes that exist and so yeah people are going to take advantage of it if you are living in some poor part of C America or South America or you can come over on a boat from North Africa or whatever to have a better life for you and your family and economic opportunities unless someone's really dense it's not hard to understand why somebody would do that it's as racist and whatnot they never mean anything they're used to control a conversation 99% of the time like you know of course every once in a while you're going to get one where it's like okay this is actually in applicable use but most of the time these words are used to shut up critics of systems that are corrupt so like white people called me racist for calling it you know Indian food at Tim whorton's well look at the amount of money that big corporations are making from this structure that we have going on right now with mass cheap labor importation look at the amount of money politicians and investment firms are making in housing bubble just increasing and increasing and increasing at the of course the people that are current most are the lower middle class but they don't have as much power um you know the amount of money being made in government all of it racist is just such a great term to use to shut up anyone who is quite frankly criticizing a racially abusive exploitation system ironically not and they've just decided Well everything people fought for in human history that was like civil rights and whatnot they were fighting against racists so what if we just call them racists when they're fighting against civil rights and fighting for Freedom now do you think um how much of it do you think is white guilt lot of cases it's people that are so desperate to be seen as good that they're willing to ignore any of the risk taking that actually being good comes with because actually being good doesn't mean being praised by every institution it doesn't mean being told oh you're such a wonderful like you don't get that by actually being good you get ostracized and kicked out of Institute because institutions power money government these things are corrupt when you criticize them you suffer no one is suffering from partaking in white guilt flagellation they are getting jobs they are getting made the head of you know departments they are getting appointed you know Awards and art shows and these kind of things so this performative self- flatulation of white guilt is actually a very selfish act in my opinion and willing to destroy an entire civilization to be perceived as good yeah it's the virtue signaling versus actual virtue there are some that truly feel guilt but I think they snap out of that real quick the first time they get called Mayo skin hockey and have to go into course they and learn that everyone's aling racist I I think you know I think if more people traveled yes yes then in many many many ways the world would just be a better place because so many people lack perspective and they lack GR itude and they lack points of comparison so like I find with a lot of lefties they tend to compare things to Utopia right so if they say I don't know Canada is a racist country or America is a racist country UK is a racist country I'm always like compared to what right historically and geographically compared to what right because if you're talking about history and you're talking about the World by any measure these are some of the least racist countries in the world okay but they're they have no reference points so they're comparing to a perfect Utopia which I call unicornia which doesn't exist where there is zero any type of bigotry and bias and I'm just like that place does not exist um Outro and same with like so many of the policies and ideas and things like they have it's not grounded in reality it's all like oh well in a perfect world in a perfect world you could have open borders and you know and we can defund the police cuz like no one would commit crime and we can just let's just send out social workers when someone's getting like they have all these like really goofy ideas detached from reality and I think of PE I think when people have like traveled to other countries other nations other Contin you've seen how people live in different places and just like The Human Condition and how things are you very quickly just get a more I don't even want to say conservative just like a realistic like reality is more conservative Lauren I'm very conscious of the time we could talk forever um but what have you got lined up for the future what is next for Lauren Southern I'm always looking at where things are going politically next you know I think we get bogged down in a lot of these Cycles uh the 2016 gamergate feminist feminist and then it was just so much content around that and then now we're kind of back into the cycle of gender War topic and I think it's so important to escape the cycles of how you're maximizing views maximizing money and actually finding New Frontiers that's going to start real Congress that people are unwilling to have so right now I'm on the hunt for the New Frontier of conversation that we need to be having that people aren't willing to touch I think that's always been and my expertise is starting conversations that get me in a lot of trouble and get me banned for places and then open up hopefully on everyone else to come after the Berserkers have gone in and taken a lot of the damage so I'm looking for that next conversation awesome well we appreciate your sacrifice and um I hope you can come back to my home country one day thank you

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