Category: People & Blogs
Matt laflor for the green bay packers uh was quoted saying the more opportunities he gets the more he seems to show up and make plays so that is the kin king that we know and it sounds like kin king has a really good opportunity to start in the slot for the packers not many seventh round draft picks... Read more
Category: Sports
How's it going everyone the packers have made a total of 12 practice squad signings so far and pretty much all these players have played for the packers and were kind of part of those roster cuts so a lot of these names are going to sound familiar and a lot of these were also kind of expected so for... Read more
Category: Sports
And even with the lions not doing so well at the time both grew up huge football fans they've been playing on the same team since they were very young from peeee football all the way through high school their father taro would take them to a ton of football games in the area in which they watched a... Read more
Category: Sports
At this point i think you are undercover packer fan disguised as a bear fan here we go it's about to go down i'm going sit back is josh zob get a th000 yards in season no what no man you crazy as a bie blood running across a mississippi road in 100 degree weather with a jalapeno on his back [ __ ] you... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The 2024 season has come to an early end for running back a jay dylan with the green bay packers on tuesday the team placed dylan on injured reserve without a return designation marking the conclusion of his season dylan's placement on injured reserve follows a second stinger injury he sustained during... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Now talking about the best position group on this penn state roster the safeties jayen reed and kj winston are playing at a different level than anybody else jayen reed was doing a postgame interview out on the field and james franklin came up to him kind of interrupted and said hey you were just you... Read more
Category: Sports
Uh i haven't talked about that just kind of gone out whatever opportunities i'm presented with try to take advantage of them but we haven't talked about reps and stuff like that yet sean was very complimentary of you and says it's a it's a friendly relationship between you two even though it's going... Read more
Category: Sports
Welcome back everybody i'm jerry and today i'm going to be going over the 2024 green bay packers full schedule i'm going to go through each and every game give you the winner and the loser as well as a score prediction and then i'll go in a in-depth a little bit as to why that is so uh thank you for... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] attention green bay faithful the final roster decisions are just around the corner and we're about to reveal some potential surprises that could alter the course of our season want to get the scoop before anyone else smash that subscribe button and tune into portal green packers news today for... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Welcome to sports scope the most influential sports talk show in the nation [music] stay tuned for updates and great sports content hello everybody welcome to sports scope i'm your host robert butler on the seventh day friday uh july the 7th here uh 2024 now list 23 i don't know what i'm thinking here... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro this 2023 texans team was a revelation last year from worst to first and can they repeat it in 2024 because a lot has changed on this roster both offensively and defensively i'm going to go over everything about them including some stats that i found that kind of tell me the future predicting... Read more
Category: Sports
On the windy conditions we've had pretty mild winds i would say and today was you know one of the the storm i guess blew over was coming in but one of those green bay days where yeah it's a tough win so it was wild i mean you guys were kicking the ball and it was going this way and just kind of like... Read more