Korman Productions Meets The Quantum Leap Podcast in New Hampshire and Scott Bakula

[Music] hear me now oh thou Bleak and unbe [Music] welcome back everyone this is Dave from and Stacy from corn Productions and we got a special podcast today talking about our trip to man of lancha uh petersboro New Hampshire Peterboro New Hampshire I thought I was going to get that right no s all right so uh just to let you clue you in this is not going to be the normal podcast uh we're not just talk we're talking about our trip but my crazy partner prepared five pages worth of notes to talk about everybody's trip I just wanted to write some things down so I wouldn't forget to mention them and next thing I know I had like this whole scripted note session and I I have no preparation whatsoever so we're going to walk through um not only our weekend but the weekend of all of our friends that went to man of lamancha including Suzanne Smiley was not with us per se but she also went to see Scott bacula as well she actually hasn't yet as of when we're talking she's going tonight she's gonna she's gonna so today is Friday y that we're recording um the next Friday after the Friday we're going to be talking about it's been a week already can you believe it's been a week since we did this it's amazing it feels like it's been two days and I've been screwed up the entire time I know I don't know what I did this week like I didn't get work done now part of that is you know I was taken out of my routine it took me a while to get back into it sure for three days but at the same time um the weather has been kind of changing so I've been kind of feeling a little icky at the same time yeah yeah it suddenly turned to fall this week I don't in August happened right yeah right uh but you know it was this was a great trip like it was a lot of fun uh and you know it's uh we met up with the people of the quantum we podcast Alby Chris who we've met before uh Serenity Brian like we met all these people and we got to hang out like all day together so it was great we're going to go through all of the things we did right um but we're going to go a little bit in order because you're going to break my notes if you start going all over the place all right but I just want to say that uh I mean it's we we we we took this to another level we're no longer just you know friends we're friend friends yeah right like it feels official now I feel like we should be like wearing friendship yeah they're not just internet friends anymore right they're actual friends and I think that know you know them liking you is not a surprise but I think they might actually like me too and you know I I'm always surprised when people like me because I'm kind of an awkward doofus we both made this joke multiple times throughout the day and since then like oh is this is this what it feels like to have friends other than each other yeah absolutely I mean sure there's Adam and there's Tim in New York but I don't see Tim very often but yeah so this all right so so straight off the bat I want to tell you that this video is uh Corin Productions uh in association with the quantumly podcast and Al's plays Quantum Loop fan site yes uh all of those entities are are a part of this story we're going to be talking about Brian Green our new travel agent yeah he's our new travel agent um and this video is brought to you not at all by coland Springs water and Cracker Barrel magnets right yes all right so I want to do is walk through the weekend and a lot of this came from our group chat so we have a group chat going that involves all of these people that were part of this as well as a few people who weren't even going to the show and I'm not sure why exactly they're in that chat but they're Quantum Leap people um so we've had this great chat going on for what the past two weeks or so y y um so I was pulling things from that chat just trying to remember like the story of how all of this went and so we're going to walk through the weekend and the weekend actually starts on Thursday Thursday the 15th of uh what month are we in August you see how out of sorts you are you don't even know what month you're in anymore yeah so our story starts on Thursday and I'm just going to walk through what all of us were doing because um we all had different experiences right going into this weekend like for us the trip was just a day trip for a lot of these people you know this was air plane Big Time trip right all right so I'll start with Thursday like I was cleaning my house wow this this is exciting I listen I was deep cleaning I went in cuckoo crazy clean mode I've got a a a screenshot for you to put in the video there um I don't know what I was doing I was like I have company coming that I've never met before they're staying in my house and I was super you kind of don't want to make a bad super deep cleaning my house and I was like everything's got to be perfect and I prepped in my guest room and actually I'm going to back up a second before we proceed because our listeners have no idea what I'm talking about so I'm going to back up a little bit about the trip itself and who's involved and how this ended up happening so Scott was going to be playing in manal the Mantra which is Scott bacula Scot bacula we just call him Scott now um and that's super meta because not only is it like yay we get to see Scott perform live again but it's Mana lancha which is the play that was featured in catch a falling star episode and if you aren't up to the speed with that yet you need to stop and realize what we're talking about because this is this is a huge deal this is a super meta play with a super meta performance and we had a super meta weekend meeting all of our online friends who are our real friends who are our podcasting peeps right yes um okay so Suzanne Smiley was the first person who was like Hey I bought my tickets and I was like oh the tickets are for sale because we've been talking about this and wanting to go and I was like oh are we doing this if we're doing this we better do it right now cuz the tickets are going to sell out um so she had bought tickets for for tonight the second Friday and uh about the same time Alby messages me and he's like okay hey I bought my tickets and we're going from this date to this state and we're seeing three performances and I was like you're insane uh but Brian's or no not Brian Alby Serenity and Chris are going on the 16th 17th 18th or seven whatever those days are th they were going on Thursday seeing shows Friday Saturday and Sunday and leaving on Monday at least Alby and brity were Chris was not seeing three shows but he was going to be there over the same days him and his wife were making a weekend of it so I was like well sorry Suzanne but we're going to go with when all of them are there right so uh we quickly made plans and uh this was a a busy day texting back and forth with you and my husband who was actually out of the house he was working in the office that day he was like texting back and forth and I'm like trying to make this work and I'm like we got to get tickets to the show before it sells out and we got to make a plan are we staying there overnight like it's only two and a half hours away but that was going to get expensive so we ended up making it a day trip take a sip of my tea this is a lot of more talking than I usually do on the channel so we made plans that we were going to go to the Saturday show and had plans already talked to Alie about this way back then when the tickets were bought we're going to hang out Saturday afternoon and I say that because by the time we got to this week of the show he's like what are we doing when are we meeting what day who's coming he had no idea yeah the planning went a little kapo kaput Kut kaput it went bad Kaka Kaaka it was a little Kaka our planning um so yeah about a month later so this was like months ago we've been had this trip in the works uh Brian Green from Al's place who wasn't originally going to go he was like you know he couldn't make it he was like I really want to try and make it to the show and I'd love to go when all of you all are going and meet you all I was like that's amazing we want to meet you let's make it work and it was a few days of back and forth of oh I think I can make it oh I don't think I can do that um he was set to drive and it was going to be like a 14 hour drive from well that's crazy yeah that's crazy that's kind of what me Adam and Tim did back in the day going to Detroit it was going to be a 14-hour drive if he drove from North Carolina to New Hampshire and he's like well I have to stop overnight on the way so that's a hotel and two days of driving and then the same thing on the way back so we're talking four days driving plus two Hotel nights plus the nights that will be in the thing so he'd have to take like a week off of work pay for multiple hotel stays and he's like and all that gas that's going to be too expensive and he was like you know what never mind I I can't make this work and I was like well what can we do to help right so through multiple iterations of trying to change these plans we ended up with this plan that seemed really crazy at the time but it we pulled it off you you brought this up to me the whole idea of like uh Brian coming to St in your house uh for that that weekend and I'm like this is never going to happen it just it's it's never going to happen it's just too Fantastical of an idea yeah so so the plan we end and again there very various iterations of how this plan would work but the plan we landed on at the end of the day was Brian was going to fly here to Connecticut where we live spend the weekend with us and drive with us for our day trip to New Hampshire and then fly back to North Carolina from Connecticut which would save him like 90% of what this trip would have cost him otherwise right which would allow him to be able to pull it off and yeah it seemed really insane and my husband was like uh who is this person that you're inviting into her cuz he doesn't know Quantum Leap people he doesn't pay attention from the Quantum Leap Al bl.com website right and he's like that there's you're inviting a stranger into our house and then like while I'm having this conversation with him for the first time my mother's in the car and she's like who's this guy a stranger what like she was not helpful I was like it's not a stranger it's Brian Green right yeah uh yeah it's not like you picked up a homeless B decided to have him sleep in your house but but it all came through yeah yeah and so that's where we're at is is Brian was coming to stay here is he was coming in on Friday which we're going to get to very shortly um and that was how he ended up in our vehicle and with us more uh because he was staying here and driving to New Hampshire with us yeah you'll notice that a lot of the footage that uh I have from this weekend uh is with Brian in it so he's going to be Omni president throughout the video that you're seeing right now of our trip yeah uh but so yeah okay so back to Thursday I'm cleaning the house cuz Brian's coming and and I'm acting like a crazy person cuz I have company coming meanwhile uh Brian drove to his aunt's house that even because apparently he lives like hours and hours from the airport I didn't know that going into any of this that was news to me like that day I was like what where are you going did you get your days wrong cuz you're not supposed to be coming till tomorrow and he's like no I'm staying at my aunt's house tonight cuz it's like her house is 2 hours away and she's a half hour from the airport and I was like that's a lot of away mhm so this Falls into the area of how like close things are to each other for us in New England versus where any of these other people are from where everything's super spaced out right right um so yeah he he went to his aunt's house for the night uh meanwhile also Thursday Chris and his wife Laura and their dog Penny drove to petersboro they live in New York so they took the drive up I don't know what time they got there we didn't really get much of their story but they're there now on Thursday they're the first ones there um Alby our friend Alby uh he had a plane schedule for 7:30 p.m. Thursday to leave Florida okay and he was playing with the idea of trying to catch an earlier flight so he's the night before telling me I'm going to get on the standby flight at 8:00 a.m. right and I was like are you sure you're going to do that cuz it's like 1:00 a.m. now I'm talking and I was like well if you're going to um try and get an 8 a.m. flight you should probably get some sleep yeah and there was he said something there was like a few different flights throughout the day that was potential standby options um so I ended up uh messaging him sometime in the middle of the day and I was like I was going to ask if you got on an airplane this morning but you haven't been online today at all so I'm guessing you didn't right and he's like no uh didn't didn't make it to the airport it's like 4:00 in the afternoon now he's like but I'm going to get to the 7:30 flight the original one we had scheduled well at least he's going to get to and I was like well that's good yeah yeah so that was a that was a little ambitious of him so uh it's come up several times but I knew you going to bring it upir I mean of course first place to bring it up because this is the natural place to bring it is the fact that Adam your husband and Alby are basically the exact same person um they have a lot of very similar traits yes um including this one of not being a morning person right to put it super duper mildly right yep yeah they're they're on vampire hours really when it comes down to it so they got on a flight um Ali and his daughter Serenity whose birthday it is as when we're recording happy birthday City that'll be pass by the time you're hearing this but as of when we're talking it's her birthday and that's super great um this was a birthday trip for her yep um so they're supposed to land in New Hampshire around midnight which was ridiculous of a plan to begin with uh but then they ended up getting delayed oh man they're connecting flight so they're they're they're in Charlotte North Carolina close to where Brian is um and they ended up spending a couple hours in the Charlotte Airport they were not meant to be there right um so they had a long layover that wasn't scheduled I mean the layover was scheduled but it was delayed and instead of arriving at midnight they got on that second plane about midnight uh so now they're going to arrive at New Hampshire airport 2:30 in the morning o uh yeah and uh Christopher was very graciously waiting to pick them up at the airport uh which was you know some distance away from Peterboro I'm not sure how far exactly but you remember him and his wife are already settled in they started their weekend trip and now he goes to the airport to pick them up at 2:30 in the morning uh Friday morning this is now really and so it's just after 3:00 a.m. now I had already been sleeping but I woke up about 3:00 a.m. and I look at my phone now you Dave started your Friday you're up for the day you went to work you're typing at 3:00 a.m. in the group chat and Alby and serenity get to their hotel room uh so yeah just to just to clue you in on my day the day started off fine as far as work was and then in the last couple hours it was like basically Friday we're talking yes Friday uh it was basically like it was doing everything in its power to make sure I was tortured as much as possible oh so you I know you had a really long day yeah before I got to leave your day started when the rest of us are still on our Thursday pretty much here yeah yeah um yeah so Alvi and serenity just arrived at the hotel at 3:00 a.m. seems like a waste of paying for a night at a hotel room to me but it was already prea um so they made it and and they're about to crash for for Thursday night and you started your Friday very long Friday it must have been for cuz it was we had a long Saturday but when you add Friday to it yes yeah yeah yeah it was worth it though definitely uh so Friday morning uh Brian gets on the airplane he had a very interesting airport experience okay and I have uh some screenshots about that um do you remember those stories no I do not no you see you were too busy working yeah uh so yeah you were working so he um he got stopped at security oh oh yeah of course had some interesting things happen there and then he also ended up sitting next to this guy that was talking to himself um and uh our friend Dennis dad to the future is the one who made the joke like oh it was it was Sam Becket you know obviously um but no apparently it was some crazy guy um so he had a very interesting morning and then my husband Adam thinks that I'm sending him to the airport to pick up Brian by himself well that sounds a little bit awkward to me right he has no idea who Brian is he he can't even get the name straight of who is who in this group of people right I think he referred to him as Alby a couple of times for like the last week he'd been mixing them up because to him they're at this point they're just names he's never watched their shows he has no idea who these people are other than their names we throw around right so he's like very confused that I'm getting ready to go to the airport with him and I'm like why wouldn't I go to the airport with you these are people that I know and you don't so why yeah that's kind of crazy it was funny but you know that's Adam for you yeah so he he was like he was happy that I wasn't sending him to pick up somebody he doesn't know who it even is I'm not sure how that would have went down he'd brought some stranger home right yeah I can imagine that um hey uh who is this person yeah yeah oh okay so we're driving to the airport and now I'm going to share this very meta moment that I had in my brain um this was where the whole weekend just kind of started for me okay and it's it's 11:40 a.m. on Friday and I know that because I pulled this out of the group chat I know exactly when we were Adam and I are driving to the airport we're very close we're a couple minutes away uh Brian messages in the group chat that he's landed so we're in good timing by the time he gets his bag and stuff we're going to be there it's all going to be great the same time Alby announces is that he's awake which is amazing he's awake at 11:40 a.m. after arriving at the hotel at 3:00 a.m. right uh that's early for him on a regular day never mind I traveled all night day mhm and on the radio is playing uh the song by Four Non blonds what's up do you know that song I do not okay well that song's playing and I'm going to tell you why this was a ridiculously meta moment for me that song always reminds me of the show since 8 okay are you familiar with that show I am familiar with the show so anyone who's not familiar with that show it's basically about a group of people and they live in all different parts of the world they've never met before but they have this telepathic connection right and this in turn reminded me of this conversation I once had with Alby um during which I brought up that show we were talking you know about shows and we were talking about our quantumly friend group and you know how we were from all different places and we didn't meet organically talking about you know how great it is to have these friends that aren't the friends you meet in traditional ways right we didn't grow up next door to each other go to school together like we didn't meet because we were put in the same path we met because we have these common interests and common things that we do and love to talk about like not only like hey we love quantum leaf but we all like podcast about it and and and spend all of our free time being these crazy like you know TV nerds and you know we may not tell uh you know communicate telepathically but we do have our group chat right yeah yeah and uh it's just it was just this idea that you know like oh we're these it's so nice to have friends that we chose m on such a level right that you know we didn't just come across in life by circumstance right absolutely um and and we've all become like really good friends I know it's crazy online friends we've never met right and and again I had this conversation with him and talking about Sensei and I was like well we're not quite there but like that's how I feel about you guys like like it's amazing we're these great friends and you know we've got all these group chats so we kind of can communicate with each other and then in this moment where I'm about to meet Brian Green I know we're going to meet Ali and and serenity we're going to get to hang out with Chris who we only met very briefly before mhm it's all coming together this weekend starting and that's the song that reminds me of that conversation that is pretty amazing that it's playing and I'm just like of all the songs that could be playing right now like that's the one I would have put in the background of this moment if I was scripting this moment in television you know what I'm saying if this was media this is what would be happening and it was just this crazy moment for me that I was like wow like this is how you know that that we live in a simulation because right yeah it's just way too perfect it was it was perfect and I'm like not only all this we're going to all go together to see Scott bacula perform catch a falling star life for us right exactly um so it was just this crazy moment for me oh and uh spoiler alert on sense 8 they do all get to meet at the end as well a so it's about this group of people who never met have you know this great like adventure together but not at the same place and they do meet at the end so it was like us we got to all meet each other yeah we all got to meet each other um okay so anyways moving on uh Adam and I find Brian at the airport we managed to actually meet up with him and uh I got out to help him bring him some homeless bum no I no we found the actual Brian Green that's good of alpl yeah um we had this kind of awkward like first meet hug at the airport pickup line and uh I tried to help him with his bag but his bag was as big as me um I know you experienced it on his way out of town uh yes that was that bag was hug I don't know what he had in there for a two-day trip he was he packing to move here for the rest of his life and just uh you know got disappointed when he had to leave it's funny because you both stayed at my house for two days y you came with a plastic grocery bag yep and he came with this like 5 foot suitcase I mean to be fair he's coming from out of state whereas I live here but you were also both in my house for the same amount of time that's that's fair and the same activities you had to prepare for right yeah so yeah his bag was like bigger than me so I couldn't really help he puts it in the trunk and um yeah we get in the car and I was like oh huh this is weird um it's it's it's my friend Brian but also like yeah this is a stranger in the car all right so from my experiences from say meeting people online uh that I get romantically entangled with then Mee those people in real life it's very weird it's weird right it's always weird when you meet somebody that you have already have some sort of like in your head idea of who this person is because you're you know each other like we're good friends we talk all the time good friends but at the same time we are actually strangers right right so yeah uh so yeah we but it only lasted a couple minutes so so uh it was funny because meeting him and he's in the car and I'm just like he looks a little different just a little bit than my grain expects him to he sounds a little different than I expect him to because we all sound different digitally like we all know each other's voices very well but we all sound a little bit different in person than we do digitally right and my brain is just like trying to reconcile the and it only took two minutes you know um but for those two minutes I was like this is strange and awkward yeah um but then yeah I mean by like you know an hour later when when you're here and we're all hanging out and and starting our he was Brian again he no longer looked a little bit different he no longer sounded a little bit different my brain fixed it all and he was the same old Brian that I knew it wasn't like oh he's different than I expected it was just like it took my brain a minute to link it all up yeah gotta you had to like sink in with Ziggy yes so exactly so uh 1:30 you arrived here yes what was your experience meeting Brian well I mean it's my same experience meeting anyone like like I am a super awkward person that that's just who I am and it takes me a while to warm up to new people even though this is a person I know it's like it's it's you know like the same experience with you I'm just having trouble sinking it up yeah and it's like um and you know I don't want to come off as the awkward dupus that I actually am okay I can't really you know I can't really hide the fact that I'm this weirdo guy and I try to I try to I try to keep that under wraps for a little bit until at least you get to know me and like like me a little bit but yeah I mean for a while it was kind of weird um and then we went downstairs to record our uh one of two podcasts yeah so we came down here to the basement just where we're at now our recording studio and we recorded a podcast uh for the Quantum Leap episode Ghost Ship Brian joining us and um I think that went well yeah I mean like At first I'm like having performance anxiety cuz you know like you just I'm used to it just being you and me and and I think we both have this kind of idea in our head that like well we're not really podcasters we're just pretending right yeah we're we're we're Pretenders uh what What's the word for that like impostor syndrome and so like you know we're recording on a phone we we think that Brian's used to this Hightech stuff and Al's does this Hightech stuff but when it really comes down to it we all do the same exact thing it's not like they're on some other I mean they do have better equipment than us yeah yeah of course of course but yeah I think we got a reality check that we're valid I think that's what I got out of this weekend it was validation for us for sure it really was uh but you know it's like you know it definitely felt nerve-wracking when I started like you know having Brian observe me and I'm thinking like oh my God he's judging me in my performance and this and that and then after a while you know just kind of like relaxed and got into it and then it was fine and then we recorded a second podcast with him we did a video podcast an interiew interview with Brian if you will talking about Al's place and all of the great improvements that he has so if you haven't seen that one go check it out we had a fun little chat talking about the website yeah which we are now heavily featured in uh yeah yeah some of us more than others yes of course I have to throw that out there every chance I get but I got my name's on a lot of pages on that episode guide you guys a lot of pages now I I got a chance to be uh thanks to my detailed notes that I still had uh I also got included in quite a few of the news series that's right that's right um okay so after we're done with all of our our work stuff and we had some podcasts recorded um we got to enjoy our evening I made burgers um we had a nice dinner together the four of us me and you and Brian and my husband Adam uh we play some games yeah Boop we play Boop which is a game that my husband really loves for some reason nobody else can get into it but I we all went along with it and I mean you didn't play but so I watched yeah we just kind of went with it Brian was such a trooper he wasn't he wasn't like I don't think so he was just like cool what are we doing let's do it that seems to be Brian's basic personality just go along with anything for real um so so we played Boop um Brian beat me in the first game and then Adam beat him U then we played some Katan that's what you love to do we used to do it quite often the three of us it's been a while because my work schedule has been sucky yeah so so you're spending the night we had the evening so we played Katan um Adam won the first game no surprise no he didn't I thought Adam won nope I won the first game oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'll take it back you won yeah okay you know I was way ahead for a little bit there and then I stalled out I I couldn't make any progress I mean I assumed he won because he always wins everything uh I I've won some games of kanatan against him and then I agreed to his second game and it was 9:00 at night I I didn't think it would go on for as long okay so Dave's usual bedtime is about 800 when Nows when he works cuz remember he was working he was up for work at 3:00 a.m. on this day we talking about it seems like my schedule might change a little bit uh after this week uh though I'm not sure what I saw was accurate and it would allow me to uh sleep a little later and go to bed a little bit later but we'll see how that goes basically a lot of people have wept at my job so it's like wept down to like a very small quar group of people and yeah it's going to be a lot of fun but we're moving on past that moving on uh yeah so we play his hand so you won the first one yeah and then Brian won the second game uh he picked it up very quickly and managed to beat all of us in the second game yeah in the second game towards the end I'm like okay we were all just kind of like ready for the game to except for Adam you know he doesn't want it he did he did things to prolong the game and like oh Adam come on and and I'm doing everything I can uh to basically get Brian to win because who wants Adam to win he wins all the time and uh but eventually uh Brian ends up pulling it out and winning the game he won the game and I think he had fun we all had a fun eing absolutely and I don't know what time we left the basement but I know by the time I got settled into bed it was like after 1 Now by this point uh you know uh I completely gotten past all the awkwardness and like you know it's it's Ryan's my friend now right like yeah so we're past that stage we're we're in the you know warmed up and we're relaxed around each other and we're actually friends now yeah yeah so mean while yeah on Friday we that's our Friday uh Alby and serenity and Chris they spent Friday afternoon exploring Peterboro New Hampshire uh they went hiking and um we've got hopefully some pictures that that you're seeing at some point here of their day y um they met up with a Quantom podcast listener Karen and uh all of them together went to see the Friday evening performance of man of L Mata they got to meet Scott take some photos with him uh that was performance one of their weekend again I'll went to three of them uh so yeah it looked like they had a great time but we weren't we weren't missing out we had a great time too we actually I had a really fun evening y now I would say that man wancho that was our main reason for taking this trip but everything leading up to that absolutely made the trip work well I mean yeah you can tell because like five pages of notes four and a half of them are not about the show yeah I mean like I don't even think I have anything to actually say about the show well we'll find something to say about but it experience yeah it was like it it was amazing to like uh you know have uh you know meet up with these guys and get over the awkwardness and become actual friends and I'm not I'm not a guy who makes friends easily I just don't and you know what I think that's something that all of us have in common right yeah exactly uh because we're all these crazy people who similarly you know grew up being way too addicted to television that that's what we do with our free time is talk about it to strangers on the internet right like we all are very similar in in that regard so I think we all have a lot of similar character traits about being awkward and weird but you know it it's kind of you know psychologically it just feels like you know sometimes you think you're the only one who feels that way but it's really not the case yeah like you I also have this this tendency to like just think people like are above me no matter what yeah sure me like you know Chris and like uh Alby at one point I guess we'll move on and then we'll talk about that what I'm actually getting at there later but yeah stick to stick to the schedule we're going a little bit in order anyways okay so after that show Friday night show we're still playing games at this point um our group chat turned into this um what are you wearing conversation so that was that was a little weird uhuh uhhuh um all right so Dave W slept on my couch yes and uh Brian was sleeping in the guest room he said he actually got a great night sleep you slept okay too you said Friday night I did and then I woke up at 5:30 in the morning for no reason at all right so you were going to get to sleep in um we weren't leaving super early it was early for my household but super late for you it was it I was still sleeping in for me right it was I I was waking up later than I I had been but uh I'm waking up my brain is on fire I'm thinking about like all these crazy things about things I so but at least you got some sleep first um me not so much no so it was about 1 I went to bed at 1:30 I put my phone down yeah okay and I was like okay I'm going to get some good sleep now my alarm wasn't going off until what time was my alarm going off 8: I think or was it 7 well we were trying to we you were trying to get up by seven for seven my alarm was going off at 7 okay so that's 6 hours that's plenty I'd have been good y if I F now I took sleeping pills I'm going to say that I should have been passed out I took them like when we were done playing games I should have been out cold and I did fall asleep about about 1:30 um my husband wasn't in bed yet so I woke woke up when he came to bed but just briefly I fell back asleep and then he got up again um he wasn't feeling well he had a rough night too um he wasn't feeling well so I woke up for that um but I got so I woke up twice between 1:30 and 3:30 MH but went back to sleep so I got some sleep but it was interrupted twice 3:30 I wake up I have to go to the bathroom and I did not fall back asleep until about 6:30 in the morning ah yes from 3:30 until 6:30 I was wide awake and I'm checking my phone a few different times and I keep putting it down cuz I'm like I have to sleep but every time I looked at my phone I said you and Brian both like had just been online so I thought nobody in my house is sleeping I know Adam's not sleeping he's tossing and turning he's getting up um he slept better than I did but he was still having a rough night but I was never more awake when trying to sleep in my life than this night now we've all had nights like that oh yeah abely you know first day at a new job or like thinking back first day of school in a new year or you have anything like different happening in your life like you might have this night right where your brain just can't turn off and you can't go to sleep even though you really have to go to sleep it was that but it was that on crack like I have literally never ever ever in my life laid in bed that awake before and I'm the whole night I'm like should I just get up right should I go have a cup where do I go there's somebody sleeping in every room of my house I'm like what am I doing with myself so I just laid in bed stared at the ceiling and I kept saying okay go to sleep you have to get some sleep and I finally fell asleep after the sun came up 6:30 for a half hour before my alarm went off at 7:00 nice it was a crazy night like my brain was just in so many places excited about the weekend and like the surrealness of this entire thing I think the only reason I didn't have a s more experience is because I woke up at 3:00 in the morning right so your body turned off like it was 6:00 a.m. for you by the time you I mean basically I was is completely just exhausted and tired and even my brain which is kind of crazy uh at what just like yours uh just would not keep me up but when I woke up at 5:30 in the morning I'm thinking like everything I like every the same the same thing you're thinking and I'm thinking all these you know videos and pictures I need to get you know like you know like preparing to meet Scott bacula again uh and taking video of that and I came up with this idea that maybe I'd get him to talk about Roberto which you like shot down I never even tried it but yeah aren't you glad you didn't though no I'm glad I didn't no that wasn't the right time or place for that no because Roberto was going to be our next episode like have him like say oh yeah you know a few words about that but that was never going to happen no um so getting up at four people and getting ready to go was a little challenging y I was I was we pull through it okay I was ready hours before you guys even woke up we left the house at 9:45 which was right about what our plan was we did have a secret Adam time plan which I won't I'm not going to dive all into the details of we have to have a plan to deal with that we have to have secret plans to deal with Adam time in my house and we talked about this in the group chat but I'm not going to go deeper than that publicly um we left the house at 9:45 and I was okay with that uh even though we had to tell him we were running super late that's the gist of the Adam time plan um so 9:45 we left we went to Ken's Corner for breakfast which is a local uh breakfast place that Adam loves he's super uh friendly with them basically family even though not related and so we got to show that restaurant off to to Brian yeah um here I'm thinking I had I'm sitting next to uh Brian Green from Quantum Leap al.com at Ken's Corner and you know I've got at this point I've gotten over the whole surrealness part of that but at at this point I'm like that like I'm having that moment again like is this real right yeah and uh you and taking a group photo picture I did I took a photo sent it to our group chat and okay so I see this picture and I'm just trying to get in there like get into the shot and I'm like um this looks a little weird it looks like I'm like you know cuddling up with Brian like he's my new boyfriend and and well you guys you did spend a lot of time together you got to cuddle up on the back seat for for a very long trip AB a lot longer than it should have been which we're going to get to a little bit more in the next few paragraphs I say this to you and you're like you know what are you talking about it's it's normal to get close to each other in pictures and then later on you actually take a look at this picture yeah cuz I hadn't really seen it I had just taken it and posted it and then you're like okay I see what you're talking about and then you posted that picture in there and then you said to the group chat uh he wasn't trying to cuddle up with Brian and then Suzanne gets involved with this and she crops the picture to make you know make it just me and Brian and I show you the picture and it's like it's hilarious but anyway yeah yeah it was fun it was fun um so we got out of we got on the actual Road out of town about 11: a.m. which is exactly when we wanted to our plan was to be at this town by 2: p.m. and it's 2 and a half hours so that gave us an extra half hour to make another stop we were right on schedule yeah we were right on schedule we should have been there at 2 just like we planned everything's going perfectly at this moment mm but then we didn't even make it out of Connecticut yet which is not far from here folks 20 minutes down the road we already had to make a bathroom stop y uh so of all places we stop at Cracker Barrel we went to a restaurant to use the bathroom yes our second second breakf second second break second bathroom cuz we had a bathroom break at the restaurant so we're already sto we're not even out of Connecticut yet we're already stopping we already before we left Connecticut ate up our window of stops for the day yeah yep so I knew at that point we're in trouble we're not going to make it there by 2: a.m. which is when we're telling. 2 p.m. yeah we're not Alby we're not trying to make it somewhere by 2: a.m. oh that would have been bad if we didn't get there till 2: a.m. we got home at 2: a.m. that's when our story ends yeah so that's the story you've got to look forward to uh we're at 11:00 a.m. we're going to go till 2: a.m. so get a beverage and keep listening um so we went in store like the three of us I mean we all use the bathroom too but we take 30 seconds and somebody takes a half hour we're not going to mention any names but it rhymes with Madam anyway uh so Brian has this idea he wants to get a magnet from every state we're going through so this was our first chance he he finds a Connecticut magnet he's super excited about that um spoiler Al he failed at getting any other magnets throughout the day he did not get a Massachusetts Vermont or New Hampshire magnet didn't happen um you tried on some hats yes we looked at some Halloween decorations played around in the store a little bit I bought it made me think of Carla oh did it yes well the how she's yeah you might need to explain that a little bit so caret southernland uh the uh the girl that I've been talking to uh in Canada who's a uh world famous voice actress uh at least in my mind uh she was actually in my favorite show The X Files and I started talking to her because uh I was doing a live tweet on from which you got me into uh so we've been talking ever since uh and I'm getting I'm waiting for the point of how this reminded you of her okay yeah yeah yeah well you know this is going to be a super long podast podast anyway so might as well just throw throw in the kitchen sink yeah all right so uh basically she's a big Halloween person okay and so the the uh the Halloween decorations and stuff that are already up there is what reminded me of Carlo and actually I noticed you took a lot of pictures and videos of Halloween decorations y so those are for you Carla yes all right uh I bought salt and pepper shakers you did I did yeah they were cute I ended up buying some candy yeah we all bought something for three of us while we're waiting for Adam and we still had plenty of time left where ended up hanging out in the rocking chairs out front waiting for Adam yes uh at the Cracker Barrel yep yeah so that was our our first stop and I wish it was our last stop yeah I wish the second one ever happened our next stop was at a Wendy's in Vermont and I don't think we made any Stops in Massachusetts no we didn't no we actually managed to get some t driving time in before we made another stop so we stopped at Wendy's and Vermont and uh it had single person bathrooms yeah it took a while yeah like 40 more minutes I think for everybody to cycle through the bathroom mhm and then we made it a whole building over because somebody said they wanted a coffee I don't know why you couldn't have just got a coffee at Wendy's while we were waiting there for 40 minutes so Wendy's coffee is not that great but it certainly was not worth the like hour long that you spent in that Dunkin Donuts line well I have 20 minutes in my notes but yeah I'm exaggerating so we yeah we went one building over to the Duncan's drive-thru and spent about 20 minutes in line to get da a coffee and there was jokes about that I should have just gone in and helped them and yeah Dave works at Duncan if anybody doesn't know that um and then we made a third stop on the same block to get gas right so we were in this little town for like well over an hour and then getting out of that gas station was even more fun because of where that gas station was located there was a constant stream of cars so it was really hard to get out of there yeah and and through all of this little Adventure in Vermont Brian failed to get a magnet he could not find a Vermont magnet at Wendy's right go figure we we' hoped the gas station would have a magnet there for Vermont but no such one all right so as as we drove through New Hampshire towards Peterboro um we established that Ali was awake that's that was always a good so that was good he was on track to meet us but our ETA went from two to 2:30 to 3: right yeah um so our new plan was we're going to meet up at 3: um but we mentioned earlier our planning went a little cocka yes we had never planned past we're going to meet at 2:00 and now 3:00 that's our new plan we're going to meet at 3: we don't know where we're meeting other than Peter Boro New Hampshire we have no idea where we're going where we're meeting we have no idea what we're doing to occupy our afternoon we just know we want to hang out together MH uh so Brian acted on our behalf in the group chat and when I ended up checking the group chat later there was like 60 messages I had read yeah I think I was involved in that a little bit as well um but just trying to make plans with Alby and it was cumbersome yeah uh Alby Alby ended up making reservations for dinner at like three different restaurants and I'm reading that I'm like what and we ended up at one that wasn't there was no reservation for by the way so I don't know what happened to these reservations they made but so they were making plans but they didn't tune Us in on those plans right nor did those plans actually end up being what happened nor was there any plan for okay but it's 2 3:00 in the afternoon where are we meeting and what are we doing um and cuz we needed to put a destination in the GPS like we had the theater in there but like we don't want to go to the theater right now the show is not till 730 we're going to go hang out what are we doing um yeah it was a little nerve-wracking this about half hour drive that we're like I don't know where I'm going what are we doing and then not help by the fact that our GPS was dropping out because of the bad signal it was it was interesting so we finally decided to uh we're just going to meet Ali and serinity outside of their hotel and the GPS didn't want to take us there that was its own whole Side Story but we got there eventually so there we go we met Alby and serenity yeah uh take my awkwardness with meeting Brian and upet by about a thousand that's how I felt at that moment I I like I gave Serenity a handshake now she's 11 years old and I'm giving her that kind of reminds me of when I first worked at a daycare and uh I was meeting the kids for the first time and I shook one of the kids' hands and Marcus uh the person who got me the job started laughing at me for shaking a kid's hand like yeah he was basically laughing at me for that but yeah at at at the start I was feeling really awkward because yeah like you just started all over yeah basically now it's funny because for me I had I had the opposite experience yeah well you spent 14 hours with him on a podcast that's true that's true that's an experience I had okay I I see that yeah I mean but I'm I'm I haven't spent 14 hours podcasting with Brian but I feel like I'm pretty good friends with both of them MH um and I did have that weirdness with Brian but I didn't with Alby so I got a hug from him I got a hug from Serenity and I I did not experience that same little adjustment period no no it might just be because my brain was broken cuz I hadn't slept yeah so maybe it like just didn't wasn't acting in the same let's filter it way but no I didn't I didn't have that experience at all immediately it felt like we've hung out a 100 times I did not feel like I was meeting someone I never met met before at all like not even for a second it was weird that it wasn't weird interesting if that makes sense yeah okay like I noted how weird it was that it didn't feel weird gotcha gotcha um but then our next dilemma comes where you and I both had to use the bathroom yes um you know cuz well you had a coffee I just have a weak bladder um yeah where we going to go to the bathroom mhm and and our next plan was we're getting back in the car already 2 minutes later we're going to go to some Park and and you asked Alby was is there a bathroom there cuz I need to use a b I'm glad you were like you need to that cuz I needed to use the bathroom so okay we're going to go to the park and use the B there is no bathroom at the park yeah He suggests that the uh public bathroom is behind some trees which you know I didn't want to do but it's okay for me yeah it was that wasn't going to work for for me it wasn't going to happen no no um I needed to find a a bathroom right I I desperately needed to find a bathroom um so our next like hour was a little awkward for me because I'm like when are we going to find a bathroom in meantime I'm like recording things I'm uh trying to get some yeah so we went to this beautiful Park and it was we had a great time yeah um he's recording stuff and I'm recording him recording stuff and he's recording me recording stuff he's recording you recording him recording you I I'm me meanwhile I forgot to touch my phone yeah um the last picture I took was at that rest stop in uh Vermont yeah see I forgot to touch my phone the entire time we were in New Hampshire I don't know what happened to me again my brain had broken at this point um so I'm supposed to be taking stuff video and pictures and stuff like that you were also supposed to be doing that and so is Adam yeah we had tasked him with helping us capture the day but Adam is messed up to he was not himself on this trip he was just kind of sitting quietly in the corner it's funny because um we watched with my mom the quantum L podcasts video that they put out about our day and she's like I've never seen Adam so quiet I can't believe it like what is going on right yeah um he was not himself and part of it's because he doesn't know these people like even peripherally you know he has no idea what's going on or who these people are or what we're doing and he was just kind of letting us do our thing right but also he wasn't he was not feeling well yeah he was not feeling well he hadn't slept the previous night really at all that much and he had spent uh quite a bit of time driving so yeah about four hours we were in the car instead of two and on top of that he had an earlier start that he's accustomed to right yeah it was it was a lot yeah he had a he had he had a day yeah um so Serenity open presents I brought for her I brought her a little uh Pink quartz rock that had her name on it that I found in Philadelphia when I was there last month and I filmed some of that and I brought her um a bead set for her birthday and so she opened her presents and that was nice and then I had Al and serenity signed my Beyond The Mirror Image book which I had had uh Brian do the night before when we were uh recording I had him sign my book then cuz that was one less thing we had to do on Saturday but so they signed it so we've got all updated signatures now yeah now we've got uh Scott bacula y Matt Dale Christopher D philippus did you get a second autograph no no I didn't I figured I had it already um and now we've got Alby and serenity and Brian so there's six signatures in my book now yeah it's like a yearbook it is I that's what I said I like it's my Quantum year book at this point like it's got all these I should get something like that but I don't want anybody uh talking about how I should avoid uh birds as I had in my junior year and yeah okay so the look I just gave him because I don't know this story okay um story time all right story within the story junior year uh I missed my bus I end up uh having to walk to school it was about a mile and on my way I feel something fall in my head and I think it's a raindrop and I get and you know I had several conversations with people including the person I was going to the prom with that year uh Jess Tia Pro and I get the class and my then best friend Now doesn't talk to me anymore but that we won't get into that but um he mentions um like um Dave uh you have bird [ __ ] in your hair so that little drop I felt in my hair was uh was a bird crap okay from a bird and ended up in your yearbook yes every like all all bunch of signatures from that yearbook that year reads hey watch out for those birds anyway that's the the story like okay yeah so that's a so now you have a fear of fear books no no no I have a fear of uh Birds crapping on my head yeah okay y uh how about spiny caterpillars cuz that's what we experienced today I I have one on the video yeah so there was these little caterpillars they were just trying to make friends with you I don't know they were they were getting a little close and there were other bugs too like there was a a tick that was a little concerning there was some little spiders are you sure you got rid of that thing and that you're not going to have like dis I'm not sure no I didn't find it I don't know where it went you should have had Adam like detail check that was the plan it never happened no we never did a tick check okay um yeah so yeah there were a lot of bugs in the park mhm um and then Christopher and his wife Laura and their dog Penny arrived they had been out doing their thing um so we hadn't seen them yet again we met Christopher in February when we went to the connector check out our 100th episode video for all of that yeah it's funny because we did meet him and we spent some time in line with him but this was a um I wouldn't say better experience we didn't meet as friends the first time yeah we met as he was like oh yeah I've heard of you right and that was about it and and A lot's changed for us since early February right and it definitely absolutely like this been it's been a crazy ride like the the you know this year and like uh before I I never got a chance to meet Matt Dale unfortunately or like I didn't really get a chance to know him like you did and well I I I mean I wasn't close with Matt we we chatted we were on our way to being friends which which is more than where I he was he was nice and he was our into the Quan podcast and he talked to us like we were podcasters right not like crazy weird people and he was it turns out we're both but he was you know he was helping us with uh trying to get screeners and he was you know helping direct us on who to talk to and what to do and always had nice advice and he was friendly and sweet and um and and you know I this is something I've I've I don't know if I said this to you before but like sometimes I feel a little guilty that we have this friendship with these people now because it all stemmed from Matt's passing yeah I mean that is very true like I think uh Matt's passing was definitely was the Catalyst for us getting involved yeah more more into this this I mean I think it would have happened anyways but with Matt's help right not with his absence now and that's sad yeah it is um now my point in bringing that up in the first place is I'm glad that I didn't miss out similarly to have a chance to have a relationship with these people yeah um you know I got a little taste of Life which I've been missing for quite some time yeah it was a great day great weekend yeah and getting to know Chris more right right yeah so we' only met him briefly in February and and you know I don't talk to Chris he's not really on Facebook right yeah um I've had a few interactions with him but I mean I've never podcasted with him only with you know Alby and the after show people um like I wouldn't say we're like friends you know like we know each other right but in this day like we were hanging out like we're all best friends right and we got to know Chris better A lot better in this day and it's like hey he's a person too that's what it was and not only that but they started to get to know me a little better which is not something I typically allow which is is kind of an impediment to friends but I mean like I don't yeah I like I kind of I can have an entire conversation with you and get to know all about you where you learn maybe a tiny fraction about me yeah because that's all I will give you because I am an awkward doofus and I don't necessarily like to how should I put this I don't necessarily like to reveal the full extent to which I am kind of a disastrous human being I got you so I kind of hold back on a lot of things because I I don't necessarily want to talk about that and have you look down on me for the fact that you know what I'm not exactly where I think I should be in life so I think that you will have the same Judgment of me and I think a lot of people feel that way yeah absolutely and yeah so and I did start to like let people in on that a little bit more which is kind of big for me yeah good job no thank you anyway uh so yeah we're we're at the park still we took some more photos now that Christopher's there some group photos and uh we began walking to town Serenity was giving a tour of the world famous everything in Peterboro um we're looking for the famous bathroom yes yes by this point me and you really need like I don't care what anything is where is a bathroom um the world famous bathroom did not exist no everybody the whole group's like oh yeah there's public bathrooms everywhere right where right find one there was not any I don't know what they did all day the day before but it was not find bathrooms MH um so I guess that wasn't their priority yeah I mean okay so I do have a weak bladder that's it's a condition all right I have to use the bathroom a lot anywhere I go that's the first thing is like where's the bathroom right yeah um I go in a restaurant every restaurant I go to I know exactly where the bathroom is going to New York City half of the plan is where can I stop to use the bathroom because you have it's like a police officer or military person who has to know where all the exits are sure yeah um but we're in this town now and there was no bathrooms um so we're trying to get uh we're trying to get into this restaurant for dinner even though they had multiple reservations we're trying to get into this other one that they didn't have a reservation at I I didn't really get the details on what any of that was about but while we're waiting for a table for dinner we ended up going to Cooper's Hill uh which was a pub and Chris is like I'm going to buy everybody a drink yes yes so he's like we're going to go there and then you can use their bathroom because we're customers now right so um he bought us a very expensive bathroom trip uh so we got to use the bathroom and I felt human again so that was good you were out first and you had ordered a White Russian yes and then I came out and felt jealous and decided to wear the same thing I wasn't planning on drinking alcohol on this trip neither was I since we're hanging out in the middle of the day like if we were hanging out after the show that would have like been in my mind but it wasn't a plan and suddenly they're like let's buy a drink and I was like okay I'm going to go roll along with it I'm like I don't know if this is a good idea no we both thought it was a bad idea um so when guys prob don't know this but me and Dave both are very lightweights we neither of us drink yeah my 11-year-old daughter can drink me in the table no don't worry I have not tried that you don't need to call Child Services on me but yeah um so uh we're thinking maybe this is not the greatest idea it was either going to be a really good idea or a really terrible idea now it turned out to be a great idea because it it loosened me the heck up like NE of us did anything embarrassing nobody passed out I started getting more social and more talking and more actually involved in things and of course I mean I think it went okay yeah nobody told us otherwise yeah I mean if if anybody that is listening to this that was there that day has a different take on that you pry share I think it was a net positive that we got a little tipsy um and we had this amazing time just chatting with these people in a bar like in a in a pub like Serenity was there it's not a bar bar they serve food but we didn't get I mean we did we got P pretzel bites but we didn't get a meal there serenity probably could have drunk me on the table I don't I don't know about that she didn't drink she had a soda yes so did Ali he didn't drink either no no he he doesn't drink no okay um but Chris did and we did and Brian did Adam didn't cuz he was driving and already didn't feel good so he respons he had soda yeah and he spent most of this hour in the bathroom but yeah he did get out in time to have a soda and to take pictures we took some more great amazing group photos we we had a lot of great group photos I didn't I didn't get individual photos with anybody and I'm really sad about that did I saw your photos and I was like oh why didn't I do that I would love to have photos with all these people other than like the whole group yeah and I I missed out on doing that I don't know what happened again my brain didn't work um so then we finished up there and we went to another Pub we went to haro's Pub to have dinner yes uh the place they're trying to get a table at now the whole idea was we're trying to get a table outside because um Chris's wife and their dog was going to join us so we needed an side table for that um and also a place that serves vegan food for Serenity's vegan so they they figured this is the best place we're going to go there they couldn't get a table like we that's what we've been waiting for table still wasn't ready for us by the time we got there like an hour later so we did have to wait a little while longer but finally we did get a table and we went and sit outside and um at this point the the buzz was wearing off yeah I think I started feeling a little awkward again at the dinner table I I wasn't feeling awkward it was definitely wearing off and I definitely was tempted to get another drink which you talked me out of and that was a good idea um because I didn't need to be crawling around around when I was trying to talk to Scott backy again uh but you know during this uh this this dinner uh which took forever to get it took about an hour and a half to get our food after we ordered it right to the point where we were worried that we weren't going to have time to even start eating before we had to leave for the show and Chris being the voice of reason said hey calm down it's going to work out it'll be fine and he was right right I mean it was fine but it also was rushed like by the time we got our food everybody's just no more talking I was like okay food contest who can finish first because we got to leave in five minutes meanwhile alby's passing the phone around like he did in Cooper uh Cooper Hill Cooper Hill Cooper Hill which was a sponsor of man of lamancha yes and uh by the way I have a card up there now uh hanging on the wall so at uh haros oh yeah Harlow's okay I wonder if they left it there I hope so but uh yeah um oh we should ask uh um Suzanne to go look for it oh yeah okay she can go on a little scavenger hunt yeah so uh yeah Al's P passing the camera around like six time right and uh one of the times I'm like okay what are we doing I just did this like what am I supposed to be saying and I start talking and then Adam's next to me laughing at me I don't know why um but uh one the things that uh I ended up talking to Chris reling him I notic a little and uh you know I ask him what he does he tells me you know he's part you know in medical field and uh then he asked me what I do now I don't necessarily like answering that question especially someone who's you know more established in their way to a professional right a professional who wrote a book that I read a long time ago he's the author of four knowledge by the way not just that he's you know the co-host of the quantum we podcast but so I'm like well and you know I start getting insecure and I'm like well I'm not that impressive I'm a Dunkin' Donuts employee and both him and his wife are like well you know uh basically they're making me feel better about it and then they ask us you know ask me how I got involved in podcasting and I end up talking about that and you know like my passion for that you know my job is not my identity my job is just the thing I do to not starve to death right this is what I do this is my passion like it's it's just unfortunate that at this time I can't make a whole lot of money at it but this this is my identity like I'm a podcaster I'm a father that's what I am not my job absolutely my job is just what I do to earn money so that I don't die I can pay bills and you know it like I start you know it was great being able to have this conversation with the two of them and everybody else that was at this table it was like yeah I think my conversations were more on the other side of the table I I I was kind of going back and forth when you got eight people at a table you better have more than one conversation happening but I've already had the chance to get to know Brian and get to know Alby a little bit I haven't really gotten the chance to know CH so like like I said everything that led up to Mana lancha was fantastic it was well worth the experience uh the whole thing was well worth it just because of this experience with all of them and getting a chance to meet them like I mean we not to downplay like seeing Scott back perform meeting Scott vacula again but we did that already right yeah we didn't do this already this is our first time meeting these people and I mean in Christopher's case getting to know him right and it was it was amazing it was a super amazing day right yeah and it it you're absolutely right it completely overshadowed the play just being able to like say hi to these people um yeah uh so so we had our meal I wasn't impressed with my food no even after the weight the food was um well I won't get into the details but I wasn't impressed no um but the quantumly P quantumly podcast uh graciously paid for our meal yes yes uh they they paid for the the whole tab at the table and uh that was I was like why are you doing that for us right like we're nobody special like you don't need to treat us right um but they felt like that was the right thing to do and that was just so amazing yeah absolutely like we're not just some guys that they're you know oh I guess we'll hang out with them because they want to hang out and we'll be you know we'll be cordial like no they're accepting us as like their people and their friends that they want to like pay money to like hang out with us right yeah exactly um so thank you guys again for for paying for the meal and it was just such a a gracious gesture MH um and it was unexpected and unnecessary but it was it was just like wow like that's something because you guys you bought us I mean Chris bought us a drink and now they bought us this entire meal and uh and I don't want it to end we're having so much fun it's like do we got to go to the play are we sure it's 7 o'clock right yeah yeah we want to keep the party going really yeah um but but we had to rush now to the theater and it's funny because out so Ali was going to follow us which I don't know why because he's the one that's already been there before right but I think he was a little unsure of himself driving cuz I think he didn't drive the night before Christopher Christopher now wasn't going to the play right um he did meet up with us at the theater after the play but he wasn't going to see the show again he's already seen it Ali and a Serenity are going they had to go to the hotel first to change and um we were all going to leave at the same time but my husband decides to get up and go to the bathroom mhm yeah right at the end I'm like oh no and we're just like listen like they've seen Adam time already but it hasn't broken our day yet it's about to break our day we're about to miss getting to the show in time and I'm panicking right and I'm I'm similarly like I'm trying not to outwardly act like how much how annoyed I am at this moment at him uh but you know like and he's like uh oh yeah we're telling him you need to be quick and he's like oh yeah I will be and I'm like I don't believe but I move I move aside I let him go and then just and I'm telling Alby that like um you might want to yeah so I that's what I said I like Al you guys just go because you got to make a stop Brian I tell Brian Brian if you want to go with them we won't take offence at all yeah that's what I was that's where I was getting to is Ali was like okay anybody wants to come with me because at this point like you can see the fear on our faces that we're going to get locked out of the show he's like anyone who wants to come with me you can I was tempted to take him you know I couldn't leave if I left my husband he'd have been pretty upset with me left to go in somebody else's car to get to the theater it also wouldn't have went well because like I had our tickets in my bag in the car so so Adam doesn't get to go to the show and um so just Alby and serenity ended up leaving and and then I don't know where Brian disappeared to I think he went into the bathroom after Adam yeah he he went to to go change into into his red Polo shirt it was an actual polo shirt he had Polo on it so I went to the car Adam's in the car finally like it's we're close to the wire here in time we don't know where this place is um we got to get there and I I don't know where where Brian is at this point I sent you to find him I'm like find him and make sure he gets to our car yeah I basically just stood outside the restaurant and kind of just kept a watch cuz our car was parked back at the park we had to walk to the where the car was which wasn't too far but still it was like very discombobulating like uh we got to go you guys what are we doing so yeah I wait for Brian Brian comes out and then I show him where the actual car is because he's going in the other direction you know I apologize that we're getting way detailed on this way more detailed than my notes even um I toally irrelevant stor to anyways uh we drive towards the theater and earlier in the day Serenity had told us this story about their experience driving to the theater the night before and she described this road as this super scary driveway uh I don't know maybe they took a different route or something no they were talking about this road cu the road doesn't have striping on it gotcha and I don't think they're used to being in a rural area like New England where you have these kind of roads that don't have striping on it right um and and it reminds me of of Genesis you know we've got uh Sam recommending striping on the road yes yes so we had that kind of moment where we were on this road with no striping we time traveled a little bit to this rural New Hampshire town trying to or on this road trying to get to this theater and on our way this pack I don't think Pack's the right word of deer what's a group of deer called I don't know whatever group of deer there was like five or six deer right on the side of the road like they wanted to cross in front of us you know what a group of deer is put it in the comments anyway um yeah so these de and it was like so many of them and they wanted to cross and we didn't end up waiting for them to cross we didn't end up hitting them but it was like wow look at that right like they were right there mhm so yeah we were we were in nature on the scary Road I didn't think it scary road but Serenity thought it was a scary Road um finally we got to the theater uh went to the bathroom barely made it in before they closed the doors like I passed out the tickets so we each had our tickets in our hand so we could go from the bathroom right into the theater and find our seats um so meu and Brian ended up meeting up like at the where we were in line to hand our tickets and Adam wasn't around cuz he's in the bathroom again yes he got into the theater moments before they closed the door he almost got locked out like they weren't like like they were this was uh the doors closed and you're out of luck people that got up during the show and left did not come back to their seats they weren't allowed back in MH I don't know if they were allowed back in in the back or whatever but they did not come back to their seat someone behind me left and didn't come back and Brian said someone sitting behind him left and didn't come back so like that's a thing right Adam may have gotten locked out if he was 30 seconds later he didn't even get a program because like they were the table was cleaned up they were done uh so yeah we we barely made it yep uh but then we we saw the play yeah so yes the play Man Of lancha You know it's funny I was not really familiar with the man of lancha play or story me neither I've never read Don kote I've never seen man of the mancha um saw catch a fall star we know that Adam tried explaining it to us one day you did and it went way over my head he used words he he tried to talk and say words he uses words that don't always make sense in my head sometimes he explained it in an Adam way yeah of course um and I didn't get it right and I think after watching it I kind of get it yeah I mean I guess there's a lot there's a lot of layers and a lot going on and um I was like oh I get what he was saying now like but at the same time I'm like still like this whole thing is just like I don't even I I spaced out a few times it's you know yeah well I mean I've had a long couple of days this point we've had a a lot getting us to this moment and we're watching Scott bacula and his wife Chelsea Field and it's still just such a meta crazy moment that this this day is existing and I a few times I I think I forgot to pay attention during some of this I I was definitely mentally falling asleep at certain points uh which has nothing to do with the play the play was amazing it was just that it been a really super long couple of days and uh I was already close to my bedtime as it was and yeah I mean like and then after a certain point I woke up again yeah and then was awake for the rest of the the play but yeah it you so you had a similar experience to me where it was like and I felt like I was like this feels really long M it was two hours I mean that's not terribly long two hours with no intermission but at one point I'm just like Are we almost done yet because I so tired I want to pay attention and I'm having such a hard time doing it and I was really uncomfortable in my seat yes I'm always uncomfortable in seats because I'm short and my feet don't sit properly on the floor so I'm kind of uncomfortable and I'm like so tired and I yawned a few times and I'm like trying to hide and I'm like I don't want anyone to think that I'm bored I'm not bored I just haven't slept in two days Bakula sees you from the uh from the from the stage and he's like oh that person is bored by my performance I'm I'm just so hurt um no the play was great yeah absolutely so Scott macula stars as as the the lead um he's actually two different characters Well everybody's two characters in this play that's that's how it works um but he's uh cantes the author of uh the play donot yes he's the author of the book donot he's playing a real person um and then Within the play he plays Don kote in the play that he's performing Within the play uh and we all know who Scot bacul is Right you've heard of him yes I I I may have uh may have heard of yeah so let's run through his credits um let's see Star Trek Enterprise that guy that was in that one show that one time yeah yeah that that time traveled I think something one of those L yeah uh I I I don't know what the name of that show is I'm blanking uh yeah so Scott bacula again we got to Scott live on stage for the second time and playing uh with him this in this play uh is his lovely wife Chelsea Field who I'm not as familiar with but uh I believe he was with him on uh NCIS New Orleans yes she was in 21 episodes of NCIS New Orleans she started out I think I I and I haven't watched this series but she started as a recurring character at some point and then became a regular like in the last season um she played Tila in the Masters of the Universe liveaction film okay which the guys were geing out about it means nothing to me but okay um she actually auditioned to play Captain Janeway on Star Trek Voyager oh that I did not know I found I found that tidbit when I was looking her up she auditioned for that didn't get it of course but that that's interesting yeah that is interesting yeah given our all were interest in the fact that uh Alby and Chris are currently doing uh Star Trek episodes and I think they're doing Pilots so they might have already talked about Sergeant Voyager they just recently posted the pilot of Voyager I think it's one of their most recent videos yeah so by all means go check them out check them out at uh T exploration that's their other podcast yep aside from the Quantum Leap podcast um you know you know what I found extremely meta at this point is the whole idea the song Impossible dreams right because we are living the impossible Dreams we are you know not only have are we meeting Scott bachula for the second time which if you told my 11-year-old self or maybe told your 30-year-old self yes if that would ever happen twice in the same year I would have told you that you were nuts but not only that but we're also spending time with all these amazing people and getting to know them yeah so yeah the theme of impossible Dreams in this play you know it's very similar to our own experien there was meta upon meta upon meta upon meta upon meta M so many things M between the play and the performance and our weekend and the adventure and all the people here including uh you know Scott and Chelsea and including all the people in the audience with us even including people in like after the show we're in the lobby and there's a lot of people there I'm recognizing people that we don't know I've never talked to I'm recognizing people that were in the audience with the connector like I'm recognizing people from Scott bacula fandom mhm and that's crazy yeah yeah absolutely like we're in New Hampshire right um so much of just like unbelievable like is this real is this H is this happening I feel like I died years ago and that this is just some kind of like it feels scripted yeah it feels fake it doesn't feel real yeah no but it is are we in a play within a play maybe perhaps oh all right so so so tell me about the play what did you think did you did you understand it oh yeah I I I like I said I half understood yeah Bas I feel a little like embarrassed to say that but uh basically this santis guy uh during the Inquisition uh which you know long time ago oh you're going to actually explain it sure oh we're going to sound like big idiots now but go for it yeah yeah okay so he is uh he's gotten himself into trouble for trying to tax a church yeah and now he's going to prison he's in prison awaiting trial awaiting uh the Inquisition to judge him and in the meantime the prisoners are giving him a trial right because they they just want to beat him up and take all his stuff right and they want to take this manuscript and and burn it in the fire the manuscript for donot which we know survives this because it's an actual book that exists and so he as part of his defense decides to put on this play so it's a play within a play and he gets all of the prisoners to help him and act out these roles and put on the play of donot yes which in itself is about somebody who's not donot pretending to be donot right so many levels and yeah it uh it's U yeah quite uh quite an entertaining play yeah um so what about the rest of the cast oh well they're all great uh Chelsea Fields Chris was suggesting that uh they give us our opinion of Chelsea Fields F no s field you're adding an S everywhere today I guess so and I'm not really sure why he never really explained it to me oh yeah we never got back to that conversation did we no but I thought she was I thought she was great yeah yeah yeah she had a real stage presence now Chris is expecting you know a big Broadway play yeah so when we so after the play and we'll talk a little bit more about this but we we got to talk to everybody and record something for the quamy podcast and he was like I don't know it wasn't like the best well cuz you live in New York right you're used to seeing Broadway he's used to going to operas this is regional theater in New Hampshire so this this is a little bit off Broadway a little bit yeah a little bit off Broadway 300 miles or so Off Broadway just like the Syracuse stage you know where uh where it was performed and catch a falling star that's another metal level right there yeah it was an Off Broadway performance yeah Chelsea Field uh took on the role of Nicole Sam's piano teacher Y and uh yeah I mean like it was amazing to me like um her performance uh the all the actors were great uh Chris really liked the belly dancers I I am in agreement with that yeah not for any performance particular reasons they I thought you'd like them now there were two there were two which one in particular did you like um both okay yeah I'll just go with that I I what were their names again do you you have the program program you want me to find the actress's names sure why not they're in here somewhere U oh here's the guy that played the the barber um Martin bonventre Albi and serenity got to meet him outside the theater after they saw the show three times they actually met him uh when they went to breakfast he was there or something like that they got a picture with him like not at the theater uh let's see there's Chelsea there's a lot of people so you know what never mind that don't do that okay right that's Abby Brown played one of the girls um yeah as soon as she came out I thought you were going to love her and um I think this is the other one the redhead okay is that right yeah yeah uh let's see Maria Maria miuchi I probably said that wrong I apologize well I wasn't the only one that uh that had because like you know I said in the quantum Le podcast me and Chris apparently have very similar tastes I I think every one of them agreed with you well there we go there we go we had a very male opinion of the room of course I mean you you guys were outnumbered it was just you and serenity but I thought you'd like the redhead more that was my take oh okay yeah I I was tempted afterwards because I was standing right by them to like hey can I have a picture with you but I never had the guts to do it I was more nervous about that idea than I was about like trying to get pict got back you off uh well Ali and serenity got autograph and a bunch of the other um actors on their play I didn't bother to get anybody's autograph um you know I didn't want to bother Scott more than we had to I already was trying to get like multiple pictures with him right uh so yeah after the show we went to the lobby and there's so many there were so many people there so we were supposed to have a hookup yeah uh Brian had talked to Jay Jay Schwarz yes which is Scott's publicist we've met him I I I've talked to him like I have a private message chat with him but I wasn't going to try because I'm just like this random person that he interacted with a couple of times Brian has you know a a 20-year relationship with him so I was like okay Brian Alby you guys handle it between the two of you one of us get us a meeting with Scott bacula that was the plan one of them was had has to make this happen the night before he came so I think th Thursday Brian says guess what I got I heard back from Jay finally Scott's gonna come out to see us we're going to get this like personal little meeting and it was so exciting we're like yay you did it you made it you pulled it off Well turns out Scott comes out every night after the performance and the whole theater was waiting for him right there was like 100 people in this room so there is not a private little meeting there was no private little meeting um we were right near the door though cuz we knew exactly where to stand because Alby and serenity had already done this and then Chris came back too he didn't see the show but he did wander into the lobby at the moment that was their plan and uh so he was able to get a picture with so we got group photos of all of us with SC bacula plus one of just the three of us quantumly pod or Jesus the three of us quar room Productions y with Scott bacula and uh we also took a pictures of Ali group pict yeah you just mentioned that so moving on we took pictures yeah we took pictures we met Scott bacula again I didn't like I was the point of this was I didn't have him sign anything because I already have his autograph in my Beyond The Mirror Image I did shake his hand I mean I probably should have just had my program signed cuz that would be cool but I I didn't want to occupy more of his time than we already were we had a big group of people and there were lots of other groups of people waiting I did shake my hand and tell him my name was Dave he repeated it back to me so he heard me um I kind of feel felt like I blew that moment a little bit because I wanted to do a little bit more yeah but I mean it was I think we did better than we did the first time yeah yeah so if we get a third chance which I think we might mhm uh maybe we can actually like say the name of our show that would be a great goal but I mean the the first time I you know I did tell him that uh you know he was uh I I don't have many Heroes but he's one of them I got a chance to say that to him the first time yeah so uh so that was amazing in itself the last time so that I mean that this it was still it was gravy this was gravy on something we had already done yeah and we're going to get a chance to do again maybe perhaps um so what was I going to say I lost my train of thought um signatures pictures people oh um this isn't what I was going to say but I just found it in my notes we were wearing our badges oh yes our corn Productions badges which you guys laughed at me for making it work a couple people did ask about it it worked as soon as we got to the theater before we even saw the show when I went to the bathroom people in the bathroom were asking me like oh who are you you're here to to do something on the show and I was like yeah we're recording a podcast um and we're here with the Quantum Leap podcast they know who they are they don't know who we are but everybody knows who the Quantum Leap podcast is so people were asking me about my badge I handed out a few different cards of our cards to people it worked it worked so it was it was nice we were mingling right and telling people about us and what we do and I mean I hope some of those people maybe they're here now listening that'd be amazing um same thing with qu podcast they're running into people who know them they're surprised still when people know who they are which I don't get why they're surprised that a room full of uh scab bacula fans know who they are but right um oh that's what I was getting at is uh I think Scott probably realized we're with them the ply podcast because we all took our picture together right like I think he noticed at that point like oh we're we're with them right and he knows who they are at least peripherally right yeah now Brian went up and shook Scott's hand and he said Brian Green and Scott instantly you saw he knew who he was yeah so I mean he did know through Jay he was supposed to be meeting with Brian so he had that in his head but he remembers Brian for sure like there was this instant spark of recognition because they worked together doing the whole convention thing you know so um and that was that was nice I thought cuz we had asked like oh is he going to remember you he's like I don't know but he did he clearly knew exactly who Brian was and I think that giant smile that we got in our group photo is because he knew who Brian was he had his hand Scott put his arm around Brian in the group photo and here it is our group podcast photo with Scott and he just has this giant smile and I mean he always says smile on he's he's very gracious but it felt more like yeah we're somebody we're here like we're we're not just anybody we're we're this group of people who you know are here because we're dedicating ourselves to talking about you right like I feel like he realized oh this is the podcast group I maybe I'm making that up but I felt like that happened I mean if that's your interpretation then I'm more than willing to go along with it uh anything else to say about the show the show and the experience after the show in the theater I can't really think of anything okay so we had previously agreed we got ad to agree that we were going to stay for a half hour afterwards to record a quick little podcast with the quantum Le podcast yes because we couldn't do it before because we hadn't seen the show yet right um and we're the plan originally was we're going to go we're going to do this we're going to go and then oh we're going to meet Scott well we're going to stick around for that but then we're going to go and then oh we're going to do a half hour show but then we're going to go right and Adam's whole thing was like yeah that's fine but you know we're not going to stick around till midnight and we're like no no of course not right yeah yeah we didn't end up leaving in the car until 11:50 that's not midnight it was pretty close to midnight um so yeah we we kind of failed a little bit um but yeah it wasn't a half hour we were longer than that but it took us 45 minutes just to finish with Scott and you know the whole Lobby experience was 45 minutes which is crazy yes and that didn't feel long felt likees Crow right um okay so we leave our whole group leaves we're in three cars we go outside it's dark out yeah now I think their plan was just to stand in this parking lot at the Peterboro players and record something it wasn't going to happen right it was pitch dark now we could have done that because we don't appear on camera that often so we could just recorded a voice podcast yeah but we were with all these people right yeah like to record together like that's what we're trying to do is something live that's the whole like we're in the same room with these people not over Zoom right yeah exactly um and then we're like okay what we're going to do something but what are we doing where are we going how are we doing this we don't have any equipment right no mics we got no lighting MH we're in a parking lot there's bugs um the bugs were pleased to meet us of course they were honored to meet the you know the quantum Le Peeps and so I missed the plan at this point I don't know if the plan was said but all I heard is we're following Chris right and I didn't know where we're following him to right and Adam wasn't even sure he was following the right car hey uh why are we in a different state like uh yeah uh so but it it was the right car we followed Chris back to their hotel M and uh we ended up going into Albi and Serenity's room which was the only place we had access to with you know lighting right and uh quietness from the public yeah and uh I I don't think they wanted to do that no but that's where we ended up right so it was I don't know what time it was at this point 11: something like that 10:30 11 10:30ish and we're oh before we even do that we're in the parking lot cuz we don't know what's going on we're like okay we're back at their hotel Chris is there he's ahead of us and he's like I'm going to go to my room and I'll meet you guys in a minute and we're just like okay we're just standing in a parking lot we don't know what we're doing Al's not here yet we're waiting for him uh Brian decides to uh decides strip in the parking lot he took his clothes off in the parking lot to change back into his shorts uh he was like I can't be in pants a minute longer so that was interesting and I'm just like what are we doing uh trying to avoid getting arrested at this point thanks to Brian uh and then Al and serenity came and and they're like yeah we're going up up to our room after we wait for serenity to go tidy up a little um an hour later and then we went and recorded this really awkward podcast yeah where we were just standing around a hotel room now and serenity every 30 seconds is touching the camera that we're recording on because the phone because it kept like shutting off on our end and we didn't know it was still recording like the screen was turning off which is weird when you're doing a video mhm and uh yeah I I've mentioned quite a few times that uh I'm not good talking off the cup yeah we don't do that look I made notes to talk about this I mean I I didn't but yeah I'm just basically following your lead and yeah I I like I need to have detailed notes in front of me talk about an episode like we and and even then like we can't just talk about it we've tried that we fail we go like scene by scene like we have an order of events that we follow right um so yeah we didn't know how to do Quantum Le podast style of talking right and we were just like what now what do you want us to talk about we don't know how to do that you're asking me a question I don't have an answer to any question you're asking me what you what you think about the tech technical aspects of this and I'm like uh yeah I mean I think I managed a couple of a couple of uh entertaining moments but oh all I was not I I was not impressed with my performance no no I've watched that video and I'm just like oh my God I look terrible I feel stupid I didn't have any an right is a long day but I mean we recorded with the Quan podcast at this point I think I have to go to the bathroom I'm super tired like and I have to be somewhat coherent yeah and you know being then my husband decides to just sit in the corner behind us um now he was not asked not to participate he chose not to participate and he just kind of sat there in the corner and that was a little weird and awkward yeah but you know fun time and it was great yeah and it was fun even though I felt like an idiot I felt like a bumbling idiot who doesn't know how my own name at that point uh yeah I felt the same like who did we just watch what did we see I don't know anything at this point not a word is coming out of my mouth it makes sense I feel like an awkward tupus and after watching it that's exactly how I look but that's okay because that's what I actually am so it's an accurate portrayal that's for sure um but I don't think that they um I don't know I don't think they regretted having us on their show no no and you know Brian Brian Was preparing our next trip before we even went on our first trip before we even leave for New Hampshire he's looking into like um talking about the next trip yet we will but no no I mean he's looking for uh air airbnbs airbnbs for uh Washington DC for the Lincoln for us yeah yeah he's PL he's planning our vacation before we even leave the house so I'm guessing he he kind of likes us a little bit think so yeah a little bit yeah just a little and he still continued that conversation after we came back yes so we didn't ruin it right no absolutely not we didn't we didn't blow our chance we didn't blow our chance with Brian Green oh my goodness um so yeah that happened we did a recording yep and uh and then I'll be posted it at 3:00 a.m. yes so that was weird so that's out there go check out the quantum podcast to see uh that video it's got some of the stuff we did during the day and this really awkward hotel room podcast that we're talking about yeah um so after we're done recording we stayed around for like another half hour cuz we all had to take turns in the bathroom including the person who takes a half hour MH and then we did like this really long Italian style goodbye mhm um lot of hugs we did goodbye in the room we did goodby Serenity did like three rounds of pugs I got six rounds um we did like in the room and then we did outside the hotel room door which is it was like a motel we were upstairs and then we went down the stairs together we said goodbye at the bottom of the stairs and then they walked us to our car and we said goodbye at the car and then they drove us back to Connecticut and said goodbye there no no it ended at the car but it was like all of us like we don't want this day to end like that was the feeling you know they're like oh we have to end this beautiful perfect day now and nobody wanted it to end mhm um except probably Adam who was like why are we not in the freaking car yet oh but meanwhile um I think we we we're working on a project get Alby and Adam to be best friends because they feel like they should be right oh yeah yeah yeah we were talking about that in the hotel well in the bathroom apparently uh Adam and I got invited to go to the Star Trek convention next year with them yeah and I'm like you crazy that I'm going to go to a Star Trek event but but Adam's like Yay let's go I was like wait you're asking me to go to an event with our Quantum friends right like you're the one asking me to do that and serenity looks at me and she's like I want you to go and I'm just like oh I don't think I want to do that but that's sweet and uh and I think Serenity is my new bestie I told her that when we were getting in the car sorry Dave yeah that's all right I'll take second ranking and uh then we got back in the car and in a true Quantum Leap Miracle um we didn't make a single stop no no we did not and uh we listened to the Quantum Leap soundtrack in the car at midnight y uh as we drove back from New Hampshire to Connecticut and we got back to my house just after 2: a.m. yes so it was a 16-hour day trip yeah um on top of a night of not sleeping and then a long day before that of airport pickups and games and it was a very surreal 48 Hours absolutely yeah and uh I think think I crashed I think we all did just like we've never slept before yeah I did not wake up at 5:30 in the morning this time around yeah we slept although uh Brian said he didn't sleep as well the second night he kept waking up he slept really good the first night he said which I'm a little confused why that's opposite of everybody else but maybe he's just opposite of everybody else I guess so uh so in the morning uh you took Brian to the airport you guys left here at oh I don't know what time that was but you took him away Y and it was the end of the weekend for me yep how how did did the airport drop off go it went fine you know we got there pickups there were there was no crashes uh Brian Green got to the airport alive that's good you you didn't kill him yes yes because I would have been really sad if I had uh you know said it was a pleasure meeting him because absolutely you helped him with his giant 5 foot bag yes oh yeah I put that in the car yes I'm like I I I had not seen that thing until I was putting it into the car yeah so yeah that and that was the end of the trip that was the end of the trip for us well it wasn't the end of the trip for Brian because he's got to take an airplane now yeah um and so on his way to Connecticut it was a straight flight it took him like an hour and a half easy peasy on his way home he had a layover in Philadelphia so he had to change planes his layover got delayed the city the the City of Brotherly Love he he ended up I don't I don't have the time frame but it took him I want to say like an extra couple hours to get home he didn't get home home cuz remember he also had that 3-hour flight or drive from the airport to his house to do so he didn't get home till like in the evening Sunday evening he was traveling all day Sunday uh but he didn't get the he doesn't win the award for the worst trip no no um but let me back up a second for Sunday because Sunday Ali and serenity still had a whole another show to go to right y they had the third show they went to the Sunday MAA um which there was a Q&A for and they stayed for that he told me he got to ask two questions mhm um and I think he recorded the Q&A I haven't seen that he published that anywhere yet but I'm sure it's going to be coming out soon if it's not already out before our video is out but yeah check the qu podcast cuz I'm sure they're going to have more content about this weekend than that one video they dropped about us in a hotel room right um including this this Q&A in some capacity I'm sure but Chris wasn't there it was just Alby and serenity and he did a very Alby thing to do he forgot to go to the meet and greet stayed for the Q&A and then they left oops and forgot there was a scheduled meet and greet right like on top of like their regular like yeah he's leaving the theater so you can catch him type of meet and greet there was an actual scheduled meet and greet and he's like I forgot so he did not get a third straight day of pictures with Scott bacula I figured at that point that Scott bacula would remember him right maybe maybe they asked him to leave I don't know um so I'm not sure how that happens but yeah he he did not St for the beat and greet and then they they went for a drive Al be interested now Chris left Chris and his family headed back Sunday as well like out of town they're done they weren't staying till Monday um he he had this incident he posted about in the group chat where he thought his car was going to fall off the fery CU it was like hanging off the back end of the ferry to get home um so it sounded like he had some Adventures too but yeah Ali and serenity they're now alone in New Hampshire the only ones left I mean out of our group I'm sure there were other human beings there yeah that's that's sad but uh they somehow uh survived they ended up they ended up driving to Virginia and Massachusetts that day they should have stopped at your house that's what I said I said if you kept going you bet you were really close to us like you almost made it to Connecticut if you made it to Massachusetts um he was trying to understand what New England is because he didn't know for sure which states were New England and every time he asked somebody if he was in New England they just laughed at him including us when this conversation happened we just laughed that was that back at the bar I remember that uh but yeah so they they enjoyed their their Sunday stayed one more night in the hotel Monday morning they check out that's I think when they met the uh the barber actor was Monday morning and they uh were getting on a flight Monday evening to head home but they win the award for worst travel experience because the first flight was delayed we had some weather that day we felt it here we had some storms here yeah but apparent there was weather in New Hampshire delayed their first flight which resulted in their second flight being delayed overnight oh they were supposed to be home they're supposed to get on their second flight I want to say 10 something which would have brought them home about midnight yeah like at the airport but they didn't end getting on a flight until like 8 in the morning mhm so they spent the overnight the entire night in the airport in Charlotte North Carolina that's pretty bad I think it took them 24 hours to get home and they made up aor ble to drive it right yeah I I remember you telling me like um hey uh Alby is supposed to be back by now yeah is he is he okay anybody heard from him yeah did you get swallowed up in the Bermuda Triangle I mean it was close now oh and I didn't put that in my notes but Brian um I you know we got to tease him about that because on his flight home on Sunday he he posted a picture um he posted a picture on Facebook that was like well they upgraded me to seat one and he was sitting like 2 feet from the cockpit and he's a picture of him and like there's the pilot right there and he was like I don't know if they want me to fly the plane or they're worried we're going to you know they want me to be the first one to go down with the plane and I was like we already talked about this like we and we had we' already joked about this like you know you just got to your job is to keep them out of the triangle right yeah because we had talked about had yeah we had just talked to him uh he had hosted ghost ship with us if you guys missed that two hours ago when we started talking um so yeah everybody's trips home were were bad except for ours yeah we had the smoothest trip we had we had an interesting trip there but coming home was piece of cake it was just a 2-hour drive like it was supposed to be and nothing weird happened yeah I mean you know despite the fact that yeah it did become a bit of a mess uh getting up there it took us like six hours to get up do a 2 and a half hour drive it was still better than I expected it to go oh that's not a good endorsement uh so yeah we all made it back and then Suzanne started her journey yes Suzanne is in Peterboro now as we recorded she's going to see Scott baula tonight yeah and uh she's recorded some stuff uh talking about her trip uh I'm including this after our we stop babbling uh and uh yeah basically it's going to be at the end of the video along with a bunch of credits and yeah some other she's in New Hampshire with her her husband and son I believe and uh they're staying at this I don't have the name of it something Fox uh bed and breakfast okay which is full of foxes which is weird lots and lots and lots of fox decor and uh we had this fun chat in our group chat last night um she went out to dinner and and was surprised to hear that they call Subs Grinders yes in New Hampshire and that's what they call them here it's a New England thing y uh grinder is a sub yeah and it started this really funny debate um in our group chat about what do you call these sandwiches because most of people had never heard the word grinder before which I thought was hilarious because that's what we call it right so I want to know anybody listening still what do you call a sandwich yes you had a poll that I notic I did I put polls up but nobody answered them except like our people that are in our group chat I'm gonna pull it up and now again if if it um by the way I answered that poll and I said sub well that's because of Subway right right like everybody knows what a sub is I think because of Subway it's not my phone's being stupid so I can't but as of this morning when I looked like there was only like us answering it like maybe one or two other people I didn't really get any consensus I didn't get put it up long enough to get a poll and probably people like what the heck are you talking about and why is this on my feed um but the people in the group chat were were thought it was funny and and were were giving reactions to it um but yeah we went through sub grinder hogy hero and how those are all different but the same depending on where you live yeah so anyways totally random and not important but it was a fun part of our our group chat conversation you think that group chat conversation is going to keep going or we have start one I think it's going to continue into next uh meet up okay okay yep uh so also uh Dennis FR Meer uh dad to the future is heading to the show so Suzanne's going tonight Dennis is going tomorrow on Saturday to the Show Gotcha so um I don't know if we're going to get any input from him but yeah not everybody made it to the same show but a lot of our people are seeing it and uh so yeah um basically uh our next trip our next trip which we started planning during this trip yep Brian was planning it as I said before we even left for hampire so after finishing up in New Hampshire Scott is going to Washington DC and he's performing in a Onan show called Mr Lincoln at the Ford Theater yeah which is another super cool meta thing MH um there's not a Quantum Leap episode about Lincoln there's a Timeless episode about Lincoln y so he's doing the Quantum Leap Timeless crossover and going to perform Lincoln at the Ford Theater which is where Lincoln died if anybody doesn't make that connection um and so when this first came about Suzanne was the one who posted like can we all meet up at the same time this time since she knew we were going to end up in Peterboro on different different weekends um I don't know if that's going to happen I don't know if we're all going to meet up at the same time but we're going to meet up with Suzanne right we are along with Brian wrong with Brian so me and you and Adam Brian and his son y are definitely going we have tickets to the show Suzanne and her brother have tickets to the show same show so we're going to we're going to be there with Suzanne this time I don't it doesn't sound uh great for Alby and serenity joining us yeah I don't think it's 100% no yet but I don't think their schedule is going to allow it so that's sad um and I don't know about anybody else right Chris might be there I I don't know right I don't I don't know we haven't really heard for sure but I know we're going I don't know the details yet of our trip we haven't quite figured out the details Brian has not P booked us a house yet he's trying right um we're trying to see if there's other people getting in on that and how big of a house we need to rent but we're going to be there for longer than the show yeah we're going to go for a few days and make a trip of it and it sounds fun Washington DC I I think uh I'm gonna take my camera and I might just end up doing uh a Davis soe out of it as opposed to uh as opposed to this well we might do this as well it could uh but yeah I I think I'll end up with a ton of footage and I still haven't put put together my Seattle trip oh that was a while ago now you might just give up on it no I think I have to I think I have to so yeah we're now the official Scott bacula stalker Club we're going to go to Scott's third live performance of the year like different performance in three different states even yeah um and we're definitely going to be going with uh Brian and we're going to meeting up with Suzanne we're definitely to see Brian again possibly other people and that's amazing our new best friend best friend yeah and we're going to go see Scott bacula per third time this year third time this year and the one we're going to has a scheduled meet and greet So in theory we will get to meet him also for the third time yes and I wonder if he'll know who we are by that point I doubt it but uh or at least recognize us that you seen us before Oh hey it's Dave anyway and uh yeah so there's more exciting things coming yeah it's it's the never ending like pasta bowl over here yep it's it's it's amazing yeah I mean uh initially you guys were talking about staying through Monday and I'm like uh I don't know that I can afford this uh and so I'm talking to Brian about it and then Brian when Adam and I were talking to Brian he's like he wants to stay through Monday and I was like oh you want to talk to Dave about that right and yeah I'm like I'm talking to Brian I'm like U my only concern here is financial like are you guys going to get like this this place that I can't possibly contribute to that I'll have to spend like the next 5 years paying off he's like oh no don't worry about it we we'll figure it out and I'm like all right I'm just going to agree to this because you know what the hey like you know I can't miss out on this I'm not doing that so yeah so yeah we we got another trip in the works yeah this time I'll be a little bit more prepared for it I think we said that this time oh financially I thought like just like I'm going to try to plan for this and you know set myself up but we'll see how that goes it's going to fall right in the middle of our busy fall recording schedule so that's going to be another hiccup y but it's going to be worth it oh absolutely it's going to be worth it and we're going to have a great time we had a great time this weekend and uh um I'm sad that that we don't get to hang out with these people every day once a month we need to do this get together you know it's going to get to a point where you know meeting Scott bacula and hanging out with Brian Green and Alby it's like oh just part of our Lives you like it's not like the big thing that it is now that's for sure yeah like it might actually get to that point and that's just insane to me but um Adam had a suggestion I don't know how we can get this uh who we need to talk to but uh next year the uh oh my good good speed opera house right which is close to us yeah act Goodspeed Opera House is actually the theater that first premiered man of the mancha okay man of the mancha premiered at the good speed oper house that was the first place yeah uh 60 years ago next year is the 60th anniversary of man of Macha playing at good speed and uh Adam's suggestion was we need to get them to not only do man of lam Mata for their 60th Ann iversary of it but to get Scott bacula to come back and perform it again and then you know we can be the ones hosting a Meetup in our state uh Brian Green should get right on that he's got the bacula phone somebody somebody needs to make that happen um convin you got to convince the good speed opera house to do it I me I'm sure they're planned like for the next five years already but forget that tell them they got to do L Mata and then get Scott baculate on it absolutely as as uh as Chris said you know he's he's the uh the original original version mhm yep I'm sure there were other people who performed it before him but they don't count they don't matter vacula so uh and we met Scott bacula we met Scott bacula again yes and we met Alby and serenity and Brian Green in person and we got to hang out with Chris yep and it was an amazing time and we got to meet Penny yes Penny Penny the dog and grou we met grou and of course Chris's uh lovely wife Laura we got to meet and have dinner with her she was a very nice and lovely person so it was it was great chatting with her as well yeah and uh yeah we uh we made a joke about this being about two hours and it's about two hours well I'm sorry yeah we had a lot of fun so there's a lot to say and we wanted to share it we hope anybody who couldn't be there and you're just dying to know all about this adventure you're probably disappointed that we spent like five minutes talking about the show right but yeah now you're in on it and you've uh hopefully been watching if you're watching the YouTube version of this there are all kinds of little pictures and video clips of our day and it's and and of the weekend and of everybody's travels and Adventures and there's more to come after we stop talking because you're going to get some more goodies from suzan and plus uh I'm going to include some uh like uh video that already appeared in this with some audio so you'll get to hear some of that all right yeah good times yes if anybody out there uh did also go to the show uh let us know your thoughts did you enjoy the performance yeah and if you didn't get to the go um did you enjoy us talking and rambling about it yeah this is literally the most random rambly podcast ever I mean I think it might have even been more so than the connector was maybe I I think it might have ended up uh more so yeah but yeah I mean it was exciting it was a fun time it was exciting it was great and uh it was it was like just the best experience all around yeah absolutely nothing negative other than you know like how long it took us to get there and having to find bathroom but all in all like nothing terrible happened nothing terrible Happ and lots and lots of great things happened absolutely and everybody got along yeah there was no fighting I thought there would be like some Mortal Kombat going on you maybe me and Chris were going to like everybody got along and everybody's great friends and it's just amazing yes absolutely yeah and we're so glad that we got to be part of this experience yeah definitely uh it was definitely a worthwhile experience I'm just I can't I can't even really begin to express how much I was glad to happy to be a part of this yeah it just it's just amazing I don't know that I expressed that enough but this was really big it was big for us MH all right we we appreciate all of you absolutely the people we met with and Scott bacula and his people and our listeners yeah we appreciate every and every one of you especially if you got through two hours of this thing oh we need a code word oh yes uh lancha all right put lancha in the comments if you made it all the way through this really really really long rambly video right all right or just put it because you cheated and saw other people putting it that's okay I'm sure that's something like Ashley R would do because he's done it in the past but uh all right so do we have anything else to say I think we said all things come back next time we're going to be talking about more Quantum Leap and we got lots of great other shows coming back in the fall very very soon it feels like fall today so I know we're close all right so Stacy can be reached at I can reached on Twitter X Instagram and threads at TVN coupon talk if you like this video want to support the channel there are number ways to do so you can join my corn Productions Facebook page you can uh follow me on Twitter at cor Productions you can buy me a copy you can buy something from the corn Productions store on Zazzle you can join the corn Productions membership for 99 cents a month and of course you can like share and comment on this video as well as subscribing to our Channel this is Dave and Stacy from corn Productions signing off okay we are on our way peterb New Hampshire here we come Scott vacula here we come man of lamancha here we come here we are having breakfast at the end of The Tartan box we had uh scones and uh they were really good here's some scones here M apple cinnamon and we have a fruit and now we're going to have some omelets and some french toast and they're playing I don't if you can hear it they're playing manable Munch in the background for us they're actually going on Sunday and we're going today so very exciting Jonathan you like your fruit yeah yeah is it good just stop filming me all how about you Daddy was your fruit good yes okay awesome I do love it oh which way do we go we got down to the bottom and now we get to go back up this is the part where Alby would [Laughter] die all right here we are at our dinner spot Cheshire Village Pizza in Keen New Hampshire sun is like right in my eyes but this is like the best angle so uh yeah we're going to go in and get some pizza and some they have fish of chips and all kinds of Grinders I guess they call them Grinders here not hogies not Subs so hogies and grinders ERS hes and grinders Navy beans Navy beans Navy beans word has it that we're going to see scula tonight it's going to be amazing we are here at the peterb Players theater and we're going to be seeing man of L mancha pretty soon and it's super exciting trying to keep pretty subtle here CU there's a lot of people but uh very exciting oh boy oh boy oh boy yeah we saw a fox here the other night yeah yeah what you got in your hand did you work on that on the show did you make something yeah good what you make [Music] fo he probably would have but I think he was actually really enjoying the show oh good so yeah teenager sign my of course of course of course of course my [Music] pleasure glad you were here can you sign ours as well you want names on them or just sign them um you can make mine to Suzanne you s u z a n n e [Music] and this this has been a dream come true yes this yes um I mean I my mom introduced men of lamancha to us my brother and me when like we were my son's age really and it has always been my favorite musical it's a great Musical and you know I you are my favorite actor oh and and you know my my M my mom's favorite episode was catch a falling star and I know she if if she were still here with us she would definitely be here um I mean she like just I've had a lifelong love of of this show because of of my mom and because of you um so you know love Quantum Leap huge fan um and uh I'm just I'm just this like I was tearing up when um when when you first started singing cuz like I was just like cuz I just you know it was it was like reliving it but like getting to see you actually do it and um I cried at the end when everyone was singing you off yeah thank you yes thank you so much deadly serious game of Boop it's been real ready yeah careful well at least we're aming the magic is made right here yes you a crack rock is it just the paper yes we literally look for this rock everywhere that we go that say cuz we've seen it online but we haven't seen it thank you so much I saw it on a it's a Stacy birthday present so it's impossible to open oh there you go she knows how to [Applause] rip I think so wait Adam doesn't yeah I like making veres oh sweet yes and a bunch of letter beads and color beads and gold beads thank you so much awesome there's now I don't want to spoil it for anybody man until you've seen it in the original cheers Adam sounds [Music] good [Music] love all right I'm actually I'm actually currently doing video but oh definitely will I wanted to when I was about your age and then I grew up any IDE absolutely n um maybe like just like a YouTuber is very successful but you got to do something else because you need a Got To Have a Gimmick uh the RO job would probably be a fashion model and I [Music] would no want some Le maybe fire I'm running out of regular regular the water rer river yeah physicist supposed to be there now nothing else can door push it was you're better now than you were my first year what's your ideas for her that's easier YouTuber we did we went past that now now she needs a day job no no day job she's going to be successful she's already got 700 subscribers no we still need a day job what's your G um no idea what that means you're recording the after beautiful so since nobody knows the name of our show I got these for you guys you remember thank you on Le rewatch we had problem yeah problem oh I love them corn production D it's official right off the to yeah or just corn production that will be on my refrigerator the rest of my life and a lot of her life I'm sure me too you don't want to watch so I don't watch I watch nerd we find shows that we watch together watch TV look at you getting you getting some dirt w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]

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