Drain the Swamp / UM vs UF - Part 2

welcome everybody to Frankly Speaking Kane's football we're excited to be with you today uh this afternoon to share with you our thoughts our final thoughts on the big game on Saturday at 3 p.m. on ABC between the Florida Gators and the University of Miami Hurricanes I've got my co-host Robert pal 3:30 is 3:30 I said 3:30 didn't I I thought you said 3 okay well 3:30 I I'm I hope I I said let's correct it and we've got the cane juice the cane juice is right we got the cane juice right here yeah and the difference between the cane juice and the previous years is this one has vodka in it so this one has vodka in it yeah yeah that's right that's right this is take a sip baby that's that's it that's it so I'm going to go ahead and share our screen here as we get into this what we tried to do is to put together an analytics package and we discussed it in the part one of our series with you um and in part one in part one what we tried to do was show you the analytic AI model predicting uh for the game so this is part two this is the final recap where we're going to share with you are predictions and how we think the game will flow and the important things that Miami has to do to give itself a chance to win and the same for the University of Florida Gator so uh we're going to start looking at these analytics here now one of the things I do want to share with you is there was a meeting between Josh Pate um and the Josh over at the University of Miami and I'm going to share a very brief clip that shows why he's high on Miami and his predictions for Miami Season here we go you're just a homer or no you know we we we really are that good and I'm sitting there just punching back and then ultimately I get Mike Tyson like the Mike Tyson game the guy gets really big and then Ko's me which is you've seen a lot of other Elite teams right you know what they look like and it you just mentioned it but it is fair to say it's closer M what you've seen so far yeah I think um kind of kind of interested to watch another practice saw them work out in Spring a hang on just a minute they think about um ineptitude of result the last however many years back in the course of a season right so like you discount the end the end product versus well that's not the team that they played right for anybody right it takes some critical thinking to do that though and we're not in a world that likes to do that I'm like wait is a as a a CAF I think the CAF I might kicked in a little early dude it might have kicked in a little early so since this is a un podcast um and you were here on campus in Coral Gables I believe the ceiling is how you put it for remind me was 11 and one i' put it at 12 and0 if I said okay let's stop for a minute did you hear what he just said Rob Rob um in terms of what the ceiling for Miami yeah he said 12 and0 that's right he said 11 and one to 12 and0 now he's going to give the reasons why let's listen 11 And1 I lied so the ceiling is 12 and0 I think I listen but it also you know there that's the trickery of what I see on so but I know what you did what did I do you heard my official prediction for him be 11 and one all Oh no you're right CU you had eight and four 12 and0 and I got it so but but just give me like you you you are looking favorably Upon Us sure for what reasons um I think line of scrimmage they'll be in a better position than anyone in the conference I think they've I I think they'll have the best pass rush matters okay so Rob and I think you and I agree with this now the proof is in the putting they have to go out and actually execute but we're both projecting that the offensive line and the D lines are going to be the best uh we're hoping in the conference and so is Josh Pate what what are your thoughts on that definitely on paper definitely in terms of overall maturity because you know how I feel about the uh line play I think the line play the success of the line play is directly proportional to that of the tenure of the players on the line in other words the older they are the more experience they have the greater chances of success right agree I you know that's that's one position group where you can't fake it you know Bane is an exception right oh what about Bane wa Bane is one name me four or five other freshman for Miami that dominated the line of scrimmage on either side of the ball in many schools where where does it doesn't you can get away with freshman at running back receivers sophomores receivers defensive backs yeah you can do that maybe at linebacker no you can't have a freshman at linebacker either but that line of scrimmage you gotta and that's where I'm hanging my hat I am so sold if you go down that line four years five years three years number of snaps the number of environments that they've played in there's no substitute in a line of scrimmage like that and I think that's what he's hting on I I totally agree it's the depth that you have I think the biggest difference and you and I have seen it we've witnessed it we've had some exceptional Frontline players that and we and you know we've come back a couple years later and say why weren't they developed well because they were Frontline players in their freshman year and they took a beating uh for first time we have a second team and third team reserves backups that are that the the disparity between the first team and second team is small it's minimal so that you don't have a lot of drop off so you can play your second team and third team unit without risking losing the game I find it fascinating that the national media and Josh is part of the national media that they're drinking the Kool-Aid so to speak uh we uh we've been doing for years but this is the first time I can remember and you correct me if I'm wrong it's actually the first time I can remember where the national media is saying that we expect Miami to win the ACC outright we expect them to have a 10-2 11-1 season uh I've not heard that that chorus from uh the national media and and God knows how long uh well I can't remember uh uh we'd have to go back to the 2000 year and 2001 season what are your thoughts on that well yeah I and I think the key here is that it has been a course right I mean it's been the entire media environment that's putting us there uh and we haven't we haven't seen that what was it 17 2017 18 or so where we made it to number two in the nation but that brought the media Kicking and Screaming they didn't want to believe their eyes until you know we handled Notre Dame and we handled Virginia Tech and then that's when they started to believe then we lost to Pittsburgh and then they said see told you so so this is the first time that it's been almost a unanimous um almost view of how we're going to behave and they're all probably have one of these that they're sipping on from time to time uh a little the little Kool-Aid yes sir but in any case um no no we haven't heard this in a long time well I'm going to finish this up with the next next 30 seconds and then we'll move on for this conversation let's hear this sure it only matters what you think yeah I think they got the best pass rush uh quarterback duo in the conference or the potential to be that they haven't played a game yet and so if I'm looking around I don't let me personally I don't like to let my judg get clouded based on what has been so you know I I'm a Believer a lot of people when they think about Miami they think about um ineptitude of result the last however many years you want to go back to they think of the ending of the Georgia Tech game last year that's what they think of which will have nothing to do with this year if they if Miami loses five games this year it won't be because of anything in the past it'll be because yes I totally agree yeah I to agree so your thoughts your thoughts on his and and and listen the problem that you and I have as Kane's fans is we can't forget Georgia Tech we can't forget the last 20 years we have a very myopic view of what's going on we have a we have a very jaded uh relationship with success in the University of Miami because of the last 20 years uh the other thing that we've come to realize I think you'll share that sentiment with me is our ability as fans to judge talent is sorely lacking and that's being kind uh we've seen guys oh Miami's loaded with Talent they're just not developing and we get the right coaching staff in here [ __ ] excuse my French uh we were getting the second and third team uh guys four stars that would have been second and third team on Georgia Alabama uh Ohio State we were picking up a few of those not enough to make any kind of a difference the last two recruiting classes Robert you you and I would have to agree on this were substantial those young freshmen did contribute that they weren't starters but they played a lot of snaps and in the past that couldn't have happened without seeing a huge drop off so I think that strength and conditioning coach and the strength and conditioning program the combination of snaps and now you have sophomores that have been in the program uh and Junior Juniors I think that gives us the best chance without a doubt your thoughts no no no I totally I totally agree uh I think that with the players that we currently have and um what their resume shows uh is it leaves little doubt right it leaves little doubt of the success that we expect to have once again we're jaded U and I'm very I'm very reserved and but like you know um the gentleman just spoke to last I mean years ago it has no impact of today right now it it not but you know we have it in our mind uh and what do you think is the biggest factor for this three-year turnaround uh aside from the fact that Mario crisal came in with a laundry list of of things that the school had to provide in order for you to take the job easy easy the biggest factor is the money that the university Miami decided to invest in back into the football program now people point to when we win those national championships it was different it was a lot different than right uh but money investment the commitment to the football footb team and players and coaches seeing that I think that one of the reasons why we couldn't get coaches here because we never showed any any real commitment to investing into the team we were we were just you know relying on our Legacy of winning National Champion oh you want to come here oh we got Miami oh we got the beaches we got this we got that no those coaches want to win and you're not going to put any money yeah so the biggest factor is the decision and the commitment by the university to invest into the football program I totally agree I I I think that with the Advent of nil which by the way we've had nil in the NCAA college football realm for 30 years the difference is in those 30 years it was a brown paper bag snuck under the table at of Denny's over PES and the other difference was you could do that if you were one of the Blue Bloods okay but we weren't and we have to be real about the fact that nobody liked the way Miami was winning at that time despite the brown paper bags so Miami got hit with sanctions based on hamburgers and cheeseburgers and meals and this that and the other uh because they didn't like the fact that you had all these people in Miami that were were were were kicking the college Blue Bloods yeah uh but and I also equate this to the reason Nick sa retired if you can't get the best groceries uh and the best ingredients to make your dishes at your restaurant and now the guy down the street and the guy down the are getting the same type of groceries and basically have the same chefs that are there okay what's going to end up happening is you're not going to be as competitive he got out when the getting out was good and now with the way the market is um I agree with Josh and Josh called it Josh PA called it two years ago he said said with the Advent of nil he looked at the Florida teams University of Florida Florida State Miami a Resurgence to dominance because if the money was there the players would stay home and if the players stayed home winning would be get winning once you get on that winning cycle which is the other reason why I think this game is so strategically and tactically important does it mean anything in the overall for our ACC record this year absolutely not can we go on and win the championship in the ACC absolutely can we even get a birth into the playoffs for sure if everything goes right however what this would do if we beat Florida it'll catapult a lot of recruits that are on the fence that are saying Miami is on the right trajectory and we will begin to dominate even though we had a top five and a top seven recruiting class will end up having a top three a top two a top five consistently and when that happens and we're keeping all of those kids home then you've the the likes like Ohio State Georgia um Notre Dame all the major players that you see uh what's going to end up happening with them is their talent level starts to come down while ours starts to go up and they're bleeding not just those players but across the country because to your point you said it a bunch of times why am I going to go to one of these schools and sit as a fourstar when I get in the portal and I got four stars and I'm a borderline five star I can go somewhere else and play and get paid and that's that's another thing to these schools are now going to have to compete financially Ohio State's got a ton of money they're at the Top Texas Texas A&M they're at the top Georgia they got money but a lot of the other schools Clemson for instance not getting involved in the portal I think they're they're they're going to become uh an also ran team in the next five years unless they get into the portal and unless they start to invest money not just in retaining their players but going out and bringing in players because you can't develop players fast enough to keep your job your thoughts no no no it's true and it's something that we've talked about it didn't take you know a genius to figure out that once the nil kicked in and all that is that you stockpiling Talent that's no more no more right that's no more the second the second in the second impact is the high school players are now going to be secondary in terms of filling a gap to a portal player right now it doesn't mean that the recruiting isn't important it's just that just because you're a five star don't mean that you're going to hit the field day one you're going to need time to develop you're going to need time to grow into you know the college sport so now you don't have the depth right as you used to have you have depth you have depth you can go two deep maybe two and a half deep but to be having five stars packed up three four deep no no they're they're not going to sit there they're not and that fifth year guy is going to test the market free agency oh yes you know you got the bags you don't want to invest in me anymore because you ready for your number two to take my spot cool I'll kick rocks because Miami have paid me for me I mean look at cam Washington didn't want to keep him anymore they probably couldn't afford him and really in some programs it doesn't make sense no I got another guy I'm really and that's fine right which is great because it means that a talented player first or second string will always always find a home and get paid we always find a home and get paid you don't have to wait for the coach to fall in your favor which is great without a doubt but to your point you made a a several points in our previous conversations which I I think are going to become gospel I'm going to give you one of them you told me rightly so that this now is going to impact the growth and development of freshman quarterbacks coming out of high school okay it makes absolutely no sense for you to take a freshman out of high school unless the guy has innate abilities okay and put them on the field you're going to lose games so what do you do if you're going to spend the money you go in the portal you get a seasoned veteran a four-year guy a three-year guy with upside and you try to develop the kids that you have in the room to eventually move up and take that position but that's one position the other position defensive end uh and and we you and I both agree you win these games on the on the line of scrimmage you've got to generate a pass rush so you've got to have so offensive line dline and quarterback are going to be the premier positions that you acquire in the portal you can get some receivers uh because it's a different different type of athlete freshman and and groom them and bring them up but when it comes to portal Acquisitions those are the guys you're going to go after so you're going to have to Pepper your squad with experience and and we're going to get into that in a minute and you mentioned it you like what we have on our D line why because of the seniority and the experience that they bring so yes we're going into a very hostile environment against a tenur like you like you mentioned before a tene group of guys but guess what we're bringing our own tenure group of guys they may have experience in other areas but they've got the snap count so with that I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to uh go ahead and share my screen with you and let's uh let's look at this here we'll get rid of Josh for now okay and what I want to do is we've got a lot of the analytics where Miami's got a top 10 old line so it is Florida Florida State we we're not going to go through all of that because it's really irrelevant at this point it's time to play ball but I am going to go through the dline which I think is critical in this game and the number of snaps so let's go with Simeon Barrow who's the defensive tackle that we acquired to the portal from Michigan State and we're going to take a look at his statistics can you see that Rob not yet can you see it now okay it's popping up now yep I see it now what I want you to focus on Rob is okay the guy 63 two he's over 300 lounds but let's say 290 uh look at the three years of experience that he has here in his career stats uh you know as far as 36 total tackles 14 solo 22 assists 3.5 sacks um what are your thoughts fumble recoveries what are your thoughts on bringing in an experienc an experienced defensive tackle who played in the Big 10 like Simeon barl uh excellent I mean um we just recruited one of the top defensive linemen in the country what's his name Justin Scott is that his name yes five star okay five star right not saying that he won't get on the field but there's no need to put him on the field correct let him grow let him get stronger let him learn and you got guys with three four five years experience and you're too deep don't there's no need to put them in there now right let them learn so this is example of what I'm talking about this guy here three years solid experience average over what 38 40 tackles y you know uh so you know that's a good stat and he's a good size he was highly sought after too um so he made his money he he he made his money hat off to him absolutely hat off to him Rob I'm gonna share with you some a small little look how big this guy he's Stout oops let's see here that was at the beginning let's Point defensive lineman Simeon Barrow entered the transfer portal he says he has a scheduled visit to LSU Barrow has played plenty over three seasons here he has more than 100 tackles as a Spartan and started 30 games but he is moving on the Tigers he also had some sacks from the inside at the D tackle position which is amazing and now I'm going to move us over to CJ Clark who played with the wolfback and he gave us a hard time when we played them let's take a look at his Dimensions he's 6'3 he's also 300 lb and he's a they they look at him as a nose guard or nose type player clogging up the middle what are your thoughts on him well here's another guy five years right y five years five years so this is his sixth year his sixth year so he obviously took a red shirt or something one year uh but he's been at the college level five years I don't care how good a freshman is five star coming out of high school he will not be able to deal with a man like that I don't care it is no doubt so it means that you have to match this guy experience talent and size absolutely right so another example Mario knows that you got to bring in the guys who looked the part who has played the part and is going to be the part right um so you pull up another one I bet you the starters have nothing less than three to four years experience nothing less totally agree you know people will bang freak freak of nature but that's not very often it's not very often you couldn't line up all last W freshman well let me let me ask you this let me ask you this speaking of hurricane Bane we put him at the defensive end he played more snaps than any other D lineman because he was the only one that was healthy so now you bookend him with guys like Simeon Barrow CJ Clark at the tackles we haven't even got to the other end okay which we will now in a minute now they've got to pay attention to the entire dline you can't focus on one individual because we did move hurricane Bane to D tackle during parts of the season because we didn't have enough bodies we were fit on the dline uh and now they've replaced them so let me go ahead and share with you um the other additions that we had and we'll go here to um let's see Tyler Barrow uh he's going to be the defensive end that's going to be opposite of Ruben Bane let's take a look at his metrics real quick this is a big fella Rob take a look at him he's 6'5 and again 260 is probably closer to 280 take a look at the years in college and his stats Rob give me your thoughts guy's got eight and a half actually he's got 13 sacks over those over the six sacks last year in 2023 28 total tackle 16 solo 12 assists what are your thoughts on him well I'll go right back to where I come from four years experience big guy proven on the field and there's no doubt what you're going to get out of him I mean he's averaging 25 tackles a year right is that total actually a littleit actually a little bit higher than that higher than that yeah you know uh and big 65 260 yeah at the end position as well he's making those tackles as a defensive end so he's really he's really uh you know get gaining some ground he might me all the cat we had Jaylen um who went to the Dolphins what was his name oh uh he came as a transfer from uh UCLA UCLA that's right or USC yeah yeah and end up being a factor big factor oh yes so yeah I mean you look at last year 28 TOS 16 sing six sacks I mean and what can you say I totally agree Bumble recovery for a touchdown now let's go take a look at uh some of the rest of that dline because really these are the guys that are going to make the difference in the game uh for us and let's see if uh we can do that but before we do I can't help myself uh we've got to look at One Quick Clip it's a little short 4 y to do it oh that's beautiful isn't itow he got it okay that that's good for that and then uh this is a tribute to all of us the last 20 years I kind to know what it's like to be in commercials my nickname in high school used to be Kool-Aid man that's how he looked at the end of the season okay we're gonna we're gonna koola we're gonna exactly that's how we looked at the end of the season so I I'm looking at them uh making a major impact on the dline we know what we got in Ruben Bane so I don't have to show you any of him uh We've also got uh de Hill who's going to be one of the corners and then we're going to come over here and you know you and I discussed it uh but we we do want to to show the folks that Graham Merz is no joke okay uh we're going to start and and if anybody thinks that we're going to walk into Gainesville and it's going to be an easy game I I I I think you're smoking something let me just show you uh him uh he's a very good quarterback he's got the size at 63 216 and Robert again with experience five years going into a 6year 72% passer rating 2900 yards last year he threw for 20 touchdowns and three interceptions he averaged 8.1 his long was 161 so you notice if you notice his his rating every year he went up uh you know first year is an anomaly because he didn't have very many snaps and it was high but his efficiency is through the roof I wanted to get your thoughts on what you see at 2900 yards 20 TDS three interceptions and 69.3 QB are which is 36 did something just happen yeah I know I just want to get your thoughts on on uh the qbr on Graham yeah yeah I just I think he's uh I can't see your screen now um it's not on it's not on I'll put it back on for you to see it right now hang on a minute can you see it now um yeah okay so we're looking at five years Rob five years this is year six year six for this quarterback 2900 yards 20 TDS three interceptions as a matter of fact uh he's at a 69 qbr but if you total his 49 58 touchdowns verse is 2430 actually you got 20 uh 21 24 29 interceptions but those are all in in the in the years past last year he had a stellar year came from Wisconsin what are your thoughts yeah I mean um he's a proven uh quarterback size is good his movement in the pocket is good he has the experience um I just think it's going to be up to how how the defensive coordinator calls the game um I'm sure they've done a lot of film study they know where to attack him I think that the defensive line is going to have to have success to get him off the mark to force him to do what he doesn't want to do and we'll see and we'll see what happens well we're going to view just a quick uh clip from him right now uh so that so that the viewers can see because what kind of shocked me a little bit was he's not a dual threat quarterback in the fact that he's going to run the ball he is a quarterback who has really good pocket awareness which belies the fact that he had over 30 sacks but I want you to see his Mobility his arm strength and his accuracy so here we go Caleb Douglas show up a couple times tonight so far just barely got the snap off and it won't matter the hookup is there merch pass play here for the Gator mer air it out he's got Pier INRI that was the number one receiver last year Pi he can he's got Escape ability Robin he always goes to the right cuz he's a right-handed passer uhhuh we got a him right and B's going to be playing on that right side to the left group nine on Third and 12 on the Move flings it and tight rope he goes in motion now playaction pass Merz all kinds of time he's going to take a shot wide openers Pierce off they've been on fire motions outs to the right now to the Sid ninth play of the drive what are your thoughts well okay I'm not g be critical I'm just saying that the clips that we saw of him was against Lester teams except for the Tennessee uh they are highlights but you know his form his movement his control is all you know highly recognizable I I think that uh from a quarterback stance there's no doubt he has what it takes so put yourself at Lance gendry's position Rob I want you to give us a couple minutes of how would you how would you defensively scheme against Graham Merz and that offense bear in mind that they have a pistol formation where he doesn't go back in the shotgun but it's in the pistol and they run a lot from that formation with a two- tied end set so it's a 12 12-man Set uh and that you know bearing that in mind how would you attack that offense I would Blitz him from different positions um Blitz him from linebacker safety I would hopefully be able to get enough pressure with four um and I would keep as many guys in the secondary as possible drop a linebacker once in a while drop a defensive end um that's how I would defend him but I would definitely Blitz him as many times as I can and and keep him guessing in terms of is this a Blitz if it's not a blitz uh prow the line of scrimmage back off the line of scrimmage you know I'm not the defensive coordinator I'm not a coach but just from games I watch is that with a player like that you have to keep him guessing and that's the point I'm making you have to keep him guessing on what's coming so he's preoccupied trying to think through the whatif totally agree totally agree with you that's going to be one of one of the keys to the game now conversely on the other side we're going to look at cam Ward very quickly as well now you know most of us haven't really seen him uh because all we've seen is the spring and the fall practice and that's been very limited but you're going to look at cam W in his statistics okay Rob can you see this yep once again what that's four years of experience that's four years now he's 6 years yeah he's 62 233 he's got 3735 yards 25 TDS seven interceptions and a qbr of 65.2 so he's 50th in qbr uh the other guy was rated 38th with a 68 qbr so what do you see in the stats as you look and we can focus on 2023 he had a 66% completion rate um what do you see there Rob that that sticks out at you [Music] we passing for a lot of yards um how many touchdowns 25 that's a lot of touchdowns um I just see him getting better I mean if you look at his stats I mean he had that 14600 I think that was before he went to Washington State though correct that was incarnate Ward Washington State yeah right so but he's consistent I mean when you ask what do I see I see consistency I see consistency 3200 3700 average 6.5 7.7 320 completions 323 completions I mean I just see that he's consistent you're going see the same here now we have identified that the offensive line he'll have will be better than what he's at oh substantially so absolutely absolutely one of the things that I want to uh bring out as well is that both him and Merz have a low average per attempt at 7.7 and 6.5 uh you the goil lock zone is to be between 9.5 and 10.5 but that's that again is equated to the o line so based on what you just said I'm going to share with you a clip and I want your thoughts on it on him in action and the o line remember now when you saw Graham Merz he had a fairly clean pocket on most of those plays watch the highlights from cam Ward you got the screen yeah the pocket will run 10 five Ward lunges as the in four yd line Ward Under Pressure hits escapes throws caught FAL Cuts Ward calls his own number End Zone touchdown Ward on the roll out slam Baker's got it touchdown looking for the corner it's Williams it's right there for the Home Run toug Flat footed out to the perimeter slicing wow you see that oh my goodness he's got a quick release Rob very strong arm he flicks it in his F he's rolling to the [Applause] left what a [Music] cat notice that he never had a clean pocket barely had enough time to set up are you seeing what I'm saying yeah I'm seeing move the outside now he comes back in and scor heels again Ward gets rid of it touchdown pitching and the other thing is Rob I want to bring up and well that's that's enough of that there but I also want to bring up the fact that if we're in the Red Zone he becomes a bigger threat because oh absolutely yeah the threat to run and the threat to improvise um I wanted to get your thoughts they're two totally different styles of quarterback play merch is more of a dropback quarterback who has some pocket awareness uh who even though he had a lot of sacks well the a lot of sacks are Testament that he's probably not the most elusive but I think he's elusive enough and then you have Cam Ward who was under constant durest who out threw because he had to they had no running game so what are your thoughts on the two different styles and what a clean pocket and a strong offensive line would mean for cam Ward well the Styles when they're in the pocket look very similar um I think Ward though instead of running lateral only he will run upfield yes Merz I didn't see him running upfield he's always looking to throw the ball which is fine you know throw the ball downfield he's running parallel to the line of scrimmage most of his Escape is to get out to try to throw it ham will do that plus if it opens up he's taking on doesn't have to open up by very much um but there are games now the games I saw cam in the competition was a little greater yes um you know uh we saw merch and you know it was uh M State and and uh some other school um so the protection was pretty good except for when they were playing uh T when they were playing Tennessee the protection was different but definitely to answer your question stronger offensive line equates to a more productive quarterback uh and if you have a strong running back and an offensive line the production of the quarterback increases even more well let's get to that quickly as well because you're you're to me we just stepped into the keys of the game okay because these are the keys the game your point your offensive line it's all going to start with the line of scrimmage but the keys of the game are you going to be able to run the ball and protect the quarterback those are the two main Keys uh on the offensive side of the ball on the defensive side of the ball are you going to be able to force them as far as down in distance create that that Gap so they're looking at a second and long and third and long so with that bearing in mind uh we're going to go over uh and look at the board here and see what we have uh and uh we're going to start with the running backs let's see here they've got um at the time that we put this together it wasn't known if their number one running back was going to suit up who's a really good player we'll come back to him but uh we're going to look at um Damen Martinez and we're going to look at his statistics and size let's start with that can you see the board yep yep 6.1 average per carry 1185 yards nine TDS 19 194 carries that was in 2023 so he's got two years of stats Rob he's going into his junior year so uh you know he after this year he could leave or he could stay an extra year 6 foot 232 pounds yeah give me your thoughts look at the the long runs as well give me your thoughts uh on uh and he's got receiving yards notice this he's got 64 yard run a 50 yard run but look he's got 11 receptions for 126 he averaged 11.5 per catch and a 25 long what are your thoughts on Mr Martinez he uh you said keys to the game yeah right here that's it keys keys to the game um the threat of a run helps cam out so much the threat of Cam helps Damian out so much right they both will complement and benefit from one another uh and then of course you know you speak about the offensive line so there is little to no doubt that he will be a staple and will be an impact player for this game uh and you know a running back room is is thick right the running back room is thick we have some horses in the running back room so we don't have to totally rely on Damian you may see a twack set you may see a two back set so yeah that's what I think about him experience nice size 230 that's a good size for a running back six foot is good size totally agree now what we're going to do is we're going to move on to um show the rest of the board here and we're going to show some of his capabilities and I think you and I have seen this before but what stands out in these video clips is the power and explosiveness that he has and I I think it's safe to say there's nobody on our team currently that has that kind of explosive first down and he cars right through the smart I know that that graphic there makes my head hurt to be honest with you what Rob what's the first thing that stands out front his vision man his vision and his patience good hands you see that catch yeah martinz follows it up with a burst of speed Rob y watch his patience look I mean he doesn't waste any time once he makes his decision he's gone granted he was playing for a team that had a great offensive line as [Applause] well but his vision rob you nailed it yeah it's his ability to see the field in the open Lane [Applause] y yep and apparently he's fairly durable hand off to Martin nearly breaks free Martinez still on his Okay so we've got a durable back in Damian um and what I want to share with you now also is the second part of this Rob which is going to be um the wide receiver group any thoughts on the wide receiver groups before we get shoot man Sam Brown and the X-Man and um jacobe George well we kind of know what we got in those two so I'm just GNA go with Sam Brown because he's the new addition okay let's see what we got with him because we've we've just seen Snippets let's go with h Sam Sam Brown is uh first let's see his size Sam Brown is 62 195 so he's a big cat he's got by the way he's a track star uh as well I found that out I wasn't aware of it but look look at his four years he's going into year five Rob here we go there we go more experience more experience averaging 13 yards a reception 852 yards he doubled up from uh year 2022 to year 2023 um so it looks like he's highly productive he had three TDS me personally I think he's going to be the number one receiver on the team I like jacobe George but uh Sam's proven it jacobe George is going into to his third year he did have 800 yards last year as well so he has done exceptionally well between the two of them it's going to be kind of like pick your poison any other thoughts on the stats that we're looking at no um he has uh he has improved every year um experienced um he knows the system is's uh he's been of yep well now we're going to look at him in action again it's against you TSA but that's one of the clips but I want you to see his speed his ability to pinpoint the ball go up for the ball fight for the ball and his runs after catch which I think are impressive on first down Smith wants to go deep and is throwing deep down the middle of the right what AES and throws an absolute laser quick toss here Samu so you're going to see him in bubble screens as well Brown has it gets inside the 30 Elliot Davidson and Houston but with the Texans and actually at the game pass is caught SEL Brown up to the 43 we'll see they spot that give credit to the 44 yd don't allow a big play something 25 yds or more underneath the catch is made for a first down to the 47 yd line Samuel Brown apparently he had a big game here Rob so what are your thoughts on him so far um think he's good I'd just like to see his speed I haven't I'm not they're saying he's a four4 guy okay okay I gotta see him in games I and not real competition and not in Clips right um but uh I'm sure he has talent I'm sure that you know his numbers speak for themselves uh once again they an experienced guy now the guy that's gonna the guy that we need to watch out for is Eugene Wilson Trey Eugene Wilson this cat is is sophomore year I'm going to put him up for you this is their number one receiver he's a legacy player at Florida uh smallish at 510 183 uh but look only one year of experience 61 receptions 538 8.8 yards per catch six TDS 30 long but they use them in the backfield carries for 55 yards 9.2 18 long thoughts on Trey or Eugene Wilson well um he obviously must be a talented guy um but you know um last year was first year I guess he was a freshman so he should have more experience he should have a better feel for the game um his size is decent 510 a little bit on the short side 183 lbs um but apparently he's pretty good I mean I mean he's decent um well let me show you you just need to see just how this year is going to be he hasn't we don't know how how consistent he can be from one year to the next okay this clip I'm going to give you is versus Georgia uh which is a tremendously defensive a tremendous defensive team let's see here they call him Trey who was in motion Mer's plenty of time fires down the middle on the Run wide the9 y was so good and the motion that hurt Tennessee coming across and then the sare theal is that's it right there yeah fakes that way and comes little scen running AC what's that running across motion a lot motion y they there Wilson is to score touch Florida thats I've seen enough to tell you that I think that guy's a real threat yep yep yep yep with they moving him all around and yeah Slants swings yep and their possession and they have another guy on the outside which is chamir I'm going to show you him real quick chamir is about uh six foot he's a little bit bigger now chim's got this will be his fifth year he's got four years with Wisconsin and he averaged about 15.2 uh a catch he's got a 74 yard which is probably his longest in his career which was in 2022 but um he is uh he is a heck of a player um and this is gonna this is a guy that worked a lot with graham Merz at Wisconsin because that's where Graham came from any thoughts that you see on this on this particular guy you know obviously he has experience played in the Big 10 lots of experience um yeah average is 15 yards yeah um good six foot 195 I mean he looks like a he look like a baller yeah he's a boundary receiver he's not one of the slot guys but we're going to go ahead and play just a little clip of him uh he got a pretty good bur right here yeah to the house DK you get caught by the safety though at the angle DEC down that's by the way yeah is gindo has checked in number 20 oh that's a beautiful pass DK again so as far as acclimating himself to Graham Merz that's not going to be an issue so what are your thoughts on DK um he's another one that need to keep eye on um DK I don't see him any better than the receivers that we have Wilson he's very versatile but I see him like an X-Man I agree right uh so except with speed a lot of speed yeah yeah that's um but X-Man makes up for it with his elusiveness no doubt he's he's very elusive if you watch some of the games you see him get in situations like wow how did he get out of that or how did he turn his body to catch that ball uh he has excellent anticipation of where the defender is you know you know you see the defender here he spins to the right or spins to the left I mean I mean he is just one of those guys that despite you know not having you know blazing speed or crazy height he is a baller and he has a good feel for the game right you throw the ball near him there's a good chance he's going to catch it no doubt and if he does it nobody else will that's the thing I love about X-Man so I agree x-man's a thousand yard receiver yeah the other two are 800 yard receivers so we match up the question is how will the secondary matchup with their with their players because they do have some players so we're going to go and take uh a look and we're going to get ready to wrap this up in a minute but I want to get over here to um the rest of what we have those are the top weapons we don't have to go through jacobe or any of the other guys khil Jackson is a 62 63 big bodied guy but he's a possession receiver uh and they're going to use him quite a bit in in the uh in the red zone a guy that goes up and gets the ball uh coming over here um I think that for surprise freshman I think Josiah Trader we we may see him a JoJo in the game and he might surprise a few I think we're also going to see OJ frederique uh and I'll bring him up just for a minute can you see this he's six 6 foot 180 out of high school uh and they're saying he's going to be buying for a lot of playing time so uh I think that that could be top 70 player in the nation um number you know so that's going to be at at corner so let's see here um the other wild card is Chris Johnson and I think we'll see him in in kickoff return and Elijah Lofton um the tight end who can play fullback so I think that you're going to see that's basically the way it's going to break down and I'm going to try and get in here and see um how this works out I want to show just a a a a short clip of Riley can you see this screen first of all yeah yeah okay let's see if you can see this this L the reason I'm bringing your attention Rob are you seeing the screen here the video a good what time it is my man you about to get W let's get it our favorite coaches now all right let's get this film Rock and rolling let's see what he talk I'm sharing this with you because this is tight end Riley Williams who played last year a ton of snaps but as a blocking tight end they didn't have enough faith in confidence throw the ball with TVD he never looked at anybody it was very difficult but this guy's poised to have a huge year along with aroyo so I don't want to overlook him so I just want to show you what he was capable of his last year talking about Champs 15 and0 all right 36 catches 889 receiving yards 14 touchdowns 24.7 yards per catch all right big dog did you hear that 24.7 per catch let's get it great catch man great body control like you say 66 230 lbs and again the tight end is not a tight end that we know back in the day like old Jay Nova different angle all right let's see what you got going man got let's get it I like it big dog got some wheels on them man like I say 66 230 that's ideal size man when it comes to tight end in college and again today you got guys split out wide oh good hand man good snag right there I love that watch how he snatch this ball out of the air great catch right there let's go baby dragging them to the end zone wow like I say he he he looks appears to be Swift and Nimble on his feet catches the ball well again that's only one well two big catches so far let's see what else he going to do oh wow he's open what was Defender doing jeez hey man it's a man playing amongst boys out here man what's going on Portland Oregon and watch him block look at that oh my him out the club threw him out the club thre him out the club that right there P little Timmy get on in here let's go watch this I Tred my best I Tred my best coach you here being a bully dog let's go come on camera man get the camera down there can he take it to the can he take it to the look at man I like it that's good tight okay now Rob the reason I bring him into the equation is because I believe if I were Miami attacking Florida's defense what I'd want to do is I'd want to wear him down and i' want to go 12 Personnel set double tight ends and what I would want to do is with the double tight ends nobody is aware that Riley Williams is a pass catching tight end uh we really didn't show that last year a royal we know he is but both have the giftedness to be able to block so if you can imagine having them both go with two wide receivers two tight ends and and and you could even go with a running back and a fullback at that point because you still you you can still do that so if or a single bat set either way I think that would cause a lot of Havoc because you'll start exploiting the middle of the field and their vulnerabilities with their linebackers uh not in run uh stop but in coverage so that if you get those guys to suck up and you can leak out one or two of those linebackers and now the safeties have to make the tackle or the cornerbacks it's it's got big play written all over it you do that with Restrepo crossing over and you've got one heck of a combination so I wanted to get your thoughts on that strategy no no I totally I totally agree the more weapons you could have on the field and Dual Purpose we uh uh weapons blocking and catching um you know it's just another opportunity for cam to get the ball out to someone who catch the ball uh and I believe what you've stated we're we we will see we will see I think that from a from a offensive standpoint we gonna run so much out of you know the same set you know three four five different plays out out out of one set so we will see okay Robert we better wrap it up to thank you give me your prediction before we go um I know that the uh fans may not you know like this but I think our ceiling is 10 and two I have this down as one of our losses I think it's going to be a close game I don't think it's going to be a blowout um I just think that we just still need time to jail I think that there's a lot of new Pieces good talent but we haven't jail we haven't jailed as a new team because it is essentially a new team so um I hope it's not right as far as my prediction the score I think will be somewhere we will be around 27 to 30 points uh Florida is going to be north of maybe maybe slightly above that you know 33 35 points I don't expect it to be more than a seven-point game so you're picking Florida to win yep okay got you the the predictor has um winning 31-28 uh which is the analytics AI program that we used I am thinking that Miami is going to win 34 to 24 34 to 24 okay a 10-point game I think that if they exploit the middle of the field and they exploit that dline I think that if I'm Mario he's an offensive line guy guy I'm chomping at the bit to run two running backs Fletcher we didn't even talk about and Fletcher I think he's going to see quite a bit of action I think he's going to be the number two guy I think you'll probably get about 10 to 15 carries I think um you're going to see um uh Fletcher go 10 to 15 um and you're going to see Martinez go for about 20 maybe 25 carries and you're going to see AJ sprinkled in there a little bit uh as well because this is not a game where you're going to trot out any of your freshman I don't think noer will be back there catching punts you might put Johnson who's a speeder at kick return that I could see but anyway so that's my predictive for the thing go canes let's let's start drinking some of that uh cane juice as coach Haz would say and if you can go to his website go see coach AES and if you like our video hit the like button uh share and subscribe leave your comments down at the bottom we want to know what you think who's going to win the game why and how God bless you guys and God bless the Hurricanes all right let's go let's go [Music]

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