Denver Broncos Decline 49ers Trade Offer for Courtland Sutton, Why That Was the Right Call

welcome to the Broncos podcast with Troy rank I am your host Troy rank from The Denver Post hope you're having a wonderful Friday the beginning of a long Labor Day weekend for most of you out there be safe see family have fun today waking up I know Danny behind the screen here and I little short on sleep at that CU game last night lot of excitement it's fun they're a fun watch uh you know shador Sanders and Travis Hunter are two of the best players players in college uh but some of the same concerns we had last year where o line a little shaky dline a little greasy they made some adjustments in the second half that was a novel concept we did not see that last year from their defense but CU escapes 3326 over uh nor was it 33 and 31 excuse me 26 over North Dakota State Nebraska up next gonna have to play better to beat Nebraska but football season has started it feels real now Broncos less than what we're we're entering that week one they're about eight days away here Sunday at Seattle not prime time not Russell Wilson going back not the clown show that's Nathaniel hacket it's just a normal game so we're gonna get into what's coming up for the Broncos and the importance of courland Sutton to this Broncos offense if not this team especially as it relates to Bo Nicks and was he going to be traded were the Broncos Really Gonna trade courland Sutton I want to get into that and also we hear from owner Greg Penner they had a groundbreaking on their new $175 million training facility a two-year project they had that groundbreaking on Thursday morning I was there for that but more specifically to hear and ask Greg Penner what are his expectations for this team and this quarterback we're going to get to all of that after the break have you been injured in a car wreck or hurt at work what are you waiting for give my friends at hog injury law a call their motto with us it's personal I've known Darby hogot forever we traveled the country watching our boys play youth baseball we talked a lot of Broncos he said Troy do a Broncos podcast I'm so happy he did I love doing this I became his good friend many of his clients become his good friend you don't even have to pay Darby up front if your case goes as plan Darby will be the one writing checks to you so again if you've been hurt in a car wreck or injured at work give Darby's team a call at 1833 hga a that's 1 1833 hoggit or visit the website at hoggit welcome back here on a Friday to the Broncos podcast with Troy rank it is starting to feel real last week was like week zero of college football we had that Georgia Tech Florida State game we had preseason game number three but let's be honest this week is starting to really take root that we are in that beautiful time of the year where every Thursday every Saturday every Sunday we have football that's what we've become baseball used to be the national Pastime that's past our bedtime now it's football we are a football culture I covered baseball for 15 years and I can tell you the the interest level between the two sports is not comparable I mean football is it and the Broncos we have a little hope folks a little hope after eight years of being catfished by bad quarterbacks bad coaches it looks like they have a plan that they're following a plan with Shawn pton the right Coach Bo Nicks the right rookie quarterback they're going younger across the roster with a A Wider Vision instead of Band-Aids and one player away with delusions of adequacy this is a team that people when I talk at the supermarket or out and about like hey they feel like we got a shot here we got a shot we got a Reason for Hope now I I'd say pump the breaks on winning record but we got hope and let's start with one of the reasons this team could sink or swim and that's courland Sutton say try a receiver really well we're gonna get into Bon Knicks next week with the podcast certainly his first challenge at Seattle but courland Sutton represents an interesting player for me for two reasons one he is so critical to Bo nicks's development by moving on from Tim Patrick and I've told you folks I was fine with it I love Tim Patrick I love everything he represents he's admired and respected in the locker room for his work ethic tenacity just the entire thing he brings to the field and off the field but he's 30 coming off two Miss Seasons with Achilles and KNE injuries so you go younger but that means the onuses on courland Sutton to have his 2019 season that's the last time the Broncos had a thousand-yard receiver and it was him as great as it felt like he played at times last year folks he had 772 yards in a 17 Game season that's not enough they need courland suton to be a thousand yard receiver again and because it's so critical to microwaving the development and keeping B Knicks on track but it's it's on Sutton to play well and he's got every incentive to play well with no guarantee money left in his contract he wants to get paid whether it's here or somewhere else and you'd like it to be here I don't know that it will based on how they're trending but they need Sutton to be a player and I'm talking you know 1100 yards eight touchdowns big catches on third down I'm not expecting Justin Jefferson we're not expecting Jamar Chase we're not expecting uh Tyreek Hill I'm I'm not saying any of that but 772 yards is not going to cut it now remember coming into last year Sutton had two touchdowns in his previous 26 games that was my biggest complaint with him and everyone would say it's the quarterbacks the quarterbacks they all stink some of them did but other guys roll out of bed and still get a thousand yards it's Garrett Wilson the kid from H Washington I mean if you're you're that guy you can't get a thousand yards in a 17 Game season and I want to see that from Sutton he seems like he's in a really good place after the contract thing got resolved they threw him a little bit more guaranteed money he deserved praise not a big rise they found a middle ground where they throw him a little bit guaranteed money and he's got incentives in his contract to go get that money some of them are not reachable but some of them are and tied to team goals so as we talked about Bo Nick's all Camp as we should he is kind of the overarching theme and the the prism through which I and lens I will view this season if they go six and 11 B Knicks is trending upward successful season because next year you're going to have about a hundred million in cap space to go fix and get weapons and it might mean moving on from Sutton but you got him now you got him now he's got incentive both literally and figuratively to play well in his contract to e to clip incentives to get himself more money and to get himself his next contract and the Broncos need him to play well to help B Knicks because if you think that doic and Cabana the fashion show is going to be the guy I'm here to say that's a risky bet I like the guy and we love his hair Danny we love his hair right Danny's got a stash that looks like he's in a porn from 1975 so I guarantee you he loves dol's hair but we gotta see him on the field the guy played two halves last year so if you're say it's fight of s's just okay because dolage is going to be the guy if if dolage finishes like 45 catches and 550 yard 600 yards and six touchdowns I'll be thrilled I just I got to see it sea pyton talks about you don't have to see it every day but you got to see it we haven't seen it with Greg but if he develops and Sutton's doing what he's doing like now and then Javonte Williams gets to a thousand yards again they haven't had a thousand yard rusher or or receiver since 2019 it's a long time ago in in NFL years that is you know that's dog years in NFL so long time ago that it's been but Courtland Sutton is a big part and here's why I wanted to bring up Sutton's name today while you were watching CU and um the Ops you know it's a great watch watching them go one and0 start their season quietly Diana Rini from the athletic drops this nugget as Brandon iuk finally signed his contract gets the guaranteed money he wants uh they you know he's missed all of camp and but the vibe right up until the end changed because there was a point where they didn't think they were going to sign him so they offered him up in a three-way deal where the Broncos would get a third round pick in the deal and iuk ends up in Pittsburgh so a three- team trade and if you were to tell me without knowing the context Broncos could get a third for Sutton I would be like sell sell sell because they couldn't even approach that value the previous two offseasons and they tried with Sutton I mean they were looking at one one point like at a fifth rounder and eating some money but why not so why not do it they're going younger right they let Tim Patrick go you can't strip Bo Knicks of all his weapons like this isn't you know Andrew Luck this isn't John Elway this isn't an alltime quarterback prospect that you can just put out you know the Island of Misfit Toys and and Santa Claus Nicks is going to figure it out I mean come on you can't you got to give the kid a chance so on the surface a third round tick pick excuse me for suon that's great value but you can't do it when you've already moved on from T Patrick because can you imagine going into the season with Bo Knicks given the expectations he's facing and the pressure and please Broncos Country give him a little bit of Grace here give him a little bit of a chance and put the seat Bel on it's going to be a bumpy ride at times that's the nature of this but if they moved on from Sutton were a third rounder and you go into the season with Josh Reynolds as your one and then Mims as your two and Devon v as your three I mean if that's not the worst receiving Court in the NFL what I mean maybe New England's worse I mean Carolina's was just brutal last year and you saw what it did to Bryce young I mean he didn't play well but I mean he's got Roberto Durant guys hands of stone Ed Edward Scissors Hands outside trying to catch passes like you got to give a guy a chance in the NFL it's not College run around and make plays so when you see that report folks and and some of you are football Savvy certainly in Broncos Country you guys are amazing third round pick for S that's great value you can't do it Josh Reynolds has been a three everywhere he's been and my experience when you say you're a three and now I want you to be a one you know what happens you learn very quickly in the season there's a reason this guy was a three and now he's being guarded by the best quarterback in the other team so now he's not even a three he's not getting anything because he's not good enough to get open against the number one corner and and as much as I like ms's potential he's been a ghost in Camp I I gotta see it I mean and if you say it's preseason and that but in practice when we're watching I haven't seen Mims have this role we like okay all the these pieces are fitting so if he was your two Bay is Tim Patrick circuit 2018 that's why I love keeping him but I don't know that he does as a rookie so again when you see the report that Diana Rini a great reporter for the Athletics saying that there was a third round pick involved with the Broncos in a three-way deal Niners and Steelers before auk signed his finally signed his deal the value would have been great no way you could do it if you want B Nicks to have any chance chance to succeed you got to give him a one and suton on most teams maybe is a two he's a one on this team and damn it he's got to play like a one this year and he's got every incentive to do so in his contract with his standing with his team if he really you know if it means that the world to him to finish his career as a Bronco all that's on the table for him they need courland Sutton to play like a one that's why you keep him and that's why you believe in him and they need him for B Nick's development but what about Bo knck what kind of numbers should we project for Bo Knicks I think I'm a little more bullish than most but ESPN has some interesting numbers I want to get to those after the break and then we'll hear from owner Greg Penner not only about the new training facility 175 million large that they broke fake ground on yesterday with a little sandbox not only do we talk about that but he talks about the expectations for the team but what would numbers look like from an analytical standpoint for B Knicks in his rookie season we'll get to that after the break never a bad time to enhance your home maybe you just want it more comfortable maybe you're selling it glass doors can add a nice touch that's where Jamie hay comes in he and his wife Lisa run rbj glass they Pride themselves on customer service honesty and integrity JB put a sliding glass store in our house we absolutely love it they install European shower enclosures standard shower glass they do mirrors window and glass replacement insulated doggy doors office cubicles and small commercial storefronts at rbj they have competitive prices and offer discounts to Veterans senior citizens and have even accommodated single parents so what are you waiting for give my friend Jamie a call it's Jamie of rbj glass that's Jamie 720 883 3144 720 883 3144 or email Jamie at rbj glass2 welcome back to the Pod hope you're having a beautiful start to your Memorial excuse me Memorial Day Labor Day the time passes when we're in traning Camp Labor Day weekend again this is a fun time it's kind of that last vestage of Summer uh whether you're going to the lake maybe you're getting up to the mountains be safe have fun because when you come back it is all football all the time I'll be be working Monday because the Broncos will have some kind of media access I mean we're in game week folks can you believe it we're in game week you go Monday you go Wednesday you go Thursday then Friday then I'm on a plane to Seattle on Saturday last time I was on a plane and Seattle was talking about Sleepless in Seattle it was clueless in Seattle I watched Nate Hackett coach one of the worst games in the history of the NFL and then try to double down and say it was the right move to have Randon McMahon's attempt a record field goal in Stadium where the wind was blowing in his face because you know Brandon wanted to do it he said he could do it yeah my kids tell me a lot of things they could do I don't believe him you say no that's why you're the head coach when he says I can make the kick interesting I'll file that away you don't allow him to make the decisions when you get we get to the 46 yard line we're kicking oh my God I remember standing In The End Zone on the opposite end of where they were going to kick it and I'm texting my sons because when you part of the thing is when you're going down to do a TV live shot this when I was at Denver 7 you're running down you lose internet service you're trying to so you lose a couple plays so I like get down to the field and I'm like what's going on I'm texting my kids like why is the clock going down are they what what yard line am am I missing something they on the 36 is the scoreboard operator like playing games with me no they're on the 46 and thinking that that this is like a gimme field goal they lose and players to this day stay if they somehow had won that game maybe that season turns out differently instead of the absolute dumpster fire it was but I will say this I have never been at an NFL stadium where a crowd was louder their vital for Russell Wilson it was rivaling like a European soccer match or I've been to WBC games like between Japan and uh in in the WBC or the Dominican Republic versus Venezuela were the people on their feet yelling the whole time they never stopped yelling at Russell Wilson and the loudest crowd I'd ever been to in an NFL game was at the king doome but that you know that's a dome that crowd was crazy bonck isn't gonna face that he's not gonna face the drama of returning home the homecoming none of that but Seattle is going to be a real test it's gonna be a real test because their coach McDonald that comes over from the Ravens known for exotic schemes known for challenging disguising stuff to make life miserable for quarterbacks how quickly can Bo Nick process to avoid mistakes and one of the things and just file this away not gospel but when I talk to players about Bo Knicks they'll say take away some of the preseason games this is practices ones verse ones and verse the Packers on that Friday ones verse one where they will go back and watch film because Nicks has made a check at the line of scrimmage and they'll be like holy crap I didn't think he would see that that early in his career I can't I can't believe he saw that with the safety and he audibled out these are just little things that suggest he's going to be okay it's not GNA be seamless folks it's not but if you can see an unCloud the picture on the other side of the line of scrimmage your chances of succeeding in the NFL increase dramatically and Shawn Payton is willing to show elasticity in the way they're going to use rpos extended runs uh outside Zone and also one side reads for Bo he's not asking him to stand in the pocket and go read read read like a sprinkler it's like hey one read two read get outside be an athlete and when those naked then if you run the ball which they're built to run with mlinci with bulls with miners they're built and Powers they're built to run the ball you can do play action you can do naked boots and that's what can make him succeeded but what would the numbers look like ESPN came out with the numbers for Bo Knicks and bullish is not the word I would use they have interesting numbers that suggest that there's going to be some uh fans gulping PTO bismo on some nights because here is their projection ESPN analytics projection for Bo Nicks rookie year 3,155 yards passing not bad 3155 because I think in a lot of shops and I'm not a gambler but I love the way they do odds and stuff because I just they see it from a different lens and you know it's more of a cold analysis it takes out uh any kind of bias frankly but you could see I think most shops are you know not clear he's going to get over 3,000 so that's a good number 3155 17 touchdowns 13 picks four fumbles which would be on sacks or runs 190 rushing yards two touchdowns rushing not terrible I mean I think that's a realistic number I myself think he's going to be 3200 so we're similar on The Yards I I just don't like this 17-13 touchdown pick ratio and I get he's a rookie I I'm not discounting that or dismissing it but I'd say for me 20 touchdowns 10 picks because of how Shawn Payton's gonna call the game I don't think Shawn Payton's gonna let him get to 13 interceptions and you say that seems like a low number it's really not because of the fact most guys that lead the league in picks now are right around one per game around 161 17 will lead the league it's a turnover a verse league so I don't think Bo gets the 13 I think it's going to be more like 20 to 10 now and I say 20 that's ambitious do you realize the first quarterback to go over 20 touchdown passes in a season for the Broncos since pton Manning was Russell Wilson last year I'm telling you it's been Bleak around here folks 13 starters when B Nick starts he will be the 14th starter since pton Manning but they have him at 3155 17 touchdowns 13 picks for fumbles fumbles are going to happen you're gonna get sacked he's gonna run I would believe that these numbers are gonna my numbers for him more and it's a little bit of spitballing here but watching him but playing off these numbers I have him 3200 20 touchdowns 10 picks four fumbles I'm fine with they had him 190 rushing yards I think that number is going to be closer to 250300 because he's a guy that can throw out a 40 yard rushing game pretty easily again people when he got recruited to Auburn he was going to be their temp TBO best dual threat in the country and seeing him in person the one thing that jumps out he's more athletic than I thought his lower half his build his legs this is a guy now again he's got to be smart the NFL is no joke you do not want to take hits in the open field but you got to be able to get down you got to be able to SL but I see a guy that could get to 250 300 rushing yards and more like four touchdowns but listen rookies there's a reason they get coaches fired and they drive fans crazy because they they make mistakes that it's like man every time we think they figure it out they make a mistake but B Knicks ESPN analytics I would say lukewarm on him they like the yardage 17 touchdowns 13 picks he's not going to be leading anyone's fantasy team and 190 rushing yards two touchdowns I'm a little more bullish on that I think it's 20 touchdowns I think he 10 picks uh I think he could get to 300 rushing yards with three or four touchdowns so you know again very if he has that year especially if he finishes strong I think this year is a success even if they're six and 11 folks if you walk away from that year with those numbers saying now we're gonna go get weapons for him hundred million doll to spend uh that you're gonna have some uh room to spend I think at that point that you're feeling really good about where this Broncos team is going Shawn pyton has never lost excuse me never won fewer than seven games he loves being the underdog he thinks they can be a playoff team he's never said that and he and I tried to get him to say it he won't but they they are G to be an interesting and competitive team and if Bo Knicks can play anything like he's played in the preseason the arrow will finally be pointing up but what does the owner think about it you know the guy writing the checks the guy that is kept his support with Shawn pton told him you know what we'll take an $85 million cap hit on Russell Wilson to pay him they paid him a24 million for 11 wins ouch that makes the Mike Hampton contract look special so listen they moved on they got B Knicks they got a new facility they got some expectation so Greg Penner the owner they had a groundbreaking yesterday with their new training facility 17 $25 million training facility it'll be over the course of two years uh they still they you will still have people at fans at Camp next year they're figuring all that out folks but this is a two-year project they hope to be done June of 2026 it's all designed to bring employees kind of centralize them from the stadium then into one location but more than anything minimize player steps make it much more player friendly they literally counted the steps and monitor how far have to go from practice field to eat to lunch uh to the wait room to the locker room and this is basically puts it all together where you show up walk out the door to the practice field the waight rooms like everything is put in a central location and the thing I love about this and I can hear your eyes roll I get it but ownership is showing we are going to be accountable we are going to give you everything you need to succeed so you know what go win some games on the field and so that's what Greg Penner talked about this interview starts with Greg Penner talking about the facility the ground baking and then a few minutes in you'll hear me asking him about his expectations for the team expectations for Bo Nicks and also how he views Shawn pton in his second season here in Denver so let's hear from Broncos owner Greg Penner um couldn't be more excited about it uh this facility has been great for us but um the new ones I think going to really set a standard and uh that's what we're about here and uh setting that standard for our players folks that work for us and and our fans so um again we're excited about it happy to take any questions what are you what's what are you most excited about with this project just in terms of once you're actually in the building like what do you think the biggest change will be for position so uh you know Carrie coined the phrase when we first bought the team we want to be the best team to play for work for and cheer for this really gets at the first two of those and for the players right now that have three different buildings they walk to this is going to bring that all together uh create a much larger locker room upgrade the sports performance areas so I think for the players it's going to be terrific uh for the folks that work for us it's going to we're going to bring a lot of people down from the stadium that are working there getting everybody together in one building we think will create a more collaborative environment that helps us reach our goals when did when did this idea come about and who came up with this idea uh it came up when uh chip Conway or of operations came to me and he was talking about some upgrades we were going to need to make to keep this facility uh you know up to par and it I was looking at it you know was a few million dollars but it was each season it was going up and at the same time we had a player survey come out that talked about you know the size of our locker room and and so then we started saying well instead of just modif upgrading that could we modify it make it a little bigger that was going to be challenging finally that turned into maybe we put it over here and then the big Vision was let's just combine the whole thing and do this at once and and make it right what was the difference between doing this here and maybe making it part of a whole new facility with entertainment and that sort of thing what what was the difference making there uh there couple things I mean one would just be timing which is uh you know as we've talked about we're we're evaluating options for a new stadium potentially and whether that's on the current site or somewhere else but we weren't ready to make that decision at this point um the second thing is uh you know some teams do have that and I think with with mixed results I think in certain cases there are positives to having both in one location but there's also something about coming to a place where you know this is where we practice this is our space uh you know sometimes we'll have fans as you all know and and partners here but it's really about work and practice uh and I think sometimes if you combine that uh with more entertainment that can be uh there can be some negatives with that in the end that facility will have served you guys for 36 years so when you worked on designing this how much did kind of planning for the Future come into play knowing that there may need to be tweaks on this at some point to keep this the new place viable for a long time ago yeah we we built in some flexibility so we have some different ways we can actually add on to the the building that we're uh going to be constructing um and that's you know both for the football side as well as the business side uh so there is flexibility but also you know I don't see rosters getting that much bigger at this point and it'd be hard to see coaching staffs get that much bigger so of course could be wrong but we do have flexibility built built in if we need it were there any facilities that were more influential than others when you were looking at a variety of things throughout the country yeah we didn't we didn't see one facility that we said oh that's exactly what we want to build so it was more taking pieces from uh both Miami Minnesota uh the Raiders um you know we saw a number of fac fa ities where we saw some some features that we that we didn't like that much and so it was both taking taking things that we liked and things that we didn't like and then creating what was right for our team in this space great do you think brick and mortar things improve football or are they independent problem uh I think they could be both so I think if um you know if we overbuilt something and it was too big and maybe too nice that could that could almost have negative impact um so that was part of this which is getting the spaces right um we this is going to be really it's going to be a great facility it's going to be modern um but we didn't want it to be too big and we wanted again for players to be in in an area where they felt like this is their these are their spaces uh but I do think it sends a message to the team that we're willing to invest and we're going to set a very high standard and our expectations for ourselves and for them is is very high as you do construction on this you do construction on this facility feels like The rosters a little bit under construction and rebuilding what are your expectations for this season I'm encouraged by what I saw in training camp I mean you you go back to um when I spoke after the season I said this is going to be a critical off season and um uh it's obviously too early to declare success uh but i' I've been really impressed with uh what Shawn and George have done in this offseason with the the veteran players that we brought in through free agency or trades are approaching to the draft what what we did there um from the first day of OTAs the the just the enthusiasm competitiveness I mean I'm sure you all could hear it on the field it was different and um that carried through to training camp um and that passion and intensity we saw it in in the preseason games so uh it's a young team um but I've got uh I've got high expectations for for what we can accomplish the reality of the quarterback position is that person becomes a face of the franchise so in the last few months what have been your impressions of of bonix and how he could grow into that sort of I've been really impressed with his Poise and maturity there's something about starting that many games in college that uh obviously develops that and and I think he's he's got some incredible traits um it was great to see how he played in the first two preseason games um I had a chance to call him after Sean announced that he'd beat a starting quarterback had a had a great uh conversation with him then you know all rookies are going to go through some ups and downs in their first season and I told him we're going to we're going to support you uh I'm I'm excited to see what he can do on the field and and the rest of this roster do you feel Shawn energized in a different way because you're here almost every day or what are your perception of Shawn and your two with this what he calls Young and Hungry and dangerous roster yeah I do think he's energized and uh you know anytime year two is going to be a little I think a little easier than than the first year where you've you've come in an organization you you understand the organization the history the fans uh he and and um George and myself have developed a real um sense of partnership and and respect and communication uh he's had a chance to reshape the roster in a way that he's really uh excited about so um yeah it's been great to see his his uh his approach Craig you were in Canon last month for Randy and then I guess how was that experience and how hopeful are you that you'll be back next year for Mike Shan uh it was a great weekend it was uh terrific to celebrate Randy and and to be able to do that with so many of our alumni there uh I had a chance to meet a number of alumni that I hadn't met previously so so that part of it was just it was terrific um uh that was our second year there after being there for Demarcus and and hopefully we'll be there next year um you know we we totally respect the process that the Hall of Fame voters have but uh uh we think uh coach Shanahan is very deserving of a spot there um when you look at uh the impact that he's had on the game uh with I think I believe he's the only coach who's won two success uh two successive Super Bowls and is not in the Hall um and then you look at his coaching tree of uh six former assistants that are currently uh head coaches uh it's hard to argue with that track record Greg you mentioned alumni we talk to you know we hear a lot of alumni now saying that it's been different since you guys got in here in terms of involving them the engagement with them what what does that kind of stem from how early was that kind of identified as a priority for you guys uh in terms of connecting with them yeah I don't it wasn't a point where we said oh you know this has to be part of our program it was really we we got here and and really quickly understood I remember you know first days of training camp and there were each day there were different alumni out here that were not here because they had to be they were here because they wanted to be here and just having a chance to talk to them and hear about their experiences and their connection to the team uh pretty quickly we recognized that that was going to be a critical part of what we're doing thank you very well that was Broncos owner Greg Penner I am Troy rank from The Denver Post uh again I don't usually air a full pressor just the owner rarely talks and he last talked in March when I did a a one-on-one with him and a ran in the Pod in March he just you know they usually talk a couple they talk before the season maybe midseason and then a season Enders so and there was news there obviously with the training facility $175 million new training facility again the the target date for that folks is June of 2026 and it will disrupt some ways and you there'll be adjustments to training camp but uh you're going to ultimately it's going to be a better viewing experience but you're still going to be able to go to camp in both 2025 and 2026 uh and 2026 would be should be a terrific experience that they're going to tr change the direction of the BM put on the other sides to get people out of the Sun that big tower is going down so a lot of changes coming but I find interesting that Greg Penner Sean pton they will not use the word rebuild they know they're younger but they're not conceding their rebuilding and they they do feel like they're on the right track and and again Greg Penner is a very focused linear man he was telling me after this presser how he recently did a 100 mile bike ride up near Aspen like crester beut area like the guy because he trains for like like a triathlete and and Hikes 14er I mean the guy is incredible shape and and he was telling me like yeah I said why are you doing a 100 mile bike rides are you training for an event he's like no just for life and I'm like I'm hoping to get 10,000 steps in guys riding a 100 miles on a bike what hello that is not on my list uh of things to do um again I I joke with this I'm playing for the tie in life I'm married with a no trade contract like who am I trying to press like I'm not riding a 100 miles unless it's straight downhill to the ocean this that's like my last ride of my life would be the 100 mile ride and I just said it's been a good run folks thank you but I hope you guys are gonna have a great weekend more excuse me I keep saying Labor Day weekend football's back let's just if we can feel it the the Buffs played they win last night we we love what we saw on some of it there's real concerns on some other issues but it's back and Broncos are right around the corner next week starts game week B Knicks his first start he'll be the first rookie starter for the Broncos since some guy named John Elway in 1983 so have a great time have a great weekend come back Monday ready to get real because then it's Broncos Seahawks and that's going to be a blast folks I could not do this podcast whether it's on YouTube or on wherever you listen apple on SP if it weren't for the great folks Nate Lundy at my sports Danny's behind the Danny Bailey behind the the glass today doing great work I couldn't do it without them there's a reason I moved over to myol sports to be their Insider and you're looking at it this YouTube product to be able to move to this uh Avenue has just been so much fun and it's just growing uh with each podcast and I can't thank you guys enough for the sports but I need my sports to be part of it my A1 from day one Darby hog of hog injury law and of course my friend Jamie ha of of rbj glass Broncos country I do this pod for you happiness that begins with me go out there and have a great day

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Category: Sports

Start and here's what you should do with it crumple it burn it rip it up sea peyton doesn't care about it but there might be something to read into this james palmer and myself are going to be talking about the unofficial jear tell you about practice is bonx continuing to pull away with his job what... Read more

Will Sean Payton keep Zach Wilson to backup Bo Nix? Building the Denver Broncos’ 53-man roster thumbnail
Will Sean Payton keep Zach Wilson to backup Bo Nix? Building the Denver Broncos’ 53-man roster

Category: Sports

Start on today's dnvr broncos show we're breaking down the final 53 man roster who will the broncos keep who will they cut starting with quarterback will the broncos keep three quarterbacks zack wilson and jared ster will one of them be traded or cut we've got an insider joining us to break it all down... Read more

Future pros to watch in NDSU vs. CU, CSU vs. Texas and CFB Week 1 | DNVR Draft Podcast thumbnail
Future pros to watch in NDSU vs. CU, CSU vs. Texas and CFB Week 1 | DNVR Draft Podcast

Category: Sports

Intro [music] we are so back it's time so so back d n vr [music] d the day the prophecy foretold is here merely days away from texas colorado state the bison against the buffalo a great derby of uh buffalo like herd animal is upon us on espn tonight what a time it's a week where college football gets... Read more

Denver Broncos’ defense ruins Bo Nix’s start and Courtland Sutton’s contract day in training camp thumbnail
Denver Broncos’ defense ruins Bo Nix’s start and Courtland Sutton’s contract day in training camp

Category: Sports

Start on today's dmvr broncos show we're going to tell you about if the quarterbacks finished hot after a great start to practice and courton sutton got paid but what does it actually look like and what does it do for his future with the broncos and finally we'll tell you the winners and losers of today's... Read more

Broncos vs. Seahawks NFL Week 1 Preview, Predictions & Keys To Victory thumbnail
Broncos vs. Seahawks NFL Week 1 Preview, Predictions & Keys To Victory

Category: Sports

[music] we are one week away from bronos seahawks and i cannot wait for the bon era to get underway so on today's episode we are going to run through a complete preview get you guys ready for this game along with some keys to victory so sean i know you're watching get a pen of paper write this down... Read more

Denver Broncos Rookies Standing Out Aside From Bo Nix at Training Camp thumbnail
Denver Broncos Rookies Standing Out Aside From Bo Nix at Training Camp

Category: Sports

Intro while denver broncos rookie quarterback b knck has been under focus here at treny camp some of the broncos rookies from this year's draft class have also stood out prompting praise from shawn pyton about impact years down the road we'll break all that down and much more here on today's brand new... Read more

Coach Prime pleased with Colorado’s win vs. NDSU, knows there's work to be done thumbnail
Coach Prime pleased with Colorado’s win vs. NDSU, knows there's work to be done

Category: Sports

You ever felt like uh you won but you didn't win it's almost like we had more points than they did um giving up the last touchdown on the run uh that bothered me because we pride ourselves on going to get the quarterback and we have multitude of young men that can go get the quarterback and we didn't... Read more

Coach Prime speaks on Colorado's foolishness vs. Nebraska thumbnail
Coach Prime speaks on Colorado's foolishness vs. Nebraska

Category: Sports

Uh we can't do stupid stuff we got to stop the foolishness i mean i'm not going to say we ended up well because we ended up 9 for 104 but they were 12 for 105 but they won um decisively so sometime it seemed like it was a flagfest at one point like come on yo come on guys come on it's like okay i'm... Read more

Episode 1 of BroncoTlk thumbnail
Episode 1 of BroncoTlk

Category: People & Blogs

Hello broncos country and welcome into bronco talk my name's jake and i'll be your host for the entire 2024 nfl season first and foremost i just want to launch with letting you guys know a little bit about myself i'm a huge denver broncos fan who grew up in denver until about the age of 11 where i moved... Read more

Denver Broncos Zach Wilson, Jarrett Stidham Playing For Backup Job vs.  Arizona Cardinals thumbnail
Denver Broncos Zach Wilson, Jarrett Stidham Playing For Backup Job vs. Arizona Cardinals

Category: Sports

As the denver broncos prepare for their final preseason matchup against the arizona cardinals zack wilson and jar stum could be fighting for the backup job we'll tell you why we think that is at stake and some position battles that could be solved by the preseason finale here on today's brand new episode... Read more

Broncos Reach A GREAT Deal With Courtland Sutton & Pat Surtain Could Be Next… Broncos News & Rumors thumbnail
Broncos Reach A GREAT Deal With Courtland Sutton & Pat Surtain Could Be Next… Broncos News & Rumors

Category: Sports

[music] courland sutton and the broncos have reached an agreement on a restructured contract for this season killing any potential of a hold out welcome into the broncos breakdown matthew peterson here breaking down the latest on courtland sudden what this means for him the team and what could be next... Read more