Hold Kursk weaken Putin. Russia, Kursk counter attack. Draghi, EU in decline. Swift endorses Harris

Europe's economic and demographic challenges grow has been slowing down for a long time in Europe but we've ignored it we until I would say until two years ago we would never have such a conversation as the one we're having today because things were sort of going well we were doing well out of globalization unemployment was steadily falling but now we cannot ignore it any longer we've lost our main supplier of cheap energy Russia and now we have to start for our defense again for the first time since the world since the second world war at the same time this is the first year when Europe cannot count on population growth for its increase and U population is set to decline steadily so much that by 2040 there will be 2 million workers disappearing from the labor market every year productivity is weak it's very weak so if we were to maintain our current average productivity over the last five of the last 10 years say it would only be enough to keep GDP constant until 2050 the investment share will have to rise by around 5 percentage points of GDP to levels last seen in the six 6s and the 70s and if Europe can no longer provide them to its people it will have lost its reason for being this is my video update on this Wednesday midday September the 11th let's talk about some news and of course we are going to start things off with the Trump Harris debate what did you guys think did Trump win did Harris win was it a draw does it even matter was it a waste of your time I think it it was a waste of time that's that's my opinion it was a waste of time neither Trump nor Harris really talked about policy the questions weren't bad from ABC obviously ABC they were leaning more towards Harris they were factchecking Trump but I don't think they were they were leaning that much towards towards Harris and it was expected that the moderators were going to to pull more for for Harris and they were going to to fact check Trump I don't think that's a surprise to anybody but uh Harris did not mess up she memorized her lines really well and she delivered her lines perfectly fine I mean she didn't have to really get into any type of of discussion on policy or Debate lacked significant impact on Harris or Trump anything like that that and uh and Trump he he did all right as well I mean there was no big big moments or big events during during this debate all in all it's probably not going to to move the the needle in in either direction either for for Harris or for Trump I don't think it's going to to make much of a difference this uh debate even though the the markets uh poly Market they are leaning towards Harris in this debate or at least that's what the the numbers show 49% and 49% Harris Harris's odds increased by 3% Trump's odds decreased by 3% since the debate started that is what poly Market is uh showing but I imagine that that this bump that Harris got will will go away by next week or two in a couple of weeks the mainstream media they're saying that Harris won that's also to be expected Reuters is saying Harris was widely seen as dominating the presidential debate against Republican former president Trump but a group of undecided voters remained unconvinced that the Democratic vice president was the better candidate exactly the mainstream media they're going to say that Harris w but whatever voters were undecided I don't think this debate is going to influence them one way or another so that was the debate foreign policy did they discuss a lot of foreign policy they talked a bit about Afghanistan once again there were no real policy positions or any real in-depth discussion about about their their far forign policy Trump or or Harris but they they talked a bit about Afghanistan nothing they didn't say anything special there they talked a bit about Gaza nothing was really said uh Israel nothing was really said that was out of the ordinary uh Ukraine Russia I don't think they either of the of the candidates said anything special there Harris basically said that she's going to support delinsky Trump said that he's going to put an end to the conflict because he knows uh Putin and he knows Alinsky and he's going to put a put a stop to to the war a one moment which was interesting was the ABC moderator I don't know the guy's name but uh he he asked Trump will you uh will you say that you want Ukraine to win that was basically his question will you tonight say that you want Ukraine to win this uh this war and Trump and Trump said I just want to put an end to the killing which is the correct answer but the ABC moderator kept on pressing Trump will you just uh say that you want Ukraine to win that was basically what he was trying to do try try trying to to get one of those gotcha moments maybe he was hoping that Trump would say uh I want I want Russia to win is that was that what he was hoping for I don't know or maybe he was hoping for Trump to say I want Ukraine to win then I don't know maybe that would piss off Russia I I don't know what what the purpose of this question really was I guess a kind of gotcha question but the guardian they put out an article at the title Trump refuses to say whether he wants Ukraine to win the war against Russia during the presidential debate Trump refused to back a victory for Kiev opening himself up to renewed attacks over his closeness to Putin maybe that was the purpose of the question maybe the actual purpose of the question was uh was that ABC they knew that Trump was was not going to say that he wants Ukraine to win or Russia to win but he was going to say I want the killing to stop and now they're saying that because Trump does not come out and say I want Ukraine to win that means that that he has a closeness to Putin the whole thing was stupid but the Trump Trump's answer is correct I mean he's given the correct uh answer to this question I want the war to end and I'm going to to work to end the war that's the correct response that's what Kamala should have said as well but she can't because she's she's part of the Biden White House that that provoked this uh this conflict and she may not be as as gung-ho for project Ukraine or invested into project Ukraine like Biden and the Biden family Blinken to visit Kiev, discuss Ukraine's missile strikes on Russian territory but you know she's she's tied into it now and she can't back off so she's going to obviously talk about supporting Alinsky and as long as it takes and uh and the put capitulation and Russia must lose and stuff like that anyway that was the the debate I don't really have anything else to to talk about with uh with the debate last night I really don't think it's going to make much of a difference in uh in this election let's talk about project Ukraine and the the reports that blinkin is going to be traveling to Kiev in order to personally uh tell Alinsky that Ukraine can Now launch us longrange missiles attack thems into pre-24 Russian territory that is that is the news that we got yesterday and uh the big Outlets the big mainstream Med media Outlets are confirming these reports the BBC is saying that that blinkin is going to be traveling to Kiev most likely to Green Light longrange missile strikes into Russia axos they are reporting that the US will allow Ukraine to attack Russia with long range missiles and the origins of this of this reporting how did this all get started how was this story how did the story break it looks like it was Republican senator from Texas I believe believe McCall yeah he's a Texas Republican he's in the house not a senator he's in the House of Representatives McCall he said that and I quote I talked to blinkin two days ago and he is traveling with his counterpart from the UK to Kiev to basically tell them that they will allow them to hit Russia with ATT tacos now Mcall is a is a super duper nean he absolutely hates Russia I mean he despises uh Russia despises Putin he wants to escalate this conflict he's uh he's one of those guys that actually believes Ukraine can win or or maybe he believes that that they can get regime change in Russia and he probably doesn't care about Ukraine winning or losing he just wants to wants to try to to create chaos and Neocons pushing for long-range missile strikes into Russia get a regime change in Russia whatever the the costs the cost of human lives he probably doesn't really care that much but uh it looks like the the reporting about blinkin going to Kiev and greenlighting longrange missile strikes into Russia it started with uh with this quote from Texas representative McCall he was probably told to to leak this I imagine the neocons told him to leak this because the neocons they won out they won out that's how it looks at least uh at this moment the Pentagon Lloyd Austin just the other day was was basically sing Alinsky in Germany there's going to be no no missile strikes into into Russia our policy has not change we will not allow us weapons to hit Russian territory and the neocons picked up on that and they said not so fast Pentagon we want longrange missile strikes into Russia and what we want we get and it looks like they won out so McCall comes out with the statement everyone picks it up no doubt he will was in my opinion no doubt he was told to to leak this to to the media and uh this comes out as blinkin is in the UK everyone now knows that blink's going to travel to to Kiev and he's going to to give this news to aliny that's how it looks uh in this quote McCall says that uh that blinkin is going to basically tell them that they will allow them to hit Russia with attacks so the word basically that kind of leaves a little bit of wiggle room doesn't it he will basically tell them to attack Russia interesting words there from Mcall so the UK defense minister I don't even know the guy's name what is the guy's name the UK defense minister is it Healey or something like that I don't know I think it's Healey who cares who cares who it is they're all the same man but uh James Hy or something like that the the new UK defense minister under the most boring man in politics Kier stammer under the kir stammer Administration he was uh briefing the the House of Commons on uh project Ukraine and Healy told the the house that Ukraine has to hold on to KK they absolutely have to hold on to KK do not get pushed out of KK because the longer Ukraine hold on to KK the worse it is for Russian President Putin the weaker Putin becomes that is what Healey said quote ukrainians need to strengthen their front line in the East and they will look to hold the territory in KK the longer they hold KK the weaker Putin becomes the the longer they hold KK the better defended Ukraine will be you see this is alinsky's Victory plan which is really the collective West's Victory plan and not even so much a victory plan this is their plan to destabilize Russia best case scenario this is their plan to destabilize Russia and maybe get a regime change a worst case scenario for them which which is still a better outcome than what is happening right now on the front lines which is an outright Ukraine military defeat but the worst case scenario is that they believe they will put enough pressure on Putin and on Russia so that he will have to negotiate and somehow give give Ukraine or the collective West some sort of some sort of favorable terms I don't know what that may be but he may give some ground on uh on his position Putin will give some ground on his position so that the collective West can say okay we uh we fought Russia to a stalemate maybe even uh a victory I don't know maybe they're hoping that that Putin will will not press on with uh with zaparo or hon or or something like that maybe they're hoping for that type of outcome if they can hold on to KK long enough and uh and launch long range missiles into into Russia that's that's a combination that they're hoping for that's the victory plan that's what they have in in mind hold on to KKK while uh the Ukraine military launches missiles towards Moscow or Petersburg and that'll be enough to to either lead to Putin's downfall or lead to to Russia uh negotiating and giving us some favorable terms and then they'll let the media Russia's Counterattack in Kursk weakens Putin's power take over and call this a huge Biden foreign policy Victory and uh Russia was going to take over Kiev in three days and and now we've negotiated a deal which which isn't so favorable to to Russia that's that's kind of the narrative that they're hoping to to run with or that's the worst case scenario that they're hoping to run with the best case is full-on regime change in uh in Russia that's that's the victory plan that's it it's that it's that simple and it's that stupid but uh that's that's what they're going with hold on to KK and launch missile strikes attack thems into into Russia and try to cause chaos and that's what the UK defense minister is basically admitting that is what blinkin is basically uh doing as he goes to Kiev and will allegedly Greenlight the long-range missile strikes I remember Burns in in London a couple of days ago he said with the MI6 Chief at the Ft event he said that uh the more the more Ukraine holds on to KK and uh and the weaker Putin gets that's basically what burns said as well so that's that's what they're that's what they're aiming for anyway that is uh that's what the defense minister told the the House of Commons meanwhile in KKK we had really big news really big news in KK and that is the Russian uh count attack that happened yesterday and this was a very successful Russian uh Counterattack from what understand they they saw that the Ukraine military was going to rot rotate uh troops in the in the KK Direction and as this rotation was taking place the Russian military decided to strike and uh and they absolutely pummeled the uh the Ukraine military the reports are that uh that Russia has has captured had retaken eight 8 n uh villages and they continue to to retake uh more territory in KK and the the losses to the Ukraine military and to Ukraine military hardware is is significant from this Counterattack and it's it's still Russia's Kursk counterattack and IMF's aid to Ukraine ongoing so this was uh a big event that happened the other day so what else the IMF they are close to agreeing on uh on money to the Alinsky regime that's right the IMF is going to give the Alinsky regime about one one billion 1.1 billion in Aid and uh we know what the imf's terms are increase taxes increase uh vat and uh devalue Thea so that the foreign investors Black Rock and these guys can buy more Ukrainian stuff on the cheap but uh it looks like the IMF is going to Greenlight money to Ukraine this is from the Kiev post with Ukraine's 2024 first quarter GDP growth at 6.5% and inflation now at 5.4% the IMF opens the door to another 1.1 billion in Aid this should be my clown world this should really be my clown world you're really trying to tell us IMF that Ukraine's economic growth is 6.5% and inflation is 5.4% really is that what you're trying to tell us IMF that is ridiculous absolutely ridiculous the only growth that Ukraine is experiencing is money that the US is giving it and some money that Europe is giving it that's that's the that's the economy everybody the money that uh is given to the olinsky regime by the United States that's it that's that's not economic growth that's not even close to economic growth but uh but the IMF is going to give 1.1 billion even though Ukraine is is broke they're actually in uh in default to be quite honest but the IMF well that's just a tool of of the collective West and at the end of the day what they're going to do is they're going to make it very cheap for the foreign investors to buy up whatever is left of Ukraine that's what they're going to accomplish so that's the news there from the IMF and from the IM F we go to the European Union and Super Mario Super Mario dagi he's the guy that said uh what did he say whatever it takes when you had the whole uh EU uh crisis which included Greece and Italy and Portugal and Ireland and uh and Mario dragi at the time he was the head of the the ECB and he said that the EU is going to do whatever it takes to make sure that uh that the European Union does not crumble with the the terrible state of the economies in these countries these member states of the EU and uh Mario dragi he was commissioned by the European Union so so I guess they decided to to hire Mario dragi to pay Mario dragi and his team I don't know unless he was doing this for free out of the goodness of his heart but they wanted Mario dragi to to research and put out a report as to why the EU is doing so poorly why does the EU suck so bad that was basically what Mario dragi was commissioned to find and uh he delivered his report couple of days ago and Mario dragi basically revealed that the EU is toast the EU the economy of the European Union of the member states is not looking good they are not competitive he said they have lost their supply to energy though he didn't get into the reasons as to as to how and why the European Union has lost access to cheap energy he said that uh that the birth rates population growth is falling and will continue to fall over over the many many decades ahead it's not going to be easy to solve the the population decline in the entire uh European union and uh the EU is just not not keeping up with the US it's not keeping up with China and it's falling very very far EU falling behind in global competition behind that is what dagi said he said that if the EU cannot provide things for its citizens then we have lost the reason for being yeah time to break up the EU I think if you go by that quote from uh that statement from dragi maybe the European Union shouldn't give 300 billion to Ukraine and maybe they should allocate the 300 billion to their to their people to their citizens but nah better to give the money to aliny but um yeah that's what dragi came up with and uh and what's his solution this is the real reason for for this report by the way don't believe any of this this dr's concerned about EU citizens and uh dragi wants wants the EU to to look after its people and the European Union is to do something in order to compete don't believe any of that the real reason for for drai's uh uh report and why Ursula commissioned dragi to to come out with this report is because dragi solution to the European Union's trouble is Euro bonds that's right that is his solution EU facing existential risk without investment the report was drawn up by a small team in a secretive atmosphere and anticipation for its publication grew in Brussels after its release was delayed by several months the spending recommendations in the report are described as unprecedented they are equivalent to 5% of the Block's GDP and more than double the post World War I Marshall Plan without extra investment the EU will be unable to finance its social model and will have to scale back some if not all of its Ambitions the report warranted the report which is non-binding calls for an expansion of joint borrowing that's the key an expansion of joint borrowing by EU States in order to fund the investment a move which would be Controversial collective borrowing proposal for Euro bonds controversial and could be opposed by some member states yeah Germany's not going to be happy with uh ji solution I imagine the Netherlands Finland a lot lot of countries mostly in in the north of Europe are going to be very unhappy with thei solution which is collective Collective borrowing Euro bonds Euro bonds and all member states are on the hook for these Euro bonds and uh this is something that Germany does not want this is something that a country like Greece does want we can borrow and you're telling me we can borrow and then uh if things don't work out Germany's on the hook yeah sign us up man so I mean this is gonna this is going to be a tough one to sell but you know Germany's weak Ola Schultz is weak and maybe if there's any time that they can sell this it's now functional sculptures creation of artist gasis Valentine functional sculptures H what makes these functional I don't know maybe because you can sit down on this I have no idea interesting though very interesting even though someone put graffiti on this one sculpture and this other one as well that one has graffiti as well anyway eurobonds that's what he's pushing that was the whole purpose of this report everything else is is BS the EU couldn't care less about its citizens couldn't care less about its people they don't give a flying F they want Euro bonds the European Union including daki including guys like daki they wrecked the EU they demolished the EU and now they're coming out and saying oh my God the eu's been uh hollowed out what do we do well we need to borrow more we need to invest we need to invest in all kinds of stuff in other words we need to pay ourselves even more how are we going to pay ourselves even more well we're going to need to to up the Investments of the European union pay ourselves even more money and how are we going to accomplish this we need to to go the eurobond route that's right so that's uh that's dragi the the Swiss army knife of the European Union Mario drai whenever the European Union needs something done they call on Mario dragi he's uh he's Harvey kitel in Pulp Fiction right that's basically Mario dragi whenever the EU is in a bind whenever they need to figure out how to how to get more money how to borrow more money they call on dragi if they need someone to to be commissioner for a couple of days while they sort stuff out call Mario dragi we need to figure out how to have to get the whole Euro bonds thing going call Mario daki he is the he is the Harvey kitel The Pulp Fiction Harvey kitel of the European Union so that is uh that is the EU and the report from dagi and now we can talk some clown world and we will stay with Europe with the European Union and there are reports that Germany was going to honor Donald Tusk at at some award ceremony I believe it's called the the M100 award ceremony or something like that and tusk was going to be the the guest of honor or one of the guest of honors and he was going to get an award and Ola Schultz was going to speak on on behalf of Tusk and talk about how awesome Tusk is and the whole thing's been cancelled the whole thing's been cancelled and the rumor is that it's all been cancelled because of this nordstream fight between Poland and Germany Germany is basically trying to to pin the blame of nordstream on Poland that is what Germany is trying to do they're saying that Poland had a had a role in in helping the six divers volodimir Z and his five divers and Gilligan and the Germany accuses Poland of obstructing investigation skipper and uh UK Ukraine's UK ambassadors illusion Poland was helping to uh to coordinate to to um to obstruct the investigation from Germany and they were helping these uh these northstream sabats evade the German authorities that's what that's what Germany is claiming Poland did Poland's pissed off and they're saying we did nothing of of the sort they even there there were reports that even said Duda conspired with uh with Alinsky for nordstream Duda refutes these these reports he said I didn't do any of this stuff and so anyway uh Tusk he was supposed to go to Germany and be honored at this Awards event and he said no he cancelled and uh yeah that's it he canceled and that's that's the latest in uh as as the EU turns the soap opera of the European Union the fight between Poland and Germany Germany trying to to put the blame of nordstream on Poland trying to scapegoat Poland amazing stuff huh amazing and we can do one more clown world and this clown world we go back to the US elections and post debate we got the news right after the debate very very well timed that where is it here Financial Times Taylor Swift endorses kamla Harris as steady-handed leader pop star says Donald Trump's sharing of misinformation about her support spurred her to go public yeah nicely timed post debate Taylor Swift comes out and says I am supporting kamla Harris because she's steady man she is steady steady steady as a rock CA Harris she's joy and she's steady she's happiness and joy and steady all wrapped up into one package one presidential package so is Taylor Swift's endorsement of kamla Harris going to move the needle no it's not going to move the needle at all I imagine that 99% of of Taylor Swifts fans were all already going to vote for kamla Harris Taylor Swift's endorsement of Kamala Harris seems conveniently timed so I don't think this is going to make much of a difference if any but the timing is very very convenient very interesting huh very very interesting timing it's almost as if as if Taylor Swift was uh was being activated by certain forces to to come out at this very moment after the debate and throw her support for kamla Harris I don't know anyway that's the video everybody that's uh that's the clown World Taylor Swift the the anti-hero isn't that her her latest most popular song she always supports the anti-hero and I guess the anti-hero is is kamla Harris or is the anti-hero Trump I don't know anyway that's the video the dad. locals.com we are on Rumble Odyssey bitshoot telegram Rock fin and Twitter X go to the Durant shop pick up some merch like the T-shirt I am wearing today in this video I will put a link to our shop in the description box down below take care [Music] [Music]

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