Waughfit Radio E5 | Conor Harris & Jake Dunn The Rehab Process | Waugh Personal Training |

welcome to episode 5 of portal PT tops on this episode we'll be hanging out with Jake done aka the rehab process and Connor Harris will be talking about Co vid 19 and guts change your movement capabilities what we're all learning during these weird times as always I'm your host Kyle wall let's dive into this talking like boss - at work cuz you know it's this field nursing and all these people they've been one they're paying so much money to be in that facility which is ridiculous but they're also gonna tag on like it's so weak because they've been trapped in their rooms because everything's on lockdown and they're not getting any therapy for like who knows like I mean just one a couple weeks for those folks in that population and they're already weak so and like even though I'm know technically working now as many hours it's only gonna blow up there's all these older folks and just people are just gonna be so deconditioned after this that they're not like working out or trying to be consistent with it so I think I'm gonna be absolutely slammed within the next like two to three months month after all this sorry there's beyond me but yeah it's nuts and even then like they were all on lockdown and they were all like I mean these that population is already like having depression issues and all that and it's just magnified right now they can't see their family no one can come in or out of the building I mean they're not even look people like get outside and just get some Sun that's a little scary that's a little scary to your point like like human for me you know I do the online thing and so do you and I'm sure Kyle you'll you're are you doing anything online oh yeah I've been picking up dude I actually just got my first gold on reddit for a post I just did and well yeah I mean I'm good I've been tearing it up with reddit she said thanks for the go old kind stranger oh yeah man no he wasn't a stranger he wanted me to know who it was yeah so but ya know I've been doing a lot of like I need just making content that's good that's good because we have that as an outlet but you know imagine the person that does like they had a job and they got fired and you know they have unemployment they lived in a one-bedroom or studio apartment and they have no outlet now to keep making money it's like I don't that person like we think we're feeling a little bit less you know normal than usual but those people man I can't imagine I can't imagine what that's like because they can't go outside they're in this like tiny one-bedroom apartment or like a studio there's a ton of there's millions of those people out there I have no idea what that must be like almost be tough that is sad scary brother I'll even just say again with I don't know how many families are truly struggling with it all but like we mentioned that depression is gonna set in people if they're already uneasy on money there could be a lot of things happening like the like the family in Florida I mentioned the husband supposedly uh I'm committed suicide and killed the rest of his family and that's just sad to see and I don't know where that's happening throughout the rest of the world if it's just there but those things are gonna happen unfortunately and I think just putting people in a cage is what we're doing it's a it's a good thing but it's also a really bad thing you know people don't move pain like I for the first time in my life I finally understand from a from a subjective way because you know sometimes like if you've never been morbidly obese you don't know what it's like to lose that weight even though we we might know what to do to gain or lose weight right but for someone who has back pain that's constant right they are lifting they're doing this but they're at a desk job all day like I am basically doing now which I never used to do right I don't necessarily know what it's like to not move all day in different fashions so that that pain is different for me so for the first time now I actually got up yesterday and walked for the first time in a little bit like a long distance and I mean I've ridden a bike but I hadn't walked in a long distance I mean I'm talking multiple miles just outside and what happened when I got halfway through walk I started experiencing aches and pains like whoa yeah why like what is what is this yeah so I I literally got I'm like I mean I thought I'm moving up that's supposed to be like better for me and that's and I stopped and stood there for a second like women I've been standing tere for way too long maybe now that I'm actually moving this could be developing some sort of threat to my body some a you can pain whatever it is it doesn't matter right but again it doesn't mean that I'm gonna feel better just removing instantly so it showed that I actually got some weird pain or symptoms from it so people might feel like what a minute you told me to move Jake you told me to just walk throughout my day anymore all of sudden I started getting more aches and pains I mean how does that I'm thinking before I'm thinking that whoa how could this be like how could this happen you move more you move the better you'll be right but then of course I started just to notice in different positions that I was hanging out and when I was walking was my where was I just laying on my joints or did I try to load one leg when I loaded one leg the pain went completely away completely away but the second I I relaxed back and just flopped over standing up in a bad position came up again so who's to say that just moving is it could it could bring on different issues like we might think we're hoping one thing but that something else might pop up at the same time so for someone that never moves at all throughout their day moving could could bring on some sort of pain or ache that's not necessarily a positive feeling right off the bat but hopefully in in due time it'll subside because for myself now I've experienced it now and I never in my life experienced that so it brought me brought me a little back and more empathetic to understand things and and be a little bit more interesting of anything that can happen let's just see what happens and let's just take notes on what we're doing throughout the day because of course that's gonna matter it but the more I moved and the more I positioned myself and within within a proper intent the pain went away immediately so I think that was a pretty cool to see yeah the I totally understand what you're saying like I never I know how to solve pain on myself I know how my body works so if I feel something achy I'll be like yeah I can I'm just gonna do this and I'm good but I went for a run last week and my left Achilles was like not happy my right shoulder right now is not happy and it's from sitting there's no way it's anything else because this is gonna blow up when I say this but it last week I averaged 1600 steps every single day that is horrible that's so bad Tuesday I got 760 - I mean I stood up like twice yeah it's so bad you can't do that and my body's like it's to that so I definitely feel it and man it's just I have to get out there this week every single day I'm trying to at least run or walk two miles just at least because if I don't man its it's amazing and at least it's like helping me empathize with those people who have those desk jobs who sit all day because that's essentially what you know we're doing now all three of us dude and then you add in I remember you did a post or one of your podcast Conor and you're talking about like the but you know the visual system we're all so staring at something so close we're not getting any like just our nervous systems man they're just sort of act out right now because if you look at anything close all the time that's central vision which is like your pupils dilate that's sympathetic nervous system Drive that's why I like me look you know so my window right now I feel immediately more relaxed and that's because it's more peripheral it's more me there's more objects in my periphery there's nothing right up close so that's I think that's a big reason why when people go outside they feel instantly better it's assuming it's like a nice day and you have other things going for you too but it's so important just to like see outside and do work I've been trying that too and that works like you're doing right now dude yeah except for this Beeman I'm about to like have a serious fight like he's been all around me but hey oh yeah man like that's I've never been stung by a bee really my dad I don't know if I'm allergic it's probably a bad thing at this point dude be careful I know I've been stoned by plenty we had a like my dad did like beekeeping for a while so you just gotta be calm with them and they're just laying on you and [ __ ] but I just don't like it though he's pissing me off but but uh ya know in terms of like the visual system I don't know man like I did my fair share this past couple weeks playing some video games and like when I would stand up after like a couple hours and that's something like you know I'm playing some Call of Duty and that adrenaline kicks in but I'm just stationary now I'm playing and then like you stand up after a while you're like what happened to me like I feel like I got hit by truck man Wow hey yeah it's I can't imagine well I've been there actually like what it's like to not have these skills and everything that we that we all possess now am I still there you're so good okay cool yeah we had the skills that we possess to like get out of those positions and out of that like wacky nervous system yeah yeah you got to be able to alternate and all things I think like you got to be able to move one side of the body relative the other and vice versa you gotta be able to go parasympathetic sympathetic you know you got to be able to go to internal external rotation I think we're meant to be alternating creatures because that's literally how we're design were bipedal for a reason so if we don't do that and we're constantly in like static stance or constantly in this sitting like you know I think it's important to realize that for most of you know us being human beings only the last like what 50 years we've been sitting more and we've been human beings for like what arguably a hundred thousand years like I'm gonna break down it's not gonna go too well or we got on that scale then we've been on two legs for however many like what they say like three to four million years like yeah I don't know man like we're just we don't know anything yeah we're it was laughing nature in the face right now yeah but I mean how are yours like workouts looking with all this like are you are you like con you said you're just kind of running getting some steps in but are you guys yeah I have a great story about that I have so or again doesn't have that many fitness like like stores for equipment so two two and a half weeks a win and I tried to find a barbell I tried to find some weight plates I tried to do everything I probably I spent literally ten hours of my day going to all these different places in town and I finally found one that had one marble and this is not high quality barbell but they charged me two hundred and fifty dollars for and I paid it well happily because it's the only thing that I have now I have this barbell and then I have some god-awful plates that I bought bought off of Craigslist and the only so this other place for some reason was the most untapped place all in town not one single Dick's Sporting Goods not one single like big five not one single like equip or had one 45-pound plate available this place had a couple and they were charging $3 a pound you can do the math in your head I didn't there's no way like even I have my limits of what I'm willing to what I wanted this so I eventually went on Craigslist got some 45 pound plates they're only a dollar a pound and even that was like a lot for how terrible these these are but you know they get the job done so I have a barbell some plates and you know that's about it a badge so I got creative with that but you can still do stuff it's just it's hard to do anything besides like deadlifts in terms of like legs split squats Jefferson deadlifts I saw someone they went to Home Depot and just got a couple dowel rods and like cement blocks and they just like slide this nimbala house on there and they're like dead lifting and rowing and pressing that's pretty smart okay you know idea with my time hmm I built a custom cornhole set out of wood formulas is great how's that for exercise add that to your list the rehab process is playing cornhole professionally right now no but seriously was really cool everyone got crafty you know everyone's doing something that they can do luckily I built a squat ramp I put my own squat ramp out of wood from Lowe's and I got it stained and did everything so I I'm doing all my stuff on there I think people can really utilize isometrics really well in this time you know I think that's I'll stand there in a deep split squat whether I'm shifted or not doesn't matter I know what I'm doing I'm gonna burn don't like them another time if you know how low you know yourself different angles you're good again this is just a matter of like maintaining almost luckily I have I have some weights that I've always had I don't know what they call the the dumbbells where you can rack numerous weights at one time you know I'm talking about you can have slowly doing it with the big one yeah we I I have that which is good but I'm not like I said I was more sedentary honestly in the beginning because I saw this as an opportunity to continue to thrive with what I'm doing online and build that so I like I said I had the back problem or leaks when I got up and walked for the first time right so it's because I was sitting you know it's just pushing away at what I want to do what my my tunnel vision is but at the same time you know I do know I need to get out so I ride bikes a lot I played tennis yesterday using this time to play things that I used to play a lot growing up instead of just having a lift I think that's I think it's so important for people to do it's not even just lift it's just to do things that they love to do whether it's different movements so it's different sports activities you can do and it's just enjoy yeah that's so true man yeah just like having fun I think is so important at this time something I've actually experimented with the last couple of days and I've found a lot of success with it is I have a timer on my phone every hour it goes off I get up I go over to my bench I go on a wall I do something like I do 15 reps of split squats like lateral lunges with some sort of weight I'm holding I could do push-ups I can do anything like whatever and I find if I do that on each side make it a union activity in this bilateral splits static stands for you know so many hours a day so I make a unilateral and then I do 15 reps and then every hour I do that and I find that helps counteract a lot of the sitting I do feel better and I think it burns some some calories I think it keeps my tdee total daily expenditure up and I think that you know if you make those reps hard and you're gonna probably get a nice hypertrophic response because if you think about what the overall primary driver hypertrophy is its total volume accumulated so if you make those sets hard enough then hey you're probably stimulating something and over the course of a day that adds up really quick and then you're getting heart rate variability on top of that so I think that's a pretty good way to do it and it's really not that hard takes like 90 seconds you're not okay sir yeah honestly man all I've been doing is just running around the yard with my dog hey hey Doc I've just literally been like I take my shirt off I get some sunshine we've been lucky enough to have a lot of Sun lately I do some ISOs I've been doing a ton of eye so it's just dropping into like Co saps squad you know isometric lunges go sprint around the yard with the dog I've been running more than I really ever have but just like casual two minutes on two minutes off just kind of getting my heart rate up and enjoying being outside more and not having to like actually because when I was back in Seattle I was working non-stop I mean it was either online or in the clinic so technically is pulling 10 12-hour days none like no matter what and with that you just don't realize how much like stress you I mean no I'm resilient I definitely use a lot of tools to help myself out but you just take for granted what it's like to be calm and relaxed yep hundred percent about this so think about how we've never or one was last time you had two months off of work never whoa we got it okay well yeah maybe when you were on summer break yeah high school summer break but picture twenty years from now right mostly if you're thinking back when was last time you had over two months who knows it could be six we don't know right but it could be that long so if if anything use it as a positive thing as long as you can survive or whatever it is you need to do right use it as a positive thing because it's like it's in a way some people are probably experiencing like a big vacation that they've never experienced before because so used to working their butt off all day long wherever they're at again as long as they can survive when that there's different variables that come to play but in a way just look at it from that standpoint it can get a little bit better no I think so man I think that's really important like at the beginning of it I sent out a tweet huh I was like hey think about all those times you said to yourself man if I just had like a week I could catch up on all these things well now you have it and I there's a lot of projects I'm working on a lot of things that I'm trying to get done like within myself and like like I'm trying to play the piano again like that's you know it's just a good outlet to have and that's something I never really had before you know like I would play it on and off I never played it consistently because it was always something that I wanted to spend time doing other things with so that's been really nice and a good outlet and it helps take my mind off of it but for other people I'm sure there's different things like house projects like I don't know maybe spending time with our families more if they're not driving us too crazy that's why think it is a modern man that's a good point yeah I wish I had a house right now like I wish I had a house that I could like do home improvement to there'd be so much fun like what I'm doing here at my brother's house I'm not joking yeah we we put in like the whole back patio we had some guys come in and cement the entire back patio we're about today we're about to go dig up a bunch of bushes it's not my idea I'm just doing for my brother but hey what's family's for you know I love them so I'll be there for him to get you outside I'd love to do that like I've just been I took a bunch of stuff to the storage unit today I was like yeah I did something like did something a little bit more physical other than around the yard but yeah man so I mean everyone's just like I said earlier it's like The Twilight Zone it's just no one's working everyone's kind of concerned about money right now but at the same time some people aren't it's just a weird thing I think it's exposing something like within myself but I've noticed that I always have a need to do something always have a need to be productive and if you talk to people they're feeling the same things - it's like a it's like a neat that's it's something that's like placed on me by my environment by who I associate myself with and you know by just the constant like drive through the American dream as like an entrepreneur and I think it's been a good thing I think for some people it's driving them crazy and for me I think it did at first too but I think that the more I wrestle with it the more I realized that that is something that's within me that's like a problem I need to deal with because like if I feel like I am NOT content after putting in like seven or eight hours of work on a day off and it's 8 p.m. at night I feel like I need to keep grinding and that's something on me you know like I mean yeah and I think that hopefully other that resonates with other people because I think we all feel this need to be productive during this time and I think it's okay to just relax and just be present and enjoy what's going on within your life and that's something I'm working on through this time and I think that's where that balance comes in because like I think all three of us get it we're trying so hard to grind and you know promote ourselves and have this successful business but ultimately like what is it for if you can't stay present and just enjoy the fruits of your labor you know what I mean I think that goes for exercise too I mean a lot of people with their programming like I know myself like I was about to start I'm doing the rebel performance mint or the group mentorship and they just sent out you know the MRAP program I was like yes I'm gonna crush this like this is gonna be amazing I went in on a Sunday I was like I'm gonna get I'm gonna start the Monday on a Sunday cuz I want to be ahead when in Krush the first day we absolutely love the program on Monday my gym shut down I'm like what am I supposed to do yeah this is trash it is nice to like yeah you know I go outside I take my shirt off I want some vitamin D you know that but it's like I'm running around I'm just enjoying like being physically fit not having like a ton of aches and pains and just being healthy and I have you know there's other folks that I look at in the neighborhood and you're like you know you pop your Achilles right now if you price prints it across the yard man like not not to be judging but you know it's just it's nice and feel good and like you said just enjoy the fruits your labor be healthy definitely in terms of you know we do all have more time what have you guys been kind of diving into are you guys like looking at a lot of like exercise rehab or you just like diving into business or you said you're learning the piano again yeah yeah we go well I've been reading two books I've been reading this one human commotion the conservative manager of gate related disorders because my my perspective is heavily biased by I and bill Hartman so that's basically where I have most of my gate knowledge so hearing it from a very traditional perspective I don't want to say traditional like saying it's not a bad thing it's just it's just hearing it through a lens through which I have not necessarily studied since college so to get that perspective I think is really cool and to kind of integrate it with what I know and it's actually taught me a lot of things it's really blow me away and also this book strength training manual agile periodization approached by some gentlemen's name that I absolutely cannot pronounce Ladin you want I'm not going to try that last name but it's a FRA a pretty good read what do you think no clue yeah Donna [ __ ] John John a [ __ ] John a [ __ ] that might be it John a [ __ ] it's a good read I'm enjoying it too I'm almost done with this one so that's what I've been studying what about you Jake I mean I have really been diving in any books you know I like I mentioned before I had recently gone to the intensive for Bill Harmon that was the last cleanse event that literally I I left and it was like what three weeks three weeks ago four weeks ago a month ago and I left and the airports were empty so it's like ah I gotta get home and that in that day everything shut down literally so quite honestly I could say this stuff for the next year and still have to look further into it so that's all I'm doing I'm just just diving in to as much as I can I'm I've grasped a lot it's amazing it's really helped me significantly with the way I'm testing how specific I'm being what my intents are but also on a more global simplistic level of just understanding like things that it's not we don't have to go so technical sometimes you can just like look at it from a bigger perspective but at the same time if I want to be specific I can easily just zoom in and bam I'm right here on something else and I'm looking at whether it be from a different system approach or or whatever it is but for me it's really just been digesting that I'm gonna continue to do that and like filter it and integrate with what I've already known and then also really just preparing for when Dallas opens up here because I need to prepare to get new in-person clients because I moved here just like everyone else did right youth all three of us are in the same boat either you know we we have zero in-person clients for the most part so we got to rebuild so that's kind of what I'm doing since I'm I'm already been doing my thing online for a long time so it's I didn't have to like push for that right now I'm not really pushing for it at all I'm actually preparing I'm doing the opposite of Ross's doing I'm actually preparing for in-person clients so preparing like my facebook ads that I'm gonna be throwing out there that none of you guys will see rightfully so because I'm gonna be targeting one city and going from there and looking to see how I can just grow the network in this area for whenever it does come back so who knows but I'll keep doing both at the same time I'm trying to make sure I'm prepared because I don't want it like I said I don't want to go full vacation mode but sometimes it does help to enjoy yourself but at the same time I got to prepare because when it comes back there's trainers are gonna have their clients and and I won't so I got to make sure that I'm ready to do what I did in New York City now I got my clientele there so you know just preparing said man that's what I love to do yeah definitely man I think that's a good plan to have going forward I that's how I am too like I'm always like trying to be prepared for whatever may or may not happen others know I think I think for especially the type of stuff like we all enjoy like training and the perspectives we have I think that's just kind of the mindset that we have going into it all you know well about you god what are you what are you looking into and honestly I've been going through a lot of just the basics I really enjoy Zach couples information I talked to Jake actually because he had just got done with the intensive he's like you got to go you got to go you got to go so I was gearing up for that next application so I was like kind of just going through and seeing where I struggled or you know something just did in like I couldn't communicate it well so I was just like writing that stuff down trying to see if I could figure out ways to communicate it so I've been doing that still just going through and Zach has so much information out there and I just like the way he speaks and simplifies it which is really helped with the content that I've been putting out there I think but and then I've just been reading a lot about real estate stuff honestly yeah just like diving into that and just you said just preparing you know who knows what the markets gonna do and just try to be ready for it so yeah yeah I think you know at the end of the day I look at all this this stuff that we all practice and I try to view it in as like investments so very heavily invested in my own health keeping myself moving for the long term especially working with geriatric populations right now like I'll be able to fix myself till I'm gone it's which is awesome not a lot of people could say that and now it's really just a goal of trying to push myself financially and help as many people as possible so if I can get myself financially there then that takes a huge stress and burden off me so that way I can then do whatever I want to do and spread the love man yeah yeah that's just really making budgets and learning all that stuff it's learning about money it's weird necessary boy yes you guys so cutting out a bit Kyle oh oh there we go my back yeah okay sure that's good yeah like I said it's just uh necessary voice I don't see your picture Oh God well here let's do this since you can hear my voice I'll ask another question for you guys and then I'm going to run this matter it's called it's called oh yeah oh it's just called I'll use this time to just cuss a bunch right in the no no but like you know we're all looking at these different systems I'm curious Jake like you talked about different systems that bill has been talking about what is one that you think is I don't know that you would say is like the most mismanaged that you might have learned that or like a system like other super systems I guess or our big super system what system do you think is mismanage the most by health professionals I mean I'm sure we're all gonna throw out the slim idea of restoration just how about the internal systems now that's and again that's huge that's global so it's not like one is more important the other because you don't have all of them we're in trouble we're gonna we're dead you know it's the same thing with the respiration if you don't have air pressure to hold you up right right same thing with the fluids we would just collapse to the floor or if we compress ourselves so we're gonna eventually collapse the floor and so again it's literally everything at once but if we're trying to like break it down more sure I might say that I might be more of a air pressure fluid dynamic person than a just a lymphatic person or something like that you know but it's still the same thing happen at the same time if you have swelling somewhere I can make assumptions on what's probably going to happen based off of my tests what or what's going on that you're doing that may be more along the lines or what I would say a gradient then something else so you know more compression that inverse expansion but again it's just like too many things going on at once but I would say of course we're we're gonna say certain movements with respiration but again all that's gonna be combined together so it's it's virtually impossible for me to say that but I will say the one really cool thing that I did hear from bill because everything is it's it's not clear-cut nothing is like that and once you understand that we know nothing nothing like literally I'll say that I'll say that I've said that for a long time you know once you understand that just means become a little easier or like what's the one thing that really stuck out when we were at the intensive he was talking about why do you think this will resonate with you why do you think you give walkers to geriatrics right so why do we give them a walker so we're giving them basically another strategy to hold themselves up right because they're so compressed they can't explain anyway they're so compressed in every every aspect but you might see oh they don't have muscle anymore they're broken down or but I different lemons I could see it as they are so far compressed over the whole lifetime they have no other strategy to keep themselves upright so now they have to use a walker to push this nose backwards otherwise they would fall to the floor they have they have nothing else though it do it just again it's told many things at once but someone that doesn't understand this stuff might see it as a oh they've lost all their muscle yeah that's true they might have but it doesn't mean that's the only thing that's the reason why they can't stand anymore right I can I can collapse you in your chest right now if I were to just tell you to exhale as hard as you can and pushing your sternum and and sink in this sternum and have you tried to do a lift of any sort or any lift you're not gonna have the same strength that you would as if you were expanded a tepee period and he even did that he literally did it in the intensive it was awesome to see because you know I we all understood it to an extent but it just it makes you think like it's not just muscle it's not just fluid it's not just air pressure it's literally so many things I happen to have pack I have to happen at once right so if you deflate yourself literally he pushed him he pushed him down his arm went flying down but when he took a breath in and just did a nice valsalva he get over there forever right but it just makes you understand this stuff like okay maybe maybe there's so many things going on that I just I can't figure it all out and I'm gonna have to recei and you start to put the puzzle pieces together and who knows when I'll be able to say that I've understood it all I don't know if that's ever gonna happen and I'm okay with that I just don't on the right yeah I just think I'm on the right bill actually says though actually says we don't know if we could even understand reality because it would scare you and possibly kill you that's what he's a seriously mess with me I mean like I don't know that guy takes me on a whole nother tangent like have you ever like I don't know I've been in Sandeep reddit posts and like you know there's people that post her like oh there's like alternate realities or who is it the guy who mid Tesla I can't you on mas he thinks like we're in potentially a simulation and then that simulation is well his whole thing is like that simulation is actually more boring than our real reality now yeah because it's like a video game you only put in the stuff that sells and the stuff that like it's just going so he's like that reality is probably super boring if we are all in a simulation but I don't know that's a whole nother conversation he's a genius like guys that guy's a man I respect him because I'm not like that I wish I was no it'd be curious oi he's on name right yeah I don't know I if I could go back to school I would definitely be an engineer but I would never be like on that level at all yes still there all right dude I'm gonna go inside so let me hear about you Connor kind of like what you've been what you think about the super systems and what's mismanaged oh I mean I think that I really must I think it really is just just respiration or I think if we breathe 20,000 times a day then I think that needs to be respected because you take far more breaths than you do steps in a gait cycle so I think it needs to be respected that you're doing 20,000 reps of whatever your strategy is to hold yourself so we can go and we can address individual muscles and isolated joints and look at the body as a series of things that work in like you know different parts but ultimately it's just one overall strategy in your body is you know self selecting a strategy unconsciously that it finds is the most stable for you at the present moment given the options that you have so it's not just going to be like oh I don't have hip internal range of motion let me just give myself that really quick it's like no I'm just gonna find stability through this lack of internal rotation so I'm probably gonna go into more external rotation in order to feel more stable and then you can have compensations that happen through that and it all started through the respiratory strategy that you have in your body and it's just one global like I think when we say respiration people just think breathing it's like sure but its expansion and compression if looking together you inhale so many things happen within your pelvis ribcage even going down to like your femur ng's and your humerus and they just works out from there when you exhale this can prevent that she happens so I think that if you're gonna correct someone's body let's not think about individual isolated things you know adding up to what makes a human let's address this global thing we do 20,000 times a day that way you don't you're not doing three that's a 10 on your crep gives you're doing 20,000 reps of correctives every single day and you don't have to think about it I think that's the beauty of absolutely yeah hey I want to add up right on to this just lastly it so I was super big into respiration before I even got into like Bill Hartman stuff okay so I thought and before that I thought it was like you know Bosch aligned movement and everything else and I'm constantly just adding right so even before bill I got way into that I understood all that at least my understanding right and then I got there and it's nothing but like we're talking we're shifting fluids or now we're not even like we're getting in the rest for a patient but we're not even like it's it's so far on another spectrum but we're talking about another language again like a completely different language is nothing like that and and we literally are putting people in positions right and I'm putting in some in a very particular position to improve let's just say their internal rotation on the shoulder okay and I'm not even telling them to like feel air or go here feel it me or go there where I used to do that necessarily and I got an even better change in the last time like it just makes you understand whoa I don't know anything but now I know I'm shifting fluids on top of the respiration driving it with biomechanics and movement faster everything's integrated period but if I can just put them in the perfect position that will help improve that range right I don't even need to feel expansion because quite honestly I've done it on numerous people this one exercise in particular where I'm putting them in the position I'm just telling them take a couple breaths breathe in breathe out I don't care where they feel it because I know where they're gonna get it as long as they're perfectly placed and it's just completely different to the point where I'm like whoa this is too many variables now it says there's so many things at once it's opened my eyes even further and that's why I appreciate it even more now so it's an amazing feeling it's cool when you say fluids I feel like people could be confused are you talking about bloody time I'm a synovial fluid like what do you what are you talking about the fluid in our guts like what are you referring to I it's well bill say 99% fluid 1% stuff and yeah you're not going to understand that I know and I think everyone would probably have to attend the intensive to get further into that so I can respect that aspect they have but yes a lot of things to know Gil joints right we're the fluid in each joints going the shifting that will affect the way that you move it that joint whether it's the knee the elbow hip all that's going to be effective and it's gonna impact everything I can go into like arthritis because it's just gonna be in an area where no more fluids getting pushed around constantly like circulated right so not necessarily blood but that will be affected right but we're talking you know so the guts in particular definitely the guts in particular and how how you're positioning them and how quickly you're turning your guts over in order to achieve another movement whether you're doing the cut you know being able to bounce the guts off you push the other way all these things it comes into play it's like a baseball bill a see he actually funny I could say that see we're talking about me and in baseball and I was a left-handed pitcher from college right and he's like why do you think that there are more right-handed pitchers that can throw a ball faster than let please and if correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think you can name more left-handed pitchers that can throw harder than righties if we're adding everyone together right would you agree other than Randy Johnson you know Billy Wagner who I brought up to him cuz Billy Wagner is like five six five eight I don't know any threw like 103 miles an hour for the Phillies at one point and I'm like bill what about him he's like well that guy can turn his guts over against his normal physiology faster than anyone else so we both agreed that if he was actually a right hander he'd probably throw 110 right because because of the the spinning of our guts is what we're talking about we're fighting it as a lefty versal righty first it's easier to go towards the left side technically not talking about position of the hips talking about purely guts and fighting your guts how fast you can turn will be completely dependent upon how quickly you can turn your guts fight the guts inside of you so people were super slow and I have flat feet they can't they can't they can't spring out of that right they might have a flat foot because they're over pronated or whatever I did they can't they can't do this thing called yard they can't they can't they can't come out of it they can't expand all right so it just depends on how quickly you can do it because it's all happening so quickly it just depends on what we're talking about and trying to get a different perspective of it but it was really cool to see us off to say is amazing to see from that did he talk about any like inflammatory like good issues and how that might like cause you know like I mean like IBS things like that like how that truly like a fetch like positioning and like our abilities to move we went to a couple things compartment syndrome what we went through a couple not but but not interesting because honestly that's why I love the seminar so much just cuz we walked in there and he said this he said if you leave here and you only take away one thing that was worthwhile do you that's your fault you ask me whatever you want and I will tell you what I what I know so that's it was literally whatever we wanted so we all just went at it like that of course where there was some organization to it right but that's that's why it's so much different and it might be the best seminar I've ever attended because of that because it's literally we just wrote stuff on the board I want to learn this this this this and this next person this this this this this and he understood but all of them were like similar but we like at one point we went over compartment syndrome at well component we went over frozen shoulder all right but there are few and far between again if you understand this this gut thing or from the respiration standpoint the fluid dynamic standpoint you start to like make assumptions or connect dots without wrongfully making assumptions of course because we base things on tests only in our our spectrum so movement is what we're doing right so but you can start to see if you're if they're shifting your fluids in a certain position where you're more compressed in other areas and more expanded in other areas so essentially concentric whatever you want to put it as alright so yes they they absolutely could have an influence but we didn't go in so specifically like what you had mentioned but you can make an assumption as to inflammation or swelling in certain areas would have a different shift in pressure right because I know from my experiences I mean I love builds information I'm using so much more like the inverted positioning I mean I've literally just been playing around with it and I know people aren't really breathing there but I'm still getting positive changes in my table tests or my online stuff you know they're just kind of struggling you're hanging out there for a little bit yeah but I know from like I said my personal experiences I've had clients that have taken certain things out of their diet and I'm like you are moving a pulley differently and all this stuff and like I know from my own experiences as well like cutting out certain foods and like even people will talk about they're like oh I removed gluten from my diet and my pain went away so it's like okay well wonder if there's these inflammatory responses your guts are just a you know a brick in there and they're not able to have like rebound effects I mean but yeah you're stealing movement options from your 7% I couldn't agree more with that if we if we've done all we can with from a movement standpoint and that that's a lot that's all table testings that's respiration muscle biomechanics everything we're talking about vision doesn't matter if that's all clear or off the table we still can't get to certain things I would already overlook that the nutrition you know or refer it out to someone that knows better than I do that got like the Unabomber yeah like think about a powerlifter someone that you want to have so much like they want to be rigid they want to have stability all that stuff to get the weight up like what if you fed them a bunch of inflammatory figure I don't know guys are just like I hope I hope that doesn't help I don't know I just don't know if you're honest with you I have no clue but I hope that doesn't help because it sounds very unhealthy but again from from my understanding of that as a strong power lifter I want you to have little to no arc or range of motion you know I don't want you to have more than 25 years 25 Ayari potentially even less cuz that's going to make you a better power lifter because you got to go one angle instead of getting hit from other angles right so comes back like a physics standpoint I'm gonna tell my power lifters to start carb loading and just like get the time I need you to hit hard loading it'll suck goods possible no man that's awesome like I had the whole fluid shifting that's that's amazing mrs. Bennett big change for me and I can tell you right now it because I understood like like reciprocal alternating contralateral rotations all these things I understand with gate and whatnot but then I started to notice certain things that I was probably pushing a little bit too far and losing something more important like like staying expanded back on the left and trying to rotate to the right but I had a good understanding of it and I think it better than most but at the same time I'm like well no I don't okay now I know I have a different way of looking at it and it's helped significantly of what I'm doing now with less massive rotation because if I go here I'm extended back through here there's no there's no way I'm coming forward I'm doing a right turn period I already know so I should be actually more expanded here potentially but depends how far you turn where your hips are looking all these things that I I took into consideration just not to the I guess the level and you know I might have now or especially when I'm more excited about and I might have in five years you know that's that's kind of my goal because I that I don't know squat right now and I'm gonna say that five years no but it's really cool to see because I can tell you it's it made the change and again how do I know the table test showed it mm-hmm that was it I mean that honestly like fun was right into I I mean just I know I wrote this question like about the super system and like what's mismanage but again we all agree it's respiratory system and how people go about it it's I mean even just like in the PTA program like I'm sure you experienced it's just hey diaphragmatic breathing like that kind of man yeah and yet there's like you said someone on a walker and they just have this most like compressed ribcage you've ever seen like we're just compensations on compensations but I do think talking about the nutrition like that question I do still think that nutrition and in mental health are still Hume definitely mismanaged and I mean we can't say like in the health I would say in health and fitness world I know coming from Seattle there's a lot of depression there's all this stuff and it's like you know exercise is great for you awesome but like I don't know what to do for you in turn like I don't have a network of mental health specialists that I can send you to to help you like deal with this problem or even pain you know all these people with chronic pain it's like there's a whole nother psychosocial side that we have no freaking clue and it's just now starting to hit I think like people who really did for it like we're starting to find out about it more like folks like us yeah but general I don't know you go to like a personal training studio they're not gonna have a clue what to do like or even how they even makes them better at selling training or how to talk to people so I'm reading this book for my this book club it's like Chris Lee you know 15 people we talked about this book it's called playing with movement and the guy makes a really good point about like the biopsychosocial thing and he says that imagine there's a kid on a playground and it falls off of you know one of the little toys or one of the little structures and he hits his butt straight on the ground so there's two things I was going on right there so he's gonna Ted he's gonna look at his mom his mom can react different way she they're gonna freak out and run towards him and he's gonna start crying or he's or she's just kind of shrug her just going and then he'll start laughing so those are two options right there so clearly pain has a social dynamic factor to it I mean there's just no way and to because that child is still learning when it's learning to walk and it's falling on its butt it's learning should this even hurt like should there be pain is this causing a problem within my bottle inhibit my ability to survive and just go and live my life be able to be a functioning member of my tea the brain is deciding should this hurt so there's two things going on there's biological things there's social things going on there's psychological things that are driving this process I think it's really important to understand that because like if you're I don't know I hate to make this example like if you're in a loud CrossFit gym where they're blasting music like a loud heavy metal gym lasting heavy metal and you're trying to do like a 90 90 hip lift you're trying to like do some expansion in your ribcage and your shoulder hurts you're gonna feel better after that I don't know you probably can't focus cuz your sympathetic nervous system is driving you so hard because of these environmental factors so I think it is multifactorial and like Jake we don't there's so many different factors and all we can do is you know take that we have and I think if pain relief is the goal than a sympathetic state or the ability to alternate into a sympathetic state constellation be they both yeah I think I've literally heard that same exact thing hunter that about the kid get falling at young age I heard from a different system I studied many years ago and it just makes sense it's like so raising your kids I don't have kids so I can't talk about that and how to do it but that just makes sense like if you baby them they might start to think oh maybe I can just you know start crying and get help this or that's what I'm gonna do it's what you develop you you know again you learn so many things in your entire life yo you're always learning you're always developing but especially at that young age it makes sense so teach your kids to lose in sports to you know there's another trigger sorry I lost a lot and I got way better because of it yeah yeah yeah I remember listening to Pat Davis and talk about that stuff like he would said he would like to sit out in the middle he would just like put trash cans out and just throw a ball like I don't know like try and just like out in the middle of the winter I was like dude you're crazy my life but no no I get it like it's I don't know like it's such a different mindset to have I'm glad I have that mindset now because I know if I when I do have kids like like hey man just stand up you're fine but I've even having my own experience like I've had hip pain literally from like freshman year a high school from like running track hurdles all this stuff whatever we can say I was out of Waimea we could say a head whatever thing but at this point in my life I'll still get a little his app here and there and it's like again trying to be able to say like is this just like a chronic pain symptom or is this a true problem that I need to address 99.9% of the time like I do my table test I do whatever I want to do myself testing it's like I'm golden like and that's I'm really interested into like especially like in if there a clinic setting just being able to help people from that that side like try to tell them like hey like we have this strategy like while you're doing a 90 90 hip lift which whatever you're already thinking about 50 things at one time yeah also maybe try to like do this and hold that position or and visualize your pain symptoms like what kind of a what color is it blah blah blah like what color do you want it to be and just trying to I feel like that's only we're gonna treat pain in a therapy setting or in any setting like you have to have that in your back pocket as a tool but again like you're saying like I feel like if you live in a city or you're always on your phone or always doing this stuff you're always sympathetically driven you're pissing in the wind so I mean I'll tell my clients straight up like this stuff probably isn't doing anything it's just us late hanging out and we enjoy our time together therefore you feel better therefore you feel better like it's just oxytocin like we know that has such a huge effect so for me to say like this is truly you getting parasympathetic I think is alright what is that yeah but I don't do that again it's like because you could be like Connor said doing a 90 90 in the gym that you're not used to that's very loud but it's also like I think you can used to it if you if you actually put yourself in a situation long enough if you care to because I was in New York City and couldn't sleep for three months and I actually hated it for 3-4 months because it was so different I was used to people everywhere 4:30 in the morning you're having people screaming outside the window and you hear it of course you do here in the city right but then I got used to it all so like I just adapted I didn't bother me anymore and if I do like the actual test I would just take my blood pressure or certain times or whatever it is I could see these things I'm willing to bet you I I made an Instagram post about this before when I was walking around Times Square and I was talking about these lights these people these noises that you still affect me now they don't so is it a bad thing I don't necessarily know I'm not gonna say it is or isn't I don't think on business and help be yeah it's it's an adaptation that I've made and maybe I am just as healthy on on paper if I do but maybe not in the keening but maybe it can be seen as a good thing because now I can be exposed to the country in Kansas verse New York City and I can deal with either you know so I don't it's whatever you want I guess we have that way that's what I said I was resilient beings are amazing compensators we're also amazing I had that like think of [ __ ] that long and still function a human being you can still survive there's an amazing stories of human beings I've gone through just absolutely awful things and they're still able to walk so run they're still able to do marathons you know like it's so I think it's the compensation coming in and hang with the adaptation maybe a conversation isn't an adaptation you know I mean I think it's fair to say it probably is so I think it's just like we're very resilient creatures yeah our neuroplasticity I think it's our number one weapon when it comes to anything and just our survivability as if species for sure but we've got a belt so I've got like 20 more minutes fellas I got I got a I gotta go on at 1:30 all right sorry no don't no worries how about we do one last question let's just do that one the fun question since we've been talking about such serious stuff for a while what animal do you most relate to just an animal dude all right I'll go first about that yeah all right man so I was thinking about this and you know I wanted to be like a total badass and be like Oh like I'm a freakin grizzly bear like I'm uh you know something awesome and I was like thinking about it I was like no none of those like I I think I'm a golden retriever like boys I you know I'm there by your side I'm not the smartest guy in the room but I can sit and do what you tell me I like to explore like to hang out you know I get excited to go outside I'll eat anything you give me and you know I'm faster than most dogs I'm stronger than most dogs but I'm not you know I'm no Irish Wolfhound by any means I'm not squatting 800 pounds but gotcha that's enough I don't know what I could say I be but I could say a few things by I mean I'm all for being like a nice little tiger right there I love Tigers so much I love big cats I love them all I would have shot it on steroids no I lived I've been into that that preserved Carroll's preserve I've been there yeah cuz there's in Tampa I used to live in Orlando Big Cat Rescue yeah I've been there yeah so it's interesting you don't know you don't notice there's things like they do a good job with like union rep but like I didn't hear about her and her husband why not but like you see it and first of all we what scare of universes now we were just doing completely laptop this is awesome but that's so the guy in the show if you saw her like the last episodes you see I people were testifying against him and the one guy testifying against him was shown at the end of the episode basically high on crack so it's just like yeah he's literally completely high on crack and he's just on his bed Zonk tout and he's got you know i'm teeth like i was in every city I lived and you see these people you know who they are how they act right and you're like he's he's on crack and or something heroin and doesn't matter and you're allowing him to testify I'm like oh my gosh like that there's no validity in that so a whole that was just a complete [ __ ] show I'm sorry to say but it was amazing great to see but like once you're in that you're like whoa that person's not stable but it's a funny funny thing to watch it could tell yeah very interesting they probably made a lot of money good for them and grow it it's like a real wife family guy or like it just does it's a cartoon like it's just like that yeah you made up people who are like I don't know have you guys ever seen like seven days in hell by any Samberg oh dude it's just like it's one of those like fate documentaries that they just made up completely and they're just absurd and it's really like characters off of that but I don't know man well yeah big cat it yeah I don't know I prod you man from I'm Joe exotic that's that's my spirit animal he's got a lot of money now I bet yeah maybe I don't know he's probably got a lot of fines and he committed a lot of fraud everybody did everybody did true oh my gosh everyone's the bad guy in that story everyone that's a man it's a mate I I don't know how these people are real like I just don't get it but I believe it I actually believe it yeah you're from Florida man you see some things everybody comes to Florida so I see I see everybody from around the world everybody come to Florida or California I don't care you know they all go to Florida tell you that and I seen them all so it's interesting to see yeah cool hey I'm from Kentucky I know how oh yeah first couple episodes of it I was like oh I've seen those people before yeah yeah yeah I have a couple of cousins like that well guys there's a good hanging out well thank you all particular time to do this open if you do this again sometime soon absolutely [Music] you [Music]

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