Chip Kelly Should Have No Limitations While Calling Ohio State's Offense | Ohio State Podcast

y'all if wouldn't shock me if Chip Kelly said Ohio State's going to use an uptempo offense this season you are locked on Buckeey your daily podcast on the Ohio State Buckeyes part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome in Buck guy fans to a Thursday edition of locked on Buck guys part of locked on podcast Network your team every day here on Thursday August 29th in the year 2024 I'm your host J Stevens also the host of the J Stevens podcast and today's episode is brought to you by 5 Hour Energy 5H Hour Energy fixes tired fast with zero sugar and a convenient portable size is the perfect pickme up for getting stuff done go to 5our and use promo code locked on CFB to receive 20% off your order this offer is only valid until September 30th on one order and cannot be used with promotions go to 5H hour today here with us for today's show we're a couple days away from the from the start of Ohio State's 2024 campaign and it's my guy Jeff hun Jeff and I literally did a show before recording this show I'm talking about stallion talking about Texas and Alabama and yours in Georgia that's not going to infiltrate what we're going to talk about today because today about Ohio State's offense we've done a lot of talking about will Howard the bukey offense what he should do on Saturday thinks he should do this year but I wonder if Chip Kelly while will Howard leads the offense we utilize the Up Tempo offense we know Kelly likes it and I think it's a good way for the Buckeyes to get an upper hand on their opponent oh yeah yeah it's G to be great um and and I think that that's part of the reason you pick a veteran like Howard U it's weird to say veteran in college football now but that's where we're at is that I think you know we we talked a lot of about it off the air Jay like nobody's gonna say that he's uh you know be Jaylen Daniels of last year or anything like that but what they needed was a guy that can digest information process information quickly uh you know not get rattled um you know sometimes this I don't know how to say this but sometimes it's good to have a guy that has quote unquote limitations it's hard to say that for like a six4 dude that like Howard's a very talented individual but I'm saying like he he knows who he is uh they know who who he is and it's like he needs to be the guy that he's he needs to be Steve Nash you know what I mean every anybody that remembers Steve nice needs to come out there uh you know take your shots when you need to keep it moving get everybody the ball don't think too much about it you don't have to be a hero this isn't about you and I think Kelly you know he's got a guy that can I heard he's moving up to the booth that was one of the latest things I heard which means to me that means I'm gonna interpret it as I feel comfortable with him down there with you know with with the with my other coaches and of course coach day I don't I don't I'm not gonna need to be down there to calm him down I don't have to talk him through this I'm gonna call plays he's gonna be able to to to to digest and you know regurgitate these plays run the plays let all the athletes on the field do their thing and you know if he does if he just does all that he's gonna have a great season uh the bucke guys are gonna have a great season possibly a championship and everything's gonna work out by just just uh just running the system and I I think that's a I think that's something I think that's actually been coming along with with the day experience I mean yeah as critical as we were last year the system is what got them undefeated going into the game like you know we haven't talked about that enough as like as hard as you know Jay and Jeff are on day we've talked about we've done all the sh you know shows rehash the qu the pro thing is the system is what's got them there not just being athletes and not just having a freak at quarterback um you know like they did some years so I'm actually optimistic about to me what I perceive is a slight upgrade at the position pretty much across the board um and then a slight upgrade with the uh teamwork between the the head coach and the you know offensive coordinator uh I I like the temple they if they don't have enough guys veterans to run this now they can't ever I mean we they got seniors and juniors across the board some of the best players in the country like if not if not now win Jay if not now win you know I was thinking about that when you talking about veterans earlier that you mentioned some of the older guys on the team let's just say just on offense in general doesn't matter if it's an uptempo offense which I think Ohio State should utilize sparingly throughout the season or if it's huddle play huddle play all that kind of stuff they have the kind of guys right now the the older players to digest whatever chip Kelli wants them them to run you shouldn't have to be contained or confined with well we can only we have we're forced to huddle because our guys can't go fast or our guys go better fast versus slow or um third and eight this guy can't be on the field he's a fifth year guy but he can't be on the field you got to bring in somebody else you you you have the kind of guys and we not just based off their their 10y year playing college football but we have seen a lot of these guys do great things in different situations different scenarios now I think the interesting interesting thing is going to be do some of the younger guys in the receiver room specifically need to huddle or do they need to go fast or are they struggling trying to go back and forth between the huddling and the in the tempo that Chip Kelly might want to utilize Cardinal Tate Brandon Andis Jeremy Smith are the three guys that are on my mind right now we know how talented receivers and we know how mature they are and I I everything we hear is they should be able to pick it up quickly digest it it's different from a practice field versus Go versus going to a game field Jeff and so maybe they do it great in practice then maybe they they may struggle a little bit on the on the game field early early season struggles they're bound to happen just don't let it continue into mid-season to the end of the season because when it's Natty your bust in Ohio State and you're having the same issues Game 12 that you're having game one one the sense of deja that happened last year but two you're not really setting yourself up to win the postseason yeah and let you know let's also think about like that was a you know great point that you made is like having the veterans there should be no limitations to what Kelly can do you know just go out there and do it and also so I just want to make a point this is why I mean no offense to my you know my I love akan I like the city a lot of respect for it known a lot of a lot of kids that have went there over the Year this is why you play akan game one and not Georgia Tech so you can work some of these things out in real time uh you can find out like you that's a great point you said who what players you know Faire better when you have to slow slow it down and try to kill the clock and what players Fair better when you have to speed it up um that that's how you learn these things like you're right and not everybody's going to be great at running Tempo especially when you talk about offensive lineman that's that's prob they we could have a three- hour conversation about like the difference in playing off offensive lineman in these two Kelly guys used to lose like 10 15 pounds in season because they just the off the line just couldn't keep waitting yeah and then I you know I don't and again I don't know how many people I used to go back every week and watch the UCLA games because I just like actually I started watching for their defense like ucl's defense was so great last year I was like I got to see what they did but what I noticed is what you know a thing when as soon as we say uptempo what do people think they think you're going to go air raid and they think you're going to like get up to the line of scrimmage and just sling it no no Kelly will go uptempo and run the ball like he he'll just like if if anybody goes back to you know the Oregon days like when he had he would have two of those guys in the back field that both of them could you know break the game open he would go uptempo and run the ball you know right down your throat so that is what makes Kelly's uptempo so a little bit different and people are C up obviously Kelly's been coaching for so long there's a his coaching Tre pretty good you know it's not nobody's going to be like oh you know you just rewrote but when you do it and you have the athletes much like he did with Oregon you know a decade ago that's when you can like do some really great things with you know if you can go up Tempo and you get some mismatches on you know the offensive line you get a couple small linebackers and you got you know these two running backs we're going to talk about later now all of a sudden you're Going Up Tempo you may not have to throw the ball and let's forget that you got a guy in the backfield that can break it at any moment I don't think they're going to unleash him early but you also got a guy that at least at least somebody on that defense has to keep it at minimum one eye on probably two you know what I mean so like it's that you can go up Tempo with a with a power running attack uh you know as long as that's that's one of the things I want to watch this week is is the this off because Ohio State's offensive line the last few years hasn't really been ready like it it feels like their you know their um endurance and stuff and you know keeping up the tempo and stuff honestly I thought you know that was one thing they like bigger guys yeah bigger pass blockers and that that that's kind of tough so it's like I really want to see like did they put the work in in the off season can they go uptempo and still keep pushing people around because if you can go uptempo and push the other team around well it's a wrap I mean you're you're going to you're going to win a lot of games you know and run a lot of time off the clock cuz let's not forget Up Tempo doesn't mean you don't run time off the clock correct you know so um and that's kind of what Kelly has kind of switched over to the last few years and been successful at Jeff talking about Chip Kelly a lot with the type of offense the buckas might run as far as the pace well I think Kelly and day especially in 2024 they experienced coaching in the National Football League give the Buckey an added Advantage we'll talk about that next this episode is brought to you by 5H Hour Energy 5H Hour Energy shots give you the feeling of alertness and energy you need to get in the zone with zero sugar and a convenient portable size it's a perfect pickme up for getting stuff done the 5H Hour Energy website has flavors Gore like 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team every day so Jeff when it was announced that coaches could speak to players up until the 15 seconds left on the play clock coach already has a headset on they're putting in speakers inside of the headsets head helmets of the players the quarterbacks it made me think wow Ohio State really has a major luxury right now not every coach not every school has a Ryan day or has Ryan Day not every school has a guy like Chip Kelly that has experienced doing this before in the National Football League when it comes to oh Howard we talk about veterans earlier you want a veteran to be able to handle this the first year it's ever allowed in college football because if you want to go Tempo there's one word Kelly can say bam changes everything yeah because that one word whatever the word may be Howard gets that at the end of a play he yells to the players bam one word could be the offense you're running next three or four plays and it's not having to huddle gule to the sidelines or get signals in from the sidelines all of a sudden it's hey I got experience doing this here's how it works the National Football League for day same thing it's almost like hey you you mentioned him trusting Howard and him being up in the sky he could also be up in the sky and saying well I don't have to be down there because I can control things all the way up top because I got Trust on my quarterback and I think that trust is going to help will Howard win is giving him that communication in his headset oh yeah I think it's great um I think you know you know that was the biggest note I wrote for this season is the the helmet communication it's one of those things that and so the biggest thing about it is the difference between the NFL and college football and that it's you know this is something that I haven't heard a lot of people say and I really think that I've been thinking about a lot college football fans do not know to be quiet when their offense is on the field no no knows is Jay you're an Indianapolis Colts fan you have the best trained fan base in the entire NFL for decades because they had Payton Manning and they knew exactly like pay Manning got the ball it was the weirdest things like man Colts are really good but their fans are super quiet yeah because they knew when it was offensive time to be efficient you you calm down you get quiet and so now all of a sudden it brings a little more HomeField Advantage into it if you can teach at because now you got the helmet comom going on you know we'll say when the Buckey were you Aon Stadium out there you think those fans are going to quiet down so Howard can hear the play so that's the biggest thing is like I saw it in the Florida state Georgia Tech game you know over there in Dublin and they really were really really focused on hearing the play because fans just aren't trained that way no college football fans are scream as loud as you can until you know the the the final whistle so that's gonna be interesting High Stadium can get loud yeah um the Akon game's probably not going to be one of them to where they're going crazy why on the field but it's going to come to that so like little things like that instead of just looking over and looking at the Q card you know you do got to be able to hear it there's gonna be you know there's going to be hiccups and issues so I'm with you as far as like you've got guys that have been through it and are more comfortable with it um everybody's going to catch up you know probably by the end of the season I would think I don't think there's going to be but I'd say early in the season I would much rather have the guy that's done it I'd much rather have a Chip Kelly you know Ryan day somebody like like that's that's that's actually done it um and it's funny because I don't know when they're going to name this rule the Harbaugh rule because it's absolutely why they allowed helmet communication if anybody doesn't remember I'm only laughing because it's true it's the truest thing you know why they got why they got note you know notebooks and helmet communication that's exactly why for whatever you want to take out it that's 100% why so that is going to be interesting to see and how you know Howard does well I think it's going to be fine with the high State um because of everything you said so it's a just all these little things this is you know I know everybody will sit there tell me like why do you care like it's acon blah blah blah this is what I'm watching yeah I'm not worried about you know the point spread I'm not worried about any of that I'm worried about execution I'm worried about getting the play in I'm worried about everybody because you also have to get that play in the quarterback has to hear it and the quarterback has to get that out to his player so that's a slight difference is actually have a little more huddling now yeah because all the players they they can't look to the sideline and no so that system's a little different so it's it's extremely interesting uh you know the changes that are coming and to watch how each team deals with it early in the coaching staff so one thing that I think when we think about coaches talking to players and the helmet communication that players and coaches have this year we do it naturally we all Focus to the quarterback the offensive coordinator you mentioned Payton Manning and you're correct Colts fans are trained pton Manny us to Flap his arms if it was too loud just shut up let him get the play in he's going to Harrison they're going to score then you'll cheer at the end of that then you can cheer so the other thought to this is Ohio state has a veteran at the Mike linebacker spot in Cody Simon let's not lose sight that the Mike or some linebacker probably on defense probably the Mike it's going to be the getting is going to be getting the same access that the quarterback's getting on the offense because only one person on the field per team at a time so Akon's going to have a guy on offense and defense Ohio State's gonna have a guy on offense and defense so we we focus on the Chip Kelly experience the Ryan Day experience this is new for Jim nolles but Jim nolles also I don't think he's gonna be one that's over over coach or speak too much he has major trust in Cody Simon he's wearing the blo I believe he's a this year so he's got the trust of his peers too but I think Jim noes this is going to help him out as well because now it's hey man look for this look for this that's what I've been seeing oh here's a play and knows he just gonna shut up Elli do his thing it's a luxury for Ohio State to have a veteran linebacker and Simon who's going to be having this extra access to NOS during the on during the games this year yeah I always thought that I always thought that I'm I'm glad you brought this up Jay completely off script and I'm proud of you but I always thought that the communication in the defensive side was a bigger Advantage when they came out with it because when you're on defense and you're looking out there like you have to wait so long for your Tendencies and especially if you're a middle line because the difference is the defense has to go on the snap they don't get to decide when the ball snaps so if there's 12 seconds left on the play clock and the offense snaps the ball the defense is done reading they you read your key in front of you and go as to where now it gives you a little more time for the eye in the sky to say Hey you know you know so and so went to the slot that this is this is probably a you know whatever you know whatever the read is you know like this is probably the screen or this is the bubble or you know whatever or you know soand so lined up at tight end oh he's he's a little closer to the tackle than normal more than likely this is a run it's those little tiny things those tidbits I always thought that the defense got a little more you know boost out of it because of these things because they get it's just more information they get from a from a different set of eyeballs you know so it's um I actually like it again it's another another bonus for high State bunch of veterans maybe the best defensive player in the country in the back end like you know so on so forth you know all you know all the accolades for these guys that stayed and if you and they were a really good defense last year so if they can get in position whatever two seconds earlier or that's one more play that doesn't get by him you know that's that's you know that you're taking something really good to Elite possibly so I love it um I'm I'm always a big fan this this should have came in you know years ago you know just to modernize the game and it's just it's about getting these kids information just get them information out there you know and let them figure it out now you got a chess match and of course both sides have it yeah so it's not it's it it does it definitely benefits the team whose players um you know are more prepared and ready for it which you already you know you brought up that in in theory H State coaching staff should be that that coaching staff most of the Season yes Jeff there's one question and thought about Kelly and Jim nolles being up in the booth through throughout games I want to throw at you after the break because I think it's very important people hear this leading into game one of the Year this episode is brought to you by FanDuel you've heard heard us talk a lot about FanDuel America's number one sports book well we have something a little different for you now through September 22nd all FanDuel customers can bet $5 and get a three- week free trial of NFL Sunday Ticket from YouTube and YouTube TV then with a YouTube TV based plan you'll be able to watch every regular season Sunday afternoon out of Market game all you need is a Google account and a current form of payment and you can cancel anytime just visit fand lockon to download America's number one sports book so Jeff Jim knows is going to be up in the booth up top eye in the sky just like Chip Kelly what added Advantage does it allow Ohio State to have that both coordinators are up on in the sky and not on the sideline now I'm always I'm always an up in the sky guy because just like we said you can just see the field you can literally just see the feel better you can see motion you can see movements and you know if you want to look over and see Tendencies if you want to look how a guy's leaning it's just because you know if anything I don't know if everybody's been on a football sideline especially like a big time Stadium um if you look straight across the field you you can really only see about the top half of the other sideline like because of the because of the arch of the field and stuff for rain purposes like you don't you don't get the vision even that you think you do like playing NCA football uh it's totally different people that know that I apologize I'm not trying to dumb anybody down but like if you haven't stood on a sideline you don't realize what it's like to look across there it's almost impossible to see anything and that's where that's where coordinators are standing so I like them up in the sky I like them removed from quote unquote like no I don't want to say babysitting but like I don't need them I don't need my coordinators my high paa coordinators down there common guys down talking them through it that's what their assistant coordinators do that's what strength coaches do that's what their buddies do that's what leaders do I need my guys x's and those um you know I I always used to like watch Mike Riley for Oklahoma State when he was still coaching the offense I he might still but he was when he was about 40 when he was roughly a man and he was 40 when it the defense was on the field he went back and worked because he's like I'm just watching the game now like I need to be working so I think when you're up in the booth like you can just get more work done you got more information coming in you know you got your team about you I know when I sit higher up in the stands I see the game better yeah even I as just Jeff I'll see a tendency you know you can ask my wife we'll go to a game and I'll look over and I'm like oh this is a touchdown because you just see that one little thing and I I I can't see that when I'm on the sideline so to me it's literally just the view that I think makes it better and it removes you from some of the emotion nolles does not appear to be like one of these raw raw emotional coaches he seems to be a you know tactician and I think Kelly is more like that too at this age um not every coach is like that some guys want to be down with the players banging it up and revving them up and all that and screaming at them that's fine too you know but that just it shows me that a veteran High State team and again I'm with you you have an honest conversation with them y'all came back y'all making money yeah yall grown-ups now you know what I mean like it's it's go time I don't need to be down here calming you down you know what I mean like your buddy ought to be able to walk over and be like get your head in the game and I need to be coaching x's and OES x's and O ozes the OES need to be good so that's how I see it but I obviously I lean more of a like X's and O's you know stat you know tactician type of player more than a raw raw guy I'm always I've always said this Jay and I said it when I was in high school I said it to my kid in high school and he had one of the great High High High School coaches of all time if you need a pep talk at halftime it might be too late yeah that's it now's time to like make adjustments yeah now it's time to talk about like on the field like all the pep talk stuff needs to be through the week if you're not ready to play when you get there like high State's already lo you know lost the season and I think all the great coaching staffs you know Nick sa's not a raw raw guy he had his he had his but he had his players ready to play every week he didn't there was no getting up for a game you know what I mean that was their they're professionals they did it for lack of a better term so that's what we imagine this High State team supposed to be right they're not overcoming anything if they just live up to their talent they're goingon to win the national championship that's the truth like this isn't he we got to we got to figure out how to you know claw one out this is a everybody do what you're supposed to do and getting you know what I mean and that the reason you came back and you're gonna be fine I got a couple things for Jeff here quickly one of them is about Ohio State national championship didn't really do a whole like playoff picks and why am I picking one t or another I am high on Ohio State Jeff is high on Ohio State we both believe Ohio state would do really good things this year Jeff I hate doing this week one I hate trying to be this guy Ohio State should make the final four possibly even the national championship I don't see them winning the national championship though there's a team in Athens that to me is too good right now yeah as as I we talked about it before the show and again where I'm talking right now if everything goes perfect and everybody's this is all in everybody's completely healthy yes I think Georgia's a tad bit better yes um I think Oregon andio State I said or One A and one b and I don't know which one's A and B I won't know until a couple weeks um you know and I think Texas is really good they might have lost a little more than the other three but um if everybody's healthy I think Georgia deserves to be the number one ranked team in the country they should have won it last year we all know they should be going for a four Pat right now it's ridiculous but whatever they're not they lost fair and square um they got beat up you know they got beat up and um you know teams like and you're going through a 12 team playoff to where like you know you're bringing more intangibles into it but then the other side of me would say you know Ohio State's if you're just looking at them you know on paperio state definitely is going to be in the running for it and should be absolutely there then we're going to start seeing things happen we're going to start seeing players step up we're g if if this you know if Smith is this good as they say now all of a sudden I'm like okay maybe I'm wrong yeah uh you know if Georgia let's say Georgia for whatever crazy reason takes a step back because of all the pressure and the three years and the tough schedule and all that well now we've even the playing field yeah so now we're back to like oh never mind so um I think it's fair to say that before week one yeah you know I'm not embarrassed to say high State might be I'm not be to say high State should finish top four like I no I'm not that's an insult at all they have the they have a lot of moving Parts yes you know what I mean we have a lot of things to fit in a lot of things to squeeze in and a really good Big 10 you know what I mean let's not forget that we brought one of the best teams in the country into the conference you know in Oregon and so you know little things like that but also you know Georgia brought Texas in Soh it's a wild season and um as as of now it's fair to fair to give the dogs the advantage but um I hope we get to that point I hope we find out Jay hope so Jeff last thing here we're a couple days away from the start of Ohio State's 2024 season they play akan the spread is massive I don't remember the last time it's about 50 about 50 it blows my mind I saw this PR for the first time what earlier this summer I'm like that can't be real and as we get closer to the game it stays there and I yeah I'm buying into it man I I'm want to get show this really quick I'm going to use this graphic throughout the season um o no not that one not that one no no I love like I like the blackout I like the blackout I've used this before Jeff and it worked better let's go this way let me ah I put it in the wrong spot Jeff we're g to change this like live on the show this is great and hopefully this turns out this is adjustments man the the the the helmet com wrong one anyways I got Ohio State beating ACD 55 to3 um that was not the gra not the way it was supposed to go but week one early in the year um see this why this is why we play akan first Jason me and you aren't I'm just getting revved up for the football season I got three shows this week I'm just starting to dig into it I watched a great Florida state Georgia Tech game already week zero was already good so like we're just getting revved up here man we gota we gotta work out we gotta work a lot of the you know the Kinks out too man we do we do stretch out maybe we need to stretch out next time stretch out do something do some voice notes whatever you gotta do I got I got Ohio State beating a 553 that was the whole gist of trying to get the graphic up and uh well you're living you learn um I do think this I think the only score is going to come in like end of the third early of the fourth when the backups are out there they akaran drives kicks a field goal but I think Ohio State's even the backups on defense are going to be really good at most positions I'm really looking forward to seeing Devin Brown it's weird Deon Brown getting a full quarter of play because they really hav't seen didn't play much um last time we saw him out there playing it was against a different offensive line and he got hurt so I think Ohio State Should dominate this game there should be no questions asked like if it's 21- Z at the end of the first quarter like I wouldn't shock me 553 Ohio State beats akan Jeff what's uh what are your thoughts about the game I've only got a 4510 and the reason why we talked about it earlier in the season I don't think teams are going to care as much about the fourth quarter this year because they're looking forward to such a long hopefully such a long season and all that they they shouldn't honestly shouldn't need style points like I don't think I think any undefeated team does not that nobody would look at style points until they lose and like right now Florida State's already on the clock but I think as long as you're winning nobody's gonna care about nobody's gonna go back and look at akaran if Ohio State loses to Oregon is what I'm saying right they do not need to do so I think it'll get a little clunky late because there's going to be forcing players in and getting guy because I think now you got to get guys run you can't have a team this deep and not have guys get out there and getting run so that might mean they score more but I think it'll mean they score less it'll just kind of get weird uh Akon it'll just be some fluke you know what I mean like it's you know an Akon will score a touchdown you know and I think they'll get a field goal but I don't think I don't think it'll be you know it's not gonna be close at all but it's but uh I do I don't know man it's just like these games get weird I don't I don't think AIO state hadio state has no reason to be angry they have no reason to prove a point um if Howard has a good quarter and a half two quarters there's no reason to press it he's not going to learn anything this isn't a season like we got to learn something not trying to win Heisman um I think all the guys are like just let get me to Oregon healthy I really think that you know that's the goal give me to the Big 10 season healthy so I think it might be a little clunkier than we want it to be but I think the efficiency will be there I always look at my stats always points per offensive plays that's all I care about like how efficient were you because there's a lot of times that the game doesn't you know tell the story Justin Fields was one of the best Joe burrow was the best ever at points per play Justin Fields was one of the best ever like it wouldn't matter how it looked it was that was still dominance you know I don't want turnovers I don't want any of any of that stuff just go out there get chunk plays get points you know play defense the whole nine yards it's this is a classic this is a classic opening week game oh man I can't wait cannot wait there so many things to look at this year in college football it's just amazing if you're a if you're a football fan there are so many things to dissect each and every game it's just it's just wonderful what a wonderful week one lineup and it just gets better it just gets better I think I got this graphic Jeff I was trying to work on it while we're talking I know we're kind of at the end of the show this up here and uh you guys can follow Jeff on Twitter at J hunt6 a part of the OG 3 at the off the ball Network and uh you can follow me on Twitter at J st07 for those of you that want a visual graphic there you go trying to work this thing in while we're going and uh I'm glad the season's here we're working through some early season Kinks right now and I'm glad Jeff look good doj I appreciate that that's a good looking graphic man I appreciate that Jeff will be here throughout the year um Mo Murphy is well part of the network of the off the ball network will be here throughout the year as well filing in their commentary talk about Ohio State their big thing fans we're big fans and all of us can't wait to see Ohio State play this weekend thank you all for tuning in lock on Buck guys on a Thursday we'll see you next time

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Ohio State Football vs. Akron Preview, Score Prediction, Injury Report & Offensive Rumors

Category: Sports

[music] what's going on buckeye nation oh give me that io back down in the comments i hope you said it out loud as well i'm matt goldman you're watching the ohio state football report presented by chat sports ohio state's 2024 season kicks off on august 31st the akan zips visit ohio stadium we'll talk... Read more

Ohio State Buckeyes 2024 Preview | Full Depth Chart and Schedule Breakdowns thumbnail
Ohio State Buckeyes 2024 Preview | Full Depth Chart and Schedule Breakdowns

Category: Sports

Intro/2023 season review what is up everybody welcome back to the channel we're back with our top 25 series and we're finished this is number one we got ohio state buckey out there we're gonna be giving you a 2024 preview going over what they brought in the best team money can buy sorry i had to throw... Read more

2024 College Football Season Preview: Can Ohio State Football Win it ALL? thumbnail
2024 College Football Season Preview: Can Ohio State Football Win it ALL?

Category: Sports

It is friday august 23rd and we're back at yogis menace army oh it feels so good to be back and you know why it feels so good to be back because we have college football tomorrow tomorrow florida state georgia tech in ireland so not here so i guess technically in this country we don't have college football... Read more

The Ohio State Buckeyes Are College Football's WORST NIGHTMARE... thumbnail
The Ohio State Buckeyes Are College Football's WORST NIGHTMARE...

Category: Sports

Look at the team to watch presented by amazon business we are going to look in depth at this ohio state team but maddie why ohio state number one in your draft here uh let me think here um well hey if they can't put it together this year then they're never going to put it together that's why this is... Read more

Daily Buckeye Blitz: Updated 2024 Ohio State Offensive Depth Chart! thumbnail
Daily Buckeye Blitz: Updated 2024 Ohio State Offensive Depth Chart!

Category: Sports

[music] [applause] [music] [applause] [music] hey hey [music] [applause] [music] [applause] [music] heyy [music] hey hey [music] hey hey [music] [applause] [music] what's up welcome into your daily bucky blitz there's nothing wrong with your audio i'm just being goofy uh august 24th 2024 little 24 24... Read more

Buckeye Rush Hour: LIVE Early Fall Camp Depth Chart Breakdown! thumbnail
Buckeye Rush Hour: LIVE Early Fall Camp Depth Chart Breakdown!

Category: Sports

What's up welcome into your buckeye rush hour for a friday august 9th 202 forgot the damn date again son of a beasting fix this lighting there we go good enough good as it's gonna get right all right well welcome in hello we are up and running it's a friday almost the weekend couple weeks till these... Read more

Why Ohio State is Still the Best Team in the Big Ten! thumbnail
Why Ohio State is Still the Best Team in the Big Ten!

Category: Sports

Ohio state is the best team in the big 10 let's talk about it there's been a lot of talk and a lot of chatter about who is the best team in the big 10 there's even some power rankings out there that is ranking usc and penn state the best teams in the big 10 following week one i'll just say this i'm... Read more

Why Ohio State Football Must Open Up Their Quarterback Room In 2024 thumbnail
Why Ohio State Football Must Open Up Their Quarterback Room In 2024

Category: Sports

Why elite qb play is critical to win it all the more nfl players team x has on their roster the higher odds team x has of winning the national championship this is why the blue chip ratio works so well because while you can it's possible michigan has done it develop three stars into elite collegiate... Read more

Daily Buckeye Blitz: Updated 2024 Ohio State Defensive Depth Chart! thumbnail
Daily Buckeye Blitz: Updated 2024 Ohio State Defensive Depth Chart!

Category: Sports

[music] [applause] [music] [applause] [music] hey hey [music] [applause] [music] [applause] [music] heyy [music] hey hey [music] hey hey [music] [applause] [music] what's up welcome into your daily bucky blitz for a sunday funay august 25th 2024 welcome in to your daily blitz we're talking the rest... Read more

Why The Ohio State Buckeyes Are About To BREAK College Football... thumbnail
Why The Ohio State Buckeyes Are About To BREAK College Football...

Category: Sports

Here's what you need to know over under win total for the bucke guys 10 and a half they got the best odds to win the big 10 they've also at fanduel got the best odds to go undefeated even better than liberty and that market has shifted a little bit in the past couple of weeks they got the number two... Read more