Lauren Southern On Post Trump Assassination Attempt! BIGGEST ISSUES! SimpCast with Chrissie Mayr

the the TDS has been bad for years uh even still um I think post the assassination attempt there's been quite a bit of media hypocrisy as far as like the left can be violent and have aggressive violent rhetoric like anyone from just random guy on the street to our our Talking Heads in news do you what what are your thoughts on that do you do you think there'll be any kind of a a a reckoning or any kind of accountability there or is it just like this has all been made to be perfectly fine and nobody even thinks twice about it I mean of course there's been all the fearmongering over the years the far right this far r that you know they're going to like kill Biden and of course it happens to Trump because this been a buildup for years and years and years but the problem is like we've got an inaccurate timeline of events like no one remembers I was in them I was in the riots that happened when Trump got elected that never got reported on the news I watched an old man get beat over the head blood coming out of his forehead you know cars being smashed everything that was 2016 I was in the middle of like the black block crowd and the only way I got out because they they did create a kettle and arrest a bunch of them who eventually got released of course but I only got out of that and not pepper spray and everything by saying I was pregnant and the police let me through and that was never recorded in the media that was like Insurrection attempt they obviously wanted to destroy the city so that you know to oppose Trump getting into office that was never really talked about then you have all of the BLM riots how many people died in those oh my goodness the Berkeley riots that happened it's been violent for years and years this is like entirely perhaps the least surprising event in history was the attempted shooting on Trump um and I don't know I'm just none of it surprises me oh wow they're having violent rhetoric toward the right again like end what's new it's Tuesday like do you think they think that they just think it's just talk that they don't think there's actual consequences for the things they say that they that their message is not reaching someone who's maybe a little bit mentally ill maybe a little bit like oh I want to impress this person I'm gonna go ahead and do that I'm always careful about that one because I spent years and years and years being banned from countries from websites from this and that over what the people call stochastic terrorism right that's the words you're saying are going to potentially radicalize someone and a lot of the things people claimed was stochastic terrorism for me um they're like okay you inspired the Christ Church shooter for example I've read that whole Manifesto I've read the entire police report I am not mentioned once in any of those things but they're like well the shooter could have seen your language and been radicalized the shooter could have seen Your Meme and been radicalized well no like crazy people are going to do crazy things no matter what some Rando is saying on the internet can you push people more perhaps but they're going to f they're going to find someone that reinforces their crazy I don't really I don't know the the rhetoric thing if you are a person in a position of power if you are a world leader if you're a teacher I hold you to a different standard and if you're like a teacher at a school saying to your students like yes we need to be violent against Republicans yeah you should lose your job right because you are your job is to educate children you actually have a specific position appointed in society over other people's kids but when it comes to like random people going around and saying I wish he didn't miss I don't care I really don't and I'm really actually quite tired of seeing right-wingers act like spiritually fat HR ladies and trying to find people's jobs like the Home Depot lady who just Facebook I wish didn't miss no you guys are spiritually fat HR ladies if you support that I have you never met have you never met a workingclass individual in your life if you go to any construction site any anywhere at the Docks wherever and you talk to these people and ask them what should happen to Justin Trudeau what should happen to Joe Biden they'll be like bang that dude shoot him in the face kill him like all that probably gonna get your stream taken down but in Minecraft in Minecraft of course and I think about like you know my my grandma God bless her when she was still alive she probably would have said wish the shooter didn't miss if someone shot at Bush she couldn't stand the guy and if someone had gone and tried to find her work to get her fired because she like had a little laugh of course she would never do anything violent I'd fire your grandma I'm the f HR lady all right I am not I am I'm eating kan's chicken I'm I'm ready to fire all these people you do not shoot at Trump you do not shoot at my president or wish him death you will lose your job okay I'm coming in there and I will fire you myself hi would you say I don't think anyone who's saying this stuff about Biden should be fired we'd have no one working in any trades jobs anymore we the country would collapse if we fired everyone who has called for a president to be shot we would have no country anymore and or prime minister whatever like that would be every single workingclass individual blowing off steam they didn't dumb enough to post it on Facebook they mandated some [ __ ] and they fired people for no goddamn reason so oh for sure if you are one of the people that was out here like trying to get other people fired during covid this that and the other and it happens to you I do not feel bad for you I am not sympathizing with you do not get me wrong but going out of your way to find like random Facebook people you know Boomers that just didn't know to say in a video game didn't know to not put it online our idiots have no social power are already working like their life is already the consequence the life they are living is the consequence for the way they behave it's like low impulse control can't help but post like the most sane [ __ ] on the internet this is what I think we're still living in a time where people are afraid to support Trump like I've had in my own personal experiences where I you know I had friends get mad at me for posting things that were in support of trump because they thought that it would make it look like they were in support of trump you know and people are still so afraid to support Trump but I just find it ironic that like okay you're it's it's more okay to wish death upon someone than to support them that's bizarre true good point well like Chrissy cuz I uh I'm you know I run very like I'm not political at all but I didn't I what I like about Trump and what we what made me emotional during his speech right was that I truly think the guy loves everybody and really wants the best for I don't care who you are Democrat rep Democrat Republican gay straight black white whatever it doesn't matter I really think that's why I like the man you know what I mean so if somebody wants to you know have any issue with that he's a you know I'm sure his poll numbers I'm not sure if you've looked them up right or at all neither have I because I you know I'm sure he's polling pretty well right now because people are like you know what maybe he just might make us all like get along with each other or I could be wrong I don't know I don't [Laughter] know I think if your TDs is so ingrained there's nothing he could do no speech yeah if you have yeah if you have that yeah I know right I don't know I mean again I I I don't know I can't imagine how yeah right but I thought Rose was great speaking I think that's a win I think that people who are upset about her don't understand we do need a cultural shift like if Kim Kardashian came out and was like I vote for Trump I stand for Trump I do believe that would change people's minds and if it became Trump she made a speech don't she made a speech in when Trump was in office like if the Kardashians are okay with Trump why can't we all be you know you know what I mean I mean I just don't think he's the worst politician he's not a politician all right it doesn't it's not Democrat Republican this man is like he just wants the best for the country that's what I feel like anyway but somebody said sweet naive Keanu in the chat yeah maybe I'm wrong I think that he's probably gonna win just looking at it right now and the biggest thing you have to be worried about when you aass power this is what every single book religious text all of it warns about about is when you gain power you become cringe so I I'm actually most worried about like when I saw the RNC with the people with the bandages on their ears I could have shot myself like that was bad in a video that was that was pretty that was pretty C and I said I was like that will be the biggest Halloween costume this year in 2024 it'll be the red tie a suit and a bandage over your ear the it literally it will be my god there there has to be somewhere between it not being socially acceptable to like Trump and like the hardest dick riding of trump I've ever seen in my life from like full grown men putting bandages on their ear and like Trump can do no wrong it's like just just be like I don't like Biden and I like Trump's policies just be normal he is Taylor Swift he is who they are willing to spend ,000 dollar to get in the door for like they're just like I'll turn it back it's no worse than like the worshiping a like basketball player or something wearing their Jersey everywhere and it's like oh my goodness like I love like no no no this is a person this is a man this is not a god this is a human being like let's just all get back to planet Earth here my friend you guys know how much of a different world we've been living in right now if if that was actually successful if that actually went down do you know do you know how scary what scary times we would be in because most of his supporters are former military so you don't think that they would retaliate and that there be a lot more how would they I don't think soal the trauma the no that's what I'm saying because we don't want another January 6 and that that would be exactly what they would try to frame it as like oh look at look at Trump's you know insane followers and fans no we we would be at at a serious War right now we would be at a Civil War I think I completely disagree that if we if we saw the president's head Lo on television and die that that would have caused like a traumatic I'll tell you what my prediction would be you would have a bunch of people tweet Civil War not a single one probably a few people would go out and start like fighting shooting in the street maybe a few little things then the news would start reporting shooting here here we're seeing wild like far right Terror attacks going on across the country we've identified the person then you'd have every single person that was tweeting about Civil War and whatnot start putting out disavows on Twitter I do not support this blah blah blah not a single one of them would pick up a gun if they're on Twitter maybe some of their followers were they have their lives destroyed they'd be sent to jail then there would be a mass Crackdown on anyone who partook in this and absolutely none of the people that were posting online about it would go out and do anything themselves I don't think it would be like a situation where we were like oh my God we're going to be worried about bullets caring past our windows or anything like that I just think the trauma of watching the former president have his head shot in the head not only that I think drama of that is so much that you would be deeply Disturbed at the amount of people who' be celebrating it and that's the part that would be disturbing and I think that uh we're just very very lucky that we're not in that timeline and I don't know the the little cringe thing I I just feel like that's like people who shave their heads if somebody has [ __ ] cancer you know I would hope that if I got nearly shot you all be wearing a little bandage and supporting me I would be yeah I think it's too big of a bandage on his ear I think it was it's like it is but what are you gonna do how you GNA make that smaller you know here's another thing that I think too that's really kind of sad and disturbing about this all of it's like it is such a miracle that he's alive and I don't think that people are really truly understanding that and like understanding what type what kind of [ __ ] we would be in as a country if if that because it's like that's like JFK but imagine if JFK died and there was angles every video angle of it like didn't have right that's what I was going to say JFK that was like it wasn't live television constantly covering it like it it in in HD if Trump had [ __ ] got his head you saw the blood from his brain and brain matter come out none of us would be okay none of us I don't care how you feel they didn't know most people at the time didn't know it was an inside job whereas now people would know in real time that it was inside job you seen the meme where it's like all the JFK theories and someone's like I think his head just did that I think his just did that I just did that that's my it was a real Inside Job patriotic assault thank you so much for the pink boy thank you patriotic or all I should to say that loving the opinions both I agree and disagree all in good faith and that's what it's all about yo thank you hold on we got a couple questions for Lauren Matt scrogin says I agree with Lauren's take all right that's one point for Lauren owned Lyla wrecked in the Battle of ideas thanks to the orange boy KX if 6 never happened would there be any right-wing riots that could be spoken about I really can't think of any political rioting ever done by conservative people every other Riot I've seen is from the left yeah I think we do it we don't even can we have like a a Crum of rioting just one just let us have one left wing let us have one target just one my own self if I if I would have witnessed that and saw that I would not you would not be talking the same lla like there I would there would be some trauma I might be going out in the street riding we' be talking about lla on the news that person I was saying would be on the newsa did it yeah so and that's and that's from someone who I'm like I'm I'm pretty you know I'm pretty nice calm so I'm like just imagine these die hards who are like they they truly do love Trump I do believe that we would be it would just unleash like a domino effect of politicians being just [ __ ] dominoed down would turn into Mexico like look at how many of their politicians just assassinated left and right it's like once you open that door it's like they wouldn't be safe I'm just telling you there would be it'd be a domino effect of some we're very lucky that we're in this timeline where we can be on simcast and and joke and laugh I don't think this would be a laughing matter if we saw someone's head got blown up I don't know if I think I would be I would be very depressed and demoralized and which is I think what they wanted and happen and you'd be demoralized by the fact that there would literally be people on your timeline celebrating it and being like oh this is great and it it would it would it would sicken your soul you know so I don't care who you are if we saw live on the air like that somebody's head get [ __ ] blown off I don't care Left Right politician not a politician anybody we would all be traumatized and imagine imagine no I don't I unless you're only one who like sees these videos on my timeline every single day people's like I don't know what's up I had to block so many people on my Twitter timeline you've seen a lot you've been in this for a long time okay you've seen a lot more than the average person no wa is my timeline just like the only one that's like I think your algorithm is like is like shocking just me you okay you did something to your algorithm Lauren I know my God all I can think about is like Baron I [Music] Trum right like if I were Baron Trump the kid just trying to get through [ __ ] high school right his dad I would be like Dad do not do this please just stay in the home for the rest of your life if that were my [ __ ] dad I'd be like it's not worth it don't do it that's why it [ __ ] freaks me out and like none of us would be the same if we were if we all [ __ ] saw that seen it anyways they saw what they did to his he saw what they've tried to do to his father and we will not and I didn't even know how if I if that were my if that were my my dad I'd be like I don't want you to be president please just go get a job at Home Depot or something for Christ's sake could you just please like I don't want you to do this that's what I think about I'm like he he has a family you know that's it wouldn't have been and people celebrating it it's he is so [ __ ] good good God I I am not a very religious person I'm not a prayer uh person but something was protecting Trump that day God for Christ sake I mean imant that close the Immigrant chart so thank God for the immigrants they came in you know what I wish I could have I I wish I could have had the Immigrant chart hanging up in my dad's garage so maybe he wouldn't have been shot in the head do you see what I'm saying exactly only made love you guys thank you for the chats thank you for the comments I will see you guys tomorrow bye bye all right love you guys I don't even want to leave this candle smells so good I don't want to leave all right love you guys talk to you soon bye love you all join the Discord feet love you all wow you guys are awesome come and get it bye guys bye now I'm really leaving love you bye

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