Girls Talk NFL News Week 1: Aaron Rogers Return, Christian McCaffrey Injured, Tyreek Hill + more

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:31:58 Category: Sports

Trending searches: mccaffrey injury
[Music] what's up fumble Fam I'm Brooke and I'm Noel and you're listening to girls don't fumble the number one sports podcast for NFL girl talk We Sip through all the football news so you don't have to let's get into it all right welcome back fumblers happy Tuesday we're recording this on a Tuesday and we have a very special guest with us today we sure do we have producer Pete back on the mics wo what's up y'all GL to be back um just just so I have hearing after today could you turn my headphones down like that yeah I loved it it just uh um yeah I think that's the one that sounds good how does that sound sounds perfect perfect great well we're excited to have you back welcome back producer Pete have you missed the fumblers well i' I've still been here I've just been more of a silent participant you know uh but but yeah I've missed the fumblers I've missed engaging in the show and providing my expertise and Analysis but no for real it's good to be back and uh I'm excited for this season of gdf let's go baby we love it when for those of you that don't know Pete does do our video editing for our YouTube and all of our sounds so he is somewhat of a fly on the wall in these past few episodes but he does play a major part in every single episode so we're happy to have him back um we are going to be introducing a new segment today Bri Brooke would you like to also another late night episode tonight so apologies it's almost 10:00 a.m. 10 p.m. 10 p.m. 10 p.m. we us up we have a new segment we're so excited so we are just beyond the first week of the NFL and we were thinking about how on Earth are we going to tackle this we were aiming to finish the podcast by 10:00 it's 9:56 so I don't think we can go that fast but we're like what's a what's a good way to get through all the top stories that you guys want to hear that we want to talk about we are calling the segment pick six pick six pick six so this segment you know a pick six you guys know what that is and also we are going to be picking our six favorite stories from the weekend and we're going to in you know for the sake of time give each person who is introducing the topic 1 minute to talk about it and we are telling you that so we can hold ourselves accountable and not start rambling and yapping like we've been known to do and then the others can weigh in so without further Ado we will begin with our first topic which I will be passing off to our guest of honor producer Pete all right has the clock started uh it is about to ready cool well we're going to be talking about our main man Aaron roders coming back off a um Achilles surgery he's 40 years old we know he's been doing some iasa and uh all that basically you know I would say his performance this week is about what I expected I would have been way more surprised if he came out and dominated the 49ers um you know he had a one touchdown pass but it was on a free play because there was a flag thrown to Alan Lazard it was a great throw but again not really like a official play as you know it was again free ball or a free play there a free ball um I'd also say that um you know I think the Jets in general you've got their offensive coordinator Nate Hackett Nathaniel Hackett excuse me who's kind of been under pressure a lot recently got fired as the Broncos head coach within the first season didn't even make it an entire season before he got fired didn't do that well last year um you know I think Aaron Rogers is what he is a 40-year-old coming off in Achilles surgery uh leading a Jets team that hasn't won a playoff game in a long time and I don't really know if I see that changing o hot take wow okay so you did not have high expectations for Aaron Rogers heading into week one like I know a lot of jets fans did no no no surprises for Pete this we he has played a football game and you know he played three snaps last year one game I mean he's going to be rusty he's again just had surgery he's 40 years old I feel like I'm 36 you know I play football so Rogers bu different though yeah I mean I think my I agree with you I think no one had like the highest expectations for a week one Aaron Rogers knowing that he it's been so long since he's played but where I was truly disappointed in the Jets was their defense I think I heard a stat where it was like they allowed scores on like eight drives in a row and that was like the first time in like a very large number of years where they've let that happen and it was just it did not look like the same team that we're used to watching and Aaron Rogers he was mid he was fine yeah like you mentioned he had some great passes to Lazard throughout the game but the defense is just like there was no chance they had of winning that game they got destroyed toally the one silver lining is the Jets didn't score a point in the first quarter of last season until week seven and they scored in the first quarter of this game that was that like no no no it was a run uh touchdown by um Bree Hall H my fantasy guy yeah I mean I had similar expectations when it came to Aaron Rogers I was like I need to see this to believe this and not only is it his first game coming off of an injury you're playing the 49ers at home at their home and they're going to come ready to fight and I mean again first game we'll see how he does I did think that the defense was going to pull through a little bit more for them if the offense was lacking but we didn't really see that we do know that the Jets have a pretty top defense across the league and we didn't we didn't quite see that this week but we've alluded to this in some of our content week one the first few weeks of the NFL always a little up and down so maybe we'll see them kind of correct some of those mistakes but something else that was really interesting was the time of possession that the 49ers had versus the Jets was insane I think it was like 40 40 minutes to like 15 minutes I just throwing that out there but it was like very majority ners and they controlled that game entirely so major props to the ners Aaron Rogers we'd like to see more of you but Jets Jets fans don't lose hope yet let me ask both of you guys based on last night's performance for Aaron roders where do we project the Jets netting out this season what what do we think a realistic record is for them oh gosh get some predictions seven to eight wins okay yeah making the playoffs no okay I I would have to agree not making the playoffs I would say six wins you guys I think their record was about five or six like five or six last season okay I do think that they will be a little bit better so maybe a few more games more 78 yeah I guess Peter that's a fair it's a fair guess I mean the Patriots looked really good against the Bengals I'm not counting them out I don't think the Jets are going to be better than the bills and I don't think they're going to be better than the Dolphins and that would put them last in the AFC East yeah or I I think they're fighting for third with the Patriots so that's brutal yeah oh good luck you know I have more faith in Robert solah than that I think he'll you know squeeze out nine wins but we'll see we'll check back in we'll check back in all right should we move to the next story next story pick number two no that's me oh time you all right so still in the theme of Monday Night Football we want to inspect and discuss cmc's injury now CMC has sparked some controversy about this particular injury because he shows up on the injury report 90 minutes before kickoff at Levi Stadium and it had a lot of people questioning why this wasn't reported earlier now for those of you that did watch watch the game um Jordan Mason was a undrafted free agent that filled in for Christian mcaffrey and he did an amazing job it was a career high um I don't think when he played at it was either Georgia Tech or Texas Tech he never even got that many touches so it was a big win for him I think where some of this controversy really began was in a press conference after the game he was asked when he found out that he was going to play and he said Friday a few days before meanwhile it shows up that CMC is on that injury report only 90 minutes before kickoff so it did cause a lot of back and forth Kyle Shanahan was kind of you know holding his own and saying that was never really said there were some people just saying that the perspective of the player of Jordan Mason um from some of the other coaches was like Hey the expectation wasn't that he was going to be starting 100% but like there is a possibility that you could be playing that night so there's been a lot of back and forth on this but I think that we can kind of look at this game as a 49er and as a as faithful fam be proud that they they won regardless but definitely a top story in the headlines all across you know the NFL Networks at the moment lots of drama sorry you're good especially in the fantasy world because even if you you know did see that before the games chances are because this was a Monday night game you didn't have someone ready to go on your bench to sub in for CMC that you're thinking is going to be producing 25 plus points I didn't even swap him out yeah no just let him just sit there with the zero exactly so it's like you know people got money on the line people got Sports bets on the line the Jets probably were building out a lot of their plans for this game thinking that CMC was going to play of course he was still labeled as questionable but I feel like Kyle Shanahan had said he's gonna be playing in the game right I mean it was also just crazy to see how good the 49ers looked without him like that really gave me a lot of faith in the 49ers for this season but a little bit Shady how they went about that I think they did it on purpose they think they knew I think now it's just going to be a big like he said she said oh no we didn't say it like that we told him maybe he'd go in just warm up they can say whatever they want it's their words against each others and are a little bit mad about this let's see what happens in week two we'll see and there are some speculations that CMC may not play again in week two I would imagine that they're playing it a little bit more safe this time around um but we'll we'll find out over the next few days mhm any comments you nailed it love it amazing you're next okay let's go to our third story Switching gears a little bit to talk about some pop culture news so we are of course going to be telling you guys all about Taylor Swift and Travis Kel's big weekend out after that Thursday night win against the Ravens they have been having so much fun in New York together I feel like they have been very much in the public eye but this was like one day after another photographs videos they're everywhere they're spotted the paparazzi are there and of course that's very intentional because these people can be private when they want to be and so I feel like they're feeling the the hype of NFL is back we're back the queen Taylor Swift is here supporting her man again so to take you through some highlights of their weekend they went out on a Friday night dinner date to the legendary lucali which is a pizza place in New York very cute very delish and then on Saturday they had a wedding and then afterwards went to date night at Casa chiani which is an exclusive members only Club some lore about this specific location is that if you'll recall 16 months ago Taylor was there with ex-boyfriend Maddie Healey and people that were members there took photos of her with him leaked them to the Press obviously not allowed you're not allowed to take photos there and I think she was like you know understandably upset that she thinks she's in like a safe space and people are still leaking photos they ended up revoking a lot of memberships of people that took those photos and leaked them to the Press so good for them that they've earned her trust back she's there with Travis and then finally their last stop of the weekend was the US Open with Patrick and Britney Mahomes where we saw the videos them jamming out her having so much fun she's in love and she doesn't care who knows it and I just think what a wonderful way to kick off the NFL that Thursday night win and then out looking fabulous having so much fun and in love all weekend we love to see it especially because there was a lot of rumors that they were separating it was this huge like thousand page document I don't know how long it was that they were going to be breaking up and it's like they came back in a big way they did come back in a big way they wanted to make a statement that they are happier than ever being seen all throughout New York and they hopped on that jet like right after the game right yeah Jet's here I could have sworn they were at dinner the same night but it seemed like it um but we we support them always and we're excited for more of story so exed Pete are you a Taylor and Travis fan yeah I mean as much as the next guy I I'm not um I mean Noel and I wouldn't saw her live and it was banging and I enjoyed it but um I I'm I'm happy for them I root for them I'm I'm not a hater and uh I think it's good for football I think it's good for Taylor and um I just hope it doesn't Crash and Burn because they seem like a good couple I love and he's a fellow you see bear cat yeah he's a bearcat let's go you see never forget awesome shall we go to pick number four back over to producer Pete yeah this one's about Tyreek Hill everyone has probably seen the footage by now um yeah just it's really sad to see I mean you know under no circumstances is kind of what happened to him acceptable um you know for whatever reason police feel threatened I don't I don't know what it is is they they feel the need to exert their sort of force and dominance uh when in reality police are supposed to be working for us and you know we're the ones that they're supposed to be keeping safe so really sad to see the way they they treated Tyreek I I watched the the uh the body cam footage and I mean you know maybe was he acting a little bit like a hot shot maybe I mean he's driving a $300,000 McLaren I don't even know how much that car cost cuz I don't have nearly that much money um you know he's also makes whatever he makes some M year whatever um you know so yeah I mean typically those kinds of people are going to be a little bit more challenging to deal with at times but I think everybody in all of our jobs we have to deal with challenging people and it's always our job to deescalate those situations not increase the like level of uh just Madness that's going on so I think ultimately that's that was what their job was was to deescalate and I think they did the exact opposite and um you know of course there's probably some sort of racial element to this of why he was treated that way and um just with with everything that's gone on and you know the police and the news and you know in recent history it's just kind of sad to see it again the only thing I'll say is I feel like probably a lot of good things that police do that we never hear about and we kind of only see the really bad parts um and and it sucks for them it's a tough job but at the end of the day like unacceptable can't do it and you know you're on camera you got body cameras on like I you know I don't know what you expect as stuff's going to get out there so um hope Tyreek is okay hope it gets sorted out hope we hope we can move on but you know this just happened to Scotty Sheffer like um not that long ago um you know in like Louisville so um I don't know cops are cops there some are are great I'm sure there's some bad ones just like any career but um totally unacceptable thoughts and prayers to Tyreek and uh hope they didn't scratch his uh his McLaren well he seemed completely fine after that Dolphins win he had a 80 plus yard touchdown that's right just maybe like a few hours later and then his touchdown celebration was him in handcuffs that was funny so he seemed uh completely fine but yeah to to touch on that definitely not okay he was just on his way to practice the one thing the one positive thing that I saw come from this was a lot of the players were stopping on the side of the road to try to get the police the police's attention and be like yo what's happening and like try to intervene I don't know if if that worked in some of their favors unfortunately but still yet it was nice to see like that that uh camaraderie amongst the team and amongst the Dolphins it shows that they were you know raised right to take care of their people and make sure that they were all safe but um definitely not the way that we anticipated Sunday morning starting no I I was in bed scrolling on my phone and I see like Tyreek Hill arrested and it's like three cops on top of him on the ground and I like kind of scrolled by and I was like that must it was like bar stool posted it I'm like is this supposed to be a joke cuz that's not funny was this like during the summer yeah and I was like what is going on and then I scrolled more I was like oh this is actually real and then I saw some of the footage too and they were being so rough with him and I I was like even like just like cringing when they were being rough with him of trying to get him to sit down and he was like pleading with them like I just had knee surgery like can you imagine how hated these cops would be by I mean they already are like everyone's very mad at them but like if they actually injured him or aggravated his knee and he had a m time like obviously this you know the issues of like race and police violence go so much more Beyond a football player missing time but it's just it was so crazy I haven't seen anything like that and the Dolphins put out a really nice statement um just a plus one on all the teammates being there for him the organization is standing behind him M McDaniel has said some nice words so hopefully this just inspires the Dolphins and lights a fire underneath them and it sounds like it did with his performance in the game and we see big things from Tyreek hill we definitely do he's on my fantasy team and he's goingon to be he's goingon to have a great year it's goingon to be great but shout out to Tyreek Hill to the Dolphins everyone that was impacted definitely not okay we stand with you we stand with Tyreek is it you next or is it me it's me next okay pick number five talking about some other people they didn't get arrested but they had well I was going to say they had great days they had great games on Sunday not necessarily in all the cases we are talking about the rookie quarterback debuts we did touch on this their debuts in the preseason but of course it is a entirely different ball game when you are actually playing during the regular season you have everyone's starting lineups out you have all the pressure all the fans completely different than the preseason games so let's talk about the three quarterbacks that had their starts this week let's of course begin with Caleb Williams and he was playing against the Titans overall Caleb who looked really really strong when it was the pre-season games overall pretty mid pretty mid performance had you know a lot of Bears fans a little bit let down I will say he's dealing with the curse of being a number one overall quarterback draft pick he is the first quarterback to actually win a game since in week one in their debut since 2002 so it's been over 20 years that a number one draft pick quarterback yeah whatever I feel like I'm saying that two Wordly has actually won their first game so he broke that curse no thanks to his skills unfortunately um the defense and the Special Teams ended up pulling out that Victory against the Titans 17 to 24 at the very end just with some turnovers he is getting some praise in the fact that he did not turn over theall ball at all but you know there's definitely room for improvement and he owns that and he said it's going to be different another uh rookie quarterback we had starting was Jaden Daniels he had a great rushing game he rushed 88 yards from two touching two touchdowns rushing uh however he did lose pretty big loss 20 to 37 against the bucks so again not the most exciting start for the commanders but you know maybe some promise for Jaden Daniels in his rushing game then finally bonck also lost 20 to 26 against the Seahawks he threw two interceptions so again not great but you know it's week one for these guys they are coming from college and just so much more pressure in the NFL they're so young so I don't think this is necessarily an indication of how their seasons are going to go but would have liked to see a little bit stronger performance just for their sake and their mental health yeah I mean I would say I would expect this kind of performance just because as you mentioned for quarterbacks that have that much pressure you are pretty much like the face of the entire franchise and and for you to come out of the gates just completely focused win a game like that's huge we obviously saw that with I mean the person that comes to mind outside of the players that you just mentioned Joe burrow he didn't win his first game right out of the gates and I mean let's be real he hasn't ever won a weak one game ever so not even against the Patriots we can talk about that another day but any all of these starting quarterbacks you know they they have some things to figure out but but it was nice to see some of the some of the I don't know like additional strengths that they will have that will carry them throughout the season as you mentioned Jay Daniels he likes to run Caleb is really good just kind of being a little like improv Like Pat Mahomes I hate to make that comparison but you know sometimes he's making these passes that are just not cookie cutter black and white uh passes that you see in the playbooks um so I like to see him kind of improvise a little bit off the cuff and then um for for Bon Knicks the the turn turnovers are going to happen the Seahawks defense is really good and they and that continues to um be the case this year so we'll see how this all progresses over the next few games they have some things to work on it's just the start of their career so you know we're we're going to be going to be fans regardless all along the way mhm peace your thoughts you have my thoughts on the Bangals no okay I heard you talking about burrow I zoning out for a minute it's okay you know I didn't I didn't watch the Denver game I didn't watch the Chicago game um so you know Jaden Daniels look good right he looks like he needs to put on some weight but maybe have a Snickers bar but he looks good love if someone said that to me oh my gosh please but yeah no I don't have much on the rookie quarterbacks I don't all right no worries keep it pushing then I can talk about uh Brandon Aubrey field goal kicker for Dallas all day though insane didn't he get what 26 fantasy points 26 got that steel boot man came from a life in about to kick a 71 yard field goal stop you kidding you can't lose if you can kick 71 yard field goals I will say I think he's on one of my teams oh that's great yeah 26 points is insane for fantasy autodraft let me see my guy you got him on autodraft yeah great oh but you know it's oh no that's last week never mind but yeah I know they killed it I was like I love him okay pretty sure he missed one field goal last year that's it we love a not even a football player yeah accuracy should we go into our last our last our pick number six of pick six no take us home let's take us home and it looks like we're just a little over 20 minutes with which is probably one of our shortest episodes yeah honestly let's finish strong let's finish strong um the last thing that I wanted to highlight is kind of taking a look and stepping into the Wag the NFL wifey NFL girlfriend territory so before week one of every NFL season it seems like this is somewhat of a tradition where the Wags the wifey the girlfriends whatever you want to call them the women of the NFL and the partners they get some kind kind of either party or luncheon just to gather and kind of build that Comm Community within that franchise and within that team and over the weekend I saw so many videos across EV pretty much every single team it seems like has one and I just wanted to highlight some of them because obviously we talk a lot about the players that are out on the field but something that Brooke and I and the reason why we started this podcast was Keeping Up with the Wags too and the girls you know they're carrying on and I think that there is a little bit new of a spotlight on them and they're almost viewed as like you know the not creators but like influencers or even the celebrities of the sport so a few that I wanted to touch on um first and foremost the 49ers it seems like they had a party every single day last week they are so fun the first one was with the players and the and their Partners it was a um Great Gatsby themed so a lot of shakers and dancers Kristen yuse cheek had the cutest outfit with like it was just completely full of pearls look so good um it was very glamorous very glitzy glamour all of that and then they have their NFL lunch in and a lot of these look similar where they get fed a lot of food which is obviously my favorite but it was very much touching into like the feminine side of being a wag you know they really just got to um step into their element a little bit and some of these some of these lunchin had like make your own succulents and make your own bouquet of flowers make your own charm bracelets jewelry make your own like jerseys and it was great for the 49ers one they they were sponsored by Levis oh love all of them get gifts it's we've done a Levi's event in our time we have we have yeah so um I just wanted to highlight that another one that really stood out to me was with the Jags Jackson Field Jaguars they had a Bridgeton themed party all of the girls were dressed to the nines very like pum siiz dresses um they just looked amazing but I know I just highlighted a few there I've seen pretty much every single team have their own luncheon in their own way but I think those really stood out to me the most and I'm just really excited to see more wag content this season I'm sure that i' I think last year there were like some Halloween parties and holiday parties so we'll definitely report on that in the future I love that and I love that that's a story and that just it's happening thinking about you know a lot of these women make such big sacrifices to support their men on the field they're moving they're spending at least half their year somewhere somewhere else and you know just have to be ready to spend every single weekend supporting them maybe taking care of the family and I think it's so nice that the teams are making it a priority to bring the women together make sure that they're all friends and get to know each other and feel celebrated and feel like they're part of the team rather than just like the person behind the scenes supporting and not getting recognized not having any fun and I really like what you said about like the women or like the wives and the girlfriends being like you know the content creators the influencers of the NFL because obviously there's such big name Wags like you know the Alex Earls the Taylor Swifts Olivia kpo Simone biles that come in with their own celebrity status and people already know them and then there's so many others that were you know seeing you on social media making you know come to the game with me make a you know necklace with me make this or like get here's my game day outfit y um and it's so cute seeing their you know their lives and getting a more inside Peak at what it's like to be a you know NFL wife and that they're able to you know similar to Christen use Che use the time that she spends with you know Kyle and the NFL and make it something their own and be creative with it and have fun and show off their skill set so we love it that's why we want to highlight it and let's keep up on all the parties that they have try to get invited please we'd love to we' love I was going to add some things on the Wags would love to I'm just kidding I'm just kidding was your favorite luncheon your favorite lunch definely Bridgerton I think seen bridg I don't even know what it is what would be your favorite like lunch and girly activity to participate in just drinking tea and and gossiping I think love that yeah yeah spreading rumors about the other wax yeah no I I mean I you know I think Noel yeah I'm not I'm not going to say that now you have to no I don't I really don't scared our 30 listeners are going to be wondering no I I you know please sound off in the comments I think it would be fun to be a girl for like an afternoon maybe and like just see what y'all talk about but I don't really know if like luncheons and drinking tea and gossiping are yeah in my future got it that's why it's it's the the women's luncheon correct correct correct the men are like body slamming each other at practice and the ladies are making friendship bracelets exactly I love being a girl and we love to see it yeah girlhood girlhood well that wraps up our pix six segment hopefully this was our shortest episode ever if we really set the intention of that and I think we accomplished it I think we didn't stick to 1 minute per topic that's for sure but hey when the content's flowing we can't be stopping it so thank you guys so much for listening we are so excited the NFL is here we've officially wrapped up week one week two on the horizon we'll be coming to you guys with our favorite stories all the updates one Shameless plug follow us on Tik Tok and Instagram if you haven't already to get all of our fantasy tips and news in real time if you just can't wait for these episodes yeah absolutely we have all the content on there you'll be able to get a lot of good fantasy tips our content has been growing and thriving on there so send us a follow and send Us in the comments if you want to hear anything else that we should be discussing yeah any questions we got you thank you so much producer Pete for being our guest star as well as producer on this episode welcome back welcome back and fumblers we love you guys so much we'll talk to you soon bye by [Music]

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