Drain the Swamp / UM vs UF

welcome everybody to Frankly Speaking K's football I'm here with co-host Robert Powell we're so grateful to have you in the new 2024 year go canes we're going to discuss the upcoming game which is Saturday at 3:30 and how we see it playing out we'll discuss briefly the results of the Florida state Georgia Tech game which I'm sure everybody's going to be all excited about talking about what happened up there in Dublin Ireland so as we get started I want to go ahead and share my screen with Robert on some things that we put together for this game and we'll start here Robert what I've done can you see the screen Robert yes sir yes sir what I've done is I've laid out um basically the players versus each other uh for the University of Miami side and the University of Florida side there's a couple interesting factors one of the things that I also did was I put together an algorithm which we got the results that gave us some data and analytics based on the current roster and uh snaps per team and the different styles of play who would be favored and what so we'll get a a score with that but you'll see here our starting lineup is projected to be Sam Brown at the at the left boundary wide receiver we got our running back uh Damen Martinez uh Restrepo in the slot um on the right side we're going to have jacobe George and we're going to have Mark Fletcher which is great news Rob I just wanted to share that with you it's confirmed he was playing full go um in the scream uh scrimmages so he was looking fantastic the guy was playing well he's 100% go I don't know how much they're use him but I think that's fantastic so as we look we're going to also go over here and you're going to look on the left side is Florida's left cornerback the guy that's most likely to line up against uh Sam Brown is going to be uh Devin Moore for the Gators and then Sharie Dennison uh is going to be the star player for Florida kind of like that hybrid linebacker that's going to be in coverage um more of a corner than a linebacker then Jordan Cassell is going to be the free safety he's over here uh and then you've got the strong safety is going to be ASA Turner um and Jason Marshall is going to be the right cornerback that's going to line up the good news also is that we're going to have tight end um aroyo is going to be ready to play and so is Riley Williams who played last year and you'll see a Royo up here at the top so uh Jaylen Rivers is going to be left tackle left guard there's still some it's either going to be Sam okoa or Matthew McCoy there's some debate as to who it's going to be we're going to have Zack Carpenter as a center Right Guard andz Cooper and Francis malinoa is going to be the right tackle and you'll see the lineup for these guys in the Jack position which is that hybrid linebacker uh who's also a dend you're going to have um for Florida uh Cersei TJ you're also going to have Joey Jackman I don't know if you can see him he was a addition in the portal along with um Grayson Howard who's going to be their middle linebacker and you're going to have that their D tackles are cam Jackson and Boone now you saw I sent you some information on their D tackles they average 66 305 pounds there's there's some big boys up front now I I want to get your opinion in the Florida State game we had our guy that was there the 66 300 lb and he got pushed around pretty well because of L but I wanted to get your thoughts on the starting lineups as you see them uh what are your thoughts about the starting lineups well it is as we expect it right there are no real surprises there you see um a couple folks that are new um and I think that they're going to contribute as we all expect um just want to comment about the um overall defensive line on the Florida side yeah the size is there right and I'm sure there's some uh athleticism but as you pointed to as we saw this weekend there's more to it than just the size in their athleticism right it's the schemes it is the blocking and the offensive line that's on the other side of the ball it's the talent of the running backs it is the whole package of play calling that is going to be able to expose some of the weaknesses definitely I mean Florida if you look at him from last year the challenges were across the board right um definitely on the line definitely in the back end um so we're going to see if indeed they have solved those issues I thoroughly believe that regardless of the size of the defensive line Mario is going to want to pound the ball right I think that that's how we going to get Cam started they're going to force those linebackers up we going to see just how good that defensive line line is I think that you going to see a lot of running um but it is going to be an interesting matchup um nothing is given uh we saw that this past weekend with the contest uh that we saw in Dublin so it is going to be interesting to see um exactly how this actually unfolds my number one concern with Miami and I shared this with you Frankie earlier this week is that to come out of the gate this team for the most part hasn't jailed yet right it's going to take a couple of games before the quarterback running back the offensive line so on and so forth get to the point where they're clicking all cylinders the good news is that I think that they're practicing against probably one of the better and deepest defensive fronts in the ACCC uh with what they practice against in terms of what we have I and I know we'll talk about later and I think that's a positive I think that to be able to practice against better Talent OR talent that will be equal to or better than what you'll see in real life is is a plus so those are my thoughts um and I know that we have you know an opportunity here to cover other things but um I I believe it's going to be a challenge running the ball is going to be key and I think what cam Ward brings to the table is going to be able to unlock some of the success that we're expecting I totally agree with you rob the the thing that um it's not a concern but it's an observation Florida State goes up to Dublin uh they were pretty heavy in the transfer portal as you know there's been a lot of debate and speculation about they're prob they're they're a heavy team on the transfer portal and they've not really filled in very strongly with recruits so they've got basically a a we've got 43 new players on our team coming into this year they've got a larger number but the key thing is what what did we notice DJ ukulele as I call him because I can't pronounce his last name uh d DJ just DJ um he came in and he it's his first start uh with a new team and while he didn't cost them the game he couldn't carry the team with them on their shoulders to win the game so when they crowded the line of scrimmage and they decided to take the run away from Florida I think it was 13 out of his 14 out of his 19 passes were within three yards so I think one of the things that we have to the reason I bring it up is there's a parallel we got cam Ward now he's he's a great quarterback and in my opinion much more accomplished than DJ but it's his first start so it's going to be interesting how they game plan it I agree with you it's going to be a heavy dose of the run and I also agree that Florida Florida's look at that and they're going to know going in they got to stop the run now they got two linebackers that they picked up in the transfer portal uh that are tremendous linebackers at run stopping their weakness though because last year Florida's defensive line uh was not very good they they they got run on pretty heavy I think they averaged close to 200 yards a game that they were given away but the two linebackers they think solve the problem but the two linebackers have a weakness and their weakness is they're very poor in coverage so if you get the tight end you slip them out you slip out the running back uh you you're going to see there's some damage that could be done there so I think it's going to be a battle of the line of scrimmages really is going to be the key I also think our wide receivers have a favorable matchup against Florida's DBS even though they've kind of shored that up a little bit so I think that that's going to be another key component to the game how are they going to play are are they if they start to have to load up the box and sneak up the safeties to stop the run I think Cam's going to have a big day and the tight ends will have a big day so I think the first thing Miami is going to have to do to quiet the crowd to get Cam into the game is to start off running the ball good news is we got Fletcher back 100% and we've got Damen Martinez Fletcher 62 230 Damen a 6 foot at 230 so you've got two power backs that are going to be in that back field and I also believe if past is uh is is a predictor of future Mario's going to go with experienced guys so even though we have a lot of young kids that are freshmen you're going to see the notd is going to go to the experienced absolutely even even if even if these guys have big upside because mistakes are going to be critical turnovers are going to be critical in the game so you're going to go with the known commodity versus you you know something new because of the stress and what have you so I think you're going to see a lot of that that's why I'm not con I think you'll see AJ as a running back you'll see Fletcher I'm not too sure you're going to see a lot of Chris Johnson maybe depending on how the game goes they might spot him in here and there for change of pace if we're up on the score but if it's a tight ball game I think they're going to keep it close to the vest and you're not going to have any of those guys that are that are going to come in there what are your thoughts on that so we both agreed and aligned on the observation or what we perceive to be heavy run and I will go to the other side of the equation on this thing and say this I would not be surprised if the first play out of the gate is a Sam Brown curl fake go long and throw a bomb first play out of the gate first play out of the gate to show right away we'll throw it too now to get those safeties to get those Corners to respect those routes because I also believe that a threat of a throwing game will keep the backend honest and allow the running game to happen I totally because you cannot say that this team Florida say oh we're not going to respect your throw you better not do that cam Ward will throw it and if he breaks loose and you crowd that box he'll pick up 15 20 yards running the ball yes I totally agree so I think what I just kind of summarized there is the fact that we have the T talent and the ability to come at you either way and once we establish what you're going to play we can counteract that going in the opposite direction you stack the Box great will throw man oh man coverage I totally agree I totally agree now I I've got some other observations that I wanted to share with you on exactly what you were talking about uh there there's a couple key things that struck me uh in the press conference with Shan Shannon Dawson he made a couple comments that were pretty insightful number one for the first time in I don't know how many years we can run throw short screens deep intermediate range passes run we can do all of it with the same stable players here's what I think you're going to see a lot of 12 man I think you're going to see dual TI ends in the game I think you're going to see Riley Williams along with a Royo because both are pass catchers both are run blockers uh I think you're going to see that sprinkled in so if you got those two tight ends lined up and you still got the three wide receivers because you're just taking the fullback out and you're you're basically you got the running back so you've got that set you've got a lot of Versatility so these guys when they see that formation it could be a a heavy run or it could be they could leak those tight ends out of the back I mean out into the middle of the field or even leak the running back and the problem they have is their linebackers are terrible in coverage so if they if they load up on the box you you you're GNA they could either blow them away by using the double tight end and and basically challenge them or sneak behind them and and toss the pass so you know I think that's going to be very critical in the way they play as well now I'm going to go on to this next slide I don't know if you can see it um but basically it has in it let's see here if I can close the window a little bit I if you can see it here okay yeah all right Perfect all right B we'll go to the other side of the slide in a minute basically what you have up here is and and again we can't open this up because it's not working properly but you've got basically the predictors Miami is obviously predicted to win by two and a half points now if this was on on a neutral field it would probably be a six-point game there the the the the swamp is no joke that's going to be loud they're going to be using the headset for the first time the inh helmet communication that's not going to mitigate all the noise like you mentioned in our conversations before it may mitigate 30% of it or 40% may get but you're still going to have to use hand signals and so forth but getting to that I think what where where the difference is going to be uh and I want get to this to over here is uh in the rankings on the offensive line Florida has a highly ranked offensive line despite the weakness on the right side and some of the issues they've been having uh and their dline is a pretty good dline um their running backs believe it or not their stable of running backs apparently to some they appear are deeper than what we have which is hard to believe but and their quarterback and we'll get to that uh MZ um Graham Merz is he's efficient he's a 72% passer with passes within five yards of the line of scrimmage he can throw it deep uh but if you move him a little bit if you move him from right to left he's not a good passer throwing to his left so pressure is going to be a big part of it Florida on the flip side is going to probably not probably they're going to attempt to do the same thing Miami is uh control the line of scrimmage run the ball set them up because they know we've got a lot of pass rushers and pass Specialists they can they and we may be able to get to them with four players uh it may take an extra Blitzer maybe not but that and our weakness as and it's not because the players it's just it's an unknown commodity is our defensive backfield our secondary that's going to be that's going to and they've got some players on offense they've got a couple receivers similar to Restrepo one that's very quick um and I'll bring out his name over here as well let's see here um let's see Ellis let me see if I can move him over let see if you can see him here yeah Eugene Wilson I'm sorry not Ellis Eugene Wilson and they they brought in a transfer Elijah Badger from Arizona State he's a big kid he can make he's a good ball player uh khil Jackson is also a tall guy about 62 they're they're they're big targets so they've got some good receivers and then this guy Shamir uh Dyke came from Wisconsin he was a big Target for Gran MZ before grah MZ so this is going to be this is going to play into him as well this is going to give him an advantage and on the defensive side of the ball our starting safeties are going to be Maris and Michelle pal Maris Williams Daryl Porter on one boundary deari as the slot guy and I think think Hill is going to play the opposite boundary but we're hearing a lot of uh a lot of rumors that um fedek the defensive back the true freshman is going to get a lot of snaps so he's going to be in the mix and and what we're hearing is that he challenged a lot of our receivers wouldn't back down and he's got the body frame uh to be a really really tough player on on the either the slot or the bound actually for the boundary so if you look at their offensive line the other thing that they have is they have a massive offensive line um Ruben Bane's GNA have to go out with you know Austin Barber I believe is 67 um uh Simeon Barrow's going to after Canal Harris which is another big big left guard he's about 6'4 the center is about 63 300 and change um the right tackle uh he's also very large uh he's I think he's 67 also or I think yeah I think he's about 67 300 lb and uh then you have uh Damen George um which is G which is going to be very interesting to see um how we handle that and that's GNA have to be Clark so our starting lineup on defense is going to be Barrow Clark Elijah Austin I think it's actually going to be um barl is going to be the starting actually not barel I think it's actually going to be uh the guy the a guy from um the guy that was injured uh who came back that had two ligaments in each one of the feet that got injured mesor mesidor yeah mesidor mesidor is going to be the I think mesidor is going to start at DN along with Bane and then you're gonna have tyer bar Baron come in and you're GNA have uh Tyler Baron and you're going to have also Elijah Alon come in in that as part of that rotation and see I don't see the guy from Michigan State oh there he okay stting and cl is gonna be the starting nose tackle for meni state so you got those two guys plugging up the Middle with with malinoa and Wesley Bain Wesley's going to be Wesley's going to be covering these guys up here I got Wesley up here so uh let me just see something here you don't see anything right I did I you lost the screen okay see all right that's fine so now we're going to go over to um now that we got the defense we're going to go over here to the what I call the Kool-Aid side um talking about Florida State so that that was something but I I wanted to go here and also share with with you um the surprise impact players for the game that I wanted to pick out I think the surprise impact player for the game might be LJ McCrae for Florida he's a defensive end a five- star uh who could if if if they don't pay attention to him could give us a hard time he's going to be in the rotation and then the other impact player would be DJ langway who's their five-star quarterback uh and he would get in the game if one of two scenarios presented why you why do you think he will be an impact player well he's a thre I I understand but if the game is tight do you think they'll bring him in no I think I think here's here's what scares me about him here's what scares me about him I don't know if you remember we played Florida State at the um at our place at Joe Robbie and we were playing florid State and the starting quarterback got nicked up it may have been Blackman at the time I'm not sure he got nicked up so they put in uh uh Travis um yeah right and he started to move the ball because he was a true dual threat but then he got hurt he got nicked up and they put Blackman back in when they brought him in as as as fresh legs and a fresh set of eyes he was actually starting to outplay Blackman so I you know sometimes when they bring in a fresh quarterback he can lead a comeback it can be a thing but I don't know that we'll see him I do think we'll see a lot of uh of a LJ McCrae I think we're gonna see a lot of him but as I I just think that if the game is close and their starting quarterback is what he is and I believe he is who he is they're not going to pull him oh no they they would be not going to pull him because if they pull him and put in this other guy to me that's a sign that something's wrong yeah oh yeah it would be that that would be if they're behind 21 points if if they're if it's getting away from them they'll do that now there are two running backs is Johnson Montreal Johnson he's a beast he he's a really good running back but he hurt his knee they had surgery during the summer actually during fall Camp he had miniscus uh repair work that was done so it's questionable whether he's going to play or not but that they he might play and then the the second team back for him uh would be uh Tryon Webb who's a freshman a fourstar out of Florida really good back but he's got very little snaps and then you've got the issue with being able to pass block which is a big issue so that's something to consider as well that's another that's another thing that has to be considered so so just a couple things I don't think that's is that Wesley's picture I I don't know that's Wesley's picture but either way oh no this is not BL Saints picture this is TR web Wes is the guy who's gonna cover him okay okay wait a minute that doesn't look like okay so there's a guy Wilson on Florida's team I've been reading a little bit about him He's supposed to be the truth now I don't see him in your wait a minute pictorial here let's see here Elijah what what what position yeah Eugene Wilson he's right here okay Eugene Wilson is the guy that can play in the back field he can he can play in the slot he can return kicks he's quick he's fast he's our number one receiver he's rreo with speed okay maybe not as good as finding the zone as rreo but he's he's definitely a threat he's their number one guy but they brought in this guy they brought in this guy um Elijah Badger who's a big Target and who's also got a re a relationship with the quarterback and they brought in uh chamir Dyk who's also a really that's the guy that's got the relationship with the quarterback actually Elijah comes from Arizona both those receivers are good receivers but we have a stronger receiver cord than they do they've got a more established defensive backfield but by the way they ranked like 130th in the in the defensive backfield last year they've got some players that they brought in and their run stopping again it was way at the bottom they had their big issue was linebacker the Florida State game if you look at the Florida State game um against Georgia Tech one of the things in the if you look at and analyze it play byplay on those running plays they had their defensive backs and their safeties 15 to 20 yards off the line of scrimmage and supposed to shoot the gaps Rob they weren't shooting the gaps when the run plays were coming they were lined up so far back they weren't shooting the gaps and they didn't want the contact and if if these safeties for Florida making tackles we're having a great game that means we're getting past the second the second line and the linebacker so that's going to be very interesting that's going to be very interesting so what are your thoughts on the defensive matchup um I think I think you pretty much nailed it um I just think Wilson is going to be the key he is because as you stated they're they're going to move him around oh yeah you're going to see him as running back receiver slot so he's going to be pretty much a army switch knife um to their offense um I think we've talked about our defensive back field now the positive is our defensive front the front seven is not going to give that quarterback a lot of time no it's not he's going to be under pressure he will be under pressure and that's a positive for our defensive backs right um and I think that our defensive coordinator does a good job in disguising our defensive schemes so granted Florida's quarterback smart talented but I think his weakness is his mobility and I think you're going to see that he's not going to be able to to move a line and in today's college football you must have a level of Mobility you must and I'm not talking you know just a little bit you got to be able to Escape right I think one of the differences and we'll talk about this in a moment between the Georgia Tech Florida State game was mobility of the Georgia Tech quarterback and the non-mobility of Florida State's quarterback I personally think that that probably was one of the top two or three reasons why there was a big difference in that game Georgia Tech did not respect the legs of DJ they did not so but anyway coming back to this that's going to be a plus if we're able to get pressure on him and force him to make throws or decisions that he doesn't want to make now I will share this with you he was sacked 38 eight times last year oh well there you go okay now there you go yeah he now when he and if you're playing if you're playing 12 games that's an average of three sacks a game exactly lot tell you this he had he was 72% completion within three within three to five yards but also within two seconds in other words when he got the ball off quickly he was at 72% when he had to hold the ball longer than two seconds that dropped down to 56% so that that that was a that was a big difference so they're they're going to have to yeah and he's going to do these dumps these screens these bubble screens uh all the all these little types of screens that they're going they're going to throw at them so theine with those though you can't win with those you need to be able to have time to stretch to fill and that's mainly because the offensive line can't protect yes yeah and their their offensive tackle who started last year who was a turn sty they moved him to guard he with the right tackle their right side of the offensive line is where they have weakness that's where they have some some pretty dangerous uh situation there as far as stability the left side is pretty strong so it's going to be very interesting to see how they Shore that up now I'm I do have for you a um I put in a little simulator an algorithm to look at what what what the algorithm did is it took the transfer portals the existing roster the number of snaps the individual uh uh PFF grades uh for the individual players and it came out with a prediction and I'm going to share that with you in a little bit uh for the game any more thoughts on the on the matchup between their offense and our defense no no I think that both teams will challenge the backend of the defenses I think that Eugene Wilson is going to be a problem if we don't get pressure I do agree on the core quarterback yeah I think I think we'll be prepared for those short dumps I think that as soon as those guys catch the ball those screens they're gonna get tapped you know our linebacking core is very physical very athletic um I just think if he has too much time the back end is going to be a problem I told for us and I believe for them as well because cam Ward sees the film and yes and and he creates On The Run he creates on the run so we will see um I'm going to share with you the predictive model got it all right uh basically what it is is it took all the snaps from 2023 it took all of the players on the roster the changeing players the portal editions and it kind of discounts those recruits that aren't really going to see playing time so if you look we're in the blue and Florida is in the gold okay and it's going to show you offensive position strength um I quarterback we have an advantage you can see that we score about a nine they're at about an eight at running back it's giving them an advantage of about a nine and we're at an eight and it's smacked even on the offensive line based on the the years of production so while I would have thought we had an advantage at o line it's telling me here through the predictive model that Florida's o line is just as good as ours it's even it's basically even so here's the bar that's interesting that's interesting that they said that the running back position favors them yeah because that that their starting Montreal Williams play had a great season last year um with them he's hurt though um and so they have a they and we'll get into the wait wait wait wait he's hurt so is this analysis but he may playe in other words he's he may play he may play on I don't know how well it'll be then you're going to hear you're going to hear here's the bar graph comparing the position group strengths between Miami and Florida across various key positions okay you can see quarterback here okay uh position group running back is here we're in uh the blue so quarterback we have an advantage running back they have an advantage o line were even but dline you see the advantage on the dline see it right here MH defensive line we score a nine they're at an eight we're even at linebackers based on the transfer portal okay Corner huh yeah no no I'm just a quick glance it's only two areas that we out that we outperform them we all perform him at quarterback Y and at dline and it's special teams special teams they outperform us according to this metric at at uh safeties they outperform us because we got new safeties at cornerbacks they outperform us okay various key loc you know locations so if you look over here on on this side you're going to see the quarterback quarterback comparison Miami the addition of camm gives Miami a dynamic dual threat with proven experience Florida's quarterback bolstered by highly recruited recruits offers a strong passing game and Leadership on the field running back Damen Martinez uh it says enhances the running Gap but Florida's depth what they're saying is that Florida has a slight Edge based on their depth not the one-on-one okay offensive line the addition of McCoy and Zack Carpenter solidified Miami's offensive line making it one of the strongest in the ACC but Florida's offensive line is highly rated particularly in run blocking and making critical components of their offensive success dline it talks about with the addition of Tyler Baron and Simeon Barrow and CJ Clark is one of the mo is formidable likely one of the best in the nation now they brought in Joey slackman who's a really good addition for them uh to the dline making it a solid capable unit linebacker comparison with mag uh ma Francis maoa and Miami at at an edge in the linebacker position an edge in the linebacker additional depth give by an edge with the addition of Grayson Howard though their linebacker qut is strong offering good run support coaching uh Miami head coach brings experience proven track record and building competitive teams especially with a strong focus on the defense and then we're going to go over here Florida's head coach has a strong offensive minded and has successfully led the team to key victories offensive coordinator uh they're talking about Shannon Dawson he's known for Innovative play calling adapting strategies leveraging team strength uh Florida's OC uh is a solid understanding of the SEC and excels at maximizing potentials of the players d-coordinator going with the um gidry has a reputation of building aggressive resilient defenses Florida's DC is experienced managing defensive unit special teams basically the same thing overall strengths and weaknesses my has a slight Edge at quarterback nine to eight you see the bar graphs running back uh um is eight UF is nine so it's a slight Advantage there offensive line are evenly matched at nine and 10 uh because they're both at nine out of 10 Miami's stronger due to key transfers so we're stronger on the dline both teams are strong and equal scores 810 so here it's saying that the score is kind of equal on the linebackers cornerbacks um is six for both positions while UF so the secondary they're they're basically saying UF the secondary you know that's for sure a predictive score and this is the fun part so predictive based on the detail analysis of both teams including the impact of recent transfers here's a predictive score for each quarter they're predict you're going to like this they're predicting that Miami is going to be up 7 to3 in the first quarter my strong defensive line and quick start on offense give him an early Edge second quarter it'll be Miami 10 to7 FL is going to inch back both teams start to find their rhythm in Miami balanced offense continue to push ahead third quarter Miami scores seven points Florida scores 10 Florida's adjustments at halftime allow them to close the gap especially utilizing their strong running game fourth quarter Miami scores seven Florida scores seven both teams score evenly in the in the final quarter as they B it out but Miami holds on to their lead and the final predictive score is Miami 31 UF 27 and it says the final score reflects a closely contested game giving Miami a slight Edge in key positions particularly on defense allowing them to score narrowly score a narrow Victory yes the conclusion analysis provided are based on a combination of the 2023 rosters the notable transfer editions that might have highlighted for the 2024 season they include players who were either already on the team in 2023 or were added through transfer portal as well as incoming recruits or expected to make an immediate impact here's a quick rep recap the core analysis considers the performance of depth of key players from the 2023 season uh the this includes players where standouts on their respective teams were expected to continue being an impact in 2024 transfer additions the analysis also incorporates players who have transferred to Miami or Florida in the offseason the players such as cam Ward Tyler Baron Joey slackman have have Assist based on their previous performance and the role they are likely to play with their new teams impact of recruits while primary focus is on returning players transfers highly rated recruits who are expected to contribute uh immediately are considered overall in the overall analysis the conclusions are drawn with the assumption that the players will perform at a level blah blah blah the approach is provided looking at the perspective teams my match up in the season there's one player that we didn't talk about that I think could be a wild card and that's Elijah Lofton uh the because here's what I'm here's what I'm thinking if they Place him in the back field as a fullback who can also play tight end who can also split out a wide receiver if you're starting to loosen up those Lineback there isn't a linebacker none of Florida's linebackers can cover that guy out of the back field it ain't going to happen and if he's got to sit back and block he's a fantastic blocker so I think of the Freshman you may see him you may see him with the two tight ends you could see all three of them on the field at one time you could see two wide receivers two tight ends and and and and two backs you could see him lined up with um Martinez what are your thoughts on that no I totally totally agree um Mario made made it very very clear that if you're going to be in the back field you must be able to block we saw in Spring both uh you and I um attended the spring game this guy I mean he is um I mean he is well Advanced to be a freshman uh coming out of the back field catching the ball running the ball lying up at tight because he was uh actually recruited as a tight end right yeah so he's used to contact he used to blocking but man he is very versatile and I would not be surprised at all to see him uh coming in at the position that you just mentioned um on um in the back field because it may look like he's back there a block and he catch a screen exactly right and and Rob he'd be devastating uh as as as a uh on a screen you got a guy that's 240 lbs 6' one if that downhill he's I mean he was the number one running back in the spring remember that because everybody was out injured he was everyone was injured y That's right so I I totally agree with you what do you think about the the computer score 3127 um it's interesting I uh kind of like it I know that we're not giving our predictions just yet um it definitely satisfies that two and a half point lead um the rationale is there I think what's missing is the crowd I think HomeField I think uh what's missing is the fact that we haven't played together as a team yet I agree and this is a tough tough environment if we would have had a couple of easier games and then go to Florida you know then you know but the good news is that with transfer portal guys they're experienced right they play cam has played in some pretty L he played in Oregon he played you know but does to the first game in other words I agree with you and here's why here's why I agree with you DJ had to learn a new offensive system okay uh completely cam is learning the same type of system he was in that run and shoot type system that that that you know that it's the same type of air rate system that um Dawson runs Shannon Dawson so it's not very new to him the wide receiver that they brought in brown actually worked with Dawson in Houston so his all he had to do is learn a few different slightly different things coming in but it's basically the same system so on the offensive side of the ball and Damen Martinez he's in he had to learn a new system as as running back but the running back's probably the easiest thing to to pick up the system it's basically pass blocking learning how to run between the blocks and if they're going to be doing Zone blocking if they're going to be pulling the guards that's going to be interesting to see what type of blocking schemes they utilize as well so I think that the transition for them is a lot easier than it would be um for like for instance Florida state with a whole new offense for DJ I could see him getting messed up but when you're talking about that the what do you do in that situation to settle your guy you run the ball If We R if we can't run the ball it's going to be a it's going to be a long let me put it this way whoever can't run the ball is going to have a very long day yep I totally agree yeah whichever team and so I'm predicting that Miami is going to run the ball for over 230 yards that's yeah wow I'm predicting and I think that it'll be probably and the other thing that we can't project you and I can't project which is going to be probably 30% of this game is we don't know how the backups are going to play I don't know how the backups are going to play on the defensive side of the ball for UF because they're going to they're going to have to do what we're doing we built a lot of depth on that dline I don't know how much depth they have on their dline uh so their dline is going to have to if if they've got depth they'll be able to match us with intensity if they don't have depth that offensive line should start to take control and vice versa if if we don't have the depth on the dline or people get injured or something happens heaven forbid it would be the same situation because it's going to be they're going to play close to the vest I'll be honest with you I don't think they're going to take a lot of shots down the field I think they're going to want to control the ball they're going to want to play a Georgia textile football game uh they'll throw the ball intermediate medium maybe a couple long shots when they have them but they're going to try and have eight minute drives to take the crowd out of it what are your thoughts on that no I totally totally agree uh it's just that they know they cannot underestimate or go into this thinking that cam can't cam can throw the ball down deep he can you know improvise he will and can run the ball if necessary this is not your typical Miami quarterback that we've had no o over the past years not at all right if it breaks down he's gonna pick up seven 10 15 yards that's all you need that's it that's huge so guess what you gotta respect that yes you got to respect that you know even if the respect is you got a linebacker that's spying them well that's a linebacker that you ain't got to deal with right no I totally agree I I personally I don't know if you know Manny Navaro picked the game and he picked Miami to win 34 to 21 he picked yeah he he I mean he just thinks that Miami's offense remember now last year these guys averaged 28 points a game we actually averaged 31 with TVD Believe It or Not uh but they're playing in the SEC I mean that's you know if you average 28 points in the SEC that's I give you props that's kind of like averaging 31 in the ACC so that's the reality they gave up uh 24 I think it was 26 points I think it was 26 points or 27 points a game on the defensive side of the ball or maybe 28 as an average um so they they they so it's going to be very interesting to see what what happens um any other thoughts on on the game no um no other thoughts um I think you did a great job in pulling all this information together I know you spent a lot of time researching and analyzing and put this but this is extremely impressive um so um really really appreciate you doing this but no I think that you've covered everything I think that the only thing that's left is um where we think this thing is going to end well let's talk about Forest day before we go real quick uh no I I I listen I watched the game uh they had a they had a YouTube video which was on the forest State one of their bloggers would YouTubers which was fantastic they actually went and broke down each individual play two and three times and they got out muscled uh they got their defensive line got pushed around but what really got exposed in that game were their linebackers and I think the key in this game is going to be linebacker play because your dline if your dline keeps your linebackers clean and they can come up and stuff the run and they don't have to worry about the pass going over the top then you're you're going to be you're going to be fine but if if all of a sudden what we got to be careful is we got to stuff their run and challenge them to throw and then and challenge them to throw and not give him time to throw because he's an accurate quarterback if he's got time in the back field so I think really it's going to be the defense and like you and I talked about your best chance to win is if you have a great quarterback and you have a great defense if you win in those two categories on the D line the front seven the front seven can mask the secondary to a certain extent if they're putting a lot of pressure on they can mask the secondary so I think that's going to be and if you got ball control on that offense time of possession I think is going to be very important also in this game and special teams what are your thoughts on the special team I have no concern on the Special Teams no I don't I don't I think that um our kick a game is pretty solid um I think our kicker would be a junior this year yep um and he's pretty accurate so I don't have any concerns um on on that I don't know who's going to be our punt returners or kickoff returners I don't I don't know who that's going to be I think the pun returner is gonna be Restrepo I and the reason I say that yeah yeah it's too big a game to take a chance and put somebody who's not sure-handed back there yeah just to pick up an extra five yards or 10 yards or 15 kickoff that's different I think you may see Chris Johnson in the kickoff return yeah maybe yep so anyway my brother God bless you uh please like and share and subscribe to our channel uh send us some comments we're asking you guys what are your thoughts what do you think the score is going to be who do you think the MVP of the game is going to be who do you think is going to be the outstanding defensive player who do you think is going to be the outstanding offensive player give us your score prediction uh down at the bottom and we'll be sure to get back to you God bless you guys and go the youu in Florida we'll bring back win God bless you guys thank you Rob appreciate you I know you're traveling and I appreciate you taking the time God bless you [Music]

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