LIVE: Trump Reacts to Putin Endorsing Harris, Speaks on Ending Sanctions on Russia | US Election

12 months I don't know if anybody knows that the typical American family has lost over $28,000 due to rampant and record setting inflation credit card debt has reached the highest in history with more than one in three Americans reporting they have maxed out their credit cards they've maxed out families now need to earn an estimated $110,000 a year to afford a typical home meaning 65% of households are locked out of buy just an ordinary house gasoline prices grocery prices electricity prices or virtually everything else are up 30 to 100% since I left office 8.4 million Americans are now working second jobs the highest in more than 30 years the real wages of africanamerican workers are down by over six% short period of time the real incomes from Hispanic men are down 6.6% or $3,600 per year and on top of that African-Americans and Hispanic American jobs are under massive threat from The Invasion taking place at our border they're taking the jobs of Hispanic Americans African Americans and nobody talks about it but I won't let it happen yet after presiding over the border the worst in history for any country there's never been a border like this 21 million people we project this total economic catastrophe the borders are kamla Harris has now been slotted in by the Democrats to be reelected she wants four more years to enforce a radical left agenda that poses a fundamental threat to the prosperity of every American family and America itself and we're talking about America itself she wants to defund the police have totally open borders ban fracking in Pennsylvania and everywhere else take away your private health insurance and perhaps most pertinent to the very brilliant people in this room raise your business and corporate taxes and unbelievably she will seek a tax on unrealized capital gains most people don't even know what that means what does it mean she has been after all of this for years and as everyone knows she is a Marxist who destroyed almost single-handedly San Francisco Isco and when she was the AG California itself not the same place people are leaving they're fleeing like they are in New York she'll seek out and she will try and get those things if she's elected and she may very well succeed in getting them she recently said her values have not changed and these have really been her values for her entire career her values haven't changed that's what she wants so she told the truth we are not going to let this happen communism is the past freedom is the future and it is time to send comrade Camala Harris back home to California where crime is rampant and fleeing is the number one occupation I'm here today to lay out my plan to rescue our country from this nightmare and to bring back to its citizens the American dream bigger better and stronger than ever before eight years ago I came before you as a candidate for president and shared my vision to end the stagnation and return to Rapid growth it's what we did as president I am very proud to say that we accomplished something that nobody thought that was even possible before the pandemic real median household income Rose by $7,695 and even after the pandemic annual incomes were up $6,400 the average American household saw $197,000 increase in real net worth in 48 months for the bottom 50% of households average wealth more than doubled increasing by 120 1% lowest income people benefited the most after 12 years of decline we added nearly 7 million new homeowners never happened before and in three years we created 7 million new jobs 260% more than projected when I took office when I took office they said you couldn't hit those projections and we were 260% higher than what we said we could do from the day I won to the day I left the SNP 500 increased by 80% and we did it all with virtually no inflation we had virtually no inflation think of that who could believe that I delivered the largest tax cuts and reform in American history by far slashing rates for working families and cutting the business tax from the highest in the world world we had the highest in the world 35% and actually when you add local in State numbers that were close getting close to 50 but much much higher nobody's ever seen we brought it all the way down to 21% which everybody said was impossible to do and I heard it from everyone they said you'll never be able to do that and I got it down to 21% I cut a record number of job killing regulations in four years we cut more R than any president in the history of our country by far I'm proud to be president modern history to achieve a net regulatory reduction during my term and it was a substantial reduction and for every regulation we added we cut more than 5.5 regulations we unleashed American Energy and within had increased domestic oil production by 47% and we were just getting started the price of gasoline was $187 a gallon doesn't that sound good right now we negotiated and renegotiated more than 50 trade agreements with other countries that were taking advantage of us as they all do to protect the American worker and to open foreign markets and we did a great job I ended did NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made in the history of our country and replaced it with the usmca perhaps the best trade deal ever made in history that's Mexico and Canada I stood up to China like no one else before me no one came even close and I saved the US Auto industry from obliteration with a 27.5% tariff on all Chinese cars that remains in place to this day they want to take it off but they can't because number one it's too much money and number two we would be invaded by Chinese cars on top of the other invasions that are taking place without it our Auto industry would be dead and now I am going further we will bring our autom Mak industry to the record levels of 37 years ago and we'll be able to do it very quickly through tariffs and other smart use of certain things that we have that other countries don't for four straight years I fought for American workers like I would fight for my own family I took care of our economy like I would take care of my own company in every decision I asked will I create jobs here or will I be sending jobs overseas will it make America richer and stronger or will it it make our country weaker and poorer I always put America First every single time and when our country was hit by the China virus we saved the economy We rescued tens of millions of jobs and after Co I handed kamla and Joe the fastest and strongest recovery ever recorded nothing even close with 1.4% inflation the 30-year mortgage rate was at 2 4% in the highest stock market in history this is despite the pandemic to date I handed them back the highest stock market to date after having just suffered with the rest of the world a pandemic the likes of which nobody had ever seen before we did an incredible job and remember far more people died of covid under Biden Harris than under President Trump many many more people we delivered an economic Miracle which kamalen Jo turned into an economic disaster just like they turned the border and indeed the whole world into a catastrophic surrender starting on day one kamla launched a war on American Energy and orchestrated a nation wrecking border Invasion with illegal AI aliens pouring in from countries all over the world they came in from countries that nobody ever heard the name of that country those countries from their prisons and jails there is a difference from mental institutions and insane asylums as well as record numbers of terrorists human traffickers and sex traffickers numbers that we've never seen before taking place over the last three and a half years then Cala cast the deciding votes on trillions of dollars in wasteful spending which together with their terrible energy policies gave us the worst inflation perhaps in the history of our country nearly two-thirds of the jobs created under the Harris Biden administration were bounceback jobs bounce back they were bounceback jobs that I handed them from before the pandemic this happens with p pics you have bounceback jobs the pandemic comes and it goes and those people go back to their jobs and just last week Joe Biden admitted that on social media I don't know if he knew what he admitted but that's what it said I wonder who drew it perhaps that person is no longer employed by the Democrats but right now it's even worse than that under Camala Harris's policies three million workers are now missing from the job force compared to 2023 million workers that's a lot over half a million fewer people have full-time jobs today than just one year ago and 100% of the net job creation in the past year has gone to Illegal migrants think of that 100% of the jobs created under this ad Administration has gone to Illegal migrants that came into our country Joe Biden and kamla Harris formed the worst presidency and vice presidency by far in the history of our country this election will decide whether we reward kamla Harris with reelection and four more years of crime economic Calamity and international humiliation or whether we change that direction and once again build the greatest economy in the history of the world which we had during the Trump Administration kamla Harris is the first major party nominee in American history who fundamentally rejects freedom and Embraces Marxism communism and fascism you're learning about this you'll find out nobody knew who she was just a few months ago they didn't know who she was she's promising communist price controls wealth confiscation energy Annihilation reparations the largest tax increase ever imposed and mass amnesty and citizenship for tens of millions of migrants who will consume trillions of dollars in federal benefits and Destroy Social Security and Medicare they will be destroyed they're already putting them into your Social Security and medical care roles I am promising low taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates secure borders low low low crime and surging incomes for citizens of every race religion color and Creed my plan will rapidly defeat inflation quickly bring down prices and reignite explosive economic growth kamla Harris will take more money out of American Pockets my plan will leave the typical family with many thousands of dollars more than they have right now first I will end kamla Harris's anti-energy Crusade and Implement a policy of energy abundance energy Independence and even energy dominance we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than any other country including Russia and Saudi Arabia will be using it my plan will cut Energy prices in half or more than that within 12 months of taking office it will be an economic Revival of our country like no one has ever seen before energy was what caused our problem initially energy is going to bring us back that means we're going down and getting gasoline below $2 a gallon bring down the price of everything from electricity rates to groceries air fars and housing costs that's why OPEC and the Arab Nations and we're very honored to have some of my friends here with us today from that part of the world but they're working very hard despite being here then I not be your president they don't like me meanwhile kamla Harris can't bring down the price of anything because her energy policies are driving up the cost of everything everything is up way up starting on day one Harrison Biden opened up the Russian Pipeline called nordstream 2 which nobody have ever heard of until I got involved and said what about nordstream to and nobody knew what I was talking about largest pipeline in the world Russian Pipeline but I had it closed it was shut down Putin was not happy we shut it down they came along and the Keystone XL pipeline was shut down by them so they shut down the Keystone and they immediately gave Russia the right to start rebuilding the nordstream 2 the biggest pipeline you've ever seen we re-entered the horribly unfair fair to the United States through them when they came back Paris climate Accord so unfair to us we pay trillions of dollars other countries pay nothing as soon as he came back he went back into it I got us out of it and reduced the area of the federal lands available for drilling by 80% I did that if I was President oil production today would be four times higher than it is right now would have been four times higher right now we'd be doing four times as much and remember we had anoir perhaps the largest drilling site in the world in Alaska which everybody wanted to get approved but they W unable to do it Ronald Reagan fought so hard to get anoir he couldn't do it and it was easier in those days than it is today with all of the environmental concerns but they came in in their first few days in office they terminated nir amazingly biggest drilling site we think in the world bigger than Saudi Arabia bigger than Texas we got it and they terminated it under the EPA so-called power plant rule more than 50 power plants have been shut down since she took office and virtually all Coal Fired power plants would be shuttered in the next couple of years setting the stage for a catastrophic energy shortfall which we already have that will make inflation far worse than it has ever been they want to close down our power plants and we don't have power already to address this dire energy crisis that Camala and Joe have created I will immediately issue a national emergency decaration to achieve massive increase in domestic energy Supply what you're going to need electricity is desperately needed for ai ai controversial but we got to be the top of it and we would need hard to believe twice the electricity that we currently have right now for everything in order to be dominant and China is already building massive electricity producing plants we haven't even thought about it we will think about it and I'll get it done on an emergency basis so we'll be the leader in Ai and every other form of Technology with these sweeping authorities We Will Blast through every bureaucratic hurdle to issue rapid approvals for new drilling new pipelines new refineries new power plants new electric plants and reactors of all types prices will fall immediately in anticipation of this tremendous Supply that we can create rather quickly and will'll be the leader instead of the lagard second to further defeat inflation my plan will terminate the green New Deal which I call the green new scam greatest scam in history probably a 10 trillion doll scam that we waste we throwing like throwing money right out the window it actually sets us back as opposed to moves us forward and we send all unspent funds under the misnamed inflation reduction act which the Democrats agreed after it was approved that it wasn't for that purpose it was for other purposes like giveaways comma spent $7.5 billion to build eight charging stations think of a charging station like a fuel pump with electricity coming out of it eight charging stations in the Midwest for electric vehicles cost billions and billions of dollars 7.5 billion they think but the costs are still going and three of them don't work and never will probably other than that it's worked out quite well I will end the electric vehicle mandate stop the appalling was and save taxpayers an estimated $1 trillion third I will launch a historic campaign to liberate our economy from crippling regulation my first term I pledged to cut two old regulations for everyone new regulation and we did much better than that as I've said yet over the past four years kamla has added $6,300 a year in regulatory costs onto the backs of the typical American family think of that to stop this Onslaught at lower prices I'm pledging today that in my second term we will eliminate a minimum of 10 old regulations for every one new regulation we'll be able to do that quite easily actually and instead of attacking industries of the future we will embrace them including making America the world capital for crypto and Bitcoin [Applause] fourth at the suggestion of Elon Musk who has given me his complete and total endorsement that's nice smart guy he knows what he's doing he knows what he's doing it's very very much appreciated I will create a government efficiency Commission test with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and making recommendations for drastic reforms need to do it can't go on the way we are [Applause] now and Elon because he's not very busy has agreed to head that task force be interesting if he has the time that' be a good one to do it but he's agreed to do it in 2022 fraud and improper payments alone cost taxpayers an estimated hundreds of billions of dollars as the first order of business this commission will develop an action plan to totally eliminate fraud and improper payments within six months this will save trillions of dollars trillions it's massive for the same service that you have right now trillions of dollars is wasted and gone and nobody knows where it went further taming inflation and bringing prices way down the fifth pillar of my plan is to make the Trump tax cuts permanent they are massive tax cuts biggest ever permanent and to cut taxes even more and we will have no tax on tips something which they copied four weeks after I said it she got up said no tax on tips I said I just said that she is actually copying a lot of my plan in fact we're going to send her a magga cap sometime in the next week we're having a special one there [Applause] but we also know she doesn't mean it she's going to stick with what her whole life has been about and also no tax on Social Security benefits people in Social Security have been wiped out by inflation and now on top of it we tax their benefits we're not going to tax their benefits we have so many different ways of making so much money this country the potential is is so incredible we don't have to take it away from people on Social Security we're not going to do that we're going to save Social Security she's going to destroy Social Security under the Trump Administration we Pro that targeted tax cuts do not increase the deficit they reduced the deficit by growing the economy and raising revenue after we gave the massive tax cuts we took in the following year with a much lower rate billions and billions of dollars more than we did the previous year with a high rate think of that so with a much lower rate we took in more money because people were incentivized corporate tax revenues are 31% higher today than before my tax law was signed with all of those cuts 31% higher to further support the Revival of American manufacturing my plan calls for expanded R&D tax credits 100% bonus depreciation expensing for new manufacturing Investments and a reduction in the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% solely for companies that make their product in [Applause] America you have to make your product in America if you Outsource offshore or replace American workers you're not eligible for any of these benefits in fact you will pay a very substantial tarot that comes in from another country that's made in another country and comes in there'll be a big tariff on that product because we want to make our our Goods in America and most of them we can my message is simple make your product here in America and only in America we are not going to be taken advantage of anymore just as we made great inroads and progress four years ago we made tremendous inroads on this subject we're not going to watch our wealth and jobs get ripped away from us and sent to foreign countries which is what's been happening for many many decades with us China was built on doing exactly what we're going to be doing and what I started doing four years ago what we're putting forward is the most pro-american manufacturing and jobs policy in modern history for any country this plan will bring jobs and growth into our country at levels never seen before every business on Earth will flock to America from Europe Asia the Middle East and all over the world by contrast comrade kamla Harris wants to sacrifice our wealth kill the economy and drive jobs overseas to punish businesses more businesses will leave they'll leave America they're International companies they report to their shareholders and they will leave America if her plan even in a small form comes to the for her tax plan which includes the promise to end the Trump tax cuts which Again by itself would be a massive tax increase would increase taxes by over five trillion dollar a record many times over it would result in the largest small business tax hike in history massively raising taxes on 25 million Smalls business people and raising small business tax rates to 43% and higher in other words 20% higher than communist China kamla is also vowing to raise the corporate tax rate from 21 to 28% we're bringing it down to 15% but she really is looking to raise it to 40 45 or even 50% you know that all you have to do is follow her past path radically rais the capital gains tax rate which he wants to do and they don't even want to give a number and for the first time ever imposed a 25% tax on unrealized capital gain so if you happen to have a lot of wealth but no cash you're in a lot of trouble this will lead America into a 1929 depression and it will be a depression and a territory that we have not seen for a long time there's a gentleman that happens to believe that Scott these policies especially the tax on unrealized capital gains would decimate the US economy companies and Innovation would flee from America to other countries Venture Capital markets would disappear the stock market would be annihilated and investors assess the tax liabilities of large shareholders the seniors and Senior pensions would totally go up in smoke they'd be worthless these are not the policies designed to create a prosperous America these are policies to turn the United States into Venezuela on steroids even if for this reason alone kamla Harris must be defeated decisively this November has to be defeated cannot have her be the president of the United States under comma the United States is becoming a third world Banana Republic she and her party are censoring speech weaponizing the justice system and trying to throw their political opponents me in jail this hasn't happened I didn't do that to Crooked Hillary I said that would be a terrible thing wouldn't it putting the wife of the president of the United States in jail but they view it differently I guess nowadays but that's okay and they always have to remember that two can play the game nobody ever thought this was possible this is how you create massive Capital flight and turn once prosperous Nations into absolute ruins I will have no higher priority as president then to restore the fair equal and impartial rule of law in America we have lost the rule of law who would have [Applause] thought number six under my leadership America will encourage domestic production instead of punishing it as you know our country's vast manufacturing wealth was created at a time with very little domestic taxation few regulations and most Revenue came from tariffs from other countries that was when we were at the wealthiest ever proportionately we were the wealthiest country ever during those days that was before income tax came along now we foolishly do the opposite we impose lower tariffs and no tariffs on foreign producers we have the lowest tariffs of any nation in the world and we relentlessly punish our own companies for doing business in America you do business in America you're punished tremendously I had many many companies come to me sir I can't compete they're sending kitchen cabinets washers and dryers everything they I can tell you every motorcycles they're sending them here sir we can't compete and I made it so they could compete and Thrive every one of those people we should get them up and talk to you one day because every one of those people comes up to me and every time I see them they hug me they kiss me they love me because I save their businesses I intend to reverse this model and once again turn America into the manufacturing superpower of the world we can do that just with being intelligent the key to this effort will be a pro-american trade policy that uses tariffs to encourage production here and bring trillions and trillions of dollars back home and you know what we deserve it we've been helping other countries get rich at our expense for the last 50 years we've been pouring our money into other countries getting nothing nothing for it we protect them militarily we do so much for them we get nothing my plan is that if you open your factory in Wisconsin Pennsylvania Michigan Minnesota anywhere else in our country you don't pay a tariff tax you don't pay a tax you make the product here but if you move your production outside of the United States and send it back here which people are doing now and I stopped it I stopped at cold but they've changed that already then you have to pay a very substantial tariff to get your product back into the country the result will be that everybody in the world will want to be here and they want to produce here they're going to want to produce their product in America it's going to say made in the US say we will be able to build ships again we will be able to build planes again we will be able to build our military again from within all from within we will create the biggest greatest and strongest middle class in the history of our country we will have tens of millions of high-paying jobs in manufacturing Transportation defense as well as all of the sales and support of export jobs our Auto industry will be the biggest beneficiary in sure it will be a National Economic Renaissance just by using our heads by being smart by not letting other countries take advantage of us they've been doing it for so long it's so sad to see and I know them all and they laugh at us behind our back they can't believe how stupid our leadership has been for so many years we will ensure that the United States has a giant steel industry an aluminum industry a manufacturing base and a defense base we want a industrial base that can take care of our defense needs 100% And you can call it what you want some might say it's economic nationalism I call it common sense I call it America First this is the policy that built this country and this is the policy that will save our country in the words of a great but highly underrated President William McKinley highly underrated the protective tariff policy of the Republicans has been made and made the lives of our countrymen sweeter and brighter it's the best for our citizenship and our civilization and it opens up a higher and better Destiny for our people we have to take care of our own nation and her Industries first in other words take care of our country first this is when we had our greatest wealth he was assassinated and he left his group of people that followed him Teddy Roosevelt became a great president spending the money that was made by McKinley so McKinley got a bad deal on that one he built tremendous wealth they had the Tariff Act of 18 887 and they had a committee that studied what are we going to do they had a big problem a problem like I hope to have with this country someday so much money was coming in from foreign countries that they didn't know how to spend it they had no idea so they set up a committee we'll set one up with the people in this room how do we distribute the wealth that we have and Roosevelt built damn and built railroads and did National Parks but he did it with the money that was made with tariffs from McKinley so you have to remember that very highly underrated very underrated president let's give them both credit smart tariffs will not create inflation they will combat inflation I had almost no inflation and I had the highest tariffs that anyone and they were going a lot higher foreign Nations will pay us hundreds of billions of dollars reducing the deficit and driving inflation down it largely reduce our deficit in my first term we imposed historic tariffs with no effect on consumer prices or inflation the anti-tar people many of them I believe honestly work for these other countries in some form get tremendous amounts of lobbying money and another money because it doesn't make sense what they're saying but we had no inflation and we had protection and I saved so many Industries I saved the steel industry but Biden and Harris are letting it go they're letting it go it's so easy to keep a combination of fair trade tax cuts regulatory cuts and energy abundance will allow us to produce more Goods better and cheaper right here in the USA than we've ever done before war and foreign Nations will respect us again I got along great with foreign Nations and I taxed the hell out of them and they liked me maybe they respected me and Victor Orban a very strong man he's the prime minister of Hungary he said the only thing missing from the world right now is President Trump he kept the world safe because everybody was afraid of him I don't like that term but that's the term he used I would like to say respected him and respected our country but he didn't say that he said everybody was afraid of him he said China was afraid Russia was afraid they were all afraid Kim Jong-un I got along long great with him and I try to explain to the fake news media that getting along with people foreign countries it's a good thing not a bad thing it's a very good thing it's a smart thing we will require all essential materials for our national security to be produced here in the United States creating millions and millions of new manufacturing jobs you know when we built the F35 we have the wings built in one country we have the tail Rudders built in another country we have the seats built in another country we have the electronics built in seven different countries what the hell would we do if there's a war and we'll end up fighting half of those countries and we don't want to have a war because right now we're closer to World War III than we've ever been in our lives with Russia Ukraine which would have never happened if I was president with October 7th and Israel the whole Middle East is is blowing up would have never happened they would have never happened respectfully Iran was broke they had no no money for Hamas they had no money for Hezbollah wouldn't have happened there would be peace in the Middle East and Iran would be a big beneficiary of that pce be good but all of these things that happened and inflation would have never happened and Afghanistan would have never happened the worst withdrawal in history I believe the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country in fact that's what caused President Putin to go into Ukraine when he looked at how incompetently that was handled he looked at it and he said man they're incompetent that was the most embarrassing day in the history of the United States of America airplanes taking off with many people sitting on the wings of the plane and the side of the plane and the wing and you see them dropping off the planes at 3,000 ft they thought it was their trip to Freedom there's never been anything like that and I I think there's no greater embarrassment by the way we lost 13 incredible soldiers I got to know the families very well spent a lot of time with them four days ago in Arlington Cemetery three years ago they were celebrating three years honoring their children and yeah that's right they call them their children they still call they always will call them their children they're gone and many of those people there should have never left from there should have left from bogram the Big Air Base but many of those people that were so badly hurt they don't talk about them no legs no arms obliteration of their face their entire body and nobody mentions that we left Americans behind large numbers we left $85 billion worth of equipment behind because we took our military out first a child would know you don't you take your military out last and just remember one final point on that because it's a little bit different from our subject but not really because it's all about our country and common sense but for 18 months I spoke to the leader of the Taliban the Press was very upset that I spoke to him his name is Abdul I said Abdul don't do this Abdul don't do this but why but why he said do you send me a picture of my home I said Abdul you're gonna have to figure that one out for yourself but don't do this Abdul because it's gonna end badly for you and for 18 months we didn't have one soldier shot at or killed in Afghanistan and then we took our soldiers out we had a very very disgraceful a disgraceful election and this group came in and they didn't know what the hell they were doing and they still don't they've gotten worse you know with the experience is supposed to get better they got worse they're worse now than they ever were and uh we're going to turn our country around we're going to become a major producer of rare earth minerals we're going to create jobs and making it really and US truly self-reliant Remember The Rare Earth where we have to go to China we have sites that are tied up with more than anybody else has that they're environmentally protected we have sites that are phenomenal everything you want in terms of rare earth and we can't use them because of Environmental Protection but we're going to end that very quickly as soon as I get to office we will make housing much more affordable as inflation is tamed interest rates will dramatically fall they'll be down very very low we'll get them down we had them down to 2.4% and even lower than that for a period of time reducing mortgage rates is a big factor we're going to get them back down to we think 3% maybe even lower than that saving the average home buyer thousands of dollars per year they can now go out young people will be able to buy a home again and be a part of the American dream we will eliminate regulations that drive up housing costs with the goal of cutting the cost of a new home in half we think we can do that the regulations alone cost 30% regulation cost 30% of a new home and we will open up portions of federal land for largescale housing construction these zones will be ultra low tax and ultra low regulation one of the Great really small business job creation programs it will be of all time we're going to open up our country to building homes inexpensively so young people and other people can buy homes can't buy them anymore millions of Americans will take part in setting these safe and beautiful communities Reviving The Frontier spirit and really as I said Reviving The American Dream It's about the American dream it's all about the American dream we don't talk about American dream with these people in our office they don't want want to talk about the American tra because the they're the exact opposite they're the exact opposite we also cannot ignore the impact that the flood of 21 million illegal aliens has had on driving up housing costs that's why my plan will ban mortgages for illegal aliens in California they're passing a law where they're going to give Cal we're going to give illegal aliens money to buy a house but our soldiers are veterans that are laying on the streets they can't have them you have soldiers right now laying on the streets of different cities all Democrat run they're laying on the streets in front of hotels in some cases luxury hotels and you have illegal immigrants coming in and living in those hotels and laughing at our soldiers as they walk by into a luxury Lobby is there something wrong with that thinking is there something wrong with our country if Kamala is allowed to continue to let our country be invaded we will face a fiscal Armageddon these migrants are consuming hundreds of billions of dollars in benefits you saw in Colorado this week a group from Venezuela rough ones rough ones they took over large sections of a town large sections of an area of Colorado Aurora has anyone been there I think you'd better stay away for a little while they had AK-47s the ultimate guns AK-47s they can blow lots of people away real fast and the sheriff didn't want to touch him nobody wants to touch him Sheriff there's 18 Venezuelan is attacking my building would you please come over and straighten out the situ he's got a deputy you know what they say uh well no thanks let's call in the military they're taking over and I said this four years ago when they when I realized they wanted open borders and it's happened it's happening now in Chicago they're taking over sections of Chicago what's happening in New York and Los Angeles and many other cities is not even describable they're tough they're tough and they're smart and they're vicious don't forget they come from the prisons and they're the bad criminals on the streets Caracus Venezuela has almost no crime next year I'm going to suggest that the economic Club hold its meeting in Caracus because we'll be safer than we are in our country if they win we'll be far safer [Music] but crime in Venezuela is down 72% because they've taken all of their criminals off the streets not all of them they still have some left but they're coming in rapidly by bus and by plane they're coming into our country and we're dumping them in our country and they say if you come back we will kill you and they're not going back we got them but they're going back if I'm president I guarantee you that they're back F and now Camala wants to give them food stamps housing assistance welfare Medicaid Medicare Social Security and destroy all of those programs you will destroy those programs that is why I will ask Congress to pass legislation barring all taxpayer funded benefits to illegal aliens and by the way when you do that they won't come they're coming now because they realize they've never seen wealth like this they're getting things that they could never get they're coming for that reason if you stop that you'll have you'll be dropping the Flow by 80% I think that they're coming because they're taken care of they let's put them in a luxury let's put them in the world orice Storia that's a nice place I will stop The Invasion and send criminal illegal aliens back home and when we do all of this we will be so successful we'll create America's own Sovereign wealth fund to invest in great National Endeavors for the benefit of all of the American people why don't we have a wealth fund other countries have wealth funds we have nothing we have nothing we're gonna have a sovereign wealth fund or we can name it something different I'll talk about it with Mr Paulson who's in the audience and a lot of other friends of mine and we'll name it something that's appropriate perhaps Sovereign wealth fund wouldn't be appropriate but it's going to be the same thing will put tremendous amounts of money through all this money that will take be taken in through tariffs and other intelligent things and we'll have the greatest Sovereign wealth fund of them all and we should have and that will be used to do things that will be great for our country including to invest and wisely invest and build it up bigger and stronger and better than any place on Earth we will build extraordinary National development projects and everything from highways to airports to Transportation infrastructure all of the future will'll be able to invest in state-of-the-art manufacturing hubs Advanced defense capabilities Cutting Edge medical research and help save billions of dollars in preventing disease in the first place and I'm very honored to have been endorsed last week by Robert F Kennedy Jr that was was a great endorsement and he's very much into helping people he's very much into helping people I've known him a long time that was a great uh that was a great thing when he did that that was not easy for a Kenedy to be endorsing a republican that was not easy but these are not Democrats these are radical left lunatics and you can't let them run your country we will invest in new and modern agricultural techniques so we can have safe healthy high quality foods for our families that's where Bobby is so interested Foods he says we're putting a lot of bad foods in our body you look at other countries which do far less and they're actually much healthier than we are this wealth fund will return a gigantic profit which will help pay down national debt we're going to work on national debt very strongly by the way we're going to have so much money coming in we're going to work on national debt we're close to 36 trillion dollars right now we're going to work on getting it down and it is many of the people in this room who will be helping to advise and recommend Investments for this fund this is how we will end the era of inflation Mayhem and misery under Cala Harris the worst vice president in the history of our country and unleash a new era of safety prosperity and success for our workers our families and our businesses and I've done it before we did a great job and now we really know our job well I know the smartest the best people we have the best people we have people that many in this room they know exactly what we want to do you know it's interesting having experience because I won an election I went to Wasing Washington I was only in Washington 17 times I never stayed over that's according to the fake news but I think they're right but I got to know Washington well and I know the Smart Ones dumb ones I know the ones that can help make us great and the ones that can only take us into bad territory I got to know a lot of people probably as many as anybody at that level and we have incredible talent that we're going to be using that Talent we had some incredible Talent much of it sitting up here and sitting down here they did a great job on trade Bob leiser so many of the people did such a great job we rebuilt our military we rebuilt our entire military did a great job we have great generals not the television generals not the generals that took us out of Afghanistan in 24 hours and left that horrible situation but we have great generals we defeated Isis it was supposed to take five years it took me four weeks four weeks our generals did a great job we have great people in our military and our military is not woke believe me you couldn't get these guys to be woke some of the guys on top awoke but those aren't the ones that are great so we're g to do things that we didn't do even the first time we had a great presidency we were there was an article written the other day that the Trump presidency was a great presidency With Victory on November 5th which will go down as the most important day in the history of our country inflation will be gone our energy will be Unleashed our economy will be set free our sovereignty will be restored our citizens will Thrive growth will come roaring back and America's future will be brighter than ever before so I want to thank you all this has been a lovely experience it was years ago that I was here we talked about what we were going to do we did just about everything we said and uh if you'd like we'll take a few questions B thank you very thank you thank you very much and we're now moving as promised to the question and answer portion of the program our four very able questioners today are H rajen Cohen the senior chair of Sullivan and Cromwell sander Gerber founding and managing partner CEO and CIA of Hudson Bay Capital Mr John Paulson founder of pson and Company and rushma and Johnny founder and CEO of girls who code and moms first we're going to go in alphabetical order and therefore Raj you have the first question thank you Bob and thank you Mr President thank you I would like to ask about the United States economic sanctions programs uh these programs have been used as you well know to advance our national security interests our foreign policy objectives but they also have economic implications and the most recent was the program against Russia in response to the Ukrainian their invasion of Ukraine where for once we got the support of all our allies so my specific question is would you strengthen or modify any of these economic sanctions programs particularly Russia including the pipeline you mentioned oh it's a great question the problem with what we have with sanctions and I was a user of sanctions but I put them on and take them off as quickly as possible because ultimately it kills your dollar and it kills everything the dollar represents and we have to continue to have that be the world currency I think it's important I think would be losing a war if we lost if we lost the dollar as a as the world currency I think that would be the equivalent of losing a war that would make us a third world country and we can't let it happen so I use sanctions very powerfully against countries that deserve it and then I take them off because look you're losing Iran you're losing Russia China is out there trying to get their currency to be the dominant currency as you know better than anybody all of these things are happening you're losing so many countries because there's so much conflict with all of these countries that you're going to lose that and we can't lose that so I want to use sanctions as little as possible one of the things that we have with tariffs is that I'll say to them you don't honor the dollar as your world currency is that right you're not going to do it no we're not I said that's okay I'm going to put tariffs all over your product and they're going to say Sir we'd love to honor the dollar as the world currency you know tariffs in addition to monetary and the money that we'll take in which will be bigger than you've ever seen in this country before gives you tremendous political power for something like that as an example I stopped Wars with the threat of tariffs I stopped Wars with two countries that uh mattered a lot a lot of people would have been killed and I threatened tariffs coming into the United States if they don't make peace and we made a lot of we didn't have conflicts like you have right now we had very intelligent people but the biggest threat you have is you lose that currency and we have lost something that you'll never get back and we can keep it if we're smart but they use it too much and then they just forget about it and these countries like Russia it's going out now and doing its own thing and you know they're going out bragging about how they don't need us anymore etc etc uh the sad part about Russia is that Ukraine would have never happened if I was President so we wouldn't really have to be talking about sanctions but uh it did happen and one of the things I'm going to do a little bit relevant to your question is if we win I believe I can settle that war while I'm president-elect before I ever get into office I can get that War settled and get that war stopped because it's a horrible horrible war and far more people are killed in Ukraine far more people than you're realizing they'll knock down this massive building amazing the size of these buildings they'll knock it down they'll say nobody was injured no a lot of people were killed the real numbers are far greater than what people are are looking at so I think it's a very important thing uh sanctions have to be used very judiciously and you can win we have things much more powerful actually than sanctions we have trade but we cannot lose our dollar standard very important thank you very much great sander uh thank you Mr President for all the details on your Economic Policy um as you alluded to tariffs are the other side of sanctions and given that China is our major trading partner with our largest imbalance and possibly our chief uh Security National Security threat to the United States how can we better institutionalize trade policy and national security policy to be coordin so I had a great relationship with presiden she of China really very close relationship uh now look he likes China I like us so but I don't want to sound foolish he was my dear dear friend he's a tough guy he's a fierce person I say very smart you know when you say he's smart the fake news goes crazy he said president she is smart and I say you well he controls 1.4 billion people with an iron fist he's smart but we had a very good relationship with China until Co and when that came in it was a whole different ball game as far as I was concerned you know we made a Great China trade deal maybe better than the usmca and I'd never talk about it because what happened with covid for the whole world0 trillion dollars and you know deaths 70 million 60 nobody even knows how many deaths and it all came out of Wuhan so it changed my relationship but I think I'll have a great relationship with China I had one before and they respected us but they respected us because they no longer thought we were fools they used to think we were fools because we built China they would take over $500 billion dollars a year and use it for their military and other things and we got nothing out of that we got some cheap product we got you can buy 19 pencils instead of two who the hell cares you can buy $16 dolls for your daughter instead of two nice dolls and we got very little out of that relationship they got a tremendous military power and they still have it today so uh but I believe we will have a very good relationship with China and with a lot of other countries that we're not getting along with too well today and uh things are going to straighten out we're going to get him straightened out very quickly very important that we get along with the rest of the world you know we have things today called nuclear weapons I rebuilt our whole military including our nuclear capability and so I got very familiar with it and uh you know I I say this often because I had an uncle who was the longest serving I believe the longest suring I was told that by MIT but he was there 39 I guess or 41 years longest serving professor in the history of MIT and nuclear was something he knew a lot about and we used to talk about it I'd say uncle John there's no way he was telling me about this incredible power that was being Unleashed potentially and I say uncle John you could never and you know what he was very modest because I've seen the destructive capability and this world is going to have to get along because if that's ever Unleashed we already have too many countries that have at least remnants of it with some of it but probably five countries if you think and Kim Jong-un when when I was went to the White House after winning in 2016 I sat with President Obama which is a rich and you sit and you talk and I said what's the biggest problem he said North Korea is the biggest problem I don't think it's solvable I said have you tried calling him or talking to him actually the answer was yes and he wasn't responded to but I did and we were very safe it started off a little rocky if you remember Little Rocket Man I called him and he called me things too he's got a red button on his desk I said I have a bigger red button my red button works I said and then it started getting a little nicer and then one day I got a call that they'd like to meet and it was a great thing we had a great meeting we had two meetings actually two great meetings Summits and we had no problem with them now they have a problem because they're not liking this Administration they don't respect this administration at all so we have to get along we have to get along we can't have World War I you're going to end up in World War III just like you you should have never had Russia go in it would have never happened if a competent person led us it would have never happened he led them into it and I'm not blaming Biden but you know what what he was saying was exactly the wrong thing I said we're gonna have an invasion because of a lot of the rhetoric it was stupid rhetoric but it would have never happened not only for that reason oil was down low you know oil was almost at $100 a barrel so Putin is one of the only people I mean it's nothing's easy in life but Putin at $100 a barrel War works at $40 a barrel it didn't work at all so we're going to get back to a intelligently Run Place a place where other countries aren't using the word nuclear that word was never talked about during my because I knew the power of it and I talked to Putin about it I talked to president XI about it I think we were going to do your remember the talk where we were going to uh reduce nuclear capability substantially all three of us we're going to start it we're going to reduce very substantially and then we had the election and after the election they didn't talk about that or anything else frankly but uh we have to be very very careful because the destructive capability of nuclear when people talk about global warming I say the ocean is going to go down 100th of an inch within the next 400 years that's not our problem our problem is nuclear warming and we better be smart and we better have smart people at the top that know how to deal because these people don't know how to deal Putin came out today he endorsed Kamala and I didn't know was I supposed to call him up and say thank you very much I appreciate it but he endured Kamala I have a feeling I don't know I don't I don't know exactly what to say about that I don't know if I'm insulted or he did me a favor but we have to get along with the world we can't have War because the destructive capability you can be the head of the biggest bank wherever the hell Jamie is sitting you can be the head of the biggest bank in the world and a couple of nukes in your bank doesn't mean a thing you got to get along this is such an important job it's a dangerous job too very dangerous job if you look it statistically being president is very dangerous that that throbbing feeling I have oh that throbbing feeling no it's a very dangerous job and uh you have to do it right and if you don't do it right bad things will happen to the world things like you've never seen before okay thank you very much thank you um John Paulson behind me to your right Mr President hi uh first first let me thank you for your presentation today uh president Trump in the last fiscal year the fiscal deficit under the Biden Administration was approximately two trillion under the policies you've announced the deficit would come down from items such as increased revenues from tariffs as well as eliminating the the tax incentives uh for the green New Deal uh these gains would be mitigated by decreases in revenues from policies such as no tax on tips overall what do you estimate will be the impact of the fiscal deficit from your policies well we just hit record highs at numbers that nobody ever thought possible you're right it's over $2 trillion nobody thought that was a number that was I mean you could go back four years nobody thought a number like that would be possible it's crazy it's like it's just horrible actually but uh yeah we're two trillion and I view it as profit and loss to a certain extent a lot of people say oh it's trade you know you have many people say trade deficits don't matter I think they matter a lot I think they matter a lot uh we're going to have tremendous growth this what I'm talking about is all about growth the tax tax is relatively minor compared to the growth we're going to make our money back on growth we're going to also I mean we're going to grow like nobody's ever grown before I think if this all works out you're gonna have the Auto industry come back to America right now China is building two Auto factories in Mexico massive Auto factories and they think they're going to make their cars in Mexico and send them back into the United States with no tax it's not going to happen under this Administration is going to happen and they wanted to do that during my Administration I said if you do it we're going to put a 200% tariff on every car and you'll never be able to see it there will never be one car coming across our border and if I would have let them do it we would have had these two factories well now they're building massive factories more than two and they're going to kill Detroit and the head of the Union the United Auto Workers in Detroit has done a terrible terrible job just a terrible job but we're going to bring tremendous growth back and remember we're also taking in a certain percentage I won't name the percentage today but it'll be a certain tariff percentage which will be higher than people had heard in the past and we will be bringing in billions and billions of dollars which will directly reduce our deficits okay thank you very much good job you've done by the way very good thank you and the final question RMA is to you thank you um president Trump you you talked about how the increase in the price of food gas and rent is hurting families but the real cost that's breaking families backs and preventing women from participating in the workforce is Child Care Child Care is now more expensive than rent for working families and is costing the economy more than $122 billion dollar a year making it one of the most urgent economic issues that is facing our country in fact the cost of child care is outpacing the cost of inflation with the majority of American families of young children spending more than 20% % of their income on child care one thing that Democrats and Republicans have in common is that both parties talk a lot about what they're going to do to address the child care crisis but neither party has delivered meaningful change if you win in November can you commit to prioritizing legislation to make Child Care affordable and if what specific piece legislation will you advance well I would do that we're sitting down you know I was uh somebody we had Senator Marco Rubio and my daughter Ivanka was so uh impactful on that issue it's a very important issue but I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I'm talking about that because look Child Care is child care it's couldn't you know there something you have to have it in this country you have to have it but when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that I'm talking about by taxing foreign Nations at levels that they're not used to but they'll get used to it very quickly and it's not going to stop them from doing business with us but they'll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country uh those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we're talking about including child care that it's going to take care we're going to have I I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time coupled with h the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country because I have to stay with child care I want to stay with child care but those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I'm talking about including growth but growth also headed up by what the plan is that I just uh that I just told you about we're going to be get in trillions of dollars and as much as child care uh is talked about as being expensive it's relatively speaking not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers we'll be taken in we're going to make this into an incred country that can afford to take care of its people and then we'll worry about the rest of the world let's help other people but we're going to take care of our country first this is about America first it's about make America great again we have to do it because right now we're failing Nation so we'll take care of it thank you very good question thank you thank you thank you very much Mr Trump um it's great that you accepted our invitation to be with us today thank you rod sander John and rashma for your questions uh the president is now going to be leaving the building and so we want to all stay seated while he and his team leave but as he leaves let's all say thank you one more time for him accepting our invitation to be here today [Applause] thank you all economic advisor Kevin hasset [Applause] Ambassador Robert lighthiser horrific person former secretary Wilber Ross former treasury secretary Steve [Music] minuchin former SEC chairman Jay Clayton Ambassador Woody Johnson Senior advisor Steven Miller friends and respected Business Leaders all John Paulson Jamie Diamond Steve whov Steve schwarzman Scott besset Jeff spren Richard kurs former head of the World Bank David Malpass and the two co-chairs of my presidential transition team that are being inundated with phone calls and requests Linda McMahon and Howard lck thank you as We Gather today we have an EC an economic disaster on our hands if an economy in crisis a failing nation and nation in serious decline under the radical policies of my former opponent Joe Biden and my new opponent Kam 1.3 million workers have become unemployed in the past 12 months I don't know if anybody knows that the typical American family has lost over $28,000 due to rampant and record setting inflation credit card debt has reached the highest in history with more than one in three Americans reporting they have maxed out their credit cards it maxed out families now need to earn an estimated $110,000 a year to afford a typical home meaning 65% of households are locked out of buying just an ordinary house gasoline prices grocery prices electricity e Ross former treasury secretary Steve minuchin former SEC chairman Jay Clayton Ambassador Woody Johnson Senior advisor Steven Miller my friends and respected Business Leaders all John Paulson Jamie Diamond Steve whov Steve schwarzman Scott bant Jeff spra Richard Curts former head of the World Bank David Malpass and the two co-chairs of my presidential transition team that are being inundated with phone calls and requests Linda McMahon and Howard lutnick thank you as We Gather today we have an econ an economic disaster on our hand if an economy in crisis a failing nation and nation in serious decline under the radical policies of my former opponent Joe Biden and my new opponent kamla Harris 1.3 million workers have become unemployed in the past 12 months I don't know if anybody knows that the typical American family has lost over $28,000 due to rampant and record setting inflation credit card debt has reached the highest in history with more than one in three Americans reporting they have maxed out their credit cards they've maxed out families now need to earn an estimated $110,000 a year to afford a typical home meaning 65% of households are locked out of buy just an ordinary house gasoline prices GR grocy prices electricity prices mortgage virtually everything else are up 30 to 100% since I left office 8.4 million Americans are now working second jobs the highest in more than 30 years the real wages of africanamerican workers are down by over six% short period of time the real incomes from from Hispanic men are down 6.6% or $3,600 per year and on top of that African-Americans and Hispanic American jobs are under massive threat from The Invasion taking place at our border they're taking the jobs of Hispanic Americans African Americans and nobody talks about it but I won't let it happen yet after presiding over the border the worst in history for any country there never been a border like this 21 million people we project this total economic catastrophe the borders are kamla Harris has now been slotted in by the Democrats to be reelected she wants four more years to enforce a radical left agenda that poses a fundamental threat to the prosperity of every American family and America itself and we're talking about America itself she wants to defund the police have totally open borders ban fracking in Pennsylvania and everywhere else take away your private health insurance and perhaps most pertinent to the very brilliant people in this room raise your business and corporate taxes and unbelievably she will seek a tax on unrealized capital gains most people don't even know what that means what does it mean she has been after all of this for years and as everyone knows she's a Marxist who destroyed almost single-handedly San Francisco and when she was the AG California itself not the same place people are leaving they're fleeing like they are in New York she'll seek out and she will try and get those things if she's elected and she may very well succeed in getting them she recently said her values have not changed and these have really been her values for her entire career her values haven't changed that's what she wants so she told the truth we are not going to let this happen communism is the past freedom is the future and it is time to send comrade Camala Harris back home to California where crime is rampant and fleeing is the number one occupation I'm here today to lay out my plan to rescue our country from this nightmare and to bring back to its citizens the American dream bigger better and stronger than ever before eight years ago I came before you as a cand candidate for president and shared my vision to end the stagnation and return to Rapid growth it's what we did as president I am very proud to say that we accomplished something that nobody thought that was even possible before the pandemic real median household income Rose by $ 7,684 and even after the pandemic annual income were up $6,400 the average American household saw $197,000 increase in real net worth in 48 months for the bottom 50% of households average wealth more than doubled increasing by 121% lowest income people benefited the most after 12 years of decline we added nearly 7 million new homeowners never happened before and in three years we created 7 million new jobs 260% more than projected when I took office when I took office they said you couldn't hit those projections and we were 260% higher than what we said we could do from the day I won to the day I left the SNP 500 increased by 80% and we did it all with virtually no inflation we had virtually no inflation think of that who could believe that I delivered the largest tax cuts and reform in American history by far slashing rates for working families and cutting the business tax from the highest in the world we had the highest in the world 35% and actually when you add local and State numbers that were getting close to 50 but much much higher nobody's ever seen we brought it all the way down to 21% which everybody said was impossible to do and I heard it from everyone they said you'll never be able to do that and I got it down to 21% I cut a record number of job killing regulations in four years we cut more R than any president in the history of our country by far I'm proud to be president modern history to achieve a net regulatory reduction during my term and it was a substantial reduction and for every regulation we added we cut more than 5.5 regulations we unleashed American Energy and within we had increased domestic oil production by 47% and we were just getting started the price of gasoline was $180 7 cents a gallon doesn't that sound good right now we negotiated and renegotiated more than 50 trade agreements with other countries that were taking advantage of us as they all do to protect the American worker and to open foreign markets and we did a great job I ended NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made in the history of our country and replaced it with the usmca perhaps the best trade deal ever made in history that's Mexico and Canada I stood up to China like no one else before me no one came even close and I saved the US Auto industry from obliteration with a 27.5% tariff on all Chinese cars that remains in place to this day they want to take it off but they can't because number one it's too much money and number two we would be invaded by Chinese cars on top of the other invasions that are taking place without it our Auto industry would be dead and now I am going further we will bring our automaking industry to the record levels of 37 years ago and we'll be able to do it very quickly through tariffs and other smart use of certain things that we have that other countries don't for four straight years I fought for American workers like like I would fight for my own family I took care of our economy like I would take care of my own company in every decision I asked will I create jobs here or will I be sending jobs overseas will it make America richer and stronger or will it make our country weaker and poorer I always put America First every single time and when our country was hit by the chin virus we saved the economy We rescued tens of millions of jobs and after Co I handed Kamala and Joe the fastest and strongest recovery ever recorded nothing even close with 1.4% inflation the 30-year mortgage rate was at 2.4% and the highest stock market in history this is despite the pandemic today I handed them back the highest stock market to date after having just suffered with the rest of the world a pandemic the likes of which nobody had ever seen before we did an incredible job and remember far more people died of covid under Biden Harris than under President Trump many many more people we delivered an economic Miracle which kenj Jo turned into an economic disaster just like they turned the border and indeed lead the whole world into a catastrophic surrender starting on day one comma launched a war on American Energy and orchestrated a nation wrecking border Invasion with illegal a aliens pouring in from countries all over the world they came in from countries that nobody ever heard the name of that country those countries from their prisons and and jails there is a difference from mental institutions and insane asylums as well as record numbers of terrorists human traffickers and sex traffickers numbers that we've never seen before taking place over the last three and a half years then Kamala cast the deciding votes on trillions of dollars in wasteful spending which together with their terrible energy policies gave us the worst inflation perhaps in the history of our country nearly two-thirds of the jobs created under the Harris Biden administration were bounceback jobs bounceback they were bounceback jobs that I handed them from before the pandemic this happens with pandemics you have bounceback jobs the pandemic comes and it goes and those people go back to their jobs and just last week Joe Biden admitted that on social media I don't know if he knew what he admitted but that's what it said I wonder who drew it perhaps that person is no longer employed by the Democrats but right now it's even worse than that under Kamala Harris's policies 3 million workers are now missing from the job force compared to 20 23 million workers that's a lot over half a million fewer people of full-time jobs today than just one year ago and 100% of the net job creation in the past year has gone to Illegal migrants think of that one 100% of the jobs created under this Administration has gone to Illegal migrants that came into our country Joe Biden and kamla Harris formed the worst presidency and vice president by far in the history of our country this election will decide whether we reward kamla Harris with reelection and four more years of crime economic Calamity and international humiliation or whether we change that direction and once again build the greatest economy in the history of the world which we had during the Trump Administration kamla Harris is the first major major party nominee in American history who fundamentally rejects freedom and Embraces Marxism communism and fascism you're learning about this you'll find out nobody knew who she was just a few months ago they didn't know who she was she's promising communist price controls wealth confiscation energy Annihilation reparations the law larest tax increase ever imposed and mass amnesty and citizenship for tens of millions of migrants who will consume trillions of dollars in federal benefits and Destroy Social Security and Medicare they will be destroyed they're already putting them into your Social Security and Medicare roles I am promising low taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates secure orders low low low crime and surging incomes for citizens of every race religion color and Crea my plan will rapidly defeat inflation quickly bring down prices and reignite explosive economic growth kamla Harris will take more money out of American Pockets my plan will leave the typical family with many thousands of dollars more than they have right now first I will end kamla Harris's anti-energy Crusade and Implement a policy of energy abundance energy Independence and even energy dominance we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than any other country including Russia and Saudi Arabia will be using it my plan will cut Energy prices in half or more than that with within 12 months of taking office it will be an economic Revival of our country like no one has ever seen before energy was what caused our problem initially energy is going to bring us back that means we're going down and getting gasoline below $2 a gallon bring down the price of everything from electricity rates to groceries air fairs and housing costs that's why OPEC and the Arab Nations and we're very honored to have some of my friends here with us today from that part of the world but they're working very hard despite being here that I not be your president they don't like me meanwhile kamla Harris can't bring down the price of anything because her energy policies are driving up the cost of everything everything is up way up starting on day one Harris and Biden opened up the Russian Pipeline called nordstream 2 which nobody have ever heard of until I got involved and said what about nordstream 2 and nobody knew what I was talking about largest pipeline in the world Russian Pipeline but I had it closed it was shut down Putin was not happy we shut it down they came along and the Keystone XL pipeline was shut down by them so they shut down the Keystone and they immediately gave Russia the right to start rebuilding the nordstream two the biggest pipeline you've ever seen we re-entered the horribly unfair to the United States through them when they came back Paris climate Accord so unfair to us we PID trillions of dollars other countries pay nothing as soon as he came back he went back into it I got us out of it and reduced the area of the federal lands available for drilling by 80% did that if I was President oil production today would be four times higher than it is right now would have been four times higher right now we'd be doing four times as much and remember we had anoir perhaps thear largest drilling site in the world in Alaska which everybody wanted to get approved but they weren't able to do it Ronald Reagan fought so hard to get anoir he couldn't do it and it was easier in those days than it is today with all of the environmental concerns but they came in in their first few days in office they terminated nir amazingly biggest drilling site we think in the world bigger than Saudi Arabia bigger than Texas we got it and they terminated it under the epa's so-called power plant rule more than 50 power plants have been shut down since she took office and virtually all Coal Fired power plants would be shuttered in the next couple of years setting the stage for a catastrophic energy shortfall which we already have that will make inflation far worse than it has ever been they want to close down our power plants and we don't have power already to address this dire energy crisis that Camala and Joe have created I will immediately issue a National Emergency declaration to achieve massive increase in domestic energy Supply what you're going to need electricity is desperately needed for ai ai controversial but we got to be the top of it and we would need hard to believe twice the electricity that we currently have right now for everything in order to be dominant and China is already building massive electricity producing plants we haven't even thought about it we will think about it and I'll get it done on an emergency basis so we'll be the leader in Ai and every other form of Technology with these sweeping authorities We Will Blast through every bureaucratic hurdle to issue rapid approvals for new drilling new pipelines new refineries new power plants new electric plants and reactors of all types prices will fall immediately in anticipation of this tremendous Supply that we can create rather quickly and will be the leader instead of the lagard second to further defeat inflation my plan will terminate the green New Deal which I call the green new scam greatest scam in history probably a 10 trillion doll scam that we waste we throw like throwing money right out the window it actually sets us back as opposed to moves us forward and weend all unspent funds under the misnamed inflation reduction act which the Democrats agreed after it was approved that it wasn't for that purpose it was for other purposes like giveaways comma spent 7.5 billion do to build eight charging stations think of a charging station like a fuel pump with electricity coming out of it eight charging stations in the Midwest for electric vehicles cost billions and billions of dollars 7.5 billion they think but the costs are still going and three of them don't work and never will probably other than that it's worked out quite well I will end the electric vehicle mandate stop the appalling waste and save taxpayers an estimated $1 trillion third I will launch a historic campaign to liberate our economy from crippling regulation my first term I pledged to cut two old regulations for every one new regulation and we did much better than that as I've said yet over the past four years kamla has added $6,300 a year and Regulatory costs onto the backs of the typical American family think of that to stop this Onslaught at lower prices I'm pledging today that in my second term we will eliminate a minimum of 10 old regulations for every one new regulation we'll be able to do that quite easily actually and instead of attacking industries of the future we will embrace them including making America the world capital for crypto and [Applause] Bitcoin fourth at the suggestion of Elon Musk who has given me his complete and total endorsement that's nice smart guy he knows what he's doing he knows what he's doing it's very very much appreciated I will create a government efficiency Commission test with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and making recommendations for drastic reforms need to do it can't go on the way we are [Applause] now and Elon because he's not very busy has agreed to head that task force be interesting if he has the time it be a good one to do it but he's agreed to do it in 2022 fraud and improper payments alone cause taxpayers an estimated hundreds of billions of dollars as the first order of business this commission will develop an action plan to totally eliminate fraud and improper payments within six months this will save trillions of dollars trillions it's massive for the same service that you have right now trillions of dollars is wasted and gone and nobody knows where it went further taming inflation and bringing prices way down the fifth pillar of my plan is to make the Trump tax cuts permanent they are massive tax cuts biggest ever permanent and to cut taxes even more and we will have no tax on tips something which they copied for a weeks after I said it she got up said no tax on tips I said I just said that she is actually copying a lot of my plan in fact we're going to send her a magga cap sometime in the next week we're having a special one [Applause] made but we also know she doesn't mean it she's going to stick with what her whole life has been about and also no tax on Social Security benefits people in Social Security have been wiped out by inflation and now on top of it we tax their benefits we're not going to tax their benefits we have so many different ways of making so much money this country the potential is is so incredible we don't have to take it away from people on Social Security we're not going to do that we're going to save Social Security she's going to destroy Social Security under the Trump Administration we prove that targeted tax cuts do not increase the deficit they reduce the deficit it by growing the economy and raising revenue after we gave the massive tax cuts we took in the following year with a much lower rate billions and billions of dollars more than we did the previous year with a high rate think of that so with a much lower rate we took in more money because people were incentivized corporate tax revenues are 31% higher today than before my tax law was signed with all of those cuts 31% higher to further support the Revival of American manufacturing my plan calls for expanded R&D tax credits 100% bonus depreciation expensing for new manufacturing Investments and a reduction in the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% solely for companies that make their product in America [Applause] you have to make your product in America if you Outsource offshore or replace American workers you're not eligible for any of these benefits in fact you will pay a very substantial tar comes in from another country that's made in another country and comes in there'll be a big tariff on that product because we want to make our our Goods in America and most of them we can my message is simple make your product here in America and only in America we are not going to be taken advantage of anymore just as we made great inroads and progress four years ago we made tremendous inroads on this subject we're not going to watch our wealth and jobs get ripped away from us and sent to foreign countries which is what's been happening for many many decades with us China was built on doing exactly what we're going to be doing and what I started doing four years ago what we're putting forward is the most pro-american manufacturing and jobs policy in modern history for any country this plan will bring jobs and growth into our country at levels never seen before every business on Earth will flock to America from Europe Asia the Middle East and all over the world by contrast comrade Kam haris wants to sacrifice our wealth kill the economy and drive jobs overseas to punish businesses more businesses will leave they'll leave America their International companies they report to their shareholders and they will leave America if her plan even in a small form comes to the four her tax plan which includes the promise to end the Trump tax cuts which Again by itself would be a massive tax increase would increase taxes by over five trillion dollars a record many times over it would result in the largest small business tax hike in history massively raising taxes on 25 million small business people and raising small business tax rates to 43% and higher in other words 20% higher than communist China kamla is also vowing to raise the corporate tax rate from 21 to 28% we're bringing it down to 15% but she really is looking to raise it to 40 45 or even 50% you know that all you have to do is follow her past path radically raise the capital gains tax rate which he wants to do and they don't even want to give a number and for the first time ever impos 25% tax on unrealized capital gains so if you happen to have a lot of wealth but no cash you're a lot of trouble this will lead America into a 1929 depression and it will be a depression and a territory that we have not seen for a long time there's a gentleman that happens to believe that Scott these policies especially the tax on unrealized capital gains would decimate the US economy companies and Innovation would flee from America to other countries Venture Capital markets would disappear the stock market would be annihilated and investors assess the tax liabilities of large shareholders the seniors and Senior pensions would totally go up in smoke that'd be worthless these are not the polic icies designed to create a prosperous America these are policies to turn the United States into Venezuela on steroids even if for this reason alone Kamala Harris must be defeated decisively this November has to be defeated cannot have her be the president of the United States under Comm the United States is becoming a third world Banana Republic she and her partyer censoring speech weaponizing the justice system and trying to throw their political opponents me in jail this hasn't happened I didn't do that to CET Hillary I said that would be a terrible thing wouldn't it putting the wife of the president of the United States in jail but they view it differently I guess nowadays but that's okay and they always have to remember that two can play the game nobody ever thought this was possible this is how you create massive Capital flight and turn once prosperous Nations into absolute ruins I will have no higher priority as president than to restore the fair equal and impartial rule of law in America we have lost the rule of law who would have thought [Applause] number six under my leadership America will encourage domestic production instead of punishing it as you know our country's vast manufacturing wealth was created at a time with very little domestic taxation few regulations and most Revenue came from tariffs from other countries that was when we were at the wealthiest ever proportionately we were the wealthiest country ever during those days that was before income tax came along now we foolishly do the opposite we impose lower tariffs and no tariffs on forign producers we have the lowest tariffs of any nation in the world and we relentlessly punish our own companies for doing business in America you do business in America you're punished tremendously I had many many companies come to me sir I can't compete Des sending kitchen cabinets washers and dryers everything that I can tell you every motorcycles to sending them here sir we can't compete and I made it so they could compete and Thrive every one of those people we should get them up and talk to you one day because every one of those people comes up to me and every time I see them they hug me they kiss me they love me because I save their businesses I tend to reverse this model and once again turn America into the manufacturing superpower of the world we can do that just with being intelligent the key to this effort will be a pro-american trade policy that uses tariffs to encourage production here and bring trillions and trillions of dollars back home and you know what we deserve it we've been helping other countries get rich at our expense for the last 50 years we've been pouring our money into other countries getting nothing nothing for it we protect them militarily we do so much for them we get nothing my plan is that if you open your factory in Wisconsin Pennsylvania Michigan Minnesota anywhere else in our country you don't pay a tariff tax you don't pay a tax you make the product here but if you move your production outside of the United States and send it back here which people are doing now and I stopped it I stopped at cold but they've changed that already then you have to pay a very substantial tariff to get your product back into the country the result will be that everybody in the world will want to be here and they want to produce here they're going to want to produce their product in America it's going to say made in the USA we will be able to build ships again we will be able to build planes again we will be able to build our military again from within all within we will create the biggest greatest and strongest middle class in the history of our country we will have tens of millions of high-paying jobs in manufacturing Transportation defense as well as all of the sales and support of export jobs our Auto industry will be the biggest beneficiary in short it will be a National Economic Renaissance just by using our heads by being smart by not letting other countries take advant Vantage of us they've been doing it for so long it's so sad to see and I know them all and they laugh at us behind our back they can't believe how stupid our leadership has been for so many years we will ensure that the United States has a giant steel industry an aluminum industry a manufacturing base and a defense base we want a industrial base that can take care of our defense needs 100% And you can call it what you want some might say it's economic nationalism I call it common sense I call it America First this is the policy that built this country and this is the policy that will save our country in the words of a great but highly underrated President William McKinley highly underrated the protective tariff policy of the Republicans has been made and made the lives of our countrymen sweeter and brighter it's the best for our citizenship and our civilization and it opens up a higher and better Destiny for our people we have to take care of our own nation and her Industries first in other words take care of our country first this is when we had our greatest wealth he was assassinated and he left left his group of people that followed him Teddy Roosevelt became a great president spending the money that was made by McKinley so McKinley got a bad deal on that one he built tremendous wealth they had the Tariff Act of 1887 and they had a committee that studied what are we going to do they had a big problem a problem like I hope to have with this country someday so much money was coming in from foreign countries that they didn't know how to spend it they had no idea so they set up a committee we'll set one up with the people in this room how do we distribute the wealth that we have and Roosevelt built dams and built railroads and did National Parks but he did it with the money that was made with tariffs from McKinley so you have to remember that very highly underrated very underrated president let's give them both credit smart tariffs will not create inflation they will combat inflation I had almost no inflation and I had the highest tariffs that anyone's seen and they were going a lot higher foreign Nations will pay us hundreds of billions of dollars reducing the deficit and driving inflation down it largely reduce our deficit in my first term we imposed historic tariffs with no effect on consumer prices or inflation the anti-ar people many of them I believe honestly work for these other countries in some form get tremendous amounts of lobbying money and other money because it doesn't make sense what they're saying but we had no inflation and we had protection and I saved so many Industries I saved the the steel industry but Biden and Harris are letting it go they're letting it go it's so easy to keep a combination of fair trade tax cuts regulatory cuts and energy abundance will allow us to produce more Goods better and cheaper right here in the USA than we've ever done before and foreign Nations will respect us again I got along great with foreign Nations and I taxed the hell out of them and they liked me maybe they respected me and Victor Orban a very strong man he's the prime minister of Hungary he said the only thing missing from the world right now is President Trump he kept the world safe because everybody was afraid of him I don't like that term but that's the term he used I would like to say respected him and respected our country but he didn't say that he said everybody was afraid of him he said China was afraid Russia was afraid they were all afraid Kim Jong-un I got along great with him and I try to explain to the fake news media that getting along with people foreign countries is a good thing not a bad thing it's a very good thing it's a smart thing we will require all essential materials for our national security to be produced here in the United States creating millions and milons millions of new manufacturing jobs you know when we built the F-35 we have the wings built in one country we have the tail Rudders built in another country we have the seats built in another country we have the electronics built in seven different countries what the hell would we do if there's a war and we'll end up fighting half of those countries and we don't want to have a war because right now we're closer to World War III than we've ever been in our lives with Russia Ukraine which would have never happened if I was president with October 7th in Israel the whole Middle East is is blowing up would have never happened they would have never happened respectfully Iran was broke they had no money for Hamas they had no money for Hezbollah wouldn't have happened there would be peace in the Middle East and Iran would be a big beneficiary of that peace be good but all of these things that happened and inflation would have never happened and Afghanistan would have never happened the worst withdrawal in history I believe the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country in fact that's what caused President Putin to go into Ukraine when he looked at how incompetently that was handled he looked at it and he said man they're incompetent that was the most embarrassing day in the history of the United States of America airplanes taking off with many people sitting on the wings of the plane and the side of the plane and the wing and you see them dropping off the ples at 3,000 ft they thought it was their trip to Freedom there's never been anything like that and I think there's no greater embarrassment by the way we lost 13 incredible soldiers I got to know the families very well spent a lot of time with them four days ago in Arlington Cemetery three years ago they were celebrating three years honoring their children and yeah that's right they call them their children they still call they always will call them their children they're gone and many of those people there should have never left from there they should have left from barram the Big Air Base but many of those people that were so badly hurt they don't talk about them no legs no arms obliteration of their face their entire body and nobody mentions that we left Americans behind large numbers we left 85 billion doll worth of equipment behind because we took our military out first a child would know you don't you take your military out last and just remember one final point on that because it's a little bit different from our subject but not really because it's all about our country and common sense but for 18 months I spoke to the leader of the Taliban the Press was very upset that I spoke to him his name is Abdul I said Abdul don't do this Abdul don't do this but why but why he said do you send me a picture of my home I said Abdul you're going to have to figure that one out for yourself but don't do this Abdul because it's going to end badly for you and for 18 months we didn't have one soldier shot at or killed in Afghanistan and then we took our soldiers out we had a very very disgraceful a disgraceful election and this group came in and they didn't know what the hell they were doing and they still don't they've gotten worse you know with experience you're supposed to get better they got worse they're worse now than they ever were and uh we're going to turn our country around we're going to become a major producer of rare earth minerals we're going to create jobs and making it really and US truly self-reliant Remember The Rare Earth where we have to go to China we have sites that are tied up with more than anybody else has they're environmentally protected we have sites that are phenomenal everything you want in terms of rare earth and we can't use them because of Environmental Protection but we're going to end that very quickly as soon as I get to office we will make housing much more affordable as inflation is tamed interest rates will dramatically fall they'll be down very very low we'll get them down we had them down to 2. 4% and even lower than that for a period of time reducing mortgage rates is a big factor we're going to get them back down to we think 3% maybe even lower than that saving the average home buyer thousands of dollars per year they can now go out young people will be able to buy a home again and be a part of the American dream we will eliminate regulations that drive up housing cost with the goal of cutting the cost of a new home in half with think we can do that the regulations alone cost 30% regulation cost 30% of a new home and we will open up portions of federal land for large scale housing construction these zones will be ultra low tax and ultra low regulation one of the great really small business job creation programs it will be of all time we're going to open up our country to building homes inexpensively so young people and other people people can buy homes you can't buy them anymore millions of Americans will take part in setting these safe and beautiful communities Reviving The Frontier spirit and really as I said Reviving The American Dream It's about the American dream it's all about the American dream we don't talk about American dream with these people in office they don't want to talk about the American dream because they they're the exact opposite they're the exact opposite we all so cannot ignore the impact that the flood of 21 million illegal aliens has had on driving up housing costs that's why my plan will ban mortgages for illegal aliens in California they're passing a law where they're going to give Cal we're going to give illegal aliens money to buy a house but our soldiers are veterans that are laying on the streets they can't have them you have soldiers right now laying on the streets of different cities all Democrat run they're laying on the streets in front of hotels and some cases luxury hotels and you have illegal immigrants coming in and living in those hotels and laughing at our soldiers as they walk by into a luxury Lobby is there something wrong with that thinking is there something wrong with our country if Kamala is allowed to continue to let our country be invaded we will face a fiscal Armageddon these migrants are consuming hundreds of billions of dollars in benefits you saw in Colorado this week a group from Venezuela rough ones rough ones they took over large sections of a town large sections of an area of Colorado Aurora has anyone been there I think you'd better stay away for a little while they had AK-47s the ultimate guns AK-47s they can blow lots of people away real fast and the sheriff didn't want to touch him nobody wants to touch him Sheriff there's 18 Venezuelans attacking my building would you please come over and straighten out the situation he's got a deputy you know what they say uh well no thanks let's call in the military they're taking over and I said this four years ago when they when I realized they wanted open borders and it's happened it's happening now in Chicago they're taking over sections of Chicago what's happening in New York in Los Angeles and many other cities is not even describable they tough they're tough and they're smart and they're vicious don't forget get they come from the prisons and they're the bad criminals on the streets Caracus Venezuela has almost no crime next year I'm going to suggest that the economic Club hold its meeting in Caracus because we'll be safer than we are in our country if they win we'll be far safer but crime in Venezuela is down 72% because they've taken all of their criminals off the streets not all of them they still have some left but they're coming in rapidly by bus and by plane they're coming into our country and we're dumping them in our country and they say if you come back we will kill you and then not going back we got them but they're going back if I'm president I guarantee you that they're going back fast and now Camala wants to give them food stamps housing assistance welfare Medicaid Medicare Social Security and destroy all of those programs you will destroy those programs that is why I will ask Congress to pass legislation barring all taxpayer funded benefits to illegal aliens and by the way when you do that they won't come they're coming now because they realize they've never seen wealth like this they're getting things that they could never get they're coming for that reason if you stop that you'll have you'll be dropping the Flow by 80% and I think that they're coming because they're taken care of they're let's put them in a luxury let's put them in the world Warf Historia that's a nice place I will stop The Invasion and send criminal illegal aliens back home and when we do all of this we will be so successful we'll create America's own Sovereign wealth fund to invest in great National Endeavors for the benefit of all of the American people why don't we have a wealth f fund other countries have wealth funds we have nothing we have nothing we're going to have a sovereign wealth fund or we can name it something different I'll talk about it with Mr Paulson who's in the audience and a lot of other friends of mine and we'll name it something that's appropriate perhaps Sovereign wealth fund wouldn't be appropriate but it's going to be the same thing we'll put tremendous amounts of money through all this money that will take be taken in through tariffs and other intelligent things and we have the greatest Sovereign wealth fund of them all and we should have and that will be used to do things that will be great for our country including to invest and wisely invest and build it up bigger and stronger and better than any place on Earth we will build extraordinary National development projects and everything from highways to airports to Transportation infrastructure all of the future we'll be able to invest in state-of-the-art manufacturing hubs Advanced defense capabilities Cutting Edge medical research and help save billions of dollars in preventing disease in the first place and I'm very honored to have been endorsed last week by Robert F Kennedy Jr that was a great endorsement and he's very much into helping people he's very much into helping people I've known him a long time that was a great uh that was a great thing when he did that that was not easy for a Kenedy to be endorsing a republican that was not easy but these are not Democrats these are radical left lunatics and you can't let them run your country we will invest in new and modern agricultural techniques so we can have safe healthy high quality foods for our families where Bobby is so interested Foods he says we're putting a lot of bad foods in our body you look at other countries which do far less and they're actually much healthier than we are this wealth fund will return a gigantic profit which will help pay down national debt we're going to work on national debt very strongly by the way we're gonna to have so much money coming in we're going to work on national debt we're close to$ 36 trillion doll right now we're going to work on getting it down and it is many of the people in this room who will be helping to advise and recommend Investments for this fund this is how we will end the era of inflation Mayhem and misery under Camala Harris the worst vice president in the history of our country and unleash a new era of safety prosperity and success for our workers our families and our businesses and I've done it before we did a great job and now we really know our job well I know the smartest the best people we have the best people and have people that many in this room they know exactly what we want to do you know it's interesting having experience because I won an election I went to Washington I was only in Washington 17 times I never stayed over that's according to the fake news but I think they're right but I got to know Washington well and I know the Smart Ones and the dumb ones I know the ones that can help make us great and the ones that can only take us into bad territory I got to know a lot of people probably as many as anybody at that level and we have incredible talent that we're going to be using that Talent we had some incredible Talent much of it sitting up here and sitting down here they did a great job on trade Bob lighthous so many other people did such a great job we rebuilt our military we rebuilt our entire military did a great job we have great generals not the television generals not the generals that took us out of Afghanistan in 24 hours and left that horrible situation but we have great generals we defeated Isis it was supposed to take five years it took me four weeks four weeks our generals did a great job we have great people in our military and our military is not woke believe me you couldn't get these guys to be woke some of the guys on top awoke but those aren't the ones that are great so we're going to do things that we didn't do even the first time we had a great presidency we were there was an article written the other day that the Trump presidency was a great presidency With Victory on November 5th which will go down as the most important day in the history of our country inflation will be gone our energy will be Unleashed our economy will be set free our sovereignty will be restored our citizens will Thrive growth will come roaring back and America's future will be brighter than ever before so I want to thank you all this has been a lovely experience it was years ago that I was here we talked about what we were going to do and we did just about everything we said and uh if you'd like we'll take a few questions B great thank you very thank you thank you very much and we're now moving as promised to the question and answer portion of the program our four very able questioners today are a rajen Cohen the senior chair of Sullivan and Cromwell sander Gerber founding and managing partner CEO and CIA of Hudson Bay Capital Mr John Paulson founder of pson and Company and rushma and Johnny founder and CEO of girls who code and moms first we're going to go in alphabetical order and therefore Raj you have the first question thank you Bob and thank you Mr President thank you I would like to ask about the United States economic sanctions programs these programs have been used as you well know to advance our national security interests our foreign policy objectives but they also have economic implications and the most recent was the program against Russia in response to the Ukrainian their invasion of Ukraine where for once we got the support of all our allies so my specific question is would you strengthen or modify any of these economic sanctions programs particularly Russia including the pipeline you mentioned what a great question the problem with what we have with sanctions and I was a user of sanctions but I put them on and take them off as quickly as possible because ultimately it kills your dollar and it kills everything the dollar represents and we have to continue to have that be the world currency I think it's important I think would be losing a war if we lost if we lost the dollar as a as the world world currency I think that would be the equivalent of losing a war that would make us a third world country and we can't let it happen so I use sanctions very powerfully against countries that deserve it and then I take them off because look you're losing Iran you're losing Russia China is out there trying to get their currency to be the dominant currency as you know better than anybody all of these things are happening you're losing so many countries because there's so much conflict with all of these countries that you're going to lose that and we can't lose that so I want to use sanctions as little as possible one of the things that we have with tariffs is that I'll say to them you don't honor the dollar as your world currency is that right you're not going to do it no we're not I said that's okay I'm going to put tariffs all over your product and they're going to say Sir we'd love to honor the dollar as the world currency you know tariffs in addition to monetary and the money that we'll take in which will be bigger than you've ever seen in this country before gives you tremendous political power for something like that as an example I stopped Wars with the threat of tariffs I stopped Wars with two countries that uh mattered a lot a lot of people would have been killed and I threatened tariffs coming into the United States if they don't make peace and we made a lot of we didn't have conflicts like you have right now we had very intelligent people but the biggest threat you have is you lose that currency and we have lost something that you'll never get back and we can keep it if we're smart but they use it too much and then they just forget about it and these countries like Russia it's going out now and doing its own thing and you know they're going out bragging about how they don't need us anymore etc etc uh the sad part about Russia is that Ukraine would have never happened if I was President so we wouldn't really have to be talking about sanctions but uh it did happen and one of the things I'm going to do a little bit relevant to your question is if we win I believe I can settle that war while I'm President elect before I ever get into office I can get that War settled and get that war stopped because it's a horrible horrible war and far more people are killed in Ukraine far more people than you're realizing they'll knock down this massive building amazing the size of these buildings they'll knock it down they'll say nobody was injured no a lot of people were killed the real numbers are far greater than what people are are looking at so I think it's a very important thing sanctions have to be used very judiciously and you can win we have things much more powerful actually than sanctions we have trade but we cannot lose our dollar standard very important thank you very much great sander uh thank you Mr President for all the details on your economic policy um as you alluded to tariffs are the other side of sanctions and given that China is our major trading partner with our largest imbalance and possibly our chief uh Security National Security threat to the United States how can we better institutionalized trade policy and national security policy to be coordinated so I had a great relationship with presidency of China really very close relationship uh now look he likes China I like gu so but I don't want to sound foolish he was my dear dear friend he's a tough guy he's a fierce person I say very smart you know when you say he's smart the fake news goes crazy he said president she is smart and I say yeah well he controls 1.4 billion people with an iron fist he's smart but we had a very good relationship with China until Co and when that came in it was a whole different ballg game as far as I was concerned you know we made a Great China trade deal maybe better than the usmca and I'd never talk about it because what happened with covid for the whole world $60 trillion dollars and you know deaths 70 million 60 nobody even knows how many deaths and it all came out of Wuhan so it changed my relationship but I think I'll have a great relationship with China I had one before and they respected us but they respected us because they no longer thought we were fools they used to think we were fools because we built China they would take over five 00 billion dollars a year and use it for the military and other things and we got nothing out of that we got some cheap product we got you can buy 19 pencils instead of two who the hell cares you can buy $16 dolls for your daughter instead of two nice dolls and we got very little out of that relationship they got a tremendous military power and they still have it today so uh but I believe we will have a very good relationship with China and with a lot of other countries that we're not getting along with too well today and uh things are going to straighten out we're going to get them straightened out very quickly very important that we get along with the rest of the world you know we have things today called nuclear weapons I rebuilt our whole military including our nuclear capability and so I got very familiar with it and uh you know I say this often because I had an uncle who was the longest serving I believe the longest serving I was told that by MIT but he was there 39 I guess or 41 years longest serving professor in the history of MIT and nuclear was something he knew a lot about and we used to talk about it I'd say uncle John there's no way he was telling me about this incredible power that was being Unleashed potentially and I say uncle John you could never and you know what he was very modest because I've seen the destructive capability and this world is going to have to get along because if that's ever Unleashed we already have too many countries that have at least remnants of it with some of it but probably five countries if you think and Kim Jong-un when when I was went to the White House after winning in 2016 I sat with President Obama which is a ritual and you sit and you talk and I said what's the biggest problem he said North Korea is the biggest problem I don't think it's solvable I said have you tried calling H or talking to him and actually the answer was yes and he wasn't responded to but I did and we were very safe it started off a little rocky if you remember Little Rocket Man I called him and he called me things too he's got a red button on his desk I said I have a bigger red button and my red button works I said and then it started getting a little nicer and then one day I got a call that they'd like to meet and it was a great thing we had a great meeting we had two Mee meetings actually two great meetings Summits and we had no problem with them now they have a problem because they're not liking this Administration they don't respect this administration at all so we have to get along we have to get along we can't have World War II you're going to end up in World War III just like you you should have never had Russia go in it would have never happened if a competent person led us it would have never happened he led them into it and I'm not blaming Biden but you know what what he was saying was exactly the wrong thing they said we're going to have an invasion because of a lot of the rhetoric it was stupid rhetoric but it would have never happened not only for that reason oil was down low you know oil was almost at $100 a barrel so Putin is one of the only people I mean it's nothing's easy in life but Putin at $100 a barrel War works at $40 a barrel it didn't work at all so we're going to get back to a intelligently Run Place a place where other countries aren't using the word nuclear that word was never talked about during my because I knew the power of it and I talked to Putin about it I talked to president shei about it I think we were going to do you remember the talk where we were going to uh reduce nuclear capability substantially all three of us we're going to start it we're going to reduce very substantially and then we had the election and after the election they didn't talk about that or anything else frankly but uh we have to be very very careful because the destructive capability of nuclear when people talk about global warming I say the ocean is gonna go down 100th of an inch within the next 400 years that's not our problem our problem is nuclear warming and we better be smart and we better have smart people at the top that know how to deal because these people don't know how to deal Putin came out today he endorsed Kamala and I didn't know was I supposed to call him up and say thank you very much I appreciate it but he endorsed Kamala I have a feeling I don't know I don't I don't know exactly what to say about that I don't know if I'm insulted or he did me a favor but we have to get along with the world we can't have War because the destructive capability you can be the head of the biggest bank wherever the hell Jamie is sitting you can be the head of the biggest bank in the world and a couple of nukes and your bank doesn't mean a thing you gota get along this is such an important job it's a dangerous job too very dangerous job if you look it statistically being president is very dangerous that that throbbing feeling I have oh that throbbing feeling no it's a very dangerous job and uh you have to do it right and if you don't do it right bad things will happen to the world things like you've never seen before okay thank you very much thank you um thank [Applause] you John Paulson behind me to your right Mr President hi John uh first first let me thank you for your presentation today uh president Trump in the last fiscal year the fiscal deficit under the Biden Administration was approximately two trillion under the policies you've announced the deficit would come down from items such as increased revenues from tariffs as well as eliminating the the tax incentives uh for the green New Deal uh these gains would be mitigated by decreases in revenues from policies such as no tax on tips overall what do you estimate will be the impact of the fiscal deficit from your policies well we just hit record highs at numbers that nobody ever thought possible you're right it's over $2 trillion dollar nobody thought that was a number that was I mean you could go back four years nobody thought a number like that would be possible it's crazy it's like it's just horrible actually but uh yeah we're two trillion and I view it as profit and loss to a certain extent a lot of people say oh it's trade you know you have many people say trade deficits don't matter I think they matter a lot I think they matter a lot uh we're gonna have tremendous growth this what I'm talking about is all about growth the tax is relatively minor compared to the growth we're going to make our money back on growth we're going to also I mean we're going to grow like nobody's ever grown before I think if this all works out you're going to have the Auto industry come back to America right now China is building two Auto factories in Mexico massive Auto factories and they think they're going to make their cars in Mexico and send them back into the United States with no tax it's not going to happen under this Administration is going to happen and they wanted to do that during my Administration I said if you do it we're going to put a 200% tariff on every car and you'll never be able to see it there will never be one car coming across our border and if I would have let them do it we would have had these two factories well now they're building massive factories more than two and they're going to kill Detroit and the head of the Union the United Auto Workers in Detroit has done a terrible terrible job just a terrible job but we're going to bring tremendous growth back and remember we're also taking in a certain percentage I won't name the percentage today but it'll be a certain tariff percentage which will be higher than people had heard in the past and we will be bringing in billions and billions of dollars which will directly reduce our deficits okay thank you very much good job you've done by the way very good thank you and the final question RMA is to you thank you um president Trump you you talked about how the increase in the price of food gas and rent is hurting families but the real cost that's breaking families backs and preventing women from participating in the workforce is Child Care Child heare is now more expensive than rent for working families and is costing the economy more than $122 billion a year making it one of the most urgent economic issues that is facing our country in fact the cost of child care is outpacing the cost of inflation with the majority of American families of young children spending more than 20% of their income on child care one thing that Democrats and Republicans have in common is that both parties talk a lot about what they're going to do to address the childcare crisis but neither party has delivered meaningful change if you win in November can you commit to prioritizing legislation to make Child Care affordable and if what specific piece legislation will you advance well I would do that and we're sitting down you know I was uh somebody we had Senator Marco Rubio and my daughter Ivanka was so uh impactful on that issue is it's a very important issue but I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I'm talking about that because Child Care is child care it's couldn't you know there's something you have to have it in this country you have to have it but when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that I'm talking about by taxing foreign Nations at levels that they're not used to but they'll get used to it very quickly and it's not going to stop them from doing business with us but they'll have a very substantial tax when they product into our country uh those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we're talking about including child care that it's going to take care we're going to have I I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time coupled with uh the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country because I have to stay with child care I want to stay with child care but those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I'm talking about including growth but growth also headed up by what the plan is that I just uh that I just told you about we're going to be getting trillions of dollars and as much as child care uh is talked about as being expensive it's relatively speaking not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers we'll be taken in we're going to make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people and then we'll worry about the rest of the world let's help other people but we're going to take care of our country first this is about America first it's about make America great again we have to do it because right now we're a failing Nation so we'll take care of it thank you very good question thank you thank you thank you very much Mr Trump um it's great that you accepted our invitation to be with us today thank you Raj sander John and rashma for your questions uh the president is now going to be leaving the building and so we want to all stay seated while he and his team leave but he leaves let's all say thank you one more time for him accepting our invitation to be here today than you thank you all economic advisor Kevin hasset Ambassador Ambassador Robert ligh terrific person former secretary Wilber Ross former treasury secretary Steve minuchin former SEC chairman Jay Clayton Ambassador Woody Johnson Senior advisor stepen Miller my friends and respected Business Leaders all John Paulson Jamie Diamond Steve Whit Steve schwarzman Scott Basset Jeff spra Richard Curts former head of the World Bank David Malpass and the two co-chairs of my presidential transition team that are being inundated with phone calls and requests Linda McMahon and Howard lutnick thank [Applause] you as We Gather today we have e an economic disaster on our hands if an economy in crisis a failing nation and nation in serious decline under the radical policies of my former opponent Joe Biden and my new opponent kamla Harris 1.3 million workers have become unemployed in the past 12 months I don't know if anybody knows that the typical American family has lost over 28,000 due to rampant and record setting inflation credit card debt has reached the highest in history with more than one in three Americans reporting they have maxed out their credit cards they've maxed out families now need to earn an estimated $110,000 a year to afford a typical home meaning 65% of households are locked out of buy just an ordinary house gasoline prices grocery prices electricity prices Gage virtually everything else are up 30 to 100% since I left office 8.4 million Americans are now working second jobs the highest in more than 30 years the real wages of africanamerican workers are down by over six% short period of time the real incomes from Hispanic men are down 6.6% or $3,600 per year and on top of that African-Americans and Hispanic American jobs are under massive threat from The Invasion taking place at our border they're taking the jobs of Hispanic Americans African Americans and nobody talks about it but I won't let it happen yet after presiding over the border the worst in history for any country there's never been a border like this 21 million people we project this total economic catastrophe the borders are kamla Harris has now been slaughtered in by the Democrats to be reelected she wants four more years to enforce a radical left agenda that poses a fundamental threat to the pr erity of every American family and America itself and we're talking about America itself she wants to defund the police have totally open borders ban fracking in Pennsylvania and everywhere else take away your private health insurance and perhaps most pertinent to the very brilliant people in this room raise your business and corporate tax and unbelievably she will seek a tax on unrealized capital gains most people don't even know what that means what does it mean she has been after all of this for years and as everyone knows she's a Marxist who destroyed almost single-handedly San Francisco and when she was the AG California itself not the same place people are leaving they're fleeing like they are in New York she'll seek out and she will try and get those things if she's elected and she may very well succeed in getting them she recently said her values have not changed and these have really been her values for her entire career her values haven't changed that's what she wants so she told the truth we are not going to let this happen communism is the past freedom is the future and it is time to send comrade Camala Harris back home to California where crime is rampant and fleeing is the number one occupation I'm here today to lay out my plan to rescue our country from this nightmare and to bring back to its citizens the American dream bigger better and stronger than ever before eight years ago I came before you as a candidate for president and shared my vision to end the stagnation and return to Rapid growth that's what we did as president I am very proud to say that we accomplished something that nobody thought that was even possible before the pandemic real median household income Rose by $ 7,684 and even after the pandemic annual incomes were up $6,400 the average American household saw $197,000 increase in real net worth in 48 months for the bottom 50% of households average wealth more than doubled increasing by 121% lowest income people benefited the most after 12 years of decline we added nearly 7 million new homeowners never happened before and in three years we created 7 million new jobs 260% more than projected when I took office when I took office they said you couldn't hit those projections and we were 260% higher than what we said we could do from the day I won to the day I left the S&P 500 increased by 80% and we did it all with virtually no inflation we had virtually no inflation think of that who could believe that I delivered the largest tax cuts and reform in American history by far slashing rates for working families and cutting the business tax from the highest in the world we had the highest in the world 35% and actually when you add local and State numbers that were close getting close to 50 but much much higher nobody's ever seen we brought it all the way down to 21% which everybody said was impossible to do and I heard it from everyone they said you'll never be able to do that and I got it down to 21% I cut a record number of job killing regulations in four years we cut more R than any Pres president in the history of our country by far I'm proud to be presid modern history to achieve a net regulatory reduction during my term and it was a substantial reduction and for every regulation we added we cut more than 5.5 regulations we unleashed American Energy and within had increased domestic oil production by 47% and we were just getting started the price of of gasoline was $187 a gallon doesn't that sound good right now we negotiated and renegotiated more than 50 trade agreements with other countries that were taking advantage of us as they all do to protect the American worker and to open foreign markets and we did a great job I ended NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made in the history of our country and replaced it with the usmca perhaps the best trade deal ever made in history that's Mexico and Canada I stood up to China like no one else before me no one came even close and I saved the US Auto industry from obliteration with a 27.5% tariff on all Chinese cars that remains in place to this day they want to take it off but they can't because number one it's too much money and number to we would be invaded by Chinese cars on top of the other invasions that are taking place without it our Auto industry would be dead and now I am going further we will bring our autom Mak industry to the record levels of 37 years ago and we'll be able to do it very quickly through tariffs and other smart use of certain things that we have that other countries don't for four straight years years I fought for American workers like I would fight for my own family I took care of our economy like I would take care of my own company in every decision I asked will I create jobs here or will I be sending jobs overseas will it make America richer and stronger or will it make our country weaker and poorer I always put America First every single time and when our country was hit by the China virus we saved the economy We rescued tens of millions of jobs and after Co I handed Kamala and Joe the fastest and strongest recovery ever recorded nothing even close with 1.4% inflation the third-year mortgage rate was at 2.4% and the highest stock market in history this is despite the pandemic to date I handed them back the highest stock market to date after having just suffered with the rest of the world a pandemic the likes of which nobody had ever seen before we did an incredible job and remember far more people died of covid under Biden Harris than under President Trump many many more people we delivered an economic Miracle which kamalen Jo turned into an economic disaster just like they turned the border and indeed the whole world into a catastrophic surrender starting on day one kamla launched a war on American Energy and orchestrated a nation wrecking border Invasion with illegal a aliens pouring in from countries all over the world they came in from countries that nobody ever heard the name of that country those countries from their prisons and jails there is a difference from mental institutions and insane asylums as well as record numbers of terrorists human traffickers and sex traffickers numbers that we've never seen before taking place over the last three and a half years then Cala cast the deciding votes on trillions of dollars in wasteful spending which together with their terrible energy policies gave us the worst inflation perhaps in the history of our country nearly two-thirds of the jobs created under the Harris Biden administration were bounceback jobs bounce back they were bounceback jobs that I handed them from before the pandemic this happens with pandemics you have bounceback jobs the pandemic comes and it goes and those people go back to their jobs and just last week Joe Biden admitted that on social media I don't know if he knew what he admitted but that's what it said I wonder who drew it perhaps that person is no longer employed by the Democrats but right now it's even worse than that under Camala Harris's policies 3 million workers are now missing from the job force compared to 2023 million workers that's a lot over half a million fewer people have full-time jobs today than just one year ago and 100% of the net job creation in the past year has gone to Illegal migrants think of that 100% of the jobs created under this Administration has gone to Illegal migrants that came into our country Joe Biden and Comm Harris formed the worst presidency and vice presidency by far in the history of our country this election will decide whether we reward kamla Harris with reelection and four more years of crime economic Calamity and international humiliation or whether we change that direction and once again build the greatest economy in the history of the world which we had during the Trump Administration kamla Harris is the first major party nominee in American history who fundamentally rejects freedom and Embraces Marxism communism and fascism you're learning about this you'll find out nobody knew who she was just a few months ago they didn't know who she was she's promising communist price controls wealth confiscation energy annihilation reparations the largest tax increase ever imposed and mass amnesty and citizenship for tens of millions of migrants who will consume trillions of dollars in federal benefits and Destroy Social Security and Medicare they will be destroyed they're already putting them into your Social Security and Medicare roles I am promising low taxes low regulations low energy cost cost low interest rates secure borders low low low crime and surging incomes for citizens of every race religion color and Creed my plan will rapidly defeat inflation quickly bring down prices and reignite explosive economic growth Kamala Harris will take more money out of American Pockets my plan will leave the typical family with many thousands of dollars more than they have right now first I will end KLA Harris's anti-energy Crusade and Implement a policy of energy abundance energy Independence and even energy dominance we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than any other country including Russia and Saudi Arabia will be using it my plan will cut Energy prices and half or more than that within 12 months of taking office it will be an economic Revival of our country like no one has ever seen before energy was what caused our problem initially energy is going to bring us back that means we're going down and getting gasoline below $2 a gallon bring down the price of everything from electricity rates to groceries airf fars and housing costs that's why OPEC and the Arab Nations and we very honored to have some of my friends here with us today from that part of the world but they're working very hard despite being here that I not be your president they don't like me meanwhile Kamala Harris can't bring down the price of anything because her energy policies are driving up the cost of everything everything is up way up starting on day one Harrison Biden opened up the Russian Pipeline called northstream two which nobody have ever heard of until I got involved and said what about nordstream 2 and nobody knew what I was talking about largest pipeline in the world Russian Pipeline but I had it closed it was shut down Putin was not happy we shut it down they came along and the Keystone XL pipeline was shut down by them so they shut down the Keystone and they immediately gave Russia the right to start rebuilding the nordstream 2 the biggest pipeline you've ever seen we re-entered the horribly unfair to the United States through them when they came back Paris climate Accord it's so unfair to us we pay trillions of dollars other countries pay nothing as soon as he came back he went back into it I got us out of it and reduced the area of the federal lands available for drilling by 80% I did that if I was President oil production today would be four times higher than it is right now would have been four times higher right now would' be doing four times as much and remember we had anoir perhaps the largest drilling site in the world in Alaska which everybody wanted to get approved but they were unable to do it Ronald Reagan fought so hard to get anoir he couldn't do it and it was easier in those days than it is today with all of the environmental concerns but they came in in their first few days in office they terminated enir amazingly biggest drilling site we think in the world bigger than Saudi Arabia bigger than Texas we got it and they terminated it under the EPA so-called power plant rule more than 50 power plants have been shut down since she took office and virtually all Coal Fired power plants would be shuttered in the next couple of years setting the stage for a catastrophic energy shortfall which we already have that will make inflation far worse than it has ever been they want to close down our power plants and we don't have power already to address this dire energy crisis that Camala and Joe have created I will immediately issue a National Emergency declaration to achieve massive increase in domestic energy Supply what you're going to need electricity is desperately needed for ai ai controversial but we got to be the top of it and we would need hard to believe twice the electricity that we currently have right now for everything in order to be dominant and China is already building massive electricity producing plants we haven't even thought about it we will think about it and I'll get it done on an emergency basis so we'll be the leader in Ai and every other form of Technology with these sweeping authorities We Will Blast through every bureaucratic hurdle to issue rapid approvals for new drilling new pipelines new refineries new power plants new electric plants and reactors of all types prices will fall immediately in anticipation of this tremendous Supply that we can create rather quickly and will be the leader instead of the lagard second to further defeat inflation my plan will terminate the green New Deal which I call the green news scam greatest scam in history probably a 10 trillion dollar scam that we waste we throw like throwing money right out the window it actually sets us back as opposed to moves us forward and we send all unspent funds under the misnamed inflation reduction act which the Democrats agreed after it was approved that it wasn't for that purpose it was for other purposes like giveaways comma spent $7.5 billion do to build eight charging stations think of a charging station like a fuel pump with electricity coming out of it eight charges stations in the Midwest for electric vehicles cost billions and billions of dollars 7.5 billion they think but the costs are still going and three of them don't work and never will probably other than that it's worked out quite well I will end the electric vehicle mandate stop the appalling waste and save taxpayers an estimated $1 trillion third I will launch a or a campaign to liberate our economy from crippling regulation my first term I pledged to cut two old regulations for every one new regulation and we did much better than that as I've said yet over the past four years kamla has added $6,300 a year in regulatory costs onto the backs of the typical American family think of that to stop this Onslaught at lower prices I'm pledging today that in my second term we will eliminate a minimum of 10 old regulations for every one new regulation we'll be able to do that quite easily actually and instead of attacking industries of the future we will embrace them including making America the world capital for crypto and [Applause] Bitcoin fourth at the suggestion of Elon Musk who has given me his complete and total endorsement that's nice smart guy he knows what he's doing he knows what he's doing it's very very much appreciated I will create a government efficiency Commission test with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and making recommendations for drastic reforms need to do it can't go on the way we are now [Applause] and Elon because he's not very busy has agreed to head that task force be interesting if he has the time it' be a good one to do it but he's agreed to do it in 2022 fraud and improper payments alone cost taxpayers an estimated hundreds of billions of dollars as the first order of business this commission will develop an action plan to totally eliminate fraud and improper payments within six months this will save trillions of dollars trillions it's massive for the same service that you have right now trillions of dollars is wasted and gone and nobody knows where it went further taming inflation and bringing prices way down the fifth pillar of my plan is to make the Trump tax cuts permanent they are massive tax Cuts biggest ever permanent and to cut taxes even more and we will have no tax on tips something which they copied four weeks after I said it she got up said no tax on tips I said I just said that she is actually cupping a lot of my plan in fact we're going to send her a Maga cap sometime in the next week we're having a special one may but we also know she doesn't mean it she's going to stick with what her whole life is has been about and also no tax on Social Security benefits people in Social Security have been wiped out by inflation and now on top of it we tax their benefits we're not going to tax their benefits we have so many different ways of making so much money this country the potential is is so incredible we don't have to take it away from people on Social Security we're not going to do that we're going to save Social Security she's going to destroy Social Security under the Trump Administration we prove that targeted tax guts do not not increase the deficit they reduced the deficit by growing the economy and raising revenue after we gave the massive tax cuts we took in the following year with a much lower rate billions and billions of dollars more than we did the previous year with a high rate think of that so with a much lower rate we took in more money because people were incentivized corporate tax revenues are 31% higher today than before my tax law was signed with all of those cuts 31% higher to further support the Revival of American manufacturing my plan calls for expanded R&D tax credits 100% bonus depreciation expensing for new manufacturing Investments and a reduction in the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% solely for companies that make their product in America [Applause] you have to make your product in America if you Outsource offshore or replace American workers you're not eligible for any of these benefits in fact you will pay a very substantial tarot that comes in from another country that's made in another country and comes in there'll be a big tariff on that product because we want to make our our Goods in in America and most of them we can my message is simple make your product here in America and only in America we are not going to be taken advantage of anymore just as we made great inroads and progress four years ago we made tremendous inroads on this subject we're not going to watch our wealth and jobs get ripped away from us and sent to foreign countries which is what's been happening for many many decades with us China was built on doing exactly what we're going to be doing and what I started doing four years ago what we're putting forward is the most pro-american manufacturing and jobs policy in modern history for any country this plan will bring jobs and growth into our country at levels never seen before every business on Earth will flock to America from Europe Asia the Middle East and all over the world by contrast comrade kamla Harris wants to sacrifice our wealth kill the economy and drive jobs overseas to punish businesses more businesses will leave they'll leave America their International companies they report to their shareholders and they will leave America if her plan even in a small form comes to the four her tax plan which includes the promise to end the Trump tax cuts which Again by itself would be a massive tax increase would increase taxes by over5 trillion dollar a record many times over it would result in the largest small business tax hike in history massively raising taxes on 25 million small business people and raising small business tax rates to 43% and higher in other words words 20% higher than communist China Kamala is also vowing to raise the corporate tax rate from 21 to 28% we're bringing it down to 15% but she really is looking to raise it to 40 45 or even 50% you know that all you have to do is follow her past path radically raise the capital gains tax rate which he wants to do and they don't even want to give a number and for the first time ever impos a 25% tax on unrealized capital gain so if you happen to have a lot of wealth but no cash you're a lot of trouble this will lead America into a 1929 depression and it will be a depression and a territory that we have not seen for a long time there's a gentleman that happens to believe that that Scott these policies especially the tax on unrealized capital gains would decimate the US economy companies and Innovation would flee from America to other countries Venture Capital markets would disappear the stock market would be annihilated and investors assess the tax liabilities of large shareholders the seniors and Senior pensions would totally go up and smoke that'd be worthless these are not the policies designed to create a prosperous America these are policies to turn the United States into Venezuela on steroids even if for this reason alone kamla Harris must be defeated decisively this November has to be defeated cannot have her be the president of the United States under Comm the United States is becoming a third world Banana Republic she and her party are censoring speech weaponizing the justice system and trying to throw their political opponents me in jail this hasn't happened I didn't do that to Crooked Hillary I said that would be a terrible thing wouldn't it putting the wife of the president of the United States in jail but they view it differently I guess nowadays but that's okay and they always have to remember that two can play the game nobody ever thought this was possible this is how you create massive Capital flight and turn once prosperous Nations into absolute ruins I will have no higher priority as president than to restore the fair equal and impartial rule of law in America we have lost the rule of law who would have thought number six under my leadership America will encourage domestic production instead of punishing it as you know our country's vast manufacturing wealth was created at a time with very little domestic taxation few regulations and most Revenue came from tariffs from other countries that was when we were at the wealthiest ever proportionately we were the wealthiest country ever during those days that was before income tax came along now we foolishly do the opposite we impose lower tariffs and no tariffs on forign producers we have the lowest tariffs of any nation in the world and we relentlessly punish our own companies for doing business in America you do business in America you're punished tremendously I had many many companies come to me sir I can't compete they're sending kitchen cabinets washers and dryers everything that I can tell you every motorcycles they're sending them here sir we can't compete and I made it so they could compete and Thrive every one of those people we should get them up and talk to you one day because every one of those people comes up to me and every time I see them they hug me they kiss me they love me because I save their business I intend to reverse this model and once again turn America into the manufacturing superpower of the world we can do that just with being intelligent the key to this effort will be a pro-american trade policy that uses tariffs to encourage production here and bring trillions and trillions of dollars back home and you know what we deserve it we've been helping other countries get rich at our expense for the last 50 years we've been pouring our money into other countries getting nothing nothing for it we protect them militarily we do so much for them we get nothing my plan is that if you open your factory in Wisconsin Pennsyvania Michigan Minnesota anywhere else in our country you don't pay a tariff tax you don't pay a tax you can make the product here but if you move your production outside of the United States and send it back here which people are doing now and I stopped it I stopped at cold but they've changed that already then you have to pay a very substantial tariff to get your product back into the country the result will be that everybody in the world will want to be here and they want to produce here they're going to want to produce their product in America it's going to stay made in the USA we will be able to build ships again we will be able to build planes again we will be able to build our military again from within all from within we will create the biggest greatest and strongest middle class and the history of our country we will have tens of millions of high-paying jobs in manufacturing Transportation defense as well as all of the sales and support of export jobs our Auto industry will be the biggest beneficiary in short it will be a National Economic Renaissance just by using our heads by being smart by not letting other countries take advantage of us they've been doing it for so long it's so sad to see and I know them all and they left at us behind our back they can't believe how stupid our leadership has been for so many years we will ensure that the United States has a giant steel industry an aluminum industry a manufacturing base and a defense base we want a Industrial base that can take care of our defense needs 100% And you can call it what you want some might say it's economic nationalism I call it common sense I call it America First this is the policy that built this country and this is the policy that will save our country in the words of a great but highly underrated President William McKinley highly underrated the protective tariff policy of the Republicans has been made and made the lives of our countrymen sweeter and brighter it's the best for our citizenship and our civilization and it opens up a higher and better Destiny for our people we have to take care of our own nation and her Industries first in other words take care of our country first this is when we had our greatest wealth he was assassinated and he left his group of people that followed him Deddy Roosevelt became a great president spending the money that was made by McKinley so McKinley got a bad deal on that one he built tremendous wealth they had the Tariff Act of 1887 and they had a committee that studied what are we going to do they had a big problem a problem like I hope to have with this country someday so much money was coming in from foreign countries that they didn't know how to spend it they had no idea so they set up a committee we'll set one up with the people in this room how do we distribute the wealth that we have and Roosevelt built dams and built railroads and did National Parks but he did it with the money that was made with tariffs from McKinley so you have to remember that very highly underrated a very underrated president let's give them both credit smart tariffs will not create inflation they will combat inflation I had almost no inflation and I had the highest tariffs that anyone's seen and they were going a lot higher foreign Nations will pay us hundreds of billions of dollars reducing the death deficit and driving inflation down it largely reduce our deficit in my first term we imposed historic tariffs with no effect on consumer prices or inflation the anti-tar people many of them I believe honestly work for these other countries in some form get tremendous amounts of lobbying money and other money because it doesn't make sense what they're saying but we had no inflation and we had protection and I saved so many Industries I saved the steel industry but Biden and Harris are letting it go they're letting it go it's so easy to keep a combination of fair trade tax cuts regulatory cuts and energy abundance will allow us to produce more Goods better and cheaper right here in the USA than we've ever done before and foreign Nations will respect us again I got along great with foreign Nations and i t the hell out of them and they liked me maybe they respected me and Victor Orban a very strong man he's the prime minister of Hungary he said the only thing missing from the world right now is President Trump he kept the world safe because everybody was afraid of him I don't like that term but that's the term he used I would like to say respected him and respected our country but he didn't say that he said everybody was afraid of him he said China was afraid Russia was afraid they were all afraid Kim Jong-un I got along great with him and I try to explain to the fake news media that getting along with people foreign countries is a good thing not a bad thing it's a very good thing it's a smart thing we will require all essential materials for our national security to be produced here in the United States creating millions and millions of new manufacturing jobs you know when we built the F35 we have the wings built in one country we have the tail Rudders built in another country we have the seats built in another country we have the electronics built in seven different countries what the hell would we do if there's a war and we up fighting half of those countries and we don't want to have a war because right now we're closer to World War III than we've ever been in our lives with Russia Ukraine which would have never happened if I was president with October 7th and Israel the whole Middle East is is blowing up would have never happened they would have never happened respectfully Iran was broke they had no money for Hamas they had no money for Hezbollah wouldn't have happened there would be peace in the Middle East and Iran would be a big beneficiary of that piece be good but all of these things that happened and inflation would have never happened and Afghanistan would have never happened the worst withdrawal in history I believe the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country in fact that's what caused President Putin to go into Ukraine when he looked at how incompetently that was handled he looked at it and he said man they're incompetent that was the most embarrassing day in the history of the United States of America airoplanes taking off with many people sitting on the wings of the plane and the side of the plane and the wing and you see them dropping off the planes at 3,000 feet they thought it was their trip to Freedom there's never been anything like that and I think there's no greater embarrassment by the way we lost 13 incredible soldiers I got to know the families of very well spent a lot of time with them four days ago in Arlington Cemetery three years ago they were celebrating three years honoring their children and yeah that's right they call them their children they still call them they always will call them their children they're gone and many of those people there should have never left from there they should have left from barram the Big Air Base but many of those people that were so badly hurt they don't talk about them no legs no arms obliteration of their face their entire body and nobody mentions that we left Americans behind large numbers we left $85 billion worth of equipment behind because we took our military out first a child would know you don't you take your military out last and just remember one final point on that because it's a little bit different from our subject but not really because it's all about our country in common sense but for 18 months I spoke to the leader of the Taliban the Press was very upset that I spoke to him his name is Abdul I said Abdul don't do this Abdul don't do this but why but why he said do you send me a picture of my home I said Abdul you're going to have to figure that one out for yourself but don't do this Abdul because it's gonna end badly for you and for 18 months we didn't have one soldier shot at or killed in Afghanistan and then we took our soldiers out we had a very very disc rful a disgraceful election and this group came in and they didn't know what the hell they were doing and they still don't they've gotten worse you know with experience it's supposed to get better they got worse they're worse now than they ever were and uh we're going to turn our country around we're going to become a major producer of rare earth minerals we're going to create jobs and making it really and US truly self-reliant remember the rare earth where we have to go to China we have sites that are tied up with more than anybody else has at they're environmentally protected we have sites that are phenomenal everything you want in terms of rare earth and we can't use them because of Environmental Protection but we're going to end that very quickly as soon as I get to office we will make housing much more affordable as inflation is tamed interest rates will dramatically fall they'll be down very very low we'll get them down we had them down to 2.4% and even lower than that for a period of time reducing mortgage rates is a big factor we're going to get them back down to we think 3% maybe even lower than that saving the average home buyer thousands of dollars per year they can now go out young people will be able to buy a home again and be a part of the American dream we will eliminate regulations that drive up housing costs with the goal of cutting the cost of a new home in half we think we can do that the regulations alone cost 30% regulation cost 30% of a new home and we will open up portions of federal land for large scale housing construction these zones will be ultra low tax and ultra low regulation one of the great really small business job creation programs it will be of all time we're going to open up our country to build Building Homes inexpensively so young people and other people can buy homes you can't buy them anymore millions of Americans will take part in setting these safe and beautiful communities Reviving The Frontier spirit and really as I said Reviving The American Dream It's about the American dream it's all about the American dream we don't talk about American dream with these people in office they don't want to talk about the American dream because they they're the exact opposite they're the exact opposite we also cannot ignore the impact that the flood of 21 million illegal aliens has had on driving up housing costs that's why my plan will ban mortgages for illegal aliens in California they're passing a law where they going to give Cal we're going to give illegal aliens money to buy a house but our soldiers our veterans that are laying on the streets they can't have them you have soldiers right now laying on the streets of different cities all Democrat run they're laying on the streets in front of hotels in some cases luxury hotels and you have illegal immigrants coming in and living in those hotels and laughing at our soldiers as they walk by into a luxury Lobby is there something wrong with that thinking is there something wrong with our country if Cala is allowed to continue to let our country be invaded we will face a fiscal Armageddon these migrants are consuming hundreds of billions of dollars in benefits you saw in Colorado this week a group from Venezuela rough ones rough ones they took over large sections of a town large sections of an area of Colorado Aurora has anyone been there I think you'd better stay away for a little while they had AK-47s the ultimate guns AK-47s they can blow lots of people away real fast and the sheriff didn't want to touch them nobody wants to touch him Sheriff there's 18 Venezuelan attacking my building would you please come over and straighten out the situation he's got a deputy you know what they say uh well no thanks let's call in the military they're taking over and I said this four years ago when they when I realized they wanted open borders and it's happened it's happening now in Chicago they're taking over sections of Chicago what's happening in New York and Los Angeles and many other cities is not even describable they're tough they're tough and they're smart and they're vicious don't forget they come from the prisons and they're the bad criminals on the streets Caracus Venezuela has almost no crime next year I'm going to suggest that the economic Club hold its meeting in karacus because we'll be safer than we are in our country if they win we'll be far safer but crime in Venezuela is down 72% because they've taken all of criminals off the streets not all of them they still have some left but they're coming in rapidly by bus and by plane they're coming into our country and we're dumping them in our country and they say if you come back we will kill you and they're not going back we got them but they're going back if I'm president I guarantee you that they're going back fast and now Camala wants to give them food stamps housing assistance welfare Medicaid Medicare Social Security and destroy all of those programs you will destroy those programs that is why I will ask Congress to pass legislation barring all taxpayer funded benefits to illegal aliens and by the way when you do that they won't come they're coming now because they realize they've never seen wealth like this they're getting things that they could never get they're coming for that reason if you stop that you'll have you'll be dropping the Flow by 80% I think that they're coming because they're taken care of they're let's put them in a luxury let's put them in the Waldorf Historia that's a nice place I will stop The Invasion and send criminal illegal aliens back home and when we do all of this we will be so successful we'll create America's own Sovereign wealth fund to invest in great National Endeavors for the benefit of all of the American people why don't we have a wealth fund other countries have wealth funds we have nothing we have nothing we're going to have a sovereign wealth fund or we can name it something different I'll talk about it with Mr Paulson who's in the audience and a lot of other friends of mine and we'll name it something that's appropriate perhaps Sovereign wealth fund wouldn't be appropriate but it's going to be the same thing will put tremendous amounts of money through all this money that will take be taken in through taror and other intelligent things and we'll have the greatest Sovereign wealth fund of them all and we should have and that will be used to do things that will be great for our country including to invest and wisely invest and build it up bigger and stronger and better than any place on Earth we will build extraordinary National development projects and everything from highways to airports to Transportation infrastructure structure all of the future we'll be able to invest in state-of-the-art manufacturing hubs Advanced defense capabilities Cutting Edge medical research and help save billions of dollars in preventing disease in the first place and I'm very honored to have been endorsed last week by Robert F Kennedy Jr that was a great indorsement and he's very much into helping people he's very much into helping people I've known him a long time that was a great uh that was a great thing when he did that that was not easy for a Kennedy to be endorsing a republican that was not easy but these are not Democrats these are radical left lunatics and you can't let them run your country we will invest in new and modern agricultural techniques so we can have safe healthy high quality foods for our families that's where Bobby is so interested Foods he says we're putting a lot of bad foods in our body you look at other countries which do far less and they're actually much healthier than we are this wealth fund will return a gigantic profit which will help pay down national debt we're going to work on national debt very strongly by the way we're going to have so much money coming in we're going to work on national debt we're close to 36 trillion right now we're going to work on getting it down and it is many of the people in this room who will be helping to advise and recommend Investments for this fund this is how we will end the era of inflation Mayhem and misery under Camala Harris the worst vice president in the history of our country and unleash a new era of safety prosperity and success for our workers our families and our businesses and I've done it before we did a great job and now we really know our job well I know the smartest the best people we have the best people we have people that many in this room they know exactly what we want to do you know it's interesting having experience because I won an election I went to Washington I was only in Washington 17 times I never stayed over that's according to the fake news but I think they're right but I got to know Washington well and I know the Smart Ones and the dumb ones I know the ones that can help make us great and the ones that can only take us into bad territory I got to know a lot of people probably as many as anybody at that level and we have incredible talent that we're going to be using that Talent we had some incredible Talent much of it sitting up here and sitting down here they did a great job on trade Bob lighthiser so many other people did such a great job we rebuilt our military we rebuilt our entire military did a great job we have great generals not the television generals not the generals that took us out of Afghanistan in 24 hours and left that horrible situation but we have great generals we defeated Isis it was supposed to take five years it took me four weeks four weeks our generals did a great job we have great people in our military and our military is not woke believe me couldn't get these guys to be woke some of the guys on top are woke but those aren't the ones that are great so we're going to do things that we didn't do even the first time we had a great presidency we were it was an article written the other day that the Trump presidency was a great presidency With Victory on November 5th which will go down as the most important day in the history of our country inflation will be gone our energy will be un leashed our economy will be set free our sovereignty will be restored our citizens will Thrive growth will come roaring back and America's future will be brighter than ever before so I want to thank you all this has been a lovely experience it was years ago that I was here we talked about what we were going to do and we did just about everything we said and uh if you'd like we'll take a few questions Bob thank you very much thank [Applause] you thank you very much and we're now moving as promis to the question and answer portion of the program our four very able questioners today are H rajen Cohen the senior chair of Sullivan and Cromwell sander Gerber founding and managing partner CEO and CIA of Hudson Bay Capital Mr John Paulson founder of pson and Company and rush and Johnny founder and CEO of girls who code and moms first we're going to go in alphabetical order and therefore Raj you have the first question thank you Bob and thank you Mr President thank you I would like to ask about the United States economic sanctions programs uh these programs have been used as you well know to advance our national security interests our foreign policy objectives but they also have economic implications and the most recent was the program against Russia in response to the Ukrainian their invasion of Ukraine where for once we got the support of all our allies so my specific question is would you strengthen or modify any of these economic sanctions programs particularly Russia including the pipeline you mentioned oh it's a great question the problem with what we have with sanctions and I was a user of sanctions but i' put them on and take them off as quickly as possible because ultimately it kills your dollar and it kills everything the dollar represents and we have to continue to have that be the world currency I think it's important I think would be losing a war if we lost if we lost the dollar as a as the world currency I think that would be the equivalent of losing a war that would make us a third world country and we can't let it happen so I use sanctions very powerfully against countries that deserve it and then I take them off because look you're losing Iran you're losing Russia China is out there trying to get their currency to be the dominant currency as you know better than anybody all of these things are happening you're losing so many countries because there's so much conflict with all of these countries that you're going to lose that and we can't lose that so uh I want to use sanctions as little as possible one of the things that we have with tariffs is that I'll say to them you don't honor the dollar as your world currency is that right you're not going to do it no we're not I said that's okay I'm going to put tariffs all over your product and they're going to say Sir we'd love to honor the dollar as the world currency you know tariffs in addition to monetary and the money that we'll take in which will be bigger than you've ever seen in this country before gives you tremendous political power for something like that as an example I stopped Wars with the threat of tariffs I stopped Wars with two countries that uh mattered a lot a lot of people would have been killed and I threatened tariffs coming into the United States if they don't make peace and we made a lot of we didn't have conflicts like you have right now we had very intelligent people but the biggest threat you have is you lose that currency and we have lost something that you'll never get back and we can keep it if we're smart but they use it too much and then they just forget about it and these countries like Russia it's going out now and doing its own thing and you know they're going out bragging about how they don't need us anymore etc etc uh the sad part about Russia is that Ukraine would have never happened if I was President so we wouldn't really have to be talking about sanctions but uh it did happen and one of the things I'm going to do a little bit relevant to your question is if we win I believe I can settle that war while I'm president-elect before I ever get into office I can get that War settled and get that war stopped because it's a horrible horrible war and far more people are killed in Ukraine far more people than you're realizing they'll knock down this massive building amazing the size of these buildings they'll knock it down they'll say nobody was injured no a lot of people were killed the real numbers are far greater than what people are are looking at so I think it's a very important thing uh sanctions have to be used very judiciously and you can win we have things much more powerful actually than sanctions we have trade but we cannot lose our dollar standard very important thank you very much great sander uh thank you Mr Mr President for all the details on your Economic Policy um as you alluded to tariffs are the other side of sanctions and given that China is our major trading partner with our largest imbalance and possibly our chief uh Security National Security threat to the United States how can we better institutionalize trade policy and national security policy to be coordinated so I had a great relationship with presiden she of China really very close relationship uh now look he likes China I like us so but I don't want to sound foolish he was my dear dear friend he's a tough guy he's a fierce person I say very smart you know when you say he's smart the fake news goes crazy he said president she is smart and I say you know he controls 1.4 billion people with an iron fist he's smart but we had a very good relationship with China until Co and when that came in it was a whole different ball game as far as I was concerned you know we made a Great China trade deal maybe better than the usmca and I'd never talk about it because what happened with Co for the whole world 60 trillion dollars and you know deaths 70 million 60 nobody even knows how many deaths and it all came out of woan so it changed my relationship but I think I'll have a great relationship with China I had one before and they respected us but they respected us because they no longer thought we were fools they used to think we were fools because we built China they would take over $500 billion dollar a year and use it for their military and other things and we got nothing out of that we got some cheap product we got you can buy 19 pencils instead of two who the hell cares you can buy $1 dolls for your daughter instead of two nice dolls and we got very little out of that relationship they got a tremendous military power and they still have it today so uh but I believe we will have a very good relationship with China and with a lot of other countries that we're not getting along with too well today and uh things are going to straighten out we're going to get them straightened out very quickly very important that we get along with the rest of the world you know we have things today called nuclear weapons I rebuilt our whole military including our nuclear capability and so I got very familiar with it and uh you know I say this often because I had an uncle who was the longest serving I believe the longest serving I was told that by MIT but he was there 39 I guess or 41 years longest serving professor in the history of MIT in nuclear was something he knew a lot about and we used to talk about it I'd say uncle John there's no way he was telling me about this incredible power that was being Unleashed potentially and I say uncle John you could never and you know what he was very modest because I've seen the destructive capability and this world is going to have to get along because if that's ever un least we already have too many countries that have at least remnants of it with some of it but probably five countries if you think in Kim jungl when when I was went to the White House after winning in 2016 I sat with President Obama which is a ritual and you sit and you talk and I said what's the biggest problem he said North Korea is the biggest problem I don't think it's solvable I said have you tried calling him or talking to him actually the answer was yes and he wasn't responded to but I did and we were very safe it started off a little rocky if you remember Little Rocket Man I called him and he called me things too he's got a red button on his desk I said I have a bigger red button and my red button works I said and then it started getting a little nicer and then one day I got a call that de like like to meet and it was a great thing we had a great meeting we had two meetings actually two great meetings Summits and we had no problem with them now they have a problem because they're not liking this Administration they don't respect this administration at all so we have to get along we have to get along we can't have World War II you're going to end up in World War III just like you you should have never had Russia go in it would have never happened if a competent person led us it would have never happened he led them into it and I'm not blaming Biden but you know what what he was saying was exactly the wrong thing I said we're going to have an invasion because of a lot of the rhetoric it was stupid rhetoric but it would have never happened not only for that reason oil was down low you know oil was almost at $100 a barrel so Putin is one of the only people I mean it's nothing's easy in life but Putin at $100 a barrel War works at $40 a barrel it didn't work at all so we're going to get back to a intelligently Run Place a place where other countries aren't using the word nuclear that word was never talked about during my because I knew the power of it and I talked to Putin about it I talked to president shei about it I think we were going to do you remember the talk where we were going to uh reduce nuclear capability substantially all three of us we're going to start it we're going to reduce very substantially and then we had the election and after the election they didn't talk about that or anything else frankly but uh we have to be very very careful because the destructive capability of nuclear when people talk about global warming I say the ocean is GNA go down 100th of an inch within the next 400 years that's not our problem our problem is nuclear warming and we better be smart and we better have smart people at the top that know how to deal because these people don't know how to deal Putin came out today he endorsed Kamala and I didn't know was I supposed to call him up and say thank you very much I appreciate it but he endures Kamala I have a feeling I don't know I don't I don't know exactly what to say about that I don't know if I'm insulted or he did me a favor but we have to get along with the world we can't have War because the destructive capability you can be the head of the biggest bank wherever the hell Jamie is sitting you can be the head of the biggest bank in the world and a couple of nukes and your bank doesn't mean a thing you gotta get along this is such an important job it's a dangerous job too very dangerous job if you look at statistically being president is very dangerous that that throbbing feeling I have oh that throbbing feeling no it's a very dangerous job and uh you have to do it right and if you don't do it right bad things will happen to the world things like you've never seen before okay thank you very much thank you um you John Paulson behind me to your right Mr President hi John uh first first let me thank you for your presentation today uh president Trump in the last fiscal year the fiscal deficit under the Biden Administration was approximately two trillion under the policies you've announced the deficit would come down from items such as increased revenues from tariffs as well as eliminating the the tax incentives uh for the green New Deal uh these gains would be mitigated by decreases in revenues from policies such as no tax on tips overall what do you estimate will be the impact of the fiscal deficit from your policies well we just hit record highs at numbers that nobody ever thought possible you're right it's over $2 trillion nobody thought that was a number that was I mean you could go back four years nobody thought a number like that would be possible it's crazy it's like it's just horrible actually but yeah we're two trillion and I view it as profit and loss to a certain instead a lot of people say oh it's trade you know you have many people say trade deficits don't matter I think they matter a lot I think they matter a lot uh we're gonna have tremendous growth this what I'm talking about is all about growth the tax is relatively minor compared to the growth we're going to make our money back on growth we're going to also I mean we're going to grow like nobody's ever grown before I think if this all works out you're going to have the Auto industry come back to America right now China is building two Auto factories in Mexico massive Auto factories and they think they're going to make their cars in Mexico and send them back into the United States with no tax it's not going to happen under this Administration it's going to happen and they wanted to do that during my Administration I said if you do it we're going to put a 200% tariff on every car and you'll never be able to see it there will never be one car coming across our border and if I would have let them do it we would have had these two factories well now they're building massive factories more than two and they're going to kill Detroit and the head of the Union the United Auto Workers in Detroit has done a terrible terrible job just a terrible job but we're going to bring tremendous growth back and remember we're also taking in a certain percentage I won't name the percentage today but it'll be a certain tariff percentage which will be higher than people had heard in the past and we will be bringing in billions and billions of dollars which will directly reduce our deficits okay thank you very much good job you've done by the way very good thank you and the final question RMA is to you thank you um president Trump you you talked about how the increase in the price of food gas and rent is hurting families but the real cost that's breaking families backs and preventing women from participating in the workforce is Child Care Child Care is now more expensive than rent for working families and is costing the economy more than $122 billion doar a year making it one of the most urgent economic issues that is facing our country in fact the cost of child care is outpacing the cost of inflation with the majority of American families of young children spending more than 20% of their income on child care one thing that Democrats and Republicans have in common is that both both parties talk a lot about what they're going to do to address the child care crisis but neither party has delivered meaningful change if you win in November can you commit to prioritizing legislation to make Child Care affordable and if what specific piece legislation will you advance well I would do that and we're sitting down you know I was uh somebody we had Senator Marco Rubio and my daughter Ivanka was so uh impactful on that issue it's a very important issue but I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I'm talking about that because look Child Care is child care couldn't you know there something you have to have it in this country you have to have it but when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that I'm talking about by taxing foreign Nations at levels that they're not used to but they'll get used to it very quickly and it's not going to stop them from doing business with us but they'll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country uh those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we're talking about including child care that it's going to take care we're going to have I I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time coupled with uh the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country because I have to stay with jaare I want to stay with child care but those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic number numbers that I'm talking about including growth but growth also headed up by what the plan is that I just uh that I just told you about we're going to be getting trillions of dollars and as much as child care uh is talked about as being expensive it's relatively speaking not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers we'll be taken and we're going to make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people and then we'll worry about the rest of the world let's help other people but we're going to take care of our country first this is about America first it's about make America great again we have to do it because right now we're a failing Nation so we'll take care of it thank you very good question thank you thank you thank you very much Mr Trump um it's great that you accepted our invitation to be with us today thank you Raj sander John and rashma or your questions uh the president is now going to be leaving the building and so we want to all stay seated while he and his team leave but as he leaves let's all say thank you one more time for him accepting our invitation to be here today you thank you all EIC advisor Kevin hasset Ambassador Robert lighthiser terrific person former secretary Wilber Ross former treasury secretary Steve [Music] minuchin former SEC chairman Jay Clayton Ambassador Woody Johnson Senior advisor Steven Miller my friends and respected Business Leaders all John Paulson Jamie Diamond Steve Steve schwarzman Scott besset Jeff spren Richard Curts former head of the World Bank David Malpass and the two co-chairs of my presidential transition team that are being inundated with phone calls and requests Linda McMahon and Howard lutnick thank you As We Gather today we have an econ an economic disaster on our hands if an economy in crisis a failing nation and nation in serious decline under the radical policies of my former opponent Joe Biden and my new opponent kamla Harris 1.3 million workers have become unemployed in the past 12 months I don't know if anybody knows that the typical American family has lost over $28,000 due to rampant and record setting inflation credit card debt has reached the highest in history with more than one in three Americans reporting they have maxed out their credit cards it maxed out families now need to earn an estimated $110,000 a year to afford a typical home meaning 65% of households are locked out of buying just an ordinary house gasoline prices grocery prices electricity prices morage virtually everything else are up 30 to 100% since I left office 8.4 million Americans are now working second jobs the highest in more than 30 years the real wages of africanamerican workers are down by by over six% short period of time the real incomes from Hispanic men are down 6.6% or $3,600 per year and on top of that African-Americans and Hispanic American jobs are under massive threat from The Invasion taking place at our border they're taking the jobs of Hispanic Americans African Americans and nobody talks about it but I won't let it happen yet after presiding over the border the worst in history for any country there's never been a border like this 21 million people we project this total economic catastrophe the borders are kamla Harris has now been slaughtered in by the Democrats to be reelected she wants four more years to enforce a radical left agenda that poses a fundamental threat to the prosperity of every American family and America itself and we're talking about America itself she wants to defund the police have totally open borders ban frackin in Pennsylvania and everywhere else take away your private health insurance and perhaps most pertinent to the very brilliant people in this room raise your business and corporate taxes and unbelievably she will seek a tax on unrealized capital gains most people don't even know what that means what does it mean she has been after all of this for years and as everyone knows she's a Marxist who destroyed almost single-handedly San Francisco and when she is the AG California itself not the same place people are leaving they're fleeing like they are in New York she'll seek out and she will try and get those things if she's elected and she may very well succeed in getting them she recently said her values have not changed and these have really been her values for her entire career her values haven't changed that's what she wants so she told the truth we are not going to let this happen communism is the past freedom is the future and it is time to send comrade Camala Harris back home to California where crime is rampant and fleeing is the number one occupation I'm here today to lay out my plan to rescue our country from this nightmare and to bring back to its citizens the American dream bigger better and stronger than ever before eight years ago I came before you as a candidate for president and shared my vision to end the stagnation and return to Rapid growth it's what we did as president I am very proud to say that we accomplished something that nobody thought that was even possible before the pandemic real median household income Rose by $7,695 and even after the pandemic annual incomes were up $6,400 the average American household saw $197,000 increase in real net worth in 48 months for the bottom 50% of households average wealth more than doubled increasing by 121% lowest income people benefited the most after 12 years of decline we added nearly 7 million new homeowners never happened before and in three years we created 7 million new jobs 260% more than projected when I took office when I took office they said you couldn't hit those projections and we were 260% higher than what we said we could do from the day I won to the day I left the SNP 500 increased by 80% and we did it all with virtually no inflation we had virtually no inflation think of that who could believe that I delivered the largest tax cuts and reform in American history by far slashing rates for working families and cutting the business tax from the highest in the world we had the highest in the world 35% and actually when you add local and State numbers that were close getting close to 50 but much much higher nobody's ever seen we brought it all the way down to 21% which everybody said was impossible to do and I heard it from everyone they said you'll never be able to do that and I got it down to 21% I cut a record number of job killing regul ations in four years we cut more R than any president in the history of our country by far I'm proud to be president modern history to achieve a net regulatory reduction during my term and it was a substantial reduction and for every regulation we added we cut more than 5.5 regulations we unleashed American Energy and within we had increased domestic oil production by 47 % and we were just getting started the price of gasoline was $187 a gallon doesn't that sound good right now we negotiated and renegotiated more than 50 trade agreements with other countries that were taking advantage of us as they all do to protect the American worker and to open foreign markets and we did a great job I ended NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made in the history of of our country and replaced it with the usmca perhaps the best trade deal ever made in history that's Mexico and Canada I stood up to China like no one else before me no one came even close and I saved the US Auto industry from obliteration with a 27.5% tariff on all Chinese cars that remains in place to this day they want to take it off but they can't because number one it's too much money and number two we would be invaded by Chinese cars on top of the other invasions that are taking place without it our Auto industry would be dead and now I am going further we will bring our autom industry to the record levels of 37 years ago and we'll be able to do it very quickly through tariffs and other smart use of certain things that we have that other countries don't for four straight years I fought for American workers like I would fight for my own family I took care of our economy like I would take care of my own company in every decision I asked will I create jobs here or will I be sending jobs overseas will it make America richer and stronger or will it make our country weaker and poorer I always put America First every single time and when our country was hit by the China virus we saved the economy We rescued tens of millions of jobs and after Co I handed Kamala and Joe the fastest and strongest recovery ever recorded nothing even close with 1.4% inflation the 30-year mortgage rate was at 2.4% and the highest stock market in history this is despite the pandemic to date I handed them back the highest stock market to date after having just suffered with the rest of the world a pandemic the likes of which nobody had ever seen before we did an incredible job and remember far more people died of covid under Biden Harris than under President Trump many many more people we delivered an economic Miracle which kamalen Jo turned into an economic disaster just like they turned the border and indeed the whole world into a catastrophic surrender starting on day one kamla launched a war on American Energy and orchestrated a nation wrecking border Invasion with illegal AI aliens pouring in from countries all over the world they came in from countries that nobody ever heard the name of of that country those countries from their prisons and jails there is a difference from mental institutions and insane asylums as well as record numbers of terrorists human traffickers and sex traffickers numbers that we've never seen before taking place over the last three and a half years then Cala cast the deciding votes on trillions of dollars in wasteful spending which together with their terrible energy policies gave us the worst inflation perhaps in the history of our country nearly two-thirds of the jobs created under the Harris Biden administration were bounceback jobs bounceback they were bounceback jobs that I handed them from before the pandemic this happens with pandemics you have bounceback jobs the pandemic comes and it goes and those people go back to their jobs and just last week Joe Biden admitted that on social media I don't know if he knew what he admitted but that's what it said I wonder who drew it perhaps that person is no longer employed by the Democrats but right now it's even worse than that under Camala Harris's policies 3 million workers are now missing from the job Force compared to 20 23 million workers that's a lot over half a million fewer people have full-time jobs today than just one year ago and 100% of the net job creation in the past year has gone to Illegal migrants think of that 100% of the jobs created under this Administration has gone to Illegal migrants that came into our country Joe Biden and kamla Harris formed the worst presidency and vice presidency by far in the history of our country this election will decide whether we reward kamla Harris with reelection and four more years of crime economic Calamity and international humiliation or whether we change that direction and once again build the greatest economy in the history of the world which we had during the Trump Administration kamla Harris is the first major party nominee in American history who fundamentally rejects freedom and Embraces Marxism communism and fascism you're learning about this you'll find out nobody knew who she was just a few months ago they didn't know who she was she's promising communist price controls wealth confiscation energy Annihilation reparations the largest tax increase ever imposed and mass amnesty and citizenship for tens of millions of migrants who will consume trillions of dollars in federal benefits and Destroy Social Security and Medicare they will be destroyed they're already putting them into your Social Security and Medicare roles I am promising low taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates secure borders low low low crime and surging incomes for citizens of every race religion color and Creed my plan will rapidly defeat inflation quickly bring down prices and reignite explosive economic growth kamla Harris will take more money out of American Pockets my plan will leave the typical family with many thousands of dollars more than they have right now first I will end kamla Harris's anti-energy Crusade and Implement a policy of energy abundance energy Independence and even energy dominance we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than any other country including Russia and Saudi Arabia will be using it my plan will cut Energy prices in half or more than that within 12 months of taking office it will be an economic Revival of our country like no one has ever seen before energy was what caused our problem initially energy is going to bring us back that means we're going down and getting gasoline below $2 a gas all bring down the price of everything from electricity rates to groceries air fairs and housing costs that's why OPC and the Arab Nations and we're very honored to have some of my friends here with us today from that part of the world but they're working very hard despite being here that I not be your president they don't like me meanwhile kamla har can't bring down the price of anything because her energy policies are driving up the cost of everything everything is up way up starting on day one Harris and Biden opened up the Russian Pipeline called northstream 2 which nobody have ever heard of until I got involved and said what about nordstream two and nobody knew what I was talking about largest pipeline in the world Russian Pipeline but I had it closed it was shut down Putin was not happy we shut it down they came along and the Keystone XL pipeline was shut down by them so they shut down the Keystone and they immediately gave Russia the right to start rebuilding the nordstream 2 the biggest pipeline you've ever seen we reentered the horribly unfair to the United States through them they came back Paris climate Accord so unfair to us we pay trillions of dollars other countries pay nothing as soon as he came back he went back into it I got us out of it and reduced the area of the federal lands available for drilling by 80% I did that if I was President oil production today would be four times higher than it is right now would have been four times ire right now would' be doing four times as much and remember we had anoir perhaps the largest drilling site in the world in Alaska which everybody wanted to get approved but they weren't able to do it Ronald Reagan fought so hard to get anoir he couldn't do it and it was easier in those days than it is today with all of the environmental concerns but they came in and their first few days in office they terminated nir amazingly biggest drilling site we think in the world bigger than Saudi Arabia bigger than texus we got it and they terminated it under the EPA so-called power plant rule more than 50 power plants have been shut down since she took office and virtually all Coal Fired power plants would be shuttered in the next couple of years said in the stage for a catastrophic energy shortfall which we already have that will make inflation far worse than it has ever been they want to close down our power plants and we don't have power already to address this dire energy crisis that Camala and Joe have created I will immediately issue a National Emergency declaration to achieve massive increase in domestic energy Supply what you're going to need electricity is desperately needed for ai ai controversial but we got to be the top of it and we would need hard to believe twice the electricity that we currently have right now for everything in order to be dominant and China is already building massive electricity producing plants we haven't even thought about it we will think about it and I'll get it done on an emergency basis so we'll be the leader in Ai and every other form of Technology with these sweeping authorities We Will Blast through every bureaucratic hurdle to issue rapid approvals for new drilling new pipelines new refineries new power plants new electric plants and reactors of all types prices will fall immediately in anticipation of this tremendous Supply that we can create rather quickly and will be the leader onstead of the lagard second to further defeat inflation my plan will terminate the green New Deal which I call the green new scam greatest scam in history probably a 10 trillion doll scam that we waste we throw like throwing money right out the window it actually sets us back as opposed to moves us forward and we send all unspent funds under the misnamed inflation reduction act which the Democrats agreed after it was approved that it wasn't for that purpose it was for other purposes like giveaways comma spent $7.5 billion doll to build eight charging stations think of a charging station like a fuel pump with electricity coming out of it eight charging stations in the Midwest for electric vehicles cost billions and billions of dollars 7.5 billion they think but the costs are still going and three of them don't work never will probably other than that it's worked out quite well I will end the electric vehicle mandate stop the appalling waste and save taxpayers an estimated 1 trillion third I will launch a historic campaign to liberate our economy from crippling regulation my first term I pledged to cut two old regulations for every one new regulation and we did much better than that as I've said yet over the past four years kamla has added $6,300 a year in regulatory costs onto the backs of the typical American family think of the that to stop this Onslaught at lower prices I'm pledging today that in my second term we will eliminate a minimum of 10 old regulations for every one new regulation we'll be able to do that quite easily actually and instead of attacking industries of the future we will embrace them including making America the world capital for crypto and [Applause] Bitcoin for at the suggestion of Elon Musk who has given me his complete and total endorsement that's nice smart guy he knows what he's doing he knows what he's doing it's very very much appreciated I will create a government efficiency commission task with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and making recommendations for drastic reforms need to do it can't go on the way we are now [Applause] and Elon because he's not very busy has agreed to head that task force be interesting if he has the time it' be a good one to do it but he's agreed to do it in 2022 fraud and improper payments alone cost taxpayers and estimated hundreds of billions of dollars as the first order of business this commission will develop an action plan to totally eliminate fraud and improper payments within six months this will save trillions of dollars trillions it's massive for the same service that you have right now trillions of dollars is wasted and gone and nobody know requests Linda McMahon and Howard lutnick thank you as We Gather today today we have an econ an economic disaster on our hands have an economy and crisis a failing nation and nation in serious decline under the radical policies of my former opponent Joe Biden and my new opponent kamla Harris 1.3 million workers have become unemployed in the past 12 months I don't know if anybody knows that the typical American family has lost over $8,000 due to rampant and record setting inflation credit card debt has reached the highest in history with more than one in three Americans reporting they have maxed out their credit cards they've maxed out families now need to earn an estimated $110,000 a year to afford a typical home meaning 65% of households are locked out of buying just an ordinary house gasoline prices grocery prices electricity prices orage virtually everything else are up 30 to 100% since I left office 8.4 million Americans are now working second jobs the highest in more than 30 years the real wages of africanamerican workers are down by over six% % short period of time the real incomes from Hispanic men are down 6.6% or $3,600 per year and on top of that African-Americans and Hispanic American jobs are under massive threat from The Invasion taking place at our border they're taking the jobs of Hispanic Americans African Americans and nobody talks about it but I won't let it happen yet after presiding over the border the worst in history for any country there's never been a border like this 21 million people we project this total economic catastrophe the borders are kamla Harris has now been slaughtered in by the Democrats to be reelected she wants four more years to enforce a radical left agenda that poses a fundamental threat to the prosperity of every American family and America itself and we're talking about America itself she wants to defund the police have totally open borders ban fracking in Pennsylvania and everywhere else take away your private health insurance and perhaps most pertinent to the very brilliant people in this room raise your business and corporate taxes and unbelievably she will seek a tax on unrealized capital gains most people don't even know what that means what does it mean she has been after all of this for years and as everyone knows she's a Marxist who destroyed almost single-handedly San franisco and when she was the AG California itself not the same place people are leaving they're fleeing like they are in New York she'll seek out and she will try and get those things if she's elected and she may very well succeed in getting them she recently said her values have not changed and these have really been her values for her entire career her values haven't changed that's what she wants so she told the truth we're not going to let this happen communism is the past freedom is the future and it is time to send comrad Camala Harris back home to California where crime is rampant and fleing is the number one occupation I'm here today to lay out my plan to rescue our country from this nightmare and to bring back to its citizens the American dream bigger better and stronger than ever before eight years ago I came before you as a candidate for president and shared my vision to end the stagnation and return to Rapid growth it's what we did as president I am very proud to say that we accomplished something that nobody thought that was even possible before the pandemic real median household income Rose by $7,695 and even after the pandemic annual incomes were up $6,400 the average American household saw $197,000 increase in real net worth in 48 months for the bottom 50% of households average wealth more than doubled increasing by 121% lowest income people benefited the most after 12 years of decline we added nearly 7 million new homeowners never happened before and in three years we created 7 million new jobs 260% more than projected when I took office when I took office they said you couldn't hit those projections and we were 260% higher than what we said we could do from the day I won to the day I left the SNP 500 increase by 80% and we did it all with virtually no inflation we had virtually no inflation think of that who could believe that I delivered the largest tax cuts and reform in American history by far slashing rates for working families and cutting the business tax from the highest in the world we had the highest in the world 35% and actually when you add local and State numbers that were close getting close to 50 but much much higher nobody's ever seen we brought it all the way down to 211% which everybody said was impossible to do and I heard it from everyone they said you'll never be able to do that and I got it down to 21% I cut a record number of job killing regulations in four years we cut more R than any president in the history of our country by far I'm proud to be president modern history to achieve a net regulatory reduction during my term and it was a substantial reduction and for every regulation we added we cut more than 5.5 regulations we unleashed American Energy and within had increased domestic oil production by 47% and we were just getting started the price of gasoline was $187 a gallon doesn't that sound good right now we negotiated and renegotiated more than 50 trade agreements with other countries that were taking advantage of us as they all do to protect the American worker and to open foreign markets and we did a great job I ended NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made in the history of our country and replaced it with the usmca perhaps the best trade deal ever made in history that's Mexico and Canada I stood up to China like no one else before me no one came even close and I saved the US Auto industry from obliteration with a 27.5% tariff on all Chinese cars that remains in place to this day they want to take it off but they can't because number one it's too much money and number two we would be invaded by Chinese cars on top of the other invasions that are taking place without it our Auto industry would be dead and now I am going further we will bring our autom making industry to the record levels of 37 years ago and we'll be able to do it very quickly through tariffs and other smart use of certain things that we have that other countries don't for four straight years I fought for American workers like I would fight for my own family I took care of our economy like I would take care of my own company in every decision I asked will I create jobs here or will I be sending jobs overseas will it make America richer and stronger or will it make our country weaker and poorer I always put America First every single time and when our country was hit by the China virus we saved the economy We rescued tens of millions of jobs and after Co I handed kamla and Joe the fastest and strongest recovery ever recorded nothing even close with 1.4% inflation the 30-year mortgage rate was at 2.4% in the highest stock market in history this is despite the pandemic to date I handed them back the highest stock market to date after having just suffered with the rest of the world a pandemic the likes of which nobody had ever seen before we did an incredible job and remember far more people died of covid under Biden Harris than under President Trump many many more people we delivered an economic Miracle which kenj Jo turned into an economic disas Aster just like they turned the border and indeed the whole world into a catastrophic surrender starting on day one kamla launched a war on American Energy and orchestrated a nation wrecking border Invasion with illegal AI aliens pouring in from countries all over the world they came in from countries that nobody ever heard the name of that country those countries from their prisons and jails there is a difference from mental institutions and insane asylums as well as record numbers of terrorists human traffickers and sex traffickers numbers that we've never seen before taking place over the last three and a half years then Cala cast the deciding votes on trillions of dollars in wasteful spending which together with their terrible energy policies gave us the worst inflation perhaps in the history of our country nearly two-thirds of the jobs created under the Harris Biden administration were bounceback jobs bounceback they were bounceback jobs that I handed them from before the pandemic this happens with pandemics you have bounceback jobs the pandemic comes and it goes and those people go back to their job and just last week Joe Biden admitted that on social media I don't know if he knew what he admitted but that's what it said I wonder who drew it perhaps that person is no longer employed by the Democrats but right now it's even worse than that under Camala Harris's policies 3 million workers are now missing from the job force compared to 2023 million workers it's a lot over half a million fewer people have full-time jobs today than just one year ago and 100% of the net job creation in the past year has gone to Illegal migrants think of that 100% of the jobs created under this Administration has gone to Illegal migrants that came into our country Joe B Biden and kamla Harris formed the worst presidency and vice presidency by far in the history of our country this election will decide whether we reward kamla Harris with reelection and four more years of crime economic Calamity and international humiliation or whether we change that direction and once again build the greatest economy in the history of the world which we had during the Trump Administration kamla Harris is the first major party nominee in American history who fundamentally rejects freedom and Embraces Marxism communism and fascism you're learning about this you'll find out nobody knew who she was just a few months ago they didn't know who she was she's promising communist price controls wealth confiscation energy and violation reparations the largest tax increase ever imposed and mass amnesty and citizenship for tens of millions of migrants who will consume trillions of dollars in federal benefits and Destroy Social Security and Medicare they will be destroyed they're already putting them into your Social Security and Medicare roles I am promising low taxes low regulations low low energy costs low interest rates secure borders low low low crime and surging incomes for citizens of every race religion color and Creed my plan will rapidly defeat inflation quickly bring down prices and reignite explosive economic growth kamla Harris will take more money out of American Pockets my plan will leave the typical family with many thousands of dollars more than they have right now first I will end kamla Harris's anti-energy Crusade and Implement a policy of energy abundance energy Independence and even energy dominance we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than any other country including Russia and Saudi Arabia will be using it my plan will cut Energy prices in half or more than that within 12 months of taking office it will be an economic Revival of our country like no one has ever seen before energy was what caused our problem initially energy is going to bring us back that means we're going down and getting gasoline below $2 a gallon bring down the price of everything from Electric electricity rates to groceries airf fars and housing costs that's why OPEC and the Arab Nations and we're very honored to have some of my friends here with us today from that part of the world but they're working very hard despite being here that I not be your president they don't like me meanwhile Kamala Harris can't bring down the price of anything because or energy policies are driving up the cost of everything everything is up way up starting on day one Harris and Biden opened up the Russian Pipeline called northstream 2 which nobody have ever heard of until I got involved and said what about nordstream 2 and nobody knew what I was talking about largest pipeline in the world Russian Pipeline but I had it closed it was shut down Putin was not happy we shut it down they came along and the Keystone XL pipeline was shut down by them so they shut down the Keystone and they immediately gave Russia the right to start rebuilding the nordstream 2 the biggest pipeline you've ever seen we re-entered the horribly unfair to the United States through them when they came back Paris climbing Accord so unfair to us we pay trillions of dollars other countries pay nothing as soon as he came back he went back into it I got us out of it and reduced the area of the federal lands available for drilling by 80% did that if I was President oil production today would be four times higher than it is right now would have been four times higher right now would' be doing four times as much and remember we had anoir perhaps the largest drilling site in the world in Alaska which everybody wanted to get approved but they were unable to do it Ronald Reagan fought so hard to get anoir he couldn't do it and it was easier in those days than it is today with all of the environmental concerns but they came in in the first few days in office they terminated anoir amazingly biggest drilling site we think in the world bigger than Saudi Arabia bigger than Texas we got it and they terminated it under the EPA so-called power plant rule more than 50 power plants have been shut down since she took office and virtually all Coal Fired power plants would be shuttered in the next couple of years setting the stage for a catastrophic energy shortfall which we already have that will make inflation far worse than it has ever been they want to close down our power plants and we don't have power already to address this dire energy crisis that Camala and Joe have created I will immediately issue a National Emergency declaration to achieve massive increase in domestic energy Supply which going to need electricity is desperately needed for ai ai controversial but we got to be the top of it and we would need hard to believe twice the electricity that we currently have right now for everything in order to be dominant and China is already building massive electricity producing plant we haven't even thought about it we will think about it and I'll get it done on an emergency basis so we'll be the leader in Ai and every other form of Technology with these sweeping authorities We Will Blast through every bureaucratic hurdle to issue rapid approvals for new drilling new pipelines new refineries new power plants new electric plants and reactors of all types prices will fall immediately in anticipation of this tremendous Supply that we can create rather quickly and will'll be the leader instead of the lagard second to further defeat inflation my plan will terminate the green New Deal which I call the green new scam greatest scam in history probably a 10 trillion dollar scam that we waste we throw like throwing money right out the window it actually sets us back as opposed to move this forward and we send all unspent funds under the misnamed inflation reduction act which the Democrats agreed after it was approved that it wasn't for that purpose it was for other purposes like giveaways comma spent $7.5 billion dollar to build eight charging stations think of a charging station like a fuel pump with electricity coming out of it a charging stations in the Midwest for electric vehicles cost billions and billions of dollars 7.5 billion they think but the costs are still going and three of them don't work and never will probably other than that it's worked out quite well I will end the electric vehicle mandate stop the appalling waste and save taxpayers an estimated $1 trillion third I will launch a historic campaign to liberate our economy from crippling regulation my first term I pledged to cut two old regulations for every one new regulation and we did much better than that as I've said yet over the past four years kamla has added $6,300 a year in regulatory costs onto the backs of the typical American family think of that to stop this Onslaught at lower prices I'm pledging today that in my second term we will eliminate a minimum of 10 old regulations for every one new regulation we'll be able to do that quite easily actually and instead of attacking industries of the future we will embrace them including making America the world capital for crypto and [Applause] Bitcoin fourth at the suggestion of el musk who has given me his complete and total endorsement that's nice smart guy he knows what he's doing he knows what he's doing it's very very much appreciated I will create a government efficiency Commission test with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and making recommendations for drastic reforms we need to do it can't go on the way we are now [Applause] and Elon because he's not very busy has agreed to H that task force be interesting if he has the time it' be a good one to do it but he's agreed to do it in 2022 fraud and improper payments alone cost taxpayers an estimated hundreds of billions of dollars as the first order of business this commission will develop an action plan to totally eliminate fraud and improper payments Within in six months this will save trillions of dollars trillions it's massive for the same service that you have right now trillions of dollars is wasted and gone and nobody knows where it went further taming inflation and bringing prices way down the fifth pillar of my plan is to make the Trump tax cuts permanent they are massive tax cuts biggest ever permanent and to cut taxes even more and we will have no tax on tips something which they copied four weeks after I said it she got up said no tax on tips I said I just said that she is actually copying a lot of my plan in fact we're going to send her a magga cap sometime in the next week we're having a special one but we also know she doesn't mean it she's going to stick with what her whole life has been about and also no tax on Social Security benefits people in Social Security have been wiped out by inflation and now on top of it we tax their benefits we're not going to tax their benefits we have so many different ways of making so much money this country the potential is is so incredible we don't have to take it away from people on Social Security we're not going to do that we're going to save Social Security she's going to destroy Social Security under the Trump Administration we prove that target attack guts do not increase the deficit they reduce the deficit by growing the economy and raising revenue after we gave the massive tax cuts we took in the following year with a much lower rate billions and billions of dollars more than we did the previous year with a high rate think of that so with a much lower rate we took in more money because people were incentivized corporate tax revenues are 31% higher today than before my tax low was signed with all of those cuts 31% higher to further support the Revival of American manufacturing my plan calls for expanded R&D tax credits 100% bonus depreciation expensing for new manufacturing Investments and a reduction in the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% solely for companies that make their product in America [Applause] you have to make your product in America if you Outsource offshore or replace American workers you're not eligible for any of these benefits in fact you will pay a very substantial tarot that comes in from another country that's made in another country and comes in there'll be a big tariff on that product because we want to make our our Goods in America and most of them we can my message is simple make your product here in America and only in America we are not going to be taken advantage of anymore just as we made great inroads and progress four years ago we made tremendous inroads on this subject we're not going to watch our wealth and jobs get ripped away from us and sent to foreign countries which is what's been happening for many many decades with us China was built on doing exactly what we're going to be doing and what I started doing for years ago what we're putting forward is the most pro-american manufacturing and jobs policy in modern history for any country this plan will bring jobs and growth into our country at levels never seen before every business on Earth will flock to America from Europe Asia the Middle East and all over the world by contrast comrade kamla Harris wants to sacrifice our wealth kill the economy and drive jobs overseas to punish businesses more businesses will leave they'll leave America their International companies they report to their shareholders and they will leave America if her plan even in a small form comes to the for her tax plan which includes the promise to end the Trump tax cuts which Again by itself would be a massive tax increase would increase taxes by over5 trillion dollar a record many times over it would result in the largest small business tax hike in history massively raising taxes on 25 million small business people and raising small business tax rates to 43% and higher in other words 20% higher than communist China Kamala is also Ving to raise the corporate tax rate from 21 to 28% we're bringing it down to 15% but she really is looking to raise it to 40 45 or even 50% you know that all you have to do is follow her past path radically rais the capital gains tax rate which he wants to do and they don't even want to give a number and for the first time ever imposed a 25% tax on unrealized capital gain so if you happen to have a lot of wealth but no cash you're in a lot of trouble this will lead America into a 1929 depression and it will be a depression and a territory that we have not seen for a long time there's a gentleman that happens to believe that scottt these policies especially the tax on unrealized capital gains would decimate the US economy companies and Innovation would flee from America to other countries Venture Capital markets would disappear the stock market would be annihilated and investors assess the tax liabilities of large shareholders the seniors and Senior pensions would totally go up and smoke that'd be worthless these are not the policies designed to create a prosperous America these are policies to turn the United States into Venezuela on steroids even if for this reason alone Kamala Harris must be defeated decisively this November has to be defeated cannot have her be the president of the United States under Comm the United States is becoming a third world Banana Republic she and her party are censoring speech weaponizing the justice system and trying to throw their political opponents me in jail this hasn't happened I didn't do that to Crooked Hillary I said that would be a terrible thing wouldn't it putting the wife of the president of the United States in jail but they view it differently I guess nowadays but that's okay and they always have to remember that two can play the game nobody ever thought this was possible this is how you create massive Capital flight and turn once prosperous Nations into absolute ruins I will have no higher priority as president than to restore the fair equal and impartial rule of law in America we have lost the rule of law who would have thought [Applause] number six under my leadership America will encourage domestic production instead of punishing it as you know our country's vast manufacturing wealth was created at a time with very little domestic taxation few regulations and most Revenue came from tariffs from other countries that was when we were at the wealthiest ever proportionately we were the wealthiest country ever during those days that was before income tax came along now we foolishly do the opposite we impose lower tariffs and no tariffs on foreign producers we have the lowest tariffs of any nation in the world and we relentlessly punish our own companies for doing business in America you do business in America you're punished tremendously I had many many companies come to me sir I can't compete they're sending kitchen cabinets washers and dryers everything that I can tell you every motorcycles they're sending them here sir we can't compete and I made it so they could compete and Thrive every one of those people we should get them up and talk to you one day because every one of those people comes up to me and every time I see them they hug me they kiss me they love me because I say their businesses I intend to reverse this model and once again turn America into the manufacturing superpower of the world we can do that just with being intelligent the key to this effort will be a pro-american trade policy that uses tariffs to encourage production here and bring trillions and trillions of dollars back home and you know what we deserve it we've been helping other countries get rich at our expense for the last 50 years we've been pouring our money into other countries getting nothing nothing for it we protect them militarily we do so much for them we get nothing my plan is that if you open your factory in Wisconsin Pennsylvania Michigan Minnesota anywhere else in our country you don't pay a tariff tax you don't pay a tax you make the product here but if you move your production outside of the United States and send it back here which people are doing now and I stopped it I stopped at cold but they've changed that already then you have to pay a very substantial tariff to get your product back into the country the result will be that everybody in the world will want to be here and they want to produce here they're going to want to produce their product in America it's going to stay made in the USA we will be able to build ships again we will be able to build planes again we will be able to build our military again from within all from within we will create the biggest greatest and strongest middle class and the history of our country we will have tens of millions of high-paying jobs in manufacturing Transportation defense as well as all of the sales and support of export jobs our Auto industry will be the biggest beneficiary in short it will be a National Economic Renaissance just by using our head by being smart by not letting other countries take advantage of us they've been doing it for so long it's so sad to see and I know them all and they laugh at us behind our back they can't believe how stupid our leadership has been for so many years we will ensure that the United States has a giant steel industry an aluminum industry a manufacturing base and a defense base we want a industrial base that can take care of our defense needs 100% And you can call it what you want some might say it's economic nationalism I call it common sense I call it America First this is the policy that built this country and this is the policy that will save our country in the words of a great but highly underrated President William McKinley highly underrated the protective tariff policy of the Republicans has been made and made the lives of our countrymen sweeter and brighter it's the best for our citizenship and our civilization and it opens up a higher and better Destiny for our people we have to take care of our own nation and her Industries first in other words take care of our country first this is when we had our greatest wealth he was assassinated and he left his group of people that followed him Teddy Roosevelt became a great president spending the money that was made by McKinley so McKinley got a bad deal on that one he built tremendous wealth they had the Tariff Act of 18 87 and they had a committee that studied what are we going to do they had a big problem a problem like I hope to have with this country someday so much money was coming in from foreign countries that they didn't know how to spend it they had no idea so they set up a committee we'll set one up with the people in this room how do we distribute the wealth that we have and Roosevelt built dams and built railroads and did national parks he did nation and nation in serious decline under the radical policies of my former opponent Joe Biden and my new opponent kamla Harris 1.3 million workers have become unemployed in the past 12 months I don't know if anybody knows that the typical American family has lost over $28,000 due to rampant and record setting inflation credit card debt has reached the highest in history with more than one in three Americans reporting they have maxed out their credit cards they've maxed out families now need to earn an estimated $110,000 a year to afford a typical home meaning 65% of households are locked out of buy just an ordinary house gasoline prices grocery prices electricity prices mortgage virtually everything else are up 30 to 100% since I left office 8.4 million Americans are now working second jobs the highest in more than 30 years the real wages of African American workers are down by over six% short period of time the real incomes from Hispanic men are down 6.6% or $3,600 per year and on top of that African-Americans and Hispanic American jobs are under massive threat from The Invasion taking place at our border they're taking the jobs of Hispanic Americans African Americans and nobody talks about it but I won't let it happen yet after presiding over the border the worst in history for any country there's never been a border like this 21 million people we project this total economic catastrophe the borders are kamla Harris has now been slotted in by the Democrats to be reelected she wants four more years to enforce a radical left agenda that poses a fundamental threat to the prosperity of every American family and America itself and we're talking about America itself she wants to defund the police have totally open borders ban fracking and Pennsylvania and everywhere else take away your private health insurance and perhaps most pertinent to the very brilliant people in this room raise your business and corporate taxes and unbelievably she will seek a tax on unrealized capital gains most people don't even know what that means what does it mean she has been after all of this for years and as ever everyone knows he's a Marxist who destroyed almost single-handedly San Francisco and when she was the AG California itself not the same place people are leaving they're fleeing like they are in New York she'll seek out and she will try and get those things if she's elected and she may very well succeed in getting them she recently said her values have not changed and these have really been her values for her entire career her values haven't changed that's what she wants so she told the truth we're not going to let this happen communism is the past freedom is the future and it is time to send comrade Camala Harris back home to California where crime is rampant and fleeing is the number number one occupation I'm here today to lay out my plan to rescue our country from this nightmare and to bring back to its citizens the American dream bigger better and stronger than ever before eight years ago I came before you as a candidate for president and shared my vision to end the stagnation and return to Rapid growth that's what we did as president I am very proud to say that we accomplished something that nobody thought that was even possible before the pandemic real median household income Rose by $7,695 and even after the pandemic annual incomes were up $6,400 the average American household saw $197,000 increase in real net worth in 48 months for the botom 50% of households average wealth more than doubled increasing by 121% lowest income people benefited the most after 12 years of decline we added nearly 7 million new homeowners never happened before and in three years we created 7 million new jobs 260% more than projected when I took office when I took office they said you couldn't hit those projections and we were 260% higher than what we said we could do from the day I won to the day I left the SNP 500 increased by 80% and we did it all with virtually no inflation we had virtually no inflation think of that who could believe that I delivered the largest tax cuts and reform in American history by far slashing rates for working families and cutting the business tax from the highest in the world we had the highest in the world 35% and actually when you add local and State numbers that we're close getting close to 50 but much much higher nobody's ever seen we brought it all the way down to 21% which everybody said was impossible to do and I heard it from everyone they said ou'll never be able to do that and I got it down to 21% I cut a record number of job killing regulations in four years we cut more R than any president in the history of our country by far I'm proud to be president modern history to achieve a net regulatory reduction during my term and it was a substantial reduction and for every regulation we added we cut more than five .5 regulations we unleashed American Energy and within we had increased domestic oil production by 47% and we were just getting started the price of gasoline was $187 cents a gallon doesn't that sound good right now we negotiated and renegotiated more than 50 trade agreements with other countries that were taking advantage of us as they all do do to protect the American worker and to open foreign markets and we did a great job I ended NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made in the history of our country and replaced it with the usmca perhaps the best trade deal ever made in history that's Mexico and Canada I stood up to China like no one else before me no one came even close and I saved the US Auto industry from obl iteration with a 27.5% tariff on all Chinese cars that remains in place to this day they want to take it off but they can't because number one it's too much money and number two we would be invaded by Chinese cars on top of the other invasions that are taking place without it our Auto industry would be dead and now I am going further we will bring our automaking industry to the record levels of 37 years ago and we'll be able to do it very quickly through tariffs and other smart use of certain things that we have that other countries don't for four straight years I fought for American workers like I would fight for my own family I took care of our economy like I would take care of my own company in every decision I asked will I create jobs here or will I be sending jobs overseas will it make America richer and stronger or will it make our country weaker and poorer I always put America First every single time and when our country was hit by the China virus we saved the economy We rescued tens of millions of jobs and after Co I handed kamla and Joe the fastest and strongest recovery ever recorded nothing even close with 1.4% inflation the 30-year mortgage rate was at 2.4% and the highest stock market in history this is despite the pandemic today I handed them back the highest stock market to date after having just suffered with the rest of the world a pandemic the likes of which nobody had ever seen before we did an incredible job and remember far more people died of covid under Biden Harris than under President Trump many many more people we delivered an economic Miracle which kamalen Jo turned into an economic disaster just like they turned the border and indeed the whole world into a catastrophic surrender starting on day one kamla launched a war on American Energy and orchestrated a nation wrecking border invasion with il legal aliens pouring in from countries all over the world they came in from countries that nobody ever heard the name of that country those countries from their prisons and jails there is a difference from mental institutions and insane asylums as well as record numbers of terrorists human traffickers and sex traffickers numbers that we've never seen before taking place over the last three and a half years then Cala cast the deciding votes on trillions of dollars in wasteful spending which together with their terrible energy policies gave us the worst inflation perhaps in the history of our country nearly two-thirds of the jobs created under the Harris Biden administration were bounce back jobs bounce back they were bounceback jobs that I handed them from before the pandemic this happens with pandemics you have bounceback jobs the pandemic comes and it goes and those people go back to their jobs and just last week Joe Biden admitted that on social media I don't know if he knew what he admitted but that's what it said I wonder who drew it perhaps that person is no longer employed by the Democrats but right now it's even worse than that under Camala Harris's policies 3 million workers are now missing from the job force compared to 2023 million workers that's a lot over half a million fewer people have full-time jobs today than just one year ago and 100% of the net job creation in the past year has gone to El legal migrants think of that 100% of the jobs created under this Administration has gone to Illegal migrants that came into our country Joe Biden and kamla Harris formed the worst presidency and vice presidency by far in the history of our country this election will decide whether we reward Kam Harris with reelection and four more years of crime economic calamity an international humiliation or whether we change that direction and once again build the greatest economy in the history of the world which we had during the Trump Administration kamla Harris is the first major party nominee in American history who fundamentally rejects freedom and Embraces Marxism communism and fascism you're learning about this you'll find out nobody knew who she was just a few months ago they didn't know who she was she's promising communist price controls wealth confiscation energy Annihilation reparations the largest tax increase ever imposed and mass amnesty and citizenship for tens of millions of migrants who will consume trillions of dollars in federal benefits and Destroy Social Security and Medicare they will be destroyed they're already putting them into your Social Security and Medicare roles I am promising low taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates secure borders low low low crime and surging incomes for citizens of every race religion color and Creed my plan will rapidly defeat inflation quickly bring down prices and reignite explosive economic growth Kamala Harris will take more money out of American Pockets my plan will leave the typical family with many thousands of dollars more than they have right now first I will end kamla Harris's anti-energy Crusade and Implement a policy of energy abundance energy Independence and even energy dominance we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than any other country including Russia and sod Arabia will be using it my plan will cut Energy prices in half or more than that within 12 months of taking office it will be an economic Revival of our country like no one has ever seen before energy was what caused our problem initially energy is going to bring us back that means we're going down and getting gasoline below $2 a gallon bring down the price of everything from electricity rates to groceries air fars and housing costs that's why OPEC and the Arab Nations and we're very honored to have some of my friends here with us today from that part of the world but they work very hard despite being here that I not be your president they don't like me meanwhile kamla Harris can't bring down the price of anything because her energy policies are driving up the cost of everything everything is up way up starting on day one Harris and Biden opened up the Russian Pipeline called northstream 2 which nobody have ever heard of until I got involved and said said what about nordstream 2 and nobody knew what I was talking about largest pipeline in the world Russian Pipeline but I had it closed it was shut down Putin was not happy we shut it down they came along and the Keystone XL pipeline was shut down by them so they shut down the Keystone and they immediately gave Russia the right to start rebuilding the nordstream 2 the biggest pipeline you've ever seen we re-entered the horribly unfair to the United States through them when they came back Paris climate Accord so unfair to us we paid trillions of dollars other countries pay nothing as soon as he came back he went back into it I got us out of it and reduced the area of the federal lands available for drilling by 80% did that if I was President oil production today would be four times higher than it is right now would have been four times higher right now we'd be doing four times as much and remember we had anoir perhaps the largest drilling site in the world in Alaska which everybody wanted to get approved but they weren't able to do it Ronald Reagan fought so hard to get anoir he couldn't do it and it was easier in those days than it is today with all of the environmental concerns but they came in in their first few days in office they terminated nir amazingly biggest drilling site we think in the world bigger than Saudi Arabia bigger than Texas we got it and they terminated it under the EPA so-called power plant rule more than 50 power plants have been shut down since she took office and virtually all Coal Fired power plants would be shuttered in the next couple of years setting the stage for a catastrophic energy shortfall which we already have that will make inflation far worse than it has ever been they want to close down our power plants and we don't have power already to address this dire energy crisis is that Camala and Joe have created I will immediately issue a National Emergency declaration to achieve massive increase in domestic energy Supply what you're going to need electricity is desperately needed for ai ai controversial but we got to be the top of it and we would need hard to believe twice the electricity that we currently have right now for everything in order to be dominant and China is already building massive electricity producing plants we haven't even thought about it we will think about it and I'll get it done on an emergency basis so we'll be the leader in Ai and every other form of Technology with these sweeping authorities We Will Blast through every bureaucratic hurdle to issue rapid approvals for new drilling new pipelines new refineries new power plants new electric plants and reactors of all types prices will fall immediately in anticipation of this tremendous Supply that we can cre create rather quickly and will be the leader instead of the lagard second to further defeat inflation my plan will terminate the green New Deal which I call the green new new scam greatest scam in history probably a 10 trillion do scam that we waste we throw like throwing money right out the window it actually sets us back as opposed to moves us forward and we send all unspent funds under the misnamed inflation reduction act which the Democrats agreed after it was approved that it wasn't for that purpose it was for other purposes like giveaways comma spent $7.5 billion to build eight charging stations think of a charging station like a fuel pump with electricity coming out of it eight charging stations in the Midwest for electric vehicles cost billions and billions of dollars 7.5 billion they think but the costs are still going and three of them don't work and never will probably other than that it's worked out quite well I will end the electric vehicle mandate stop the appalling waste and save taxpayers an estimated $1 trillion dollar third I will launch a historic campaign to liberate our economy from crippling regulation my first term I pledged to cut two old regulations for every one new regulation and we did much better than that as I've said yet over the past four years kamla has added $6,300 a year in regulatory costs onto the backs of the typical American family think of that to stop this Onslaught at lower prices I'm pledging today that in my second term we will eliminate a minimum of 10 old regulations for every one new regulation we'll be able to do that quite easily actually and instead of attacking industries of the future we will embrace them including making a America the world capital for crypto and [Applause] Bitcoin fourth at the suggestion of Elon Musk who has given me his complete and total endorsement that's nice smart guy he knows what he's doing he knows what he's doing it's very very much appreciate it I will create a government efficiency Commission test with conducting a complete Financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and making recommendations for drastic reforms we need to do it can't go on the way we are [Applause] now and Elon because he's not very busy has agreed to head that task force be interesting if he has the time that' be a good one to do it but he's agreed to do it in 2022 fraud and impr proper payments alone cost taxpayers an estimated hundreds of billions of dollars as the first order of business this commission will develop an action plan to totally eliminate fraud and improper payments within six months this will save trillions of dollars trillions it's massive for the same service that you have right now trillions of dollars is wasted and gone and nobody knows where it went further taming inflation and bringing prices way down the fifth pillar of my plan is to make the Trump tax cuts permanent they are massive tax cuts biggest ever permanent and to cut taxes even more and we will have no tax on tips something which they copied four weeks after I said it she got up said no tax on tips I said I just said that she is actually copying a lot of my plan in fact we're going to send her a magga cap sometime in the next week we're having a special one may but we also know she doesn't mean it she's going to stick with what her whole life has been about and also no tax on Social Security benefits people in Social Security have been wiped out by inflation and now on top of it we tax their benefits we're not going to tax their benefits we have so many different ways of making so much money this country the potential is is so incredible we don't have to take it away from people on Social Security we're not going to do that we're going to save Social Security she's going to destroy Social Security under the Trump Administration we prove that targeted tax cuts do not increase the deficit they reduce the deficit by growing the economy and raising revenue after we gave the massive tax cuts we took in the following year with a much lower rate billions and billions of dollars more than we did the previous year with a high rate think of that so with a much lower rate we took in more money because people were incentivized corporate tax revenues are 31% higher today than before my tax law was signed with all of those cuts 31% higher to further support the Revival of American manufacturing my plan calls for expanded R&D tax credits 100% bonus depreciation expensing for new manufactur ing Investments and a reduction in the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% solely for companies that make their product in [Applause] America you have to make your product in America if you Outsource offshore or replace American workers you're not eligible for any of these benefit benefits in fact you will pay a very substantial tarot that comes in from another country that's made in another country and comes in there'll be a big tariff on that product because we want to make our our Goods in America and most of them we can my message is simple make your product here in America and only in America we are not going to be taken advantage of anymore just as we made great inroads and progress four years ago we made tremendous inroads on this subject we're not going to watch our wealth and jobs get ripped away from us and sent to foreign countries which is what's been happening for many many decades with us China was built on doing exactly what we're going to be doing and what I started doing four years ago what we're putting forward is the most pro-american manufacturing and jobs policy in modern history for any country this plan will bring jobs and growth into our country at levels never seen before every business on Earth will flock to America from Europe Asia the Middle East and all over the world by contrast comrade kamla Harris wants to sacrifice our wealth kill the economy and drive jobs overseas to punish businesses more businesses will leave they'll leave America their International companies they report to their shareholders and they will leave America if her plan even in a small form comes to the four her tax plan which includes the promise to end the Trump tax cuts which Again by itself would be a massive tax increase would increase taxes by over five trillion dollars a record many times over it would result in the largest small business tax hike in history massively raising taxes on 25 million small business people and raising small business tax rates to 43% and higher in other words 20% higher than communist China Kamala is also vowing to raise the corporate tax rate from 21 to 28% we're bringing it down to 15% but she really is looking to raise to 40 45 or even 50% you know that all you have to do is follow her past path radically raise the capital gains tax rate which he wants to do and they don't even want to give a number and for the first time ever impos a 25% tax on unrealized capital gain so if you happen to have a lot of wealth but no cash you're a lot of trouble this will lead America into a 1929 depression and it will be a depression and a territory that we have not seen for a long time there's a gentleman that happens to believe that Scott these policies especially the tax on unrealized capital gains would decimate the US economy companies and Innovation would flee from America to other countries Venture cap Capital markets would disappear the stock market would be annihilated and investors assess the tax liabilities of large shareholders the seniors and Senior pensions would totally go up in smoke that'd be worthless these are not the policies designed to create a prosperous America these are policies to turn the United States into Venezuela on steroids even if for this reason alone Harris must be defeated decisively this November has to be defeated cannot have her be the president of the United States under comma the United States is becoming a third world Banana Republic she and her party are censoring speech weaponizing the justice system and trying to throw their political opponents me in jail this has happened I didn't do that to Crooked Hillary I said that would be a terrible thing wouldn't it putting the wife of the president of the United States in jail but they view it differently I guess nowadays but that's okay and they always have to remember that two can play the game nobody ever thought this was possible this is how you create massive Capital flight and turn once prosperous Nations into absolute ruins I will will have no higher priority as president than to restore the fair equal and impartial rule of law in America we have lost the rule of law who would have [Applause] thought number six under my leadership America will encourage domestic production instead of punishing it as you know our country's vast manufacturing wealth was created at a time with very little domestic taxation few regulations and most Revenue came from tariffs from other countries that was when we were at the wealthiest ever proportionately we were the wealthiest country ever during those days that was before income tax came along now we foolishly do the opposite we impose lower tariffs and no tariffs on foreign producers we have the lowest tariffs of Any Nation in the world and we relentlessly punish our own companies for doing business in America you do business in America you're punished tremendously I had many many companies come to me sir I can't compete this sending kitchen cabinets washers and dryers everything that I can tell you every motorcycles they're sending them here sir we can't compete and I made it so they could compete and Thrive every one of those people we should get them up and talk to you one day because every one of those people comes up to me and every time I see them they hug me they kiss me they love me because I save their businesses I intend to reverse this model and once again turn America into the manufacturing superpower of the world we can do that just with being intelligent the key to this effort will be a pro-american trade Poli policy that uses tariffs to encourage production here and bring trillions and trillions of dollars back home and you know what we deserve it we've been helping other countries get rich at our expense for the last 50 years we've been pouring our money into other countries getting nothing nothing for it we protect them militarily we do so much for them we get nothing my plan is that if you open your factory in Wisconsin Pennsylvania Michigan Minnesota anywhere else in our country you don't pay a tariff tax you don't pay a tax you make the product here but if you move your production outside of the United States and send it back here which people are doing now and I stopped it I stopped at cold but they've changed that already then you have to pay a very substantial tariff to get your product back into the country the result will be that everybody in the world will want to be here and they want to produce here they're going to want to produce their product in America it's going to stay made in the USA we will be able to build ships again we will be able to build planes again we will be able to build our military again from within all from within we will create the biggest greatest and strongest middle class in the history of our country we will have tens of millions of high-paying jobs in manufacturing Transportation defense as well as all of the sales and support of export jobs our Auto industry will be the biggest beneficiary in short it will be a National Economic Renaissance just by using our heads by being smart by not letting other countries take advantage of us they've been doing it for so long it's so sad to see and I know them all and they laugh at us behind our back they can't believe how stupid our leadership has been for so many years we will ensure that the United States has a giant steel industry an aluminum industry a manufacturing base and a defense base we want a industrial base that can take care of our defense needs 100% And you can call it what you want some might say it's economic nationalism I call it common sense I call it America first this is the policy that built this country and this is the policy that will save our country in the words of a great but highly underrated President William McKinley highly underrated the protective tariff policy of the Republicans has been made and made the lives of our countrymen sweeter and brighter it's the best for our citizenship and our civilization and it opens up a higher and better Des for our people we have to take care of our own nation and her Industries first another words take care of our country first this is when we had our greatest wealth he was assassinated and he left his group of people that followed him Teddy Roosevelt became a great president spending the money that was made by McKinley so McKinley got a bad deal on that one he built tremendous wealth they had the Tariff Act of 1887 and they had a committee that studied what are we going to do they had a big problem a problem like I hope to have with this country someday so much money was coming in from foreign countries that they didn't know how to spend it they had no idea so they set up a committee we'll set one up with the people in this room room how do we distribute the wealth that we have and Roosevelt built dams and built railroads and did National Parks but he did it with the money that was made with tariffs from McKinley so you have to remember that very highly underrated very underrated president let's give them both credit smart tariffs will not create inflation they will combat inflation I had almost no inflation and I had the highest tariffs that anyone's seen and they were going a lot higher foreign Nations will pay us hundreds of billions of dollars reducing the deficit and driving inflation down it largely reduce our deficit in my first term we imposed historic tariffs with no effect on consumer prices or inflation the anti-ar people many of them I believe honestly work for these other countries in some form get tremendous amounts of lobbying money and other money because it's doesn't make sense what they're saying but we had no inflation and we had protection and I saved so many Industries I saved the steel industry but Biden and Harris are letting it go they're letting it go so easy to keep a combination of fair trade tax cuts regulatory cuts and energy abundance will allow us to produce more Goods better and cheaper right here in the USA than we've ever done before and foreign Nations will respect us again I got along great with foreign Nations and I taxed the hell out of them and they liked me maybe they respected me and Victor Orban a very strong man he's the prime minister of Hungary he said the only thing missing from the world right now is President Trump he kept the world safe because everybody was afraid of him I don't like that term but that's the term he used I would like to say respected him and respected our country but he didn't say that he said everybody was afraid of him he said China was afraid Russia was afraid they were all afraid Kim Jong-un I got along great with him and I try to explain to the fake news media that getting along with people foreign countries is a good thing not a bad thing it's a very good thing it's a smart thing we will require all essential materials for our national security to be produced here in the United States creating millions and millions of new manufacturing jobs you know when we built the F35 we have the wings built in one country we have the tail Rudders built in another country we have the seats built in another country we have the electronics built in seven different countries what the hell would we do if there's a war and we'll end up fighting half of those countries and we don't want to have a war because right now we're closer to World War III than we've ever been in our lives with Russia Ukraine which would have never happened if I was president with October 7th in Israel the whole Middle East is is blowing up would have never happened they would have never happened respectfully Iran was broke they had no money for Hamas they had no money for Hezbollah wouldn't have happened there would be peace in the Middle East and Iran would be a big beneficiary of that peace be good but all of these things that happened and inflation would have never happened and Afghanistan would have never happened the worst withdrawal in history I believe the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country in fact that's what caused President Putin to go into Ukraine when he looked at how incompetently that was handled he looked at it and he said man they're incompetent that was the most embarrassing day in the history of the United States of America aanes taking off with many people sitting on the wings of the plane and the side of the plane and the wing and you see them dropping off the planes at 3,000 fet they thought it was their trip to Freedom there's never been anything like that and I think there's no greater embarrassment by the way we lost 13 incredible soldiers I got to know the families very well spent a lot of time with them four days ago in Arlington Cemetery three years ago they were celebrating three years honoring their children and yeah that's right they call them their children they still call they always will call them their children they gone and many of those people there should have never left from there they should have left from bam the Big Air Base but many of those people that were so badly hurt they don't talk about them no legs no arms obliteration of their face their entire body and nobody mentions that we left Americans behind large numbers we left $85 billion worth of equipment behind because we took our military out first a child would know you don't you take your military out last and just remember one final point on that because it's a little bit different from our subject but not really because it's all about our country and common sense but for 18 months I spoke to the leader of the Taliban the Press was very upset that I spoke to him his name is Abdul I said Abdul don't do this Abdul don't do this but why but why he said do you send me a picture of my home I said Abdul you're gonna have to figure that one out for yourself but don't do this Abdul because it's gonna end badly for you and for 18 months we didn't have one soldier shot at or killed in Afghanistan and then we took our soldiers out we had a very very disgraceful a disgraceful election and this group came in and they didn't know what the hell they were doing and they still don't they've gotten worse you know with experience you're supposed to get better they got worse they're worse now than they ever were and uh we're going to turn our country around we're going to become a major producer of rare earth minerals we're going to create jobs and making it really and US truly self-reliant Remember The Rare Earth where we have to go to China we have sites that are tied up with more than anybody else has they're environmentally protected we have sites that are phenomenal everything you want in terms of rare earth and we can't use them because of Environmental prote protction but we're going to end that very quickly as soon as I get to office we will make housing much more affordable as inflation is tamed interest rates will dramatically fall they'll be down very very low we'll get them down we had them down to 2.4% and even lower than that for a period of time reducing mortgage rates is a big factor we're going to get them back down to we think 3% maybe even lower than that saving the average home buyer thousands of dollars per year they can now go out young people will be able to buy a home again and be a part of the American dream we will eliminate regulations that drive up housing costs with the goal of cutting the cost of a new home in half we think we can do that the regulations alone cost 30% regulation cost 30% of a new home and we will open up portions of federal land for large scale housing construction these zones will be ultra low tax and ultra low regulation one of the great really small business job creation programs it will be of all time we're going to open up our country to building homes inexpensively so young people and other people can buy homes can't buy them anymore millions of Americans will take part in setting these safe and beautiful communities Reviving The Frontier spirit and really as I said Reviving The American Dream It's about the American dream it's all about the American dream we don't talk about American dream with these people in office they don't want to talk about the American dream because the they're the exact opposite they're the exact opposite we also cannot ignore the impact that the flood of 21 million illegal aliens has had on driving up housing costs that's why my plan will ban mortgages for for illegal aliens in California they're passing a law where they're going to give Cal we're going to give illegal aliens money to buy a house but our soldiers our veterans that are laying on the streets they can't have them you have soldiers right now laying on the streets of different cities all Democrat run they're laying on the streets in front of hotels in some cases luxury hotels and you have illegal immigrants coming in and living in those hotels and laughing at our soldiers as they walk by into a luxury Lobby is there something wrong with that thinking is there something wrong with our country if Kamala is allowed to continue to let our country be invaded we will face a fiscal Armageddon these migrants are consuming hundreds of billions of dollars in benefits you saw in Colorado this week a group from Venezuela rough ones rough ones they took over large sections of a town large sections of an area of Colorado Aurora has anyone been there I think you'd better stay away for a little while they had AK-47s the ultimate guns AK-47s they can blow lots of people away real fast and the sheriff didn't want to touch him nobody wants to touch him Sheriff there's 18 Venezuelans attacking my building would you please come over and straighten out the situation he's got a deputy you know what they say uh well no thanks let's call in the military they're taking over and I said this four years ago when they when I realized they wanted open borders and it's happened it's happening now in Chicago they're taking over sections of Chicago what's happening in New York and Los Angeles and many other cities is not even describable they're tough they're tough and they're smart and they're vicious don't forget they come from the prisons and they're the bad criminals on the streets Caracus Venezuela has almost no crime next year I'm going to suggest that the economic Club hold its meeting in karakus because we'll be safer than we are in our country if they win we'll be far safer but crime in Venezuela is down 72% because they've taken all of their criminals off the streets not all of them they still have some left but they're coming in rapidly by bus and by plane they're coming into our country and we're dumping them in our country and they say if you come back we will kill you and they're not going back we got them but they're going back if I'm president I guarantee you that they're going back fast and now Camala wants to give them food stamps housing assistance welfare Medicaid Medicare Social Security and destroy all of those programs you will destroy those programs that is why I will ask Congress to pass legislation barring all taxpayer funded benefits to illegal aliens and by by the way when you do that they won't come they're coming now because they realize they've never seen wealth like this they're getting things that they could never get they're coming for that reason if you stop that you'll have you'll be dropping the Flow by 80% I think that they're coming because they're taken care of they're let's put them in a luxury let's put them in the wal Warf Historia that's a nice place I will stop The Invasion and send criminal illegal aliens back home and when we do all of this we will be so successful we'll create America's own Sovereign wealth fund to invest in great National Endeavors for the benefit of all of the American people why don't we have a wealth fund other countries have wealth funds we have nothing we have nothing we're gonna have a sovereign wealth fund or we can name it something different I'll talk about it with Mr Paulson who's in the audience and a lot of other friends of mine and we'll name it something that's appropriate perhaps Sovereign wealth fund wouldn't be appropriate but it's going to be the same thing we'll put tremendous amounts of money through all this money that will take be taken in through tariffs and other intelligent things and we'll have the greatest Sovereign wealth fund of them all and we should have and that will be used to do things that will be great for our country including to invest and wisely invest and Build It Up bigger and stronger and better than any place on Earth we will build extraordinary National development projects and everything from highways to airports to Transportation infrastructure all of the future we'll be able to invest in state-of-the-art manufacturing hubs Advanced defense capabilities Cutting Edge medical research and help save billions of dollars in preventing disease in the first place and I'm very honored to have been endorsed last week by Robert F Kennedy Jr that was a great endorsement and he's very much into helping people he's very much into helping people I've known him a long time that was a great uh that was a great thing when he did that that was not easy for a Kenedy to be endorsing a republican that was not easy but these are not Democrats these are radical left lunatics and you can't let them run your country we will invest in new and modern agricultural techniques so we can have safe healthy high quality foods for our families that's where Bobby is so interested Foods he says we're putting a lot of bad foods in our body you look at other countries which do far less and they're actually much healthier than we are this wealth fund will return a gigantic profit which will help pay down national debt we're going to work on national debt very strongly by the way we're gonna have so much money coming in we're going to work on national debt we're close to$ 36 trillion doar right now we're going to work on getting it down and it is many of the people in this room who will be helping to advise and recommend Investments for this fund this is how we will end the era of inflation Mayhem and misery under Camala Harris the worst vice president in the history of our country and unleash a new era of safety prosperity and success for our workers our families and our businesses and I've done it before we did a great job and now we really know our job well I know the smartest the best people we have the best people and have people that many in this room they know exactly what we want to do you know it's interesting having experience because I won an election I went to Washington I was only in Washington 17 times I never stayed over that's according to the fake news but I think they're right but I got to know Washington well and I know the Smart Ones dumb ones I know the ones that can help make us great and the ones that can only take us into bad territory I got to know a lot of people probably as many as anybody at that level and we have incredible talent that we're going to be using that Talent we had some incredible Talent much of it sitting up here and sitting down here they did a great job on trade Bob lighthiser so many other people did such a great job we rebuilt our military we rebuilt our entire military did a great job we have great generals not the television generals not the generals that took us out of Afghanistan in 24 hours and left that horrible situation but we have great generals we defeated Isis it was supposed to take five years it took me four weeks four weeks my generals did a great job we have great people in our military and our military is not woke believe me you couldn't get these guys to be woke some of the guys on top awoke but those aren't the ones that are great so we're going to do things that we didn't do even the first time we had a great presidency we were it was an article written the other day that the Trump presidency was a great presidency With Victory on November 5th which will go down as the most important day in the history of our country inflation will be gone our energy will be Unleashed our economy will be set free our sovereignty will be restored our citizens will Thrive growth will come roaring back and America's future will be brighter than ever before so I want to thank you all this has been a lovely experience it was years ago that I was here we talked about what we were going to do and we did just about everything we said and uh if you'd like we'll take a few questions B great thank you very much thank you thank you very much and we're now moving as promis to the question and answer portion of the program our four very able questioners today are H rajen Cohen the senior chair of Sullivan and Cromwell sander Gerber founding and managing partner CEO and CIA of of Hudson Bay Capital Mr John Paulson founder of pulson and Company and rushman and John founder and CEO of girls who code and moms first we're going to go in alphabetical order and therefore Raj you have the first question thank you Bob and thank you Mr President thank you I would like to ask about the United States economic sanctions programs these programs have been used as you well know to advance our national security interests our foreign policy objectives but they also have economic implications and the most recent was the program against Russia in response to the Ukrainian their invasion of Ukraine where for once we got the support of all our allies so my specific question is would you strengthen or modify any of these economic sanctions programs particularly Russia including the pipeline you mentioned it's a great question the problem with what we have with sanctions and I was a user of sanctions but I put them on and take them off as quickly as possible because ultimately it kills your dollar and it kills everything the dollar represents and we have to continue to have that be the world currency I think it's important I think would be losing a war if we lost if we lost the dollar as a as the world currency I think that would be the equivalent of losing a war that would make us a third world country and we can't let it happen so I use sanctions very powerfully against countries that deserve it and then I take them off because look you're losing Iran you're losing Russia China is out there trying to get their currency to be the dominant currency as you know better than anybody all of these things are happening you're losing so many countries because there's so much conflict with all of these countries that you're going to lose that and we can't lose that so I want to use sanctions as little as possible one of the things that we have with tariffs is that I'll say to him you don't honor the dollar as your world currency is that right you're not going to do it no we're not I said' that's okay I'm going to put tariffs all over your product and they're going to say Sir we'd love to honor the dollar as the world currency you know tariffs in addition to monetary and the money that we'll take in which will be bigger than you've ever seen in this country before gives you tremendous political power for something like that as an example I stopped Wars with the threat of tariffs I stopped Wars with two countries that uh mattered a lot a lot of people would have been killed and I threatened tariffs coming into the United States if they don't make peace and we made a lot of we didn't have conflicts like you have right now we had very intelligent people but the biggest threat you have is you lose that currency and we have lost something that you'll never get back and we can keep it if we're smart but they use it too much and then they just forget about it and these countries like Russia it's going out now and doing its own thing and you know they're going out bragging about how they don't need us anymore etc etc uh the sad part about Russia is that Ukraine would have never happened if I was President so we wouldn't really have to be talking about sanctions but uh it did happen and one of the things I'm going to do a little bit relevant to your question is if we win I believe I can settle that war while I'm president-elect before I ever get into office I can get that War settled and get that War stopped because it's a horrible horrible war and far more people are killed in Ukraine far more people than you're realizing they'll knock down this massive building amazing the size of these buildings they'll knock it down they'll say nobody was injured no a lot of people were killed the real numbers are far greater than what people are are looking at so I think it's a very important thing uh sanctions have to be used very judiciously and you can win we have things much more powerful actually than sanctions we have trade but we cannot lose our dollar standard very important thank you very much great sander uh thank you Mr President for all the details on your Economic Policy um as you alluded to tariffs are the other side of sanctions and given that China is our major trading partner with our largest imbalance and possibly our chief uh Security National Security threat to the United States how can we better institutionalize trade policy and national security policy to be coordinated so I had a great relationship with President she of China really very close relationship uh now look he likes China I like us so but I don't want to sound foolish he was my dear dear friend he's a tough guy he's a fierce person I say very smart you know when you say he's smart the fake news goes crazy he said president she is smart and I you well he controls 1.4 billion people with an iron fist he's smart but we had a very good relationship with China until Co and when that came in it was a whole different ball game as far as I was concerned you know we made a Great China trade deal maybe better than the usmca and I'd never talk about it because what happened with covid for the whole world $60 trillion dollar and you know deaths 70 million 60 nobody even knows how many deaths and it all came out of Wuhan so changed my relationship but I think I'll have a great relationship with China I had one before and they respected us but they respected us because they no longer thought we were fools they used to think we were fools because we built China they would take over $500 billion dollar a year and use it for their military and other things and we got nothing out of that we got some cheap product we got you can buy 19 pencils instead of two who the hell cares you can buy 16 dolls for your daughter instead of two nice dolls and we got very little out of that relationship they got a tremendous military power and they still have it today so uh but I believe we will have a very good relationship with China and with a lot of other countries that we're not getting along with too well today and uh things are going to straighten out we're going to get them straighten out very quickly very important that we get along with the rest of the world you know we have things today called nuclear weapons I rebuilt our whole military including our nuclear capability and so I got very familiar with it and uh you know I say this often because I had an uncle who was the longest serving I believe the longest serving I was told that by MIT but he was there 39 I guess or 41 years longest serving professor in the history of MIT and nuclear was something he knew a lot about and we used to talk about it I'd say uncle John there's no way he was telling me about this incredible power that was being Unleashed potentially and I say uncle John you could never and you know what he was very modest because I've seen the destructive capability and this world is going to have to get along because if that's ever Unleashed we already have too many countries that have at least remnants of it with some of it but probably five countries if you think and Jung when when I was went to the White House after winning in 2016 I sat with President Obama which is a ritual and you sit and you talk and I said what's the biggest problem he said North Korea is the biggest problem I don't think it's solvable I said have you tried calling him or talking to him actually the answer was yes and he wasn't responded to but I did and we were very safe it started off a little rocky if you remember Little Rocket Man I called him and called me things too he's got a red button on his desk I said I have a bigger red button and my red button works I said and then it started getting a little nicer and then one day I got a call that they'd like to meet and it was a great thing we had a great meeting we had two meetings actually two great meetings Summits and we had no problem with them now they have a problem because they're not liking this Administration they don't respect this administration at all so we have to get along we have to get long we can't have World War I you're going to end up in World War II just like you you should have never had Russia go in it would have never happened if a competent person led us it would have never happened he led them into it and I'm not blaming B but you know what what he was saying was exactly the wrong thing I said we're GNA have an invasion because of a lot of the rhetoric it was stupid rhetoric but it would have never happened not only for that reason or oil was down low you know oil was almost at $100 a barrel so Putin is one of the only people I mean it's nothing's easy in life but Putin at $100 a barrel War works at $40 a barrel it didn't work at all so we're going to get back to a intelligently Run Place a place where other countries aren't using the word nuclear that word was never talked about during my because I knew the power of it and I talked to Putin about it I talked to president XI about it I think we were going to do you remember the talk where we were going to uh reduce nuclear capability substantially all three of us we're going to start it we're going to reduce very substantially and then we had the election and after the election they didn't talk about that or anything else frankly but uh we have to be very very careful because the destructive capability of nuclear when people talk about global warming I say the ocean is going to go down 100th of an inch within the next 400 years that's not our problem our problem is nuclear warming and we better be smart and we better have smart people at the top that know how to deal because these people don't know how to deal Putin came out today he endorsed Kamala and I didn't know was I supposed to call him up and say thank you very much I appreciate it but he endured Kamala I have a feeling I don't know I don't I don't know exactly what to say about that I don't know if I'm insulted or he did me a favor but we have to get along with the world we can't have War because the destructive capability you can be the head of the biggest bank wherever the hell Jamie is sitting you can be the head of the biggest bank in the world and a couple of nukes in your bank doesn't mean a thing you got to get along this is such an important job it's a dangerous job too very dangerous job if you look at statistically being president is very dangerous that that throbbing feeling I have oh that throbbing feeling no it's a very dangerous job and uh you have to do it right and if you don't do it right bad things will happen to the world things like you've never seen before okay thank you very much thank you um John Paulson behind me to your right Mr President hi John uh first first let me thank you for your presentation today uh president Trump in the last fiscal year the fiscal deficit under the Biden Administration was approximately two trillion under the policies you've announced the deficit would come down from items such as increased revenues from tariffs as well as eliminating the the tax incentives uh for the green New Deal uh these gains would be mitigated by decreases in revenues from policies such as no tax on tips overall what do you estimate will be the impact of the fisc deficit from your policies well we just hit record highs at numbers that nobody ever thought possible you're right it's over $2 trillion nobody thought that was a number that was I mean you could go back four years nobody thought a number like that would be possible it's crazy it's like it's just horrible actually but uh yeah we're two trillion and I view it as profit and loss to a certain extent a lot of people say oh it's trade you know you have many people say trade deficits don't matter I think they matter a lot I think they matter a lot a lot uh we're going to have tremendous growth this what I'm talking about is all about growth the tax is relatively minor compared to the growth we're going to make our money back on growth we're going to also I mean we're going to grow like nobody's ever grown before I think if this all works out you're gonna have the Auto industry come back to America right now China is building two Auto factories in Mexico massive Auto factories and they think they're going to make their cars in Mexico and send them back into the United States with no ta it's not going to happen under this Administration it's going to happen and they wanted to do that during my Administration I said if you do it we're going to put a 200% tariff on every car and you'll never be able to see it there will never be one car coming across our border and if I would have let them do it we would have had these two factories well now they're building massive factories more than two and they're going to kill Detroit and the head of the Union the United Auto Workers in Detroit has done a terrible terrible job just a terrible job but we're going to bring tremendous growth back and remember we're also taking in a certain percentage I won't name the percentage today but it'll be a certain tariff percentage which will be higher than people had heard in the past and we will be bringing in billions and billions of dollars which will directly reduce our deficits okay thank you very much good job you've done by the way very good thank you and the final question RMA is to you thank you thank you um president Trump you you talked about how the increase in the price of food gas and rent is hurting families but the real cost that's breaking families backs and preventing women from participating in the workforce is Child Care Child Care is now more expensive than rent for working families and is costing the economy more than $122 billion doar a year making it one of the most urgent economic issues that is facing our country in fact the cost of child care is outpacing the cost of inflation with the majority of American families of young children spending more than 20% of their income on child care one thing that Democrats and Republicans have in common is that both parties talk a lot about what they're going to do to address the child care crisis but neither party has delivered meaningful change if you win in November can you commit to prioritizing legislation to make childcare affordable and if what specific piece legislation will you advance well I would do that and we're sitting down you know I was uh somebody we had Senator Marco Rubio and my daughter Ivanka was so uh impactful on that issue it's a very important issue but I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I'm talking about that because look Child Care is child care couldn't you know there's something you have to have it in this country you have to have it but when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that I'm talking about by taxing foreign Nations at levels that they're not used to but they'll get used to it very quickly and it's not going to stop them from doing business with us but they'll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country uh those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we're talking about including child care that it's going to take care we're going to have I I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time L with the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country because I have to stay with child care I want to stay with child care but those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I'm talking about including growth but growth also headed up by what the plan is that I just uh that I just told you about we're going to be getting trillions of dollars and as much as child care uh is talked about as being expensive it's relatively speaking not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers we'll be taken in we're going to make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people and then we'll worry about the rest of the world let's help other people but we're going to take care of our country first this is about America first it's about make America great again we have to do it because right now we're a failing Nation so we'll take care of it thank you very good question thank you thank you thank you very much Mr Trump um it's great that you accepted our invitation to be with us today thank you Raj sander John and rashma for your questions uh the president is now going to be leaving the building and so we want to all stay seated while he and his team leave but as he leaves let's all say thank you one more time for him accepting our invitation to be here today than you thank you all e economic advisor Kevin hasset Ambassador Robert lighthiser horrific person former secretary Wilber Ross former treasury secretary Steve minuchin former SEC chairman J Clayton Ambassador Woody Johnson Senior advisor Steven Miller my friends and respected Business Leaders all John Paulson Jamie Diamond Steve whov Steve schwarzman Scott besset Jeff spren Richard CTS former head of the World Bank David Malpass and the two coach years of my presidential transition team that are being inundated with phone calls and requests Linda McMahon and Howard lck thank [Applause] you as We Gather today we have an econ an economic disaster on our hands have an economy and crisis a failing nation and nation in serious decline under the radical policies of my former opponent Joe Biden and my new opponent kamla Harris 1.3 million workers have become unemployed in the past 12 months I don't know if anybody knows that the typical American family has lost over $28,000 due to rampant and record setting inflation credit card debt has reached the highest in history with more than one in three Americans reporting they have maxed that out their credit cards it maxed out families now need to earn an estimated $110,000 a year to afford a typical home meaning 65% of households are locked out of buy just an ordinary house gasoline prices grocery prices electricity pric e e baross former treasury secretary Steve minuchin former SEC chairman Jay Clayton Ambassador Woody Johnson Senior advisor Steven Miller my friends and respected Business Leaders all John Paulson Jamie Diamond Steve whov Steve schwarzman Scott besset Jeff spren Richard Curts former head of the World Bank David Malpass and the two co-chairs of my presidential transition team that are being inundated with phone calls and requests Linda mcmah and Howard lutnick thank you As We Gather today we have an econ an economic disaster on our hands if an economy in crisis a failing nation and nation in serious decline under the radical policies of my former opponent Joe Biden and my new opponent kamla Harris 1.3 million workers have become unemployed in the past 12 months I don't know if anybody knows that the typical American family has lost over $28,000 due to rampant and record setting inflation credit card debt has reached the highest in history with more than one in three Americans reporting they have maxed out their credit cards it maxed out families now need to earn an estimated $110,000 a year to afford a typical home meaning 65% of hous are locked out of buy just an ordinary house gasoline prices grocery prices electricity prices virtually everything else are up 30 to 100% since I left office 8.4 million Americans are now working second jobs the highest in more than 30 years the real wages of africanamerican workers are down by over six% short period of time the real incomes from Hispanic men are down 6.6% or $3,600 per year and on top of that African-Americans and Hispanic American jobs are under massive threat from The Invasion taking place at our border they're taking the jobs of Hispanic Americans African Americans and nobody talks about it but I won't let it happen yet after presiding over the border the worst in history for any country there's never been a border like this 21 million people we project this total economic catastrophe the borders are kamla Harris has now been slotted in by the Democrats to be reelected she wants four more years to enforce a radical left agenda that poses a fundamental threat to the prosperity of every American family and America itself and we're talking about America itself she wants to defund the police have totally open borders ban fracking in Pennsylvania and everywhere else take away your private health insurance and perhaps most pertinent to the very brilliant people in this room raise your business and corporate taxes and unbelievably she will seek a tax on unrealized capital gains most people don't even know what that means what does it mean she has been after all of this for years and as everyone knows she's a Marxist who destroyed almost single-handedly San Francisco and when she was the AG California itself not the same place people are leaving they're fleeing like they are in New York she'll seek out and she will try and get those things if she's elected and she may very well succeed in getting them she recently said her values have not changed and these have really been her values for her entire career her values haven't changed that's what she wants once so she told the truth we are not going to let this happen communism is the past freedom is the future and it is time to send comrade Camala Harris back home to California where crime is rampant and fleeing is the number one occupation I'm here today to lay out my plan to rescue our country from this nightmare and to bring back to its citizens the American dream bigger better and stronger than ever before eight years ago I came before you as a candidate for president and shared my vision to end the stagnation and return to Rapid growth it's what we did as president I am very proud to say that we accomplished something that nobody thought that was even possible before the pandemic real median household income Rose by $7,695 and even after the pandemic annual incomes were up $6,400 the average American household saw a $197,000 increase in real net worth in 48 months for the bottom 50% of households average wealth more than doubled increasing by 121% low income people benefited the most after 12 years of decline we added nearly 7 million new homeowners never happened before and in three years we created 7 million new jobs 260% more then projected when I took office when I took office they said you couldn't hit those projections and we were 260% higher than what we said we could do from the day I won to the day I left the SNP 500 increased by 80% and we did it all with virtually no inflation we had virtually no inflation think of that who could believe that I delivered the largest tax cuts and reform in American history by far slashing rates for working families and cutting the business tax from the highest in the world we had the highest in the world 35% and actually when you add local and State numbers that were close getting close to 50 but much much higher nobody's ever seen we brought it all the way down to 21% which everybody said was impossible to do and I heard it from everyone they said you'll never be able to do that and I got it down to 21% I cut a record number of job killing regulations in four years we cut more R than any president in the history of our country by far I'm proud to be president modern history to achieve a net regulatory reduction during my term and it was a substantial reduction and for every regulation we added we cut more than 5.5 regulations we unleashed American Energy and within we had increased domestic oil production by 40 7% and we were just getting started the price of gasoline was $187 a gallon doesn't that sound good right now we negotiated and renegotiated more than 50 trade agreements with other countries that were taking advantage of us as they all do to protect the American worker and to open foreign markets and we did a great job I ended NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made in the history of our country and replaced it with the usmca perhaps the best trade deal ever made in history that's Mexico and Canada I stood up to China like no one else before me no one came even close and I saved the US Auto industry from obliteration with a 27.5% tariff on all Chinese cars that remains in place to this day they want to take it off but they can't because number one it's too much money and number two we would be invaded by Chinese cars on top of the other invasions that are taking place without it our Auto industry would be dead and now I am going further we will bring our autom industry to the record levels of 37 years ago and we'll be able to do it very quickly through tariffs and other smart use of certain things things that we have that other countries don't for four straight years I fought for American workers like I would fight for my own family I took care of our economy like I would take care of my own company in every decision I asked will I create jobs here or will I be sending jobs overseas will it make America richer and stronger or will it make our country weaker and poorer I always put America First every single time and when our country was hit by the China virus we saved the economy We rescued tens of millions of jobs and after Co I handed comma and Joe the fastest and strongest recovery ever recorded nothing even close with 1.4% inflation the 30-year mortgage rate was at 2.4% and the highest stock Market in history this is despite the pandemic to date I handed them back the highest stock market to date after having just suffered with the rest of the world a pandemic the likes of which nobody had ever seen before we did an incredible job and remember far more people died of covid under Biden Harris than under President Trump many many more people we delivered an economic miracle which Ken Joe turned into an economic disaster just like they turned the border and indeed the whole world into a catastrophic surrender starting on day one kamla launched a war on American Energy and orchestrated a nation wrecking border Invasion with illegal a aliens pouring in from countries all over the world they came in from countries that nobody ever heard the name of that country those countries from their prisons and jails there is a difference from mental institutions and insane asylums as well as record numbers of terrorists human traffickers and sex traffickers numbers that we've never seen before taking place over the last three and a half years then Cala cast the deciding vote on trillions of dollars in wasteful spending which together with their terrible energy policies gave us the worst inflation perhaps in the history of our country nearly two-thirds of the jobs created under the Harris Biden administration were bounceback jobs bounceback they were bounceback jobs that I handed them from before the pandemic this happens with pandemics you have bounceback jobs the pandemic make comes and it goes and those people go back to their jobs and just last week Joe Biden admitted that on social media I don't know if he knew what he admitted but that's what it said I wonder who drew it perhaps that person is no longer employed by the Democrats but right now it's even worse than that under Camala Harris's policies 3 million workers are now missing from the job for compared to 20 23 million workers that's a lot over half a million fewer people have full-time jobs today than just one year ago and 100% of the net job creation in the past year has gone to Illegal migrants think of that 100% of the jobs created under this Administration has gone to a legal Mig ANS that came into our country Joe Biden and kamla Harris formed the worst presidency and vice presidency by far in the history of our country this election will decide whether we reward kamla Harris with re-election and four more years of crime economic Calamity and international humiliation or whether we change that direction and once again build the greatest economy in the history of the world World which we had during the Trump Administration kamla Harris is the first major party nominee in American history who fundamentally rejects freedom and Embraces Marxism communism and fascism you're learning about this you'll find out nobody knew who she was just a few months ago they didn't know who she was she's promising communist price controls wealth confiscation energy Annihilation reparations the largest tax increase ever imposed and mass amnesty and citizenship for tens of millions of migrants who will consume trillions of dollars and federal benefits and Destroy Social Security and Medicare they will be destroyed they're already putting them into your Social Security and Medicare roles I am promised low taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates secure borders low low low crime and surging incomes for citizens of every race religion color and Creed my plan will rapidly defeat inflation quickly bring down prices and reignite explosive economic growth kamla Harris will take more money out of American Pockets my plan will leave the typical family with many thousands of dollars more than they have right now first I will end kamla Harris's anti-energy Crusade and Implement a policy of energy abundance energy Independence and even energy dominance we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than any other country including Russia and Saudi Arabia be using it my plan will cut Energy prices in half or more than that within 12 months of taking office it will be an economic Revival of our country like no one has ever seen before energy was what caused our problem initially energy is going to bring us back that means we're going down and getting gasoline below $2 a gallon bring down the price of everything from electricity rates to groceries air fars and housing costs that's why OPEC and the Arab Nations and we're very honored to have some of my friends here with us today from that part of the world but they're working very hard despite being here that I not be your president they don't like me meanwhile Harris can't bring down the price of anything because her energy policies are driving up the cost of everything everything is up way up starting on day one Harris and Biden opened up the Russian Pipeline called nordstream 2 which nobody have ever heard of until I got involved and said what about nordstream two and nobody knew what I was talking about largest pipeline in the world Russian Pipeline but I had it closed it was shut down Putin was not happy we shut it down they came along and the Keystone Exel pipeline was shut down by them so they shut down the Keystone and they immediately gave Russia the right to start rebuilding the nordstream 2 the biggest pipeline you've ever seen we re-entered the horribly unfair to the United States through through them when they came back Paris climate Accord so unfair to us we paid trillions of dollars other countries pay nothing as soon as he came back he went back into it I got us out of it and reduced the area of the federal lands available for drilling by 80% did that if I was President oil production today would be four times higher than it is right now would have been four four times higher right now we'd be doing four times as much and remember we had anoir perhaps the largest drilling site in the world in Alaska which everybody wanted to get approved but they weren't able to do it Ronald Reagan fought so hard to get anoir he couldn't do it and it was easier in those days than it is today with all of the environmental concerns but they came in and their first few days in office they terminated andir amazing L biggest drilling site we think in the world bigger than Saudi Arabia bigger than Texas we got it and they terminated it under the EPA so-called power plant rule more than 50 power plants have been shut down since she took office and virtually all Coal Fired power plants would be shuttered in the next couple of years setting the stage for a catastrophic energy shortfall which we already have that will make inflation far worse than it has ever been they want to close down our power plants and we don't have power already to address this dire energy crisis that Camala and Joe have created I will immediately issue a National Emergency declaration to achieve massive increase in domestic energy Supply what you're going to need electricity is desperately needed for ai ai controversial but we got to be the top of it and we would need hard to believe twice the electricity that we currently have right now for everything in order to be dominant and China is already building Mass electricity producing plants we haven't even thought about it we will think about it and I'll get it done on an emergency basis so we'll be the leader in Ai and every other form of Technology with these sweeping authorities We Will Blast through every bureaucratic hurdle to issue rapid approvals for new drilling new pipelines new refineries new power plants new electric plants and reactors of all types prices will fall immediately in anticipation of this tremendous Supply that we can create rather quickly and will be the leader instead of the lagard second to further defeat inflation my plan will terminate the green New Deal which I call the green new scam greatest scam in history probably a 10 trillion doll scam that we waste we throw like throwing money right out the window window it actually sets us back as opposed to moves us forward and we send all unspent funds under the misnamed inflation reduction act which the Democrats agreed after it was approved that it wasn't for that purpose it was for other purposes like giveaways comma spent $7.5 billion to build eight charging stations think of a charging station like a fuel pump with electricity coming out of it eight charging stations in the Midwest for electric vehicles cost billions and billions of dollars 7.5 billion they think but the cost are still going and three of them don't work and never will probably other than that it's worked out quite well I will end the electric vehicle mandate stop the appalling waste and save taxpayers an estimated trillion dollar third I will launch a historic campaign to liberate our economy from crippling regulation my first term I pledged to cut two old regulations for every one new regulation and we did much better than that as I've said yet over the past four years kamla has added $6,300 a year in regulatory costs onto the backs of the typical American family they think of that to stop this Onslaught at lower prices I'm pledging today that in my second term we will eliminate a minimum of 10 old regulations for every one new regulation we'll be able to do that quite easily actually and instead of attacking industries of the future we will embrace them including making America the world capital for crypto and Bitcoin [Applause] fourth at the suggestion of Elon Musk who has given me his complete and total endorsement that's nice smart guy he knows what he's doing he knows what he's doing it's very very much appreciated I will create a government efficiency commission task with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and making recommendations for drastic reforms need to do it can't go on the way we are [Applause] now and Elon because he's not very busy has agreed to head that task force be interesting if he has the time that' be a good one to do it but he's agreed to do it in 2022 fraud and improper payments alone cost taxpayers an estimated hundreds of billions of dollars as the first order of business this commission will develop an action plan plan to totally eliminate fraud and improper payments within 6 months this will save trillions of dollars trillions it's massive for the same service that you have right now trillions of dollars is wasted and gone and nobody knows where it went further taming inflation and bringing prices way down the fifth pillar of my plan is to make the Trump tax cuts permanent they are massive tax cuts biggest ever permanent and to cut taxes even more and we will have no tax on tips something which they copied four weeks after I said it she got up said no tax on tips I said I just said that she is actually copying a lot of my plan in fact we're going to send her a Maga cap sometime in the next week we're having a special one made [Applause] but we also know she doesn't mean it she's going to stick with what her whole life has been about and also no tax on Social Security benefits people in Social Security have been wiped out by inflation and now on top of it we tax their benefits we're not going to tax their benefits we have so many different ways of making so much money this country the potential is is so incredible we don't have to take it away from people on Social Security we're not going to do that we're going to save Social Security she's going to destroy Social Security under the Trump Administration we Pro that targeted tax cuts do not increase the deficit they reduce the deficit by growing the economy and raising revenue after we gave the massive tax cuts we took in the following year with a much lower rate billions and billions of dollars more than we did the previous year with a high rate think of that so with a much lower rate we took in more money because people were incentivized corporate tax revenues are 31% higher today than before my tax law was signed with all of those cuts 31% higher to further support the Revival of American manufacturing my plan calls for expanded R&D tax credits 100% bonus depreciation expensing for new manufacturing Investments and a reduction in the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% solely for companies that make their product in [Applause] America you have to make your product in America if you Outsource offshore or replace American workers you're not eligible for any of these benefits in fact you will pay a very substantial tar that comes in from another country that's made in another country and comes in there'll be a big tariff on that product because we want to make our our Goods in America and most of them we can my message is simple make your product here in America and only in America we are not going to be taken advantage of anymore just as we made great inroads and progress four years ago we made tremendous inroads on this subject we're not going to watch our wealth and jobs get ripped away from us and sent to foreign countries which is what's been happening for many many decades with us China was built on doing exactly what we're going to be doing and what I started doing four years ago what we're putting forward is the most pro-american manufacturing and jobs policy in modern history for any country this plan will bring jobs and growth into our country at levels never seen before every business on Earth will flock to America from Europe Asia the Middle East and all over the world by contrast comrade kamla Harris wants to sacrifice our wealth kill the economy and drive jobs overseas to punish businesses more businesses will leave they'll leave America their International companies they report to their shareholders and they will leave America if her plan even in a small form comes to the four her tax plan which includes the promise to end the Trump tax cuts which Again by itself would be a massive tax increase would increase taxes by over five trillion dollars a record many times over it would result in the largest small business tax hike in history massively raising taxes on 25 million small business people and raising small business tax rates to 43% and higher in other words 20% higher than communist China Kamala is also vowing to raise the corporate tax rate from 21 to 28% we're bringing it down to 15% but she really is looking to raise it to 40 45 or even 50% you know that all you have to do is follow her past path radically raise capital gains tax rate which he wants to do and they don't even want to give a number and for the first time ever impose a 25% tax on unrealized capital gain so if you happen to have a lot of wealth but no cash you're a lot of trouble this will lead America into a 1929 depression and it will be a depression and a territory that we have not seen for a long time there's a gentleman that happens to believe that Scott these policies especially the tax on unrealized capital gains would decimate the US economy companies and Innovation would flee from America to other countries Venture Capital markets would disappear the stock market would be annihilated and investors assess the tax liabilities of large shareholders the seniors and Senior pensions would totally go up in smoke that'd be worthless these are not the policies designed to create a prosperous America these are policies to turn the United States into Venezuela on steroids even if for this reason alone kamla Harris must be defeated decisively this November has to be defeated cannot have her be the president of the United States under comma the United States is becoming a third world Banana Republic she and her party are censoring speech weaponizing the justice system and trying to throw their political opponents me in jail this hasn't happened I didn't do that to Crooked Hillary I said that would be a terrible thing wouldn't it putting the wife of the president of the United States in in jail but they view it differently I guess nowadays but that's okay and they always have to remember that two can play the game nobody ever thought this was possible this is how you create massive Capital flight and turn once prosperous Nations into absolute ruins I will have no higher priority as president than to restore the fair equal and impartial rule of law in America we have lost the rule of law who would have [Applause] thought number six under my leadership America will encourage domestic production instead of punishing it as you know our country's vast manufacturing wealth was created at a time with very little domestic taxation few regulations and most Revenue came from tariffs from other countries that was when we were at the wealth EST ever proportionately we were the wealthiest country ever during those days that was before income tax came along now we foolishly do the opposite we impose lower tariffs and no tariffs on foreign producers we have the lowest tariffs of any nation in the world and we relentlessly punish our own companies for doing business in America you do business in America you're punished tremendously I had many many companies come to me sir I can't compete they're sending kitchen cabinets washers and dryers everything that I can tell you every motorcycles they sending them here sir we can't compete and I made it so they could compete and Thrive every one of those people we should get them up and talk to you one day because every one of those people comes up to me and every time I see them they hug me they kiss me they love me because I save their businesses I intend to reverse this model and once again turn America into the manufacturing superpower of the world we can do that just with being intelligent the key to this effort will be a pro-american trade policy that uses tariffs to encourage production here and bring trillions and trillions of dollars back home and you know what we deserve we've been helping other countries get rich at our expense for the last 50 years we've been pouring our money into other countries getting nothing nothing for it we protect them militarily we do so much for them we get nothing my plan is that if you open your factory in Wisconsin Pennsylvania Michigan Minnesota anywhere else in our country you don't pay a tariff tax you don't pay a tax you can make the product here but if you move move your production outside of the United States and send it back here which people are doing now and I stopped it I stopped at cold but they've changed that already then you have to pay a very substantial tariff to get your product back into the country the result will be that everybody in the world will want to be here and they want to produce here they're going to want to produce their product in America it's going to say made in the USA we will be able to build ships again we will be able to build planes again we will be able to build our military again from within all from within we will create the biggest greatest and strongest middle class in the history of our country we will have tens of millions of high-paying jobs and Manufacturing Transportation defense as well as all of the sales and support of export jobs our Auto industry will be the biggest beneficiary in short it will be a National Economic Renaissance just by using our heads by being smart by not letting other countries take advantage of us they've been doing it for so long it's so sad to see and I know them all and they laugh at us behind our back they can't believe how stupid our leadership has been for so many years we will ensure that the United States has a giant steel industry an aluminum industry a Manufacturing base and a defense base we want a industrial base that can take care of our defense needs 100% And you can call it what you want some might say it's economic nationalism I call it common sense I call it America First this is the policy that built this country and this is the policy that will save our country in the words of a great but highly underrated President William McKinley highly underrated the protective tariff policy of the Republicans has been made and made the lives of our countrymen sweeter and brighter it's the best for our citizenship and our civilization and it opens up a higher and better Destiny for our people we have to take care of our own nation and her Industries first in other words take care of our country first this is when we had our greatest wealth he was assassinated and he left his group of people that followed him Teddy Roosevelt became a great president spending the money that was made by McKinley so McKinley got a bad deal on that one he built tremendous wealth they had the Tariff Act of 1887 and they had a committee that studied what are we going to do they had a big problem a problem like I hope to have with this country someday so much money was coming in from foreign countries that they didn't know how to spend it they had no idea so they set up a committee we'll set one up with the people in this room how do we distribute the wealth that we have and Roosevelt built dams and built rail roads and did National Parks but he did it with the money that was made with tariffs from McKinley so you have to remember that very highly underrated very underrated president let's give them both credit smart tariffs will not create inflation they will combat inflation I had almost no inflation and I had the highest tariffs that anyone's seen and they were going a lot higher foreign Nations will pay us hundreds of billions of dollars reducing the deficit and driving inflation down it'll largely reduce our deficit in my first term we imposed historic tariffs with no effect on consumer prices or inflation the anti-ar people many of them I believe honestly work for these other countries in some form get tremendous amounts of lobbying money and other money because it doesn't make sense what they're saying but we had no inflation and we had protection and I saved so many Industries I saved the steel industry but Biden and Harris are letting it go they're letting it go it's so easy to keep a combination of fair trade tax cuts regulatory cuts and energy abundance will allow us to produce more Goods better and cheaper right here in the USA than we've ever done before and foreign Nation will respect us again I got along great with foreign Nations and I taxed the hell out of them and they liked me maybe they respected me and Victor Orban a very strong man he's the prime minister of Hungary he said the only thing missing from the world right now is President Trump he kept the world safe because everybody was afraid of him I don't like that term but that's the term heed I would like to say respected him and respected our country but he didn't say that he said everybody was afraid of him he said China was afraid Russia was afraid they were all afraid Kim Jong-un I got along great with him and I try to explain to the fake news media that getting along with people foreign countries is a good thing not a bad thing it's a very good thing it's a smart thing we will require all all essential materials for our national security to be produced here in the United States creating millions and millions of new manufacturing jobs you know when we built the F-35 we have the wings built in one country we have the tail Rudders built in another country we have the seats built in another country we have the electronics built in seven different countries what the hell would we do if there's a war and we'll end up fighting half of those countries and we don't want to have a war because right now we're closer to World War III that we've ever been in our lives with Russia Ukraine which would have never happened if I was president with October 7th in Israel the whole Middle East is is blowing up would have never happened they would have never happened respectfully Iran was broke they had no money for Hamas they had no money for Hezbollah wouldn't have happened there would be peace in the Middle East and Iran would be a big beneficiary of that peace be good but all of these things that happened and inflation would have never happened and Afghanistan would have never happened the worst withdrawal in history I believe the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country in fact that's what caused President Putin to go into Ukraine when he looked at how incompetently that was handled he looked at it and he said man they're incompetent that was the most embarrassing day in the history of the United States of America aeroplanes taking off with many people sitting on the wings of the plane and the side of the plane and the wing and you see them dropping off the planes at 3,000 feet they thought it was their trip to Freedom there's never been anything like that and I think there's no greater embarrassment but by the way we lost 13 incredible soldiers I got to know the families very well spent a lot of time with them four days ago in Arlington Cemetery three years ago they were celebrating three years honoring their children and yeah that's right they call them their children they still call they always will call them their children they're gone and many of those people there should have never left from there they should have left from barram the Big Air Base but many of those people that were so badly hurt they don't talk about them no legs no arms obliteration of their face their entire body and nobody mentions that we left Americans behind large numbers we left $85 billion worth of equipment behind because we took our military out first a child would know you don't you take your military out last and just remember one final point on that because it's a little bit different from our subject but not really because it's all about our country and common sense but for 18 months I spoke to the leader of the Taliban the Press was very upset that I spoke to him his name is Abdul I said Abdul don't do this Abdul don't do this but why but why he said do you send me a picture of my home I said Abdul you're going to have to figure that one out for yourself but don't do this Abdu because it's G to end badly for you and for 18 months we didn't have one soldier shot at or killed in Afghanistan and then we took our soldiers out we had a very very disgraceful a disgraceful election and this group came in and they didn't know what the hell they were doing and they still don't they've gotten worse you know with experience you're supposed to get better they got worse they're worse now than they ever were and uh we're going to turn our country around we're going to become a major producer of rare earth minerals we're going to create jobs and making it really and US truly self-reliant Remember The Rare Earth where we have to go to China we have sites that are tied up with more than anybody else has said they're environmentally protected we have sites that are phenomenal everything you want in terms of rare earth and we can't use them because of Environmental Protection but we're going to end that very quickly as soon as I get to office we will make housing much more affordable as inflation is T aimed interest rates will dramatically fall they'll be down very very low we'll get them down we had them down to 2.4% and even lower than that for a period of time reducing mortgage rates is a big factor we're going to get them back down to we think 3% maybe even lower than that saving the average home buyer thousands of dollars per year they can now go out young people will be able to buy a home again and be a part of the American dream we will eliminate regulation that drive up housing costs with the goal of cutting the cost of a new home in half we think we can do that the regulations alone cost 30% regulation cost 30% of a new home and we will open up portions of federal land for large scale housing construction these zones will be ultra low tax and ultra low regulation one of the great really small business job creation programs it will be of all time we're going to open up our country to building homes inexpensively so young people and other people can buy homes can't buy them anymore millions of Americans will take part in setting these safe and beautiful communities Reviving The Frontier spirit and really as I said Reviving The American Dream It's about the American dream it's all about the American dream we don't talk about American dream with these people in our office they don't want to talk about the American dream because the they're the exact opposite they're the exact opposite we also cannot ignore the impact that the flood of 21 million illegal aliens has had on driving up housing costs that's why my plan will ban mortgages for illegal aliens in California they're passing a law where they're going to give Cal we're going to give illegal aliens money to buy a house but our soldiers our veterans that are laying on the streets they can't have them you have soldiers right now laying on the streets of different cities all Democrat run they're laying on the streets in front of hotels in some cases luxury hotels and you have illegal immigrants coming in and living in those hotels and laughing at our soldiers as they walk by into a luxury Lobby is there something wrong with that thinking is there something wrong with our country if Kamala is allowed to continue to let our country be invaded we will face a fiscal Armageddon these migrants are consuming hundreds of billions of dollars in benefits you saw in Colorado this week a group from Venezuela rough ones rough ones they took over large sections of a town large sections of an area of Colorado Aurora has anyone been there I think you'd better stay away for a little while they had AK-47s the ultimate guns AK-47s they can blow lots of people away real fast and the sheriff didn't want to touch him nobody wants to touch him Sheriff there's 18 Venezuelans attacking my building would you please come over and straighten out the situation he's got a deputy you know what they say uh well no thanks let's call in the military they're taking over and I said this four years ago when they when I realized they wanted open borders and it's happened it's happening now in Chicago they're taking over sections of Chicago what's happening in New York in Los Angeles and many other cities is not even describable they're tough they're tough and they're smart and they're vicious don't forget they come from the prisons and they're the bad criminals on the streets Caracus Venezuela has almost no crime next year I'm going to suggest that the economic Club hold its meeting in Caracus because we'll be safer than we are in our country if they win we'll be far safer but crime and Venezuela is down 72% because they've taken all of their criminals off the streets not all of them they still have some left but they're coming in rapidly by bus and by plane they're coming into our country and we're dumping them in our country and they say if you come back we will kill you and they're not going back we got them but they're going back if I'm president I guarantee you that they're going back fast and now come on wants to give them food stamps housing assistance welfare Medicaid Medicare Social Security and destroy all of those programs you will destroy those programs that is why I will ask Congress to pass legislation borrowing all taxpayer funded benefits to illegal aliens and by the way when you do that they won't come they're coming now because they realize they've never seen wealth like this they're getting things that they could never get they're coming for that reason if you stop that you'll have you'll be dropping the Flow by 80% I think that they're coming because they're taken care of they let's put them in a luxury let's put them in the Waldorf Historia that's a nice place I will stop The Invasion and send criminal illegal aliens back home and when we do all of this we will be so successful we'll create America's own Sovereign wealth fund to invest in great National Endeavors for the benefit of all of the American people why don't we have a wealth fund other countries have wealth funds we have nothing we have nothing we're gonna have a sovereign wealth fund or we can name it something different I'll talk about it with Mr Paulson who's in the audience and a lot of other friends of mine and we'll name it something that's appropriate perhaps Sovereign weal fund wouldn't be appropriate but it's going to be the same thing we'll put tremendous amounts of money through all this money that will take be taken in through tariffs and other intelligent things and we'll have the greatest Sovereign wealth fund of them all and we should have and that will be used to do things that will be great for our country including to invest and wisely invest and build it up bigger and stronger and better than any place on Earth we will build extraordinary National development projects and everything from highways to airports to Transportation infrastructure all of the future we'll be able to invest in state of-the-art manufacturing hubs Advanced defense capabilities Cutting Edge medical research and help save billions of dollars in preventing disease in the first place and I'm very honored to have been endorsed last week by Robert F Kennedy Jr that was a great endorsement and he's very much into helping people he's very much into helping people I've known him a long time that was a great uh that was a great thing when he did that that was not easy for a Kenedy to be endorsing a republican that was not easy but these are not Democrats these are radical left lunatics and you can't let them run your country we will invest in new and mod agricultural techniques so we can have safe healthy high quality foods for our families that's where Bobby is so interested Foods he says we're putting a lot of bad foods in our body you look at other countries which do far less and they're actually much healthier than we are this wealth fund will return a gigantic profit which will help pay down national debt we're going to work on national debt very strongly by the way we're going to have so much money coming in we're going to work on national debt we're close to $36 trillion right now we're going to work on getting it down and it is many of the people in this room who will be helping to advise and recommend Investments for this fund this is how we will end the era of inflation Mayhem and misery under Camala Harris the worst vice president in the history of our country and unleash a new era of safety prosperity success for our workers our families and our businesses and I've done it before we did a great job and now we really know our job well I know the smartest the best people we have the best people and have people that many in this room they know exactly what we want to do you know it's interesting having experience because I won an election I went to Washington I was only in Washington 17 times times I never stayed over that's according to the fake news but I think they're right but I got to know Washington well and I know the Smart Ones and the dumb ones I know the ones that can help make us great and the ones that can only take us into bad territory I got to know a lot of people probably as many as anybody at that level and we have incredible talent that we're going to be using that Talent we had some incredible Talent much of it sitting up here and sitting down here they did a great job one trade Bob ligh haser so many other people did such a great job we rebuilt our military we rebuilt our entire military did a great job we have great generals not the television generals not the generals that took us out of Afghanistan and 24 hours and left that horrible situation but we have great generals we defeated Isis it was supposed to take five years it took me four weeks four weeks our generals did a great job we have great people in our military and our military is not woke believe me you couldn't get these guys to be woke some of the guys on top are woke but those aren't the ones that are great so we're going to do things that we didn't do even the first time we had a great presidency we were there was an article written the other day that the Trump presidency was a great presidency With Victory on November 5th which will go down as the most important day in the history of our country inflation will be gone our energy will be Unleashed our economy will be set free our sovereignty will be restored our citizens will Thrive growth will come roaring back and America's future will be brighter than ever before so I want to thank you all this has been a lovely experience it was years ago that I was here we talked about what we were going to do and we did just about everything we said and uh if you'd like we'll take a few questions but thank you very much thank you thank you thank you very much and we're now moving as promised to the question and answer portion of the program our four very able questioners today are H rajen Cohen the senior chair of Sullivan and Cromwell sander Gerber founding and managing partner CEO and CIA of Hudson Bay Capital Mr John Paulson founder of Paulson and Company and rushma S johnni founder and CEO of girls who code and moms first we're going to go in alphabetical order and therefore Raj you have the first question thank you Bob and thank you Mr President thank you I would like to ask about the United States economic sanctions programs these programs have been used as you well know to advance our national security interests our foreign policy objectives but they also have economic implications and the most recent was the program against Russia in response to the Ukrainian their invasion of Ukraine where for once we got the support of all our allies so my specific question is would you strengthen or modify any of these economic sanctions programs particularly Russia including the pipeline you mentioned oh it's a great question the problem with what we have with sanctions and I was a user of sanctions but I put them on and take them off as quickly as possible because ultimately it kills your dollar and it kills everything the dollar represents and we have to continue to have that be the world currency I think it's important I think would be losing a war if we lost if we lost the dollar as a as the world currency I think that would be the equivalent of losing a war that would make us a third world country and we can't let it happen so I use sanctions very powerfully against countries that deserve it and then I take them off because look you're losing Iran you're losing Russia China is out there trying to get their currency to be the dominant currency as you know better than anybody all of these things are happening you're losing so many countries because there's so much conflict with all of these countries that you're going to lose that and we can't lose that so I want to use sanctions as little as possible one of the things that we have with tariffs is that I'll say to them you don't honor the dollar as your world currency is that right you're not going to do it no we're not I said that's okay I'm going to put tariffs all over your product and they're going to say Sir we'd love to honor the dollar as the world currency you know you know tariffs in addition to monetary and the money that we'll take in which will be bigger than you've ever seen in this country before gives you tremendous political power for something like that as an example I stopped Wars with the threat of tariffs I stopped Wars with two countries that uh mattered a lot a lot of people would have been killed and I threaten tariffs coming into the United States if they don't make peace and we made a lot of we didn't have conflicts like you have right now we had very intelligent people but the biggest threat you have is you lose that currency and we have lost something that you'll never get back and we can keep it if we're smart but they use it too much and then they just forget about it and these countries like Russia it's going out now and doing its own thing and you know they're going out bragging about how they don't need us anymore etc etc uh the sad part about Russia is that Ukraine would have never happened if I was President so we wouldn't really have to be talking about sanctions but uh it did happen and one of the things I'm going to do a little bit relevant to your question is if we win I believe I can settle that war while I'm President elect before I ever get into office I can get that War settled and get that war stopped because it's a horrible horrible war and far more people are killed in Ukraine far more people people than you're realizing they'll knock down this massive building amazing the size of these buildings they'll knock it down they'll say nobody was injured no a lot of people were killed the real numbers are far greater than what people are are looking at so I think it's a very important thing uh sanctions have to be used very judiciously and you can win we have things much more powerful actually than sanctions we have trade but we cannot lose our dollar standard very important thank you very much great sander uh thank you Mr President for all the details on your Economic Policy um as you alluded to tariffs are the other side of sanctions and given that China is our major trading partner with our largest imbalance and possibly our chief uh Security National Security threat to the United States how can we better institutionalize trade policy and national security policy to be coordinated so I had a great relationship with presidency of China really very close relationship uh now look he likes China I like us so but I don't want to sound foolish he was my dear dear friend he's a tough guy he's a fierce person I say very smart you know when you say he's smart the fake news goes crazy he said president she is smart and I say you well he controls 1.4 billion people with an iron fist he's smart but we had a very good relationship with China until Co and when that came came in it was a whole different ball game as far as I was concerned you know we made a Great China trade deal maybe better than the usmca and I'd never talk about it because what happened with covid for the whole world $60 trillion dollars and you know deaths 70 million 60 nobody even knows how many deaths and it all came out of Wuhan so it changed my relationship but I think I'll have a great relationship with China I had one before and they respected us but they respected us because they no longer thought we were fools they used to think we were fools because we built China they would take over 500 billion dollar a year and use it for the military and other things and we got nothing out of that we got some cheap product we got you can buy 19 pencils instead of two who the hell cares you can buy $1 dolls for your daughter instead of two nice dolls and we got very little out of that relationship they got a tremendous mil milary power and they still have it today so uh but I believe we will have a very good relationship with China and with a lot of other countries that we're not getting along with too well today and uh things are going to straighten out we're going to get them straighten out very quickly very important that we get along with the rest of the world you know we have things today called nuclear weapons I rebuilt our whole military including our nuclear capability and so I got very familiar with it and uh you I I say this often because I had an uncle who was the longest serving I believe the longest serving I was told that by MIT but he was there 39 I guess or 41 years longest serving professor in the history of MIT and nuclear was something he knew a lot about and we used to talk about it I'd say uncle John there's no way he was telling me about this incredible power that was being Unleashed potentially and I say Uncle John you could never and you know what he was very modest because I've seen the destructive capability and this world is going to have to get along because if that's ever Unleashed we already have too many countries that have at least remnants of it with some of it but probably five countries if you think and Kim Jong-un when when I was went to the White House after winning in 2016 I sat with President Obama which is a ritual and you sit and you talk and I said what's the biggest problem he said North Korea is the biggest problem I don't think it's solvable I said have you tried calling him or talking to him and actually the answer was yes and he wasn't responded to but I did and we were very safe it started off a little rocky if you remember Little Rocket Man I called him and he called me things too he's got a red button on his desk I said I have a bigger red button and my red button works I said and then it started getting a little nicer and then one day I got a call that they'd like to meet and it was a great thing we had a great meeting we had two meetings actually two great meetings Summits and we had no problem with them now they have a problem because they're not liking this Administration they don't respect this administration at all so we have to get along we have to get along we can't have World War II you're going to end up in World War II just like you you should have never had Russia go in it would have never happened if a competent person L us it would have never happened he led them into it and I'm not blaming Biden but you know what what he was saying was exactly the wrong thing they said we're going to have an invasion because of a lot of the retoric it was stupid rhetoric but it would have never happened not only for that reason oil was down low you know oil was almost at $100 a barrel so Putin is one of the only people I mean it's nothing's easy in life but Putin at $100 a barrel War works at $40 a barrel it didn't work at all so we're going to get back to a intelligently Run Place a place where other countries aren't using the word nuclear that word was never talked about during my because I knew the power of it and I talked to Putin about it I talked to president shei about it I think we were going to do you remember the talk where we were going to uh reduce nuclear capability substantially all three of us we're going to start it we're going to reduce very substantially and then we had the election and after the election they didn't talk about that or anything else frankly but uh we have to be very very careful because the destructive capability of nuclear when people talk about global warming I say the ocean is going to go down 100th of an inch within the next 400 years that's not a problem problem is nuclear warming and we better be smart and we better have smart people at the top that know how to deal because these people don't know how to deal Putin came out today he endorsed Kamala and I didn't know was I supposed to call him up and say thank you very much I appreciate it but he endured Kamala I have a feeling I don't know I don't I don't know exactly what to say about that I don't know if I'm insulted or he did me a favor but we have to get along with the world we can't have War because the destructive capability you can be the head of the biggest bank wherever the hell Jamie is sitting you can be the head of the biggest bank in the world and a couple of nukes and your bank doesn't mean a thing you gotta get along this is such an important job it's a dangerous job too very d dangerous job if you look it statistically being president is very dangerous that that throbbing feeling I have oh that throbbing feeling no it's a very dangerous job and uh you have to do it right and if you don't do it right bad things will happen to the world things like you've never seen before okay thank you very much thank you [Applause] um John Paulson behind me to your right Mr President I got uh first first let me thank you for your presentation today uh president Trump in the last fiscal year the fiscal deficit under the Biden Administration was approximately two trillion under the policies you've announced the deficit would come down from items such as increased revenues from tariffs as well as eliminating and the the tax incentives uh for the green New Deal uh these gains would be mitigated by decreases in revenues from policies such as no tax on tips overall what do you estimate will be the impact of the fiscal deficit from your policies well we just hit record highs at numbers that nobody ever thought possible you right it's over $2 trillion dollar nobody thought that was a number that was I mean you could go back four years nobody thought a number like that would be possible it's crazy it's like it's just horrible actually but uh yeah we're two trillion and I view it as profit and loss to a certain extent a lot of people say oh it's trade you know you have many people say trade deficits don't matter I think they matter a lot I think they matter a lot uh we're gonna have tremendous growth this what I'm talking about is all about growth the tax is relatively minor compared to the growth we're going to make money back on growth we're going to also I mean we're going to grow like nobody's ever grown before I think if this all works out you're going to have the Auto industry come back to America right now China is building two Auto factories in Mexico massive Auto factories and they think they're going to make their cars in Mexico and send them back into the United States with no tax it's not going to happen under this Administration is going to happen and they wanted to do that during my Administration I said if you do it we're going to put a 200% % tariff on every car and you'll never be able to see it there will never be one car coming across our border and if I would have let them do it we would have had these two factories well now they're building massive factories more than two and they're going to kill Detroit and the head of the Union the United Auto Workers in Detroit has done a terrible terrible job just a terrible job but we're going to bring tremendous growth back and remember we're also taking in a certain percentage I won't name the percentage today but it'll be a certain tariff percentage which will be higher than people had heard in the past and we will be bringing in billions and billions of dollars which will directly reduce our deficits okay thank you very much good job you've done by the way very good thank you and the final question RMA is to you thank you um president Trump you you talked about how the increase in the price of food gas and rent is hurting families but the real cost that's breaking families backs and preventing women from participating in the workforce is Child Care Child Care is now more expensive than rent for working families and is costing the economy more than $122 billion dollar a year making it one of the most urgent economic issues that is facing our country in fact the cost of child care is outpacing the cost of inflation with the majority of American families of young children spending more than 20% of their income on child care one thing that Democrats and Republicans have in common is that both parties talk a lot about what they're going to do to address the child care crisis but neither party has delivered meaningful change if you win in November can you commit to prioritizing legislation make Child Care affordable and if what specific piece legislation will you advance well I would do that and we're sitting down you know I was uh some we had Senator Marco Rubio and my daughter Ivanka was so uh impactful on that issue it's a very important issue but I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I'm talking about that because look Child Care is child care couldn't you know there's something you have to have it in this country you have to have it but when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that I'm talking about by taxing foreign Nations at levels that they're not used to but they'll get used to it very quickly and it's not going to stop them from doing business with us but they'll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country uh those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we're talking about including child care that it's going to take care we're going to have I I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time coupled with uh the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country because I have to stay with childcare I want to stay with chare but those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I'm talking about including growth but growth also headed up by what the plan is that I just uh that I just told you about we're going to be getting trillions of dollars and as much as child care uh is talked about as being expensive it's relatively speaking not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers will be taken and we're going to make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people and then we'll worry about the rest of the world let's help other people but we're going to take care of our country first this is about America first it's about make America great again we have to do it because right now we're a failing Nation so we'll take care of it thank you very good question thank you thank you thank you very much Mr Trump um it's great that you accepted our invitation to be with us today thank you Raj sander John and RMA for your question questions uh the president is now going to be leaving the building and so we want to all stay seated while he and his team leave but as he leaves let's all say thank you one more time for him accepting our invitation to be here today [Applause] thank you all economic advisers Kevin hasset Ambassador Ambassador Robert lighthiser terrific person former secretary Wilber Ross former treasury secretary Steve [Music] minuchin former SEC chairman J Clayton Ambassador Woody Johnson Senior advisor Steven Miller my friends and respected Business Leaders all John Paul Jamie Diamond Steve Whit Steve schwarzman Scott besset Jeff sper Richard CTS former head of the World Bank David mass and the two co-chairs of my presidential transition team that are being inundated with phone calls and requests Linda McMahon and Howard lutnick thank [Applause] As We Gather today we have an an economic disaster on our hands have an economy in crisis a failing Nation a nation in serious decline under the radical policies of my former opponent Joe Biden and my new opponent kamla Harris 1.3 million workers that become unemployed in the past 12 months I don't know if anybody knows that the typical American family has lost over $28,000 due to rampant and record setting inflation credit card debt has reached the highest in history with more than one in three Americans reporting they have maxed out their credit cards they've maxed out families now need to earn an estimated $110,000 a year to afford a typical home meaning 65% of households are locked out of buying just an ordinary house gasoline prices grocery prices electricity prices morgage virtually everything else are up 30 to 100% since I left office 8.4 million Americans are now working second jobs the highest in more than 30 years the real wages of africanamerican workers are down by over six% short period of time the real incomes from Hispanic men are down 6.6% or $3,600 per year and on top of that African-Americans and Hispanic American jobs are under massive threat from The Invasion taking place at our border they're taking the jobs of Hispanic Americans African Americans and nobody talks about it but I won't let it happen yet after presiding over the border the worst in history for any country there's never been a border like this 21 million people we project this total economic catastrophe the borders are Kamala Harris has now been slotted in by the Democrats to be reelected she wants four more years to enforce a radical left agenda that poses a fundamental threat to the prosperity of every American family and America itself and we're talking about America itself she wants to defund the police have totally open borders ban fracking in Pennsylvania and everywhere else take away your private health insurance and perhaps most part to the very brilliant people in this room raise your business and corporate taxes and unbelievably she will seek a tax on unrealized capital gains most people don't even know what that means what does it mean she has been after all of this for years and as everyone knows is a Marxist who destroyed almost single-handedly s Francisco and when she was the AG California itself not the same place people are leaving they're fleeing like they are in New York she'll seek out and she will try and get those things if she's elected and she may very well succeed in getting them she recently said her values have not changed and these have really been her values for her entire career her values haven't changed that's what she wants so she told the truth we are not going to let this happen communism is the past freedom is the future and it is time to send comrade Cala Harris back home to California where crime is rampant and fleeing is the number one occupation I'm here today to lay out my plan to rescue our country from this nightmare and to bring back to its citizens the American dream bigger better and stronger than ever before 8 years ago I came before you as a candidate for president and shared my vision to end the stagnation and return to Rapid growth it's what we did as president I am very proud to say that we accomplished something that nobody thought that was even possible before the pandemic real median household income Rose by $7,695 and even after the pandemic annual incomes were up $6,400 the average American household saw $197,000 increase in real net worth in 48 months for the bottom 50% of households average wealth more than doubled increasing by 21% lowest income people benefited the most after 12 years of decline we added nearly 7 million new homeowners never happened before and in three years we created 7 million new jobs 260% more than projected when I took office when I took office they said you couldn't hit those projections and we were 260% higher than what what we said we could do from the day I won to the day I left the SNP 500 increased by 80% and we did it all with virtually no inflation we had virtually no inflation think of that who could believe that I delivered the largest tax cuts and reform in American history by far slashing rates for working families and cutting the business tax from the highest in the world we had the highest in the world 35% and actually when you add local and State numbers that were close getting close to 50 but much much higher nobody's ever seen we brought it all the way down to 21% which everybody said was impossible to do and I heard it from everyone they said you'll never be able to do that and I got it down to 21% I cut a record number of job killing regulations in four years we cut more R than any president in the history of our country by far I'm proud to be president modern history to achieve a net regulatory reduction during my term and it was a substantial reduction and for every regulation we added we cut more than 5.5 regulations we unleashed American Energy and within three had increased domestic oil production by 47% and we were just getting started the price of gasoline was $187 a gallon doesn't that sound good right now we negotiated and renegotiated more than 50 trade agreements with other countries that were taking advantage of us as they all do to protect the American worker and to open foreign markets and we did a great job I ended NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made in the history of our country and replaced it with the usmca perhaps the best trade deal ever made in history that's Mexico and Canada I stood up to China like no one else before me no one came even close and I saved the US Auto industry from obliteration with a 27.5% tariff on all Chinese cars that remains in place to this day they want to take it off but they can't because number one it's too much money and number two we would be invaded by Chinese cars on top of the other invasions that are taking place without it our Auto industry would be dead and now I am going further we will bring our autom Mak industry to the record levels of 37 years ago and we'll be able to do it very quickly through tariffs and other smart use of certain things that we have that other countries don't for four straight years I fought for American workers like I would fight for my own family I took care of our economy like I would take care of my own company in every decision I asked will I create jobs here or will I be sending jobs overseas will it make America richer and stronger or will it make our country weaker and poorer I always put America First every single time and when our country was hit by the China virus we saved the economy We rescued tens of millions of jobs and after Co I handed Kamala and Joe the fastest and strongest recovery ever recorded nothing even close with 1.4% inflation the 30-year mortgage rate was at 2.4% in the highest stock market in history this is despite the pandemic to date I handed them back the highest stock market to date after having just suffered with the rest of the world the pandemic the likes of which nobody had ever seen before we did an incredible job and remember far more people died of co under Biden Harris than under President Trump many many more people we delivered an economic Miracle which kenjo turned into an economic disaster just like they turned the border and indeed the whole world into a catastrophic surrender starting on day one kamla launched a war on American Energy and orchestrated a nation wrecking border Invasion with illegal a aliens pouring in from countries all over the world they came in from countries that nobody ever heard the name of that country those countries from their prisons and jails there is a difference from mental institutions and insane asylums as well as record numbers of terrorists human traffickers and sex traffickers numbers that we've never seen before taking place over the last three and A2 years then Cala cast the deciding votes on trillions of dollars in wasteful spending which together with their terrible energy policies gave us the worst inflation perhaps in the history of our country nearly two-thirds of the jobs created under the Harris Biden administration were bounceback jobs bounce back they were bounceback jobs that I handed them from before the pandemic this happens with with pandemics you have bounceback jobs the pandemic comes and it goes and those people go back to their jobs and just last week Joe Biden admitted that on social media I don't know if he knew what he admitted but that's what it said I wonder who drew it perhaps that person is no longer employed by the Democrats but right now it's even worse than that under Camala Harris's policies 3 million workers are now missing from the job force compared to 2023 million workers that's a lot over half a million fewer people have full-time jobs today than just one year ago and 100% of the net job creation in the past year has gone to Illegal migrants think of that 100% of the jobs created under the Administration has gone to Illegal migrants that came into our country Joe Biden and kamla Harris formed the worst presidency and vice presidency by far in the history of our country this election will decide whether we reward kamla Harris with reelection and four more years of crime economic Calamity and international humiliation or whether we change that direction and once CE again build the greatest economy in the history of the world which we had during the Trump Administration comma Harris is the first major party nominee in American history who fundamentally rejects freedom and Embraces Marxism communism and fascism you're learning about this you'll find out nobody knew who she was just a few months ago they didn't know who she was she's promising communist price controls wealth confiscation energy Annihilation reparations the largest tax increase ever imposed and mass amnesty and citizenship for tens of millions of migrants who will consume trillions of dollars in federal benefits and Destroy Social Security and Medicare they will be destroyed they're already putting them into your Social Security and Medicare roles I am promising low taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates secure borders low low low crime and surging incomes for citizens of every race religion color and Creed my plan will rapidly defeat inflation quickly bring down prices and reignite explosive economic growth kamla Harris will take more money out of American Pockets my plan will leave the typical family with many thousands of dollars more than they have right now first I will end kamla Harris's anti-energy Crusade and Implement a policy of energy abundance energy Independence and even energy dominance we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than any other country including Russia and Saudi Arabia will be using it my plan will cut Energy prices in half or more than that within 12 months of taking office it will be an economic Revival of our country like no one has ever seen before energy was what caused our problem initially energy is going to bring us back that means we're going down and getting gasoline below $2 a gallon bring down the price of everything from electricity rates to groceries air fars and housing costs that's why OPEC and the Arab Nations and we're very honored to have some of my friends here with us today from that part of the world but they're working very hard despite being here that I not be your president they don't like like me meanwhile kamla Harris can't bring down the price of anything because her energy policies are driving up the cost of everything everything is up way up starting on day one Harrison Biden opened up the Russian Pipeline called nordstream two which nobody have ever heard of until I got involved and said what about nordstream 2 and nobody knew what I was talking about largest pipeline in the world Russian Pipeline but I had it closed it was shut down Putin was not happy we shut it down they came along and the Keystone XL pipeline was shut down by them so they shut down the Keystone and they immediately gave Russia the right to start rebuilding the nordstream 2 the biggest pipeline you've ever seen we re-entered the horribly unfair to the United States through them when they came back Paris climate Accord so unfair to us we pay trillions of dollars other countries pay nothing as soon as he came back he went back into it I got us out of it and reduced the area of the federal lands available for drilling by 80% did that if I was President oil production today would be four times higher than it is right now would have been four times higher right now would' be doing four times as much and remember we had anoir perhaps the largest drilling site in the world in Alaska which everybody wanted to get approved but they W unable to do it Ronald Reagan fought so hard to get anoir he couldn't do it and it was easier in those days than it is today with all of the environmental concerns but they came in in the first few few days in office they terminated nir amazingly biggest drilling site we think in the world bigger than sod Arabia bigger than Texas we got it and they terminated it under the EPA so-called power plant rule more than 50 power plants have been shut down since she took office and virtually all Coal Fired power plants will be shuttered in the next couple of years setting the stage for a catastrophic energy shortfall which we already have that will make inflation far worse than it has ever been they want to close down our power plants and we don't have power already to address this dire energy crisis that Camala and Joe have created I will immediately issue a national emergency declaration to achieve massive increase in domestic energy Supply what you're going to need electricity is desperately needed for ai ai controversial but we got to be the top of it and we would need hard to believe twice the electricity that we currently have right now for everything in order to be dominant and China is already building massive electricity producing plants we haven't even thought about it we will think about it and I'll get it done on an emergency basis so we'll be the leader in Ai and every other form of Technology with these sweeping authorities We Will Blast through every bureaucratic hurdle to issue rapid approvals for new drilling new pipelines new refineries new power plants new electric plants and reactors of all types prices will fall immediately in anticipation of this tremendous Supply that we can create rather quickly and we'll be the leader instead of the lagard second to further defeat inflation my plan will terminate the green New Deal which I call the green new scam greatest scam in history probably a 10 trillion dollar scam that we waste we throw like throwing money right out the window it actually sets us back as opposed to moves us forward and weend all unspent funds under the misnamed inflation reduction act which a Democrats agreed after it was approved that it wasn't for that purpose it was for other purposes like giveaways comma spent $7.5 billion to build eight charging stations think of a charging station like a fuel pump with electricity coming out of it eight charging stations in the Midwest for electric vehicles cost billions and billions of dollar 7.5 billion they think but the costs are still going and three of them don't work and never will probably other than that it's worked out quite well I will end the electric vehicle mandate stop the waste and save taxpayers an estimated $1 trillion third I will launch a historic campaign to liberate our economy from crippling regulation my first term I pledged to cut two old regulations for every one new regulation and we did much better than that as I've said yet over the past four years kamla has added $6,300 a year in regulatory costs onto the backs of the typical American family think of that to stop this Onslaught at lower prices I'm pledging today that in my second term we will eliminate a minimum of 10 old regulations for every one new regulation will be able to do that quite easily actually and instead of attacking industries of the future we will embrace them including making America the world capital for crypto and Bitcoin [Applause] fourth at the suggestion of Elon Musk who is given me his complete and total endorsement that's nice smart guy he knows what he's doing he knows what he's doing it's very very much appreciated I will create a government efficiency Commission test with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and making recommendations for drastic reform need to do it can't go on the way we are [Applause] now and Elon because he's not very busy has agreed to head that task force be interesting if he has the time it'll be a good one to do it but he's agreed to do it in 2022 fraud and improper payments alone cost taxpayers an estimated hundreds of billions of dollars as the first first order of business this commission will develop an action plan to totally eliminate fraud and improper payments within six months this will save trillions of dollars trillions it's massive for the same service that you have right now trillions of dollars is wasted and gone and nobody knows where it went further taming inflation and bringing prices way down the fifth pillar of my plan is to make the Trump tax cuts permanent they are massive tax cuts biggest ever permanent and to cut taxes even more and we will have no tax on tips something which they copied four weeks after I said it she got up said no tax on tips I said I just said that she is actually copying a lot of my plan in fact we're going to send her a magga cap sometime in the next week we're having a special one may but we also know she doesn't mean it she's going to stick with what her whole life has been about and also no tax on Social Security benefits people in Social Security have been wiped out by inflation and now on top of it we tax their benefits we're not going to tax their benefits we have so many different ways of making so much money this country the potential is is so incredible we don't have to take it away from people on Social Security we're not going to do that we're going to save Social Security security she's going to destroy Social Security under the Trump Administration we prove that targeted tax cuts do not increase the deficit they reduced the deficit by growing the economy and raising revenue after we gave the massive tax cuts we took in the following year with a much lower rate billions and billions of dollars more than we did the previous year with a high rate think of that so with a much lower rate we took in more money because people were incentive vised corporate tax revenues are 31% higher today than before my tax law was signed with all of those cuts 31% higher to further support the Revival of American manufacturing my plan calls for expanded R&D tax credits 100% bonus depreciation expensing for new manufacturing Investments and a reduction in the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% solely for companies that make their product in [Applause] America you have to make your product in America if you Outsource offshore or replace American workers you're not eligible for any of these benefits in fact you will pay a very substantial tarot that comes in from another country that's made in another country and comes in there'll be a big tariff on that product because we want to make our our Goods in America and most of them we can my message is simple make your product here in America and only in America we are not going to be taken advantage of anymore just as we made great inroads and progress four years ago we made tremendous inroads on this subject we're not going to watch our wealth and jobs get ripped away from us and sent to foreign countries which is what's been happening for many many decades with us China was built on doing exactly what we're going to be doing and what I started doing four years ago what we're putting forward is the most pro-american manufacturing and jobs policy in modern history for any country this plan will bring jobs and growth into our country at levels never seen before every business on Earth will flock to America from Europe Asia the Middle East and all over the world by contrast comrade kamla Harris wants to sacrifice our wealth kill the economy and drive jobs overseas to punish businesses more businesses will leave they'll leave America their International companies they report to their shareholders and they will leave America if her plan even in a small form comes to the four her tax plan which includes the promise to end the Trump tax cuts which Again by itself would be a massive tax increase would increase taxes by over5 trillion dollar a record many times over it would result in the largest small business tax hike in history massively raising taxes on 25 million small business people and raising small business tax rates to 43% and higher in other words 20% higher than communist China Kamala is also vowing to raise the corporate tax rate from 21 to 28% we're bringing it down to 15% but she really is looking to raise it to 40 45 or even 50% you know that all you have to do is follow her pass path radically rais the capital gains tax rate which he wants to do and they don't even want to give a number and for the first time ever imposed a 25% tax on unrealized capital gains so if you happen to have a lot of wealth but no cash you're a lot of trouble this will lead America into a 1929 depression and it will be a depression and a territory that we have not seen for a long time there's a gentleman that happens to believe that Scott these policies especially the tax on unrealized capital gains would decimate the US economy companies and Innovation would flee from America to other countries Venture Capital markets would disappear the stock market would be annihilated and investors assess the tax liability of large shareholders the seniors and Senior pensions would totally go up in smoke that'd be worthless these are not the policies designed to create a prosperous America these are policies to turn the United States into Venezuela on steroids even if for this reason alone kamla Harris must be defeated decisively this November has to be defeated cannot have her be the president of the United States under comma the United States is becoming a third world Banana Republic she and her party are censoring speech weaponizing the justic SYM and trying to throw their political opponents me in jail this hasn't happened I didn't do that to Crooked Hillary I said that would be a terrible thing wouldn't it putting the wife of the president of the United States in jail but they view it differently I guess nowadays but that's okay and they always have to remember that two can play the game nobody ever thought this was possible this is how you create massive Capital flight and turn once prosperous Nations into absolute ruins I will have no higher priority as president than to restore the fair equal and impartial rule of law in America we have lost the rule of law who would have [Applause] thought number six under my leadership America will encourage domestic production instead of punishing it as you know our country's vast manufacturing wealth was created at a time with very little domestic taxation few regulations and most Revenue came from tariffs from other countries that was when we were at the wealthiest ever proportionately we were the wealthiest country ever during those days that was before income tax came along now we foolishly do the opposite we impose lower tariffs and no tariffs on foreign producers we have the lowest tariffs of any nation in the world and we relentlessly punish our own companies for doing business in America America you do business in America you're punished tremendously I had many many companies come to me sir I can't compete they're sending kitchen cabinets washers and dryers everything that I can tell you every motorcycles sending them here sir we can't compete and I made it so they could compete and Thrive every one of those people we should get them up and talk to you one day because every one of those people comes up to me and every time I see them they hug me they kiss me they love me because I save their businesses I intend to reverse this model and once again turn America into the manufacturing superpower of the world we can do that just with being intelligent the key to this effort will be a pro-american trade policy that uses tariffs to encourage production here and bring trillions and trillions of dollars back home and you know what we deserve it we've been helping other countries get rich at our expense for the last 50 years we've been pouring our money into other countries getting nothing nothing for it we protect them militarily we do so much for them we get nothing my plan is that if you open your factory in Wisconsin Pennsylvania Michigan Minnesota anywhere else in our country you don't pay a tariff tax you don't pay a tax you make the product here but if you move your production outside of the United States and send it back here which people are doing now and I stopped it I stopped at cold but they've changed that already then you have to pay a very substantial tariff to get your product back into the country the result will be that everybody in the world will want to be here and they want to produce here they're going to want to produce their product in America it's going to say made in USA we will be able to build ships again we will be able to build planes again we will be able to build our military again from within all from within we will create the biggest greatest and strongest middle class in the history of our country we will have tens of millions of high-paying jobs in manufacturing Transportation defense as well as all of the sales and support of export jobs our Auto industry will be the biggest beneficiary in short it will be a National Economic Renaissance just by using our heads by being smart by not letting other countries take advantage of us they've been doing it for so long it's so sad to see and I know them all and they laugh at us behind our back they can't believe how stupid our leadership has been for so many years we will ensure that the United States has a giant steel industry an aluminum industry a manufacturing base and a defense base we want a industrial base that can take care of our defense needs 100% And you can call it what you want some might say it's economic nationalism I call it common sense I call it America First this is the policy that built this country and this is the policy that will save our country in the words of a great but highly underrated President William McKinley highly underrated the protective tariff policy of the Republicans has been made and made the lives of our countrymen sweeter and brighter it's the best for our citizenship and our civilization and it opens up a higher and better Destiny for our people we have to take care of our own nation and her Industries first in other words take care of our country first this is when we had our greatest wealth he was assassinated and he left his group of people that followed him Teddy Roosevelt became a great president spending the money that was made by McKinley so McKinley got a bad deal on that one he built tremendous wealth they had the Tariff Act of 18 87 and they had a committee that studied what are we going to do they had a big problem a problem like I hope to have with this country someday so much money was coming in from foreign countries that they didn't know how to spend it they had no idea so they set up a committee we'll set one up with the people in this room how do we distribute the wealth that we have and Roosevelt built dams and built railroads and did National Parks but he did it with the money that was made with tariffs from McKinley so you have to remember that very highly underrated very underrated president let's give them both credit smart tariffs will not create inflation they will combat inflation I had almost no inflation and I had the highest tariffs at anyone seen and they were going a lot higher foreign Nations will pay us hundreds of billions of dollars reducing the deficit and driving inflation down to largely reduce our deficit in my first term we imposed historic tariffs with no effect on consumer prices or inflation the anti-tar people many of them I believe honestly work for these other countries in some form get tremendous amounts of lobbying money and other money because it doesn't make sense what they're saying but we had no inflation and we had protection and I saved so many Industries I saved the steel industry but Biden and Harris are letting it go they're letting it go it's so easy to keep a combination of fair trade tax cuts regulatory cuts and energy abundance will allow us to produce more Goods better and cheaper right here in the USA than we've ever done before and foreign Nations will respect us again I got along great with foreign Nations and I taxed the hell out of them and they liked me maybe they respected me and Victor Orban a very strong man he's the prime minister of Hungary he said the only thing missing from the world right now is President Trump he kept the world safe because everybody was afraid of him I don't like that term but that's the term he used I would like to say respected him and respected our country but he didn't say that he said everybody was afraid of him he said China was afraid Russia was afraid they were all afraid Kim Jong-un I got along great with him and I try to explain to the fake news media that getting along with people foreign countries is a good thing not a bad thing it's a very good thing it's a smart thing we will require all essential materials for our national security to be produced here in the United States creating millions and millions of new manufacturing jobs you know when we built the F35 we have the wings built in one country we have the tail Rudders built in another country we have the seats built in another country we have the electronic built in seven different countries what the hell would we do if there's a war and we'll end up fighting half of those countries and we don't want to have a war because right now we're closer to World War III than we've ever been in our lives with Russia Ukraine which would have never happened if I was president with October 7th and Israel the whole Middle East is is blowing up would have never happened they would have never happened respectfully Iran was broke they had no money for Hamas they had no money for Hezbollah wouldn't have happened there would be peace in the Middle East and Iran would be a big beneficiary of that P be good but all of these things that happened and inflation would have never happened and Afghanistan would have never happened the worst withdrawal in history I believe the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country in fact that's what caused President Putin to go into Ukraine when he looked at how incompetently that was handled he looked at it and he said man they're incompetent that was the most embarrassing day in the history of the United States of America airplane's taking off with many people sitting on the wings of the plane and the side of the plane and the wing and you see them dropping off the planes at 3,000 feet they thought it was their trip to Freedom there's never been anything like that and I think there's no greater embarrassment by the way we lost 13 incredible soldiers I got to know the families very well spent a lot of time with them four days ago in Arlington Cemetery three years ago they were celebrating three years honoring their children and yeah that's right they call them their children they still call they always will call them their children they God and many of those people there should have never left for there they should have left from barram the Big Air Base but many of those people that were so badly hurt they don't talk about them no legs no arms obliteration of their face their entire body and nobody mentions that we left Americans behind large numbers we left $85 billion worth of equipment behind because we took our military out first a child would know you don't you take your military out last and just remember one final point on that because it's a little bit different from our subject but not really because it's all about our country and common sense but for 18 months I spoke to the leader of the Taliban the Press was very upset that I spoke to him his name is Abdul I said Abdul don't do this Abdul don't do this but why but why he said do you send me a picture of my home I said Abdul you're gonna have to figure that one out for yourself but don't do this Abdul because it's gonna end badly for you and for 18 months we didn't have one soldier shot at or killed in Afghanistan and then we took our soldiers out we had a very very disgraceful a disgraceful election and this group came in and they didn't know what the hell they were doing and they still don't they've gotten worse you know with experience it's supposed to get better they got worse they're worse now than they ever were and uh we're going to turn our country around we're going to become a major producer of rare earth minerals we're going to create jobs and making it really and US truly self-reliant Remember The Rare Earth where we have to go to China we have sites that are tied up with more than anybody else has they're environmentally protected we have sites that are phenomenal everything you want in terms of rare earth and we can't use them because of Environmental Protection but we're going to end that very quickly as soon as I get to office we will make housing much more affordable as inflation is tamed interest rates will dramatically fall they'll be down very very low we'll get them down we had them down to 2.4% and even lower than that for a period of time reducing mortgage rates is a big factor we're going to get them back down to we think 3% maybe even lower than that saving the average home buyer thousands of dollars per year they can now go out young people will be able to buy a home again and be a part of the American dream we will eliminate regulations that drive up housing costs with the goal of cutting the cost of a new home in half we think we can do that the regulations alone cost 30% regulation cost 30% of a new home and we will open up portions of federal land for large scale housing construction these zones will be ultra low tax and ultra low regulation one of the Great great really small business job creation programs it will be of all time we're going to open up our country to building homes inexpensively so young people and other people can buy homes you can't buy them anymore millions of Americans will take part in setting these safe and beautiful communities Reviving The Frontier spirit and really as I said Reviving The American Dream It's about the American dream it's all about the American dream we don't talk about American dream with these people in office they don't want to talk about the American dream because the they're the exact opposite they're the exact opposite we also cannot ignore the impact that the flood of 21 million illegal aliens has had on driving up housing costs that's why my plan will ban mortgages for illegal aliens in California they're passing a law where they're going to give Cal give illegal aliens money to buy a house but our soldiers are veterans that are laying on the streets they can't have them you have solders right now laying on the streets of different cities all Democrat run they're laying on the streets in front of hotels in some cases luxury hotels and you have illegal immigrants coming in and living in those hotels and laughing at our soldiers as they walk by into a luxury land Lobby is there something wrong with that thinking is there something wrong with our country if Kamala is allowed to continue to let our country be invaded we will face a fiscal Armageddon these migrants are consuming hundreds of billions of dollars in benefits you saw in Colorado this week a group from Venezuela rough ones rough ones they took over large sections of a town large sections of an area of Colorado Aurora has anyone been there I think you'd better stay away for a little while they had AK-47s the ultimate guns AK-47s they can blow lots of people away real fast and the sheriff didn't want to touch him nobody wants to touch him Sheriff there's 18 Venezuelans attacking my building would you please come over and straighten out the situation he's got a deputy you know what they say uh well no thanks let's call in the military they're taking over and I said this four years ago when they when I realized they wanted open borders and it's happened it's happening now in Chicago they're taking over sections of Chicago what's happening in New York and Los Angeles Angeles and many other cities is not even describable they're tough they're tough and they're smart and they're vicious don't forget they come from the prisons and they're the bad criminals on the streets Caracus Venezuela has almost no crime next year I'm going to suggest that the economic Club hold its meeting in karakus because we'll be safer than we are in our country if they win we'll be far safer but crime in Venezuela is down 72% because they've taken all of their criminals off the streets not all of them they still have some left but they're coming in rapidly by bus and by plane they're coming into our country and we're dumping them in our country and they say if you come back we will kill you and they're not going back we got them but they're going back if I'm president I guarantee you that they're going back fast and now Camala wants to give them food stamps housing assistance welfare Medicaid Medicare Social Security and destroy all of those programs you will destroy those programs that is why I will ask Congress to pass legislation barring all taxpayer funded benefits to illegal aliens and by the way when you do that they won't come they're coming now because they realize they've never seen wealth like this they they're getting things that they could never get they're coming for that reason if you stop that you'll have you'll be dropping the Flow by 80% I think that they're coming because they're taken care of they're let's put them in a luxury let's put them in the world or Historia that's a nice place I will stop The Invasion and send criminal illegal aliens back home and when we do all of this we will be so successful we'll create America's own Sovereign wealth fund to invest in great National Endeavors for the benefit of all of the American people why don't we have a wealth fund other countries have wealth funds we have nothing we have nothing we're gonna have a sovereign wealth fund or we can name it something different I'll talk about it with Mr Paulson who's in the audience and a lot of other friends of mine and we'll name it something that's appropriate perhaps Sovereign wealth fund wouldn't be appropriate but it's going to be the same thing thing will put tremendous amounts of money through all this money that will take be taken in through tariffs and other intelligent things and we'll have the greatest Sovereign wealth fund of them all and we should have and that will be used to do things that will be great for our country including to invest and wisely invest and build it up bigger and stronger and better than any place on Earth we will build extraordinary National development projects and everything from highways to airports to Transportation infrastructure all of the future we'll be able to invest in state-of-the-art manufacturing hubs Advanced defense capabilities Cutting Edge medical research and help save billions of dollars in preventing disease in the first place and I'm very honored to have been endorsed last week by Robert F Kennedy Jr here that was a great endorsement and he's very much into helping people he's very much into helping people I've known him a long time that was a great uh that was a great thing when he did that that was not easy for a Kennedy to be endorsing a republican that was not easy but these are not Democrats these are radical lunatics and you can't let them run your country we will invest in new and modern agricultural techniques so we can have safe healthy high quality foods for our families that's where Bobby is so interested Foods he says we're putting a lot of bad foods in our body you look at other countries which do far less and they're actually much healthier than we are this wealth fund will return a gigantic profit which will help pay down national debt we're going to work on national debt very strongly by the way we're g to have so much money coming in we're going to work on national debt we're close to 36 trillion dollars right now we're going to work on getting it down and it is many of the people in this room who will be helping to advise and recommend Investments for this fund this is how we will end the era of inflation Mayhem and misery under Camala Harris the worst vice president in the history of our country and unleash a new era of safety prosperity and success for our workers our families and our businesses and I've done it before we did a great job and now we really know our job well I know the smartest the best people we have the best people we have people that many in this room they know exactly what we want to do you know it's interesting having experience because I won an election I went to Washington I was only in Washington 17 times I never stayed over that's according to the fake news but I think they're right but I got to know Washington well and I know the Smart Ones and the dumb ones I know the ones that can help make us great and the ones that can only take us into bad territory I got to know a lot of people probably as many as anybody at that level and we have incredible talent that we're going to be using that Talent we had some incredible Talent much of it sitting up here and sitting down here they did a great job on trade Bob lighthiser so many other people did such a great job we rebuilt our military we rebuilt our entire military did a great job we have great generals not the television generals not the generals that took us out of Afghanistan in 24 hours and left that horrible situation but we have great generals we defeated Isis it was supposed to take five years it took me four weeks four weeks our generals did a great job we have great people in our military and our military is not woke believe me you couldn't get these guys to be woke some of the guys on top are woke but those aren't the ones that are great so we're g to do things that we didn't do even the first time we had a great presidency we were there was an article written the other day that the Trump presidency was a great presidency With Victory on November 5th which will go down as the most important day in the history of our country inflation will be gone our energy will be Unleashed our economy will be set free our sovereignty will be restored our citizens will Thrive growth will come roaring back and America's future will be brighter than ever before so I want to thank you all this has been a lovely experience it was years ago that I was here we talked about what we were going to to do and we did just about everything we said and uh if you'd like we'll take a few questions Bob thank you very much thank you thank you very much and we're now moving as promised to the question and answer portion of the program our four very able questioners today are H rajen Cohen the senior chair of Sullivan and Cromwell sander Gerber founding and managing partner CEO and CIA of Hudson Bay Capital Mr John Paulson founder of pulson and Company and rushma and Johnny founder and CEO of girls who code and moms first we're going to go in alphabetical order and therefore Raj you have the first question thank you Bob and thank you Mr President thank you I would like to ask about the United States economic sanctions programs uh these programs have been used as you well know to advance our national security interests our foreign policy objectives but they also have economic implications and the most recent was the program against Russia in response to the Ukrainian their invasion of Ukraine where for once we got the support of all our allies so my specific question is would you strengthen or modify any of these economic sanctions programs particularly Russia including the pipeline you mentioned oh it's a great question the problem with what we have with sanctions and I was a user of sanctions but I put them on and take them off as quickly as possible because ultimately it kills your dollar and it kills everything the dollar repres presents and we have to continue to have that be the world currency I think it's important I think would be losing a war if we lost if we lost the dollar as a as the world currency I think that would be the equivalent of losing a war that would make us a third world country and we can't let it happen so I use sanctions very powerfully against countries that deserve it and then I take them off because look you losing Iran you're losing Russia China is out there trying to get their currency to be the dominant currency as you know better than anybody all of these things are happening you're losing so many countries because there's so much conflict with all of these countries that you're going to lose that and we can't lose that so I want to use sanctions as little as possible one of the things that we have with tariffs is that I'll say to them you don't honor the dollar as your world currency is that right you're not going to do it no we're not I said that's okay I'm going to put tariffs all over your product and they're going to say Sir would love to honor the dollar as the world currency you know tariffs in addition to monetary and the money that we'll take in which will be bigger than you've ever seen in this country before gives you tremendous political power for something like that as an example I stopped Wars with the threat of tariffs I stopped Wars with two countries that uh mattered a lot a lot of people would have been killed and I threatened tariffs coming into the United States if they don't make peace and we made a lot of we didn't have conflicts like you have right now we had very intelligent people but the biggest threat you have is you lose that currency and we have lost something that you'll never get back and we can keep it if we're smart but they use it too much and then they just forget about it and these countries like Russia it's going out now and doing its own thing and you know they're going out bragging about how they don't need us anymore etc etc uh uh the sad part about Russia is that Ukraine would have never happened if I was President so we wouldn't really have to be talking about sanctions but uh it did happen and one of the things I'm going to do a little bit relevant to your question is if we win I believe I can settle that war while I'm president-elect before I ever get into office I can get that War settled and get that war stopped because it's a horrible horrible war and far more people are killed in Ukraine far more people than you're realizing they'll knock down this massive building amazing the size of these buildings they'll knock it down they'll say nobody was injured no a lot of people were killed the real numbers are far greater than what people are are looking at so I think it's a very important thing uh sanctions have to be used very judiciously and you can win we have things much more powerful actually than sanctions we have trade but we cannot lose our dollar standard very important thank you very much great sander uh thank you Mr President for all the details on your Economic Policy um as you alluded to tariffs are the other side of sanctions and given that China is our major trading partner with our largest imbalance and possibly our chief uh Security National Security threat to the United States how can we better institutionalize trade policy and national security policy to be coordinated so I had a great relationship with President she of China really very close relationship uh now look he likes China I like us so but I don't want to sound foolish he was my dear dear friend he's a tough guy he's a fierce person I say very smart you know when you say he's smart the fake news goes crazy he said president she is smart and I say you know he controls 1.4 billion people with an iron fist he's smart but we had a very good relationship ship with China until Co and when that came in it was a whole different ball game as far as I was concerned you know we made a Great China trade deal maybe better than the usmca and I'd never talk about it because what happened with covid for the whole world $60 trillion dollar and you know deaths 70 million 60 nobody even knows how many deaths and it all came out of Wuhan so it changed my relationship but I think I'll have a great relationship with China I had one before and they respected us but they respected us because they no longer thought we were fools they used to think we were fools because we built China they would take over $500 billion dollar a year and use it for their military and other things and we got nothing out of that we got some cheap product we got you can buy 19 pencils instead of two who the hell cares you can buy 16 dolls for your daughter instead of two nice dolls and we got very little out of that relationship they got a tremendous military power and they still have it today so uh but I believe we will have a very good relationship with China and with a lot of other countries that we're not getting along with too well today and uh things are going to straighten out we're going to get them straighten out very quickly very important that we get along with the rest of the world you know we have things today called nuclear weapons I rebuilt our whole military including our nuclear capability and so so I got very familiar with it and uh you know I say this often because I had an uncle who was the longest serving I believe the longest survey I was told that by MIT but he was there 39 I guess or 41 years longest serving professor in the history of MIT and nuclear was something he knew a lot about and we used to talk about it I'd say uncle John there's no way he was telling me about this incredible power that was being Unleashed intentionally and I say uncle John you could never and you know what he was very modest because I've seen the destructive capability and this world is going to have to get along because if that's ever Unleashed we already have too many countries that have at least remnants of it with some of it but probably five countries if you think and Kim jung-un when when I was went to the White House after winning in 2016 I sat with President Obama which is a ritual and you sit and you talk and I said what's the biggest problem he said North Korea is the biggest problem I don't think it's solvable I said have you tried calling him or talking to him and actually the answer was yes and he wasn't responding to but I did and we were very safe it started off a little rocky if you remember Little Rocket Man I called him and he called me things too he's got a red button on his desk I said I have a bigger red button and my red button works I said and then it started getting a little nicer and then one day I got a call that they'd like to meet and it was a great thing we had a great meeting we had two meetings actually two great meetings Summits and we had no problem with them now they have a problem because they're not liking this Administration they don't respect this administration at all so we have to get along we have to get along we can't have World War III you're going to end up in World War III just like you you should have never had Russia go in it would have never happened if a competent person led us it would have never happened he led them into it and I'm not blaming Biden but you know what what he was saying was exactly the wrong thing I said we're gonna have an invasion because of a lot of the rhetoric it was stupid rhetoric but it would have never happened not only for that reason oil was down low you know oil was almost at $100 a barrel so Putin is one of the only I mean it's nothing's easy in life but Putin at $100 a barrel War works at $40 a barrel it didn't work at all so we're going to get back to a intelligently Run Place a place where other countries aren't using the word nuclear that word was never talked about during my because I knew the power of it and I talked to Putin about it I talked to president shei about it I think we were going to do you remember the talk where we were going to uh reduce nuclear capability substantially all three of us we're going to start it we're going to reduce very substantially and then we had the election and after the election they didn't talk about that or anything else frankly but uh we have to be very very careful because the destructive capability of nuclear when people talk about global warming I say the ocean is going to go down 100th of an inch Within the next 400 years that's not our problem our problem is nuclear warming and we better be smart and we better have smart people at the top that know how to deal because these people don't know how to deal Putin came out today he endorsed Kamala and I didn't know was I supposed to call him up and say thank you very much I appreciate it but he endured Kamala I have a feeling I don't know I don't I don't know exactly what to say about that I don't know if I'm insulted or he did me a favor but we have to get along with the world we can't have War because the destructive capability you can be the head of the biggest bank wherever the hell Jamie is sitting you can be the head of the biggest bank in the world and a couple of nukes and you bank doesn't mean a thing you gotta get along this is such an important job it's a dangerous job too very dangerous job if you look it statistically being president is very dangerous that that throbbing feeling I have oh that throbbing feeling no it's a very dangerous job and uh you have to do it right and if you don't do it right bad things will happen to the world things like you've never seen before okay thank you very much thank you um thank you John Paulson behind me to your right Mr President hi John uh first first let me thank you for your presentation today uh president Trump in the last fiscal year the fiscal deficit under the Biden Administration was approximately two trillion under the policies you've announced the deficit would come down from items such as increased revenues from tariff S as well as eliminating the the tax incentives uh for the green New Deal uh these gains would be mitigated by decreases in revenues from policies such as no tax on tips overall what do you estimate will be the impact of the fiscal deficit from your policies well we just hit record highs at numbers that nobody ever thought possible you're right it's over two trillion dollar nobody thought that was a number that was I mean you could go back four years nobody thought a number like that would be possible it's crazy it's like it's just horrible actually but uh yeah we're two trillion and I view it as profit and loss to a certain said a lot of people say oh it's trade you know you have many people say trade deficits don't matter I think they matter a lot I think they matter a lot uh we're going to have tremendous growth this what I'm talking about is all about growth the tax is relatively minor compared to the growth we're going to make our money back on growth we're going to also I mean we're going to grow like nobody's ever grown before I think if this all works out you're GNA have the Auto industry come back to America right now China is building two Auto factories in Mexico massive Auto factories and they think they're going to make their cars in Mexico and send them back into the United States with no tax it's not going to happen under this Administration is going to happen and they wanted to do that during my Administration and I said if you do it we're going to put a 200% tariff on every car and you'll never be able to see it there will never be one car coming across our border and if I would have let them do it we would have had these two factories well now they're building massive factories more than two and they're going to kill Detroit and the head of the Union the United Auto Workers in Detroit has done a terrible terrible job just a terrible job but we're going to bring tremendous growth back and remember we're also taking in a certain percentage I won't name the percentage today but it'll be a certain tariff percentage which will be higher than people had heard in the past and we will be bringing in billions and billions of dollars which will directly reduce our deficits okay thank you very much good job you've done by the way very good thank you and the final question RMA is to you thank you um president Trump you you talked about how the increase in the price of food gas and is hurting families but the real cost that's breaking families backs and preventing women from participating in the workforce is Child Care Child Care is now more expensive than rent for working families and is costing the economy more than 122 billion dollars a year making it one of the most urgent economic issues that is facing our country in fact the cost of child care is outpacing the cost of inflation with the majority of American families of young children spending more than 20 % of their income on child care one thing that Democrats and Republicans have in common is that both parties talk a lot about what they're going to do to address the child care crisis but neither party has delivered meaningful change if you win in November can you commit to prioritizing legislation to make Child Care affordable and if what specific piece legislation will you advance well I would do that that and we're sitting down you know I was uh somebody we had Senator Marco Rubio and my daughter Ivanka was so uh impactful on that issue it's a very important issue but I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I'm talking about that because look Child Care is child care it's couldn't you know there's something you have to have it in this country you have to have it but when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that I'm talking about by taxing foreign Nations at levels that they're not used to but they'll get used to it very quickly and it's not going to stop them from doing business with us but they'll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country uh those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we're talking about including child care that it's going to take care we're going to have I I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time coupled with uh the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country because I have to stay with child care I want to stay with child care but those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I'm talking about including growth but growth also headed up by what the plan is that I just uh that I just told you about we're going to be getting trillions of dollars and as much as child care uh is talked about as being expensive it's relatively speaking not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers we'll be taken in we're going to make this into an an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people and then we'll worry about the rest of the world let's help other people but we're going to take care of our country first this is about America first it's about make America great again we have to do it because right now we're a failing Nation so we'll take care of it thank you very good question thank you thank you thank you very much Mr Trump um it's great that you accepted our invitation to be with us today thank you Raj sander John and rashma for your questions uh the president is now going to be leaving the building and so we want to all stay seated while he and his team leave but as he leaves let's all say thank you one more time for him accepting our invitation to be here today thank you thank you thank you all advisor Kevin hasset Ambassador Robert lighthiser terrific person former secretary Wilber Ross former treasury secretary Steve [Music] minuchin former SEC chairman J Clayton Ambassador Woody Johnson Senior advisor stepen Miller my friends and respected Business Leaders all John Paulson Jamie Diamond Steve Whit Steve schwarzman Scott besset Jeff spra Richard Curts former head of the World Bank David Malpass and the two co-chairs of my presidential transition team that are being inundated with phone calls and requests Linda McMahon and Howard lutnick thank you as We Gather today we have an econ an economic disaster on our hands have an economy in crisis a failing nation and nation in serious decline under the radical policies of my former opponent Joe Biden and my new opponent kamla Harris 1.3 million workers have become unemployed in the past 12 months I don't know if anybody knows that the typical American family has lost over $28,000 due to rampant and record setting inflation credit card debt has reached the highest in history with more than one in three Americans reporting they have maxed out their credit cards it maxed out families now need to earn an estimated 110 ,000 a year to afford a typical home meaning 65% of households are locked out of buy just an ordinary house gasoline prices grocery prices electricity prices virtually everything else are up 30 to 100% since I left office 8.4 million Americans are now working second jobs the highest in more than 30 years the real wages of africanamerican workers are down by over six% short period of time the real incomes from Hispanic men are down 6.6% or $3,600 per year and on top of that African-Americans and Hispanic American jobs are under massive threat from The Invasion taking place at our border they're taking the jobs of Hispanic Americans African Americans and nobody talks about it but I won't let it happen yet after presiding over the border the worst in history for any country it's never been a border like this 21 million people we project this total economic catastrophe the borders are kamla Harris has now been slotted in by the Democrats to be reelected she wants four more years to enforce a radical left agenda that poses a fundamental threat to the prosperity of every American family and America itself and we're talking about America itself she wants to defund the police have totally open borders ban fracking in Pennsylvania and everywhere else take away your your private health insurance and perhaps most pertinent to the very brilliant people in this room raise your business and corporate taxes and unbelievably she will seek a tax on unrealized capital gains most people don't even know what that means what does it mean she has been after all of this for years and as everyone knows he's a Marxist who destroyed almost single-handedly San Francisco and when she was the AG California itself not the same place people are leaving they're fleeing like they are in New York she'll seek out and she will try and get those things if she's elected and she may very well succeed in getting them she recently said her values have not changed and these have really been her values for her entire career her values haven't changed that's what she wants so she told the truth we are not going to let this happen communism is the past freedom is the future and it is time to send comrade Camala Harris back home to California where crime is rampant and fleeing is the number one occupation I'm here today today to lay out my plan to rescue our country from this nightmare and to bring back to its citizens the American dream bigger better and stronger than ever before eight years ago I came before you as a candidate for president and shared my vision to end this stagnation and return to Rapid growth it's what we did as president I am very proud to say that we accomplished something that nobody thought that was even possible before the pandemic real median household income Rose by $ 7,684 and even after the pandemic annual incomes were up $6,400 the average American household saw $197,000 increase in real net worth in 48 months for the bottom 50% of households average wealth more than doubled increasing by 121% lowest income people benefited the most after 12 years of decline we added nearly 7 million new homeowners never happened before and in three years we created 7 million new jobs 260% more than projected when I took office when I took office they said you couldn't hit those projections and we were 260% higher than what we said we could do from the day I won to the day I left the SNP 500 increased by 80% and we did it all with virtually no inflation we had virtually no inflation think of that who could believe that I delivered the largest tax cuts in reform in American history by far slashing rates for working families and cutting the business tax from the highest in the world we had the highest in the world 35% and actually when you add local and State numbers that were close getting close to 50 but much much higher nobody's ever seen we brought it all the way down to 21% which everybody said was impossible to do and I heard it from everyone they said you'll never be able to do that and I got it down to 21% I cut a record number of job killing regulations in four years we cut more R than any president in the history of our country by far I'm proud to be presid modern history to achieve a net regulatory reduction during my term and it was a substantial reduction and for every regulation we added we cut more than 5.5 regulations we unleashed American Energy and within we had increased domestic oil production by 47% and we were just getting started the price of gasoline was $187 a gallon doesn't that sound good right now we negotiated and renegotiated more than 50 trade agreements with other countries that were taking advantage of us as they all do to protect the American worker and to open foreign markets and we did a great job I ended NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made in the history of our country and replaced it with the usmca perhaps the best trade deal ever made in history that's Mexico and Canada I stood up to China like no one else before me no one came even close and I saved the US Auto industry from obliteration with a 27.5% tariff on all Chinese cars that remains in place to this day they want to take it off but they can't because number one it's too much money and number two we would be invaded by Chinese cars on top of the other invasions that are taking place without it our Auto industry would be dead and now I am going further we will bring our autom making industry to the record levels of 37 years ago and we'll be able to do it very quickly through tariffs and other smart use of certain things that we have that other countes don't for four straight years I fought for American workers like I would fight for my own family I took care of our economy like I would take care of my own company in every decision I asked will I create jobs here or will I be sending jobs over will it make America richer and stronger or will it make our country weaker and poorer I always put America First every single time and when our country was hit by the China virus we saved the economy We rescued tens of millions of jobs and after Co I handed Kamala and Joe the fastest and strongest recovery ever recorded nothing even close with 1.4% inflation the 30-year mortgage rate was at 2.4% and the highest stock market in history this is despite the pandemic today I handed them back the highest stock market to date after having just suffered with the rest of the world a pandemic the likes of which nobody had ever seen before we did an incredible job and remember far more people died of covid under Biden Harris than under President Trump many many more people we delivered an economic Miracle which Ken Joe turned into an economic disaster just like they turned the border and indeed the whole world into a catastrophic surrender starting on day one kamla launched a war on American Energy and orchestrated a nation wrecking border Invasion with illegal AI aliens pouring in from countries all over the world they came in from countries that nobody ever heard the name of that country those countries from their prisons and jails there is a difference from mental institutions and insane asylums as well as record numbers of terrorists human traffickers and sex traffickers numbers that we've never seen before taking place over the last three and a half years then Cala cast the deciding votes on trillions of dollars in wasteful spending which together with their terrible energy policies gave us the worst inflation perhaps in the history of our country nearly two-thirds of the jobs created under the Harris Biden administration were bounceback jobs bounceback they were bounceback jobs that I handed them them from before the pandemic this happens with pandemics you have bounceback jobs the pandemic comes and it goes and those people go back to their jobs and just last week Joe Biden admitted that on social media I don't know if he knew what he admitted but that's what it said I wonder who drew it perhaps that person is no longer employed by the Democrats

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Donald Trump Live: Trump's Press Conference Live | Kamala Harris vs Trump Debate | Los Angeles

Category: News & Politics

Case in florida case was thrown out with deranged jack smith deranged prosecutor that if he devoted his efforts to violent crime and to the border which they should have uh would be a lot better position as a country in one sweetheart deal kamala gave only 12 years to a monster known as david taylor... Read more

Donald Trump Live: Trump's Press Conference Live | Kamala Harris vs Trump Debate | Los Angeles thumbnail
Donald Trump Live: Trump's Press Conference Live | Kamala Harris vs Trump Debate | Los Angeles

Category: News & Politics

From a guy who has good hair but not as good as it was five years ago to be honest and released they just released brand new numbers just out last night late showing that since 2020 so this guy david mur was correcting me the fbi now the fbi defrauded just like they defrauded on the jobs 118,000 jobs... Read more

Donald Trump LIVE: Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Reveals Economic Plan In New York | N18G thumbnail
Donald Trump LIVE: Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Reveals Economic Plan In New York | N18G

Category: News & Politics

And you can't let them run your country we will invest in new and modern agricultural techniques so we can have safe healthy high quality foods for our families that's where bobby is so interested foods he says we're putting a lot of bad foods in our body you look at other countries which do far less... Read more

Donald Trump Upset by Putin's Endorsement of Kamala Harris | Trump in Wisconsin | Tim Walz | N18G thumbnail
Donald Trump Upset by Putin's Endorsement of Kamala Harris | Trump in Wisconsin | Tim Walz | N18G

Category: News & Politics

[applause] today i wor thank [applause] you thank you very much [applause] eric great speech must eric thank you very much that was great he'd be a great senator he'll be with another great senator a friend of mine for a long time ron johnson who here and made a wonderful speech thank you ron ron made... Read more

PLEASE challenge trump for once thumbnail
PLEASE challenge trump for once

Category: News & Politics

Execute the baby after birth the wind it kills our birds if you want to see a bird cemetery go under a windmill sometimes they do kill a hell of a lot of birds why do they love it it kills all the birds i mean if people genuinely believe abortion after birth is a real thing democrat counterarguments... Read more

Donald Trump Speech Live: Trump Hold First Rally Since Debate | Arizona | US Election |Kamala Harris thumbnail
Donald Trump Speech Live: Trump Hold First Rally Since Debate | Arizona | US Election |Kamala Harris

Category: News & Politics

I'm thrilled to be back in the great state of arizona with thousands of proud hardworking american patriots why this is a nice group i like look at all those people wow as everyone saw two nights ago we had a monumental victory over comrade camala harris in the presidential depot we won big with independent... Read more

Trump Latest News LIVE | Trump Holds A Campaign Rally In Potterville, Michigan Live | US Polls |N18G thumbnail
Trump Latest News LIVE | Trump Holds A Campaign Rally In Potterville, Michigan Live | US Polls |N18G

Category: News & Politics

I think yes i think great company and congratulations on 76 years of manufacturing in michigan and you're you had your best years four years ago but you're going to have even better years coming up i can tell you that you have even better i'm here today with a simple message for the american auto worker... Read more

Live Donald Trump Arizona Speech | Trump Claims Victory Over Kamala Harris | US Elections thumbnail
Live Donald Trump Arizona Speech | Trump Claims Victory Over Kamala Harris | US Elections

Category: News & Politics

Very strong she's running against a weak person she's running against a guy who voted a 100% of the time when he was voting he voted a 100% of the time just about for crooked joe biden he's weakened the border he wants to have open borders and he's going to go they're never going to change the stupid... Read more

Donald Trump LIVE | Trump First Rally After Debate 'Setback' | Trump Rally In Tucson | Trump Speech thumbnail
Donald Trump LIVE | Trump First Rally After Debate 'Setback' | Trump Rally In Tucson | Trump Speech

Category: News & Politics

Detro and god this is a very rambunctious crowd this is a rambunctious crow well hello to son it's great to be with you i love i love this place we've been very successful here as you know and i'm thrilled to be back in the great state of arizona with thousands of proud hardworking american patriots... Read more

LIVE | Kamala Harris Holds A Rally In Pennsylvania After Presidential Debate 'Boost' | Trump| USnews thumbnail
LIVE | Kamala Harris Holds A Rally In Pennsylvania After Presidential Debate 'Boost' | Trump| USnews

Category: News & Politics

She also happened to love donald trump she had ever since the apprentice she proudly cast her vote for him in 2016 but during the pandemic at a time when so many of us were looking to trump for leadership strength and comfort she was betrayed by him like so many others i remember watching tv hoping... Read more

Putin's First Reaction To Trump-Kamala Debate: Russia President's Aide Angry Over… | US Election thumbnail
Putin's First Reaction To Trump-Kamala Debate: Russia President's Aide Angry Over… | US Election

Category: News & Politics

[music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [applause] what the changes in india's population and the differential growth rates this city has emerged we have a very special guest on the record the interview the role that the u us side played at that point of time assume my phone is tapped... Read more

Donald Trump LIVE | Trump News Conference LIVE | Trump In New York | Trump vs Harris Debate | N18G thumbnail
Donald Trump LIVE | Trump News Conference LIVE | Trump In New York | Trump vs Harris Debate | N18G

Category: News & Politics

Suggestions no nothing then you have another one and this one is a writer for people magazine who i actually thought was very nice she came to maralago and she wrote the most beautiful story you've ever seen it was a love story about melania and myself a love story in people magazine and that was it... Read more