Category: News & Politics
94.6 that is the percentage of votes secured by the incumbent president abdul majid tabon according to the electoral commission the other candidate secured only a small percentage mr abdul maid tabun secured 5,329 253 votes which means 94.6 5% the second candidate mr abdul ali hassan sharif for map... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Salam j'espère que tu vas bien aujourd'hui je vais te parler d'une superbe nouvelle qui vient de tomber ouvrant un nouveau chapitre dans le développement économique et géopolitique de l'algérie si dieu le veut mais avant de commencer merci de soutenir mon travail en devenant contributeur de ma chaîne... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Incumbent tabun elected for second term as algerian president Read more
Category: News & Politics
To talk a bit more about those results from algeria mark perilman is with me now and mark let's talk first of all about this uh controversy this apparent discrepancy in the figures from the election body what's going on well it's very strange actually uh because once the results uh were proclaimed 95%... Read more
Category: News & Politics
It's definitely a victory for taboom but those weren't the numbers they said 48% was the average of the polling levels uh and there's been a ton of analysis from neria showing that since they've only reported 5,600,000 votes the real participation rate was 23% not 48% uh now we'll get the final numbers... Read more
Category: Sports
Away first time in inter stres kasali in lane five going well is athmani is the defending champion versus the silver medalist from tokyo and it's the silver medalist who gets gold this time aani is beaten kali it's gold for algeria scander athmani in a new par olympic record 10.42 [applause] Read more
Category: News & Politics
5 jours après le vote les réactions continuent en algérie concernant l'élection présidentielle du 7 septembre où le président sortant abdelmjid tboun a été réélu avec une majorité écrasante de 94,65 % des voix tboun a largement dominé le scrutin devant abdelalii hassani sherif et youssef aouchich qui... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Recently you dropped out of a todd haynes film shortly before shooting um can you tell us what happened there and why did you depart that film um i think i if i do i would just be sharing my opinion from my perspective um and the other creatives aren't here to say their peace and it just doesn't feel... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I said at the outset that the best evidence of the attempted homicide by poisoning is the actual homicide by poisoning 17 days later she learned she needed something stronger she also learned how to administer it she learned that putting it in a sandwich where eric richens could take a bite feel the... Read more
Category: News & Politics
What the cdc is telling us is that the people who are sick have reported eating meat that has been sliced at a deli counter at a store and so if you go to the store and you buy prepackaged packages of deli meats that are sitting uh not coming from the deli counter but that are just sitting in the refrigerated... Read more
Category: Entertainment
This amazing thriller kind of like an adult version of lord of the flies that's what i literally been saying that to everyone like i feel like it's an adult lord of the flies what was that like and what did you learn about yourself from making this movie um oh my goodness i mean it was such an amazing... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[applause] [music] [music] sues right side a little bit to right side i need at the right side [applause] [music] Read more