Australian Olympic's Raygun Makes It Worse!

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 00:21:58 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: rachael raygun gunn
let's hear it from you how did you qualify for the Paris 2024 Olympics I won the Oceania championships did you know anyone who was involved in making the selection or any of the judges there were nine judges all from overseas um I don't think any of them have judged anything that I'd been in before I was you know super nervous about it to be honest unfortunately we just need some more resources in Australia for us to have a chance to beat world champions historically unfortunately we we haven't had the best track record of winning World Championships so you know I don't think that's just on me a lot of the responses though is also just due to people not being very familiar with breaking and the diversity of approaches in Breaking you know in the breaking Community what I did actually wasn't very shocking you know it's just a different approach in Breaking you have the athletic style Breakers and you also have the more artistic style Breakers and all of them are very valid it is really um sad to to hear those criticisms um and I am very sorry for you know the the backlash that the community has experienced but I can't control how people react well folks the 2024 Olympics were quite unique this time around a time for inspiring athleticism and a time for ray gun that's right we're back with another update date from everyone's favorite Aussie dumpster fire somehow Australia decided to unleash ray gun a break dancer of questionable Talent onto the world stage what could go wrong you ask oh just a complete and utter National embarrassment we're talking a train wreck wrapped in a dumpster fire dipped in cringe and set of Blaze on live television if you need to know the full story about this National Treasure name Ray Gun check out this video it'll fill you in on everything and for everyone else who's already caught up let's dive in it was like watching a drunk giraffe try to break dance at a retirement home you could practically hear the collective groan of 20 million Australians watching from home now you might think that after such a public debacle ray gun would crawl into a hole and never show her face again but she's back and decided to double down once again instead of retreating into the Shadows or simply apologizing she emerged with even more confidence as if the universe had given her a standing ovation it was as if she had Rewritten the narrative in her mind transforming a disaster into a Triumph before Ray gun's latest interview it was all just a joke it was most people didn't hate her they just told the truth about her however that has completely changed now this woman just could not bear to keep her ego at the door she could not bear to keep her mouth shut and accept the Fate that she brought upon herself she had had to make it worse now I'm just warning you guys I've been nice in my last videos I've given her chances I've been giving you honest facts and my opinions about the ray gun situation but I've always kept it really nice I'm not going to be able to do that anymore unfortunately so if you don't want honesty and you don't like my opinions I highly suggest that you click off this video now I can totally deal with somebody who is talentless and who embarrasses themselves and others because that doesn't make them evil but one thing that I can't stand is a liar the tables have just turned ray gun is no longer innocent she has made her first public appearance since bombing at the Olympics for the first time she gets confronted with the hard question since her hiding in the shadows of Europe in this interview Reay gun claimed that her performance was misunderstood and that the judges just didn't get her artistic Vision she spoke with such conviction painting herself as a misunderstood genius a Visionary ahead of her time she described her routine as a complex tapestry of emotions and movements something that only the truly enlightened could appreciate it was almost as if she believes her own hype convinced that she is a trailblazer in the world of break dancing you know in the breaking Community what I did actually wasn't very shocking you know it's just a different approach in Breaking you have the athletic style Breakers and you also have the more artistic style Breakers and all of them are very valid and I knew that people were not going to understand my style and what I was going to do I wanted to bring out some Australian moves and themes you know I I love our Olympic mascot BK the the boxing kangaroo and I wanted to show that um and and that's the wonderful thing about breaking you can take inspiration from any Source I had to go with what I was good at I had to go with my strengths so you know we had uh in the judging criteria you've got execution technique originality vocabulary it's a range in repertoire of movement and musicality and so I thought I'd focus on these last three artistic Vision Miss gun the only Vision we had was blurry from all the secondhand embarrassment it has been honestly so amazing to see the positive response uh to my performance like I never thought that I would be able to to connect with so many people in such a positive way so that has been just so amazing positivity are you freaking kidding me yeah if the positive was a battery terminal that electrocuted and shocked the entire nation this is what happens when confidence meets delusion in this interview she's gone on to say that she slayed the competition fair and square and that she's the best damn break dancer Australia has ever seen I won the Oceania championships it was a direct qualifier did you genuinely think you are the best female breaker in Australia well I I think my my record speaks to that you know I was the top ranked Australian bee girl in 2020 and 2022 and 20123 I've been invited to represent at um how many World Championships Paris Korea you know so the record is is there with a thumbs up and a boastful grin she's declared herself the queen of the Dance Floor this woman is literally trying to rewrite history just like the Olympics are trying to do don't let it happen it's one thing to have confidence but this but this was something else entirely it was as if she had created an alternate reality where she was the hero and everyone else was just too blind to see it she's doubling down she's lying or she's completely delusional when I saw the the sketch on Jimmy Fel and it's just like wow you have to wonder where ray gun is right now what's that music coming [Applause] from what was going through your mind when that happened uh mixed emotions I think like I don't know whether to like hug him or yell at him because what a platform he ended up giving me like honestly um I haven't actually seen the sketch cuz I don't think I'm in a place yet to watch it but I will watch it at some point and you know a few different people have kind of explained it to me and given me different takes on it she claims to have not seen Jimmy Fallon sketch but meanwhile wants to hug or kill him lies lies lies she's obviously seen it and there's no way she can be happy about it the platform that he gave her was not one of positivity and Grace he was reminding the world of the sickening display that it had to endure while other more qualified people had to sit on the sidelines she is literally lying to the viewer how stupid do we really look she's totally contradicting herself I don't mind someone sucking but I do mind a liar she's one of the biggest ones going at this point in time playing word and mind games with the audience in the nation she's still claiming to be artistic still claiming to be a unique qualified individual still lying her butt off one thing that I used to give her credit for is actually coming out and telling people that she doesn't have the skills in order to actually be considered a break dancer yeah I'm working on new combos I'm trying to because one of my weaknesses has been d damic so I've been trying to get a lot more Dynamic moves a lot more freezers and power moves some of the stuff that you that's more Jeff's specialty jch specialty so whereas mine has been style and and creativity and musicality so I'm trying to kind of um round out my my my repertoire a bit the crazy part however is that now she is completely contradicting herself by claiming that what she did was acceptable A lot of the responses though is also just due to people not being very familiar with breaking and the divers of approaches in Breaking you know in the breaking Community what I did actually wasn't very shocking you know it's just a different approach in Breaking you have the athletic style Breakers and you also have the more artistic style Breakers and all of them are very valid she knew in advance that she was going to lose she said it herself she overemphasizes the so-called Artistry in this sport because she cannot actually break dance a lot of the bad responses were from people not familiar with breaking she claims sure including the judges apparently I guess they're not familiar with breaking either look I'm all for chasing your dreams but there comes a point where you have to be honest with yourself ray gun you're about as graceful as a hippopotamus on roller skates your performance wasn't misunderstood it was objectively terrible and claiming to be the best break dancer Australia has ever seen that's an insult to every talented dancer who has ever set foot in that country this isn't about haters or jealousy it's about basic common sense and a healthy of reality I feel bad for Australia they have so much going for them beautiful beaches friendly people a surprisingly robust film industry and now thanks to ray gun they have become synonymous with terrible break dancing it's like a stain on their national identity or blight on their otherwise Stellar reputation look at that face completely avoiding the question and gaslighting the audience this information has been addressed by the AOC by OS breaking by the world Dance Sport Federation but let's hear it from you how did you qualify for the Paris 2024 Olympics I won the Oceania championships Oceania championships oceia championships and did you know anyone who was involved in making the selection or any of the judges there were nine judges all from overseas um I don't think any of them have judged anything that I'd been in before I was you know super nervous about it to be honest this woman cannot hide the fact that she knows she was given help to win that qualifier look at the way her face changes grow up you damn child it's disgusting she definitely knows that she was caught out there lying about knowing the judges this woman cannot hide the fact that she was given help to win that qualifier look at the way her face changes there is no denying that there was unscrupulous activity going on at that qualifier regardless of what their so-called investigation turned up actually there were all kinds of conspiracy theories going on gun who set up her own governing body for break dancing has manipulated the selection process Ray gun's husband was the judge that got her through the coach of the national team and the team selector I'm surprisingly they run a qualifier that gets 15 entrance and Ray Gun is selected an online petition gathered more than 50,000 signatures questioning her selection and calling for an investigation all us judges talked about how she was going to get smashed absolutely smashed is anyone surprised at this point the Olympics is literally trying to brainwash people on so many different levels why not on this level too when asked did you know anyone in the selection process she completely ignores the question she starts adjusting her wire her blink rate goes through the roof she practically starts singing her voice gets so high it would not surprise me if she needs new underwear at this point in time she hides behind her pathetic excuse of style meanwhile she's as artistic as a child's finger painting she knew she was a waste as a competitor and that's the problem she never should have took the assignment in the first place if someone goes out there tries their hardest and does what they need to do they don't necessarily have to win they don't even necessarily have to be good but how dare you take the assignment in the first place when you knew you were condemning an entire nation of people to embarrassment wasting people's tax money wasting money on a flight to the largest stage on Earth and then she pretends to apologize but just like throughout this entire interview she continues to play word games it is really um sad to to hear those criticisms um and I am very sorry for you know the the backlash that the community has experienced but I can't control how people react unfortunately we just need some more resources in Australia for us to have a chance to beat world champions um you know historically unfortunately Ely we we haven't had the best track record of winning World Championships so you know I don't think that's just on me um but in the last year I have trained my hardest I have trained so hard learning power moves in your mid-30s is not easy let's just say that so I have really you know put my body through it put my mind through it I'm sorry for the backlash that the community experience she claims but that's not an apology she is still doubling down she never apologized for what she did she simply apologized for what people experienced she didn't even throw herself into the situation it's just something that happened they experienced something and it had nothing to do with her the most frustrating part of this whole ordeal is Reay gun's complete and utter refusal to take any responsibility for her actions instead of acknowledging her shortcomings and apologizing for the embarrassment she has caused she continues to deflect blame and make excuses this isn't just about a bad dance routine anymore it's about basic accountability it's about owning up to your mistakes and learning from them she's still doubling down it's everyone else's fault that they don't understand her it's always everyone else never her another self- entitled woke delusional privileged child who never grew up what about the performance itself have you watched that back I haven't watched it back no that's not unusual for me though I'm I'm not great at watching back my my battles ray gun if you can't accept your fault you will never grow as a human being get over yourself immediately she literally claims to have not watched the actual footage of her atrocity are you kidding me who are you trying to fool if it's true she's afraid to see her failure and without acknowledging her shortcomings she simply will not get better she'll just continue to do what she wants to do regardless of what other people say is good or not and she'll continue to get pushed up the ladder simply because she's a woman this sums up her entire career as a break dancer she's not looking to get better she's certainly not looking to scrutinize herself she just wants to do what she wants and continue to abuse the powers that be in order to continue to progress Ray Gun For the Love of All That is Holy please do us all a favor and step down resign from whatever position you've managed to con your way into and crawl back into whatever hole you came from the world will be a better less cringeworthy place without your unique brand of break dancing when asked do you think you're the best again she does not answer the question how arrogant can someone be of course you're not the best the answer is no humble yourself woman you humble yourself even if you were the best the answer is still no this freaking woman is delusional do you genuinely think you are the best female breaker in Australia well I I think my my record speaks to to that she lies to herself every single day just to make it through when billionaire Richard Branson contacted her he referred to her Sideshow as Plucky courageous and fun this delusional nut actually thinks that Plucky courageous and fun is a compliment it's someone like Sir Richard Branson calling you to say that he enjoyed your performance and he thought that you it was Plucky and courageous and fun and you know he would love to you know uh do something with me and have me on some cruises with Boy [Music] George like what is life I don't know how about the word skilled she's literally a side show at this point she's getting attention because she is an embarrassment and the worst part is she's rolling with it she's actually pretending that all this media attention is positive she is talentless lying and delusional when asked if she was going to continue to compete she mentions that she's not going to but she claims that it's due to stress when in reality it's due to the fact that she's aware the world knows that she has zero skill I don't think I'll be competing for a while um not really wanting to be in the spotlight breaking um competing um but I you know it's it's been nice like it's been a bit of a process to try and start dancing again out like that's actually been tough you know it was my medicine and then it turned into my source of stress so I'm really happy that it gets to go back to being my medicine I can kind of finally feel free again so it's um yeah I'm looking forward to to Breaking but no I don't think I'll compete for a while keep lying to yourself ray gun keep talking up the imaginary positivity keep talking up how you know better than the judges in the entire world she single-handedly broke the Olympics and she is perfectly fine with never growing as a human being or a competitor to add insult to injury apparently ray gun was recently welcomed back from her vacation where she was hiding from the world with some new news as shocking as it may sound apparently the world has a new number one rank breaker yes we are talking about the same person ray gun Reagan has been announced that she's the number one breaker in the entire world despite having any positive feedback from the judges think about all the organizations that are literally awarding mediocrity at this point rewriting history simply to fit a narrative and this coping Maniac will not quit shocking the world with the gift that keeps on giving her delusional positivity and so-called Talent from the Olympic spectacle to Richard Branson who wants to exploit her as the carnival show that she is we will continue to be gifted with Ray gun's presence for a long time to come this so-called Olympic Athlete is acting like a toddler and now to top it off off she is literally blaming Australia itself for her shortcomings unfortunately we just need some more resources in Australia for us to have a chance to beat world champions um you know historically unfortunately we we haven't had the best track record of winning World Championships so you know I don't think that's just on me I think it's time for ray gun to Take hip-hop artist spice's advice and step off so they for example a Quest from aand and a bit of a hip-hop Legend in Australia called spice who says I feel like it's just pushed our scene in Australia Into the Dark Ages it made a mockery of the Australian scene and I think that's why a lot of us are hurting in Hip Hop we have this thing you step up or you step off you need to know your place let me know what you think in the comments folks am I crazy I know I kind of went hard on this one but I feel like I have to let's be clear this isn't about bullying or being mean-spirited it's about addressing a situation that has gone too far and needs to be corrected we are not here to tear anyone down for no reason instead we aim to foster a culture of true accountability and growth it's about calling out bad behavior and preventing it from happening again when we see actions like gaslighting and widespread misinformation we have a responsibility to speak up we need to send a message that mediocrity will not be celebrated and history will not be Rewritten that delusion will not be tolerated it's important to recognize our limitations and work within them pretending to be something you're not only leads to disappointment and failure and sometimes you just need to accept that you're not cut out for something it's not a sign of weakness rather it's a sign of strength and self-awareness knowing when to step back can be just as important as knowing when to push forward so please Ray Gun do the right thing apologize and admit the truth a sincere apology can go a long way in mending relationships and restoring trust it's never too late to make amends and show that you are willing to take responsibility for your actions I feel like delusions like this cannot be continued to happen sometimes tough love is the best kind of love but if I'm wrong about this scenario please let me know in the comments thank you all for watching and I'll see you at the next video

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