FT, oligarchs upset with Putin. Dick Cheney endorses Harris. Milei wants ICC Maduro

Dick Cheney your father um a beloved figure among Democrats uh for many many years uh do you uh if you know who he will be supporting or who he'll be voting for do you care to share with us who he might be voting for Dick Cheney will be voting for kamla Harris wow this is my video update on this Sunday afternoon September the eth let's talk about some news lemon trees lemon trees in liol beautiful huh all right the financial times London event that is what we are going to start off with and headlining this financial times event was CIA Chief Mr Burns and also headlining with the CIA Chief was MI6 Chief Roger Moore no not Roger Moore Richard Moore Richard Moore the Mi MI6 head hon show what an amazing amazing event H Financial Times London you get to listen too CIA Burns and MI6 more wow what an event and yeah and they uh and they talked about the dangers the evils the threats that are China and Russia that is what they talked about and how they are going to protect the world protect democracy from the axis of Evil so Burns and more they said a lot of interesting things about project Ukraine a lot of interesting things they both said that the ksk incursion was a military tactical success that is what they both said it was a success the curs incursion they said that it was such a success that that now the Russian oligarchs the really wealthy Russians they are starting to question Putin question Putin's power oh boy Putin is in trouble because of the kers incursion yeah they said that uh Burns and mo said that the Kur uh incursion is Just One Piece One Piece of uh of Al lensky's Victory plan puzzle it's one piece in the victory plan puzzle the curs concurs that's what they said they did not uh elaborate on on what the victory plan the entire plan looks like but they said that the curs incursion is one part of alinsky's Victory plan and they said that this has rattled the Kremlin it's got the Russian oligarchs starting to doubt Putin and and who knows who knows we may be getting a regime change in Russia according to Burns and more someone's been drinking carlburg it's a lot of carlburg terrible that they just threw it there huh yeah they uh the oligarchy they may be removing Putin according to Burns and uh and more but they did say to their credit they did say that Putin still has a firm grip on uh on power in Russia they did say that uh but they also said But PS and Moore also said that uh we should not confuse a firm grip on power with with uh being president and being given the the Mandate the power to be president of Russia should not confuse the two just because Putin has a firm grip on power it doesn't mean that the very powerful oligarchs are going to to allow Putin to be president after after the curs incursion which has rattled rattled the uh the Kremlin and rattled Putin that is what they said they are they are still pedling the hopium of regime change in Russia that is what they are still pedling and to be honest Burns and uh and more given the the audience that they were speaking to you got to imagine that people attending a financial times event with uh the CIA and MI6 Chief headlining these are going to be globalist warmonger neoliberal neocons and they don't want to hear from the CIA or the MI6 that curse was actually a debacle it was a disaster they don't want to hear that the front lines in dbass are collapsing they don't want to hear that uh the Russian economy is doing awesome that Putin's approval rating is still double that of any any Collective West leader and uh and they definitely want to hear that there's going to be regime change in Russia they really want to hear that the audience wants to hear Putin's gone Putin's out there's going to be regime change they really want to hear that and couple that with uh with Burns and Moore talking about how Alinsky is awesome alinsky's Victory plan is is is working they they really want to hear that you you got to imagine the uh the people in attendance in London at this Financial Times event were creaming in their pants listening to to how uh Putin's going to be regime changed the oligarchy is upset in Russia and alinsky's plan is working they were creaming in their pants but anyway that is what burns and more said uh Burns also said actually he said this to the telegraph he said that uh that when the Smo started the Biden White House was worried about Russia using tactical uh nukes and uh Biden he said Biden being the decisive leader that Biden was and remains uh even today he said that Biden quickly dispatched him to Moscow where he met with his counterpart Serge nishin and burns claims that he told n iskin don't you dare use tactical nukes don't you dare we're we're watching you don't you do it he said and uh and then Burns and more they uh they said that uh that the collective West should consider Russia's warnings and and red lines absolutely they should consider these red lines but they should not take them too seriously so escalation is is absolutely uh game on absolutely escalate yeah take the the Russian red lines into consideration listen to what they're saying but Burns and and Moore said it's it's most of the time it's just Russia uh bsing just talking smack so there's no need to to worry too much about about Russia's red lines and and Russia talking about Crossing those red lines and and retaliation and stuff like that they said don't worry about it let's just keep on escalating so that's another interesting thing that burns and uh and Moore said in London so talking about project Ukraine a quick update from the front lines there there is some news if you go by Ukrainian sources that the azof the azof Battalion the azof Brigade whatever they're called that uh they moved into the the town of New York and that they have managed to gain some territory in New York which which was taken by uh the Russian military a couple of weeks ago and they've managed to claw back some territory this is what the Ukraine sources say the the Russian sources various Russian sources are claiming that this is BS and the images and video which support this claim of Ukraine in in New York or taking back some territory in New York in the dbas the images and videos are are from a year two years ago these are old images that they're using to to support their claims and another another update from the front lines is that in uh donet if you go by Russian sources there are Ukrainian troops couple hundred troops from I understand that are trapped in a cauldron that are encircled Ukraine sources say that these soldiers they have uh they have managed to escape the encirclement and they're now safe they've retreated and are in no danger so that's just a quick update from the front lines let's now talk about the big endorsment that kamla Harris received yesterday Dick Cheney Darth Vader himself the the chief neocon of neocons the number one neocon on the planet he has endorsed kamla Harris the endorsement actually came from his daughter from what I understand Liz Cheney said that that her father Dick Cheney endorses kamla Harris Liz Cheney has also endorsed uh Kamala Harris as well but uh there's a huge endorsement Cala Kamala has the the endorsement of the number one neocon on planet Earth and Tucker he said Tucker Carlson said that this should not surprise anybody because Dick Cheney is uh is the king neocon and kamla Harris is is also a neocon that's what Tucker said and uh David Sachs he put out a post on X saying Kennedy Democrats are now Trump Republicans Bush Republicans are now Harris Democrats upside down World Inside Out World that's right that is what what is going on this election is bizarre but uh you know kamla kamla Harris she can't really control who endorses her to be fair she can come out and say look if uh if Dick Cheney wants to endorse me uh what can I do I can't I can't stop someone from saying this they support me but this is what kamla Harris should have said but as a Democrat as a progressive and liberal I don't want Cheney's endorsement I don't want it I don't uh agree with Dick Cheney his endorsement means nothing to me that's what Kamala Harris should have said but instead instead Kamala Harris she approved of Cheney's endorsement she was happy about it she said that this endorsement is very courageous coming from the chaines because it shows that they are very patriotic because they are put in country above party so she actually embraced the uh the endorsement from neocon Cheney of course she embraced it she doesn't really have much of a choice does she they hand her the script they say read it she reads it and then she moves on so uh that's uh Camala Harris and the big endorsement from Cheney and now we can talk about aliny in Italy the the man in the green t-shirt or the black T-shirt depending on the day he was in Italy there was some uh some event conference going on in Italy and uh Alinsky was there this is after Germany after the failure that was Germany and he met with Maloney Maloney said that that we must not forget about Ukraine we have to support Ukraine Italy must support Ukraine so Maloney is is committed to project Ukraine that is what she told Alinsky that is what she told the media and uh and theeni also met with Gert wers that's right of the Netherlands he met with Gert Builders I really hope that uh Gert did not did not Shake alinsky's hand and I really hope he did not allow Alinsky to hug him I don't think he did because uh Kurt Builders has been very critical of uh of project Ukraine very critical he has not been a supporter of project Ukraine at least from what I know he has not been a supporter of project Ukraine but uh he did sit down with aliny in Italy and go going from the reports that I've read from this meeting it looks like Builders was not very impressed with aliny because the the reports they don't really say much about uh what Builders and delinsky talked about at least from vilder side of things from the Ukraine readout they say that that Alinsky asked for uh for support he thanked the Netherlands for the support and for the money and for the weapons give me more money give me more weapons give me more support so so Ukraine was was talking that up talking up the cooperation between the Netherlands and uh and Ukraine but from builders's side of things it just said that they discussed the situation in Ukraine the conflict Putin Putin wine no not Putin wine everybody punin punin wine inspired since 2012 looks like a nice place huh pin pin wine I've actually I've actually shown a different pun and wine back down that way about a year ago maybe six months ago so uh so they discussed uh Gert and uh delinsky they talked Ukraine the conflict in Ukraine and and they also talked about nordstream it said that gervers talked talked to aleny about nordstream as well inquired about nordstream I wonder what Gert asked Alinsky what did he ask Alinsky hey Alinsky um just between you and me you blew up uh nordstream didn't you ER Gert um between you and me look I say blow it up this is what I tell zusy then CIA they call me Mr Burns from CIA calls me he say don't blow up I say okay northstream will not go Kaboom then as illusion he tells me too late northstream go Kaboom what can I do with gold Kaboom Mr filters and ol Schultz he still give me money anyway that's uh that's the meeting between uh ERS and aliny in Italy France is going to be using in money from the interest of the Frozen Russian assets they're going to take 300 million from the 1.5 billion of interest earned on the Russian frozen assets in Europe at Euro clear the 200 billion or 250 billion whatever the amount is and they are going to give 300 million to the French mic the military weapons businesses in France so that they can provide Ukraine with artillery and air defense that 1.5 billion everyone is tapping into this 1.5 billion the interest earned on the Russian frozen assets everyone's tapping into it Europe's tapping into it Germany's tapping into it the United States is tapping into it France is uh is going to take 300 million from the 1.5 billion I don't think there's enough 1.5 billion to go around for everyone to to get their hands on for all the the weapons manufacturers and all these people that are that are taking the the 1.5 billion I don't think there's enough of it you know what I what I think is going on I think that they're tapping into the the 200 250 billion now that's my suspicion I think they're I think they're going at the at the principle right the the the 200 billion that's frozen they're they're dipping into that that's what I think is going on man I'm telling you this is like a a Dumb and Dumber uh event that is taking place they're going to uh to give Putin in two three years when all of this is settled and Russia gets their their 200 or 250 billion back or they or they've been awarded they've they've been given the right to to get back the 200 or 250 billion the collective West they're going to to give a suitcase to Putin and they're going to say here you go here's your 200 250 billion that was frozen and Putin's going to open it up and it's going to be all IUS it's it's gonna be IUS IOU five billion IOU 20 billion IOU 30 billion Bo is going to be like what is this they're going to be like look we told you we're good for it here's your 200 billion man it's an IOU trust me we're good for it man we'll pay you back that's what's going to happen man they're they're they're they're taking some of that uh that 200 billion they're they're not just working with the 1.5 in in interest which is still Russia's interest by the way it's still Russian money they're still stealing Russian money but you know anyway that's uh France for you there are protests in uh in France today people are oppa people are upset with uh with the appointment of barier as prime minister and so melan sham and the the left uh Coalition that was formed so that they could partner with macaron and his party to prevent Le Pen they're now protesting that macaron did not accepted their candidate as prime minister Lucy Lucy castet and he decided to appoint his own prime minister in Michelle barer and they're upset with Marron because Marron screwed them he doublecross them right they made a deal with Marron they presented their candidate for prime minister Marron said screw you the left uh umbrella Coalition said wait a minute we had a deal we won the election we get to appoint the Prime Minister we're in Partnership we prevented Leen from from winning macron said sorry should not have made a deal with me don't make a deal with my maon don't uh accept a dinner invitation from makaron just ask pav durov about that but um yeah so now they're upset with makaron and there's huge protests at France macon's just gonna brush it off he's gonna brush it off he's gonna say whatever barer is uh barnier is the guy he's the Prime Minister he's gonna get Leen on board and uh melan shant and the left umbrella Coalition they got uh they got screwed man they got screwed Big Time played big time so we have the uh the protest in France we have protest in Brazil against uh ex censorship big protest in Brazil bolsonaro was also at these protests so that's going down in Brazil and in in Argentina check this out mle he is calling on the ICC to issue an arrest warrant for mudo he wants mudo arrested he wants Khan to arrest mudo Khan arrest mudo that's what mle wants as if he doesn't have other things to worry about in Argentina he's now concerned about arresting Maduro getting the IC to issue an arrest warrant for Maduro the the hypocrisy of all of this the irony of all of this is that Malay is very good friends with Netanyahu and uh we haven't seen any arrest warrants for Netanyahu have we from the ICC but mle is now calling on uh the ICC to arrest Maduro so Maduro what uh what he has done is he has stopped the water going into the embassy in Argentina in karakas check out this story this story is wild man this is a wild story so the embassy in karakas the Argentine Embassy in karakas is being managed by Brazil they're they're they're running the the embassy in Argentina right and uh and Venezuela revoked Brazil's uh management of the embassy in Argentina and you have six Asylum Seekers who were who were on the opposition to Maduro they are in the embassy in Argentina which was being managed run by Brazil which has now been revoked they're seeking Asylum they're in this Embassy Maduro wants to get at These Guys these six Asylum Seekers and he has now cut off the water to the Argentine Embassy in karakas which was not anymore being run by Brazil wow wow what a crazy story huh what a freaking crazy story so yeah that's what's going on in karakas by the way Gonzalez who was the opposition candidate he was actually the the the the real candidate was Maria Corina but couldn't run so she got her puppet to run Gonzalez and uh he lost and now he's uh fleeing to Spain we got the word this morning that he's he's Audi 5000 to uh to Spain so he was he was the puppet to the puppet Gonzalez he was the puppet to Maria Corina the puppet to the puppet Maria Corina is Juan guo 4.0 you have Wan guo you have spana tianova and then who else do you have I know I'm missing somebody I'm missing somebody damn it anyway and then you have Maria Corina and Gonzalez who was the puppet of Maria Corina he's now gone he's going to make a new life for himself in espa what else uh I think that's that's everything right let me see yeah let's uh let's start talking some clown world let's get walking again so uh Trump he was speaking in Wisconsin and uh Trump he he was upset he was telling people at the rally in Wisconsin that he's upset that Putin has endorsed Harris he was joking he was joking doing a little bit of trolling but uh yeah he was uh he was commenting about Putin endorsement of Harris is it a good thing or is it a bad thing that's what Trump was trying to figure out I think that's what what we're all trying to figure out because if Putin endorsed Trump then uh then the globalist would be going crazy but now that Putin has endorsed Harris the globalists are now going crazy so I don't know is a Putin endorsement a good thing or a bad thing I don't know I don't know anyway uh what else one more clown world uh they have some fish meat soup Santa Maria mes and we got the gents Barbers and we got Surf and Son Bistro which is closed but we got the cats hanging out here so it's all good what do you cats think uhuh should we do a final clown world yeah it's hot I know I know it is hot all right take care cats good seeing you so uh final clown world the X account the parody account of analina barbach this is an analina barbach parody account has been blocked by the X account of uh Ukraine the official Ukraine X account so what do you guys think uh Fender guitar or Gibson guitar Fender or Gibson so yeah let me read you what uh what's going on here the ex account of Ukraine has blocked you the parody of analina barbach and this is what parody analina 360 said if this if is this the thanks I get for my years of feminist support question mark really I mean come on man all that support that analina 360 has given Ukraine and this is the thanks she gets being blocked on X come on man anyway that's the video Everybody the Duran dolls.com we are are on Odyssey bit Sho telegram Rock Fin and Twitter X and go to the Duran shop pick up some merch like the hat that I'm wearing today or the t-shirt that I am wearing as well the link is in the description box down below like this video subscribe to the channel if you want take care [Music] [Music]

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