College Football Boise State Dynasty (Ep.10 Two HUGE Stops on Defense!!)

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:31:37 Category: Gaming

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yo what is going on you guys AC entertainment here back with another Boise State Dynasty mode video as you can see we will be taking on the 7 and2 uh nadaa wolf pack today so uh go and go into recruiting really quick so in the last episode obviously we uh did get two quarterbacks we got Richard Bonia and then Amari chry spin uh so chry spin I'm pretty sure we flipped with Arizona State to get last second so that's really nice and then uh Bonia he was on the of he had his visit last week and then committed to us so we have five commits currently hopefully we will get some more all right so one of the uh prospects that will be coming to the Nevada a game uh is Ahmed Moon Alec Wade will be at this game as well the Left End from Asheville North Carolina uh the three star gem DeMarco Corral will be at this game all right yeah but uh yeah those are the three so we got DeMarco carral Alec Wade and then Ahmed Moon those three will be at this game so hopefully we can get a big win here today and uh we can get those three committed and maybe some more cuz Spencer Owens and David Clawson also had their visits last game so maybe they will come in as well this week and uh some awards that I went and looked at best defensive player uh currently we got Ahmed hassanan in first and then we also got Jaden virgin Morgan there in seventh so got a lot of awards with Amed Hass 9 and Jaden virgin Morgan I noticed uh Rodney Robinson is a first for the best defensive back award best running back somehow is not first I went and looked at the stats jenty has more yards than both uh Donovan Edwards and Ali Gordon on a little bit less attempts like they're kind of around the same attempts but Ali Gordon and Donovan Edwards both have two more touchdowns they have 10 to jenty eight so I'm assuming that's probably why they're ahead of him so we're going to have to start getting Jenny more uh touchdowns because I'm he he deserves is the best running back award honestly uh Lombardi award Ahmed hassan9 first sixth place is uh Jaden virgin Morgan best defensive end Ahmed hassine and then in fifth place uh jayen virgin Morgan uh the Lou groa award uh Jonah dmas is in ninth right now not sure if he's going to be able to get that one unfortunately he had he was really good in our last game he went four of four and had a long of 61 against San Diego State so I think he was 15 of 18 on the year if I'm not mistaking I'm pretty sure that was his stats and the best returner is Travis Hunter Chase penry is in fifth um I don't know I mean Chase penry leads with two touchdowns uh Trevis Hunter does have two touchdowns as well but he's only a punt returner he doesn't return kicks I went and looked at that but I mean Travis Hunter's uh punt returns like his numbers looked really nice so I can't be too mad at it because he has two touchdowns as well so maybe we got to get another return touchdown with Chase penry to at least have some kind of argument there then let's let's go ahead and let's jump right into this game against Nevada and all righty here we go opening kickoff of the day Nevada is going to be kicking it off to Boise State and Chase penry with the kick return he's going to go to the outside he's going to cut it back and no way and Chase penry is going to take it to the house Travis who Travis Hunter who that's right returner of the year is right here and Chase penry baby all righty here's this Boise State Defense out in the field for the first time today they're going to hand it off inside Zone and number four is going to get a first down and some more big run there first and 10 for the wolf pack after the run there they're going to send the running back in motion and they're going to get that there for a gain of seven all right second and three here on the play after the pass running back going to go back in motion and they're going to dump it off to the back and there's a flag on the play and I think Simpson yeah so all right third and six here after a scream pass and they're going to go and it's going to be incomplete all righty so fourth and six after the uh pass there oh my gosh why are we doing [Laughter] oh dude the the patch it EA patch it please first and 10 for the wolf pack after the stupid like roughing the punter because we can't patch that for some reason and he's wide open but the quarterback overthrows it third and five here after a nice little run there from number four and they're going to go for for a pass and he's got the curl wide open for the first first and 10 here after the curl pass from the wolf pack and they're going to go pass and he's going to be sacked by the Boise State Defense virgin Morgan and Ahmed hassanan there for the play Third and 17 after the short pass there from Nevada and he's wide open for a touchdown guys what are we doing come on all right this Boise State offense is out here for the first time of the day and they're going to give it to Genty to the outside and jent's going to get damn he's quick okay damn 95 speed you a fast boy okay Davis all right I was unfamiliar with your game all right all right second and seven after uh the run from Genty Malachi is going to drop back for a pass he's just going to dump it down to jenty third and four all right third and four third and four here for the Broncos trying to keep the lot going to try and keep this drive alive here and just nothing man like roll out man I got to roll out first and 10 for the wolf pack got a nice little punt return there and missed the tackle and he's got a first second and nine after the run and Nevada on offense honestly they've been looking all right and he's going to keep it there and Marco's going to get there to the outside and make the play Third and five on the uh quarterback keeper let see what they go for here they're going to look for a pass and he's just wide open over there man come on First and 10 and uh Nevada is just slowly moving this ball down the field they're going to hand it off to the outside but it is going to be stopped for a loss of three all right start of the second quarter 7 to S they're going to go for a quick pass out there to the receiver all right all right so third and seven after the false start there on the wolf pack they're going to go for a pass and he's going to oh he's going to drop it all right so fourth and seven here yeah I'm not even trying that up and it's good for Nevada not even going to try it with uh rough and the punter and stuff I'm just have it all righty first and 10 for the Boise State br go hopefully we can get something going here on offense going to give it to Genty he's going to catch it for five second and five here after the pass to Genty he's going to get the give he's going to go up the middle he's going to get a first second and 10 after the uh incomplete pass jent is going to get the ball he's going to cut it back nice move from jenty third and inches third and inches for the Broncos and just going to give it to jenty and jent's going to make a move oh he broke a tackle and nice run there from ashon jenty to get the first down and I do believe after that uh run that did put him over a th000 yards this season so far all right and we're going to roll out with Malachi Nelson just going to dump it off to dbar get a gain of eight all right third and two here for the Broncos give to Genty gent is not going to make it to the outside all right kick is up and is going to be good from Jonah doas and he ties it up here in Boise 10 to 10 second and 10 after the run from Nevada going to look to hand it off again and he breaks a tackle gets a gain of six there all right third and four Boise State looking to get off the field here and they're going to pass it and he's going to be pressured and he's going to be stopped all right first and 10 for the Broncos here Malachi is going to roll out and Malachi is just going to keep this one he's going to run and he's going to Oh I thought I was past him but I forgot that's that fast uh safety I'm pretty sure big run there from uh Malachi Nelson gonna give it to jenty jent's going to cut it back in gain of six from Ashton Genty all right second and four for this Boise State offense going to snap it one more time before the two-minute warning and Dudley is going to get it he's going to break a tackle he's going to break another and he's going to get in for a Boise State touchdown look at Dudley fighting for some yards and fighting for that touchdown all right Nevada back on offense seeing if they can go down the field and score before the half and he's got that out and he's got a first down after that and it does look like Nevada is going to go with some hurry up offense and he snaps it another pass he's wide open there second and three got the out and he's out of Bounce after the catch all right first and 10 for Nevada slowly moving the ball down the field right now and they still got plenty of time and they got timeout so they ain't got to worry too too much uh yeah gain of eight there but they're going to call their first time out of the half all right second and two minute uh 20 left basically they're looking for another pass and they're going to dump it down to the running back he's going to try to spin but doesn't fool Marco there they are going to go go hurry up though and they're going to look for another pass and they're going to have number 34 and 34 man he has been running over the Defenders today first and 10 after the pass to number 34 and there's now under a minute left in this half all right a gain of seven there from the wolf pack and that's goingon to be picked off what a read from amarian McCoy and he is gonna bring that to the house for a Boise State touchdown pick six for Amari and McCoy big Play What a read all right third and 10 here after the pass deflection from the Boise State Defense let's see what they do and they're just going to run it and I'm going to call timeout all right here we go 12 seconds left um if there's not and I'm not going to force it cuz I'm sick of throwing interceptions with Nelson going to give it the Genty what the hell bro thought I had Genty there but apparently I under threw it or so I don't know what happened exactly so8 seconds left and I'm going to be sacked we're just going to take it to the half I I just shouldn't have called anything so taking it to the half 2410 and all righty starting here in the second half Nevada has the ball to start they're going to go for a quick screen to the outside to number eight McCoy going to be there for the tackle and they're going to go with some hurry up it looks like already second and four another quick screen to the outside and number 24 it's third and two for Nevada he's looking to the sideline getting the play and they're going to hand it oh no they're not going to hand it off that's got to be pick all right good defense there all right first and 10 for the Boise State Broncos after the defense got a stop Genty and motion just sacked like wonder what they want me to call here oh um I mean Lauder he's not going to be able to all right snap the ball here third and 21 and they're just coming for me try getting something with Malachi not much fourth and 15 all right first and 10 for Nevada see what they do here they're going to send one of the receivers in motion they're going to hand it off to the running back though running back's going to break a tackle get a gain a five third and three after the handoff for a short run there and they got that Cur route there for a Nevada first down all right third and 10 here Broncos going to try getting off the field and they're going to snap the ball and look for a pass and they're going to have number four and four is going to have a first and some more big play play there for Nevada third and N after the QB keep there and they're going to look for a pass he's going to roll out and he's not going to get nowhere he's going to get it away before they get the sack though all righty fourth and nine looks like they're going to look for a field goal is up and it is off of the no it is no good wow all right first and 10 for the Broncos after the Miss field goal from the wolf pack and Dudley getting the ball again he's going to cut back inside he second and inches second and inches after the run from Dudley there and going to go roll out with uh Malachi and got a first down dubar holding on to that ball there nice catch great catch there from dubar did kind of just force it in there to be honest uh jent is going to keep it here he's and he dude that that safety is so quick oh that's another one that's not even the one that's not even six I don't think oh my goodness all righty second and seven for the Broncos here after the run from dubar I had Circle I had Circle I still have Circle okay good ball from Malachi nson there all righty Malachy Nelson got that pass off to cam camper there and and we got the ball out and that's going to be a touchdown from Malachi Nelson I believe that is Latrell CES with the catch and it is and Malachi Nelson finally getting a passing touchdown it seems like it has been for ever but getting back in the groove finally all righty second and six to begin the fourth quarter he's going to snap it and he's got that drag to number 88 I believe all right first and 10 here for the wolf pack they're going to snap it they're looking for a pass he's got he's got that wide open like someone's got to be over there second and three after the pass and he's wide open got the first damn man all right first and 10 here and Nevada slowly moving their way down the field and nice route man first down for Nevada all right this Nevada offense is just moving down the field right now on Boise State and they're going to go play action and he's got a receiver and he's going to be down at the one oh my third and goal this is big can we stop them another time they're going to go for a pass and that's picked off that's picked off from the safety Alexander tubber oh my and he's going to be brought down what a huge play for this Boise State Defense and first and 10 for the Broncos after Alexander tumer with a huge interception at the one yard line that was huge and the gib's going to be the Gent he's going to work his way back in he's going to work his way back out he's going to break a tackle and then finally be brought down Ashton jenty what a run yeah jent's been looking great this year and uh he's going to get it again going to get a gain of six there on the play all right second and four here Malachi Nelson's going to get it out there and that's another touchdown for Malachi Nelson to Latrell CES once again big play from Malachi Nelson to Latrell CES all righty two interceptions already for this Boise State defense can they get a third of the day and Rodney Robinson with the stop after eight second and two for the wolf pack here oh hit him on a slant and he held on to that first and 10 after the slant and it was it was good defense he just held on to the ball so credit to him for holding on to that that's on me oh big hit but he still holds on to it damn second and one here NADA going to try moving the ball down the field again hopefully score this time Unfortunately they didn't get to score last time that's time me I should have wenton out there all right two-minute warning here in Boise first and 10 for the wolf pack 38-1 is the score and they're going to have him and he's he's going to get some more big play there from number seven all righty Nevada moving the ball down the field like they did last drive but can they actually get into the end zone this time is the question and 34's got it he's going to be stopped short of the first second and one here for the wolf pack and they got to number four and he's got the first third and goal they on the one can they get in and he drops it all righty fourth and goal here can Boise get another stop on the one and they do the QB is going to be sacked jayen virgin Morgan was there on the stop all righty Jaden virgin Morgan on the sack there that is twice that that defense has stopped them on the one ydd line that is impressive and jent's going to get the ball going to get a gain of seven there all right second and three going to give jenty the ball again and he's going to get the first dark all righty that is going to be it for this game against Nevada here in Boise 38-1 the Broncos have one nice day today for offense defense just all around um didn't really feel like I got the throw a lot but I did have two passing touchdowns with Malachi Nelson uh had a rushing touchdown with Dudley had a pick six uh McCoy was your player of the game he had a defensive touchdown he also had a nice pass deflection big day for the defense all right so seven of 11 Malachi Nelson for 87 yards two touchdowns oh my gosh uh I mean obviously that's just that's not what we want like the the thing I'm happy about is we did have two touchdowns to no interception is that part I'm happy about but like these numbers got to get up and then the passing Ys got to get up like I mean yeah that's on me I wasn't passing a lot and to be honest I mean the kick return touchdown we had in the beginning he uh I mean that that took away from offensive time as well so I I don't know maybe we need to bump up the minutes some maybe to like 10 minutes maybe that's something I'll try out next game maybe we'll try 10 minutes or maybe we'll finish 9 minutes this year and then then the next season we'll do 10 minutes I don't know uh but like I said the two touchdowns to Latrell CES I was happy with I was happy are like seven of 11 that's better 87 yards it's a little bit better I'm still not like thrilled but like glad we're not throwing interceptions hopefully we can keep that Trend going rushing wise Genty I mean the yards it's amazing got to get in the end zone with them that's what it comes to I mean you know not mad that he's not I'm not mad at him he's not getting in the end zone like I just got to get in the end zone with him Dudley uh he got another rushing touchdown he had one last game as well he had three rushes this time for 23 yards and Nelson also had four for 12 receiving wise Latrell CES LED with two receptions uh both of them were for touchdowns 34 yards on both of them combined two receptions for uh dubar 28 yards and then two for jenty and then one from camper like I said just got to get The Passing going man like once I get The Passing going I feel like we'll be fine because our running game is Elite right now with Genty dubar I mean it's it's great and then defensively Rodney Robinson with 14 tackles and then McCoy and Marco both had 10 uh tfls Ahmed Hassen 9 had three then uh Jayden vir and Morgan had two uh Braxton fely and Rodney Robinson both had one sacks we had ahid hassine and virgin Morgan both have one sack and then FY had half a sack and then interceptions McCoy had that pick six that was a great play and then uh Alexander tubber another great pick uh he had the uh interception on the one yard line and our defense did come up clutch twice we stopped them twice on the one yd line which is that's just insane so big day from our defense offensively I was happy with them too and then Chris or damn it Chase penry two kick returns 119 yards and a touchdown he heard that Travis Hunter was a kick returner of the year or just returner of the year I should say and uh he said no he want wants that award Chase penry deserves that award I I'm sticking with it big day for him and kick and I think we had a field goal yeah had a field goal with Jonah doas as well from 43 so good day from the Boise State team overall and already Amed Moon uh the receiver the three star receiver from Las Vegas Nevada he what he's seen in that game he did commit Alec Wade who was also at that game Left End from Asheville North Carolina has committed DeMarco carral the cornerback the three star gem believe he was at that game as well so all three that were at that game have committed that's huge and that's it damn all right so here we go uh it does say that we are the 2 third ranked team now so that's huge we have to keep winning so we can stay ranked and maybe even somehow get into that college football playoff our first year uh but back to the recruiting yeah we got these three guys that's huge I believe that means that we have eight guys now I want to say Devonte rigs uh we were in third I want to say for Devonte we put a lot of hours into him hoping I could get him and uh we did move up to Second and we went above Oregon which is huge so maybe we can get this guy in or something and maybe we can bring in a fourstar gem and Devonte rigs that would be huge we are still first for Dexter Cunningham Jesse palaso and then ah Simon yeah that's that's what we're going to call him as Simon I forgot from Honolulu three star I kind of feel bad I can't say his name so we're going to bring in Simon since he's a three star gem against Oregon State bring him in on let's bring him in on the program tradition cuz I believe that says that's like a b yeah so yellow's B okay so yeah it should still be good enough we can bring in ALA I guess and that's actually a complimentary visit CU I don't think I'm going to get that other Corner in all right so Championship Contender for a minus right now so we'll do that all righty though that's going to do it for this video hope you guys enjoyed and if you did as always please remember to like subscribe comment comment down below and we will see you in the next one as we take on San Jose State AC entertainment is out peace

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